1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 | import {
8 | ArrayExpression,
9 | ArrayPattern,
10 | ArrowFunctionExpression,
11 | AssignmentExpression,
12 | AssignmentPattern,
13 | AssignmentProperty,
14 | AwaitExpression,
15 | BigIntLiteral,
16 | BinaryExpression,
17 | BlockStatement,
18 | BreakStatement,
19 | CatchClause,
20 | ChainExpression,
21 | ClassBody,
22 | ClassDeclaration,
23 | ClassExpression,
24 | Comment,
25 | ConditionalExpression,
26 | ContinueStatement,
27 | DebuggerStatement,
28 | DoWhileStatement,
29 | EmptyStatement,
30 | ExportAllDeclaration,
31 | ExportDefaultDeclaration,
32 | ExportNamedDeclaration,
33 | ExportSpecifier,
34 | ExpressionStatement,
35 | ForInStatement,
36 | ForOfStatement,
37 | ForStatement,
38 | FunctionDeclaration,
39 | FunctionExpression,
40 | Identifier,
41 | IfStatement,
42 | ImportDeclaration,
43 | ImportDefaultSpecifier,
44 | ImportExpression,
45 | ImportNamespaceSpecifier,
46 | ImportSpecifier,
47 | LabeledStatement,
48 | LogicalExpression,
49 | MemberExpression,
50 | MetaProperty,
51 | MethodDefinition,
52 | NewExpression,
53 | ObjectExpression,
54 | ObjectPattern,
55 | PrivateIdentifier,
56 | Program,
57 | Property,
58 | PropertyDefinition,
59 | RegExpLiteral,
60 | RestElement,
61 | ReturnStatement,
62 | SequenceExpression,
63 | SimpleCallExpression,
64 | SimpleLiteral,
65 | SpreadElement,
66 | Super,
67 | SwitchCase,
68 | SwitchStatement,
69 | TaggedTemplateExpression,
70 | TemplateElement,
71 | TemplateLiteral,
72 | ThisExpression,
73 | ThrowStatement,
74 | TryStatement,
75 | UnaryExpression,
76 | UpdateExpression,
77 | VariableDeclaration,
78 | VariableDeclarator,
79 | WhileStatement,
80 | WithStatement,
81 | YieldExpression
82 | } from "estree";
83 | import { ServerOptions as ServerOptionsImport } from "http";
84 | import { ListenOptions, Server } from "net";
85 | import { validate as validateFunction } from "schema-utils";
86 | import { default as ValidationError } from "schema-utils/declarations/ValidationError";
87 | import { ValidationErrorConfiguration } from "schema-utils/declarations/validate";
88 | import {
89 | AsArray,
90 | AsyncParallelHook,
91 | AsyncSeriesBailHook,
92 | AsyncSeriesHook,
93 | AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook,
94 | HookMap,
95 | MultiHook,
96 | SyncBailHook,
97 | SyncHook,
98 | SyncWaterfallHook
99 | } from "tapable";
100 | import { SecureContextOptions, TlsOptions } from "tls";
101 |
102 | declare class AbstractLibraryPlugin<T> {
103 | constructor(__0: {
104 | |
105 |
106 |
107 | pluginName: string;
108 | |
109 |
110 |
111 | type: string;
112 | });
113 |
114 | /**
115 | * Apply the plugin
116 | */
117 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
118 | parseOptions(library: LibraryOptions): false | T;
119 | finishEntryModule(
120 | module: Module,
121 | entryName: string,
122 | libraryContext: LibraryContext<T>
123 | ): void;
124 | embedInRuntimeBailout(
125 | module: Module,
126 | renderContext: RenderContext,
127 | libraryContext: LibraryContext<T>
128 | ): undefined | string;
129 | strictRuntimeBailout(
130 | renderContext: RenderContext,
131 | libraryContext: LibraryContext<T>
132 | ): undefined | string;
133 | runtimeRequirements(
134 | chunk: Chunk,
135 | set: Set<string>,
136 | libraryContext: LibraryContext<T>
137 | ): void;
138 | render(
139 | source: Source,
140 | renderContext: RenderContext,
141 | libraryContext: LibraryContext<T>
142 | ): Source;
143 | renderStartup(
144 | source: Source,
145 | module: Module,
146 | renderContext: StartupRenderContext,
147 | libraryContext: LibraryContext<T>
148 | ): Source;
149 | chunkHash(
150 | chunk: Chunk,
151 | hash: Hash,
152 | chunkHashContext: ChunkHashContext,
153 | libraryContext: LibraryContext<T>
154 | ): void;
155 | static COMMON_LIBRARY_NAME_MESSAGE: string;
156 | }
157 | declare interface AdditionalData {
158 | [index: string]: any;
159 | webpackAST: object;
160 | }
161 | declare class AggressiveMergingPlugin {
162 | constructor(options?: any);
163 | options: any;
164 |
165 | /**
166 | * Apply the plugin
167 | */
168 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
169 | }
170 | declare class AggressiveSplittingPlugin {
171 | constructor(options?: AggressiveSplittingPluginOptions);
172 | options: AggressiveSplittingPluginOptions;
173 |
174 | /**
175 | * Apply the plugin
176 | */
177 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
178 | static wasChunkRecorded(chunk: Chunk): boolean;
179 | }
180 | declare interface AggressiveSplittingPluginOptions {
181 | |
182 |
183 |
184 | chunkOverhead?: number;
185 |
186 | |
187 |
188 |
189 | entryChunkMultiplicator?: number;
190 |
191 | |
192 |
193 |
194 | maxSize?: number;
195 |
196 | |
197 |
198 |
199 | minSize?: number;
200 | }
201 | declare interface AliasOption {
202 | alias: string | false | string[];
203 | name: string;
204 | onlyModule?: boolean;
205 | }
206 | type AliasOptionNewRequest = string | false | string[];
207 | declare interface AliasOptions {
208 | [index: string]: AliasOptionNewRequest;
209 | }
210 | declare interface Argument {
211 | description: string;
212 | simpleType: "string" | "number" | "boolean";
213 | multiple: boolean;
214 | configs: ArgumentConfig[];
215 | }
216 | declare interface ArgumentConfig {
217 | description: string;
218 | path: string;
219 | multiple: boolean;
220 | type: "string" | "number" | "boolean" | "path" | "enum" | "RegExp" | "reset";
221 | values?: any[];
222 | }
223 | declare interface Asset {
224 | |
225 |
226 |
227 | name: string;
228 |
229 | |
230 |
231 |
232 | source: Source;
233 |
234 | |
235 |
236 |
237 | info: AssetInfo;
238 | }
239 | declare interface AssetEmittedInfo {
240 | content: Buffer;
241 | source: Source;
242 | compilation: Compilation;
243 | outputPath: string;
244 | targetPath: string;
245 | }
246 | type AssetFilterItemTypes =
247 | | string
248 | | RegExp
249 | | ((name: string, asset: StatsAsset) => boolean);
250 |
251 | /**
252 | * Options object for data url generation.
253 | */
254 | declare interface AssetGeneratorDataUrlOptions {
255 | /**
256 | * Asset encoding (defaults to base64).
257 | */
258 | encoding?: false | "base64";
259 |
260 | /**
261 | * Asset mimetype (getting from file extension by default).
262 | */
263 | mimetype?: string;
264 | }
265 | type AssetGeneratorOptions = AssetInlineGeneratorOptions &
266 | AssetResourceGeneratorOptions;
267 | type AssetInfo = KnownAssetInfo & Record<string, any>;
268 |
269 | /**
270 | * Generator options for asset/inline modules.
271 | */
272 | declare interface AssetInlineGeneratorOptions {
273 | /**
274 | * The options for data url generator.
275 | */
276 | dataUrl?:
277 | | AssetGeneratorDataUrlOptions
278 | | ((
279 | source: string | Buffer,
280 | context: { filename: string; module: Module }
281 | ) => string);
282 | }
283 |
284 | /**
285 | * Options object for DataUrl condition.
286 | */
287 | declare interface AssetParserDataUrlOptions {
288 | /**
289 | * Maximum size of asset that should be inline as modules. Default: 8kb.
290 | */
291 | maxSize?: number;
292 | }
293 |
294 | /**
295 | * Parser options for asset modules.
296 | */
297 | declare interface AssetParserOptions {
298 | /**
299 | * The condition for inlining the asset as DataUrl.
300 | */
301 | dataUrlCondition?:
302 | | AssetParserDataUrlOptions
303 | | ((
304 | source: string | Buffer,
305 | context: { filename: string; module: Module }
306 | ) => boolean);
307 | }
308 |
309 | /**
310 | * Generator options for asset/resource modules.
311 | */
312 | declare interface AssetResourceGeneratorOptions {
313 | /**
314 | * Emit an output asset from this asset module. This can be set to 'false' to omit emitting e. g. for SSR.
315 | */
316 | emit?: boolean;
317 |
318 | /**
319 | * Specifies the filename template of output files on disk. You must **not** specify an absolute path here, but the path may contain folders separated by '/'! The specified path is joined with the value of the 'output.path' option to determine the location on disk.
320 | */
321 | filename?: string | ((pathData: PathData, assetInfo?: AssetInfo) => string);
322 |
323 | /**
324 | * The 'publicPath' specifies the public URL address of the output files when referenced in a browser.
325 | */
326 | publicPath?: string | ((pathData: PathData, assetInfo?: AssetInfo) => string);
327 | }
328 | declare class AsyncDependenciesBlock extends DependenciesBlock {
329 | constructor(
330 | groupOptions: RawChunkGroupOptions & { name?: string } & {
331 | entryOptions?: EntryOptions;
332 | },
333 | loc?: SyntheticDependencyLocation | RealDependencyLocation,
334 | request?: string
335 | );
336 | groupOptions: RawChunkGroupOptions & { name?: string } & {
337 | entryOptions?: EntryOptions;
338 | };
339 | loc?: SyntheticDependencyLocation | RealDependencyLocation;
340 | request?: string;
341 | chunkName: string;
342 | module: any;
343 | }
344 | declare abstract class AsyncQueue<T, K, R> {
345 | hooks: {
346 | beforeAdd: AsyncSeriesHook<[T]>;
347 | added: SyncHook<[T]>;
348 | beforeStart: AsyncSeriesHook<[T]>;
349 | started: SyncHook<[T]>;
350 | result: SyncHook<[T, Error, R]>;
351 | };
352 | add(item: T, callback: CallbackAsyncQueue<R>): void;
353 | invalidate(item: T): void;
354 |
355 | /**
356 | * Waits for an already started item
357 | */
358 | waitFor(item: T, callback: CallbackAsyncQueue<R>): void;
359 | stop(): void;
360 | increaseParallelism(): void;
361 | decreaseParallelism(): void;
362 | isProcessing(item: T): boolean;
363 | isQueued(item: T): boolean;
364 | isDone(item: T): boolean;
365 | clear(): void;
366 | }
367 | declare class AsyncWebAssemblyModulesPlugin {
368 | constructor(options?: any);
369 | options: any;
370 |
371 | /**
372 | * Apply the plugin
373 | */
374 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
375 | renderModule(module?: any, renderContext?: any, hooks?: any): any;
376 | static getCompilationHooks(
377 | compilation: Compilation
378 | ): CompilationHooksAsyncWebAssemblyModulesPlugin;
379 | }
380 | declare class AutomaticPrefetchPlugin {
381 | constructor();
382 |
383 | /**
384 | * Apply the plugin
385 | */
386 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
387 | }
388 | type AuxiliaryComment = string | LibraryCustomUmdCommentObject;
389 | declare interface BackendApi {
390 | dispose: (arg0?: Error) => void;
391 | module: (arg0: Module) => { client: string; data: string; active: boolean };
392 | }
393 | declare class BannerPlugin {
394 | constructor(options: BannerPluginArgument);
395 | options: BannerPluginOptions;
396 | banner: (data: { hash: string; chunk: Chunk; filename: string }) => string;
397 |
398 | /**
399 | * Apply the plugin
400 | */
401 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
402 | }
403 | type BannerPluginArgument =
404 | | string
405 | | BannerPluginOptions
406 | | ((data: { hash: string; chunk: Chunk; filename: string }) => string);
407 | declare interface BannerPluginOptions {
408 | |
409 |
410 |
411 | banner:
412 | | string
413 | | ((data: { hash: string; chunk: Chunk; filename: string }) => string);
414 |
415 | /**
416 | * If true, the banner will only be added to the entry chunks.
417 | */
418 | entryOnly?: boolean;
419 |
420 | /**
421 | * Exclude all modules matching any of these conditions.
422 | */
423 | exclude?: string | RegExp | Rule[];
424 |
425 | /**
426 | * Include all modules matching any of these conditions.
427 | */
428 | include?: string | RegExp | Rule[];
429 |
430 | /**
431 | * If true, banner will not be wrapped in a comment.
432 | */
433 | raw?: boolean;
434 |
435 | /**
436 | * Include all modules that pass test assertion.
437 | */
438 | test?: string | RegExp | Rule[];
439 | }
440 | declare interface BaseResolveRequest {
441 | path: string | false;
442 | descriptionFilePath?: string;
443 | descriptionFileRoot?: string;
444 | descriptionFileData?: object;
445 | relativePath?: string;
446 | ignoreSymlinks?: boolean;
447 | fullySpecified?: boolean;
448 | }
449 | declare abstract class BasicEvaluatedExpression {
450 | type: number;
451 | range: [number, number];
452 | falsy: boolean;
453 | truthy: boolean;
454 | nullish?: boolean;
455 | sideEffects: boolean;
456 | bool?: boolean;
457 | number?: number;
458 | bigint?: bigint;
459 | regExp?: RegExp;
460 | string?: string;
461 | quasis?: BasicEvaluatedExpression[];
462 | parts?: BasicEvaluatedExpression[];
463 | array?: any[];
464 | items?: BasicEvaluatedExpression[];
465 | options?: BasicEvaluatedExpression[];
466 | prefix?: BasicEvaluatedExpression;
467 | postfix?: BasicEvaluatedExpression;
468 | wrappedInnerExpressions: any;
469 | identifier?: string;
470 | rootInfo: VariableInfoInterface;
471 | getMembers: () => string[];
472 | expression: NodeEstreeIndex;
473 | isUnknown(): boolean;
474 | isNull(): boolean;
475 | isUndefined(): boolean;
476 | isString(): boolean;
477 | isNumber(): boolean;
478 | isBigInt(): boolean;
479 | isBoolean(): boolean;
480 | isRegExp(): boolean;
481 | isConditional(): boolean;
482 | isArray(): boolean;
483 | isConstArray(): boolean;
484 | isIdentifier(): boolean;
485 | isWrapped(): boolean;
486 | isTemplateString(): boolean;
487 |
488 | |
489 |
490 |
491 | isPrimitiveType(): undefined | boolean;
492 |
493 | |
494 |
495 |
496 | isCompileTimeValue(): boolean;
497 |
498 | |
499 |
500 |
501 | asCompileTimeValue(): any;
502 | isTruthy(): boolean;
503 | isFalsy(): boolean;
504 | isNullish(): undefined | boolean;
505 |
506 | |
507 |
508 |
509 | couldHaveSideEffects(): boolean;
510 | asBool(): any;
511 | asNullish(): undefined | boolean;
512 | asString(): any;
513 | setString(string?: any): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
514 | setUndefined(): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
515 | setNull(): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
516 | setNumber(number?: any): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
517 | setBigInt(bigint?: any): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
518 | setBoolean(bool?: any): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
519 | setRegExp(regExp?: any): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
520 | setIdentifier(
521 | identifier?: any,
522 | rootInfo?: any,
523 | getMembers?: any
524 | ): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
525 | setWrapped(
526 | prefix?: any,
527 | postfix?: any,
528 | innerExpressions?: any
529 | ): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
530 | setOptions(options?: any): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
531 | addOptions(options?: any): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
532 | setItems(items?: any): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
533 | setArray(array?: any): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
534 | setTemplateString(
535 | quasis?: any,
536 | parts?: any,
537 | kind?: any
538 | ): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
539 | templateStringKind: any;
540 | setTruthy(): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
541 | setFalsy(): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
542 | setNullish(value?: any): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
543 | setRange(range?: any): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
544 | setSideEffects(sideEffects?: boolean): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
545 | setExpression(expression?: any): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
546 | }
547 | type BuildMeta = KnownBuildMeta & Record<string, any>;
548 | declare abstract class ByTypeGenerator extends Generator {
549 | map: any;
550 | }
551 | declare const CIRCULAR_CONNECTION: unique symbol;
552 | declare class Cache {
553 | constructor();
554 | hooks: {
555 | get: AsyncSeriesBailHook<
556 | [
557 | string,
558 | null | Etag,
559 | ((result: any, callback: (arg0?: Error) => void) => void)[]
560 | ],
561 | any
562 | >;
563 | store: AsyncParallelHook<[string, null | Etag, any]>;
564 | storeBuildDependencies: AsyncParallelHook<[Iterable<string>]>;
565 | beginIdle: SyncHook<[]>;
566 | endIdle: AsyncParallelHook<[]>;
567 | shutdown: AsyncParallelHook<[]>;
568 | };
569 | get<T>(
570 | identifier: string,
571 | etag: null | Etag,
572 | callback: CallbackCache<T>
573 | ): void;
574 | store<T>(
575 | identifier: string,
576 | etag: null | Etag,
577 | data: T,
578 | callback: CallbackCache<void>
579 | ): void;
580 |
581 | |
582 |
583 |
584 | storeBuildDependencies(
585 | dependencies: Iterable<string>,
586 | callback: CallbackCache<void>
587 | ): void;
588 | beginIdle(): void;
589 | endIdle(callback: CallbackCache<void>): void;
590 | shutdown(callback: CallbackCache<void>): void;
591 | static STAGE_MEMORY: number;
592 | static STAGE_DEFAULT: number;
593 | static STAGE_DISK: number;
594 | static STAGE_NETWORK: number;
595 | }
596 | declare abstract class CacheFacade {
597 | getChildCache(name: string): CacheFacade;
598 | getItemCache(identifier: string, etag: null | Etag): ItemCacheFacade;
599 | getLazyHashedEtag(obj: HashableObject): Etag;
600 | mergeEtags(a: Etag, b: Etag): Etag;
601 | get<T>(
602 | identifier: string,
603 | etag: null | Etag,
604 | callback: CallbackCache<T>
605 | ): void;
606 | getPromise<T>(identifier: string, etag: null | Etag): Promise<T>;
607 | store<T>(
608 | identifier: string,
609 | etag: null | Etag,
610 | data: T,
611 | callback: CallbackCache<void>
612 | ): void;
613 | storePromise<T>(
614 | identifier: string,
615 | etag: null | Etag,
616 | data: T
617 | ): Promise<void>;
618 | provide<T>(
619 | identifier: string,
620 | etag: null | Etag,
621 | computer: (arg0: CallbackNormalErrorCache<T>) => void,
622 | callback: CallbackNormalErrorCache<T>
623 | ): void;
624 | providePromise<T>(
625 | identifier: string,
626 | etag: null | Etag,
627 | computer: () => T | Promise<T>
628 | ): Promise<T>;
629 | }
630 | declare interface CacheGroupSource {
631 | key?: string;
632 | priority?: number;
633 | getName?: (
634 | module?: Module,
635 | chunks?: Chunk[],
636 | key?: string
637 | ) => undefined | string;
638 | chunksFilter?: (chunk: Chunk) => boolean;
639 | enforce?: boolean;
640 | minSize: SplitChunksSizes;
641 | minSizeReduction: SplitChunksSizes;
642 | minRemainingSize: SplitChunksSizes;
643 | enforceSizeThreshold: SplitChunksSizes;
644 | maxAsyncSize: SplitChunksSizes;
645 | maxInitialSize: SplitChunksSizes;
646 | minChunks?: number;
647 | maxAsyncRequests?: number;
648 | maxInitialRequests?: number;
649 | filename?: string | ((arg0: PathData, arg1?: AssetInfo) => string);
650 | idHint?: string;
651 | automaticNameDelimiter: string;
652 | reuseExistingChunk?: boolean;
653 | usedExports?: boolean;
654 | }
655 | declare interface CacheGroupsContext {
656 | moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;
657 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
658 | }
659 | type CacheOptionsNormalized = false | MemoryCacheOptions | FileCacheOptions;
660 | declare class CachedSource extends Source {
661 | constructor(source: Source);
662 | constructor(source: Source | (() => Source), cachedData?: any);
663 | original(): Source;
664 | originalLazy(): Source | (() => Source);
665 | getCachedData(): any;
666 | }
667 | type CallExpression = SimpleCallExpression | NewExpression;
668 | declare interface CallExpressionInfo {
669 | type: "call";
670 | call: CallExpression;
671 | calleeName: string;
672 | rootInfo: string | VariableInfo;
673 | getCalleeMembers: () => string[];
674 | name: string;
675 | getMembers: () => string[];
676 | }
677 | declare interface CallbackAsyncQueue<T> {
678 | (err?: WebpackError, result?: T): any;
679 | }
680 | declare interface CallbackCache<T> {
681 | (err?: WebpackError, result?: T): void;
682 | }
683 | declare interface CallbackFunction<T> {
684 | (err?: Error, result?: T): any;
685 | }
686 | declare interface CallbackNormalErrorCache<T> {
687 | (err?: Error, result?: T): void;
688 | }
689 | declare interface CallbackWebpack<T> {
690 | (err?: Error, stats?: T): void;
691 | }
692 | type Cell<T> = undefined | T;
693 | declare class Chunk {
694 | constructor(name?: string, backCompat?: boolean);
695 | id: null | string | number;
696 | ids: null | (string | number)[];
697 | debugId: number;
698 | name: string;
699 | idNameHints: SortableSet<string>;
700 | preventIntegration: boolean;
701 | filenameTemplate:
702 | | null
703 | | string
704 | | ((arg0: PathData, arg1?: AssetInfo) => string);
705 | runtime: RuntimeSpec;
706 | files: Set<string>;
707 | auxiliaryFiles: Set<string>;
708 | rendered: boolean;
709 | hash?: string;
710 | contentHash: Record<string, string>;
711 | renderedHash?: string;
712 | chunkReason?: string;
713 | extraAsync: boolean;
714 | readonly entryModule?: Module;
715 | hasEntryModule(): boolean;
716 | addModule(module: Module): boolean;
717 | removeModule(module: Module): void;
718 | getNumberOfModules(): number;
719 | readonly modulesIterable: Iterable<Module>;
720 | compareTo(otherChunk: Chunk): 0 | 1 | -1;
721 | containsModule(module: Module): boolean;
722 | getModules(): Module[];
723 | remove(): void;
724 | moveModule(module: Module, otherChunk: Chunk): void;
725 | integrate(otherChunk: Chunk): boolean;
726 | canBeIntegrated(otherChunk: Chunk): boolean;
727 | isEmpty(): boolean;
728 | modulesSize(): number;
729 | size(options?: ChunkSizeOptions): number;
730 | integratedSize(otherChunk: Chunk, options: ChunkSizeOptions): number;
731 | getChunkModuleMaps(filterFn: (m: Module) => boolean): ChunkModuleMaps;
732 | hasModuleInGraph(
733 | filterFn: (m: Module) => boolean,
734 | filterChunkFn?: (c: Chunk, chunkGraph: ChunkGraph) => boolean
735 | ): boolean;
736 | getChunkMaps(realHash: boolean): ChunkMaps;
737 | hasRuntime(): boolean;
738 | canBeInitial(): boolean;
739 | isOnlyInitial(): boolean;
740 | getEntryOptions(): undefined | EntryOptions;
741 | addGroup(chunkGroup: ChunkGroup): void;
742 | removeGroup(chunkGroup: ChunkGroup): void;
743 | isInGroup(chunkGroup: ChunkGroup): boolean;
744 | getNumberOfGroups(): number;
745 | readonly groupsIterable: Iterable<ChunkGroup>;
746 | disconnectFromGroups(): void;
747 | split(newChunk: Chunk): void;
748 | updateHash(hash: Hash, chunkGraph: ChunkGraph): void;
749 | getAllAsyncChunks(): Set<Chunk>;
750 | getAllInitialChunks(): Set<Chunk>;
751 | getAllReferencedChunks(): Set<Chunk>;
752 | getAllReferencedAsyncEntrypoints(): Set<Entrypoint>;
753 | hasAsyncChunks(): boolean;
754 | getChildIdsByOrders(
755 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
756 | filterFn?: (c: Chunk, chunkGraph: ChunkGraph) => boolean
757 | ): Record<string, (string | number)[]>;
758 | getChildrenOfTypeInOrder(
759 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
760 | type: string
761 | ): { onChunks: Chunk[]; chunks: Set<Chunk> }[];
762 | getChildIdsByOrdersMap(
763 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
764 | includeDirectChildren?: boolean,
765 | filterFn?: (c: Chunk, chunkGraph: ChunkGraph) => boolean
766 | ): Record<string | number, Record<string, (string | number)[]>>;
767 | }
768 | declare class ChunkGraph {
769 | constructor(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, hashFunction?: string | typeof Hash);
770 | moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;
771 | connectChunkAndModule(chunk: Chunk, module: Module): void;
772 | disconnectChunkAndModule(chunk: Chunk, module: Module): void;
773 | disconnectChunk(chunk: Chunk): void;
774 | attachModules(chunk: Chunk, modules: Iterable<Module>): void;
775 | attachRuntimeModules(chunk: Chunk, modules: Iterable<RuntimeModule>): void;
776 | attachFullHashModules(chunk: Chunk, modules: Iterable<RuntimeModule>): void;
777 | attachDependentHashModules(
778 | chunk: Chunk,
779 | modules: Iterable<RuntimeModule>
780 | ): void;
781 | replaceModule(oldModule: Module, newModule: Module): void;
782 | isModuleInChunk(module: Module, chunk: Chunk): boolean;
783 | isModuleInChunkGroup(module: Module, chunkGroup: ChunkGroup): boolean;
784 | isEntryModule(module: Module): boolean;
785 | getModuleChunksIterable(module: Module): Iterable<Chunk>;
786 | getOrderedModuleChunksIterable(
787 | module: Module,
788 | sortFn: (arg0: Chunk, arg1: Chunk) => 0 | 1 | -1
789 | ): Iterable<Chunk>;
790 | getModuleChunks(module: Module): Chunk[];
791 | getNumberOfModuleChunks(module: Module): number;
792 | getModuleRuntimes(module: Module): RuntimeSpecSet;
793 | getNumberOfChunkModules(chunk: Chunk): number;
794 | getNumberOfChunkFullHashModules(chunk: Chunk): number;
795 | getChunkModulesIterable(chunk: Chunk): Iterable<Module>;
796 | getChunkModulesIterableBySourceType(
797 | chunk: Chunk,
798 | sourceType: string
799 | ): undefined | Iterable<Module>;
800 | getOrderedChunkModulesIterable(
801 | chunk: Chunk,
802 | comparator: (arg0: Module, arg1: Module) => 0 | 1 | -1
803 | ): Iterable<Module>;
804 | getOrderedChunkModulesIterableBySourceType(
805 | chunk: Chunk,
806 | sourceType: string,
807 | comparator: (arg0: Module, arg1: Module) => 0 | 1 | -1
808 | ): undefined | Iterable<Module>;
809 | getChunkModules(chunk: Chunk): Module[];
810 | getOrderedChunkModules(
811 | chunk: Chunk,
812 | comparator: (arg0: Module, arg1: Module) => 0 | 1 | -1
813 | ): Module[];
814 | getChunkModuleIdMap(
815 | chunk: Chunk,
816 | filterFn: (m: Module) => boolean,
817 | includeAllChunks?: boolean
818 | ): Record<string | number, (string | number)[]>;
819 | getChunkModuleRenderedHashMap(
820 | chunk: Chunk,
821 | filterFn: (m: Module) => boolean,
822 | hashLength?: number,
823 | includeAllChunks?: boolean
824 | ): Record<string | number, Record<string | number, string>>;
825 | getChunkConditionMap(
826 | chunk: Chunk,
827 | filterFn: (c: Chunk, chunkGraph: ChunkGraph) => boolean
828 | ): Record<string | number, boolean>;
829 | hasModuleInGraph(
830 | chunk: Chunk,
831 | filterFn: (m: Module) => boolean,
832 | filterChunkFn?: (c: Chunk, chunkGraph: ChunkGraph) => boolean
833 | ): boolean;
834 | compareChunks(chunkA: Chunk, chunkB: Chunk): 0 | 1 | -1;
835 | getChunkModulesSize(chunk: Chunk): number;
836 | getChunkModulesSizes(chunk: Chunk): Record<string, number>;
837 | getChunkRootModules(chunk: Chunk): Module[];
838 | getChunkSize(chunk: Chunk, options?: ChunkSizeOptions): number;
839 | getIntegratedChunksSize(
840 | chunkA: Chunk,
841 | chunkB: Chunk,
842 | options?: ChunkSizeOptions
843 | ): number;
844 | canChunksBeIntegrated(chunkA: Chunk, chunkB: Chunk): boolean;
845 | integrateChunks(chunkA: Chunk, chunkB: Chunk): void;
846 | upgradeDependentToFullHashModules(chunk: Chunk): void;
847 | isEntryModuleInChunk(module: Module, chunk: Chunk): boolean;
848 | connectChunkAndEntryModule(
849 | chunk: Chunk,
850 | module: Module,
851 | entrypoint?: Entrypoint
852 | ): void;
853 | connectChunkAndRuntimeModule(chunk: Chunk, module: RuntimeModule): void;
854 | addFullHashModuleToChunk(chunk: Chunk, module: RuntimeModule): void;
855 | addDependentHashModuleToChunk(chunk: Chunk, module: RuntimeModule): void;
856 | disconnectChunkAndEntryModule(chunk: Chunk, module: Module): void;
857 | disconnectChunkAndRuntimeModule(chunk: Chunk, module: RuntimeModule): void;
858 | disconnectEntryModule(module: Module): void;
859 | disconnectEntries(chunk: Chunk): void;
860 | getNumberOfEntryModules(chunk: Chunk): number;
861 | getNumberOfRuntimeModules(chunk: Chunk): number;
862 | getChunkEntryModulesIterable(chunk: Chunk): Iterable<Module>;
863 | getChunkEntryDependentChunksIterable(chunk: Chunk): Iterable<Chunk>;
864 | hasChunkEntryDependentChunks(chunk: Chunk): boolean;
865 | getChunkRuntimeModulesIterable(chunk: Chunk): Iterable<RuntimeModule>;
866 | getChunkRuntimeModulesInOrder(chunk: Chunk): RuntimeModule[];
867 | getChunkFullHashModulesIterable(
868 | chunk: Chunk
869 | ): undefined | Iterable<RuntimeModule>;
870 | getChunkFullHashModulesSet(
871 | chunk: Chunk
872 | ): undefined | ReadonlySet<RuntimeModule>;
873 | getChunkDependentHashModulesIterable(
874 | chunk: Chunk
875 | ): undefined | Iterable<RuntimeModule>;
876 | getChunkEntryModulesWithChunkGroupIterable(
877 | chunk: Chunk
878 | ): Iterable<[Module, undefined | Entrypoint]>;
879 | getBlockChunkGroup(depBlock: AsyncDependenciesBlock): ChunkGroup;
880 | connectBlockAndChunkGroup(
881 | depBlock: AsyncDependenciesBlock,
882 | chunkGroup: ChunkGroup
883 | ): void;
884 | disconnectChunkGroup(chunkGroup: ChunkGroup): void;
885 | getModuleId(module: Module): string | number;
886 | setModuleId(module: Module, id: string | number): void;
887 | getRuntimeId(runtime: string): string | number;
888 | setRuntimeId(runtime: string, id: string | number): void;
889 | hasModuleHashes(module: Module, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
890 | getModuleHash(module: Module, runtime: RuntimeSpec): string;
891 | getRenderedModuleHash(module: Module, runtime: RuntimeSpec): string;
892 | setModuleHashes(
893 | module: Module,
894 | runtime: RuntimeSpec,
895 | hash: string,
896 | renderedHash: string
897 | ): void;
898 | addModuleRuntimeRequirements(
899 | module: Module,
900 | runtime: RuntimeSpec,
901 | items: Set<string>,
902 | transferOwnership?: boolean
903 | ): void;
904 | addChunkRuntimeRequirements(chunk: Chunk, items: Set<string>): void;
905 | addTreeRuntimeRequirements(chunk: Chunk, items: Iterable<string>): void;
906 | getModuleRuntimeRequirements(
907 | module: Module,
908 | runtime: RuntimeSpec
909 | ): ReadonlySet<string>;
910 | getChunkRuntimeRequirements(chunk: Chunk): ReadonlySet<string>;
911 | getModuleGraphHash(
912 | module: Module,
913 | runtime: RuntimeSpec,
914 | withConnections?: boolean
915 | ): string;
916 | getModuleGraphHashBigInt(
917 | module: Module,
918 | runtime: RuntimeSpec,
919 | withConnections?: boolean
920 | ): bigint;
921 | getTreeRuntimeRequirements(chunk: Chunk): ReadonlySet<string>;
922 | static getChunkGraphForModule(
923 | module: Module,
924 | deprecateMessage: string,
925 | deprecationCode: string
926 | ): ChunkGraph;
927 | static setChunkGraphForModule(module: Module, chunkGraph: ChunkGraph): void;
928 | static clearChunkGraphForModule(module: Module): void;
929 | static getChunkGraphForChunk(
930 | chunk: Chunk,
931 | deprecateMessage: string,
932 | deprecationCode: string
933 | ): ChunkGraph;
934 | static setChunkGraphForChunk(chunk: Chunk, chunkGraph: ChunkGraph): void;
935 | static clearChunkGraphForChunk(chunk: Chunk): void;
936 | }
937 | declare abstract class ChunkGroup {
938 | groupDebugId: number;
939 | options: ChunkGroupOptions;
940 | chunks: Chunk[];
941 | origins: OriginRecord[];
942 | index: number;
943 |
944 | |
945 |
946 |
947 | addOptions(options: ChunkGroupOptions): void;
948 |
949 | |
950 |
951 |
952 |
953 | name?: string;
954 |
955 | |
956 |
957 |
958 | readonly debugId: string;
959 |
960 | |
961 |
962 |
963 | readonly id: string;
964 |
965 | |
966 |
967 |
968 | unshiftChunk(chunk: Chunk): boolean;
969 |
970 | |
971 |
972 |
973 | insertChunk(chunk: Chunk, before: Chunk): boolean;
974 |
975 | |
976 |
977 |
978 | pushChunk(chunk: Chunk): boolean;
979 | replaceChunk(oldChunk: Chunk, newChunk: Chunk): boolean;
980 | removeChunk(chunk: Chunk): boolean;
981 | isInitial(): boolean;
982 | addChild(group: ChunkGroup): boolean;
983 | getChildren(): ChunkGroup[];
984 | getNumberOfChildren(): number;
985 | readonly childrenIterable: SortableSet<ChunkGroup>;
986 | removeChild(group: ChunkGroup): boolean;
987 | addParent(parentChunk: ChunkGroup): boolean;
988 | getParents(): ChunkGroup[];
989 | getNumberOfParents(): number;
990 | hasParent(parent: ChunkGroup): boolean;
991 | readonly parentsIterable: SortableSet<ChunkGroup>;
992 | removeParent(chunkGroup: ChunkGroup): boolean;
993 | addAsyncEntrypoint(entrypoint: Entrypoint): boolean;
994 | readonly asyncEntrypointsIterable: SortableSet<ChunkGroup>;
995 | getBlocks(): any[];
996 | getNumberOfBlocks(): number;
997 | hasBlock(block?: any): boolean;
998 | readonly blocksIterable: Iterable<AsyncDependenciesBlock>;
999 | addBlock(block: AsyncDependenciesBlock): boolean;
1000 | addOrigin(module: Module, loc: DependencyLocation, request: string): void;
1001 | getFiles(): string[];
1002 | remove(): void;
1003 | sortItems(): void;
1004 |
1005 | /**
1006 | * Sorting predicate which allows current ChunkGroup to be compared against another.
1007 | * Sorting values are based off of number of chunks in ChunkGroup.
1008 | */
1009 | compareTo(chunkGraph: ChunkGraph, otherGroup: ChunkGroup): 0 | 1 | -1;
1010 | getChildrenByOrders(
1011 | moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
1012 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
1013 | ): Record<string, ChunkGroup[]>;
1014 |
1015 | /**
1016 | * Sets the top-down index of a module in this ChunkGroup
1017 | */
1018 | setModulePreOrderIndex(module: Module, index: number): void;
1019 |
1020 | /**
1021 | * Gets the top-down index of a module in this ChunkGroup
1022 | */
1023 | getModulePreOrderIndex(module: Module): number;
1024 |
1025 | /**
1026 | * Sets the bottom-up index of a module in this ChunkGroup
1027 | */
1028 | setModulePostOrderIndex(module: Module, index: number): void;
1029 |
1030 | /**
1031 | * Gets the bottom-up index of a module in this ChunkGroup
1032 | */
1033 | getModulePostOrderIndex(module: Module): number;
1034 | checkConstraints(): void;
1035 | getModuleIndex: (module: Module) => number;
1036 | getModuleIndex2: (module: Module) => number;
1037 | }
1038 | type ChunkGroupOptions = RawChunkGroupOptions & { name?: string };
1039 | declare interface ChunkHashContext {
1040 | |
1041 |
1042 |
1043 | runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate;
1044 |
1045 | |
1046 |
1047 |
1048 | moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;
1049 |
1050 | |
1051 |
1052 |
1053 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
1054 | }
1055 | declare interface ChunkMaps {
1056 | hash: Record<string | number, string>;
1057 | contentHash: Record<string | number, Record<string, string>>;
1058 | name: Record<string | number, string>;
1059 | }
1060 | declare class ChunkModuleIdRangePlugin {
1061 | constructor(options?: any);
1062 | options: any;
1063 |
1064 | /**
1065 | * Apply the plugin
1066 | */
1067 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
1068 | }
1069 | declare interface ChunkModuleMaps {
1070 | id: Record<string | number, (string | number)[]>;
1071 | hash: Record<string | number, string>;
1072 | }
1073 | declare interface ChunkPathData {
1074 | id: string | number;
1075 | name?: string;
1076 | hash: string;
1077 | hashWithLength?: (arg0: number) => string;
1078 | contentHash?: Record<string, string>;
1079 | contentHashWithLength?: Record<string, (length: number) => string>;
1080 | }
1081 | declare class ChunkPrefetchPreloadPlugin {
1082 | constructor();
1083 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
1084 | }
1085 | declare interface ChunkRenderContext {
1086 | |
1087 |
1088 |
1089 | chunk: Chunk;
1090 |
1091 | |
1092 |
1093 |
1094 | dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates;
1095 |
1096 | |
1097 |
1098 |
1099 | runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate;
1100 |
1101 | |
1102 |
1103 |
1104 | moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;
1105 |
1106 | |
1107 |
1108 |
1109 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
1110 |
1111 | |
1112 |
1113 |
1114 | codeGenerationResults: CodeGenerationResults;
1115 |
1116 | |
1117 |
1118 |
1119 | chunkInitFragments: InitFragment<ChunkRenderContext>[];
1120 |
1121 | |
1122 |
1123 |
1124 | strictMode: boolean;
1125 | }
1126 | declare interface ChunkSizeOptions {
1127 | |
1128 |
1129 |
1130 | chunkOverhead?: number;
1131 |
1132 | |
1133 |
1134 |
1135 | entryChunkMultiplicator?: number;
1136 | }
1137 | declare abstract class ChunkTemplate {
1138 | hooks: Readonly<{
1139 | renderManifest: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
1140 | modules: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
1141 | render: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
1142 | renderWithEntry: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
1143 | hash: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
1144 | hashForChunk: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
1145 | }>;
1146 | readonly outputOptions: Output;
1147 | }
1148 |
1149 |
1150 |
1151 |
1152 | declare interface CleanOptions {
1153 | |
1154 |
1155 |
1156 | dry?: boolean;
1157 |
1158 | |
1159 |
1160 |
1161 | keep?: string | RegExp | ((filename: string) => boolean);
1162 | }
1163 | declare class CleanPlugin {
1164 | constructor(options?: CleanOptions);
1165 | options: {
1166 | /**
1167 | * Log the assets that should be removed instead of deleting them.
1168 | */
1169 | dry: boolean;
1170 | /**
1171 | * Keep these assets.
1172 | */
1173 | keep?: string | RegExp | ((filename: string) => boolean);
1174 | };
1175 |
1176 | /**
1177 | * Apply the plugin
1178 | */
1179 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
1180 | static getCompilationHooks(
1181 | compilation: Compilation
1182 | ): CleanPluginCompilationHooks;
1183 | }
1184 | declare interface CleanPluginCompilationHooks {
1185 | /**
1186 | * when returning true the file/directory will be kept during cleaning, returning false will clean it and ignore the following plugins and config
1187 | */
1188 | keep: SyncBailHook<[string], boolean>;
1189 | }
1190 | declare interface CodeGenerationContext {
1191 | /**
1192 | * the dependency templates
1193 | */
1194 | dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates;
1195 |
1196 | /**
1197 | * the runtime template
1198 | */
1199 | runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate;
1200 |
1201 | /**
1202 | * the module graph
1203 | */
1204 | moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;
1205 |
1206 | /**
1207 | * the chunk graph
1208 | */
1209 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
1210 |
1211 | /**
1212 | * the runtimes code should be generated for
1213 | */
1214 | runtime: RuntimeSpec;
1215 |
1216 | /**
1217 | * when in concatenated module, information about other concatenated modules
1218 | */
1219 | concatenationScope?: ConcatenationScope;
1220 | }
1221 | declare interface CodeGenerationResult {
1222 | /**
1223 | * the resulting sources for all source types
1224 | */
1225 | sources: Map<string, Source>;
1226 |
1227 | /**
1228 | * the resulting data for all source types
1229 | */
1230 | data?: Map<string, any>;
1231 |
1232 | /**
1233 | * the runtime requirements
1234 | */
1235 | runtimeRequirements: ReadonlySet<string>;
1236 |
1237 | /**
1238 | * a hash of the code generation result (will be automatically calculated from sources and runtimeRequirements if not provided)
1239 | */
1240 | hash?: string;
1241 | }
1242 | declare abstract class CodeGenerationResults {
1243 | map: Map<Module, RuntimeSpecMap<CodeGenerationResult>>;
1244 | get(module: Module, runtime: RuntimeSpec): CodeGenerationResult;
1245 | has(module: Module, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
1246 | getSource(module: Module, runtime: RuntimeSpec, sourceType: string): Source;
1247 | getRuntimeRequirements(
1248 | module: Module,
1249 | runtime: RuntimeSpec
1250 | ): ReadonlySet<string>;
1251 | getData(module: Module, runtime: RuntimeSpec, key: string): any;
1252 | getHash(module: Module, runtime: RuntimeSpec): any;
1253 | add(module: Module, runtime: RuntimeSpec, result: CodeGenerationResult): void;
1254 | }
1255 | type CodeValue =
1256 | | undefined
1257 | | null
1258 | | string
1259 | | number
1260 | | bigint
1261 | | boolean
1262 | | Function
1263 | | RegExp
1264 | | RuntimeValue
1265 | | {
1266 | [index: string]: RecursiveArrayOrRecord<
1267 | | undefined
1268 | | null
1269 | | string
1270 | | number
1271 | | bigint
1272 | | boolean
1273 | | Function
1274 | | RegExp
1275 | | RuntimeValue
1276 | >;
1277 | }
1278 | | RecursiveArrayOrRecord<
1279 | | undefined
1280 | | null
1281 | | string
1282 | | number
1283 | | bigint
1284 | | boolean
1285 | | Function
1286 | | RegExp
1287 | | RuntimeValue
1288 | >[];
1289 | type CodeValuePrimitive =
1290 | | undefined
1291 | | null
1292 | | string
1293 | | number
1294 | | bigint
1295 | | boolean
1296 | | Function
1297 | | RegExp;
1298 | declare interface Comparator<T> {
1299 | (arg0: T, arg1: T): 0 | 1 | -1;
1300 | }
1301 | declare class CompatSource extends Source {
1302 | constructor(sourceLike: SourceLike);
1303 | static from(sourceLike: SourceLike): Source;
1304 | }
1305 | declare class Compilation {
1306 | /**
1307 | * Creates an instance of Compilation.
