1 | # Change Log
2 |
3 | All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
4 |
5 | The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/)
6 | and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/).
7 |
8 | ## Unreleased
9 |
10 | ## 1.16.0 - 2017-07-14
11 | - Fix erroneously reverse-order inlining of style imports `<link rel="import" type="css">`.
12 | - Added `--polymer2` flag that changes some of the rewriting behaviors to support the fact that Polymer 2.x honors the `assetpath` of `<dom-module>` when interpreting style urls:
13 | - Disables rewriting urls in inlined html imports containing `<style>` tags inside `<dom-module>` containers.
14 | - Include consideration of container `<dom-module>` `assetpath` property when rewriting urls inside inlined style imports.
15 |
16 | ## 1.15.5 - 2017-06-01
17 | - Add --out-request-list to bin/vulcanize help message
18 |
19 | ## 1.15.4 - 2017-03-21
20 | - `excludes` option now honors JavaScript asset references:
21 | - Won't attempt to load the JS (which caused errors when local file not present.)
22 | - Won't inline excluded JS files.
23 | - Added --out-request-list option, which writes a list of request URLs required
24 | to vulcanize <html file> to a given file on success.
25 |
26 | ## 1.15.3 - 2017-01-17
27 | - Fix for how paths are rewritten in nested import scenarios where paths to same
28 | directory were ignored instead of treated as "." for relative path.
29 |
30 | ## 1.15.2 - 2016-12-16
31 | - Fix for how assetpath is set when in the same directory, where assetpath attribute
32 | for components in same directly were incorrectly set to "/".
33 |
34 | ## 1.15.1 - 2016-12-16
35 | - Amended README and minor text fixes to CHANGELOG post release.
36 |
37 | ## 1.15.0 - 2016-12-16
38 | - Fixed: Preserve style ordering when moving imports and links out of head tag.
39 | - Don't actually move anything out of head until an html import is encountered.
40 |
41 | ## 1.14.12 - 2016-11-16
42 | - Removed update-notifier dependency and functionality
43 | - Fixed: Stopped moving links with certain rels out of the head tag to avoid breaking
44 | favicons, manifests, and other such features.
45 | - Speed enhancements
46 |
47 | ## 1.14.11 - 2016-04-11
48 | - Radically simpler inlining design. Move all imports and scripts into document
49 | body, replace imports inline.
50 | - Add tests for more complicated inlining scenarios
51 |
52 | ## 1.14.10 - 2016-04-07
53 | - Must use path resolution when moving `<head>` nodes
54 |
55 | ## 1.14.9 - 2016-04-05
56 | - Try harder to preserve script ordering, move nodes from `<head>` of current
57 | document into import inlining fragment
58 |
59 | ## 1.14.8 - 2016-03-24
60 | - Undo hydrolysis inlining scripts
61 |
62 | ## 1.14.7 - 2016-03-01
63 | - Fix inlining for firebase and other scripts that use `\\x3c/script` syntax
64 | when making more scripts
65 |
66 | ## 1.14.6 - 2016-02-23
67 | - Make sure `@license` comments always are maintained
68 |
69 | ## 1.14.5 - 2016-01-21
70 | - Fix dom5 dependency to 1.3+
71 |
72 | ## 1.14.4 - 2016-01-21
73 | - Make sure `<link rel="import type="css">` inlining is placed into a
74 | `<dom-module>`'s `<template>`
75 |
76 | ## 1.14.3 - 2016-01-19
77 | - Fix for trailing slash in `<base>` tag
78 |
79 | ## 1.14.2 - 2016-01-19
80 | - Fix paths when preserving execution order moves scripts to body
81 |
82 | ## 1.14.1 - 2016-01-14
83 | - Escape inline scripts
84 | - Strip Excludes fixed to have higher precedence than Excludes
85 | - Fix script execution order with imports, once and for all!
86 |
87 | ## 1.14.0 - 2015-10-20
88 | - Add `output` option to write file from CLI
89 |
90 | ## 1.13.1
91 | - Strip Excludes should be fuzzy
92 |
93 | ## 1.13.0
94 | - Support custom hydrolysis file loaders
95 |
96 | ## 1.12.3
97 | - Make sure `excludes` works with `redirects`
98 |
99 | ## 1.12.2
100 | - Fix CLI spelling of `redirects`
101 |
102 | ## 1.12.1
103 | - Fix misspelling of `redirects` in library options
104 |
105 | ## 1.12.0
106 | - New `--redirect` flag and `redirect` argument to set up custom path mappings
107 |
108 | ## 1.11.0
109 | - New `-add-import` flag and `addedImports` argument to add additional imports
110 | to the target file.
