1 | # Vue-Lazyload
2 |
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9 |
10 | Vue module for lazyloading images in your applications. Some of goals of this project worth noting include:
11 |
12 | * Be lightweight, powerful and easy to use
13 | * Work on any image type
14 | * Add loading class while image is loading
15 | * Supports both of Vue 1.0 and Vue 2.0
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 | # Table of Contents
20 |
21 | * [___Demo___](#demo)
22 | * [___Requirements___](#requirements)
23 | * [___Installation___](#installation)
24 | * [___Usage___](#usage)
25 | * [___Constructor Options___](#constructor-options)
26 | * [___Implementation___](#implementation)
27 | * [___Basic___](#basic)
28 | * [___Css state___](#css-state)
29 | * [___Methods___](#methods)
30 | * [__Event hook__](#event-hook)
31 | * [__LazyLoadHandler__](#lazyloadhandler)
32 | * [__Performance__](#performance)
33 | * [___Authors && Contributors___](#authors-&&-Contributors)
34 | * [___License___](#license)
35 |
36 |
37 | # Demo
38 |
39 | [___Demo___](http://hilongjw.github.io/vue-lazyload/)
40 |
41 | # Requirements
42 |
43 | - [Vue.js](https://github.com/vuejs/vue) `1.x` or `2.x`
44 |
45 |
46 | # Installation
47 |
48 | ## npm
49 |
50 | ```bash
51 |
52 | $ npm i vue-lazyload -S
53 |
54 | ```
55 |
56 | ## CDN
57 |
58 | CDN: [https://unpkg.com/vue-lazyload/vue-lazyload.js](https://unpkg.com/vue-lazyload/vue-lazyload.js)
59 |
60 | ```html
61 | <script src="https://unpkg.com/vue-lazyload/vue-lazyload.js"></script>
62 | <script>
63 | Vue.use(VueLazyload)
64 | ...
65 | </script>
66 |
67 | ```
68 |
69 | # Usage
70 |
71 | main.js:
72 |
73 | ```javascript
74 |
75 | import Vue from 'vue'
76 | import App from './App.vue'
77 | import VueLazyload from 'vue-lazyload'
78 |
79 | Vue.use(VueLazyload)
80 |
81 | // or with options
82 | Vue.use(VueLazyload, {
83 | preLoad: 1.3,
84 | error: 'dist/error.png',
85 | loading: 'dist/loading.gif',
86 | attempt: 1
87 | })
88 |
89 | new Vue({
90 | el: 'body',
91 | components: {
92 | App
93 | }
94 | })
95 | ```
96 |
97 | template:
98 |
99 | ```html
100 | <ul>
101 | <li v-for="img in list">
102 | <img v-lazy="img.src" >
103 | </li>
104 | </ul>
105 | ```
106 |
107 | use `v-lazy-container` work with raw HTML
108 |
109 | ```html
110 | <div v-lazy-container="{ selector: 'img' }">
111 | <img data-src="//domain.com/img1.jpg">
112 | <img data-src="//domain.com/img2.jpg">
113 | <img data-src="//domain.com/img3.jpg">
114 | </div>
115 | ```
116 |
117 | custom `error` and `loading` placeholder image
118 |
119 | ```html
120 | <div v-lazy-container="{ selector: 'img', error: 'xxx.jpg', loading: 'xxx.jpg' }">
121 | <img data-src="//domain.com/img1.jpg">
122 | <img data-src="//domain.com/img2.jpg">
123 | <img data-src="//domain.com/img3.jpg">
124 | </div>
125 | ```
126 |
127 | ```html
128 | <div v-lazy-container="{ selector: 'img' }">
129 | <img data-src="//domain.com/img1.jpg" data-error="xxx.jpg">
130 | <img data-src="//domain.com/img2.jpg" data-loading="xxx.jpg">
131 | <img data-src="//domain.com/img3.jpg">
132 | </div>
133 | ```
134 |
135 | ## Constructor Options
136 |
137 | |key|description|default|options|
138 | |:---|---|---|---|
139 | | `preLoad`|proportion of pre-loading height|`1.3`|`Number`|
140 | |`error`|src of the image upon load fail|`'data-src'`|`String`
141 | |`loading`|src of the image while loading|`'data-src'`|`String`|
142 | |`attempt`|attempts count|`3`|`Number`|
143 | |`listenEvents`|events that you want vue listen for|`['scroll', 'wheel', 'mousewheel', 'resize', 'animationend', 'transitionend', 'touchmove']`| [Desired Listen Events](#desired-listen-events) |
144 | |`adapter`| dynamically modify the attribute of element |`{ }`| [Element Adapter](#element-adapter) |
145 | |`filter`| the image's listener filter |`{ }`| [Image listener filter](#image-listener-filter) |
146 | |`lazyComponent`| lazyload component | `false` | [Lazy Component](#lazy-component)
147 | | `dispatchEvent`|trigger the dom event|`false`|`Boolean`|
148 | | `throttleWait`|throttle wait|`200`|`Number`|
149 | | `observer`|use IntersectionObserver|`false`|`Boolean`|
150 | | `observerOptions`|IntersectionObserver options|{ rootMargin: '0px', threshold: 0.1 }|[IntersectionObserver](#intersectionobserver)|
151 | | `silent`|do not print debug info|`true`|`Boolean`|
152 |
153 | ### Desired Listen Events
154 |
155 | You can configure which events you want vue-lazyload by passing in an array
156 | of listener names.
