29.7 kBJSXView Raw
1import { __decorate } from "tslib";
2import { Component, Model, Prop, Watch, Vue } from 'vue-property-decorator';
3import VueSliderDot from './vue-slider-dot';
4import VueSliderMark from './vue-slider-mark';
5import { getSize, getPos, getKeyboardHandleFunc } from './utils';
6import Decimal from './utils/decimal';
7import Control from './utils/control';
8import State from './utils/state';
9import './styles/slider.scss';
10export const SliderState = {
11 None: 0,
12 Drag: 1 << 1,
13 Focus: 1 << 2,
16let VueSlider = /** @class */ (() => {
17 let VueSlider = class VueSlider extends Vue {
18 constructor() {
19 super(...arguments);
20 this.states = new State(SliderState);
21 // The width of the component is divided into one hundred, the width of each one.
22 this.scale = 1;
23 // Currently dragged slider index
24 this.focusDotIndex = 0;
25 }
26 get tailSize() {
27 return getSize((this.isHorizontal ? this.height : this.width) || DEFAULT_SLIDER_SIZE);
28 }
29 get containerClasses() {
30 return [
31 'vue-slider',
32 [`vue-slider-${this.direction}`],
33 {
34 'vue-slider-disabled': this.disabled,
35 },
36 ];
37 }
38 get containerStyles() {
39 const [dotWidth, dotHeight] = Array.isArray(this.dotSize)
40 ? this.dotSize
41 : [this.dotSize, this.dotSize];
42 const containerWidth = this.width
43 ? getSize(this.width)
44 : this.isHorizontal
45 ? 'auto'
47 const containerHeight = this.height
48 ? getSize(this.height)
49 : this.isHorizontal
51 : 'auto';
52 return {
53 padding: this.contained
54 ? `${dotHeight / 2}px ${dotWidth / 2}px`
55 : this.isHorizontal
56 ? `${dotHeight / 2}px 0`
57 : `0 ${dotWidth / 2}px`,
58 width: containerWidth,
59 height: containerHeight,
60 };
61 }
62 get processArray() {
63 return this.control.processArray.map(([start, end, style], index) => {
64 if (start > end) {
65 /* tslint:disable:semicolon */
66 ;
67 [start, end] = [end, start];
68 }
69 const sizeStyleKey = this.isHorizontal ? 'width' : 'height';
70 return {
71 start,
72 end,
73 index,
74 style: {
75 [this.isHorizontal ? 'height' : 'width']: '100%',
76 [this.isHorizontal ? 'top' : 'left']: 0,
77 [this.mainDirection]: `${start}%`,
78 [sizeStyleKey]: `${end - start}%`,
79 transitionProperty: `${sizeStyleKey},${this.mainDirection}`,
80 transitionDuration: `${this.animateTime}s`,
81 ...this.processStyle,
82 ...style,
83 },
84 };
85 });
86 }
87 get dotBaseStyle() {
88 const [dotWidth, dotHeight] = Array.isArray(this.dotSize)
89 ? this.dotSize
90 : [this.dotSize, this.dotSize];
91 let dotPos;
92 if (this.isHorizontal) {
93 dotPos = {
94 transform: `translate(${this.isReverse ? '50%' : '-50%'}, -50%)`,
95 '-WebkitTransform': `translate(${this.isReverse ? '50%' : '-50%'}, -50%)`,
96 top: '50%',
97 [this.direction === 'ltr' ? 'left' : 'right']: '0',
98 };
99 }
100 else {
101 dotPos = {
102 transform: `translate(-50%, ${this.isReverse ? '50%' : '-50%'})`,
103 '-WebkitTransform': `translate(-50%, ${this.isReverse ? '50%' : '-50%'})`,
104 left: '50%',
105 [this.direction === 'btt' ? 'bottom' : 'top']: '0',
106 };
107 }
108 return {
109 width: `${dotWidth}px`,
110 height: `${dotHeight}px`,
111 ...dotPos,
112 };
113 }
114 get mainDirection() {
115 switch (this.direction) {
116 case 'ltr':
117 return 'left';
118 case 'rtl':
119 return 'right';
120 case 'btt':
121 return 'bottom';
122 case 'ttb':
