152 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import type { App } from 'vue';
2import { CompileError } from '@intlify/core-base';
3import type { ComponentInternalInstance } from 'vue';
4import type { ComputedRef } from 'vue';
5import { DateTimeOptions } from '@intlify/core-base';
6import { FallbackLocale } from '@intlify/core-base';
7import type { FallbackLocales } from '@intlify/core-base';
8import type { GeneratedLocale } from '@intlify/core-base';
9import { GeneratedTypeConfig } from '@intlify/core-base';
10import { InjectionKey } from 'vue';
11import { DateTimeFormat as IntlDateTimeFormat } from '@intlify/core-base';
12import { DateTimeFormats as IntlDateTimeFormats } from '@intlify/core-base';
13import { FormatMatcher as IntlFormatMatcher } from '@intlify/core-base';
14import { LocaleMatcher as IntlLocaleMatcher } from '@intlify/core-base';
15import { NumberFormat as IntlNumberFormat } from '@intlify/core-base';
16import { NumberFormats as IntlNumberFormats } from '@intlify/core-base';
17import { IsEmptyObject } from '@intlify/core-base';
18import { IsNever } from '@intlify/core-base';
19import type { JsonPaths } from '@intlify/core-base';
20import { LinkedModifiers } from '@intlify/core-base';
21import { Locale } from '@intlify/core-base';
22import type { LocaleMessage } from '@intlify/core-base';
23import { LocaleMessageDictionary } from '@intlify/core-base';
24import { LocaleMessages } from '@intlify/core-base';
25import { LocaleMessageType } from '@intlify/core-base';
26import { LocaleMessageValue } from '@intlify/core-base';
27import type { LocaleParams } from '@intlify/core-base';
28import { MessageCompiler } from '@intlify/core-base';
29import { MessageCompilerContext } from '@intlify/core-base';
30import { MessageContext } from '@intlify/core-base';
31import { MessageFunction } from '@intlify/core-base';
32import { MessageFunctions } from '@intlify/core-base';
33import { MessageResolver } from '@intlify/core-base';
34import { NamedValue } from '@intlify/core-base';
35import { NumberOptions } from '@intlify/core-base';
36import type { ObjectDirective } from 'vue';
37import { Path } from '@intlify/core-base';
38import { PathValue } from '@intlify/core-base';
39import type { PickupFormatKeys } from '@intlify/core-base';
40import { PickupFormatPathKeys } from '@intlify/core-base';
41import { PickupKeys } from '@intlify/core-base';
42import type { PickupLocales } from '@intlify/core-base';
43import { PickupPaths } from '@intlify/core-base';
44import { PluralizationRule } from '@intlify/core-base';
45import type { PluralizationRules } from '@intlify/core-base';
46import { PostTranslationHandler } from '@intlify/core-base';
47import { RemovedIndexResources } from '@intlify/core-base';
48import type { RemoveIndexSignature } from '@intlify/core-base';
49import type { ResourceNode } from '@intlify/core-base';
50import type { ResourcePath } from '@intlify/core-base';
51import type { ResourceValue } from '@intlify/core-base';
52import type { SchemaParams } from '@intlify/core-base';
53import { TranslateOptions } from '@intlify/core-base';
54import type { TranslationsPaths } from '@intlify/core-base';
55import type { VNode } from 'vue';
56import type { VNodeProps } from 'vue';
57import type { WritableComputedRef } from 'vue';
60 * BaseFormat Props for Components that is offered Vue I18n
61 *
62 * @remarks
63 * The interface definitions of the underlying props of components such as Translation, DatetimeFormat, and NumberFormat.
64 *
65 * @VueI18nComponent
66 */
67export declare interface BaseFormatProps {
68 /**
69 * @remarks
70 * Used to wrap the content that is distribute in the slot. If omitted, the slot content is treated as Fragments.
71 *
72 * You can specify a string-based tag name, such as `p`, or the object for which the component is defined.
73 */
74 tag?: string | object;
75 /**
76 * @remarks
77 * Specifies the locale to be used for the component.
78 *
79 * If specified, the global scope or the locale of the parent scope of the target component will not be overridden and the specified locale will be used.
80 */
81 locale?: Locale;
82 /**
83 * @remarks
84 * Specifies the scope to be used in the target component.
85 *
86 * You can specify either `global` or `parent`.
87 *
88 * If `global` is specified, global scope is used, else then `parent` is specified, the scope of the parent of the target component is used.
89 *
90 * If the parent is a global scope, the global scope is used, if it's a local scope, the local scope is used.
91 */
92 scope?: ComponentI18nScope;
93 /**
94 * @remarks
95 * A composer instance with an existing scope.
96 *
97 * This option takes precedence over the `scope` option.
98 */
99 i18n?: Composer;
103 * @deprecated will be removed at vue-i18n v12
104 * @VueI18nLegacy
105 */
106export declare type Choice = number;
107export { CompileError }
109export declare type ComponentI18nScope = Exclude<I18nScope, 'local'>;
112 * Composer interfaces
113 *
114 * @remarks
115 * This is the interface for being used for Vue 3 Composition API.
116 *
117 * @VueI18nComposition
118 */
119export declare interface Composer<Messages extends Record<string, any> = {}, DateTimeFormats extends Record<string, any> = {}, NumberFormats extends Record<string, any> = {}, OptionLocale = Locale, ResourceLocales = PickupLocales<NonNullable<Messages>> | PickupLocales<NonNullable<DateTimeFormats>> | PickupLocales<NonNullable<NumberFormats>>, Locales = Locale extends GeneratedLocale ? GeneratedLocale : OptionLocale extends Locale ? IsNever<ResourceLocales> extends true ? Locale : ResourceLocales : OptionLocale | ResourceLocales> extends ComposerCustom {
120 /**
121 * @remarks
122 * Instance ID.
123 */
124 id: number;
125 /**
126 * @remarks
127 * The current locale this Composer instance is using.
128 *
129 * If the locale contains a territory and a dialect, this locale contains an implicit fallback.
130 *
131 * @VueI18nSee [Scope and Locale Changing](../guide/essentials/scope)
132 */
133 locale: WritableComputedRef<Locales>;
134 /**
135 * @remarks
136 * The current fallback locales this Composer instance is using.
137 *
138 * @VueI18nSee [Fallbacking](../guide/essentials/fallback)
139 */
140 fallbackLocale: WritableComputedRef<FallbackLocales<Locales>>;
141 /**
142 * @remarks
143 * Whether inherit the root level locale to the component localization locale.
144 *
145 * @VueI18nSee [Local Scope](../guide/essentials/scope#local-scope-2)
146 */
147 inheritLocale: boolean;
148 /**
149 * @remarks
150 * The list of available locales in `messages` in lexical order.
151 */
152 readonly availableLocales: Locales[];
153 /**
154 * @remarks
155 * The locale messages of localization.
156 *
157 * @VueI18nSee [Getting Started](../guide/essentials/started)
158 */
159 readonly messages: ComputedRef<{
160 [K in keyof Messages]: Messages[K];
161 }>;
162 /**
163 * @remarks
164 * The datetime formats of localization.
165 *
166 * @VueI18nSee [Datetime Formatting](../guide/essentials/datetime)
167 */
168 readonly datetimeFormats: ComputedRef<{
169 [K in keyof DateTimeFormats]: DateTimeFormats[K];
170 }>;
171 /**
172 * @remarks
173 * The number formats of localization.
174 *
175 * @VueI18nSee [Number Formatting](../guide/essentials/number)
176 */
177 readonly numberFormats: ComputedRef<{
178 [K in keyof NumberFormats]: NumberFormats[K];
179 }>;
180 /**
181 * @remarks
182 * Custom Modifiers for linked messages.
183 *
184 * @VueI18nSee [Custom Modifiers](../guide/essentials/syntax#custom-modifiers)
185 */
186 readonly modifiers: LinkedModifiers<VueMessageType>;
187 /**
188 * @remarks
189 * A set of rules for word pluralization
190 *
191 * @VueI18nSee [Custom Pluralization](../guide/essentials/pluralization#custom-pluralization)
192 */
193 readonly pluralRules: PluralizationRules;
194 /**
195 * @remarks
196 * Whether this composer instance is global or not
197 */
198 readonly isGlobal: boolean;
199 /**
200 * @remarks
201 * Whether suppress warnings outputted when localization fails.
202 *
203 * @VueI18nSee [Fallbacking](../guide/essentials/fallback)
204 */
205 missingWarn: boolean | RegExp;
206 /**
207 * @remarks
208 * Whether suppress fall back warnings when localization fails.
209 *
210 * @VueI18nSee [Fallbacking](../guide/essentials/fallback)
211 */
212 fallbackWarn: boolean | RegExp;
213 /**
214 * @remarks
215 * Whether to fall back to root level (global scope) localization when localization fails.
216 *
217 * @VueI18nSee [Fallbacking](../guide/essentials/fallback)
218 */
219 fallbackRoot: boolean;
220 /**
221 * @remarks
222 * Whether suppress warnings when falling back to either `fallbackLocale` or root.
223 *
224 * @VueI18nSee [Fallbacking](../guide/essentials/fallback)
225 */
226 fallbackFormat: boolean;
227 /**
228 * @remarks
229 * Whether to allow the use locale messages of HTML formatting.
230 *
231 * If you set `false`, will check the locale messages on the Composer instance.
232 *
233 * If you are specified `true`, a warning will be output at console.
234 *
235 * @VueI18nSee [HTML Message](../guide/essentials/syntax#html-message)
236 * @VueI18nSee [Change `warnHtmlInMessage` option default value](../guide/migration/breaking#change-warnhtmlinmessage-option-default-value)
237 */
238 warnHtmlMessage: boolean;
239 /**
240 * @remarks
241 * Whether interpolation parameters are escaped before the message is translated.
242 *
243 * @VueI18nSee [HTML Message](../guide/essentials/syntax#html-message)
244 */
245 escapeParameter: boolean;
246 /**
247 * Locale message translation
248 *
249 * @remarks
250 * About details functions, See the {@link ComposerTranslation}
251 */
252 t: ComposerTranslation<Messages, Locales, RemoveIndexSignature<{
253 [K in keyof DefineLocaleMessage]: DefineLocaleMessage[K];
254 }>>;
255 /**
256 * Resolve locale message translation
257 *
258 * @remarks
259 * About details functions, See the {@link ComposerResolveLocaleMessageTranslation}
260 */
261 rt: ComposerResolveLocaleMessageTranslation<Locales>;
262 /**
263 * Datetime formatting
264 *
265 * @remarks
266 * About details functions, See the {@link ComposerDateTimeFormatting}
267 */
268 d: ComposerDateTimeFormatting<DateTimeFormats, Locales, RemoveIndexSignature<{
269 [K in keyof DefineDateTimeFormat]: DefineDateTimeFormat[K];
270 }>>;
271 /**
272 * Number Formatting
273 *
274 * @remarks
275 * About details functions, See the {@link ComposerNumberFormatting}
276 */
277 n: ComposerNumberFormatting<NumberFormats, Locales, RemoveIndexSignature<{
278 [K in keyof DefineNumberFormat]: DefineNumberFormat[K];
279 }>>;
280 /**
281 * Translation locale message exist
282 *
283 * @remarks
284 * whether do exist locale message on Composer instance [messages](composition#messages).
285 *
286 * If you specified `locale`, check the locale messages of `locale`.
287 *
288 * @param key - A target locale message key
289 * @param locale - A locale, it will be used over than global scope or local scope
290 *
291 * @returns If found locale message, `true`, else `false`, Note that `false` is returned even if the value present in the key is not translatable, yet if `translateExistCompatible` is set to `true`, it will return `true` if the key is available, even if the value is not translatable.
292 */
293 te<Str extends string, Key extends PickupKeys<Messages> = PickupKeys<Messages>>(key: Str | Key, locale?: Locales): boolean;
294 /**
295 * Locale messages getter
296 *
297 * @remarks
298 * If [UseI18nScope](general#usei18nscope) `'local'` or Some [UseI18nOptions](composition#usei18noptions) are specified at `useI18n`, it’s translated in preferentially local scope locale messages than global scope locale messages.
299 *
300 * Based on the current `locale`, locale messages will be returned from Composer instance messages.
301 *
302 * If you change the `locale`, the locale messages returned will also correspond to the locale.
303 *
304 * If there are no locale messages for the given `key` in the composer instance messages, they will be returned with [fallbacking](../guide/essentials/fallback).
305 *
306 * @VueI18nWarning
307 * You need to use `rt` for the locale message returned by `tm`. see the [rt](composition#rt-message) details.
308 *
309 * @example
310 * template block:
311 * ```html
312 * <div class="container">
313 * <template v-for="content in tm('contents')">
314 * <h2>{{ rt(content.title) }}</h2>
315 * <p v-for="paragraph in content.paragraphs">
316 * {{ rt(paragraph) }}
317 * </p>
318 * </template>
319 * </div>
320 * ```
321 * script block:
322 * ```js
323 * import { defineComponent } from 'vue
324 * import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
325 *
326 * export default defineComponent({
327 * setup() {
328 * const { rt, tm } = useI18n({
329 * messages: {
330 * en: {
331 * contents: [
332 * {
333 * title: 'Title1',
334 * // ...
335 * paragraphs: [
336 * // ...
337 * ]
338 * }
339 * ]
340 * }
341 * }
342 * // ...
343 * })
344 * // ...
345 * return { ... , rt, tm }
346 * }
347 * })
348 * ```
349 *
350 * @param key - A target locale message key
351 *
352 * @return Locale messages
353 */
354 tm<Key extends string, ResourceKeys extends PickupKeys<Messages> = PickupKeys<Messages>, Locale extends PickupLocales<NonNullable<Messages>> = PickupLocales<NonNullable<Messages>>, Target = IsEmptyObject<Messages> extends false ? NonNullable<Messages>[Locale] : RemoveIndexSignature<{
355 [K in keyof DefineLocaleMessage]: DefineLocaleMessage[K];
356 }>, Return = ResourceKeys extends ResourcePath<Target> ? ResourceValue<Target, ResourceKeys> : Record<string, any>>(key: Key | ResourceKeys): Return;
357 /**
358 * Get locale message
359 *
360 * @remarks
361 * get locale message from Composer instance [messages](composition#messages).
362 *
363 * @param locale - A target locale
364 *
365 * @typeParam MessageSchema - The locale message schema, default `never`
366 *
367 * @returns Locale messages
368 */
369 getLocaleMessage<MessageSchema extends LocaleMessage<VueMessageType> = never, LocaleSchema extends string = string, Locale extends PickupLocales<NonNullable<Messages>> = PickupLocales<NonNullable<Messages>>, Return = IsNever<MessageSchema> extends true ? IsEmptyObject<Messages> extends true ? RemoveIndexSignature<{
370 [K in keyof DefineLocaleMessage]: DefineLocaleMessage[K];
371 }> : NonNullable<Messages>[Locale] : MessageSchema>(locale: LocaleSchema | Locale): Return;
372 /**
373 * Set locale message
374 *
375 * @remarks
376 * Set locale message to Composer instance [messages](composition#messages).
377 *
378 * @param locale - A target locale
379 * @param message - A message
380 *
381 * @typeParam MessageSchema - The locale message schema, default `never`
382 */
383 setLocaleMessage<MessageSchema extends LocaleMessage<VueMessageType> = never, LocaleSchema extends string = string, Locale extends PickupLocales<NonNullable<Messages>> = PickupLocales<NonNullable<Messages>>, MessageType = IsNever<MessageSchema> extends true ? IsEmptyObject<Messages> extends true ? RemoveIndexSignature<{
384 [K in keyof DefineLocaleMessage]: DefineLocaleMessage[K];
385 }> : NonNullable<Messages>[Locale] : MessageSchema, Message extends MessageType = MessageType>(locale: LocaleSchema | Locale, message: Message): void;
386 /**
387 * Merge locale message
388 *
389 * @remarks
390 * Merge locale message to Composer instance [messages](composition#messages).
391 *
392 * @param locale - A target locale
393 * @param message - A message
394 *
395 * @typeParam MessageSchema - The locale message schema, default `never`
396 */
397 mergeLocaleMessage<MessageSchema extends LocaleMessage<VueMessageType> = never, LocaleSchema extends string = string, Locale extends PickupLocales<NonNullable<Messages>> = PickupLocales<NonNullable<Messages>>, Message = IsNever<MessageSchema> extends true ? Record<string, any> : MessageSchema>(locale: LocaleSchema | Locale, message: Message): void;
398 /**
399 * Get datetime format
400 *
401 * @remarks
402 * get datetime format from Composer instance [datetimeFormats](composition#datetimeformats).
403 *
404 * @param locale - A target locale
405 *
406 * @typeParam DateTimeSchema - The datetime format schema, default `never`
407 *
408 * @returns Datetime format
409 */
410 getDateTimeFormat<DateTimeSchema extends Record<string, any> = never, LocaleSchema extends string = string, Locale extends PickupLocales<NonNullable<DateTimeFormats>> = PickupLocales<NonNullable<DateTimeFormats>>, Return = IsNever<DateTimeSchema> extends true ? IsEmptyObject<DateTimeFormats> extends true ? RemoveIndexSignature<{
411 [K in keyof DefineDateTimeFormat]: DefineDateTimeFormat[K];
412 }> : NonNullable<DateTimeFormats>[Locale] : DateTimeSchema>(locale: LocaleSchema | Locale): Return;
413 /**
414 * Set datetime format
415 *
416 * @remarks
417 * Set datetime format to Composer instance [datetimeFormats](composition#datetimeformats).
418 *
419 * @param locale - A target locale
420 * @param format - A target datetime format
421 *
422 * @typeParam DateTimeSchema - The datetime format schema, default `never`
423 */
424 setDateTimeFormat<DateTimeSchema extends Record<string, any> = never, LocaleSchema extends string = string, Locale extends PickupLocales<NonNullable<DateTimeFormats>> = PickupLocales<NonNullable<DateTimeFormats>>, FormatsType = IsNever<DateTimeSchema> extends true ? IsEmptyObject<DateTimeFormats> extends true ? RemoveIndexSignature<{
425 [K in keyof DefineDateTimeFormat]: DefineDateTimeFormat[K];
426 }> : NonNullable<DateTimeFormats>[Locale] : DateTimeSchema, Formats extends FormatsType = FormatsType>(locale: LocaleSchema | Locale, format: Formats): void;
427 /**
428 * Merge datetime format
429 *
430 * @remarks
431 * Merge datetime format to Composer instance [datetimeFormats](composition#datetimeformats).
432 *
433 * @param locale - A target locale
434 * @param format - A target datetime format
435 *
436 * @typeParam DateTimeSchema - The datetime format schema, default `never`
437 */
438 mergeDateTimeFormat<DateTimeSchema extends Record<string, any> = never, LocaleSchema extends string = string, Locale extends PickupLocales<NonNullable<DateTimeFormats>> = PickupLocales<NonNullable<DateTimeFormats>>, Formats = IsNever<DateTimeSchema> extends true ? Record<string, any> : DateTimeSchema>(locale: LocaleSchema | Locale, format: Formats): void;
439 /**
440 * Get number format
441 *
442 * @remarks
443 * get number format from Composer instance [numberFormats](composition#numberFormats).
