1 | "use strict";
2 | var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
3 | if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
4 | Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });
5 | }) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
6 | if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
7 | o[k2] = m[k];
8 | }));
9 | var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
10 | Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
11 | }) : function(o, v) {
12 | o["default"] = v;
13 | });
14 | var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
15 | if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
16 | var result = {};
17 | if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
18 | __setModuleDefault(result, mod);
19 | return result;
20 | };
21 | var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
22 | return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
23 | };
24 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
25 | exports.ls = exports.listFiles = exports.packageCommand = exports.pack = exports.prepublish = exports.collect = exports.createDefaultProcessors = exports.processFiles = exports.toContentTypes = exports.toVsixManifest = exports.readManifest = exports.validateManifest = exports.ValidationProcessor = exports.NLSProcessor = exports.isWebKind = exports.ChangelogProcessor = exports.ReadmeProcessor = exports.MarkdownProcessor = exports.TagsProcessor = exports.ManifestProcessor = exports.Targets = exports.versionBump = exports.BaseProcessor = exports.read = void 0;
26 | const fs = __importStar(require("fs"));
27 | const path = __importStar(require("path"));
28 | const util_1 = require("util");
29 | const cp = __importStar(require("child_process"));
30 | const yazl = __importStar(require("yazl"));
31 | const nls_1 = require("./nls");
32 | const util = __importStar(require("./util"));
33 | const glob_1 = __importDefault(require("glob"));
34 | const minimatch_1 = __importDefault(require("minimatch"));
35 | const markdown_it_1 = __importDefault(require("markdown-it"));
36 | const cheerio = __importStar(require("cheerio"));
37 | const url = __importStar(require("url"));
38 | const mime_1 = __importDefault(require("mime"));
39 | const semver = __importStar(require("semver"));
40 | const url_join_1 = __importDefault(require("url-join"));
41 | const validation_1 = require("./validation");
42 | const npm_1 = require("./npm");
43 | const GitHost = __importStar(require("hosted-git-info"));
44 | const parse_semver_1 = __importDefault(require("parse-semver"));
45 | const MinimatchOptions = { dot: true };
46 | function isInMemoryFile(file) {
47 | return !!file.contents;
48 | }
49 | function read(file) {
50 | if (isInMemoryFile(file)) {
51 | return Promise.resolve(file.contents).then(b => (typeof b === 'string' ? b : b.toString('utf8')));
52 | }
53 | else {
54 | return fs.promises.readFile(file.localPath, 'utf8');
55 | }
56 | }
57 | exports.read = read;
58 | class BaseProcessor {
59 | constructor(manifest) {
60 | this.manifest = manifest;
61 | this.assets = [];
62 | this.tags = [];
63 | this.vsix = Object.create(null);
64 | }
65 | async onFile(file) {
66 | return file;
67 | }
68 | async onEnd() {
69 |
70 | }
71 | }
72 | exports.BaseProcessor = BaseProcessor;
73 |
74 | function getGitHost(manifest) {
75 | const url = getRepositoryUrl(manifest);
76 | return url ? GitHost.fromUrl(url, { noGitPlus: true }) : undefined;
77 | }
78 |
79 | function getRepositoryUrl(manifest, gitHost) {
80 | if (gitHost) {
81 | return gitHost.https();
82 | }
83 | let url = undefined;
84 | if (manifest.repository) {
85 | if (typeof manifest.repository === 'string') {
86 | url = manifest.repository;
87 | }
88 | else if (typeof manifest.repository === 'object' &&
89 | manifest.repository.url &&
90 | typeof manifest.repository.url === 'string') {
91 | url = manifest.repository.url;
92 | }
93 | }
94 | return url;
95 | }
96 |
97 | function getBugsUrl(manifest, gitHost) {
98 | if (manifest.bugs) {
99 | if (typeof manifest.bugs === 'string') {
100 | return manifest.bugs;
101 | }
102 | if (typeof manifest.bugs === 'object' && manifest.bugs.url) {
103 | return manifest.bugs.url;
104 | }
105 | if (typeof manifest.bugs === 'object' && manifest.bugs.email) {
106 | return `mailto:${manifest.bugs.email}`;
107 | }
108 | }
109 | if (gitHost) {
110 | return gitHost.bugs();
111 | }
112 | return undefined;
113 | }
114 |
115 | function getHomepageUrl(manifest, gitHost) {
116 | if (manifest.homepage) {
117 | return manifest.homepage;
118 | }
119 | if (gitHost) {
120 | return gitHost.docs();
121 | }
122 | return undefined;
123 | }
124 |
125 |
126 | function escapeRegExp(value) {
127 | return value.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
128 | }
129 | function toExtensionTags(extensions) {
130 | return extensions
131 | .map(s => s.replace(/\W/g, ''))
132 | .filter(s => !!s)
133 | .map(s => `__ext_${s}`);
134 | }
135 | function toLanguagePackTags(translations, languageId) {
136 | return (translations ?? [])
137 | .map(({ id }) => [`__lp_${id}`, `__lp-${languageId}_${id}`])
138 | .reduce((r, t) => [...r, ...t], []);
139 | }
140 |
141 |
142 |
143 | const TrustedSVGSources = [
144 | 'api.bintray.com',
145 | 'api.travis-ci.com',
146 | 'api.travis-ci.org',
147 | 'app.fossa.io',
148 | 'badge.buildkite.com',
149 | 'badge.fury.io',
150 | 'badge.waffle.io',
151 | 'badgen.net',
152 | 'badges.frapsoft.com',
153 | 'badges.gitter.im',
154 | 'badges.greenkeeper.io',
155 | 'cdn.travis-ci.com',
156 | 'cdn.travis-ci.org',
157 | 'ci.appveyor.com',
158 | 'circleci.com',
159 | 'cla.opensource.microsoft.com',
160 | 'codacy.com',
161 | 'codeclimate.com',
162 | 'codecov.io',
163 | 'coveralls.io',
164 | 'david-dm.org',
165 | 'deepscan.io',
166 | 'dev.azure.com',
167 | 'docs.rs',
168 | 'flat.badgen.net',
169 | 'gemnasium.com',
170 | 'githost.io',
171 | 'gitlab.com',
172 | 'godoc.org',
173 | 'goreportcard.com',
174 | 'img.shields.io',
175 | 'isitmaintained.com',
176 | 'marketplace.visualstudio.com',
177 | 'nodesecurity.io',
178 | 'opencollective.com',
179 | 'snyk.io',
180 | 'travis-ci.com',
181 | 'travis-ci.org',
182 | 'visualstudio.com',
183 | 'vsmarketplacebadge.apphb.com',
184 | 'www.bithound.io',
185 | 'www.versioneye.com',
186 | ];
187 | function isGitHubRepository(repository) {
188 | return /^https:\/\/github\.com\/|^git@github\.com:/.test(repository ?? '');
189 | }
190 | function isGitLabRepository(repository) {
191 | return /^https:\/\/gitlab\.com\/|^git@gitlab\.com:/.test(repository ?? '');
192 | }
193 | function isGitHubBadge(href) {
194 | return /^https:\/\/github\.com\/[^/]+\/[^/]+\/(actions\/)?workflows\/.*badge\.svg/.test(href || '');
195 | }
196 | function isHostTrusted(url) {
197 | return (url.host && TrustedSVGSources.indexOf(url.host.toLowerCase()) > -1) || isGitHubBadge(url.href);