123 return 'top';
124 }
125 }
126 get isHorizontal() {
127 return this.direction === 'ltr' || this.direction === 'rtl';
128 }
129 get isReverse() {
130 return this.direction === 'rtl' || this.direction === 'btt';
131 }
132 get tooltipDirections() {
133 const dir = this.tooltipPlacement || (this.isHorizontal ? 'top' : 'left');
134 if (Array.isArray(dir)) {
135 return dir;
136 }
137 else {
138 return this.dots.map(() => dir);
139 }
140 }
141 get dots() {
142 return this.control.dotsPos.map((pos, index) => ({
143 pos,
144 index,
145 value: this.control.dotsValue[index],
146 focus: this.states.has(SliderState.Focus) && this.focusDotIndex === index,
147 disabled: this.disabled,
148 style: this.dotStyle,
149 ...((Array.isArray(this.dotOptions) ? this.dotOptions[index] : this.dotOptions) || {}),
150 }));
151 }
152 get animateTime() {
153 if (this.states.has(SliderState.Drag)) {
154 return 0;
155 }
156 return this.duration;
157 }
158 get canSort() {
159 return this.order && !this.minRange && !this.maxRange && !this.fixed && this.enableCross;
160 }
161 isObjectData(data) {
162 return !!data && Object.prototype.toString.call(data) === '[object Object]';
163 }
164 isObjectArrayData(data) {
165 return !!data && Array.isArray(data) && data.length > 0 && typeof data[0] === 'object';
166 }
167 get sliderData() {
168 if (this.isObjectArrayData(this.data)) {
169 return this.data.map(obj => obj[this.dataValue]);
170 }
171 else if (this.isObjectData(this.data)) {
172 return Object.keys(this.data);
173 }
174 else {
175 return this.data;
176 }
177 }
178 get sliderMarks() {
179 if (this.marks) {
180 return this.marks;
181 }
182 else if (this.isObjectArrayData(this.data)) {
183 return val => {
184 const mark = { label: val };
185 this.data.some(obj => {
186 if (obj[this.dataValue] === val) {
187 mark.label = obj[this.dataLabel];
188 return true;
189 }
190 return false;
191 });
192 return mark;
193 };
194 }
195 else if (this.isObjectData(this.data)) {
196 return this.data;
197 }
198 }
199 get sliderTooltipFormatter() {
200 if (this.tooltipFormatter) {
201 return this.tooltipFormatter;
202 }
203 else if (this.isObjectArrayData(this.data)) {
204 return val => {
205 let tooltipText = '' + val;
206 this.data.some(obj => {
207 if (obj[this.dataValue] === val) {
208 tooltipText = obj[this.dataLabel];
209 return true;
210 }
211 return false;
212 });
213 return tooltipText;
214 };
215 }
216 else if (this.isObjectData(this.data)) {
217 const data = this.data;
218 return val => data[val];
219 }
220 }
221 onValueChanged() {
222 if (this.control && !this.states.has(SliderState.Drag) && this.isNotSync) {
223 this.control.setValue(this.value);
224 this.syncValueByPos();
225 }
226 }
227 created() {
228 this.initControl();
229 }
230 mounted() {
231 this.bindEvent();
232 }
233 beforeDestroy() {
234 this.unbindEvent();
235 }
236 bindEvent() {
237 document.addEventListener('touchmove', this.dragMove, { passive: false });
238 document.addEventListener('touchend', this.dragEnd, { passive: false });
239 document.addEventListener('mousedown', this.blurHandle);
240 document.addEventListener('mousemove', this.dragMove, { passive: false });
241 document.addEventListener('mouseup', this.dragEnd);
242 document.addEventListener('mouseleave', this.dragEnd);
243 document.addEventListener('keydown', this.keydownHandle);
244 }
