2.04 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict';
3const yargs = require('yargs');
4const { generate } = require('./cmds');
6function main() {
7 yargs
8 .usage('$0 <cmd> [args]')
9 // Default command 'generate'
10 .command({
11 command: 'generate [options]',
12 aliases: ['gen', 'g', '$0'], // $0 is to set this command as default. This commmand runs when no commans are passed
13 desc: 'Generate the md files',
14 handler: generate,
15 builder: yargs => {
16 yargs.options({
17 source: {
18 alias: 's',
19 default: './src',
20 desc: 'Source folder with .js or .ts files',
21 type: 'string'
22 },
23 dist: {
24 alias: 'd',
25 default: './documentation',
26 desc: 'Destination folder',
27 type: 'string'
28 },
29 folder: {
30 alias: 'f',
31 default: 'code',
32 desc: 'Folder inside destination folder. Gets overwritten everytime',
33 type: 'string'
34 },
35 title: {
36 alias: 't',
37 default: 'API',
38 desc: 'Title of your documentation',
39 type: 'string'
40 },
41 readme: {
42 alias: 'r',
43 default: '',
44 desc: 'Path to your custom readme',
45 type: 'string'
46 },
47 exclude: {
48 alias: 'e',
49 default: '',
50 desc: 'Pattern to exclude files/folders (Comma seperated) - *.test.js,exclude.js',
51 type: 'string'
52 },
53 rmPattern: {
54 alias: 'rm',
55 default: [],
56 desc: 'Pattern when removing files. You can ex- and include files. (glob pattern)',
57 type: 'array'
58 },
59 jsDocConfigPath: {
60 alias: 'c',
61 default: '',
62 desc: 'Path to jsdoc config',
63 type: 'string'
64 }
65 });
66 }
67 })
68 // adding aliases to help and version args
69 .alias('help', 'h')
70 .alias('version', 'v').argv;
73module.exports = main;