1 | # Upgrading to watson-developer-cloud@4.0
2 | - [Breaking changes]
3 | - [Methods no longer return stream]
4 | - [Error Handling Compatibility]
5 | - [Default Methods Compatibility]
6 | - [Removed Services]
7 | - [Constructor Compatibility]
8 | - [Assistant V1 Compatibility]
9 | - [Assistant V2 Compatibility]
10 | - [Discovery Compatibility]
11 | - [Compare Comply Compatibility]
12 | - [Natural Language Classifier Compatibility]
13 | - [Personality Insights v3 Compatibility]
14 | - [Speech to Text Compatibility]
15 | - [Text to Speech Compatibility]
16 | - [Tone Analyzer Compatibility]
17 | - [Visual Recognition Compatibility]
18 |
19 |
20 | ## Breaking changes
21 | ### Methods no longer return stream
22 | Previously, if a callback was not provided, each service method would return a pipeable stream. Now, this will no longer happen. A Promise is returned instead. This should not affect many users, as authenticating with IAM already prevented methods from returning streams.
23 |
24 | ### Response Handling Compatibility
25 | The entire response is received with the third callback (if using callbacks) or when using Promises with `return_response: true` set as a parameter. This response now has a different structure for consistency with the other Watson SDKs.
26 |
27 | The object returned has the following properties:
28 | - `data`: The body of the response
29 | - `headers`: The HTTP response headers
30 | - `status`: The HTTP status code
31 | - `statusText`: The HTTP status message
32 | - `request`: The actual request instance sent to the service
33 | - `config`: The parameters used to build the request
34 |
35 |
36 | ### Error Handling Compatibility
37 | The logic that formats errors returned from a service has been changed. That means that the Error object returned now has a different structure. If there is logic in your code that parses the error returned from service methods, this will need to change. The new structure is outlined below.
38 |
39 | The object returned is of class `Error` and has the following properties:
40 | - `name`: Short title describing the error. Ex) 'Not Found'
41 | - `code`: HTTP status code. Ex) 404
42 | - `message`: More descriptive error message. Ex) Model not found.
43 | - `body`: Full error object returned by the service, stringified. If the object cannot be stringified due to a circular reference, it will be left as an object
44 | - `headers`: Object containing response headers returned from the service, including the transaction id
45 |
46 | If a request is made but no response is received (very rare), `error.body` will be an instance of [HTTP.ClientRequest](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_class_http_clientrequest).
47 |
48 | ### Default Methods Compatibility
49 | - The method `getCredentials`, which formerly returned an object containing all user credentials (username, password, etc.), has been renamed to `getServiceCredentials`
50 |
51 | ### Removed Services
52 | The following services have been deprecated for an extended period of time and will no longer be supported in the SDK:
53 | - Dialog
54 | - Language Translator v2
55 | - Conversation v1
56 |
57 |
58 | ### Constructor Compatibility
59 | - Parameter name changed: `version_date` -> `version`
60 | - The parameter `apikey` is no longer supported
61 |
62 | ### Assistant V1 Compatibility
63 | - Parameter name changed: `export` -> `_export` (_All instances_)
64 |
65 | #### updateValue
66 | - Parameter name changed: `new_type` -> `new_value_type`
67 |
68 | #### updateDialogNode
69 | - Parameter name changed: `new_type` -> `new_node_type`
70 |
71 | ### Assistant V2 Compatibility
72 | - Interface `MessageContextSkill` removed
73 |
74 | ### Compare Comply Compatibility
75 | #### convertToHtml
76 | - Parameter name changed: `model_id` -> `model`
77 |
78 | #### classifyElements
79 | - Parameter name changed: `model_id` -> `model`
80 |
81 | #### extractTables
82 | - Parameter name changed: `model_id` -> `model`
83 |
84 | #### compareDocuments
85 | - Parameter name changed: `model_id` -> `model`
86 |
87 | #### deleteFeedback
88 | - Parameter name changed: `model_id` -> `model`
89 |
90 | #### getFeedback
91 | - Parameter name changed: `model_id` -> `model`
92 |
93 | #### createBatch
94 | - Parameter name changed: `model_id` -> `model`
95 |
96 | #### updateBatch
97 | - Parameter name changed: `model_id` -> `model`
98 |
99 | ### Discovery Compatibility
100 | #### getSourceCredentials
101 | - Method name changed: `getSourceCredentials` -> `getCredentials`
102 |
103 | #### createStopwordList
104 | - Parameter `stopword_filename` is now **required**
105 |
106 | #### getEnvironments
107 | - Method name changed: `getEnvironments` -> `listEnvironments`
108 |
109 | #### getCollections
