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840 "X-Powered-By": "\\bTomcat\\b(?:-([\\d.]+))?\\;version:\\1"
841 },
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845 },
846 "Apache Traffic Server": {
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850 "headers": {
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852 },
853 "icon": "Apache Traffic Server.png",
854 "website": "http://trafficserver.apache.org/"
855 },
856 "Apache Wicket": {
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858 18
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876 "website": "https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.apexcode.meta/apexcode/apex_intro.htm"
877 },
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885 "website": "https://cloud.google.com/apigee/"
886 },
887 "Apostrophe CMS": {
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900 "html": "<(?:iframe|img)[^>]+adnxs\\.(?:net|com)",
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907 58
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909 "icon": "Appcues.svg",
910 "script": "fast\\.appcues.com*\\.js",
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912 },
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950 "script": [
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954 },
955 "Artifactory Web Server": {
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957 22
958 ],
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966 "website": "http://jfrog.com/open-source/#os-arti"
967 },
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970 31
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974 },
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980 },
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990 },
991 "meta": {
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993 },
994 "website": "http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc"
995 },
996 "Asciinema": {
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998 14
999 ],
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1002 "js": {
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1004 },
1005 "script": "asciinema\\.org/",
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1007 },
1008 "Atlassian Bitbucket": {
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1010 47
1011 ],
1012 "html": "<li>Atlassian Bitbucket <span title=\"[a-z0-9]+\" id=\"product-version\" data-commitid=\"[a-z0-9]+\" data-system-build-number=\"[a-z0-9]+\"> v([\\d.]+)<\\;version:\\1",
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1014 "implies": "Python",
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1016 "bitbucket": ""
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1018 "meta": {
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1021 "website": "http://www.atlassian.com/software/bitbucket/overview/"
1022 },
1023 "Atlassian Confluence": {
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1029 },
1030 "html": "Powered by <a href=[^>]+atlassian\\.com/software/confluence(?:[^>]+>Atlassian Confluence</a> ([\\d.]+))?\\;version:\\1",
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1032 "implies": "Java",
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1044 },
1045 "html": "<title>(?:Log in to )?FishEye (?:and Crucible )?([\\d.]+)?</title>\\;version:\\1",
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1048 },
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1064 },
1065 "Atlassian Jira Issue Collector": {
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1111 "awesomplete": ""
1112 },
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1230 "BigDump": {
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1330 20
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1332 "icon": "Bluefish.png",
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1336 "website": "http://sourceforge.net/projects/bluefish"
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1338 "Boa": {
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1512 "<main id=\"bugzilla-body\"",
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1514 "<span id=\"information\" class=\"header_addl_info\">version ([\\d.]+)<\\;version:\\1"
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1593 "icon": "CKEditor.png",
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1596 "CKEDITOR.version": "^(.+)$\\;version:\\1",
1598 },
