1 | declare namespace Lib
2 | {
3 |
4 | /** Options for the library. */
5 | interface Options {
6 |
7 | /** The URL for the webassembly binary (cvizzu.wasm). */
8 | wasmUrl?: string;
9 |
10 | }
11 |
12 | }
13 |
14 | declare namespace Data
15 | {
16 |
17 | /** Additional info about a data series besides the contained data. */
18 | interface SeriesMetaInfo
19 | {
20 | /** Name of the data series. It will be the unique id of the series to
21 | reference it in various parts of the API, mainly in {@link Channel} and
22 | {@link Data.Record}. This name will also be used by default for Axis and
23 | Legend title. */
24 | name: string;
25 | /** Type of the data series:
26 | - 'dimension' - categorical data containing strings
27 | (dates should also be added as strings);
28 | - 'measure' - continuous data containing numbers.
29 | If not set, the library will attempt to determine the type based on
30 | the type of the first value. Number type will result in measure,
31 | string type will result in dimension. */
32 | type?: 'dimension'|'measure';
33 | /** Unit of the data series */
34 | unit?: string;
35 | }
36 |
37 | interface AbstractSeriesInfo extends SeriesMetaInfo
38 | {
39 | /** Count of values in the series. */
40 | length: number;
41 | }
42 |
43 | /** Meta data about dimension data series */
44 | interface DimensionSeriesInfo extends AbstractSeriesInfo
45 | {
46 | /** Distinct values in the series */
47 | categories: Array<string>;
48 | }
49 |
50 | /** Meta data about measure data series */
51 | interface MeasureSeriesInfo extends AbstractSeriesInfo
52 | {
53 | range: {
54 | /** Minimal value in the series */
55 | min: number;
56 | /** Maximal value in the series */
57 | max: number;
58 | }
59 | }
60 |
61 | type SeriesInfo = DimensionSeriesInfo|MeasureSeriesInfo;
62 |
63 | /** Meta data about the data set */
64 | interface Metainfo
65 | {
66 | series: SeriesInfo[];
67 | }
68 |
69 | /** Represents a categorical or data value */
70 | type Value = string|number;
71 |
72 | /** List of data values in a series. */
73 | type Values = string[]|number[];
74 |
75 | /** Defines a data series of the data set, and contains a particular variable's
76 | values in the data set and meta info about the variable. */
77 | interface Series extends SeriesMetaInfo {
78 | /** The array that contains the values of the data series. The value types
79 | should match {@link Data.SeriesMetaInfo.type}. If the data series
80 | is shorter than the longest data series defined, it will be internally
81 | extended with empty values. */
82 | values: Values;
83 | }
84 |
85 | /** A record of the data set, containing one value of each data series
86 | corresponding to the same index. */
87 | interface Record {
88 | /** Properties are provided for each data series, providing access to the value within
89 | the record referenced by its {@link Data.Series.name|name}. */
90 | [seriesName: Series["name"]]: Value;
91 | }
92 |
93 | type FilterCallback = (record: Record) => boolean;
94 |
95 | interface Filter {
96 | /** A filter callback is called on each record of the dataset on chart
97 | generation. If the callback returns false, the record will not be shown on the chart.
98 | */
99 | filter?: FilterCallback | null;
100 | }
101 |
102 | /** Data table specified by series. */
103 | interface TableBySeries extends Filter
104 | {
105 | /** The series that make up the the data set. */
106 | series: Series[];
107 | }
108 |
109 | /** Data table specified by records. */
110 | interface TableByRecords extends Filter
111 | {
112 | /** The information about the data series in the records of the data set.