198 | }
199 | async function versionBump(options) {
200 | if (!options.version) {
201 | return;
202 | }
203 | if (!(options.updatePackageJson ?? true)) {
204 | return;
205 | }
206 | const cwd = options.cwd ?? process.cwd();
207 | const manifest = await readManifest(cwd);
208 | if (manifest.version === options.version) {
209 | return;
210 | }
211 | switch (options.version) {
212 | case 'major':
213 | case 'minor':
214 | case 'patch':
215 | break;
216 | case 'premajor':
217 | case 'preminor':
218 | case 'prepatch':
219 | case 'prerelease':
220 | case 'from-git':
221 | return Promise.reject(`Not supported: ${options.version}`);
222 | default:
223 | if (!semver.valid(options.version)) {
224 | return Promise.reject(`Invalid version ${options.version}`);
225 | }
226 | }
227 | let command = `npm version ${options.version}`;
228 | if (options.commitMessage) {
229 | command = `${command} -m "${options.commitMessage}"`;
230 | }
231 | if (!(options.gitTagVersion ?? true)) {
232 | command = `${command} --no-git-tag-version`;
233 | }
234 |
235 | const { stdout, stderr } = await (0, util_1.promisify)(cp.exec)(command, { cwd });
236 | if (!process.env['VSCE_TESTS']) {
237 | process.stdout.write(stdout);
238 | process.stderr.write(stderr);
239 | }
240 | }
241 | exports.versionBump = versionBump;
242 | exports.Targets = new Set([
243 | 'win32-x64',
244 | 'win32-ia32',
245 | 'win32-arm64',
246 | 'linux-x64',
247 | 'linux-arm64',
248 | 'linux-armhf',
249 | 'darwin-x64',
250 | 'darwin-arm64',
251 | 'alpine-x64',
252 | 'alpine-arm64',
253 | 'web',
254 | ]);
255 | class ManifestProcessor extends BaseProcessor {
256 | constructor(manifest, options = {}) {
257 | super(manifest);
258 | this.options = options;
259 | const flags = ['Public'];
260 | if (manifest.preview) {
261 | flags.push('Preview');
262 | }
263 | const gitHost = getGitHost(manifest);
264 | const repository = getRepositoryUrl(manifest, gitHost);
265 | const isGitHub = isGitHubRepository(repository);
266 | let enableMarketplaceQnA;
267 | let customerQnALink;
268 | if (manifest.qna === 'marketplace') {
269 | enableMarketplaceQnA = true;
270 | }
271 | else if (typeof manifest.qna === 'string') {
272 | customerQnALink = manifest.qna;
273 | }
274 | else if (manifest.qna === false) {
275 | enableMarketplaceQnA = false;
276 | }
277 | const extensionKind = getExtensionKind(manifest);
278 | const target = options.target;
279 | const preRelease = options.preRelease;
280 | if (target || preRelease) {
281 | let engineVersion;
282 | try {
283 | const engineSemver = (0, parse_semver_1.default)(`vscode@${manifest.engines['vscode']}`);
284 | engineVersion = engineSemver.version;
285 | }
286 | catch (err) {
287 | throw new Error('Failed to parse semver of engines.vscode');
288 | }
289 | if (target) {
290 | if (engineVersion !== 'latest' && !semver.satisfies(engineVersion, '>=1.61', { includePrerelease: true })) {
291 | throw new Error(`Platform specific extension is supported by VS Code >=1.61. Current 'engines.vscode' is '${manifest.engines['vscode']}'.`);
292 | }
293 | if (!exports.Targets.has(target)) {
294 | throw new Error(`'${target}' is not a valid VS Code target. Valid targets: ${[...exports.Targets].join(', ')}`);
295 | }
296 | }
297 | if (preRelease) {
298 | if (engineVersion !== 'latest' && !semver.satisfies(engineVersion, '>=1.63', { includePrerelease: true })) {
299 | throw new Error(`Pre-release versions are supported by VS Code >=1.63. Current 'engines.vscode' is '${manifest.engines['vscode']}'.`);
300 | }
301 | }
302 | }
303 | this.vsix = {
304 | ...this.vsix,
305 | id: manifest.name,
306 | displayName: manifest.displayName ?? manifest.name,
307 | version: options.version && !(options.updatePackageJson ?? true) ? options.version : manifest.version,
308 | publisher: manifest.publisher,
309 | target,
310 | engine: manifest.engines['vscode'],
311 | description: manifest.description ?? '',
312 | pricing: manifest.pricing ?? 'Free',
313 | categories: (manifest.categories ?? []).join(','),
314 | flags: flags.join(' '),
315 | links: {
316 | repository,
317 | bugs: getBugsUrl(manifest, gitHost),
318 | homepage: getHomepageUrl(manifest, gitHost),
319 | },
320 | galleryBanner: manifest.galleryBanner ?? {},
321 | badges: manifest.badges,
322 | githubMarkdown: manifest.markdown !== 'standard',
323 | enableMarketplaceQnA,
324 | customerQnALink,
325 | extensionDependencies: [...new Set(manifest.extensionDependencies ?? [])].join(','),
326 | extensionPack: [...new Set(manifest.extensionPack ?? [])].join(','),
327 | extensionKind: extensionKind.join(','),
328 | localizedLanguages: manifest.contributes && manifest.contributes.localizations
329 | ? manifest.contributes.localizations
330 | .map(loc => loc.localizedLanguageName ?? loc.languageName ?? loc.languageId)
331 | .join(',')
332 | : '',
333 | preRelease: !!this.options.preRelease,
334 | sponsorLink: manifest.sponsor?.url || '',
335 | };
336 | if (isGitHub) {
337 | this.vsix.links.github = repository;
338 | }
339 | }
340 | async onFile(file) {
341 | const path = util.normalize(file.path);
342 | if (!/^extension\/package.json$/i.test(path)) {
343 | return Promise.resolve(file);
344 | }
345 | if (this.options.version && !(this.options.updatePackageJson ?? true)) {
346 | const contents = await read(file);
347 | const packageJson = JSON.parse(contents);
348 | packageJson.version = this.options.version;
349 | file = { ...file, contents: JSON.stringify(packageJson, undefined, 2) };
350 | }
351 |
352 |
353 | return { ...file, mode: 0o100644 };
354 | }
355 | async onEnd() {
356 | if (typeof this.manifest.extensionKind === 'string') {
357 | util.log.warn(`The 'extensionKind' property should be of type 'string[]'. Learn more at: https://aka.ms/vscode/api/incorrect-execution-location`);
358 | }
359 | if (this.manifest.publisher === 'vscode-samples') {
360 | throw new Error("It's not allowed to use the 'vscode-samples' publisher. Learn more at: https://code.visualstudio.com/api/working-with-extensions/publishing-extension.");
361 | }
362 | if (!this.options.allowMissingRepository && !this.manifest.repository) {
363 | util.log.warn(`A 'repository' field is missing from the 'package.json' manifest file.`);
364 | if (!/^y$/i.test(await util.read('Do you want to continue? [y/N] '))) {
365 | throw new Error('Aborted');
366 | }
367 | }
368 | if (!this.options.allowStarActivation && this.manifest.activationEvents?.some(e => e === '*')) {
369 | util.log.warn(`Using '*' activation is usually a bad idea as it impacts performance.\nMore info: https://code.visualstudio.com/api/references/activation-events#Start-up`);
370 | if (!/^y$/i.test(await util.read('Do you want to continue? [y/N] '))) {
371 | throw new Error('Aborted');
372 | }
