1 | import type { EventEmitter } from 'node:events';
2 | import type { remote, SessionFlags, AttachOptions as WebDriverAttachOptions, BidiHandler, EventMap } from 'webdriver';
3 | import type { Capabilities, Options, ThenArg } from '@wdio/types';
4 | import type { ElementReference, ProtocolCommands } from '@wdio/protocols';
5 | import type { Browser as PuppeteerBrowser } from 'puppeteer-core';
6 | import type { Dialog as DialogImport } from './session/dialog.js';
7 | import type * as BrowserCommands from './commands/browser.js';
8 | import type * as ElementCommands from './commands/element.js';
9 | import type { Button, ButtonNames } from './utils/actions/pointer.js';
10 | import type WebDriverInterception from './utils/interception/index.js';
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 | export * from './utils/interception/types.js';
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 | export * from './utils/actions/index.js';
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 | export { InitScript } from './commands/browser/addInitScript.js';
23 | type $BrowserCommands = typeof BrowserCommands;
24 | type $ElementCommands = typeof ElementCommands;
25 | type ElementQueryCommands = '$' | 'custom$' | 'shadow$' | 'react$';
26 | type ElementsQueryCommands = '$$' | 'custom$$' | 'shadow$$' | 'react$$';
27 | type ChainablePrototype = {
28 | [K in ElementQueryCommands]: (...args: Parameters<$ElementCommands[K]>) => ChainablePromiseElement;
29 | } & {
30 | [K in ElementsQueryCommands]: (...args: Parameters<$ElementCommands[K]>) => ChainablePromiseArray;
31 | };
32 | type AsyncElementProto = {
33 | [K in keyof Omit<$ElementCommands, keyof ChainablePrototype>]: OmitThisParameter<$ElementCommands[K]>;
34 | } & ChainablePrototype;
35 | interface ChainablePromiseBaseElement {
36 | |
37 |
38 |
39 | elementId: Promise<string>;
40 | |
41 |
42 |
43 | parent: Promise<WebdriverIO.Element | WebdriverIO.Browser | WebdriverIO.MultiRemoteBrowser>;
44 | |
45 |
46 |
47 |
48 |
49 |
50 | selector: Promise<Selector>;
51 | |
52 |
53 |
54 | error?: Promise<Error>;
55 | |
56 |
57 |
58 | index?: Promise<number>;
59 | |
60 |
61 |
62 | getElement(): Promise<WebdriverIO.Element>;
63 | }
64 | export interface ChainablePromiseElement extends ChainablePromiseBaseElement, AsyncElementProto, Omit<WebdriverIO.Element, keyof ChainablePromiseBaseElement | keyof AsyncElementProto> {
65 | }
66 | interface AsyncIterators<T> {
67 | |
68 |
69 |
70 | forEach: <T>(callback: (currentValue: WebdriverIO.Element, index: number, array: T[]) => void, thisArg?: T) => Promise<void>;
71 | forEachSeries: <T>(callback: (currentValue: WebdriverIO.Element, index: number, array: T[]) => void, thisArg?: T) => Promise<void>;
72 | map: <U>(callback: (currentValue: WebdriverIO.Element, index: number, array: T[]) => U | Promise<U>, thisArg?: T) => Promise<U[]>;
73 | mapSeries: <T, U>(callback: (currentValue: WebdriverIO.Element, index: number, array: T[]) => U | Promise<U>, thisArg?: T) => Promise<U[]>;
74 | find: <T>(callback: (currentValue: WebdriverIO.Element, index: number, array: T[]) => boolean | Promise<boolean>, thisArg?: T) => Promise<T>;
75 | findSeries: <T>(callback: (currentValue: WebdriverIO.Element, index: number, array: T[]) => boolean | Promise<boolean>, thisArg?: T) => Promise<T>;