444 *
445 * @param locale - A target locale
446 *
447 * @typeParam NumberSchema - The number format schema, default `never`
448 *
449 * @returns Number format
450 */
451 getNumberFormat<NumberSchema extends Record<string, any> = never, LocaleSchema extends string = string, Locale extends PickupLocales<NonNullable<NumberFormats>> = PickupLocales<NonNullable<NumberFormats>>, Return = IsNever<NumberSchema> extends true ? IsEmptyObject<NumberFormats> extends true ? RemoveIndexSignature<{
452 [K in keyof DefineNumberFormat]: DefineNumberFormat[K];
453 }> : NonNullable<NumberFormats>[Locale] : NumberSchema>(locale: LocaleSchema | Locale): Return;
454 /**
455 * Set number format
456 *
457 * @remarks
458 * Set number format to Composer instance [numberFormats](composition#numberFormats).
459 *
460 * @param locale - A target locale
461 * @param format - A target number format
462 *
463 * @typeParam NumberSchema - The number format schema, default `never`
464 */
465 setNumberFormat<NumberSchema extends Record<string, any> = never, LocaleSchema extends string = string, Locale extends PickupLocales<NonNullable<NumberFormats>> = PickupLocales<NonNullable<NumberFormats>>, FormatsType = IsNever<NumberSchema> extends true ? IsEmptyObject<NumberFormats> extends true ? RemoveIndexSignature<{
466 [K in keyof DefineNumberFormat]: DefineNumberFormat[K];
467 }> : NonNullable<NumberFormats>[Locale] : NumberSchema, Formats extends FormatsType = FormatsType>(locale: LocaleSchema | Locale, format: Formats): void;
468 /**
469 * Merge number format
470 *
471 * @remarks
472 * Merge number format to Composer instance [numberFormats](composition#numberFormats).
473 *
474 * @param locale - A target locale
475 * @param format - A target number format
476 *
477 * @typeParam NumberSchema - The number format schema, default `never`
478 */
479 mergeNumberFormat<NumberSchema extends Record<string, any> = never, LocaleSchema extends string = string, Locale extends PickupLocales<NonNullable<NumberFormats>> = PickupLocales<NonNullable<NumberFormats>>, Formats = IsNever<NumberSchema> extends true ? Record<string, any> : NumberSchema>(locale: LocaleSchema | Locale, format: Formats): void;
480 /**
481 * Get post translation handler
482 *
483 * @returns {@link PostTranslationHandler}
484 *
485 * @VueI18nSee [missing](composition#posttranslation)
486 */
487 getPostTranslationHandler(): PostTranslationHandler<VueMessageType> | null;
488 /**
489 * Set post translation handler
490 *
491 * @param handler - A {@link PostTranslationHandler}
492 *
493 * @VueI18nSee [missing](composition#posttranslation)
494 */
495 setPostTranslationHandler(handler: PostTranslationHandler<VueMessageType> | null): void;
496 /**
497 * Get missing handler
498 *
499 * @returns {@link MissingHandler}
500 *
501 * @VueI18nSee [missing](composition#missing)
502 */
503 getMissingHandler(): MissingHandler | null;
504 /**
505 * Set missing handler
506 *
507 * @param handler - A {@link MissingHandler}
508 *
509 * @VueI18nSee [missing](composition#missing)
510 */
511 setMissingHandler(handler: MissingHandler | null): void;
515 * Composer additional options for `useI18n`
516 *
517 * @remarks
518 * `ComposerAdditionalOptions` is extend for {@link ComposerOptions}, so you can specify these options.
519 *
520 * @VueI18nSee [useI18n](composition#usei18n)
521 *
522 * @VueI18nComposition
523 */
524export declare interface ComposerAdditionalOptions {
525 useScope?: I18nScope;
529 * The type custom definition of Composer
530 *
531 * @remarks
532 *
533 * The interface that can extend Composer.
534 *
535 * The type defined by 3rd party (e.g. nuxt/i18n)
536 *
537 * @example
538 * ```ts
539 * // vue-i18n.d.ts (`.d.ts` file at your app)
540 *
541 * declare module 'vue-i18n' {
542 * interface ComposerCustom {
543 * localeCodes: string[]
544 * }
545 * }
546 * ```
547 *
548 * @VueI18nComposition
549 */
550export declare interface ComposerCustom {
554 * Datetime formatting functions
555 *
556 * @remarks
557 * This is the interface for {@link Composer}
558 *
559 * @VueI18nComposition
560 */
561export declare interface ComposerDateTimeFormatting<DateTimeFormats extends Record<string, any> = {}, Locales = 'en-US', DefinedDateTimeFormat extends RemovedIndexResources<DefineDateTimeFormat> = RemovedIndexResources<DefineDateTimeFormat>, C = IsEmptyObject<DefinedDateTimeFormat> extends false ? PickupFormatPathKeys<{
562 [K in keyof DefinedDateTimeFormat]: DefinedDateTimeFormat[K];
563}> : never, M = IsEmptyObject<DateTimeFormats> extends false ? PickupFormatKeys<DateTimeFormats> : never, ResourceKeys extends C | M = IsNever<C> extends false ? IsNever<M> extends false ? C | M : C : IsNever<M> extends false ? M : never> {
564 /**
565 * Datetime formatting
566 *
567 * @remarks
568 * If this is used in a reactive context, it will re-evaluate once the locale changes.
569 *
570 * If [UseI18nScope](general#usei18nscope) `'local'` or Some [UseI18nOptions](composition#usei18noptions) are specified at `useI18n`, it’s translated in preferentially local scope datetime formats than global scope datetime formats.
571 *
572 * If not, then it’s formatted with global scope datetime formats.
573 *
574 * @param value - A value, timestamp number or `Date` instance or ISO 8601 string
575 *
576 * @returns Formatted value
577 *
578 * @VueI18nSee [Datetime formatting](../guide/essentials/datetime)
579 */
580 (value: number | Date | string): string;
581 /**
582 * Datetime formatting
583 *
584 * @remarks
585 * Overloaded `d`. About details, see the [call signature](composition#value-number-date-string-string) details.
586 *
587 * In this overloaded `d`, format in datetime format for a key registered in datetime formats.
588 *
589 * @param value - A value, timestamp number or `Date` instance or ISO 8601 string
590 * @param keyOrOptions - A key of datetime formats, or additional {@link DateTimeOptions | options} for datetime formatting
591 *
592 * @returns Formatted value
593 */
594 <Value extends number | Date | string = number, Key extends string = string>(value: Value, keyOrOptions: Key | ResourceKeys | DateTimeOptions<Key | ResourceKeys, Locales>): string;
595 /**
596 * Datetime formatting
597 *
598 * @remarks
599 * Overloaded `d`. About details, see the [call signature](composition#value-number-date-string-string) details.
600 *
601 * In this overloaded `d`, format in datetime format for a key registered in datetime formats at target locale
602 *
603 * @param value - A value, timestamp number or `Date` instance or ISO 8601 string
604 * @param keyOrOptions - A key of datetime formats, or additional {@link DateTimeOptions | options} for datetime formatting
605 * @param locale - A locale, it will be used over than global scope or local scope.
606 *
607 * @returns Formatted value
608 */
609 <Value extends number | Date | string = number, Key extends string = string>(value: Value, keyOrOptions: Key | ResourceKeys | DateTimeOptions<Key | ResourceKeys, Locales>, locale: Locales): string;
612export declare type ComposerExtender = (composer: Composer) => Disposer | undefined;
615 * Number formatting functions
616 *
617 * @remarks
618 * This is the interface for {@link Composer}
619 *
620 * @VueI18nComposition
621 */
622export declare interface ComposerNumberFormatting<NumberFormats extends Record<string, any> = {}, Locales = 'en-US', DefinedNumberFormat extends RemovedIndexResources<DefineNumberFormat> = RemovedIndexResources<DefineNumberFormat>, C = IsEmptyObject<DefinedNumberFormat> extends false ? PickupFormatPathKeys<{
623 [K in keyof DefinedNumberFormat]: DefinedNumberFormat[K];
624}> : never, M = IsEmptyObject<NumberFormats> extends false ? PickupFormatKeys<NumberFormats> : never, ResourceKeys extends C | M = IsNever<C> extends false ? IsNever<M> extends false ? C | M : C : IsNever<M> extends false ? M : never> {
625 /**
626 * Number Formatting
627 *
628 * @remarks
629 * If this is used in a reactive context, it will re-evaluate once the locale changes.
630 *
631 * If [UseI18nScope](general#usei18nscope) `'local'` or Some [UseI18nOptions](composition#usei18noptions) are specified at `useI18n`, it’s translated in preferentially local scope datetime formats than global scope datetime formats.
632 *
633 * If not, then it’s formatted with global scope number formats.
634 *
635 * @param value - A number value
636 *
637 * @returns Formatted value
638 *
639 * @VueI18nSee [Number formatting](../guide/essentials/number)
640 */
641 (value: number): string;
642 /**
643 * Number Formatting
644 *
645 * @remarks
646 * Overloaded `n`. About details, see the [call signature](composition#value-number-string) details.
647 *
648 * In this overloaded `n`, format in number format for a key registered in number formats.
649 *
650 * @param value - A number value
651 * @param keyOrOptions - A key of number formats, or additional {@link NumberOptions | options} for number formatting
652 *
653 * @returns Formatted value
654 */
655 <Key extends string = string>(value: number, keyOrOptions: Key | ResourceKeys | NumberOptions<Key | ResourceKeys, Locales>): string;
656 /**
657 * Number Formatting
658 *
659 * @remarks
660 * Overloaded `n`. About details, see the [call signature](composition#value-number-string) details.
661 *
662 * In this overloaded `n`, format in number format for a key registered in number formats at target locale.
663 *
664 * @param value - A number value
665 * @param keyOrOptions - A key of number formats, or additional {@link NumberOptions | options} for number formatting
666 * @param locale - A locale, it will be used over than global scope or local scope.
667 *
668 * @returns Formatted value
669 */
670 <Key extends string = string>(value: number, keyOrOptions: Key | ResourceKeys | NumberOptions<Key | ResourceKeys, Locales>, locale: Locales): string;
674 * Composer Options
675 *
676 * @remarks
677 * This is options to create composer.
678 *
679 * @VueI18nComposition
680 */
681export declare interface ComposerOptions<Schema extends {
682 message?: unknown;
683 datetime?: unknown;
684 number?: unknown;
685} = {
686 message: DefaultLocaleMessageSchema;
687 datetime: DefaultDateTimeFormatSchema;
688 number: DefaultNumberFormatSchema;
689}, Locales extends {
690 messages: unknown;
691 datetimeFormats: unknown;
692 numberFormats: unknown;
693} | string = Locale, MessagesLocales = Locales extends {
694 messages: infer M;
695} ? M : Locales extends string ? Locales : Locale, DateTimeFormatsLocales = Locales extends {
696 datetimeFormats: infer D;
697} ? D : Locales extends string ? Locales : Locale, NumberFormatsLocales = Locales extends {
698 numberFormats: infer N;
699} ? N : Locales extends string ? Locales : Locale, MessageSchema = Schema extends {
700 message: infer M;
701} ? M : DefaultLocaleMessageSchema, DateTimeSchema = Schema extends {
702 datetime: infer D;
703} ? D : DefaultDateTimeFormatSchema, NumberSchema = Schema extends {
704 number: infer N;
705} ? N : DefaultNumberFormatSchema, _Messages extends LocaleMessages<MessageSchema, MessagesLocales, VueMessageType> = LocaleMessages<MessageSchema, MessagesLocales, VueMessageType>, _DateTimeFormats extends IntlDateTimeFormats<DateTimeSchema, DateTimeFormatsLocales> = IntlDateTimeFormats<DateTimeSchema, DateTimeFormatsLocales>, _NumberFormats extends IntlNumberFormats<NumberSchema, NumberFormatsLocales> = IntlNumberFormats<NumberSchema, NumberFormatsLocales>> {
706 /**
707 * @remarks
708 * The locale of localization.
709 *
710 * If the locale contains a territory and a dialect, this locale contains an implicit fallback.
711 *
712 * @VueI18nSee [Scope and Locale Changing](../guide/essentials/scope)
713 *
714 * @defaultValue `'en-US'`
715 */
716 locale?: Locale;
717 /**
718 * @remarks
719 * The locale of fallback localization.
720 *
721 * For more complex fallback definitions see fallback.
722 *
723 * @VueI18nSee [Fallbacking](../guide/essentials/fallback)
724 *
725 * @defaultValue The default `'en-US'` for the `locale` if it's not specified, or it's `locale` value
726 */
727 fallbackLocale?: FallbackLocale;
728 /**
729 * @remarks
730 * Whether inheritance the root level locale to the component localization locale.
731 *
732 * If `false`, regardless of the root level locale, localize for each component locale.
733 *
734 * @VueI18nSee [Local Scope](../guide/essentials/scope#local-scope-2)
735 *
736 * @defaultValue `true`
737 */
738 inheritLocale?: boolean;
739 /**
740 * @remarks
741 * The locale messages of localization.
742 *
743 * @VueI18nSee [Getting Started](../guide/essentials/started)
744 *
745 * @defaultValue `{}`
746 */
747 messages?: {
748 [K in keyof _Messages]: MessageSchema;
749 };
750 /**
751 * @remarks
752 * Allow use flat json messages or not
753 *
754 * @defaultValue `false`
755 */
756 flatJson?: boolean;
757 /**
758 * @remarks
759 * The datetime formats of localization.
760 *
761 * @VueI18nSee [Datetime Formatting](../guide/essentials/datetime)
762 *
763 * @defaultValue `{}`
764 */
765 datetimeFormats?: {
766 [K in keyof _DateTimeFormats]: DateTimeSchema;
767 };
768 /**
769 * @remarks
770 * The number formats of localization.
771 *
772 * @VueI18nSee [Number Formatting](../guide/essentials/number)
773 *
774 * @defaultValue `{}`
775 */
776 numberFormats?: {
777 [K in keyof _NumberFormats]: NumberSchema;
778 };
779 /**
780 * @remarks
781 * Custom Modifiers for linked messages.
782 *
783 * @VueI18nSee [Custom Modifiers](../guide/essentials/syntax#custom-modifiers)
784 */
785 modifiers?: LinkedModifiers<VueMessageType>;
786 /**
787 * @remarks
788 * A set of rules for word pluralization
789 *
790 * @VueI18nSee [Custom Pluralization](../guide/essentials/pluralization#custom-pluralization)
791 *
792 * @defaultValue `{}`
793 */
794 pluralRules?: PluralizationRules;
795 /**
796 * @remarks
797 * A handler for localization missing.
798 *
799 * The handler gets called with the localization target locale, localization path key, the Vue instance and values.
800 *
801 * If missing handler is assigned, and occurred localization missing, it's not warned.
802 *
803 * @defaultValue `null`
804 */
805 missing?: MissingHandler;
806 /**
807 * @remarks
808 * Whether suppress warnings outputted when localization fails.
809 *
810 * If `false`, suppress localization fail warnings.
811 *
812 * If you use regular expression, you can suppress localization fail warnings that it match with translation key (e.g. `t`).
813 *
814 * @VueI18nSee [Fallbacking](../guide/essentials/fallback)
815 *
816 * @defaultValue `true`
817 */
818 missingWarn?: boolean | RegExp;
819 /**
820 * @remarks
821 * Whether suppress warnings when falling back to either `fallbackLocale` or root.
822 *
823 * If `false`, suppress fall back warnings.
824 *
825 * If you use regular expression, you can suppress fallback warnings that it match with translation key (e.g. `t`).
826 *
827 * @VueI18nSee [Fallbacking](../guide/essentials/fallback)
828 *
829 * @defaultValue `true`
830 */
831 fallbackWarn?: boolean | RegExp;
832 /**
833 * @remarks
834 * In the component localization, whether to fallback to root level (global scope) localization when localization fails.
835 *
836 * If `false`, it's not fallback to root.
837 *
838 * @VueI18nSee [Fallbacking](../guide/essentials/fallback)
839 *
840 * @defaultValue `true`
841 */
842 fallbackRoot?: boolean;
843 /**
844 * @remarks
845 * Whether do template interpolation on translation keys when your language lacks a translation for a key.
846 *
847 * If `true`, skip writing templates for your "base" language; the keys are your templates.
848 *
849 * @VueI18nSee [Fallbacking](../guide/essentials/fallback)
850 *
851 * @defaultValue `false`
852 */
853 fallbackFormat?: boolean;
854 /**
855 * @remarks
856 * A handler for post processing of translation.
857 *
858 * The handler gets after being called with the `t`.
859 *
860 * This handler is useful if you want to filter on translated text such as space trimming.
861 *
862 * @defaultValue `null`
863 */
864 postTranslation?: PostTranslationHandler<VueMessageType>;
865 /**
866 * @remarks
867 * Whether to allow the use locale messages of HTML formatting.
868 *
869 * See the warnHtmlMessage property.
870 *
871 * @VueI18nSee [HTML Message](../guide/essentials/syntax#html-message)
872 * @VueI18nSee [Change `warnHtmlInMessage` option default value](../guide/migration/breaking#change-warnhtmlinmessage-option-default-value)
873 *
874 * @defaultValue `'off'`
875 */
876 warnHtmlMessage?: boolean;
877 /**
878 * @remarks
879 * If `escapeParameter` is configured as true then interpolation parameters are escaped before the message is translated.
880 *
881 * This is useful when translation output is used in `v-html` and the translation resource contains html markup (e.g. <b> around a user provided value).
882 *
883 * This usage pattern mostly occurs when passing precomputed text strings into UI components.
884 *
885 * The escape process involves replacing the following symbols with their respective HTML character entities: `<`, `>`, `"`, `'`.
886 *
887 * Setting `escapeParameter` as true should not break existing functionality but provides a safeguard against a subtle type of XSS attack vectors.
888 *
889 * @VueI18nSee [HTML Message](../guide/essentials/syntax#html-message)
890 *
891 * @defaultValue `false`
892 */
893 escapeParameter?: boolean;
894 /**
895 * @remarks
896 * A message resolver to resolve [`messages`](composition#messages).
897 *
898 * If not specified, the vue-i18n internal message resolver will be used by default.
899 *
900 * You need to implement a message resolver yourself that supports the following requirements:
901 *
902 * - Resolve the message using the locale message of [`locale`](composition#locale) passed as the first argument of the message resolver, and the path passed as the second argument.
903 *
904 * - If the message could not be resolved, you need to return `null`.
905 *
906 * - If you will be returned `null`, the message resolver will also be called on fallback if [`fallbackLocale`](composition#fallbacklocale-2) is enabled, so the message will need to be resolved as well.
907 *
908 * The message resolver is called indirectly by the following APIs:
909 *
910 * - [`t`](composition#t-key)
911 *
912 * - [`te`](composition#te-key-locale)
913 *
914 * - [`tm`](composition#tm-key)
915 *
916 * - [Translation component](component#translation)
917 *
918 * @example
919 * Here is an example of how to set it up using your `createI18n`:
920 * ```js
921 * import { createI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
922 *
923 * // your message resolver
924 * function messageResolver(obj, path) {
925 * // simple message resolving!
926 * const msg = obj[path]
927 * return msg != null ? msg : null
928 * }
929 *
930 * // call with I18n option
931 * const i18n = createI18n({
932 * legacy: false,
933 * locale: 'ja',
934 * messageResolver, // set your message resolver
935 * messages: {
936 * en: { ... },
937 * ja: { ... }
938 * }
939 * })
940 *
941 * // the below your something to do ...
942 * // ...
943 * ```
944 *
945 * @VueI18nTip
946 * :new: v9.2+
947 *
948 * @VueI18nWarning
949 * If you use the message resolver, the [`flatJson`](composition#flatjson) setting will be ignored. That is, you need to resolve the flat JSON by yourself.
950 *
951 * @VueI18nSee [Fallbacking](../guide/essentials/fallback)
952 *
953 * @defaultValue `undefined`
954 */
955 messageResolver?: MessageResolver;
956 /**
957 * @remarks
958 * A compiler for custom message format.
