25.3 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1// Type definitions for vis.js 4.21
2// Project: https://github.com/almende/vis, http://visjs.org
3// Definitions by: Michaël Bitard <https://github.com/MichaelBitard>
4// MacLeod Broad <https://github.com/macleodbroad-wf>
5// Adrian Caballero <https://github.com/adripanico>
6// Severin <https://github.com/seveves>
7// kaktus40 <https://github.com/kaktus40>
8// Matthieu Maitre <https://github.com/mmaitre314>
9// Adam Lewis <https://github.com/supercargo>
10// Alex Soh <https://github.com/takato1314>
11// Oleksii Kachura <https://github.com/alex-kachura>
12// dcop <https://github.com/dcop>
13// Avraham Essoudry <https://github.com/avrahamcool>
14// Dmitriy Trifonov <https://github.com/divideby>
15// Sam Welek <https://github.com/tiberiushunter>
16// Slaven Tomac <https://github.com/slavede>
17// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
19import { DataInterface, DataSet, DataView } from 'vis-data';
20export type DataInterfaceDataGroup = DataInterface<DataGroup, 'id'>;
21export type DataInterfaceDataItem = DataInterface<DataItem, 'id'>;
22export type DataSetDataGroup = DataSet<DataGroup, 'id'>;
23export type DataSetDataItem = DataSet<DataItem, 'id'>;
24export type DataViewDataGroup = DataView<DataGroup, 'id'>;
25export type DataViewDataItem = DataView<DataItem, 'id'>;
27import { MomentInput, MomentFormatSpecification, Moment } from 'moment';
28import { IFilterXSSOptions } from 'xss';
29export type MomentConstructor1 =
30 (inp?: MomentInput, format?: MomentFormatSpecification, strict?: boolean) => Moment;
31export type MomentConstructor2 =
32 (inp?: MomentInput, format?: MomentFormatSpecification, language?: string, strict?: boolean) => Moment;
34export type MomentConstructor = MomentConstructor1 | MomentConstructor2;
36export type IdType = string | number;
37export type SubgroupType = IdType;
38export type DateType = Date | number | string;
39export type HeightWidthType = IdType;
40export type TimelineItemType = 'box' | 'point' | 'range' | 'background';
41export type TimelineAlignType = 'auto' | 'center' | 'left' | 'right';
42export type TimelineTimeAxisScaleType = 'millisecond' | 'second' | 'minute' | 'hour' |
43 'weekday' | 'day' | 'month' | 'year';
44export type TimelineEventPropertiesResultWhatType = 'item' | 'background' | 'axis' |
45 'group-label' | 'custom-time' | 'current-time';
46export type TimelineEvents =
47 'currentTimeTick' |
48 'click' |
49 'contextmenu' |
50 'doubleClick' |
51 'drop' |
52 'mouseOver' |
53 'mouseDown' |
54 'mouseUp' |
55 'mouseMove' |
56 'groupDragged' |
57 'changed' |
58 'rangechange' |
59 'rangechanged' |
60 'select' |
61 'itemover' |
62 'itemout' |
63 'timechange' |
64 'timechanged';
65export type Graph2dStyleType = 'line' | 'bar' | 'points';
66export type Graph2dBarChartAlign = 'left' | 'center' | 'right';
67export type Graph2dDrawPointsStyle = 'square' | 'circle';
68export type LegendPositionType = 'top-right' | 'top-left' | 'bottom-right' | 'bottom-left';
69export type ParametrizationInterpolationType = 'centripetal' | 'chordal' | 'uniform' | 'disabled';
70export type TopBottomEnumType = 'top' | 'bottom';
71export type RightLeftEnumType = 'right' | 'left';
73export interface LegendPositionOptions {
74 visible?: boolean;
75 position?: LegendPositionType;
78export interface LegendOptions {
79 enabled?: boolean;
80 icons?: boolean;
81 iconSize?: number;
82 iconSpacing?: number;
83 left?: LegendPositionOptions;
84 right?: LegendPositionOptions;
87export interface DataItem {
88 className?: string;
89 content: string;
90 end?: DateType;
91 group?: any;
92 id?: IdType;
93 start: DateType;
94 style?: string;
95 subgroup?: SubgroupType;
96 title?: string;
97 type?: string;
98 editable?: TimelineItemEditableType;
99 selectable?: boolean;
100 limitSize?: boolean;
103export interface SubGroupStackOptions {
104 [name: string]: boolean;
