1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 | export type Message = CommandResponse | ErrorResponse | Event;
16 | export interface CommandResponse extends Extensible {
17 | type: 'success';
18 | id: JsUint;
19 | result: ResultData;
20 | }
21 | export interface ErrorResponse extends Extensible {
22 | type: 'error';
23 | id: JsUint | null;
24 | error: ErrorCode;
25 | message: string;
26 | stacktrace?: string;
27 | }
28 | export type ResultData = BrowsingContextResult | EmptyResult | NetworkResult | ScriptResult | SessionResult | StorageResult;
29 | export interface EmptyResult extends Extensible {
30 | }
31 | export interface Event extends Extensible {
32 | type: 'event';
33 | }
34 | export type EventData = BrowsingContextEvent | LogEvent | NetworkEvent | ScriptEvent;
35 | export type Extensible = Record<string, unknown>;
36 | export type JsInt = number;
37 | export type JsUint = number;
38 | export type ErrorCode = 'invalid argument' | 'invalid selector' | 'invalid session id' | 'move target out of bounds' | 'no such alert' | 'no such element' | 'no such frame' | 'no such handle' | 'no such history entry' | 'no such intercept' | 'no such node' | 'no such request' | 'no such script' | 'no such storage partition' | 'no such user context' | 'session not created' | 'unable to capture screen' | 'unable to close browser' | 'unable to set cookie' | 'unable to set file input' | 'underspecified storage partition' | 'unknown command' | 'unknown error' | 'unsupported operation';
39 | export type SessionResult = SessionNewResult | SessionStatusResult;
40 | export interface SessionCapabilitiesRequest {
41 | alwaysMatch?: SessionCapabilityRequest;
42 | firstMatch?: SessionCapabilityRequest[];
43 | }
44 | export interface SessionCapabilityRequest extends Extensible {
45 | acceptInsecureCerts?: boolean;
46 | browserName?: string;
47 | browserVersion?: string;
48 | platformName?: string;
49 | proxy?: SessionProxyConfiguration;
50 | webSocketUrl?: boolean;
51 | }
52 | export type SessionProxyConfiguration = SessionAutodetectProxyConfiguration | SessionDirectProxyConfiguration | SessionManualProxyConfiguration | SessionPacProxyConfiguration | SessionSystemProxyConfiguration;
53 | export interface SessionAutodetectProxyConfiguration extends Extensible {
54 | proxyType: 'autodetect';
55 | }
56 | export interface SessionDirectProxyConfiguration extends Extensible {
57 | proxyType: 'direct';
58 | }
59 | export interface SessionManualProxyConfiguration extends SessionSocksProxyConfiguration, Extensible {
60 | proxyType: 'manual';
61 | ftpProxy?: string;
62 | httpProxy?: string;
63 | sslProxy?: string;
64 | noProxy?: string[];
65 | }
66 | export interface SessionSocksProxyConfiguration {
67 | socksProxy: string;
68 | socksVersion: number;
69 | }
70 | export interface SessionPacProxyConfiguration extends Extensible {
71 | proxyType: 'pac';
72 | proxyAutoconfigUrl: string;
73 | }
74 | export interface SessionSystemProxyConfiguration extends Extensible {
75 | proxyType: 'system';
76 | }
77 | export interface SessionStatusResult {
78 | ready: boolean;
79 | message: string;
80 | }
81 | export interface SessionNewResult {
82 | sessionId: string;
83 | capabilities: {
84 | acceptInsecureCerts: boolean;
85 | browserName: string;
86 | browserVersion: string;
87 | platformName: string;
88 | setWindowRect: boolean;
89 | userAgent: string;
90 | proxy?: SessionProxyConfiguration;
91 | webSocketUrl?: string;
92 | };
93 | }
94 | export type BrowserResult = BrowserCreateUserContextResult | BrowserGetUserContextsResult;
95 | export type BrowserUserContext = string;
96 | export interface BrowserUserContextInfo {
97 | userContext: BrowserUserContext;
