8.73 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import webpack from 'webpack';
2import NotificationCenter from 'node-notifier/notifiers/notificationcenter';
3import { NodeNotifier } from 'node-notifier';
6 * Enum representing valid compilation result statuses.
7 */
8declare enum CompilationStatus {
9 SUCCESS = "success",
10 WARNING = "warning",
11 ERROR = "error"
13type CompilationResult = {
14 details?: string;
15 message?: string;
16 module?: {
17 rawRequest?: string;
18 resource?: string;
19 };
21type Config = {
22 /**
23 * The notification title prefix. Defaults to `Webpack Build`.
24 */
25 title?: string;
26 /**
27 * The absolute path to the project logo to be displayed as a content image in the notification. Optional.
28 */
29 logo?: string;
30 /**
31 * The sound to play for notifications. Set to false to play no sound. Valid sounds are listed
32 * in the node-notifier project: https://github.com/mikaelbr/node-notifier. Defaults to `Submarine`.
33 */
34 sound?: string | false;
35 /**
36 * The sound to play for success notifications. Defaults to the value of the *sound* configuration option.
37 * Set to false to play no sound for success notifications. Takes precedence over the *sound* configuration option.
38 */
39 successSound?: string | false;
40 /**
41 * The sound to play for warning notifications. Defaults to the value of the *sound* configuration option.
42 * Set to false to play no sound for warning notifications. Takes precedence over the *sound* configuration option.
43 */
44 warningSound?: string | false;
45 /**
46 * The sound to play for failure notifications. Defaults to the value of the *sound* configuration option.
47 * Set to false to play no sound for failure notifications. Takes precedence over the *sound* configuration option.
48 */
49 failureSound?: string | false;
50 /**
51 * The sound to play for compilation notifications. Defaults to the value of the *sound* configuration option.
52 * Set to false to play no sound for compilation notifications. Takes precedence over the *sound* configuration option.
53 */
54 compilationSound?: string | false;
55 /**
56 * A function which is invoked when compilation starts. Optional. The function is passed one parameter:
57 * 1. {webpack.compiler.Compiler} compiler - The webpack Compiler instance.
58 * Note that `suppressCompileStart` must be `false`.
59 */
60 onCompileStart?: (compilation: webpack.Compiler) => void;
61 /**
62 * A function which is invoked when compilation completes. Optional. The function is passed two parameters:
63 * 1. {webpack.compilation.Compilation} compilation - The webpack Compilation instance.
64 * 2. {CompilationStatus} status - one of 'success', 'warning', or 'error'
65 */
66 onComplete?: (compilation: webpack.Compilation, status: CompilationStatus) => void;
67 /**
68 * True to show the duration of a successful compilation, otherwise false (default).
69 */
70 showDuration?: boolean;
71 /**
72 * Defines when success notifications are shown. Can be one of the following values:
73 *
74 * * `false` - Show success notification for each successful compilation (default).
75 * * `true` - Only show success notification for initial successful compilation and after failed compilations.
76 * * `"always"` - Never show the success notifications.
77 * * `"initial"` - Same as true, but suppresses the initial success notification.
78 */
79 suppressSuccess?: boolean | 'always' | 'initial';
80 /**
81 * True to suppress the warning notifications, otherwise false (default).
82 */
83 suppressWarning?: boolean;
84 /**
85 * True to suppress the compilation started notifications (default), otherwise false.
86 */
87 suppressCompileStart?: boolean;
88 /**
89 * True to activate (focus) the terminal window when a compilation error occurs.
90 * Note that this only works on Mac OSX. Defaults to `false`.
91 */
92 activateTerminalOnError?: boolean;
93 /**
94 * The absolute path to the icon to be displayed for success notifications.
95 * Defaults to `./icons/success.png`.
96 */
97 successIcon?: string;
98 /**
99 * The absolute path to the icon to be displayed for warning notifications.
100 * Defaults to `./icons/warning.png`.
101 */
102 warningIcon?: string;
103 /**
104 * The absolute path to the icon to be displayed for failure notifications.