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1600 },
1601 "CMS Made Simple": {
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1603 1
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1605 "cookies": {
1606 "CMSSESSID": ""
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1608 "icon": "CMS Made Simple.png",
1609 "implies": "PHP",
1610 "meta": {
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1613 "website": "http://cmsmadesimple.org"
1614 },
1615 "CMSimple": {
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1617 1
1618 ],
1619 "implies": "PHP",
1620 "meta": {
1621 "generator": "CMSimple( [\\d.]+)?\\;version:\\1"
1622 },
1623 "website": "http://www.cmsimple.org/en"
1624 },
1625 "CPG Dragonfly": {
1626 "cats": [
1627 1
1628 ],
1629 "headers": {
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1632 "icon": "CPG Dragonfly.png",
1633 "implies": "PHP",
1634 "meta": {
1635 "generator": "CPG Dragonfly"
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1637 "website": "http://dragonflycms.org"
1638 },
1639 "CS Cart": {
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1643 "html": [
1644 "&nbsp;Powered by (?:<a href=[^>]+cs-cart\\.com|CS-Cart)",
1645 "\\.cm-noscript[^>]+</style>"
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1719 "html": "<link [^>]+Cargo feed",
1720 "icon": "Cargo.png",
1721 "implies": "PHP",
1722 "meta": {
1723 "cargo_title": ""
1724 },
1725 "script": "/cargo\\.",
1726 "website": "http://cargocollective.com"
1727 },
1728 "Catberry.js": {
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1730 12,
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1734 "X-Powered-By": "Catberry"
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1737 "implies": "Node.js",
1738 "js": {
1739 "catberry": "",
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1743 },
1744 "CentOS": {
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1751 },
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1753 "website": "http://centos.org"
1754 },
1755 "Chameleon": {
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1757 1
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1761 "Apache",
1762 "PHP"
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1768 },
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1773 "headers": {
1774 "X-Powered-By": "Chamilo ([\\d.]+)\\;version:\\1"
1775 },
1776 "html": "\">Chamilo ([\\d.]+)</a>\\;version:\\1",
1777 "icon": "Chamilo.png",
1778 "implies": "PHP",
1779 "meta": {
1780 "generator": "Chamilo ([\\d.]+)\\;version:\\1"
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1796 "chartjs\\.org/dist/([\\d.]+(?:-[^/]+)?|master|latest)/Chart.*\\.js\\;version:\\1",
1797 "cdnjs\\.cloudflare\\.com/ajax/libs/Chart\\.js/([\\d.]+(?:-[^/]+)?)/Chart.*\\.js\\;version:\\1",
1798 "cdn\\.jsdelivr\\.net/(?:npm|gh/chartjs)/chart\\.js@([\\d.]+(?:-[^/]+)?|latest)/dist/Chart.*\\.js\\;version:\\1"
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1820 },
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1823 },
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1832 "icon": "CherryPy.png",
1833 "implies": "Python",
1834 "website": "http://www.cherrypy.org"
1835 },
1836 "Chevereto": {
1837 "cats": [
1838 7
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1840 "meta": {
1841 "generator": "^Chevereto ?([0-9.]+)?$\\;version:\\1"
1842 },
1843 "script": "/chevereto\\.js",
1844 "html": "Powered by <a href=\"https?://chevereto\\.com\">",
1845 "icon": "chevereto.png",
1846 "implies": "PHP",
1847 "website": "https://chevereto.com/"
1848 },
1849 "Chitika": {
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1853 "icon": "Chitika.png",
1854 "js": {
1855 "ch_client": "",
1856 "ch_color_site_link": ""
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1858 "script": "scripts\\.chitika\\.net/",
1859 "website": "http://chitika.com"
1860 },
1861 "Ckan": {
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1864 ],
1865 "headers": {
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1867 "Link": "<http://ckan\\.org/>; rel=shortlink"
1868 },
1869 "icon": "Ckan.png",
1870 "implies": [
1871 "Python",
1872 "Solr",
1873 "Java",
1874 "PostgreSQL"
1875 ],
1876 "meta": {
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1878 },
1879 "website": "http://ckan.org/"
1880 },
1881 "Clarity": {
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1883 18
1884 ],
1885 "html": [
1886 "<clr-main-container",