98 | }
99 | export type BrowserCreateUserContextResult = BrowserUserContextInfo;
100 | export interface BrowserGetUserContextsResult {
101 | userContexts: BrowserUserContextInfo[];
102 | }
103 | export type BrowsingContextResult = BrowsingContextCaptureScreenshotResult | BrowsingContextCreateResult | BrowsingContextGetTreeResult | BrowsingContextLocateNodesResult | BrowsingContextNavigateResult | BrowsingContextPrintResult | BrowsingContextTraverseHistoryResult;
104 | export type BrowsingContextEvent = BrowsingContextContextCreated | BrowsingContextContextDestroyed | BrowsingContextDomContentLoaded | BrowsingContextDownloadWillBegin | BrowsingContextFragmentNavigated | BrowsingContextLoad | BrowsingContextNavigationAborted | BrowsingContextNavigationFailed | BrowsingContextNavigationStarted | BrowsingContextUserPromptClosed | BrowsingContextUserPromptOpened;
105 | export type BrowsingContextBrowsingContext = string;
106 | export type BrowsingContextInfoList = (BrowsingContextInfo)[];
107 | export interface BrowsingContextInfo {
108 | children: BrowsingContextInfoList | null;
109 | context: BrowsingContextBrowsingContext;
110 | url: string;
111 | userContext: BrowserUserContext;
112 | parent?: BrowsingContextBrowsingContext | null;
113 | }
114 | export type BrowsingContextLocator = BrowsingContextAccessibilityLocator | BrowsingContextCssLocator | BrowsingContextInnerTextLocator | BrowsingContextXPathLocator;
115 | export interface BrowsingContextAccessibilityLocator {
116 | type: 'accessibility';
117 | value: {
118 | name?: string;
119 | role?: string;
120 | };
121 | }
122 | export interface BrowsingContextCssLocator {
123 | type: 'css';
124 | value: string;
125 | }
126 | export interface BrowsingContextInnerTextLocator {
127 | type: 'innerText';
128 | value: string;
129 | ignoreCase?: boolean;
130 | matchType?: 'full' | 'partial';
131 | maxDepth?: JsUint;
132 | }
133 | export interface BrowsingContextXPathLocator {
134 | type: 'xpath';
135 | value: string;
136 | }
137 | export type BrowsingContextNavigation = string;
138 | export interface BrowsingContextNavigationInfo {
139 | context: BrowsingContextBrowsingContext;
140 | navigation: BrowsingContextNavigation | null;
141 | timestamp: JsUint;
142 | url: string;
143 | }
144 | export interface BrowsingContextCaptureScreenshotResult {
145 | data: string;
146 | }
147 | export interface BrowsingContextCreateResult {
148 | context: BrowsingContextBrowsingContext;
149 | }
150 | export interface BrowsingContextGetTreeResult {
151 | contexts: BrowsingContextInfoList;
152 | }
153 | export interface BrowsingContextLocateNodesResult {
154 | nodes: ScriptNodeRemoteValue[];
155 | }
156 | export interface BrowsingContextNavigateResult {
157 | navigation: BrowsingContextNavigation | null;
158 | url: string;
159 | }
160 | export interface BrowsingContextPrintResult {
161 | data: string;
162 | }
163 | export interface BrowsingContextTraverseHistoryResult {
164 | }
165 | export interface BrowsingContextContextCreated {
166 | method: 'browsingContext.contextCreated';
167 | params: BrowsingContextInfo;
168 | }
169 | export interface BrowsingContextContextDestroyed {
170 | method: 'browsingContext.contextDestroyed';
171 | params: BrowsingContextInfo;
172 | }
173 | export interface BrowsingContextNavigationStarted {
174 | method: 'browsingContext.navigationStarted';
175 | params: BrowsingContextNavigationInfo;
176 | }
177 | export interface BrowsingContextFragmentNavigated {
178 | method: 'browsingContext.fragmentNavigated';
179 | params: BrowsingContextNavigationInfo;
180 | }
181 | export interface BrowsingContextDomContentLoaded {
182 | method: 'browsingContext.domContentLoaded';
