1 | # Vue Tables 2
2 |
3 | > Breaking change notice: As of version 1.2.0, multiple templates and\or themes are supported. If you were using the `customTemplate` option, please refer to the documentation below.
4 |
5 | [![npm version](https://badge.fury.io/js/vue-tables-2.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/js/vue-tables-2) [![GitHub stars](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/matfish2/vue-tables-2.svg)](https://github.com/matfish2/vue-tables-2/stargazers) [![GitHub license](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg)](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/matfish2/vue-tables-2/master/LICENSE) [![npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/dt/vue-tables-2.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/vue-tables-2) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/matfish2/vue-tables-2.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/matfish2/vue-tables-2)
6 |
7 | [Click here](https://jsfiddle.net/matfish2/jfa5t4sm/) to see it in action and fiddle with the various [options](#options)
8 |
9 | - [Usage](#usage)
10 | - [Dependencies](#dependencies)
11 | - [Installation](#installation)
12 | - [Client Side](#client-side)
13 | - [Server Side](#server-side)
14 | - [Implementations](#implementations)
15 | - [Templates](#templates)
16 | - [Scoped Slots](#scoped-slots)
17 | - [Virtual DOM Functions](#virtual-dom-functions)
18 | - [Vue Components](#vue-components)
19 | - [Child Rows](#child-rows)
20 | - [Methods](#methods)
21 | - [Events](#events)
22 | - [Custom Filters](#custom-filters)
23 | - [Client Side Filters](#client-side-filters)
24 | - [Server Side Filters](#server-side-filters)
25 | - [List Filters](#list-filters)
26 | - [Columns Visibility](#columns-visibility)
27 | - [Custom Sorting](#custom-sorting)
28 | - [Client Side Sorting](#client-side-sorting)
29 | - [Server Side Sorting](#server-side-sorting)
30 | - [Multiple Sorting](#multiple-sorting)
31 | - [Slots](#slots)
32 | - [Options](#options)
33 | - [VueJS 1](#vuejs-1)
34 |
35 | # Usage
36 |
37 | ## Dependencies
38 |
39 | * Vue.js (>=2.0)
40 | * Server Side: axios OR vue-resource (>=0.9.0) OR jQuery for the AJAX requests
41 |
42 | ## Compatibility
43 |
44 | * Vuex (>=2.0)
45 | * Bootstrap 3 / Bootstrap 4 / Bulma
46 |
47 | ## Installation
48 |
49 | ```bash
50 | npm install vue-tables-2
51 | ```
52 |
53 | Require the script:
54 |
55 | ```js
56 | import {ServerTable, ClientTable, Event} from 'vue-tables-2';
57 | ```
58 |
59 | ### Register the component(s)
60 |
61 | ```js
62 | Vue.use(ClientTable, [options = {}], [useVuex = false], [theme = 'bootstrap3'], [template = 'default']);
63 | ```
64 |
65 | Or/And:
66 |
67 | ```js
68 | Vue.use(ServerTable, [options = {}], [useVuex = false], [theme = 'bootstrap3'], [template = 'default']);
69 | ```
70 |
71 | * `useVuex` is a boolean indicating whether to use `vuex` for state management, or manage state on the component itself.
72 | If you set it to `true` you must add a `name` prop to your table, which will be used to register a module on your store.
73 | Use `vue-devtools` to look under the hood and see the current state.
74 |
75 | * `theme` Use this option to select a CSS framework. Options:'bootstrap3','bootstrap4','bulma'.
76 | You can also pass you own theme. Use a file from the `themes` folder as boilerplate.
77 |
78 | * `template` Use this option to select an HTML template. Currently supported: 'default', 'footerPagination'
79 | You can also pass your own template. Use a file from the `templates` folder as boilerplate.
80 |
81 | > Note: You may need to add a little styling of your own.
82 | If you come up with some improvments to the templates or themes, which brings them closer to the optimum, you are welcome to send a PR.