107export interface SubGroupVisibilityOptions {
108 [name: string]: boolean;
111export interface DataGroup {
112 className?: string;
113 content: string | HTMLElement;
114 id: IdType;
115 options?: DataGroupOptions;
116 style?: string;
117 subgroupOrder?: string | ((a: any, b: any) => number);
118 title?: string;
119 nestedGroups?: IdType[];
120 subgroupStack?: SubGroupStackOptions | boolean;
121 visible?: boolean;
122 showNested?: boolean;
123 subgroupVisibility?: SubGroupVisibilityOptions;
126export interface DataGroupOptions {
127 drawPoints?: Graph2dDrawPointsOption | (() => void); // TODO
128 excludeFromLegend?: boolean;
129 interpolation?: boolean | InterpolationOptions;
130 shaded?: Graph2dShadedOption;
131 style?: string;
132 yAxisOrientation?: RightLeftEnumType;
135export interface InterpolationOptions {
136 parametrization: ParametrizationInterpolationType;
139export interface TimelineEditableOption {
140 add?: boolean;
141 remove?: boolean;
142 updateGroup?: boolean;
143 updateTime?: boolean;
144 overrideItems?: boolean;
147export type TimelineFormatLabelsFunction = (date: Date, scale: string, step: number) => string;
149export interface TimelineFormatLabelsOption {
150 millisecond?: string;
151 second?: string;
152 minute?: string;
153 hour?: string;
154 weekday?: string;
155 day?: string;
156 week?: string;
157 month?: string;
158 year?: string;
161export interface TimelineFormatOption {
162 minorLabels?: TimelineFormatLabelsOption | TimelineFormatLabelsFunction;
163 majorLabels?: TimelineFormatLabelsOption | TimelineFormatLabelsFunction;
166export interface TimelineGroupEditableOption {
167 add?: boolean;
168 remove?: boolean;
169 order?: boolean;
172export interface TimelineHiddenDateOption {
173 start: DateType;
174 end: DateType;
175 repeat?: 'daily' | 'weekly' | 'monthly' | 'yearly';
178export interface TimelineItemsAlwaysDraggableOption {
179 item?: boolean;
180 range?: boolean;
183export interface TimelineMarginItem {
184 horizontal?: number;
185 vertical?: number;
188export type TimelineMarginItemType = number | TimelineMarginItem;
190export interface TimelineMarginOption {
191 axis?: number;
192 item?: TimelineMarginItemType;
195export interface TimelineOrientationOption {
196 axis?: string;
197 item?: string;
200export interface TimelineTimeAxisOption {
201 scale?: TimelineTimeAxisScaleType;
202 step?: number;
205export interface TimelineRollingModeOption {
206 follow?: boolean;
207 offset?: number;
210export interface TimelineTooltipOption {
211 followMouse?: boolean;
212 overflowMethod?: 'cap' | 'flip' | 'none';
213 delay?: number;
214 template?: (item: TimelineItem, editedData?: TimelineItem) => string;
217export interface TimelineXSSProtectionOption {
218 disabled: boolean;
219 filterOptions?: IFilterXSSOptions;
222export type TimelineOptionsConfigureFunction = (option: string, path: string[]) => boolean;
223export type TimelineOptionsConfigureType = boolean | TimelineOptionsConfigureFunction;
224export type TimelineOptionsDataAttributesType = boolean | string | string[];
225export type TimelineOptionsEditableType = boolean | TimelineEditableOption;
226export type TimelineOptionsItemCallbackFunction = (item: TimelineItem, callback: (item: TimelineItem | null) => void) => void;
227export type TimelineOptionsGroupCallbackFunction = (group: TimelineGroup, callback: (group: TimelineGroup | null) => void) => void;
228export type TimelineOptionsGroupEditableType = boolean | TimelineGroupEditableOption;
229export type TimelineOptionsGroupOrderType = string | TimelineOptionsComparisonFunction;
230export type TimelineOptionsGroupOrderSwapFunction = (fromGroup: any, toGroup: any, groups: DataInterfaceDataGroup) => void;
231export type TimelineOptionsHiddenDatesType = TimelineHiddenDateOption | TimelineHiddenDateOption[];
232export type TimelineOptionsItemsAlwaysDraggableType = boolean | TimelineItemsAlwaysDraggableOption;