183 | params: BrowsingContextNavigationInfo;
184 | }
185 | export interface BrowsingContextLoad {
186 | method: 'browsingContext.load';
187 | params: BrowsingContextNavigationInfo;
188 | }
189 | export interface BrowsingContextDownloadWillBegin {
190 | method: 'browsingContext.downloadWillBegin';
191 | params: BrowsingContextNavigationInfo;
192 | }
193 | export interface BrowsingContextNavigationAborted {
194 | method: 'browsingContext.navigationAborted';
195 | params: BrowsingContextNavigationInfo;
196 | }
197 | export interface BrowsingContextNavigationFailed {
198 | method: 'browsingContext.navigationFailed';
199 | params: BrowsingContextNavigationInfo;
200 | }
201 | export interface BrowsingContextUserPromptClosed {
202 | method: 'browsingContext.userPromptClosed';
203 | params: BrowsingContextUserPromptClosedParameters;
204 | }
205 | export interface BrowsingContextUserPromptClosedParameters {
206 | context: BrowsingContextBrowsingContext;
207 | accepted: boolean;
208 | userText?: string;
209 | }
210 | export interface BrowsingContextUserPromptOpened {
211 | method: 'browsingContext.userPromptOpened';
212 | params: BrowsingContextUserPromptOpenedParameters;
213 | }
214 | export interface BrowsingContextUserPromptOpenedParameters {
215 | context: BrowsingContextBrowsingContext;
216 | type: 'alert' | 'confirm' | 'prompt' | 'beforeunload';
217 | message: string;
218 | defaultValue?: string;
219 | }
220 | export interface NetworkResult extends NetworkAddInterceptResult {
221 | }
222 | export type NetworkEvent = NetworkAuthRequired | NetworkBeforeRequestSent | NetworkFetchError | NetworkResponseCompleted | NetworkResponseStarted;
223 | export interface NetworkAuthChallenge {
224 | scheme: string;
225 | realm: string;
226 | }
227 | export interface NetworkBaseParameters {
228 | context: BrowsingContextBrowsingContext | null;
229 | isBlocked: boolean;
230 | navigation: BrowsingContextNavigation | null;
231 | redirectCount: JsUint;
232 | request: NetworkRequestData;
233 | timestamp: JsUint;
234 | intercepts?: NetworkIntercept[];
235 | }
236 | export type NetworkBytesValue = NetworkStringValue | NetworkBase64Value;
237 | export interface NetworkStringValue {
238 | type: 'string';
239 | value: string;
240 | }
241 | export interface NetworkBase64Value {
242 | type: 'base64';
243 | value: string;
244 | }
245 | export type NetworkSameSite = 'strict' | 'lax' | 'none';
246 | export interface NetworkCookie extends Extensible {
247 | name: string;
248 | value: NetworkBytesValue;
249 | domain: string;
250 | path: string;
251 | size: JsUint;
252 | httpOnly: boolean;
253 | secure: boolean;
254 | sameSite: NetworkSameSite;
255 | expiry?: JsUint;
256 | }
257 | export interface NetworkFetchTimingInfo {
258 | timeOrigin: number;
259 | requestTime: number;
260 | redirectStart: number;
261 | redirectEnd: number;
262 | fetchStart: number;
263 | dnsStart: number;
264 | dnsEnd: number;
265 | connectStart: number;
266 | connectEnd: number;
267 | tlsStart: number;
268 | requestStart: number;
269 | responseStart: number;
270 | responseEnd: number;
271 | }
272 | export interface NetworkHeader {
273 | name: string;
274 | value: NetworkBytesValue;
275 | }
276 | export interface NetworkInitiator {
277 | type: 'parser' | 'script' | 'preflight' | 'other';
278 | columnNumber?: JsUint;
279 | lineNumber?: JsUint;
280 | stackTrace?: ScriptStackTrace;
281 | request?: NetworkRequest;
282 | }
283 | export type NetworkIntercept = string;
284 | export type NetworkRequest = string;
285 | export interface NetworkRequestData {
286 | request: NetworkRequest;
287 | url: string;
288 | method: string;
289 | headers: NetworkHeader[];
290 | cookies: NetworkCookie[];
