1 | # vue-jest
2 |
3 | Jest Vue transformer with source map support
4 |
5 | > **NOTE:** This is documentation for `vue-jest@3.x`. [View the vue-jest@2.x documentation](https://github.com/vuejs/vue-jest/tree/e694fc7ce11ae1ac1c778ed7c4402515c5f0d5aa)
6 |
7 | ## Usage
8 |
9 | ```bash
10 | npm install --save-dev vue-jest
11 | ```
12 |
13 | ## Setup
14 |
15 | To define `vue-jest` as a transformer for your `.vue` files, map them to the `vue-jest` module:
16 |
17 | ```json
18 | {
19 | "jest": {
20 | "transform": {
21 | "^.+\\.vue$": "vue-jest"
22 | }
23 | }
24 | ```
25 |
26 | A full config will look like this.
27 |
28 | ```json
29 | {
30 | "jest": {
31 | "moduleFileExtensions": [
32 | "js",
33 | "json",
34 | "vue"
35 | ],
36 | "transform": {
37 | "^.+\\.js$": "babel-jest",
38 | "^.+\\.vue$": "vue-jest"
39 | }
40 | }
41 | }
42 | ```
43 |
44 | If you're on a version of Jest older than 22.4.0, you need to set `mapCoverage` to `true` in order to use source maps.
45 |
46 | ## Example Projects
47 |
48 | Example repositories testing Vue components with jest and vue-jest:
49 |
50 | - [Avoriaz with Jest](https://github.com/eddyerburgh/avoriaz-jest-example)
51 | - [Vue Test Utils with Jest](https://github.com/eddyerburgh/vue-test-utils-jest-example)
52 |
53 | ## Supported langs
54 |
55 | vue-jest compiles the script and template of SFCs into a JavaScript file that Jest can run. **Currently, SCSS, SASS and Stylus are the only style languages that are compiled**.
56 |
57 | ### Supported script languages
58 |
59 | - **typescript** (`lang="ts"`, `lang="typescript"`)
60 | - **coffeescript** (`lang="coffee"`, `lang="coffeescript"`)
61 |
62 | ### Global Jest options
63 |
64 | You can change the behavior of `vue-jest` by using `jest.globals`.
65 |
66 | > *Tip:* Need programmatic configuration? Use the [--config](https://jestjs.io/docs/en/cli.html#config-path) option in Jest CLI, and export a `.js` file
67 |
68 | #### babelConfig
69 |
70 | Provide `babelConfig` in one of the following formats:
71 |
72 | - `<Boolean>`
73 | - `<Object>`
74 | - `<String>`
75 |
76 | ##### Boolean
77 |
78 | - `true` - Enable Babel processing. `vue-jest` will try to find Babel configuration using [find-babel-config](https://www.npmjs.com/package/find-babel-config).
79 |
80 | > This is the default behavior if [babelConfig](#babelconfig) is not defined.
81 |
82 | - `false` - Skip Babel processing entirely:
83 |
84 | ```json
85 | {
86 | "jest": {
87 | "globals": {
88 | "vue-jest": {
89 | "babelConfig": false
90 | }
91 | }
92 | }
93 | }
94 | ```
95 |
96 | ##### Object
97 |
98 | Provide inline [Babel options](https://babeljs.io/docs/en/options):
99 |
100 | ```json
101 | {
102 | "jest": {
103 | "globals": {
104 | "vue-jest": {
105 | "babelConfig": {
106 | "presets": [
107 | [
108 | "env",
109 | {
110 | "useBuiltIns": "entry",
111 | "shippedProposals": true
112 | }
113 | ]
114 | ],
115 | "plugins": [
116 | "syntax-dynamic-import"
117 | ],
118 | "env": {
119 | "test": {
120 | "plugins": [
121 | "dynamic-import-node"
122 | ]
123 | }
124 | }
125 | }
126 | }
127 | }
128 | }
129 | }
130 | ```
131 |
132 | ##### String
133 |
134 | If a string is provided, it will be an assumed path to a babel configuration file (e.g. `.babelrc`, `.babelrc.js`).
135 | - Config file should export a Babel configuration object.
136 | - Should *not* point to a [project-wide configuration file (babel.config.js)](https://babeljs.io/docs/en/config-files#project-wide-configuration), which exports a function.