111 | - Copy `@media` queries on external CSS files into inlined styles.
112 | - Fix excluding css files from computing dependencies.
113 |
114 | ## 1.10.5
115 | - Fix a dumb unix path assumption for --inline-scripts and --inline-css +
116 | absolute paths on windows.
117 |
118 | ## 1.10.4
119 | - Fix excludes for js files and folders
120 |
121 | ## 1.10.3
122 | - Fix regression in --strip-comments from 1.9.0
123 |
124 | ## 1.10.2
125 | - Use URLs internally until calling hydrolysis
126 | - Fixes a bunch of inline issues for Windows
127 |
128 | ## 1.10.1
129 | - Typecheck inputs in library usage
130 | - Fix README to say that `stripExcludes` is an Array not a Boolean
131 |
132 | ## 1.10.0
133 | - Add `inputUrl` option to work around grunt and gulp plugins providing
134 | filepaths that cannot be used as URLs to `vulcanize.process()`
135 |
136 | ## 1.9.3
137 | - Fix abspath bug on windows machines
138 |
139 | ## 1.9.2
140 | - Use new class API in binary
141 | - Update dependencies
142 |
143 | ## 1.9.1
144 | - Fix `implicitStrip` in new Class based API
145 |
146 | ## 1.9.0
147 | - New class based API:
148 | ```js
149 | var Vulcanize = require('vulcanize');
150 |
151 | var vulcan = new Vulcanize(options);
152 | vulcan.process(...);
153 | ```
154 | - `vulcanize.setOptions` and `vulcanize.process` are deprecated
155 | ## 1.8.1
156 | - Bump hydrolysis to 1.12.0 with proper ordering
157 |
158 | ## 1.8.0
159 | - Make stripComments work more reliably
160 |
161 | ## 1.7.1
162 | - Don't try to inline styles from external sources
163 |
164 | ## 1.7.0
165 | - Inline link[rel="stylesheet"] css as well as polymer import stylesheets
166 |
167 | ## 1.6.0
168 | - Update usage of private API of hydrolysis
169 | - Correctly set 'implicit strip' option when used programatically
170 |
171 | ## 1.5.1
172 | - Ignore external (http and https) resources from inlining
173 |
174 | ## 1.5.0
175 | - Error on the use of old Polymer elements. Vulcanize 0.7.x is the last version
176 | that will handle < Polymer 0.8.
177 | - Rewrite urls for inlined styles
178 |
179 | ## 1.4.4
180 | - Make sure excluded js files are totally removed (they inserted blank script
181 | tags)
182 |
183 | ## 1.4.3
184 | - Update dependencies and docs
185 | - Dependency update fixes cyclic dependencies
186 |
187 | ## 1.4.2
188 | - Fix URL rewriting from parts of imports that end up in `<body>`
189 |
190 | ## 1.4.1
191 | - `--implicit-strip` is default
192 | - Remove "comment normalization" when stripping, it was not self-stable
193 |
194 | ## 1.4.0
195 | - Add `--strip-comments` to remove unnecessary comments
196 |
197 | ## 1.3.0
198 | - Add `--inline-css` option to inline external stylesheets
199 |
200 | ## 1.2.1
201 | - Update dependencies
202 |
203 | ## 1.2.0
204 | - Change `--strip-exclude` to be an array of excludes to strip
205 | - `--implicit-strip` is the old `--strip-excludes` behavior
206 |
207 | ## 1.1.0
208 | - Add `--inline-scripts` option to inline external scripts
209 |
210 | ## 1.0.0
211 | - Rewrite on top of [hydrolysis](https://github.com/PolymerLabs/hydrolysis) and
212 | [dom5](https://github.com/PolymerLabs/dom5)
213 | - Factor out `--csp` flag into [crisper](https://github.com/PolymerLabs/crisper)
214 | - Remove html and javascript minification
215 |
216 | ## 0.7.10
217 | - Collapse whitespace instead of removing it
218 | - Keep unique license comments
219 |
220 | ## 0.7.9
221 | - Honor `<base>` urls in inline styles
222 |
223 | ## 0.7.8
224 | - Update to whacko 0.17.3
225 |
226 | ## 0.7.7
227 | - Honor `<base>` tag
228 | - Make all schemas "absolute" urls
229 |
230 | ## 0.7.6
231 | - Don't rewrite urls starting with '#'
232 |
233 | ## 0.7.5
234 | - Remove cssom, just use regexes
