1 | "use strict";
2 | var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
3 | if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
4 | Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });
5 | }) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
6 | if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
7 | o[k2] = m[k];
8 | }));
9 | var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
10 | Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
11 | }) : function(o, v) {
12 | o["default"] = v;
13 | });
14 | var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
15 | if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
16 | var result = {};
17 | if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
18 | __setModuleDefault(result, mod);
19 | return result;
20 | };
21 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
22 | exports.listPublishers = exports.deletePublisher = exports.logoutPublisher = exports.loginPublisher = exports.getPublisher = exports.verifyPat = exports.KeytarStore = exports.FileStore = void 0;
23 | const fs = __importStar(require("fs"));
24 | const path = __importStar(require("path"));
25 | const os_1 = require("os");
26 | const util_1 = require("./util");
27 | const validation_1 = require("./validation");
28 | const package_1 = require("./package");
29 | class FileStore {
30 | constructor(path, publishers) {
31 | this.path = path;
32 | this.publishers = publishers;
33 | }
34 | static async open(path = FileStore.DefaultPath) {
35 | try {
36 | const rawStore = await fs.promises.readFile(path, 'utf8');
37 | return new FileStore(path, JSON.parse(rawStore).publishers);
38 | }
39 | catch (err) {
40 | if (err.code === 'ENOENT') {
41 | return new FileStore(path, []);
42 | }
43 | else if (/SyntaxError/.test(err)) {
44 | throw new Error(`Error parsing file store: ${path}`);
45 | }
46 | throw err;
47 | }
48 | }
49 | get size() {
50 | return this.publishers.length;
51 | }
52 | async save() {
53 | await fs.promises.writeFile(this.path, JSON.stringify({ publishers: this.publishers }), { mode: '0600' });
54 | }
55 | async deleteStore() {
56 | try {
57 | await fs.promises.unlink(this.path);
58 | }
59 | catch {
60 |
61 | }
62 | }
63 | get(name) {
64 | return this.publishers.filter(p => p.name === name)[0];
65 | }
66 | async add(publisher) {
67 | this.publishers = [...this.publishers.filter(p => p.name !== publisher.name), publisher];
68 | await this.save();
69 | }
70 | async delete(name) {
71 | this.publishers = this.publishers.filter(p => p.name !== name);
72 | await this.save();
73 | }
74 | [Symbol.iterator]() {
75 | return this.publishers[Symbol.iterator]();
76 | }
77 | }
78 | exports.FileStore = FileStore;
79 | FileStore.DefaultPath = path.join((0, os_1.homedir)(), '.vsce');
80 | class KeytarStore {
81 | constructor(keytar, serviceName, publishers) {
82 | this.keytar = keytar;
83 | this.serviceName = serviceName;
84 | this.publishers = publishers;
85 | }
86 | static async open(serviceName = 'vscode-vsce') {
87 | const keytar = await Promise.resolve().then(() => __importStar(require('keytar')));
88 | const creds = await keytar.findCredentials(serviceName);
89 | return new KeytarStore(keytar, serviceName, creds.map(({ account, password }) => ({ name: account, pat: password })));
90 | }
91 | get size() {
92 | return this.publishers.length;
93 | }
94 | get(name) {
95 | return this.publishers.filter(p => p.name === name)[0];
96 | }
97 | async add(publisher) {
98 | this.publishers = [...this.publishers.filter(p => p.name !== publisher.name), publisher];
99 | await this.keytar.setPassword(this.serviceName, publisher.name, publisher.pat);
100 | }
101 | async delete(name) {
102 | this.publishers = this.publishers.filter(p => p.name !== name);
103 | await this.keytar.deletePassword(this.serviceName, name);
104 | }
105 | [Symbol.iterator]() {
106 | return this.publishers[Symbol.iterator]();
107 | }
108 | }
109 | exports.KeytarStore = KeytarStore;
110 | async function verifyPat(pat, publisherName) {
111 | if (!pat) {
112 | throw new Error('The Personal Access Token is mandatory.');
113 | }
114 | if (!publisherName) {
115 | try {
116 | publisherName = (await (0, package_1.readManifest)()).publisher;
117 | }
118 | catch (error) {
