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3 |
4 | # Vulcanize
5 |
6 | ### Reduce an HTML file and its dependent HTML Imports into one file
7 |
8 | >Named for the [Vulcanization](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vulcanization) process that turns polymers into more durable
9 | materials.
10 |
11 | Web pages that use multiple [HTML Imports](http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/webcomponents/imports/) to load dependencies may end up making lots of network round-trips. In many cases, this can lead to long initial load times and unnecessary bandwidth usage. The Vulcanize tool follows HTML Imports and `<script>` tags to inline these external assets into a single page, to be used in production.
12 |
13 | In the future, technologies such as [HTTP/2](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP/2) and [Server Push](https://http2.github.io/faq/#whats-the-benefit-of-server-push) will likely obsolete the need for a tool like vulcanize for production uses.
14 |
15 | ## Installation
16 |
17 | `vulcanize` is available on npm. For maximium utility, `vulcanize` should be installed globally.
18 |
19 | npm install -g vulcanize
20 |
21 | This will install `vulcanize` to `/usr/local/bin/vulcanize` (you may need `sudo`
22 | for this step).
23 |
24 | ## Options
25 | - `-h`|`--help`: print this message
26 | - `-v`|`--version`: print version number
27 | - `-p <arg>`|`--abspath <arg>`: use <arg> as the "webserver root", make all adjusted urls absolute
28 | - `--exclude <path>`: exclude a subpath from root. Use multiple times to exclude multiple paths. Tags (imports/scripts/etc) that reference an excluded path are left in-place, meaning the resources are not inlined. ex: `--exclude=elements/x-foo.html --exclude=elements/x-bar.html`
29 | - `--strip-exclude`: Exclude a subpath and remove any links referencing it.
30 | - `--inline-scripts`: Inline external scripts.
31 | - `--inline-css`: Inline external stylesheets.
32 | - `--add-import <path>`: Add this import to the target HTML before vulcanizing. Can be used multiple times.
33 | - `--redirect <uri>|<path>`: Takes an argument in the form of URI|PATH where url is a URI composed of a protocol, hostname, and path and PATH is a local filesystem path to replace the matched URI part with. Multiple redirects may be specified; the earliest ones have the highest priority.
34 | - `--strip-comments`: Strips all HTML comments not containing an @license from the document.
35 | - `--no-implicit-strip`: *DANGEROUS*! Avoid stripping imports of the transitive dependencies of imports specified with `--exclude`. May result in duplicate javascript inlining.
36 | - `--out-html <path>`: If specified, output will be written to <path> instead of stdout.
37 | - `--out-request-list <path>`: Writes a list of request URLs required to vulcanize <html file> to <path> on success.
38 |
39 | ## Usage
40 | The command
41 |
42 | vulcanize target.html
43 |
44 | will inline the HTML Imports of `target.html` and print the resulting HTML to
45 | standard output.
46 |
47 | The command
48 |
49 | vulcanize target.html > build.html
50 |
51 | will inline the HTML Imports of `target.html` and print the result to
52 | `build.html`.
53 |
54 | The command
55 |
56 | vulcanize -p "path/to/target/" /target.html
57 |
58 | will inline the HTML Imports of `target.html`, treat `path/to/target/` as the
59 | webroot of target.html, and make all urls absolute to the provided webroot.
60 |
61 | The command
62 |
63 | vulcanize --exclude "path/to/target/subpath/" --exclude "path/to/target/subpath2/" target.html
64 |
65 | will inline the HTML Imports of `target.html` that are not in the directory
66 | `path/to/target/subpath` nor `path/to/target/subpath2`.
67 |
68 | If the `--strip-exclude` flag is used, the HTML Import `<link>` tags that
69 | point to resources in `path/totarget/subpath` and `path/to/target/subpath2/`
70 | will also be removed.
71 |
72 | The command
73 |
74 | vulcanize --inline-scripts target.html
75 |
76 | will inline scripts in `target.html` as well as HTML Imports. Exclude flags will apply to both Imports and Scripts.
77 |
78 | The command
79 |
80 | vulcanize --inline-css target.html
81 |
82 | will inline Polymerized stylesheets, `<link rel="import" type="css">`
83 |
84 | The command
85 |
86 | vulcanize --strip-comments target.html
87 |
88 | will remove HTML comments, except for those that begin with `@license`.