83 |
84 | > Note: The template is written using `jsx`, so you will need a [jsx compiler](https://github.com/vuejs/babel-plugin-transform-vue-jsx) to modify it (the package is using the compiled version under the `compiled` folder).
85 |
86 | ### Using Script Tag
87 |
88 | If you are not using NPM you can also import the minified version found in `dist/vue-tables-2.min.js`.
89 | Copy the file into your project and import it:
90 |
91 | ```html
92 | <script src="/path/to/vue-tables-2.min.js"></script>
93 | ```
94 |
95 | This will expose a global `VueTables` object containing `ClientTable`, `ServerTable` and `Event` as properties.
96 |
97 | E.g:
98 |
99 | ```js
100 | Vue.use(VueTables.ClientTable);
101 | ```
102 |
103 | ## Client Side
104 |
105 | Add the following element to your page wherever you want it to render.
106 | Make sure to wrap it with a parent element you can latch your vue instance into.
107 |
108 | ```html
109 | <div id="people">
110 | <v-client-table :data="tableData" :columns="columns" :options="options"></v-client-table>
111 | </div>
112 | ```
113 |
114 | Create a new Vue instance (You can also nest it within other components). An example works best to illustrate the syntax:
115 |
116 | ```js
117 | new Vue({
118 | el: "#people",
119 | data: {
120 | columns: ['id', 'name', 'age'],
121 | tableData: [
122 | { id: 1, name: "John", age: "20" },
123 | { id: 2, name: "Jane", age: "24" },
124 | { id: 3, name: "Susan", age: "16" },
125 | { id: 4, name: "Chris", age: "55" },
126 | { id: 5, name: "Dan", age: "40" }
127 | ],
128 | options: {
129 | // see the options API
130 | }
131 | }
132 | });
133 | ```
134 |
135 | You can access the filtered dataset at any given moment by fetching the `filteredData` computed property of the table, using `ref` as a pointer (`this.$refs.myTable.filteredData`);
136 |
137 | > Important: when loading data asynchronously add a `v-if` conditional to the component along with some `loaded` flag, so it will only compile once the data is attached.
138 |
139 | ## Server side
140 |
141 | ```html
142 | <div id="people">
143 | <v-server-table url="/people" :columns="columns" :options="options"></v-server-table>
144 | </div>
145 | ```
146 |
147 | Javascript:
148 |
149 | ```js
150 | new Vue({
151 | el: "#people",
152 | data: {
153 | columns: ['id', 'name', 'age'],
154 | options: {
155 | // see the options API
156 | }
157 | }
158 | });
159 | ```
160 |
161 | All the data is passed in the following GET parameters:
162 | * `query`,
163 | * `limit`,
164 | * `page`,
165 | * `orderBy`,
166 | * `ascending`,
167 | * `byColumn`.
168 |
169 | You need to return a JSON object with two properties:
170 | * `data` : `array` - An array of row objects with identical keys.
171 | * `count`: `number` - Total count before limit.
172 |
173 | > Note: If you are calling a foreign API or simply want to use your own keys, refer to the `responseAdapter` option.
174 |
175 | ### Custom Request Function
176 |
177 | by default the library supports `JQuery`, `vue-resource` and `axios` as ajax libraries.
178 | If you wish to use a different library, or somehow alter the request (e.g add auth headers, or manipulate the data) use the `requestFunction` option. E.g:
179 |
180 | ```js
181 | options: {
182 | requestFunction: function (data) {
183 | return axios.get(this.url, {
184 | params: data
185 | }).catch(function (e) {
186 | this.dispatch('error', e);
187 | }.bind(this));
188 | }
189 | }
190 | ```
191 |
192 | ### Implementations
193 |
194 | I have included [an Eloquent implementation](https://github.com/matfish2/vue-tables/tree/master/server/PHP) for Laravel Users.
195 |
196 | If you happen to write other implementations for PHP or other languages, a pull request would be most welcome, under the following guidelines:
197 |
198 | 1. Include the class under `./server/{language}`.