157 |
158 | ```javascript
159 | Vue.use(VueLazyload, {
160 | preLoad: 1.3,
161 | error: 'dist/error.png',
162 | loading: 'dist/loading.gif',
163 | attempt: 1,
164 | // the default is ['scroll', 'wheel', 'mousewheel', 'resize', 'animationend', 'transitionend']
165 | listenEvents: [ 'scroll' ]
166 | })
167 | ```
168 |
169 | This is useful if you are having trouble with this plugin resetting itself to loading
170 | when you have certain animations and transitions taking place
171 |
172 |
173 | ### Image listener filter
174 |
175 | dynamically modify the src of image
176 |
177 | ```javascript
178 | Vue.use(vueLazy, {
179 | filter: {
180 | progressive (listener, options) {
181 | const isCDN = /qiniudn.com/
182 | if (isCDN.test(listener.src)) {
183 | listener.el.setAttribute('lazy-progressive', 'true')
184 | listener.loading = listener.src + '?imageView2/1/w/10/h/10'
185 | }
186 | },
187 | webp (listener, options) {
188 | if (!options.supportWebp) return
189 | const isCDN = /qiniudn.com/
190 | if (isCDN.test(listener.src)) {
191 | listener.src += '?imageView2/2/format/webp'
192 | }
193 | }
194 | }
195 | })
196 | ```
197 |
198 |
199 | ### Element Adapter
200 |
201 | ```javascript
202 | Vue.use(vueLazy, {
203 | adapter: {
204 | loaded ({ bindType, el, naturalHeight, naturalWidth, $parent, src, loading, error, Init }) {
205 | // do something here
206 | // example for call LoadedHandler
207 | LoadedHandler(el)
208 | },
209 | loading (listender, Init) {
210 | console.log('loading')
211 | },
212 | error (listender, Init) {
213 | console.log('error')
214 | }
215 | }
216 | })
217 | ```
218 |
219 | ### IntersectionObserver
220 |
221 | use [Intersection Observer](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Intersection_Observer_API) to to improve performance of a large number of nodes.
222 |
223 | ```javascript
224 | Vue.use(vueLazy, {
225 | // set observer to true
226 | observer: true,
227 |
228 | // optional
229 | observerOptions: {
230 | rootMargin: '0px',
231 | threshold: 0.1
232 | }
233 | })
234 | ```
235 |
236 |
237 | ### Lazy Component
238 | ```javascript
239 | Vue.use(VueLazyload, {
240 | lazyComponent: true
241 | });
242 | ```
243 |
244 | ```html
245 | <lazy-component @show="handler">
246 | <img class="mini-cover" :src="img.src" width="100%" height="400">
247 | </lazy-component>
248 |
249 | <script>
250 | {
251 | ...