235 |
236 | ## 0.7.4
237 | - Workaround for cssom not liking '{{ }}' bindings in `<style>` tags (unsupported, use `<core-style>` instead)
238 |
239 | ## 0.7.3
240 | - Replace clean-css with cssom, which does less "optimizations"
241 |
242 | ## 0.7.2
243 | - Disable css number rounding for crazy-sad flexbox hacks in IE 10
244 | - Add charset=utf-8 to all scripts
245 | - Better comment removal codepath
246 |
247 | ## 0.7.1
248 | - Support for mobile URL Schemes "tel:" and "sms:"
249 | - Better reporting of javascript error messages with `--strip`
250 | - Handle buffers as input with `inputSrc`
251 | - Rename `outputSrc` to `outputHandler`
252 |
253 | ## 0.7.0
254 | - Upgrade to whacko 0.17.2 with template support
255 | - add utils.searchAll to make a query that walks into `<template>` elements
256 |
257 | ## 0.6.2
258 | - stick to whacko 0.17.1 until `<template>` support is complete
259 |
260 | ## 0.6.1
261 | - fix bug with removing absolute imports
262 |
263 | ## 0.6.0
264 | - Strip excluded imports by default (old behavior accessible with --no-strip-excludes flag)
265 |
266 | ## 0.5.0
267 | - finally switch to new-world polymer license
268 | - Add a bunch of tests for lib/vulcan
269 | - Refactor test suites
270 | - tests for utils and optparser modules
271 | - Merge pull request #83 from jongeho1/undefined-element
272 | - undefined element fix
273 | - remove unnecessary require statement
274 | - Handle indirect prototype references in Polymer invocation
275 | - plumb abspath to all url rewriting
276 | - shields!
277 | - add travis config
278 | - add tests!
279 | - Add option for printing version and nag to update
280 | - move test folder to example
281 | - Merge branch 'master' of github.com:rush340/vulcanize into rush340-master
282 | - Merge pull request #75 from ragingwind/remove-importerjs
283 | - Merge pull request #77 from Polymer/use-whacko
284 | - Keep consistent ordering of import document heads and bodies
285 | - Don't create a whole document for inlining styles
286 | - Switch to whacko/parse5
287 | - fix flipped conditional
288 | - Merge pull request #76 from ragingwind/buffer
289 | - Support buffer in/out
290 | - Remove importer.js
291 | - more explicit checking of whether abspath is set
292 | - cleaned up regex matching of root
293 | - renamed webAbsPath to abspath
294 | - fixed cheerio options to perform the same parsing while reading and writing
295 | - if webAbsPath is passed in, use absolute paths everywhere
296 | - resolve webAbsPath if relative path provided
297 | - added recognition of double-slash paths as a remote absolute URL
298 | - applied webAbsPath option for handling absolute paths (based on jongeho1's pull request: https://github.com/Polymer/vulcanize/pull/36)
299 |
300 | ## 0.4.3
301 | - Release 0.4.3
302 | - Mailto: is an absolute path
303 | - Merge pull request #70 from rush340/htmlentities
304 | - added missing use of CHEERIO_OPTIONS
305 | - fixed cheerio options to perform the same parsing while reading and writing
306 | - Merge pull request #59 from mozilla-appmaker/cheerio-write-fix
307 | - Merge pull request #65 from tbuckley/patch-1
308 | - Add quotes around filenames in CSS
309 | - audit license headers
310 | - fixed cheerio options to perform the same parsing while reading and writing
311 | - Never decode entities
312 |
313 | ## 0.4.2
314 | - Fix inline svgs
315 | - Update README with --strip functionality
316 |
317 | ## 0.4.1
318 | - Bump version to 0.4.1
319 | - Strip comments and whitespace from all nodes
320 |
321 | ## 0.4.0
322 | - Bump to version 0.4.0
323 | - Replace noscript with explicit Polymer invocation, to ensure correct element registration order when CSP'ed.