1887 "<link [^>]*href=\"[^\"]*clr-ui(?:\\.min)?\\.css"
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1892 "script": "clr-angular(?:\\.umd)?(?:\\.min)?\\.js",
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1898 },
1899 "ClickHeat": {
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1901 10
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1905 "js": {
1906 "clickHeatServer": ""
1907 },
1908 "script": "clickheat.*\\.js",
1909 "website": "http://www.labsmedia.com/clickheat/index.html"
1910 },
1911 "ClickTale": {
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1913 10
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1915 "icon": "ClickTale.png",
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1919 "website": "http://www.clicktale.com"
1920 },
1921 "Clicky": {
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1925 "icon": "Clicky.png",
1926 "js": {
1927 "clicky": ""
1928 },
1929 "script": "static\\.getclicky\\.com",
1930 "website": "http://getclicky.com"
1931 },
1932 "Clientexec": {
1933 "cats": [
1934 6
1935 ],
1936 "html": "clientexec\\.[^>]*\\s?=\\s?[^>]*;",
1937 "icon": "Clientexec.png",
1938 "website": "http://www.clientexec.com"
1939 },
1940 "Clipboard.js": {
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1942 19
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1944 "icon": "Clipboard.js.svg",
1945 "script": "clipboard(?:-([\\d.]+))?(?:\\.min)?\\.js\\;version:\\1",
1946 "website": "https://clipboardjs.com/"
1947 },
1948 "CloudCart": {
1949 "cats": [
1950 6
1951 ],
1952 "icon": "cloudcart.svg",
1953 "meta": {
1954 "author": "^CloudCart LLC$"
1955 },
1956 "script": "/cloudcart-(?:assets|storage)/",
1957 "website": "http://cloudcart.com"
1958 },
1959 "CloudFlare": {
1960 "cats": [
1961 31
1962 ],
1963 "headers": {
1964 "Server": "^cloudflare$",
1965 "cf-cache-status": "",
1966 "cf-ray": ""
1967 },
1968 "icon": "CloudFlare.svg",
1969 "cookies": {
1970 "__cfduid": ""
1971 },
1972 "js": {
1973 "CloudFlare": ""
1974 },
1975 "website": "http://www.cloudflare.com"
1976 },
1977 "Cloudcoins": {
1978 "cats": [
1979 56
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1981 "js": {
1982 "CLOUDCOINS": ""
1983 },
1984 "script": "https?://cdn\\.cloudcoins\\.co/javascript/cloudcoins\\.min\\.js",
1985 "website": "https://cloudcoins.co"
1986 },
1987 "Cloudera": {
1988 "cats": [
1989 34
1990 ],
1991 "headers": {
1992 "Server": "cloudera"
1993 },
1994 "icon": "Cloudera.png",
1995 "website": "http://www.cloudera.com"
1996 },
1997 "Coaster CMS": {
1998 "cats": [
1999 1
2000 ],
2001 "icon": "coaster-cms.png",
2002 "implies": "Laravel",
2003 "meta": {
2004 "generator": "^Coaster CMS v([\\d.]+)$\\;version:\\1"
2005 },
2006 "website": "https://www.coastercms.org"
2007 },
2008 "CodeIgniter": {
2009 "cats": [
2010 18
2011 ],
2012 "cookies": {
2013 "ci_csrf_token": "^(.+)$\\;version:\\1?2+:",
2014 "ci_session": "",
2015 "exp_last_activity": "",
2016 "exp_tracker": ""
2017 },
2018 "html": "<input[^>]+name=\"ci_csrf_token\"\\;version:2+",
2019 "icon": "CodeIgniter.png",
2020 "implies": "PHP",
2021 "website": "http://codeigniter.com"
2022 },
2023 "CodeMirror": {
2024 "cats": [
2025 19
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2027 "icon": "CodeMirror.png",
2028 "js": {
2029 "CodeMirror": "",
2030 "CodeMirror.version": "^(.+)$\\;version:\\1"
2031 },
2032 "website": "http://codemirror.net"
2033 },
2034 "CoinHive": {
2035 "cats": [
2036 56
2037 ],
2038 "icon": "CoinHive.svg",
2039 "js": {
2040 "CoinHive": ""
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2042 "script": [
2043 "\\/(?:coinhive|(authedmine))(?:\\.min)?\\.js\\;version:\\1?opt-in:",
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2046 "url": "https?://cnhv\\.co/",
2047 "website": "https://coinhive.com"
2048 },
2049 "CoinHive Captcha": {
2050 "cats": [
2051 16,
2052 56
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2054 "html": "(?:<div[^>]+class=\"coinhive-captcha[^>]+data-key|<div[^>]+data-key[^>]+class=\"coinhive-captcha)",
2055 "icon": "CoinHive.svg",
2056 "script": "https?://authedmine\\.com/(?:lib/captcha|captcha)",
2057 "website": "https://coinhive.com"
2058 },
2059 "Coinhave": {
2060 "cats": [
2061 56
2062 ],
2063 "icon": "coinhave.png",
2064 "script": "https?://coin-have\\.com/c/[0-9a-zA-Z]{4}\\.js",
2065 "website": "https://coin-have.com/"
2066 },
2067 "Coinimp": {
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2069 56