291 | headersSize: JsUint;
292 | bodySize: JsUint | null;
293 | timings: NetworkFetchTimingInfo;
294 | }
295 | export interface NetworkResponseContent {
296 | size: JsUint;
297 | }
298 | export interface NetworkResponseData {
299 | url: string;
300 | protocol: string;
301 | status: JsUint;
302 | statusText: string;
303 | fromCache: boolean;
304 | headers: NetworkHeader[];
305 | mimeType: string;
306 | bytesReceived: JsUint;
307 | headersSize: JsUint | null;
308 | bodySize: JsUint | null;
309 | content: NetworkResponseContent;
310 | authChallenges?: NetworkAuthChallenge[];
311 | }
312 | export interface NetworkAddInterceptResult {
313 | intercept: NetworkIntercept;
314 | }
315 | export interface NetworkAuthRequired {
316 | method: 'network.authRequired';
317 | params: NetworkAuthRequiredParameters;
318 | }
319 | export interface NetworkAuthRequiredParameters extends NetworkBaseParameters {
320 | response: NetworkResponseData;
321 | }
322 | export interface NetworkBeforeRequestSent {
323 | method: 'network.beforeRequestSent';
324 | params: NetworkBeforeRequestSentParameters;
325 | }
326 | export interface NetworkBeforeRequestSentParameters extends NetworkBaseParameters {
327 | initiator: NetworkInitiator;
328 | }
329 | export interface NetworkFetchError {
330 | method: 'network.fetchError';
331 | params: NetworkFetchErrorParameters;
332 | }
333 | export interface NetworkFetchErrorParameters extends NetworkBaseParameters {
334 | errorText: string;
335 | }
336 | export interface NetworkResponseCompleted {
337 | method: 'network.responseCompleted';
338 | params: NetworkResponseCompletedParameters;
339 | }
340 | export interface NetworkResponseCompletedParameters extends NetworkBaseParameters {
341 | response: NetworkResponseData;
342 | }
343 | export interface NetworkResponseStarted {
344 | method: 'network.responseStarted';
345 | params: NetworkResponseStartedParameters;
346 | }
347 | export interface NetworkResponseStartedParameters extends NetworkBaseParameters {
348 | response: NetworkResponseData;
349 | }
350 | export type ScriptResult = ScriptAddPreloadScriptResult | ScriptEvaluateResult | ScriptGetRealmsResult;
351 | export type ScriptEvent = ScriptMessage | ScriptRealmCreated | ScriptRealmDestroyed;
352 | export type ScriptChannel = string;
353 | export interface ScriptChannelValue {
354 | type: 'channel';
355 | value: ScriptChannelProperties;
356 | }
357 | export interface ScriptChannelProperties {
358 | channel: ScriptChannel;
359 | serializationOptions?: ScriptSerializationOptions;
360 | ownership?: ScriptResultOwnership;
361 | }
362 | export type ScriptEvaluateResult = ScriptEvaluateResultSuccess | ScriptEvaluateResultException;
363 | export interface ScriptEvaluateResultSuccess {
364 | type: 'success';
365 | result: ScriptRemoteValue;
366 | realm: ScriptRealm;
367 | }
368 | export interface ScriptEvaluateResultException {
369 | type: 'exception';
370 | exceptionDetails: ScriptExceptionDetails;
371 | realm: ScriptRealm;
372 | }
373 | export interface ScriptExceptionDetails {
374 | columnNumber: JsUint;
375 | exception: ScriptRemoteValue;
376 | lineNumber: JsUint;
377 | stackTrace: ScriptStackTrace;
378 | text: string;
379 | }
380 | export type ScriptHandle = string;
381 | export type ScriptInternalId = string;
382 | export type ScriptLocalValue = ScriptRemoteReference | ScriptPrimitiveProtocolValue | ScriptChannelValue | ScriptArrayLocalValue | ScriptDateLocalValue | ScriptMapLocalValue | ScriptObjectLocalValue | ScriptRegExpLocalValue | ScriptSetLocalValue;
383 | export type ScriptListLocalValue = (ScriptLocalValue)[];
384 | export interface ScriptArrayLocalValue {
385 | type: 'array';