1308 | */
1309 | constructor(compiler: Compiler, params: CompilationParams);
1310 | hooks: Readonly<{
1311 | buildModule: SyncHook<[Module]>;
1312 | rebuildModule: SyncHook<[Module]>;
1313 | failedModule: SyncHook<[Module, WebpackError]>;
1314 | succeedModule: SyncHook<[Module]>;
1315 | stillValidModule: SyncHook<[Module]>;
1316 | addEntry: SyncHook<[Dependency, EntryOptions]>;
1317 | failedEntry: SyncHook<[Dependency, EntryOptions, Error]>;
1318 | succeedEntry: SyncHook<[Dependency, EntryOptions, Module]>;
1319 | dependencyReferencedExports: SyncWaterfallHook<
1320 | [(string[] | ReferencedExport)[], Dependency, RuntimeSpec]
1321 | >;
1322 | executeModule: SyncHook<[ExecuteModuleArgument, ExecuteModuleContext]>;
1323 | prepareModuleExecution: AsyncParallelHook<
1324 | [ExecuteModuleArgument, ExecuteModuleContext]
1325 | >;
1326 | finishModules: AsyncSeriesHook<[Iterable<Module>]>;
1327 | finishRebuildingModule: AsyncSeriesHook<[Module]>;
1328 | unseal: SyncHook<[]>;
1329 | seal: SyncHook<[]>;
1330 | beforeChunks: SyncHook<[]>;
1331 | afterChunks: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>]>;
1332 | optimizeDependencies: SyncBailHook<[Iterable<Module>], any>;
1333 | afterOptimizeDependencies: SyncHook<[Iterable<Module>]>;
1334 | optimize: SyncHook<[]>;
1335 | optimizeModules: SyncBailHook<[Iterable<Module>], any>;
1336 | afterOptimizeModules: SyncHook<[Iterable<Module>]>;
1337 | optimizeChunks: SyncBailHook<[Iterable<Chunk>, ChunkGroup[]], any>;
1338 | afterOptimizeChunks: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>, ChunkGroup[]]>;
1339 | optimizeTree: AsyncSeriesHook<[Iterable<Chunk>, Iterable<Module>]>;
1340 | afterOptimizeTree: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>, Iterable<Module>]>;
1341 | optimizeChunkModules: AsyncSeriesBailHook<
1342 | [Iterable<Chunk>, Iterable<Module>],
1343 | any
1344 | >;
1345 | afterOptimizeChunkModules: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>, Iterable<Module>]>;
1346 | shouldRecord: SyncBailHook<[], boolean>;
1347 | additionalChunkRuntimeRequirements: SyncHook<
1348 | [Chunk, Set<string>, RuntimeRequirementsContext]
1349 | >;
1350 | runtimeRequirementInChunk: HookMap<
1351 | SyncBailHook<[Chunk, Set<string>, RuntimeRequirementsContext], any>
1352 | >;
1353 | additionalModuleRuntimeRequirements: SyncHook<
1354 | [Module, Set<string>, RuntimeRequirementsContext]
1355 | >;
1356 | runtimeRequirementInModule: HookMap<
1357 | SyncBailHook<[Module, Set<string>, RuntimeRequirementsContext], any>
1358 | >;
1359 | additionalTreeRuntimeRequirements: SyncHook<
1360 | [Chunk, Set<string>, RuntimeRequirementsContext]
1361 | >;
1362 | runtimeRequirementInTree: HookMap<
1363 | SyncBailHook<[Chunk, Set<string>, RuntimeRequirementsContext], any>
1364 | >;
1365 | runtimeModule: SyncHook<[RuntimeModule, Chunk]>;
1366 | reviveModules: SyncHook<[Iterable<Module>, any]>;
1367 | beforeModuleIds: SyncHook<[Iterable<Module>]>;
1368 | moduleIds: SyncHook<[Iterable<Module>]>;
1369 | optimizeModuleIds: SyncHook<[Iterable<Module>]>;
1370 | afterOptimizeModuleIds: SyncHook<[Iterable<Module>]>;
1371 | reviveChunks: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>, any]>;
1372 | beforeChunkIds: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>]>;
1373 | chunkIds: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>]>;
1374 | optimizeChunkIds: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>]>;
1375 | afterOptimizeChunkIds: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>]>;
1376 | recordModules: SyncHook<[Iterable<Module>, any]>;
1377 | recordChunks: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>, any]>;
1378 | optimizeCodeGeneration: SyncHook<[Iterable<Module>]>;
1379 | beforeModuleHash: SyncHook<[]>;
1380 | afterModuleHash: SyncHook<[]>;
1381 | beforeCodeGeneration: SyncHook<[]>;
1382 | afterCodeGeneration: SyncHook<[]>;
1383 | beforeRuntimeRequirements: SyncHook<[]>;
1384 | afterRuntimeRequirements: SyncHook<[]>;
1385 | beforeHash: SyncHook<[]>;
1386 | contentHash: SyncHook<[Chunk]>;
1387 | afterHash: SyncHook<[]>;
1388 | recordHash: SyncHook<[any]>;
1389 | record: SyncHook<[Compilation, any]>;
1390 | beforeModuleAssets: SyncHook<[]>;
1391 | shouldGenerateChunkAssets: SyncBailHook<[], boolean>;
1392 | beforeChunkAssets: SyncHook<[]>;
1393 | additionalChunkAssets: FakeHook<
1394 | Pick<
1395 | AsyncSeriesHook<[Set<Chunk>]>,
1396 | "name" | "tap" | "tapAsync" | "tapPromise"
1397 | >
1398 | >;
1399 | additionalAssets: FakeHook<
1400 | Pick<AsyncSeriesHook<[]>, "name" | "tap" | "tapAsync" | "tapPromise">
1401 | >;
1402 | optimizeChunkAssets: FakeHook<
1403 | Pick<
1404 | AsyncSeriesHook<[Set<Chunk>]>,
1405 | "name" | "tap" | "tapAsync" | "tapPromise"
1406 | >
1407 | >;
1408 | afterOptimizeChunkAssets: FakeHook<
1409 | Pick<
1410 | AsyncSeriesHook<[Set<Chunk>]>,
1411 | "name" | "tap" | "tapAsync" | "tapPromise"
1412 | >
1413 | >;
1414 | optimizeAssets: AsyncSeriesHook<
1415 | [CompilationAssets],
1416 | ProcessAssetsAdditionalOptions
1417 | >;
1418 | afterOptimizeAssets: SyncHook<[CompilationAssets]>;
1419 | processAssets: AsyncSeriesHook<
1420 | [CompilationAssets],
1421 | ProcessAssetsAdditionalOptions
1422 | >;
1423 | afterProcessAssets: SyncHook<[CompilationAssets]>;
1424 | processAdditionalAssets: AsyncSeriesHook<[CompilationAssets]>;
1425 | needAdditionalSeal: SyncBailHook<[], boolean>;
1426 | afterSeal: AsyncSeriesHook<[]>;
1427 | renderManifest: SyncWaterfallHook<
1428 | [RenderManifestEntry[], RenderManifestOptions]
1429 | >;
1430 | fullHash: SyncHook<[Hash]>;
1431 | chunkHash: SyncHook<[Chunk, Hash, ChunkHashContext]>;
1432 | moduleAsset: SyncHook<[Module, string]>;
1433 | chunkAsset: SyncHook<[Chunk, string]>;
1434 | assetPath: SyncWaterfallHook<[string, object, AssetInfo]>;
1435 | needAdditionalPass: SyncBailHook<[], boolean>;
1436 | childCompiler: SyncHook<[Compiler, string, number]>;
1437 | log: SyncBailHook<[string, LogEntry], true>;
1438 | processWarnings: SyncWaterfallHook<[WebpackError[]]>;
1439 | processErrors: SyncWaterfallHook<[WebpackError[]]>;
1440 | statsPreset: HookMap<
1441 | SyncHook<[Partial<NormalizedStatsOptions>, CreateStatsOptionsContext]>
1442 | >;
1443 | statsNormalize: SyncHook<
1444 | [Partial<NormalizedStatsOptions>, CreateStatsOptionsContext]
1445 | >;
1446 | statsFactory: SyncHook<[StatsFactory, NormalizedStatsOptions]>;
1447 | statsPrinter: SyncHook<[StatsPrinter, NormalizedStatsOptions]>;
1448 | readonly normalModuleLoader: SyncHook<[object, NormalModule]>;
1449 | }>;
1450 | name?: string;
1451 | startTime: any;
1452 | endTime: any;
1453 | compiler: Compiler;
1454 | resolverFactory: ResolverFactory;
1455 | inputFileSystem: InputFileSystem;
1456 | fileSystemInfo: FileSystemInfo;
1457 | valueCacheVersions: Map<string, string | Set<string>>;
1458 | requestShortener: RequestShortener;
1459 | compilerPath: string;
1460 | logger: WebpackLogger;
1461 | options: WebpackOptionsNormalized;
1462 | outputOptions: OutputNormalized;
1463 | bail: boolean;
1464 | profile: boolean;
1465 | params: CompilationParams;
1466 | mainTemplate: MainTemplate;
1467 | chunkTemplate: ChunkTemplate;
1468 | runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate;
1469 | moduleTemplates: { javascript: ModuleTemplate };
1470 | moduleMemCaches?: Map<Module, WeakTupleMap<any, any>>;
1471 | moduleMemCaches2?: Map<Module, WeakTupleMap<any, any>>;
1472 | moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;
1473 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
1474 | codeGenerationResults: CodeGenerationResults;
1475 | processDependenciesQueue: AsyncQueue<Module, Module, Module>;
1476 | addModuleQueue: AsyncQueue<Module, string, Module>;
1477 | factorizeQueue: AsyncQueue<
1478 | FactorizeModuleOptions,
1479 | string,
1480 | Module | ModuleFactoryResult
1481 | >;
1482 | buildQueue: AsyncQueue<Module, Module, Module>;
1483 | rebuildQueue: AsyncQueue<Module, Module, Module>;
1484 |
1485 | /**
1486 | * Modules in value are building during the build of Module in key.
1487 | * Means value blocking key from finishing.
1488 | * Needed to detect build cycles.
1489 | */
1490 | creatingModuleDuringBuild: WeakMap<Module, Set<Module>>;
1491 | entries: Map<string, EntryData>;
1492 | globalEntry: EntryData;
1493 | entrypoints: Map<string, Entrypoint>;
1494 | asyncEntrypoints: Entrypoint[];
1495 | chunks: Set<Chunk>;
1496 | chunkGroups: ChunkGroup[];
1497 | namedChunkGroups: Map<string, ChunkGroup>;
1498 | namedChunks: Map<string, Chunk>;
1499 | modules: Set<Module>;
1500 | records: any;
1501 | additionalChunkAssets: string[];
1502 | assets: CompilationAssets;
1503 | assetsInfo: Map<string, AssetInfo>;
1504 | errors: WebpackError[];
1505 | warnings: WebpackError[];
1506 | children: Compilation[];
1507 | logging: Map<string, LogEntry[]>;
1508 | dependencyFactories: Map<DepConstructor, ModuleFactory>;
1509 | dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates;
1510 | childrenCounters: object;
1511 | usedChunkIds: Set<string | number>;
1512 | usedModuleIds: Set<number>;
1513 | needAdditionalPass: boolean;
1514 | builtModules: WeakSet<Module>;
1515 | codeGeneratedModules: WeakSet<Module>;
1516 | buildTimeExecutedModules: WeakSet<Module>;
1517 | emittedAssets: Set<string>;
1518 | comparedForEmitAssets: Set<string>;
1519 | fileDependencies: LazySet<string>;
1520 | contextDependencies: LazySet<string>;
1521 | missingDependencies: LazySet<string>;
1522 | buildDependencies: LazySet<string>;
1523 | compilationDependencies: { add: (item?: any) => LazySet<string> };
1524 | getStats(): Stats;
1525 | createStatsOptions(
1526 | optionsOrPreset: string | StatsOptions,
1527 | context?: CreateStatsOptionsContext
1528 | ): NormalizedStatsOptions;
1529 | createStatsFactory(options?: any): StatsFactory;
1530 | createStatsPrinter(options?: any): StatsPrinter;
1531 | getCache(name: string): CacheFacade;
1532 | getLogger(name: string | (() => string)): WebpackLogger;
1533 | addModule(
1534 | module: Module,
1535 | callback: (err?: WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
1536 | ): void;
1537 |
1538 | /**
1539 | * Fetches a module from a compilation by its identifier
1540 | */
1541 | getModule(module: Module): Module;
1542 |
1543 | /**
1544 | * Attempts to search for a module by its identifier
1545 | */
1546 | findModule(identifier: string): undefined | Module;
1547 |
1548 | /**
1549 | * Schedules a build of the module object
1550 | */
1551 | buildModule(
1552 | module: Module,
1553 | callback: (err?: WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
1554 | ): void;
1555 | processModuleDependencies(
1556 | module: Module,
1557 | callback: (err?: WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
1558 | ): void;
1559 | processModuleDependenciesNonRecursive(module: Module): void;
1560 | handleModuleCreation(
1561 | __0: HandleModuleCreationOptions,
1562 | callback: (err?: WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
1563 | ): void;
1564 | addModuleChain(
1565 | context: string,
1566 | dependency: Dependency,
1567 | callback: (err?: WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
1568 | ): void;
1569 | addModuleTree(
1570 | __0: {
1571 | |
1572 |
1573 |
1574 | context: string;
1575 | |
1576 |
1577 |
1578 | dependency: Dependency;
1579 | |
1580 |
1581 |
1582 | contextInfo?: Partial<ModuleFactoryCreateDataContextInfo>;
1583 | },
1584 | callback: (err?: WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
1585 | ): void;
1586 | addEntry(
1587 | context: string,
1588 | entry: Dependency,
1589 | optionsOrName: string | EntryOptions,
1590 | callback: (err?: WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
1591 | ): void;
1592 | addInclude(
1593 | context: string,
1594 | dependency: Dependency,
1595 | options: EntryOptions,
1596 | callback: (err?: WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
1597 | ): void;
1598 | rebuildModule(
1599 | module: Module,
1600 | callback: (err?: WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
1601 | ): void;
1602 | finish(callback?: any): void;
1603 | unseal(): void;
1604 | seal(callback: (err?: WebpackError) => void): void;
1605 | reportDependencyErrorsAndWarnings(
1606 | module: Module,
1607 | blocks: DependenciesBlock[]
1608 | ): boolean;
1609 | codeGeneration(callback?: any): void;
1610 | processRuntimeRequirements(__0?: {
1611 | |
1612 |
1613 |
1614 | chunkGraph?: ChunkGraph;
1615 | |
1616 |
1617 |
1618 | modules?: Iterable<Module>;
1619 | |
1620 |
1621 |
1622 | chunks?: Iterable<Chunk>;
1623 | |
1624 |
1625 |
1626 | codeGenerationResults?: CodeGenerationResults;
1627 | |
1628 |
1629 |
1630 | chunkGraphEntries?: Iterable<Chunk>;
1631 | }): void;
1632 | addRuntimeModule(
1633 | chunk: Chunk,
1634 | module: RuntimeModule,
1635 | chunkGraph?: ChunkGraph
1636 | ): void;
1637 | addChunkInGroup(
1638 | groupOptions: string | ChunkGroupOptions,
1639 | module: Module,
1640 | loc: DependencyLocation,
1641 | request: string
1642 | ): ChunkGroup;
1643 | addAsyncEntrypoint(
1644 | options: EntryOptions,
1645 | module: Module,
1646 | loc: DependencyLocation,
1647 | request: string
1648 | ): Entrypoint;
1649 |
1650 | /**
1651 | * This method first looks to see if a name is provided for a new chunk,
1652 | * and first looks to see if any named chunks already exist and reuse that chunk instead.
1653 | */
1654 | addChunk(name?: string): Chunk;
1655 | assignDepth(module: Module): void;
1656 | assignDepths(modules: Set<Module>): void;
1657 | getDependencyReferencedExports(
1658 | dependency: Dependency,
1659 | runtime: RuntimeSpec
1660 | ): (string[] | ReferencedExport)[];
1661 | removeReasonsOfDependencyBlock(
1662 | module: Module,
1663 | block: DependenciesBlockLike
1664 | ): void;
1665 | patchChunksAfterReasonRemoval(module: Module, chunk: Chunk): void;
1666 | removeChunkFromDependencies(block: DependenciesBlock, chunk: Chunk): void;
1667 | assignRuntimeIds(): void;
1668 | sortItemsWithChunkIds(): void;
1669 | summarizeDependencies(): void;
1670 | createModuleHashes(): void;
1671 | createHash(): {
1672 | module: Module;
1673 | hash: string;
1674 | runtime: RuntimeSpec;
1675 | runtimes: RuntimeSpec[];
1676 | }[];
1677 | fullHash?: string;
1678 | hash?: string;
1679 | emitAsset(file: string, source: Source, assetInfo?: AssetInfo): void;
1680 | updateAsset(
1681 | file: string,
1682 | newSourceOrFunction: Source | ((arg0: Source) => Source),
1683 | assetInfoUpdateOrFunction?: AssetInfo | ((arg0?: AssetInfo) => AssetInfo)
1684 | ): void;
1685 | renameAsset(file?: any, newFile?: any): void;
1686 | deleteAsset(file: string): void;
1687 | getAssets(): Readonly<Asset>[];
1688 | getAsset(name: string): undefined | Readonly<Asset>;
1689 | clearAssets(): void;
1690 | createModuleAssets(): void;
1691 | getRenderManifest(options: RenderManifestOptions): RenderManifestEntry[];
1692 | createChunkAssets(callback: (err?: WebpackError) => void): void;
1693 | getPath(
1694 | filename: string | ((arg0: PathData, arg1?: AssetInfo) => string),
1695 | data?: PathData
1696 | ): string;
1697 | getPathWithInfo(
1698 | filename: string | ((arg0: PathData, arg1?: AssetInfo) => string),
1699 | data?: PathData
1700 | ): { path: string; info: AssetInfo };
1701 | getAssetPath(
1702 | filename: string | ((arg0: PathData, arg1?: AssetInfo) => string),
1703 | data: PathData
1704 | ): string;
1705 | getAssetPathWithInfo(
1706 | filename: string | ((arg0: PathData, arg1?: AssetInfo) => string),
1707 | data: PathData
1708 | ): { path: string; info: AssetInfo };
1709 | getWarnings(): WebpackError[];
1710 | getErrors(): WebpackError[];
1711 |
1712 | /**
1713 | * This function allows you to run another instance of webpack inside of webpack however as
1714 | * a child with different settings and configurations (if desired) applied. It copies all hooks, plugins
1715 | * from parent (or top level compiler) and creates a child Compilation
1716 | */
1717 | createChildCompiler(
1718 | name: string,
1719 | outputOptions?: OutputNormalized,
1720 | plugins?: (
1721 | | ((this: Compiler, compiler: Compiler) => void)
1722 | | WebpackPluginInstance
1723 | )[]
1724 | ): Compiler;
1725 | executeModule(
1726 | module: Module,
1727 | options: ExecuteModuleOptions,
1728 | callback: (err?: WebpackError, result?: ExecuteModuleResult) => void
1729 | ): void;
1730 | checkConstraints(): void;
1731 | factorizeModule: {
1732 | (
1733 | options: FactorizeModuleOptions & { factoryResult?: false },
1734 | callback: (err?: WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
1735 | ): void;
1736 | (
1737 | options: FactorizeModuleOptions & { factoryResult: true },
1738 | callback: (err?: WebpackError, result?: ModuleFactoryResult) => void
1739 | ): void;
1740 | };
1741 |
1742 | /**
1743 | * Add additional assets to the compilation.
1744 | */
1746 |
1747 | /**
1748 | * Basic preprocessing of assets.
1749 | */
1751 |
1752 | /**
1753 | * Derive new assets from existing assets.
1754 | * Existing assets should not be treated as complete.
1755 | */
1756 | static PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_DERIVED: number;
1757 |
1758 | /**
1759 | * Add additional sections to existing assets, like a banner or initialization code.
1760 | */
1762 |
1763 | /**
1764 | * Optimize existing assets in a general way.
1765 | */
1766 | static PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_OPTIMIZE: number;
1767 |
1768 | /**
1769 | * Optimize the count of existing assets, e. g. by merging them.
1770 | * Only assets of the same type should be merged.
1771 | * For assets of different types see PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_OPTIMIZE_INLINE.
1772 | */
1774 |
1775 | /**
1776 | * Optimize the compatibility of existing assets, e. g. add polyfills or vendor-prefixes.
1777 | */
1779 |
1780 | /**
1781 | * Optimize the size of existing assets, e. g. by minimizing or omitting whitespace.
1782 | */
1784 |
1785 | /**
1786 | * Add development tooling to assets, e. g. by extracting a SourceMap.
1787 | */
1789 |
1790 | /**
1791 | * Optimize the count of existing assets, e. g. by inlining assets of into other assets.
1792 | * Only assets of different types should be inlined.
1793 | * For assets of the same type see PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_OPTIMIZE_COUNT.
1794 | */
1796 |
1797 | /**
1798 | * Summarize the list of existing assets
1799 | * e. g. creating an assets manifest of Service Workers.
1800 | */
1802 |
1803 | /**
1804 | * Optimize the hashes of the assets, e. g. by generating real hashes of the asset content.
1805 | */
1807 |
1808 | /**
1809 | * Optimize the transfer of existing assets, e. g. by preparing a compressed (gzip) file as separate asset.
1810 | */
1812 |
1813 | /**
1814 | * Analyse existing assets.
1815 | */
1816 | static PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_ANALYSE: number;
1817 |
1818 | /**
1819 | * Creating assets for reporting purposes.
1820 | */
1821 | static PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_REPORT: number;
1822 | }
1823 | declare interface CompilationAssets {
1824 | [index: string]: Source;
1825 | }
1826 | declare interface CompilationHooksAsyncWebAssemblyModulesPlugin {
1827 | renderModuleContent: SyncWaterfallHook<
1828 | [Source, Module, WebAssemblyRenderContext]
1829 | >;
1830 | }
1831 | declare interface CompilationHooksJavascriptModulesPlugin {
1832 | renderModuleContent: SyncWaterfallHook<[Source, Module, ChunkRenderContext]>;
1833 | renderModuleContainer: SyncWaterfallHook<
1834 | [Source, Module, ChunkRenderContext]
1835 | >;
1836 | renderModulePackage: SyncWaterfallHook<[Source, Module, ChunkRenderContext]>;
1837 | renderChunk: SyncWaterfallHook<[Source, RenderContext]>;
1838 | renderMain: SyncWaterfallHook<[Source, RenderContext]>;
1839 | renderContent: SyncWaterfallHook<[Source, RenderContext]>;
1840 | render: SyncWaterfallHook<[Source, RenderContext]>;
1841 | renderStartup: SyncWaterfallHook<[Source, Module, StartupRenderContext]>;
1842 | renderRequire: SyncWaterfallHook<[string, RenderBootstrapContext]>;
1843 | inlineInRuntimeBailout: SyncBailHook<
1844 | [Module, RenderBootstrapContext],
1845 | string
1846 | >;
1847 | embedInRuntimeBailout: SyncBailHook<[Module, RenderContext], string>;
1848 | strictRuntimeBailout: SyncBailHook<[RenderContext], string>;
1849 | chunkHash: SyncHook<[Chunk, Hash, ChunkHashContext]>;
1850 | useSourceMap: SyncBailHook<[Chunk, RenderContext], boolean>;
1851 | }
1852 | declare interface CompilationHooksRealContentHashPlugin {
1853 | updateHash: SyncBailHook<[Buffer[], string], string>;
1854 | }
1855 | declare interface CompilationParams {
1856 | normalModuleFactory: NormalModuleFactory;
1857 | contextModuleFactory: ContextModuleFactory;
1858 | }
1859 | declare class Compiler {
1860 | constructor(context: string, options?: WebpackOptionsNormalized);
1861 | hooks: Readonly<{
1862 | initialize: SyncHook<[]>;
1863 | shouldEmit: SyncBailHook<[Compilation], boolean>;
1864 | done: AsyncSeriesHook<[Stats]>;
1865 | afterDone: SyncHook<[Stats]>;
1866 | additionalPass: AsyncSeriesHook<[]>;
1867 | beforeRun: AsyncSeriesHook<[Compiler]>;
1868 | run: AsyncSeriesHook<[Compiler]>;
1869 | emit: AsyncSeriesHook<[Compilation]>;
1870 | assetEmitted: AsyncSeriesHook<[string, AssetEmittedInfo]>;
1871 | afterEmit: AsyncSeriesHook<[Compilation]>;
1872 | thisCompilation: SyncHook<[Compilation, CompilationParams]>;
1873 | compilation: SyncHook<[Compilation, CompilationParams]>;
1874 | normalModuleFactory: SyncHook<[NormalModuleFactory]>;
1875 | contextModuleFactory: SyncHook<[ContextModuleFactory]>;
1876 | beforeCompile: AsyncSeriesHook<[CompilationParams]>;
1877 | compile: SyncHook<[CompilationParams]>;
1878 | make: AsyncParallelHook<[Compilation]>;
1879 | finishMake: AsyncParallelHook<[Compilation]>;
1880 | afterCompile: AsyncSeriesHook<[Compilation]>;
1881 | watchRun: AsyncSeriesHook<[Compiler]>;
1882 | failed: SyncHook<[Error]>;
1883 | invalid: SyncHook<[null | string, number]>;
1884 | watchClose: SyncHook<[]>;
1885 | shutdown: AsyncSeriesHook<[]>;
1886 | infrastructureLog: SyncBailHook<[string, string, any[]], true>;
1887 | environment: SyncHook<[]>;
1888 | afterEnvironment: SyncHook<[]>;
1889 | afterPlugins: SyncHook<[Compiler]>;
1890 | afterResolvers: SyncHook<[Compiler]>;
1891 | entryOption: SyncBailHook<[string, EntryNormalized], boolean>;
1892 | }>;
1893 | webpack: typeof exports;
1894 | name?: string;
1895 | parentCompilation?: Compilation;
1896 | root: Compiler;
1897 | outputPath: string;
1898 | watching: Watching;
1899 | outputFileSystem: OutputFileSystem;
1900 | intermediateFileSystem: IntermediateFileSystem;
1901 | inputFileSystem: InputFileSystem;
1902 | watchFileSystem: WatchFileSystem;
1903 | recordsInputPath: null | string;
1904 | recordsOutputPath: null | string;
1905 | records: object;
1906 | managedPaths: Set<string | RegExp>;
1907 | immutablePaths: Set<string | RegExp>;
1908 | modifiedFiles: ReadonlySet<string>;
1909 | removedFiles: ReadonlySet<string>;
1910 | fileTimestamps: ReadonlyMap<string, null | FileSystemInfoEntry | "ignore">;
1911 | contextTimestamps: ReadonlyMap<string, null | FileSystemInfoEntry | "ignore">;
1912 | fsStartTime: number;
1913 | resolverFactory: ResolverFactory;
1914 | infrastructureLogger: any;
1915 | options: WebpackOptionsNormalized;
1916 | context: string;
1917 | requestShortener: RequestShortener;
1918 | cache: Cache;
1919 | moduleMemCaches?: Map<
1920 | Module,
1921 | {
1922 | buildInfo: object;
1923 | references: WeakMap<Dependency, Module>;
1924 | memCache: WeakTupleMap<any, any>;
1925 | }
1926 | >;
1927 | compilerPath: string;
1928 | running: boolean;
1929 | idle: boolean;
1930 | watchMode: boolean;
1931 | getCache(name: string): CacheFacade;
1932 | getInfrastructureLogger(name: string | (() => string)): WebpackLogger;
1933 | watch(watchOptions: WatchOptions, handler: CallbackFunction<Stats>): Watching;
1934 | run(callback: CallbackFunction<Stats>): void;
1935 | runAsChild(
1936 | callback: (err?: Error, entries?: Chunk[], compilation?: Compilation) => any
1937 | ): void;
1938 | purgeInputFileSystem(): void;
1939 | emitAssets(compilation: Compilation, callback: CallbackFunction<void>): void;
1940 | emitRecords(callback: CallbackFunction<void>): void;
1941 | readRecords(callback: CallbackFunction<void>): void;
1942 | createChildCompiler(
1943 | compilation: Compilation,
1944 | compilerName: string,
1945 | compilerIndex: number,
1946 | outputOptions?: OutputNormalized,
1947 | plugins?: WebpackPluginInstance[]
1948 | ): Compiler;
1949 | isChild(): boolean;
1950 | createCompilation(params?: any): Compilation;
1951 | newCompilation(params: CompilationParams): Compilation;
1952 | createNormalModuleFactory(): NormalModuleFactory;
1953 | createContextModuleFactory(): ContextModuleFactory;
1954 | newCompilationParams(): {
1955 | normalModuleFactory: NormalModuleFactory;
1956 | contextModuleFactory: ContextModuleFactory;
1957 | };
1958 | compile(callback: CallbackFunction<Compilation>): void;
1959 | close(callback: CallbackFunction<void>): void;
1960 | }
1961 | declare class ConcatSource extends Source {
1962 | constructor(...args: (string | Source)[]);
1963 | getChildren(): Source[];
1964 | add(item: string | Source): void;
1965 | addAllSkipOptimizing(items: Source[]): void;
1966 | }
1967 | declare interface ConcatenatedModuleInfo {
1968 | index: number;
1969 | module: Module;
1970 |
1971 | /**
1972 | * mapping from export name to symbol
1973 | */
1974 | exportMap: Map<string, string>;
1975 |
1976 | /**
1977 | * mapping from export name to symbol
1978 | */
1979 | rawExportMap: Map<string, string>;
1980 | namespaceExportSymbol?: string;
1981 | }
1982 | declare interface ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext {
1983 | /**
1984 | * the module graph
1985 | */
1986 | moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;
1987 |
1988 | /**
1989 | * the chunk graph
1990 | */
1991 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
1992 | }
1993 | declare class ConcatenationScope {
1994 | constructor(
1995 | modulesMap: ModuleInfo[] | Map<Module, ModuleInfo>,
1996 | currentModule: ConcatenatedModuleInfo
1997 | );
1998 | isModuleInScope(module: Module): boolean;
1999 | registerExport(exportName: string, symbol: string): void;
2000 | registerRawExport(exportName: string, expression: string): void;
2001 | registerNamespaceExport(symbol: string): void;
2002 | createModuleReference(
2003 | module: Module,
2004 | __1: Partial<ModuleReferenceOptions>
2005 | ): string;
2006 | static isModuleReference(name: string): boolean;
2007 | static matchModuleReference(
2008 | name: string
2009 | ): ModuleReferenceOptions & { index: number };
2010 | static DEFAULT_EXPORT: string;
2011 | static NAMESPACE_OBJECT_EXPORT: string;
2012 | }
2013 |
2014 | /**
2015 | * Options object as provided by the user.
2016 | */
2017 | declare interface Configuration {
2018 | /**
2019 | * Set the value of `require.amd` and `define.amd`. Or disable AMD support.
2020 | */
2021 | amd?: false | { [index: string]: any };
2022 |
2023 | /**
2024 | * Report the first error as a hard error instead of tolerating it.
2025 | */
2026 | bail?: boolean;
2027 |
2028 | /**
2029 | * Cache generated modules and chunks to improve performance for multiple incremental builds.
2030 | */
2031 | cache?: boolean | MemoryCacheOptions | FileCacheOptions;
2032 |
2033 | /**
2034 | * The base directory (absolute path!) for resolving the `entry` option. If `output.pathinfo` is set, the included pathinfo is shortened to this directory.
2035 | */
2036 | context?: string;
2037 |
2038 | /**
2039 | * References to other configurations to depend on.
2040 | */
2041 | dependencies?: string[];
2042 |
2043 | /**
2044 | * A developer tool to enhance debugging (false | eval | [inline-|hidden-|eval-][nosources-][cheap-[module-]]source-map).
2045 | */
2046 | devtool?: string | false;
2047 |
2048 | /**
2049 | * The entry point(s) of the compilation.
2050 | */
2051 | entry?:
2052 | | string
2053 | | (() => string | EntryObject | string[] | Promise<EntryStatic>)
2054 | | EntryObject
2055 | | string[];
2056 |
2057 | /**
2058 | * Enables/Disables experiments (experimental features with relax SemVer compatibility).
2059 | */
2060 | experiments?: Experiments;
2061 |
2062 | /**
2063 | * Specify dependencies that shouldn't be resolved by webpack, but should become dependencies of the resulting bundle. The kind of the dependency depends on `output.libraryTarget`.
2064 | */
2065 | externals?:
2066 | | string
2067 | | RegExp
2068 | | ExternalItem[]
2069 | | (ExternalItemObjectKnown & ExternalItemObjectUnknown)
2070 | | ((
2071 | data: ExternalItemFunctionData,
2072 | callback: (
2073 | err?: Error,
2074 | result?: string | boolean | string[] | { [index: string]: any }
2075 | ) => void
2076 | ) => void)
2077 | | ((data: ExternalItemFunctionData) => Promise<ExternalItemValue>);
2078 |
2079 | /**
2080 | * Enable presets of externals for specific targets.
2081 | */
2082 | externalsPresets?: ExternalsPresets;
2083 |
2084 | /**
2085 | * Specifies the default type of externals ('amd*', 'umd*', 'system' and 'jsonp' depend on output.libraryTarget set to the same value).
2086 | */
2087 | externalsType?:
2088 | | "var"
2089 | | "module"
2090 | | "assign"
2091 | | "this"
2092 | | "window"
2093 | | "self"
2094 | | "global"
2095 | | "commonjs"
2096 | | "commonjs2"
2097 | | "commonjs-module"
2098 | | "amd"
2099 | | "amd-require"
2100 | | "umd"
2101 | | "umd2"
2102 | | "jsonp"
2103 | | "system"
2104 | | "promise"
2105 | | "import"
2106 | | "script"
2107 | | "node-commonjs";
2108 |
2109 | /**
2110 | * Ignore specific warnings.
2111 | */
2112 | ignoreWarnings?: (
2113 | | RegExp
2114 | | {
2115 | |
2116 |
2117 |
2118 | file?: RegExp;
2119 | |
2120 |
2121 |
2122 | message?: RegExp;
2123 | |
2124 |
2125 |
2126 | module?: RegExp;
2127 | }
2128 | | ((warning: WebpackError, compilation: Compilation) => boolean)
2129 | )[];
2130 |
2131 | /**
2132 | * Options for infrastructure level logging.
2133 | */
2134 | infrastructureLogging?: InfrastructureLogging;
2135 |
2136 | /**
2137 | * Custom values available in the loader context.
2138 | */
2139 | loader?: Loader;
2140 |
2141 | /**
2142 | * Enable production optimizations or development hints.
2143 | */
2144 | mode?: "none" | "development" | "production";
2145 |
2146 | /**
2147 | * Options affecting the normal modules (`NormalModuleFactory`).
2148 | */
2149 | module?: ModuleOptions;
2150 |
2151 | /**
2152 | * Name of the configuration. Used when loading multiple configurations.
2153 | */
2154 | name?: string;
2155 |
2156 | /**
2157 | * Include polyfills or mocks for various node stuff.
2158 | */
2159 | node?: false | NodeOptions;
2160 |
2161 | /**
2162 | * Enables/Disables integrated optimizations.
2163 | */
2164 | optimization?: Optimization;
2165 |
2166 | /**
2167 | * Options affecting the output of the compilation. `output` options tell webpack how to write the compiled files to disk.
2168 | */
2169 | output?: Output;
2170 |
2171 | /**
2172 | * The number of parallel processed modules in the compilation.
2173 | */
2174 | parallelism?: number;
2175 |
2176 | /**
2177 | * Configuration for web performance recommendations.
2178 | */
2179 | performance?: false | PerformanceOptions;
2180 |
2181 | /**
2182 | * Add additional plugins to the compiler.
2183 | */
2184 | plugins?: (
2185 | | ((this: Compiler, compiler: Compiler) => void)
2186 | | WebpackPluginInstance
2187 | )[];
2188 |
2189 | /**
2190 | * Capture timing information for each module.
2191 | */
2192 | profile?: boolean;
2193 |
2194 | /**
2195 | * Store compiler state to a json file.
2196 | */
2197 | recordsInputPath?: string | false;
2198 |
2199 | /**
2200 | * Load compiler state from a json file.
2201 | */
2202 | recordsOutputPath?: string | false;
2203 |
2204 | /**
2205 | * Store/Load compiler state from/to a json file. This will result in persistent ids of modules and chunks. An absolute path is expected. `recordsPath` is used for `recordsInputPath` and `recordsOutputPath` if they left undefined.
2206 | */
2207 | recordsPath?: string | false;
2208 |
2209 | /**
2210 | * Options for the resolver.
2211 | */
2212 | resolve?: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
2213 |
2214 | /**
2215 | * Options for the resolver when resolving loaders.
2216 | */
2217 | resolveLoader?: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
2218 |
2219 | /**
2220 | * Options affecting how file system snapshots are created and validated.
2221 | */
2222 | snapshot?: SnapshotOptions;
2223 |
2224 | /**
2225 | * Stats options object or preset name.
2226 | */
2227 | stats?:
2228 | | boolean
2229 | | StatsOptions
2230 | | "none"
2231 | | "verbose"
2232 | | "summary"
2233 | | "errors-only"
2234 | | "errors-warnings"
2235 | | "minimal"
2236 | | "normal"
2237 | | "detailed";
2238 |
2239 | /**
2240 | * Environment to build for. An array of environments to build for all of them when possible.
2241 | */
2242 | target?: string | false | string[];
2243 |
2244 | /**
2245 | * Enter watch mode, which rebuilds on file change.
2246 | */
2247 | watch?: boolean;
2248 |
2249 | /**
2250 | * Options for the watcher.
2251 | */
2252 | watchOptions?: WatchOptions;
2253 | }
2254 | type ConnectionState =
2255 | | boolean
2256 | | typeof TRANSITIVE_ONLY
2257 | | typeof CIRCULAR_CONNECTION;
2258 | declare class ConstDependency extends NullDependency {
2259 | constructor(
2260 | expression: string,
2261 | range: number | [number, number],
2262 | runtimeRequirements?: string[]
2263 | );
2264 | expression: string;
2265 | range: number | [number, number];
2266 | runtimeRequirements: null | Set<string>;
2267 | static Template: typeof ConstDependencyTemplate;
2268 | static NO_EXPORTS_REFERENCED: string[][];
2269 | static EXPORTS_OBJECT_REFERENCED: string[][];
2270 | static TRANSITIVE: typeof TRANSITIVE;
2271 | }
2272 | declare class ConstDependencyTemplate extends NullDependencyTemplate {
2273 | constructor();
2274 | }
2275 | declare interface Constructor {
2276 | new (...params: any[]): any;
2277 | }
2278 | declare class ConsumeSharedPlugin {
2279 | constructor(options: ConsumeSharedPluginOptions);
2280 |
2281 | /**
2282 | * Apply the plugin
2283 | */
2284 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
2285 | }
2286 |
2287 | /**
2288 | * Options for consuming shared modules.
2289 | */
2290 | declare interface ConsumeSharedPluginOptions {
2291 | /**
2292 | * Modules that should be consumed from share scope. When provided, property names are used to match requested modules in this compilation.
2293 | */
2294 | consumes: Consumes;
2295 |
2296 | /**
2297 | * Share scope name used for all consumed modules (defaults to 'default').
2298 | */
2299 | shareScope?: string;
2300 | }
2301 | type Consumes = (string | ConsumesObject)[] | ConsumesObject;
2302 |
2303 | /**
2304 | * Advanced configuration for modules that should be consumed from share scope.
2305 | */
2306 | declare interface ConsumesConfig {
2307 | /**
2308 | * Include the fallback module directly instead behind an async request. This allows to use fallback module in initial load too. All possible shared modules need to be eager too.
2309 | */
2310 | eager?: boolean;
2311 |
2312 | /**
2313 | * Fallback module if no shared module is found in share scope. Defaults to the property name.
2314 | */
2315 | import?: string | false;
2316 |
2317 | /**
2318 | * Package name to determine required version from description file. This is only needed when package name can't be automatically determined from request.
2319 | */
2320 | packageName?: string;
2321 |
2322 | /**
2323 | * Version requirement from module in share scope.
2324 | */
2325 | requiredVersion?: string | false;
2326 |
2327 | /**
2328 | * Module is looked up under this key from the share scope.
2329 | */
2330 | shareKey?: string;
2331 |
2332 | /**
2333 | * Share scope name.
2334 | */
2335 | shareScope?: string;
2336 |
2337 | /**
2338 | * Allow only a single version of the shared module in share scope (disabled by default).
2339 | */
2340 | singleton?: boolean;
2341 |
2342 | /**
2343 | * Do not accept shared module if version is not valid (defaults to yes, if local fallback module is available and shared module is not a singleton, otherwise no, has no effect if there is no required version specified).
2344 | */
2345 | strictVersion?: boolean;
2346 | }
2347 |
2348 | /**
2349 | * Modules that should be consumed from share scope. Property names are used to match requested modules in this compilation. Relative requests are resolved, module requests are matched unresolved, absolute paths will match resolved requests. A trailing slash will match all requests with this prefix. In this case shareKey must also have a trailing slash.
2350 | */
2351 | declare interface ConsumesObject {
2352 | [index: string]: string | ConsumesConfig;
2353 | }
2354 | type ContainerOptionsFormat<T> =
2355 | | Record<string, string | string[] | T>
2356 | | (string | Record<string, string | string[] | T>)[];
2357 | declare class ContainerPlugin {
2358 | constructor(options: ContainerPluginOptions);
2359 |
2360 | /**
2361 | * Apply the plugin
2362 | */
2363 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
2364 | }
2365 | declare interface ContainerPluginOptions {
2366 | /**
2367 | * Modules that should be exposed by this container. When provided, property name is used as public name, otherwise public name is automatically inferred from request.
2368 | */
2369 | exposes: Exposes;
2370 |
2371 | /**
2372 | * The filename for this container relative path inside the `output.path` directory.
2373 | */
2374 | filename?: string;
2375 |
2376 | /**
2377 | * Options for library.
2378 | */
2379 | library?: LibraryOptions;
2380 |
2381 | /**
2382 | * The name for this container.
2383 | */
2384 | name: string;
2385 |
2386 | /**
2387 | * The name of the runtime chunk. If set a runtime chunk with this name is created or an existing entrypoint is used as runtime.
2388 | */
2389 | runtime?: string | false;
2390 |
2391 | /**
2392 | * The name of the share scope which is shared with the host (defaults to 'default').
2393 | */
2394 | shareScope?: string;
2395 | }
2396 | declare class ContainerReferencePlugin {
2397 | constructor(options: ContainerReferencePluginOptions);
2398 |
2399 | /**
2400 | * Apply the plugin
2401 | */
2402 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
2403 | }
2404 | declare interface ContainerReferencePluginOptions {
2405 | /**
2406 | * The external type of the remote containers.
2407 | */
2408 | remoteType: ExternalsType;
2409 |
2410 | /**
2411 | * Container locations and request scopes from which modules should be resolved and loaded at runtime. When provided, property name is used as request scope, otherwise request scope is automatically inferred from container location.
2412 | */
2413 | remotes: Remotes;
2414 |
2415 | /**
2416 | * The name of the share scope shared with all remotes (defaults to 'default').
2417 | */
2418 | shareScope?: string;
2419 | }
2420 | declare abstract class ContextElementDependency extends ModuleDependency {
2421 | referencedExports: any;
2422 | }
2423 | declare class ContextExclusionPlugin {
2424 | constructor(negativeMatcher: RegExp);
2425 | negativeMatcher: RegExp;
2426 |
2427 | /**
2428 | * Apply the plugin
2429 | */
2430 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
2431 | }
2432 | declare interface ContextFileSystemInfoEntry {
2433 | safeTime: number;
2434 | timestampHash?: string;
2435 | resolved?: ResolvedContextFileSystemInfoEntry;
2436 | symlinks?: Set<string>;
2437 | }
2438 | declare interface ContextHash {
2439 | hash: string;
2440 | resolved?: string;
2441 | symlinks?: Set<string>;
2442 | }
2443 | type ContextMode =
2444 | | "sync"
2445 | | "eager"
2446 | | "weak"
2447 | | "async-weak"
2448 | | "lazy"
2449 | | "lazy-once";
2450 | declare abstract class ContextModuleFactory extends ModuleFactory {
2451 | hooks: Readonly<{
2452 | beforeResolve: AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook<[any]>;
2453 | afterResolve: AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook<[any]>;
2454 | contextModuleFiles: SyncWaterfallHook<[string[]]>;
2455 | alternatives: FakeHook<
2456 | Pick<
2457 | AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook<[any[]]>,
2458 | "name" | "tap" | "tapAsync" | "tapPromise"
2459 | >
2460 | >;
2461 | alternativeRequests: AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook<
2462 | [any[], ContextModuleOptions]
2463 | >;
2464 | }>;
2465 | resolverFactory: ResolverFactory;
2466 | resolveDependencies(
2467 | fs: InputFileSystem,
2468 | options: ContextModuleOptions,
2469 | callback: (err?: Error, dependencies?: ContextElementDependency[]) => any
2470 | ): void;
2471 | }
2472 |
2473 | declare interface ContextModuleOptions {
2474 | mode: ContextMode;
2475 | recursive: boolean;
2476 | regExp: RegExp;
2477 | namespaceObject?: boolean | "strict";
2478 | addon?: string;
2479 | chunkName?: string;
2480 | include?: RegExp;
2481 | exclude?: RegExp;
2482 | groupOptions?: RawChunkGroupOptions;
2483 | typePrefix?: string;
2484 | category?: string;
2485 |
2486 | /**
2487 | * exports referenced from modules (won't be mangled)
2488 | */
2489 | referencedExports?: string[][];
2490 | resource: string;
2491 | resourceQuery?: string;
2492 | resourceFragment?: string;
2493 | resolveOptions: any;
2494 | }
2495 | declare class ContextReplacementPlugin {
2496 | constructor(
2497 | resourceRegExp?: any,
2498 | newContentResource?: any,
2499 | newContentRecursive?: any,
2500 | newContentRegExp?: any
2501 | );
2502 | resourceRegExp: any;
2503 | newContentCallback: any;
2504 | newContentResource: any;
2505 | newContentCreateContextMap: any;
2506 | newContentRecursive: any;
2507 | newContentRegExp: any;
2508 | apply(compiler?: any): void;
2509 | }
2510 | declare interface ContextTimestampAndHash {
2511 | safeTime: number;
2512 | timestampHash?: string;
2513 | hash: string;
2514 | resolved?: ResolvedContextTimestampAndHash;
2515 | symlinks?: Set<string>;
2516 | }
2517 | type CreateStatsOptionsContext = KnownCreateStatsOptionsContext &
2518 | Record<string, any>;
2519 | type Declaration = FunctionDeclaration | VariableDeclaration | ClassDeclaration;
2520 | declare class DefinePlugin {
2521 | /**
2522 | * Create a new define plugin
2523 | */
2524 | constructor(definitions: Record<string, CodeValue>);
2525 | definitions: Record<string, CodeValue>;
2526 |
2527 | /**
2528 | * Apply the plugin
2529 | */
2530 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
2531 | static runtimeValue(
2532 | fn: (arg0: {
2533 | module: NormalModule;
2534 | key: string;
2535 | readonly version?: string;
2536 | }) => CodeValuePrimitive,
2537 | options?: true | string[] | RuntimeValueOptions
2538 | ): RuntimeValue;
2539 | }
2540 | declare class DelegatedPlugin {
2541 | constructor(options?: any);
2542 | options: any;
2543 |
2544 | /**
2545 | * Apply the plugin
2546 | */
2547 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
2548 | }
2549 | declare interface DepConstructor {
2550 | new (...args: any[]): Dependency;
2551 | }
2552 | declare abstract class DependenciesBlock {
2553 | dependencies: Dependency[];
2554 | blocks: AsyncDependenciesBlock[];
2555 | parent: DependenciesBlock;
2556 | getRootBlock(): DependenciesBlock;
2557 |
2558 | /**
2559 | * Adds a DependencyBlock to DependencyBlock relationship.
2560 | * This is used for when a Module has a AsyncDependencyBlock tie (for code-splitting)
2561 | */
2562 | addBlock(block: AsyncDependenciesBlock): void;
2563 | addDependency(dependency: Dependency): void;
2564 | removeDependency(dependency: Dependency): void;
2565 |
2566 | /**
2567 | * Removes all dependencies and blocks
2568 | */
2569 | clearDependenciesAndBlocks(): void;
2570 | updateHash(hash: Hash, context: UpdateHashContextDependency): void;
2571 | serialize(__0: { write: any }): void;
2572 | deserialize(__0: { read: any }): void;
2573 | }
2574 | declare interface DependenciesBlockLike {
2575 | dependencies: Dependency[];
2576 | blocks: AsyncDependenciesBlock[];
2577 | }
2578 | declare class Dependency {
2579 | constructor();
2580 | weak: boolean;
2581 | optional: boolean;
2582 | readonly type: string;
2583 | readonly category: string;
2584 | loc: DependencyLocation;
2585 | getResourceIdentifier(): null | string;
2586 | couldAffectReferencingModule(): boolean | typeof TRANSITIVE;
2587 |
2588 | /**
2589 | * Returns the referenced module and export
2590 | */
2591 | getReference(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): never;
2592 |
2593 | /**
2594 | * Returns list of exports referenced by this dependency
2595 | */
2596 | getReferencedExports(
2597 | moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
2598 | runtime: RuntimeSpec
2599 | ): (string[] | ReferencedExport)[];
2600 | getCondition(
2601 | moduleGraph: ModuleGraph
2602 | ):
2603 | | null
2604 | | false
2605 | | ((arg0: ModuleGraphConnection, arg1: RuntimeSpec) => ConnectionState);
2606 |
2607 | /**
2608 | * Returns the exported names
2609 | */
2610 | getExports(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): undefined | ExportsSpec;
2611 |
2612 | /**
2613 | * Returns warnings
2614 | */
2615 | getWarnings(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): WebpackError[];
2616 |
2617 | /**
2618 | * Returns errors
2619 | */
2620 | getErrors(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): WebpackError[];
2621 |
2622 | /**
2623 | * Update the hash
2624 | */
2625 | updateHash(hash: Hash, context: UpdateHashContextDependency): void;
2626 |
2627 | /**
2628 | * implement this method to allow the occurrence order plugin to count correctly
2629 | */
2630 | getNumberOfIdOccurrences(): number;
2631 | getModuleEvaluationSideEffectsState(
2632 | moduleGraph: ModuleGraph
2633 | ): ConnectionState;
2634 | createIgnoredModule(context: string): Module;
2635 | serialize(__0: { write: any }): void;
2636 | deserialize(__0: { read: any }): void;
2637 | module: any;
2638 | readonly disconnect: any;
2639 | static NO_EXPORTS_REFERENCED: string[][];
2640 | static EXPORTS_OBJECT_REFERENCED: string[][];
2641 | static TRANSITIVE: typeof TRANSITIVE;
2642 | }
2643 | declare interface DependencyConstructor {
2644 | new (...args: any[]): Dependency;
2645 | }
2646 | type DependencyLocation = SyntheticDependencyLocation | RealDependencyLocation;
2647 | declare class DependencyTemplate {
2648 | constructor();
2649 | apply(
2650 | dependency: Dependency,
2651 | source: ReplaceSource,
2652 | templateContext: DependencyTemplateContext
2653 | ): void;
2654 | }
2655 | declare interface DependencyTemplateContext {
2656 | /**
2657 | * the runtime template
2658 | */
2659 | runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate;
2660 |
2661 | /**
2662 | * the dependency templates
2663 | */
2664 | dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates;
2665 |
2666 | /**
2667 | * the module graph
2668 | */
2669 | moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;
2670 |
2671 | /**
2672 | * the chunk graph
2673 | */
2674 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
2675 |
2676 | /**
2677 | * the requirements for runtime
2678 | */
2679 | runtimeRequirements: Set<string>;
2680 |
2681 | /**
2682 | * current module
2683 | */
2684 | module: Module;
2685 |
2686 | /**
2687 | * current runtimes, for which code is generated
2688 | */
2689 | runtime: RuntimeSpec;
2690 |
2691 | /**
2692 | * mutable array of init fragments for the current module
2693 | */
2694 | initFragments: InitFragment<GenerateContext>[];
2695 |
2696 | /**
2697 | * when in a concatenated module, information about other concatenated modules
2698 | */
2699 | concatenationScope?: ConcatenationScope;
2700 | }
2701 | declare abstract class DependencyTemplates {
2702 | get(dependency: DependencyConstructor): DependencyTemplate;
2703 | set(
2704 | dependency: DependencyConstructor,
2705 | dependencyTemplate: DependencyTemplate
2706 | ): void;
2707 | updateHash(part: string): void;
2708 | getHash(): string;
2709 | clone(): DependencyTemplates;
2710 | }
2711 | declare class DeterministicChunkIdsPlugin {
2712 | constructor(options?: any);
2713 | options: any;
2714 |
2715 | /**
2716 | * Apply the plugin
2717 | */
2718 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
2719 | }
2720 | declare class DeterministicModuleIdsPlugin {
2721 | constructor(options?: any);
2722 | options: any;
2723 |
2724 | /**
2725 | * Apply the plugin
2726 | */
2727 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
2728 | }
2729 |
2730 | /**
2731 | * Options for the webpack-dev-server.
