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103 | "contributors": [
104 | "jos <wjosdejong@gmail.com>",
105 | "Alex de Mulder <alexdemulder@gmail.com>",
106 | "Yotam Berkowitz <yotamberk@gmail.com>",
107 | "Alexander Wunschik <alex@wunschik.net>",
108 | "Ludo Stellingwerff <ludo@almende.org>",
109 | "Alex <AlexDM0@users.noreply.github.com>",
110 | "Tomáš Vyčítal <tom.vycital@gmail.com>",
111 | "wimrijnders <wrijnders@gmail.com>",
112 | "Eric Gillingham <Gillingham@bikezen.net>",
113 | "macleodbroad-wf <macleodbroad-wf@users.noreply.github.com>",
114 | "Martin Fischer <Arthur.Spooner@gmail.com>",
115 | "Brad Hards <bradh@frogmouth.net>",
116 | "Chris Jackson <chris@cd-jackson.com>",
117 | "Lewis B <lewisjb@users.noreply.github.com>",
118 | "Brendon Page <brendon.page@chillisoft.co.za>",
119 | "Manuel Schallar <manuel.schallar@iaik.tugraz.at>",
120 | "Tomina <tomina@vycital.eu>",
121 | "ryamaguchi0220 <maguchi579@gmail.com>",
122 | "Jeremy Zacharia <30392170+jczacharia@users.noreply.github.com>",
123 | "Dennis Sterzenbach <dennis.sterzenbach@gmail.com>",
124 | "Dan Turkenkopf <dturkenk@gmail.com>",
125 | "Uli Fahrer <Tooa@users.noreply.github.com>",
126 | "Felix Hayashi <ninshinobi@msn.com>",
127 | "Ben Morton <ben.morton91@gmail.com>",
128 | "Jason Jijón <jasonex7@gmail.com>",
129 | "Ivo Silva <knokit@gmail.com>",
130 | "Rene Heindl <Rene.Heindl@goeg.at>",
131 | "Simon Morris <alkylate2000@gmail.com>",
132 | "Ian Oberst <areson@gmail.com>",
133 | "Francesco Stefanini <francesco.stefanini@getconnected.it>",
134 | "Jos de Jong <jos@almende.org>",
135 | "Joshua Walsh <josh@ymindustries.com>",
136 | "Steffen Dienst <steffen.dienst@gmail.com>",
137 | "Tim Pettersen <tim@atlassian.com>",
138 | "Matthew Strasiotto <39424834+matthewstrasiotto@users.noreply.github.com>",
139 | "Async0x42 <Async0x42@users.noreply.github.com>",
140 | "Ben Foster <bpfoster@gmail.com>",
141 | "Chris Sand <ccsand@hotmail.com>",
142 | "Nikola Gluhovic <chiari.show@gmail.com>",
143 | "Coleman Kane <ckane@colemankane.org>",
144 | "Eric Kitaif <eric.kitaif@gmail.com>",
145 | "David Anderson <eymiha@gmail.com>",
146 | "fabriziofortino <fabrizio.fortino@gmail.com>",
147 | "Graham J <grahamj@users.noreply.github.com>",
148 | "Mike Pilone <mpilone@npr.org>",
149 | "Oleg Yapparov <oleg.yapparov@gmail.com>",
150 | "Iskander508 <pavel.zarecky@seznam.cz>",
151 | "Zuko Mgwili <zuko.mgwili@chillisoft.co.za>",
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153 | "ctbaird <37962844+ctbaird@users.noreply.github.com>",
154 | "apwidejulien <51111685+apwidejulien@users.noreply.github.com>",
155 | "Glandos <bugs-github@antipoul.fr>",
156 | "Chen Machluf <chen.machluf@gmail.com>",
157 | "Martin Reinhardt <contact@martinreinhardt-online.de>",
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159 | "Dean Attali <daattali@gmail.com>",
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162 | "Danny Larsen <danny@forecast.it>",
163 | "Denis Lisov <dennis.lissov@gmail.com>",
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165 | "Marc Krämer <github@mokraemer.de>",
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167 | "Jader Dias <jader.dias@booking.com>",
168 | "jangajack <jangajack@users.noreply.github.com>",
169 | "Jim O'Brien <jimmed@users.noreply.github.com>",
170 | "RealRegatta <l.houdusse@free.fr>",
171 | "Liuqing Chen <lchen@parasoft.com>",
172 | "Melloware <mellowaredev@gmail.com>",
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174 | "Ondřej Exner <ondra.ex@gmail.com>",
175 | "Pascal Gula <pascal.gula@gmail.com>",