233export type TimelineOptionsMarginType = number | TimelineMarginOption;
234export type TimelineOptionsOrientationType = string | TimelineOrientationOption;
235export type TimelineOptionsSnapFunction = (date: Date, scale: string, step: number) => Date | number;
236export type TimelineOptionsSnapType = null | TimelineOptionsSnapFunction;
237export type TimelineOptionsTemplateFunction = (item?: any, element?: any, data?: any) => string | HTMLElement;
238export type TimelineOptionsComparisonFunction = (a: any, b: any) => number;
239export type TimelineOptionsGroupHeightModeType = 'auto' | 'fixed' | 'fitItems';
240export type TimelineOptionsClusterCriteriaFunction = (firstItem: TimelineItem, secondItem: TimelineItem) => boolean;
241export type TimelineOptionsCluster = {
242 titleTemplate?: string;
243 maxItems?: number;
244 clusterCriteria?: TimelineOptionsClusterCriteriaFunction;
245 showStipes?: boolean;
246 fitOnDoubleClick?: boolean;
248export type TimelineOptionsEventType = 'box' | 'point' | 'range' | 'background';
249export type TimelineOptionsZoomKey = '' | 'altKey' | 'ctrlKey' | 'shiftKey' | 'metaKey';
251export interface TimelineOptions {
252 align?: TimelineAlignType;
253 autoResize?: boolean;
254 clickToUse?: boolean;
255 cluster?: TimelineOptionsCluster;
256 configure?: TimelineOptionsConfigureType;
257 dataAttributes?: TimelineOptionsDataAttributesType;
258 editable?: TimelineOptionsEditableType;
259 end?: DateType;
260 format?: TimelineFormatOption;
261 groupEditable?: TimelineOptionsGroupEditableType;
262 groupHeightMode?: TimelineOptionsGroupHeightModeType;
263 groupOrder?: TimelineOptionsGroupOrderType;
264 groupOrderSwap?: TimelineOptionsGroupOrderSwapFunction;
265 groupTemplate?: TimelineOptionsTemplateFunction;
266 height?: HeightWidthType;
267 hiddenDates?: TimelineOptionsHiddenDatesType;
268 horizontalScroll?: boolean;
269 itemsAlwaysDraggable?: TimelineOptionsItemsAlwaysDraggableType;
270 locale?: string;
271 locales?: any; // TODO
272 longSelectPressTime?: number,
273 moment?: MomentConstructor;
274 margin?: TimelineOptionsMarginType;
275 max?: DateType;
276 maxHeight?: HeightWidthType;
277 maxMinorChars?: number;
278 min?: DateType;
279 minHeight?: HeightWidthType;
280 moveable?: boolean;
281 multiselect?: boolean;
282 multiselectPerGroup?: boolean;
283 onAdd?: TimelineOptionsItemCallbackFunction;
284 onAddGroup?: TimelineOptionsGroupCallbackFunction;
285 onDropObjectOnItem?: any; // TODO
286 onInitialDrawComplete?: () => void;
287 onUpdate?: TimelineOptionsItemCallbackFunction;
288 onMove?: TimelineOptionsItemCallbackFunction;
289 onMoveGroup?: TimelineOptionsGroupCallbackFunction;
290 onMoving?: TimelineOptionsItemCallbackFunction;
291 onRemove?: TimelineOptionsItemCallbackFunction;
292 onRemoveGroup?: TimelineOptionsGroupCallbackFunction;
293 order?: TimelineOptionsComparisonFunction;
294 orientation?: TimelineOptionsOrientationType;
295 preferZoom?: boolean;
296 rollingMode?: TimelineRollingModeOption;
297 rtl?: boolean;
298 selectable?: boolean;
299 sequentialSelection?: boolean;
300 showCurrentTime?: boolean;
301 showMajorLabels?: boolean;
302 showMinorLabels?: boolean;
303 showWeekScale?: boolean;
304 showTooltips?: boolean;
305 stack?: boolean;
306 stackSubgroups?: boolean;
307 snap?: TimelineOptionsSnapType;
308 start?: DateType;
309 template?: TimelineOptionsTemplateFunction;
310 visibleFrameTemplate?: TimelineOptionsTemplateFunction;
311 timeAxis?: TimelineTimeAxisOption;
312 type?: TimelineOptionsEventType;
313 tooltip?: TimelineTooltipOption;
314 tooltipOnItemUpdateTime?: boolean | { template(item: any): any };
315 verticalScroll?: boolean;
316 width?: HeightWidthType;
317 zoomable?: boolean;
318 zoomKey?: TimelineOptionsZoomKey;
319 zoomFriction?: number;
320 zoomMax?: number;
321 zoomMin?: number;
322 xss?: TimelineXSSProtectionOption;
326 * If true (default) or an Object, the range is animated smoothly to the new window.