2732 | */
2733 | declare interface DevServer {
2734 | [index: string]: any;
2735 | }
2736 | declare class DllPlugin {
2737 | constructor(options: DllPluginOptions);
2738 | options: {
2739 | entryOnly: boolean;
2740 | /**
2741 | * Context of requests in the manifest file (defaults to the webpack context).
2742 | */
2743 | context?: string;
2744 | /**
2745 | * If true, manifest json file (output) will be formatted.
2746 | */
2747 | format?: boolean;
2748 | /**
2749 | * Name of the exposed dll function (external name, use value of 'output.library').
2750 | */
2751 | name?: string;
2752 | /**
2753 | * Absolute path to the manifest json file (output).
2754 | */
2755 | path: string;
2756 | /**
2757 | * Type of the dll bundle (external type, use value of 'output.libraryTarget').
2758 | */
2759 | type?: string;
2760 | };
2761 |
2762 | /**
2763 | * Apply the plugin
2764 | */
2765 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
2766 | }
2767 | declare interface DllPluginOptions {
2768 | /**
2769 | * Context of requests in the manifest file (defaults to the webpack context).
2770 | */
2771 | context?: string;
2772 |
2773 | /**
2774 | * If true, only entry points will be exposed (default: true).
2775 | */
2776 | entryOnly?: boolean;
2777 |
2778 | /**
2779 | * If true, manifest json file (output) will be formatted.
2780 | */
2781 | format?: boolean;
2782 |
2783 | /**
2784 | * Name of the exposed dll function (external name, use value of 'output.library').
2785 | */
2786 | name?: string;
2787 |
2788 | /**
2789 | * Absolute path to the manifest json file (output).
2790 | */
2791 | path: string;
2792 |
2793 | /**
2794 | * Type of the dll bundle (external type, use value of 'output.libraryTarget').
2795 | */
2796 | type?: string;
2797 | }
2798 | declare class DllReferencePlugin {
2799 | constructor(options: DllReferencePluginOptions);
2800 | options: DllReferencePluginOptions;
2801 | apply(compiler?: any): void;
2802 | }
2803 | type DllReferencePluginOptions =
2804 | | {
2805 | /**
2806 | * Context of requests in the manifest (or content property) as absolute path.
2807 | */
2808 | context?: string;
2809 | /**
2810 | * Extensions used to resolve modules in the dll bundle (only used when using 'scope').
2811 | */
2812 | extensions?: string[];
2813 | /**
2814 | * An object containing content and name or a string to the absolute path of the JSON manifest to be loaded upon compilation.
2815 | */
2816 | manifest: string | DllReferencePluginOptionsManifest;
2817 | /**
2818 | * The name where the dll is exposed (external name, defaults to manifest.name).
2819 | */
2820 | name?: string;
2821 | /**
2822 | * Prefix which is used for accessing the content of the dll.
2823 | */
2824 | scope?: string;
2825 | /**
2826 | * How the dll is exposed (libraryTarget, defaults to manifest.type).
2827 | */
2828 | sourceType?:
2829 | | "var"
2830 | | "assign"
2831 | | "this"
2832 | | "window"
2833 | | "global"
2834 | | "commonjs"
2835 | | "commonjs2"
2836 | | "commonjs-module"
2837 | | "amd"
2838 | | "amd-require"
2839 | | "umd"
2840 | | "umd2"
2841 | | "jsonp"
2842 | | "system";
2843 | /**
2844 | * The way how the export of the dll bundle is used.
2845 | */
2846 | type?: "object" | "require";
2847 | }
2848 | | {
2849 | /**
2850 | * The mappings from request to module info.
2851 | */
2852 | content: DllReferencePluginOptionsContent;
2853 | /**
2854 | * Context of requests in the manifest (or content property) as absolute path.
2855 | */
2856 | context?: string;
2857 | /**
2858 | * Extensions used to resolve modules in the dll bundle (only used when using 'scope').
2859 | */
2860 | extensions?: string[];
2861 | /**
2862 | * The name where the dll is exposed (external name).
2863 | */
2864 | name: string;
2865 | /**
2866 | * Prefix which is used for accessing the content of the dll.
2867 | */
2868 | scope?: string;
2869 | /**
2870 | * How the dll is exposed (libraryTarget).
2871 | */
2872 | sourceType?:
2873 | | "var"
2874 | | "assign"
2875 | | "this"
2876 | | "window"
2877 | | "global"
2878 | | "commonjs"
2879 | | "commonjs2"
2880 | | "commonjs-module"
2881 | | "amd"
2882 | | "amd-require"
2883 | | "umd"
2884 | | "umd2"
2885 | | "jsonp"
2886 | | "system";
2887 | /**
2888 | * The way how the export of the dll bundle is used.
2889 | */
2890 | type?: "object" | "require";
2891 | };
2892 |
2893 | /**
2894 | * The mappings from request to module info.
2895 | */
2896 | declare interface DllReferencePluginOptionsContent {
2897 | [index: string]: {
2898 | /**
2899 | * Meta information about the module.
2900 | */
2901 | buildMeta?: { [index: string]: any };
2902 | /**
2903 | * Information about the provided exports of the module.
2904 | */
2905 | exports?: true | string[];
2906 | /**
2907 | * Module ID.
2908 | */
2909 | id: string | number;
2910 | };
2911 | }
2912 |
2913 | /**
2914 | * An object containing content, name and type.
2915 | */
2916 | declare interface DllReferencePluginOptionsManifest {
2917 | /**
2918 | * The mappings from request to module info.
2919 | */
2920 | content: DllReferencePluginOptionsContent;
2921 |
2922 | /**
2923 | * The name where the dll is exposed (external name).
2924 | */
2925 | name?: string;
2926 |
2927 | /**
2928 | * The type how the dll is exposed (external type).
2929 | */
2930 | type?:
2931 | | "var"
2932 | | "assign"
2933 | | "this"
2934 | | "window"
2935 | | "global"
2936 | | "commonjs"
2937 | | "commonjs2"
2938 | | "commonjs-module"
2939 | | "amd"
2940 | | "amd-require"
2941 | | "umd"
2942 | | "umd2"
2943 | | "jsonp"
2944 | | "system";
2945 | }
2946 | declare class DynamicEntryPlugin {
2947 | constructor(context: string, entry: () => Promise<EntryStaticNormalized>);
2948 | context: string;
2949 | entry: () => Promise<EntryStaticNormalized>;
2950 |
2951 | |
2952 |
2953 |
2954 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
2955 | }
2956 | declare interface Effect {
2957 | type: string;
2958 | value: any;
2959 | }
2960 | declare class ElectronTargetPlugin {
2961 | constructor(context?: "main" | "preload" | "renderer");
2962 |
2963 | /**
2964 | * Apply the plugin
2965 | */
2966 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
2967 | }
2968 |
2969 | /**
2970 | * No generator options are supported for this module type.
2971 | */
2972 | declare interface EmptyGeneratorOptions {}
2973 |
2974 |
2975 |
2976 |
2977 | declare interface EmptyParserOptions {}
2978 | declare class EnableChunkLoadingPlugin {
2979 | constructor(type: string);
2980 | type: string;
2981 |
2982 | /**
2983 | * Apply the plugin
2984 | */
2985 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
2986 | static setEnabled(compiler: Compiler, type: string): void;
2987 | static checkEnabled(compiler: Compiler, type: string): void;
2988 | }
2989 | declare class EnableLibraryPlugin {
2990 | constructor(type: string);
2991 | type: string;
2992 |
2993 | /**
2994 | * Apply the plugin
2995 | */
2996 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
2997 | static setEnabled(compiler: Compiler, type: string): void;
2998 | static checkEnabled(compiler: Compiler, type: string): void;
2999 | }
3000 | type Entry =
3001 | | string
3002 | | (() => string | EntryObject | string[] | Promise<EntryStatic>)
3003 | | EntryObject
3004 | | string[];
3005 | declare interface EntryData {
3006 | |
3007 |
3008 |
3009 | dependencies: Dependency[];
3010 |
3011 | |
3012 |
3013 |
3014 | includeDependencies: Dependency[];
3015 |
3016 | |
3017 |
3018 |
3019 | options: EntryOptions;
3020 | }
3021 | declare abstract class EntryDependency extends ModuleDependency {}
3022 |
3023 |
3024 |
3025 |
3026 | declare interface EntryDescription {
3027 | |
3028 |
3029 |
3030 | asyncChunks?: boolean;
3031 |
3032 | |
3033 |
3034 |
3035 | chunkLoading?: string | false;
3036 |
3037 | |
3038 |
3039 |
3040 | dependOn?: string | string[];
3041 |
3042 | |
3043 |
3044 |
3045 | filename?: string | ((pathData: PathData, assetInfo?: AssetInfo) => string);
3046 |
3047 | /**
3048 | * Module(s) that are loaded upon startup.
3049 | */
3050 | import: EntryItem;
3051 |
3052 | /**
3053 | * Specifies the layer in which modules of this entrypoint are placed.
3054 | */
3055 | layer?: null | string;
3056 |
3057 | /**
3058 | * Options for library.
3059 | */
3060 | library?: LibraryOptions;
3061 |
3062 | /**
3063 | * The 'publicPath' specifies the public URL address of the output files when referenced in a browser.
3064 | */
3065 | publicPath?: string | ((pathData: PathData, assetInfo?: AssetInfo) => string);
3066 |
3067 | /**
3068 | * The name of the runtime chunk. If set a runtime chunk with this name is created or an existing entrypoint is used as runtime.
3069 | */
3070 | runtime?: string | false;
3071 |
3072 | /**
3073 | * The method of loading WebAssembly Modules (methods included by default are 'fetch' (web/WebWorker), 'async-node' (node.js), but others might be added by plugins).
3074 | */
3075 | wasmLoading?: string | false;
3076 | }
3077 |
3078 | /**
3079 | * An object with entry point description.
3080 | */
3081 | declare interface EntryDescriptionNormalized {
3082 | /**
3083 | * Enable/disable creating async chunks that are loaded on demand.
3084 | */
3085 | asyncChunks?: boolean;
3086 |
3087 | /**
3088 | * The method of loading chunks (methods included by default are 'jsonp' (web), 'import' (ESM), 'importScripts' (WebWorker), 'require' (sync node.js), 'async-node' (async node.js), but others might be added by plugins).
3089 | */
3090 | chunkLoading?: string | false;
3091 |
3092 | /**
3093 | * The entrypoints that the current entrypoint depend on. They must be loaded when this entrypoint is loaded.
3094 | */
3095 | dependOn?: string[];
3096 |
3097 | /**
3098 | * Specifies the filename of output files on disk. You must **not** specify an absolute path here, but the path may contain folders separated by '/'! The specified path is joined with the value of the 'output.path' option to determine the location on disk.
3099 | */
3100 | filename?: string | ((pathData: PathData, assetInfo?: AssetInfo) => string);
3101 |
3102 | /**
3103 | * Module(s) that are loaded upon startup. The last one is exported.
3104 | */
3105 | import?: string[];
3106 |
3107 | /**
3108 | * Specifies the layer in which modules of this entrypoint are placed.
3109 | */
3110 | layer?: null | string;
3111 |
3112 | /**
3113 | * Options for library.
3114 | */
3115 | library?: LibraryOptions;
3116 |
3117 | /**
3118 | * The 'publicPath' specifies the public URL address of the output files when referenced in a browser.
3119 | */
3120 | publicPath?: string | ((pathData: PathData, assetInfo?: AssetInfo) => string);
3121 |
3122 | /**
3123 | * The name of the runtime chunk. If set a runtime chunk with this name is created or an existing entrypoint is used as runtime.
3124 | */
3125 | runtime?: string | false;
3126 |
3127 | /**
3128 | * The method of loading WebAssembly Modules (methods included by default are 'fetch' (web/WebWorker), 'async-node' (node.js), but others might be added by plugins).
3129 | */
3130 | wasmLoading?: string | false;
3131 | }
3132 | type EntryItem = string | string[];
3133 | type EntryNormalized =
3134 | | (() => Promise<EntryStaticNormalized>)
3135 | | EntryStaticNormalized;
3136 |
3137 | /**
3138 | * Multiple entry bundles are created. The key is the entry name. The value can be a string, an array or an entry description object.
3139 | */
3140 | declare interface EntryObject {
3141 | [index: string]: string | string[] | EntryDescription;
3142 | }
3143 | declare class EntryOptionPlugin {
3144 | constructor();
3145 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
3146 | static applyEntryOption(
3147 | compiler: Compiler,
3148 | context: string,
3149 | entry: EntryNormalized
3150 | ): void;
3151 | static entryDescriptionToOptions(
3152 | compiler: Compiler,
3153 | name: string,
3154 | desc: EntryDescriptionNormalized
3155 | ): EntryOptions;
3156 | }
3157 | type EntryOptions = { name?: string } & Omit<
3158 | EntryDescriptionNormalized,
3159 | "import"
3160 | >;
3161 | declare class EntryPlugin {
3162 | /**
3163 | * An entry plugin which will handle
3164 | * creation of the EntryDependency
3165 | */
3166 | constructor(context: string, entry: string, options?: string | EntryOptions);
3167 | context: string;
3168 | entry: string;
3169 | options: string | EntryOptions;
3170 |
3171 | /**
3172 | * Apply the plugin
3173 | */
3174 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
3175 | static createDependency(
3176 | entry: string,
3177 | options: string | EntryOptions
3178 | ): EntryDependency;
3179 | }
3180 | type EntryStatic = string | EntryObject | string[];
3181 |
3182 | /**
3183 | * Multiple entry bundles are created. The key is the entry name. The value is an entry description object.
3184 | */
3185 | declare interface EntryStaticNormalized {
3186 | [index: string]: EntryDescriptionNormalized;
3187 | }
3188 | declare abstract class Entrypoint extends ChunkGroup {
3189 | /**
3190 | * Sets the runtimeChunk for an entrypoint.
3191 | */
3192 | setRuntimeChunk(chunk: Chunk): void;
3193 |
3194 | /**
3195 | * Fetches the chunk reference containing the webpack bootstrap code
3196 | */
3197 | getRuntimeChunk(): null | Chunk;
3198 |
3199 | /**
3200 | * Sets the chunk with the entrypoint modules for an entrypoint.
3201 | */
3202 | setEntrypointChunk(chunk: Chunk): void;
3203 |
3204 | /**
3205 | * Returns the chunk which contains the entrypoint modules
3206 | * (or at least the execution of them)
3207 | */
3208 | getEntrypointChunk(): Chunk;
3209 | }
3210 |
3211 | /**
3212 | * The abilities of the environment where the webpack generated code should run.
3213 | */
3214 | declare interface Environment {
3215 | /**
3216 | * The environment supports arrow functions ('() => { ... }').
3217 | */
3218 | arrowFunction?: boolean;
3219 |
3220 | /**
3221 | * The environment supports BigInt as literal (123n).
3222 | */
3223 | bigIntLiteral?: boolean;
3224 |
3225 | /**
3226 | * The environment supports const and let for variable declarations.
3227 | */
3228 | const?: boolean;
3229 |
3230 | /**
3231 | * The environment supports destructuring ('{ a, b } = obj').
3232 | */
3233 | destructuring?: boolean;
3234 |
3235 | /**
3236 | * The environment supports an async import() function to import EcmaScript modules.
3237 | */
3238 | dynamicImport?: boolean;
3239 |
3240 | /**
3241 | * The environment supports 'for of' iteration ('for (const x of array) { ... }').
3242 | */
3243 | forOf?: boolean;
3244 |
3245 | /**
3246 | * The environment supports EcmaScript Module syntax to import EcmaScript modules (import ... from '...').
3247 | */
3248 | module?: boolean;
3249 |
3250 | /**
3251 | * The environment supports optional chaining ('obj?.a' or 'obj?.()').
3252 | */
3253 | optionalChaining?: boolean;
3254 |
3255 | /**
3256 | * The environment supports template literals.
3257 | */
3258 | templateLiteral?: boolean;
3259 | }
3260 | declare class EnvironmentPlugin {
3261 | constructor(...keys: any[]);
3262 | keys: any[];
3263 | defaultValues: any;
3264 |
3265 | /**
3266 | * Apply the plugin
3267 | */
3268 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
3269 | }
3270 | declare interface Etag {
3271 | toString: () => string;
3272 | }
3273 | declare class EvalDevToolModulePlugin {
3274 | constructor(options?: any);
3275 | namespace: any;
3276 | sourceUrlComment: any;
3277 | moduleFilenameTemplate: any;
3278 |
3279 | /**
3280 | * Apply the plugin
3281 | */
3282 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
3283 | }
3284 | declare class EvalSourceMapDevToolPlugin {
3285 | constructor(inputOptions: string | SourceMapDevToolPluginOptions);
3286 | sourceMapComment: string;
3287 | moduleFilenameTemplate: string | Function;
3288 | namespace: string;
3289 | options: SourceMapDevToolPluginOptions;
3290 |
3291 | /**
3292 | * Apply the plugin
3293 | */
3294 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
3295 | }
3296 | declare interface ExecuteModuleArgument {
3297 | module: Module;
3298 | moduleObject?: { id: string; exports: any; loaded: boolean };
3299 | preparedInfo: any;
3300 | codeGenerationResult: CodeGenerationResult;
3301 | }
3302 | declare interface ExecuteModuleContext {
3303 | assets: Map<string, { source: Source; info: AssetInfo }>;
3304 | chunk: Chunk;
3305 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
3306 | __webpack_require__?: (arg0: string) => any;
3307 | }
3308 | declare interface ExecuteModuleOptions {
3309 | entryOptions?: EntryOptions;
3310 | }
3311 | declare interface ExecuteModuleResult {
3312 | exports: any;
3313 | cacheable: boolean;
3314 | assets: Map<string, { source: Source; info: AssetInfo }>;
3315 | fileDependencies: LazySet<string>;
3316 | contextDependencies: LazySet<string>;
3317 | missingDependencies: LazySet<string>;
3318 | buildDependencies: LazySet<string>;
3319 | }
3320 | type Experiments = ExperimentsCommon & ExperimentsExtra;
3321 |
3322 |
3323 |
3324 |
3325 | declare interface ExperimentsCommon {
3326 | |
3327 |
3328 |
3329 | asyncWebAssembly?: boolean;
3330 |
3331 | |
3332 |
3333 |
3334 | backCompat?: boolean;
3335 |
3336 | |
3337 |
3338 |
3339 | cacheUnaffected?: boolean;
3340 |
3341 | |
3342 |
3343 |
3344 | futureDefaults?: boolean;
3345 |
3346 | |
3347 |
3348 |
3349 | layers?: boolean;
3350 |
3351 | |
3352 |
3353 |
3354 | outputModule?: boolean;
3355 |
3356 | |
3357 |
3358 |
3359 | syncWebAssembly?: boolean;
3360 |
3361 | |
3362 |
3363 |
3364 | topLevelAwait?: boolean;
3365 | }
3366 |
3367 |
3368 |
3369 |
3370 | declare interface ExperimentsExtra {
3371 | |
3372 |
3373 |
3374 | buildHttp?: HttpUriOptions | (string | RegExp | ((uri: string) => boolean))[];
3375 |
3376 | /**
3377 | * Compile entrypoints and import()s only when they are accessed.
3378 | */
3379 | lazyCompilation?: boolean | LazyCompilationOptions;
3380 | }
3381 | type ExperimentsNormalized = ExperimentsCommon & ExperimentsNormalizedExtra;
3382 |
3383 | /**
3384 | * Enables/Disables experiments (experimental features with relax SemVer compatibility).
3385 | */
3386 | declare interface ExperimentsNormalizedExtra {
3387 | /**
3388 | * Build http(s): urls using a lockfile and resource content cache.
3389 | */
3390 | buildHttp?: HttpUriOptions;
3391 |
3392 | /**
3393 | * Compile entrypoints and import()s only when they are accessed.
3394 | */
3395 | lazyCompilation?: LazyCompilationOptions;
3396 | }
3397 | declare abstract class ExportInfo {
3398 | name: string;
3399 |
3400 | /**
3401 | * true: it is provided
3402 | * false: it is not provided
3403 | * null: only the runtime knows if it is provided
3404 | * undefined: it was not determined if it is provided
3405 | */
3406 | provided?: null | boolean;
3407 |
3408 | /**
3409 | * is the export a terminal binding that should be checked for export star conflicts
3410 | */
3411 | terminalBinding: boolean;
3412 |
3413 | /**
3414 | * true: it can be mangled
3415 | * false: is can not be mangled
3416 | * undefined: it was not determined if it can be mangled
3417 | */
3418 | canMangleProvide?: boolean;
3419 |
3420 | /**
3421 | * true: it can be mangled
3422 | * false: is can not be mangled
3423 | * undefined: it was not determined if it can be mangled
3424 | */
3425 | canMangleUse?: boolean;
3426 | exportsInfoOwned: boolean;
3427 | exportsInfo?: ExportsInfo;
3428 | readonly canMangle?: boolean;
3429 | setUsedInUnknownWay(runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
3430 | setUsedWithoutInfo(runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
3431 | setHasUseInfo(): void;
3432 | setUsedConditionally(
3433 | condition: (arg0: UsageStateType) => boolean,
3434 | newValue: UsageStateType,
3435 | runtime: RuntimeSpec
3436 | ): boolean;
3437 | setUsed(newValue: UsageStateType, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
3438 | unsetTarget(key?: any): boolean;
3439 | setTarget(
3440 | key: any,
3441 | connection: ModuleGraphConnection,
3442 | exportName?: string[],
3443 | priority?: number
3444 | ): boolean;
3445 | getUsed(runtime: RuntimeSpec): UsageStateType;
3446 |
3447 | /**
3448 | * get used name
3449 | */
3450 | getUsedName(
3451 | fallbackName: undefined | string,
3452 | runtime: RuntimeSpec
3453 | ): string | false;
3454 | hasUsedName(): boolean;
3455 |
3456 | /**
3457 | * Sets the mangled name of this export
3458 | */
3459 | setUsedName(name: string): void;
3460 | getTerminalBinding(
3461 | moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
3462 | resolveTargetFilter?: (arg0: {
3463 | module: Module;
3464 | export?: string[];
3465 | }) => boolean
3466 | ): undefined | ExportsInfo | ExportInfo;
3467 | isReexport(): undefined | boolean;
3468 | findTarget(
3469 | moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
3470 | validTargetModuleFilter: (arg0: Module) => boolean
3471 | ): undefined | false | { module: Module; export?: string[] };
3472 | getTarget(
3473 | moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
3474 | resolveTargetFilter?: (arg0: {
3475 | module: Module;
3476 | export?: string[];
3477 | }) => boolean
3478 | ): undefined | { module: Module; export?: string[] };
3479 |
3480 | /**
3481 | * Move the target forward as long resolveTargetFilter is fulfilled
3482 | */
3483 | moveTarget(
3484 | moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
3485 | resolveTargetFilter: (arg0: {
3486 | module: Module;
3487 | export?: string[];
3488 | }) => boolean,
3489 | updateOriginalConnection?: (arg0: {
3490 | module: Module;
3491 | export?: string[];
3492 | }) => ModuleGraphConnection
3493 | ): undefined | { module: Module; export?: string[] };
3494 | createNestedExportsInfo(): undefined | ExportsInfo;
3495 | getNestedExportsInfo(): undefined | ExportsInfo;
3496 | hasInfo(baseInfo?: any, runtime?: any): boolean;
3497 | updateHash(hash?: any, runtime?: any): void;
3498 | getUsedInfo(): string;
3499 | getProvidedInfo():
3500 | | "no provided info"
3501 | | "maybe provided (runtime-defined)"
3502 | | "provided"
3503 | | "not provided";
3504 | getRenameInfo(): string;
3505 | }
3506 | declare interface ExportSpec {
3507 | /**
3508 | * the name of the export
3509 | */
3510 | name: string;
3511 |
3512 | /**
3513 | * can the export be renamed (defaults to true)
3514 | */
3515 | canMangle?: boolean;
3516 |
3517 | /**
3518 | * is the export a terminal binding that should be checked for export star conflicts
3519 | */
3520 | terminalBinding?: boolean;
3521 |
3522 | /**
3523 | * nested exports
3524 | */
3525 | exports?: (string | ExportSpec)[];
3526 |
3527 | /**
3528 | * when reexported: from which module
3529 | */
3530 | from?: ModuleGraphConnection;
3531 |
3532 | /**
3533 | * when reexported: from which export
3534 | */
3535 | export?: null | string[];
3536 |
3537 | /**
3538 | * when reexported: with which priority
3539 | */
3540 | priority?: number;
3541 |
3542 | /**
3543 | * export is not visible, because another export blends over it
3544 | */
3545 | hidden?: boolean;
3546 | }
3547 | type ExportedVariableInfo = string | ScopeInfo | VariableInfo;
3548 | declare abstract class ExportsInfo {
3549 | readonly ownedExports: Iterable<ExportInfo>;
3550 | readonly orderedOwnedExports: Iterable<ExportInfo>;
3551 | readonly exports: Iterable<ExportInfo>;
3552 | readonly orderedExports: Iterable<ExportInfo>;
3553 | readonly otherExportsInfo: ExportInfo;
3554 | setRedirectNamedTo(exportsInfo?: any): boolean;
3555 | setHasProvideInfo(): void;
3556 | setHasUseInfo(): void;
3557 | getOwnExportInfo(name: string): ExportInfo;
3558 | getExportInfo(name: string): ExportInfo;
3559 | getReadOnlyExportInfo(name: string): ExportInfo;
3560 | getReadOnlyExportInfoRecursive(name: string[]): undefined | ExportInfo;
3561 | getNestedExportsInfo(name?: string[]): undefined | ExportsInfo;
3562 | setUnknownExportsProvided(
3563 | canMangle?: boolean,
3564 | excludeExports?: Set<string>,
3565 | targetKey?: any,
3566 | targetModule?: ModuleGraphConnection,
3567 | priority?: number
3568 | ): boolean;
3569 | setUsedInUnknownWay(runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
3570 | setUsedWithoutInfo(runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
3571 | setAllKnownExportsUsed(runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
3572 | setUsedForSideEffectsOnly(runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
3573 | isUsed(runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
3574 | isModuleUsed(runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
3575 | getUsedExports(runtime: RuntimeSpec): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
3576 | getProvidedExports(): null | true | string[];
3577 | getRelevantExports(runtime: RuntimeSpec): ExportInfo[];
3578 | isExportProvided(name: string | string[]): undefined | null | boolean;
3579 | getUsageKey(runtime: RuntimeSpec): string;
3580 | isEquallyUsed(runtimeA: RuntimeSpec, runtimeB: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
3581 | getUsed(name: string | string[], runtime: RuntimeSpec): UsageStateType;
3582 | getUsedName(
3583 | name: string | string[],
3584 | runtime: RuntimeSpec
3585 | ): string | false | string[];
3586 | updateHash(hash: Hash, runtime: RuntimeSpec): void;
3587 | getRestoreProvidedData(): any;
3588 | restoreProvided(__0: {
3589 | otherProvided: any;
3590 | otherCanMangleProvide: any;
3591 | otherTerminalBinding: any;
3592 | exports: any;
3593 | }): void;
3594 | }
3595 | declare interface ExportsSpec {
3596 | /**
3597 | * exported names, true for unknown exports or null for no exports
3598 | */
3599 | exports: null | true | (string | ExportSpec)[];
3600 |
3601 | /**
3602 | * when exports = true, list of unaffected exports
3603 | */
3604 | excludeExports?: Set<string>;
3605 |
3606 | /**
3607 | * list of maybe prior exposed, but now hidden exports
3608 | */
3609 | hideExports?: Set<string>;
3610 |
3611 | /**
3612 | * when reexported: from which module
3613 | */
3614 | from?: ModuleGraphConnection;
3615 |
3616 | /**
3617 | * when reexported: with which priority
3618 | */
3619 | priority?: number;
3620 |
3621 | /**
3622 | * can the export be renamed (defaults to true)
3623 | */
3624 | canMangle?: boolean;
3625 |
3626 | /**
3627 | * are the exports terminal bindings that should be checked for export star conflicts
3628 | */
3629 | terminalBinding?: boolean;
3630 |
3631 | /**
3632 | * module on which the result depends on
3633 | */
3634 | dependencies?: Module[];
3635 | }
3636 | type Exposes = (string | ExposesObject)[] | ExposesObject;
3637 |
3638 | /**
3639 | * Advanced configuration for modules that should be exposed by this container.
3640 | */
3641 | declare interface ExposesConfig {
3642 | /**
3643 | * Request to a module that should be exposed by this container.
3644 | */
3645 | import: string | string[];
3646 |
3647 | /**
3648 | * Custom chunk name for the exposed module.
3649 | */
3650 | name?: string;
3651 | }
3652 |
3653 | /**
3654 | * Modules that should be exposed by this container. Property names are used as public paths.
3655 | */
3656 | declare interface ExposesObject {
3657 | [index: string]: string | ExposesConfig | string[];
3658 | }
3659 | type Expression =
3660 | | UnaryExpression
3661 | | ThisExpression
3662 | | ArrayExpression
3663 | | ObjectExpression
3664 | | FunctionExpression
3665 | | ArrowFunctionExpression
3666 | | YieldExpression
3667 | | SimpleLiteral
3668 | | RegExpLiteral
3669 | | BigIntLiteral
3670 | | UpdateExpression
3671 | | BinaryExpression
3672 | | AssignmentExpression
3673 | | LogicalExpression
3674 | | MemberExpression
3675 | | ConditionalExpression
3676 | | SimpleCallExpression
3677 | | NewExpression
3678 | | SequenceExpression
3679 | | TemplateLiteral
3680 | | TaggedTemplateExpression
3681 | | ClassExpression
3682 | | MetaProperty
3683 | | Identifier
3684 | | AwaitExpression
3685 | | ImportExpression
3686 | | ChainExpression;
3687 | declare interface ExpressionExpressionInfo {
3688 | type: "expression";
3689 | rootInfo: string | VariableInfo;
3690 | name: string;
3691 | getMembers: () => string[];
3692 | }
3693 | type ExternalItem =
3694 | | string
3695 | | RegExp
3696 | | (ExternalItemObjectKnown & ExternalItemObjectUnknown)
3697 | | ((
3698 | data: ExternalItemFunctionData,
3699 | callback: (
3700 | err?: Error,
3701 | result?: string | boolean | string[] | { [index: string]: any }
3702 | ) => void
3703 | ) => void)
3704 | | ((data: ExternalItemFunctionData) => Promise<ExternalItemValue>);
3705 |
3706 | /**
3707 | * Data object passed as argument when a function is set for 'externals'.
3708 | */
3709 | declare interface ExternalItemFunctionData {
3710 | /**
3711 | * The directory in which the request is placed.
3712 | */
3713 | context?: string;
3714 |
3715 | /**
3716 | * Contextual information.
3717 | */
3718 | contextInfo?: ModuleFactoryCreateDataContextInfo;
3719 |
3720 | /**
3721 | * The category of the referencing dependencies.
3722 | */
3723 | dependencyType?: string;
3724 |
3725 | /**
3726 | * Get a resolve function with the current resolver options.
3727 | */
3728 | getResolve?: (
3729 | options?: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions
3730 | ) =>
3731 | | ((
3732 | context: string,
3733 | request: string,
3734 | callback: (err?: Error, result?: string) => void
3735 | ) => void)
3736 | | ((context: string, request: string) => Promise<string>);
3737 |
3738 | /**
3739 | * The request as written by the user in the require/import expression/statement.
3740 | */
3741 | request?: string;
3742 | }
3743 |
3744 | /**
3745 | * If an dependency matches exactly a property of the object, the property value is used as dependency.
3746 | */
3747 | declare interface ExternalItemObjectKnown {
3748 | /**
3749 | * Specify externals depending on the layer.
3750 | */
3751 | byLayer?:
3752 | | { [index: string]: ExternalItem }
3753 | | ((layer: null | string) => ExternalItem);
3754 | }
3755 |
3756 | /**
3757 | * If an dependency matches exactly a property of the object, the property value is used as dependency.
3758 | */
3759 | declare interface ExternalItemObjectUnknown {
3760 | [index: string]: ExternalItemValue;
3761 | }
3762 | type ExternalItemValue = string | boolean | string[] | { [index: string]: any };
3763 | declare class ExternalModule extends Module {
3764 | constructor(request?: any, type?: any, userRequest?: any);
3765 | request: string | string[] | Record<string, string | string[]>;
3766 | externalType: string;
3767 | userRequest: string;
3768 | restoreFromUnsafeCache(
3769 | unsafeCacheData?: any,
3770 | normalModuleFactory?: any
3771 | ): void;
3772 | }
3773 | declare interface ExternalModuleInfo {
3774 | index: number;
3775 | module: Module;
3776 | }
3777 | type Externals =
3778 | | string
3779 | | RegExp
3780 | | ExternalItem[]
3781 | | (ExternalItemObjectKnown & ExternalItemObjectUnknown)
3782 | | ((
3783 | data: ExternalItemFunctionData,
3784 | callback: (
3785 | err?: Error,
3786 | result?: string | boolean | string[] | { [index: string]: any }
3787 | ) => void
3788 | ) => void)
3789 | | ((data: ExternalItemFunctionData) => Promise<ExternalItemValue>);
3790 | declare class ExternalsPlugin {
3791 | constructor(type: undefined | string, externals: Externals);
3792 | type?: string;
3793 | externals: Externals;
3794 |
3795 | /**
3796 | * Apply the plugin
3797 | */
3798 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
3799 | }
3800 |
3801 | /**
3802 | * Enable presets of externals for specific targets.
3803 | */
3804 | declare interface ExternalsPresets {
3805 | /**
3806 | * Treat common electron built-in modules in main and preload context like 'electron', 'ipc' or 'shell' as external and load them via require() when used.
3807 | */
3808 | electron?: boolean;
3809 |
3810 | /**
3811 | * Treat electron built-in modules in the main context like 'app', 'ipc-main' or 'shell' as external and load them via require() when used.
3812 | */
3813 | electronMain?: boolean;
3814 |
3815 | /**
3816 | * Treat electron built-in modules in the preload context like 'web-frame', 'ipc-renderer' or 'shell' as external and load them via require() when used.
3817 | */
3818 | electronPreload?: boolean;
3819 |
3820 | /**
3821 | * Treat electron built-in modules in the renderer context like 'web-frame', 'ipc-renderer' or 'shell' as external and load them via require() when used.
3822 | */
3823 | electronRenderer?: boolean;
3824 |
3825 | /**
3826 | * Treat node.js built-in modules like fs, path or vm as external and load them via require() when used.
3827 | */
3828 | node?: boolean;
3829 |
3830 | /**
3831 | * Treat NW.js legacy nw.gui module as external and load it via require() when used.
3832 | */
3833 | nwjs?: boolean;
3834 |
3835 | /**
3836 | * Treat references to 'http(s)://...' and 'std:...' as external and load them via import when used (Note that this changes execution order as externals are executed before any other code in the chunk).
3837 | */
3838 | web?: boolean;
3839 |
3840 | /**
3841 | * Treat references to 'http(s)://...' and 'std:...' as external and load them via async import() when used (Note that this external type is an async module, which has various effects on the execution).
3842 | */
3843 | webAsync?: boolean;
3844 | }
3845 | type ExternalsType =
3846 | | "var"
3847 | | "module"
3848 | | "assign"
3849 | | "this"
3850 | | "window"
3851 | | "self"
3852 | | "global"
3853 | | "commonjs"
3854 | | "commonjs2"
3855 | | "commonjs-module"
3856 | | "amd"
3857 | | "amd-require"
3858 | | "umd"
3859 | | "umd2"
3860 | | "jsonp"
3861 | | "system"
3862 | | "promise"
3863 | | "import"
3864 | | "script"
3865 | | "node-commonjs";
3866 | declare interface FactorizeModuleOptions {
3867 | currentProfile: ModuleProfile;
3868 | factory: ModuleFactory;
3869 | dependencies: Dependency[];
3870 |
3871 | /**
3872 | * return full ModuleFactoryResult instead of only module
3873 | */
3874 | factoryResult?: boolean;
3875 | originModule: null | Module;
3876 | contextInfo?: Partial<ModuleFactoryCreateDataContextInfo>;
3877 | context?: string;
3878 | }
3879 | type FakeHook<T> = T & FakeHookMarker;
3880 | declare interface FakeHookMarker {}
3881 | declare interface FallbackCacheGroup {
3882 | chunksFilter: (chunk: Chunk) => boolean;
3883 | minSize: SplitChunksSizes;
3884 | maxAsyncSize: SplitChunksSizes;
3885 | maxInitialSize: SplitChunksSizes;
3886 | automaticNameDelimiter: string;
3887 | }
3888 | declare class FetchCompileAsyncWasmPlugin {
3889 | constructor();
3890 |
3891 | /**
3892 | * Apply the plugin
3893 | */
3894 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
3895 | }
3896 | declare class FetchCompileWasmPlugin {
3897 | constructor(options?: any);
3898 | options: any;
3899 |
3900 | /**
3901 | * Apply the plugin
3902 | */
3903 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
3904 | }
3905 |
3906 | /**
3907 | * Options object for persistent file-based caching.
3908 | */
3909 | declare interface FileCacheOptions {
3910 | |
3911 |
3912 |
3913 | allowCollectingMemory?: boolean;
3914 |
3915 | |
3916 |
3917 |
3918 | buildDependencies?: { [index: string]: string[] };
3919 |
3920 | |
3921 |
3922 |
3923 | cacheDirectory?: string;
3924 |
3925 | |
3926 |
3927 |
3928 | cacheLocation?: string;
3929 |
3930 | |
3931 |
3932 |
3933 | compression?: false | "gzip" | "brotli";
3934 |
3935 | |
3936 |
3937 |
3938 | hashAlgorithm?: string;
3939 |
3940 | |
3941 |
3942 |
3943 | idleTimeout?: number;
3944 |
3945 | |
3946 |
3947 |
3948 | idleTimeoutAfterLargeChanges?: number;
3949 |
3950 | |
3951 |
3952 |
3953 | idleTimeoutForInitialStore?: number;
3954 |
3955 | |
3956 |
3957 |
3958 | immutablePaths?: (string | RegExp)[];
3959 |
3960 | |
3961 |
3962 |
3963 | managedPaths?: (string | RegExp)[];
3964 |
3965 | |
3966 |
3967 |
3968 | maxAge?: number;
3969 |
3970 | |
3971 |
3972 |
3973 | maxMemoryGenerations?: number;
3974 |
3975 | |
3976 |
3977 |
3978 | memoryCacheUnaffected?: boolean;
3979 |
3980 | |
3981 |
3982 |
3983 | name?: string;
3984 |
3985 | |
3986 |
3987 |
3988 | profile?: boolean;
3989 |
3990 | |
3991 |
3992 |
3993 | store?: "pack";
3994 |
3995 | |
3996 |
3997 |
3998 | type: "filesystem";
3999 |
4000 | |
4001 |
4002 |
4003 | version?: string;
4004 | }
4005 | declare interface FileSystem {
4006 | readFile: {
4007 | (arg0: string, arg1: FileSystemCallback<string | Buffer>): void;
4008 | (
4009 | arg0: string,
4010 | arg1: object,
4011 | arg2: FileSystemCallback<string | Buffer>
4012 | ): void;
4013 | };
4014 | readdir: {
4015 | (
4016 | arg0: string,
4017 | arg1: FileSystemCallback<(string | Buffer)[] | FileSystemDirent[]>
4018 | ): void;
4019 | (
4020 | arg0: string,
4021 | arg1: object,
4022 | arg2: FileSystemCallback<(string | Buffer)[] | FileSystemDirent[]>
4023 | ): void;
4024 | };
4025 | readJson?: {
4026 | (arg0: string, arg1: FileSystemCallback<object>): void;
4027 | (arg0: string, arg1: object, arg2: FileSystemCallback<object>): void;
4028 | };
4029 | readlink: {
4030 | (arg0: string, arg1: FileSystemCallback<string | Buffer>): void;
4031 | (
4032 | arg0: string,
4033 | arg1: object,
4034 | arg2: FileSystemCallback<string | Buffer>
4035 | ): void;
4036 | };
4037 | lstat?: {
4038 | (arg0: string, arg1: FileSystemCallback<FileSystemStats>): void;
4039 | (
4040 | arg0: string,
4041 | arg1: object,
4042 | arg2: FileSystemCallback<string | Buffer>
4043 | ): void;
4044 | };
4045 | stat: {
4046 | (arg0: string, arg1: FileSystemCallback<FileSystemStats>): void;
4047 | (
4048 | arg0: string,
4049 | arg1: object,
4050 | arg2: FileSystemCallback<string | Buffer>
4051 | ): void;
4052 | };
4053 | }
4054 | declare interface FileSystemCallback<T> {
4055 | (err?: null | (PossibleFileSystemError & Error), result?: T): any;
4056 | }
4057 | declare interface FileSystemDirent {
4058 | name: string | Buffer;
4059 | isDirectory: () => boolean;
4060 | isFile: () => boolean;
4061 | }
4062 | declare abstract class FileSystemInfo {
4063 | fs: InputFileSystem;
4064 | logger?: WebpackLogger;
4065 | fileTimestampQueue: AsyncQueue<string, string, null | FileSystemInfoEntry>;
4066 | fileHashQueue: AsyncQueue<string, string, null | string>;
4067 | contextTimestampQueue: AsyncQueue<
4068 | string,
4069 | string,
4070 | null | ContextFileSystemInfoEntry
4071 | >;
4072 | contextHashQueue: AsyncQueue<string, string, null | ContextHash>;
4073 | contextTshQueue: AsyncQueue<string, string, null | ContextTimestampAndHash>;
4074 | managedItemQueue: AsyncQueue<string, string, null | string>;
4075 | managedItemDirectoryQueue: AsyncQueue<string, string, Set<string>>;
4076 | managedPaths: (string | RegExp)[];
4077 | managedPathsWithSlash: string[];
4078 | managedPathsRegExps: RegExp[];
4079 | immutablePaths: (string | RegExp)[];
4080 | immutablePathsWithSlash: string[];
4081 | immutablePathsRegExps: RegExp[];
4082 | logStatistics(): void;
4083 | clear(): void;
4084 | addFileTimestamps(
4085 | map: ReadonlyMap<string, null | FileSystemInfoEntry | "ignore">,
4086 | immutable?: boolean
4087 | ): void;
4088 | addContextTimestamps(
4089 | map: ReadonlyMap<string, null | FileSystemInfoEntry | "ignore">,
4090 | immutable?: boolean
4091 | ): void;
4092 | getFileTimestamp(
4093 | path: string,
4094 | callback: (
4095 | arg0?: WebpackError,
4096 | arg1?: null | FileSystemInfoEntry | "ignore"
4097 | ) => void
4098 | ): void;
4099 | getContextTimestamp(
4100 | path: string,
4101 | callback: (
4102 | arg0?: WebpackError,
4103 | arg1?: null | "ignore" | ResolvedContextFileSystemInfoEntry
4104 | ) => void
4105 | ): void;
4106 | getFileHash(
4107 | path: string,
4108 | callback: (arg0?: WebpackError, arg1?: string) => void
4109 | ): void;
4110 | getContextHash(
4111 | path: string,
4112 | callback: (arg0?: WebpackError, arg1?: string) => void
4113 | ): void;
4114 | getContextTsh(
4115 | path: string,
4116 | callback: (
4117 | arg0?: WebpackError,
4118 | arg1?: ResolvedContextTimestampAndHash
4119 | ) => void
4120 | ): void;
4121 | resolveBuildDependencies(
4122 | context: string,
4123 | deps: Iterable<string>,
4124 | callback: (arg0?: Error, arg1?: ResolveBuildDependenciesResult) => void
4125 | ): void;
4126 | checkResolveResultsValid(
4127 | resolveResults: Map<string, string | false>,
4128 | callback: (arg0?: Error, arg1?: boolean) => void
4129 | ): void;
4130 | createSnapshot(
4131 | startTime: number,
4132 | files: Iterable<string>,
4133 | directories: Iterable<string>,
4134 | missing: Iterable<string>,
4135 | options: {
4136 | |
4137 |
4138 |
4139 | hash?: boolean;
4140 | |
4141 |
4142 |
4143 | timestamp?: boolean;
4144 | },
4145 | callback: (arg0?: WebpackError, arg1?: Snapshot) => void
4146 | ): void;
4147 | mergeSnapshots(snapshot1: Snapshot, snapshot2: Snapshot): Snapshot;
4148 | checkSnapshotValid(
4149 | snapshot: Snapshot,
4150 | callback: (arg0?: WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
4151 | ): void;
4152 | getDeprecatedFileTimestamps(): Map<any, any>;
4153 | getDeprecatedContextTimestamps(): Map<any, any>;
4154 | }
4155 | declare interface FileSystemInfoEntry {
4156 | safeTime: number;
4157 | timestamp?: number;
4158 | }
4159 | declare interface FileSystemStats {
4160 | isDirectory: () => boolean;
4161 | isFile: () => boolean;
4162 | }
4163 | type FilterItemTypes = string | RegExp | ((value: string) => boolean);
4164 | declare interface GenerateContext {
4165 | /**
4166 | * mapping from dependencies to templates
4167 | */
4168 | dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates;
4169 |
4170 | /**
4171 | * the runtime template
4172 | */
4173 | runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate;
4174 |
4175 | /**
4176 | * the module graph
4177 | */
4178 | moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;
4179 |
4180 | /**
4181 | * the chunk graph
4182 | */
4183 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
4184 |
4185 | /**
4186 | * the requirements for runtime
4187 | */
4188 | runtimeRequirements: Set<string>;
4189 |
4190 | /**
4191 | * the runtime
4192 | */
4193 | runtime: RuntimeSpec;
4194 |
4195 | /**
4196 | * when in concatenated module, information about other concatenated modules
4197 | */
4198 | concatenationScope?: ConcatenationScope;
4199 |
4200 | /**
4201 | * which kind of code should be generated
4202 | */
4203 | type: string;
4204 |
4205 | /**
4206 | * get access to the code generation data
4207 | */
4208 | getData?: () => Map<string, any>;
4209 | }
4210 | declare class Generator {
4211 | constructor();
4212 | getTypes(module: NormalModule): Set<string>;
4213 | getSize(module: NormalModule, type?: string): number;
4214 | generate(module: NormalModule, __1: GenerateContext): Source;
4215 | getConcatenationBailoutReason(
4216 | module: NormalModule,
4217 | context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
4218 | ): undefined | string;
4219 | updateHash(hash: Hash, __1: UpdateHashContextGenerator): void;
4220 | static byType(map?: any): ByTypeGenerator;
4221 | }
4222 | type GeneratorOptionsByModuleType = GeneratorOptionsByModuleTypeKnown &
4223 | GeneratorOptionsByModuleTypeUnknown;
4224 |
4225 | /**
4226 | * Specify options for each generator.
