1 | # Vue GitHub Buttons
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9 |
10 | :octocat: GitHub buttons component for Vue.
11 |
12 | - [Vue GitHub Buttons](#vue-github-buttons)
13 | - [Installation](#installation)
14 | - [Demo](#demo)
15 | - [Usage](#usage)
16 | - [Using with Nuxt](#using-with-nuxt)
17 | - [Module options](#module-options)
18 | - [`css`](#css)
19 | - [`useCache`](#usecache)
20 | - [Using with VuePress](#using-with-vuepress)
21 | - [API](#api)
22 | - [Plugin Options](#plugin-options)
23 | - [`useCache`](#usecache-1)
24 | - [Components](#components)
25 | - [`gh-btns-watch`](#gh-btns-watch)
26 | - [`gh-btns-star`](#gh-btns-star)
27 | - [`gh-btns-fork`](#gh-btns-fork)
28 | - [`gh-btns-follow`](#gh-btns-follow)
29 |
30 | ## Installation
31 |
32 | Via [NPM](https://www.npmjs.com):
33 |
34 | [![NPM](https://nodei.co/npm/vue-github-buttons.png?downloads=true&downloadRank=true&stars=true)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/vue-github-buttons)
35 |
36 | ```bash
37 | npm install -save vue-github-buttons
38 | ```
39 |
40 | Via [Yarn](https://yarnpkg.com):
41 |
42 | ```bash
43 | yarn add vue-github-buttons
44 | ```
45 |
46 | ## Demo
47 | Go to https://gluons.github.io/vue-github-buttons
48 |
49 | ## Usage
50 |
51 | ```javascript
52 | import Vue from 'vue';
53 | import VueGitHubButtons from 'vue-github-buttons';
54 | import App from './App.vue';
55 |
56 | // Stylesheet
57 | import 'vue-github-buttons/dist/vue-github-buttons.css';
58 |
59 | Vue.use(VueGitHubButtons);
60 | // Or if your don't want to use cache
61 | Vue.use(VueGitHubButtons, { useCache: false });
62 |
63 | new Vue({
64 | el: '#app',
65 | render: h => h(App)
66 | });
67 | ```
68 |
69 | ```vue
70 | <template>
71 | <div id="app">
72 | <gh-btns-watch slug="vuejs/vue" show-count></gh-btns-watch>
73 | <gh-btns-star slug="vuejs/vue" show-count></gh-btns-star>
74 | <gh-btns-fork slug="vuejs/vue" show-count></gh-btns-fork>
75 | <gh-btns-follow user="yyx990803" show-count></gh-btns-follow>
76 | </div>
77 | </template>
78 |
79 | <script>
80 | // JavaScript ...
81 | </script>
82 |
83 | <style>
84 | /* Style ... */
85 | </style>
86 | ```
87 |
88 | ## Using with [Nuxt](https://nuxtjs.org/)
89 |
90 | Add `vue-github-buttons/nuxt` to `modules` in **nuxt.config.js**.
91 |
92 | ```javascript
93 | module.exports = {
94 | modules: [
95 | 'vue-github-buttons/nuxt',
96 | // Or with options
97 | ['vue-github-buttons/nuxt', {
98 | css: false, // Don't include CSS
99 | useCache: false // Don't use cache
100 | }]
101 | ]
102 | };
103 | ```
104 |
105 | ### Module options
106 |
107 | #### `css`
108 | Type: `Boolean`
109 | Default: `true`
110 |
111 | Include **Vue GitHub Buttons**'s CSS.
112 |
113 | #### `useCache`
114 | Type: `Boolean`
115 | Default: `true`
116 |
117 | Enable caching. (See below)
118 |
119 | ## Using with [VuePress](https://vuepress.vuejs.org/)
120 |
121 | > Require **VuePress** v1.x
122 |
123 | Add **Vue GitHub Buttons** to your `plugins` in `.vuepress/config.js`.
124 |
125 | ```javascript
126 | const VueGitHubButtons = require('');
127 |
128 | module.exports = {
129 | plugins: [
130 | require('vue-github-buttons/plugins/vuepress'),
131 |
132 | /* Or using plugin with options */
133 |
134 | [
135 | require('vue-github-buttons/plugins/vuepress'),
136 | {
137 | useCache: false
138 | }
139 | ]
140 | ]
141 | }
142 | ```
143 |
144 | Plugin options are the same as [Vue plugin options](#plugin-options).
145 |
146 | ## API
147 |
148 | ### Plugin Options
149 |
150 | #### `useCache`
151 | Type: `Boolean`
152 | Default: `true`
153 |
154 | Enable count number caching. (Use [session storage](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/sessionStorage))
155 | > GitHub API has [limited requests](https://developer.github.com/v3/#rate-limiting). So, caching may be useful when user refresh the webpage.
156 |
157 | ```javascript
158 | Vue.use(VueGitHubButtons, { useCache: false }); // Disable cache
159 | ```
160 |
161 | ### Components
162 |
163 | #### `gh-btns-watch`
164 | 👁️ A watch button.
165 | - `slug` - GitHub slug (username/repo).
166 | - `show-count` - Enable displaying the count number.
167 |
168 | #### `gh-btns-star`
169 | ⭐ A star button.
170 | - `slug` - GitHub slug (username/repo).
171 | - `show-count` - Enable displaying the count number.
172 |
173 | #### `gh-btns-fork`
174 | 🍴 A fork button.
175 | - `slug` - GitHub slug (username/repo).
176 | - `show-count` - Enable displaying the count number.
177 |
178 | #### `gh-btns-follow`
179 | 👤 A follow button.
180 | - `user` - GitHub username.
181 | - `show-count` - Enable displaying the count number.