373 | }
374 | }
375 | }
376 | exports.ManifestProcessor = ManifestProcessor;
377 | class TagsProcessor extends BaseProcessor {
378 | async onEnd() {
379 | const keywords = this.manifest.keywords ?? [];
380 | const contributes = this.manifest.contributes;
381 | const activationEvents = this.manifest.activationEvents ?? [];
382 | const doesContribute = (...properties) => {
383 | let obj = contributes;
384 | for (const property of properties) {
385 | if (!obj) {
386 | return false;
387 | }
388 | obj = obj[property];
389 | }
390 | return obj && obj.length > 0;
391 | };
392 | const colorThemes = doesContribute('themes') ? ['theme', 'color-theme'] : [];
393 | const iconThemes = doesContribute('iconThemes') ? ['theme', 'icon-theme'] : [];
394 | const productIconThemes = doesContribute('productIconThemes') ? ['theme', 'product-icon-theme'] : [];
395 | const snippets = doesContribute('snippets') ? ['snippet'] : [];
396 | const keybindings = doesContribute('keybindings') ? ['keybindings'] : [];
397 | const debuggers = doesContribute('debuggers') ? ['debuggers'] : [];
398 | const json = doesContribute('jsonValidation') ? ['json'] : [];
399 | const remoteMenu = doesContribute('menus', 'statusBar/remoteIndicator') ? ['remote-menu'] : [];
400 | const localizationContributions = ((contributes && contributes['localizations']) ?? []).reduce((r, l) => [...r, `lp-${l.languageId}`, ...toLanguagePackTags(l.translations, l.languageId)], []);
401 | const languageContributions = ((contributes && contributes['languages']) ?? []).reduce((r, l) => [...r, l.id, ...(l.aliases ?? []), ...toExtensionTags(l.extensions ?? [])], []);
402 | const languageActivations = activationEvents
403 | .map(e => /^onLanguage:(.*)$/.exec(e))
404 | .filter(util.nonnull)
405 | .map(r => r[1]);
406 | const grammars = ((contributes && contributes['grammars']) ?? []).map(g => g.language);
407 | const description = this.manifest.description || '';
408 | const descriptionKeywords = Object.keys(TagsProcessor.Keywords).reduce((r, k) => r.concat(new RegExp('\\b(?:' + escapeRegExp(k) + ')(?!\\w)', 'gi').test(description) ? TagsProcessor.Keywords[k] : []), []);
409 | const webExtensionTags = isWebKind(this.manifest) ? ['__web_extension'] : [];
410 | const sponsorTags = this.manifest.sponsor?.url ? ['__sponsor_extension'] : [];
411 | const tags = new Set([
412 | ...keywords,
413 | ...colorThemes,
414 | ...iconThemes,
415 | ...productIconThemes,
416 | ...snippets,
417 | ...keybindings,
418 | ...debuggers,
419 | ...json,
420 | ...remoteMenu,
421 | ...localizationContributions,
422 | ...languageContributions,
423 | ...languageActivations,
424 | ...grammars,
425 | ...descriptionKeywords,
426 | ...webExtensionTags,
427 | ...sponsorTags,
428 | ]);
429 | this.tags = [...tags].filter(tag => !!tag);
430 | }
431 | }
432 | exports.TagsProcessor = TagsProcessor;
433 | TagsProcessor.Keywords = {
434 | git: ['git'],
435 | npm: ['node'],
436 | spell: ['markdown'],
437 | bootstrap: ['bootstrap'],
438 | lint: ['linters'],
439 | linting: ['linters'],
440 | react: ['javascript'],
441 | js: ['javascript'],
442 | node: ['javascript', 'node'],
443 | 'c++': ['c++'],
444 | Cplusplus: ['c++'],
445 | xml: ['xml'],
446 | angular: ['javascript'],
447 | jquery: ['javascript'],
448 | php: ['php'],
449 | python: ['python'],
450 | latex: ['latex'],
451 | ruby: ['ruby'],
452 | java: ['java'],
453 | erlang: ['erlang'],
454 | sql: ['sql'],
455 | nodejs: ['node'],
456 | 'c#': ['c#'],
457 | css: ['css'],
458 | javascript: ['javascript'],
459 | ftp: ['ftp'],
460 | haskell: ['haskell'],
461 | unity: ['unity'],
462 | terminal: ['terminal'],
463 | powershell: ['powershell'],
464 | laravel: ['laravel'],
465 | meteor: ['meteor'],
466 | emmet: ['emmet'],
467 | eslint: ['linters'],
468 | tfs: ['tfs'],
469 | rust: ['rust'],
470 | };
471 | class MarkdownProcessor extends BaseProcessor {
472 | constructor(manifest, name, regexp, assetType, options = {}) {
473 | super(manifest);
474 | this.name = name;
475 | this.regexp = regexp;
476 | this.assetType = assetType;
477 | const guess = this.guessBaseUrls(options.githubBranch || options.gitlabBranch);
478 | this.baseContentUrl = options.baseContentUrl || (guess && guess.content);
479 | this.baseImagesUrl = options.baseImagesUrl || options.baseContentUrl || (guess && guess.images);
480 | this.rewriteRelativeLinks = options.rewriteRelativeLinks ?? true;
481 | this.repositoryUrl = guess && guess.repository;
482 | this.isGitHub = isGitHubRepository(this.repositoryUrl);
483 | this.isGitLab = isGitLabRepository(this.repositoryUrl);
484 | this.gitHubIssueLinking = typeof options.gitHubIssueLinking === 'boolean' ? options.gitHubIssueLinking : true;
485 | this.gitLabIssueLinking = typeof options.gitLabIssueLinking === 'boolean' ? options.gitLabIssueLinking : true;
486 | }
487 | async onFile(file) {
488 | const filePath = util.normalize(file.path);
489 | if (!this.regexp.test(filePath)) {
490 | return Promise.resolve(file);
491 | }
492 | this.assets.push({ type: this.assetType, path: filePath });
493 | let contents = await read(file);
494 | if (/This is the README for your extension /.test(contents)) {
495 | throw new Error(`Make sure to edit the README.md file before you package or publish your extension.`);
496 | }
497 | if (this.rewriteRelativeLinks) {
498 | const markdownPathRegex = /(!?)\[([^\]\[]*|!\[[^\]\[]*]\([^\)]+\))\]\(([^\)]+)\)/g;
499 | const urlReplace = (_, isImage, title, link) => {
500 | if (/^mailto:/i.test(link)) {
501 | return `${isImage}[${title}](${link})`;
502 | }
503 | const isLinkRelative = !/^\w+:\/\//.test(link) && link[0] !== '#';
504 | if (!this.baseContentUrl && !this.baseImagesUrl) {
505 | const asset = isImage ? 'image' : 'link';
506 | if (isLinkRelative) {
507 | throw new Error(`Couldn't detect the repository where this extension is published. The ${asset} '${link}' will be broken in ${this.name}. GitHub/GitLab repositories will be automatically detected. Otherwise, please provide the repository URL in package.json or use the --baseContentUrl and --baseImagesUrl options.`);
508 | }
509 | }
510 | title = title.replace(markdownPathRegex, urlReplace);
511 | const prefix = isImage ? this.baseImagesUrl : this.baseContentUrl;
512 | if (!prefix || !isLinkRelative) {
513 | return `${isImage}[${title}](${link})`;
514 | }
515 | return `${isImage}[${title}](${(0, url_join_1.default)(prefix, path.posix.normalize(link))})`;
516 | };
517 |
518 | contents = contents.replace(markdownPathRegex, urlReplace);
519 |
520 | contents = contents.replace(/<img.+?src=["']([/.\w\s#-]+)['"].*?>/g, (all, link) => {
521 | const isLinkRelative = !/^\w+:\/\//.test(link) && link[0] !== '#';
522 | if (!this.baseImagesUrl && isLinkRelative) {