4227 | */
4228 | declare interface GeneratorOptionsByModuleTypeKnown {
4229 | |
4230 |
4231 |
4232 | asset?: AssetGeneratorOptions;
4233 |
4234 | |
4235 |
4236 |
4237 | "asset/inline"?: AssetInlineGeneratorOptions;
4238 |
4239 | |
4240 |
4241 |
4242 | "asset/resource"?: AssetResourceGeneratorOptions;
4243 |
4244 | |
4245 |
4246 |
4247 | javascript?: EmptyGeneratorOptions;
4248 |
4249 | |
4250 |
4251 |
4252 | "javascript/auto"?: EmptyGeneratorOptions;
4253 |
4254 | |
4255 |
4256 |
4257 | "javascript/dynamic"?: EmptyGeneratorOptions;
4258 |
4259 | |
4260 |
4261 |
4262 | "javascript/esm"?: EmptyGeneratorOptions;
4263 | }
4264 |
4265 |
4266 |
4267 |
4268 | declare interface GeneratorOptionsByModuleTypeUnknown {
4269 | [index: string]: { [index: string]: any };
4270 | }
4271 | declare class GetChunkFilenameRuntimeModule extends RuntimeModule {
4272 | constructor(
4273 | contentType: string,
4274 | name: string,
4275 | global: string,
4276 | getFilenameForChunk: (
4277 | arg0: Chunk
4278 | ) => string | ((arg0: PathData, arg1?: AssetInfo) => string),
4279 | allChunks: boolean
4280 | );
4281 | contentType: string;
4282 | global: string;
4283 | getFilenameForChunk: (
4284 | arg0: Chunk
4285 | ) => string | ((arg0: PathData, arg1?: AssetInfo) => string);
4286 | allChunks: boolean;
4287 |
4288 | /**
4289 | * Runtime modules without any dependencies to other runtime modules
4290 | */
4291 | static STAGE_NORMAL: number;
4292 |
4293 | /**
4294 | * Runtime modules with simple dependencies on other runtime modules
4295 | */
4296 | static STAGE_BASIC: number;
4297 |
4298 | /**
4299 | * Runtime modules which attach to handlers of other runtime modules
4300 | */
4301 | static STAGE_ATTACH: number;
4302 |
4303 | /**
4304 | * Runtime modules which trigger actions on bootstrap
4305 | */
4306 | static STAGE_TRIGGER: number;
4307 | }
4308 | declare interface GroupConfig {
4309 | getKeys: (arg0?: any) => string[];
4310 | createGroup: (arg0: string, arg1: any[], arg2: any[]) => object;
4311 | getOptions?: (arg0: string, arg1: any[]) => GroupOptions;
4312 | }
4313 | declare interface GroupOptions {
4314 | groupChildren?: boolean;
4315 | force?: boolean;
4316 | targetGroupCount?: number;
4317 | }
4318 | declare interface HMRJavascriptParserHooks {
4319 | hotAcceptCallback: SyncBailHook<[any, string[]], void>;
4320 | hotAcceptWithoutCallback: SyncBailHook<[any, string[]], void>;
4321 | }
4322 | declare interface HandleModuleCreationOptions {
4323 | factory: ModuleFactory;
4324 | dependencies: Dependency[];
4325 | originModule: null | Module;
4326 | contextInfo?: Partial<ModuleFactoryCreateDataContextInfo>;
4327 | context?: string;
4328 |
4329 | |
4330 |
4331 |
4332 | recursive?: boolean;
4333 |
4334 | |
4335 |
4336 |
4337 | connectOrigin?: boolean;
4338 | }
4339 | declare class Hash {
4340 | constructor();
4341 |
4342 | /**
4343 | * Update hash {@link https:
4344 | */
4345 | update(data: string | Buffer, inputEncoding?: string): Hash;
4346 |
4347 | |
4348 |
4349 |
4350 | digest(encoding?: string): string | Buffer;
4351 | }
4352 | declare interface HashableObject {
4353 | updateHash: (arg0: Hash) => void;
4354 | }
4355 | declare class HashedModuleIdsPlugin {
4356 | constructor(options?: HashedModuleIdsPluginOptions);
4357 | options: HashedModuleIdsPluginOptions;
4358 | apply(compiler?: any): void;
4359 | }
4360 | declare interface HashedModuleIdsPluginOptions {
4361 | |
4362 |
4363 |
4364 | context?: string;
4365 |
4366 | |
4367 |
4368 |
4369 | hashDigest?: "base64" | "latin1" | "hex";
4370 |
4371 | |
4372 |
4373 |
4374 | hashDigestLength?: number;
4375 |
4376 | |
4377 |
4378 |
4379 | hashFunction?: string | typeof Hash;
4380 | }
4381 | declare abstract class HelperRuntimeModule extends RuntimeModule {}
4382 | declare class HotModuleReplacementPlugin {
4383 | constructor(options?: any);
4384 | options: any;
4385 |
4386 | /**
4387 | * Apply the plugin
4388 | */
4389 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
4390 | static getParserHooks(parser: JavascriptParser): HMRJavascriptParserHooks;
4391 | }
4392 |
4393 | /**
4394 | * These properties are added by the HotModuleReplacementPlugin
4395 | */
4396 | declare interface HotModuleReplacementPluginLoaderContext {
4397 | hot?: boolean;
4398 | }
4399 | declare class HotUpdateChunk extends Chunk {
4400 | constructor();
4401 | }
4402 |
4403 | /**
4404 | * Options for building http resources.
4405 | */
4406 | declare interface HttpUriOptions {
4407 | |
4408 |
4409 |
4410 | allowedUris: (string | RegExp | ((uri: string) => boolean))[];
4411 |
4412 | /**
4413 | * Location where resource content is stored for lockfile entries. It's also possible to disable storing by passing false.
4414 | */
4415 | cacheLocation?: string | false;
4416 |
4417 | /**
4418 | * When set, anything that would lead to a modification of the lockfile or any resource content, will result in an error.
4419 | */
4420 | frozen?: boolean;
4421 |
4422 | /**
4423 | * Location of the lockfile.
4424 | */
4425 | lockfileLocation?: string;
4426 |
4427 | /**
4428 | * When set, resources of existing lockfile entries will be fetched and entries will be upgraded when resource content has changed.
4429 | */
4430 | upgrade?: boolean;
4431 | }
4432 | declare class HttpUriPlugin {
4433 | constructor(options: HttpUriOptions);
4434 |
4435 | /**
4436 | * Apply the plugin
4437 | */
4438 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
4439 | }
4440 | declare interface IDirent {
4441 | isFile: () => boolean;
4442 | isDirectory: () => boolean;
4443 | isBlockDevice: () => boolean;
4444 | isCharacterDevice: () => boolean;
4445 | isSymbolicLink: () => boolean;
4446 | isFIFO: () => boolean;
4447 | isSocket: () => boolean;
4448 | name: string | Buffer;
4449 | }
4450 | declare interface IStats {
4451 | isFile: () => boolean;
4452 | isDirectory: () => boolean;
4453 | isBlockDevice: () => boolean;
4454 | isCharacterDevice: () => boolean;
4455 | isSymbolicLink: () => boolean;
4456 | isFIFO: () => boolean;
4457 | isSocket: () => boolean;
4458 | dev: number | bigint;
4459 | ino: number | bigint;
4460 | mode: number | bigint;
4461 | nlink: number | bigint;
4462 | uid: number | bigint;
4463 | gid: number | bigint;
4464 | rdev: number | bigint;
4465 | size: number | bigint;
4466 | blksize: number | bigint;
4467 | blocks: number | bigint;
4468 | atimeMs: number | bigint;
4469 | mtimeMs: number | bigint;
4470 | ctimeMs: number | bigint;
4471 | birthtimeMs: number | bigint;
4472 | atime: Date;
4473 | mtime: Date;
4474 | ctime: Date;
4475 | birthtime: Date;
4476 | }
4477 | declare class IgnorePlugin {
4478 | constructor(options: IgnorePluginOptions);
4479 | options: IgnorePluginOptions;
4480 |
4481 | /**
4482 | * Note that if "contextRegExp" is given, both the "resourceRegExp"
4483 | * and "contextRegExp" have to match.
4484 | */
4485 | checkIgnore(resolveData: ResolveData): undefined | false;
4486 |
4487 | /**
4488 | * Apply the plugin
4489 | */
4490 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
4491 | }
4492 | type IgnorePluginOptions =
4493 | | {
4494 | |
4495 |
4496 |
4497 | contextRegExp?: RegExp;
4498 | |
4499 |
4500 |
4501 | resourceRegExp: RegExp;
4502 | }
4503 | | {
4504 | |
4505 |
4506 |
4507 | checkResource: (resource: string, context: string) => boolean;
4508 | };
4509 | declare interface ImportModuleOptions {
4510 | |
4511 |
4512 |
4513 | layer?: string;
4514 |
4515 | |
4516 |
4517 |
4518 | publicPath?: string;
4519 | }
4520 | type ImportSource =
4521 | | undefined
4522 | | null
4523 | | string
4524 | | SimpleLiteral
4525 | | RegExpLiteral
4526 | | BigIntLiteral;
4527 |
4528 |
4529 |
4530 |
4531 | declare interface InfrastructureLogging {
4532 | |
4533 |
4534 |
4535 | appendOnly?: boolean;
4536 |
4537 | |
4538 |
4539 |
4540 | colors?: boolean;
4541 |
4542 | |
4543 |
4544 |
4545 | console?: Console;
4546 |
4547 | |
4548 |
4549 |
4550 | debug?:
4551 | | string
4552 | | boolean
4553 | | RegExp
4554 | | FilterItemTypes[]
4555 | | ((value: string) => boolean);
4556 |
4557 | /**
4558 | * Log level.
4559 | */
4560 | level?: "none" | "error" | "warn" | "info" | "log" | "verbose";
4561 |
4562 | /**
4563 | * Stream used for logging output. Defaults to process.stderr. This option is only used when no custom console is provided.
4564 | */
4565 | stream?: NodeJS.WritableStream;
4566 | }
4567 | declare abstract class InitFragment<Context> {
4568 | content: string | Source;
4569 | stage: number;
4570 | position: number;
4571 | key?: string;
4572 | endContent?: string | Source;
4573 | getContent(context: Context): string | Source;
4574 | getEndContent(context: Context): undefined | string | Source;
4575 | serialize(context?: any): void;
4576 | deserialize(context?: any): void;
4577 | merge: any;
4578 | }
4579 | declare interface InputFileSystem {
4580 | readFile: (
4581 | arg0: string,
4582 | arg1: (arg0?: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: string | Buffer) => void
4583 | ) => void;
4584 | readJson?: (
4585 | arg0: string,
4586 | arg1: (arg0?: null | Error | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: any) => void
4587 | ) => void;
4588 | readlink: (
4589 | arg0: string,
4590 | arg1: (arg0?: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: string | Buffer) => void
4591 | ) => void;
4592 | readdir: (
4593 | arg0: string,
4594 | arg1: (
4595 | arg0?: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException,
4596 | arg1?: (string | Buffer)[] | IDirent[]
4597 | ) => void
4598 | ) => void;
4599 | stat: (
4600 | arg0: string,
4601 | arg1: (arg0?: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: IStats) => void
4602 | ) => void;
4603 | lstat?: (
4604 | arg0: string,
4605 | arg1: (arg0?: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: IStats) => void
4606 | ) => void;
4607 | realpath?: (
4608 | arg0: string,
4609 | arg1: (arg0?: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: string | Buffer) => void
4610 | ) => void;
4611 | purge?: (arg0?: string) => void;
4612 | join?: (arg0: string, arg1: string) => string;
4613 | relative?: (arg0: string, arg1: string) => string;
4614 | dirname?: (arg0: string) => string;
4615 | }
4616 | type IntermediateFileSystem = InputFileSystem &
4617 | OutputFileSystem &
4618 | IntermediateFileSystemExtras;
4619 | declare interface IntermediateFileSystemExtras {
4620 | mkdirSync: (arg0: string) => void;
4621 | createWriteStream: (arg0: string) => NodeJS.WritableStream;
4622 | open: (
4623 | arg0: string,
4624 | arg1: string,
4625 | arg2: (arg0?: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: number) => void
4626 | ) => void;
4627 | read: (
4628 | arg0: number,
4629 | arg1: Buffer,
4630 | arg2: number,
4631 | arg3: number,
4632 | arg4: number,
4633 | arg5: (arg0?: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: number) => void
4634 | ) => void;
4635 | close: (
4636 | arg0: number,
4637 | arg1: (arg0?: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void
4638 | ) => void;
4639 | rename: (
4640 | arg0: string,
4641 | arg1: string,
4642 | arg2: (arg0?: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void
4643 | ) => void;
4644 | }
4645 | type InternalCell<T> = T | typeof TOMBSTONE | typeof UNDEFINED_MARKER;
4646 | declare abstract class ItemCacheFacade {
4647 | get<T>(callback: CallbackCache<T>): void;
4648 | getPromise<T>(): Promise<T>;
4649 | store<T>(data: T, callback: CallbackCache<void>): void;
4650 | storePromise<T>(data: T): Promise<void>;
4651 | provide<T>(
4652 | computer: (arg0: CallbackNormalErrorCache<T>) => void,
4653 | callback: CallbackNormalErrorCache<T>
4654 | ): void;
4655 | providePromise<T>(computer: () => T | Promise<T>): Promise<T>;
4656 | }
4657 | declare class JavascriptModulesPlugin {
4658 | constructor(options?: object);
4659 | options: object;
4660 |
4661 | /**
4662 | * Apply the plugin
4663 | */
4664 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
4665 | renderModule(
4666 | module: Module,
4667 | renderContext: ChunkRenderContext,
4668 | hooks: CompilationHooksJavascriptModulesPlugin,
4669 | factory: boolean
4670 | ): Source;
4671 | renderChunk(
4672 | renderContext: RenderContext,
4673 | hooks: CompilationHooksJavascriptModulesPlugin
4674 | ): Source;
4675 | renderMain(
4676 | renderContext: MainRenderContext,
4677 | hooks: CompilationHooksJavascriptModulesPlugin,
4678 | compilation: Compilation
4679 | ): Source;
4680 | updateHashWithBootstrap(
4681 | hash: Hash,
4682 | renderContext: RenderBootstrapContext,
4683 | hooks: CompilationHooksJavascriptModulesPlugin
4684 | ): void;
4685 | renderBootstrap(
4686 | renderContext: RenderBootstrapContext,
4687 | hooks: CompilationHooksJavascriptModulesPlugin
4688 | ): {
4689 | header: string[];
4690 | beforeStartup: string[];
4691 | startup: string[];
4692 | afterStartup: string[];
4693 | allowInlineStartup: boolean;
4694 | };
4695 | renderRequire(
4696 | renderContext: RenderBootstrapContext,
4697 | hooks: CompilationHooksJavascriptModulesPlugin
4698 | ): string;
4699 | static getCompilationHooks(
4700 | compilation: Compilation
4701 | ): CompilationHooksJavascriptModulesPlugin;
4702 | static getChunkFilenameTemplate(chunk?: any, outputOptions?: any): any;
4703 | static chunkHasJs: (chunk: Chunk, chunkGraph: ChunkGraph) => boolean;
4704 | }
4705 | declare class JavascriptParser extends Parser {
4706 | constructor(sourceType?: "module" | "auto" | "script");
4707 | hooks: Readonly<{
4708 | evaluateTypeof: HookMap<
4709 | SyncBailHook<
4710 | [UnaryExpression],
4711 | undefined | null | BasicEvaluatedExpression
4712 | >
4713 | >;
4714 | evaluate: HookMap<
4715 | SyncBailHook<[Expression], undefined | null | BasicEvaluatedExpression>
4716 | >;
4717 | evaluateIdentifier: HookMap<
4718 | SyncBailHook<
4719 | [ThisExpression | MemberExpression | MetaProperty | Identifier],
4720 | undefined | null | BasicEvaluatedExpression
4721 | >
4722 | >;
4723 | evaluateDefinedIdentifier: HookMap<
4724 | SyncBailHook<
4725 | [ThisExpression | MemberExpression | Identifier],
4726 | undefined | null | BasicEvaluatedExpression
4727 | >
4728 | >;
4729 | evaluateCallExpressionMember: HookMap<
4730 | SyncBailHook<
4731 | [CallExpression, undefined | BasicEvaluatedExpression],
4732 | undefined | null | BasicEvaluatedExpression
4733 | >
4734 | >;
4735 | isPure: HookMap<
4736 | SyncBailHook<
4737 | [
4738 | (
4739 | | UnaryExpression
4740 | | ThisExpression
4741 | | ArrayExpression
4742 | | ObjectExpression
4743 | | FunctionExpression
4744 | | ArrowFunctionExpression
4745 | | YieldExpression
4746 | | SimpleLiteral
4747 | | RegExpLiteral
4748 | | BigIntLiteral
4749 | | UpdateExpression
4750 | | BinaryExpression
4751 | | AssignmentExpression
4752 | | LogicalExpression
4753 | | MemberExpression
4754 | | ConditionalExpression
4755 | | SimpleCallExpression
4756 | | NewExpression
4757 | | SequenceExpression
4758 | | TemplateLiteral
4759 | | TaggedTemplateExpression
4760 | | ClassExpression
4761 | | MetaProperty
4762 | | Identifier
4763 | | AwaitExpression
4764 | | ImportExpression
4765 | | ChainExpression
4766 | | FunctionDeclaration
4767 | | VariableDeclaration
4768 | | ClassDeclaration
4769 | | PrivateIdentifier
4770 | ),
4771 | number
4772 | ],
4773 | boolean | void
4774 | >
4775 | >;
4776 | preStatement: SyncBailHook<
4777 | [
4778 | | FunctionDeclaration
4779 | | VariableDeclaration
4780 | | ClassDeclaration
4781 | | ExpressionStatement
4782 | | BlockStatement
4783 | | EmptyStatement
4784 | | DebuggerStatement
4785 | | WithStatement
4786 | | ReturnStatement
4787 | | LabeledStatement
4788 | | BreakStatement
4789 | | ContinueStatement
4790 | | IfStatement
4791 | | SwitchStatement
4792 | | ThrowStatement
4793 | | TryStatement
4794 | | WhileStatement
4795 | | DoWhileStatement
4796 | | ForStatement
4797 | | ForInStatement
4798 | | ForOfStatement
4799 | | ImportDeclaration
4800 | | ExportNamedDeclaration
4801 | | ExportDefaultDeclaration
4802 | | ExportAllDeclaration
4803 | ],
4804 | boolean | void
4805 | >;
4806 | blockPreStatement: SyncBailHook<
4807 | [
4808 | | FunctionDeclaration
4809 | | VariableDeclaration
4810 | | ClassDeclaration
4811 | | ExpressionStatement
4812 | | BlockStatement
4813 | | EmptyStatement
4814 | | DebuggerStatement
4815 | | WithStatement
4816 | | ReturnStatement
4817 | | LabeledStatement
4818 | | BreakStatement
4819 | | ContinueStatement
4820 | | IfStatement
4821 | | SwitchStatement
4822 | | ThrowStatement
4823 | | TryStatement
4824 | | WhileStatement
4825 | | DoWhileStatement
4826 | | ForStatement
4827 | | ForInStatement
4828 | | ForOfStatement
4829 | | ImportDeclaration
4830 | | ExportNamedDeclaration
4831 | | ExportDefaultDeclaration
4832 | | ExportAllDeclaration
4833 | ],
4834 | boolean | void
4835 | >;
4836 | statement: SyncBailHook<
4837 | [
4838 | | FunctionDeclaration
4839 | | VariableDeclaration
4840 | | ClassDeclaration
4841 | | ExpressionStatement
4842 | | BlockStatement
4843 | | EmptyStatement
4844 | | DebuggerStatement
4845 | | WithStatement
4846 | | ReturnStatement
4847 | | LabeledStatement
4848 | | BreakStatement
4849 | | ContinueStatement
4850 | | IfStatement
4851 | | SwitchStatement
4852 | | ThrowStatement
4853 | | TryStatement
4854 | | WhileStatement
4855 | | DoWhileStatement
4856 | | ForStatement
4857 | | ForInStatement
4858 | | ForOfStatement
4859 | | ImportDeclaration
4860 | | ExportNamedDeclaration
4861 | | ExportDefaultDeclaration
4862 | | ExportAllDeclaration
4863 | ],
4864 | boolean | void
4865 | >;
4866 | statementIf: SyncBailHook<[IfStatement], boolean | void>;
4867 | classExtendsExpression: SyncBailHook<
4868 | [Expression, ClassExpression | ClassDeclaration],
4869 | boolean | void
4870 | >;
4871 | classBodyElement: SyncBailHook<
4872 | [
4873 | MethodDefinition | PropertyDefinition,
4874 | ClassExpression | ClassDeclaration
4875 | ],
4876 | boolean | void
4877 | >;
4878 | classBodyValue: SyncBailHook<
4879 | [
4880 | Expression,
4881 | MethodDefinition | PropertyDefinition,
4882 | ClassExpression | ClassDeclaration
4883 | ],
4884 | boolean | void
4885 | >;
4886 | label: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[LabeledStatement], boolean | void>>;
4887 | import: SyncBailHook<[ImportDeclaration, ImportSource], boolean | void>;
4888 | importSpecifier: SyncBailHook<
4889 | [ImportDeclaration, ImportSource, string, string],
4890 | boolean | void
4891 | >;
4892 | export: SyncBailHook<
4893 | [ExportNamedDeclaration | ExportAllDeclaration],
4894 | boolean | void
4895 | >;
4896 | exportImport: SyncBailHook<
4897 | [ExportNamedDeclaration | ExportAllDeclaration, ImportSource],
4898 | boolean | void
4899 | >;
4900 | exportDeclaration: SyncBailHook<
4901 | [ExportNamedDeclaration | ExportAllDeclaration, Declaration],
4902 | boolean | void
4903 | >;
4904 | exportExpression: SyncBailHook<
4905 | [ExportDefaultDeclaration, Declaration],
4906 | boolean | void
4907 | >;
4908 | exportSpecifier: SyncBailHook<
4909 | [
4910 | ExportNamedDeclaration | ExportAllDeclaration,
4911 | string,
4912 | string,
4913 | undefined | number
4914 | ],
4915 | boolean | void
4916 | >;
4917 | exportImportSpecifier: SyncBailHook<
4918 | [
4919 | ExportNamedDeclaration | ExportAllDeclaration,
4920 | ImportSource,
4921 | string,
4922 | string,
4923 | undefined | number
4924 | ],
4925 | boolean | void
4926 | >;
4927 | preDeclarator: SyncBailHook<
4928 | [VariableDeclarator, Statement],
4929 | boolean | void
4930 | >;
4931 | declarator: SyncBailHook<[VariableDeclarator, Statement], boolean | void>;
4932 | varDeclaration: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Declaration], boolean | void>>;
4933 | varDeclarationLet: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Declaration], boolean | void>>;
4934 | varDeclarationConst: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Declaration], boolean | void>>;
4935 | varDeclarationVar: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Declaration], boolean | void>>;
4936 | pattern: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Identifier], boolean | void>>;
4937 | canRename: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Expression], boolean | void>>;
4938 | rename: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Expression], boolean | void>>;
4939 | assign: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[AssignmentExpression], boolean | void>>;
4940 | assignMemberChain: HookMap<
4941 | SyncBailHook<[AssignmentExpression, string[]], boolean | void>
4942 | >;
4943 | typeof: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Expression], boolean | void>>;
4944 | importCall: SyncBailHook<[Expression], boolean | void>;
4945 | topLevelAwait: SyncBailHook<[Expression], boolean | void>;
4946 | call: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Expression], boolean | void>>;
4947 | callMemberChain: HookMap<
4948 | SyncBailHook<[CallExpression, string[]], boolean | void>
4949 | >;
4950 | memberChainOfCallMemberChain: HookMap<
4951 | SyncBailHook<
4952 | [Expression, string[], CallExpression, string[]],
4953 | boolean | void
4954 | >
4955 | >;
4956 | callMemberChainOfCallMemberChain: HookMap<
4957 | SyncBailHook<
4958 | [Expression, string[], CallExpression, string[]],
4959 | boolean | void
4960 | >
4961 | >;
4962 | optionalChaining: SyncBailHook<[ChainExpression], boolean | void>;
4963 | new: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[NewExpression], boolean | void>>;
4964 | expression: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Expression], boolean | void>>;
4965 | expressionMemberChain: HookMap<
4966 | SyncBailHook<[Expression, string[]], boolean | void>
4967 | >;
4968 | unhandledExpressionMemberChain: HookMap<
4969 | SyncBailHook<[Expression, string[]], boolean | void>
4970 | >;
4971 | expressionConditionalOperator: SyncBailHook<[Expression], boolean | void>;
4972 | expressionLogicalOperator: SyncBailHook<[Expression], boolean | void>;
4973 | program: SyncBailHook<[Program, Comment[]], boolean | void>;
4974 | finish: SyncBailHook<[Program, Comment[]], boolean | void>;
4975 | }>;
4976 | sourceType: "module" | "auto" | "script";
4977 | scope: ScopeInfo;
4978 | state: ParserState;
4979 | comments: any;
4980 | semicolons: any;
4981 | statementPath: (
4982 | | UnaryExpression
4983 | | ThisExpression
4984 | | ArrayExpression
4985 | | ObjectExpression
4986 | | FunctionExpression
4987 | | ArrowFunctionExpression
4988 | | YieldExpression
4989 | | SimpleLiteral
4990 | | RegExpLiteral
4991 | | BigIntLiteral
4992 | | UpdateExpression
4993 | | BinaryExpression
4994 | | AssignmentExpression
4995 | | LogicalExpression
4996 | | MemberExpression
4997 | | ConditionalExpression
4998 | | SimpleCallExpression
4999 | | NewExpression
5000 | | SequenceExpression
5001 | | TemplateLiteral
5002 | | TaggedTemplateExpression
5003 | | ClassExpression
5004 | | MetaProperty
5005 | | Identifier
5006 | | AwaitExpression
5007 | | ImportExpression
5008 | | ChainExpression
5009 | | FunctionDeclaration
5010 | | VariableDeclaration
5011 | | ClassDeclaration
5012 | | ExpressionStatement
5013 | | BlockStatement
5014 | | EmptyStatement
5015 | | DebuggerStatement
5016 | | WithStatement
5017 | | ReturnStatement
5018 | | LabeledStatement
5019 | | BreakStatement
5020 | | ContinueStatement
5021 | | IfStatement
5022 | | SwitchStatement
5023 | | ThrowStatement
5024 | | TryStatement
5025 | | WhileStatement
5026 | | DoWhileStatement
5027 | | ForStatement
5028 | | ForInStatement
5029 | | ForOfStatement
5030 | )[];
5031 | prevStatement: any;
5032 | currentTagData: any;
5033 | getRenameIdentifier(expr?: any): undefined | string;
5034 | walkClass(classy: ClassExpression | ClassDeclaration): void;
5035 | preWalkStatements(statements?: any): void;
5036 | blockPreWalkStatements(statements?: any): void;
5037 | walkStatements(statements?: any): void;
5038 | preWalkStatement(statement?: any): void;
5039 | blockPreWalkStatement(statement?: any): void;
5040 | walkStatement(statement?: any): void;
5041 |
5042 | |
5043 |
5044 |
5045 |
5046 |
5047 | walkNestedStatement(statement: Statement): void;
5048 | preWalkBlockStatement(statement?: any): void;
5049 | walkBlockStatement(statement?: any): void;
5050 | walkExpressionStatement(statement?: any): void;
5051 | preWalkIfStatement(statement?: any): void;
5052 | walkIfStatement(statement?: any): void;
5053 | preWalkLabeledStatement(statement?: any): void;
5054 | walkLabeledStatement(statement?: any): void;
5055 | preWalkWithStatement(statement?: any): void;
5056 | walkWithStatement(statement?: any): void;
5057 | preWalkSwitchStatement(statement?: any): void;
5058 | walkSwitchStatement(statement?: any): void;
5059 | walkTerminatingStatement(statement?: any): void;
5060 | walkReturnStatement(statement?: any): void;
5061 | walkThrowStatement(statement?: any): void;
5062 | preWalkTryStatement(statement?: any): void;
5063 | walkTryStatement(statement?: any): void;
5064 | preWalkWhileStatement(statement?: any): void;
5065 | walkWhileStatement(statement?: any): void;
5066 | preWalkDoWhileStatement(statement?: any): void;
5067 | walkDoWhileStatement(statement?: any): void;
5068 | preWalkForStatement(statement?: any): void;
5069 | walkForStatement(statement?: any): void;
5070 | preWalkForInStatement(statement?: any): void;
5071 | walkForInStatement(statement?: any): void;
5072 | preWalkForOfStatement(statement?: any): void;
5073 | walkForOfStatement(statement?: any): void;
5074 | preWalkFunctionDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
5075 | walkFunctionDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
5076 | blockPreWalkImportDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
5077 | enterDeclaration(declaration?: any, onIdent?: any): void;
5078 | blockPreWalkExportNamedDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
5079 | walkExportNamedDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
5080 | blockPreWalkExportDefaultDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
5081 | walkExportDefaultDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
5082 | blockPreWalkExportAllDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
5083 | preWalkVariableDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
5084 | blockPreWalkVariableDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
5085 | walkVariableDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
5086 | blockPreWalkClassDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
5087 | walkClassDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
5088 | preWalkSwitchCases(switchCases?: any): void;
5089 | walkSwitchCases(switchCases?: any): void;
5090 | preWalkCatchClause(catchClause?: any): void;
5091 | walkCatchClause(catchClause?: any): void;
5092 | walkPattern(pattern?: any): void;
5093 | walkAssignmentPattern(pattern?: any): void;
5094 | walkObjectPattern(pattern?: any): void;
5095 | walkArrayPattern(pattern?: any): void;
5096 | walkRestElement(pattern?: any): void;
5097 | walkExpressions(expressions?: any): void;
5098 | walkExpression(expression?: any): void;
5099 | walkAwaitExpression(expression?: any): void;
5100 | walkArrayExpression(expression?: any): void;
5101 | walkSpreadElement(expression?: any): void;
5102 | walkObjectExpression(expression?: any): void;
5103 | walkProperty(prop?: any): void;
5104 | walkFunctionExpression(expression?: any): void;
5105 | walkArrowFunctionExpression(expression?: any): void;
5106 | walkSequenceExpression(expression: SequenceExpression): void;
5107 | walkUpdateExpression(expression?: any): void;
5108 | walkUnaryExpression(expression?: any): void;
5109 | walkLeftRightExpression(expression?: any): void;
5110 | walkBinaryExpression(expression?: any): void;
5111 | walkLogicalExpression(expression?: any): void;
5112 | walkAssignmentExpression(expression?: any): void;
5113 | walkConditionalExpression(expression?: any): void;
5114 | walkNewExpression(expression?: any): void;
5115 | walkYieldExpression(expression?: any): void;
5116 | walkTemplateLiteral(expression?: any): void;
5117 | walkTaggedTemplateExpression(expression?: any): void;
5118 | walkClassExpression(expression?: any): void;
5119 | walkChainExpression(expression: ChainExpression): void;
5120 | walkImportExpression(expression?: any): void;
5121 | walkCallExpression(expression?: any): void;
5122 | walkMemberExpression(expression?: any): void;
5123 | walkMemberExpressionWithExpressionName(
5124 | expression?: any,
5125 | name?: any,
5126 | rootInfo?: any,
5127 | members?: any,
5128 | onUnhandled?: any
5129 | ): void;
5130 | walkThisExpression(expression?: any): void;
5131 | walkIdentifier(expression?: any): void;
5132 | walkMetaProperty(metaProperty: MetaProperty): void;
5133 | callHooksForExpression(hookMap: any, expr: any, ...args: any[]): any;
5134 | callHooksForExpressionWithFallback<T, R>(
5135 | hookMap: HookMap<SyncBailHook<T, R>>,
5136 | expr: MemberExpression,
5137 | fallback: (
5138 | arg0: string,
5139 | arg1: string | ScopeInfo | VariableInfo,
5140 | arg2: () => string[]
5141 | ) => any,
5142 | defined: (arg0: string) => any,
5143 | ...args: AsArray<T>
5144 | ): R;
5145 | callHooksForName<T, R>(
5146 | hookMap: HookMap<SyncBailHook<T, R>>,
5147 | name: string,
5148 | ...args: AsArray<T>
5149 | ): R;
5150 | callHooksForInfo<T, R>(
5151 | hookMap: HookMap<SyncBailHook<T, R>>,
5152 | info: ExportedVariableInfo,
5153 | ...args: AsArray<T>
5154 | ): R;
5155 | callHooksForInfoWithFallback<T, R>(
5156 | hookMap: HookMap<SyncBailHook<T, R>>,
5157 | info: ExportedVariableInfo,
5158 | fallback: (arg0: string) => any,
5159 | defined: () => any,
5160 | ...args: AsArray<T>
5161 | ): R;
5162 | callHooksForNameWithFallback<T, R>(
5163 | hookMap: HookMap<SyncBailHook<T, R>>,
5164 | name: string,
5165 | fallback: (arg0: string) => any,
5166 | defined: () => any,
5167 | ...args: AsArray<T>
5168 | ): R;
5169 | inScope(params: any, fn: () => void): void;
5170 | inFunctionScope(hasThis?: any, params?: any, fn?: any): void;
5171 | inBlockScope(fn?: any): void;
5172 | detectMode(statements?: any): void;
5173 | enterPatterns(patterns?: any, onIdent?: any): void;
5174 | enterPattern(pattern?: any, onIdent?: any): void;
5175 | enterIdentifier(pattern?: any, onIdent?: any): void;
5176 | enterObjectPattern(pattern?: any, onIdent?: any): void;
5177 | enterArrayPattern(pattern?: any, onIdent?: any): void;
5178 | enterRestElement(pattern?: any, onIdent?: any): void;
5179 | enterAssignmentPattern(pattern?: any, onIdent?: any): void;
5180 | evaluateExpression(
5181 | expression: Expression
5182 | ): undefined | BasicEvaluatedExpression;
5183 | parseString(expression?: any): any;
5184 | parseCalculatedString(expression?: any): any;
5185 | evaluate(source?: any): undefined | BasicEvaluatedExpression;
5186 | isPure(
5187 | expr:
5188 | | undefined
5189 | | null
5190 | | UnaryExpression
5191 | | ThisExpression
5192 | | ArrayExpression
5193 | | ObjectExpression
5194 | | FunctionExpression
5195 | | ArrowFunctionExpression
5196 | | YieldExpression
5197 | | SimpleLiteral
5198 | | RegExpLiteral
5199 | | BigIntLiteral
5200 | | UpdateExpression
5201 | | BinaryExpression
5202 | | AssignmentExpression
5203 | | LogicalExpression
5204 | | MemberExpression
5205 | | ConditionalExpression
5206 | | SimpleCallExpression
5207 | | NewExpression
5208 | | SequenceExpression
5209 | | TemplateLiteral
5210 | | TaggedTemplateExpression
5211 | | ClassExpression
5212 | | MetaProperty
5213 | | Identifier
5214 | | AwaitExpression
5215 | | ImportExpression
5216 | | ChainExpression
5217 | | FunctionDeclaration
5218 | | VariableDeclaration
5219 | | ClassDeclaration
5220 | | PrivateIdentifier,
5221 | commentsStartPos: number
5222 | ): boolean;
5223 | getComments(range?: any): any[];
5224 | isAsiPosition(pos: number): boolean;
5225 | unsetAsiPosition(pos: number): void;
5226 | isStatementLevelExpression(expr?: any): boolean;
5227 | getTagData(name?: any, tag?: any): any;
5228 | tagVariable(name?: any, tag?: any, data?: any): void;
5229 | defineVariable(name?: any): void;
5230 | undefineVariable(name?: any): void;
5231 | isVariableDefined(name?: any): boolean;
5232 | getVariableInfo(name: string): ExportedVariableInfo;
5233 | setVariable(name: string, variableInfo: ExportedVariableInfo): void;
5234 | parseCommentOptions(
5235 | range?: any
5236 | ): { options: null; errors: null } | { options: object; errors: any[] };
5237 | extractMemberExpressionChain(expression: MemberExpression): {
5238 | members: string[];
5239 | object:
5240 | | UnaryExpression
5241 | | ThisExpression
5242 | | ArrayExpression
5243 | | ObjectExpression
5244 | | FunctionExpression
5245 | | ArrowFunctionExpression
5246 | | YieldExpression
5247 | | SimpleLiteral
5248 | | RegExpLiteral
5249 | | BigIntLiteral
5250 | | UpdateExpression
5251 | | BinaryExpression
5252 | | AssignmentExpression
5253 | | LogicalExpression
5254 | | MemberExpression
5255 | | ConditionalExpression
5256 | | SimpleCallExpression
5257 | | NewExpression
5258 | | SequenceExpression
5259 | | TemplateLiteral
5260 | | TaggedTemplateExpression
5261 | | ClassExpression
5262 | | MetaProperty
5263 | | Identifier
5264 | | AwaitExpression
5265 | | ImportExpression
5266 | | ChainExpression
5267 | | Super;
5268 | };
5269 | getFreeInfoFromVariable(varName: string): {
5270 | name: string;
5271 | info: string | VariableInfo;
5272 | };
5273 | getMemberExpressionInfo(
5274 | expression: MemberExpression,
5275 | allowedTypes: number
5276 | ): undefined | CallExpressionInfo | ExpressionExpressionInfo;
5277 | getNameForExpression(expression: MemberExpression): {
5278 | name: string;
5279 | rootInfo: ExportedVariableInfo;
5280 | getMembers: () => string[];
5281 | };
5282 | static ALLOWED_MEMBER_TYPES_ALL: 3;
5285 | }
5286 |
5287 |
5288 |
5289 |
5290 | declare interface JavascriptParserOptions {
5291 | [index: string]: any;
5292 |
5293 | |
5294 |
5295 |
5296 | amd?: false | { [index: string]: any };
5297 |
5298 | |
5299 |
5300 |
5301 | browserify?: boolean;
5302 |
5303 | |
5304 |
5305 |
5306 | commonjs?: boolean;
5307 |
5308 | |
5309 |
5310 |
5311 | commonjsMagicComments?: boolean;
5312 |
5313 | |
5314 |
5315 |
5316 | exportsPresence?: false | "auto" | "error" | "warn";
5317 |
5318 | |
5319 |
5320 |
5321 | exprContextCritical?: boolean;
5322 |
5323 | |
5324 |
5325 |
5326 | exprContextRecursive?: boolean;
5327 |
5328 | |
5329 |
5330 |
5331 | exprContextRegExp?: boolean | RegExp;
5332 |
5333 | |
5334 |
5335 |
5336 | exprContextRequest?: string;
5337 |
5338 | |
5339 |
5340 |
5341 | harmony?: boolean;
5342 |
5343 | |
5344 |
5345 |
5346 | import?: boolean;
5347 |
5348 | |
5349 |
5350 |
5351 | importExportsPresence?: false | "auto" | "error" | "warn";
5352 |
5353 | |
5354 |
5355 |
5356 | node?: false | NodeOptions;
5357 |
5358 | |
5359 |
5360 |
5361 | reexportExportsPresence?: false | "auto" | "error" | "warn";
5362 |
5363 | |
5364 |
5365 |
5366 | requireContext?: boolean;
5367 |
5368 | |
5369 |
5370 |
5371 | requireEnsure?: boolean;
5372 |
5373 | |
5374 |
5375 |
5376 | requireInclude?: boolean;
5377 |
5378 | |
5379 |
5380 |
5381 | requireJs?: boolean;
5382 |
5383 | |
5384 |
5385 |
5386 | strictExportPresence?: boolean;
5387 |
5388 | |
5389 |
5390 |
5391 | strictThisContextOnImports?: boolean;
5392 |
5393 | |
5394 |
5395 |
5396 | system?: boolean;
5397 |
5398 | |
5399 |
5400 |
5401 | unknownContextCritical?: boolean;
5402 |
5403 | |
5404 |
5405 |
5406 | unknownContextRecursive?: boolean;
5407 |
5408 | |
5409 |
5410 |
5411 | unknownContextRegExp?: boolean | RegExp;
5412 |
5413 | |
5414 |
5415 |
5416 | unknownContextRequest?: string;
5417 |
5418 | |
5419 |
5420 |
5421 | url?: boolean | "relative";
5422 |
5423 | |
5424 |
5425 |
5426 | worker?: boolean | string[];
5427 |
5428 | |
5429 |
5430 |
5431 | wrappedContextCritical?: boolean;
5432 |
5433 | |
5434 |
5435 |
5436 | wrappedContextRecursive?: boolean;
5437 |
5438 | |
5439 |
5440 |
5441 | wrappedContextRegExp?: RegExp;
5442 | }
5443 | declare class JsonpChunkLoadingRuntimeModule extends RuntimeModule {
5444 | constructor(runtimeRequirements?: any);
5445 | static getCompilationHooks(
5446 | compilation: Compilation
5447 | ): JsonpCompilationPluginHooks;
5448 |
5449 | /**
5450 | * Runtime modules without any dependencies to other runtime modules
5451 | */
5452 | static STAGE_NORMAL: number;
5453 |
5454 | /**
5455 | * Runtime modules with simple dependencies on other runtime modules
5456 | */
5457 | static STAGE_BASIC: number;
5458 |
5459 | /**
5460 | * Runtime modules which attach to handlers of other runtime modules
5461 | */
5462 | static STAGE_ATTACH: number;
5463 |
5464 | /**
5465 | * Runtime modules which trigger actions on bootstrap
5466 | */
5467 | static STAGE_TRIGGER: number;
5468 | }
5469 | declare interface JsonpCompilationPluginHooks {
5470 | linkPreload: SyncWaterfallHook<[string, Chunk]>;
5471 | linkPrefetch: SyncWaterfallHook<[string, Chunk]>;
5472 | }
5473 | declare class JsonpTemplatePlugin {
5474 | constructor();
5475 |
5476 | /**
5477 | * Apply the plugin
5478 | */
5479 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
5480 | static getCompilationHooks(
5481 | compilation: Compilation
5482 | ): JsonpCompilationPluginHooks;
5483 | }
5484 | declare interface KnownAssetInfo {
5485 | |
5486 |
5487 |
5488 | immutable?: boolean;
5489 |
5490 | |
5491 |
5492 |
5493 | minimized?: boolean;
5494 |
5495 | |
5496 |
5497 |
5498 | fullhash?: string | string[];
5499 |
5500 | |
5501 |
5502 |
5503 | chunkhash?: string | string[];
5504 |
5505 | |
5506 |
5507 |
5508 | modulehash?: string | string[];
5509 |
5510 | |
5511 |
5512 |
5513 | contenthash?: string | string[];
5514 |
5515 | |
5516 |
5517 |
5518 | sourceFilename?: string;
5519 |
5520 | |
5521 |
5522 |
5523 | size?: number;
5524 |
5525 | |
5526 |
5527 |
5528 | development?: boolean;
5529 |
5530 | |
5531 |
5532 |
5533 | hotModuleReplacement?: boolean;
5534 |
5535 | |
5536 |
5537 |
5538 | javascriptModule?: boolean;
5539 |
5540 | |
5541 |
5542 |
5543 | related?: Record<string, string | string[]>;
5544 | }
5545 | declare interface KnownBuildMeta {
5546 | moduleArgument?: string;
5547 | exportsArgument?: string;
5548 | strict?: boolean;
5549 | moduleConcatenationBailout?: string;
5550 | exportsType?: "namespace" | "dynamic" | "default" | "flagged";
5551 | defaultObject?: false | "redirect" | "redirect-warn";
5552 | strictHarmonyModule?: boolean;
5553 | async?: boolean;
5554 | sideEffectFree?: boolean;
5555 | }
5556 | declare interface KnownCreateStatsOptionsContext {
5557 | forToString?: boolean;
5558 | }
5559 | declare interface KnownNormalizedStatsOptions {
5560 | context: string;
5561 | requestShortener: RequestShortener;
5562 | chunksSort: string;
5563 | modulesSort: string;
5564 | chunkModulesSort: string;
5565 | nestedModulesSort: string;
5566 | assetsSort: string;
5567 | ids: boolean;
5568 | cachedAssets: boolean;
5569 | groupAssetsByEmitStatus: boolean;
5570 | groupAssetsByPath: boolean;
5571 | groupAssetsByExtension: boolean;
5572 | assetsSpace: number;
5573 | excludeAssets: ((value: string, asset: StatsAsset) => boolean)[];
5574 | excludeModules: ((
5575 | name: string,
5576 | module: StatsModule,
5577 | type: "module" | "chunk" | "root-of-chunk" | "nested"
5578 | ) => boolean)[];
5579 | warningsFilter: ((warning: StatsError, textValue: string) => boolean)[];
5580 | cachedModules: boolean;
5581 | orphanModules: boolean;
5582 | dependentModules: boolean;
5583 | runtimeModules: boolean;
5584 | groupModulesByCacheStatus: boolean;
5585 | groupModulesByLayer: boolean;
5586 | groupModulesByAttributes: boolean;
5587 | groupModulesByPath: boolean;
5588 | groupModulesByExtension: boolean;
5589 | groupModulesByType: boolean;
5590 | entrypoints: boolean | "auto";
5591 | chunkGroups: boolean;
5592 | chunkGroupAuxiliary: boolean;
5593 | chunkGroupChildren: boolean;
5594 | chunkGroupMaxAssets: number;
5595 | modulesSpace: number;
5596 | chunkModulesSpace: number;
5597 | nestedModulesSpace: number;
5598 | logging: false | "none" | "error" | "warn" | "info" | "log" | "verbose";
5599 | loggingDebug: ((value: string) => boolean)[];
5600 | loggingTrace: boolean;
5601 | }
5602 | declare interface KnownStatsAsset {
5603 | type: string;
5604 | name: string;
5605 | info: AssetInfo;
5606 | size: number;
5607 | emitted: boolean;
5608 | comparedForEmit: boolean;
5609 | cached: boolean;
5610 | related?: StatsAsset[];
5611 | chunkNames?: (string | number)[];
5612 | chunkIdHints?: (string | number)[];
5613 | chunks?: (string | number)[];
5614 | auxiliaryChunkNames?: (string | number)[];
5615 | auxiliaryChunks?: (string | number)[];
5616 | auxiliaryChunkIdHints?: (string | number)[];
5617 | filteredRelated?: number;
5618 | isOverSizeLimit?: boolean;
5619 | }
5620 | declare interface KnownStatsChunk {
5621 | rendered: boolean;
5622 | initial: boolean;
5623 | entry: boolean;
5624 | recorded: boolean;
5625 | reason?: string;
5626 | size: number;
5627 | sizes?: Record<string, number>;
5628 | names?: string[];
5629 | idHints?: string[];
5630 | runtime?: string[];
5631 | files?: string[];
5632 | auxiliaryFiles?: string[];
5633 | hash: string;
5634 | childrenByOrder?: Record<string, (string | number)[]>;
5635 | id?: string | number;
5636 | siblings?: (string | number)[];
5637 | parents?: (string | number)[];
5638 | children?: (string | number)[];
5639 | modules?: StatsModule[];
5640 | filteredModules?: number;
5641 | origins?: StatsChunkOrigin[];
5642 | }
5643 | declare interface KnownStatsChunkGroup {
5644 | name?: string;
5645 | chunks?: (string | number)[];
5646 | assets?: { name: string; size?: number }[];
5647 | filteredAssets?: number;
5648 | assetsSize?: number;
5649 | auxiliaryAssets?: { name: string; size?: number }[];
5650 | filteredAuxiliaryAssets?: number;
5651 | auxiliaryAssetsSize?: number;
5652 | children?: { [index: string]: StatsChunkGroup[] };
5653 | childAssets?: { [index: string]: string[] };
5654 | isOverSizeLimit?: boolean;
5655 | }
5656 | declare interface KnownStatsChunkOrigin {
5657 | module?: string;
5658 | moduleIdentifier?: string;
5659 | moduleName?: string;
5660 | loc?: string;
5661 | request?: string;
5662 | moduleId?: string | number;
5663 | }
5664 | declare interface KnownStatsCompilation {
5665 | env?: any;
5666 | name?: string;
5667 | hash?: string;
5668 | version?: string;
5669 | time?: number;
5670 | builtAt?: number;
5671 | needAdditionalPass?: boolean;
5672 | publicPath?: string;
5673 | outputPath?: string;
5674 | assetsByChunkName?: Record<string, string[]>;
5675 | assets?: StatsAsset[];
5676 | filteredAssets?: number;
5677 | chunks?: StatsChunk[];
5678 | modules?: StatsModule[];
5679 | filteredModules?: number;
5680 | entrypoints?: Record<string, StatsChunkGroup>;
5681 | namedChunkGroups?: Record<string, StatsChunkGroup>;
5682 | errors?: StatsError[];
5683 | errorsCount?: number;
5684 | warnings?: StatsError[];
5685 | warningsCount?: number;
5686 | children?: StatsCompilation[];
5687 | logging?: Record<string, StatsLogging>;
5688 | }
5689 | declare interface KnownStatsError {
5690 | message: string;
5691 | chunkName?: string;
5692 | chunkEntry?: boolean;
5693 | chunkInitial?: boolean;
5694 | file?: string;
5695 | moduleIdentifier?: string;
5696 | moduleName?: string;
5697 | loc?: string;
5698 | chunkId?: string | number;
5699 | moduleId?: string | number;
5700 | moduleTrace?: StatsModuleTraceItem[];
5701 | details?: any;
5702 | stack?: string;
5703 | }
5704 | declare interface KnownStatsFactoryContext {
5705 | type: string;
5706 | makePathsRelative?: (arg0: string) => string;
5707 | compilation?: Compilation;
5708 | rootModules?: Set<Module>;
5709 | compilationFileToChunks?: Map<string, Chunk[]>;
5710 | compilationAuxiliaryFileToChunks?: Map<string, Chunk[]>;
5711 | runtime?: RuntimeSpec;
5712 | cachedGetErrors?: (arg0: Compilation) => WebpackError[];
5713 | cachedGetWarnings?: (arg0: Compilation) => WebpackError[];
5714 | }
5715 | declare interface KnownStatsLogging {
5716 | entries: StatsLoggingEntry[];
5717 | filteredEntries: number;
5718 | debug: boolean;
5719 | }
5720 | declare interface KnownStatsLoggingEntry {
5721 | type: string;
5722 | message: string;
5723 | trace?: string[];
5724 | children?: StatsLoggingEntry[];
5725 | args?: any[];
5726 | time?: number;
5727 | }
5728 | declare interface KnownStatsModule {
5729 | type?: string;
5730 | moduleType?: string;
5731 | layer?: string;
5732 | identifier?: string;
5733 | name?: string;
5734 | nameForCondition?: string;
5735 | index?: number;
5736 | preOrderIndex?: number;
5737 | index2?: number;
5738 | postOrderIndex?: number;
5739 | size?: number;
5740 | sizes?: { [index: string]: number };
5741 | cacheable?: boolean;
5742 | built?: boolean;
5743 | codeGenerated?: boolean;
5744 | buildTimeExecuted?: boolean;
5745 | cached?: boolean;
5746 | optional?: boolean;
5747 | orphan?: boolean;
5748 | id?: string | number;
5749 | issuerId?: string | number;
5750 | chunks?: (string | number)[];
5751 | assets?: (string | number)[];
5752 | dependent?: boolean;
5753 | issuer?: string;
5754 | issuerName?: string;
5755 | issuerPath?: StatsModuleIssuer[];
5756 | failed?: boolean;
5757 | errors?: number;
5758 | warnings?: number;
5759 | profile?: StatsProfile;
5760 | reasons?: StatsModuleReason[];
5761 | usedExports?: boolean | string[];
5762 | providedExports?: string[];
5763 | optimizationBailout?: string[];
5764 | depth?: number;
5765 | modules?: StatsModule[];
5766 | filteredModules?: number;
5767 | source?: string | Buffer;
5768 | }
5769 | declare interface KnownStatsModuleIssuer {
5770 | identifier?: string;
5771 | name?: string;
5772 | id?: string | number;
5773 | profile?: StatsProfile;
5774 | }
5775 | declare interface KnownStatsModuleReason {
5776 | moduleIdentifier?: string;
5777 | module?: string;
5778 | moduleName?: string;
5779 | resolvedModuleIdentifier?: string;
5780 | resolvedModule?: string;
5781 | type?: string;
5782 | active: boolean;
5783 | explanation?: string;
5784 | userRequest?: string;
5785 | loc?: string;
5786 | moduleId?: string | number;
5787 | resolvedModuleId?: string | number;
5788 | }
5789 | declare interface KnownStatsModuleTraceDependency {
5790 | loc?: string;
5791 | }
5792 | declare interface KnownStatsModuleTraceItem {
5793 | originIdentifier?: string;
5794 | originName?: string;
5795 | moduleIdentifier?: string;
5796 | moduleName?: string;
5797 | dependencies?: StatsModuleTraceDependency[];
5798 | originId?: string | number;
5799 | moduleId?: string | number;
5800 | }
5801 | declare interface KnownStatsPrinterContext {
5802 | type?: string;
5803 | compilation?: StatsCompilation;
5804 | chunkGroup?: StatsChunkGroup;
5805 | asset?: StatsAsset;
5806 | module?: StatsModule;
5807 | chunk?: StatsChunk;
5808 | moduleReason?: StatsModuleReason;
5809 | bold?: (str: string) => string;
5810 | yellow?: (str: string) => string;
5811 | red?: (str: string) => string;
5812 | green?: (str: string) => string;
5813 | magenta?: (str: string) => string;
5814 | cyan?: (str: string) => string;
5815 | formatFilename?: (file: string, oversize?: boolean) => string;
5816 | formatModuleId?: (id: string) => string;
5817 | formatChunkId?: (
5818 | id: string,
5819 | direction?: "parent" | "child" | "sibling"
5820 | ) => string;
5821 | formatSize?: (size: number) => string;
5822 | formatDateTime?: (dateTime: number) => string;
5823 | formatFlag?: (flag: string) => string;
5824 | formatTime?: (time: number, boldQuantity?: boolean) => string;
5825 | chunkGroupKind?: string;
5826 | }
5827 | declare interface KnownStatsProfile {
5828 | total: number;
5829 | resolving: number;
5830 | restoring: number;
5831 | building: number;
5832 | integration: number;
5833 | storing: number;
5834 | additionalResolving: number;
5835 | additionalIntegration: number;
5836 | factory: number;
5837 | dependencies: number;
5838 | }
5839 |
5840 |
5841 |
5842 |
5843 | declare interface LazyCompilationDefaultBackendOptions {
5844 | |
5845 |
5846 |
5847 | client?: string;
5848 |
5849 | |
5850 |
5851 |
5852 | listen?: number | ListenOptions | ((server: typeof Server) => void);
5853 |
5854 | /**
5855 | * Specifies the protocol the client should use to connect to the server.