113 | Note: not needed if it was previously specified. */
114 | series?: SeriesMetaInfo[];
115 | /** The array of data records that make up the data set. */
116 | records: Value[][];
117 | }
118 |
119 | type CubeRow = Values|CubeRow[];
120 |
121 | /** Defines a data series of the data cube, and contains a particular variable's
122 | values in the data cube and meta info about that variable. */
123 | interface CubeData extends SeriesMetaInfo {
124 | /** A nested array that contains the values of the data series. Nesting
125 | level should match the number of {@link Data.Cube.dimensions}. */
126 | values: CubeRow;
127 | }
128 |
129 | /** N dimensional data cude */
130 | interface Cube extends Filter
131 | {
132 | /** The list of the dimensions of the data cube. */
133 | dimensions?: Series[];
134 | /** The list of measures of the data cube. */
135 | measures?: CubeData[];
136 | }
137 |
138 | /** Data set is a collection of related {@link Data.Series|data series}.
139 | Each chart works on a single data set. */
140 | type Set = TableBySeries|TableByRecords|Cube;
141 |
142 | type SeriesList = string[]|string;
143 |
144 | }
145 |
146 | declare namespace Config
147 | {
148 |
149 | /* Units:
150 | - no unit: the same unit as in the data;
151 | - %: percentage relative to the min/max of the data;
152 | - min,max: offset from min/max of the data;
153 | - auto: automatic range based on chart config;
154 | */
155 | type ChannelExtrema = number|`${number}%`|`${number}min`|`${number}max`|'auto';
156 |
157 | /** Channel range specifies how to scale the represented data. */
158 | interface ChannelRange {
159 | min?: ChannelExtrema|null;
160 | max?: ChannelExtrema|null;
161 | }
162 |
163 | /** Channels are the main building blocks of the chart. Each channel describes
164 | a particular aspect of the markers (vertical & horizontal position, color, etc.)
165 | and connects them to the underlying data. A single measure and an ordered list of
166 | dimensions can be on each channel. The dimensions will recursively slice the
167 | measure on the channel. The channels are represented on the chart as an
168 | axis or legend. */
169 | interface Channel {
170 | /** This title is shown on the axis or legend corresponding to the channel.
171 | If 'auto', the title will be the name of the measure attached to
172 | that channel. */
173 | title?: string|'auto'|null;
174 | /** List of {@link Data.Series.name|data series names} on the
175 | channel. */
176 | set? : Data.SeriesList|null;
177 | /** List of {@link Data.Series.name|data series names} to be added to the
178 | channel beside the ones already added. */
179 | attach?: Data.SeriesList;
180 | /** List of {@link Data.Series.name|data series names} to be removed from the
181 | channel. */
182 | detach?: Data.SeriesList;
183 | /** Specifies the range that determines how the represented data scales
184 | on the channel. */
185 | range?: ChannelRange;
186 | /** Only one dimension can be shown on an axis or legend by
187 | name. This index specifies which attached series should be used. */
188 | labelLevel?: number;
189 | /** Enables the axis line on axis channels. */
190 | axis?: 'auto'|boolean;
191 | /** Enables the axis labels on axis channels. */
192 | labels?: 'auto'|boolean;
193 | /** Enables the axis ticks on axis channels showing measure data. */
194 | ticks?: 'auto'|boolean;
195 | /** Enables the interlacing on axis channels showing measure data. */
196 | interlacing?: 'auto'|boolean;
197 | /** Enables the grid lines on axis channels showing dimension data. */
198 | guides?: 'auto'|boolean;
199 | /** Enables the guide lines on axis channels showing measure data
200 | * for all marker positions. */
201 | markerGuides?: 'auto'|boolean;
202 | }
203 |
204 | /** Channel configuration.
205 | A data series' name or a list of the data series' names can be used as a
206 | short-hand - instead of the {@link Channel|channel object} - to set data series
207 | for the channel. Setting a channel to null will remove all data series from it. */
208 | interface Channels {
209 | /** Parameters for the X-axis, determining the position of the markers on the
210 | x-axis - or their angle when using polar coordinates.