76 | findIndex: <T>(callback: (currentValue: WebdriverIO.Element, index: number, array: T[]) => boolean | Promise<boolean>, thisArg?: T) => Promise<number>;
77 | findIndexSeries: <T>(callback: (currentValue: WebdriverIO.Element, index: number, array: T[]) => boolean | Promise<boolean>, thisArg?: T) => Promise<number>;
78 | some: <T>(callback: (currentValue: WebdriverIO.Element, index: number, array: T[]) => boolean | Promise<boolean>, thisArg?: T) => Promise<boolean>;
79 | someSeries: <T>(callback: (currentValue: WebdriverIO.Element, index: number, array: T[]) => boolean | Promise<boolean>, thisArg?: T) => Promise<boolean>;
80 | every: <T>(callback: (currentValue: WebdriverIO.Element, index: number, array: T[]) => boolean | Promise<boolean>, thisArg?: T) => Promise<boolean>;
81 | everySeries: <T>(callback: (currentValue: WebdriverIO.Element, index: number, array: T[]) => boolean | Promise<boolean>, thisArg?: T) => Promise<boolean>;
82 | filter: <T>(callback: (currentValue: WebdriverIO.Element, index: number, array: T[]) => boolean | Promise<boolean>, thisArg?: T) => Promise<WebdriverIO.Element[]>;
83 | filterSeries: <T>(callback: (currentValue: WebdriverIO.Element, index: number, array: T[]) => boolean | Promise<boolean>, thisArg?: T) => Promise<WebdriverIO.Element[]>;
84 | reduce: <T, U>(callback: (accumulator: U, currentValue: WebdriverIO.Element, currentIndex: number, array: T[]) => U | Promise<U>, initialValue?: U) => Promise<U>;
85 | }
86 | export interface ChainablePromiseArray extends AsyncIterators<WebdriverIO.Element> {
87 | [Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterableIterator<WebdriverIO.Element>;
88 | [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<WebdriverIO.Element>;
89 | |
90 |
91 |
92 | length: Promise<number>;
93 | |
94 |
95 |
96 |
97 |
98 |
99 | selector: Promise<Selector>;
100 | |
101 |
102 |
103 | parent: Promise<WebdriverIO.Element | WebdriverIO.Browser | WebdriverIO.MultiRemoteBrowser>;
104 | |
105 |
106 |
107 | [n: number]: ChainablePromiseElement;
108 | |
109 |
110 |
111 | getElements(): Promise<WebdriverIO.ElementArray>;
112 | }
113 | export type BrowserCommandsType = Omit<$BrowserCommands, keyof ChainablePrototype> & ChainablePrototype;
114 | export type ElementCommandsType = Omit<$ElementCommands, keyof ChainablePrototype> & ChainablePrototype;
115 |
116 |
117 |
118 | type SingleElementCommandNames = '$' | 'custom$' | 'react$';
119 | type MultiElementCommandNames = '$$' | 'custom$$' | 'react$$';
120 | type ElementCommandNames = SingleElementCommandNames | MultiElementCommandNames;
121 | type MultiRemoteElementCommands = {
122 | [K in keyof Pick<BrowserCommandsType, SingleElementCommandNames>]: (...args: Parameters<BrowserCommandsType[K]>) => ThenArg<WebdriverIO.MultiRemoteElement>;
123 | } & {
124 | [K in keyof Pick<BrowserCommandsType, MultiElementCommandNames>]: (...args: Parameters<BrowserCommandsType[K]>) => ThenArg<WebdriverIO.MultiRemoteElement[]>;
125 | };
126 | export type MultiRemoteBrowserCommandsType = {
127 | [K in keyof Omit<BrowserCommandsType, ElementCommandNames | 'SESSION_MOCKS' | 'CDP_SESSIONS'>]: (...args: Parameters<BrowserCommandsType[K]>) => Promise<ThenArg<ReturnType<BrowserCommandsType[K]>>[]>;
128 | } & MultiRemoteElementCommands;
129 | export type MultiRemoteElementCommandsType = {