327 * An object can be provided to specify duration and easing function.
328 * Default duration is 500 ms, and default easing function is 'easeInOutQuad'.
329 */
330export type TimelineAnimationType = boolean | AnimationOptions;
332export interface TimelineAnimationOptions {
333 animation?: Partial<TimelineAnimationType>;
334 zoom?: boolean;
337export interface TimelineEventPropertiesResult {
338 /**
339 * The id of the clicked group
340 */
341 group?: number | null;
343 /**
344 * The id of the clicked item.
345 */
346 item?: IdType | null;
348 /**
349 * Absolute horizontal position of the click event.
350 */
351 pageX: number;
353 /**
354 * Absolute vertical position of the click event.
355 */
356 pageY: number;
358 /**
359 * Relative horizontal position of the click event.
360 */
361 x: number;
363 /**
364 * Relative vertical position of the click event.
365 */
366 y: number;
368 /**
369 * Date of the clicked event.
370 */
371 time: Date;
373 /**
374 * Date of the clicked event, snapped to a nice value.
375 */
376 snappedTime: Date;
378 /**
379 * Name of the clicked thing.
380 */
381 what?: TimelineEventPropertiesResultWhatType;
383 /**
384 * The original click event.
385 */
386 event: Event;
388 /**
389 * If the event is clustered.
390 */
391 isCluster: boolean;
394export type DataItemCollectionType = DataItem[] | DataInterfaceDataItem;
395export type DataGroupCollectionType = DataGroup[] | DataInterfaceDataGroup;
397export interface TitleOption {
398 text?: string;
399 style?: string;
402export interface RangeType {
403 min: IdType;
404 max: IdType;
407export interface DataAxisSideOption {
408 range?: RangeType;
409 format?(): string;
410 title?: TitleOption;
413export interface Graph2dBarChartOption {
414 width?: number;
415 minWidth?: number;
416 sideBySide?: boolean;
417 align?: Graph2dBarChartAlign;
420export interface Graph2dDataAxisOption {
421 orientation?: TimelineOptionsOrientationType;
422 showMinorLabels?: boolean;
423 showMajorLabels?: boolean;
424 showWeekScale?: boolean;
425 majorLinesOffset?: number;
426 minorLinesOffset?: number;
427 labelOffsetX?: number;
428 labelOffsetY?: number;
429 iconWidth?: number;
430 width?: string;
431 icons?: boolean;
432 visible?: boolean;
433 alignZeros?: boolean;
434 left?: DataAxisSideOption;
435 right?: DataAxisSideOption;
438export interface Graph2dDrawPointsOption {
439 enabled?: boolean;
440 onRender?(): boolean; // TODO
441 size?: number;
442 style: Graph2dDrawPointsStyle;
445export interface Graph2dShadedOption {
446 orientation?: TopBottomEnumType;
447 groupid?: IdType;
450export type Graph2dOptionBarChart = number | Graph2dBarChartOption;
451export type Graph2dOptionDataAxis = boolean | Graph2dDataAxisOption;
452export type Graph2dOptionDrawPoints = boolean | Graph2dDrawPointsOption;
453export type Graph2dLegendOption = boolean | LegendOptions;
455export interface Graph2dOptions {
456 autoResize?: boolean;
457 barChart?: Graph2dOptionBarChart;
458 clickToUse?: boolean;
459 configure?: TimelineOptionsConfigureType;
460 dataAxis?: Graph2dOptionDataAxis;
461 defaultGroup?: string;
462 drawPoints?: Graph2dOptionDrawPoints;
463 end?: DateType;
464 format?: any; // TODO