211 | Note: leaving x and y channels empty will result in a
212 | chart "without coordinates" like a Treemap or a Bubble Chart. */
213 | x?: Channel|Data.SeriesList|null;
214 | /** Parameters for the Y-axis, determining the position of the markers on the
215 | y-axis - or their radius when using polar coordinates) . */
216 | y?: Channel|Data.SeriesList|null;
217 | /** Parameters for the markers' base color. The markers' actual color can
218 | also be affected by the lightness channel. */
219 | color?: Channel|Data.SeriesList|null;
220 | /** Parameters for markers' lightness. */
221 | lightness?: Channel|Data.SeriesList|null;
222 | /** Parameters for the markers' size. Effective only for circle and line
223 | geometry affecting the circle area or the line width respectively.
224 | */
225 | size?: Channel|Data.SeriesList|null;
226 | /** Parameters for the content of the labels that appear on the markers. */
227 | label?: Channel|Data.SeriesList|null;
228 | /** Splits the markers as all the other channels, but have no
229 | effect on the markers' appearance. Thus, it only works with dimensions. */
230 | noop?: Channel|Data.SeriesList|null;
231 | }
232 |
233 | /** The config contains all of the parameters needed to render a particular
234 | static chart or a state of an animated chart. */
235 | interface Chart extends Channels {
236 | /** List of the chart's channels' configuration. The chart object also
237 | extends the channels object as a configuration shorthand. */
238 | channels?: Channels;
239 | /** This is the title shown on the top of the chart.
240 | If set to null, the title will not be shown and will not take up any
241 | space in the chart layout. */
242 | title?: string|null;
243 | /** Specifies which channel should be shown on the legend.
244 | If set to null, the legend will not be shown and will not take up any
245 | space in the chart layout. */
246 | legend?: 'color'|'lightness'|'size'|null;
247 | /** Sets the coordinate system for the chart. Switch to the 'polar'
248 | coordinate system to create a chart from the pie/radial chart family. */
249 | coordSystem?: 'cartesian'|'polar';
250 | /** Rotates the plot area by the specified angle in degree.
251 | Note: this is an experimental, not tested feature. */
252 | rotate?: number;
253 | /** Sets the geometric elements used for the markers to represent the data.*/
254 | geometry?: 'rectangle'|'circle'|'area'|'line';
255 | /** If both axes have measures on them, this parameter sets the
256 | orientation of the chart, meaning to which axis the graphical elements
257 | are oriented to. */
258 | orientation?: 'horizontal'|'vertical';
259 | /** - 'none': markers are sorted in the order as the corresponding data
260 | appear in the data set.
261 | - 'byValue': markers will be sorted by the corresponding measure (if present)
262 | in decreasing order. */
263 | sort?: 'none'|'byValue';
264 | /** Reverts the order of the markers if set. */
265 | reverse?: boolean;
266 | /** Sets the alignment of the markers with relation to the x- or the y-axis depending
267 | on where the measure is. In case both axes have measures on them, this is determined
268 | by the {@link Chart.orientation|orientation} of the chart.
269 | */
270 | align?: 'none'|'min'|'center'|'max'|'stretch';
271 | /** If set to true, markers will be split by the dimension(s) along the axis.
272 | This works if you have at least one dimension and a measure on the same axis.In case
273 | both axes have measures and dimension(s) on them, this is determined by the
274 | {@link Chart.orientation|orientation} of the chart.*/
275 | split?: boolean;
276 | }
277 |
278 | }
279 |
280 | declare namespace Styles
281 | {
282 |
283 | /** Length can be set in pixels or in percentage of the element or the element's
284 | font size. Pixel is the default unit. */
285 | type Length = `${number}px`|`${number}%`|`${number}em`|number;
286 |
287 | /** Angle can be set in radians, degrees, gradians and turns.