959 *
960 * If not specified, the vue-i18n default message compiler will be used.
961 *
962 * You will need to implement your own message compiler that returns Message Functions
963 *
964 * @example
965 * Here is an example of how to custom message compiler with `intl-messageformat`
966 *
967 * ```js
968 * import { createI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
969 * import IntlMessageFormat from 'intl-messageformat'
970 *
971 * function messageCompiler(message, { locale, key, onError }) {
972 * if (typeof message === 'string') {
973 * // You can tune your message compiler performance more with your cache strategy or also memoization at here
974 * const formatter = new IntlMessageFormat(message, locale)
975 * return ctx => formatter.format(ctx.values)
976 * } else {
977 * // If you would like to support it for AST,
978 * // You need to transform locale mesages such as `json`, `yaml`, etc. with the bundle plugin.
979 * onError && onError(new Error('not support for AST'))
980 * return () => key // return default with `key`
981 * }
982 * }
983 *
984 * // call with I18n option
985 * const i18n = createI18n({
986 * legacy: false,
987 * locale: 'ja',
988 * messageCompiler, // set your message compiler
989 * messages: {
990 * en: {
991 * hello: 'hello world!',
992 * greeting: 'hi, {name}!',
993 * // ICU Message format
994 * photo: `You have {numPhotos, plural,
995 * =0 {no photos.}
996 * =1 {one photo.}
997 * other {# photos.}
998 * }`
999 * },
1000 * }
1001 * })
1002 *
1003 * // the below your something to do ...
1004 * // ...
1005 * ```
1006 *
1007 * @VueI18nTip
1008 * :new: v9.3+
1009 *
1010 * @VueI18nWarning
1011 * The Custom Message Format is an experimental feature. It may receive breaking changes or be removed in the future.
1012 *
1013 * @VueI18nSee [Custom Message Format](../guide/advanced/format)
1014 *
1015 * @defaultValue `undefined`
1016 */
1017 messageCompiler?: MessageCompiler;
1021 * Resolve locale message translation functions
1022 *
1023 * @remarks
1024 * This is the interface for {@link Composer}
1025 *
1026 * @VueI18nComposition
1027 */
1028export declare interface ComposerResolveLocaleMessageTranslation<Locales = 'en-US'> {
1029 /**
1030 * Resolve locale message translation
1031 *
1032 * @remarks
1033 * If this is used in a reactive context, it will re-evaluate once the locale changes.
1034 *
1035 * If [UseI18nScope](general#usei18nscope) `'local'` or Some [UseI18nOptions](composition#usei18noptions) are specified at `useI18n`, it’s translated in preferentially local scope locale messages than global scope locale messages.
1036 *
1037 * If not, then it’s translated with global scope locale messages.
1038 *
1039 * @VueI18nTip
1040 * The use-case for `rt` is for programmatic locale messages translation with using `tm`, `v-for`, javascript `for` statement.
1041 *
1042 * @VueI18nWarning
1043 * `rt` differs from `t` in that it processes the locale message directly, not the key of the locale message. There is no internal fallback with `rt`. You need to understand and use the structure of the locale messge returned by `tm`.
1044 *
1045 * @param message - A target locale message to be resolved. You will need to specify the locale message returned by `tm`.
1046 *
1047 * @returns Translated message
1048 *
1049 * @VueI18nSee [Scope and Locale Changing](../guide/essentials/scope)
1050 */
1051 (message: MessageFunction<VueMessageType> | VueMessageType): string;
1052 /**
1053 * Resolve locale message translation for plurals
1054 *
1055 * @remarks
1056 * Overloaded `rt`. About details, see the [call signature](composition#message-messagefunction-message-message-string) details.
1057 *
1058 * In this overloaded `rt`, return a pluralized translation message.
1059 *
1060 * @VueI18nTip
1061 * The use-case for `rt` is for programmatic locale messages translation with using `tm`, `v-for`, javascript `for` statement.
1062 *
1063 * @VueI18nWarning
1064 * `rt` differs from `t` in that it processes the locale message directly, not the key of the locale message. There is no internal fallback with `rt`. You need to understand and use the structure of the locale messge returned by `tm`.
1065 *
1066 * @param message - A target locale message to be resolved. You will need to specify the locale message returned by `tm`.
1067 * @param plural - Which plural string to get. 1 returns the first one.
1068 * @param options - Additional {@link TranslateOptions | options} for translation
1069 *
1070 * @returns Translated message
1071 *
1072 * @VueI18nSee [Pluralization](../guide/essentials/pluralization)
1073 */
1074 (message: MessageFunction<VueMessageType> | VueMessageType, plural: number, options?: TranslateOptions<Locales>): string;
1075 /**
1076 * Resolve locale message translation for list interpolations
1077 *
1078 * @remarks
1079 * Overloaded `rt`. About details, see the [call signature](composition#message-messagefunction-message-message-string) details.
1080 *
1081 * In this overloaded `rt`, return a pluralized translation message.
1082 *
1083 * @VueI18nTip
1084 * The use-case for `rt` is for programmatic locale messages translation with using `tm`, `v-for`, javascript `for` statement.
1085 *
1086 * @VueI18nWarning
1087 * `rt` differs from `t` in that it processes the locale message directly, not the key of the locale message. There is no internal fallback with `rt`. You need to understand and use the structure of the locale messge returned by `tm`.
1088 *
1089 * @param message - A target locale message to be resolved. You will need to specify the locale message returned by `tm`.
1090 * @param list - A values of list interpolation.
1091 * @param options - Additional {@link TranslateOptions | options} for translation
1092 *
1093 * @returns Translated message
1094 *
1095 * @VueI18nSee [List interpolation](../guide/essentials/syntax#list-interpolation)
1096 */
1097 (message: MessageFunction<VueMessageType> | VueMessageType, list: unknown[], options?: TranslateOptions<Locales>): string;
1098 /**
1099 * Resolve locale message translation for named interpolations
1100 *
1101 * @remarks
1102 * Overloaded `rt`. About details, see the [call signature](composition#message-messagefunction-message-message-string) details.
1103 *
1104 * In this overloaded `rt`, for each placeholder x, the locale messages should contain a `{x}` token.
1105 *
1106 * @VueI18nTip
1107 * The use-case for `rt` is for programmatic locale messages translation with using `tm`, `v-for`, javascript `for` statement.
1108 *
1109 * @VueI18nWarning
1110 * `rt` differs from `t` in that it processes the locale message directly, not the key of the locale message. There is no internal fallback with `rt`. You need to understand and use the structure of the locale messge returned by `tm`.
1111 *
1112 * @param message - A target locale message to be resolved. You will need to specify the locale message returned by `tm`.
1113 * @param named - A values of named interpolation.
1114 * @param options - Additional {@link TranslateOptions | options} for translation
1115 *
1116 * @returns Translated message
1117 *
1118 * @VueI18nSee [Named interpolation](../guide/essentials/syntax#named-interpolation)
1119 */
1120 (message: MessageFunction<VueMessageType> | VueMessageType, named: NamedValue, options?: TranslateOptions<Locales>): string;
1124 * Locale message translation functions
1125 *
1126 * @remarks
1127 * This is the interface for {@link Composer}
1128 *
1129 * @VueI18nComposition
1130 */
1131export declare interface ComposerTranslation<Messages extends Record<string, any> = {}, Locales = 'en-US', DefinedLocaleMessage extends RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage> = RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage>, C = IsEmptyObject<DefinedLocaleMessage> extends false ? JsonPaths<{
1132 [K in keyof DefinedLocaleMessage]: DefinedLocaleMessage[K];
1133}> : never, M = IsEmptyObject<Messages> extends false ? TranslationsPaths<Messages> : never, ResourceKeys extends C | M = IsNever<C> extends false ? IsNever<M> extends false ? C | M : C : IsNever<M> extends false ? M : never> {
1134 /**
1135 * Locale message translation
1136 *
1137 * @remarks
1138 * If this is used in a reactive context, it will re-evaluate once the locale changes.
1139 *
1140 * If [UseI18nScope](general#usei18nscope) `'local'` or Some [UseI18nOptions](composition#usei18noptions) are specified at `useI18n`, it’s translated in preferentially local scope locale messages than global scope locale messages.
1141 *
1142 * If not, then it’s translated with global scope locale messages.
1143 *
1144 * @param key - A target locale message key
1145 *
1146 * @returns Translated message
1147 *
1148 * @VueI18nSee [Scope and Locale Changing](../guide/essentials/scope)
1149 */
1150 <Key extends string>(key: Key | ResourceKeys | number): string;
1151 /**
1152 * Locale message translation for plurals
1153 *
1154 * @remarks
1155 * Overloaded `t`. About details, see the [call signature](composition#key-key-resourcekeys-number-string) details.
1156 *
1157 * In this overloaded `t`, return a pluralized translation message.
1158 *
1159 * You can also suppress the warning, when the translation missing according to the options.
1160 *
1161 * @param key - A target locale message key
1162 * @param plural - Which plural string to get. 1 returns the first one.
1163 *
1164 * @returns Translated message
1165 *
1166 * @VueI18nSee [Pluralization](../guide/essentials/pluralization)
1167 */
1168 <Key extends string>(key: Key | ResourceKeys | number, plural: number): string;
1169 /**
1170 * Locale message translation for plurals
1171 *
1172 * @remarks
1173 * Overloaded `t`. About details, see the [call signature](composition#key-key-resourcekeys-number-string) details.
1174 *
1175 * In this overloaded `t`, return a pluralized translation message.
1176 *
1177 * You can also suppress the warning, when the translation missing according to the options.
1178 *
1179 * About details of options, see the {@link TranslateOptions}.
1180 *
1181 * @param key - A target locale message key
1182 * @param plural - Which plural string to get. 1 returns the first one.
1183 * @param options - Additional {@link TranslateOptions | options} for translation
1184 *
1185 * @returns Translated message
1186 *
1187 * @VueI18nSee [Pluralization](../guide/essentials/pluralization)
1188 */
1189 <Key extends string>(key: Key | ResourceKeys | number, plural: number, options: TranslateOptions<Locales>): string;
1190 /**
1191 * Locale message translation for missing default message
1192 *
1193 * @remarks
1194 * Overloaded `t`. About details, see the [call signature](composition#key-key-resourcekeys-number-string) details.
1195 *
1196 * In this overloaded `t`, if no translation was found, return a default message.
1197 *
1198 * You can also suppress the warning, when the translation missing according to the options.
1199 *
1200 * @param key - A target locale message key
1201 * @param defaultMsg - A default message to return if no translation was found
1202 *
1203 * @returns Translated message
1204 */
1205 <Key extends string>(key: Key | ResourceKeys | number, defaultMsg: string): string;
1206 /**
1207 * Locale message translation for missing default message
1208 *
1209 * @remarks
1210 * Overloaded `t`. About details, see the [call signature](composition#key-key-resourcekeys-number-string) details.
1211 *
1212 * In this overloaded `t`, if no translation was found, return a default message.
1213 *
1214 * You can also suppress the warning, when the translation missing according to the options.
1215 *
1216 * About details of options, see the {@link TranslateOptions}.
1217 *
1218 * @param key - A target locale message key
1219 * @param defaultMsg - A default message to return if no translation was found
1220 * @param options - Additional {@link TranslateOptions | options} for translation
1221 *
1222 * @returns Translated message
1223 */
1224 <Key extends string>(key: Key | ResourceKeys | number, defaultMsg: string, options: TranslateOptions<Locales>): string;
1225 /**
1226 * Locale message translation for list interpolations
1227 *
1228 * @remarks
1229 * Overloaded `t`. About details, see the [call signature](composition#key-key-resourcekeys-number-string) details.
1230 *
1231 * In this overloaded `t`, the locale messages should contain a `{0}`, `{1}`, … for each placeholder in the list.
1232 *
1233 * You can also suppress the warning, when the translation missing according to the options.
1234 *
1235 * @param key - A target locale message key
1236 * @param list - A values of list interpolation
1237 *
1238 * @returns Translated message
1239 *
1240 * @VueI18nSee [List interpolation](../guide/essentials/syntax#list-interpolation)
1241 */
1242 <Key extends string>(key: Key | ResourceKeys | number, list: unknown[]): string;
1243 /**
1244 * Locale message translation for list interpolations and plurals
1245 *
1246 * @remarks
1247 * Overloaded `t`. About details, see the [call signature](composition#key-key-resourcekeys-number-string) details.
1248 *
1249 * In this overloaded `t`, the locale messages should contain a `{0}`, `{1}`, … for each placeholder in the list, and return a pluralized translation message.
1250 *
1251 * @param key - A target locale message key
1252 * @param list - A values of list interpolation
1253 * @param plural - Which plural string to get. 1 returns the first one.
1254 *
1255 * @returns Translated message
1256 *
1257 * @VueI18nSee [Pluralization](../guide/essentials/pluralization)
1258 * @VueI18nSee [List interpolation](../guide/essentials/syntax#list-interpolation)
1259 */
1260 <Key extends string>(key: Key | ResourceKeys | number, list: unknown[], plural: number): string;
1261 /**
1262 * Locale message translation for list interpolations and missing default message
1263 *
1264 * @remarks
1265 * Overloaded `t`. About details, see the [call signature](composition#key-key-resourcekeys-number-string) details.
1266 *
1267 * In this overloaded `t`, the locale messages should contain a `{0}`, `{1}`, … for each placeholder in the list, and if no translation was found, return a default message.
1268 *
1269 * @param key - A target locale message key
1270 * @param list - A values of list interpolation
1271 * @param defaultMsg - A default message to return if no translation was found
1272 *
1273 * @returns Translated message
1274 *
1275 * @VueI18nSee [List interpolation](../guide/essentials/syntax#list-interpolation)
1276 */
1277 <Key extends string>(key: Key | ResourceKeys | number, list: unknown[], defaultMsg: string): string;
1278 /**
1279 * Locale message translation for list interpolations
1280 *
1281 * @remarks
1282 * Overloaded `t`. About details, see the [call signature](composition#key-key-resourcekeys-number-string) details.
1283 *
1284 * In this overloaded `t`, the locale messages should contain a `{0}`, `{1}`, … for each placeholder in the list.
1285 *
1286 * You can also suppress the warning, when the translation missing according to the options.
1287 *
1288 * About details of options, see the {@link TranslateOptions}.
1289 *
1290 * @param key - A target locale message key
1291 * @param list - A values of list interpolation
1292 * @param options - Additional {@link TranslateOptions | options} for translation
1293 *
1294 * @returns Translated message
1295 *
1296 * @VueI18nSee [List interpolation](../guide/essentials/syntax#list-interpolation)
1297 */
1298 <Key extends string>(key: Key | ResourceKeys | number, list: unknown[], options: TranslateOptions<Locales>): string;
1299 /**
1300 * Locale message translation for named interpolations
1301 *
1302 * @remarks
1303 * Overloaded `t`. About details, see the [call signature](composition#key-key-resourcekeys-number-string) details.
1304 *
1305 * In this overloaded `t`, for each placeholder x, the locale messages should contain a `{x}` token.
1306 *
1307 * You can also suppress the warning, when the translation missing according to the options.
1308 *
1309 * @param key - A target locale message key
1310 * @param named - A values of named interpolation
1311 *
1312 * @returns Translated message
1313 *
1314 * @VueI18nSee [Named interpolation](../guide/essentials/syntax#named-interpolation)
1315 */
1316 <Key extends string>(key: Key | ResourceKeys | number, named: NamedValue): string;
1317 /**
1318 * Locale message translation for named interpolations and plurals
1319 *
1320 * @remarks
1321 * Overloaded `t`. About details, see the [call signature](composition#key-key-resourcekeys-number-string) details.
1322 *
1323 * In this overloaded `t`, for each placeholder x, the locale messages should contain a `{x}` token, and return a pluralized translation message.
1324 *
1325 * @param key - A target locale message key
1326 * @param named - A values of named interpolation
1327 * @param plural - Which plural string to get. 1 returns the first one.
1328 *
1329 * @returns Translated message
1330 *
1331 * @VueI18nSee [Pluralization](../guide/essentials/pluralization)
1332 * @VueI18nSee [Named interpolation](../guide/essentials/syntax#named-interpolation)
1333 */
1334 <Key extends string>(key: Key | ResourceKeys | number, named: NamedValue, plural: number): string;
1335 /**
1336 * Locale message translation for named interpolations and plurals
1337 *
1338 * @remarks
1339 * Overloaded `t`. About details, see the [call signature](composition#key-key-resourcekeys-number-string) details.
1340 *
1341 * In this overloaded `t`, for each placeholder x, the locale messages should contain a `{x}` token, and if no translation was found, return a default message.
1342 *
1343 * @param key - A target locale message key
1344 * @param named - A values of named interpolation
1345 * @param defaultMsg - A default message to return if no translation was found
1346 *
1347 * @returns Translated message
1348 *
1349 * @VueI18nSee [Named interpolation](../guide/essentials/syntax#named-interpolation)
1350 */
1351 <Key extends string>(key: Key | ResourceKeys | number, named: NamedValue, defaultMsg: string): string;
1352 /**
1353 * Locale message translation for named interpolations
1354 *
1355 * @remarks
1356 * Overloaded `t`. About details, see the [call signature](composition#key-key-resourcekeys-number-string) details.
1357 *
1358 * In this overloaded `t`, for each placeholder x, the locale messages should contain a `{x}` token.
1359 *
1360 * You can also suppress the warning, when the translation missing according to the options.
1361 *
1362 * About details of options, see the {@link TranslateOptions}.
1363 *
1364 * @param key - A target locale message key
1365 * @param named - A values of named interpolation
1366 * @param options - Additional {@link TranslateOptions | options} for translation
1367 *
1368 * @returns Translated message
1369 *
1370 * @VueI18nSee [Named interpolation](../guide/essentials/syntax#named-interpolation)
1371 */
1372 <Key extends string>(key: Key | ResourceKeys | number, named: NamedValue, options: TranslateOptions<Locales>): string;
1375export declare function createI18n<Legacy extends boolean = true, Options extends I18nOptions = I18nOptions, Messages extends Record<string, unknown> = Options['messages'] extends Record<string, unknown> ? Options['messages'] : {}, DateTimeFormats extends Record<string, unknown> = Options['datetimeFormats'] extends Record<string, unknown> ? Options['datetimeFormats'] : {}, NumberFormats extends Record<string, unknown> = Options['numberFormats'] extends Record<string, unknown> ? Options['numberFormats'] : {}, OptionLocale = Options['locale'] extends string ? Options['locale'] : Locale>(options: Options): (typeof options)['legacy'] extends true ? I18n<Messages, DateTimeFormats, NumberFormats, OptionLocale, true> : (typeof options)['legacy'] extends false ? I18n<Messages, DateTimeFormats, NumberFormats, OptionLocale, false> : I18n<Messages, DateTimeFormats, NumberFormats, OptionLocale, Legacy>;
1378 * Vue I18n factory
1379 *
1380 * @param options - An options, see the {@link I18nOptions}
1381 *
1382 * @typeParam Schema - The i18n resources (messages, datetimeFormats, numberFormats) schema, default {@link LocaleMessage}
1383 * @typeParam Locales - The locales of i18n resource schema, default `en-US`
1384 * @typeParam Legacy - Whether legacy mode is enabled or disabled, default `true`
1385 *
1386 * @returns {@link I18n} instance
1387 *
1388 * @remarks
1389 * If you use Legacy API mode, you need to specify {@link VueI18nOptions} and `legacy: true` option.
1390 *
1391 * If you use composition API mode, you need to specify {@link ComposerOptions}.