130 | [K in keyof Omit<ElementCommandsType, ElementCommandNames>]: (...args: Parameters<ElementCommandsType[K]>) => Promise<ThenArg<ReturnType<ElementCommandsType[K]>>[]>;
131 | } & MultiRemoteElementCommands;
132 | export type MultiRemoteProtocolCommandsType = {
133 | [K in keyof ProtocolCommands]: (...args: Parameters<ProtocolCommands[K]>) => Promise<ThenArg<ReturnType<ProtocolCommands[K]>>[]>;
134 | };
135 | interface ElementArrayExport extends Omit<Array<WebdriverIO.Element>, keyof AsyncIterators<WebdriverIO.Element>>, AsyncIterators<WebdriverIO.Element> {
136 | |
137 |
138 |
139 |
140 |
141 |
142 | selector: Selector;
143 | |
144 |
145 |
146 | parent: WebdriverIO.Element | WebdriverIO.Browser | WebdriverIO.MultiRemoteBrowser;
147 | |
148 |
149 |
150 | foundWith: string;
151 | |
152 |
153 |
154 | props: any[];
155 | |
156 |
157 |
158 | length: number;
159 | |
160 |
161 |
162 | getElements(): Promise<WebdriverIO.ElementArray>;
163 | }
164 | export type ElementArray = ElementArrayExport;
165 | type AddCommandFnScoped<InstanceType = WebdriverIO.Browser, IsElement extends boolean = false> = (this: IsElement extends true ? Element : InstanceType, ...args: any[]) => any;
166 | export type AddCommandFn = (...args: any[]) => any;
167 | type OverwriteCommandFnScoped<ElementKey extends keyof $ElementCommands, BrowserKey extends keyof $BrowserCommands, IsElement extends boolean = false> = (this: IsElement extends true ? WebdriverIO.Element : WebdriverIO.Browser, origCommand: (...args: any[]) => IsElement extends true ? $ElementCommands[ElementKey] : $BrowserCommands[BrowserKey], ...args: any[]) => Promise<any>;
168 | type OverwriteCommandFn<ElementKey extends keyof $ElementCommands, BrowserKey extends keyof $BrowserCommands, IsElement extends boolean = false> = (origCommand: (...args: any[]) => IsElement extends true ? $ElementCommands[ElementKey] : $BrowserCommands[BrowserKey], ...args: any[]) => Promise<any>;
169 | export type CustomLocatorReturnValue = HTMLElement | HTMLElement[] | NodeListOf<HTMLElement>;
170 | export interface CustomInstanceCommands<T> {
171 | |
172 |
173 |
174 | addCommand<IsElement extends boolean = false>(name: string, func: AddCommandFn | AddCommandFnScoped<T, IsElement>, attachToElement?: IsElement, proto?: Record<string, any>, instances?: Record<string, WebdriverIO.Browser | WebdriverIO.MultiRemoteBrowser>): void;
175 | |
176 |
177 |
178 | overwriteCommand<ElementKey extends keyof $ElementCommands, BrowserKey extends keyof $BrowserCommands, IsElement extends boolean = false>(name: IsElement extends true ? ElementKey : BrowserKey, func: OverwriteCommandFn<ElementKey, BrowserKey, IsElement> | OverwriteCommandFnScoped<ElementKey, BrowserKey, IsElement>, attachToElement?: IsElement, proto?: Record<string, any>, instances?: Record<string, WebdriverIO.Browser | WebdriverIO.MultiRemoteBrowser>): void;
179 | |
180 |
181 |
182 | addLocatorStrategy(name: string, func: ((selector: string, root: HTMLElement) => CustomLocatorReturnValue) | ((selector: string) => CustomLocatorReturnValue)): void;
183 | }
184 | interface InstanceBase extends EventEmitter, SessionFlags {
185 | /**
186 | * Session id for the current running session
187 | */
188 | sessionId: string;
189 | /**
190 | * Applied WebdriverIO options (options that aren't officially part of WebdriverIO are stripped
191 | * out of this object).