199 | 1. Name it according to convention: `{concrete}VueTables`.
200 | 1. if this is the first implementation in this language add an interface similar to the one found in the PHP folder.
201 | 1. Have it implement the interface.
202 | 1. TEST IT.
203 |
204 | # Templates
205 |
206 | Templates allow you to wrap your cells with vue-compiled HTML. It can be used in any of the following ways:
207 |
208 | ## Scoped Slots
209 | If you are using Vue 2.1.0 and above, you can use [scoped slots](https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/components.html#Scoped-Slots) to create templates:
210 |
211 | ```vue
212 | <v-client-table :data="entries" :columns="['id', 'name' ,'age', 'edit']">
213 | <a slot="edit" slot-scope="props" class="fa fa-edit" :href="edit(props.row.id)"></a>
214 | </v-client-table>
215 | ```
216 |
217 | Note: You can get the index of the current row relative to the entire data set using `props.index`
218 |
219 | ## Virtual DOM Functions
220 |
221 | The syntax for Virtual DOM function is similar to that of `render` functions, as it leverages the virtual DOM to bind the templates into the main table template.
222 |
223 | If you choose this option, it is recommended to use JSX, which closely resembles HTML, to write the templates (To compile `jsx` you need to install the [vue jsx transform](https://github.com/vuejs/babel-plugin-transform-vue-jsx)).
224 |
225 | E.g.:
226 |
227 | ```js
228 | data: {
229 | columns: ['erase'],
230 | options: {
231 | ...
232 | templates: {
233 | erase: function (h, row, index) {
234 | return <delete id = {row.id}>< /delete>
235 | }
236 | }
237 | ...
238 | }
239 | }
240 | ```
241 |
242 | The first parameter is the `h` scope used to compile the element. It MUST be called `h`.
243 | The second parameter gives you access to the row data.
244 | In addition a `this` context will be available, which refers to the root vue instance. This allows you to call your own instance methods directly.
245 | Note: when using a `.vue` file `jsx` must be imported from a dedicated `.jsx` file in order to compile correctly. E.g
246 |
247 | edit.jsx
248 |
249 | ```js
250 | export default function(h, row, index) {
251 | return <a class='fa fa-edit' href={'#/' + row.id + '/edit'}></a>
252 | }
253 | ```
254 |
255 | app.vue
256 |
257 | ```html
258 | <script>
259 | import edit from './edit'
260 |
261 | templates: {
262 | edit
263 | }
264 | </script>
265 | ```
266 |
267 | ## Vue Components
268 | Another option to for creating templates is to encapsulate the template within a component and pass the name. The component must have a `data` property, which will receive the row object. You can also add an optional `index` prop, to get the non-zero-based index of the current row relative to the entire dataset. E.g:
269 |
270 | ```js
271 | Vue.component('delete', {
272 | props: ['data', 'index'],
273 | template: `<a class='delete' @click='erase'></a>`,
274 | methods: {
275 | erase() {
276 | let id = this.data.id; // delete the item
277 | }
278 | }
279 | });
280 | ```
281 |
282 | ```js
283 | options: {
284 | ...
285 | templates: {
286 | erase: 'delete'
287 | }
288 | ...
289 | }
290 | ```
291 |
292 | This method allows you to also use single page .vue files for displaying the template data
293 | E.g:
294 | edit.vue
295 |
296 | ```html
297 | <template>
298 | <a class="fa fa-edit" :href="edit(data.id)">Edit</a>
299 | </template>
300 |
301 | <script>
302 | export default {
303 | props: ['data', 'index'],
304 | }
305 | </script>
306 | ```
307 |
308 | app.vue
309 |
310 | ```html
311 | <script>
312 | import edit from './edit'
313 |
314 | templates: {
315 | edit
316 | }
317 | </script>
318 | ```
319 |
320 | **Important**:
321 | * To use components in your templates they must be declared **globally** using `Vue.component()`.