5856 | */
5857 | protocol?: "http" | "https";
5858 |
5859 | /**
5860 | * Specifies how to create the server handling the EventSource requests.
5861 | */
5862 | server?: ServerOptionsImport | ServerOptionsHttps | (() => typeof Server);
5863 | }
5864 |
5865 | /**
5866 | * Options for compiling entrypoints and import()s only when they are accessed.
5867 | */
5868 | declare interface LazyCompilationOptions {
5869 | /**
5870 | * Specifies the backend that should be used for handling client keep alive.
5871 | */
5872 | backend?:
5873 | | ((
5874 | compiler: Compiler,
5875 | callback: (err?: Error, api?: BackendApi) => void
5876 | ) => void)
5877 | | ((compiler: Compiler) => Promise<BackendApi>)
5878 | | LazyCompilationDefaultBackendOptions;
5879 |
5880 | /**
5881 | * Enable/disable lazy compilation for entries.
5882 | */
5883 | entries?: boolean;
5884 |
5885 | /**
5886 | * Enable/disable lazy compilation for import() modules.
5887 | */
5888 | imports?: boolean;
5889 |
5890 | /**
5891 | * Specify which entrypoints or import()ed modules should be lazily compiled. This is matched with the imported module and not the entrypoint name.
5892 | */
5893 | test?: string | RegExp | ((module: Module) => boolean);
5894 | }
5895 | declare class LazySet<T> {
5896 | constructor(iterable?: Iterable<T>);
5897 | readonly size: number;
5898 | add(item: T): LazySet<T>;
5899 | addAll(iterable: LazySet<T> | Iterable<T>): LazySet<T>;
5900 | clear(): void;
5901 | delete(value: T): boolean;
5902 | entries(): IterableIterator<[T, T]>;
5903 | forEach(
5904 | callbackFn: (arg0: T, arg1: T, arg2: Set<T>) => void,
5905 | thisArg?: any
5906 | ): void;
5907 | has(item: T): boolean;
5908 | keys(): IterableIterator<T>;
5909 | values(): IterableIterator<T>;
5910 | [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<T>;
5911 | readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: string;
5912 | serialize(__0: { write: any }): void;
5913 | static deserialize(__0: { read: any }): LazySet<any>;
5914 | }
5915 | declare interface LibIdentOptions {
5916 | /**
5917 | * absolute context path to which lib ident is relative to
5918 | */
5919 | context: string;
5920 |
5921 | /**
5922 | * object for caching
5923 | */
5924 | associatedObjectForCache?: Object;
5925 | }
5926 | declare class LibManifestPlugin {
5927 | constructor(options?: any);
5928 | options: any;
5929 |
5930 | /**
5931 | * Apply the plugin
5932 | */
5933 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
5934 | }
5935 | declare interface LibraryContext<T> {
5936 | compilation: Compilation;
5937 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
5938 | options: T;
5939 | }
5940 |
5941 | /**
5942 | * Set explicit comments for `commonjs`, `commonjs2`, `amd`, and `root`.
5943 | */
5944 | declare interface LibraryCustomUmdCommentObject {
5945 | /**
5946 | * Set comment for `amd` section in UMD.
5947 | */
5948 | amd?: string;
5949 |
5950 | /**
5951 | * Set comment for `commonjs` (exports) section in UMD.
5952 | */
5953 | commonjs?: string;
5954 |
5955 | /**
5956 | * Set comment for `commonjs2` (module.exports) section in UMD.
5957 | */
5958 | commonjs2?: string;
5959 |
5960 | /**
5961 | * Set comment for `root` (global variable) section in UMD.
5962 | */
5963 | root?: string;
5964 | }
5965 |
5966 | /**
5967 | * Description object for all UMD variants of the library name.
5968 | */
5969 | declare interface LibraryCustomUmdObject {
5970 | /**
5971 | * Name of the exposed AMD library in the UMD.
5972 | */
5973 | amd?: string;
5974 |
5975 | /**
5976 | * Name of the exposed commonjs export in the UMD.
5977 | */
5978 | commonjs?: string;
5979 |
5980 | /**
5981 | * Name of the property exposed globally by a UMD library.
5982 | */
5983 | root?: string | string[];
5984 | }
5985 | type LibraryExport = string | string[];
5986 | type LibraryName = string | string[] | LibraryCustomUmdObject;
5987 |
5988 | /**
5989 | * Options for library.
5990 | */
5991 | declare interface LibraryOptions {
5992 | /**
5993 | * Add a comment in the UMD wrapper.
5994 | */
5995 | auxiliaryComment?: string | LibraryCustomUmdCommentObject;
5996 |
5997 | /**
5998 | * Specify which export should be exposed as library.
5999 | */
6000 | export?: string | string[];
6001 |
6002 | /**
6003 | * The name of the library (some types allow unnamed libraries too).
6004 | */
6005 | name?: string | string[] | LibraryCustomUmdObject;
6006 |
6007 | /**
6008 | * Type of library (types included by default are 'var', 'module', 'assign', 'assign-properties', 'this', 'window', 'self', 'global', 'commonjs', 'commonjs2', 'commonjs-module', 'amd', 'amd-require', 'umd', 'umd2', 'jsonp', 'system', but others might be added by plugins).
6009 | */
6010 | type: string;
6011 |
6012 | /**
6013 | * If `output.libraryTarget` is set to umd and `output.library` is set, setting this to true will name the AMD module.
6014 | */
6015 | umdNamedDefine?: boolean;
6016 | }
6017 | declare class LibraryTemplatePlugin {
6018 | constructor(
6019 | name: LibraryName,
6020 | target: string,
6021 | umdNamedDefine: boolean,
6022 | auxiliaryComment: AuxiliaryComment,
6023 | exportProperty: LibraryExport
6024 | );
6025 | library: {
6026 | type: string;
6027 | name: LibraryName;
6028 | umdNamedDefine: boolean;
6029 | auxiliaryComment: AuxiliaryComment;
6030 | export: LibraryExport;
6031 | };
6032 |
6033 | /**
6034 | * Apply the plugin
6035 | */
6036 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
6037 | }
6038 | declare class LimitChunkCountPlugin {
6039 | constructor(options?: LimitChunkCountPluginOptions);
6040 | options?: LimitChunkCountPluginOptions;
6041 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
6042 | }
6043 | declare interface LimitChunkCountPluginOptions {
6044 | /**
6045 | * Constant overhead for a chunk.
6046 | */
6047 | chunkOverhead?: number;
6048 |
6049 | /**
6050 | * Multiplicator for initial chunks.
6051 | */
6052 | entryChunkMultiplicator?: number;
6053 |
6054 | /**
6055 | * Limit the maximum number of chunks using a value greater greater than or equal to 1.
6056 | */
6057 | maxChunks: number;
6058 | }
6059 | declare interface LoadScriptCompilationHooks {
6060 | createScript: SyncWaterfallHook<[string, Chunk]>;
6061 | }
6062 | declare class LoadScriptRuntimeModule extends HelperRuntimeModule {
6063 | constructor(withCreateScriptUrl?: boolean);
6064 | static getCompilationHooks(
6065 | compilation: Compilation
6066 | ): LoadScriptCompilationHooks;
6067 |
6068 | /**
6069 | * Runtime modules without any dependencies to other runtime modules
6070 | */
6071 | static STAGE_NORMAL: number;
6072 |
6073 | /**
6074 | * Runtime modules with simple dependencies on other runtime modules
6075 | */
6076 | static STAGE_BASIC: number;
6077 |
6078 | /**
6079 | * Runtime modules which attach to handlers of other runtime modules
6080 | */
6081 | static STAGE_ATTACH: number;
6082 |
6083 | /**
6084 | * Runtime modules which trigger actions on bootstrap
6085 | */
6086 | static STAGE_TRIGGER: number;
6087 | }
6088 |
6089 | /**
6090 | * Custom values available in the loader context.
6091 | */
6092 | declare interface Loader {
6093 | [index: string]: any;
6094 | }
6095 | type LoaderContext<OptionsType> = NormalModuleLoaderContext<OptionsType> &
6096 | LoaderRunnerLoaderContext<OptionsType> &
6097 | LoaderPluginLoaderContext &
6098 | HotModuleReplacementPluginLoaderContext;
6099 | type LoaderDefinition<
6100 | OptionsType = {},
6101 | ContextAdditions = {}
6102 | > = LoaderDefinitionFunction<OptionsType, ContextAdditions> & {
6103 | raw?: false;
6104 | pitch?: PitchLoaderDefinitionFunction<OptionsType, ContextAdditions>;
6105 | };
6106 | declare interface LoaderDefinitionFunction<
6107 | OptionsType = {},
6108 | ContextAdditions = {}
6109 | > {
6110 | (
6111 | this: NormalModuleLoaderContext<OptionsType> &
6112 | LoaderRunnerLoaderContext<OptionsType> &
6113 | LoaderPluginLoaderContext &
6114 | HotModuleReplacementPluginLoaderContext &
6115 | ContextAdditions,
6116 | content: string,
6117 | sourceMap?: string | SourceMap,
6118 | additionalData?: AdditionalData
6119 | ): string | void | Buffer | Promise<string | Buffer>;
6120 | }
6121 | declare interface LoaderItem {
6122 | loader: string;
6123 | options: any;
6124 | ident: null | string;
6125 | type: null | string;
6126 | }
6127 | declare interface LoaderModule<OptionsType = {}, ContextAdditions = {}> {
6128 | default?:
6129 | | RawLoaderDefinitionFunction<OptionsType, ContextAdditions>
6130 | | LoaderDefinitionFunction<OptionsType, ContextAdditions>;
6131 | raw?: false;
6132 | pitch?: PitchLoaderDefinitionFunction<OptionsType, ContextAdditions>;
6133 | }
6134 | declare class LoaderOptionsPlugin {
6135 | constructor(options?: LoaderOptionsPluginOptions);
6136 | options: LoaderOptionsPluginOptions;
6137 |
6138 | /**
6139 | * Apply the plugin
6140 | */
6141 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
6142 | }
6143 | declare interface LoaderOptionsPluginOptions {
6144 | [index: string]: any;
6145 |
6146 | /**
6147 | * Whether loaders should be in debug mode or not. debug will be removed as of webpack 3.
6148 | */
6149 | debug?: boolean;
6150 |
6151 | /**
6152 | * Where loaders can be switched to minimize mode.
6153 | */
6154 | minimize?: boolean;
6155 |
6156 | /**
6157 | * A configuration object that can be used to configure older loaders.
6158 | */
6159 | options?: {
6160 | [index: string]: any;
6161 | /**
6162 | * The context that can be used to configure older loaders.
6163 | */
6164 | context?: string;
6165 | };
6166 | }
6167 |
6168 | /**
6169 | * These properties are added by the LoaderPlugin
6170 | */
6171 | declare interface LoaderPluginLoaderContext {
6172 | /**
6173 | * Resolves the given request to a module, applies all configured loaders and calls
6174 | * back with the generated source, the sourceMap and the module instance (usually an
6175 | * instance of NormalModule). Use this function if you need to know the source code
6176 | * of another module to generate the result.
6177 | */
6178 | loadModule(
6179 | request: string,
6180 | callback: (
6181 | err: null | Error,
6182 | source: string,
6183 | sourceMap: any,
6184 | module: NormalModule
6185 | ) => void
6186 | ): void;
6187 | importModule(
6188 | request: string,
6189 | options: ImportModuleOptions,
6190 | callback: (err?: Error, exports?: any) => any
6191 | ): void;
6192 | importModule(request: string, options?: ImportModuleOptions): Promise<any>;
6193 | }
6194 |
6195 | /**
6196 | * The properties are added by https://github.com/webpack/loader-runner
6197 | */
6198 | declare interface LoaderRunnerLoaderContext<OptionsType> {
6199 | /**
6200 | * Add a directory as dependency of the loader result.
6201 | */
6202 | addContextDependency(context: string): void;
6203 |
6204 | /**
6205 | * Adds a file as dependency of the loader result in order to make them watchable.
6206 | * For example, html-loader uses this technique as it finds src and src-set attributes.
6207 | * Then, it sets the url's for those attributes as dependencies of the html file that is parsed.
6208 | */
6209 | addDependency(file: string): void;
6210 | addMissingDependency(context: string): void;
6211 |
6212 | /**
6213 | * Make this loader async.
6214 | */
6215 | async(): (
6216 | err?: null | Error,
6217 | content?: string | Buffer,
6218 | sourceMap?: string | SourceMap,
6219 | additionalData?: AdditionalData
6220 | ) => void;
6221 |
6222 | |
6223 |
6224 |
6225 |
6226 |
6227 |
6228 | cacheable(flag?: boolean): void;
6229 | callback: (
6230 | err?: null | Error,
6231 | content?: string | Buffer,
6232 | sourceMap?: string | SourceMap,
6233 | additionalData?: AdditionalData
6234 | ) => void;
6235 |
6236 | |
6237 |
6238 |
6239 | clearDependencies(): void;
6240 |
6241 | |
6242 |
6243 |
6244 |
6245 | context: string;
6246 | readonly currentRequest: string;
6247 | readonly data: any;
6248 |
6249 | |
6250 |
6251 |
6252 |
6253 |
6254 |
6255 | dependency(file: string): void;
6256 | getContextDependencies(): string[];
6257 | getDependencies(): string[];
6258 | getMissingDependencies(): string[];
6259 |
6260 | |
6261 |
6262 |
6263 |
6264 | loaderIndex: number;
6265 | readonly previousRequest: string;
6266 | readonly query: string | OptionsType;
6267 | readonly remainingRequest: string;
6268 | readonly request: string;
6269 |
6270 | |
6271 |
6272 |
6273 |
6274 |
6275 |
6276 |
6277 |
6278 |
6279 |
6280 |
6281 |
6282 |
6283 |
6284 |
6285 |
6286 |
6287 | loaders: {
6288 | request: string;
6289 | path: string;
6290 | query: string;
6291 | fragment: string;
6292 | options?: string | object;
6293 | ident: string;
6294 | normal?: Function;
6295 | pitch?: Function;
6296 | raw?: boolean;
6297 | data?: object;
6298 | pitchExecuted: boolean;
6299 | normalExecuted: boolean;
6300 | }[];
6301 |
6302 | |
6303 |
6304 |
6305 |
6306 | resourcePath: string;
6307 |
6308 | |
6309 |
6310 |
6311 |
6312 | resourceQuery: string;
6313 |
6314 | |
6315 |
6316 |
6317 |
6318 | resourceFragment: string;
6319 |
6320 | |
6321 |
6322 |
6323 |
6324 | resource: string;
6325 | }
6326 | declare class LoaderTargetPlugin {
6327 | constructor(target: string);
6328 | target: string;
6329 |
6330 | /**
6331 | * Apply the plugin
6332 | */
6333 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
6334 | }
6335 | declare interface LogEntry {
6336 | type: string;
6337 | args: any[];
6338 | time: number;
6339 | trace?: string[];
6340 | }
6341 | declare const MEASURE_END_OPERATION: unique symbol;
6342 | declare const MEASURE_START_OPERATION: unique symbol;
6343 | declare interface MainRenderContext {
6344 | |
6345 |
6346 |
6347 | chunk: Chunk;
6348 |
6349 | |
6350 |
6351 |
6352 | dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates;
6353 |
6354 | |
6355 |
6356 |
6357 | runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate;
6358 |
6359 | |
6360 |
6361 |
6362 | moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;
6363 |
6364 | |
6365 |
6366 |
6367 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
6368 |
6369 | |
6370 |
6371 |
6372 | codeGenerationResults: CodeGenerationResults;
6373 |
6374 | |
6375 |
6376 |
6377 | hash: string;
6378 |
6379 | |
6380 |
6381 |
6382 | strictMode: boolean;
6383 | }
6384 | declare abstract class MainTemplate {
6385 | hooks: Readonly<{
6386 | renderManifest: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
6387 | modules: { tap: () => never };
6388 | moduleObj: { tap: () => never };
6389 | require: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
6390 | beforeStartup: { tap: () => never };
6391 | startup: { tap: () => never };
6392 | afterStartup: { tap: () => never };
6393 | render: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
6394 | renderWithEntry: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
6395 | assetPath: {
6396 | tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void;
6397 | call: (filename?: any, options?: any) => string;
6398 | };
6399 | hash: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
6400 | hashForChunk: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
6401 | globalHashPaths: { tap: () => void };
6402 | globalHash: { tap: () => void };
6403 | hotBootstrap: { tap: () => never };
6404 | bootstrap: SyncWaterfallHook<
6405 | [string, Chunk, string, ModuleTemplate, DependencyTemplates]
6406 | >;
6407 | localVars: SyncWaterfallHook<[string, Chunk, string]>;
6408 | requireExtensions: SyncWaterfallHook<[string, Chunk, string]>;
6409 | requireEnsure: SyncWaterfallHook<[string, Chunk, string, string]>;
6410 | readonly jsonpScript: SyncWaterfallHook<[string, Chunk]>;
6411 | readonly linkPrefetch: SyncWaterfallHook<[string, Chunk]>;
6412 | readonly linkPreload: SyncWaterfallHook<[string, Chunk]>;
6413 | }>;
6414 | renderCurrentHashCode: (hash: string, length?: number) => string;
6415 | getPublicPath: (options: object) => string;
6416 | getAssetPath: (path?: any, options?: any) => string;
6417 | getAssetPathWithInfo: (
6418 | path?: any,
6419 | options?: any
6420 | ) => { path: string; info: AssetInfo };
6421 | readonly requireFn: "__webpack_require__";
6422 | readonly outputOptions: Output;
6423 | }
6424 | declare interface MapOptions {
6425 | columns?: boolean;
6426 | module?: boolean;
6427 | }
6428 |
6429 | /**
6430 | * Options object for in-memory caching.
6431 | */
6432 | declare interface MemoryCacheOptions {
6433 | |
6434 |
6435 |
6436 | cacheUnaffected?: boolean;
6437 |
6438 | |
6439 |
6440 |
6441 | maxGenerations?: number;
6442 |
6443 | |
6444 |
6445 |
6446 | type: "memory";
6447 | }
6448 | declare class MemoryCachePlugin {
6449 | constructor();
6450 |
6451 | /**
6452 | * Apply the plugin
6453 | */
6454 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
6455 | }
6456 | declare class MinChunkSizePlugin {
6457 | constructor(options: MinChunkSizePluginOptions);
6458 | options: MinChunkSizePluginOptions;
6459 |
6460 | /**
6461 | * Apply the plugin
6462 | */
6463 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
6464 | }
6465 | declare interface MinChunkSizePluginOptions {
6466 | |
6467 |
6468 |
6469 | chunkOverhead?: number;
6470 |
6471 | |
6472 |
6473 |
6474 | entryChunkMultiplicator?: number;
6475 |
6476 | |
6477 |
6478 |
6479 | minChunkSize: number;
6480 | }
6481 | declare class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
6482 | constructor(type: string, context?: string, layer?: string);
6483 | type: string;
6484 | context: null | string;
6485 | layer: null | string;
6486 | needId: boolean;
6487 | debugId: number;
6488 | resolveOptions: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
6489 | factoryMeta?: object;
6490 | useSourceMap: boolean;
6491 | useSimpleSourceMap: boolean;
6492 | buildMeta: BuildMeta;
6493 | buildInfo: Record<string, any>;
6494 | presentationalDependencies?: Dependency[];
6495 | id: string | number;
6496 | readonly hash: string;
6497 | readonly renderedHash: string;
6498 | profile: null | ModuleProfile;
6499 | index: number;
6500 | index2: number;
6501 | depth: number;
6502 | issuer: null | Module;
6503 | readonly usedExports: null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
6504 | readonly optimizationBailout: (
6505 | | string
6506 | | ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
6507 | )[];
6508 | readonly optional: boolean;
6509 | addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
6510 | removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
6511 | isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
6512 | isEntryModule(): boolean;
6513 | getChunks(): Chunk[];
6514 | getNumberOfChunks(): number;
6515 | readonly chunksIterable: Iterable<Chunk>;
6516 | isProvided(exportName: string): null | boolean;
6517 | readonly exportsArgument: string;
6518 | readonly moduleArgument: string;
6519 | getExportsType(
6520 | moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
6521 | strict: boolean
6522 | ): "namespace" | "default-only" | "default-with-named" | "dynamic";
6523 | addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
6524 | addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
6525 | getWarnings(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
6526 | getNumberOfWarnings(): number;
6527 | addError(error: WebpackError): void;
6528 | getErrors(): undefined | Iterable<WebpackError>;
6529 | getNumberOfErrors(): number;
6530 |
6531 | /**
6532 | * removes all warnings and errors
6533 | */
6534 | clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
6535 | isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
6536 | isAccessibleInChunk(
6537 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
6538 | chunk: Chunk,
6539 | ignoreChunk?: Chunk
6540 | ): boolean;
6541 | isAccessibleInChunkGroup(
6542 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
6543 | chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
6544 | ignoreChunk?: Chunk
6545 | ): boolean;
6546 | hasReasonForChunk(
6547 | chunk: Chunk,
6548 | moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
6549 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
6550 | ): boolean;
6551 | hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
6552 | needBuild(
6553 | context: NeedBuildContext,
6554 | callback: (arg0?: WebpackError, arg1?: boolean) => void
6555 | ): void;
6556 | needRebuild(
6557 | fileTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>,
6558 | contextTimestamps: Map<string, null | number>
6559 | ): boolean;
6560 | invalidateBuild(): void;
6561 | identifier(): string;
6562 | readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
6563 | build(
6564 | options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
6565 | compilation: Compilation,
6566 | resolver: ResolverWithOptions,
6567 | fs: InputFileSystem,
6568 | callback: (arg0?: WebpackError) => void
6569 | ): void;
6570 | getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
6571 | source(
6572 | dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates,
6573 | runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate,
6574 | type?: string
6575 | ): Source;
6576 | size(type?: string): number;
6577 | libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): null | string;
6578 | nameForCondition(): null | string;
6579 | getConcatenationBailoutReason(
6580 | context: ConcatenationBailoutReasonContext
6581 | ): undefined | string;
6582 | getSideEffectsConnectionState(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ConnectionState;
6583 | codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
6584 | chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;
6585 | hasChunkCondition(): boolean;
6586 |
6587 | /**
6588 | * Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
6589 | * the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
6590 | * and properties.
6591 | */
6592 | updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
6593 |
6594 | /**
6595 | * Module should be unsafe cached. Get data that's needed for that.
6596 | * This data will be passed to restoreFromUnsafeCache later.
6597 | */
6598 | getUnsafeCacheData(): object;
6599 |
6600 | /**
6601 | * Assuming this module is in the cache. Remove internal references to allow freeing some memory.
6602 | */
6603 | cleanupForCache(): void;
6604 | originalSource(): null | Source;
6605 | addCacheDependencies(
6606 | fileDependencies: LazySet<string>,
6607 | contextDependencies: LazySet<string>,
6608 | missingDependencies: LazySet<string>,
6609 | buildDependencies: LazySet<string>
6610 | ): void;
6611 | readonly hasEqualsChunks: any;
6612 | readonly isUsed: any;
6613 | readonly errors: any;
6614 | readonly warnings: any;
6615 | used: any;
6616 | }
6617 | declare class ModuleConcatenationPlugin {
6618 | constructor(options?: any);
6619 | options: any;
6620 |
6621 | /**
6622 | * Apply the plugin
6623 | */
6624 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
6625 | }
6626 | declare class ModuleDependency extends Dependency {
6627 | constructor(request: string);
6628 | request: string;
6629 | userRequest: string;
6630 | range: any;
6631 | assertions?: Record<string, any>;
6632 | static Template: typeof DependencyTemplate;
6633 | static NO_EXPORTS_REFERENCED: string[][];
6634 | static EXPORTS_OBJECT_REFERENCED: string[][];
6635 | static TRANSITIVE: typeof TRANSITIVE;
6636 | }
6637 | declare abstract class ModuleFactory {
6638 | create(
6639 | data: ModuleFactoryCreateData,
6640 | callback: (arg0?: Error, arg1?: ModuleFactoryResult) => void
6641 | ): void;
6642 | }
6643 | declare interface ModuleFactoryCreateData {
6644 | contextInfo: ModuleFactoryCreateDataContextInfo;
6645 | resolveOptions?: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
6646 | context: string;
6647 | dependencies: Dependency[];
6648 | }
6649 | declare interface ModuleFactoryCreateDataContextInfo {
6650 | issuer: string;
6651 | issuerLayer?: null | string;
6652 | compiler: string;
6653 | }
6654 | declare interface ModuleFactoryResult {
6655 | |
6656 |
6657 |
6658 | module?: Module;
6659 | fileDependencies?: Set<string>;
6660 | contextDependencies?: Set<string>;
6661 | missingDependencies?: Set<string>;
6662 |
6663 | /**
6664 | * allow to use the unsafe cache
6665 | */
6666 | cacheable?: boolean;
6667 | }
6668 | declare class ModuleFederationPlugin {
6669 | constructor(options: ModuleFederationPluginOptions);
6670 |
6671 | /**
6672 | * Apply the plugin
6673 | */
6674 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
6675 | }
6676 | declare interface ModuleFederationPluginOptions {
6677 | |
6678 |
6679 |
6680 | exposes?: (string | ExposesObject)[] | ExposesObject;
6681 |
6682 | |
6683 |
6684 |
6685 | filename?: string;
6686 |
6687 | |
6688 |
6689 |
6690 | library?: LibraryOptions;
6691 |
6692 | |
6693 |
6694 |
6695 | name?: string;
6696 |
6697 | |
6698 |
6699 |
6700 | remoteType?:
6701 | | "var"
6702 | | "module"
6703 | | "assign"
6704 | | "this"
6705 | | "window"
6706 | | "self"
6707 | | "global"
6708 | | "commonjs"
6709 | | "commonjs2"
6710 | | "commonjs-module"
6711 | | "amd"
6712 | | "amd-require"
6713 | | "umd"
6714 | | "umd2"
6715 | | "jsonp"
6716 | | "system"
6717 | | "promise"
6718 | | "import"
6719 | | "script"
6720 | | "node-commonjs";
6721 |
6722 | |
6723 |
6724 |
6725 | remotes?: (string | RemotesObject)[] | RemotesObject;
6726 |
6727 | |
6728 |
6729 |
6730 | runtime?: string | false;
6731 |
6732 | |
6733 |
6734 |
6735 | shareScope?: string;
6736 |
6737 | |
6738 |
6739 |
6740 | shared?: (string | SharedObject)[] | SharedObject;
6741 | }
6742 | type ModuleFilterItemTypes =
6743 | | string
6744 | | RegExp
6745 | | ((
6746 | name: string,
6747 | module: StatsModule,
6748 | type: "module" | "chunk" | "root-of-chunk" | "nested"
6749 | ) => boolean);
6750 | declare class ModuleGraph {
6751 | constructor();
6752 | setParents(
6753 | dependency: Dependency,
6754 | block: DependenciesBlock,
6755 | module: Module,
6756 | indexInBlock?: number
6757 | ): void;
6758 | getParentModule(dependency: Dependency): Module;
6759 | getParentBlock(dependency: Dependency): DependenciesBlock;
6760 | getParentBlockIndex(dependency: Dependency): number;
6761 | setResolvedModule(
6762 | originModule: Module,
6763 | dependency: Dependency,
6764 | module: Module
6765 | ): void;
6766 | updateModule(dependency: Dependency, module: Module): void;
6767 | removeConnection(dependency: Dependency): void;
6768 | addExplanation(dependency: Dependency, explanation: string): void;
6769 | cloneModuleAttributes(sourceModule: Module, targetModule: Module): void;
6770 | removeModuleAttributes(module: Module): void;
6771 | removeAllModuleAttributes(): void;
6772 | moveModuleConnections(
6773 | oldModule: Module,
6774 | newModule: Module,
6775 | filterConnection: (arg0: ModuleGraphConnection) => boolean
6776 | ): void;
6777 | copyOutgoingModuleConnections(
6778 | oldModule: Module,
6779 | newModule: Module,
6780 | filterConnection: (arg0: ModuleGraphConnection) => boolean
6781 | ): void;
6782 | addExtraReason(module: Module, explanation: string): void;
6783 | getResolvedModule(dependency: Dependency): Module;
6784 | getConnection(dependency: Dependency): undefined | ModuleGraphConnection;
6785 | getModule(dependency: Dependency): Module;
6786 | getOrigin(dependency: Dependency): Module;
6787 | getResolvedOrigin(dependency: Dependency): Module;
6788 | getIncomingConnections(module: Module): Iterable<ModuleGraphConnection>;
6789 | getOutgoingConnections(module: Module): Iterable<ModuleGraphConnection>;
6790 | getIncomingConnectionsByOriginModule(
6791 | module: Module
6792 | ): Map<undefined | Module, ReadonlyArray<ModuleGraphConnection>>;
6793 | getOutgoingConnectionsByModule(
6794 | module: Module
6795 | ): undefined | Map<undefined | Module, ReadonlyArray<ModuleGraphConnection>>;
6796 | getProfile(module: Module): null | ModuleProfile;
6797 | setProfile(module: Module, profile: null | ModuleProfile): void;
6798 | getIssuer(module: Module): null | Module;
6799 | setIssuer(module: Module, issuer: null | Module): void;
6800 | setIssuerIfUnset(module: Module, issuer: null | Module): void;
6801 | getOptimizationBailout(
6802 | module: Module
6803 | ): (string | ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string))[];
6804 | getProvidedExports(module: Module): null | true | string[];
6805 | isExportProvided(
6806 | module: Module,
6807 | exportName: string | string[]
6808 | ): null | boolean;
6809 | getExportsInfo(module: Module): ExportsInfo;
6810 | getExportInfo(module: Module, exportName: string): ExportInfo;
6811 | getReadOnlyExportInfo(module: Module, exportName: string): ExportInfo;
6812 | getUsedExports(
6813 | module: Module,
6814 | runtime: RuntimeSpec
6815 | ): null | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
6816 | getPreOrderIndex(module: Module): number;
6817 | getPostOrderIndex(module: Module): number;
6818 | setPreOrderIndex(module: Module, index: number): void;
6819 | setPreOrderIndexIfUnset(module: Module, index: number): boolean;
6820 | setPostOrderIndex(module: Module, index: number): void;
6821 | setPostOrderIndexIfUnset(module: Module, index: number): boolean;
6822 | getDepth(module: Module): number;
6823 | setDepth(module: Module, depth: number): void;
6824 | setDepthIfLower(module: Module, depth: number): boolean;
6825 | isAsync(module: Module): boolean;
6826 | setAsync(module: Module): void;
6827 | getMeta(thing?: any): Object;
6828 | getMetaIfExisting(thing?: any): Object;
6829 | freeze(cacheStage?: string): void;
6830 | unfreeze(): void;
6831 | cached<T extends any[], V>(
6832 | fn: (moduleGraph: ModuleGraph, ...args: T) => V,
6833 | ...args: T
6834 | ): V;
6835 | setModuleMemCaches(
6836 | moduleMemCaches: Map<Module, WeakTupleMap<any, any>>
6837 | ): void;
6838 | dependencyCacheProvide(dependency: Dependency, ...args: any[]): any;
6839 | static getModuleGraphForModule(
6840 | module: Module,
6841 | deprecateMessage: string,
6842 | deprecationCode: string
6843 | ): ModuleGraph;
6844 | static setModuleGraphForModule(
6845 | module: Module,
6846 | moduleGraph: ModuleGraph
6847 | ): void;
6848 | static clearModuleGraphForModule(module: Module): void;
6849 | static ModuleGraphConnection: typeof ModuleGraphConnection;
6850 | }
6851 | declare class ModuleGraphConnection {
6852 | constructor(
6853 | originModule: null | Module,
6854 | dependency: null | Dependency,
6855 | module: Module,
6856 | explanation?: string,
6857 | weak?: boolean,
6858 | condition?:
6859 | | false
6860 | | ((arg0: ModuleGraphConnection, arg1: RuntimeSpec) => ConnectionState)
6861 | );
6862 | originModule: null | Module;
6863 | resolvedOriginModule: null | Module;
6864 | dependency: null | Dependency;
6865 | resolvedModule: Module;
6866 | module: Module;
6867 | weak: boolean;
6868 | conditional: boolean;
6869 | condition: (
6870 | arg0: ModuleGraphConnection,
6871 | arg1: RuntimeSpec
6872 | ) => ConnectionState;
6873 | explanations: Set<string>;
6874 | clone(): ModuleGraphConnection;
6875 | addCondition(
6876 | condition: (
6877 | arg0: ModuleGraphConnection,
6878 | arg1: RuntimeSpec
6879 | ) => ConnectionState
6880 | ): void;
6881 | addExplanation(explanation: string): void;
6882 | readonly explanation: string;
6883 | active: void;
6884 | isActive(runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
6885 | isTargetActive(runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
6886 | getActiveState(runtime: RuntimeSpec): ConnectionState;
6887 | setActive(value: boolean): void;
6888 | static addConnectionStates: (
6889 | a: ConnectionState,
6890 | b: ConnectionState
6891 | ) => ConnectionState;
6894 | }
6895 | type ModuleInfo = ConcatenatedModuleInfo | ExternalModuleInfo;
6896 |
6897 | /**
6898 | * Options affecting the normal modules (`NormalModuleFactory`).