119 | throw new Error(`Can not read the publisher's name. Either supply it as an argument or run vsce from the extension folder. Additional information:\n\n${error}`);
120 | }
121 | }
122 | try {
123 |
124 |
125 |
126 | const api = await (0, util_1.getSecurityRolesAPI)(pat);
127 | await api.getRoleAssignments('gallery.publisher', publisherName);
128 | }
129 | catch (error) {
130 | throw new Error('The Personal Access Token verification has failed. Additional information:\n\n' + error);
131 | }
132 | console.log(`The Personal Access Token verification succeeded for the publisher '${publisherName}'.`);
133 | }
134 | exports.verifyPat = verifyPat;
135 | async function requestPAT(publisherName) {
136 | console.log('https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/manage/publishers/');
137 | const pat = await (0, util_1.read)(`Personal Access Token for publisher '${publisherName}':`, { silent: true, replace: '*' });
138 | await verifyPat(pat, publisherName);
139 | return pat;
140 | }
141 | async function openDefaultStore() {
142 | if (/^file$/i.test(process.env['VSCE_STORE'] ?? '')) {
143 | return await FileStore.open();
144 | }
145 | let keytarStore;
146 | try {
147 | keytarStore = await KeytarStore.open();
148 | }
149 | catch (err) {
150 | const store = await FileStore.open();
151 | util_1.log.warn(`Failed to open credential store. Falling back to storing secrets clear-text in: ${store.path}`);
152 | return store;
153 | }
154 | const fileStore = await FileStore.open();
155 |
156 | if (fileStore.size) {
157 | for (const publisher of fileStore) {
158 | await keytarStore.add(publisher);
159 | }
160 | await fileStore.deleteStore();
161 | util_1.log.info(`Migrated ${fileStore.size} publishers to system credential manager. Deleted local store '${fileStore.path}'.`);
162 | }
163 | return keytarStore;
164 | }
165 | async function getPublisher(publisherName) {
166 | (0, validation_1.validatePublisher)(publisherName);
167 | const store = await openDefaultStore();
168 | let publisher = store.get(publisherName);
169 | if (publisher) {
170 | return publisher;
171 | }
172 | const pat = await requestPAT(publisherName);
173 | publisher = { name: publisherName, pat };
174 | await store.add(publisher);
175 | return publisher;
176 | }
177 | exports.getPublisher = getPublisher;
178 | async function loginPublisher(publisherName) {
179 | (0, validation_1.validatePublisher)(publisherName);
180 | const store = await openDefaultStore();
181 | let publisher = store.get(publisherName);
182 | if (publisher) {
183 | console.log(`Publisher '${publisherName}' is already known`);
184 | const answer = await (0, util_1.read)('Do you want to overwrite its PAT? [y/N] ');
185 | if (!/^y$/i.test(answer)) {
186 | throw new Error('Aborted');
187 | }
188 | }
189 | const pat = await requestPAT(publisherName);
190 | publisher = { name: publisherName, pat };
191 | await store.add(publisher);
192 | return publisher;
193 | }
194 | exports.loginPublisher = loginPublisher;
195 | async function logoutPublisher(publisherName) {
196 | (0, validation_1.validatePublisher)(publisherName);
197 | const store = await openDefaultStore();
198 | const publisher = store.get(publisherName);
199 | if (!publisher) {
200 | throw new Error(`Unknown publisher '${publisherName}'`);
201 | }
202 | await store.delete(publisherName);
203 | }
204 | exports.logoutPublisher = logoutPublisher;
205 | async function deletePublisher(publisherName) {
206 | const publisher = await getPublisher(publisherName);
207 | const answer = await (0, util_1.read)(`This will FOREVER delete '${publisherName}'! Are you sure? [y/N] `);
208 | if (!/^y$/i.test(answer)) {
209 | throw new Error('Aborted');
210 | }
211 | const api = await (0, util_1.getGalleryAPI)(publisher.pat);
212 | await api.deletePublisher(publisherName);
213 | const store = await openDefaultStore();
214 | await store.delete(publisherName);
215 | util_1.log.done(`Deleted publisher '${publisherName}'.`);
216 | }
217 | exports.deletePublisher = deletePublisher;
218 | async function listPublishers() {
219 | const store = await openDefaultStore();
220 | for (const publisher of store) {
221 | console.log(publisher.name);
222 | }
223 | }
224 | exports.listPublishers = listPublishers;
225 |
\ | No newline at end of file |