523 | throw new Error(`Couldn't detect the repository where this extension is published. The image will be broken in ${this.name}. GitHub/GitLab repositories will be automatically detected. Otherwise, please provide the repository URL in package.json or use the --baseContentUrl and --baseImagesUrl options.`);
524 | }
525 | const prefix = this.baseImagesUrl;
526 | if (!prefix || !isLinkRelative) {
527 | return all;
528 | }
529 | return all.replace(link, (0, url_join_1.default)(prefix, path.posix.normalize(link)));
530 | });
531 | if ((this.gitHubIssueLinking && this.isGitHub) || (this.gitLabIssueLinking && this.isGitLab)) {
532 | const markdownIssueRegex = /(\s|\n)([\w\d_-]+\/[\w\d_-]+)?#(\d+)\b/g;
533 | const issueReplace = (all, prefix, ownerAndRepositoryName, issueNumber) => {
534 | let result = all;
535 | let owner;
536 | let repositoryName;
537 | if (ownerAndRepositoryName) {
538 | [owner, repositoryName] = ownerAndRepositoryName.split('/', 2);
539 | }
540 | if (owner && repositoryName && issueNumber) {
541 |
542 | const issueUrl = this.isGitHub
543 | ? (0, url_join_1.default)('https://github.com', owner, repositoryName, 'issues', issueNumber)
544 | : (0, url_join_1.default)('https://gitlab.com', owner, repositoryName, '-', 'issues', issueNumber);
545 | result = prefix + `[${owner}/${repositoryName}#${issueNumber}](${issueUrl})`;
546 | }
547 | else if (!owner && !repositoryName && issueNumber && this.repositoryUrl) {
548 |
549 | result =
550 | prefix +
551 | `[#${issueNumber}](${this.isGitHub
552 | ? (0, url_join_1.default)(this.repositoryUrl, 'issues', issueNumber)
553 | : (0, url_join_1.default)(this.repositoryUrl, '-', 'issues', issueNumber)})`;
554 | }
555 | return result;
556 | };
557 |
558 | contents = contents.replace(markdownIssueRegex, issueReplace);
559 | }
560 | }
561 | const html = (0, markdown_it_1.default)({ html: true }).render(contents);
562 | const $ = cheerio.load(html);
563 | if (this.rewriteRelativeLinks) {
564 | $('img').each((_, img) => {
565 | const rawSrc = $(img).attr('src');
566 | if (!rawSrc) {
567 | throw new Error(`Images in ${this.name} must have a source.`);
568 | }
569 | const src = decodeURI(rawSrc);
570 | const srcUrl = new url.URL(src);
571 | if (/^data:$/i.test(srcUrl.protocol) && /^image$/i.test(srcUrl.host) && /\/svg/i.test(srcUrl.pathname)) {
572 | throw new Error(`SVG data URLs are not allowed in ${this.name}: ${src}`);
573 | }
574 | if (!/^https:$/i.test(srcUrl.protocol)) {
575 | throw new Error(`Images in ${this.name} must come from an HTTPS source: ${src}`);
576 | }
577 | if (/\.svg$/i.test(srcUrl.pathname) && !isHostTrusted(srcUrl)) {
578 | throw new Error(`SVGs are restricted in ${this.name}; please use other file image formats, such as PNG: ${src}`);
579 | }
580 | });
581 | }
582 | $('svg').each(() => {
583 | throw new Error(`SVG tags are not allowed in ${this.name}.`);
584 | });
585 | return {
586 | path: file.path,
587 | contents: Buffer.from(contents, 'utf8'),
588 | };
589 | }
590 |
591 | guessBaseUrls(githostBranch) {
592 | let repository = null;
593 | if (typeof this.manifest.repository === 'string') {
594 | repository = this.manifest.repository;
595 | }
596 | else if (this.manifest.repository && typeof this.manifest.repository['url'] === 'string') {
597 | repository = this.manifest.repository['url'];
598 | }
599 | if (!repository) {
600 | return undefined;
601 | }
602 | const gitHubRegex = /(?<domain>github(\.com\/|:))(?<project>(?:[^/]+)\/(?:[^/]+))(\/|$)/;
603 | const gitLabRegex = /(?<domain>gitlab(\.com\/|:))(?<project>(?:[^/]+)(\/(?:[^/]+))+)(\/|$)/;
604 | const match = (gitHubRegex.exec(repository) || gitLabRegex.exec(repository));
605 | if (!match) {
606 | return undefined;
607 | }
608 | const project = match.groups.project.replace(/\.git$/i, '');
609 | const branchName = githostBranch ? githostBranch : 'HEAD';
610 | if (/^github/.test(match.groups.domain)) {
611 | return {
612 | content: `https://github.com/${project}/blob/${branchName}`,
613 | images: `https://github.com/${project}/raw/${branchName}`,
614 | repository: `https://github.com/${project}`,
615 | };
616 | }
617 | else if (/^gitlab/.test(match.groups.domain)) {
618 | return {
619 | content: `https://gitlab.com/${project}/-/blob/${branchName}`,
620 | images: `https://gitlab.com/${project}/-/raw/${branchName}`,
621 | repository: `https://gitlab.com/${project}`,
622 | };
623 | }
624 | return undefined;
625 | }
626 | }
627 | exports.MarkdownProcessor = MarkdownProcessor;
628 | class ReadmeProcessor extends MarkdownProcessor {
629 | constructor(manifest, options = {}) {
630 | super(manifest, 'README.md', /^extension\/readme.md$/i, 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Content.Details', options);
631 | }
632 | }
633 | exports.ReadmeProcessor = ReadmeProcessor;
634 | class ChangelogProcessor extends MarkdownProcessor {
635 | constructor(manifest, options = {}) {
636 | super(manifest, 'CHANGELOG.md', /^extension\/changelog.md$/i, 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Content.Changelog', options);
637 | }
638 | }
639 | exports.ChangelogProcessor = ChangelogProcessor;
640 | class LicenseProcessor extends BaseProcessor {
641 | constructor(manifest) {
642 | super(manifest);
643 | this.didFindLicense = false;
644 | const match = /^SEE LICENSE IN (.*)$/.exec(manifest.license || '');
645 | if (!match || !match[1]) {
646 | this.expectedLicenseName = 'LICENSE.md, LICENSE.txt or LICENSE';
647 | this.filter = name => /^extension\/license(\.(md|txt))?$/i.test(name);
648 | }
649 | else {
650 | this.expectedLicenseName = match[1];
651 | const regexp = new RegExp('^extension/' + match[1] + '$');
652 | this.filter = regexp.test.bind(regexp);
653 | }
654 | delete this.vsix.license;
655 | }
656 | onFile(file) {
657 | if (!this.didFindLicense) {
658 | let normalizedPath = util.normalize(file.path);
659 | if (this.filter(normalizedPath)) {
660 | if (!path.extname(normalizedPath)) {
661 | file.path += '.txt';
662 | normalizedPath += '.txt';
663 | }
664 | this.assets.push({ type: 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Content.License', path: normalizedPath });
665 | this.vsix.license = normalizedPath;
666 | this.didFindLicense = true;
667 | }
668 | }
669 | return Promise.resolve(file);
670 | }
671 | async onEnd() {
672 | if (!this.didFindLicense) {
673 | util.log.warn(`${this.expectedLicenseName} not found`);
674 | if (!/^y$/i.test(await util.read('Do you want to continue? [y/N] '))) {
675 | throw new Error('Aborted');
676 | }
677 | }
678 | }
679 | }
680 | class LaunchEntryPointProcessor extends BaseProcessor {
681 | constructor(manifest) {
682 | super(manifest);
683 | this.entryPoints = new Set();
684 | if (manifest.main) {
685 | this.entryPoints.add(util.normalize(path.join('extension', this.appendJSExt(manifest.main))));
686 | }
687 | if (manifest.browser) {
