1 | <p align="center">
2 | <a href="https://lib.vizzuhq.com/0.11/">
3 | <img src="https://lib.vizzuhq.com/0.11/readme/infinite-60.gif" alt="Vizzu" />
4 | </a>
5 | <p align="center"><b>Vizzu</b> - Library for animated data visualizations and data stories.</p>
6 | <p align="center">
7 | <a href="https://lib.vizzuhq.com/0.11/">Documentation</a>
8 | · <a href="https://lib.vizzuhq.com/0.11/examples/">Examples</a>
9 | · <a href="https://lib.vizzuhq.com/0.11/reference/">Code reference</a>
10 | · <a href="https://github.com/vizzuhq/vizzu-lib">Repository</a>
11 | · <a href="https://blog.vizzuhq.com">Blog</a>
12 | </p>
13 | </p>
14 |
15 | [![npm version](https://badge.fury.io/js/vizzu.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/js/vizzu)
16 | [![install size](https://packagephobia.com/badge?p=vizzu)](https://packagephobia.com/result?p=vizzu)
17 | [![Tweet](https://img.shields.io/twitter/url/http/shields.io.svg?style=social)](https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=Vizzu%3A%20an%20open-source%20library%20for%20animated%20data%20visualizations%20and%20data%20stories&url=https://github.com/vizzuhq/vizzu-lib&via=vizzuhq&hashtags=vizzu,dataviz,javascript,opensource,developers)
18 |
19 | # Vizzu
20 |
21 | ## About The Project
22 |
23 | Vizzu is a free, open-source Javascript/C++ library utilizing a generic dataviz
24 | engine that generates many types of charts and seamlessly animates between them.
25 | It can be used to create static charts but more importantly, it is designed for
26 | building animated data stories and interactive explorers as Vizzu enables
27 | showing different perspectives of the data that the viewers can easily follow
28 | due to the animation.
29 |
30 | Main features:
31 |
32 | - Designed with animation in focus;
33 | - Defaults based on data visualization guidelines;
34 | - Automatic data aggregation & data filtering;
35 | - HTML5 canvas rendering;
36 | - Written in C++ compiled to WebAssembly;
37 | - Dependency-free.
38 |
39 | ## Installation
40 |
41 | Install via [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/vizzu):
42 |
43 | ```sh
44 | npm install vizzu
45 | ```
46 |
47 | Or use it from CDN:
48 |
49 | ```html
50 | <html>
51 | <head>
52 | <script type="module">
53 | import Vizzu from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vizzu@0.11/dist/vizzu.min.js';
54 | </script>
55 | </head>
56 | </html>
57 |
58 | ```
59 |
60 | ## Usage
61 |
62 | Create a placeholder element that will contain the rendered chart:
63 |
64 | ```html
65 | <html>
66 | <body>
67 | <div id="myVizzu" style="width:800px; height:480px;">
68 | </div>
69 | </body>
70 | </html>
71 |
72 | ```
73 |
74 | Create a simple bar chart:
75 |
76 | ```javascript
77 | import Vizzu from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vizzu@0.11/dist/vizzu.min.js';
78 |
79 | let data = {
80 | series: [{
81 | name: 'Foo',
82 | values: ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Ted']
83 | }, {
84 | name: 'Bar',
85 | values: [15, 32, 12]
86 | }, {
87 | name: 'Baz',
88 | values: [5, 3, 2]
89 | }]
90 | };
91 |
92 | let chart = new Vizzu('myVizzu', {
93 | data
94 | });
95 | ```
96 |
97 | ```javascript
98 | chart.animate({
99 | x: 'Foo',
100 | y: 'Bar'
101 | });
102 | ```
103 |
104 | Then turn it into a scatter plot:
105 |
106 | ```javascript
107 | chart.animate({
108 | color: 'Foo',
109 | x: 'Baz',
110 | geometry: 'circle'
111 | });
112 | ```
113 |
114 | [Try it!](https://jsfiddle.net/VizzuHQ/dk7b86vc)
115 |
116 | ![Example chart](https://lib.vizzuhq.com/0.11/readme/example.gif)
117 |
118 | ## FAQ
119 |
120 | You can find answers to the most frequently asked questions about using the
121 | library in our [FAQ](https://lib.vizzuhq.com/0.11/FAQ/).
122 |
123 | ## Projects
124 |
125 | List of external projects (extensions, bindings, templates, etc) for Vizzu:
126 | [Projects](https://lib.vizzuhq.com/0.11/PROJECTS/).
127 |
128 | ## Roadmap
129 |
130 | We have a comprehensive list of features we plan to implement, on our
131 | [Roadmap](https://github.com/vizzuhq/.github/wiki/Roadmap).
132 |
133 | ## Contributing
134 |
135 | We welcome contributions to the project, visit our contributing
136 | [guide](https://lib.vizzuhq.com/0.11/CONTRIBUTING/) for further info.
137 |
138 | ## Contact
139 |
140 | - Join our Slack:
141 | [vizzu-community.slack.com](https://join.slack.com/t/vizzu-community/shared_invite/zt-w2nqhq44-2CCWL4o7qn2Ns1EFSf9kEg)
142 | - Drop us a line at hello@vizzuhq.com
143 | - Follow us on Twitter:
144 | [https://twitter.com/VizzuHQ](https://twitter.com/VizzuHQ)
145 |
146 | ## License
147 |
148 | Copyright © 2021-2024 [Vizzu Inc.](https://vizzuhq.com)
149 |
150 | Released under the
151 | [Apache 2.0 License](https://lib.vizzuhq.com/0.11/LICENSE/).