2.86 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { URI } from './uri';
2export declare namespace Utils {
3 /**
4 * Joins one or more input paths to the path of URI.
5 * '/' is used as the directory separation character.
6 *
7 * The resolved path will be normalized. That means:
8 * - all '..' and '.' segments are resolved.
9 * - multiple, sequential occurences of '/' are replaced by a single instance of '/'.
10 * - trailing separators are preserved.
11 *
12 * @param uri The input URI.
13 * @param paths The paths to be joined with the path of URI.
14 * @returns A URI with the joined path. All other properties of the URI (scheme, authority, query, fragments, ...) will be taken from the input URI.
15 */
16 function joinPath(uri: URI, ...paths: string[]): URI;
17 /**
18 * Resolves one or more paths against the path of a URI.
19 * '/' is used as the directory separation character.
20 *
21 * The resolved path will be normalized. That means:
22 * - all '..' and '.' segments are resolved.
23 * - multiple, sequential occurences of '/' are replaced by a single instance of '/'.
24 * - trailing separators are removed.
25 *
26 * @param uri The input URI.
27 * @param paths The paths to resolve against the path of URI.
28 * @returns A URI with the resolved path. All other properties of the URI (scheme, authority, query, fragments, ...) will be taken from the input URI.
29 */
30 function resolvePath(uri: URI, ...paths: string[]): URI;
31 /**
32 * Returns a URI where the path is the directory name of the input uri, similar to the Unix dirname command.
33 * In the path, '/' is recognized as the directory separation character. Trailing directory separators are ignored.
34 * The orignal URI is returned if the URIs path is empty or does not contain any path segments.
35 *
36 * @param uri The input URI.
37 * @return The last segment of the URIs path.
38 */
39 function dirname(uri: URI): URI;
40 /**
41 * Returns the last segment of the path of a URI, similar to the Unix basename command.
42 * In the path, '/' is recognized as the directory separation character. Trailing directory separators are ignored.
43 * The empty string is returned if the URIs path is empty or does not contain any path segments.
44 *
45 * @param uri The input URI.
46 * @return The base name of the URIs path.
47 */
48 function basename(uri: URI): string;
49 /**
50 * Returns the extension name of the path of a URI, similar to the Unix extname command.
51 * In the path, '/' is recognized as the directory separation character. Trailing directory separators are ignored.
52 * The empty string is returned if the URIs path is empty or does not contain any path segments.
53 *
54 * @param uri The input URI.
55 * @return The extension name of the URIs path.
56 */
57 function extname(uri: URI): string;