1392 *
1393 * @VueI18nSee [Getting Started](../guide/essentials/started)
1394 * @VueI18nSee [Composition API](../guide/advanced/composition)
1395 *
1396 * @example
1397 * case: for Legacy API
1398 * ```js
1399 * import { createApp } from 'vue'
1400 * import { createI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
1401 *
1402 * // call with I18n option
1403 * const i18n = createI18n({
1404 * locale: 'ja',
1405 * messages: {
1406 * en: { ... },
1407 * ja: { ... }
1408 * }
1409 * })
1410 *
1411 * const App = {
1412 * // ...
1413 * }
1414 *
1415 * const app = createApp(App)
1416 *
1417 * // install!
1418 * app.use(i18n)
1419 * app.mount('#app')
1420 * ```
1421 *
1422 * @example
1423 * case: for composition API
1424 * ```js
1425 * import { createApp } from 'vue'
1426 * import { createI18n, useI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
1427 *
1428 * // call with I18n option
1429 * const i18n = createI18n({
1430 * legacy: false, // you must specify 'legacy: false' option
1431 * locale: 'ja',
1432 * messages: {
1433 * en: { ... },
1434 * ja: { ... }
1435 * }
1436 * })
1437 *
1438 * const App = {
1439 * setup() {
1440 * // ...
1441 * const { t } = useI18n({ ... })
1442 * return { ... , t }
1443 * }
1444 * }
1445 *
1446 * const app = createApp(App)
1447 *
1448 * // install!
1449 * app.use(i18n)
1450 * app.mount('#app')
1451 * ```
1452 *
1453 * @VueI18nGeneral
1454 */
1455export declare function createI18n<Schema extends object = DefaultLocaleMessageSchema, Locales extends string | object = 'en-US', Legacy extends boolean = true, Options extends I18nOptions<SchemaParams<Schema, VueMessageType>, LocaleParams<Locales>> = I18nOptions<SchemaParams<Schema, VueMessageType>, LocaleParams<Locales>>, Messages extends Record<string, unknown> = NonNullable<Options['messages']> extends Record<string, unknown> ? NonNullable<Options['messages']> : {}, DateTimeFormats extends Record<string, unknown> = NonNullable<Options['datetimeFormats']> extends Record<string, unknown> ? NonNullable<Options['datetimeFormats']> : {}, NumberFormats extends Record<string, unknown> = NonNullable<Options['numberFormats']> extends Record<string, unknown> ? NonNullable<Options['numberFormats']> : {}, OptionLocale = Options['locale'] extends string ? Options['locale'] : Locale>(options: Options): (typeof options)['legacy'] extends true ? I18n<Messages, DateTimeFormats, NumberFormats, OptionLocale, true> : (typeof options)['legacy'] extends false ? I18n<Messages, DateTimeFormats, NumberFormats, OptionLocale, false> : I18n<Messages, DateTimeFormats, NumberFormats, OptionLocale, Legacy>;
1457export declare interface CustomBlock<Message = VueMessageType> {
1458 locale: Locale;
1459 resource: LocaleMessages<Message>;
1462export declare type CustomBlocks<Message = VueMessageType> = Array<CustomBlock<Message>>;
1465 * Datetime Format Component
1466 *
1467 * @remarks
1468 * See the following items for property about details
1469 *
1470 * @VueI18nSee [FormattableProps](component#formattableprops)
1471 * @VueI18nSee [BaseFormatProps](component#baseformatprops)
1472 * @VueI18nSee [Custom Formatting](../guide/essentials/datetime#custom-formatting)
1473 *
1474 * @VueI18nDanger
1475 * Not supported IE, due to no support `Intl.DateTimeFormat#formatToParts` in [IE](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/DateTimeFormat/formatToParts)
1476 *
1477 * If you want to use it, you need to use [polyfill](https://github.com/formatjs/formatjs/tree/main/packages/intl-datetimeformat)
1478 *
1479 * @VueI18nComponent
1480 */
1481export declare const DatetimeFormat: {
1482 new (): {
1483 $props: VNodeProps & DatetimeFormatProps & BaseFormatProps;
1484 };
1488 * DatetimeFormat Component Props
1489 *
1490 * @VueI18nComponent
1491 */
1492export declare type DatetimeFormatProps = FormattableProps<number | Date, Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions>;
1495 * @deprecated will be removed at vue-i18n v12
1496 * @VueI18nLegacy
1497 */
1498export declare type DateTimeFormatResult = string;
1499export { DateTimeOptions }
1501export declare type DefaultDateTimeFormatSchema<Schema = RemoveIndexSignature<{
1502 [K in keyof DefineDateTimeFormat]: DefineDateTimeFormat[K];
1503}>> = IsEmptyObject<Schema> extends true ? IntlDateTimeFormat : Schema;
1505export declare type DefaultLocaleMessageSchema<Schema = RemoveIndexSignature<{
1506 [K in keyof DefineLocaleMessage]: DefineLocaleMessage[K];
1507}>> = IsEmptyObject<Schema> extends true ? LocaleMessage<VueMessageType> : Schema;
1509export declare type DefaultNumberFormatSchema<Schema = RemoveIndexSignature<{
1510 [K in keyof DefineNumberFormat]: DefineNumberFormat[K];
1511}>> = IsEmptyObject<Schema> extends true ? IntlNumberFormat : Schema;
1514 * The type definition of datetime format
1515 *
1516 * @remarks
1517 * The typealias is used to strictly define the type of the Datetime format.
1518 *
1519 * The type defined by this can be used in the global scope.
1520 *
1521 * @example
1522 * ```ts
1523 * // type.d.ts (`.d.ts` file at your app)
1524 * import { DefineDateTimeFormat } from 'vue-i18n'
1525 *
1526 * declare module 'vue-i18n' {
1527 * export interface DefineDateTimeFormat {
1528 * short: {
1529 * hour: 'numeric'
1530 * timezone: string
1531 * }
1532 * }
1533 * }
1534 * ```
1535 *
1536 * @VueI18nGeneral
1537 */
1538export declare interface DefineDateTimeFormat extends IntlDateTimeFormat {
1542 * The type definition of Locale Message
1543 *
1544 * @remarks
1545 * The typealias is used to strictly define the type of the Locale message.
1546 *
1547 * The type defined by this can be used in the global scope.
1548 *
1549 * @example
1550 * ```ts
1551 * // type.d.ts (`.d.ts` file at your app)
1552 * import { DefineLocaleMessage } from 'vue-i18n'
1553 *
1554 * declare module 'vue-i18n' {
1555 * export interface DefineLocaleMessage {
1556 * title: string
1557 * menu: {
1558 * login: string
1559 * }
1560 * }
1561 * }
1562 * ```
1563 *
1564 * @VueI18nGeneral
1565 */
1566export declare interface DefineLocaleMessage extends LocaleMessage<VueMessageType> {
1570 * The type definition of number format
1571 *
1572 * @remarks
1573 * The typealias is used to strictly define the type of the Number format.
1574 *
1575 * The type defined by this can be used in the global scope.
1576 *
1577 * @example
1578 * ```ts
1579 * // type.d.ts (`.d.ts` file at your app)
1580 * import { DefineNumberFormat } from 'vue-i18n'
1581 *
1582 * declare module 'vue-i18n' {
1583 * export interface DefineNumberFormat {
1584 * currency: {
1585 * style: 'currency'
1586 * currencyDisplay: 'symbol'
1587 * currency: string
1588 * }
1589 * }
1590 * }
1591 * ```
1592 *
1593 * @VueI18nGeneral
1594 */
1595export declare interface DefineNumberFormat extends IntlNumberFormat {
1598export declare type Disposer = () => void;
1601 * Exported global composer instance
1602 *
1603 * @remarks
1604 * This interface is the [global composer](general#global) that is provided interface that is injected into each component with `app.config.globalProperties`.
1605 *
1606 * @VueI18nGeneral
1607 */
1608export declare interface ExportedGlobalComposer {
1609 /**
1610 * Locale
1611 *
1612 * @remarks
1613 * This property is proxy-like property for `Composer#locale`. About details, see the [Composer#locale](composition#locale)
1614 */
1615 locale: Locale;
1616 /**
1617 * Fallback locale
1618 *
1619 * @remarks
1620 * This property is proxy-like property for `Composer#fallbackLocale`. About details, see the [Composer#fallbackLocale](composition#fallbacklocale)
1621 */
1622 fallbackLocale: FallbackLocale;
1623 /**
1624 * Available locales
1625 *
1626 * @remarks
1627 * This property is proxy-like property for `Composer#availableLocales`. About details, see the [Composer#availableLocales](composition#availablelocales)
1628 */
1629 readonly availableLocales: Locale[];
1631export { FallbackLocale }
1634 * Formattable Props
1635 *
1636 * @remarks
1637 * The props used in DatetimeFormat, or NumberFormat component
1638 *
1639 * @VueI18nComponent
1640 */
1641export declare interface FormattableProps<Value, Format> extends BaseFormatProps {
1642 /**
1643 * @remarks
1644 * The value specified for the target component
1645 */
1646 value: Value;
1647 /**
1648 * @remarks
1649 * The format to use in the target component.
1650 *
1651 * Specify the format key string or the format as defined by the Intl API in ECMA 402.
1652 */
1653 format?: string | Format;
1657 * Narrowed i18n instance type based on `GeneratedTypeConfig['legacy']`
1658 *
1659 * - `never` (unset) resolves to `VueI18n | ExportedGlobalComposer`
1660 * - `true` resolves to `VueI18n`
1661 * - `false` resolves to `ExportedGlobalComposer`
1662 */
1663declare type GeneratedInstanceType = GeneratedTypeConfig_2 extends Record<'legacy', infer Legacy> ? Legacy : never;
1664export { GeneratedTypeConfig }
1667 *
1668 * The interface used for narrowing types using generated types.
1669 *
1670 * @remarks
1671 *
1672 * The type generated by 3rd party (e.g. nuxt/i18n)
1673 *
1674 * @example
1675 * ```ts
1676 * // generated-i18n-types.d.ts (`.d.ts` file at your app)
1677 *
1678 * declare module '@intlify/vue-i18n-core' {
1679 * interface GeneratedTypeConfig {
1680 * legacy: false
1681 * }
1682 * }
1683 * ```
1684 */
1685declare interface GeneratedTypeConfig_2 {
1689 * I18n instance
1690 *
1691 * @remarks
1692 * The instance required for installation as the Vue plugin
1693 *
1694 * @VueI18nGeneral
1695 */
1696export declare interface I18n<Messages extends Record<string, unknown> = {}, DateTimeFormats extends Record<string, unknown> = {}, NumberFormats extends Record<string, unknown> = {}, OptionLocale = Locale, Legacy = boolean> {
1697 /**
1698 * Vue I18n API mode
1699 *
1700 * @remarks
1701 * If you specified `legacy: true` option in `createI18n`, return `legacy`, else `composition`
1702 *
1703 * @deprecated will be removed at vue-i18n v12
1704 *
1705 * @defaultValue `'legacy'`
1706 */
1707 readonly mode: I18nMode;
1708 /**
1709 * The property accessible to the global Composer instance or VueI18n instance
1710 *
1711 * @remarks
1712 * If the [I18n#mode](general#mode) is `'legacy'`, then you can access to a global {@link VueI18n} instance, else then [I18n#mode](general#mode) is `'composition' `, you can access to the global {@link Composer} instance.
1713 *
1714 * An instance of this property is **global scope***.
1715 */
1716 readonly global: Legacy extends true ? VueI18n<Messages, DateTimeFormats, NumberFormats, OptionLocale> : Legacy extends false ? Composer<Messages, DateTimeFormats, NumberFormats, OptionLocale> : unknown;
1717 /**
1718 * Install entry point
1719 *
1720 * @param app - A target Vue app instance
1721 * @param options - An install options
1722 */
1723 install(app: App, ...options: unknown[]): void;
1724 /**
1725 * Release global scope resource
1726 */
1727 dispose(): void;
1731 * I18n Additional Options
1732 *
1733 * @remarks
1734 * Specific options for {@link createI18n}
1735 *
1736 * @VueI18nGeneral
1737 */
1738export declare interface I18nAdditionalOptions {
1739 /**
1740 * Whether vue-i18n Legacy API mode use on your Vue App
1741 *
1742 * @remarks
1743 * The default is to use the Legacy API mode. If you want to use the Composition API mode, you need to set it to `false`.
1744 *
1745 * @deprecated will be removed at vue-i18n v12
1746 *
1747 * @VueI18nSee [Composition API](../guide/advanced/composition)
1748 *
1749 * @defaultValue `true`
1750 */
1751 legacy?: boolean;
1752 /**
1753 * Whether to inject global properties & functions into for each component.
1754 *
1755 * @remarks
1756 * If set to `true`, then properties and methods prefixed with `$` are injected into Vue Component.
1757 *
1758 * @VueI18nSee [Implicit with injected properties and functions](../guide/advanced/composition#implicit-with-injected-properties-and-functions)
1759 * @VueI18nSee [ComponentCustomProperties](injection#componentcustomproperties)
1760 *
1761 * @defaultValue `true`
1762 */
1763 globalInjection?: boolean;
1766export declare const I18nD: new () => {
1767 $props: VNodeProps & DatetimeFormatProps & BaseFormatProps;
1771 * Injection key for {@link useI18n}
1772 *
1773 * @remarks
1774 * The global injection key for I18n instances with `useI18n`. this injection key is used in Web Components.
1775 * Specify the i18n instance created by {@link createI18n} together with `provide` function.
1776 *
1777 * @VueI18nGeneral
1778 */
1779export declare const I18nInjectionKey: InjectionKey<I18n> | string;
1782 * Vue I18n API mode
1783 *
1784 * @deprecated will be removed at vue-i18n v12
1785 *
1786 * @VueI18nSee [I18n#mode](general#mode)
1787 *
1788 * @VueI18nGeneral
1789 */
1790export declare type I18nMode = 'legacy' | 'composition';
1792export declare const I18nN: new () => {
1793 $props: VNodeProps & NumberFormatProps & BaseFormatProps;
1797 * I18n Options for `createI18n`
1798 *
1799 * @remarks
1800 * `I18nOptions` is inherited {@link I18nAdditionalOptions}, {@link ComposerOptions} and {@link VueI18nOptions},
1801 * so you can specify these options.
1802 *
1803 * @VueI18nGeneral
1804 */
1805export declare type I18nOptions<Schema extends {
1806 message?: unknown;
1807 datetime?: unknown;
1808 number?: unknown;
1809} = {
1810 message: DefaultLocaleMessageSchema;
1811 datetime: DefaultDateTimeFormatSchema;
1812 number: DefaultNumberFormatSchema;
1813}, Locales extends {
1814 messages: unknown;
1815 datetimeFormats: unknown;
1816 numberFormats: unknown;
1817} | string = Locale, Options extends ComposerOptions<Schema, Locales> | VueI18nOptions<Schema, Locales> = ComposerOptions<Schema, Locales> | VueI18nOptions<Schema, Locales>> = I18nAdditionalOptions & Options;
1820 * Vue I18n plugin options
1821 *
1822 * @remarks
1823 * An options specified when installing Vue I18n as Vue plugin with using `app.use`.
1824 *
1825 * @VueI18nGeneral
1826 */
1827export declare interface I18nPluginOptions {
1828 /**
1829 * Whether to globally install the components that is offered by Vue I18n
1830 *
1831 * @remarks
1832 * If this option is enabled, the components will be installed globally at `app.use` time.
1833 *
1834 * If you want to install manually in the `import` syntax, you can set it to `false` to install when needed.
1835 *
1836 * @defaultValue `true`
1837 */
1838 globalInstall?: boolean;
1842 * I18n Scope
1843 *
1844 * @VueI18nSee [ComposerAdditionalOptions#useScope](composition#usescope)
1845 * @VueI18nSee [useI18n](composition#usei18n)
1846 *
1847 * @VueI18nGeneral
1848 */
1849export declare type I18nScope = 'local' | 'parent' | 'global';
1851export declare const I18nT: new () => {
1852 $props: VNodeProps & TranslationProps;
1854export { IntlDateTimeFormat }
1855export { IntlDateTimeFormats }
1856export { IntlFormatMatcher }
1857export { IntlLocaleMatcher }
1858export { IntlNumberFormat }
1859export { IntlNumberFormats }
1860export { IsEmptyObject }
1861export { IsNever }
1862export { LinkedModifiers }
1863export { Locale }
1864export { LocaleMessageDictionary }
1867 * @deprecated will be removed at vue-i18n v12
1868 * @VueI18nLegacy
1869 */
1870export declare type LocaleMessageObject<Message = string> = LocaleMessageDictionary<Message>;
1871export { LocaleMessages }
1872export { LocaleMessageType }
1873export { LocaleMessageValue }
1874export { MessageCompiler }
1875export { MessageCompilerContext }
1876export { MessageContext }
1877export { MessageFunction }
1878export { MessageFunctions }
1879export { MessageResolver }
1881/** @VueI18nComposition */
1882export declare type MissingHandler = (locale: Locale, key: Path, instance?: ComponentInternalInstance, type?: string) => string | void;
1883export { NamedValue }
1886 * Number Format Component
1887 *
1888 * @remarks
1889 * See the following items for property about details
1890 *
1891 * @VueI18nSee [FormattableProps](component#formattableprops)
1892 * @VueI18nSee [BaseFormatProps](component#baseformatprops)
1893 * @VueI18nSee [Custom Formatting](../guide/essentials/number#custom-formatting)
1894 *
1895 * @VueI18nDanger
1896 * Not supported IE, due to no support `Intl.NumberFormat#formatToParts` in [IE](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Intl/NumberFormat/formatToParts)
1897 *
1898 * If you want to use it, you need to use [polyfill](https://github.com/formatjs/formatjs/tree/main/packages/intl-numberformat)
1899 *
1900 * @VueI18nComponent
1901 */
1902export declare const NumberFormat: {
1903 new (): {
1904 $props: VNodeProps & NumberFormatProps & BaseFormatProps;
1905 };
1909 * NumberFormat Component Props
1910 *
1911 * @VueI18nComponent
1912 */
1913export declare type NumberFormatProps = FormattableProps<number, Intl.NumberFormatOptions>;
1916 * @deprecated will be removed at vue-i18n v12
1917 * @VueI18nLegacy
1918 */
1919export declare type NumberFormatResult = string;
1920export { NumberOptions }
1921export { Path }
1922export { PathValue }
1923export { PickupFormatPathKeys }
1924export { PickupKeys }
1925export { PickupPaths }
1926export { PluralizationRule }
1929 * @deprecated will be removed at vue-i18n v12
1930 * @VueI18nLegacy
1931 */
1932export declare type PluralizationRulesMap = {
1933 [locale: string]: PluralizationRule;
1935export { PostTranslationHandler }
1936export { RemovedIndexResources }
1937export { TranslateOptions }
1940 * @deprecated will be removed at vue-i18n v12
1941 * @VueI18nLegacy
1942 */
1943export declare type TranslateResult = string;
1946 * Translation Component
1947 *
1948 * @remarks
1949 * See the following items for property about details
1950 *
1951 * @VueI18nSee [TranslationProps](component#translationprops)
1952 * @VueI18nSee [BaseFormatProps](component#baseformatprops)
1953 * @VueI18nSee [Component Interpolation](../guide/advanced/component)
1954 *
1955 * @example
1956 * ```html
1957 * <div id="app">
1958 * <!-- ... -->
1959 * <i18n keypath="term" tag="label" for="tos">
1960 * <a :href="url" target="_blank">{{ $t('tos') }}</a>
1961 * </i18n>
1962 * <!-- ... -->
1963 * </div>
1964 * ```
1965 * ```js
1966 * import { createApp } from 'vue'
1967 * import { createI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
1968 *
1969 * const messages = {
1970 * en: {
1971 * tos: 'Term of Service',
1972 * term: 'I accept xxx {0}.'