465 graphHeight?: HeightWidthType;
466 height?: HeightWidthType;
467 hiddenDates?: any; // TODO
468 legend?: Graph2dLegendOption;
469 locale?: string;
470 locales?: any; // TODO
471 moment?: MomentConstructor;
472 max?: DateType;
473 maxHeight?: HeightWidthType;
474 maxMinorChars?: number;
475 min?: DateType;
476 minHeight?: HeightWidthType;
477 moveable?: boolean;
478 multiselect?: boolean;
479 orientation?: string;
480 sampling?: boolean;
481 showCurrentTime?: boolean;
482 showMajorLabels?: boolean;
483 showMinorLabels?: boolean;
484 showWeekScale?: boolean;
485 sort?: boolean;
486 stack?: boolean;
487 start?: DateType;
488 style?: Graph2dStyleType;
489 throttleRedraw?: number;
490 timeAxis?: TimelineTimeAxisOption;
491 width?: HeightWidthType;
492 yAxisOrientation?: RightLeftEnumType;
493 zoomable?: boolean;
494 zoomKey?: string;
495 zoomMax?: number;
496 zoomMin?: number;
497 zIndex?: number;
500export class Graph2d {
501 constructor(
502 container: HTMLElement,
503 items: DataItemCollectionType,
504 groups: DataGroupCollectionType,
505 options?: Graph2dOptions
506 );
507 constructor(
508 container: HTMLElement,
509 items: DataItemCollectionType,
510 options?: Graph2dOptions
511 );
513 addCustomTime(time: DateType, id?: IdType): IdType;
514 destroy(): void;
515 fit(options?: TimelineAnimationOptions): void;
516 focus(ids: IdType | IdType[], options?: TimelineAnimationOptions): void;
517 getCurrentTime(): Date;
518 getCustomTime(id?: IdType): Date;
519 getEventProperties(event: Event): TimelineEventPropertiesResult;
520 getItemRange(): any; // TODO
521 getSelection(): IdType[];
522 getVisibleItems(): IdType[];
523 getWindow(): { start: Date, end: Date };
524 moveTo(time: DateType, options?: TimelineAnimationOptions): void;
525 on(event: TimelineEvents, callback: () => void): void;
526 off(event: TimelineEvents, callback: () => void): void;
527 redraw(): void;
528 removeCustomTime(id: IdType): void;
529 setCurrentTime(time: DateType): void;
530 setCustomTime(time: DateType, id?: IdType): void;
531 setCustomTimeTitle(title: string, id?: IdType): void;
532 setData(data: { groups?: DataGroupCollectionType; items?: DataItemCollectionType }): void;
533 setGroups(groups?: DataGroupCollectionType): void;
534 setItems(items: DataItemCollectionType): void;
535 setOptions(options: TimelineOptions): void;
536 setSelection(ids: IdType | IdType[]): void;
537 setWindow(start: DateType, end: DateType, options?: TimelineAnimationOptions): void;
540export interface Graph2d {
541 setGroups(groups?: TimelineGroup[]): void;
542 setItems(items?: TimelineItem[]): void;
543 getLegend(): TimelineWindow;
544 getWindow(): TimelineWindow;
545 setWindow(start: any, date: any): void;
546 focus(selection: any): void;
547 on(event?: string, callback?: (properties: any) => void): void;
550export class Timeline {
551 constructor(
552 container: HTMLElement,
553 items: DataItemCollectionType,
554 groups: DataGroupCollectionType,
555 options?: TimelineOptions
556 );
558 constructor(
559 container: HTMLElement,
560 items: DataItemCollectionType,
561 options?: TimelineOptions
562 );
564 /**
565 * Add new vertical bar representing a custom time that can be dragged by the user.