322 | * Templates must be declared in the `columns` prop
323 |
324 | > Note: Don't include HTML directly in your dataset, as it will be parsed as plain text.
325 |
326 | # Child Rows
327 |
328 | Child rows allow for a custom designed output area, namely a hidden child row underneath each row, whose content you are free to set yourself.
329 |
330 | When using the `childRow` option you must pass a unqiue `id` property for each row, which is used to track the current state.
331 | If your identifer key is not `id`, use the `uniqueKey` option to set it.
332 |
333 | The syntax is identincal to that of templates:
334 |
335 | Using Scoped Slots:
336 |
337 | ```vue
338 | <template slot="child_row" scope="props">
339 | <div><b>First name:</b> {{props.row.first_name}}</div>
340 | <div><b>Last name:</b> {{props.row.last_name}}</div>
341 | </template>
342 | ```
343 |
344 | Using a function and (optional) JSX:
345 |
346 | ```js
347 | options:{
348 | ...
349 | childRow: function(h, row) {
350 | return <div>My custom content for row {row.id}</div>
351 | }
352 | ...
353 | }
354 | ```
355 |
356 | Using a component name or a `.vue` file: (See [Templates](#templates) above for a complete example)
357 |
358 | ```js
359 | options:{
360 | ...
361 | childRow: 'row-component'
362 | ...
363 | }
364 | ```
365 |
366 | When the plugin detects a `childRow` function it appends the child rows and prepends to each row an additional toggler column with a `span` you can design to your liking.
367 |
368 | Example styling (also found in `style.css`):
369 | ```css
370 | .VueTables__child-row-toggler {
371 | width: 16px;
372 | height: 16px;
373 | line-height: 16px;
374 | display: block;
375 | margin: auto;
376 | text-align: center;
377 | }
378 |
379 | .VueTables__child-row-toggler--closed::before {
380 | content: "+";
381 | }
382 |
383 | .VueTables__child-row-toggler--open::before {
384 | content: "-";
385 | }
386 | ```
387 |
388 | You can also trigger the child row toggler programmtically. E.g, to toggle the row with an id of 4:
389 |
390 | ```js
391 | this.$refs.myTable.toggleChildRow(4); // replace myTable with your own ref
392 | ```
393 |
394 | # Methods
395 |
396 | Call methods on your instance using the [`ref`](http://vuejs.org/api/#ref) attribute.
397 |
398 | * `setPage(page)`
399 | * `setLimit(recordsPerPage)`
400 | * `setOrder(column, isAscending)`
401 | * `setFilter(query)` - `query` should be a string, or an object if `filterByColumn` is set to `true`.
402 | * `refresh()` Refresh the table. Server component only
403 | * `getOpenChildRows(rows = null)`
404 | If no argument is supplied returns all open child row components in the page.
405 | To limit the returned dataset you can pass the `rows` arguemnt, which should be an array of unique identifiers.
406 |
407 | Note:
408 | A. This method is only to be used when the child row is a component.
409 | B. In order for this method to work you need to set the `name` property on your component to `ChildRow`
410 |
411 | ### Events
412 |
413 | Using Custom Events (For child-parent communication):
414 |
415 | ```html
416 | <v-server-table :columns="columns" url="/getData" @loaded="onLoaded"></v-server-table>
417 | ```
418 |
419 | * Using the event bus:
420 |
421 | ```js
422 | Event.$on('vue-tables.loaded', function (data) {
423 | // Do something
424 | });
425 | ```
426 |
427 | Note: If you are using the bus and want the event to be "namespaced", so you can distinguish bewteen different tables on the same page, use the `name` prop.
428 | The event name will then take the shape of `vue-tables.tableName.eventName`.