192 | */
193 | options: Options.WebdriverIO | Options.Testrunner;
194 | /**
195 | * Puppeteer instance
196 | */
197 | puppeteer?: PuppeteerBrowser;
198 | strategies: Map<any, any>;
199 | commandList: string[];
200 | /**
201 | * @private
202 | */
203 | __propertiesObject__: Record<string, PropertyDescriptor>;
204 | /**
205 | * @private
206 | */
207 | wdioRetries?: number;
208 | }
209 | /**
210 | * a browser base that has everything besides commands which are defined for sync and async separately
211 | */
212 | export interface BrowserBase extends InstanceBase, CustomInstanceCommands<WebdriverIO.Browser> {
213 | isMultiremote: false;
214 | /**
215 | * capabilities of the browser instance
216 | */
217 | capabilities: WebdriverIO.Capabilities;
218 | }
219 | export type WebdriverIOEventMap = EventMap & {
220 | 'dialog': WebdriverIO.Dialog;
221 | };
222 | interface BidiEventHandler {
223 | on<K extends keyof WebdriverIOEventMap>(event: K, listener: (this: WebdriverIO.Browser, param: WebdriverIOEventMap[K]) => void): this;
224 | once<K extends keyof WebdriverIOEventMap>(event: K, listener: (this: WebdriverIO.Browser, param: WebdriverIOEventMap[K]) => void): this;
225 | }
226 | /**
227 | * @private
228 | */
229 | export interface Browser extends Omit<BrowserBase, 'on' | 'once'>, BidiEventHandler, BidiHandler, ProtocolCommands, BrowserCommandsType {
230 | }
231 | /**
232 | * export a browser interface that can be used for typing plugins
233 | */
234 | export interface ElementBase extends InstanceBase, ElementReference, CustomInstanceCommands<WebdriverIO.Element> {
235 | /**
236 | * capabilities of the browser instance
237 | */
238 | capabilities: WebdriverIO.Capabilities;
239 | /**
240 | * WebDriver element reference
241 | */
242 | elementId: string;
243 | /**
244 | * WebDriver element reference
245 | */
246 | ELEMENT: string;
247 | /**
248 | * selector used to fetch this element, can be
249 | * - undefined if element was created via `$({ 'element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf': 'ELEMENT-1' })`
250 | * - a string if `findElement` was used and a reference was found
251 | * - or a functin if element was found via e.g. `$(() => document.body)`
252 | */
253 | selector: Selector;
254 | /**
255 | * index of the element if fetched with `$$`
256 | */
257 | index?: number;
258 | /**
259 | * parent of the element if fetched via `$(parent).$(child)`
260 | */
261 | parent: WebdriverIO.Element | WebdriverIO.Browser;
262 | /**
263 | * true if element is a React component
264 | */
265 | isReactElement?: boolean;
266 | /**
267 | * true if element was queried from a shadow root
268 | */
269 | isShadowElement?: boolean;
270 | /**
271 | * error response if element was not found
272 | */
273 | error?: Error;
274 | /**
275 | * locator of the element
276 | * @requires WebDriver Bidi
277 | */
278 | locator?: remote.BrowsingContextLocator;
279 | }
280 | /**
281 | * @deprecated use `WebdriverIO.Element` instead
282 | */
283 | export interface Element extends ElementBase, ProtocolCommands, ElementCommandsType {
284 | }
285 | interface MultiRemoteBase extends Omit<InstanceBase, 'sessionId'>, CustomInstanceCommands<WebdriverIO.MultiRemoteBrowser> {
286 | /**
287 | * capabilities of the browser instance
288 | */
289 | capabilities: Capabilities.RequestedMultiremoteCapabilities;
290 | /**
291 | * multiremote browser instance names
292 | */
293 | instances: string[];
294 | /**
295 | * flag to indicate multiremote browser session
296 | */
297 | isMultiremote: true;
298 | /**
299 | * get a specific instance to run commands on it
300 | */
301 | getInstance: (browserName: string) => WebdriverIO.Browser;
302 | }
303 | interface MultiRemoteElementBase {
304 | selector: string;
305 | |
306 |
307 |
308 | instances: string[];
309 | commandList: string[];
310 | addCommand: Function;
311 | overwriteCommand: Function;
312 | |
313 |
314 |
315 | isMultiremote: true;
316 | |
317 |
318 |
319 | getInstance: (browserName: string) => WebdriverIO.Element;
320 | __propertiesObject__: never;
321 | }
322 | interface MultiRemoteBrowserType extends MultiRemoteBase, MultiRemoteBrowserCommandsType, MultiRemoteProtocolCommandsType {
323 | }
324 |
325 |
326 |