245 unbindEvent() {
246 document.removeEventListener('touchmove', this.dragMove);
247 document.removeEventListener('touchend', this.dragEnd);
248 document.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.blurHandle);
249 document.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.dragMove);
250 document.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.dragEnd);
251 document.removeEventListener('mouseleave', this.dragEnd);
252 document.removeEventListener('keydown', this.keydownHandle);
253 }
254 setScale() {
255 const decimal = new Decimal(Math.floor(this.isHorizontal ? this.$refs.rail.offsetWidth : this.$refs.rail.offsetHeight));
256 if (this.zoom !== void 0) {
257 decimal.multiply(this.zoom);
258 }
259 decimal.divide(100);
260 this.scale = decimal.toNumber();
261 }
262 initControl() {
263 this.control = new Control({
264 value: this.value,
265 data: this.sliderData,
266 enableCross: this.enableCross,
267 fixed: this.fixed,
268 max: this.max,
269 min: this.min,
270 interval: this.interval,
271 minRange: this.minRange,
272 maxRange: this.maxRange,
273 order: this.order,
274 marks: this.sliderMarks,
275 included: this.included,
276 process: this.process,
277 adsorb: this.adsorb,
278 dotOptions: this.dotOptions,
279 onError: this.emitError,
280 });
281 this.syncValueByPos();
282 [
283 'data',
284 'enableCross',
285 'fixed',
286 'max',
287 'min',
288 'interval',
289 'minRange',
290 'maxRange',
291 'order',
292 'marks',
293 'process',
294 'adsorb',
295 'included',
296 'dotOptions',
297 ].forEach(name => {
298 this.$watch(name, (val) => {
299 if (name === 'data' &&
300 Array.isArray(this.control.data) &&
301 Array.isArray(val) &&
302 this.control.data.length === val.length &&
303 val.every((item, index) => item === this.control.data[index])) {
304 return false;
305 }
306 switch (name) {
307 case 'data':
308 case 'dataLabel':
309 case 'dataValue':
310 this.control.data = this.sliderData;
311 break;
312 case 'mark':
313 this.control.marks = this.sliderMarks;
314 break;
315 default:
316 ;
317 this.control[name] = val;
318 }
319 if (['data', 'max', 'min', 'interval'].indexOf(name) > -1) {
320 this.control.syncDotsPos();
321 }
322 });
323 });
324 }
325 syncValueByPos() {
326 const values = this.control.dotsValue;
327 if (this.isDiff(values, Array.isArray(this.value) ? this.value : [this.value])) {
328 this.$emit('change', values.length === 1 ? values[0] : [...values], this.focusDotIndex);
329 }
330 }
331 // Slider value and component internal value are inconsistent
332 get isNotSync() {
333 const values = this.control.dotsValue;
334 return Array.isArray(this.value)
335 ? this.value.length !== values.length ||
336 this.value.some((val, index) => val !== values[index])
337 : this.value !== values[0];
338 }
339 isDiff(value1, value2) {
340 return value1.length !== value2.length || value1.some((val, index) => val !== value2[index]);
341 }
342 emitError(type, message) {
343 if (!this.silent) {
344 console.error(`[VueSlider error]: ${message}`);
345 }
346 this.$emit('error', type, message);
347 }
348 /**
349 * Get the drag range of the slider
350 *
351 * @private
352 * @param {number} index slider index
353 * @returns {[number, number]} range [start, end]
354 * @memberof VueSlider
355 */
356 get dragRange() {
357 const prevDot = this.dots[this.focusDotIndex - 1];