324 |
325 | ## 0.3.1
326 | - remove extraneous async module
327 | - Fixes #34
328 |
329 | ## 0.3.0
330 | - Hide import content from view in the main document
331 |
332 | ## 0.2.7
333 | - always add name to polymer invocation
334 |
335 | ## 0.2.6
336 | - bump version
337 | - add small usage block to help
338 | - Make --strip work with --csp
339 | - Clean up use of get/setTextContent
340 | - Inline stylesheet happens after import path fixup, so outputPath of rewriteURL should be the overall outputPath
341 |
342 | ## 0.2.5
343 | - update to 0.2.5
344 | - .text() was decoding HTML entities, read raw script node content for CSP
345 | - Support Polymer invocation without tag name
346 | - Fix slightly broken merge conflict
347 | - Enable `--inline --csp` mode to smash everything into one JS file
348 | - Upstream cheerio changed loop semantics to return "dom" nodes instead of sugared cheerio objects
349 | - Fix #29
350 | - Print help dialog if called without arguments
351 | - update dependencies
352 |
353 | ## 0.2.4
354 | - Treat config file as "defaults", commandline flags override
355 | - Do path resolution before import processing and style inlining
356 |
357 | ## 0.2.3
358 | - A few bug fixes
359 |
360 | ## 0.2.2
361 | - Don't recalculate assetpath for handled elements
362 | - Bump to 0.2.1
363 |
364 | ## 0.2.1
365 | - unbreak assetpath generation
366 |
367 | ## 0.2.0
368 | - Prepare vulcanize 0.2.0
369 | - Merge pull request #25 from lborgav/patch-1
370 | - Fixing missing letters
371 | - Don't move external scripts around with CSP mode
372 | - Use uglify inline_script
373 | - Use cleancss only for stripping comments
374 | - Merge pull request #21 from azakus/modular
375 | - went a little too quick with the regex
376 | - Remove byte order mark
377 | - Make sure not to lose assetpath fix
378 | - First draft at a split out Importer
379 | - Inplace inline *all* imports
380 | - Copy setTextNode since it's so tiny
381 | - move all the option validation into optparser
382 | - Update npm dependencies
383 | - Split out path resolution
384 | - Break out option parser
385 | - Break out constants
386 | - Add the hooks for style and script excludes
387 | - Add changelog generation script
388 | - Merge pull request #16 from tbuckley/master
389 | - Include excluded script instead of its contents
390 | - Only put a trailing slash into assetpath attribute if there is a path
391 | - bump version
392 | - clone all styles (minus href and rel) from `<link>` to `<style>`
393 | - update to 0.1.13
394 | - Skip non-JS scripts and non-CSS styles
395 | - bump version
396 | - Make sure to CSPify main document first, load platform.js first in the output js file.
397 | - add test config for excluding polymer.html
398 | - Refactor handling of inlined and excluded import insertion
399 | - bump version
400 | - Fix subtle path bug in stylesheets
401 | - use uglify and clean-css to strip comments from js and css when using --strip
402 | - Clean up
403 | - bump version
404 | - --csp will now operate on the input html file as well
405 | - Fix script inlining to ignore parsing html comments
406 | - cheerio 0.13 seems to work just fine
407 | - inline stylesheets in the main page when using --inline
408 | - README: add ga beacon
409 |
410 | ## 0.1.9
411 | - Reset excludes on each run
412 |
413 | ## 0.1.8
414 | - Bump version
415 | - add "strip comments" functionality
416 | - fix minor typo in helep text: s/defualts/defaults
417 |
418 | ## 0.1.7
419 | - bump version
420 | - add sub-import test to the top level import
421 | - Add --config option to specify user defined excludes
422 | - Add user-defined excludes from inling.
423 |
424 | ## 0.1.6
425 | - bump version
426 | - test with absolute urls
427 | - remove console.log
428 | - Deduplicate absolute url imports
429 | - fix missing absolute imports
430 |
431 | ## 0.1.5
432 | - bump to 0.1.5
433 | - Revert "polymer-scope is no longer supported"
434 |
435 | ## 0.1.4
436 | - reset shared buffers on each handleMainDocument call
437 |
438 | ## 0.1.3
439 | - bump version
440 | - move option checking to setOptions, not the bin
441 | - Add npm installation instructions
442 | - polymer-scope is no longer supported
443 |
444 | ## 0.1.2
445 |
446 | ## 0.1.15
447 | - Only put a trailing slash into assetpath attribute if there is a path
448 |
449 | ## 0.1.14
450 | - bump version
451 | - clone all styles (minus href and rel) from `<link>` to `<style>`
452 |
453 | ## 0.1.13
454 | - update to 0.1.13
455 | - Skip non-JS scripts and non-CSS styles
456 |
457 | ## 0.1.12
458 | - bump version
459 | - Make sure to CSPify main document first, load platform.js first in the output js file.
