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1const path = require('path');
3const chalk = require('chalk');
4const merge = require('merge-options');
5const webpack = require('webpack');
7module.exports = {
8 apply(argv, options) {
9 let plugins = [];
10 const result = {};
12 if (options.plugins) {
13 plugins = plugins.concat(options.plugins);
14 }
16 // NOTE: runDev and runProd should be examined FIRST, as they manipulate
17 // the argv object. Manipulating argv is bad and should make us feel
18 // bad.
19 /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */
20 if (argv.runDev) {
21 argv.debug = true;
22 argv.outputPathinfo = true;
23 if (!argv.devtool) {
24 argv.devtool = 'eval-cheap-module-source-map';
25 }
26 if (!argv.mode) {
27 argv.mode = 'development';
28 }
29 }
31 if (argv.runProd) {
32 argv.optimizeMinimize = true;
33 argv.define = Object.assign({}, argv.define, {
34 'process.env.NODE_ENV': '"production"'
35 });
36 if (!argv.mode) {
37 argv.mode = 'production';
38 }
39 }
41 if (argv.context) {
42 result.context = path.resolve(argv.context);
43 }
44 // there is no else case for context, as we don't want a default value
45 // here to override a context value in a config
47 if (argv.debug) {
48 const { LoaderOptionsPlugin } = webpack;
49 const plugin = new LoaderOptionsPlugin({ debug: true });
50 plugins.unshift(plugin);
51 }
53 if (argv.devtool) {
54 result.devtool = argv.devtool;
55 }
57 if (argv.progress) {
58 result.progress = argv.progress;
59 }
61 if (argv.reporter) {
62 result.reporter = argv.reporter;
63 }
65 if (argv.watch) {
66 result.watch = true;
67 }
69 return merge(options, result, plugins.length ? { plugins } : {});
70 },
72 flags: {
73 context: {
74 desc: 'The root directory for resolving entry point and stats',
75 type: 'string'
76 },
77 debug: {
78 desc: 'Switch loaders to debug mode',
79 type: 'boolean'
80 },
81 devtool: {
82 desc: chalk`Enable devtool for better debugging experience.
83{dim e.g. --devtool eval-cheap-module-source-map}`,
84 type: 'string'
85 },
86 entry: {
87 desc: 'The entry point',
88 type: ['array', 'object', 'string']
89 },
90 help: {
91 desc: 'Show usage information and the options listed here'
92 },
93 'log-level': {
94 desc: chalk`Limit all process console messages to a specific level and above
95{dim Levels: trace, debug, info, warn, error, silent}`,
96 type: 'string'
97 },
98 'log-time': {
99 desc: 'Instruct the logger and dependencies to display a timestamp'
100 },
101 progress: {
102 desc: chalk`Instructs webpack to track and display build progress
103{dim This is often used with --profile}`,
104 type: 'boolean'
105 },
106 reporter: {
107 desc: 'Specifies the reporter to use for generating console output for a build',
108 type: 'string'
109 },
110 require: {
111 desc: `Preload one or more modules before loading the webpack configuration
112Typically used for language-specific require hooks`,
113 type: ['string', 'array']
114 },
115 'run-dev': {
116 alias: 'd',
117 desc: `An alias for --debug --devtool eval-cheap-module-source-map
118--mode development --output-pathinfo`,
119 type: 'boolean'
120 },
121 'run-prod': {
122 alias: 'p',
123 desc: `An alias for --optimize-minimize --mode production, and defines
125 type: 'boolean'
126 },
127 version: {
128 desc: 'Display the webpack-command version'
129 },
130 watch: {
131 alias: 'w',
132 desc: 'Watch the filesystem for changes',
133 type: 'boolean'
134 }
135 },
137 name: 'General'