89 | License comments will be deduplicated.
90 |
91 | ## Using vulcanize programmatically
92 |
93 | Vulcanize as a library has two exported function.
94 |
95 | `vulcanize` constructor takes an object of options similar to the command line
96 | options.
97 | - `abspath`: A folder to treat as "webroot".
98 | - When specified, use an absolute path to `target`.
99 | - `excludes`: An array of strings with regular expressions to exclude paths from being inlined.
100 | - `stripExcludes`: Similar to `excludes`, but strips the imports from the output entirely.
101 | - If `stripExcludes` is empty, it will be set the value of `excludes` by default.
102 | - `inlineScripts`: Inline external scripts.
103 | - `inlineCss`: Inline external stylesheets.
104 | - `addedImports`: Additional HTML imports to inline, added to the end of the
105 | target file
106 | - `redirects`: An array of strings with the format `URI|PATH` where url is a URI composed of a protocol, hostname, and path and PATH is a local filesystem path to replace the matched URI part with. Multiple redirects may be specified; the earliest ones have the highest priority.
107 | - `stripComments`: Remove non-license HTML comments.
108 | - `inputUrl`: A URL string that will override the `target` argument to
109 | `vulcanize.process()`.
110 | By design, gulp and grunt plugins expect to work on the given file path.
111 | `vulcanize` has its own file loader, and expects to be given URLs. In
112 | instances where the filename cannot be used as a URL `inputUrl` will
113 | override the filename.
114 | - `loader`: A [hydrolysis](https://www.npmjs.com/package/hydrolysis) loader.
115 | This loader is generated with the `target` argument to `vulcan.process` and
116 | the `exclude` paths. A custom loader can be given if more advanced setups
117 | are necesssary.
118 |
119 | `vulcanize.process` takes a `target` path to `target.html` and a callback.
120 |
121 | Example:
122 | ```js
123 | var Vulcanize = require('vulcanize');
124 | var hydrolysis = require('hydrolysis');
125 |
126 | /* a Hydrolysis loader object (optional) */
127 | var loader = new hydrolysis.loader(...)
128 |
129 | var vulcan = new Vulcanize({
130 | abspath: '',
131 | excludes: [
132 | '\\.css$'
133 | ],
134 | stripExcludes: [
135 | ],
136 | inlineScripts: false,
137 | inlineCss: false,
138 | addedImports: [
139 | ],
140 | redirects: [
141 | ],
142 | implicitStrip: true,
143 | stripComments: false
144 | // optional
145 | loader: loader,
146 | inputUrl: ''
147 | });
148 |
149 | vulcan.process(target, function(err, inlinedHtml) {
150 | });
151 | ```
152 |
153 | ## Caveats
154 |
155 | Because HTML Imports changes the order of execution scripts can have, Vulcanize
156 | has to make a few compromises to achieve that same script execution order.
157 |
158 | 1. Contents of all HTML Import documents will be moved to `<body>`
159 |
160 | 1. Any scripts or styles, inline or linked, which occur after a `<link rel="import">` node in `<head>` will be moved to `<body>` after the contents of the HTML Import.
161 |
162 | ## What happened to [feature] from 0.X?
163 | - `--csp` mode has been moved into [crisper](https://github.com/PolymerLabs/crisper)
164 | - `--strip` mode was removed, use something like [html-minifier](https://github.com/kangax/html-minifier) or [minimize](https://github.com/Moveo/minimize)
165 | - Use these at your own risk, they may not understand all of Polymer's uses of HTML or CSS (https://github.com/kangax/html-minifier/issues/377)
166 |
167 | ## What about build tools
168 | - [grunt-vulcanize](https://www.npmjs.com/package/grunt-vulcanize)
169 | - [gulp-vulcanize](https://www.npmjs.com/package/gulp-vulcanize)
170 | - [broccoli-vulcanize](https://www.npmjs.com/package/broccoli-vulcanize)
171 |
172 | [![Analytics](https://ga-beacon.appspot.com/UA-39334307-2/Polymer/vulcanize/README)](https://github.com/igrigorik/ga-beacon)