1973 * },
1974 * ja: {
1975 * tos: '利用規約',
1976 * term: '私は xxx の{0}に同意します。'
1977 * }
1978 * }
1979 *
1980 * const i18n = createI18n({
1981 * locale: 'en',
1982 * messages
1983 * })
1984 *
1985 * const app = createApp({
1986 * data: {
1987 * url: '/term'
1988 * }
1989 * }).use(i18n).mount('#app')
1990 * ```
1991 *
1992 * @VueI18nComponent
1993 */
1994export declare const Translation: {
1995 new (): {
1996 $props: VNodeProps & TranslationProps;
1997 };
2001 * Translation Directive (`v-t`)
2002 *
2003 * @remarks
2004 * Update the element `textContent` that localized with locale messages.
2005 *
2006 * You can use string syntax or object syntax.
2007 *
2008 * String syntax can be specified as a keypath of locale messages.
2009 *
2010 * If you can be used object syntax, you need to specify as the object key the following params
2011 *
2012 * ```
2013 * - path: required, key of locale messages
2014 * - locale: optional, locale
2015 * - args: optional, for list or named formatting
2016 * ```
2017 *
2018 * @example
2019 * ```html
2020 * <!-- string syntax: literal -->
2021 * <p v-t="'foo.bar'"></p>
2022 *
2023 * <!-- string syntax: binding via data or computed props -->
2024 * <p v-t="msg"></p>
2025 *
2026 * <!-- object syntax: literal -->
2027 * <p v-t="{ path: 'hi', locale: 'ja', args: { name: 'kazupon' } }"></p>
2028 *
2029 * <!-- object syntax: binding via data or computed props -->
2030 * <p v-t="{ path: greeting, args: { name: fullName } }"></p>
2031 * ```
2032 *
2033 * @deprecated will be removed at vue-i18n v12
2034 *
2035 * @VueI18nDirective
2036 */
2037export declare type TranslationDirective<T = HTMLElement> = ObjectDirective<T>;
2040 * Translation Component Props
2041 *
2042 * @VueI18nComponent
2043 */
2044export declare interface TranslationProps extends BaseFormatProps {
2045 /**
2046 * @remarks
2047 * The locale message key can be specified prop
2048 */
2049 keypath: string;
2050 /**
2051 * @remarks
2052 * The Plural Choosing the message number prop
2053 */
2054 plural?: number | string;
2057export declare function useI18n<Options extends UseI18nOptions = UseI18nOptions>(options?: Options): Composer<NonNullable<Options['messages']>, NonNullable<Options['datetimeFormats']>, NonNullable<Options['numberFormats']>, Options['locale'] extends unknown ? string : Options['locale']>;
2060 * Use Composition API for Vue I18n
2061 *
2062 * @param options - An options, see {@link UseI18nOptions}
2063 *
2064 * @typeParam Schema - The i18n resources (messages, datetimeFormats, numberFormats) schema, default {@link LocaleMessage}
2065 * @typeParam Locales - The locales of i18n resource schema, default `en-US`
2066 *
2067 * @returns {@link Composer} instance
2068 *
2069 * @remarks
2070 * This function is mainly used by `setup`.
2071 *
2072 * If options are specified, Composer instance is created for each component and you can be localized on the component.
2073 *
2074 * If options are not specified, you can be localized using the global Composer.
2075 *
2076 * @example
2077 * case: Component resource base localization
2078 * ```html
2079 * <template>
2080 * <form>
2081 * <label>{{ t('language') }}</label>
2082 * <select v-model="locale">
2083 * <option value="en">en</option>
2084 * <option value="ja">ja</option>
2085 * </select>
2086 * </form>
2087 * <p>message: {{ t('hello') }}</p>
2088 * </template>
2089 *
2090 * <script>
2091 * import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
2092 *
2093 * export default {
2094 * setup() {
2095 * const { t, locale } = useI18n({
2096 * locale: 'ja',
2097 * messages: {
2098 * en: { ... },
2099 * ja: { ... }
2100 * }
2101 * })
2102 * // Something to do ...
2103 *
2104 * return { ..., t, locale }
2105 * }
2106 * }
2107 * </script>
2108 * ```
2109 *
2110 * @VueI18nComposition
2111 */
2112export declare function useI18n<Schema = DefaultLocaleMessageSchema, Locales = 'en-US', Options extends UseI18nOptions<SchemaParams<Schema, VueMessageType>, LocaleParams<Locales>> = UseI18nOptions<SchemaParams<Schema, VueMessageType>, LocaleParams<Locales>>>(options?: Options): Composer<NonNullable<Options['messages']>, NonNullable<Options['datetimeFormats']>, NonNullable<Options['numberFormats']>, NonNullable<Options['locale']>>;
2115 * I18n Options for `useI18n`
2116 *
2117 * @remarks
2118 * `UseI18nOptions` is inherited {@link ComposerAdditionalOptions} and {@link ComposerOptions}, so you can specify these options.
2119 *
2120 * @VueI18nSee [useI18n](composition#usei18n)
2121 *
2122 * @VueI18nComposition
2123 */
2124export declare type UseI18nOptions<Schema extends {
2125 message?: unknown;
2126 datetime?: unknown;
2127 number?: unknown;
2128} = {
2129 message: DefaultLocaleMessageSchema;
2130 datetime: DefaultDateTimeFormatSchema;
2131 number: DefaultNumberFormatSchema;
2132}, Locales extends {
2133 messages: unknown;
2134 datetimeFormats: unknown;
2135 numberFormats: unknown;
2136} | string = Locale, Options extends ComposerOptions<Schema, Locales> = ComposerOptions<Schema, Locales>> = ComposerAdditionalOptions & Options;
2139 * Vue I18n Version
2140 *
2141 * @remarks
2142 * Semver format. Same format as the package.json `version` field.
2143 *
2144 * @VueI18nGeneral
2145 */
2146export declare const VERSION: string;
2149 * @deprecated will be removed at vue-i18n v12
2150 */
2151export declare function vTDirective(i18n: I18n): TranslationDirective<HTMLElement>;
2153export declare type VTDirectiveValue = {
2154 path: string;
2155 locale?: Locale;
2156 args?: NamedValue;
2157 choice?: number;
2158 plural?: number;
2162 * VueI18n legacy interfaces
2163 *
2164 * @remarks
2165 * This interface is compatible with interface of `VueI18n` class (offered with Vue I18n v8.x).
2166 *
2167 * @deprecated will be removed at vue-i18n v12
2168 *
2169 * @VueI18nLegacy
2170 */
2171export declare interface VueI18n<Messages extends Record<string, any> = {}, DateTimeFormats extends Record<string, any> = {}, NumberFormats extends Record<string, any> = {}, OptionLocale = Locale, ResourceLocales = PickupLocales<NonNullable<Messages>> | PickupLocales<NonNullable<DateTimeFormats>> | PickupLocales<NonNullable<NumberFormats>>, Locales = Locale extends GeneratedLocale ? GeneratedLocale : OptionLocale extends string ? [ResourceLocales] extends [never] ? Locale : ResourceLocales : OptionLocale | ResourceLocales, Composition extends Composer<Messages, DateTimeFormats, NumberFormats, OptionLocale> = Composer<Messages, DateTimeFormats, NumberFormats, OptionLocale>> {
2172 /**
2173 * @remarks
2174 * Instance ID.
2175 */
2176 id: number;
2177 /**
2178 * @remarks
2179 * The current locale this VueI18n instance is using.
2180 *
2181 * If the locale contains a territory and a dialect, this locale contains an implicit fallback.
2182 *
2183 * @VueI18nSee [Scope and Locale Changing](../guide/essentials/scope)
2184 */
2185 locale: Locales;
2186 /**
2187 * @remarks
2188 * The current fallback locales this VueI18n instance is using.
2189 *
2190 * @VueI18nSee [Fallbacking](../guide/essentials/fallback)
2191 */
2192 fallbackLocale: FallbackLocales<Locales>;
2193 /**
2194 * @remarks
2195 * The list of available locales in `messages` in lexical order.
2196 */
2197 readonly availableLocales: Composition['availableLocales'];
2198 /**
2199 * @remarks
2200 * The locale messages of localization.
2201 *
2202 * @VueI18nSee [Getting Started](../guide/essentials/started)
2203 */
2204 readonly messages: {
2205 [K in keyof Messages]: Messages[K];
2206 };
2207 /**
2208 * @remarks
2209 * The datetime formats of localization.
2210 *
2211 * @VueI18nSee [Datetime Formatting](../guide/essentials/datetime)
2212 */
2213 readonly datetimeFormats: {
2214 [K in keyof DateTimeFormats]: DateTimeFormats[K];
2215 };
2216 /**
2217 * @remarks
2218 * The number formats of localization.
2219 *
2220 * @VueI18nSee [Number Formatting](../guide/essentials/number)
2221 */
2222 readonly numberFormats: {
2223 [K in keyof NumberFormats]: NumberFormats[K];
2224 };
2225 /**
2226 * @remarks
2227 * Custom Modifiers for linked messages.
2228 *
2229 * @VueI18nSee [Custom Modifiers](../guide/essentials/syntax#custom-modifiers)
2230 */
2231 readonly modifiers: Composition['modifiers'];
2232 /**
2233 * @remarks
2234 * A handler for localization missing.
2235 */
2236 missing: MissingHandler | null;
2237 /**
2238 * @remarks
2239 * A handler for post processing of translation.
2240 */
2241 postTranslation: PostTranslationHandler<VueMessageType> | null;
2242 /**
2243 * @remarks
2244 * Whether suppress warnings outputted when localization fails.
2245 *
2246 * @VueI18nSee [Fallbacking](../guide/essentials/fallback)
2247 */
2248 silentTranslationWarn: Composition['missingWarn'];
2249 /**
2250 * @remarks
2251 * Whether suppress fallback warnings when localization fails.
2252 */
2253 silentFallbackWarn: Composition['fallbackWarn'];
2254 /**
2255 * @remarks
2256 * Whether suppress warnings when falling back to either `fallbackLocale` or root.
2257 *
2258 * @VueI18nSee [Fallbacking](../guide/essentials/fallback)
2259 */
2260 formatFallbackMessages: Composition['fallbackFormat'];
2261 /**
2262 * @remarks
2263 * Whether synchronize the root level locale to the component localization locale.
2264 *
2265 * @VueI18nSee [Local Scope](../guide/essentials/scope#local-scope-2)
2266 */
2267 sync: Composition['inheritLocale'];
2268 /**
2269 * @remarks
2270 * Whether to allow the use locale messages of HTML formatting.
2271 *
2272 * If you set `warn` or` error`, will check the locale messages on the VueI18n instance.
2273 *
2274 * If you are specified `warn`, a warning will be output at console.
2275 *
2276 * If you are specified `error` will occurred an Error.
2277 *
2278 * @VueI18nSee [HTML Message](../guide/essentials/syntax#html-message)
2279 * @VueI18nSee [Change `warnHtmlInMessage` option default value](../guide/migration/breaking#change-warnhtmlinmessage-option-default-value)
2280 */
2281 warnHtmlInMessage: WarnHtmlInMessageLevel;
2282 /**
2283 * @remarks
2284 * Whether interpolation parameters are escaped before the message is translated.
2285 *
2286 * @VueI18nSee [HTML Message](../guide/essentials/syntax#html-message)
2287 */
2288 escapeParameterHtml: Composition['escapeParameter'];
2289 /**
2290 * A set of rules for word pluralization
2291 *
2292 * @VueI18nSee [Custom Pluralization](../guide/essentials/pluralization#custom-pluralization)
2293 */
2294 pluralizationRules: Composition['pluralRules'];
2295 /**
2296 * Locale message translation
2297 *
2298 * @remarks
2299 * About details functions, See the {@link VueI18nTranslation}
2300 */
2301 t: VueI18nTranslation<Messages, Locales, RemoveIndexSignature<{
2302 [K in keyof DefineLocaleMessage]: DefineLocaleMessage[K];
2303 }>>;
2304 /**
2305 * Resolve locale message translation
2306 *
2307 * @remarks
2308 * About details functions, See the {@link VueI18nResolveLocaleMessageTranslation}
2309 */
2310 rt: VueI18nResolveLocaleMessageTranslation<Locales>;
2311 /**
2312 * Translation locale message exist
2313 *
2314 * @remarks
2315 * whether do exist locale message on VueI18n instance [messages](legacy#messages).
2316 *
2317 * If you specified `locale`, check the locale messages of `locale`.
2318 *
2319 * @param key - A target locale message key
2320 * @param locale - A target locale
2321 *
2322 * @returns If found locale message, `true`, else `false`
2323 */
2324 te<Str extends string, Key extends PickupKeys<Messages> = PickupKeys<Messages>>(key: Str | Key, locale?: Locales): boolean;
2325 /**
2326 * Locale messages getter
2327 *
2328 * @remarks
2329 * If [i18n component options](injection#i18n) is specified, it’s get in preferentially local scope locale messages than global scope locale messages.
2330 *
2331 * If [i18n component options](injection#i18n) isn't specified, it’s get with global scope locale messages.
2332 *
2333 * Based on the current `locale`, locale messages will be returned from Composer instance messages.
2334 *
2335 * If you change the `locale`, the locale messages returned will also correspond to the locale.
2336 *
2337 * If there are no locale messages for the given `key` in the composer instance messages, they will be returned with [fallbacking](../guide/essentials/fallback).
2338 *
2339 * @VueI18nWarning
2340 * You need to use `rt` for the locale message returned by `tm`. see the [rt](legacy#rt-message) details.
2341 *
2342 * @example
2343 * template:
2344 * ```html
2345 * <div class="container">
2346 * <template v-for="content in $tm('contents')">
2347 * <h2>{{ $rt(content.title) }}</h2>
2348 * <p v-for="paragraph in content.paragraphs">
2349 * {{ $rt(paragraph) }}
2350 * </p>
2351 * </template>
2352 * </div>
2353 * ```
2354 *
2355 * ```js
2356 * import { createI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
2357 *
2358 * const i18n = createI18n({
2359 * messages: {
2360 * en: {
2361 * contents: [
2362 * {
2363 * title: 'Title1',
2364 * // ...
2365 * paragraphs: [
2366 * // ...
2367 * ]
2368 * }
2369 * ]
2370 * }
2371 * }
2372 * // ...
2373 * })
2374 * ```
2375 * @param key - A target locale message key
2376 *
2377 * @return Locale messages
2378 */
2379 tm: Composition['tm'];
2380 /**
2381 * Get locale message
2382 *
2383 * @remarks
2384 * get locale message from VueI18n instance [messages](legacy#messages).
2385 *
2386 * @param locale - A target locale
2387 *
2388 * @returns Locale messages
2389 */
2390 getLocaleMessage: Composition['getLocaleMessage'];
2391 /**
2392 * Set locale message
2393 *
2394 * @remarks
2395 * Set locale message to VueI18n instance [messages](legacy#messages).
2396 *
2397 * @param locale - A target locale
2398 * @param message - A message
2399 */
2400 setLocaleMessage: Composition['setLocaleMessage'];
2401 /**
2402 * Merge locale message
2403 *
2404 * @remarks
2405 * Merge locale message to VueI18n instance [messages](legacy#messages).
2406 *
2407 * @param locale - A target locale
2408 * @param message - A message
2409 */
2410 mergeLocaleMessage: Composition['mergeLocaleMessage'];
2411 /**
2412 * Datetime formatting
2413 *
2414 * @remarks
2415 * About details functions, See the {@link VueI18nDateTimeFormatting}
2416 */
2417 d: VueI18nDateTimeFormatting<DateTimeFormats, Locales, RemoveIndexSignature<{
2418 [K in keyof DefineDateTimeFormat]: DefineDateTimeFormat[K];
2419 }>>;
2420 /**
2421 * Get datetime format
2422 *
2423 * @remarks
2424 * get datetime format from VueI18n instance [datetimeFormats](legacy#datetimeformats).
2425 *
2426 * @param locale - A target locale
2427 *
2428 * @returns Datetime format
2429 */
2430 getDateTimeFormat: Composition['getDateTimeFormat'];
2431 /**
2432 * Set datetime format
2433 *
2434 * @remarks
2435 * Set datetime format to VueI18n instance [datetimeFormats](legacy#datetimeformats).
2436 *
2437 * @param locale - A target locale
2438 * @param format - A target datetime format
2439 */
2440 setDateTimeFormat: Composition['setDateTimeFormat'];
2441 /**
2442 * Merge datetime format
2443 *
2444 * @remarks
2445 * Merge datetime format to VueI18n instance [datetimeFormats](legacy#datetimeformats).
2446 *
2447 * @param locale - A target locale
2448 * @param format - A target datetime format
2449 */
2450 mergeDateTimeFormat: Composition['mergeDateTimeFormat'];
2451 /**
2452 * Number Formatting
2453 *
2454 * @remarks
2455 * About details functions, See the {@link VueI18nNumberFormatting}
2456 */
2457 n: VueI18nNumberFormatting<NumberFormats, Locales, RemoveIndexSignature<{
2458 [K in keyof DefineNumberFormat]: DefineNumberFormat[K];
2459 }>>;
2460 /**
2461 * Get number format
2462 *
2463 * @remarks
2464 * get number format from VueI18n instance [numberFormats](legacy#numberFormats).
2465 *
2466 * @param locale - A target locale
2467 *
2468 * @returns Number format
2469 */
2470 getNumberFormat: Composition['getNumberFormat'];
2471 /**
2472 * Set number format
2473 *
2474 * @remarks
2475 * Set number format to VueI18n instance [numberFormats](legacy#numberFormats).
2476 *
2477 * @param locale - A target locale
2478 * @param format - A target number format
2479 */
2480 setNumberFormat: Composition['setNumberFormat'];
2481 /**
2482 * Merge number format
2483 *
2484 * @remarks
2485 * Merge number format to VueI18n instance [numberFormats](legacy#numberFormats).
2486 *
2487 * @param locale - A target locale
2488 * @param format - A target number format
2489 */
2490 mergeNumberFormat: Composition['mergeNumberFormat'];
2494 * Datetime formatting functions for VueI18n legacy interfaces
2495 *
2496 * @remarks
2497 * This is the interface for {@link VueI18n}
2498 *
2499 * @deprecated will be removed at vue-i18n v12
2500 *
2501 * @VueI18nLegacy
2502 */
2503export declare interface VueI18nDateTimeFormatting<DateTimeFormats extends Record<string, any> = {}, Locales = 'en-US', DefinedDateTimeFormat extends RemovedIndexResources<DefineDateTimeFormat> = RemovedIndexResources<DefineDateTimeFormat>, C = IsEmptyObject<DefinedDateTimeFormat> extends false ? PickupFormatPathKeys<{
2504 [K in keyof DefinedDateTimeFormat]: DefinedDateTimeFormat[K];
2505}> : never, M = IsEmptyObject<DateTimeFormats> extends false ? PickupFormatKeys<DateTimeFormats> : never, ResourceKeys extends C | M = IsNever<C> extends false ? IsNever<M> extends false ? C | M : C : IsNever<M> extends false ? M : never> {
2506 /**
2507 * Datetime formatting
2508 *
2509 * @remarks
2510 * If this is used in a reactive context, it will re-evaluate once the locale changes.