105 * Defaults to `./icons/failure.png`.
106 */
107 failureIcon?: string;
108 /**
109 * The absolute path to the icon to be displayed for compilation started notifications.
110 * Defaults to `./icons/compile.png`.
111 */
112 compileIcon?: string;
113 /**
114 * A function called when clicking on a warning or error notification. By default, it activates the Terminal application.
115 * The function is passed two parameters:
116 *
117 * 1. {NotificationCenter} notifierObject - The notifier object instance.
118 * 2. {NotificationCenter.Notification} options - The notifier object options.
119 */
120 onClick?: (notifier: NodeNotifier, options: NotificationCenter.Notification) => void;
121 /**
122 * A function called when the notification times out (closes). Undefined by default. The function is passed
123 * two parameters:
124 *
125 * 1. {NotificationCenter} notifierObject - The notifier object instance.
126 * 2. {NotificationCenter.Notification} options - The notifier object options.
127 */
128 onTimeout?: (notifier: NotificationCenter, options: NotificationCenter.Notification) => void;
129 /**
130 * A function which returns a formatted notification message on successful compilation.
131 *
132 * This function must return a String.
133 *
134 * The default formatter will display "Build successful!".
135 *
136 * Note that the message will always be limited to 256 characters.
137 */
138 formatSuccess?: () => string | undefined;
139 /**
140 * A function which returns a formatted notification message on error or warning.
141 * The function is passed 4 parameters:
142 *
143 * 1. {CompilationResult} error/warning - The raw error or warning object.
144 * 2. {string} filepath - The path to the file containing the error/warning (if available).
145 * 3. {CompilationStatus} status - Error or warning
146 * 4. {number} count - How many errors or warnings were raised
147 *
148 * This function must return a String.
149 *
150 * The default messageFormatter will display the filename which contains the error/warning followed by the
151 * error/warning message.
152 *
153 * Note that the message will always be limited to 256 characters.
154 */
155 messageFormatter?: (error: CompilationResult, filepath: string, status: CompilationStatus, count: number) => string;
156 /**
157 * Any additional node-notifier options as documented in the node-notifier documentation:
158 * https://github.com/mikaelbr/node-notifier
159 *
160 * This config option can either be provided as a node-notifier `Notification` object, _OR_ a
161 * function which accepts the `CompilationStatus` and returns a `Notification` object.
162 *
163 * Note that options provided here will only be applied to the success/warning/error notifications
164 * (not the "compilation started" notification). The `title`, `message`, `sound`, `contentImage` (logo), and `icon`
165 * options will be ignored, as they will be set via the corresponding {WebpackBuildNotifierConfig} options
166 * (either user-specified or default).
167 */
168 notifyOptions?: NotificationCenter.Notification | ((status: CompilationStatus) => NotificationCenter.Notification | undefined);
171declare class WebpackBuildNotifierPlugin {
172 private appName;
173 private buildSuccessful;
174 private hasRun;
175 private title;
176 private logo?;
177 private sound;
178 private successSound;
179 private warningSound;
180 private failureSound;
181 private compilationSound;
182 private suppressSuccess;
183 private suppressWarning;
184 private suppressCompileStart;
185 private activateTerminalOnError;
186 private showDuration;
187 private successIcon;
188 private warningIcon;
189 private failureIcon;
190 private compileIcon;
191 private onCompileStart?;
192 private onComplete?;
193 private onClick;
194 private onTimeout?;
195 private formatSuccess?;
196 private messageFormatter?;
197 private notifyOptions?;
198 constructor(cfg?: Config);
199 apply(compiler: webpack.Compiler): void;
200 private readonly activateTerminalWindow;
201 private readonly formatMessage;
202 private readonly onCompilationDone;
203 private readonly onCompilationWatchRun;
204 private readonly registerSnoreToast;
205 private readonly getFirstWarningOrError;
206 private readonly getWarningOrErrorCount;
209export { WebpackBuildNotifierPlugin as default };
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