327 | export interface MultiRemoteBrowser extends MultiRemoteBrowserType {
328 | }
329 | interface MultiRemoteElementType extends MultiRemoteElementBase, MultiRemoteProtocolCommandsType, Omit<MultiRemoteBrowserCommandsType, keyof MultiRemoteElementCommandsType>, MultiRemoteElementCommandsType {
330 | }
331 |
332 |
333 |
334 | export interface MultiRemoteElement extends MultiRemoteElementType {
335 | }
336 | export type ElementFunction = ((elem: HTMLElement) => HTMLElement | undefined) | ((elem: HTMLElement) => (HTMLElement | undefined)[]);
337 | export type CustomStrategyFunction = (...args: any) => ElementReference | ElementReference[];
338 | export type CustomStrategyReference = {
339 | strategy: CustomStrategyFunction;
340 | strategyName: string;
341 | strategyArguments: any[];
342 | };
343 | export type Selector = string | ElementReference | ElementFunction | CustomStrategyReference | HTMLElement;
344 | interface CSSValue {
345 | type: string;
346 | string: string;
347 | unit: string;
348 | value: any;
349 | }
350 | interface ParsedColor extends Partial<CSSValue> {
351 | rgb?: string;
352 | rgba?: string;
353 | hex?: string;
354 | }
355 | export interface ParsedCSSValue {
356 | property?: string;
357 | value?: string;
358 | parsed: ParsedColor;
359 | }
360 | interface NoneActionEntity {
361 | type: 'pause';
362 | duration: number;
363 | }
364 | interface PointerActionEntity {
365 | type: 'pointerMove' | 'pointerDown' | 'pointerUp' | 'pointerCancel' | 'pause';
366 | duration?: number;
367 | x?: number;
368 | y?: number;
369 | button?: number;
370 | }
371 | interface KeyActionEntity {
372 | type: 'keyUp' | 'keyDown';
373 | duration?: number;
374 | value?: string;
375 | }
376 | export interface Action {
377 | id: string;
378 | actions: (NoneActionEntity | PointerActionEntity | KeyActionEntity)[];
379 | type?: 'pointer' | 'key';
380 | parameters?: {
381 | pointerType: 'mouse' | 'pen' | 'touch';
382 | };
383 | }
384 | export interface ActionParameter {
385 | actions: Action[];
386 | }
387 | export type ActionTypes = 'press' | 'longPress' | 'tap' | 'moveTo' | 'wait' | 'release';
388 | export interface TouchAction {
389 | action: ActionTypes;
390 | x?: number;
391 | y?: number;
392 | element?: WebdriverIO.Element;
393 | ms?: number;
394 | }
395 | export type TouchActionParameter = string | string[] | TouchAction | TouchAction[];
396 | export type TouchActions = TouchActionParameter | TouchActionParameter[];
397 | export type Matcher = {
398 | name: string;
399 | args: Array<string | object>;
400 | class?: string;
401 | };
402 | export type ReactSelectorOptions = {
403 | props?: Record<string, unknown>;
404 | state?: Record<string, unknown>;
405 | };
406 | export type MoveToOptions = {
407 | xOffset?: number;
408 | yOffset?: number;
409 | };
410 | export type DragAndDropOptions = {
411 | duration?: number;
412 | };
413 | export type NewWindowOptions = {
414 | type?: 'tab' | 'window';
415 | windowName?: string;
416 | windowFeatures?: string;
417 | };
418 | export type TapOptions = MobileScrollIntoViewOptions & {
419 | x?: number;
420 | y?: number;
421 | };
422 | export type LongPressOptions = {
423 | x: number;
424 | y: number;
425 | duration: number;
426 | };
427 | export type ClickOptions = LongPressOptions & {
428 | button: Button | ButtonNames;
429 | skipRelease: boolean;
430 | };
431 | export type PinchAndZoomOptions = {
432 | duration: number;
433 | scale: number;
434 | };
435 | export type WaitForOptions = {
436 | timeout?: number;
437 | interval?: number;
438 | timeoutMsg?: string;
439 | reverse?: boolean;
440 | withinViewport?: boolean;
441 | };
442 | export declare enum MobileScrollDirection {
443 | Down = "down",
444 | Up = "up",
445 | Left = "left",
446 | Right = "right"
447 | }
448 | export type XY = {
449 | x: number;
450 | y: number;
451 | };
452 | export type SwipeOptions = {
453 | direction?: `${MobileScrollDirection}`;
454 | duration?: number;
455 | from?: XY;
456 | percent?: number;
457 | scrollableElement?: WebdriverIO.Element | ChainablePromiseElement;
458 | to?: XY;
459 | };
460 | export type MobileScrollIntoViewOptions = SwipeOptions & {
461 | maxScrolls?: number;
462 | };