288 | Radians is the default unit. */
289 | type Angle = `${number}rad`|`${number}grad`|`${number}deg`|`${number}turn`
290 | |number;
291 |
292 | /** The following CSS color formats are available:
293 | rgb(), rgba(), #RRGGBB, #RRGGBBAA, #RGB. */
294 | type Color = `#${string}`
295 | |`rgb(${number},${number},${number})`
296 | |`rgba(${number},${number},${number},${number})`;
297 |
298 | interface Padding {
299 | /** Top padding of the element. */
300 | paddingTop?: Length|null;
301 | /** Right padding of the element. */
302 | paddingRight?: Length|null;
303 | /** Bottom padding of the element. */
304 | paddingBottom?: Length|null;
305 | /** Left padding of the element. */
306 | paddingLeft?: Length|null;
307 | }
308 |
309 | interface Font {
310 | /** The family of the font. If not set, it inherits the root style font
311 | family. */
312 | fontFamily?: string|null;
313 | /** The style of the font. */
314 | fontStyle?: 'normal'|'italic'|'oblique'|null;
315 | /** The weight of the font, numbers use the same scale as CSS. */
316 | fontWeight?: 'normal'|'bold'|number|null;
317 | /** The size of the font. Percentage values are relative to the root style font
318 | size */
319 | fontSize?: Length|null;
320 | }
321 |
322 | interface Box {
323 | /** The background color of the element. */
324 | backgroundColor?: Color|null;
325 | /** The border color of the element. */
326 | borderColor?: Color|null;
327 | /** The border width of the element. */
328 | borderWidth?: number|null;
329 | }
330 |
331 | interface Text {
332 | /** The color of the displayed text. */
333 | color?: Color|null;
334 | /** The alignment of the displayed text. */
335 | textAlign?: 'center'|'left'|'right'|null;
336 | /** The background color of the displayed text. */
337 | backgroundColor?: Color|null;
338 | /** The format of the number. Only applicable for texts showing numerical
339 | data such as marker and axis labels. 'grouped' uses thousand separators,
340 | 'prefixed' uses scientific notation. */
341 | numberFormat?: 'none'|'grouped'|'prefixed'|null;
342 | /** The maximum number of digits in fraction part if the text contains a
343 | number. */
344 | maxFractionDigits?: number|null;
345 | }
346 |
347 | /** The following CSS like filters can be used to alter the color:
348 |
349 | - color: overrides the color.
350 | - lightness: lightens or darkens the color; 0 means the original color, -1
351 | means black, 1 means white.
352 | - grayscale: desaturates the color. 0 means the original color, 1 means fully
353 | desaturated.
354 |
355 | none: no change.
356 | */
357 | type ColorTransform = `color(${Color})`
358 | | `lightness(${number})`
359 | | `grayscale(${number})`
360 | | `opacity(${number})`
361 | | 'none';
362 |
363 | interface OrientedLabel extends Label {
364 | /** Orientation of the label relatively to the axis or marker it is attached to. */
365 | orientation?: 'normal'|'tangential'|'horizontal'|'vertical'|null;
366 | /** Additional rotation of the label. */
367 | angle?: Angle|null;
368 | }
369 |
370 | interface MarkerLabel extends OrientedLabel {
371 | /** The label position relatively to the marker. */
372 | position?: 'center'|'top'|'left'|'bottom'|'right'|null;
373 | /** Defines the transformation used for calculating the label color
374 | from the marker color. */
375 | filter?: ColorTransform|null;
376 | /** Sets the order of values on the label if both a measure and a dimension are
377 | present. */
378 | format?: 'measureFirst'|'dimensionsFirst'|null;
379 | }
380 |
381 | interface Guides {
382 | /** The color of the guides.*/
383 | color?: Color|null;
384 | /** Line width of the guide in pixel. */
385 | lineWidth?: number|null;
386 | }
387 |
388 | interface Tooltip extends Font, Box {
389 | /** The layout of the tooltip text */
390 | layout?: 'singleLine'|'multiLine';
391 | /** The foreground color of the tooltip text */
392 | color?: Color;
393 | /** Color of the drop shadow */
394 | shadowColor?: Color;
395 | /** Corner radius for the info bubble */
396 | borderRadius?: number;
397 | /** Drop shadow distance from the info bubble */
398 | dropShadow?: number;
399 | /** Data point marker radius */
400 | radius?: number;
401 | /** Base size of the info bubble arrow */
402 | arrowSize?: number;
403 | /** Distance between the data point and the info bubble */
404 | distance?: number;
405 | /** Specifies the name of the data series dispalyed
406 | at the first position on the tooltip */
407 | seriesName?: string|null;
408 | }
409 |
410 | interface Logo extends Padding
411 | {
412 | /** Width of the Vizzu logo */
413 | width?: Length|null;
414 | /** Color transformation applied on the colored Vizzu Logo */
415 | filter?: ColorTransform|null;
416 | }
417 |
418 | interface DataPoint {
419 | /** Color gradient used for the measure on the color channel.*/
420 | colorGradient?: ColorGradient|null;
421 | /** Color palette used for the dimension on the color channel.*/
422 | colorPalette?: ColorPalette|null;
423 | /** Lightness value associated with the minimum value of the lightness
424 | channel's range. */
425 | minLightness?: number|null;
426 | /** Lightness value associated with the maximum value of the lightness
427 | channel's range. */
428 | maxLightness?: number|null;
429 | /** Minimum of line width specified as proportion of plot area size.