110 | - Method name changed: `getCollections` -> `listCollections`
111 |
112 | #### getConfigurations
113 | - Method name changed: `getConfigurations` -> `listConfigurations`
114 |
115 | #### getCollectionFields
116 | - Method name changed: `getCollectionFields` -> `listFields`
117 | - Parameter name changed: `collection_id` -> `collection_ids` (`collection_ids` is an Array)
118 |
119 | #### addJsonDocument
120 | - Method name changed: `addJsonDocument` -> `addDocument`
121 |
122 | #### updateJsonDocument
123 | - Method name changed: `updateJsonDocument` -> `updateDocument`
124 |
125 | #### createEnvironment
126 | - Parameter `size` will no longer be set to `1` if not given
127 |
128 | #### createConfiguration
129 | - Parameter `name` is now **required**
130 | - Parameter `file` is now split into `conversions`, `enrichments` and `normalizations`
131 |
132 | #### updateConfiguration
133 | - Parameter `name` is now **required**
134 | - Parameter `file` is now split into `conversions`, `enrichments` and `normalizations`
135 |
136 | #### createCollection
137 | - Parameter name changed: `language_code` -> `language`
138 | - Parameter `language` will no longer be set to `'en_us'` if not given
139 |
140 | #### updateCollection
141 | - Parameter name changed: `collection_name` -> `name`
142 |
143 | #### query
144 | - Parameter name changed: `return` -> `return_fields`
145 | - `query` and `natural_language_query` can't both be populated - this is no longer corrected internally
146 | - Parameter name changed: `passages.fields` -> `passages_fields`
147 | - Parameter name changed: `passages.count` -> `passages_count`
148 | - Parameter name changed: `passages.characters` -> `passages_characters`
149 | - Parameter type changed from Array to String: `return_fields`, `sort`, `passages_fields`, `collection_ids`, `similar_document_ids`, `similar_fields`
150 |
151 | #### federatedQuery
152 | - Parameter type changed from Array to String: `return_fields`, `sort`, `passages_fields`, `collection_ids`, `similar_document_ids`, `similar_fields`
153 |
154 | #### model QueryResultResultMetadata
155 | - Model name changed: `QueryResultResultMetadata` -> `QueryResultMetadata`
156 |
157 | ### Natural Language Classifier Compatibility
158 | #### create
159 | - Method name changed: `create` -> `createClassifier`
160 | - Parameter `training_data` is now **required** to be CSV format
161 | - Parameter `metadata` no longer constructed internally
162 |
163 | #### classify
164 | - Parameter name changed: `classifier` -> `classifier_id`
165 |
166 | #### status
167 | - Method name changed: `status` -> `getClassifier`
168 | - Parameter name changed: `classifier` -> `classifier_id`
169 |
170 | #### list
171 | - Method name changed: `list` -> `listClassifiers`
172 |
173 | #### remove
174 | - Method name changed: `remove` -> `deleteClassifier`
175 | - Parameter name changed: `classifier` -> `classifier_id`
176 |
177 |
178 | ### Personality Insights v3 Compatibility
179 | #### profile
180 | - Parameters `accept_language`, `content_type`, `content_language` now belong at the top-level of the `params` object, rather than within `headers`
181 | - Parameter `accept` is no longer supported - use `profile()` for `application/json` and `profileAsCsv()` for `text/csv`
182 | - Parameters `text` and `contentItems` are no longer supported
183 | - Parameter `content_items` belongs within the parameter `content` and not at the top level - this is no longer internally corrected
184 |
185 | #### profile_csv
186 | - Method name changed: `profile_csv` -> `profileAsCsv`
187 |
188 |
189 | ### Speech to Text Compatibility
190 | #### getModels
191 | - Method name changed: `getModels` -> `listModels`
192 |
193 | #### getCustomization
194 | - Method name changed: `getCustomization` -> `getLanguageModel`
195 |
196 | #### getRecognitionJob
197 | - Method name changed: `getRecognitionJob` -> `checkJob`
198 |
199 | #### createCustomization
200 | - Method name changed: `createCustomization` -> `createLanguageModel`
201 |
202 | #### getRecognitionJobs
203 | - Method name changed: `getRecognitionJobs` -> `checkJobs`
204 |
205 | #### deleteRecognitionJob
206 | - Method name changed: `deleteRecognitionJob` -> `deleteJob`
207 |
208 | #### getCustomizations
209 | - Method name changed: `getCustomizations` -> `listLanguageModels`
210 |
211 | #### createRecognitionJob
212 | - Method name changed: `createRecognitionJob` -> `createJob`
213 | - The parameter `events` must be a comma-separated string, **not** an Array. This is no longer corrected internally
214 |
215 | #### addCorpus
216 | - Parameter name changed: `name` -> `corpus_name`
217 | - Parameter name changed: `corpus` -> `corpus_file`
218 |
219 | #### getCorpus
220 | - Parameter name changed: `name` -> `corpus_name`
221 |