2511 *
2512 * If [i18n component options](injection#i18n) is specified, it’s formatted in preferentially local scope datetime formats than global scope locale messages.
2513 *
2514 * If [i18n component options](injection#i18n) isn't specified, it’s formatted with global scope datetime formats.
2515 *
2516 * @param value - A value, timestamp number or `Date` instance
2517 *
2518 * @returns Formatted value
2519 *
2520 * @VueI18nSee [Datetime formatting](../guide/essentials/datetime)
2521 */
2522 (value: number | Date): DateTimeFormatResult;
2523 /**
2524 * Datetime formatting
2525 *
2526 * @remarks
2527 * Overloaded `d`. About details, see the [call signature](legacy#value-number-date-datetimeformatresult) details.
2528 *
2529 * @param value - A value, timestamp number or `Date` instance
2530 * @param key - A key of datetime formats
2531 *
2532 * @returns Formatted value
2533 */
2534 <Value extends number | Date = number, Key extends string = string>(value: Value, key: Key | ResourceKeys): DateTimeFormatResult;
2535 /**
2536 * Datetime formatting
2537 *
2538 * @remarks
2539 * Overloaded `d`. About details, see the [call signature](legacy#value-number-date-datetimeformatresult) details.
2540 *
2541 * @param value - A value, timestamp number or `Date` instance
2542 * @param key - A key of datetime formats
2543 * @param locale - A locale, it will be used over than global scope or local scope.
2544 *
2545 * @returns Formatted value
2546 */
2547 <Value extends number | Date = number, Key extends string = string>(value: Value, key: Key | ResourceKeys, locale: Locales): DateTimeFormatResult;
2548 /**
2549 * Datetime formatting
2550 *
2551 * @remarks
2552 * Overloaded `d`. About details, see the [call signature](legacy#value-number-date-datetimeformatresult) details.
2553 *
2554 * @param value - A value, timestamp number or `Date` instance
2555 * @param args - An argument values
2556 *
2557 * @returns Formatted value
2558 */
2559 (value: number | Date, args: {
2560 [key: string]: string | boolean | number;
2561 }): DateTimeFormatResult;
2565 * @deprecated will be removed at vue-i18n v12
2566 */
2567export declare type VueI18nExtender = (vueI18n: VueI18n) => Disposer | undefined;
2569/** @VueI18nGeneral */
2570export declare type VueI18nInstance = IsNever<GeneratedInstanceType> extends true ? VueI18n | ExportedGlobalComposer : GeneratedInstanceType extends true ? VueI18n : ExportedGlobalComposer;
2573 * Number formatting functions for VueI18n legacy interfaces
2574 *
2575 * @remarks
2576 * This is the interface for {@link VueI18n}
2577 *
2578 * @deprecated will be removed at vue-i18n v12
2579 *
2580 * @VueI18nLegacy
2581 */
2582export declare interface VueI18nNumberFormatting<NumberFormats extends Record<string, any> = {}, Locales = 'en-US', DefinedNumberFormat extends RemovedIndexResources<DefineNumberFormat> = RemovedIndexResources<DefineNumberFormat>, C = IsEmptyObject<DefinedNumberFormat> extends false ? PickupFormatPathKeys<{
2583 [K in keyof DefinedNumberFormat]: DefinedNumberFormat[K];
2584}> : never, M = IsEmptyObject<NumberFormats> extends false ? PickupFormatKeys<NumberFormats> : never, ResourceKeys extends C | M = IsNever<C> extends false ? IsNever<M> extends false ? C | M : C : IsNever<M> extends false ? M : never> {
2585 /**
2586 * Number formatting
2587 *
2588 * @remarks
2589 * If this is used in a reactive context, it will re-evaluate once the locale changes.
2590 *
2591 * If [i18n component options](injection#i18n) is specified, it’s formatted in preferentially local scope number formats than global scope locale messages.
2592 *
2593 * If [i18n component options](injection#i18n) isn't specified, it’s formatted with global scope number formats.
2594 *
2595 * @param value - A number value
2596 *
2597 * @returns Formatted value
2598 *
2599 * @VueI18nSee [Number formatting](../guide/essentials/number)
2600 */
2601 (value: number): NumberFormatResult;
2602 /**
2603 * Number formatting
2604 *
2605 * @remarks
2606 * Overloaded `n`. About details, see the [call signature](legacy#value-number-numberformatresult) details.
2607 *
2608 * @param value - A number value
2609 * @param key - A key of number formats
2610 *
2611 * @returns Formatted value
2612 */
2613 <Key extends string = string>(value: number, key: Key | ResourceKeys): NumberFormatResult;
2614 /**
2615 * Number formatting
2616 *
2617 * @remarks
2618 * Overloaded `n`. About details, see the [call signature](legacy#value-number-numberformatresult) details.
2619 *
2620 * @param value - A number value
2621 * @param key - A key of number formats
2622 * @param locale - A locale, it will be used over than global scope or local scope.
2623 *
2624 * @returns Formatted value
2625 */
2626 <Key extends string = string>(value: number, key: Key | ResourceKeys, locale: Locales): NumberFormatResult;
2627 /**
2628 * Number formatting
2629 *
2630 * @remarks
2631 * Overloaded `n`. About details, see the [call signature](legacy#value-number-numberformatresult) details.
2632 *
2633 * @param value - A number value
2634 * @param args - An argument values
2635 *
2636 * @returns Formatted value
2637 */
2638 (value: number, args: {
2639 [key: string]: string | boolean | number;
2640 }): NumberFormatResult;
2644 * VueI18n Options
2645 *
2646 * @remarks
2647 * This option is compatible with `VueI18n` class constructor options (offered with Vue I18n v8.x)
2648 *
2649 * @deprecated will be removed at vue-i18n v12
2650 *
2651 * @VueI18nLegacy
2652 */
2653export declare interface VueI18nOptions<Schema extends {
2654 message?: unknown;
2655 datetime?: unknown;
2656 number?: unknown;
2657} = {
2658 message: DefaultLocaleMessageSchema;
2659 datetime: DefaultDateTimeFormatSchema;
2660 number: DefaultNumberFormatSchema;
2661}, Locales extends {
2662 messages: unknown;
2663 datetimeFormats: unknown;
2664 numberFormats: unknown;
2665} | string = Locale, Options extends ComposerOptions<Schema, Locales> = ComposerOptions<Schema, Locales>> {
2666 /**
2667 * @remarks
2668 * The locale of localization.
2669 *
2670 * If the locale contains a territory and a dialect, this locale contains an implicit fallback.
2671 *
2672 * @VueI18nSee [Scope and Locale Changing](../guide/essentials/scope)
2673 *
2674 * @defaultValue `'en-US'`
2675 */
2676 locale?: Options['locale'];
2677 /**
2678 * @remarks
2679 * The locale of fallback localization.
2680 *
2681 * For more complex fallback definitions see fallback.
2682 *
2683 * @VueI18nSee [Fallbacking](../guide/essentials/fallback)
2684 *
2685 * @defaultValue The default `'en-US'` for the `locale` if it's not specified, or it's `locale` value
2686 */
2687 fallbackLocale?: Options['fallbackLocale'];
2688 /**
2689 * @remarks
2690 * The locale messages of localization.
2691 *
2692 * @VueI18nSee [Getting Started](../guide/essentials/started)
2693 *
2694 * @defaultValue `{}`
2695 */
2696 messages?: Options['messages'];
2697 /**
2698 * @remarks
2699 * Allow use flat json messages or not
2700 *
2701 * @defaultValue `false`
2702 */
2703 flatJson?: Options['flatJson'];
2704 /**
2705 * @remarks
2706 * The datetime formats of localization.
2707 *
2708 * @VueI18nSee [Datetime Formatting](../guide/essentials/datetime)
2709 *
2710 * @defaultValue `{}`
2711 */
2712 datetimeFormats?: Options['datetimeFormats'];
2713 /**
2714 * @remarks
2715 * The number formats of localization.
2716 *
2717 * @VueI18nSee [Number Formatting](../guide/essentials/number)
2718 *
2719 * @defaultValue `{}`
2720 */
2721 numberFormats?: Options['numberFormats'];
2722 /**
2723 * @remarks
2724 * The list of available locales in messages in lexical order.
2725 *
2726 * @defaultValue `[]`
2727 */
2728 availableLocales?: Locale[];
2729 /**
2730 * @remarks
2731 * Custom Modifiers for linked messages.
2732 *
2733 * @VueI18nSee [Custom Modifiers](../guide/essentials/syntax#custom-modifiers)
2734 */
2735 modifiers?: Options['modifiers'];
2736 /**
2737 * @remarks
2738 * A handler for localization missing.
2739 *
2740 * The handler gets called with the localization target locale, localization path key, the Vue instance and values.
2741 *
2742 * If missing handler is assigned, and occurred localization missing, it's not warned.
2743 *
2744 * @defaultValue `null`
2745 */
2746 missing?: Options['missing'];
2747 /**
2748 * @remarks
2749 * In the component localization, whether to fall back to root level (global scope) localization when localization fails.
2750 *
2751 * If `false`, it's not fallback to root.
2752 *
2753 * @VueI18nSee [Fallbacking](../guide/essentials/fallback)
2754 *
2755 * @defaultValue `true`
2756 */
2757 fallbackRoot?: Options['fallbackRoot'];
2758 /**
2759 * @remarks
2760 * Whether suppress warnings outputted when localization fails.
2761 *
2762 * If `true`, suppress localization fail warnings.
2763 *
2764 * If you use regular expression, you can suppress localization fail warnings that it match with translation key (e.g. `t`).
2765 *
2766 * @VueI18nSee [Fallbacking](../guide/essentials/fallback)
2767 *
2768 * @defaultValue `false`
2769 */
2770 silentTranslationWarn?: Options['missingWarn'];
2771 /**
2772 * @remarks
2773 * Whether do template interpolation on translation keys when your language lacks a translation for a key.
2774 *
2775 * If `true`, skip writing templates for your "base" language; the keys are your templates.
2776 *
2777 * @VueI18nSee [Fallbacking](../guide/essentials/fallback)
2778 *
2779 * @defaultValue `false`
2780 */
2781 silentFallbackWarn?: Options['fallbackWarn'];
2782 /**
2783 * @remarks
2784 * Whether suppress warnings when falling back to either `fallbackLocale` or root.
2785 *
2786 * @VueI18nSee [Fallbacking](../guide/essentials/fallback)
2787 *
2788 * @defaultValue `false`
2789 */
2790 formatFallbackMessages?: Options['fallbackFormat'];
2791 /**
2792 * @remarks
2793 * Whether to allow the use locale messages of HTML formatting.
2794 *
2795 * See the warnHtmlInMessage property.
2796 *
2797 * @VueI18nSee [HTML Message](../guide/essentials/syntax#html-message)
2798 * @VueI18nSee [Change `warnHtmlInMessage` option default value](../guide/migration/breaking#change-warnhtmlinmessage-option-default-value)
2799 *
2800 * @defaultValue `'off'`
2801 */
2802 warnHtmlInMessage?: WarnHtmlInMessageLevel;
2803 /**
2804 * @remarks
2805 * If `escapeParameterHtml` is configured as true then interpolation parameters are escaped before the message is translated.
2806 *
2807 * This is useful when translation output is used in `v-html` and the translation resource contains html markup (e.g. <b> around a user provided value).
2808 *
2809 * This usage pattern mostly occurs when passing precomputed text strings into UI components.
2810 *
2811 * The escape process involves replacing the following symbols with their respective HTML character entities: `<`, `>`, `"`, `'`.
2812 *
2813 * Setting `escapeParameterHtml` as true should not break existing functionality but provides a safeguard against a subtle type of XSS attack vectors.
2814 *
2815 * @VueI18nSee [HTML Message](../guide/essentials/syntax#html-message)
2816 *
2817 * @defaultValue `false`
2818 */
2819 escapeParameterHtml?: Options['escapeParameter'];
2820 /**
2821 * @remarks
2822 * The shared locale messages of localization for components. More detail see Component based localization.
2823 *
2824 * @VueI18nSee [Shared locale messages for components](../guide/essentials/local#shared-locale-messages-for-components)
2825 *
2826 * @defaultValue `undefined`
2827 */
2828 sharedMessages?: LocaleMessages<VueMessageType>;
2829 /**
2830 * @remarks
2831 * A set of rules for word pluralization
2832 *
2833 * @VueI18nSee [Custom Pluralization](../guide/essentials/pluralization#custom-pluralization)
2834 *
2835 * @defaultValue `{}`
2836 */
2837 pluralizationRules?: Options['pluralRules'];
2838 /**
2839 * @remarks
2840 * A handler for post processing of translation. The handler gets after being called with the `$t`, and `t`.
2841 *
2842 * This handler is useful if you want to filter on translated text such as space trimming.
2843 *
2844 * @defaultValue `null`
2845 */
2846 postTranslation?: Options['postTranslation'];
2847 /**
2848 * @remarks
2849 * Whether synchronize the root level locale to the component localization locale.
2850 *
2851 * If `false`, regardless of the root level locale, localize for each component locale.
2852 *
2853 * @VueI18nSee [Local Scope](../guide/essentials/scope#local-scope-2)
2854 *
2855 * @defaultValue `true`
2856 */
2857 sync?: boolean;
2858 /**
2859 * @remarks
2860 * A message resolver to resolve [`messages`](legacy#messages).
2861 *
2862 * If not specified, the vue-i18n internal message resolver will be used by default.
2863 *
2864 * You need to implement a message resolver yourself that supports the following requirements:
2865 *
2866 * - Resolve the message using the locale message of [`locale`](legacy#locale) passed as the first argument of the message resolver, and the path passed as the second argument.
2867 *
2868 * - If the message could not be resolved, you need to return `null`.
2869 *
2870 * - If you will be returned `null`, the message resolver will also be called on fallback if [`fallbackLocale`](legacy#fallbacklocale-2) is enabled, so the message will need to be resolved as well.
2871 *
2872 * The message resolver is called indirectly by the following APIs:
2873 *
2874 * - [`t`](legacy#t-key)
2875 *
2876 * - [`te`](legacy#te-key-locale)
2877 *
2878 * - [`tm`](legacy#tm-key)
2879 *
2880 * - [Translation component](component#translation)
2881 *
2882 * @example
2883 * Here is an example of how to set it up using your `createI18n`:
2884 * ```js
2885 * import { createI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
2886 *
2887 * // your message resolver
2888 * function messageResolver(obj, path) {
2889 * // simple message resolving!
2890 * const msg = obj[path]
2891 * return msg != null ? msg : null
2892 * }
2893 *
2894 * // call with I18n option
2895 * const i18n = createI18n({
2896 * locale: 'ja',
2897 * messageResolver, // set your message resolver
2898 * messages: {
2899 * en: { ... },
2900 * ja: { ... }
2901 * }
2902 * })
2903 *
2904 * // the below your something to do ...
2905 * // ...
2906 * ```
2907 *
2908 * @VueI18nTip
2909 * :new: v9.2+
2910 *
2911 * @VueI18nWarning
2912 * If you use the message resolver, the [`flatJson`](legacy#flatjson) setting will be ignored. That is, you need to resolve the flat JSON by yourself.
2913 *
2914 * @VueI18nSee [Fallbacking](../guide/essentials/fallback)
2915 *
2916 * @defaultValue `undefined`
2917 */
2918 messageResolver?: MessageResolver;
2922 * Resolve locale message translation functions for VueI18n legacy interfaces
2923 *
2924 * @deprecated will be removed at vue-i18n v12
2925 *
2926 * @remarks
2927 * This is the interface for {@link VueI18n}. This interface is an alias of {@link ComposerResolveLocaleMessageTranslation}.
2928 *
2929 * @VueI18nLegacy
2930 */
2931export declare type VueI18nResolveLocaleMessageTranslation<Locales = 'en-US'> = ComposerResolveLocaleMessageTranslation<Locales>;
2934 * Locale message translation functions for VueI18n legacy interfaces
2935 *
2936 * @remarks
2937 * This is the interface for {@link VueI18n}
2938 *
2939 * @deprecated will be removed at vue-i18n v12
2940 *
2941 * @VueI18nLegacy
2942 */
2943export declare interface VueI18nTranslation<Messages extends Record<string, any> = {}, Locales = 'en-US', DefinedLocaleMessage extends RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage> = RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage>, C = IsEmptyObject<DefinedLocaleMessage> extends false ? PickupPaths<{
2944 [K in keyof DefinedLocaleMessage]: DefinedLocaleMessage[K];
2945}> : never, M = IsEmptyObject<Messages> extends false ? PickupKeys<Messages> : never, ResourceKeys extends C | M = IsNever<C> extends false ? IsNever<M> extends false ? C | M : C : IsNever<M> extends false ? M : never> {
2946 /**
2947 * Locale message translation.
2948 *
2949 * @remarks
2950 * If this is used in a reactive context, it will re-evaluate once the locale changes.
2951 *
2952 * If [i18n component options](injection#i18n) is specified, it’s translated in preferentially local scope locale messages than global scope locale messages.
2953 *
2954 * If [i18n component options](injection#i18n) isn't specified, it’s translated with global scope locale messages.
2955 *
2956 * @param key - A target locale message key
2957 *
2958 * @returns Translated message
2959 *
2960 * @VueI18nSee [Scope and Locale Changing](../guide/essentials/scope)
2961 */
2962 <Key extends string>(key: Key | ResourceKeys): TranslateResult;
2963 /**
2964 * Locale message translation for plurals
2965 *
2966 * @remarks
2967 * Overloaded `t`. About details, see the [call signature](legacy#key-key-resourcekeys-translateresult) details.
2968 *
2969 * In this overloaded `t`, return a pluralized translation message.
2970 *
2971 * You can also suppress the warning, when the translation missing according to the options.
2972 *
2973 * @param key - A target locale message key
2974 * @param plural - Which plural string to get. 1 returns the first one.
2975 *
2976 * @returns Translated message
2977 *
2978 * @VueI18nSee [Pluralization](../guide/essentials/pluralization)
2979 */
2980 <Key extends string>(key: Key | ResourceKeys, plural: number): TranslateResult;
2981 /**
2982 * Locale message translation for plurals
2983 *
2984 * @remarks
2985 * Overloaded `t`. About details, see the [call signature](legacy#key-key-resourcekeys-translateresult) details.
2986 *
2987 * In this overloaded `t`, return a pluralized translation message.
2988 *
2989 * You can also suppress the warning, when the translation missing according to the options.
2990 *
2991 * About details of options, see the {@link TranslateOptions}.
2992 *
2993 * @param key - A target locale message key
2994 * @param plural - Which plural string to get. 1 returns the first one.
2995 * @param options - Additional {@link TranslateOptions | options} for translation
2996 *
2997 * @returns Translated message
2998 *
2999 * @VueI18nSee [Pluralization](../guide/essentials/pluralization)
3000 */
3001 <Key extends string>(key: Key | ResourceKeys, plural: number, options: TranslateOptions<Locales>): TranslateResult;
3002 /**
3003 * Locale message translation for missing default message
3004 *
3005 * @remarks
3006 * Overloaded `t`. About details, see the [call signature](legacy#key-key-resourcekeys-translateresult) details.
3007 *
3008 * In this overloaded `t`, if no translation was found, return a default message.
3009 *
3010 * You can also suppress the warning, when the translation missing according to the options.
3011 *
3012 * @param key - A target locale message key
3013 * @param defaultMsg - A default message to return if no translation was found
3014 *
3015 * @returns Translated message
3016 */
3017 <Key extends string>(key: Key | ResourceKeys, defaultMsg: string): TranslateResult;
3018 /**
3019 * Locale message translation for missing default message
3020 *
3021 * @remarks
3022 * Overloaded `t`. About details, see the [call signature](legacy#key-key-resourcekeys-translateresult) details.
