1 | # vue-functional-data-merge
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10 |
11 | Vue.js util for intelligently merging data passed to functional components. (1K
12 | => 0.5K gzipped)
13 |
14 | - [Getting Started](#getting-started)
15 | - [Why do I need this util?](#why-do-i-need-this-util)
16 | - [Scoped Styles](#scoped-styles)
17 | - [Performance](#performance)
18 |
19 | ## Getting Started
20 |
21 | Load the util from npm:
22 |
23 | ```sh
24 | # NPM:
25 | npm i vue-functional-data-merge
26 |
27 | # Yarn:
28 | yarn add vue-functional-data-merge
29 | ```
30 |
31 | Now import and use it in your functional component declaration:
32 |
33 | ```js
34 | // MyFunctionalComponent.js
35 |
36 | // ESM
37 | import { mergeData } from "vue-functional-data-merge";
38 | // Common JS
39 | const { mergeData } = require("vue-functional-data-merge/dist/lib.common.js");
40 |
41 | export default {
42 | name: "my-functional-component",
43 | functional: true,
44 | props: ["foo", "bar", "baz"],
45 | render(h, { props, data, children }) {
46 | const componentData = {
47 | staticClass: "fn-component", // concatenates all static classes
48 | class: {
49 | // object|Array|string all get merged and preserved
50 | active: props.foo,
51 | "special-class": props.bar,
52 | },
53 | attrs: {
54 | id: "my-functional-component", // now overrides any id placed on the component
55 | },
56 | on: {
57 | // Event handlers are merged to an array of handlers at each event.
58 | // The last data object passed to `mergeData` will have it's event handlers called first.
59 | // Right-most arguments are prepended to event handler array.
60 | click(e) {
61 | alert(props.baz);
62 | },
63 | },
64 | };
65 |
66 | return h("div", mergeData(data, componentData), children);
67 | },
68 | };
69 | ```
70 |
71 | ## Why do I need this util?
72 |
73 | When writing functional Vue components, the render function receives a
74 | `context.data` object
75 | ([see vue docs](https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/render-function.html#Functional-Components)).
76 | This object that contains the entire data object passed to the component (the
77 | shape of which
78 | [can be found here](https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/render-function.html#The-Data-Object-In-Depth)).
79 | In order to write flexible components, the data object used to create the
80 | component must be merged with the data received. If not, only the properties
81 | defined by the component will be rendered.
82 |
83 | Consider this example:
84 |
85 | ```js
86 | // MyBtn.js
87 | export default {
88 | name: "my-btn",
89 | props: ["variant"],
90 | functional: true,
91 | render(h, { props, children }) {
92 | return h(
93 | "button",
94 | {
95 | staticClass: "btn",
96 | class: [`btn-${props.variant}`],
97 | attrs: { type: "button" },
98 | },
99 | children
100 | );
101 | },
102 | };
103 | ```
104 |
105 | This exports a functional button component that applies a base `.btn` class and
106 | a `.btn-<variant>` class based on the `variant` prop passed to the component.
107 | It's just a simple wrapper around some Bootstrap styling to make repetitive
108 | usage simpler. Usage would look like this:
109 |
110 | ```html
111 | <template>
112 | <form>
113 | <input type="text" placeholder="Name" required>
114 | <input type="email" placeholder="email" required>
115 | <my-btn variant="primary" type="submit" id="form-submit-btn" @click="onClick">Submit</my-btn>
116 | </form>
117 | </template>
118 | ```
119 |
120 | We've used our Bootstrap button component in a form and conveniently applied the
121 | `primary` variant, but we also wanted to change the button `type` from `button`
122 | to `submit`, give it an `id`, and attach a click handler. This won't work
123 | because we haven't passed the attributes, listeners, etc. to the create element
124 | call in the component's render function.