460 | - add test config for excluding polymer.html
461 | - Refactor handling of inlined and excluded import insertion
462 |
463 | ## 0.1.11
464 | - bump version
465 | - Fix subtle path bug in stylesheets
466 | - use uglify and clean-css to strip comments from js and css when using --strip
467 | - Clean up
468 |
469 | ## 0.1.10
470 | - bump version
471 | - --csp will now operate on the input html file as well
472 | - Fix script inlining to ignore parsing html comments
473 | - cheerio 0.13 seems to work just fine
474 | - inline stylesheets in the main page when using --inline
475 | - README: add ga beacon
476 | - Reset excludes on each run
477 | - Bump version
478 | - add "strip comments" functionality
479 | - fix minor typo in helep text: s/defualts/defaults
480 | - bump version
481 | - add sub-import test to the top level import
482 | - Add --config option to specify user defined excludes
483 | - Add user-defined excludes from inling.
484 | - bump version
485 | - test with absolute urls
486 | - remove console.log
487 | - Deduplicate absolute url imports
488 | - fix missing absolute imports
489 | - bump to 0.1.5
490 | - Revert "polymer-scope is no longer supported"
491 | - reset shared buffers on each handleMainDocument call
492 | - bump version
493 | - move option checking to setOptions, not the bin
494 | - Add npm installation instructions
495 | - polymer-scope is no longer supported
496 | - bump version
497 | - update README to be more approachable
498 | - add a help dialog, fix "main" in package.json
499 |
500 | ## 0.1.1
501 | - Bump version to 0.1.1
502 | - Fix paths from main html file if input or output directories are not current working directory
503 | - Add style url rewriting back
504 | - add other directories to testing
505 | - Merge pull request #3 from akhileshgupta/inline_styles_fix
506 | - Merge pull request #2 from akhileshgupta/concat_scripts_bugfix
507 | - variable rename and removing the unrequired check
508 | - fixing the use of .html(cssText) to update the styles content.
509 | - resolving script path from outputDir during concatenation
510 | - Merge pull request #1 from addyosmani/patch-1
511 | - Adds npm install snippet, minor formatting changes.
512 |
513 | ## 0.1.0
514 | - semver recommends starting at 0.1.0
515 | - add repo info to package.json
516 |
517 | ## 0.0.1
518 | - Update README.md
519 | - add license top
520 | - remove unrelated viz file
521 | - add license files
522 | - reference new executable path
523 | - reference bin/vulcanize for global npm install
524 | - split vulcan.js into vulcanize bin and lib/vulcan.js
525 | - reorder constant variables, add missing SCRIPT_SRC
526 | - inlineScripts now uses html text and regex, not cheerio api
527 | - Use html() to inline scripts, text() makes HTML Entities
528 | - Add --inline option to inline all scripts into main document (opposite of --csp)
529 | - Update README to reflect all-in-one html files
530 | - Try to insert inlined import exactly where the link was
531 | - make everything from imports inlined
532 | - update README with index-vulcanized output
533 | - Inlined stylesheets must have URL paths rewritten, move to import processing
534 | - inline css stylesheets into style tags in polymer elements
535 | - assetpath is handled by polymer now
536 | - Update README.md
537 | - Update README.md
538 | - Remove unused function
539 | - fix import location finding and windows path munging
540 | - Fix output directory for CSP js file
541 | - find better spots for vulcanized imports and scripts
542 | - Update to newer cheerio with fixed htmlparser
543 | - reflect new functionality in README, fix up newline issues, refactor constants
544 | - vulcanizer will now take in a single main document and produce a built version of that main document.
545 | - add a semicolon to all scripts to prevent weird insertion conditions
546 | - update README for CSP mode
547 | - For CSP, allow an option to separate scripts into a separate file
548 | - Process imports as whole files, no element extraction
549 | - breaking down doc tool for analysis
550 | - Update README for polymer-element
551 | - update for polymer-element
552 | - Much more useful README
553 | - use assetpath attribute on `<element>` to fix resolvePath usage in Polymer elements