463 | export interface CustomScrollIntoViewOptions extends ScrollIntoViewOptions, MobileScrollIntoViewOptions {
464 | }
465 | export type WaitUntilOptions = {
466 | timeout?: number;
467 | timeoutMsg?: string;
468 | interval?: number;
469 | };
470 | export type DragAndDropCoordinate = {
471 | x: number;
472 | y: number;
473 | };
474 | export interface AttachOptions extends Omit<WebDriverAttachOptions, 'capabilities'> {
475 | options?: Options.WebdriverIO;
476 | capabilities?: WebDriverAttachOptions['capabilities'];
477 | requestedCapabilities?: WebDriverAttachOptions['capabilities'];
478 | }
479 | export type ThrottlePreset = 'offline' | 'GPRS' | 'Regular2G' | 'Good2G' | 'Regular3G' | 'Good3G' | 'Regular4G' | 'DSL' | 'WiFi' | 'online';
480 | export interface CustomThrottle {
481 | offline: boolean;
482 | downloadThroughput: number;
483 | uploadThroughput: number;
484 | latency: number;
485 | }
486 | export type ThrottleOptions = ThrottlePreset | CustomThrottle;
487 | export interface ExtendedElementReference {
488 | 'element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf': string;
489 | locator: remote.BrowsingContextLocator;
490 | }
491 | export type SupportedScopes = 'geolocation' | 'userAgent' | 'colorScheme' | 'onLine' | 'clock' | 'device';
492 | export type RestoreMap = Map<SupportedScopes, (() => Promise<any>)[]>;
493 | declare global {
494 | namespace WebdriverIO {
495 | /**
496 | * WebdriverIO browser object
497 | * @see https://webdriver.io/docs/api/browser
498 | */
499 | interface Browser extends Omit<BrowserBase, 'on' | 'once'>, BidiEventHandler, BidiHandler, ProtocolCommands, BrowserCommandsType {
500 | }
501 | /**
502 | * WebdriverIO element object
503 | * @see https://webdriver.io/docs/api/element
504 | */
505 | interface Element extends ElementBase, ProtocolCommands, ElementCommandsType {
506 | }
507 | /**
508 | * WebdriverIO element array
509 | * When fetching elements via `$$`, `custom$$` or `shadow$$` commands an array of elements
510 | * is returns. This array has extended prototype properties to provide information about
511 | * the parent element, selector and properties of the fetched elements. This is useful to
512 | * e.g. re-fetch the set in case no elements got returned.
513 | */
514 | interface ElementArray extends ElementArrayExport {
515 | }
516 | /**
517 | * WebdriverIO multiremote browser object
518 | * A multiremote browser instance is a property on the global WebdriverIO browser object that
519 | * allows to control multiple browser instances at once. It can be represented as `Record<string, WebdriverIO.Browser>`
520 | * where `string` is the capability name defined in the WebdriverIO options.
521 | *
522 | * @see https://webdriver.io/docs/multiremote/
523 | */
524 | interface MultiRemoteBrowser extends MultiRemoteBrowserType {
525 | }
526 | /**
527 | * WebdriverIO multiremote browser object
528 | * A multiremote browser instance is a property on the global WebdriverIO browser object that
529 | * allows to control multiple browser instances at once. It can be represented as `Record<string, WebdriverIO.Element>`
530 | * where `string` is the capability name defined in the WebdriverIO options.
531 | *
532 | * @see https://webdriver.io/docs/multiremote/
533 | */
534 | interface MultiRemoteElement extends MultiRemoteElementType {
535 | }
536 | /**
537 | * WebdriverIO Mock object
538 | * The mock object is an object that represents a network mock and contains information about
539 | * requests that were matching given url and filterOptions. It can be received using the mock command.
540 | *
541 | * @see https://webdriver.io/docs/api/mock
542 | */
543 | interface Mock extends WebDriverInterception {
544 | }
545 | /**
546 | * WebdriverIO Dialog object
547 | * The dialog object represents a user prompt that was triggered by the browser. It contains
548 | * information about the message, type and default value of the prompt.
549 | * It can be received using the `on('dialog')` event.
550 | *
551 | * @see https://webdriver.io/docs/api/dialog
552 | */
553 | interface Dialog extends DialogImport {
554 | }
555 | }
556 | }
557 | //# sourceMappingURL=types.d.ts.map |
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