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177 | "Piotrek Żygieło <pzygielo@users.noreply.github.com>",
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179 | "Steven Jones <steven.jones@computerminds.co.uk>",
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181 | "Unto Kuuranne <unto.kuuranne@aalto.fi>",
182 | "mdxs <van.wijgerden@mdxs.net>",
183 | "Robin Schneider <ypid@riseup.net>",
184 | "Kanika Tayal <101868794+ktayal-tech@users.noreply.github.com>",
185 | "Pavish <11850603+pavish@users.noreply.github.com>",
186 | "Nigel Rowe <12806794+skrigs@users.noreply.github.com>",
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188 | "MartinManev <16416643+MartinManev@users.noreply.github.com>",
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194 | "adamlarat <adam@larat.fr>",
195 | "Angelo Youn <Angelo.Youn@liferay.com>",
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199 | "The Gitter Badger <badger@gitter.im>",
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201 | "Betim Beja <BetimBeja@users.noreply.github.com>",
202 | "Brian Leung <bhml@users.noreply.github.com>",
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206 | "Andrei Sedoi <bsnote@gmail.com>",
207 | "Cameron Kloot <cameronkloot@users.noreply.github.com>",
208 | "Claudio Weiler <claudioweiler@users.noreply.github.com>",
209 | "Cassey Lottman <clottman@users.noreply.github.com>",
210 | "Daniel Jackson <daniel@cloakedninjas.co.uk>",
211 | "Marlos Dantas <dantas_marlos@apple.com>",
212 | "David <david.vavrousek@gooddata.com>",
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217 | "Dinis Cruz <dinis@ddplus.net>",
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219 | "Duccio <ducciobreschi@gmail.com>",
220 | "René Philipp Heindl <dude9177@gmail.com>",
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227 | "Garrett Loy <garrett.loy@gmail.com>",
228 | "mimafogeus2 <github@foge.us>",
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230 | "Gregor Weber <gregorwbr@gmail.com>",
231 | "Veaceslav Grimalschi <grimalschi@yandex.ru>",
232 | "guvial <gvial@vial-family.ch>",
233 | "Herre Groen <herregroen@noxqs.nl>",
234 | "Yuxuan (Tim) Hong <hongyuxuan@gmail.com>",
235 | "Jan Dolejší <honza.dolejsi@gmail.com>",
236 | "Tom Woudenberg <idsmileydudeid@gmail.com>",
237 | "synthomat <info@sublink.de>",
238 | "Javier Rey <javirey@gmail.com>",
239 | "Jeroen Coumans <jeroencoumans@gmail.com>",
240 | "Josh Gruenberg <jgrue@bn.co>",
241 | "Balkoth <jmp@jm-it.fr>",
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259 | "Fice <marcel_lambert@ymail.com>",
260 | "Lopton <mattework@yahoo.com>",
261 | "Maxime Douailin <maxime.douailin@gmail.com>",
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267 | "Austin <namniart+github@gmail.com>",
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271 | "NotSqrt <notsqrt@gmail.com>",
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275 | "Philipp Hahn <pmhahn+github@pmhahn.de>",
276 | "Alexander <pyxarez@gmail.com>",
277 | "QiuJH <q19931101uu@gmail.com>",
278 | "Reed <RaekwonStorm@users.noreply.github.com>",
279 | "Raphaël Pinson <raphael.pinson@camptocamp.com>",
280 | "Yaroslav Nechaev <remper@me.com>",
281 | "Rafael G Goes <rgriffogoes@gmail.com>",
282 | "Richard Ellerbrock <richard.ellerbrock@nextdc.com>",
283 | "Dminti Snegirev <rikkitp@gmail.com>",
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298 | "Christian Seifert <vuurwerk.christian@gmail.com>",
299 | "Shao Wang <wsdonny@gmail.com>",
300 | "TATSUNO Yasuhiro <ytatsuno.jp@gmail.com>",
301 | "Tanya <zamorskatetiana@gmail.com>"
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