429 |
430 | * Using Vuex:
431 |
432 | ```js
433 | mutations: {
434 | ['tableName/LOADED'](state, data) {
435 | // Do something
436 | }
437 | }
438 | ```
439 |
440 | * `vue-tables.filter` / `tableName/FILTER`
441 |
442 | Fires off when a filter is changed. Sends through the name and value in case of column filter, or just the value in case of the general filter
443 |
444 | * `vue-tables.filter::colName`
445 |
446 | Same as above, only this one has the name attached to the event itself, and only sends through the value.
447 | Releveant only for non-vuex tables with `filterByColumn` set to true.
448 |
449 | * `vue-tables.sorted / `tableName/SORTED`
450 |
451 | Fires off when the user sorts the table. Sends through the column and direction.
452 | In case of multisorting (Shift+Click) an array will be sent sorted by precedence.
453 |
454 | * `vue-tables.loading` / `tableName/LOADING` (server)
455 |
456 | Fires off when a request is sent to the server. Sends through the request data.
457 |
458 | * `vue-tables.loaded` / `tableName/LOADED` (server)
459 |
460 | Fires off after the response data has been attached to the table. Sends through the response.
461 |
462 | You can listen to those complementary events on a parent component and use them to add and remove a *loading indicator*, respectively.
463 |
464 | * `vue-tables.pagination` / `tableName/PAGINATION`
465 |
466 | Fires off whenever the user changes a page. Send through the page number.
467 |
468 | * `vue-tables.limit` / `tableName/LIMIT`
469 |
470 | Fires off when the per page limit is changed
471 |
472 | * `vue-tables.error` / `tableName/ERROR` (server)
473 |
474 | Fires off if the server returns an invalid code. Sends through the error
475 |
476 | * `vue-tables.row-click` / `tableName/ROW_CLICK`
477 |
478 | Fires off after a row was clicked. sends through the row and the mouse event.
479 | When using the client component, if you want to recieve the *original* row, so that it can be directly mutated, you must have a unique row identifier.
480 | The key defaults to `id`, but can be changed using the `uniqueKey` option.
481 |
482 | # Custom Filters
483 |
484 | Custom filters allow you to integrate your own filters into the plugin using Vue's events system.
485 |
486 | ## Client Side Filters
487 |
488 | 1. use the `customFilters` option to declare your filters, following this syntax:
489 |
490 | ```js
491 | customFilters: [{
492 | name: 'alphabet',
493 | callback: function (row, query) {
494 | return row.name[0] == query;
495 | }
496 | }]
497 | ```
498 |
499 | 1. Using the event bus:
500 |
501 | ```js
502 | Event.$emit('vue-tables.filter::alphabet', query);
503 | ```
504 |
505 | 1. Using `vuex`:
506 |
507 | ```js
508 | this.$store.commit('myTable/SET_CUSTOM_FILTER', {filter:'alphabet', value:query})
509 | ```
510 |
511 | ## Server Side Filters
512 |
513 | A. use the `customFilters` option to declare your filters, following this syntax:
514 |
515 | ```js
516 | customFilters: ['alphabet','age-range']
517 | ```
518 |
519 | B. the same as in the client component.
520 |
521 | # List Filters
522 |
523 | When filtering by column (option `filterByColumn:true`), the `listColumns` option allows for filtering columns whose values are part of a list, using a select box instead of the default free-text filter.
524 |
525 | For example:
526 |
527 | ```js
528 | options: {
529 | filterByColumn: true,
530 | listColumns: {
531 | animal: [{
532 | id: 1,
533 | text: 'Dog'
534 | },
535 | {
536 | id: 2,
537 | text: 'Cat',
538 | hide:true
539 | },
540 | {
541 | id: 3,
542 | text: 'Tiger'
543 | },
544 | {
545 | id: 4,
546 | text: 'Bear'
547 | }
548 | ]
549 | }
550 | }
551 | ```
552 |
553 | > Note: The values of this column should correspond to the `id`'s passed to the list.
554 | They will be automatically converted to their textual representation.
555 |
556 | > Adding `hide:true` to an item, will exclude it from the options presented to the user
557 |
558 | # Columns Visibility
559 |
560 | If you would like to enable the user to control the columns' visibility set the `columnsDropdown` option to `true`.