125 |
126 | To fix this, we might extract out props, merge listeners/attributes, etc. This
127 | works well, but gets verbose fast when attempting to support all dom attributes,
128 | event listeners, etc. One might think to simply use Object spread or
129 | `Object.assign` to solve this like so:
130 |
131 | ```js
132 | return h("button", { ...context.data, ...componentData }, children);
133 | ```
134 |
135 | Now when we try to add any dom attributes, Object spread is essentially
136 | performing something like this:
137 |
138 | ```js
139 | Object.assign(
140 | {},
141 | {
142 | props: { variant: "primary" },
143 | attrs: { id: "form-submit-btn", type: "submit" }
144 | on: { click: onClick }
145 | },
146 | {
147 | staticClass: "btn",
148 | class: [`btn-${props.variant}`],
149 | attrs: { type: "button" },
150 | on: {
151 | click() {
152 | alert("Hello from MyBtn!")
153 | }
154 | }
155 | }
156 | )
157 | ```
158 |
159 | The component data will wipe out all the context's `attrs` and `on` handlers as
160 | `Object.assign` merges these properties. This is where the `mergeData` util can
161 | help you. It will dig into the nested properties of the `context.data` and apply
162 | different merge strategies for each data property. `mergeData` works like a
163 | nested `Object.assign` in that the util has a variadic argument length—you
164 | can pass any number of arguments to it, and they will all be merged from left to
165 | right (the right most arguments taking merge priority). You don't have to pass a
166 | new target object as the first argument, as the return value will always be a
167 | fresh object.
168 |
169 | ## Scoped Styles
170 |
171 | You may run into cases where you are using a functional component in another
172 | component with scoped styles. This would look something like this:
173 |
174 | ```html
175 | <template>
176 | <button class="my-class">
177 | <slot></slot>
178 | </button>
179 | </template>
180 | <style scoped>
181 | .my-class {
182 | text-align: center;
183 | }
184 | </style>
185 | ```
186 |
187 | This will generate data attributes on the component elements and the css
188 | selector.
189 |
190 | ```html
191 | <style>
192 | .my-class[data-v-f3f3eg9] {
193 | text-align: center;
194 | }
195 | </style>
196 |
197 | <button data-v-f3f3eg9 class="my-class">
198 | Click me!
199 | </button>
200 | ```
201 |
202 | When a parent component with scoped styles makes use of a functional component,
203 | the data attribute won't be passed down automatically. Instead, you must pull
204 | this attribute out manually and add it to the `VNodeData` used in a render
205 | function's `createElement` call. Doing this requires reaching into Vue
206 | internals, which can be risky due to the private nature of the API and its
207 | potential to change. For that reason, this is not supported in this util.
208 |
209 | However, this util can make that manual merging easier by conforming to the
210 | `VNodeData` shape required by `mergeData` and Vue itself. Here is an example of
211 | a helper function to manually extract a parent's style scope id and
212 | conditionally apply it in the functional component's render function.
213 |
214 | ```js
215 | const FunctionalComponent = {
216 | functional: true,
217 | render(createElement, context) {
218 | let { parent, data, children } = context;
219 | let componentData = { class: "my-class" };
220 |
221 | return createElement(
222 | "button",
223 | mergeData(data, getScopedStyleData(parent), componentData),
224 | children
225 | );
226 | },
227 | };
228 |
229 | /**
230 | * @param {Vue} parent
231 | * @returns {VNodeData}
232 | */
233 | export function getScopedStyleData(parent) {
234 | let data = { attrs: {} };
235 |
236 | if (parent.$options._scopeId) {
237 | data.attrs[`data-v-${parent.$options._scopeId}`] = "";
238 | }
239 |
240 | return data;
241 | }
242 | ```
243 |
244 | ## Performance
245 |
246 | This util was written with performance in mind. Since functional components are
247 | perfect for components that are stateless and have many nodes rendered, the
248 | `mergeData` util is expected to be called extensively. As such, minimal variable
249 | allocations are made as well as minimal internal function calls _(for loops are
250 | preferred over `map`, `reduce`, & `forEach` to avoid adding stack frames)_.
251 | TypeScript is used with Vue typings to ensure the most accurate merge strategy
252 | for each property of the `context.data` object. You can run the benchmark
253 | yourself, but simple merges run at ~1,000,000 ops/sec and complex merges at
254 | ~400,000 ops/sec.