566 * Parameter time can be a Date, Number, or String, and is new Date() by default.
567 * Parameter id can be Number or String and is undefined by default.
568 * The id is added as CSS class name of the custom time bar, allowing to style multiple time bars differently.
569 * The method returns id of the created bar.
570 */
571 addCustomTime(time: DateType, id?: IdType): IdType;
573 /**
574 * Destroy the Timeline. The timeline is removed from memory. all DOM elements and event listeners are cleaned up.
575 */
576 destroy(): void;
578 /**
579 * Adjust the visible window such that it fits all items. See also focus(id).
580 */
581 fit(options?: TimelineAnimationOptions): void;
583 /**
584 * Adjust the visible window such that the selected item (or multiple items) are centered on screen. See also function fit()
585 */
586 focus(ids: IdType | IdType[], options?: TimelineAnimationOptions): void;
588 /**
589 * Get the current time. Only applicable when option showCurrentTime is true.
590 */
591 getCurrentTime(): Date;
593 /**
594 * Retrieve the custom time from the custom time bar with given id.
595 * @param id Id is undefined by default.
596 */
597 getCustomTime(id?: IdType): Date;
599 getEventProperties(event: Event): TimelineEventPropertiesResult;
601 /**
602 * Get the range of all the items as an object containing min date and max date
603 */
604 getItemRange(): { min: Date, max: Date };
606 /**
607 * Get an array with the ids of the currently selected items
608 */
609 getSelection(): IdType[];
611 /**
612 * Get an array with the ids of the currently visible items.
613 */
614 getVisibleItems(): IdType[];
616 /**
617 * Get the current visible window.
618 */
619 getWindow(): TimelineWindow;
621 /**
622 * Move the window such that given time is centered on screen.
623 */
624 moveTo(time: DateType, options?: TimelineAnimationOptions, callback?: (properties?: any) => void): void;
626 /**
627 * Create an event listener. The callback function is invoked every time the event is triggered.
628 */
629 on(event: TimelineEvents, callback?: (properties?: any) => void): void;
631 /**
632 * Remove an event listener created before via function on(event[, callback]).
633 */
634 off(event: TimelineEvents, callback?: (properties?: any) => void): void;
636 /**
637 * Force a redraw of the Timeline. The size of all items will be recalculated.
638 * Can be useful to manually redraw when option autoResize=false and the window has been resized, or when the items CSS has been changed.
639 */
640 redraw(): void;
642 /**
643 * Remove vertical bars previously added to the timeline via addCustomTime method.
644 * @param id ID of the custom vertical bar returned by addCustomTime method.
645 */
646 removeCustomTime(id: IdType): void;
648 /**
649 * Set a current time. This can be used for example to ensure that a client's time is synchronized with a shared server time.
650 * Only applicable when option showCurrentTime is true.
651 */
652 setCurrentTime(time: DateType): void;
654 /**
655 * Adjust the time of a custom time bar.
656 * @param time The time the custom time bar should point to
657 * @param id Id of the custom time bar, and is undefined by default.
658 */
659 setCustomTime(time: DateType, id?: IdType): void;
661 /**
662 * Adjust the title attribute of a custom time bar.
663 * @param title The title shown when hover over time bar
664 * @param id Id of the custom time bar, and is undefined by default.
665 */
666 setCustomTimeTitle(title: string, id?: IdType): void;
668 /**
669 * Set both groups and items at once. Both properties are optional.
670 * This is a convenience method for individually calling both setItems(items) and setGroups(groups).
671 * Both items and groups can be an Array with Objects, a DataSet (offering 2 way data binding), or a DataView (offering 1 way data binding).
672 */
673 setData(data: { groups?: DataGroupCollectionType; items?: DataItemCollectionType }): void;
675 /**
676 * Set a data set with groups for the Timeline.
677 */
678 setGroups(groups?: DataGroupCollectionType): void;
680 /**
681 * Set a data set with items for the Timeline.
