1 | ### 2.3.2 - *June 25 2019*
2 |
3 | * [Fix the wrapping IIFE of the prod bundle.](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-js/issues/208)
4 | * [Minor fixes for Closure compilation compatibility.](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-js/issues/200)
5 | * [Fixed `Cannot set property _isFinished of #<Object> which has only a getter`](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-js/issues/165)
6 |
7 | ### 2.3.1 - *July 20 2017*
8 |
9 | * Fix [https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-js/issues/157](missing web-animations.min.js issue)
10 |
11 | ### 2.3.0 - *July 20 2017*
12 |
13 | * [Support IE/Edge SVG transforms.](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-js/pull/148)
14 |
15 | * [Parse and evaluate calc expressions without eval.](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-js/pull/151)
16 |
17 | ### 2.2.5 - *April 17 2017*
18 |
19 | * Removed erroneously added *.gz files from release.
20 |
21 | ### 2.2.4 - *April 14 2017*
22 |
23 | * [Reverted adding 'use strict' to source files.](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-next/pull/124)
24 |
25 | ### 2.2.3 - *April 13 2017*
26 |
27 | * [Added HTML import targets.](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-js/pull/94)
28 |
29 | * Added support for animating SVG related properties:
30 | * [fill](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-next/pull/484)
31 | * [floodColor](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-next/pull/484)
32 | * [lightingColor](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-next/pull/484)
33 | * [stopColor](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-next/pull/484)
34 | * [strokeDashoffset](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-js/pull/96)
35 | * [strokeDasharray](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-js/pull/120)
36 |
37 | * [Fixed crash when animating non-invertable matrices.](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-js/pull/121)
38 |
39 | * [Fixed source maps for Bower installs.](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-js/pull/93)
40 |
41 | * [Updated README.md documentation structure.](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-next/pull/489)
42 |
43 | * [Added 'use strict' to source files.](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-next/pull/488)
44 |
45 | ### 2.2.2 - *August 3 2016*
46 |
47 | * [Fixed handling of keyframes with overlapping offsets.](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-next/pull/470)
48 |
49 | * [Throw TypeError on invalid keyframe input.](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-next/pull/471)
50 |
51 | * [Fixed display and other animation properties being animated.](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-next/pull/474)
52 |
53 | * [Throw InvalidStateError when calling play() on reversed infinite animation.](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-next/pull/475)
54 |
55 | * [Fixed infinite loop in cubic-bezier timing function.](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-next/pull/476)
56 |
57 | * [Fixed idle animations not becoming paused when seeked.](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-next/pull/479)
58 |
59 | * [Fixed pause() not rewinding idl animations.](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-next/pull/480)
60 |
61 | * [Extended cubic-bezier timing function domain from [0, 1] to (-Infinity, Infinity).](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-next/pull/481)
62 |
63 | * [Fixed timing model to handle corner cases involving Infinity and 0 correctly.](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-next/pull/482)
64 |
65 | * [Fixed source files missing from npm package.](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-next/pull/483)
66 |
67 | * [Improved performance of starting and updating individual animations.](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-next/pull/485)
68 |
69 | ### 2.2.1 - *April 28 2016*
70 | * [Deprecated invalid timing inputs](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-next/pull/437) as they will soon throw [TypeErrors](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-next/pull/426) in native browsers.
71 |
72 | For example, this is deprecated and will eventually throw a TypeError:
73 |
74 | element.animate([], {
75 | duration: -1,
76 | iterationStart: -1,
77 | iterations: -1,
78 | easing: 'garbage string',
79 | });
80 |
81 | * [Fixed polyfill crash in browsers based on Chromium 36 to 46.](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-next/pull/434)
82 |
83 | * [Increased cubic-bezier accuracy.](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-next/pull/428)
84 |
85 | * [Added support for grad and turn units for angles.](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-next/pull/427)
86 |
87 | ### 2.2.0 - *April 6 2016*
88 | * Deprecated the use of hyphens in property names.
89 |
90 | For example, this is deprecated:
91 |
92 | element.animate([{'font-size': '0px'}, {'font-size': '10px'}]);
93 |
94 | and this should be used instead:
95 |
96 | element.animate([{fontSize: '0px'}, {fontSize: '10px'}]);
97 |
98 | * Added arbitrary easing capitalisation.
99 |
100 | * Added "id" effect option. (https://drafts.csswg.org/web-animations/#dom-keyframeanimationoptions-id)
101 |
102 | * Added "oncancel" event handler.
103 |
104 | * Added value list keyframe syntax.
105 |
106 | As as alternative to:
107 |
108 | element.animate([{color: 'red'}, {color: 'green'}, {color: 'blue'}]);
109 |
110 | you can now use:
111 |
112 | element.animate({color: ['red', 'green', 'blue']});
113 |
114 | * Fixed easing TypeError in FireFox Nightly when using groups.
115 |
116 | * Fixed delayed animation updates on Safari and Firefox
117 |
118 | * Fixed infinite recursion when setting onfinish to null.
119 |
120 | ### 2.1.4 - *December 1 2015*
121 | * Use `Date.now()` instead of `performace.now()` for mobile Safari.
122 |
123 | ### 2.1.3 - *October 12 2015*
124 | * Removed web-animations.min.js.gz
125 |
126 | ### 2.1.2 - *July 8 2015*
127 | * Fix a bug where onfinish was being called for GroupEffects before they were finished.
128 |
129 | ### 2.1.1 - *July 1 2015*
130 | * Add Animation.timeline getter
131 | * Add AnimationEffect.parent getter
132 | * Make AnimationEffectTiming (returned by AnimationEffect.timing) attributes mutable
133 | * Expose the Animation constructor
134 | * Change custom effects from AnimationEffects to onsample functions. Custom effects should now be created by setting the onsample attribute of a KeyframeEffect.
