7.5 kBPlain TextView Raw
1## This is the rakegem gemspec template. Make sure you read and understand
2## all of the comments. Some sections require modification, and others can
3## be deleted if you don't need them. Once you understand the contents of
4## this file, feel free to delete any comments that begin with two hash marks.
5## You can find comprehensive Gem::Specification documentation, at
6## http://docs.rubygems.org/read/chapter/20
7Gem::Specification.new do |s|
8 s.specification_version = 2 if s.respond_to? :specification_version=
9 s.required_rubygems_version = Gem::Requirement.new(">= 0") if s.respond_to? :required_rubygems_version=
10 s.rubygems_version = '1.3.5'
12 ## Leave these as is they will be modified for you by the rake gemspec task.
13 ## If your rubyforge_project name is different, then edit it and comment out
14 ## the sub! line in the Rakefile
15 s.name = 'webfontloader'
16 s.version = '1.6.7'
17 s.date = '2015-09-24'
19 ## Make sure your summary is short. The description may be as long
20 ## as you like.
21 s.summary = "WebFont Loader gives you added control when using linked fonts via @font-face."
22 s.description = <<-DESC
23WebFont Loader gives you added control when using linked fonts via
24`@font-face`. It provides a common interface to loading fonts regardless of
25the source, then adds a standard set of events you may use to control the
26loading experience.
29 ## List the primary authors. If there are a bunch of authors, it's probably
30 ## better to set the email to an email list or something. If you don't have
31 ## a custom homepage, consider using your GitHub URL or the like.
32 s.authors = ["Ryan Carver", "Jeremie Lenfant-engelmann"]
33 s.email = 'ryan@typekit.com'
34 s.homepage = 'http://github.com/typekit/webfontloader'
36 ## License
37 s.license = "Apache 2.0"
39 ## This gets added to the $LOAD_PATH so that 'lib/NAME.rb' can be required as
40 ## require 'NAME.rb' or'/lib/NAME/file.rb' can be as require 'NAME/file.rb'
41 s.require_paths = %w[lib]
43 ## This sections is only necessary if you have C extensions.
44 # s.require_paths << 'ext'
45 # s.extensions = %w[ext/extconf.rb]
47 ## If your gem includes any executables, list them here.
48 # s.executables = []
49 # s.default_executable = 'name'
51 ## Specify any RDoc options here. You'll want to add your README and
52 ## LICENSE files to the extra_rdoc_files list.
53 s.rdoc_options = ["--charset=UTF-8"]
54 s.extra_rdoc_files = %w[README.md] + Dir["docs/*.md"]
56 ## List your runtime dependencies here. Runtime dependencies are those
57 ## that are needed for an end user to actually USE your code.
58 # s.add_dependency('DEPNAME', [">= 1.1.0", "< 2.0.0"])
60 ## List your development dependencies here. Development dependencies are
61 ## those that are only needed during development
62 s.add_development_dependency('rake')
63 s.add_development_dependency('rack', ["~>1.5.1"])
64 s.add_development_dependency('sinatra', ["~>1.3.4"])
65 s.add_development_dependency('vegas', ["~>0.1.11"])
67 ## Leave this section as-is. It will be automatically generated from the
68 ## contents of your Git repository via the gemspec task. DO NOT REMOVE
69 ## THE MANIFEST COMMENTS, they are used as delimiters by the task.
