1 | {
2 | "name": "watson-developer-cloud",
3 | "version": "4.0.1",
4 | "description": "Client library to use the IBM Watson Services",
5 | "repository": {
6 | "type": "git",
7 | "url": "https://github.com/watson-developer-cloud/node-sdk.git"
8 | },
9 | "keywords": [
10 | "assistant",
11 | "compare comply",
12 | "discovery",
13 | "ibm",
14 | "natural language classifier",
15 | "natural language understanding",
16 | "personality insights",
17 | "speech to text",
18 | "text to speech",
19 | "tone analyzer",
20 | "tone_analyzer",
21 | "visual recognition",
22 | "watson developer cloud",
23 | "watson",
24 | "wdc"
25 | ],
26 | "author": "IBM Corp.",
27 | "contributors": [
28 | {
29 | "name": "German Attanasio Ruiz",
30 | "email": "germanatt@us.ibm.com"
31 | },
32 | {
33 | "name": "Nathan Friedly",
34 | "email": "nfriedly@us.ibm.com"
35 | },
36 | {
37 | "name": "Jeff Stylos",
38 | "email": "jsstylos@us.ibm.com"
39 | },
40 | {
41 | "name": "Dustin Popp",
42 | "email": "dustinpopp@ibm.com"
43 | }
44 | ],
45 | "license": "Apache-2.0",
46 | "bugs": {
47 | "url": "https://github.com/watson-developer-cloud/node-sdk/issues"
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