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2071 "icon": "coinimp.png",
2072 "js": {
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2074 },
2075 "script": "https?://www\\.hashing\\.win/scripts/min\\.js",
2076 "website": "https://www.coinimp.com"
2077 },
2078 "Coinlab": {
2079 "cats": [
2080 56
2081 ],
2082 "icon": "coinlab.png",
2083 "js": {
2084 "Coinlab": ""
2085 },
2086 "script": "https?://coinlab\\.biz/lib/coinlab\\.js\\?id=",
2087 "website": "https://coinlab.biz/en"
2088 },
2089 "ColorMeShop": {
2090 "cats": [
2091 6
2092 ],
2093 "icon": "colormeshop.png",
2094 "js": {
2095 "Colorme": ""
2096 },
2097 "website": "https://shop-pro.jp"
2098 },
2099 "Comandia": {
2100 "cats": [
2101 6
2102 ],
2103 "html": "<link[^>]+=['\"]//cdn\\.mycomandia\\.com",
2104 "icon": "Comandia.svg",
2105 "js": {
2106 "Comandia": ""
2107 },
2108 "website": "http://comandia.com"
2109 },
2110 "Combeenation": {
2111 "cats": [
2112 6
2113 ],
2114 "html": "<iframe[^>]+src=\"[^>]+portal\\.combeenation\\.com",
2115 "icon": "Combeenation.png",
2116 "website": "https://www.combeenation.com"
2117 },
2118 "Commerce Server": {
2119 "cats": [
2120 6
2121 ],
2122 "headers": {
2124 },
2125 "icon": "Commerce Server.png",
2126 "implies": "Microsoft ASP.NET",
2127 "website": "http://commerceserver.net"
2128 },
2129 "CompaqHTTPServer": {
2130 "cats": [
2131 22
2132 ],
2133 "headers": {
2134 "Server": "CompaqHTTPServer\\/?([\\d\\.]+)?\\;version:\\1"
2135 },
2136 "icon": "HP.svg",
2137 "website": "http://www.hp.com"
2138 },
2139 "Concrete5": {
2140 "cats": [
2141 1
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2143 "icon": "Concrete5.png",
2144 "implies": "PHP",
2145 "js": {
2146 "CCM_IMAGE_PATH": ""
2147 },
2148 "cookies": {
2149 "CONCRETE5": ""
2150 },
2151 "meta": {
2152 "generator": "^concrete5 - ([\\d.]+)$\\;version:\\1"
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2154 "script": "/concrete/js/",
2155 "website": "https://concrete5.org"
2156 },
2157 "Connect": {
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2159 18
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2163 },
2164 "icon": "Connect.png",
2165 "implies": "Node.js",
2166 "website": "http://www.senchalabs.org/connect"
2167 },
2168 "Contao": {
2169 "cats": [
2170 1
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2172 "html": [
2173 "<!--[^>]+powered by (?:TYPOlight|Contao)[^>]*-->",
2174 "<link[^>]+(?:typolight|contao)\\.css"
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2176 "icon": "Contao.png",
2177 "implies": "PHP",
2178 "meta": {
2179 "generator": "^Contao Open Source CMS$"
2180 },
2181 "website": "http://contao.org"
2182 },
2183 "Contenido": {
2184 "cats": [
2185 1
2186 ],
2187 "icon": "Contenido.png",
2188 "implies": "PHP",
2189 "meta": {
2190 "generator": "Contenido ([\\d.]+)\\;version:\\1"
2191 },
2192 "website": "http://contenido.org/en"
2193 },
2194 "Contensis": {
2195 "cats": [
2196 1
2197 ],
2198 "icon": "Contensis.png",
2199 "implies": [
2200 "Java",
2201 "CFML"
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2203 "meta": {
2204 "generator": "Contensis CMS Version ([\\d.]+)\\;version:\\1"
2205 },
2206 "website": "https://zengenti.com/en-gb/products/contensis"
2207 },
2208 "ContentBox": {
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2211 11
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2213 "icon": "ContentBox.png",
2214 "implies": "Adobe ColdFusion",
2215 "meta": {
2216 "generator": "ContentBox powered by ColdBox"
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2218 "website": "http://www.gocontentbox.org"
2219 },
2220 "Contentful": {
2221 "cats": [
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2223 ],
2224 "html": "<[^>]+(?:https?:)?//(?:assets|downloads|images|videos)\\.(?:ct?fassets\\.net|contentful\\.com)",
2225 "icon": "Contentful.svg",
2226 "website": "http://www.contentful.com"
2227 },
2228 "ConversionLab": {
2229 "cats": [
2230 10
2231 ],
2232 "icon": "ConversionLab.png",
2233 "script": "conversionlab\\.trackset\\.com/track/tsend\\.js",
2234 "website": "http://www.trackset.it/conversionlab"
2235 },
2236 "Coppermine": {
2237 "cats": [
2238 7
2239 ],
2240 "html": "<!--Coppermine Photo Gallery ([\\d.]+)\\;version:\\1",
2241 "icon": "Coppermine.png",
2242 "implies": "PHP",
2243 "website": "http://coppermine-gallery.net"
2244 },
2245 "Cosmoshop": {
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2248 ],