386 | value: ScriptListLocalValue;
387 | }
388 | export interface ScriptDateLocalValue {
389 | type: 'date';
390 | value: string;
391 | }
392 | export type ScriptMappingLocalValue = (ScriptLocalValue | ScriptLocalValue)[];
393 | export interface ScriptMapLocalValue {
394 | type: 'map';
395 | value: ScriptMappingLocalValue;
396 | }
397 | export interface ScriptObjectLocalValue {
398 | type: 'object';
399 | value: ScriptMappingLocalValue;
400 | }
401 | export interface ScriptRegExpValue {
402 | pattern: string;
403 | flags?: string;
404 | }
405 | export interface ScriptRegExpLocalValue {
406 | type: 'regexp';
407 | value: ScriptRegExpValue;
408 | }
409 | export interface ScriptSetLocalValue {
410 | type: 'set';
411 | value: ScriptListLocalValue;
412 | }
413 | export type ScriptPreloadScript = string;
414 | export type ScriptRealm = string;
415 | export type ScriptPrimitiveProtocolValue = ScriptUndefinedValue | ScriptNullValue | ScriptStringValue | ScriptNumberValue | ScriptBooleanValue | ScriptBigIntValue;
416 | export interface ScriptUndefinedValue {
417 | type: 'undefined';
418 | }
419 | export interface ScriptNullValue {
420 | type: null;
421 | }
422 | export interface ScriptStringValue {
423 | type: 'string';
424 | value: string;
425 | }
426 | export type ScriptSpecialNumber = 'NaN' | '-0' | 'Infinity' | '-Infinity';
427 | export interface ScriptNumberValue {
428 | type: 'number';
429 | value: number | ScriptSpecialNumber;
430 | }
431 | export interface ScriptBooleanValue {
432 | type: 'boolean';
433 | value: boolean;
434 | }
435 | export interface ScriptBigIntValue {
436 | type: 'bigint';
437 | value: string;
438 | }
439 | export type ScriptRealmInfo = ScriptWindowRealmInfo | ScriptDedicatedWorkerRealmInfo | ScriptSharedWorkerRealmInfo | ScriptServiceWorkerRealmInfo | ScriptWorkerRealmInfo | ScriptPaintWorkletRealmInfo | ScriptAudioWorkletRealmInfo | ScriptWorkletRealmInfo;
440 | export interface ScriptBaseRealmInfo {
441 | realm: ScriptRealm;
442 | origin: string;
443 | }
444 | export interface ScriptWindowRealmInfo extends ScriptBaseRealmInfo {
445 | type: 'window';
446 | context: BrowsingContextBrowsingContext;
447 | sandbox?: string;
448 | }
449 | export interface ScriptDedicatedWorkerRealmInfo extends ScriptBaseRealmInfo {
450 | type: 'dedicated-worker';
451 | owners: ScriptRealm[];
452 | }
453 | export interface ScriptSharedWorkerRealmInfo extends ScriptBaseRealmInfo {
454 | type: 'shared-worker';
455 | }
456 | export interface ScriptServiceWorkerRealmInfo extends ScriptBaseRealmInfo {
457 | type: 'service-worker';
458 | }
459 | export interface ScriptWorkerRealmInfo extends ScriptBaseRealmInfo {
460 | type: 'worker';
461 | }
462 | export interface ScriptPaintWorkletRealmInfo extends ScriptBaseRealmInfo {
463 | type: 'paint-worklet';
464 | }
465 | export interface ScriptAudioWorkletRealmInfo extends ScriptBaseRealmInfo {
466 | type: 'audio-worklet';
467 | }
468 | export interface ScriptWorkletRealmInfo extends ScriptBaseRealmInfo {
469 | type: 'worklet';
470 | }
471 | export type ScriptRealmType = 'window' | 'dedicated-worker' | 'shared-worker' | 'service-worker' | 'worker' | 'paint-worklet' | 'audio-worklet' | 'worklet';
472 | export type ScriptRemoteReference = ScriptSharedReference | ScriptRemoteObjectReference;
473 | export interface ScriptSharedReference extends Extensible {
474 | sharedId: ScriptSharedId;
475 | handle?: ScriptHandle;
476 | }
477 | export interface ScriptRemoteObjectReference extends Extensible {
478 | handle: ScriptHandle;
479 | sharedId?: ScriptSharedId;
480 | }