358 const nextDot = this.dots[this.focusDotIndex + 1];
359 return [prevDot ? prevDot.pos : -Infinity, nextDot ? nextDot.pos : Infinity];
360 }
361 dragStartOnProcess(e) {
362 if (this.dragOnClick) {
363 this.setScale();
364 const pos = this.getPosByEvent(e);
365 const index = this.control.getRecentDot(pos);
366 if (this.dots[index].disabled) {
367 return;
368 }
369 this.dragStart(index);
370 this.control.setDotPos(pos, this.focusDotIndex);
371 if (!this.lazy) {
372 this.syncValueByPos();
373 }
374 }
375 }
376 dragStart(index) {
377 this.focusDotIndex = index;
378 this.setScale();
379 this.states.add(SliderState.Drag);
380 this.states.add(SliderState.Focus);
381 this.$emit('drag-start', this.focusDotIndex);
382 }
383 dragMove(e) {
384 if (!this.states.has(SliderState.Drag)) {
385 return false;
386 }
387 e.preventDefault();
388 const pos = this.getPosByEvent(e);
389 this.isCrossDot(pos);
390 this.control.setDotPos(pos, this.focusDotIndex);
391 if (!this.lazy) {
392 this.syncValueByPos();
393 }
394 const value = this.control.dotsValue;
395 this.$emit('dragging', value.length === 1 ? value[0] : [...value], this.focusDotIndex);
396 }
397 // If the component is sorted, then when the slider crosses, toggle the currently selected slider index
398 isCrossDot(pos) {
399 if (this.canSort) {
400 const curIndex = this.focusDotIndex;
401 let curPos = pos;
402 if (curPos > this.dragRange[1]) {
403 curPos = this.dragRange[1];
404 this.focusDotIndex++;
405 }
406 else if (curPos < this.dragRange[0]) {
407 curPos = this.dragRange[0];
408 this.focusDotIndex--;
409 }
410 if (curIndex !== this.focusDotIndex) {
411 const dotVm = this.$refs[`dot-${this.focusDotIndex}`];
412 if (dotVm && dotVm.$el) {
413 dotVm.$el.focus();
414 }
415 this.control.setDotPos(curPos, curIndex);
416 }
417 }
418 }
419 dragEnd(e) {
420 if (!this.states.has(SliderState.Drag)) {
421 return false;
422 }
423 setTimeout(() => {
424 if (this.lazy) {
425 this.syncValueByPos();
426 }
427 if (this.included && this.isNotSync) {
428 this.control.setValue(this.value);
429 }
430 else {
431 // Sync slider position
432 this.control.syncDotsPos();
433 }
434 this.states.delete(SliderState.Drag);
435 // If useKeyboard is true, keep focus status after dragging
436 if (!this.useKeyboard || 'targetTouches' in e) {
437 this.states.delete(SliderState.Focus);
438 }
439 this.$emit('drag-end', this.focusDotIndex);
440 });
441 }
442 blurHandle(e) {
443 if (!this.states.has(SliderState.Focus) ||
444 !this.$refs.container ||
445 this.$refs.container.contains(e.target)) {
446 return false;
447 }
448 this.states.delete(SliderState.Focus);
449 }
450 clickHandle(e) {
451 if (!this.clickable || this.disabled) {
452 return false;
453 }
454 if (this.states.has(SliderState.Drag)) {
455 return;
456 }
457 this.setScale();
458 const pos = this.getPosByEvent(e);
459 this.setValueByPos(pos);
460 }
461 focus(index = 0) {
462 this.states.add(SliderState.Focus);
463 this.focusDotIndex = index;
464 }
465 blur() {
466 this.states.delete(SliderState.Focus);
467 }
468 getValue() {
469 const values = this.control.dotsValue;
470 return values.length === 1 ? values[0] : values;
471 }
472 getIndex() {
473 const indexes = this.control.dotsIndex;
474 return indexes.length === 1 ? indexes[0] : indexes;
475 }
476 setValue(value) {
477 this.control.setValue(Array.isArray(value) ? [...value] : [value]);
