1 | # vue-pdf
2 | vue.js pdf viewer
3 |
4 | ## Install
5 | ```bash
6 | npm install --save vue-pdf
7 | ```
8 |
9 | ## Example - basic
10 | ```vue
11 | <template>
12 | <pdf src="./static/relativity.pdf"></pdf>
13 | </template>
14 |
15 | <script>
16 | import pdf from 'vue-pdf'
17 |
18 | export default {
19 | components: {
20 | pdf
21 | }
22 | }
23 | ```
24 |
25 | ## Demo
26 |
27 | [vue-pdf demo on jsfiddle](https://jsfiddle.net/fossfiddler/5k4ptmqg/145/)
28 |
29 | _TBD: fix the demo_
30 |
31 | ## Browser support
32 | Same browser support as [Vue.js 2](https://github.com/vuejs/vue/blob/dev/README.md)
33 |
34 | ## Note
35 | since v2.x, the script is exported as esm.
36 |
37 | ## API
38 |
39 | ### Props
40 |
41 | #### :src <sup>String / Object - default: ''<sup>
42 | The url of the pdf file. `src` may also be a `string|TypedArray|DocumentInitParameters|PDFDataRangeTransport` for more details, see [`PDFJS.getDocument()`](https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/blob/8ff1fbe7f819513e7d0023df961e3d223b35aefa/src/display/api.js#L117).
43 |
44 | #### :page <sup>Number - default: 1<sup>
45 | The page number to display.
46 |
47 | #### :rotate <sup>Number - default: 0<sup>
48 | The page rotation in degrees, only multiple of 90 are valid.
49 |
50 | ### Events
51 |
52 | #### @password <sup>(updatePassword, reason)<sup>
53 | * `updatePassword`: The function to call with the pdf password.
54 | * `reason`: the reason why this function is called `'NEED_PASSWORD'` or `'INCORRECT_PASSWORD'`
55 |
56 | #### @progress <sup>Number<sup>
57 | Document loading progress. Range [0, 1].
58 |
59 | #### @loaded
60 | Triggered when the document is loaded.
61 |
62 | #### @page-loaded <sup>Number<sup>
63 | Triggered when a page is loaded.
64 |
65 | #### @num-pages <sup>Number<sup>
66 | The total number of pages of the pdf.
67 |
68 | #### @error <sup>Object<sup>
69 | Triggered when an error occurred.
70 |
71 | #### @link-clicked <sup>Number<sup>
72 | Triggered when an internal link is clicked
73 |
74 |
75 | ### Public methods
76 |
77 | #### print(dpi, pageList) * _experimental_ *
78 | * `dpi`: the print rezolution of the document (try 100).
79 | * `pageList`: the list (array) of pages to print.
80 |
81 | ### Public static methods
82 |
83 | #### createLoadingTask(src)
84 | * `src`: see `:src` prop
85 | This function creates a PDFJS loading task that can be used and reused as `:src` property.
86 | The loading task is a promise that resolves with the PDFJS pdf document that exposes the `numPages` property (see example below).
87 |
88 | **beware:** when the component is destroyed, the object returned by `createLoadingTask()` become invalid.
89 |
90 |
91 | ## Examples
92 |
93 | ##### Example - current page / page count
94 | ```vue
95 | <template>
96 | <div>
97 | {{currentPage}} / {{pageCount}}
98 | <pdf
99 | src="https://cdn.mozilla.net/pdfjs/tracemonkey.pdf"
100 | @num-pages="pageCount = $event"
101 | @page-loaded="currentPage = $event"
102 | ></pdf>
103 | </div>
104 | </template>
105 |
106 | <script>
107 |
108 | import pdf from 'vue-pdf'
109 |
110 | export default {
111 | components: {
112 | pdf
113 | },
114 | data() {
115 | return {
116 | currentPage: 0,
117 | pageCount: 0,
118 | }
119 | }
120 | }
121 |
122 | </script>
123 | ```
124 |
125 |
126 | ##### Example - display multiple pages of the same pdf document
127 | ```vue
128 | <template>
129 | <div>
130 | <pdf
131 | v-for="i in numPages"
132 | :key="i"
133 | :src="src"
134 | :page="i"
135 | style="display: inline-block; width: 25%"
136 | ></pdf>
137 | </div>
138 | </template>
139 |
140 | <script>
141 |
142 | import pdf from 'vue-pdf'
143 |
144 | var loadingTask = pdf.createLoadingTask('https://cdn.mozilla.net/pdfjs/tracemonkey.pdf');
145 |
146 | export default {
147 | components: {
