1 | const path = require('path');
2 | const fs = require('fs');
3 | const http = require('http');
4 |
5 | const WebSocket = require('ws');
6 | const _ = require('lodash');
7 | const express = require('express');
8 | const ejs = require('ejs');
9 | const opener = require('opener');
10 | const mkdir = require('mkdirp');
11 | const { bold } = require('chalk');
12 |
13 | const Logger = require('./Logger');
14 | const analyzer = require('./analyzer');
15 |
16 | const projectRoot = path.resolve(__dirname, '..');
17 |
18 | module.exports = {
19 | startServer,
20 | generateReport,
21 |
22 | start: startServer
23 | };
24 |
25 | async function startServer(bundleStats, opts) {
26 | const {
27 | port = 8888,
28 | host = '',
29 | openBrowser = true,
30 | bundleDir = null,
31 | logger = new Logger(),
32 | defaultSizes = 'parsed'
33 | } = opts || {};
34 |
35 | let chartData = getChartData(logger, bundleStats, bundleDir);
36 |
37 | if (!chartData) return;
38 |
39 | const app = express();
40 |
41 |
42 |
43 | app.engine('ejs', require('ejs').renderFile);
44 | app.set('view engine', 'ejs');
45 | app.set('views', `${projectRoot}/views`);
46 | app.use(express.static(`${projectRoot}/public`));
47 |
48 | app.use('/', (req, res) => {
49 | res.render('viewer', {
50 | mode: 'server',
51 | get chartData() { return JSON.stringify(chartData) },
52 | defaultSizes: JSON.stringify(defaultSizes)
53 | });
54 | });
55 |
56 | const server = http.createServer(app);
57 |
58 | await new Promise(resolve => {
59 | server.listen(port, host, () => {
60 | resolve();
61 |
62 | const url = `http://${host}:${server.address().port}`;
63 |
64 | logger.info(
65 | `${bold('Webpack Bundle Analyzer')} is started at ${bold(url)}\n` +
66 | `Use ${bold('Ctrl+C')} to close it`
67 | );
68 |
69 | if (openBrowser) {
70 | opener(url);
71 | }
72 | });
73 | });
74 |
75 | const wss = new WebSocket.Server({ server });
76 |
77 | return {
78 | ws: wss,
79 | http: server,
80 | updateChartData
81 | };
82 |
83 | function updateChartData(bundleStats) {
84 | const newChartData = getChartData(logger, bundleStats, bundleDir);
85 |
86 | if (!newChartData) return;
87 |
88 | chartData = newChartData;
89 |
90 | wss.clients.forEach(client => {
91 | if (client.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) {
92 | client.send(JSON.stringify({
93 | event: 'chartDataUpdated',
94 | data: newChartData
95 | }));
96 | }
97 | });
98 | }
99 | }
100 |
101 | function generateReport(bundleStats, opts) {
102 | const {
103 | openBrowser = true,
104 | reportFilename = 'report.html',
105 | bundleDir = null,
106 | logger = new Logger(),
107 | defaultSizes = 'parsed'
108 | } = opts || {};
109 |
110 | const chartData = getChartData(logger, bundleStats, bundleDir);
111 |
112 | if (!chartData) return;
113 |
114 | ejs.renderFile(
115 | `${projectRoot}/views/viewer.ejs`,
116 | {
117 | mode: 'static',
118 | chartData: JSON.stringify(chartData),
119 | assetContent: getAssetContent,
120 | defaultSizes: JSON.stringify(defaultSizes)
121 | },
122 | (err, reportHtml) => {
123 | if (err) return logger.error(err);
124 |
125 | const reportFilepath = path.resolve(bundleDir || process.cwd(), reportFilename);
126 |
127 | mkdir.sync(path.dirname(reportFilepath));
128 | fs.writeFileSync(reportFilepath, reportHtml);
129 |
130 | logger.info(
131 | `${bold('Webpack Bundle Analyzer')} saved report to ${bold(reportFilepath)}`
132 | );
133 |
134 | if (openBrowser) {
135 | opener(`file://${reportFilepath}`);
136 | }
137 | }
138 | );
139 | }
140 |
141 | function getAssetContent(filename) {
142 | return fs.readFileSync(`${projectRoot}/public/${filename}`, 'utf8');
143 | }
144 |
145 | function getChartData(logger, ...args) {
146 | let chartData;
147 |
148 | try {
149 | chartData = analyzer.getViewerData(...args, { logger });
150 | } catch (err) {
151 | logger.error(`Could't analyze webpack bundle:\n${err}`);
152 | chartData = null;
153 | }
154 |
155 | if (_.isEmpty(chartData)) {
156 | logger.error("Could't find any javascript bundles in provided stats file");
157 | chartData = null;
158 | }
159 |
160 | return chartData;
161 | }