137 |
138 | ```json
139 | {
140 | "jest": {
141 | "globals": {
142 | "vue-jest": {
143 | "babelConfig": "path/to/.babelrc.js"
144 | }
145 | }
146 | }
147 | }
148 | ```
149 |
150 | To use the [Config Function API](https://babeljs.io/docs/en/config-files#config-function-api), use inline options instead. i.e.:
151 |
152 | ```json
153 | {
154 | "jest": {
155 | "globals": {
156 | "vue-jest": {
157 | "babelConfig": {
158 | "configFile": "path/to/babel.config.js"
159 | }
160 | }
161 | }
162 | }
163 | }
164 | ```
165 |
166 | #### tsConfig
167 |
168 | Provide `tsConfig` in one of the following formats:
169 |
170 | - `<Boolean>`
171 | - `<Object>`
172 | - `<String>`
173 |
174 | ##### Boolean
175 |
176 | - `true` - Process TypeScript files using custom configuration. `vue-jest` will try to find TypeScript configuration using [tsconfig.loadSync](https://www.npmjs.com/package/tsconfig#api).
177 |
178 | > This is the default behavior if [tsConfig](#tsConfig) is not defined.
179 |
180 | - `false` - Process TypeScript files using the [default configuration provided by vue-jest](https://github.com/vuejs/vue-jest/blob/master/lib/load-typescript-config.js#L5-L27).
181 |
182 | ##### Object
183 |
184 | Provide inline [TypeScript compiler options](https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/compiler-options.html):
185 |
186 | ```json
187 | {
188 | "jest": {
189 | "globals": {
190 | "vue-jest": {
191 | "tsConfig": {
192 | "importHelpers": true
193 | }
194 | }
195 | }
196 | }
197 | }
198 | ```
199 |
200 | ##### String
201 |
202 | If a string is provided, it will be an assumed path to a TypeScript configuration file:
203 |
204 | ```json
205 | {
206 | "jest": {
207 | "globals": {
208 | "vue-jest": {
209 | "tsConfig": "path/to/tsconfig.json"
210 | }
211 | }
212 | }
213 | }
214 | ```
215 |
216 | ### Supported template languages
217 |
218 | - **pug** (`lang="pug"`)
219 | - To give options for the Pug compiler, enter them into the Jest configuration.
220 | The options will be passed to pug.compile().
221 |
222 | ```json
223 | {
224 | "jest": {
225 | "globals": {
226 | "vue-jest": {
227 | "pug": {
228 | "basedir": "mybasedir"
229 | }
230 | }
231 | }
232 | }
233 | }
234 | ```
235 |
236 | - **jade** (`lang="jade"`)
237 | - **haml** (`lang="haml"`)
238 |
239 | ### Supported style languages
240 |
241 | - **stylus** (`lang="stylus"`, `lang="styl"`)
242 | - **sass** (`lang="sass"`)
243 | - The SASS compiler supports jest's [moduleNameMapper](https://facebook.github.io/jest/docs/en/configuration.html#modulenamemapper-object-string-string) which is the suggested way of dealing with Webpack aliases.
244 | - **scss** (`lang="scss"`)
245 | - The SCSS compiler supports jest's [moduleNameMapper](https://facebook.github.io/jest/docs/en/configuration.html#modulenamemapper-object-string-string) which is the suggested way of dealing with Webpack aliases.
246 | - To import globally included files (ie. variables, mixins, etc.), include them in the Jest configuration at `jest.globals['vue-jest'].resources.scss`:
247 |
248 | ```json
249 | {
250 | "jest": {
251 | "globals": {
252 | "vue-jest": {
253 | "resources": {
254 | "scss": [
255 | "./node_modules/package/_mixins.scss",
256 | "./src/assets/css/globals.scss"
257 | ]
258 | }
259 | }
260 | }
261 | }
262 | }
263 | ```
264 |
265 | ## CSS options
266 |
267 | `experimentalCSSCompile`: `Boolean` Default true. Turn off CSS compilation
268 | `hideStyleWarn`: `Boolean` Default false. Hide warnings about CSS compilation
269 | `resources`:
270 |
271 | ```json
272 | {
273 | "jest": {
274 | "globals": {
275 | "vue-jest": {
276 | "hideStyleWarn": true,
277 | "experimentalCSSCompile": true
278 | }
279 | }
280 | }
281 | }
282 | ```
283 |
\ | No newline at end of file |