1 | 5.3.1 / 2023-02-24
2 | ================
3 | * Fixing bugs in the sort feature
4 |
5 | 5.3.0 / 2023-02-15
6 | ================
7 | * new API `LanguageService.sort` for sorting all properties in a JSON document
8 | * new API `SortOptions`
9 |
10 | 5.2.0 / 2023-02-02
11 | ================
12 | * Added `SchemaConfiguration.folderUri` for folder-specific schema associations
13 |
14 | 5.1.1 / 2022-08/19
15 | ================
16 | * new type `SchemaDraft`, representing the offical JSON schema draft versions
17 | * new property `DocumentLanguageSettings.schemaDraft` to specify the schema version to use, if the schema does not contain a `$schema` property
18 |
19 | 5.1.0 / 2022-07-11
20 | ================
21 | * new API option `FormattingOptions.keepLines` to indicate the formatter should keep the initial line positions
22 |
23 | 5.0.0 / 2022-05-17
24 | ================
25 | * Update to `vscode-languageserver-types@3.17`
26 | * Add more schema support
27 | * Schema 2019-09: unevaluatedProperties, unevaluatedItems, minContains, maxContains, deprecated, dependentRequired, dependentSchemas, $defs, $anchor
28 | * Schema 2020-12: prefixItem
29 |
30 | 4.2.0 / 2022-01-25
31 | ================
32 | * new API `LanguageService.getLanguageStatus`
33 | * support for $ref with $id
34 |
35 | 4.1.6 / 2021-07-16
36 | ================
37 | * Replace minimatch with glob-to-regexp
38 |
39 | 4.1.0 / 2021-04-24
40 | ================
41 | * `SchemaConfiguration.fileMatch` now supports glob patterns (e.g. /foo/**/bar.json')
42 |
43 | 4.0.0 / 2020-12-14
44 | ================
45 | * Update to `vscode-languageserver-types@3.16`
46 | * Removed deprecated `findColorSymbols`
47 |
48 | 3.11.0 / 2020-11-30
49 | ================
50 | * new API `FormattingOptions.insertFinalNewline`
51 |
52 | 3.10.0 / 2020-11-03
53 | ================
54 | * new API `findLinks` return links for local `$ref` links. Replaces `findDefinition` which no longer returns results ( kept for API compatibility)
55 |
56 | 3.9.0 / 2020-09-28
57 | =================
58 | * new API `DocumentLanguageSettings.schemaValidation`. The severity of problems from schema validation. If set to 'ignore', schema validation will be skipped. If not set, 'warning' is used.
59 | * new API `DocumentLanguageSettings.schemaRequest`. The severity of problems that occurred while resolving and loading schemas. If set to 'ignore', schema resolving problems are not reported. If not set, 'warning' is used.
60 |
61 | 3.8.0 / 2020-08-02
62 | =================
63 | * new API `LanguageService.getMatchingSchemas`. Matches a document against its schema and list all AST nodes along with the matching sub schemas.
64 |
65 | 3.7.0 / 2020-06-04
66 | ==================
67 | * New API `JSONSchema.suggestSortText` to set the sort order of completion proposals (VS Code specific JSON schema extension)
68 |
69 | 3.6.0 / 2020-04-27
70 | ==================
71 | * New API `findDefinition` to find a definition of a `$ref` link
72 |
73 | 3.5.0 / 2020-02-20
74 | ==================
75 | * Support for exclusive file pattern starting with '!'. A file match consists of an array of patterns. A match succeeds when there is at least one pattern matching and last matching pattern does not start with '!'.
76 |
77 | 3.4.4 / 2019-11-04
78 | ==================
79 | * Using `vscode-languageserver-textdocument` for TextDocument
80 |
81 | 3.4.0 / 2019-10-28
82 | ==================
83 | * Added `DocumentSymbolsContext` and `ColorInformationContext` with `resultLimit` and `onResultLimitExceeded`. `onResultLimitExceeded` is called when the result was cropped.