430 | e.g.: 0.01 means 1% of the width of the plot area. */
431 | lineMinWidth?: number|null;
432 | /** Maximum line width specified as proportion of plot area size.
433 | e.g.: 0.01 means 1% of the width of the plot area. */
434 | lineMaxWidth?: number|null;
435 | /** Minimum circle radius specified as proportion of plot area size.
436 | e.g.: 0.01 means 1% of the width of the plot area. */
437 | circleMinRadius?: number|null;
438 | /** Maximum circle radius specified as proportion of plot area size.
439 | e.g.: 0.01 means 1% of the width of the plot area. */
440 | circleMaxRadius?: number|null;
441 | /** Spacing between bars/columns. The value specifies the size of the
442 | spacing as a factor of the marker size.
443 | e.g.: 0.1 means 10% of marker height/width depending on the chart's orientation. */
444 | rectangleSpacing?: number|null;
445 | }
446 |
447 | interface Marker extends DataPoint {
448 | /** Width of the marker border in pixels. */
449 | borderWidth?: number|null;
450 | /** Opacity of the marker border. */
451 | borderOpacity?: number|null;
452 | borderOpacityMode?: 'straight'|'premultiplied'|null;
453 | /** Opacity of the marker fill color. */
454 | fillOpacity?: number|null;
455 | /** Style settings for guide lines drawn for the markers. */
456 | guides?: Guides|null;
457 | /** Style settings for the marker labels. */
458 | label?: MarkerLabel|null;
459 | }
460 |
461 | /** Style settings for the values shown on the axis to display the scale
462 | being used or the categories along the axis.
463 | Note: textAlign has no effect on the Axis label. */
464 | interface AxisLabel extends OrientedLabel {
465 | /** Label position relatively to the plot. */
466 | position?: 'axis'|'max-edge'|'min-edge'|null;
467 | /** Label alignment relatively to the position on the plot. */
468 | side?: 'positive'|'negative'|null;
469 | }
470 |
471 | /** Style settings of the {@link Config.Channel.title|Axis title} */
472 | interface AxisTitle extends Label {
473 | /** Title position relatively to the plot. */
474 | position?: 'axis'|'min-edge'|'max-edge'|null;
475 | /** Title alignment relatively to the position on the plot. */
476 | side?: 'positive'|'upon'|'negative'|null;
477 | /** Title position on the axis or edge. */
478 | vposition?: 'begin'|'middle'|'end'|null;
479 | /** Title alignment on the axis or edge. */
480 | vside?: 'positive'|'upon'|'negative'|null;
481 | /** The orientation of the title. */
482 | orientation?: 'horizontal'|'vertical'|null;
483 | }
484 |
485 | interface Ticks {
486 | /** Color of the ticks on the axis. */
487 | color?: Color|null;
488 | /** Line width of the ticks on the axis. */
489 | lineWidth?: number|null;
490 | /** Length of the ticks on the axis. */
491 | length?: Length|null;
492 | /** Position of the ticks on the axis relatively to the axis line. */
493 | position?: 'outside'|'inside'|'center'|null;
494 | }
495 | interface Interlacing {
496 | /** Color of the interlacing pattern. */
497 | color?: Color|null;
498 | }
499 |
500 | interface Axis {
501 | /** Color of the axis line. */
502 | color?: Color|null;
503 | /** Style parameters of the axis title. */
504 | title?: AxisTitle|null;
505 | /** Style parameters of the axis labels. */
506 | label?: AxisLabel|null;