481 | export type ScriptRemoteValue = ScriptPrimitiveProtocolValue | ScriptSymbolRemoteValue | ScriptArrayRemoteValue | ScriptObjectRemoteValue | ScriptFunctionRemoteValue | ScriptRegExpRemoteValue | ScriptDateRemoteValue | ScriptMapRemoteValue | ScriptSetRemoteValue | ScriptWeakMapRemoteValue | ScriptWeakSetRemoteValue | ScriptGeneratorRemoteValue | ScriptErrorRemoteValue | ScriptProxyRemoteValue | ScriptPromiseRemoteValue | ScriptTypedArrayRemoteValue | ScriptArrayBufferRemoteValue | ScriptNodeListRemoteValue | ScriptHtmlCollectionRemoteValue | ScriptNodeRemoteValue | ScriptWindowProxyRemoteValue;
482 | export type ScriptListRemoteValue = (ScriptRemoteValue)[];
483 | export type ScriptMappingRemoteValue = (ScriptRemoteValue | ScriptRemoteValue)[];
484 | export interface ScriptSymbolRemoteValue {
485 | type: 'symbol';
486 | handle?: ScriptHandle;
487 | internalId?: ScriptInternalId;
488 | }
489 | export interface ScriptArrayRemoteValue {
490 | type: 'array';
491 | handle?: ScriptHandle;
492 | internalId?: ScriptInternalId;
493 | value?: ScriptListRemoteValue;
494 | }
495 | export interface ScriptObjectRemoteValue {
496 | type: 'object';
497 | handle?: ScriptHandle;
498 | internalId?: ScriptInternalId;
499 | value?: ScriptMappingRemoteValue;
500 | }
501 | export interface ScriptFunctionRemoteValue {
502 | type: 'function';
503 | handle?: ScriptHandle;
504 | internalId?: ScriptInternalId;
505 | }
506 | export interface ScriptRegExpRemoteValue extends ScriptRegExpLocalValue {
507 | handle?: ScriptHandle;
508 | internalId?: ScriptInternalId;
509 | }
510 | export interface ScriptDateRemoteValue extends ScriptDateLocalValue {
511 | handle?: ScriptHandle;
512 | internalId?: ScriptInternalId;
513 | }
514 | export interface ScriptMapRemoteValue {
515 | type: 'map';
516 | handle?: ScriptHandle;
517 | internalId?: ScriptInternalId;
518 | value?: ScriptMappingRemoteValue;
519 | }
520 | export interface ScriptSetRemoteValue {
521 | type: 'set';
522 | handle?: ScriptHandle;
523 | internalId?: ScriptInternalId;
524 | value?: ScriptListRemoteValue;
525 | }
526 | export interface ScriptWeakMapRemoteValue {
527 | type: 'weakmap';
528 | handle?: ScriptHandle;
529 | internalId?: ScriptInternalId;
530 | }
531 | export interface ScriptWeakSetRemoteValue {
532 | type: 'weakset';
533 | handle?: ScriptHandle;
534 | internalId?: ScriptInternalId;
535 | }
536 | export interface ScriptGeneratorRemoteValue {
537 | type: 'generator';
538 | handle?: ScriptHandle;
539 | internalId?: ScriptInternalId;
540 | }
541 | export interface ScriptErrorRemoteValue {
542 | type: 'error';
543 | handle?: ScriptHandle;
544 | internalId?: ScriptInternalId;
545 | }
546 | export interface ScriptProxyRemoteValue {
547 | type: 'proxy';
548 | handle?: ScriptHandle;
549 | internalId?: ScriptInternalId;
550 | }
551 | export interface ScriptPromiseRemoteValue {
552 | type: 'promise';
553 | handle?: ScriptHandle;
554 | internalId?: ScriptInternalId;
555 | }
556 | export interface ScriptTypedArrayRemoteValue {
557 | type: 'typedarray';
558 | handle?: ScriptHandle;
559 | internalId?: ScriptInternalId;
560 | }
561 | export interface ScriptArrayBufferRemoteValue {
562 | type: 'arraybuffer';
563 | handle?: ScriptHandle;
564 | internalId?: ScriptInternalId;
565 | }
566 | export interface ScriptNodeListRemoteValue {
567 | type: 'nodelist';
568 | handle?: ScriptHandle;
569 | internalId?: ScriptInternalId;
570 | value?: ScriptListRemoteValue;
571 | }
572 | export interface ScriptHtmlCollectionRemoteValue {
573 | type: 'htmlcollection';
574 | handle?: ScriptHandle;
575 | internalId?: ScriptInternalId;
576 | value?: ScriptListRemoteValue;
577 | }
578 | export interface ScriptNodeRemoteValue {
579 | type: 'node';
580 | sharedId?: ScriptSharedId;
581 | handle?: ScriptHandle;
582 | internalId?: ScriptInternalId;