561 | This will add a dropdown button to the left of the per-page control. The drop down will contain a list of the columns with checkboxes to toggle visibility.
562 |
563 | The `columnsDropdown` option can work in conjunction with `columnsDisplay`. The rule is that as long as the user hasn't toggled a column himself, the rules you have declared in `columnsDisplay` takes precedence. Once the user toggled a column, he is in charge of columns' visibility, and the settings of `columnsDisplay` are disregarded.
564 |
565 | # Custom Sorting
566 |
567 | ## Client Side Sorting
568 |
569 | Sometimes you may one to override the default sorting logic which is applied uniformly to all columns.
570 | To do so use the `customSorting` option. This is an object that recieves custom logic for specific columns.
571 | E.g, to sort the `name` column by the last character:
572 |
573 | ```js
574 | customSorting: {
575 | name: function (ascending) {
576 | return function (a, b) {
577 | var lastA = a.name[a.name.length - 1].toLowerCase();
578 | var lastB = b.name[b.name.length - 1].toLowerCase();
579 |
580 | if (ascending)
581 | return lastA >= lastB ? 1 : -1;
582 |
583 | return lastA <= lastB ? 1 : -1;
584 | }
585 | }
586 | }
587 | ```
588 |
589 | ## Server Side Sorting
590 |
591 | This depends entirely on your backend implemetation as the library sends the sorting direction trough the request.
592 |
593 | # Multiple Sorting
594 |
595 | Multiple sorting allows you to sort recursively by multiple columns.
596 | Simply put, when the primary column (i.e the column the user is currently sorting) has two or more identical items, their order will be determined by a secondary column, and so on, until the list of columns is exhausted.
597 |
598 | Example usage:
599 | ```js
600 | {
601 | ...
602 | multiSorting: {
603 | name: [
604 | {
605 | column: 'age',
606 | matchDir: false
607 | },
608 | {
609 | column: 'birth_date',
610 | matchDir: true
611 | }
612 | ]
613 | }
614 | ...
615 | }
616 | ```
617 |
618 | The above code means that when the user is sorting by `name` and identical names are compared, their order will be determined by the `age` column. If the ages are also identical the `birth_date` column will determine the order.
619 | The `matchDir` property tells the plugin whether the secondary sorting should match the direction of the primary column (i.e ascending/descending), or not.
620 |
621 | In addition to programmatically setting the sorting in advance, by default the user can also use Shift+Click to build his own sorting logic in real time.
622 | To disable this option set `clientMultiSorting` to `false`.
623 |
624 | On the server component this behaviour is disabled by default, because it requires addtional server logic to handle the request.
625 | To enable it set `serverMultiSorting` to `true`. The request will then contain a `multiSort` array, if applicable.
626 |
627 | # Slots
628 |
629 | Slots allow you to insert you own custom HTML in predefined positions within the component:
630 |
631 | * `beforeTable`: Before the table wrapper. After the controls row
632 | * `beforeFilter`: Before the global filter (`filterByColumn: false`)
633 | * `afterFilter`: After the global filter
634 | * `beforeLimit`: Before the per page control
635 | * `afterLimit`: After the per page control
636 | * `beforeFilters`: Before the filters row (`filterByColumn: true`)
637 | * `afterFilters`: After the filters row
638 | * `beforeBody`: Before the `<tbody>` tag
639 | * `afterBody`: After the `<tbody>` tag
640 | * `prependBody`: Prepend to the `<tbody>` tag
641 | * `appendBody`: Append to the `<tbody>` tag
642 |
643 |
644 | In addition to these slots you can insert your own filter HTML in the filters row, or add content to the existing filter, e.g a button (When `filterByColumn` is set to `true`):
645 |
646 | A. If you just want your own content make sure that the column is not filterable by omitting it from the `filterable` array.
647 | Otherwise the slot content will be appended to the native filter.