478 this.syncValueByPos();
479 }
480 setIndex(index) {
481 const value = Array.isArray(index)
482 ? index.map(n => this.control.getValueByIndex(n))
483 : this.control.getValueByIndex(index);
484 this.setValue(value);
485 }
486 setValueByPos(pos) {
487 const index = this.control.getRecentDot(pos);
488 if (this.disabled || this.dots[index].disabled) {
489 return false;
490 }
491 this.focusDotIndex = index;
492 this.control.setDotPos(pos, index);
493 this.syncValueByPos();
494 if (this.useKeyboard) {
495 this.states.add(SliderState.Focus);
496 }
497 setTimeout(() => {
498 if (this.included && this.isNotSync) {
499 this.control.setValue(this.value);
500 }
501 else {
502 this.control.syncDotsPos();
503 }
504 });
505 }
506 keydownHandle(e) {
507 if (!this.useKeyboard || !this.states.has(SliderState.Focus)) {
508 return false;
509 }
510 const isInclude = this.included && this.marks;
511 const handleFunc = getKeyboardHandleFunc(e, {
512 direction: this.direction,
513 max: isInclude ? this.control.markList.length - 1 : this.control.total,
514 min: 0,
515 hook: this.keydownHook,
516 });
517 if (handleFunc) {
518 e.preventDefault();
519 let newIndex = -1;
520 let pos = 0;
521 if (isInclude) {
522 this.control.markList.some((mark, index) => {
523 if (mark.value === this.control.dotsValue[this.focusDotIndex]) {
524 newIndex = handleFunc(index);
525 return true;
526 }
527 return false;
528 });
529 if (newIndex < 0) {
530 newIndex = 0;
531 }
532 else if (newIndex > this.control.markList.length - 1) {
533 newIndex = this.control.markList.length - 1;
534 }
535 pos = this.control.markList[newIndex].pos;
536 }
537 else {
538 newIndex = handleFunc(this.control.getIndexByValue(this.control.dotsValue[this.focusDotIndex]));
539 pos = this.control.parseValue(this.control.getValueByIndex(newIndex));
540 }
541 this.isCrossDot(pos);
542 this.control.setDotPos(pos, this.focusDotIndex);
543 this.syncValueByPos();
544 }
545 }
546 getPosByEvent(e) {
547 return (getPos(e, this.$refs.rail, this.isReverse, this.zoom)[this.isHorizontal ? 'x' : 'y'] /
548 this.scale);
549 }
550 renderSlot(name, data, defaultSlot, isDefault) {
551 const scopedSlot = this.$scopedSlots[name];
552 return scopedSlot ? (isDefault ? (scopedSlot(data)) : (<template slot={name}>{scopedSlot(data)}</template>)) : (defaultSlot);
553 }
554 render() {
555 return (<div ref="container" class={this.containerClasses} style={this.containerStyles} onClick={this.clickHandle} onTouchstart={this.dragStartOnProcess} onMousedown={this.dragStartOnProcess} {...this.$attrs}>
557 <div ref="rail" class="vue-slider-rail" style={this.railStyle}>
558 {this.processArray.map((item, index) => this.renderSlot('process', item, <div class="vue-slider-process" key={`process-${index}`} style={item.style}/>, true))}
560 {this.sliderMarks ? (<div class="vue-slider-marks">
561 {this.control.markList.map((mark, index) => this.renderSlot('mark', mark, <vue-slider-mark key={`mark-${index}`} mark={mark} hideLabel={this.hideLabel} style={{
562 [this.isHorizontal ? 'height' : 'width']: '100%',
563 [this.isHorizontal ? 'width' : 'height']: this.tailSize,
564 [this.mainDirection]: `${mark.pos}%`,
565 }} stepStyle={this.stepStyle} stepActiveStyle={this.stepActiveStyle} labelStyle={this.labelStyle} labelActiveStyle={this.labelActiveStyle} onPressLabel={(pos) => this.clickable && this.setValueByPos(pos)}>