3023 *
3024 * In this overloaded `t`, if no translation was found, return a default message.
3025 *
3026 * You can also suppress the warning, when the translation missing according to the options.
3027 *
3028 * About details of options, see the {@link TranslateOptions}.
3029 *
3030 * @param key - A target locale message key
3031 * @param defaultMsg - A default message to return if no translation was found
3032 * @param options - Additional {@link TranslateOptions | options} for translation
3033 *
3034 * @returns Translated message
3035 */
3036 <Key extends string>(key: Key | ResourceKeys, defaultMsg: string, options: TranslateOptions<Locales>): TranslateResult;
3037 /**
3038 * Locale message translation.
3039 *
3040 * @remarks
3041 * Overloaded `t`. About details, see the [call signature](legacy#key-key-resourcekeys-translateresult) details.
3042 *
3043 * @param key - A target locale message key
3044 * @param list - A values of list interpolation
3045 *
3046 * @returns Translated message
3047 *
3048 * @VueI18nSee [List interpolation](../guide/essentials/syntax#list-interpolation)
3049 */
3050 <Key extends string>(key: Key | ResourceKeys, list: unknown[]): TranslateResult;
3051 /**
3052 * Locale message translation for list interpolations and plurals
3053 *
3054 * @remarks
3055 * Overloaded `t`. About details, see the [call signature](legacy#key-key-resourcekeys-translateresult) details.
3056 *
3057 * In this overloaded `t`, the locale messages should contain a `{0}`, `{1}`, … for each placeholder in the list, and return a pluralized translation message.
3058 *
3059 * @param key - A target locale message key
3060 * @param list - A values of list interpolation
3061 * @param plural - Which plural string to get. 1 returns the first one.
3062 *
3063 * @returns Translated message
3064 *
3065 * @VueI18nSee [Pluralization](../guide/essentials/pluralization)
3066 * @VueI18nSee [List interpolation](../guide/essentials/syntax#list-interpolation)
3067 */
3068 <Key extends string>(key: Key | ResourceKeys, list: unknown[], plural: number): TranslateResult;
3069 /**
3070 * Locale message translation for list interpolations and missing default message
3071 *
3072 * @remarks
3073 * Overloaded `t`. About details, see the [call signature](legacy#key-key-resourcekeys-translateresult) details.
3074 *
3075 * In this overloaded `t`, the locale messages should contain a `{0}`, `{1}`, … for each placeholder in the list, and if no translation was found, return a default message.
3076 *
3077 * @param key - A target locale message key
3078 * @param list - A values of list interpolation
3079 * @param defaultMsg - A default message to return if no translation was found
3080 *
3081 * @returns Translated message
3082 *
3083 * @VueI18nSee [List interpolation](../guide/essentials/syntax#list-interpolation)
3084 */
3085 <Key extends string>(key: Key | ResourceKeys, list: unknown[], defaultMsg: string): TranslateResult;
3086 /**
3087 * Locale message translation for list interpolations
3088 *
3089 * @remarks
3090 * Overloaded `t`. About details, see the [call signature](legacy#key-key-resourcekeys-translateresult) details.
3091 *
3092 * In this overloaded `t`, the locale messages should contain a `{0}`, `{1}`, … for each placeholder in the list.
3093 *
3094 * You can also suppress the warning, when the translation missing according to the options.
3095 *
3096 * About details of options, see the {@link TranslateOptions}.
3097 *
3098 * @param key - A target locale message key
3099 * @param list - A values of list interpolation
3100 * @param options - Additional {@link TranslateOptions | options} for translation
3101 *
3102 * @returns Translated message
3103 *
3104 * @VueI18nSee [List interpolation](../guide/essentials/syntax#list-interpolation)
3105 */
3106 <Key extends string>(key: Key | ResourceKeys, list: unknown[], options: TranslateOptions<Locales>): TranslateResult;
3107 /**
3108 * Locale message translation.
3109 *
3110 * @remarks
3111 * Overloaded `t`. About details, see the [call signature](legacy#key-key-resourcekeys-translateresult) details.
3112 *
3113 * @param key - A target locale message key
3114 * @param named - A values of named interpolation
3115 *
3116 * @returns Translated message
3117 *
3118 * @VueI18nSee [Named interpolation](../guide/essentials/syntax#named-interpolation)
3119 */
3120 <Key extends string>(key: Key | ResourceKeys, named: Record<string, unknown>): TranslateResult;
3121 /**
3122 * Locale message translation for named interpolations and plurals
3123 *
3124 * @remarks
3125 * Overloaded `t`. About details, see the [call signature](legacy#key-key-resourcekeys-translateresult) details.
3126 *
3127 * In this overloaded `t`, for each placeholder x, the locale messages should contain a `{x}` token, and return a pluralized translation message.
3128 *
3129 * @param key - A target locale message key
3130 * @param named - A values of named interpolation
3131 * @param plural - Which plural string to get. 1 returns the first one.
3132 *
3133 * @returns Translated message
3134 *
3135 * @VueI18nSee [Pluralization](../guide/essentials/pluralization)
3136 * @VueI18nSee [Named interpolation](../guide/essentials/syntax#named-interpolation)
3137 */
3138 <Key extends string>(key: Key | ResourceKeys, named: NamedValue, plural: number): TranslateResult;
3139 /**
3140 * Locale message translation for named interpolations and plurals
3141 *
3142 * @remarks
3143 * Overloaded `t`. About details, see the [call signature](legacy#key-key-resourcekeys-translateresult) details.
3144 *
3145 * In this overloaded `t`, for each placeholder x, the locale messages should contain a `{x}` token, and if no translation was found, return a default message.
3146 *
3147 * @param key - A target locale message key
3148 * @param named - A values of named interpolation
3149 * @param defaultMsg - A default message to return if no translation was found
3150 *
3151 * @returns Translated message
3152 *
3153 * @VueI18nSee [Named interpolation](../guide/essentials/syntax#named-interpolation)
3154 */
3155 <Key extends string>(key: Key | ResourceKeys, named: NamedValue, defaultMsg: string): TranslateResult;
3156 /**
3157 * Locale message translation for named interpolations
3158 *
3159 * @remarks
3160 * Overloaded `t`. About details, see the [call signature](legacy#key-key-resourcekeys-translateresult) details.
3161 *
3162 * In this overloaded `t`, for each placeholder x, the locale messages should contain a `{x}` token.
3163 *
3164 * You can also suppress the warning, when the translation missing according to the options.
3165 *
3166 * About details of options, see the {@link TranslateOptions}.
3167 *
3168 * @param key - A target locale message key
3169 * @param named - A values of named interpolation
3170 * @param options - Additional {@link TranslateOptions | options} for translation
3171 *
3172 * @returns Translated message
3173 *
3174 * @VueI18nSee [Named interpolation](../guide/essentials/syntax#named-interpolation)
3175 */
3176 <Key extends string>(key: Key | ResourceKeys, named: NamedValue, options: TranslateOptions<Locales>): TranslateResult;
3179/** @VueI18nComposition */
3180export declare type VueMessageType = string | ResourceNode | VNode;
3183 * @deprecated will be removed at vue-i18n v12
3184 * @VueI18nLegacy
3185 */
3186export declare type WarnHtmlInMessageLevel = 'off' | 'warn' | 'error';
3188export { }
3190declare module 'vue' {
3191 /**
3192 * Component Custom Options for Vue I18n
3193 *
3194 * @VueI18nInjection
3195 */
3196 export interface ComponentCustomOptions {
3197 /**
3198 * VueI18n options
3199 *
3200 * @remarks
3201 * See the {@link VueI18nOptions}
3202 */
3203 i18n?: VueI18nOptions
3204 /**
3205 * For custom blocks options
3206 * @internal
3207 */
3208 __i18n?: CustomBlocks
3209 /**
3210 * For devtools
3211 * @internal
3212 */
3213 __INTLIFY_META__?: string
3214 }
3216 /**
3217 * Component Custom Properties for Vue I18n
3218 *
3219 * @VueI18nInjection
3220 */
3221 export interface ComponentCustomProperties {
3222 /**
3223 * Exported Global Composer instance, or global VueI18n instance.
3224 *
3225 * @remarks
3226 * You can get the {@link ExportedGlobalComposer | exported composer instance} which are exported from global {@link Composer | composer instance} created with {@link createI18n}, or global {@link VueI18n | VueI18n instance}.
3227 * You can get the exported composer instance in {@link I18nMode | Composition API mode}, or the Vuei18n instance in {@link I18nMode | Legacy API mode}, which is the instance you can refer to with this property.
3228 * The locales, locale messages, and other resources managed by the instance referenced by this property are valid as global scope.
3229 * If the `i18n` component custom option is not specified, it's the same as the VueI18n instance that can be referenced by the i18n instance {@link I18n.global | global} property.
3230 */
3231 $i18n: VueI18nInstance
3232 /**
3233 * Locale message translation
3234 *
3235 * @remarks
3236 * If this is used in a reactive context, it will re-evaluate once the locale changes.
3237 *
3238 * In {@link I18nMode | Legacy API mode}, the input / output is the same as for VueI18n instance. About that details, see {@link VueI18n#t | `VueI18n#t`}.
3239 *
3240 * In {@link I18nMode | Composition API mode}, the `$t` is injected by `app.config.globalProperties`.
3241 * the input / output is the same as for Composer, and it work on **global scope**. About that details, see {@link Composer#t | `Composer#t` }.
3242 *
3243 * @param key - A target locale message key
3244 *
3245 * @returns translation message
3246 */
3247 $t<
3248 Key extends string,
3249 DefinedLocaleMessage extends
3250 RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage> = RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage>,
3251 Keys = IsEmptyObject<DefinedLocaleMessage> extends false
3252 ? JsonPaths<{
3253 [K in keyof DefinedLocaleMessage]: DefinedLocaleMessage[K]
3254 }>
3255 : never,
3256 ResourceKeys extends Keys = IsNever<Keys> extends false ? Keys : never
3257 >(
3258 key: Key | ResourceKeys
3259 ): TranslateResult
3260 /**
3261 * Locale message translation
3262 *
3263 * @remarks
3264 * Overloaded `$t`. About details, see the {@link $t} remarks.
3265 *
3266 * @param key - A target locale message key
3267 * @param plural - A choice number of plural
3268 *
3269 * @returns translation message
3270 */
3271 $t<
3272 Key extends string,
3273 DefinedLocaleMessage extends
3274 RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage> = RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage>,
3275 Keys = IsEmptyObject<DefinedLocaleMessage> extends false
3276 ? JsonPaths<{
3277 [K in keyof DefinedLocaleMessage]: DefinedLocaleMessage[K]
3278 }>
3279 : never,
3280 ResourceKeys extends Keys = IsNever<Keys> extends false ? Keys : never
3281 >(
3282 key: Key | ResourceKeys,
3283 plural: number
3284 ): TranslateResult
3285 /**
3286 * Locale message translation
3287 *
3288 * @remarks
3289 * Overloaded `$t`. About details, see the {@link $t} remarks.
3290 *
3291 * @param key - A target locale message key
3292 * @param plural - Which plural string to get. 1 returns the first one.
3293 * @param options - An options, see the {@link TranslateOptions}
3294 *
3295 * @returns translation message
3296 */
3297 $t<
3298 Key extends string,
3299 DefinedLocaleMessage extends
3300 RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage> = RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage>,
3301 Keys = IsEmptyObject<DefinedLocaleMessage> extends false
3302 ? JsonPaths<{
3303 [K in keyof DefinedLocaleMessage]: DefinedLocaleMessage[K]
3304 }>
3305 : never,
3306 ResourceKeys extends Keys = IsNever<Keys> extends false ? Keys : never
3307 >(
3308 key: Key | ResourceKeys,
3309 plural: number,
3310 options: TranslateOptions
3311 ): TranslateResult
3312 /**
3313 * Locale message translation
3314 *
3315 * @remarks
3316 * Overloaded `$t`. About details, see the {@link $t} remarks.
3317 *
3318 * @param key - A target locale message key
3319 * @param defaultMsg - A default message to return if no translation was found
3320 *
3321 * @returns translation message
3322 */
3323 $t<
3324 Key extends string,
3325 DefinedLocaleMessage extends
3326 RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage> = RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage>,
3327 Keys = IsEmptyObject<DefinedLocaleMessage> extends false
3328 ? JsonPaths<{
3329 [K in keyof DefinedLocaleMessage]: DefinedLocaleMessage[K]
3330 }>
3331 : never,
3332 ResourceKeys extends Keys = IsNever<Keys> extends false ? Keys : never
3333 >(
3334 key: Key | ResourceKeys,
3335 defaultMsg: string
3336 ): TranslateResult
3337 /**
3338 * Locale message translation
3339 *
3340 * @remarks
3341 * Overloaded `$t`. About details, see the {@link $t} remarks.
3342 *
3343 * @param key - A target locale message key
3344 * @param defaultMsg - A default message to return if no translation was found
3345 * @param options - An options, see the {@link TranslateOptions}
3346 *
3347 * @returns translation message
3348 */
3349 $t<
3350 Key extends string,
3351 DefinedLocaleMessage extends
3352 RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage> = RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage>,
3353 Keys = IsEmptyObject<DefinedLocaleMessage> extends false
3354 ? JsonPaths<{
3355 [K in keyof DefinedLocaleMessage]: DefinedLocaleMessage[K]
3356 }>
3357 : never,
3358 ResourceKeys extends Keys = IsNever<Keys> extends false ? Keys : never
3359 >(
3360 key: Key | ResourceKeys,
3361 defaultMsg: string,
3362 options: TranslateOptions
3363 ): TranslateResult
3364 /**
3365 * Locale message translation
3366 *
3367 * @remarks
3368 * Overloaded `$t`. About details, see the {@link $t} remarks.
3369 *
3370 * @param key - A target locale message key
3371 * @param list - A values of list interpolation
3372 *
3373 * @returns translation message
3374 */
3375 $t<
3376 Key extends string,
3377 DefinedLocaleMessage extends
3378 RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage> = RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage>,
3379 Keys = IsEmptyObject<DefinedLocaleMessage> extends false
3380 ? JsonPaths<{
3381 [K in keyof DefinedLocaleMessage]: DefinedLocaleMessage[K]
3382 }>
3383 : never,
3384 ResourceKeys extends Keys = IsNever<Keys> extends false ? Keys : never
3385 >(
3386 key: Key | ResourceKeys,
3387 list: unknown[]
3388 ): TranslateResult
3389 /**
3390 * Locale message translation
3391 *
3392 * @remarks
3393 * Overloaded `$t`. About details, see the {@link $t} remarks.
3394 *
3395 * @param key - A target locale message key
3396 * @param list - A values of list interpolation
3397 * @param plural - A choice number of plural
3398 *
3399 * @returns translation message
3400 */
3401 $t<
3402 Key extends string,
3403 DefinedLocaleMessage extends
3404 RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage> = RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage>,
3405 Keys = IsEmptyObject<DefinedLocaleMessage> extends false
3406 ? JsonPaths<{
3407 [K in keyof DefinedLocaleMessage]: DefinedLocaleMessage[K]
3408 }>
3409 : never,
3410 ResourceKeys extends Keys = IsNever<Keys> extends false ? Keys : never
3411 >(
3412 key: Key | ResourceKeys,
3413 list: unknown[],
3414 plural: number
3415 ): TranslateResult
3416 /**
3417 * Locale message translation
3418 *
3419 * @remarks
3420 * Overloaded `$t`. About details, see the {@link $t} remarks.
3421 *
3422 * @param key - A target locale message key
3423 * @param list - A values of list interpolation
3424 * @param defaultMsg - A default message to return if no translation was found
3425 *
3426 * @returns translation message
3427 */
3428 $t<
3429 Key extends string,
3430 DefinedLocaleMessage extends
3431 RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage> = RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage>,
3432 Keys = IsEmptyObject<DefinedLocaleMessage> extends false
3433 ? JsonPaths<{
3434 [K in keyof DefinedLocaleMessage]: DefinedLocaleMessage[K]
3435 }>
3436 : never,
3437 ResourceKeys extends Keys = IsNever<Keys> extends false ? Keys : never
3438 >(
3439 key: Key | ResourceKeys,
3440 list: unknown[],
3441 defaultMsg: string
3442 ): TranslateResult
3443 /**
3444 * Locale message translation
3445 *
3446 * @remarks
3447 * Overloaded `$t`. About details, see the {@link $t} remarks.
3448 *
3449 * @param key - A target locale message key
3450 * @param list - A values of list interpolation
3451 * @param options - An options, see the {@link TranslateOptions}
3452 *
3453 * @returns translation message
3454 */
3455 $t<
3456 Key extends string,
3457 DefinedLocaleMessage extends
3458 RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage> = RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage>,
3459 Keys = IsEmptyObject<DefinedLocaleMessage> extends false
3460 ? JsonPaths<{
3461 [K in keyof DefinedLocaleMessage]: DefinedLocaleMessage[K]
3462 }>
3463 : never,
3464 ResourceKeys extends Keys = IsNever<Keys> extends false ? Keys : never
3465 >(
3466 key: Key | ResourceKeys,
3467 list: unknown[],
3468 options: TranslateOptions
3469 ): TranslateResult
3470 /**
3471 * Locale message translation
3472 *
3473 * @remarks
3474 * Overloaded `$t`. About details, see the {@link $t} remarks.
3475 *
3476 * @param key - A target locale message key
3477 * @param named - A values of named interpolation
3478 *
3479 * @returns translation message
3480 */
3481 $t<
3482 Key extends string,
3483 DefinedLocaleMessage extends
3484 RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage> = RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage>,
3485 Keys = IsEmptyObject<DefinedLocaleMessage> extends false
3486 ? JsonPaths<{
3487 [K in keyof DefinedLocaleMessage]: DefinedLocaleMessage[K]
3488 }>
3489 : never,
3490 ResourceKeys extends Keys = IsNever<Keys> extends false ? Keys : never
3491 >(
3492 key: Key | ResourceKeys,
3493 named: NamedValue
3494 ): TranslateResult
3495 /**
3496 * Locale message translation
3497 *
3498 * @remarks
3499 * Overloaded `$t`. About details, see the {@link $t} remarks.
3500 *
3501 * @param key - A target locale message key
3502 * @param named - A values of named interpolation
3503 * @param plural - A choice number of plural
3504 *
3505 * @returns translation message
3506 */
3507 $t<
3508 Key extends string,
3509 DefinedLocaleMessage extends
3510 RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage> = RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage>,
3511 Keys = IsEmptyObject<DefinedLocaleMessage> extends false
3512 ? JsonPaths<{
3513 [K in keyof DefinedLocaleMessage]: DefinedLocaleMessage[K]
3514 }>
3515 : never,
3516 ResourceKeys extends Keys = IsNever<Keys> extends false ? Keys : never
3517 >(
3518 key: Key | ResourceKeys,
3519 named: NamedValue,
3520 plural: number
3521 ): TranslateResult
3522 /**
3523 * Locale message translation
3524 *
3525 * @remarks
3526 * Overloaded `$t`. About details, see the {@link $t} remarks.