648 |
649 | B. Create a slot whose name is formatted `filter__{column}` (double underscore).
650 |
651 | For example, to insert a checkbox on the `id` column instead of the normal input filter:
652 |
653 | ```js
654 | {
655 | filterable:["name","age"] // omit the `id` column
656 | }
657 | ```
658 |
659 | ```html
660 | <div slot="filter__id">
661 | <input type="checkbox" class="form-control" v-model="allMarked" @change="markAll()">
662 | </div>
663 | ```
664 |
665 | # Options
666 |
667 | Options are set in three layers, where the more particular overrides the more general.
668 |
669 | 1. Pre-defined component defaults.
670 | 2. Applicable user-defined defaults for the global Vue Instance. Passed as the second paramter to the `Use` statement.
671 | 3. Options for a single table, passed through the `options` prop.
672 |
673 | Option | Type | Description | Default
674 | -------|------|-------------|--------
675 | childRow | Function| [See documentation](#child-rows) | `false`
676 | childRowTogglerFirst | Boolean | Should the child row be positioned at the first column or the last one | `true`
677 | clientMultiSorting | Boolean | Enable multiple columns sorting using Shift + Click on the client component | `true`
678 | columnsClasses | Object | Add class(es) to the specified columns.<br> Takes key-value pairs, where the key is the column name and the value is a string of space-separated classes | `{}`
679 | columnsDisplay | Object | Responsive display for the specified columns.<br><br> Columns will only be shown when the window width is within the defined limits. <br><br>Accepts key-value pairs of column name and device.<br><br> Possible values are `mobile` (x < 480), `mobileP` (x < 320), `mobileL` (320 <= x < 480), `tablet` (480 <= x < 1024), `tabletP` (480 <= x < 768), `tabletL` (768 <= x < 1024), `desktop` (x >= 1024).<br><br> All options can be preceded by the logical operators min,max, and not followed by an underscore.<br><br>For example, a column which is set to `not_mobile` will be shown when the width of the window is greater than or equal to 480px, while a column set to `max_tabletP` will only be shown when the width is under 768px | `{}`
680 | columnsDropdown | Boolean | See [documentation](#columns-visibility) | `false`
681 | customFilters | Array | See [documentation](#custom-filters) | `[]`
682 | customSorting (client-side) | Object | See [documentation](#custom-sorting) | `{}`
683 | dateColumns | Array | Use daterangepicker as a filter for the specified columns (when filterByColumn is set to true).<br><br>Dates should be passed as moment objects, or as strings in conjunction with the toMomentFormat option | `[]`
684 | dateFormat (client-side) | String | Format to display date objects. Using [momentjs](https://momentjs.com/) | `DD/MM/YYYY`
685 | datepickerOptions | Object | Options for the daterangepicker when using a date filter (see dateColumns) | `{ locale: { cancelLabel: 'Clear' } }`
686 | debounce | Number | Number of idle milliseconds (no key stroke) to wait before sending a request. Used to detect when the user finished his query in order to avoid redundant requests (server) or rendering (client) | `500`
687 | filterable | Array / Boolean | Filterable columns `true` - All columns. | Set to `false` or an `empty array` to hide the filter(s). Affects also the single filter mode (`filterByColumn:false`)
688 | footerHeadings | Boolean | Display headings at the bottom of the table too | `false`
689 | headings | Object | Table headings. | Can be either a string or a function, if you wish to inject vue-compiled HTML.<br>E.g: `function(h) { return <h2>Title</h2>}`<br>Note that this example uses jsx, and not HTML.<br>The `this` context inside the function refers to the direct parent of the table instance.<br> If you are using vue 2.1 and above you can also use scoped slots, naming the slot "h__{column}"<br>The default rule is to extract from the first row properties with the underscores become spaces and the first letter capitalized
690 | groupBy (client-side) | String | Group rows by a common property. E.g, for a list of countries, group by the `continent` property | `false`
691 | headingsTooltips | Object | Table headings tooltips. | Can be either a string or a function, if you wish to inject vue-compiled HTML. Renders as `title` attribute of `<th>`. <br>E.g: `function(h) { return 'Expanded Title'}`<br>The `this` context inside the function refers to the direct parent of the table instance.