222 | #### deleteCorpus
223 | - Parameter name changed: `name` -> `corpus_name`
224 |
225 | #### getCorpora
226 | - Method name changed: `getCorpora` -> `listCorpora`
227 |
228 | #### addWord
229 | - Parameter name changed: `name` -> `corpus_name`
230 |
231 | #### getWords
232 | - Method name changed: `word` -> `word_name`
233 |
234 | #### getWord
235 | - Method name changed: `word` -> `word_name`
236 |
237 | #### deleteWord
238 | - Method name changed: `word` -> `word_name`
239 |
240 | #### trainCustomization
241 | - Method name changed: `trainCustomization` -> `trainLanguageModel`
242 |
243 | #### resetCustomization
244 | - Method name changed: `resetCustomization` -> `resetLanguageModel`
245 |
246 | #### deleteCustomization
247 | - Method name changed: `deleteCustomization` -> `deleteLanguageModel`
248 |
249 | #### createRecognizeStream
250 | - Method name changed: `createRecognizeStream` -> `recognizeUsingWebSocket`
251 |
252 | #### recognizeLive
253 | - This method is no longer supported. Use `recognizeUsingWebSocket` instead
254 |
255 | #### observeResult
256 | - This method is no longer supported. Use `recognizeUsingWebSocket` instead
257 |
258 |
259 | ### Text to Speech Compatibility
260 | #### getCustomizations
261 | - Method name changed: `getCustomizations` -> `listVoiceModels`
262 |
263 | #### getCustomization
264 | - Method name changed: `getCustomization` -> `getVoiceModel`
265 |
266 | #### updateCustomization
267 | - Method name changed: `updateCustomization` -> `updateVoiceModel`
268 |
269 | #### deleteCustomization
270 | - Method name changed: `deleteCustomization` -> `deleteVoiceModel`
271 |
272 | #### createCustomization
273 | - Method name changed: `createCustomization` -> `createVoiceModel`
274 |
275 | #### getWords
276 | - Method name changed: `getWords` -> `listWords`
277 |
278 | #### voices
279 | - Method name changed: `voices` -> `listVoices`
280 |
281 | #### voice
282 | - Method name changed: `voice` -> `getVoice`
283 |
284 | #### pronunciation
285 | - Method name changed: `pronunciation` -> `getPronunciation`
286 |
287 |
288 | ### Tone Analyzer Compatibility
289 | #### tone
290 | - Parameter name changed: `text` -> `tone_input`
291 | - Parameter `content_type` is now **required**
292 | - Parameter `tones` is now **required** to be an Array
293 | - Parameter name changed: `language` -> `content_language`
294 |
295 | #### tone_chat
296 | - Method name changed: `tone_chat` -> `toneChat`
297 | - Parameter `utterances` is now **required** to be at the top level of the params object
298 |
299 |
300 | ### Visual Recognition Compatibility
301 | #### createClassifier
302 | - Parameter `{classname}_positive_examples` changed to map `positive_examples`
303 |
304 | Instead of passing in multiple parameters like `car_positive_examples` and `boat_positive_examples`, the method now takes a single map with the classnames as the keys:
305 | ```json
306 | "positive_examples": {
307 | "car": <car examples>,
308 | "boat": <boat examples>
309 | }
310 | ```
311 |
312 | #### updateClassifier
313 | - Parameter `{classname}_positive_examples` changed to map `positive_examples`
314 |
315 | Instead of passing in multiple parameters like `car_positive_examples` and `boat_positive_examples`, the method now takes a single map with the classnames as the keys:
316 | ```json
317 | "positive_examples": {
318 | "car": <car examples>,
319 | "boat": <boat examples>
320 | }
321 | ```
322 |
323 | #### classify
324 | - Parameter name changed: `image_file` -> `images_file`
325 | - Parameter `parameters` is no longer supported
326 |
327 | #### detectFaces
328 | - Parameter name changed: `image_file` -> `images_file`
329 | - Parameter `parameters` is no longer supported
330 |
331 | #### retrainClassifier
332 | - Method name changed: `retrainClassifier` -> `updateClassifier`
333 |
334 | #### recognizeText
335 | - This method is no longer supported
336 |
337 | #### createCollection
338 | - This method is no longer supported
339 |
340 | #### getCollection
341 | - This method is no longer supported
342 |
343 | #### listCollections
344 | - This method is no longer supported
345 |
346 | #### deleteCollection
347 | - This method is no longer supported
348 |
349 | #### addImage
350 | - This method is no longer supported
351 |
352 | #### listImages
353 | - This method is no longer supported
354 |
355 | #### getImage
356 | - This method is no longer supported
357 |
358 | #### deleteImage
359 | - This method is no longer supported
360 |
361 | #### setImageData
362 | - This method is no longer supported
363 |
364 | #### getImageData
365 | - This method is no longer supported
366 |
367 | #### deleteImageData
368 | - This method is no longer supported
369 |
370 | #### findSimilar
371 | - This method is no longer supported
372 |
373 |