566 {this.renderSlot('step', mark, null)}
567 {this.renderSlot('label', mark, null)}
568 </vue-slider-mark>, true))}
569 </div>) : null}
571 {this.dots.map((dot, index) => (<vue-slider-dot ref={`dot-${index}`} key={`dot-${index}`} value={dot.value} disabled={dot.disabled} focus={dot.focus} dot-style={[
572 dot.style,
573 dot.disabled ? dot.disabledStyle : null,
574 dot.focus ? dot.focusStyle : null,
575 ]} tooltip={dot.tooltip || this.tooltip} tooltip-style={[
576 this.tooltipStyle,
577 dot.tooltipStyle,
578 dot.disabled ? dot.tooltipDisabledStyle : null,
579 dot.focus ? dot.tooltipFocusStyle : null,
580 ]} tooltip-formatter={Array.isArray(this.sliderTooltipFormatter)
581 ? this.sliderTooltipFormatter[index]
582 : this.sliderTooltipFormatter} tooltip-placement={this.tooltipDirections[index]} style={[
583 this.dotBaseStyle,
584 {
585 [this.mainDirection]: `${dot.pos}%`,
586 transition: `${this.mainDirection} ${this.animateTime}s`,
587 },
588 ]} onDrag-start={() => this.dragStart(index)} role="slider" aria-valuenow={dot.value} aria-valuemin={this.min} aria-valuemax={this.max} aria-orientation={this.isHorizontal ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical'} tabindex="0" nativeOnFocus={() => !dot.disabled && this.focus(index)} nativeOnBlur={() => this.blur()} {...{ attrs: this.dotAttrs }}>
589 {this.renderSlot('dot', dot, null)}
590 {this.renderSlot('tooltip', dot, null)}
591 </vue-slider-dot>))}
592 {this.renderSlot('default', { value: this.getValue() }, null, true)}
593 </div>
594 </div>);
595 }
596 };
597 __decorate([
598 Model('change', { default: 0 })
599 ], VueSlider.prototype, "value", void 0);
600 __decorate([
601 Prop({ type: Boolean, default: false })
602 ], VueSlider.prototype, "silent", void 0);
603 __decorate([
604 Prop({
605 default: 'ltr',
606 validator: dir => ['ltr', 'rtl', 'ttb', 'btt'].indexOf(dir) > -1,
607 })
608 ], VueSlider.prototype, "direction", void 0);
609 __decorate([
610 Prop({ type: [Number, String] })
611 ], VueSlider.prototype, "width", void 0);
612 __decorate([
613 Prop({ type: [Number, String] })
614 ], VueSlider.prototype, "height", void 0);
615 __decorate([
616 Prop({ default: 14 })
617 ], VueSlider.prototype, "dotSize", void 0);
618 __decorate([
619 Prop({ default: false })
620 ], VueSlider.prototype, "contained", void 0);
621 __decorate([
622 Prop({ type: Number, default: 0 })
623 ], VueSlider.prototype, "min", void 0);
624 __decorate([
625 Prop({ type: Number, default: 100 })
626 ], VueSlider.prototype, "max", void 0);
627 __decorate([
628 Prop({ type: Number, default: 1 })
629 ], VueSlider.prototype, "interval", void 0);
630 __decorate([
631 Prop({ type: Boolean, default: false })
632 ], VueSlider.prototype, "disabled", void 0);
633 __decorate([
634 Prop({ type: Boolean, default: true })
635 ], VueSlider.prototype, "clickable", void 0);
636 __decorate([
637 Prop({ type: Boolean, default: false })
638 ], VueSlider.prototype, "dragOnClick", void 0);
639 __decorate([
640 Prop({ type: Number, default: 0.5 })
641 ], VueSlider.prototype, "duration", void 0);
642 __decorate([
643 Prop({ type: [Object, Array] })
644 ], VueSlider.prototype, "data", void 0);
645 __decorate([
646 Prop({ type: String, default: 'value' })
647 ], VueSlider.prototype, "dataValue", void 0);
648 __decorate([
