759 BTypeScriptView Raw
1import { NodePath } from 'ast-types/lib/node-path';
2import Documentation, { ParamTag, ParamType, Tag, SlotDescriptor } from '../Documentation';
3export interface TypedParamTag extends ParamTag {
4 type: ParamType;
7 * Extract slots information form the render function of an object-style VueJs component
8 * @param documentation
9 * @param path
10 */
11export default function slotHandler(documentation: Documentation, path: NodePath): Promise<void>;
12type SlotComment = Pick<SlotDescriptor, 'bindings'>;
13export declare function getSlotComment(path: NodePath, descriptor: SlotDescriptor): SlotComment | undefined;
14export declare function parseSlotDocBlock(str: string, descriptor: SlotDescriptor): {
15 bindings: (ParamTag | Tag)[];
16} | undefined;
17export {};