692 | highlightMatches | Boolean | Highlight matches | `false`
693 | initFilters | Object | Set initial values for all filter types: generic, by column or custom.<br><br> Accepts an object of key-value pairs, where the key is one of the following: <br><br>a. "GENERIC" - for the generic filter<br>b. column name - for by column filters.<br>c. filter name - for custom filters. <br><br>In case of date filters the date range should be passed as an object comprised of start and end properties, each being a moment object. | `{}`
694 | initialPage | Number | Set the initial page to be displayed when the table loads | 1
695 | listColumns | Object | See [documentation](#list-filters) | {}
696 | multiSorting (client-side) | Object | See [documentation](#multiple-sotring) | {}
697 | orderBy.ascending | Boolean | initial order direction | `orderBy: { ascending:true }`
698 | orderBy.column | String | initial column to sort by | Original dataset order
699 | pagination.chunk | Number | maximum pages in a chunk of pagination | `pagination: { chunk:10 }`
700 | pagination.dropdown | Boolean | use a dropdown select pagination next to the records-per-page list, instead of links at the bottom of the table. | `pagination: { dropdown:false }`
701 | params (server-side) | Object | Additional parameters to send along with the request | `{}`
702 | perPage | number | Initial records per page | `10`
703 | perPageValues | Array | Records per page options | `[10,25,50,100]`
704 | requestAdapter (server-side) | Function | Set a custom request format | `function(data) { return data; }`
705 | requestFunction (server-side) | Function | Set a custom request function | See documentation
706 | requestKeys (server-side) | Object | Set your own request keys | `{ query:'query', limit:'limit', orderBy:'orderBy', ascending:'ascending', page:'page', byColumn:'byColumn' }`
707 | responseAdapter (server-side) | Function | Transform the server response to match the format expected by the client. This is especially useful when calling a foreign API, where you cannot control the response on the server-side | `function(resp) { return { data: resp.data, count: resp.count } }`
708 | rowClassCallback | Function | Add dynamic classes to table rows.<br><br> E.g function(row) { return `row-${row.id}`} <br><br>This can be useful for manipulating the appearance of rows based on the data they contain | `false`
709 | saveState | Boolean | Constantly save table state and reload it each time the component mounts. When setting it to true, use the `name` prop to set an identifier for the table | `false`
710 | serverMultiSorting | Boolean | Enable multiple columns sorting using Shift + Click on the server component | `false`
711 | skin | String | Space separated table styling classes | `table-striped table-bordered table-hover`
712 | sortIcon | String | Sort icon classes | `{ base:'glyphicon', up:'glyphicon-chevron-up', down:'glyphicon-chevron-down', is:'glyphicon-sort' }`
713 | sortable | Array | Sortable columns | All columns
714 | sortingAlgorithm | Function | define your own sorting algorithm | `function (data, column) { return data.sort(this.getSortFn(column));}`
715 | storage | String | Which persistance mechanism should be used when saveState is set to true: `local` - localStorage. `session` - sessionStorage | `local`
716 | templates | Object | See [documentation](#templates) | {}
717 | texts | Object | see the `texts` object in [defaults.js](https://github.com/matfish2/vue-tables-2/blob/master/lib/config/defaults.js)</code>
718 | toMomentFormat (client-side) | String | transform date columns string values to momentjs objects using this format. If this option is not used the consumer is expected to pass momentjs objects himself | `false`
719 | uniqueKey | String | The key of a unique identifier in your dataset, used to track the child rows, and return the original row in row click event | `id`
720 |
721 | # VueJS 1
722 |
723 | Users of VueJS 1 should use [this package](https://github.com/matfish2/vue-tables) . |
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