84 | * Added commit characters for completion proposals (if supported by ClientCapabilities)
85 | * Warn when using draft-03 or draft-08 schemas
86 |
87 | 3.3.4 / 2019-09-20
88 | ==================
89 | * Renamed `schema.allowsTrailingCommas` -> `schema.allowTrailingCommas`
90 |
91 | 3.3.3 / 2019-08-29
92 | ==================
93 | * Schemas can configure whether comments and/or trailing commas are permitted.
94 |
95 | 3.3.0 / 2019-06-12
96 | ==================
97 | * New API `LanguageService.getSelectionRanges` to get semantic selection ranges.
98 | * Manage schema dependencies so that `resetSchema` also resets schemas that depend on the schema.
99 |
100 | 3.2.0 / 2018-09-27
101 | ==================
102 | * New API `LanguageServiceParams.ClientCapabilities` to define what LSP capabilities the client supports.
103 | * For the best experiences, clients should always use `LanguageServiceParams.ClientCapabilities.LATEST`, which has all the latest LSP capabilities enabled.
104 | * `LanguageServiceParams.ClientCapabilities` can allow `MarkupKind.Markdown` as valid documentationFormat (used by completions if schemas use `markdownDescription` or `markdownEnumDescriptions`).
105 | * Snippets can now provide the description also in markdown format.
106 | * Bundled draft-07-schema with descriptions.
107 | * Propose `examples` in code completions.
108 |
109 | 3.1.5 / 2018-08-14
110 | ==================
111 | * support for JSON schema draft-07
112 | * New API `LanguageService.findDocumentSymbols2` to get document symbols as `DocumentSymbol[]`
113 |
114 | 3.1.2 / 2018-07-25
115 | ==================
116 | * New API `LanguageService.getFoldingRanges`
117 | * doValidation can also be used with a given schema
118 |
119 | 3.1.0 / 2018-04-09
120 | ==================
121 | * new APIs: `newJSONDocument` to create a JSON document from a custom AST
122 | * new API types: ObjectASTNode, PropertyASTNode, ArrayASTNode, StringASTNode, NumberASTNode, BooleanASTNode, NullASTNode that allow creating a custom AST
123 |
124 | 3.0.9 / 2018-03-07
125 | ==================
126 | * Provide ems modules in lib/esm
127 |
128 | 3.0.2 / 2017-01-27
129 | ==================
130 | * Added document specific validation parameters: `DocumentLanguageSettings`
131 | * API to define the severity of reported comments and trailing commas (`DocumentLanguageSettings.comments`, `DocumentLanguageSettings.trailingCommas`)
132 |
133 | 3.0.0 / 2017-01-11
134 | ==================
135 | * Changed parameters of API `LanguageService.getColorPresentations` to separate color and range
136 | .
137 | 2.0.19 / 2017-09-21
138 | ===================
139 | * New API `LanguageService.getColorPresentations` returning presentations for a given color.
140 | * New API type `ColorPresentation` added.
141 |
142 | 2.0.15 / 2017-08-28
143 | ===================
144 | * New API `LanguageService.findDocumentColors` returning the location and value of all colors in a document.
145 | * New API types `ColorInformation` and `Color` added.
146 | * Deprecated `LanguageService.findColorSymbols`. Use `LanguageService.findDocumentColors` instead.
147 |
148 | 2.0.8 / 2017-04-25
149 | ==================
150 | * error code for CommentsNotAllowed
151 |
152 | 2.0.5 / 2017-03-27
153 | ==================
154 | * Add new API findColorSymbols that returns all color values in a JSON document. To mark a value as a color, specify `"format": "color"` in the schema.
155 |
156 | 2.0.4 / 2017-02-27
157 | ==================
158 | * Support for custom schema property 'patternErrorMessage'. The message is used as error message if the object is of type string and has a 'pattern' property that does not match the object to validate.
159 |
160 | 2.0.1 / 2017-02-21
161 | ==================
162 | * Fixes for formatting content with errors
163 |
164 | 2.0.0 / 2017-02-17
165 | ==================
166 | * Updating to [language server type 3.0](https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-languageserver-node/tree/master/types) API