688 | this.entryPoints.add(util.normalize(path.join('extension', this.appendJSExt(manifest.browser))));
689 | }
690 | }
691 | appendJSExt(filePath) {
692 | if (filePath.endsWith('.js')) {
693 | return filePath;
694 | }
695 | return filePath + '.js';
696 | }
697 | onFile(file) {
698 | this.entryPoints.delete(util.normalize(file.path));
699 | return Promise.resolve(file);
700 | }
701 | async onEnd() {
702 | if (this.entryPoints.size > 0) {
703 | const files = [...this.entryPoints].join(',\n ');
704 | throw new Error(`Extension entrypoint(s) missing. Make sure these files exist and aren't ignored by '.vscodeignore':\n ${files}`);
705 | }
706 | }
707 | }
708 | class IconProcessor extends BaseProcessor {
709 | constructor(manifest) {
710 | super(manifest);
711 | this.didFindIcon = false;
712 | this.icon = manifest.icon && `extension/${manifest.icon}`;
713 | delete this.vsix.icon;
714 | }
715 | onFile(file) {
716 | const normalizedPath = util.normalize(file.path);
717 | if (normalizedPath === this.icon) {
718 | this.didFindIcon = true;
719 | this.assets.push({ type: 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Icons.Default', path: normalizedPath });
720 | this.vsix.icon = this.icon;
721 | }
722 | return Promise.resolve(file);
723 | }
724 | async onEnd() {
725 | if (this.icon && !this.didFindIcon) {
726 | return Promise.reject(new Error(`The specified icon '${this.icon}' wasn't found in the extension.`));
727 | }
728 | }
729 | }
730 | const ValidExtensionKinds = new Set(['ui', 'workspace']);
731 | function isWebKind(manifest) {
732 | const extensionKind = getExtensionKind(manifest);
733 | return extensionKind.some(kind => kind === 'web');
734 | }
735 | exports.isWebKind = isWebKind;
736 | const extensionPointExtensionKindsMap = new Map();
737 | extensionPointExtensionKindsMap.set('jsonValidation', ['workspace', 'web']);
738 | extensionPointExtensionKindsMap.set('localizations', ['ui', 'workspace']);
739 | extensionPointExtensionKindsMap.set('debuggers', ['workspace']);
740 | extensionPointExtensionKindsMap.set('terminal', ['workspace']);
741 | extensionPointExtensionKindsMap.set('typescriptServerPlugins', ['workspace']);
742 | extensionPointExtensionKindsMap.set('markdown.previewStyles', ['workspace', 'web']);
743 | extensionPointExtensionKindsMap.set('markdown.previewScripts', ['workspace', 'web']);
744 | extensionPointExtensionKindsMap.set('markdown.markdownItPlugins', ['workspace', 'web']);
745 | extensionPointExtensionKindsMap.set('html.customData', ['workspace', 'web']);
746 | extensionPointExtensionKindsMap.set('css.customData', ['workspace', 'web']);
747 | function getExtensionKind(manifest) {
748 | const deduced = deduceExtensionKinds(manifest);
749 |
750 | if (manifest.extensionKind) {
751 | const result = Array.isArray(manifest.extensionKind)
752 | ? manifest.extensionKind
753 | : manifest.extensionKind === 'ui'
754 | ? ['ui', 'workspace']
755 | : [manifest.extensionKind];
756 |
757 | if (deduced.includes('web') && !result.includes('web')) {
758 | result.push('web');
759 | }
760 | return result;
761 | }
762 | return deduced;
763 | }
764 | function deduceExtensionKinds(manifest) {
765 |
766 | if (manifest.main) {
767 | if (manifest.browser) {
768 | return ['workspace', 'web'];
769 | }
770 | return ['workspace'];
771 | }
772 | if (manifest.browser) {
773 | return ['web'];
774 | }
775 | let result = ['ui', 'workspace', 'web'];
776 | const isNonEmptyArray = (obj) => Array.isArray(obj) && obj.length > 0;
777 |
778 | if (isNonEmptyArray(manifest.extensionPack) || isNonEmptyArray(manifest.extensionDependencies)) {
779 | result = ['workspace', 'web'];
780 | }
781 | if (manifest.contributes) {
782 | for (const contribution of Object.keys(manifest.contributes)) {
783 | const supportedExtensionKinds = extensionPointExtensionKindsMap.get(contribution);
784 | if (supportedExtensionKinds) {
785 | result = result.filter(extensionKind => supportedExtensionKinds.indexOf(extensionKind) !== -1);
786 | }
787 | }
788 | }
789 | return result;
790 | }
791 | class NLSProcessor extends BaseProcessor {
792 | constructor(manifest) {
793 | super(manifest);
794 | this.translations = Object.create(null);
795 | if (!manifest.contributes ||
796 | !manifest.contributes.localizations ||
797 | manifest.contributes.localizations.length === 0) {
798 | return;
799 | }
800 | const localizations = manifest.contributes.localizations;
801 | const translations = Object.create(null);
802 |
803 | for (const localization of localizations) {
804 | for (const translation of localization.translations) {
805 | if (translation.id === 'vscode' && !!translation.path) {
806 | const translationPath = util.normalize(translation.path.replace(/^\.[\/\\]/, ''));
807 | translations[localization.languageId.toUpperCase()] = `extension/${translationPath}`;
808 | }
809 | }
810 | }
811 |
812 | for (const languageId of Object.keys(translations)) {
813 | this.translations[translations[languageId]] = languageId;
814 | }
815 | }
816 | onFile(file) {
817 | const normalizedPath = util.normalize(file.path);
818 | const language = this.translations[normalizedPath];
819 | if (language) {
820 | this.assets.push({ type: `Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code.Translation.${language}`, path: normalizedPath });
821 | }
822 | return Promise.resolve(file);
823 | }
824 | }
825 | exports.NLSProcessor = NLSProcessor;
826 | class ValidationProcessor extends BaseProcessor {
827 | constructor() {
828 | super(...arguments);
829 | this.files = new Map();
830 | this.duplicates = new Set();
831 | }
832 | async onFile(file) {
833 | const lower = file.path.toLowerCase();
834 | const existing = this.files.get(lower);
835 | if (existing) {
836 | this.duplicates.add(lower);
837 | existing.push(file.path);
838 | }
839 | else {
840 | this.files.set(lower, [file.path]);
841 | }
842 | return file;
843 | }
844 | async onEnd() {
845 | if (this.duplicates.size === 0) {
846 | return;
847 | }
848 | const messages = [
849 | `The following files have the same case insensitive path, which isn't supported by the VSIX format:`,
850 | ];
851 | for (const lower of this.duplicates) {
852 | for (const filePath of this.files.get(lower)) {
853 | messages.push(` - ${filePath}`);
854 | }
855 | }
856 | throw new Error(messages.join('\n'));
857 | }
858 | }
859 | exports.ValidationProcessor = ValidationProcessor;
860 | function validateManifest(manifest) {
861 | (0, validation_1.validateExtensionName)(manifest.name);
862 | if (!manifest.version) {
863 | throw new Error('Manifest missing field: version');
864 | }
865 | if (manifest.pricing && !['Free', 'Trial'].includes(manifest.pricing)) {
866 | throw new Error('Pricing should be Free or Trial');
867 | }
868 | (0, validation_1.validateVersion)(manifest.version);
869 | if (!manifest.engines) {