252 | methods: {
253 | handler (component) {
254 | console.log('this component is showing')
255 | }
256 | }
257 |
258 | }
259 | </script>
260 | ```
261 |
262 |
263 | ## Implementation
264 |
265 | ### Basic
266 |
267 | vue-lazyload will set this img element's `src` with `imgUrl` string
268 |
269 | ```html
270 | <script>
271 | export default {
272 | data () {
273 | return {
274 | imgObj: {
275 | src: 'http://xx.com/logo.png',
276 | error: 'http://xx.com/error.png',
277 | loading: 'http://xx.com/loading-spin.svg'
278 | },
279 | imgUrl: 'http://xx.com/logo.png' // String
280 | }
281 | }
282 | }
283 | </script>
284 |
285 | <template>
286 | <div ref="container">
287 | <img v-lazy="imgUrl"/>
288 | <div v-lazy:background-image="imgUrl"></div>
289 |
290 | <!-- with customer error and loading -->
291 | <img v-lazy="imgObj"/>
292 | <div v-lazy:background-image="imgObj"></div>
293 |
294 | <!-- Customer scrollable element -->
295 | <img v-lazy.container ="imgUrl"/>
296 | <div v-lazy:background-image.container="img"></div>
297 |
298 | <!-- srcset -->
299 | <img v-lazy="'img.400px.jpg'" data-srcset="img.400px.jpg 400w, img.800px.jpg 800w, img.1200px.jpg 1200w">
300 | <img v-lazy="imgUrl" :data-srcset="imgUrl' + '?size=400 400w, ' + imgUrl + ' ?size=800 800w, ' + imgUrl +'/1200.jpg 1200w'" />
301 | </div>
302 | </template>
303 | ```
304 |
305 | ### CSS state
306 |
307 | There are three states while img loading
308 |
309 | `loading` `loaded` `error`
310 |
311 | ```html
312 | <img src="imgUrl" lazy="loading">
313 | <img src="imgUrl" lazy="loaded">
314 | <img src="imgUrl" lazy="error">
315 | ```
316 |
317 | ```html
318 | <style>
319 | img[lazy=loading] {
320 | /*your style here*/
321 | }
322 | img[lazy=error] {
323 | /*your style here*/
324 | }
325 | img[lazy=loaded] {
326 | /*your style here*/
327 | }
328 | /*
329 | or background-image
330 | */
331 | .yourclass[lazy=loading] {
332 | /*your style here*/
333 | }
334 | .yourclass[lazy=error] {
335 | /*your style here*/
336 | }
337 | .yourclass[lazy=loaded] {
338 | /*your style here*/
339 | }
340 | </style>
341 | ```
342 |
343 | ## Methods
344 |
345 | ### Event Hook
346 |
347 | `vm.$Lazyload.$on(event, callback)`
348 | `vm.$Lazyload.$off(event, callback)`
349 | `vm.$Lazyload.$once(event, callback)`
350 |
351 | - `$on` Listen for a custom events `loading`, `loaded`, `error`
352 | - `$once` Listen for a custom event, but only once. The listener will be removed once it triggers for the first time.
353 | - `$off` Remove event listener(s).
354 |
355 | #### `vm.$Lazyload.$on`
356 |
357 | #### Arguments:
358 |
359 | * `{string} event`
360 | * `{Function} callback`
361 |
362 | #### Example
363 |
364 | ```javascript
365 | vm.$Lazyload.$on('loaded', function ({ bindType, el, naturalHeight, naturalWidth, $parent, src, loading, error }, formCache) {
366 | console.log(el, src)
367 | })
368 | ```
369 |
370 | #### `vm.$Lazyload.$once`
371 |
372 | #### Arguments:
373 |
374 | * `{string} event`
375 | * `{Function} callback`
376 |
377 | #### Example
378 |
379 | ```javascript
380 | vm.$Lazyload.$once('loaded', function ({ el, src }) {
381 | console.log(el, src)
382 | })
383 | ```
384 |
385 | #### `vm.$Lazyload.$off`
386 |
387 | If only the event is provided, remove all listeners for that event
388 |
389 | #### Arguments:
390 |
391 | * `{string} event`
392 | * `{Function} callback`
393 |
394 | #### Example
395 |
396 | ```javascript
397 | function handler ({ el, src }, formCache) {
398 | console.log(el, src)
399 | }
400 | vm.$Lazyload.$on('loaded', handler)
401 | vm.$Lazyload.$off('loaded', handler)
402 | vm.$Lazyload.$off('loaded')
403 | ```
404 |
405 | ### LazyLoadHandler
406 |
407 | `vm.$Lazyload.lazyLoadHandler`
408 |
409 | Manually trigger lazy loading position calculation
410 |
411 | #### Example
412 |
413 | ```javascript
414 |
415 | this.$Lazyload.lazyLoadHandler()
416 |
417 | ```
418 |
419 | ### Performance
420 |
421 | ```javascript
422 | this.$Lazyload.$on('loaded', function (listener) {
423 | console.table(this.$Lazyload.performance())
424 | })
425 | ```
426 |
427 | ![performance-demo](http://ww1.sinaimg.cn/large/69402bf8gw1fbo62ocvlaj213k09w78w.jpg)
428 |
429 | ### Dynamic switching pictures
430 |
431 | ```vue
432 | <img v-lazy="lazyImg" :key="lazyImg.src">
433 | ```
434 |
435 |
436 | # Authors && Contributors
437 |
438 | - [hilongjw](https://github.com/hilongjw)
439 | - [imcvampire](https://github.com/imcvampire)
440 | - [darrynten](https://github.com/darrynten)
441 | - [biluochun](https://github.com/biluochun)
442 | - [whwnow](https://github.com/whwnow)
443 | - [Leopoldthecoder](https://github.com/Leopoldthecoder)
444 | - [michalbcz](https://github.com/michalbcz)
445 | - [blue0728](https://github.com/blue0728)
446 | - [JounQin](https://github.com/JounQin)
447 | - [llissery](https://github.com/llissery)
448 | - [mega667](https://github.com/mega667)
449 | - [RobinCK](https://github.com/RobinCK)
450 | - [GallenHu](https://github.com/GallenHu)
451 |
452 | # License
453 |
454 | [The MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)