649 Prop({ type: String, default: 'label' })
650 ], VueSlider.prototype, "dataLabel", void 0);
651 __decorate([
652 Prop({ type: Boolean, default: false })
653 ], VueSlider.prototype, "lazy", void 0);
654 __decorate([
655 Prop({
656 type: String,
657 validator: val => ['none', 'always', 'focus', 'hover', 'active'].indexOf(val) > -1,
658 default: 'active',
659 })
660 ], VueSlider.prototype, "tooltip", void 0);
661 __decorate([
662 Prop({
663 type: [String, Array],
664 validator: data => (Array.isArray(data) ? data : [data]).every(val => ['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'].indexOf(val) > -1),
665 })
666 ], VueSlider.prototype, "tooltipPlacement", void 0);
667 __decorate([
668 Prop({ type: [String, Array, Function] })
669 ], VueSlider.prototype, "tooltipFormatter", void 0);
670 __decorate([
671 Prop({ type: Boolean, default: true })
672 ], VueSlider.prototype, "useKeyboard", void 0);
673 __decorate([
674 Prop(Function)
675 ], VueSlider.prototype, "keydownHook", void 0);
676 __decorate([
677 Prop({ type: Boolean, default: true })
678 ], VueSlider.prototype, "enableCross", void 0);
679 __decorate([
680 Prop({ type: Boolean, default: false })
681 ], VueSlider.prototype, "fixed", void 0);
682 __decorate([
683 Prop({ type: Boolean, default: true })
684 ], VueSlider.prototype, "order", void 0);
685 __decorate([
686 Prop(Number)
687 ], VueSlider.prototype, "minRange", void 0);
688 __decorate([
689 Prop(Number)
690 ], VueSlider.prototype, "maxRange", void 0);
691 __decorate([
692 Prop({ type: [Boolean, Object, Array, Function], default: false })
693 ], VueSlider.prototype, "marks", void 0);
694 __decorate([
695 Prop({ type: [Boolean, Function], default: true })
696 ], VueSlider.prototype, "process", void 0);
697 __decorate([
698 Prop({ type: [Number] })
699 ], VueSlider.prototype, "zoom", void 0);
700 __decorate([
701 Prop(Boolean)
702 ], VueSlider.prototype, "included", void 0);
703 __decorate([
704 Prop(Boolean)
705 ], VueSlider.prototype, "adsorb", void 0);
706 __decorate([
707 Prop(Boolean)
708 ], VueSlider.prototype, "hideLabel", void 0);
709 __decorate([
710 Prop()
711 ], VueSlider.prototype, "dotOptions", void 0);
712 __decorate([
713 Prop()
714 ], VueSlider.prototype, "dotAttrs", void 0);
715 __decorate([
716 Prop()
717 ], VueSlider.prototype, "railStyle", void 0);
718 __decorate([
719 Prop()
720 ], VueSlider.prototype, "processStyle", void 0);
721 __decorate([
722 Prop()
723 ], VueSlider.prototype, "dotStyle", void 0);
724 __decorate([
725 Prop()
726 ], VueSlider.prototype, "tooltipStyle", void 0);
727 __decorate([
728 Prop()
729 ], VueSlider.prototype, "stepStyle", void 0);
730 __decorate([
731 Prop()
732 ], VueSlider.prototype, "stepActiveStyle", void 0);
733 __decorate([
734 Prop()
735 ], VueSlider.prototype, "labelStyle", void 0);
736 __decorate([
737 Prop()
738 ], VueSlider.prototype, "labelActiveStyle", void 0);
739 __decorate([
740 Watch('value')
741 ], VueSlider.prototype, "onValueChanged", null);
742 VueSlider = __decorate([
743 Component({
744 name: 'VueSlider',
745 data() {
746 return {
747 control: null,
748 };
749 },
750 components: {
751 VueSliderDot,
752 VueSliderMark,
753 },
754 })
755 ], VueSlider);
756 return VueSlider;
758export default VueSlider;
759//# sourceMappingURL=vue-slider.jsx.map
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