870 | throw new Error('Manifest missing field: engines');
871 | }
872 | if (!manifest.engines['vscode']) {
873 | throw new Error('Manifest missing field: engines.vscode');
874 | }
875 | (0, validation_1.validateEngineCompatibility)(manifest.engines['vscode']);
876 | const hasActivationEvents = !!manifest.activationEvents;
877 | const hasMain = !!manifest.main;
878 | const hasBrowser = !!manifest.browser;
879 | if (hasActivationEvents) {
880 | if (!hasMain && !hasBrowser) {
881 | throw new Error("Manifest needs either a 'main' or 'browser' property, given it has a 'activationEvents' property.");
882 | }
883 | }
884 | else if (hasMain) {
885 | throw new Error("Manifest needs the 'activationEvents' property, given it has a 'main' property.");
886 | }
887 | else if (hasBrowser) {
888 | throw new Error("Manifest needs the 'activationEvents' property, given it has a 'browser' property.");
889 | }
890 | if (manifest.devDependencies && manifest.devDependencies['@types/vscode']) {
891 | (0, validation_1.validateVSCodeTypesCompatibility)(manifest.engines['vscode'], manifest.devDependencies['@types/vscode']);
892 | }
893 | if (/\.svg$/i.test(manifest.icon || '')) {
894 | throw new Error(`SVGs can't be used as icons: ${manifest.icon}`);
895 | }
896 | (manifest.badges ?? []).forEach(badge => {
897 | const decodedUrl = decodeURI(badge.url);
898 | const srcUrl = new url.URL(decodedUrl);
899 | if (!/^https:$/i.test(srcUrl.protocol)) {
900 | throw new Error(`Badge URLs must come from an HTTPS source: ${badge.url}`);
901 | }
902 | if (/\.svg$/i.test(srcUrl.pathname) && !isHostTrusted(srcUrl)) {
903 | throw new Error(`Badge SVGs are restricted. Please use other file image formats, such as PNG: ${badge.url}`);
904 | }
905 | });
906 | Object.keys(manifest.dependencies || {}).forEach(dep => {
907 | if (dep === 'vscode') {
908 | throw new Error(`You should not depend on 'vscode' in your 'dependencies'. Did you mean to add it to 'devDependencies'?`);
909 | }
910 | });
911 | if (manifest.extensionKind) {
912 | const extensionKinds = Array.isArray(manifest.extensionKind) ? manifest.extensionKind : [manifest.extensionKind];
913 | for (const kind of extensionKinds) {
914 | if (!ValidExtensionKinds.has(kind)) {
915 | throw new Error(`Manifest contains invalid value '${kind}' in the 'extensionKind' property. Allowed values are ${[
916 | ...ValidExtensionKinds,
917 | ]
918 | .map(k => `'${k}'`)
919 | .join(', ')}.`);
920 | }
921 | }
922 | }
923 | if (manifest.sponsor) {
924 | let isValidSponsorUrl = true;
925 | try {
926 | const sponsorUrl = new url.URL(manifest.sponsor.url);
927 | isValidSponsorUrl = /^(https|http):$/i.test(sponsorUrl.protocol);
928 | }
929 | catch (error) {
930 | isValidSponsorUrl = false;
931 | }
932 | if (!isValidSponsorUrl) {
933 | throw new Error(`Manifest contains invalid value '${manifest.sponsor.url}' in the 'sponsor' property. It must be a valid URL with a HTTP or HTTPS protocol.`);
934 | }
935 | }
936 | return manifest;
937 | }
938 | exports.validateManifest = validateManifest;
939 | function readManifest(cwd = process.cwd(), nls = true) {
940 | const manifestPath = path.join(cwd, 'package.json');
941 | const manifestNLSPath = path.join(cwd, 'package.nls.json');
942 | const manifest = fs.promises
943 | .readFile(manifestPath, 'utf8')
944 | .catch(() => Promise.reject(`Extension manifest not found: ${manifestPath}`))
945 | .then(manifestStr => {
946 | try {
947 | return Promise.resolve(JSON.parse(manifestStr));
948 | }
949 | catch (e) {
950 | return Promise.reject(`Error parsing 'package.json' manifest file: not a valid JSON file.`);
951 | }
952 | })
953 | .then(validateManifest);
954 | if (!nls) {
955 | return manifest;
956 | }
957 | const manifestNLS = fs.promises
958 | .readFile(manifestNLSPath, 'utf8')
959 | .catch(err => (err.code !== 'ENOENT' ? Promise.reject(err) : Promise.resolve('{}')))
960 | .then(raw => {
961 | try {
962 | return Promise.resolve(JSON.parse(raw));
963 | }
964 | catch (e) {
965 | return Promise.reject(`Error parsing JSON manifest translations file: ${manifestNLSPath}`);
966 | }
967 | });
968 | return Promise.all([manifest, manifestNLS]).then(([manifest, translations]) => {
969 | return (0, nls_1.patchNLS)(manifest, translations);
970 | });
971 | }
972 | exports.readManifest = readManifest;
973 | const escapeChars = new Map([
974 | ["'", '''],
975 | ['"', '"'],
976 | ['<', '<'],
977 | ['>', '>'],
978 | ['&', '&'],
979 | ]);
980 | function escape(value) {
981 | return String(value).replace(/(['"<>&])/g, (_, char) => escapeChars.get(char));
982 | }
983 | async function toVsixManifest(vsix) {
984 | return `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
985 | <PackageManifest Version="2.0.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/vsx-schema/2011" xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/vsx-schema-design/2011">
986 | <Metadata>
987 | <Identity Language="en-US" Id="${escape(vsix.id)}" Version="${escape(vsix.version)}" Publisher="${escape(vsix.publisher)}" ${vsix.target ? `TargetPlatform="${escape(vsix.target)}"` : ''}/>
988 | <DisplayName>${escape(vsix.displayName)}</DisplayName>
989 | <Description xml:space="preserve">${escape(vsix.description)}</Description>
990 | <Tags>${escape(vsix.tags)}</Tags>
991 | <Categories>${escape(vsix.categories)}</Categories>
992 | <GalleryFlags>${escape(vsix.flags)}</GalleryFlags>
993 | ${!vsix.badges
994 | ? ''
995 | : `<Badges>${vsix.badges
996 | .map(badge => `<Badge Link="${escape(badge.href)}" ImgUri="${escape(badge.url)}" Description="${escape(badge.description)}" />`)
997 | .join('\n')}</Badges>`}
998 | <Properties>
999 | <Property Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code.Engine" Value="${escape(vsix.engine)}" />
1000 | <Property Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code.ExtensionDependencies" Value="${escape(vsix.extensionDependencies)}" />
1001 | <Property Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code.ExtensionPack" Value="${escape(vsix.extensionPack)}" />
1002 | <Property Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code.ExtensionKind" Value="${escape(vsix.extensionKind)}" />
1003 | <Property Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code.LocalizedLanguages" Value="${escape(vsix.localizedLanguages)}" />
1004 | ${vsix.preRelease ? `<Property Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code.PreRelease" Value="${escape(vsix.preRelease)}" />` : ''}
1005 | ${vsix.sponsorLink
1006 | ? `<Property Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code.SponsorLink" Value="${escape(vsix.sponsorLink)}" />`
1007 | : ''}
1008 | ${!vsix.links.repository
1009 | ? ''
1010 | : `<Property Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Links.Source" Value="${escape(vsix.links.repository)}" />
