5.58 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict';
2const fsNode = require("fs");
3const MatcherCollection = require("matcher-collection");
4const ensurePosix = require("ensure-posix-path");
5const path = require("path");
6const minimatch_1 = require("minimatch");
7function walkSync(baseDir, inputOptions) {
8 const options = handleOptions(inputOptions);
9 let mapFunct;
10 if (options.includeBasePath) {
11 mapFunct = function (entry) {
12 return entry.basePath.split(path.sep).join('/').replace(/\/+$/, '') + '/' + entry.relativePath;
13 };
14 }
15 else {
16 mapFunct = function (entry) {
17 return entry.relativePath;
18 };
19 }
20 return _walkSync(baseDir, options, null, []).map(mapFunct);
22function getStat(path, fs = fsNode) {
23 try {
24 return fs.statSync(path);
25 }
26 catch (error) {
27 if (error !== null && typeof error === 'object' && (error.code === 'ENOENT' || error.code === 'ENOTDIR' || error.code === 'EPERM')) {
28 return;
29 }
30 throw error;
31 }
33(function (walkSync) {
34 function entries(baseDir, inputOptions) {
35 const options = handleOptions(inputOptions);
36 return _walkSync(ensurePosix(baseDir), options, null, []);
37 }
38 walkSync.entries = entries;
39 ;
40 class Entry {
41 constructor(relativePath, basePath, mode, size, mtime) {
42 this.relativePath = relativePath;
43 this.basePath = basePath;
44 this.mode = mode;
45 this.size = size;
46 this.mtime = mtime;
47 }
48 get fullPath() {
49 return `${this.basePath}/${this.relativePath}`;
50 }
51 isDirectory() {
52 return (this.mode & 61440) === 16384;
53 }
54 }
55 walkSync.Entry = Entry;
56})(walkSync || (walkSync = {}));
57function isDefined(val) {
58 return typeof val !== 'undefined';
60function handleOptions(_options) {
61 let options = {};
62 if (Array.isArray(_options)) {
63 options.globs = _options;
64 }
65 else if (_options) {
66 options = _options;
67 }
68 return options;
70function applyGlobOptions(globs, options) {
71 return globs === null || globs === void 0 ? void 0 : globs.map(glob => {
72 if (typeof glob === 'string') {
73 return new minimatch_1.Minimatch(glob, options);
74 }
75 return glob;
76 });
78function handleRelativePath(_relativePath) {
79 if (_relativePath == null) {
80 return '';
81 }
82 else if (_relativePath.slice(-1) !== '/') {
83 return _relativePath + '/';
84 }
85 else {
86 return _relativePath;
87 }
89function lexicographically(a, b) {
90 const aPath = a.relativePath;
91 const bPath = b.relativePath;
92 if (aPath === bPath) {
93 return 0;
94 }
95 else if (aPath < bPath) {
96 return -1;
97 }
98 else {
99 return 1;
100 }
102function _walkSync(baseDir, options, _relativePath, visited) {
103 var _a;
104 const fs = (_a = options.fs) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : fsNode;
105 // Inside this function, prefer string concatenation to the slower path.join
106 // https://github.com/joyent/node/pull/6929
107 const relativePath = handleRelativePath(_relativePath);
108 const realPath = fs.realpathSync(baseDir + '/' + relativePath);
109 if (visited.indexOf(realPath) >= 0) {
110 return [];
111 }
112 else {
113 visited.push(realPath);
114 }
115 try {
116 const globOptions = options.globOptions;
117 const ignorePatterns = (isDefined(globOptions)) ? applyGlobOptions(options.ignore, globOptions) : options.ignore;
118 const globs = (isDefined(globOptions)) ? applyGlobOptions(options.globs, globOptions) : options.globs;
119 let globMatcher;
120 let ignoreMatcher;
121 let results = [];
122 if (ignorePatterns) {
123 ignoreMatcher = new MatcherCollection(ignorePatterns);
124 }
125 if (globs) {
126 globMatcher = new MatcherCollection(globs);
127 }
128 if (globMatcher && !globMatcher.mayContain(relativePath)) {
129 return results;
130 }
131 const names = fs.readdirSync(baseDir + '/' + relativePath);
132 const entries = names.map(name => {
133 let entryRelativePath = relativePath + name;
134 if (ignoreMatcher && ignoreMatcher.match(entryRelativePath)) {
135 return;
136 }
137 let fullPath = baseDir + '/' + entryRelativePath;
138 let stats = getStat(fullPath, fs);
139 if (stats && stats.isDirectory()) {
140 return new walkSync.Entry(entryRelativePath + '/', baseDir, stats.mode, stats.size, stats.mtime.getTime());
141 }
142 else {
143 return new walkSync.Entry(entryRelativePath, baseDir, stats && stats.mode || 0, stats && stats.size || 0, stats && stats.mtime.getTime() || 0);
144 }
145 }).filter(isDefined);
146 const sortedEntries = entries.sort(lexicographically);
147 for (let i = 0; i < sortedEntries.length; ++i) {
148 let entry = sortedEntries[i];
149 if (entry.isDirectory()) {
150 if (options.directories !== false && (!globMatcher || globMatcher.match(entry.relativePath))) {
151 results.push(entry);
152 }
153 results = results.concat(_walkSync(baseDir, options, entry.relativePath, visited));
154 }
155 else {
156 if (!globMatcher || globMatcher.match(entry.relativePath)) {
157 results.push(entry);
158 }
159 }
160 }
161 return results;
162 }
163 finally {
164 visited.pop();
165 }
167module.exports = walkSync;
168//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map
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