5.61 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2// http://www.jshint.com/docs/options/
4module.exports = {
5 /**
6 * Enforcing options
7 * When set to true, these options will make JSHint produce more warnings about your code.
8 */
10 // This option prohibits the use of bitwise operators such as ^ (XOR), | (OR) and others.
11 // Bitwise operators are very rare in JavaScript programs and quite often & is simply a mistyped &&.
12 bitwise: false,
13 // This option allows you to force all variable names to use either camelCase style or UPPER_CASE with underscores.
14 camelcase: false,
15 // This option requires you to always put curly braces around blocks in loops and conditionals.
16 curly: true,
17 // This options prohibits the use of == and != in favor of === and !==.
18 eqeqeq: true,
19 // This option tells JSHint that your code needs to adhere to ECMAScript 3 specification.
20 es3: true,
21 // This option requires all for in loops to filter object's items.
22 forin: false,
23 // This option prohibits the use of immediate function invocations without wrapping them in parentheses.
24 immed: true,
25 // This option enforces specific tab width for your code. For example, the following code will trigger a warning on line 4:
26 indent: 4,
27 // This option prohibits the use of a variable before it was defined.
28 latedef: true,
29 // This option requires you to capitalize names of constructor functions.
30 newcap: true,
31 // This option prohibits the use of arguments.caller and arguments.callee.
32 noarg: true,
33 // This option warns when you have an empty block in your code.
34 noempty: false,
35 // This option prohibits the use of constructor functions for side-effects.
36 nonew: true,
37 // This option prohibits the use of unary increment and decrement operators.
38 plusplus: false,
39 // This option enforces the consistency of quotation marks used throughout your code.
40 quotmark: true,
41 // This option prohibits the use of explicitly undeclared variables.
42 undef: true,
43 // This option warns when you define and never use your variables.
44 unused: false,
45 // This option requires all functions to run in ECMAScript 5's strict mode.
46 strict: false,
47 // This option makes it an error to leave a trailing whitespace in your code.
48 trailing: false,
50 /**
51 * Relaxing options
52 * When set to true, these options will make JSHint produce less warnings about your code.
53 */
55 // This option suppresses warnings about missing semicolons.
56 asi: false,
57 // This option suppresses warnings about the use of assignments in cases where comparisons are expected.
58 boss: false,
59 // This option suppresses warnings about the debugger statements in your code.
60 debug: false,
61 // This option suppresses warnings about == null comparisons.
62 eqnull: false,
63 // This option tells JSHint that your code uses ECMAScript 6 specific syntax.
64 esnext: false,
65 // This option suppresses warnings about the use of eval.
66 evil: false,
67 // This option suppresses warnings about the use of expressions where normally you would expect to see assignments or function calls.
68 expr: false,
69 // This option suppresses warnings about declaring variables inside of control structures while accessing them later from the outside.
70 funcscope: false,
71 // This option suppresses warnings about the use of global strict mode.
72 globalstrict: false,
73 // This option suppresses warnings about the __iterator__ property.
74 iterator: false,
75 // This option suppresses warnings about missing semicolons, but only when the semicolon is omitted for the last statement in a one-line block.
76 lastsemic: false,
77 // This option suppresses most of the warnings about possibly unsafe line breakings in your code.
78 laxbreak: false,
79 // This option suppresses warnings about comma-first coding style.
80 laxcomma: false,
81 // This option suppresses warnings about functions inside of loops.
82 loopfunc: false,
83 // This options tells JSHint that your code uses Mozilla JavaScript extensions.
84 moz: false,
85 // This option suppresses warnings about multi-line strings.
86 multistr: false,
87 // This option suppresses warnings about the __proto__ property.
88 proto: false,
89 // This option suppresses warnings about the use of script-targeted URLs—such as javascript:....
90 scripturl: false,
91 // This option suppresses warnings about mixed tabs and spaces when the latter are used for alignmnent only.
92 smarttabs: false,
93 // This option suppresses warnings about variable shadowing i.e. declaring a variable that had been already declared somewhere in the outer scope.
94 shadow: false,
95 // This option suppresses warnings about using [] notation when it can be expressed in dot notation
96 sub: true,
97 // This option suppresses warnings about "weird" constructions like new function () { ... } and new Object;.
98 supernew: false,
99 // This option suppresses warnings about possible strict violations when the code is running in strict mode and you use this in a non-constructor function.
100 validthis: false,
103 /**
104 * Environments
105 * These options let JSHint know about some pre-defined global variables.
106 */
107 // This option defines globals exposed by modern browsers.
108 browser: true,
110 globals: {
111 __dirname: true,
112 process: true,
113 exports: true,
114 module: true,
115 console: true,
116 define: true,
117 require: true,
118 requirejs: true,
119 Buffer: true,
120 JSON: true
121 }