1 |
2 | What is Web Animations?
3 | -----------------------
4 |
5 | A new JavaScript API for driving animated content on the web. By unifying
6 | the animation features of SVG and CSS, Web Animations unlocks features
7 | previously only usable declaratively, and exposes powerful, high-performance
8 | animation capabilities to developers.
9 |
10 | What is in this repository?
11 | ---------------------------
12 |
13 | A JavaScript implementation of the Web Animations API that provides Web
14 | Animation features in browsers that do not support it natively. The polyfill
15 | falls back to the native implementation when one is available.
16 |
17 | Quick start
18 | -----------
19 |
20 | Here's a simple example of an animation that fades and scales a `<div>`.
21 | [Try it as a live demo.](http://jsbin.com/yageyezabo/edit?html,js,output)
22 |
23 | ```html
24 | <!-- Include the polyfill -->
25 | <script src="web-animations.min.js"></script>
26 |
27 | <!-- Set up a target to animate -->
28 | <div class="pulse" style="width: 150px;">Hello world!</div>
29 |
30 | <!-- Animate! -->
31 | <script>
32 | var elem = document.querySelector('.pulse');
33 | var animation = elem.animate({
34 | opacity: [0.5, 1],
35 | transform: ['scale(0.5)', 'scale(1)'],
36 | }, {
37 | direction: 'alternate',
38 | duration: 500,
39 | iterations: Infinity,
40 | });
41 | </script>
42 | ```
43 |
44 | Documentation
45 | -------------
46 |
47 | * [Codelab tutorial](https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-codelabs)
48 | * [Examples of usage](/docs/examples.md)
49 | * [Live demos](https://web-animations.github.io/web-animations-demos)
50 | * [MDN reference](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/animate)
51 | * [W3C specification](https://drafts.csswg.org/web-animations/)
52 |
53 | We love feedback!
54 | -----------------
55 |
56 | * For feedback on the API and the specification:
57 | * File an issue on GitHub: <https://github.com/w3c/web-animations/issues/new>
58 | * Alternatively, send an email to <public-fx@w3.org> with subject line
59 | "[web-animations] ... message topic ..."
60 | ([archives](http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-fx/)).
61 |
62 | * For issues with the polyfill, report them on GitHub:
63 | <https://github.com/web-animations/web-animations-js/issues/new>.
64 |
65 | Keep up-to-date
66 | ---------------
67 |
68 | Breaking polyfill changes will be announced on this low-volume mailing list:
69 | [web-animations-changes@googlegroups.com](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/web-animations-changes).
70 |
71 | More info
72 | ---------
73 |
74 | * [Technical details about the polyfill](/docs/support.md)
75 | * [Browser support](/docs/support.md#browser-support)
76 | * [Fallback to native](/docs/support.md#native-fallback)
77 | * [Feature list](/docs/support.md#features)
78 | * [Feature deprecation and removal processes](/docs/support.md#process-for-breaking-changes)
79 | * To test experimental API features, try one of the
80 | [experimental targets](/docs/experimental.md)