583 | value?: ScriptNodeProperties;
584 | }
585 | export interface ScriptNodeProperties {
586 | nodeType: JsUint;
587 | childNodeCount: JsUint;
588 | attributes?: Record<string, string>;
589 | children?: ScriptNodeRemoteValue[];
590 | localName?: string;
591 | mode?: 'open' | 'closed';
592 | namespaceUri?: string;
593 | nodeValue?: string;
594 | shadowRoot?: ScriptNodeRemoteValue | null;
595 | }
596 | export interface ScriptWindowProxyRemoteValue {
597 | type: 'window';
598 | value: ScriptWindowProxyProperties;
599 | handle?: ScriptHandle;
600 | internalId?: ScriptInternalId;
601 | }
602 | export interface ScriptWindowProxyProperties {
603 | context: BrowsingContextBrowsingContext;
604 | }
605 | export type ScriptResultOwnership = 'root' | 'none';
606 | export interface ScriptSerializationOptions {
607 | maxDomDepth?: JsUint | null;
608 | |
609 |
610 |
611 | maxObjectDepth?: JsUint | null;
612 | |
613 |
614 |
615 | includeShadowTree?: 'none' | 'open' | 'all';
616 | }
617 | export type ScriptSharedId = string;
618 | export interface ScriptStackFrame {
619 | columnNumber: JsUint;
620 | functionName: string;
621 | lineNumber: JsUint;
622 | url: string;
623 | }
624 | export interface ScriptStackTrace {
625 | callFrames: ScriptStackFrame[];
626 | }
627 | export interface ScriptSource {
628 | realm: ScriptRealm;
629 | context?: BrowsingContextBrowsingContext;
630 | }
631 | export interface ScriptAddPreloadScriptResult {
632 | script: ScriptPreloadScript;
633 | }
634 | export interface ScriptGetRealmsResult {
635 | realms: ScriptRealmInfo[];
636 | }
637 | export interface ScriptMessage {
638 | method: 'script.message';
639 | params: ScriptMessageParameters;
640 | }
641 | export interface ScriptMessageParameters {
642 | channel: ScriptChannel;
643 | data: ScriptRemoteValue;
644 | source: ScriptSource;
645 | }
646 | export interface ScriptRealmCreated {
647 | method: 'script.realmCreated';
648 | params: ScriptRealmInfo;
649 | }
650 | export interface ScriptRealmDestroyed {
651 | method: 'script.realmDestroyed';
652 | params: ScriptRealmDestroyedParameters;
653 | }
654 | export interface ScriptRealmDestroyedParameters {
655 | realm: ScriptRealm;
656 | }
657 | export type StorageResult = StorageDeleteCookiesResult | StorageGetCookiesResult | StorageSetCookieResult;
658 | export interface StoragePartitionKey extends Extensible {
659 | userContext?: string;
660 | sourceOrigin?: string;
661 | }
662 | export interface StorageGetCookiesResult {
663 | cookies: NetworkCookie[];
664 | partitionKey: StoragePartitionKey;
665 | }
666 | export interface StorageSetCookieResult {
667 | partitionKey: StoragePartitionKey;
668 | }
669 | export interface StorageDeleteCookiesResult {
670 | partitionKey: StoragePartitionKey;
671 | }
672 | export interface LogEvent extends LogEntryAdded {
673 | }
674 | export type LogLevel = 'debug' | 'info' | 'warn' | 'error';
675 | export type LogEntry = LogGenericLogEntry | LogConsoleLogEntry | LogJavascriptLogEntry;
676 | export interface LogBaseLogEntry {
677 | level: LogLevel;
678 | source: ScriptSource;
679 | text: string | null;
680 | timestamp: JsUint;
681 | stackTrace?: ScriptStackTrace;
682 | }
683 | export interface LogGenericLogEntry extends LogBaseLogEntry {
684 | type: string;
685 | }
686 | export interface LogConsoleLogEntry extends LogBaseLogEntry {
687 | type: 'console';
688 | method: string;
689 | args: ScriptRemoteValue[];
690 | }
691 | export interface LogJavascriptLogEntry extends LogBaseLogEntry {
692 | type: 'javascript';
693 | }
694 | export interface LogEntryAdded {
695 | method: 'log.entryAdded';
696 | params: LogEntry;
697 | }
698 |
\ | No newline at end of file |