507 | ticks?: Ticks|null;
508 | guides?: Guides|null;
509 | interlacing?: Interlacing|null;
510 | }
511 |
512 | interface Plot extends Padding, Box {
513 | /** Style settings for the markers. */
514 | marker?: Marker|null;
515 | /** Style settings for the x-axis - or the angle when using polar coordinates. */
516 | xAxis?: Axis|null;
517 | /** Style settings for the y-axis - or the radius when using polar coordinates. */
518 | yAxis?: Axis|null;
519 | /** Controls drawing outside of the plot area. If hidden, clipping will be
520 | set for the boundary of the coordinate system. */
521 | overflow?: 'hidden'|'visible';
522 | }
523 |
524 | interface LegendMarker {
525 | /** Shape of the legend marker. */
526 | type?: 'circle'|'square'|null;
527 | /** Size of the legend marker (diameter or side length). */
528 | size?: Length|null;
529 | }
530 |
531 | interface Legend extends Padding, Box {
532 | /** Width of the legend's boundary box. */
533 | width?: Length|null;
534 | /** Limit for the width of the boundary box. */
535 | maxWidth?: Length|null;
536 | /** Style settings for the legend's title. */
537 | title?: Label|null;
538 | /** Style settings for the labels on the legend. */
539 | label?: Label|null;
540 | marker?: LegendMarker|null;
541 | }
542 |
543 | /** Color and position pairs separated by spaces,
544 | where position is a number between 0 and 1. */
545 | type ColorStop = `${Color} ${number}`;
546 |
547 | /** Color gradient is specified by a comma separated list of ColorStops.
548 | This is used when a measure is on the color channel. */
549 | type ColorGradient = ColorStop
550 | | `${ColorStop},${ColorStop}`
551 | | `${ColorStop},${ColorStop},${ColorStop}`
552 | | `${ColorStop},${ColorStop},${ColorStop},${ColorStop}`
553 | | `${ColorStop},${ColorStop},${ColorStop},${ColorStop},${ColorStop}`
554 | | string;
555 |
556 | /** Color palette is a list of colors separated by spaces.
557 | This is used when only dimensions are on the color channel*/
558 | type ColorPalette = Color
559 | | `${Color} ${Color}`
560 | | `${Color} ${Color} ${Color}`
561 | | `${Color} ${Color} ${Color} ${Color}`
562 | | `${Color} ${Color} ${Color} ${Color} ${Color}`
563 | | string;
564 |
565 | type Label = Padding & Font & Text;
566 |
567 | interface Chart extends Padding, Box, Font {
568 | /** Style settings for the plot area. */
569 | plot?: Plot|null;
570 | /** Style settings for the legend. */
571 | legend?: Legend|null;
572 | /** Style settings for the main chart title. */
573 | title?: Label|null;
574 | /** Style settings for the tooltip. */
575 | tooltip?: Tooltip|null;
576 | /** Style settings of the Vizzu logo. */
577 | logo?: Logo|null;
578 | }
579 |
580 | }
581 |
582 |
583 | /** Represents a state in the animation describing the data, the chart, and
584 | the style parameters to be changed from the actual state.
585 | Passing null as style will reset every style parameter to default. */
586 | interface AnimTarget {
587 | /** Data set. */
588 | data?: Data.Set;
589 | /** Chart configuration changes. */
590 | config?: Config.Chart;
591 | /** Style changes. */
592 | style?: Styles.Chart|null;
593 | }
594 |
595 | declare namespace Anim
596 | {
597 |
598 | /** Duration can be set in seconds or milliseconds.
