1 | [tests]: https://img.shields.io/circleci/project/github/shellscape/webpack-manifest-plugin.svg
2 | [tests-url]: https://circleci.com/gh/shellscape/webpack-manifest-plugin
3 | [cover]: https://codecov.io/gh/shellscape/webpack-manifest-plugin/branch/master/graph/badge.svg
4 | [cover-url]: https://codecov.io/gh/shellscape/webpack-manifest-plugin
5 | [size]: https://packagephobia.now.sh/badge?p=webpack-manifest-plugin
6 | [size-url]: https://packagephobia.now.sh/result?p=webpack-manifest-plugin
7 |
8 | <div align="center">
9 | <img width="256" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/shellscape/webpack-manifest-plugin/master/assets/manifest.svg?sanitize=true" alt="webpack-manfiest-plugin"><br/><br/>
10 | </div>
11 |
12 | [![tests][tests]][tests-url]
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15 | [![libera manifesto](https://img.shields.io/badge/libera-manifesto-lightgrey.svg)](https://liberamanifesto.com)
16 |
17 | # webpack-manifest-plugin
18 |
19 | A Webpack plugin for generating an asset manifest.
20 |
21 | :heart: Please consider [Sponsoring my work](https://github.com/sponsors/shellscape)
22 |
23 | ## Requirements
24 |
25 | `webpack-manifest-plugin` is an [evergreen 🌲](./.github/FAQ.md#what-does-evergreen-mean) module.
26 |
27 | This module requires an [Active LTS](https://github.com/nodejs/Release) Node version (v12.0.0+) and Webpack v5.0.0.
28 |
29 | ## Contributing
30 |
31 | This repository leverages [pnpm](https://pnpm.js.org/) for dependency management.
32 |
33 | To begin, please install `pnpm`:
34 |
35 | ```console
36 | $ npm install pnpm -g
37 | ```
38 |
39 | ## Install
40 |
41 | Using npm:
42 |
43 | ```console
44 | npm install webpack-nano webpack-manifest-plugin --save-dev
45 | ```
46 |
47 | _Note: We recommend using [webpack-nano](https://github.com/shellscape/webpack-nano), a very tiny, very clean webpack CLI._
48 |
49 | ## Usage
50 |
51 | Create a `webpack.config.js` file:
52 |
53 | ```js
54 | const { WebpackManifestPlugin } = require('webpack-manifest-plugin');
55 | const options = { ... };
56 |
57 | module.exports = {
58 | // an example entry definition
59 | entry: [ 'app.js' ],
60 | ...
61 | plugins: [
62 | new WebpackManifestPlugin(options)
63 | ]
64 | };
65 | ```
66 |
67 | And run `webpack`:
68 |
69 | ```console
70 | $ npx wp
71 | ```
72 |
73 | With the default options, the example above will create a `manifest.json` file in the output directory for the build. The manifest file will contain a map of source filenames to the corresponding build output file. e.g.
74 |
75 | ```json
76 | {
77 | "dist/batman.js": "dist/batman.1234567890.js",
78 | "dist/joker.js": "dist/joker.0987654321.js"
79 | }
80 | ```
81 |
82 | ### Options
83 |
84 | ### `basePath`
85 |
86 | Type: `String`<br>
87 | Default: `''`
88 |
89 | Specifies a path prefix for all keys in the manifest. Useful for including your output path in the manifest.
90 |
91 | ### `fileName`
92 |
93 | Type: `String`<br>
94 | Default: `manifest.json`
95 |
96 | Specifies the file name to use for the resulting manifest. By default the plugin will emit `manifest.json` to your output directory. Passing an absolute path to the `fileName` option will override both the file name and path.
97 |
98 | ### `filter`
99 |
100 | Type: `Function`<br>
101 | Default: `undefined`
102 |
103 | Allows filtering the files which make up the manifest. The passed function should match the signature of `(file: FileDescriptor) => Boolean`. Return `true` to keep the file, `false` to remove the file.
104 |
105 | ### `generate`
106 |
107 | Type: `Function`<br>
108 | Default: `undefined`
109 |
110 | A custom `Function` to create the manifest. The passed function should match the signature of `(seed: Object, files: FileDescriptor[], entries: string[]) => Object` and can return anything as long as it's serialisable by `JSON.stringify`.
111 |
112 | ### `map`
113 |
114 | Type: `Function`<br>
115 | Default: `undefined`
116 |
117 | Allows modifying the files which make up the manifest. The passed function should match the signature of `(file: FileDescriptor) => FileDescriptor` where an object matching `FileDescriptor` is returned.
118 |
119 | ### `publicPath`
120 |
121 | Type: `String`<br>
122 | Default: `<webpack-config>.output.publicPath`
123 |
124 | A path prefix that will be added to values of the manifest.
125 |
126 | ### `removeKeyHash`
127 |
128 | Type: `RegExp | false`<br>
129 | Default: `/([a-f0-9]{32}\.?)/gi`
130 |
131 | If set to a valid `RegExp`, removes hashes from manifest keys. e.g.