3527 *
3528 * @param key - A target locale message key
3529 * @param named - A values of named interpolation
3530 * @param defaultMsg - A default message to return if no translation was found
3531 *
3532 * @returns translation message
3533 */
3534 $t<
3535 Key extends string,
3536 DefinedLocaleMessage extends
3537 RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage> = RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage>,
3538 Keys = IsEmptyObject<DefinedLocaleMessage> extends false
3539 ? JsonPaths<{
3540 [K in keyof DefinedLocaleMessage]: DefinedLocaleMessage[K]
3541 }>
3542 : never,
3543 ResourceKeys extends Keys = IsNever<Keys> extends false ? Keys : never
3544 >(
3545 key: Key | ResourceKeys,
3546 named: NamedValue,
3547 defaultMsg: string
3548 ): TranslateResult
3549 /**
3550 * Locale message translation
3551 *
3552 * @remarks
3553 * Overloaded `$t`. About details, see the {@link $t} remarks.
3554 *
3555 * @param key - A target locale message key
3556 * @param named - A values of named interpolation
3557 * @param options - An options, see the {@link TranslateOptions}
3558 *
3559 * @returns translation message
3560 */
3561 $t<
3562 Key extends string,
3563 DefinedLocaleMessage extends
3564 RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage> = RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage>,
3565 Keys = IsEmptyObject<DefinedLocaleMessage> extends false
3566 ? JsonPaths<{
3567 [K in keyof DefinedLocaleMessage]: DefinedLocaleMessage[K]
3568 }>
3569 : never,
3570 ResourceKeys extends Keys = IsNever<Keys> extends false ? Keys : never
3571 >(
3572 key: Key | ResourceKeys,
3573 named: NamedValue,
3574 options: TranslateOptions
3575 ): TranslateResult
3576 /**
3577 * Resolve locale message translation
3578 *
3579 * @remarks
3580 * If this is used in a reactive context, it will re-evaluate once the locale changes.
3581 *
3582 * In {@link I18nMode | Legacy API mode}, the input / output is the same as for VueI18n instance. About that details, see {@link VueI18n#rt | `VueI18n#rt`}.
3583 *
3584 * In {@link I18nMode | Composition API mode}, the `$rt` is injected by `app.config.globalProperties`.
3585 * the input / output is the same as for Composer, and it work on **global scope**. About that details, see {@link Composer#rt | `Composer#rt` }.
3586 *
3587 * @param message - A target locale message to be resolved. You will need to specify the locale message returned by `$tm`.
3588 *
3589 * @returns translated message
3590 */
3591 $rt(message: MessageFunction<VueMessageType> | VueMessageType): string
3592 /**
3593 * Resolve locale message translation for plurals
3594 *
3595 * @remarks
3596 * Overloaded `$rt`. About details, see the {@link $rt} remarks.
3597 *
3598 * @param message - A target locale message to be resolved. You will need to specify the locale message returned by `$tm`.
3599 * @param plural - Which plural string to get. 1 returns the first one.
3600 * @param options - Additional {@link TranslateOptions | options} for translation
3601 *
3602 * @returns Translated message
3603 */
3604 $rt(
3605 message: MessageFunction<VueMessageType> | VueMessageType,
3606 plural: number,
3607 options?: TranslateOptions
3608 ): string
3609 /**
3610 * Resolve locale message translation for list interpolations
3611 *
3612 * @remarks
3613 * Overloaded `$rt`. About details, see the {@link $rt} remarks.
3614 *
3615 * @param message - A target locale message to be resolved. You will need to specify the locale message returned by `$tm`.
3616 * @param list - A values of list interpolation.
3617 * @param options - Additional {@link TranslateOptions | options} for translation
3618 *
3619 * @returns Translated message
3620 */
3621 $rt(
3622 message: MessageFunction<VueMessageType> | VueMessageType,
3623 list: unknown[],
3624 options?: TranslateOptions
3625 ): string
3626 /**
3627 * Resolve locale message translation for named interpolations
3628 *
3629 * @remarks
3630 * Overloaded `$rt`. About details, see the {@link $rt} remarks.
3631 *
3632 * @param message - A target locale message to be resolved. You will need to specify the locale message returned by `$tm`.
3633 * @param named - A values of named interpolation.
3634 * @param options - Additional {@link TranslateOptions | options} for translation
3635 *
3636 * @returns Translated message
3637 */
3638 $rt(
3639 message: MessageFunction<VueMessageType> | VueMessageType,
3640 named: NamedValue,
3641 options?: TranslateOptions
3642 ): string
3643 /**
3644 * Translation message exist
3645 *
3646 * @remarks
3647 * About that details, see {@link VueI18n#te | `VueI18n#te` } or {@link Composer#te | `Composer#te`}.
3648 *
3649 * @param key - A target locale message key
3650 * @param locale - A locale, optional, override locale that global scope or local scope
3651 *
3652 * @returns If found locale message, `true`, else `false`, Note that `false` is returned even if the value present in the key is not translatable.
3653 */
3654 $te<
3655 Key extends string,
3656 DefinedLocaleMessage extends
3657 RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage> = RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage>,
3658 Keys = IsEmptyObject<DefinedLocaleMessage> extends false
3659 ? JsonPaths<{
3660 [K in keyof DefinedLocaleMessage]: DefinedLocaleMessage[K]
3661 }>
3662 : never,
3663 ResourceKeys extends Keys = IsNever<Keys> extends false ? Keys : never
3664 >(
3665 key: Key | ResourceKeys,
3666 locale?: Locale
3667 ): boolean
3668 /**
3669 * Datetime formatting
3670 *
3671 * @remarks
3672 * If this is used in a reactive context, it will re-evaluate once the locale changes.
3673 *
3674 * In {@link I18nMode | Legacy API mode}, the input / output is the same as for VueI18n instance. About that details, see {@link VueI18n#d | `VueI18n#d` }.
3675 *
3676 * In {@link I18nMode | Composition API mode}, the `$d` is injected by `app.config.globalProperties`.
3677 * the input / output is the same as for Composer instance, and it work on **global scope**. About that details, see {@link Composer#d | `Composer#d` }.
3678 *
3679 * @param value - A value, timestamp number or `Date` instance
3680 *
3681 * @returns formatted value
3682 */
3683 $d(value: number | Date): DateTimeFormatResult
3684 /**
3685 * Datetime formatting
3686 *
3687 * @remarks
3688 * Overloaded `$d`. About details, see the {@link $d} remarks.
3689 *
3690 * @param value - A value, timestamp number or `Date` instance
3691 * @param key - A key of datetime formats
3692 *
3693 * @returns formatted value
3694 */
3695 $d<
3696 Value extends number | Date = number,
3697 Key extends string = string,
3698 DefinedDateTimeFormat extends
3699 RemovedIndexResources<DefineDateTimeFormat> = RemovedIndexResources<DefineDateTimeFormat>,
3700 Keys = IsEmptyObject<DefinedDateTimeFormat> extends false
3701 ? PickupFormatPathKeys<{
3702 [K in keyof DefinedDateTimeFormat]: DefinedDateTimeFormat[K]
3703 }>
3704 : never,
3705 ResourceKeys extends Keys = IsNever<Keys> extends false ? Keys : never
3706 >(
3707 value: Value,
3708 key: Key | ResourceKeys
3709 ): DateTimeFormatResult
3710 /**
3711 * Datetime formatting
3712 *
3713 * @remarks
3714 * Overloaded `$d`. About details, see the {@link $d} remarks.
3715 *
3716 * @param value - A value, timestamp number or `Date` instance
3717 * @param key - A key of datetime formats
3718 * @param locale - A locale, optional, override locale that global scope or local scope
3719 *
3720 * @returns formatted value
3721 */
3722 $d<
3723 Value extends number | Date = number,
3724 Key extends string = string,
3725 DefinedDateTimeFormat extends
3726 RemovedIndexResources<DefineDateTimeFormat> = RemovedIndexResources<DefineDateTimeFormat>,
3727 Keys = IsEmptyObject<DefinedDateTimeFormat> extends false
3728 ? PickupFormatPathKeys<{
3729 [K in keyof DefinedDateTimeFormat]: DefinedDateTimeFormat[K]
3730 }>
3731 : never,
3732 ResourceKeys extends Keys = IsNever<Keys> extends false ? Keys : never
3733 >(
3734 value: Value,
3735 key: Key | ResourceKeys,
3736 locale: Locale
3737 ): DateTimeFormatResult
3738 /**
3739 * Datetime formatting
3740 *
3741 * @remarks
3742 * Overloaded `$d`. About details, see the {@link $d} remarks.
3743 *
3744 * @param value - A value, timestamp number or `Date` instance
3745 * @param args - An argument values
3746 *
3747 * @returns formatted value
3748 */
3749 $d(
3750 value: number | Date,
3751 args: { [key: string]: string }
3752 ): DateTimeFormatResult
3753 /**
3754 * Datetime formatting
3755 *
3756 * @remarks
3757 * Overloaded `$d`. About details, see the {@link $d} remarks.
3758 *
3759 * @param value - A value, timestamp number or `Date` instance
3760 *
3761 * @returns formatted value
3762 */
3763 $d(value: number | Date): string
3764 /**
3765 * Datetime formatting
3766 *
3767 * @remarks
3768 * Overloaded `$d`. About details, see the {@link $d} remarks.
3769 *
3770 * @param value - A value, timestamp number or `Date` instance
3771 * @param key - A key of datetime formats
3772 *
3773 * @returns formatted value
3774 */
3775 $d<
3776 Value extends number | Date = number,
3777 Key extends string = string,
3778 DefinedDateTimeFormat extends
3779 RemovedIndexResources<DefineDateTimeFormat> = RemovedIndexResources<DefineDateTimeFormat>,
3780 Keys = IsEmptyObject<DefinedDateTimeFormat> extends false
3781 ? PickupFormatPathKeys<{
3782 [K in keyof DefinedDateTimeFormat]: DefinedDateTimeFormat[K]
3783 }>
3784 : never,
3785 ResourceKeys extends Keys = IsNever<Keys> extends false ? Keys : never
3786 >(
3787 value: Value,
3788 key: Key | ResourceKeys
3789 ): string
3790 /**
3791 * Datetime formatting
3792 *
3793 * @remarks
3794 * Overloaded `$d`. About details, see the {@link $d} remarks.
3795 *
3796 * @param value - A value, timestamp number or `Date` instance
3797 * @param key - A key of datetime formats
3798 * @param locale - A locale, optional, override locale that global scope or local scope
3799 *
3800 * @returns formatted value
3801 */
3802 $d<
3803 Value extends number | Date = number,
3804 Key extends string = string,
3805 DefinedDateTimeFormat extends
3806 RemovedIndexResources<DefineDateTimeFormat> = RemovedIndexResources<DefineDateTimeFormat>,
3807 Keys = IsEmptyObject<DefinedDateTimeFormat> extends false
3808 ? PickupFormatPathKeys<{
3809 [K in keyof DefinedDateTimeFormat]: DefinedDateTimeFormat[K]
3810 }>
3811 : never,
3812 ResourceKeys extends Keys = IsNever<Keys> extends false ? Keys : never
3813 >(
3814 value: Value,
3815 key: Key | ResourceKeys,
3816 locale: Locale
3817 ): string
3818 /**
3819 * Datetime formatting
3820 *
3821 * @remarks
3822 * Overloaded `$d`. About details, see the {@link $d} remarks.
3823 *
3824 * @param value - A value, timestamp number or `Date` instance
3825 * @param options - An options, see the {@link DateTimeOptions}
3826 *
3827 * @returns formatted value
3828 */
3829 $d(value: number | Date, options: DateTimeOptions): string
3830 /**
3831 * Number formatting
3832 *
3833 * @remarks
3834 * If this is used in a reactive context, it will re-evaluate once the locale changes.
3835 *
3836 * In {@link I18nMode | Legacy API mode}, the input / output is the same as for VueI18n instance. About that details, see {@link VueI18n#n | `VueI18n.n` }.
3837 *
3838 * In {@link I18nMode | Composition API mode}, the `$n` is injected by `app.config.globalProperties`.
3839 * the input / output is the same as for Composer instance, and it work on **global scope**. About that details, see {@link Composer#n | `Composer.n` }.
3840 *
3841 * @param value - A number value
3842 *
3843 * @returns formatted value
3844 */
3845 $n(value: number): NumberFormatResult
3846 /**
3847 * Number formatting
3848 *
3849 * @remarks
3850 * Overloaded `$n`. About details, see the {@link $n} remarks.
3851 *
3852 * @param value - A number value
3853 * @param key - A key of number formats
3854 *
3855 * @returns formatted value
3856 */
3857 $n<
3858 Key extends string = string,
3859 DefinedNumberFormat extends
3860 RemovedIndexResources<DefineDateTimeFormat> = RemovedIndexResources<DefineDateTimeFormat>,
3861 Keys = IsEmptyObject<DefinedNumberFormat> extends false
3862 ? PickupFormatPathKeys<{
3863 [K in keyof DefinedNumberFormat]: DefinedNumberFormat[K]
3864 }>
3865 : never,
3866 ResourceKeys extends Keys = IsNever<Keys> extends false ? Keys : never
3867 >(
3868 value: number,
3869 key: Key | ResourceKeys
3870 ): NumberFormatResult
3871 /**
3872 * Number formatting
3873 *
3874 * @remarks
3875 * Overloaded `$n`. About details, see the {@link $n} remarks.
3876 *
3877 * @param value - A number value
3878 * @param key - A key of number formats
3879 * @param locale - A locale, optional, override locale that global scope or local scope
3880 *
3881 * @returns formatted value
3882 */
3883 $n<
3884 Key extends string = string,
3885 DefinedNumberFormat extends
3886 RemovedIndexResources<DefineDateTimeFormat> = RemovedIndexResources<DefineDateTimeFormat>,
3887 Keys = IsEmptyObject<DefinedNumberFormat> extends false
3888 ? PickupFormatPathKeys<{
3889 [K in keyof DefinedNumberFormat]: DefinedNumberFormat[K]
3890 }>
3891 : never,
3892 ResourceKeys extends Keys = IsNever<Keys> extends false ? Keys : never
3893 >(
3894 value: number,
3895 key: Key | ResourceKeys,
3896 locale: Locale
3897 ): NumberFormatResult
3898 /**
3899 * Number formatting
3900 *
3901 * @remarks
3902 * Overloaded `$n`. About details, see the {@link $n} remarks.
3903 *
3904 * @param value - A number value
3905 * @param args - An argument values
3906 *
3907 * @returns formatted value
3908 */
3909 $n(
3910 value: number,
3911 args: { [key: string]: string | boolean | number }
3912 ): NumberFormatResult
3913 /**
3914 * Number formatting
3915 *
3916 * @remarks
3917 * Overloaded `$n`. About details, see the {@link $n} remarks.
3918 *
3919 * @param value - A number value
3920 * @param key - A key of number formats
3921 * @param args - An argument values
3922 *
3923 * @returns formatted value
3924 */
3925 $n(
3926 value: number,
3927 key: string,
3928 args: { [key: string]: string | boolean | number }
3929 ): NumberFormatResult
3930 /**
3931 * Number formatting
3932 *
3933 * @remarks
3934 * Overloaded `$n`. About details, see the {@link $n} remarks.
3935 *
3936 * @param value - A number value
3937 * @param key - A key of number formats
3938 * @param locale - A locale, optional, override locale that global scope or local scope
3939 * @param args - An argument values
3940 *
3941 * @returns formatted value
3942 */
3943 $n(
3944 value: number,
3945 key: string,
3946 locale: Locale,
3947 args: { [key: string]: string | boolean | number }
3948 ): NumberFormatResult
3949 /**
3950 * Number formatting
3951 *
3952 * @remarks
3953 * Overloaded `$n`. About details, see the {@link $n} remarks.
3954 *
3955 * @param value - A number value
3956 *
3957 * @returns formatted value
3958 */
3959 $n(value: number): string
3960 /**
3961 * Number formatting
3962 *
3963 * @remarks
3964 * Overloaded `$n`. About details, see the {@link $n} remarks.
3965 *
3966 * @param value - A number value
3967 * @param key - A key of number formats
3968 *
3969 * @returns formatted value
3970 */
3971 $n<
3972 Key extends string = string,
3973 DefinedNumberFormat extends
3974 RemovedIndexResources<DefineDateTimeFormat> = RemovedIndexResources<DefineDateTimeFormat>,
3975 Keys = IsEmptyObject<DefinedNumberFormat> extends false
3976 ? PickupFormatPathKeys<{
3977 [K in keyof DefinedNumberFormat]: DefinedNumberFormat[K]
3978 }>
3979 : never,
3980 ResourceKeys extends Keys = IsNever<Keys> extends false ? Keys : never
3981 >(
3982 value: number,
3983 key: Key | ResourceKeys
3984 ): string
3985 /**
3986 * Number formatting
3987 *
3988 * @remarks
3989 * Overloaded `$n`. About details, see the {@link $n} remarks.
3990 *
3991 * @param value - A number value
3992 * @param key - A key of number formats
3993 * @param locale - A locale, optional, override locale that global scope or local scope
3994 *
3995 * @returns formatted value
3996 */
3997 $n<
3998 Key extends string = string,
3999 DefinedNumberFormat extends
4000 RemovedIndexResources<DefineDateTimeFormat> = RemovedIndexResources<DefineDateTimeFormat>,
4001 Keys = IsEmptyObject<DefinedNumberFormat> extends false
4002 ? PickupFormatPathKeys<{
4003 [K in keyof DefinedNumberFormat]: DefinedNumberFormat[K]
4004 }>
4005 : never,
4006 ResourceKeys extends Keys = IsNever<Keys> extends false ? Keys : never
4007 >(
4008 value: number,
4009 key: Key | ResourceKeys,
4010 locale: Locale
4011 ): string
4012 /**
4013 * Number formatting
4014 *
4015 * @remarks
4016 * Overloaded `$n`. About details, see the {@link $n} remarks.
4017 *
4018 * @param value - A number value
4019 * @param options - An options, see the {@link NumberOptions}
4020 *
4021 * @returns formatted value
4022 */
4023 $n(value: number, options: NumberOptions): string
4024 /**
4025 * Locale messages getter
4026 *
4027 * In {@link I18nMode | Legacy API mode}, the input / output is the same as for VueI18n instance. About that details, see {@link VueI18n#tm | `VueI18n#tm` }.
4028 *
4029 * @remarks
4030 * In {@link I18nMode | Composition API mode}, the `$tm` is injected by `app.config.globalProperties`.
4031 * the input / output is the same as for Composer instance, and it work on **global scope**. About that details, see {@link Composer#tm | `Composer.tm` }.
4032 * Based on the current `locale`, locale messages will be returned from Composer instance messages.
4033 * If you change the `locale`, the locale messages returned will also correspond to the locale.
4034 * If there are no locale messages for the given `key` in the composer instance messages, they will be returned with fallbacking.
4035 *
4036 * @param key - A target locale message key
4037 *
4038 * @returns locale messages
4039 */
4040 $tm<
4041 Key extends string,
4042 DefinedLocaleMessage extends
4043 RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage> = RemovedIndexResources<DefineLocaleMessage>,
4044 Keys = IsEmptyObject<DefinedLocaleMessage> extends false
4045 ? JsonPaths<{
4046 [K in keyof DefinedLocaleMessage]: DefinedLocaleMessage[K]
4047 }>
4048 : never,
4049 ResourceKeys extends Keys = IsNever<Keys> extends false ? Keys : never
4050 >(
4051 key: Key | ResourceKeys
4052 ): LocaleMessageValue<VueMessageType> | {}
4053 }
4056declare module 'vue' {
4057 export interface GlobalComponents {
4058 ['i18n-t']: typeof Translation
4059 ['i18n-d']: typeof DatetimeFormat
4060 ['i18n-n']: typeof NumberFormat
4061 ['I18nT']: typeof Translation
4062 ['I18nD']: typeof DatetimeFormat
4063 ['I18nN']: typeof NumberFormat
4064 }