599 | In case no unit is set, it defaults to seconds. */
600 | type Duration = `${number}s`|`${number}ms`|number;
601 |
602 | type Easing = 'none' | 'linear' | 'step-start' | 'step-end' | 'ease'
603 | | 'ease-in' | 'ease-out' | 'ease-in-out'
604 | | `cubic-bezier(${number},${number},${number},${number})`;
605 |
606 | /** Animation parameters for an animation group. */
607 | interface GroupOptions
608 | {
609 | /** Sets the easing used for the animation. */
610 | easing?: Easing;
611 | /** The length of time an animation should take to complete. */
612 | duration?: Duration;
613 | /** Waiting time interval before the animation starts. */
614 | delay?: Duration;
615 | }
616 |
617 | /** If no animation settings are passed to Vizzu, it will use an automatic
618 | setting depending on the actual configuration of the chart. This behavior can be
619 | overridden via the animation setting parameter.
620 |
621 | The animation between two states of the chart can require the transitioning
622 | of several different chart properties. These properties are grouped into
623 | separately configurable animation groups.
624 |
625 | The parameters can also be set for the animation as a whole. These settings
626 | rescale the durations and delays of the animation groups to the
627 | specified total delay and duration.
628 | */
629 | interface Options extends GroupOptions {
630 | /** Determines if the animation should start automatically after the
631 | animate() call. */
632 | playState?: 'paused'|'running';
633 | /** The starting position of the animation. */
634 | position: number;
635 | /** Animation group for style parameters. */
636 | style?: GroupOptions;
637 | /** Title animation parameters. */
638 | title?: GroupOptions;
639 | /** Legend animation parameters. */
640 | legend?: GroupOptions;
641 | /** Animation group for new markers fading in
642 | (due to filtering or added/removed data series). */
643 | show?: GroupOptions;
644 | /** Animation group for markers fading out
645 | (due to filtering or added/removed data series). */
646 | hide?: GroupOptions;
647 | /** Marker color animation group. */
648 | color?: GroupOptions;
649 | /** Coordinate system transformations animation group. */
650 | coordSystem?: GroupOptions;
651 | /** Marker geometry morph animation group. */
652 | geometry?: GroupOptions;
653 | /** Animation group for marker transitions in the direction of the y-axis. */
654 | y?: GroupOptions;
655 | /** Animation group for marker transitions in the direction of the x-axis. */
656 | x?: GroupOptions;
657 | /** Animation group for tooltip transitions. */
658 | tooltip?: GroupOptions;
659 | }
660 |
661 | /** Control object for animation. */
662 | interface Control extends Promise<Vizzu> {
663 | /** Seeks the animation to the position specified by time or progress
664 | percentage. Seeking the animation to the end position will not trigger
665 | the (@link Vizzu.animate|animation promise) to resolve. */
666 | seek(value: `${number}%`|Duration): void;
667 | /** Pauses the controlled animation. */
668 | pause(): void;
669 | /** Plays/resumes playing of the controlled animation. */
670 | play(): void;
671 | /** Stops the current animation seeking it back to its start position. */
672 | stop(): void;
673 | /** Changes the direction of the controlled animation. */
674 | reverse(): void;
675 | /** Cancels the animation, will reject the animation promise. */
676 | cancel(): void;
677 | }
678 |
679 | }
680 |
681 | declare namespace Event
682 | {
683 |
684 | type Type =
685 | 'click'
686 | |'mouseon'
687 | |'mousemove'
688 | |'wheel'
689 | |'update'
690 | |'background-draw'
691 | |'title-draw'
692 | |'logo-draw'
693 | |'legend-background-draw'
694 | |'legend-title-draw'
695 | |'legend-label-draw'
696 | |'legend-marker-draw'
697 | |'legend-bar-draw'
698 | |'plot-background-draw'
699 | |'plot-marker-draw'
700 | |'plot-marker-label-draw'
701 | |'plot-marker-guide-draw'
702 | |'plot-axis-draw'
703 | |'plot-axis-title-draw'
704 | |'plot-axis-label-draw'
705 | |'plot-axis-tick-draw'
706 | |'plot-axis-guide-draw'
707 | |'plot-axis-interlacing-draw'
708 | |'animation-begin'
709 | |'animation-complete';
710 |
711 | /** The interface of the event object is passed to event handlers by the library.