1011 | <Property Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Links.Getstarted" Value="${escape(vsix.links.repository)}" />
1012 | ${vsix.links.github
1013 | ? `<Property Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Links.GitHub" Value="${escape(vsix.links.github)}" />`
1014 | : `<Property Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Links.Repository" Value="${escape(vsix.links.repository)}" />`}`}
1015 | ${vsix.links.bugs
1016 | ? `<Property Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Links.Support" Value="${escape(vsix.links.bugs)}" />`
1017 | : ''}
1018 | ${vsix.links.homepage
1019 | ? `<Property Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Links.Learn" Value="${escape(vsix.links.homepage)}" />`
1020 | : ''}
1021 | ${vsix.galleryBanner.color
1022 | ? `<Property Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Branding.Color" Value="${escape(vsix.galleryBanner.color)}" />`
1023 | : ''}
1024 | ${vsix.galleryBanner.theme
1025 | ? `<Property Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Branding.Theme" Value="${escape(vsix.galleryBanner.theme)}" />`
1026 | : ''}
1027 | <Property Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.GitHubFlavoredMarkdown" Value="${escape(vsix.githubMarkdown)}" />
1028 | <Property Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Content.Pricing" Value="${escape(vsix.pricing)}"/>
1029 |
1030 | ${vsix.enableMarketplaceQnA !== undefined
1031 | ? `<Property Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.EnableMarketplaceQnA" Value="${escape(vsix.enableMarketplaceQnA)}" />`
1032 | : ''}
1033 | ${vsix.customerQnALink !== undefined
1034 | ? `<Property Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.CustomerQnALink" Value="${escape(vsix.customerQnALink)}" />`
1035 | : ''}
1036 | </Properties>
1037 | ${vsix.license ? `<License>${escape(vsix.license)}</License>` : ''}
1038 | ${vsix.icon ? `<Icon>${escape(vsix.icon)}</Icon>` : ''}
1039 | </Metadata>
1040 | <Installation>
1041 | <InstallationTarget Id="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code"/>
1042 | </Installation>
1043 | <Dependencies/>
1044 | <Assets>
1045 | <Asset Type="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code.Manifest" Path="extension/package.json" Addressable="true" />
1046 | ${vsix.assets
1047 | .map(asset => `<Asset Type="${escape(asset.type)}" Path="${escape(asset.path)}" Addressable="true" />`)
1048 | .join('\n')}
1049 | </Assets>
1050 | </PackageManifest>`;
1051 | }
1052 | exports.toVsixManifest = toVsixManifest;
1053 | const defaultMimetypes = new Map([
1054 | ['.json', 'application/json'],
1055 | ['.vsixmanifest', 'text/xml'],
1056 | ]);
1057 | async function toContentTypes(files) {
1058 | const mimetypes = new Map(defaultMimetypes);
1059 | for (const file of files) {
1060 | const ext = path.extname(file.path).toLowerCase();
1061 | if (ext) {
1062 | mimetypes.set(ext, mime_1.default.lookup(ext));
1063 | }
1064 | }
1065 | const contentTypes = [];
1066 | for (const [extension, contentType] of mimetypes) {
1067 | contentTypes.push(`<Default Extension="${extension}" ContentType="${contentType}"/>`);
1068 | }
1069 | return `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
1070 | <Types xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/content-types">${contentTypes.join('')}</Types>
1071 | `;
1072 | }
1073 | exports.toContentTypes = toContentTypes;
1074 | const defaultIgnore = [
1075 | '.vscodeignore',
1076 | 'package-lock.json',
1077 | 'npm-debug.log',
1078 | 'yarn.lock',
1079 | 'yarn-error.log',
1080 | 'npm-shrinkwrap.json',
1081 | '.editorconfig',
1082 | '.npmrc',
1083 | '.yarnrc',
1084 | '.gitattributes',
1085 | '*.todo',
1086 | 'tslint.yaml',
1087 | '.eslintrc*',
1088 | '.babelrc*',
1089 | '.prettierrc*',
1090 | '.cz-config.js',
1091 | '.commitlintrc*',
1092 | 'webpack.config.js',
1093 | 'ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md',
1094 | 'CONTRIBUTING.md',
1096 | 'CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md',
1097 | '.github',
1098 | '.travis.yml',
1099 | 'appveyor.yml',
1100 | '**/.git/**',
1101 | '**/*.vsix',
1102 | '**/.DS_Store',
1103 | '**/*.vsixmanifest',
1104 | '**/.vscode-test/**',
1105 | '**/.vscode-test-web/**',
1106 | ];
1107 | const notIgnored = ['!package.json', '!README.md'];
1108 | async function collectAllFiles(cwd, dependencies, dependencyEntryPoints) {
1109 | const deps = await (0, npm_1.getDependencies)(cwd, dependencies, dependencyEntryPoints);
1110 | const promises = deps.map(dep => (0, util_1.promisify)(glob_1.default)('**', { cwd: dep, nodir: true, dot: true, ignore: 'node_modules/**' }).then(files => files.map(f => path.relative(cwd, path.join(dep, f))).map(f => f.replace(/\\/g, '/'))));
1111 | return Promise.all(promises).then(util.flatten);
1112 | }
1113 | function collectFiles(cwd, dependencies, dependencyEntryPoints, ignoreFile) {
1114 | return collectAllFiles(cwd, dependencies, dependencyEntryPoints).then(files => {
1115 | files = files.filter(f => !/\r$/m.test(f));
1116 | return (fs.promises
1117 | .readFile(ignoreFile ? ignoreFile : path.join(cwd, '.vscodeignore'), 'utf8')
1118 | .catch(err => err.code !== 'ENOENT' ? Promise.reject(err) : ignoreFile ? Promise.reject(err) : Promise.resolve(''))
1119 |
1120 | .then(rawIgnore => rawIgnore
1121 | .split(/[\n\r]/)
1122 | .map(s => s.trim())
1123 | .filter(s => !!s)
1124 | .filter(i => !/^\s*#/.test(i)))
1125 |
1126 | .then(ignore => [
1127 | ...ignore,
1128 | ...ignore.filter(i => !/(^|\/)[^/]*\*[^/]*$/.test(i)).map(i => (/\/$/.test(i) ? `${i}**` : `${i}/**`)),
1129 | ])
1130 |
1131 | .then(ignore => [...defaultIgnore, ...ignore, ...notIgnored])
1132 |
1133 | .then(ignore => ignore.reduce((r, e) => (!/^\s*!/.test(e) ? [[...r[0], e], r[1]] : [r[0], [...r[1], e]]), [[], []]))
1134 | .then(r => ({ ignore: r[0], negate: r[1] }))
1135 |
1136 | .then(({ ignore, negate }) => files.filter(f => !ignore.some(i => (0, minimatch_1.default)(f, i, MinimatchOptions)) ||
1137 | negate.some(i => (0, minimatch_1.default)(f, i.substr(1), MinimatchOptions)))));
1138 | });
1139 | }
1140 | function processFiles(processors, files) {
1141 | const processedFiles = files.map(file => util.chain(file, processors, (file, processor) => processor.onFile(file)));
1142 | return Promise.all(processedFiles).then(files => {
1143 | return util.sequence(processors.map(p => () => p.onEnd())).then(() => {
1144 | const assets = processors.reduce((r, p) => [...r, ...p.assets], []);
1145 | const tags = [
1146 | ...processors.reduce((r, p) => {
1147 | for (const tag of p.tags) {
1148 | if (tag) {
1149 | r.add(tag);
1150 | }
1151 | }
1152 | return r;
1153 | }, new Set()),
1154 | ].join(',');
1155 | const vsix = processors.reduce((r, p) => ({ ...r, ...p.vsix }), { assets, tags });