6899 | */
6900 | declare interface ModuleOptions {
6901 | |
6902 |
6903 |
6904 | defaultRules?: (RuleSetRule | "...")[];
6905 |
6906 | |
6907 |
6908 |
6909 | exprContextCritical?: boolean;
6910 |
6911 | |
6912 |
6913 |
6914 | exprContextRecursive?: boolean;
6915 |
6916 | |
6917 |
6918 |
6919 | exprContextRegExp?: boolean | RegExp;
6920 |
6921 | |
6922 |
6923 |
6924 | exprContextRequest?: string;
6925 |
6926 | |
6927 |
6928 |
6929 | generator?: GeneratorOptionsByModuleType;
6930 |
6931 | |
6932 |
6933 |
6934 | noParse?: string | Function | RegExp | (string | Function | RegExp)[];
6935 |
6936 | |
6937 |
6938 |
6939 | parser?: ParserOptionsByModuleType;
6940 |
6941 | |
6942 |
6943 |
6944 | rules?: (RuleSetRule | "...")[];
6945 |
6946 | |
6947 |
6948 |
6949 | strictExportPresence?: boolean;
6950 |
6951 | |
6952 |
6953 |
6954 | strictThisContextOnImports?: boolean;
6955 |
6956 | |
6957 |
6958 |
6959 | unknownContextCritical?: boolean;
6960 |
6961 | |
6962 |
6963 |
6964 | unknownContextRecursive?: boolean;
6965 |
6966 | |
6967 |
6968 |
6969 | unknownContextRegExp?: boolean | RegExp;
6970 |
6971 | |
6972 |
6973 |
6974 | unknownContextRequest?: string;
6975 |
6976 | |
6977 |
6978 |
6979 | unsafeCache?: boolean | Function;
6980 |
6981 | |
6982 |
6983 |
6984 | wrappedContextCritical?: boolean;
6985 |
6986 | |
6987 |
6988 |
6989 | wrappedContextRecursive?: boolean;
6990 |
6991 | |
6992 |
6993 |
6994 | wrappedContextRegExp?: RegExp;
6995 | }
6996 |
6997 |
6998 |
6999 |
7000 | declare interface ModuleOptionsNormalized {
7001 | |
7002 |
7003 |
7004 | defaultRules: (RuleSetRule | "...")[];
7005 |
7006 | |
7007 |
7008 |
7009 | generator: GeneratorOptionsByModuleType;
7010 |
7011 | |
7012 |
7013 |
7014 | noParse?: string | Function | RegExp | (string | Function | RegExp)[];
7015 |
7016 | |
7017 |
7018 |
7019 | parser: ParserOptionsByModuleType;
7020 |
7021 | |
7022 |
7023 |
7024 | rules: (RuleSetRule | "...")[];
7025 |
7026 | |
7027 |
7028 |
7029 | unsafeCache?: boolean | Function;
7030 | }
7031 | declare interface ModulePathData {
7032 | id: string | number;
7033 | hash: string;
7034 | hashWithLength?: (arg0: number) => string;
7035 | }
7036 | declare abstract class ModuleProfile {
7037 | startTime: number;
7038 | factoryStartTime: number;
7039 | factoryEndTime: number;
7040 | factory: number;
7041 | factoryParallelismFactor: number;
7042 | restoringStartTime: number;
7043 | restoringEndTime: number;
7044 | restoring: number;
7045 | restoringParallelismFactor: number;
7046 | integrationStartTime: number;
7047 | integrationEndTime: number;
7048 | integration: number;
7049 | integrationParallelismFactor: number;
7050 | buildingStartTime: number;
7051 | buildingEndTime: number;
7052 | building: number;
7053 | buildingParallelismFactor: number;
7054 | storingStartTime: number;
7055 | storingEndTime: number;
7056 | storing: number;
7057 | storingParallelismFactor: number;
7058 | additionalFactoryTimes: any;
7059 | additionalFactories: number;
7060 | additionalFactoriesParallelismFactor: number;
7061 | additionalIntegration: number;
7062 | markFactoryStart(): void;
7063 | markFactoryEnd(): void;
7064 | markRestoringStart(): void;
7065 | markRestoringEnd(): void;
7066 | markIntegrationStart(): void;
7067 | markIntegrationEnd(): void;
7068 | markBuildingStart(): void;
7069 | markBuildingEnd(): void;
7070 | markStoringStart(): void;
7071 | markStoringEnd(): void;
7072 |
7073 | |
7074 |
7075 |
7076 | mergeInto(realProfile: ModuleProfile): void;
7077 | }
7078 | declare interface ModuleReferenceOptions {
7079 | |
7080 |
7081 |
7082 | ids: string[];
7083 |
7084 | |
7085 |
7086 |
7087 | call: boolean;
7088 |
7089 | |
7090 |
7091 |
7092 | directImport: boolean;
7093 |
7094 | |
7095 |
7096 |
7097 | asiSafe?: boolean;
7098 | }
7099 | declare abstract class ModuleTemplate {
7100 | type: string;
7101 | hooks: Readonly<{
7102 | content: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
7103 | module: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
7104 | render: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
7105 | package: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
7106 | hash: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
7107 | }>;
7108 | readonly runtimeTemplate: any;
7109 | }
7110 | declare class MultiCompiler {
7111 | constructor(
7112 | compilers: Compiler[] | Record<string, Compiler>,
7113 | options: MultiCompilerOptions
7114 | );
7115 | hooks: Readonly<{
7116 | done: SyncHook<[MultiStats]>;
7117 | invalid: MultiHook<SyncHook<[null | string, number]>>;
7118 | run: MultiHook<AsyncSeriesHook<[Compiler]>>;
7119 | watchClose: SyncHook<[]>;
7120 | watchRun: MultiHook<AsyncSeriesHook<[Compiler]>>;
7121 | infrastructureLog: MultiHook<SyncBailHook<[string, string, any[]], true>>;
7122 | }>;
7123 | compilers: Compiler[];
7124 | dependencies: WeakMap<Compiler, string[]>;
7125 | running: boolean;
7126 | readonly options: WebpackOptionsNormalized[] & MultiCompilerOptions;
7127 | readonly outputPath: string;
7128 | inputFileSystem: InputFileSystem;
7129 | outputFileSystem: OutputFileSystem;
7130 | watchFileSystem: WatchFileSystem;
7131 | intermediateFileSystem: IntermediateFileSystem;
7132 | getInfrastructureLogger(name?: any): WebpackLogger;
7133 | setDependencies(compiler: Compiler, dependencies: string[]): void;
7134 | validateDependencies(callback: CallbackFunction<MultiStats>): boolean;
7135 | runWithDependencies(
7136 | compilers: Compiler[],
7137 | fn: (compiler: Compiler, callback: CallbackFunction<MultiStats>) => any,
7138 | callback: CallbackFunction<MultiStats>
7139 | ): void;
7140 | watch(
7141 | watchOptions: WatchOptions | WatchOptions[],
7142 | handler: CallbackFunction<MultiStats>
7143 | ): MultiWatching;
7144 | run(callback: CallbackFunction<MultiStats>): void;
7145 | purgeInputFileSystem(): void;
7146 | close(callback: CallbackFunction<void>): void;
7147 | }
7148 | declare interface MultiCompilerOptions {
7149 | |
7150 |
7151 |
7152 | parallelism?: number;
7153 | }
7154 | declare abstract class MultiStats {
7155 | stats: Stats[];
7156 | readonly hash: string;
7157 | hasErrors(): boolean;
7158 | hasWarnings(): boolean;
7159 | toJson(options?: any): StatsCompilation;
7160 | toString(options?: any): string;
7161 | }
7162 | declare abstract class MultiWatching {
7163 | watchings: Watching[];
7164 | compiler: MultiCompiler;
7165 | invalidate(callback?: any): void;
7166 | suspend(): void;
7167 | resume(): void;
7168 | close(callback: CallbackFunction<void>): void;
7169 | }
7170 | declare class NamedChunkIdsPlugin {
7171 | constructor(options?: any);
7172 | delimiter: any;
7173 | context: any;
7174 |
7175 | /**
7176 | * Apply the plugin
7177 | */
7178 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
7179 | }
7180 | declare class NamedModuleIdsPlugin {
7181 | constructor(options?: any);
7182 | options: any;
7183 |
7184 | /**
7185 | * Apply the plugin
7186 | */
7187 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
7188 | }
7189 | declare class NaturalModuleIdsPlugin {
7190 | constructor();
7191 |
7192 | /**
7193 | * Apply the plugin
7194 | */
7195 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
7196 | }
7197 | declare interface NeedBuildContext {
7198 | compilation: Compilation;
7199 | fileSystemInfo: FileSystemInfo;
7200 | valueCacheVersions: Map<string, string | Set<string>>;
7201 | }
7202 | declare class NoEmitOnErrorsPlugin {
7203 | constructor();
7204 |
7205 | /**
7206 | * Apply the plugin
7207 | */
7208 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
7209 | }
7210 | declare class NodeEnvironmentPlugin {
7211 | constructor(options: {
7212 | |
7213 |
7214 |
7215 | infrastructureLogging: InfrastructureLogging;
7216 | });
7217 | options: {
7218 | |
7219 |
7220 |
7221 | infrastructureLogging: InfrastructureLogging;
7222 | };
7223 |
7224 | |
7225 |
7226 |
7227 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
7228 | }
7229 | type NodeEstreeIndex =
7230 | | UnaryExpression
7231 | | ThisExpression
7232 | | ArrayExpression
7233 | | ObjectExpression
7234 | | FunctionExpression
7235 | | ArrowFunctionExpression
7236 | | YieldExpression
7237 | | SimpleLiteral
7238 | | RegExpLiteral
7239 | | BigIntLiteral
7240 | | UpdateExpression
7241 | | BinaryExpression
7242 | | AssignmentExpression
7243 | | LogicalExpression
7244 | | MemberExpression
7245 | | ConditionalExpression
7246 | | SimpleCallExpression
7247 | | NewExpression
7248 | | SequenceExpression
7249 | | TemplateLiteral
7250 | | TaggedTemplateExpression
7251 | | ClassExpression
7252 | | MetaProperty
7253 | | Identifier
7254 | | AwaitExpression
7255 | | ImportExpression
7256 | | ChainExpression
7257 | | FunctionDeclaration
7258 | | VariableDeclaration
7259 | | ClassDeclaration
7260 | | PrivateIdentifier
7261 | | ExpressionStatement
7262 | | BlockStatement
7263 | | EmptyStatement
7264 | | DebuggerStatement
7265 | | WithStatement
7266 | | ReturnStatement
7267 | | LabeledStatement
7268 | | BreakStatement
7269 | | ContinueStatement
7270 | | IfStatement
7271 | | SwitchStatement
7272 | | ThrowStatement
7273 | | TryStatement
7274 | | WhileStatement
7275 | | DoWhileStatement
7276 | | ForStatement
7277 | | ForInStatement
7278 | | ForOfStatement
7279 | | ImportDeclaration
7280 | | ExportNamedDeclaration
7281 | | ExportDefaultDeclaration
7282 | | ExportAllDeclaration
7283 | | MethodDefinition
7284 | | PropertyDefinition
7285 | | VariableDeclarator
7286 | | Program
7287 | | Super
7288 | | SwitchCase
7289 | | CatchClause
7290 | | Property
7291 | | AssignmentProperty
7292 | | TemplateElement
7293 | | SpreadElement
7294 | | ObjectPattern
7295 | | ArrayPattern
7296 | | RestElement
7297 | | AssignmentPattern
7298 | | ClassBody
7299 | | ImportSpecifier
7300 | | ImportDefaultSpecifier
7301 | | ImportNamespaceSpecifier
7302 | | ExportSpecifier;
7303 |
7304 |
7305 |
7306 |
7307 | declare interface NodeOptions {
7308 | |
7309 |
7310 |
7311 | __dirname?: boolean | "warn-mock" | "mock" | "eval-only";
7312 |
7313 | |
7314 |
7315 |
7316 | __filename?: boolean | "warn-mock" | "mock" | "eval-only";
7317 |
7318 | |
7319 |
7320 |
7321 | global?: boolean | "warn";
7322 | }
7323 | declare class NodeSourcePlugin {
7324 | constructor();
7325 |
7326 | /**
7327 | * Apply the plugin
7328 | */
7329 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
7330 | }
7331 | declare class NodeTargetPlugin {
7332 | constructor();
7333 |
7334 | /**
7335 | * Apply the plugin
7336 | */
7337 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
7338 | }
7339 | declare class NodeTemplatePlugin {
7340 | constructor(options?: any);
7341 |
7342 | /**
7343 | * Apply the plugin
7344 | */
7345 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
7346 | }
7347 | type NodeWebpackOptions = false | NodeOptions;
7348 | declare class NormalModule extends Module {
7349 | constructor(__0: {
7350 | |
7351 |
7352 |
7353 | layer?: string;
7354 | |
7355 |
7356 |
7357 | type: string;
7358 | |
7359 |
7360 |
7361 | request: string;
7362 | |
7363 |
7364 |
7365 | userRequest: string;
7366 | |
7367 |
7368 |
7369 | rawRequest: string;
7370 | |
7371 |
7372 |
7373 | loaders: LoaderItem[];
7374 | |
7375 |
7376 |
7377 | resource: string;
7378 | |
7379 |
7380 |
7381 | resourceResolveData?: Record<string, any>;
7382 | |
7383 |
7384 |
7385 | context: string;
7386 | |
7387 |
7388 |
7389 | matchResource?: string;
7390 | |
7391 |
7392 |
7393 | parser: Parser;
7394 | |
7395 |
7396 |
7397 | parserOptions: object;
7398 | |
7399 |
7400 |
7401 | generator: Generator;
7402 | |
7403 |
7404 |
7405 | generatorOptions: object;
7406 | |
7407 |
7408 |
7409 | resolveOptions: Object;
7410 | });
7411 | request: string;
7412 | userRequest: string;
7413 | rawRequest: string;
7414 | binary: boolean;
7415 | parser: Parser;
7416 | parserOptions: object;
7417 | generator: Generator;
7418 | generatorOptions: object;
7419 | resource: string;
7420 | resourceResolveData?: Record<string, any>;
7421 | matchResource?: string;
7422 | loaders: LoaderItem[];
7423 | error?: WebpackError;
7424 | restoreFromUnsafeCache(
7425 | unsafeCacheData?: any,
7426 | normalModuleFactory?: any
7427 | ): void;
7428 | createSourceForAsset(
7429 | context: string,
7430 | name: string,
7431 | content: string,
7432 | sourceMap?: any,
7433 | associatedObjectForCache?: Object
7434 | ): Source;
7435 | getCurrentLoader(loaderContext?: any, index?: any): null | LoaderItem;
7436 | createSource(
7437 | context: string,
7438 | content: string | Buffer,
7439 | sourceMap?: any,
7440 | associatedObjectForCache?: Object
7441 | ): Source;
7442 | markModuleAsErrored(error: WebpackError): void;
7443 | applyNoParseRule(rule?: any, content?: any): any;
7444 | shouldPreventParsing(noParseRule?: any, request?: any): any;
7445 | static getCompilationHooks(
7446 | compilation: Compilation
7447 | ): NormalModuleCompilationHooks;
7448 | static deserialize(context?: any): NormalModule;
7449 | }
7450 | declare interface NormalModuleCompilationHooks {
7451 | loader: SyncHook<[object, NormalModule]>;
7452 | beforeLoaders: SyncHook<[LoaderItem[], NormalModule, object]>;
7453 | beforeParse: SyncHook<[NormalModule]>;
7454 | beforeSnapshot: SyncHook<[NormalModule]>;
7455 | readResourceForScheme: HookMap<
7456 | AsyncSeriesBailHook<[string, NormalModule], string | Buffer>
7457 | >;
7458 | readResource: HookMap<AsyncSeriesBailHook<[object], string | Buffer>>;
7459 | needBuild: AsyncSeriesBailHook<[NormalModule, NeedBuildContext], boolean>;
7460 | }
7461 | declare abstract class NormalModuleFactory extends ModuleFactory {
7462 | hooks: Readonly<{
7463 | resolve: AsyncSeriesBailHook<[ResolveData], any>;
7464 | resolveForScheme: HookMap<
7465 | AsyncSeriesBailHook<[ResourceDataWithData, ResolveData], true | void>
7466 | >;
7467 | resolveInScheme: HookMap<
7468 | AsyncSeriesBailHook<[ResourceDataWithData, ResolveData], true | void>
7469 | >;
7470 | factorize: AsyncSeriesBailHook<[ResolveData], any>;
7471 | beforeResolve: AsyncSeriesBailHook<[ResolveData], any>;
7472 | afterResolve: AsyncSeriesBailHook<[ResolveData], any>;
7473 | createModule: AsyncSeriesBailHook<[Object, ResolveData], any>;
7474 | module: SyncWaterfallHook<[Module, Object, ResolveData], any>;
7475 | createParser: HookMap<SyncBailHook<any, any>>;
7476 | parser: HookMap<SyncHook<any>>;
7477 | createGenerator: HookMap<SyncBailHook<any, any>>;
7478 | generator: HookMap<SyncHook<any>>;
7479 | }>;
7480 | resolverFactory: ResolverFactory;
7481 | ruleSet: RuleSet;
7482 | context: string;
7483 | fs: InputFileSystem;
7484 | parserCache: Map<string, WeakMap<Object, any>>;
7485 | generatorCache: Map<string, WeakMap<Object, Generator>>;
7486 | cleanupForCache(): void;
7487 | resolveResource(
7488 | contextInfo?: any,
7489 | context?: any,
7490 | unresolvedResource?: any,
7491 | resolver?: any,
7492 | resolveContext?: any,
7493 | callback?: any
7494 | ): void;
7495 | resolveRequestArray(
7496 | contextInfo?: any,
7497 | context?: any,
7498 | array?: any,
7499 | resolver?: any,
7500 | resolveContext?: any,
7501 | callback?: any
7502 | ): any;
7503 | getParser(type?: any, parserOptions?: object): any;
7504 | createParser(type: string, parserOptions?: { [index: string]: any }): Parser;
7505 | getGenerator(type?: any, generatorOptions?: object): undefined | Generator;
7506 | createGenerator(type?: any, generatorOptions?: object): any;
7507 | getResolver(type?: any, resolveOptions?: any): ResolverWithOptions;
7508 | }
7509 |
7510 |
7511 |
7512 |
7513 | declare interface NormalModuleLoaderContext<OptionsType> {
7514 | version: number;
7515 | getOptions(): OptionsType;
7516 | getOptions(schema: Parameters<typeof validateFunction>[0]): OptionsType;
7517 | emitWarning(warning: Error): void;
7518 | emitError(error: Error): void;
7519 | getLogger(name?: string): WebpackLogger;
7520 | resolve(
7521 | context: string,
7522 | request: string,
7523 | callback: (
7524 | arg0: null | Error,
7525 | arg1?: string | false,
7526 | arg2?: ResolveRequest
7527 | ) => void
7528 | ): any;
7529 | getResolve(options?: ResolveOptionsWithDependencyType): {
7530 | (
7531 | context: string,
7532 | request: string,
7533 | callback: (
7534 | arg0: null | Error,
7535 | arg1?: string | false,
7536 | arg2?: ResolveRequest
7537 | ) => void
7538 | ): void;
7539 | (context: string, request: string): Promise<string>;
7540 | };
7541 | emitFile(
7542 | name: string,
7543 | content: string | Buffer,
7544 | sourceMap?: string,
7545 | assetInfo?: AssetInfo
7546 | ): void;
7547 | addBuildDependency(dep: string): void;
7548 | utils: {
7549 | absolutify: (context: string, request: string) => string;
7550 | contextify: (context: string, request: string) => string;
7551 | createHash: (algorithm?: string) => Hash;
7552 | };
7553 | rootContext: string;
7554 | fs: InputFileSystem;
7555 | sourceMap?: boolean;
7556 | mode: "none" | "development" | "production";
7557 | webpack?: boolean;
7558 | _module?: NormalModule;
7559 | _compilation?: Compilation;
7560 | _compiler?: Compiler;
7561 | }
7562 | declare class NormalModuleReplacementPlugin {
7563 | |
7564 |
7565 |
7566 | constructor(
7567 | resourceRegExp: RegExp,
7568 | newResource: string | ((arg0?: any) => void)
7569 | );
7570 | resourceRegExp: RegExp;
7571 | newResource: string | ((arg0?: any) => void);
7572 |
7573 | /**
7574 | * Apply the plugin
7575 | */
7576 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
7577 | }
7578 | type NormalizedStatsOptions = KnownNormalizedStatsOptions &
7579 | Omit<
7580 | StatsOptions,
7581 | | "context"
7582 | | "requestShortener"
7583 | | "chunkGroups"
7584 | | "chunksSort"
7585 | | "modulesSort"
7586 | | "chunkModulesSort"
7587 | | "nestedModulesSort"
7588 | | "assetsSort"
7589 | | "ids"
7590 | | "cachedAssets"
7591 | | "groupAssetsByEmitStatus"
7592 | | "groupAssetsByPath"
7593 | | "groupAssetsByExtension"
7594 | | "assetsSpace"
7595 | | "excludeAssets"
7596 | | "excludeModules"
7597 | | "warningsFilter"
7598 | | "cachedModules"
7599 | | "orphanModules"
7600 | | "dependentModules"
7601 | | "runtimeModules"
7602 | | "groupModulesByCacheStatus"
7603 | | "groupModulesByLayer"
7604 | | "groupModulesByAttributes"
7605 | | "groupModulesByPath"
7606 | | "groupModulesByExtension"
7607 | | "groupModulesByType"
7608 | | "entrypoints"
7609 | | "chunkGroupAuxiliary"
7610 | | "chunkGroupChildren"
7611 | | "chunkGroupMaxAssets"
7612 | | "modulesSpace"
7613 | | "chunkModulesSpace"
7614 | | "nestedModulesSpace"
7615 | | "logging"
7616 | | "loggingDebug"
7617 | | "loggingTrace"
7618 | | "_env"
7619 | > &
7620 | Record<string, any>;
7621 | declare class NullDependency extends Dependency {
7622 | constructor();
7623 | static Template: typeof NullDependencyTemplate;
7624 | static NO_EXPORTS_REFERENCED: string[][];
7625 | static EXPORTS_OBJECT_REFERENCED: string[][];
7626 | static TRANSITIVE: typeof TRANSITIVE;
7627 | }
7628 | declare class NullDependencyTemplate extends DependencyTemplate {
7629 | constructor();
7630 | }
7631 | declare interface ObjectDeserializerContext {
7632 | read: () => any;
7633 | }
7634 | declare interface ObjectSerializer {
7635 | serialize: (arg0: any, arg1: ObjectSerializerContext) => void;
7636 | deserialize: (arg0: ObjectDeserializerContext) => any;
7637 | }
7638 | declare interface ObjectSerializerContext {
7639 | write: (arg0?: any) => void;
7640 | }
7641 | declare class OccurrenceChunkIdsPlugin {
7642 | constructor(options?: OccurrenceChunkIdsPluginOptions);
7643 | options: OccurrenceChunkIdsPluginOptions;
7644 |
7645 | /**
7646 | * Apply the plugin
7647 | */
7648 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
7649 | }
7650 | declare interface OccurrenceChunkIdsPluginOptions {
7651 | |
7652 |
7653 |
7654 | prioritiseInitial?: boolean;
7655 | }
7656 | declare class OccurrenceModuleIdsPlugin {
7657 | constructor(options?: OccurrenceModuleIdsPluginOptions);
7658 | options: OccurrenceModuleIdsPluginOptions;
7659 |
7660 | /**
7661 | * Apply the plugin
7662 | */
7663 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
7664 | }
7665 | declare interface OccurrenceModuleIdsPluginOptions {
7666 | |
7667 |
7668 |
7669 | prioritiseInitial?: boolean;
7670 | }
7671 |
7672 |
7673 |
7674 |
7675 | declare interface Optimization {
7676 | |
7677 |
7678 |
7679 | checkWasmTypes?: boolean;
7680 |
7681 | |
7682 |
7683 |
7684 | chunkIds?:
7685 | | false
7686 | | "natural"
7687 | | "named"
7688 | | "deterministic"
7689 | | "size"
7690 | | "total-size";
7691 |
7692 | |
7693 |
7694 |
7695 | concatenateModules?: boolean;
7696 |
7697 | |
7698 |
7699 |
7700 | emitOnErrors?: boolean;
7701 |
7702 | |
7703 |
7704 |
7705 | flagIncludedChunks?: boolean;
7706 |
7707 | |
7708 |
7709 |
7710 | innerGraph?: boolean;
7711 |
7712 | |
7713 |
7714 |
7715 | mangleExports?: boolean | "deterministic" | "size";
7716 |
7717 | |
7718 |
7719 |
7720 | mangleWasmImports?: boolean;
7721 |
7722 | |
7723 |
7724 |
7725 | mergeDuplicateChunks?: boolean;
7726 |
7727 | |
7728 |
7729 |
7730 | minimize?: boolean;
7731 |
7732 | |
7733 |
7734 |
7735 | minimizer?: (
7736 | | ((this: Compiler, compiler: Compiler) => void)
7737 | | WebpackPluginInstance
7738 | | "..."
7739 | )[];
7740 |
7741 | /**
7742 | * Define the algorithm to choose module ids (natural: numeric ids in order of usage, named: readable ids for better debugging, hashed: (deprecated) short hashes as ids for better long term caching, deterministic: numeric hash ids for better long term caching, size: numeric ids focused on minimal initial download size, false: no algorithm used, as custom one can be provided via plugin).
7743 | */
7744 | moduleIds?: false | "natural" | "named" | "deterministic" | "size" | "hashed";
7745 |
7746 | /**
7747 | * Avoid emitting assets when errors occur (deprecated: use 'emitOnErrors' instead).
7748 | */
7749 | noEmitOnErrors?: boolean;
7750 |
7751 | /**
7752 | * Set process.env.NODE_ENV to a specific value.
7753 | */
7754 | nodeEnv?: string | false;
7755 |
7756 | /**
7757 | * Generate records with relative paths to be able to move the context folder.
7758 | */
7759 | portableRecords?: boolean;
7760 |
7761 | /**
7762 | * Figure out which exports are provided by modules to generate more efficient code.
7763 | */
7764 | providedExports?: boolean;
7765 |
7766 | /**
7767 | * Use real [contenthash] based on final content of the assets.
7768 | */
7769 | realContentHash?: boolean;
7770 |
7771 | /**
7772 | * Removes modules from chunks when these modules are already included in all parents.
7773 | */
7774 | removeAvailableModules?: boolean;
7775 |
7776 | /**
7777 | * Remove chunks which are empty.
7778 | */
7779 | removeEmptyChunks?: boolean;
7780 |
7781 | /**
7782 | * Create an additional chunk which contains only the webpack runtime and chunk hash maps.
7783 | */
7784 | runtimeChunk?:
7785 | | boolean
7786 | | "single"
7787 | | "multiple"
7788 | | {
7789 | /**
7790 | * The name or name factory for the runtime chunks.
7791 | */
7792 | name?: string | Function;
7793 | };
7794 |
7795 | /**
7796 | * Skip over modules which contain no side effects when exports are not used (false: disabled, 'flag': only use manually placed side effects flag, true: also analyse source code for side effects).
7797 | */
7798 | sideEffects?: boolean | "flag";
7799 |
7800 | /**
7801 | * Optimize duplication and caching by splitting chunks by shared modules and cache group.
7802 | */
7803 | splitChunks?: false | OptimizationSplitChunksOptions;
7804 |
7805 | /**
7806 | * Figure out which exports are used by modules to mangle export names, omit unused exports and generate more efficient code (true: analyse used exports for each runtime, "global": analyse exports globally for all runtimes combined).
7807 | */
7808 | usedExports?: boolean | "global";
7809 | }
7810 |
7811 | /**
7812 | * Options object for describing behavior of a cache group selecting modules that should be cached together.
7813 | */
7814 | declare interface OptimizationSplitChunksCacheGroup {
7815 | /**
7816 | * Sets the name delimiter for created chunks.
7817 | */
7818 | automaticNameDelimiter?: string;
7819 |
7820 | /**
7821 | * Select chunks for determining cache group content (defaults to "initial", "initial" and "all" requires adding these chunks to the HTML).
7822 | */
7823 | chunks?: "all" | "initial" | "async" | ((chunk: Chunk) => boolean);
7824 |
7825 | /**
7826 | * Ignore minimum size, minimum chunks and maximum requests and always create chunks for this cache group.
7827 | */
7828 | enforce?: boolean;
7829 |
7830 | /**
7831 | * Size threshold at which splitting is enforced and other restrictions (minRemainingSize, maxAsyncRequests, maxInitialRequests) are ignored.
7832 | */
7833 | enforceSizeThreshold?: number | { [index: string]: number };
7834 |
7835 | /**
7836 | * Sets the template for the filename for created chunks.
7837 | */
7838 | filename?: string | ((pathData: PathData, assetInfo?: AssetInfo) => string);
7839 |
7840 | /**
7841 | * Sets the hint for chunk id.
7842 | */
7843 | idHint?: string;
7844 |
7845 | /**
7846 | * Assign modules to a cache group by module layer.
7847 | */
7848 | layer?: string | Function | RegExp;
7849 |
7850 | /**
7851 | * Maximum number of requests which are accepted for on-demand loading.
7852 | */
7853 | maxAsyncRequests?: number;
7854 |
7855 | /**
7856 | * Maximal size hint for the on-demand chunks.
7857 | */
7858 | maxAsyncSize?: number | { [index: string]: number };
7859 |
7860 | /**
7861 | * Maximum number of initial chunks which are accepted for an entry point.
7862 | */
7863 | maxInitialRequests?: number;
7864 |
7865 | /**
7866 | * Maximal size hint for the initial chunks.
7867 | */
7868 | maxInitialSize?: number | { [index: string]: number };
7869 |
7870 | /**
7871 | * Maximal size hint for the created chunks.
7872 | */
7873 | maxSize?: number | { [index: string]: number };
7874 |
7875 | /**
7876 | * Minimum number of times a module has to be duplicated until it's considered for splitting.
7877 | */
7878 | minChunks?: number;
7879 |
7880 | /**
7881 | * Minimal size for the chunks the stay after moving the modules to a new chunk.
7882 | */
7883 | minRemainingSize?: number | { [index: string]: number };
7884 |
7885 | /**
7886 | * Minimal size for the created chunk.
7887 | */
7888 | minSize?: number | { [index: string]: number };
7889 |
7890 | /**
7891 | * Minimum size reduction due to the created chunk.
7892 | */
7893 | minSizeReduction?: number | { [index: string]: number };
7894 |
7895 | /**
7896 | * Give chunks for this cache group a name (chunks with equal name are merged).
7897 | */
7898 | name?: string | false | Function;
7899 |
7900 | /**
7901 | * Priority of this cache group.
7902 | */
7903 | priority?: number;
7904 |
7905 | /**
7906 | * Try to reuse existing chunk (with name) when it has matching modules.
7907 | */
7908 | reuseExistingChunk?: boolean;
7909 |
7910 | /**
7911 | * Assign modules to a cache group by module name.
7912 | */
7913 | test?: string | Function | RegExp;
7914 |
7915 | /**
7916 | * Assign modules to a cache group by module type.
7917 | */
7918 | type?: string | Function | RegExp;
7919 |
7920 | /**
7921 | * Compare used exports when checking common modules. Modules will only be put in the same chunk when exports are equal.
7922 | */
7923 | usedExports?: boolean;
7924 | }
7925 |
7926 | /**
7927 | * Options object for splitting chunks into smaller chunks.
7928 | */
7929 | declare interface OptimizationSplitChunksOptions {
7930 | /**
7931 | * Sets the name delimiter for created chunks.
7932 | */
7933 | automaticNameDelimiter?: string;
7934 |
7935 | /**
7936 | * Assign modules to a cache group (modules from different cache groups are tried to keep in separate chunks, default categories: 'default', 'defaultVendors').
7937 | */
7938 | cacheGroups?: {
7939 | [index: string]:
7940 | | string
7941 | | false
7942 | | Function
7943 | | RegExp
7944 | | OptimizationSplitChunksCacheGroup;
7945 | };
7946 |
7947 | /**
7948 | * Select chunks for determining shared modules (defaults to "async", "initial" and "all" requires adding these chunks to the HTML).
7949 | */
7950 | chunks?: "all" | "initial" | "async" | ((chunk: Chunk) => boolean);
7951 |
7952 | /**
7953 | * Sets the size types which are used when a number is used for sizes.
7954 | */
7955 | defaultSizeTypes?: string[];
7956 |
7957 | /**
7958 | * Size threshold at which splitting is enforced and other restrictions (minRemainingSize, maxAsyncRequests, maxInitialRequests) are ignored.
7959 | */
7960 | enforceSizeThreshold?: number | { [index: string]: number };
7961 |
7962 | /**
7963 | * Options for modules not selected by any other cache group.
7964 | */
7965 | fallbackCacheGroup?: {
7966 | /**
7967 | * Sets the name delimiter for created chunks.
7968 | */
7969 | automaticNameDelimiter?: string;
7970 | /**
7971 | * Select chunks for determining shared modules (defaults to "async", "initial" and "all" requires adding these chunks to the HTML).
7972 | */
7973 | chunks?: "all" | "initial" | "async" | ((chunk: Chunk) => boolean);
7974 | /**
7975 | * Maximal size hint for the on-demand chunks.
7976 | */
7977 | maxAsyncSize?: number | { [index: string]: number };
7978 | /**
7979 | * Maximal size hint for the initial chunks.
7980 | */
7981 | maxInitialSize?: number | { [index: string]: number };
7982 | /**
7983 | * Maximal size hint for the created chunks.
7984 | */
7985 | maxSize?: number | { [index: string]: number };
7986 | /**
7987 | * Minimal size for the created chunk.
7988 | */
7989 | minSize?: number | { [index: string]: number };
7990 | /**
7991 | * Minimum size reduction due to the created chunk.
7992 | */
7993 | minSizeReduction?: number | { [index: string]: number };
7994 | };
7995 |
7996 | /**
7997 | * Sets the template for the filename for created chunks.
7998 | */
7999 | filename?: string | ((pathData: PathData, assetInfo?: AssetInfo) => string);
8000 |
8001 | /**
8002 | * Prevents exposing path info when creating names for parts splitted by maxSize.
8003 | */
8004 | hidePathInfo?: boolean;
8005 |
8006 | /**
8007 | * Maximum number of requests which are accepted for on-demand loading.
8008 | */
8009 | maxAsyncRequests?: number;
8010 |
8011 | /**
8012 | * Maximal size hint for the on-demand chunks.
8013 | */
8014 | maxAsyncSize?: number | { [index: string]: number };
8015 |
8016 | /**
8017 | * Maximum number of initial chunks which are accepted for an entry point.
8018 | */
8019 | maxInitialRequests?: number;
8020 |
8021 | /**
8022 | * Maximal size hint for the initial chunks.
8023 | */
8024 | maxInitialSize?: number | { [index: string]: number };
8025 |
8026 | /**
8027 | * Maximal size hint for the created chunks.
8028 | */
8029 | maxSize?: number | { [index: string]: number };
8030 |
8031 | /**
8032 | * Minimum number of times a module has to be duplicated until it's considered for splitting.
8033 | */
8034 | minChunks?: number;
8035 |
8036 | /**
8037 | * Minimal size for the chunks the stay after moving the modules to a new chunk.
8038 | */
8039 | minRemainingSize?: number | { [index: string]: number };
8040 |
8041 | /**
8042 | * Minimal size for the created chunks.
8043 | */
8044 | minSize?: number | { [index: string]: number };
8045 |
8046 | /**
8047 | * Minimum size reduction due to the created chunk.
8048 | */
8049 | minSizeReduction?: number | { [index: string]: number };
8050 |
8051 | /**
8052 | * Give chunks created a name (chunks with equal name are merged).
8053 | */
8054 | name?: string | false | Function;
8055 |
8056 | /**
8057 | * Compare used exports when checking common modules. Modules will only be put in the same chunk when exports are equal.
8058 | */
8059 | usedExports?: boolean;
8060 | }
8061 | declare abstract class OptionsApply {
8062 | process(options?: any, compiler?: any): void;
8063 | }
8064 | declare interface OriginRecord {
8065 | module: Module;
8066 | loc: DependencyLocation;
8067 | request: string;
8068 | }
8069 | declare class OriginalSource extends Source {
8070 | constructor(source: string | Buffer, name: string);
8071 | getName(): string;
8072 | }
8073 |
8074 | /**
8075 | * Options affecting the output of the compilation. `output` options tell webpack how to write the compiled files to disk.
8076 | */
8077 | declare interface Output {
8078 | /**
8079 | * The filename of asset modules as relative path inside the 'output.path' directory.
8080 | */
8081 | assetModuleFilename?:
8082 | | string
8083 | | ((pathData: PathData, assetInfo?: AssetInfo) => string);
8084 |
8085 | /**
8086 | * Enable/disable creating async chunks that are loaded on demand.
8087 | */
8088 | asyncChunks?: boolean;
8089 |
8090 | /**
8091 | * Add a comment in the UMD wrapper.
8092 | */
8093 | auxiliaryComment?: string | LibraryCustomUmdCommentObject;
8094 |
8095 | /**
8096 | * Add charset attribute for script tag.
8097 | */
8098 | charset?: boolean;
8099 |
8100 | /**
8101 | * Specifies the filename template of output files of non-initial chunks on disk. You must **not** specify an absolute path here, but the path may contain folders separated by '/'! The specified path is joined with the value of the 'output.path' option to determine the location on disk.
8102 | */
8103 | chunkFilename?:
8104 | | string
8105 | | ((pathData: PathData, assetInfo?: AssetInfo) => string);
8106 |
8107 | /**
8108 | * The format of chunks (formats included by default are 'array-push' (web/WebWorker), 'commonjs' (node.js), 'module' (ESM), but others might be added by plugins).
8109 | */
8110 | chunkFormat?: string | false;
8111 |
8112 | /**
8113 | * Number of milliseconds before chunk request expires.
8114 | */
8115 | chunkLoadTimeout?: number;
8116 |
8117 | /**
8118 | * The method of loading chunks (methods included by default are 'jsonp' (web), 'import' (ESM), 'importScripts' (WebWorker), 'require' (sync node.js), 'async-node' (async node.js), but others might be added by plugins).
8119 | */
8120 | chunkLoading?: string | false;
8121 |
8122 | /**
8123 | * The global variable used by webpack for loading of chunks.
8124 | */
8125 | chunkLoadingGlobal?: string;
8126 |
8127 | /**
8128 | * Clean the output directory before emit.
8129 | */
8130 | clean?: boolean | CleanOptions;
8131 |
8132 | /**
8133 | * Check if to be emitted file already exists and have the same content before writing to output filesystem.
8134 | */
8135 | compareBeforeEmit?: boolean;
8136 |
8137 | /**
8138 | * This option enables cross-origin loading of chunks.
8139 | */
8140 | crossOriginLoading?: false | "anonymous" | "use-credentials";
8141 |
8142 | /**
8143 | * Similar to `output.devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate`, but used in the case of duplicate module identifiers.
8144 | */
8145 | devtoolFallbackModuleFilenameTemplate?: string | Function;
8146 |
8147 | /**
8148 | * Filename template string of function for the sources array in a generated SourceMap.
8149 | */
8150 | devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate?: string | Function;
8151 |
8152 | /**
8153 | * Module namespace to use when interpolating filename template string for the sources array in a generated SourceMap. Defaults to `output.library` if not set. It's useful for avoiding runtime collisions in sourcemaps from multiple webpack projects built as libraries.
8154 | */
8155 | devtoolNamespace?: string;
8156 |
8157 | /**
8158 | * List of chunk loading types enabled for use by entry points.
8159 | */
8160 | enabledChunkLoadingTypes?: string[];
8161 |
8162 | /**
8163 | * List of library types enabled for use by entry points.
8164 | */
8165 | enabledLibraryTypes?: string[];
8166 |
8167 | /**
8168 | * List of wasm loading types enabled for use by entry points.
8169 | */
8170 | enabledWasmLoadingTypes?: string[];
8171 |
8172 | /**
8173 | * The abilities of the environment where the webpack generated code should run.
8174 | */
8175 | environment?: Environment;
8176 |
8177 | /**
8178 | * Specifies the filename of output files on disk. You must **not** specify an absolute path here, but the path may contain folders separated by '/'! The specified path is joined with the value of the 'output.path' option to determine the location on disk.
8179 | */
8180 | filename?: string | ((pathData: PathData, assetInfo?: AssetInfo) => string);
8181 |
8182 | /**
8183 | * An expression which is used to address the global object/scope in runtime code.
8184 | */
8185 | globalObject?: string;
8186 |
8187 | /**
8188 | * Digest type used for the hash.
8189 | */
8190 | hashDigest?: string;
8191 |
8192 | /**
8193 | * Number of chars which are used for the hash.
8194 | */
8195 | hashDigestLength?: number;
8196 |
8197 | /**
8198 | * Algorithm used for generation the hash (see node.js crypto package).
8199 | */
8200 | hashFunction?: string | typeof Hash;
8201 |
8202 | /**
8203 | * Any string which is added to the hash to salt it.
8204 | */
8205 | hashSalt?: string;
8206 |
8207 | /**
8208 | * The filename of the Hot Update Chunks. They are inside the output.path directory.
8209 | */
8210 | hotUpdateChunkFilename?: string;
8211 |
8212 | /**
8213 | * The global variable used by webpack for loading of hot update chunks.
8214 | */
8215 | hotUpdateGlobal?: string;
8216 |
8217 | /**
8218 | * The filename of the Hot Update Main File. It is inside the 'output.path' directory.
8219 | */
8220 | hotUpdateMainFilename?: string;
8221 |
8222 | /**
8223 | * Wrap javascript code into IIFE's to avoid leaking into global scope.
8224 | */
8225 | iife?: boolean;
8226 |
8227 | /**
8228 | * The name of the native import() function (can be exchanged for a polyfill).
8229 | */
8230 | importFunctionName?: string;
8231 |
8232 | /**
8233 | * The name of the native import.meta object (can be exchanged for a polyfill).
8234 | */
8235 | importMetaName?: string;
8236 |
8237 | /**
8238 | * Make the output files a library, exporting the exports of the entry point.
8239 | */
8240 | library?: string | string[] | LibraryOptions | LibraryCustomUmdObject;
8241 |
8242 | /**
8243 | * Specify which export should be exposed as library.
8244 | */
8245 | libraryExport?: string | string[];
8246 |
8247 | /**
8248 | * Type of library (types included by default are 'var', 'module', 'assign', 'assign-properties', 'this', 'window', 'self', 'global', 'commonjs', 'commonjs2', 'commonjs-module', 'amd', 'amd-require', 'umd', 'umd2', 'jsonp', 'system', but others might be added by plugins).
8249 | */
8250 | libraryTarget?: string;
8251 |
8252 | /**
8253 | * Output javascript files as module source type.
8254 | */
8255 | module?: boolean;
8256 |
8257 | /**
8258 | * The output directory as **absolute path** (required).
8259 | */
8260 | path?: string;
8261 |
8262 | /**
8263 | * Include comments with information about the modules.
8264 | */
8265 | pathinfo?: boolean | "verbose";
8266 |
8267 | /**
8268 | * The 'publicPath' specifies the public URL address of the output files when referenced in a browser.
8269 | */
8270 | publicPath?: string | ((pathData: PathData, assetInfo?: AssetInfo) => string);
8271 |
8272 | /**
8273 | * This option enables loading async chunks via a custom script type, such as script type="module".
8274 | */
8275 | scriptType?: false | "module" | "text/javascript";
8276 |
8277 | /**
8278 | * The filename of the SourceMaps for the JavaScript files. They are inside the 'output.path' directory.
8279 | */
8280 | sourceMapFilename?: string;
8281 |
8282 | /**
8283 | * Prefixes every line of the source in the bundle with this string.
8284 | */
8285 | sourcePrefix?: string;
8286 |
8287 | /**
8288 | * Handles error in module loading correctly at a performance cost. This will handle module error compatible with the EcmaScript Modules spec.
8289 | */
8290 | strictModuleErrorHandling?: boolean;
8291 |
8292 | /**
8293 | * Handles exceptions in module loading correctly at a performance cost (Deprecated). This will handle module error compatible with the Node.js CommonJS way.
8294 | */
8295 | strictModuleExceptionHandling?: boolean;
8296 |
8297 | /**
8298 | * Use a Trusted Types policy to create urls for chunks. 'output.uniqueName' is used a default policy name. Passing a string sets a custom policy name.
8299 | */
8300 | trustedTypes?: string | true | TrustedTypes;
8301 |
8302 | /**
8303 | * If `output.libraryTarget` is set to umd and `output.library` is set, setting this to true will name the AMD module.
8304 | */
8305 | umdNamedDefine?: boolean;
8306 |
8307 | /**
8308 | * A unique name of the webpack build to avoid multiple webpack runtimes to conflict when using globals.
8309 | */
8310 | uniqueName?: string;
8311 |
8312 | /**
8313 | * The method of loading WebAssembly Modules (methods included by default are 'fetch' (web/WebWorker), 'async-node' (node.js), but others might be added by plugins).
8314 | */
8315 | wasmLoading?: string | false;
8316 |
8317 | /**
8318 | * The filename of WebAssembly modules as relative path inside the 'output.path' directory.
8319 | */
8320 | webassemblyModuleFilename?: string;
8321 |
8322 | /**
8323 | * The method of loading chunks (methods included by default are 'jsonp' (web), 'import' (ESM), 'importScripts' (WebWorker), 'require' (sync node.js), 'async-node' (async node.js), but others might be added by plugins).
8324 | */
8325 | workerChunkLoading?: string | false;
8326 |
8327 | /**
8328 | * The method of loading WebAssembly Modules (methods included by default are 'fetch' (web/WebWorker), 'async-node' (node.js), but others might be added by plugins).
8329 | */
8330 | workerWasmLoading?: string | false;
8331 | }
8332 | declare interface OutputFileSystem {
8333 | writeFile: (
8334 | arg0: string,
8335 | arg1: string | Buffer,
8336 | arg2: (arg0?: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void
8337 | ) => void;
8338 | mkdir: (
8339 | arg0: string,
8340 | arg1: (arg0?: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void
8341 | ) => void;
8342 | readdir?: (
8343 | arg0: string,
8344 | arg1: (
8345 | arg0?: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException,
8346 | arg1?: (string | Buffer)[] | IDirent[]
8347 | ) => void
8348 | ) => void;
8349 | rmdir?: (
8350 | arg0: string,
8351 | arg1: (arg0?: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void
8352 | ) => void;
8353 | unlink?: (
8354 | arg0: string,
8355 | arg1: (arg0?: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void
8356 | ) => void;
8357 | stat: (
8358 | arg0: string,
8359 | arg1: (arg0?: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: IStats) => void
8360 | ) => void;
8361 | lstat?: (
8362 | arg0: string,
8363 | arg1: (arg0?: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: IStats) => void
8364 | ) => void;
8365 | readFile: (
8366 | arg0: string,
8367 | arg1: (arg0?: null | NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1?: string | Buffer) => void
8368 | ) => void;
8369 | join?: (arg0: string, arg1: string) => string;
8370 | relative?: (arg0: string, arg1: string) => string;
8371 | dirname?: (arg0: string) => string;
8372 | }
8373 |
8374 |
8375 |
8376 |
8377 | declare interface OutputNormalized {
8378 | |
8379 |
8380 |
8381 | assetModuleFilename?:
8382 | | string
8383 | | ((pathData: PathData, assetInfo?: AssetInfo) => string);
8384 |
8385 | /**
8386 | * Enable/disable creating async chunks that are loaded on demand.
8387 | */
8388 | asyncChunks?: boolean;
8389 |
8390 | /**
8391 | * Add charset attribute for script tag.
8392 | */
8393 | charset?: boolean;
8394 |
8395 | /**
8396 | * Specifies the filename template of output files of non-initial chunks on disk. You must **not** specify an absolute path here, but the path may contain folders separated by '/'! The specified path is joined with the value of the 'output.path' option to determine the location on disk.
8397 | */
8398 | chunkFilename?:
8399 | | string
8400 | | ((pathData: PathData, assetInfo?: AssetInfo) => string);
8401 |
8402 | /**
8403 | * The format of chunks (formats included by default are 'array-push' (web/WebWorker), 'commonjs' (node.js), 'module' (ESM), but others might be added by plugins).
8404 | */
8405 | chunkFormat?: string | false;
8406 |
8407 | /**
8408 | * Number of milliseconds before chunk request expires.
8409 | */
8410 | chunkLoadTimeout?: number;
8411 |
8412 | /**
8413 | * The method of loading chunks (methods included by default are 'jsonp' (web), 'import' (ESM), 'importScripts' (WebWorker), 'require' (sync node.js), 'async-node' (async node.js), but others might be added by plugins).
8414 | */
8415 | chunkLoading?: string | false;
8416 |
8417 | /**
8418 | * The global variable used by webpack for loading of chunks.
8419 | */
8420 | chunkLoadingGlobal?: string;
8421 |
8422 | /**
8423 | * Clean the output directory before emit.
8424 | */
8425 | clean?: boolean | CleanOptions;
8426 |
8427 | /**
8428 | * Check if to be emitted file already exists and have the same content before writing to output filesystem.
8429 | */
8430 | compareBeforeEmit?: boolean;
8431 |
8432 | /**
8433 | * This option enables cross-origin loading of chunks.
8434 | */
8435 | crossOriginLoading?: false | "anonymous" | "use-credentials";
8436 |
8437 | /**
8438 | * Similar to `output.devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate`, but used in the case of duplicate module identifiers.
8439 | */
8440 | devtoolFallbackModuleFilenameTemplate?: string | Function;
8441 |
8442 | /**
8443 | * Filename template string of function for the sources array in a generated SourceMap.
8444 | */
8445 | devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate?: string | Function;
8446 |
8447 | /**
8448 | * Module namespace to use when interpolating filename template string for the sources array in a generated SourceMap. Defaults to `output.library` if not set. It's useful for avoiding runtime collisions in sourcemaps from multiple webpack projects built as libraries.
8449 | */
8450 | devtoolNamespace?: string;
8451 |
8452 | /**
8453 | * List of chunk loading types enabled for use by entry points.
8454 | */
8455 | enabledChunkLoadingTypes?: string[];
8456 |
8457 | /**
8458 | * List of library types enabled for use by entry points.
8459 | */
8460 | enabledLibraryTypes?: string[];
8461 |
8462 | /**
8463 | * List of wasm loading types enabled for use by entry points.
8464 | */
8465 | enabledWasmLoadingTypes?: string[];
8466 |
8467 | /**
8468 | * The abilities of the environment where the webpack generated code should run.
8469 | */
8470 | environment?: Environment;
8471 |
8472 | /**
8473 | * Specifies the filename of output files on disk. You must **not** specify an absolute path here, but the path may contain folders separated by '/'! The specified path is joined with the value of the 'output.path' option to determine the location on disk.
8474 | */
8475 | filename?: string | ((pathData: PathData, assetInfo?: AssetInfo) => string);
8476 |
8477 | /**
8478 | * An expression which is used to address the global object/scope in runtime code.
8479 | */
8480 | globalObject?: string;
8481 |
8482 | /**
8483 | * Digest type used for the hash.
8484 | */
8485 | hashDigest?: string;
8486 |
8487 | /**
8488 | * Number of chars which are used for the hash.
8489 | */
8490 | hashDigestLength?: number;
8491 |
8492 | /**
8493 | * Algorithm used for generation the hash (see node.js crypto package).
8494 | */
8495 | hashFunction?: string | typeof Hash;
8496 |
8497 | /**
8498 | * Any string which is added to the hash to salt it.
8499 | */
8500 | hashSalt?: string;
8501 |
8502 | /**
8503 | * The filename of the Hot Update Chunks. They are inside the output.path directory.
8504 | */
8505 | hotUpdateChunkFilename?: string;
8506 |
8507 | /**
8508 | * The global variable used by webpack for loading of hot update chunks.
8509 | */
8510 | hotUpdateGlobal?: string;
8511 |
8512 | /**
8513 | * The filename of the Hot Update Main File. It is inside the 'output.path' directory.
8514 | */
8515 | hotUpdateMainFilename?: string;
8516 |
8517 | /**
8518 | * Wrap javascript code into IIFE's to avoid leaking into global scope.
8519 | */
8520 | iife?: boolean;
8521 |
8522 | /**
8523 | * The name of the native import() function (can be exchanged for a polyfill).
8524 | */
8525 | importFunctionName?: string;
8526 |
8527 | /**
8528 | * The name of the native import.meta object (can be exchanged for a polyfill).
8529 | */
8530 | importMetaName?: string;
8531 |
8532 | /**
8533 | * Options for library.
8534 | */
8535 | library?: LibraryOptions;
8536 |
8537 | /**
8538 | * Output javascript files as module source type.
8539 | */
8540 | module?: boolean;
8541 |
8542 | /**
8543 | * The output directory as **absolute path** (required).
8544 | */
8545 | path?: string;
8546 |
8547 | /**
8548 | * Include comments with information about the modules.
8549 | */
8550 | pathinfo?: boolean | "verbose";
8551 |
8552 | /**
8553 | * The 'publicPath' specifies the public URL address of the output files when referenced in a browser.
8554 | */
8555 | publicPath?: string | ((pathData: PathData, assetInfo?: AssetInfo) => string);
8556 |
8557 | /**
8558 | * This option enables loading async chunks via a custom script type, such as script type="module".
8559 | */
8560 | scriptType?: false | "module" | "text/javascript";
8561 |
8562 | /**
8563 | * The filename of the SourceMaps for the JavaScript files. They are inside the 'output.path' directory.
8564 | */
8565 | sourceMapFilename?: string;
8566 |
8567 | /**
8568 | * Prefixes every line of the source in the bundle with this string.
8569 | */
8570 | sourcePrefix?: string;
8571 |
8572 | /**
8573 | * Handles error in module loading correctly at a performance cost. This will handle module error compatible with the EcmaScript Modules spec.
8574 | */
8575 | strictModuleErrorHandling?: boolean;
8576 |
8577 | /**
8578 | * Handles exceptions in module loading correctly at a performance cost (Deprecated). This will handle module error compatible with the Node.js CommonJS way.
8579 | */
8580 | strictModuleExceptionHandling?: boolean;
8581 |
8582 | /**
8583 | * Use a Trusted Types policy to create urls for chunks.
8584 | */
8585 | trustedTypes?: TrustedTypes;
8586 |
8587 | /**
8588 | * A unique name of the webpack build to avoid multiple webpack runtimes to conflict when using globals.
8589 | */
8590 | uniqueName?: string;
8591 |
8592 | /**
8593 | * The method of loading WebAssembly Modules (methods included by default are 'fetch' (web/WebWorker), 'async-node' (node.js), but others might be added by plugins).
8594 | */
8595 | wasmLoading?: string | false;
8596 |
8597 | /**
8598 | * The filename of WebAssembly modules as relative path inside the 'output.path' directory.
8599 | */
8600 | webassemblyModuleFilename?: string;
8601 |
8602 | /**
8603 | * The method of loading chunks (methods included by default are 'jsonp' (web), 'import' (ESM), 'importScripts' (WebWorker), 'require' (sync node.js), 'async-node' (async node.js), but others might be added by plugins).
8604 | */
8605 | workerChunkLoading?: string | false;
8606 |
8607 | /**
8608 | * The method of loading WebAssembly Modules (methods included by default are 'fetch' (web/WebWorker), 'async-node' (node.js), but others might be added by plugins).