70 # = MANIFEST =
71 s.files = %w[
74 Gemfile
76 README.md
77 Rakefile
78 bin/webfontloader-demos
79 browsers.json
80 externs.js
81 lib/webfontloader.rb
82 lib/webfontloader/demo/public/basic.css
83 lib/webfontloader/demo/public/blank.html
84 lib/webfontloader/demo/public/custom-iframe.html
85 lib/webfontloader/demo/public/custom.html
86 lib/webfontloader/demo/public/event-css-active-multiple.html
87 lib/webfontloader/demo/public/event-css-active.html
88 lib/webfontloader/demo/public/event-css-inactive.html
89 lib/webfontloader/demo/public/event-css-loading.html
90 lib/webfontloader/demo/public/event-js-active.html
91 lib/webfontloader/demo/public/event-js-font-active.html
92 lib/webfontloader/demo/public/event-js-loading.html
93 lib/webfontloader/demo/public/events-variations.html
94 lib/webfontloader/demo/public/events.html
95 lib/webfontloader/demo/public/fontdeck.html
96 lib/webfontloader/demo/public/fontwatchrunner-default-fonts.html
97 lib/webfontloader/demo/public/google-css.html
98 lib/webfontloader/demo/public/google-iframe.html
99 lib/webfontloader/demo/public/google.html
100 lib/webfontloader/demo/public/ie-fast-js.html
101 lib/webfontloader/demo/public/ie-slow-js.html
102 lib/webfontloader/demo/public/ie-slow-link.html
103 lib/webfontloader/demo/public/index.html
104 lib/webfontloader/demo/public/jquery.min.js
105 lib/webfontloader/demo/public/monotype-iframe.html
106 lib/webfontloader/demo/public/monotype.html
107 lib/webfontloader/demo/public/typekit-iframe.html
108 lib/webfontloader/demo/public/typekit-variations.html
109 lib/webfontloader/demo/public/typekit.html
110 lib/webfontloader/demo/server.rb
111 lib/webfontloader/modules.rb
112 package.json
113 spec/core/cssclassname_spec.js
114 spec/core/domhelper_spec.js
115 spec/core/eventdispatcher_spec.js
116 spec/core/font_spec.js
117 spec/core/fontmoduleloader_spec.js
118 spec/core/fontruler_spec.js
119 spec/core/fontwatcher_spec.js
120 spec/core/fontwatchrunner_spec.js
121 spec/core/nativefontwatchrunner_spec.js
122 spec/core/size_spec.js
123 spec/core/webfont_spec.js
124 spec/deps.js
125 spec/fixtures/external_script.js
126 spec/fixtures/external_stylesheet.css
127 spec/fixtures/fonts/LICENSE.txt
128 spec/fixtures/fonts/nullfont.css
129 spec/fixtures/fonts/nullfont1.css
130 spec/fixtures/fonts/nullfont2.css
131 spec/fixtures/fonts/nullfont3.css
132 spec/fixtures/fonts/sourcesans.eot
133 spec/fixtures/fonts/sourcesans.otf
134 spec/fixtures/fonts/sourcesans.svg
135 spec/fixtures/fonts/sourcesans.ttf
136 spec/fixtures/fonts/sourcesans.woff
137 spec/fixtures/fonts/sourcesansa.css
138 spec/fixtures/fonts/sourcesansb.css
139 spec/fixtures/fonts/sourcesansc.css
140 spec/fixtures/fonts/sourcesansd.css
141 spec/index.html
142 spec/modules/custom_spec.js
143 spec/modules/fontdeck_spec.js
144 spec/modules/google/fontapiparser_spec.js
145 spec/modules/google/fontapiurlbuilder_spec.js
146 spec/modules/google/googlefontapi_spec.js
147 spec/modules/monotype_spec.js
148 spec/modules/typekit_spec.js
149 src/closure.js
150 src/core/cssclassname.js
151 src/core/domhelper.js
152 src/core/eventdispatcher.js
153 src/core/font.js
154 src/core/fontmodule.js
155 src/core/fontmoduleloader.js
156 src/core/fontruler.js
157 src/core/fontwatcher.js
158 src/core/fontwatchrunner.js
159 src/core/initialize.js
160 src/core/nativefontwatchrunner.js
161 src/core/webfont.js
162 src/modules.yml
163 src/modules/custom.js
164 src/modules/fontdeck.js
165 src/modules/google/fontapiparser.js
166 src/modules/google/fontapiurlbuilder.js
167 src/modules/google/googlefontapi.js
168 src/modules/monotype.js
169 src/modules/typekit.js
170 tools/compiler/base.js
171 tools/compiler/compiler.jar
172 tools/jasmine-browserstack/jasmine-browserstack.js
173 tools/jasmine-phantomjs/jasmine-phantomjs.js
174 tools/jasmine-phantomjs/terminal-reporter.js
175 tools/jasmine/MIT.LICENSE
176 tools/jasmine/jasmine-html.js
177 tools/jasmine/jasmine.css
178 tools/jasmine/jasmine.js
179 webfontloader.gemspec
180 webfontloader.js
181 ]
182 # = MANIFEST =
184 ## Test files will be grabbed from the file list. Make sure the path glob
185 ## matches what you actually use.
186 s.test_files = s.files.select { |path| path =~ /^spec\/.*_spec\.rb/ }