1156 | return Promise.all([toVsixManifest(vsix), toContentTypes(files)]).then(result => {
1157 | return [
1158 | { path: 'extension.vsixmanifest', contents: Buffer.from(result[0], 'utf8') },
1159 | { path: '[Content_Types].xml', contents: Buffer.from(result[1], 'utf8') },
1160 | ...files,
1161 | ];
1162 | });
1163 | });
1164 | });
1165 | }
1166 | exports.processFiles = processFiles;
1167 | function createDefaultProcessors(manifest, options = {}) {
1168 | return [
1169 | new ManifestProcessor(manifest, options),
1170 | new TagsProcessor(manifest),
1171 | new ReadmeProcessor(manifest, options),
1172 | new ChangelogProcessor(manifest, options),
1173 | new LaunchEntryPointProcessor(manifest),
1174 | new LicenseProcessor(manifest),
1175 | new IconProcessor(manifest),
1176 | new NLSProcessor(manifest),
1177 | new ValidationProcessor(manifest),
1178 | ];
1179 | }
1180 | exports.createDefaultProcessors = createDefaultProcessors;
1181 | function getDependenciesOption(options) {
1182 | if (options.dependencies === false) {
1183 | return 'none';
1184 | }
1185 | switch (options.useYarn) {
1186 | case true:
1187 | return 'yarn';
1188 | case false:
1189 | return 'npm';
1190 | default:
1191 | return undefined;
1192 | }
1193 | }
1194 | function collect(manifest, options = {}) {
1195 | const cwd = options.cwd || process.cwd();
1196 | const packagedDependencies = options.dependencyEntryPoints || undefined;
1197 | const ignoreFile = options.ignoreFile || undefined;
1198 | const processors = createDefaultProcessors(manifest, options);
1199 | return collectFiles(cwd, getDependenciesOption(options), packagedDependencies, ignoreFile).then(fileNames => {
1200 | const files = fileNames.map(f => ({ path: `extension/${f}`, localPath: path.join(cwd, f) }));
1201 | return processFiles(processors, files);
1202 | });
1203 | }
1204 | exports.collect = collect;
1205 | function writeVsix(files, packagePath) {
1206 | return fs.promises
1207 | .unlink(packagePath)
1208 | .catch(err => (err.code !== 'ENOENT' ? Promise.reject(err) : Promise.resolve(null)))
1209 | .then(() => new Promise((c, e) => {
1210 | const zip = new yazl.ZipFile();
1211 | files.forEach(f => isInMemoryFile(f)
1212 | ? zip.addBuffer(typeof f.contents === 'string' ? Buffer.from(f.contents, 'utf8') : f.contents, f.path, {
1213 | mode: f.mode,
1214 | })
1215 | : zip.addFile(f.localPath, f.path, { mode: f.mode }));
1216 | zip.end();
1217 | const zipStream = fs.createWriteStream(packagePath);
1218 | zip.outputStream.pipe(zipStream);
1219 | zip.outputStream.once('error', e);
1220 | zipStream.once('error', e);
1221 | zipStream.once('finish', () => c());
1222 | }));
1223 | }
1224 | function getDefaultPackageName(manifest, options) {
1225 | let version = manifest.version;
1226 | if (options.version && !(options.updatePackageJson ?? true)) {
1227 | version = options.version;
1228 | }
1229 | if (options.target) {
1230 | return `${manifest.name}-${options.target}-${version}.vsix`;
1231 | }
1232 | return `${manifest.name}-${version}.vsix`;
1233 | }
1234 | async function prepublish(cwd, manifest, useYarn) {
1235 | if (!manifest.scripts || !manifest.scripts['vscode:prepublish']) {
1236 | return;
1237 | }
1238 | if (useYarn === undefined) {
1239 | useYarn = await (0, npm_1.detectYarn)(cwd);
1240 | }
1241 | console.log(`Executing prepublish script '${useYarn ? 'yarn' : 'npm'} run vscode:prepublish'...`);
1242 | await new Promise((c, e) => {
1243 | const tool = useYarn ? 'yarn' : 'npm';
1244 | const child = cp.spawn(tool, ['run', 'vscode:prepublish'], { cwd, shell: true, stdio: 'inherit' });
1245 | child.on('exit', code => (code === 0 ? c() : e(`${tool} failed with exit code ${code}`)));
1246 | child.on('error', e);
1247 | });
1248 | }
1249 | exports.prepublish = prepublish;
1250 | async function getPackagePath(cwd, manifest, options = {}) {
1251 | if (!options.packagePath) {
1252 | return path.join(cwd, getDefaultPackageName(manifest, options));
1253 | }
1254 | try {
1255 | const _stat = await fs.promises.stat(options.packagePath);
1256 | if (_stat.isDirectory()) {
1257 | return path.join(options.packagePath, getDefaultPackageName(manifest, options));
1258 | }
1259 | else {
1260 | return options.packagePath;
1261 | }
1262 | }
1263 | catch {
1264 | return options.packagePath;
1265 | }
1266 | }
1267 | async function pack(options = {}) {
1268 | const cwd = options.cwd || process.cwd();
1269 | const manifest = await readManifest(cwd);
1270 | const files = await collect(manifest, options);
1271 | const jsFiles = files.filter(f => /\.js$/i.test(f.path));
1272 | if (files.length > 5000 || jsFiles.length > 100) {
1273 | console.log(`This extension consists of ${files.length} files, out of which ${jsFiles.length} are JavaScript files. For performance reasons, you should bundle your extension: https://aka.ms/vscode-bundle-extension . You should also exclude unnecessary files by adding them to your .vscodeignore: https://aka.ms/vscode-vscodeignore`);
1274 | }
1275 | if (options.version) {
1276 | manifest.version = options.version;
1277 | }
1278 | const packagePath = await getPackagePath(cwd, manifest, options);
1279 | await writeVsix(files, path.resolve(packagePath));
1280 | return { manifest, packagePath, files };
1281 | }
1282 | exports.pack = pack;
1283 | async function packageCommand(options = {}) {
1284 | const cwd = options.cwd || process.cwd();
1285 | const manifest = await readManifest(cwd);
1286 | util.patchOptionsWithManifest(options, manifest);
1287 | await prepublish(cwd, manifest, options.useYarn);
1288 | await versionBump(options);
1289 | const { packagePath, files } = await pack(options);
1290 | const stats = await fs.promises.stat(packagePath);
1291 | let size = 0;
1292 | let unit = '';
1293 | if (stats.size > 1048576) {
1294 | size = Math.round(stats.size / 10485.76) / 100;
1295 | unit = 'MB';
1296 | }
1297 | else {
1298 | size = Math.round(stats.size / 10.24) / 100;
1299 | unit = 'KB';
1300 | }
1301 | util.log.done(`Packaged: ${packagePath} (${files.length} files, ${size}${unit})`);
1302 | }
1303 | exports.packageCommand = packageCommand;
1304 |
1305 |
1306 |
1307 | async function listFiles(options = {}) {
1308 | const cwd = options.cwd ?? process.cwd();
1309 | const manifest = await readManifest(cwd);
1310 | if (options.prepublish) {
1311 | await prepublish(cwd, manifest, options.useYarn);
1312 | }
1313 | return await collectFiles(cwd, getDependenciesOption(options), options.packagedDependencies, options.ignoreFile);
1314 | }
1315 | exports.listFiles = listFiles;
1316 |
1317 |
1318 |
1319 | async function ls(options = {}) {
1320 | const files = await listFiles({ ...options, prepublish: true });
1321 | for (const file of files) {
1322 | console.log(`${file}`);
1323 | }
1324 | }
1325 | exports.ls = ls;
1326 |
\ | No newline at end of file |