8609 | */
8610 | workerWasmLoading?: string | false;
8611 | }
8612 | declare interface ParameterizedComparator<TArg, T> {
8613 | (arg0: TArg): Comparator<T>;
8614 | }
8615 | declare interface ParsedIdentifier {
8616 | request: string;
8617 | query: string;
8618 | fragment: string;
8619 | directory: boolean;
8620 | module: boolean;
8621 | file: boolean;
8622 | internal: boolean;
8623 | }
8624 | declare class Parser {
8625 | constructor();
8626 | parse(
8627 | source: string | Buffer | PreparsedAst,
8628 | state: ParserState
8629 | ): ParserState;
8630 | }
8631 | type ParserOptionsByModuleType = ParserOptionsByModuleTypeKnown &
8632 | ParserOptionsByModuleTypeUnknown;
8633 |
8634 | /**
8635 | * Specify options for each parser.
8636 | */
8637 | declare interface ParserOptionsByModuleTypeKnown {
8638 | /**
8639 | * Parser options for asset modules.
8640 | */
8641 | asset?: AssetParserOptions;
8642 |
8643 | /**
8644 | * No parser options are supported for this module type.
8645 | */
8646 | "asset/inline"?: EmptyParserOptions;
8647 |
8648 | /**
8649 | * No parser options are supported for this module type.
8650 | */
8651 | "asset/resource"?: EmptyParserOptions;
8652 |
8653 | /**
8654 | * No parser options are supported for this module type.
8655 | */
8656 | "asset/source"?: EmptyParserOptions;
8657 |
8658 | /**
8659 | * Parser options for javascript modules.
8660 | */
8661 | javascript?: JavascriptParserOptions;
8662 |
8663 | /**
8664 | * Parser options for javascript modules.
8665 | */
8666 | "javascript/auto"?: JavascriptParserOptions;
8667 |
8668 | /**
8669 | * Parser options for javascript modules.
8670 | */
8671 | "javascript/dynamic"?: JavascriptParserOptions;
8672 |
8673 | /**
8674 | * Parser options for javascript modules.
8675 | */
8676 | "javascript/esm"?: JavascriptParserOptions;
8677 | }
8678 |
8679 | /**
8680 | * Specify options for each parser.
8681 | */
8682 | declare interface ParserOptionsByModuleTypeUnknown {
8683 | [index: string]: { [index: string]: any };
8684 | }
8685 | type ParserState = Record<string, any> & ParserStateBase;
8686 | declare interface ParserStateBase {
8687 | source: string | Buffer;
8688 | current: NormalModule;
8689 | module: NormalModule;
8690 | compilation: Compilation;
8691 | options: { [index: string]: any };
8692 | }
8693 | declare interface PathData {
8694 | chunkGraph?: ChunkGraph;
8695 | hash?: string;
8696 | hashWithLength?: (arg0: number) => string;
8697 | chunk?: Chunk | ChunkPathData;
8698 | module?: Module | ModulePathData;
8699 | runtime?: RuntimeSpec;
8700 | filename?: string;
8701 | basename?: string;
8702 | query?: string;
8703 | contentHashType?: string;
8704 | contentHash?: string;
8705 | contentHashWithLength?: (arg0: number) => string;
8706 | noChunkHash?: boolean;
8707 | url?: string;
8708 | }
8709 |
8710 | /**
8711 | * Configuration object for web performance recommendations.
8712 | */
8713 | declare interface PerformanceOptions {
8714 | |
8715 |
8716 |
8717 | assetFilter?: Function;
8718 |
8719 | |
8720 |
8721 |
8722 | hints?: false | "error" | "warning";
8723 |
8724 | |
8725 |
8726 |
8727 | maxAssetSize?: number;
8728 |
8729 | |
8730 |
8731 |
8732 | maxEntrypointSize?: number;
8733 | }
8734 | declare interface PitchLoaderDefinitionFunction<
8735 | OptionsType = {},
8736 | ContextAdditions = {}
8737 | > {
8738 | (
8739 | this: NormalModuleLoaderContext<OptionsType> &
8740 | LoaderRunnerLoaderContext<OptionsType> &
8741 | LoaderPluginLoaderContext &
8742 | HotModuleReplacementPluginLoaderContext &
8743 | ContextAdditions,
8744 | remainingRequest: string,
8745 | previousRequest: string,
8746 | data: object
8747 | ): string | void | Buffer | Promise<string | Buffer>;
8748 | }
8749 | type Plugin =
8750 | | { apply: (arg0: Resolver) => void }
8751 | | ((this: Resolver, arg1: Resolver) => void);
8752 | declare interface PnpApiImpl {
8753 | resolveToUnqualified: (arg0: string, arg1: string, arg2: object) => string;
8754 | }
8755 | declare interface PossibleFileSystemError {
8756 | code?: string;
8757 | errno?: number;
8758 | path?: string;
8759 | syscall?: string;
8760 | }
8761 | declare class PrefetchPlugin {
8762 | constructor(context?: any, request?: any);
8763 | context: any;
8764 | request: any;
8765 |
8766 | /**
8767 | * Apply the plugin
8768 | */
8769 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
8770 | }
8771 | declare class PrefixSource extends Source {
8772 | constructor(prefix: string, source: string | Source);
8773 | original(): Source;
8774 | getPrefix(): string;
8775 | }
8776 | declare interface PreparsedAst {
8777 | [index: string]: any;
8778 | }
8779 | declare interface PrintedElement {
8780 | element: string;
8781 | content: string;
8782 | }
8783 | declare interface Problem {
8784 | type: ProblemType;
8785 | path: string;
8786 | argument: string;
8787 | value?: any;
8788 | index?: number;
8789 | expected?: string;
8790 | }
8791 | type ProblemType =
8792 | | "unknown-argument"
8793 | | "unexpected-non-array-in-path"
8794 | | "unexpected-non-object-in-path"
8795 | | "multiple-values-unexpected"
8796 | | "invalid-value";
8797 | declare interface ProcessAssetsAdditionalOptions {
8798 | additionalAssets?: true | Function;
8799 | }
8800 | declare class Profiler {
8801 | constructor(inspector?: any);
8802 | session: any;
8803 | inspector: any;
8804 | hasSession(): boolean;
8805 | startProfiling(): Promise<void> | Promise<[any, any, any]>;
8806 | sendCommand(method?: any, params?: any): Promise<any>;
8807 | destroy(): Promise<void>;
8808 | stopProfiling(): Promise<{ profile: any }>;
8809 | }
8810 | declare class ProfilingPlugin {
8811 | constructor(options?: ProfilingPluginOptions);
8812 | outputPath: string;
8813 | apply(compiler?: any): void;
8814 | static Profiler: typeof Profiler;
8815 | }
8816 | declare interface ProfilingPluginOptions {
8817 | |
8818 |
8819 |
8820 | outputPath?: string;
8821 | }
8822 | declare class ProgressPlugin {
8823 | constructor(options?: ProgressPluginArgument);
8824 | profile?: null | boolean;
8825 | handler?: (percentage: number, msg: string, ...args: string[]) => void;
8826 | modulesCount?: number;
8827 | dependenciesCount?: number;
8828 | showEntries?: boolean;
8829 | showModules?: boolean;
8830 | showDependencies?: boolean;
8831 | showActiveModules?: boolean;
8832 | percentBy?: null | "dependencies" | "modules" | "entries";
8833 | apply(compiler: Compiler | MultiCompiler): void;
8834 | static getReporter(
8835 | compiler: Compiler
8836 | ): (p: number, ...args: string[]) => void;
8837 | static defaultOptions: {
8838 | profile: boolean;
8839 | modulesCount: number;
8840 | dependenciesCount: number;
8841 | modules: boolean;
8842 | dependencies: boolean;
8843 | activeModules: boolean;
8844 | entries: boolean;
8845 | };
8846 | }
8847 | type ProgressPluginArgument =
8848 | | ProgressPluginOptions
8849 | | ((percentage: number, msg: string, ...args: string[]) => void);
8850 |
8851 | /**
8852 | * Options object for the ProgressPlugin.
8853 | */
8854 | declare interface ProgressPluginOptions {
8855 | /**
8856 | * Show active modules count and one active module in progress message.
8857 | */
8858 | activeModules?: boolean;
8859 |
8860 | /**
8861 | * Show dependencies count in progress message.
8862 | */
8863 | dependencies?: boolean;
8864 |
8865 | /**
8866 | * Minimum dependencies count to start with. For better progress calculation. Default: 10000.
8867 | */
8868 | dependenciesCount?: number;
8869 |
8870 | /**
8871 | * Show entries count in progress message.
8872 | */
8873 | entries?: boolean;
8874 |
8875 | /**
8876 | * Function that executes for every progress step.
8877 | */
8878 | handler?: (percentage: number, msg: string, ...args: string[]) => void;
8879 |
8880 | |
8881 |
8882 |
8883 | modules?: boolean;
8884 |
8885 | |
8886 |
8887 |
8888 | modulesCount?: number;
8889 |
8890 | |
8891 |
8892 |
8893 | percentBy?: null | "dependencies" | "modules" | "entries";
8894 |
8895 | |
8896 |
8897 |
8898 | profile?: null | boolean;
8899 | }
8900 | declare class ProvidePlugin {
8901 | constructor(definitions: Record<string, string | string[]>);
8902 | definitions: Record<string, string | string[]>;
8903 |
8904 | /**
8905 | * Apply the plugin
8906 | */
8907 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
8908 | }
8909 | declare class ProvideSharedPlugin {
8910 | constructor(options: ProvideSharedPluginOptions);
8911 |
8912 | /**
8913 | * Apply the plugin
8914 | */
8915 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
8916 | }
8917 | declare interface ProvideSharedPluginOptions {
8918 | |
8919 |
8920 |
8921 | provides: Provides;
8922 |
8923 | |
8924 |
8925 |
8926 | shareScope?: string;
8927 | }
8928 | type Provides = (string | ProvidesObject)[] | ProvidesObject;
8929 |
8930 |
8931 |
8932 |
8933 | declare interface ProvidesConfig {
8934 | |
8935 |
8936 |
8937 | eager?: boolean;
8938 |
8939 | |
8940 |
8941 |
8942 | shareKey?: string;
8943 |
8944 | |
8945 |
8946 |
8947 | shareScope?: string;
8948 |
8949 | |
8950 |
8951 |
8952 | version?: string | false;
8953 | }
8954 |
8955 |
8956 |
8957 |
8958 | declare interface ProvidesObject {
8959 | [index: string]: string | ProvidesConfig;
8960 | }
8961 | declare interface RawChunkGroupOptions {
8962 | preloadOrder?: number;
8963 | prefetchOrder?: number;
8964 | }
8965 | type RawLoaderDefinition<
8966 | OptionsType = {},
8967 | ContextAdditions = {}
8968 | > = RawLoaderDefinitionFunction<OptionsType, ContextAdditions> & {
8969 | raw: true;
8970 | pitch?: PitchLoaderDefinitionFunction<OptionsType, ContextAdditions>;
8971 | };
8972 | declare interface RawLoaderDefinitionFunction<
8973 | OptionsType = {},
8974 | ContextAdditions = {}
8975 | > {
8976 | (
8977 | this: NormalModuleLoaderContext<OptionsType> &
8978 | LoaderRunnerLoaderContext<OptionsType> &
8979 | LoaderPluginLoaderContext &
8980 | HotModuleReplacementPluginLoaderContext &
8981 | ContextAdditions,
8982 | content: Buffer,
8983 | sourceMap?: string | SourceMap,
8984 | additionalData?: AdditionalData
8985 | ): string | void | Buffer | Promise<string | Buffer>;
8986 | }
8987 | declare class RawSource extends Source {
8988 | constructor(source: string | Buffer, convertToString?: boolean);
8989 | isBuffer(): boolean;
8990 | }
8991 | declare class ReadFileCompileWasmPlugin {
8992 | constructor(options?: any);
8993 | options: any;
8994 |
8995 | /**
8996 | * Apply the plugin
8997 | */
8998 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
8999 | }
9000 | declare class RealContentHashPlugin {
9001 | constructor(__0: { hashFunction: any; hashDigest: any });
9002 |
9003 | /**
9004 | * Apply the plugin
9005 | */
9006 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
9007 | static getCompilationHooks(
9008 | compilation: Compilation
9009 | ): CompilationHooksRealContentHashPlugin;
9010 | }
9011 | declare interface RealDependencyLocation {
9012 | start: SourcePosition;
9013 | end?: SourcePosition;
9014 | index?: number;
9015 | }
9016 | type RecursiveArrayOrRecord<T> =
9017 | | { [index: string]: RecursiveArrayOrRecord<T> }
9018 | | RecursiveArrayOrRecord<T>[]
9019 | | T;
9020 | declare interface ReferencedExport {
9021 | |
9022 |
9023 |
9024 | name: string[];
9025 |
9026 | |
9027 |
9028 |
9029 | canMangle?: boolean;
9030 | }
9031 | type Remotes = (string | RemotesObject)[] | RemotesObject;
9032 |
9033 |
9034 |
9035 |
9036 | declare interface RemotesConfig {
9037 | |
9038 |
9039 |
9040 | external: string | string[];
9041 |
9042 | |
9043 |
9044 |
9045 | shareScope?: string;
9046 | }
9047 |
9048 |
9049 |
9050 |
9051 | declare interface RemotesObject {
9052 | [index: string]: string | RemotesConfig | string[];
9053 | }
9054 | declare interface RenderBootstrapContext {
9055 | |
9056 |
9057 |
9058 | chunk: Chunk;
9059 |
9060 | |
9061 |
9062 |
9063 | runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate;
9064 |
9065 | |
9066 |
9067 |
9068 | moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;
9069 |
9070 | |
9071 |
9072 |
9073 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
9074 |
9075 | |
9076 |
9077 |
9078 | hash: string;
9079 | }
9080 | declare interface RenderContext {
9081 | |
9082 |
9083 |
9084 | chunk: Chunk;
9085 |
9086 | |
9087 |
9088 |
9089 | dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates;
9090 |
9091 | |
9092 |
9093 |
9094 | runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate;
9095 |
9096 | |
9097 |
9098 |
9099 | moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;
9100 |
9101 | |
9102 |
9103 |
9104 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
9105 |
9106 | |
9107 |
9108 |
9109 | codeGenerationResults: CodeGenerationResults;
9110 |
9111 | |
9112 |
9113 |
9114 | strictMode: boolean;
9115 | }
9116 | type RenderManifestEntry =
9117 | | RenderManifestEntryTemplated
9118 | | RenderManifestEntryStatic;
9119 | declare interface RenderManifestEntryStatic {
9120 | render: () => Source;
9121 | filename: string;
9122 | info: AssetInfo;
9123 | identifier: string;
9124 | hash?: string;
9125 | auxiliary?: boolean;
9126 | }
9127 | declare interface RenderManifestEntryTemplated {
9128 | render: () => Source;
9129 | filenameTemplate: string | ((arg0: PathData, arg1?: AssetInfo) => string);
9130 | pathOptions?: PathData;
9131 | info?: AssetInfo;
9132 | identifier: string;
9133 | hash?: string;
9134 | auxiliary?: boolean;
9135 | }
9136 | declare interface RenderManifestOptions {
9137 | /**
9138 | * the chunk used to render
9139 | */
9140 | chunk: Chunk;
9141 | hash: string;
9142 | fullHash: string;
9143 | outputOptions: Output;
9144 | codeGenerationResults: CodeGenerationResults;
9145 | moduleTemplates: { javascript: ModuleTemplate };
9146 | dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates;
9147 | runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate;
9148 | moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;
9149 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
9150 | }
9151 | declare class ReplaceSource extends Source {
9152 | constructor(source: Source, name?: string);
9153 | replace(start: number, end: number, newValue: string, name?: string): void;
9154 | insert(pos: number, newValue: string, name?: string): void;
9155 | getName(): string;
9156 | original(): string;
9157 | getReplacements(): {
9158 | start: number;
9159 | end: number;
9160 | content: string;
9161 | insertIndex: number;
9162 | name: string;
9163 | }[];
9164 | }
9165 | declare abstract class RequestShortener {
9166 | contextify: (arg0: string) => string;
9167 | shorten(request?: null | string): undefined | null | string;
9168 | }
9169 | declare interface ResolveBuildDependenciesResult {
9170 | |
9171 |
9172 |
9173 | files: Set<string>;
9174 |
9175 | |
9176 |
9177 |
9178 | directories: Set<string>;
9179 |
9180 | |
9181 |
9182 |
9183 | missing: Set<string>;
9184 |
9185 | |
9186 |
9187 |
9188 | resolveResults: Map<string, string | false>;
9189 |
9190 | |
9191 |
9192 |
9193 | resolveDependencies: {
9194 | |
9195 |
9196 |
9197 | files: Set<string>;
9198 | |
9199 |
9200 |
9201 | directories: Set<string>;
9202 | |
9203 |
9204 |
9205 | missing: Set<string>;
9206 | };
9207 | }
9208 |
9209 |
9210 |
9211 |
9212 | declare interface ResolveContext {
9213 | contextDependencies?: WriteOnlySet<string>;
9214 |
9215 | |
9216 |
9217 |
9218 | fileDependencies?: WriteOnlySet<string>;
9219 |
9220 | |
9221 |
9222 |
9223 | missingDependencies?: WriteOnlySet<string>;
9224 |
9225 | |
9226 |
9227 |
9228 | stack?: Set<string>;
9229 |
9230 | |
9231 |
9232 |
9233 | log?: (arg0: string) => void;
9234 | }
9235 | declare interface ResolveData {
9236 | contextInfo: ModuleFactoryCreateDataContextInfo;
9237 | resolveOptions?: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
9238 | context: string;
9239 | request: string;
9240 | assertions?: Record<string, any>;
9241 | dependencies: ModuleDependency[];
9242 | dependencyType: string;
9243 | createData: Object;
9244 | fileDependencies: LazySet<string>;
9245 | missingDependencies: LazySet<string>;
9246 | contextDependencies: LazySet<string>;
9247 |
9248 | |
9249 |
9250 |
9251 | cacheable: boolean;
9252 | }
9253 | declare interface ResolveOptionsTypes {
9254 | alias: AliasOption[];
9255 | fallback: AliasOption[];
9256 | aliasFields: Set<string | string[]>;
9257 | cachePredicate: (arg0: ResolveRequest) => boolean;
9258 | cacheWithContext: boolean;
9259 |
9260 | |
9261 |
9262 |
9263 | conditionNames: Set<string>;
9264 | descriptionFiles: string[];
9265 | enforceExtension: boolean;
9266 | exportsFields: Set<string | string[]>;
9267 | importsFields: Set<string | string[]>;
9268 | extensions: Set<string>;
9269 | fileSystem: FileSystem;
9270 | unsafeCache: false | object;
9271 | symlinks: boolean;
9272 | resolver?: Resolver;
9273 | modules: (string | string[])[];
9274 | mainFields: { name: string[]; forceRelative: boolean }[];
9275 | mainFiles: Set<string>;
9276 | plugins: Plugin[];
9277 | pnpApi: null | PnpApiImpl;
9278 | roots: Set<string>;
9279 | fullySpecified: boolean;
9280 | resolveToContext: boolean;
9281 | restrictions: Set<string | RegExp>;
9282 | preferRelative: boolean;
9283 | preferAbsolute: boolean;
9284 | }
9285 |
9286 |
9287 |
9288 |
9289 | declare interface ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions {
9290 | |
9291 |
9292 |
9293 | alias?:
9294 | | {
9295 | |
9296 |
9297 |
9298 | alias: string | false | string[];
9299 | |
9300 |
9301 |
9302 | name: string;
9303 | |
9304 |
9305 |
9306 | onlyModule?: boolean;
9307 | }[]
9308 | | { [index: string]: string | false | string[] };
9309 |
9310 | |
9311 |
9312 |
9313 | aliasFields?: (string | string[])[];
9314 |
9315 | |
9316 |
9317 |
9318 | byDependency?: { [index: string]: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions };
9319 |
9320 | |
9321 |
9322 |
9323 | cache?: boolean;
9324 |
9325 | |
9326 |
9327 |
9328 | cachePredicate?: (request: ResolveRequest) => boolean;
9329 |
9330 | |
9331 |
9332 |
9333 | cacheWithContext?: boolean;
9334 |
9335 | |
9336 |
9337 |
9338 | conditionNames?: string[];
9339 |
9340 | |
9341 |
9342 |
9343 | descriptionFiles?: string[];
9344 |
9345 | |
9346 |
9347 |
9348 | enforceExtension?: boolean;
9349 |
9350 | |
9351 |
9352 |
9353 | exportsFields?: string[];
9354 |
9355 | |
9356 |
9357 |
9358 | extensions?: string[];
9359 |
9360 | |
9361 |
9362 |
9363 | fallback?:
9364 | | {
9365 | |
9366 |
9367 |
9368 | alias: string | false | string[];
9369 | |
9370 |
9371 |
9372 | name: string;
9373 | |
9374 |
9375 |
9376 | onlyModule?: boolean;
9377 | }[]
9378 | | { [index: string]: string | false | string[] };
9379 |
9380 | |
9381 |
9382 |
9383 | fileSystem?: InputFileSystem;
9384 |
9385 | |
9386 |
9387 |
9388 | fullySpecified?: boolean;
9389 |
9390 | |
9391 |
9392 |
9393 | importsFields?: string[];
9394 |
9395 | |
9396 |
9397 |
9398 | mainFields?: (string | string[])[];
9399 |
9400 | |
9401 |
9402 |
9403 | mainFiles?: string[];
9404 |
9405 | |
9406 |
9407 |
9408 | modules?: string[];
9409 |
9410 | |
9411 |
9412 |
9413 | plugins?: (ResolvePluginInstance | "...")[];
9414 |
9415 | |
9416 |
9417 |
9418 | preferAbsolute?: boolean;
9419 |
9420 | |
9421 |
9422 |
9423 | preferRelative?: boolean;
9424 |
9425 | |
9426 |
9427 |
9428 | resolver?: Resolver;
9429 |
9430 | |
9431 |
9432 |
9433 | restrictions?: (string | RegExp)[];
9434 |
9435 | |
9436 |
9437 |
9438 | roots?: string[];
9439 |
9440 | |
9441 |
9442 |
9443 | symlinks?: boolean;
9444 |
9445 | |
9446 |
9447 |
9448 | unsafeCache?: boolean | { [index: string]: any };
9449 |
9450 | |
9451 |
9452 |
9453 | useSyncFileSystemCalls?: boolean;
9454 | }
9455 | type ResolveOptionsWithDependencyType = ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions & {
9456 | dependencyType?: string;
9457 | resolveToContext?: boolean;
9458 | };
9459 |
9460 |
9461 |
9462 |
9463 | declare interface ResolvePluginInstance {
9464 | [index: string]: any;
9465 |
9466 | |
9467 |
9468 |
9469 | apply: (resolver: Resolver) => void;
9470 | }
9471 | type ResolveRequest = BaseResolveRequest & Partial<ParsedIdentifier>;
9472 | declare interface ResolvedContextFileSystemInfoEntry {
9473 | safeTime: number;
9474 | timestampHash?: string;
9475 | }
9476 | declare interface ResolvedContextTimestampAndHash {
9477 | safeTime: number;
9478 | timestampHash?: string;
9479 | hash: string;
9480 | }
9481 | declare abstract class Resolver {
9482 | fileSystem: FileSystem;
9483 | options: ResolveOptionsTypes;
9484 | hooks: {
9485 | resolveStep: SyncHook<
9486 | [
9487 | AsyncSeriesBailHook<
9488 | [ResolveRequest, ResolveContext],
9489 | null | ResolveRequest
9490 | >,
9491 | ResolveRequest
9492 | ]
9493 | >;
9494 | noResolve: SyncHook<[ResolveRequest, Error]>;
9495 | resolve: AsyncSeriesBailHook<
9496 | [ResolveRequest, ResolveContext],
9497 | null | ResolveRequest
9498 | >;
9499 | result: AsyncSeriesHook<[ResolveRequest, ResolveContext]>;
9500 | };
9501 | ensureHook(
9502 | name:
9503 | | string
9504 | | AsyncSeriesBailHook<
9505 | [ResolveRequest, ResolveContext],
9506 | null | ResolveRequest
9507 | >
9508 | ): AsyncSeriesBailHook<
9509 | [ResolveRequest, ResolveContext],
9510 | null | ResolveRequest
9511 | >;
9512 | getHook(
9513 | name:
9514 | | string
9515 | | AsyncSeriesBailHook<
9516 | [ResolveRequest, ResolveContext],
9517 | null | ResolveRequest
9518 | >
9519 | ): AsyncSeriesBailHook<
9520 | [ResolveRequest, ResolveContext],
9521 | null | ResolveRequest
9522 | >;
9523 | resolveSync(context: object, path: string, request: string): string | false;
9524 | resolve(
9525 | context: object,
9526 | path: string,
9527 | request: string,
9528 | resolveContext: ResolveContext,
9529 | callback: (
9530 | arg0: null | Error,
9531 | arg1?: string | false,
9532 | arg2?: ResolveRequest
9533 | ) => void
9534 | ): void;
9535 | doResolve(
9536 | hook?: any,
9537 | request?: any,
9538 | message?: any,
9539 | resolveContext?: any,
9540 | callback?: any
9541 | ): any;
9542 | parse(identifier: string): ParsedIdentifier;
9543 | isModule(path?: any): boolean;
9544 | isPrivate(path?: any): boolean;
9545 | isDirectory(path: string): boolean;
9546 | join(path?: any, request?: any): string;
9547 | normalize(path?: any): string;
9548 | }
9549 | declare interface ResolverCache {
9550 | direct: WeakMap<Object, ResolverWithOptions>;
9551 | stringified: Map<string, ResolverWithOptions>;
9552 | }
9553 | declare abstract class ResolverFactory {
9554 | hooks: Readonly<{
9555 | resolveOptions: HookMap<
9556 | SyncWaterfallHook<[ResolveOptionsWithDependencyType]>
9557 | >;
9558 | resolver: HookMap<
9559 | SyncHook<[Resolver, UserResolveOptions, ResolveOptionsWithDependencyType]>
9560 | >;
9561 | }>;
9562 | cache: Map<string, ResolverCache>;
9563 | get(
9564 | type: string,
9565 | resolveOptions?: ResolveOptionsWithDependencyType
9566 | ): ResolverWithOptions;
9567 | }
9568 | type ResolverWithOptions = Resolver & WithOptions;
9569 |
9570 | declare interface ResourceDataWithData {
9571 | resource: string;
9572 | path: string;
9573 | query: string;
9574 | fragment: string;
9575 | context?: string;
9576 | data: Record<string, any>;
9577 | }
9578 | type Rule = string | RegExp;
9579 | declare interface RuleSet {
9580 | |
9581 |
9582 |
9583 | references: Map<string, any>;
9584 |
9585 | |
9586 |
9587 |
9588 | exec: (arg0: object) => Effect[];
9589 | }
9590 | type RuleSetCondition =
9591 | | string
9592 | | RegExp
9593 | | ((value: string) => boolean)
9594 | | RuleSetLogicalConditions
9595 | | RuleSetCondition[];
9596 | type RuleSetConditionAbsolute =
9597 | | string
9598 | | RegExp
9599 | | ((value: string) => boolean)
9600 | | RuleSetLogicalConditionsAbsolute
9601 | | RuleSetConditionAbsolute[];
9602 | type RuleSetConditionOrConditions =
9603 | | string
9604 | | RegExp
9605 | | ((value: string) => boolean)
9606 | | RuleSetLogicalConditions
9607 | | RuleSetCondition[];
9608 |
9609 | /**
9610 | * Logic operators used in a condition matcher.
9611 | */
9612 | declare interface RuleSetLogicalConditions {
9613 | /**
9614 | * Logical AND.
9615 | */
9616 | and?: RuleSetCondition[];
9617 |
9618 | /**
9619 | * Logical NOT.
9620 | */
9621 | not?:
9622 | | string
9623 | | RegExp
9624 | | ((value: string) => boolean)
9625 | | RuleSetLogicalConditions
9626 | | RuleSetCondition[];
9627 |
9628 | /**
9629 | * Logical OR.
9630 | */
9631 | or?: RuleSetCondition[];
9632 | }
9633 |
9634 | /**
9635 | * Logic operators used in a condition matcher.
9636 | */
9637 | declare interface RuleSetLogicalConditionsAbsolute {
9638 | /**
9639 | * Logical AND.
9640 | */
9641 | and?: RuleSetConditionAbsolute[];
9642 |
9643 | /**
9644 | * Logical NOT.
9645 | */
9646 | not?:
9647 | | string
9648 | | RegExp
9649 | | ((value: string) => boolean)
9650 | | RuleSetLogicalConditionsAbsolute
9651 | | RuleSetConditionAbsolute[];
9652 |
9653 | /**
9654 | * Logical OR.
9655 | */
9656 | or?: RuleSetConditionAbsolute[];
9657 | }
9658 |
9659 | /**
9660 | * A rule description with conditions and effects for modules.
9661 | */
9662 | declare interface RuleSetRule {
9663 | /**
9664 | * Match on import assertions of the dependency.
9665 | */
9666 | assert?: { [index: string]: RuleSetConditionOrConditions };
9667 |
9668 | /**
9669 | * Match the child compiler name.
9670 | */
9671 | compiler?:
9672 | | string
9673 | | RegExp
9674 | | ((value: string) => boolean)
9675 | | RuleSetLogicalConditions
9676 | | RuleSetCondition[];
9677 |
9678 | /**
9679 | * Match dependency type.
9680 | */
9681 | dependency?:
9682 | | string
9683 | | RegExp
9684 | | ((value: string) => boolean)
9685 | | RuleSetLogicalConditions
9686 | | RuleSetCondition[];
9687 |
9688 | /**
9689 | * Match values of properties in the description file (usually package.json).
9690 | */
9691 | descriptionData?: { [index: string]: RuleSetConditionOrConditions };
9692 |
9693 | /**
9694 | * Enforce this rule as pre or post step.
9695 | */
9696 | enforce?: "pre" | "post";
9697 |
9698 | /**
9699 | * Shortcut for resource.exclude.
9700 | */
9701 | exclude?:
9702 | | string
9703 | | RegExp
9704 | | ((value: string) => boolean)
9705 | | RuleSetLogicalConditionsAbsolute
9706 | | RuleSetConditionAbsolute[];
9707 |
9708 | /**
9709 | * The options for the module generator.
9710 | */
9711 | generator?: { [index: string]: any };
9712 |
9713 | /**
9714 | * Shortcut for resource.include.
9715 | */
9716 | include?:
9717 | | string
9718 | | RegExp
9719 | | ((value: string) => boolean)
9720 | | RuleSetLogicalConditionsAbsolute
9721 | | RuleSetConditionAbsolute[];
9722 |
9723 | /**
9724 | * Match the issuer of the module (The module pointing to this module).
9725 | */
9726 | issuer?:
9727 | | string
9728 | | RegExp
9729 | | ((value: string) => boolean)
9730 | | RuleSetLogicalConditionsAbsolute
9731 | | RuleSetConditionAbsolute[];
9732 |
9733 | /**
9734 | * Match layer of the issuer of this module (The module pointing to this module).
9735 | */
9736 | issuerLayer?:
9737 | | string
9738 | | RegExp
9739 | | ((value: string) => boolean)
9740 | | RuleSetLogicalConditions
9741 | | RuleSetCondition[];
9742 |
9743 | /**
9744 | * Specifies the layer in which the module should be placed in.
9745 | */
9746 | layer?: string;
9747 |
9748 | /**
9749 | * Shortcut for use.loader.
9750 | */
9751 | loader?: string;
9752 |
9753 | /**
9754 | * Match module mimetype when load from Data URI.
9755 | */
9756 | mimetype?:
9757 | | string
9758 | | RegExp
9759 | | ((value: string) => boolean)
9760 | | RuleSetLogicalConditions
9761 | | RuleSetCondition[];
9762 |
9763 | /**
9764 | * Only execute the first matching rule in this array.
9765 | */
9766 | oneOf?: RuleSetRule[];
9767 |
9768 | /**
9769 | * Shortcut for use.options.
9770 | */
9771 | options?: string | { [index: string]: any };
9772 |
9773 | /**
9774 | * Options for parsing.
9775 | */
9776 | parser?: { [index: string]: any };
9777 |
9778 | /**
9779 | * Match the real resource path of the module.
9780 | */
9781 | realResource?:
9782 | | string
9783 | | RegExp
9784 | | ((value: string) => boolean)
9785 | | RuleSetLogicalConditionsAbsolute
9786 | | RuleSetConditionAbsolute[];
9787 |
9788 | /**
9789 | * Options for the resolver.
9790 | */
9791 | resolve?: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
9792 |
9793 | /**
9794 | * Match the resource path of the module.
9795 | */
9796 | resource?:
9797 | | string
9798 | | RegExp
9799 | | ((value: string) => boolean)
9800 | | RuleSetLogicalConditionsAbsolute
9801 | | RuleSetConditionAbsolute[];
9802 |
9803 | /**
9804 | * Match the resource fragment of the module.
9805 | */
9806 | resourceFragment?:
9807 | | string
9808 | | RegExp
9809 | | ((value: string) => boolean)
9810 | | RuleSetLogicalConditions
9811 | | RuleSetCondition[];
9812 |
9813 | /**
9814 | * Match the resource query of the module.
9815 | */
9816 | resourceQuery?:
9817 | | string
9818 | | RegExp
9819 | | ((value: string) => boolean)
9820 | | RuleSetLogicalConditions
9821 | | RuleSetCondition[];
9822 |
9823 | /**
9824 | * Match and execute these rules when this rule is matched.
9825 | */
9826 | rules?: RuleSetRule[];
9827 |
9828 | /**
9829 | * Match module scheme.
9830 | */
9831 | scheme?:
9832 | | string
9833 | | RegExp
9834 | | ((value: string) => boolean)
9835 | | RuleSetLogicalConditions
9836 | | RuleSetCondition[];
9837 |
9838 | /**
9839 | * Flags a module as with or without side effects.
9840 | */
9841 | sideEffects?: boolean;
9842 |
9843 | /**
9844 | * Shortcut for resource.test.
9845 | */
9846 | test?:
9847 | | string
9848 | | RegExp
9849 | | ((value: string) => boolean)
9850 | | RuleSetLogicalConditionsAbsolute
9851 | | RuleSetConditionAbsolute[];
9852 |
9853 | /**
9854 | * Module type to use for the module.
9855 | */
9856 | type?: string;
9857 |
9858 | /**
9859 | * Modifiers applied to the module when rule is matched.
9860 | */
9861 | use?:
9862 | | string
9863 | | RuleSetUseItem[]
9864 | | ((data: {
9865 | resource: string;
9866 | realResource: string;
9867 | resourceQuery: string;
9868 | issuer: string;
9869 | compiler: string;
9870 | }) => RuleSetUseItem[])
9871 | | {
9872 | /**
9873 | * Unique loader options identifier.
9874 | */
9875 | ident?: string;
9876 | /**
9877 | * Loader name.
9878 | */
9879 | loader?: string;
9880 | /**
9881 | * Loader options.
9882 | */
9883 | options?: string | { [index: string]: any };
9884 | }
9885 | | ((data: object) =>
9886 | | string
9887 | | {
9888 | |
9889 |
9890 |
9891 | ident?: string;
9892 | |
9893 |
9894 |
9895 | loader?: string;
9896 | |
9897 |
9898 |
9899 | options?: string | { [index: string]: any };
9900 | }
9901 | | __TypeWebpackOptions
9902 | | RuleSetUseItem[]);
9903 | }
9904 | type RuleSetUse =
9905 | | string
9906 | | RuleSetUseItem[]
9907 | | ((data: {
9908 | resource: string;
9909 | realResource: string;
9910 | resourceQuery: string;
9911 | issuer: string;
9912 | compiler: string;
9913 | }) => RuleSetUseItem[])
9914 | | {
9915 | /**
9916 | * Unique loader options identifier.
9917 | */
9918 | ident?: string;
9919 | /**
9920 | * Loader name.
9921 | */
9922 | loader?: string;
9923 | /**
9924 | * Loader options.
9925 | */
9926 | options?: string | { [index: string]: any };
9927 | }
9928 | | __TypeWebpackOptions;
9929 | type RuleSetUseItem =
9930 | | string
9931 | | {
9932 | /**
9933 | * Unique loader options identifier.
9934 | */
9935 | ident?: string;
9936 | /**
9937 | * Loader name.
9938 | */
9939 | loader?: string;
9940 | /**
9941 | * Loader options.
9942 | */
9943 | options?: string | { [index: string]: any };
9944 | }
9945 | | __TypeWebpackOptions;
9946 | declare class RuntimeChunkPlugin {
9947 | constructor(options?: any);
9948 | options: any;
9949 |
9950 | /**
9951 | * Apply the plugin
9952 | */
9953 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
9954 | }
9955 | type RuntimeCondition = undefined | string | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
9956 | declare class RuntimeModule extends Module {
9957 | constructor(name: string, stage?: number);
9958 | name: string;
9959 | stage: number;
9960 | compilation: Compilation;
9961 | chunk: Chunk;
9962 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
9963 | fullHash: boolean;
9964 | dependentHash: boolean;
9965 | attach(compilation: Compilation, chunk: Chunk, chunkGraph?: ChunkGraph): void;
9966 | generate(): string;
9967 | getGeneratedCode(): string;
9968 | shouldIsolate(): boolean;
9969 |
9970 | /**
9971 | * Runtime modules without any dependencies to other runtime modules
9972 | */
9973 | static STAGE_NORMAL: number;
9974 |
9975 | /**
9976 | * Runtime modules with simple dependencies on other runtime modules
9977 | */
9978 | static STAGE_BASIC: number;
9979 |
9980 | /**
9981 | * Runtime modules which attach to handlers of other runtime modules
9982 | */
9983 | static STAGE_ATTACH: number;
9984 |
9985 | /**
9986 | * Runtime modules which trigger actions on bootstrap
9987 | */
9988 | static STAGE_TRIGGER: number;
9989 | }
9990 | declare interface RuntimeRequirementsContext {
9991 | /**
9992 | * the chunk graph
9993 | */
9994 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
9995 |
9996 | /**
9997 | * the code generation results
9998 | */
9999 | codeGenerationResults: CodeGenerationResults;
10000 | }
10001 | type RuntimeSpec = undefined | string | SortableSet<string>;
10002 | declare class RuntimeSpecMap<T> {
10003 | constructor(clone?: RuntimeSpecMap<T>);
10004 | get(runtime: RuntimeSpec): T;
10005 | has(runtime: RuntimeSpec): boolean;
10006 | set(runtime?: any, value?: any): void;
10007 | provide(runtime?: any, computer?: any): any;
10008 | delete(runtime?: any): void;
10009 | update(runtime?: any, fn?: any): void;
10010 | keys(): RuntimeSpec[];
10011 | values(): IterableIterator<T>;
10012 | readonly size?: number;
10013 | }
10014 | declare class RuntimeSpecSet {
10015 | constructor(iterable?: any);
10016 | add(runtime?: any): void;
10017 | has(runtime?: any): boolean;
10018 | [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<RuntimeSpec>;
10019 | readonly size: number;
10020 | }
10021 | declare abstract class RuntimeTemplate {
10022 | compilation: Compilation;
10023 | outputOptions: OutputNormalized;
10024 | requestShortener: RequestShortener;
10025 | globalObject: string;
10026 | isIIFE(): undefined | boolean;
10027 | isModule(): undefined | boolean;
10028 | supportsConst(): undefined | boolean;
10029 | supportsArrowFunction(): undefined | boolean;
10030 | supportsOptionalChaining(): undefined | boolean;
10031 | supportsForOf(): undefined | boolean;
10032 | supportsDestructuring(): undefined | boolean;
10033 | supportsBigIntLiteral(): undefined | boolean;
10034 | supportsDynamicImport(): undefined | boolean;
10035 | supportsEcmaScriptModuleSyntax(): undefined | boolean;
10036 | supportTemplateLiteral(): undefined | boolean;
10037 | returningFunction(returnValue?: any, args?: string): string;
10038 | basicFunction(args?: any, body?: any): string;
10039 | concatenation(...args: (string | { expr: string })[]): string;
10040 | expressionFunction(expression?: any, args?: string): string;
10041 | emptyFunction(): "x => {}" | "function() {}";
10042 | destructureArray(items?: any, value?: any): string;
10043 | destructureObject(items?: any, value?: any): string;
10044 | iife(args?: any, body?: any): string;
10045 | forEach(variable?: any, array?: any, body?: any): string;
10046 |
10047 | |
10048 |
10049 |
10050 | comment(__0: {
10051 | |
10052 |
10053 |
10054 | request?: string;
10055 | |
10056 |
10057 |
10058 | chunkName?: string;
10059 | |
10060 |
10061 |
10062 | chunkReason?: string;
10063 | |
10064 |
10065 |
10066 | message?: string;
10067 | |
10068 |
10069 |
10070 | exportName?: string;
10071 | }): string;
10072 | throwMissingModuleErrorBlock(__0: {
10073 | |
10074 |
10075 |
10076 | request?: string;
10077 | }): string;
10078 | throwMissingModuleErrorFunction(__0: {
10079 | |
10080 |
10081 |
10082 | request?: string;
10083 | }): string;
10084 | missingModule(__0: {
10085 | |
10086 |
10087 |
10088 | request?: string;
10089 | }): string;
10090 | missingModuleStatement(__0: {
10091 | |
10092 |
10093 |
10094 | request?: string;
10095 | }): string;
10096 | missingModulePromise(__0: {
10097 | |
10098 |
10099 |
10100 | request?: string;
10101 | }): string;
10102 | weakError(__0: {
10103 | |
10104 |
10105 |
10106 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
10107 | |
10108 |
10109 |
10110 | module: Module;
10111 | /**
10112 | * the request that should be printed as comment
10113 | */
10114 | request: string;
10115 | /**
10116 | * expression to use as id expression
10117 | */
10118 | idExpr?: string;
10119 | /**
10120 | * which kind of code should be returned
10121 | */
10122 | type: "promise" | "expression" | "statements";
10123 | }): string;
10124 | moduleId(__0: {
10125 | |
10126 |
10127 |
10128 | module: Module;
10129 | /**
10130 | * the chunk graph
10131 | */
10132 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
10133 | /**
10134 | * the request that should be printed as comment
10135 | */
10136 | request: string;
10137 | /**
10138 | * if the dependency is weak (will create a nice error message)
10139 | */
10140 | weak?: boolean;
10141 | }): string;
10142 | moduleRaw(__0: {
10143 | |
10144 |
10145 |
10146 | module: Module;
10147 | /**
10148 | * the chunk graph
10149 | */
10150 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
10151 | /**
10152 | * the request that should be printed as comment
10153 | */
10154 | request: string;
10155 | /**
10156 | * if the dependency is weak (will create a nice error message)
10157 | */
10158 | weak?: boolean;
10159 | /**
10160 | * if set, will be filled with runtime requirements
10161 | */
10162 | runtimeRequirements: Set<string>;
10163 | }): string;
10164 | moduleExports(__0: {
10165 | |
10166 |
10167 |
10168 | module: Module;
10169 | /**
10170 | * the chunk graph
10171 | */
10172 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
10173 | /**
10174 | * the request that should be printed as comment
10175 | */
10176 | request: string;
10177 | /**
10178 | * if the dependency is weak (will create a nice error message)
10179 | */
10180 | weak?: boolean;
10181 | /**
10182 | * if set, will be filled with runtime requirements
10183 | */
10184 | runtimeRequirements: Set<string>;
10185 | }): string;
10186 | moduleNamespace(__0: {
10187 | |
10188 |
10189 |
10190 | module: Module;
10191 | /**
10192 | * the chunk graph
10193 | */
10194 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
10195 | /**
10196 | * the request that should be printed as comment
10197 | */
10198 | request: string;
10199 | /**
10200 | * if the current module is in strict esm mode
10201 | */
10202 | strict?: boolean;
10203 | /**
10204 | * if the dependency is weak (will create a nice error message)
10205 | */
10206 | weak?: boolean;
10207 | /**
10208 | * if set, will be filled with runtime requirements
10209 | */
10210 | runtimeRequirements: Set<string>;
10211 | }): string;
10212 | moduleNamespacePromise(__0: {
10213 | |
10214 |
10215 |
10216 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
10217 | |
10218 |
10219 |
10220 | block?: AsyncDependenciesBlock;
10221 | |
10222 |
10223 |
10224 | module: Module;
10225 | /**
10226 | * the request that should be printed as comment
10227 | */
10228 | request: string;
10229 | /**
10230 | * a message for the comment
10231 | */
10232 | message: string;
10233 | /**
10234 | * if the current module is in strict esm mode
10235 | */
10236 | strict?: boolean;
10237 | /**
10238 | * if the dependency is weak (will create a nice error message)
10239 | */
10240 | weak?: boolean;
10241 | /**
10242 | * if set, will be filled with runtime requirements
10243 | */
10244 | runtimeRequirements: Set<string>;
10245 | }): string;
10246 | runtimeConditionExpression(__0: {
10247 | |
10248 |
10249 |
10250 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
10251 | |
10252 |
10253 |
10254 | runtime?: RuntimeSpec;
10255 | |
10256 |
10257 |
10258 | runtimeCondition?: string | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
10259 | |
10260 |
10261 |
10262 | runtimeRequirements: Set<string>;
10263 | }): string;
10264 | importStatement(__0: {
10265 | |
10266 |
10267 |
10268 | update?: boolean;
10269 | |
10270 |
10271 |
10272 | module: Module;
10273 | /**
10274 | * the chunk graph
10275 | */
10276 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
10277 | /**
10278 | * the request that should be printed as comment
10279 | */
10280 | request: string;
10281 | /**
10282 | * name of the import variable
10283 | */
10284 | importVar: string;
10285 | /**
10286 | * module in which the statement is emitted
10287 | */
10288 | originModule: Module;
10289 | /**
10290 | * true, if this is a weak dependency
10291 | */
10292 | weak?: boolean;
10293 | /**
10294 | * if set, will be filled with runtime requirements
10295 | */
10296 | runtimeRequirements: Set<string>;
10297 | }): [string, string];
10298 | exportFromImport(__0: {
10299 | |
10300 |
10301 |
10302 | moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;
10303 | |
10304 |
10305 |
10306 | module: Module;
10307 | /**
10308 | * the request
10309 | */
10310 | request: string;
10311 | /**
10312 | * the export name
10313 | */
10314 | exportName: string | string[];
10315 | /**
10316 | * the origin module
10317 | */
10318 | originModule: Module;
10319 | /**
10320 | * true, if location is safe for ASI, a bracket can be emitted
10321 | */
10322 | asiSafe?: boolean;
10323 | /**
10324 | * true, if expression will be called
10325 | */
10326 | isCall: boolean;
10327 | /**
10328 | * when false, call context will not be preserved
10329 | */
10330 | callContext: boolean;
10331 | /**
10332 | * when true and accessing the default exports, interop code will be generated
10333 | */
10334 | defaultInterop: boolean;
10335 | /**
10336 | * the identifier name of the import variable
10337 | */
10338 | importVar: string;
10339 | /**
10340 | * init fragments will be added here
10341 | */
10342 | initFragments: InitFragment<any>[];
10343 | /**
10344 | * runtime for which this code will be generated
10345 | */
10346 | runtime: RuntimeSpec;
10347 | /**
10348 | * if set, will be filled with runtime requirements
10349 | */
10350 | runtimeRequirements: Set<string>;
10351 | }): string;
10352 | blockPromise(__0: {
10353 | |
10354 |
10355 |
10356 | block: AsyncDependenciesBlock;
10357 | |
10358 |
10359 |
10360 | message: string;
10361 | |
10362 |
10363 |
10364 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
10365 | |
10366 |
10367 |
10368 | runtimeRequirements: Set<string>;
10369 | }): string;
10370 | asyncModuleFactory(__0: {
10371 | |
10372 |
10373 |
10374 | block: AsyncDependenciesBlock;
10375 | |
10376 |
10377 |
10378 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
10379 | |
10380 |
10381 |
10382 | runtimeRequirements: Set<string>;
10383 | |
10384 |
10385 |
10386 | request?: string;
10387 | }): string;
10388 | syncModuleFactory(__0: {
10389 | |
10390 |
10391 |
10392 | dependency: Dependency;
10393 | |
10394 |
10395 |
10396 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
10397 | |
10398 |
10399 |
10400 | runtimeRequirements: Set<string>;
10401 | |
10402 |
10403 |
10404 | request?: string;
10405 | }): string;
10406 | defineEsModuleFlagStatement(__0: {
10407 | |
10408 |
10409 |
10410 | exportsArgument: string;
10411 | |
10412 |
10413 |
10414 | runtimeRequirements: Set<string>;
10415 | }): string;
10416 | }
10417 | declare abstract class RuntimeValue {
10418 | fn: (arg0: {
10419 | module: NormalModule;
10420 | key: string;
10421 | readonly version?: string;
10422 | }) => CodeValuePrimitive;
10423 | options: true | RuntimeValueOptions;
10424 | readonly fileDependencies?: true | string[];
10425 | exec(
10426 | parser: JavascriptParser,
10427 | valueCacheVersions: Map<string, string | Set<string>>,
10428 | key: string
10429 | ): CodeValuePrimitive;
10430 | getCacheVersion(): undefined | string;
10431 | }
10432 | declare interface RuntimeValueOptions {
10433 | fileDependencies?: string[];
10434 | contextDependencies?: string[];
10435 | missingDependencies?: string[];
10436 | buildDependencies?: string[];
10437 | version?: string | (() => string);
10438 | }
10439 | declare interface ScopeInfo {
10440 | definitions: StackedMap<string, ScopeInfo | VariableInfo>;
10441 | topLevelScope: boolean | "arrow";
10442 | inShorthand: boolean;
10443 | isStrict: boolean;
10444 | isAsmJs: boolean;
10445 | inTry: boolean;
10446 | }
10447 | declare interface Selector<A, B> {
10448 | (input: A): B;
10449 | }
10450 | declare abstract class Serializer {
10451 | serializeMiddlewares: any;
10452 | deserializeMiddlewares: any;
10453 | context: any;
10454 | serialize(obj?: any, context?: any): any;
10455 | deserialize(value?: any, context?: any): any;
10456 | }
10457 | type ServerOptionsHttps = SecureContextOptions &
10458 | TlsOptions &
10459 | ServerOptionsImport;
10460 | declare class SharePlugin {
10461 | constructor(options: SharePluginOptions);
10462 |
10463 | /**
10464 | * Apply the plugin
10465 | */
10466 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
10467 | }
10468 |
10469 | /**
10470 | * Options for shared modules.