712 | Additional properties will vary by event type. */
713 | interface Object {
714 | /** If called, the default action of the event will be canceled. */
715 | preventDefault: () => void;
716 | }
717 |
718 | }
719 |
720 | type Snapshot = number;
721 |
722 | /** List of base and additional features:
723 | - logging: enables logging of the library to the console
724 | (switched off by default).
725 | - rendering: enables rendering of the library to the canvas
726 | (enabled by default).
727 | - tooltip: tooltips on the chart appearing on markers on mouse over.
728 | Since the tooltip uses the animation interface, calling animate() while
729 | the tooltip is enabled can cause unwanted behaviour. */
730 | type Feature = 'tooltip'|'logging'|'rendering';
731 |
732 | /** Class representing a single chart in Vizzu. */
733 | export default class Vizzu {
734 | /** Creates a new chart and connects it to the div or canvas HTML
735 | element specified by its ID or DOM object. The new chart is empty by
736 | default, but can be set to an initial state in the second optional
737 | parameter. */
738 | constructor(container: string|HTMLElement, initState?: AnimTarget|Config.Chart);
739 | /** Promise representing the initialization will resolve when
740 | initialization is finished. Any API call will potentially cause
741 | an error before this promise is resolved. */
742 | initializing: Promise<Vizzu>;
743 | /** Installs the provided event handler to the event specified by name. */
744 | on(eventName: Event.Type, handler: (event: Event.Object) => void): void;
745 | /** Uninstalls the provided event handler from the event specified by name.
746 | */
747 | off(eventName: Event.Type, handler: (event: Event.Object) => void): void;
748 | /** Initiates the animation to the new chart state passed as the first
749 | argument. If there is a currently running animation, all subsequent
750 | calls will schedule the corresponding animation after the end of the
751 | previous one.
752 |
753 | The new chart state can be a full state specifier object with
754 | data, config and style, or a single chart config object.
755 | It accepts also a chart snapshot acquired from a previous state using
756 | the store() method.
757 |
758 | The optional second parameter specifies the animation
759 | options. This second option can be a scalar value, setting the overall
760 | animation duration. Passing explicit null as second parameter will
761 | result in no animation.
762 |
763 | The animation will be initiated in the next cycle of the JS event loop.
764 | The method returns a promise, which will resolve when the animation is
765 | finished. */
766 | animate(
767 | animTarget: AnimTarget|Config.Chart|Snapshot,
768 | animOptions?: Anim.Options|Anim.Duration|null)
769 | : Anim.Control;
770 | /** Returns a reference to the actual chart state for further reuse.
771 | This reference includes the chart config, style parameters and the
772 | data filter but does not include the actual data and the animation options.
773 | */
774 | store(): Snapshot;
775 | /** Returns controls for the ongoing animation, if any.
776 | @deprecated since version 0.4.0 */
777 | get animation(): Anim.Control;
778 | /** Returns the version number of the library. */
779 | version(): string;
780 | /** Property for read-only access to style object. */
781 | style: Readonly<Styles.Chart>;
782 | /** Property for read-only access to chart parameter object. */
783 | config: Readonly<Config.Chart>;
784 | /** Property for read-only access to data metainfo object. */
785 | data: Readonly<Data.Metainfo>;
786 | /** Enable/disable additional features. */
787 | feature(name: Feature, enabled: boolean): void;
788 | /** Returns the chart preset collection. */
789 | static get presets(): import('./presets').Preset;
790 | /** Setter method for Library options. */
791 | static options(options: Lib.Options): void;
792 | }