749 BTypeScriptView Raw
1/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/prefer-ts-expect-error */
2// global JSX namespace registration
3// somehow we have to copy=pase the jsx-runtime types here to make TypeScript happy
4import type { NativeElements, ReservedProps, VNode } from '@vue/runtime-dom'
6declare global {
7 namespace JSX {
8 export interface Element extends VNode {}
9 export interface ElementClass {
10 $props: {}
11 }
12 export interface ElementAttributesProperty {
13 $props: {}
14 }
15 export interface IntrinsicElements extends NativeElements {
16 // allow arbitrary elements
17 // @ts-ignore suppress ts:2374 = Duplicate string index signature.
18 [name: string]: any
19 }
20 export interface IntrinsicAttributes extends ReservedProps {}
21 }