135 |
136 | For example, this is deprecated:
137 |
138 | var myEffect = new KeyframeEffect(
139 | element,
140 | function(timeFraction, target, effect) {
141 | target.style.opacity = timeFraction;
142 | },
143 | 1000);
144 | var myAnimation = document.timeline.play(myEffect);
145 |
146 | and this should be used insead:
147 |
148 | var myEffect = new KeyframeEffect(element, [], 1000);
149 | effect.onsample = function(timeFraction, effect, animation) {
150 | effect.target.style.opacity = timeFraction;
151 | };
152 | var myAnimation = document.timeline.play(myEffect);
153 |
154 | ### 2.1.0 - *June 15 2015*
155 | * Fix bug affecting GroupEffects with infinite iteration children
156 | * Add GroupEffect.firstChild and GroupEffect.lastChild
157 | * Add initial values for most CSS properties
158 | * Allow `timeline.play()` to be called with no arguments
159 | * Add AnimationEffect.clone
160 | * Add GroupEffect.append and GroupEffect.prepend
161 | * Add AnimationEffect.remove
162 | * Add Animation.ready and Animation.finished promises
163 |
164 | ### 2.0.0 - *April 5 2015*
165 |
166 | * Improve behavior of group Animation playback rate.
167 | * Rename Animation to KeyframeEffect.
168 | * Rename AnimationSequence to SequenceEffect.
169 | * Rename AnimationGroup to GroupEffect.
170 | * Rename AnimationPlayer to Animation.
171 | * Remove KeyframeEffect.effect and add KeyframeEffect.getFrames.
172 | * Rename Animation.source to Animation.effect.
173 | * Rename Timeline.getAnimationPlayers to Timeline.getAnimations.
174 | * Rename Element.getAnimationPlayers to Element.getAnimations.
175 |
176 | ### 1.0.7 - *March 10 2015*
177 |
178 | * Improve performance of constructing groups and sequences.
179 | * Remove support for animating zoom.
180 | * Add bower file.
181 |
182 | ### 1.0.6 - *February 5 2015*
183 |
184 | * Implement playbackRate setter for group players.
185 | * Fix pausing a group player before its first tick.
186 | * Fix cancelling a group player before its first tick.
187 | * Fix excess CPU use on idle pages where custom effects and groups were used.
188 | * Suppress AnimationTiming.playbackRate deprecation warning for cases where AnimationTiming.playbackRate == 1.
189 |
190 | ### 1.0.5 - *January 6 2015*
191 |
192 | * Fix loading the polyfill in an SVG document
193 | * Fix a problem where groups didn't take effect in their first frame
194 | * Don't rely on performance.now
195 |
196 | ### 1.0.4 - *December 8 2014*
197 |
198 | * Fix a critical bug where deprecation logic wasn't being loaded
199 | when `web-animations-next` and `web-animations-next-lite` were
200 | executed on top of a native `element.animate`.
201 |
202 | ### 1.0.3 - *December 4 2014*
203 |
204 | * Fix a critical bug on iOS 7 and Safari <= 6. Due to limitations,
205 | inline style patching is not supported on these platforms.
206 |
207 | ### 1.0.2 - *November 28 2014*
208 |
209 | * Deprecated `AnimationTiming.playbackRate`.
210 |
211 | For example, this is no longer supported:
212 |
213 | var player = element.animate(
214 | keyframes,
215 | {duration: 1000, playbackRate: 2});
216 |
217 | Use `AnimationPlayer.playbackRate` instead:
218 |
219 | var player = element.animate(
220 | keyframes,
221 | {duration: 1000});
222 | player.playbackRate = 2;
223 |
224 | If you have any feedback on this change, please start a discussion
225 | on the public-fx mailing list:
226 | http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-fx/
227 |
228 | Or file an issue against the specification on GitHub:
229 | https://github.com/w3c/web-animations/issues/new
230 |
231 | ### 1.0.1 - *November 26 2014*
232 |
233 | * Players should be constructed in idle state
234 | * `play()` and `reverse()` should not force a start times
235 | * Add `requestAnimationFrame` ids and `cancelAnimationFrame`
236 |
237 | ### 1.0.0 — *November 21 2014*
238 |
239 | The web-animations-js hackers are pleased to announce the release of
240 | a new codebase for the Web Animations Polyfill:
241 | https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-js
242 |
243 | The previous polyfill has been moved to:
244 | https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-js-legacy
245 |
246 | The new codebase is focused on code-size -- our smallest target is
247 | now only 33kb or 11kb after gzip.
248 |
249 | We've implemented native fallback. If the target browser provides
250 | Web Animations features natively, the Polyfill will use them.
251 |
252 | We now provide three different build targets:
253 |
254 | `web-animations.min.js` - Tracks the Web Animations features that
255 | are supported natively in browsers. Today that means Element.animate
256 | and Playback Control in Chrome. If you’re not sure what features you
257 | will need, start with this.
258 |
259 | `web-animations-next.min.js` - All of web-animations.min.js plus
260 | features that are still undergoing discussion or have yet to be
261 | implemented natively.
262 |
263 | `web-animations-next-lite.min.js` - A cut down version of
264 | web-animations-next, removes several lesser used property handlers
265 | and some of the larger and less used features such as matrix
266 | interpolation/decomposition.
267 |
268 | Not all features of the previous polyfill have been ported to the
269 | new codebase; most notably mutation of Animations and Groups and
270 | Additive Animations are not yet supported. These features are still
271 | important and will be implemented in the coming weeks.
272 |
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