2249 "icon": "Cosmoshop.png",
2250 "script": "cosmoshop_functions\\.js",
2251 "website": "http://cosmoshop.de"
2252 },
2253 "Cotonti": {
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2255 1
2256 ],
2257 "icon": "Cotonti.png",
2258 "implies": "PHP",
2259 "meta": {
2260 "generator": "Cotonti"
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2262 "website": "http://www.cotonti.com"
2263 },
2264 "CouchDB": {
2265 "cats": [
2266 22
2267 ],
2268 "headers": {
2269 "Server": "CouchDB/([\\d.]+)\\;version:\\1"
2270 },
2271 "icon": "CouchDB.png",
2272 "website": "http://couchdb.apache.org"
2273 },
2274 "Countly": {
2275 "cats": [
2276 10
2277 ],
2278 "icon": "Countly.png",
2279 "js": {
2280 "Countly": ""
2281 },
2282 "website": "https://count.ly"
2283 },
2284 "Cowboy": {
2285 "cats": [
2286 18,
2287 22
2288 ],
2289 "headers": {
2290 "Server": "^Cowboy$"
2291 },
2292 "icon": "Cowboy.png",
2293 "implies": "Erlang",
2294 "website": "http://ninenines.eu"
2295 },
2296 "CppCMS": {
2297 "cats": [
2298 1
2299 ],
2300 "headers": {
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2302 },
2303 "icon": "CppCMS.png",
2304 "implies": "C\\+\\+",
2305 "website": "http://cppcms.com"
2306 },
2307 "Craft CMS": {
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2311 "cookies": {
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2315 "X-Powered-By": "\\bCraft CMS\\b"
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2317 "icon": "Craft CMS.svg",
2318 "implies": "Yii",
2319 "website": "https://craftcms.com"
2320 },
2321 "Craft Commerce": {
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2325 "headers": {
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2328 "icon": "Craft CMS.svg",
2329 "implies": "Craft CMS",
2330 "website": "https://craftcommerce.com"
2331 },
2332 "Crazy Egg": {
2333 "cats": [
2334 10
2335 ],
2336 "icon": "Crazy Egg.png",
2337 "js": {
2338 "CE2": ""
2339 },
2340 "script": "script\\.crazyegg\\.com/pages/scripts/\\d+/\\d+\\.js",
2341 "website": "http://crazyegg.com"
2342 },
2343 "Criteo": {
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2345 36
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2347 "icon": "Criteo.svg",
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2354 "//(?:cas\\.criteo\\.com|(?:[^/]\\.)?criteo\\.net)/",
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2357 "website": "http://criteo.com"
2358 },
2359 "Cross Pixel": {
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2363 "icon": "Cross Pixel.png",
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2367 "script": "tag\\.crsspxl\\.com/s1\\.js",
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2370 "CrossBox": {
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2374 "icon": "CrossBox.png",
2375 "html": "<span class=\"product-name-loading\">CrossBox Premium Webmail",
2376 "website": "https://crossbox.io"
2377 },
2378 "Crypto-Loot": {
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2380 56
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2382 "icon": "Crypto-Loot.png",
2383 "js": {
2385 "CryptoLoot": ""
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2387 "script": [
2388 "^/crypto-loot\\.com/lib/",
2389 "^/webmine\\.pro/",
2390 "^/cryptoloot\\.pro/",
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13636 "39": {
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13644 "42": {
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13647 },
13648 "44": {
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13652 "45": {
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13656 "46": {
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13660 "47": {
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13664 "48": {
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13668 "49": {
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13671 },
13672 "50": {
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13675 },
13676 "51": {
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13679 },
13680 "52": {
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13683 },
13684 "53": {
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13688 "54": {
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13700 "57": {
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13704 "58": {
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13712 "60": {
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