148 | pdf
149 | },
150 | data() {
151 | return {
152 | src: loadingTask,
153 | numPages: undefined,
154 | }
155 | },
156 | mounted() {
157 |
158 | this.src.then(pdf => {
159 |
160 | this.numPages = pdf.numPages;
161 | });
162 | }
163 | }
164 |
165 | </script>
166 | ```
167 |
168 |
169 | ##### Example - print all pages
170 | ```vue
171 | <template>
172 | <button @click="$refs.myPdfComponent.print()">print</button>
173 | <pdf ref="myPdfComponent" src="https://cdn.mozilla.net/pdfjs/tracemonkey.pdf"></pdf>
174 | </template>
175 | ```
176 |
177 |
178 | ##### Example - print multiple pages
179 | ```vue
180 | <template>
181 | <button @click="$refs.myPdfComponent.print(100, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14])">print</button>
182 | <pdf ref="myPdfComponent" src="https://cdn.mozilla.net/pdfjs/tracemonkey.pdf"></pdf>
183 | </template>
184 | ```
185 |
186 |
187 | ##### Example - get text content
188 | ```vue
189 | <template>
190 | <div>
191 | <button
192 | @click="logContent"
193 | >
194 | log content
195 | </button>
196 | <pdf
197 | ref="myPdfComponent"
198 | src="https://cdn.mozilla.net/pdfjs/tracemonkey.pdf"
199 | ></pdf>
200 | </div>
201 | </template>
202 |
203 | <script>
204 |
205 | import pdf from 'vue-pdf'
206 |
207 | export default {
208 | components: {
209 | pdf
210 | },
211 | methods: {
212 | logContent() {
213 |
214 | this.$refs.myPdfComponent.pdf.forEachPage(function(page) {
215 |
216 | return page.getTextContent()
217 | .then(function(content) {
218 |
219 | var text = content.items.map(item => item.str);
220 | console.log(text);
221 | })
222 | });
223 | }
224 | }
225 | }
226 |
227 | </script>
228 | ```
229 |
230 |
231 | ##### Example - complete
232 | ```vue
233 | <template>
234 | <div>
235 | <input type="checkbox" v-model="show">
236 | <select v-model="src" style="width: 30em">
237 | <option v-for="item in pdfList" :value="item" v-text="item"></option>
238 | </select>
239 | <input v-model.number="page" type="number" style="width: 5em"> /{{numPages}}
240 | <button @click="rotate += 90">⟳</button>
241 | <button @click="rotate -= 90">⟲</button>
242 | <button @click="$refs.pdf.print()">print</button>
243 | <div style="width: 50%">
244 | <div v-if="loadedRatio > 0 && loadedRatio < 1" style="background-color: green; color: white; text-align: center" :style="{ width: loadedRatio * 100 + '%' }">{{ Math.floor(loadedRatio * 100) }}%</div>
245 | <pdf v-if="show" ref="pdf" style="border: 1px solid red" :src="src" :page="page" :rotate="rotate" @password="password" @progress="loadedRatio = $event" @error="error" @num-pages="numPages = $event" @link-clicked="page = $event"></pdf>
246 | </div>
247 | </div>
248 | </template>
249 | <script>
250 | import pdf from 'vue-pdf'
251 |
252 | export default {
253 | components: {
254 | pdf: pdf
255 | },
256 | data () {
257 | return {
258 | show: true,
259 | pdfList: [
260 | '',
261 | 'https://cdn.mozilla.net/pdfjs/tracemonkey.pdf',
262 | 'https://cdn.rawgit.com/mozilla/pdf.js/c6e8ca86/test/pdfs/freeculture.pdf',
263 | 'https://cdn.rawgit.com/mozilla/pdf.js/c6e8ca86/test/pdfs/annotation-link-text-popup.pdf',
264 | 'https://cdn.rawgit.com/mozilla/pdf.js/c6e8ca86/test/pdfs/calrgb.pdf',
265 | 'https://cdn.rawgit.com/sayanee/angularjs-pdf/68066e85/example/pdf/relativity.protected.pdf',
267 | ],
268 | src:'',
269 | loadedRatio: 0,
270 | page: 1,
271 | numPages: 0,
272 | rotate: 0,
273 | }
274 | },
275 | methods: {
276 | password: function(updatePassword, reason) {
277 |
278 | updatePassword(prompt('password is "test"'));
279 | },
280 | error: function(err) {
281 |
282 | console.log(err);
283 | }
284 | }
285 | }
286 | </script>
287 | ```
288 |
289 | ## Credits
290 | [<img src="https://www.franck-freiburger.com/FF.png" width="16"> Franck Freiburger](https://www.franck-freiburger.com)