1.91 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1export interface ImportGlobOptions<
2 Eager extends boolean,
3 AsType extends string,
4> {
5 /**
6 * Import type for the import url.
7 *
8 * @deprecated Use `query` instead, e.g. `as: 'url'` -> `query: '?url', import: 'default'`
9 */
10 as?: AsType
11 /**
12 * Import as static or dynamic
13 *
14 * @default false
15 */
16 eager?: Eager
17 /**
18 * Import only the specific named export. Set to `default` to import the default export.
19 */
20 import?: string
21 /**
22 * Custom queries
23 */
24 query?: string | Record<string, string | number | boolean>
25 /**
26 * Search files also inside `node_modules/` and hidden directories (e.g. `.git/`). This might have impact on performance.
27 *
28 * @default false
29 */
30 exhaustive?: boolean
33export type GeneralImportGlobOptions = ImportGlobOptions<boolean, string>
35export interface KnownAsTypeMap {
36 raw: string
37 url: string
38 worker: Worker
41export interface ImportGlobFunction {
42 /**
43 * Import a list of files with a glob pattern.
44 *
45 * Overload 1: No generic provided, infer the type from `eager` and `as`
46 */
47 <
48 Eager extends boolean,
49 As extends string,
50 T = As extends keyof KnownAsTypeMap ? KnownAsTypeMap[As] : unknown,
51 >(
52 glob: string | string[],
53 options?: ImportGlobOptions<Eager, As>,
54 ): (Eager extends true ? true : false) extends true
55 ? Record<string, T>
56 : Record<string, () => Promise<T>>
57 /**
58 * Import a list of files with a glob pattern.
59 *
60 * Overload 2: Module generic provided, infer the type from `eager: false`
61 */
62 <M>(
63 glob: string | string[],
64 options?: ImportGlobOptions<false, string>,
65 ): Record<string, () => Promise<M>>
66 /**
67 * Import a list of files with a glob pattern.
68 *
69 * Overload 3: Module generic provided, infer the type from `eager: true`
70 */
71 <M>(
72 glob: string | string[],
73 options: ImportGlobOptions<true, string>,
74 ): Record<string, M>