132 |
133 | ```json
134 | {
135 | "index.c5a9bff71fdfed9b6046.html": "index.c5a9bff71fdfed9b6046.html"
136 | }
137 | ```
138 |
139 | ```json
140 | {
141 | "index.html": "index.c5a9bff71fdfed9b6046.html"
142 | }
143 | ```
144 |
145 | The default value for this option is a regular expression targeting Webpack's [default md5 hash](https://webpack.js.org/configuration/output/#outputhashfunction). To target other hashing functions / algorithms, set this option to an appropriate `RegExp`. To disable replacing the hashes in key names, set this option to `false`.
146 |
147 | ### `seed`
148 |
149 | Type: `Object`<br>
150 | Default: `{}`
151 |
152 | A cache of key/value pairs used to seed the manifest. This may include a set of [custom key/value](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/WebExtensions/manifest.json) pairs to include in your manifest, or may be used to combine manifests across compilations in [multi-compiler mode](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/tree/master/examples/multi-compiler). To combine manifests, pass a shared seed object to each compiler's `WebpackManifestPlugin` instance.
153 |
154 | ### `serialize`
155 |
156 | Type: `Function(Object) => string`<br>
157 | Default: `undefined`
158 |
159 | A `Function` which can be leveraged to serialize the manifest in a different format than json. e.g. `yaml`.
160 |
161 | ### `sort`
162 |
163 | Type: `Function`<br>
164 | Default: `undefined`
165 |
166 | Allows sorting the files which make up the manifest. The passed function should match the signature of `(fileA: FileDescriptor, fileB: FileDescriptor) => Number`. Return `0` to indicate no change, `-1` to indicate the file should be moved to a lower index, and `1` to indicate the file shoud be moved to a higher index.
167 |
168 | ### `useEntryKeys`
169 |
170 | Type: `Boolean`<br>
171 | Default: `false`
172 |
173 | If `true`, the keys specified in the `entry` property will be used as keys in the manifest. No file extension will be added (unless specified as part of an `entry` property key).
174 |
175 | ### `useLegacyEmit`
176 |
177 | Type: `Boolean`<br>
178 | Default: `false`
179 |
180 | If `true`, the manifest will be written on the deprecated webpack `emit` hook to be compatible with not yet updated webpack plugins.
181 |
182 | A lot of webpack plugins are not yet updated to match the new webpack 5 API. This is a problem when other plugins use the deprecated `emit` hook. The manifest will be written before these other plugins and thus files are missing on the manifest.
183 |
184 | ### `writeToFileEmit`
185 |
186 | Type: `Boolean`<br>
187 | Default: `false`
188 |
189 | If `true`, will emit the manifest to the build directory _and_ in memory for compatibility with `webpack-dev-server`.
190 |
191 | ## Manifest File Descriptor
192 |
193 | This plugin utilizes the following object structure to work with files. Many options for this plugin utilize the structure below.
194 |
195 | ```ts
196 | {
197 | chunk?: Chunk;
198 | isAsset: boolean;
199 | isChunk: boolean;
200 | isInitial: boolean;
201 | isModuleAsset: boolean;
202 | name: string | null;
203 | path: string;
204 | }
205 | ```
206 |
207 | ### `chunk`
208 |
209 | Type: [`Chunk`](https://github.com/webpack/webpack/blob/master/lib/Chunk.js)
210 |
211 | Only available if `isChunk` is `true`
212 |
213 | ### `isInitial`
214 |
215 | Type: `Boolean`
216 |
217 | Is required to run you app. Cannot be `true` if `isChunk` is `false`.
218 |
219 | ### `isModuleAsset`
220 |
221 | Type: `Boolean`
222 |
223 | Is required by a module. Cannot be `true` if `isAsset` is `false`.
224 |
225 | ## Compiler Hooks
226 |
227 | This plugin supports the following hooks via the `getCompilerHooks` export; `afterEmit`, `beforeEmit`. These hooks can be useful, e.g. changing manifest contents before emitting to disk.
228 |
229 | ### `getCompilerHooks`
230 |
231 | Returns: `{ afterEmit: SyncWaterfallHook, beforeEmit: SyncWaterfallHook }`
232 |
233 | ### `assetHookStage`
234 |
235 | Type: `Number`
236 | Default: `Infinity`
237 |
238 | If you need to consume the output of this plugin in another plugin, it can be useful to adjust the stage at which the manifest is generated. Pass a new stage to `assetHookStage` to change when the manifest is generated. See the [docs on `processAssets`](https://webpack.js.org/api/compilation-hooks/#list-of-asset-processing-stages) for more detail.
239 |
240 | Note: any files added to the compilation after the stage specified will not be included in the manifest.
241 |
242 | #### Usage
243 |
244 | ```js
245 | const { getCompilerHooks } = require('webpack-manifest-plugin');
246 |
247 | class BatmanPlugin {
248 | apply(compiler) {
249 | const { beforeEmit } = getCompilerHooks(compiler);
250 |
251 | beforeEmit.tap('BatmanPlugin', (manifest) => {
252 | return { ...manifest, name: 'hello' };
253 | });
254 | }
255 | }
256 | ```
257 |
258 | ## Notes
259 |
260 | - If using this plugin with `webpack-clean` and `webpack-dev-server`, please review [this issue](https://github.com/shellscape/webpack-manifest-plugin/issues/267).
261 |
262 | ## Attiribution
263 |
264 | Special thanks to [Dane Thurber](https://github.com/danethurber), the original author of this plugin, without whom this plugin would not exist.
265 |
266 | ## Meta
267 |
269 |