682 */
683 setItems(items: DataItemCollectionType): void;
685 /**
686 * Set or update options. It is possible to change any option of the timeline at any time.
687 * You can for example switch orientation on the fly.
688 */
689 setOptions(options: TimelineOptions): void;
691 /**
692 * Select one or multiple items by their id. The currently selected items will be unselected.
693 * To unselect all selected items, call `setSelection([])`.
694 */
695 setSelection(ids: IdType | IdType[], options?: { focus: boolean, animation: TimelineAnimationOptions }): void;
697 /**
698 * Set the current visible window.
699 * @param start If the parameter value of start is null, the parameter will be left unchanged.
700 * @param end If the parameter value of end is null, the parameter will be left unchanged.
701 * @param options Timeline animation options. See {@link TimelineAnimationOptions}
702 * @param callback The callback function
703 */
704 setWindow(start: DateType, end: DateType, options?: TimelineAnimationOptions, callback?: () => void): void;
706 /**
707 * Toggle rollingMode.
708 */
709 toggleRollingMode(): void;
711 /**
712 * Zoom in the current visible window.
713 * @param percentage A number and must be between 0 and 1. If null, the window will be left unchanged.
714 * @param options Timeline animation options. See {@link TimelineAnimationOptions}
715 * @param callback The callback function
716 */
717 zoomIn(percentage: number, options?: TimelineAnimationOptions, callback?: () => void): void;
719 /**
720 * Zoom out the current visible window.
721 * @param percentage A number and must be between 0 and 1. If null, the window will be left unchanged.
722 * @param options Timeline animation options. See {@link TimelineAnimationOptions}
723 * @param callback The callback function
724 */
725 zoomOut(percentage: number, options?: TimelineAnimationOptions, callback?: () => void): void;
728export interface Timeline {
729 setGroups(groups?: TimelineGroup[]): void;
730 setItems(items?: TimelineItem[]): void;
731 getWindow(): TimelineWindow;
732 setWindow(start: any, date: any): void;
733 focus(selection: any): void;
734 on(event?: string, callback?: (properties: any) => void): void;
735 off(event: string, callback?: (properties?: any) => void): void;
738export interface TimelineWindow {
739 start: Date;
740 end: Date;
743export interface TimelineItemEditableOption {
744 remove?: boolean;
745 updateGroup?: boolean;
746 updateTime?: boolean;
749export type TimelineItemEditableType = boolean | TimelineItemEditableOption;
751export interface TimelineItem {
752 className?: string;
753 align?: TimelineAlignType;
754 content: string;
755 end?: DateType;
756 group?: IdType;
757 id: IdType;
758 start: DateType;
759 style?: string;
760 subgroup?: IdType;
761 title?: string;
762 type?: TimelineItemType;
763 editable?: TimelineItemEditableType;
764 selectable?: boolean;
767export interface TimelineGroup {
768 className?: string;
769 content: string | HTMLElement;
770 id: IdType;
771 style?: string;
772 order?: number;
773 subgroupOrder?: TimelineOptionsGroupOrderType;
774 title?: string;
775 visible?: boolean;
776 nestedGroups?: IdType[];
777 showNested?: boolean;
778 subgroupVisibility?: SubGroupVisibilityOptions;
782 * Animation options interface.
783 */
784export interface AnimationOptions {
785 /**
786 * The duration (in milliseconds).
787 */
788 duration: number;
789 /**
790 * The easing function.
791 *
792 * Available are:
793 * linear, easeInQuad, easeOutQuad, easeInOutQuad, easeInCubic,
794 * easeOutCubic, easeInOutCubic, easeInQuart, easeOutQuart, easeInOutQuart,
795 * easeInQuint, easeOutQuint, easeInOutQuint.
796 */
797 easingFunction: EasingFunction;
800export type EasingFunction =
801 'linear' |
802 'easeInQuad' |
803 'easeOutQuad' |
804 'easeInOutQuad' |
805 'easeInCubic' |
806 'easeOutCubic' |
807 'easeInOutCubic' |
808 'easeInQuart' |
809 'easeOutQuart' |
810 'easeInOutQuart' |
811 'easeInQuint' |
812 'easeOutQuint' |
813 'easeInOutQuint';