10471 | */
10472 | declare interface SharePluginOptions {
10473 | /**
10474 | * Share scope name used for all shared modules (defaults to 'default').
10475 | */
10476 | shareScope?: string;
10477 |
10478 | /**
10479 | * Modules that should be shared in the share scope. When provided, property names are used to match requested modules in this compilation.
10480 | */
10481 | shared: Shared;
10482 | }
10483 | type Shared = (string | SharedObject)[] | SharedObject;
10484 |
10485 | /**
10486 | * Advanced configuration for modules that should be shared in the share scope.
10487 | */
10488 | declare interface SharedConfig {
10489 | /**
10490 | * Include the provided and fallback module directly instead behind an async request. This allows to use this shared module in initial load too. All possible shared modules need to be eager too.
10491 | */
10492 | eager?: boolean;
10493 |
10494 | /**
10495 | * Provided module that should be provided to share scope. Also acts as fallback module if no shared module is found in share scope or version isn't valid. Defaults to the property name.
10496 | */
10497 | import?: string | false;
10498 |
10499 | /**
10500 | * Package name to determine required version from description file. This is only needed when package name can't be automatically determined from request.
10501 | */
10502 | packageName?: string;
10503 |
10504 | /**
10505 | * Version requirement from module in share scope.
10506 | */
10507 | requiredVersion?: string | false;
10508 |
10509 | /**
10510 | * Module is looked up under this key from the share scope.
10511 | */
10512 | shareKey?: string;
10513 |
10514 | /**
10515 | * Share scope name.
10516 | */
10517 | shareScope?: string;
10518 |
10519 | /**
10520 | * Allow only a single version of the shared module in share scope (disabled by default).
10521 | */
10522 | singleton?: boolean;
10523 |
10524 | /**
10525 | * Do not accept shared module if version is not valid (defaults to yes, if local fallback module is available and shared module is not a singleton, otherwise no, has no effect if there is no required version specified).
10526 | */
10527 | strictVersion?: boolean;
10528 |
10529 | /**
10530 | * Version of the provided module. Will replace lower matching versions, but not higher.
10531 | */
10532 | version?: string | false;
10533 | }
10534 |
10535 | /**
10536 | * Modules that should be shared in the share scope. Property names are used to match requested modules in this compilation. Relative requests are resolved, module requests are matched unresolved, absolute paths will match resolved requests. A trailing slash will match all requests with this prefix. In this case shareKey must also have a trailing slash.
10537 | */
10538 | declare interface SharedObject {
10539 | [index: string]: string | SharedConfig;
10540 | }
10541 | declare class SideEffectsFlagPlugin {
10542 | constructor(analyseSource?: boolean);
10543 |
10544 | /**
10545 | * Apply the plugin
10546 | */
10547 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
10548 | static moduleHasSideEffects(
10549 | moduleName?: any,
10550 | flagValue?: any,
10551 | cache?: any
10552 | ): any;
10553 | }
10554 | declare class SizeOnlySource extends Source {
10555 | constructor(size: number);
10556 | }
10557 | declare abstract class Snapshot {
10558 | startTime?: number;
10559 | fileTimestamps?: Map<string, null | FileSystemInfoEntry>;
10560 | fileHashes?: Map<string, null | string>;
10561 | fileTshs?: Map<string, null | string | TimestampAndHash>;
10562 | contextTimestamps?: Map<string, null | ResolvedContextFileSystemInfoEntry>;
10563 | contextHashes?: Map<string, null | string>;
10564 | contextTshs?: Map<string, null | ResolvedContextTimestampAndHash>;
10565 | missingExistence?: Map<string, boolean>;
10566 | managedItemInfo?: Map<string, string>;
10567 | managedFiles?: Set<string>;
10568 | managedContexts?: Set<string>;
10569 | managedMissing?: Set<string>;
10570 | children?: Set<Snapshot>;
10571 | hasStartTime(): boolean;
10572 | setStartTime(value?: any): void;
10573 | setMergedStartTime(value?: any, snapshot?: any): void;
10574 | hasFileTimestamps(): boolean;
10575 | setFileTimestamps(value?: any): void;
10576 | hasFileHashes(): boolean;
10577 | setFileHashes(value?: any): void;
10578 | hasFileTshs(): boolean;
10579 | setFileTshs(value?: any): void;
10580 | hasContextTimestamps(): boolean;
10581 | setContextTimestamps(value?: any): void;
10582 | hasContextHashes(): boolean;
10583 | setContextHashes(value?: any): void;
10584 | hasContextTshs(): boolean;
10585 | setContextTshs(value?: any): void;
10586 | hasMissingExistence(): boolean;
10587 | setMissingExistence(value?: any): void;
10588 | hasManagedItemInfo(): boolean;
10589 | setManagedItemInfo(value?: any): void;
10590 | hasManagedFiles(): boolean;
10591 | setManagedFiles(value?: any): void;
10592 | hasManagedContexts(): boolean;
10593 | setManagedContexts(value?: any): void;
10594 | hasManagedMissing(): boolean;
10595 | setManagedMissing(value?: any): void;
10596 | hasChildren(): boolean;
10597 | setChildren(value?: any): void;
10598 | addChild(child?: any): void;
10599 | serialize(__0: { write: any }): void;
10600 | deserialize(__0: { read: any }): void;
10601 | getFileIterable(): Iterable<string>;
10602 | getContextIterable(): Iterable<string>;
10603 | getMissingIterable(): Iterable<string>;
10604 | }
10605 |
10606 | /**
10607 | * Options affecting how file system snapshots are created and validated.
10608 | */
10609 | declare interface SnapshotOptions {
10610 | /**
10611 | * Options for snapshotting build dependencies to determine if the whole cache need to be invalidated.
10612 | */
10613 | buildDependencies?: {
10614 | /**
10615 | * Use hashes of the content of the files/directories to determine invalidation.
10616 | */
10617 | hash?: boolean;
10618 | /**
10619 | * Use timestamps of the files/directories to determine invalidation.
10620 | */
10621 | timestamp?: boolean;
10622 | };
10623 |
10624 | /**
10625 | * List of paths that are managed by a package manager and contain a version or hash in its path so all files are immutable.
10626 | */
10627 | immutablePaths?: (string | RegExp)[];
10628 |
10629 | /**
10630 | * List of paths that are managed by a package manager and can be trusted to not be modified otherwise.
10631 | */
10632 | managedPaths?: (string | RegExp)[];
10633 |
10634 | /**
10635 | * Options for snapshotting dependencies of modules to determine if they need to be built again.
10636 | */
10637 | module?: {
10638 | /**
10639 | * Use hashes of the content of the files/directories to determine invalidation.
10640 | */
10641 | hash?: boolean;
10642 | /**
10643 | * Use timestamps of the files/directories to determine invalidation.
10644 | */
10645 | timestamp?: boolean;
10646 | };
10647 |
10648 | /**
10649 | * Options for snapshotting dependencies of request resolving to determine if requests need to be re-resolved.
10650 | */
10651 | resolve?: {
10652 | /**
10653 | * Use hashes of the content of the files/directories to determine invalidation.
10654 | */
10655 | hash?: boolean;
10656 | /**
10657 | * Use timestamps of the files/directories to determine invalidation.
10658 | */
10659 | timestamp?: boolean;
10660 | };
10661 |
10662 | /**
10663 | * Options for snapshotting the resolving of build dependencies to determine if the build dependencies need to be re-resolved.
10664 | */
10665 | resolveBuildDependencies?: {
10666 | /**
10667 | * Use hashes of the content of the files/directories to determine invalidation.
10668 | */
10669 | hash?: boolean;
10670 | /**
10671 | * Use timestamps of the files/directories to determine invalidation.
10672 | */
10673 | timestamp?: boolean;
10674 | };
10675 | }
10676 | declare abstract class SortableSet<T> extends Set<T> {
10677 | /**
10678 | * Sort with a comparer function
10679 | */
10680 | sortWith(sortFn: (arg0: T, arg1: T) => number): void;
10681 | sort(): SortableSet<T>;
10682 |
10683 | /**
10684 | * Get data from cache
10685 | */
10686 | getFromCache<R>(fn: (arg0: SortableSet<T>) => R): R;
10687 |
10688 | /**
10689 | * Get data from cache (ignoring sorting)
10690 | */
10691 | getFromUnorderedCache<R>(fn: (arg0: SortableSet<T>) => R): R;
10692 | toJSON(): T[];
10693 |
10694 | /**
10695 | * Iterates over values in the set.
10696 | */
10697 | [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<T>;
10698 | readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: string;
10699 | }
10700 | declare class Source {
10701 | constructor();
10702 | size(): number;
10703 | map(options?: MapOptions): Object;
10704 | sourceAndMap(options?: MapOptions): { source: string | Buffer; map: Object };
10705 | updateHash(hash: Hash): void;
10706 | source(): string | Buffer;
10707 | buffer(): Buffer;
10708 | }
10709 | declare interface SourceLike {
10710 | source(): string | Buffer;
10711 | }
10712 | declare interface SourceMap {
10713 | version: number;
10714 | sources: string[];
10715 | mappings: string;
10716 | file?: string;
10717 | sourceRoot?: string;
10718 | sourcesContent?: string[];
10719 | names?: string[];
10720 | }
10721 | declare class SourceMapDevToolPlugin {
10722 | constructor(options?: SourceMapDevToolPluginOptions);
10723 | sourceMapFilename: string | false;
10724 | sourceMappingURLComment: string | false;
10725 | moduleFilenameTemplate: string | Function;
10726 | fallbackModuleFilenameTemplate: string | Function;
10727 | namespace: string;
10728 | options: SourceMapDevToolPluginOptions;
10729 |
10730 | /**
10731 | * Apply the plugin
10732 | */
10733 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
10734 | }
10735 | declare interface SourceMapDevToolPluginOptions {
10736 | /**
10737 | * Appends the given value to the original asset. Usually the #sourceMappingURL comment. [url] is replaced with a URL to the source map file. false disables the appending.
10738 | */
10739 | append?: null | string | false;
10740 |
10741 | /**
10742 | * Indicates whether column mappings should be used (defaults to true).
10743 | */
10744 | columns?: boolean;
10745 |
10746 | /**
10747 | * Exclude modules that match the given value from source map generation.
10748 | */
10749 | exclude?: string | RegExp | Rule[];
10750 |
10751 | /**
10752 | * Generator string or function to create identifiers of modules for the 'sources' array in the SourceMap used only if 'moduleFilenameTemplate' would result in a conflict.
10753 | */
10754 | fallbackModuleFilenameTemplate?: string | Function;
10755 |
10756 | /**
10757 | * Path prefix to which the [file] placeholder is relative to.
10758 | */
10759 | fileContext?: string;
10760 |
10761 | /**
10762 | * Defines the output filename of the SourceMap (will be inlined if no value is provided).
10763 | */
10764 | filename?: null | string | false;
10765 |
10766 | /**
10767 | * Include source maps for module paths that match the given value.
10768 | */
10769 | include?: string | RegExp | Rule[];
10770 |
10771 | /**
10772 | * Indicates whether SourceMaps from loaders should be used (defaults to true).
10773 | */
10774 | module?: boolean;
10775 |
10776 | /**
10777 | * Generator string or function to create identifiers of modules for the 'sources' array in the SourceMap.
10778 | */
10779 | moduleFilenameTemplate?: string | Function;
10780 |
10781 | /**
10782 | * Namespace prefix to allow multiple webpack roots in the devtools.
10783 | */
10784 | namespace?: string;
10785 |
10786 | /**
10787 | * Omit the 'sourceContents' array from the SourceMap.
10788 | */
10789 | noSources?: boolean;
10790 |
10791 | /**
10792 | * Provide a custom public path for the SourceMapping comment.
10793 | */
10794 | publicPath?: string;
10795 |
10796 | /**
10797 | * Provide a custom value for the 'sourceRoot' property in the SourceMap.
10798 | */
10799 | sourceRoot?: string;
10800 |
10801 | /**
10802 | * Include source maps for modules based on their extension (defaults to .js and .css).
10803 | */
10804 | test?: string | RegExp | Rule[];
10805 | }
10806 | declare class SourceMapSource extends Source {
10807 | constructor(
10808 | source: string | Buffer,
10809 | name: string,
10810 | sourceMap: string | Object | Buffer,
10811 | originalSource?: string | Buffer,
10812 | innerSourceMap?: string | Object | Buffer,
10813 | removeOriginalSource?: boolean
10814 | );
10815 | getArgsAsBuffers(): [
10816 | Buffer,
10817 | string,
10818 | Buffer,
10819 | undefined | Buffer,
10820 | undefined | Buffer,
10821 | boolean
10822 | ];
10823 | }
10824 | declare interface SourcePosition {
10825 | line: number;
10826 | column?: number;
10827 | }
10828 | declare interface SplitChunksOptions {
10829 | chunksFilter: (chunk: Chunk) => boolean;
10830 | defaultSizeTypes: string[];
10831 | minSize: SplitChunksSizes;
10832 | minSizeReduction: SplitChunksSizes;
10833 | minRemainingSize: SplitChunksSizes;
10834 | enforceSizeThreshold: SplitChunksSizes;
10835 | maxInitialSize: SplitChunksSizes;
10836 | maxAsyncSize: SplitChunksSizes;
10837 | minChunks: number;
10838 | maxAsyncRequests: number;
10839 | maxInitialRequests: number;
10840 | hidePathInfo: boolean;
10841 | filename: string | ((arg0: PathData, arg1?: AssetInfo) => string);
10842 | automaticNameDelimiter: string;
10843 | getCacheGroups: (
10844 | module: Module,
10845 | context: CacheGroupsContext
10846 | ) => CacheGroupSource[];
10847 | getName: (
10848 | module?: Module,
10849 | chunks?: Chunk[],
10850 | key?: string
10851 | ) => undefined | string;
10852 | usedExports: boolean;
10853 | fallbackCacheGroup: FallbackCacheGroup;
10854 | }
10855 | declare class SplitChunksPlugin {
10856 | constructor(options?: OptimizationSplitChunksOptions);
10857 | options: SplitChunksOptions;
10858 |
10859 | /**
10860 | * Apply the plugin
10861 | */
10862 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
10863 | }
10864 | declare interface SplitChunksSizes {
10865 | [index: string]: number;
10866 | }
10867 | declare abstract class StackedMap<K, V> {
10868 | map: Map<K, InternalCell<V>>;
10869 | stack: Map<K, InternalCell<V>>[];
10870 | set(item: K, value: V): void;
10871 | delete(item: K): void;
10872 | has(item: K): boolean;
10873 | get(item: K): Cell<V>;
10874 | asArray(): K[];
10875 | asSet(): Set<K>;
10876 | asPairArray(): [K, Cell<V>][];
10877 | asMap(): Map<K, Cell<V>>;
10878 | readonly size: number;
10879 | createChild(): StackedMap<K, V>;
10880 | }
10881 | type StartupRenderContext = RenderContext & { inlined: boolean };
10882 | type Statement =
10883 | | FunctionDeclaration
10884 | | VariableDeclaration
10885 | | ClassDeclaration
10886 | | ExpressionStatement
10887 | | BlockStatement
10888 | | EmptyStatement
10889 | | DebuggerStatement
10890 | | WithStatement
10891 | | ReturnStatement
10892 | | LabeledStatement
10893 | | BreakStatement
10894 | | ContinueStatement
10895 | | IfStatement
10896 | | SwitchStatement
10897 | | ThrowStatement
10898 | | TryStatement
10899 | | WhileStatement
10900 | | DoWhileStatement
10901 | | ForStatement
10902 | | ForInStatement
10903 | | ForOfStatement;
10904 | declare class Stats {
10905 | constructor(compilation: Compilation);
10906 | compilation: Compilation;
10907 | readonly hash?: string;
10908 | readonly startTime: any;
10909 | readonly endTime: any;
10910 | hasWarnings(): boolean;
10911 | hasErrors(): boolean;
10912 | toJson(options?: string | StatsOptions): StatsCompilation;
10913 | toString(options?: any): string;
10914 | }
10915 | type StatsAsset = KnownStatsAsset & Record<string, any>;
10916 | type StatsChunk = KnownStatsChunk & Record<string, any>;
10917 | type StatsChunkGroup = KnownStatsChunkGroup & Record<string, any>;
10918 | type StatsChunkOrigin = KnownStatsChunkOrigin & Record<string, any>;
10919 | type StatsCompilation = KnownStatsCompilation & Record<string, any>;
10920 | type StatsError = KnownStatsError & Record<string, any>;
10921 | declare abstract class StatsFactory {
10922 | hooks: Readonly<{
10923 | extract: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Object, any, StatsFactoryContext], any>>;
10924 | filter: HookMap<
10925 | SyncBailHook<[any, StatsFactoryContext, number, number], any>
10926 | >;
10927 | sort: HookMap<
10928 | SyncBailHook<
10929 | [((arg0?: any, arg1?: any) => number)[], StatsFactoryContext],
10930 | any
10931 | >
10932 | >;
10933 | filterSorted: HookMap<
10934 | SyncBailHook<[any, StatsFactoryContext, number, number], any>
10935 | >;
10936 | groupResults: HookMap<
10937 | SyncBailHook<[GroupConfig[], StatsFactoryContext], any>
10938 | >;
10939 | sortResults: HookMap<
10940 | SyncBailHook<
10941 | [((arg0?: any, arg1?: any) => number)[], StatsFactoryContext],
10942 | any
10943 | >
10944 | >;
10945 | filterResults: HookMap<
10946 | SyncBailHook<[any, StatsFactoryContext, number, number], any>
10947 | >;
10948 | merge: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[any[], StatsFactoryContext], any>>;
10949 | result: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[any[], StatsFactoryContext], any>>;
10950 | getItemName: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[any, StatsFactoryContext], any>>;
10951 | getItemFactory: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[any, StatsFactoryContext], any>>;
10952 | }>;
10953 | create(
10954 | type: string,
10955 | data: any,
10956 | baseContext: Omit<StatsFactoryContext, "type">
10957 | ): any;
10958 | }
10959 | type StatsFactoryContext = KnownStatsFactoryContext & Record<string, any>;
10960 | type StatsLogging = KnownStatsLogging & Record<string, any>;
10961 | type StatsLoggingEntry = KnownStatsLoggingEntry & Record<string, any>;
10962 | type StatsModule = KnownStatsModule & Record<string, any>;
10963 | type StatsModuleIssuer = KnownStatsModuleIssuer & Record<string, any>;
10964 | type StatsModuleReason = KnownStatsModuleReason & Record<string, any>;
10965 | type StatsModuleTraceDependency = KnownStatsModuleTraceDependency &
10966 | Record<string, any>;
10967 | type StatsModuleTraceItem = KnownStatsModuleTraceItem & Record<string, any>;
10968 |
10969 | /**
10970 | * Stats options object.
10971 | */
10972 | declare interface StatsOptions {
10973 | /**
10974 | * Fallback value for stats options when an option is not defined (has precedence over local webpack defaults).
10975 | */
10976 | all?: boolean;
10977 |
10978 | /**
10979 | * Add assets information.
10980 | */
10981 | assets?: boolean;
10982 |
10983 | /**
10984 | * Sort the assets by that field.
10985 | */
10986 | assetsSort?: string;
10987 |
10988 | /**
10989 | * Space to display assets (groups will be collapsed to fit this space).
10990 | */
10991 | assetsSpace?: number;
10992 |
10993 | /**
10994 | * Add built at time information.
10995 | */
10996 | builtAt?: boolean;
10997 |
10998 | /**
10999 | * Add information about cached (not built) modules (deprecated: use 'cachedModules' instead).
11000 | */
11001 | cached?: boolean;
11002 |
11003 | /**
11004 | * Show cached assets (setting this to `false` only shows emitted files).
11005 | */
11006 | cachedAssets?: boolean;
11007 |
11008 | /**
11009 | * Add information about cached (not built) modules.
11010 | */
11011 | cachedModules?: boolean;
11012 |
11013 | /**
11014 | * Add children information.
11015 | */
11016 | children?: boolean;
11017 |
11018 | /**
11019 | * Display auxiliary assets in chunk groups.
11020 | */
11021 | chunkGroupAuxiliary?: boolean;
11022 |
11023 | /**
11024 | * Display children of chunk groups.
11025 | */
11026 | chunkGroupChildren?: boolean;
11027 |
11028 | /**
11029 | * Limit of assets displayed in chunk groups.
11030 | */
11031 | chunkGroupMaxAssets?: number;
11032 |
11033 | /**
11034 | * Display all chunk groups with the corresponding bundles.
11035 | */
11036 | chunkGroups?: boolean;
11037 |
11038 | /**
11039 | * Add built modules information to chunk information.
11040 | */
11041 | chunkModules?: boolean;
11042 |
11043 | /**
11044 | * Space to display chunk modules (groups will be collapsed to fit this space, value is in number of modules/group).
11045 | */
11046 | chunkModulesSpace?: number;
11047 |
11048 | /**
11049 | * Add the origins of chunks and chunk merging info.
11050 | */
11051 | chunkOrigins?: boolean;
11052 |
11053 | /**
11054 | * Add information about parent, children and sibling chunks to chunk information.
11055 | */
11056 | chunkRelations?: boolean;
11057 |
11058 | /**
11059 | * Add chunk information.
11060 | */
11061 | chunks?: boolean;
11062 |
11063 | /**
11064 | * Sort the chunks by that field.
11065 | */
11066 | chunksSort?: string;
11067 |
11068 | /**
11069 | * Enables/Disables colorful output.
11070 | */
11071 | colors?:
11072 | | boolean
11073 | | {
11074 | /**
11075 | * Custom color for bold text.
11076 | */
11077 | bold?: string;
11078 | /**
11079 | * Custom color for cyan text.
11080 | */
11081 | cyan?: string;
11082 | /**
11083 | * Custom color for green text.
11084 | */
11085 | green?: string;
11086 | /**
11087 | * Custom color for magenta text.
11088 | */
11089 | magenta?: string;
11090 | /**
11091 | * Custom color for red text.
11092 | */
11093 | red?: string;
11094 | /**
11095 | * Custom color for yellow text.
11096 | */
11097 | yellow?: string;
11098 | };
11099 |
11100 | /**
11101 | * Context directory for request shortening.
11102 | */
11103 | context?: string;
11104 |
11105 | /**
11106 | * Show chunk modules that are dependencies of other modules of the chunk.
11107 | */
11108 | dependentModules?: boolean;
11109 |
11110 | /**
11111 | * Add module depth in module graph.
11112 | */
11113 | depth?: boolean;
11114 |
11115 | /**
11116 | * Display the entry points with the corresponding bundles.
11117 | */
11118 | entrypoints?: boolean | "auto";
11119 |
11120 | /**
11121 | * Add --env information.
11122 | */
11123 | env?: boolean;
11124 |
11125 | /**
11126 | * Add details to errors (like resolving log).
11127 | */
11128 | errorDetails?: boolean | "auto";
11129 |
11130 | /**
11131 | * Add internal stack trace to errors.
11132 | */
11133 | errorStack?: boolean;
11134 |
11135 | /**
11136 | * Add errors.
11137 | */
11138 | errors?: boolean;
11139 |
11140 | /**
11141 | * Add errors count.
11142 | */
11143 | errorsCount?: boolean;
11144 |
11145 | /**
11146 | * Please use excludeModules instead.
11147 | */
11148 | exclude?:
11149 | | string
11150 | | boolean
11151 | | RegExp
11152 | | ModuleFilterItemTypes[]
11153 | | ((
11154 | name: string,
11155 | module: StatsModule,
11156 | type: "module" | "chunk" | "root-of-chunk" | "nested"
11157 | ) => boolean);
11158 |
11159 | /**
11160 | * Suppress assets that match the specified filters. Filters can be Strings, RegExps or Functions.
11161 | */
11162 | excludeAssets?:
11163 | | string
11164 | | RegExp
11165 | | AssetFilterItemTypes[]
11166 | | ((name: string, asset: StatsAsset) => boolean);
11167 |
11168 | /**
11169 | * Suppress modules that match the specified filters. Filters can be Strings, RegExps, Booleans or Functions.
11170 | */
11171 | excludeModules?:
11172 | | string
11173 | | boolean
11174 | | RegExp
11175 | | ModuleFilterItemTypes[]
11176 | | ((
11177 | name: string,
11178 | module: StatsModule,
11179 | type: "module" | "chunk" | "root-of-chunk" | "nested"
11180 | ) => boolean);
11181 |
11182 | /**
11183 | * Group assets by how their are related to chunks.
11184 | */
11185 | groupAssetsByChunk?: boolean;
11186 |
11187 | /**
11188 | * Group assets by their status (emitted, compared for emit or cached).
11189 | */
11190 | groupAssetsByEmitStatus?: boolean;
11191 |
11192 | /**
11193 | * Group assets by their extension.
11194 | */
11195 | groupAssetsByExtension?: boolean;
11196 |
11197 | /**
11198 | * Group assets by their asset info (immutable, development, hotModuleReplacement, etc).
11199 | */
11200 | groupAssetsByInfo?: boolean;
11201 |
11202 | /**
11203 | * Group assets by their path.
11204 | */
11205 | groupAssetsByPath?: boolean;
11206 |
11207 | /**
11208 | * Group modules by their attributes (errors, warnings, assets, optional, orphan, or dependent).
11209 | */
11210 | groupModulesByAttributes?: boolean;
11211 |
11212 | /**
11213 | * Group modules by their status (cached or built and cacheable).
11214 | */
11215 | groupModulesByCacheStatus?: boolean;
11216 |
11217 | /**
11218 | * Group modules by their extension.
11219 | */
11220 | groupModulesByExtension?: boolean;
11221 |
11222 | /**
11223 | * Group modules by their layer.
11224 | */
11225 | groupModulesByLayer?: boolean;
11226 |
11227 | /**
11228 | * Group modules by their path.
11229 | */
11230 | groupModulesByPath?: boolean;
11231 |
11232 | /**
11233 | * Group modules by their type.
11234 | */
11235 | groupModulesByType?: boolean;
11236 |
11237 | /**
11238 | * Group reasons by their origin module.
11239 | */
11240 | groupReasonsByOrigin?: boolean;
11241 |
11242 | /**
11243 | * Add the hash of the compilation.
11244 | */
11245 | hash?: boolean;
11246 |
11247 | /**
11248 | * Add ids.
11249 | */
11250 | ids?: boolean;
11251 |
11252 | /**
11253 | * Add logging output.
11254 | */
11255 | logging?: boolean | "none" | "error" | "warn" | "info" | "log" | "verbose";
11256 |
11257 | /**
11258 | * Include debug logging of specified loggers (i. e. for plugins or loaders). Filters can be Strings, RegExps or Functions.
11259 | */
11260 | loggingDebug?:
11261 | | string
11262 | | boolean
11263 | | RegExp
11264 | | FilterItemTypes[]
11265 | | ((value: string) => boolean);
11266 |
11267 | /**
11268 | * Add stack traces to logging output.
11269 | */
11270 | loggingTrace?: boolean;
11271 |
11272 | /**
11273 | * Add information about assets inside modules.
11274 | */
11275 | moduleAssets?: boolean;
11276 |
11277 | /**
11278 | * Add dependencies and origin of warnings/errors.
11279 | */
11280 | moduleTrace?: boolean;
11281 |
11282 | /**
11283 | * Add built modules information.
11284 | */
11285 | modules?: boolean;
11286 |
11287 | /**
11288 | * Sort the modules by that field.
11289 | */
11290 | modulesSort?: string;
11291 |
11292 | /**
11293 | * Space to display modules (groups will be collapsed to fit this space, value is in number of modules/groups).
11294 | */
11295 | modulesSpace?: number;
11296 |
11297 | /**
11298 | * Add information about modules nested in other modules (like with module concatenation).
11299 | */
11300 | nestedModules?: boolean;
11301 |
11302 | /**
11303 | * Space to display modules nested within other modules (groups will be collapsed to fit this space, value is in number of modules/group).
11304 | */
11305 | nestedModulesSpace?: number;
11306 |
11307 | /**
11308 | * Show reasons why optimization bailed out for modules.
11309 | */
11310 | optimizationBailout?: boolean;
11311 |
11312 | /**
11313 | * Add information about orphan modules.
11314 | */
11315 | orphanModules?: boolean;
11316 |
11317 | /**
11318 | * Add output path information.
11319 | */
11320 | outputPath?: boolean;
11321 |
11322 | /**
11323 | * Add performance hint flags.
11324 | */
11325 | performance?: boolean;
11326 |
11327 | /**
11328 | * Preset for the default values.
11329 | */
11330 | preset?: string | boolean;
11331 |
11332 | /**
11333 | * Show exports provided by modules.
11334 | */
11335 | providedExports?: boolean;
11336 |
11337 | /**
11338 | * Add public path information.
11339 | */
11340 | publicPath?: boolean;
11341 |
11342 | /**
11343 | * Add information about the reasons why modules are included.
11344 | */
11345 | reasons?: boolean;
11346 |
11347 | /**
11348 | * Space to display reasons (groups will be collapsed to fit this space).
11349 | */
11350 | reasonsSpace?: number;
11351 |
11352 | /**
11353 | * Add information about assets that are related to other assets (like SourceMaps for assets).
11354 | */
11355 | relatedAssets?: boolean;
11356 |
11357 | /**
11358 | * Add information about runtime modules (deprecated: use 'runtimeModules' instead).
11359 | */
11360 | runtime?: boolean;
11361 |
11362 | /**
11363 | * Add information about runtime modules.
11364 | */
11365 | runtimeModules?: boolean;
11366 |
11367 | /**
11368 | * Add the source code of modules.
11369 | */
11370 | source?: boolean;
11371 |
11372 | /**
11373 | * Add timing information.
11374 | */
11375 | timings?: boolean;
11376 |
11377 | /**
11378 | * Show exports used by modules.
11379 | */
11380 | usedExports?: boolean;
11381 |
11382 | /**
11383 | * Add webpack version information.
11384 | */
11385 | version?: boolean;
11386 |
11387 | /**
11388 | * Add warnings.
11389 | */
11390 | warnings?: boolean;
11391 |
11392 | /**
11393 | * Add warnings count.
11394 | */
11395 | warningsCount?: boolean;
11396 |
11397 | /**
11398 | * Suppress listing warnings that match the specified filters (they will still be counted). Filters can be Strings, RegExps or Functions.
11399 | */
11400 | warningsFilter?:
11401 | | string
11402 | | RegExp
11403 | | WarningFilterItemTypes[]
11404 | | ((warning: StatsError, value: string) => boolean);
11405 | }
11406 | declare abstract class StatsPrinter {
11407 | hooks: Readonly<{
11408 | sortElements: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[string[], StatsPrinterContext], true>>;
11409 | printElements: HookMap<
11410 | SyncBailHook<[PrintedElement[], StatsPrinterContext], string>
11411 | >;
11412 | sortItems: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[any[], StatsPrinterContext], true>>;
11413 | getItemName: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[any, StatsPrinterContext], string>>;
11414 | printItems: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[string[], StatsPrinterContext], string>>;
11415 | print: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[{}, StatsPrinterContext], string>>;
11416 | result: HookMap<SyncWaterfallHook<[string, StatsPrinterContext]>>;
11417 | }>;
11418 | print(type: string, object: Object, baseContext?: Object): string;
11419 | }
11420 | type StatsPrinterContext = KnownStatsPrinterContext & Record<string, any>;
11421 | type StatsProfile = KnownStatsProfile & Record<string, any>;
11422 | type StatsValue =
11423 | | boolean
11424 | | StatsOptions
11425 | | "none"
11426 | | "verbose"
11427 | | "summary"
11428 | | "errors-only"
11429 | | "errors-warnings"
11430 | | "minimal"
11431 | | "normal"
11432 | | "detailed";
11433 | declare interface SyntheticDependencyLocation {
11434 | name: string;
11435 | index?: number;
11436 | }
11437 | declare const TOMBSTONE: unique symbol;
11438 | declare const TRANSITIVE: unique symbol;
11439 | declare const TRANSITIVE_ONLY: unique symbol;
11440 | declare interface TagInfo {
11441 | tag: any;
11442 | data: any;
11443 | next?: TagInfo;
11444 | }
11445 | declare class Template {
11446 | constructor();
11447 | static getFunctionContent(fn: Function): string;
11448 | static toIdentifier(str: string): string;
11449 | static toComment(str: string): string;
11450 | static toNormalComment(str: string): string;
11451 | static toPath(str: string): string;
11452 | static numberToIdentifier(n: number): string;
11453 | static numberToIdentifierContinuation(n: number): string;
11454 | static indent(s: string | string[]): string;
11455 | static prefix(s: string | string[], prefix: string): string;
11456 | static asString(str: string | string[]): string;
11457 | static getModulesArrayBounds(modules: WithId[]): false | [number, number];
11458 | static renderChunkModules(
11459 | renderContext: ChunkRenderContext,
11460 | modules: Module[],
11461 | renderModule: (arg0: Module) => Source,
11462 | prefix?: string
11463 | ): Source;
11464 | static renderRuntimeModules(
11465 | runtimeModules: RuntimeModule[],
11466 | renderContext: RenderContext & {
11467 | codeGenerationResults?: CodeGenerationResults;
11468 | }
11469 | ): Source;
11470 | static renderChunkRuntimeModules(
11471 | runtimeModules: RuntimeModule[],
11472 | renderContext: RenderContext
11473 | ): Source;
11474 | static NUMBER_OF_IDENTIFIER_START_CHARS: number;
11476 | }
11477 | declare interface TimestampAndHash {
11478 | safeTime: number;
11479 | timestamp?: number;
11480 | hash: string;
11481 | }
11482 | declare class TopLevelSymbol {
11483 | constructor(name: string);
11484 | name: string;
11485 | }
11486 |
11487 | /**
11488 | * Use a Trusted Types policy to create urls for chunks.
11489 | */
11490 | declare interface TrustedTypes {
11491 | /**
11492 | * The name of the Trusted Types policy created by webpack to serve bundle chunks.
11493 | */
11494 | policyName?: string;
11495 | }
11496 | declare const UNDEFINED_MARKER: unique symbol;
11497 | declare interface UpdateHashContextDependency {
11498 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
11499 | runtime: RuntimeSpec;
11500 | runtimeTemplate?: RuntimeTemplate;
11501 | }
11502 | declare interface UpdateHashContextGenerator {
11503 | /**
11504 | * the module
11505 | */
11506 | module: NormalModule;
11507 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
11508 | runtime: RuntimeSpec;
11509 | }
11510 | type UsageStateType = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4;
11511 | declare interface UserResolveOptions {
11512 | /**
11513 | * A list of module alias configurations or an object which maps key to value
11514 | */
11515 | alias?: AliasOption[] | AliasOptions;
11516 |
11517 | /**
11518 | * A list of module alias configurations or an object which maps key to value, applied only after modules option
11519 | */
11520 | fallback?: AliasOption[] | AliasOptions;
11521 |
11522 | /**
11523 | * A list of alias fields in description files
11524 | */
11525 | aliasFields?: (string | string[])[];
11526 |
11527 | /**
11528 | * A function which decides whether a request should be cached or not. An object is passed with at least `path` and `request` properties.
11529 | */
11530 | cachePredicate?: (arg0: ResolveRequest) => boolean;
11531 |
11532 | |
11533 |
11534 |
11535 | cacheWithContext?: boolean;
11536 |
11537 | |
11538 |
11539 |
11540 | descriptionFiles?: string[];
11541 |
11542 | |
11543 |
11544 |
11545 | conditionNames?: string[];
11546 |
11547 | |
11548 |
11549 |
11550 | enforceExtension?: boolean;
11551 |
11552 | |
11553 |
11554 |
11555 | exportsFields?: (string | string[])[];
11556 |
11557 | |
11558 |
11559 |
11560 | importsFields?: (string | string[])[];
11561 |
11562 | |
11563 |
11564 |
11565 | extensions?: string[];
11566 |
11567 | |
11568 |
11569 |
11570 | fileSystem: FileSystem;
11571 |
11572 | |
11573 |
11574 |
11575 | unsafeCache?: boolean | object;
11576 |
11577 | |
11578 |
11579 |
11580 | symlinks?: boolean;
11581 |
11582 | |
11583 |
11584 |
11585 | resolver?: Resolver;
11586 |
11587 | |
11588 |
11589 |
11590 | modules?: string | string[];
11591 |
11592 | |
11593 |
11594 |
11595 | mainFields?: (
11596 | | string
11597 | | string[]
11598 | | { name: string | string[]; forceRelative: boolean }
11599 | )[];
11600 |
11601 | |
11602 |
11603 |
11604 | mainFiles?: string[];
11605 |
11606 | |
11607 |
11608 |
11609 | plugins?: Plugin[];
11610 |
11611 | |
11612 |
11613 |
11614 | pnpApi?: null | PnpApiImpl;
11615 |
11616 | |
11617 |
11618 |
11619 | roots?: string[];
11620 |
11621 | |
11622 |
11623 |
11624 | fullySpecified?: boolean;
11625 |
11626 | |
11627 |
11628 |
11629 | resolveToContext?: boolean;
11630 |
11631 | |
11632 |
11633 |
11634 | restrictions?: (string | RegExp)[];
11635 |
11636 | |
11637 |
11638 |
11639 | useSyncFileSystemCalls?: boolean;
11640 |
11641 | |
11642 |
11643 |
11644 | preferRelative?: boolean;
11645 |
11646 | |
11647 |
11648 |
11649 | preferAbsolute?: boolean;
11650 | }
11651 | declare abstract class VariableInfo {
11652 | declaredScope: ScopeInfo;
11653 | freeName: string | true;
11654 | tagInfo?: TagInfo;
11655 | }
11656 | declare interface VariableInfoInterface {
11657 | declaredScope: ScopeInfo;
11658 | freeName: string | true;
11659 | tagInfo?: TagInfo;
11660 | }
11661 | type WarningFilterItemTypes =
11662 | | string
11663 | | RegExp
11664 | | ((warning: StatsError, value: string) => boolean);
11665 | declare interface WatchFileSystem {
11666 | watch: (
11667 | files: Iterable<string>,
11668 | directories: Iterable<string>,
11669 | missing: Iterable<string>,
11670 | startTime: number,
11671 | options: WatchOptions,
11672 | callback: (
11673 | arg0: undefined | Error,
11674 | arg1: Map<string, FileSystemInfoEntry | "ignore">,
11675 | arg2: Map<string, FileSystemInfoEntry | "ignore">,
11676 | arg3: Set<string>,
11677 | arg4: Set<string>
11678 | ) => void,
11679 | callbackUndelayed: (arg0: string, arg1: number) => void
11680 | ) => Watcher;
11681 | }
11682 | declare class WatchIgnorePlugin {
11683 | constructor(options: WatchIgnorePluginOptions);
11684 | paths: (string | RegExp)[];
11685 |
11686 | /**
11687 | * Apply the plugin
11688 | */
11689 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
11690 | }
11691 | declare interface WatchIgnorePluginOptions {
11692 | |
11693 |
11694 |
11695 | paths: (string | RegExp)[];
11696 | }
11697 |
11698 |
11699 |
11700 |
11701 | declare interface WatchOptions {
11702 | |
11703 |
11704 |
11705 | aggregateTimeout?: number;
11706 |
11707 | |
11708 |
11709 |
11710 | followSymlinks?: boolean;
11711 |
11712 | |
11713 |
11714 |
11715 | ignored?: string | RegExp | string[];
11716 |
11717 | |
11718 |
11719 |
11720 | poll?: number | boolean;
11721 |
11722 | |
11723 |
11724 |
11725 | stdin?: boolean;
11726 | }
11727 | declare interface Watcher {
11728 | |
11729 |
11730 |
11731 | close: () => void;
11732 |
11733 | |
11734 |
11735 |
11736 | pause: () => void;
11737 |
11738 | |
11739 |
11740 |
11741 | getAggregatedChanges?: () => Set<string>;
11742 |
11743 | |
11744 |
11745 |
11746 | getAggregatedRemovals?: () => Set<string>;
11747 |
11748 | |
11749 |
11750 |
11751 | getFileTimeInfoEntries: () => Map<string, FileSystemInfoEntry | "ignore">;
11752 |
11753 | |
11754 |
11755 |
11756 | getContextTimeInfoEntries: () => Map<string, FileSystemInfoEntry | "ignore">;
11757 |
11758 | |
11759 |
11760 |
11761 | getInfo?: () => WatcherInfo;
11762 | }
11763 | declare interface WatcherInfo {
11764 | |
11765 |
11766 |
11767 | changes: Set<string>;
11768 |
11769 | |
11770 |
11771 |
11772 | removals: Set<string>;
11773 |
11774 | |
11775 |
11776 |
11777 | fileTimeInfoEntries: Map<string, FileSystemInfoEntry | "ignore">;
11778 |
11779 | |
11780 |
11781 |
11782 | contextTimeInfoEntries: Map<string, FileSystemInfoEntry | "ignore">;
11783 | }
11784 | declare abstract class Watching {
11785 | startTime: null | number;
11786 | invalid: boolean;
11787 | handler: CallbackFunction<Stats>;
11788 | callbacks: CallbackFunction<void>[];
11789 | closed: boolean;
11790 | suspended: boolean;
11791 | blocked: boolean;
11792 | watchOptions: {
11793 | |
11794 |
11795 |
11796 | aggregateTimeout?: number;
11797 | |
11798 |
11799 |
11800 | followSymlinks?: boolean;
11801 | |
11802 |
11803 |
11804 | ignored?: string | RegExp | string[];
11805 | |
11806 |
11807 |
11808 | poll?: number | boolean;
11809 | |
11810 |
11811 |
11812 | stdin?: boolean;
11813 | };
11814 | compiler: Compiler;
11815 | running: boolean;
11816 | watcher?: null | Watcher;
11817 | pausedWatcher?: null | Watcher;
11818 | lastWatcherStartTime?: number;
11819 | watch(
11820 | files: Iterable<string>,
11821 | dirs: Iterable<string>,
11822 | missing: Iterable<string>
11823 | ): void;
11824 | invalidate(callback?: CallbackFunction<void>): void;
11825 | suspend(): void;
11826 | resume(): void;
11827 | close(callback: CallbackFunction<void>): void;
11828 | }
11829 | declare abstract class WeakTupleMap<T extends any[], V> {
11830 | set(...args: [T, ...V[]]): void;
11831 | has(...args: T): boolean;
11832 | get(...args: T): V;
11833 | provide(...args: [T, ...(() => V)[]]): V;
11834 | delete(...args: T): void;
11835 | clear(): void;
11836 | }
11837 | declare interface WebAssemblyRenderContext {
11838 | |
11839 |
11840 |
11841 | chunk: Chunk;
11842 |
11843 | |
11844 |
11845 |
11846 | dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates;
11847 |
11848 | |
11849 |
11850 |
11851 | runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate;
11852 |
11853 | |
11854 |
11855 |
11856 | moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;
11857 |
11858 | |
11859 |
11860 |
11861 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
11862 |
11863 | |
11864 |
11865 |
11866 | codeGenerationResults: CodeGenerationResults;
11867 | }
11868 | declare class WebWorkerTemplatePlugin {
11869 | constructor();
11870 |
11871 | /**
11872 | * Apply the plugin
11873 | */
11874 | apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
11875 | }
11876 | declare class WebpackError extends Error {
11877 | |
11878 |
11879 |
11880 | constructor(message?: string);
11881 | details: any;
11882 | module: Module;
11883 | loc: DependencyLocation;
11884 | hideStack: boolean;
11885 | chunk: Chunk;
11886 | file: string;
11887 | serialize(__0: { write: any }): void;
11888 | deserialize(__0: { read: any }): void;
11889 |
11890 | /**
11891 | * Create .stack property on a target object
11892 | */
11893 | static captureStackTrace(
11894 | targetObject: object,
11895 | constructorOpt?: Function
11896 | ): void;
11897 |
11898 | /**
11899 | * Optional override for formatting stack traces
11900 | */
11901 | static prepareStackTrace?: (
11902 | err: Error,
11903 | stackTraces: NodeJS.CallSite[]
11904 | ) => any;
11905 | static stackTraceLimit: number;
11906 | }
11907 | declare abstract class WebpackLogger {
11908 | getChildLogger: (arg0: string | (() => string)) => WebpackLogger;
11909 | error(...args: any[]): void;
11910 | warn(...args: any[]): void;
11911 | info(...args: any[]): void;
11912 | log(...args: any[]): void;
11913 | debug(...args: any[]): void;
11914 | assert(assertion: any, ...args: any[]): void;
11915 | trace(): void;
11916 | clear(): void;
11917 | status(...args: any[]): void;
11918 | group(...args: any[]): void;
11919 | groupCollapsed(...args: any[]): void;
11920 | groupEnd(...args: any[]): void;
11921 | profile(label?: any): void;
11922 | profileEnd(label?: any): void;
11923 | time(label?: any): void;
11924 | timeLog(label?: any): void;
11925 | timeEnd(label?: any): void;
11926 | timeAggregate(label?: any): void;
11927 | timeAggregateEnd(label?: any): void;
11928 | }
11929 | declare class WebpackOptionsApply extends OptionsApply {
11930 | constructor();
11931 | }
11932 | declare class WebpackOptionsDefaulter {
11933 | constructor();
11934 | process(options?: any): any;
11935 | }
11936 |
11937 | /**
11938 | * Normalized webpack options object.
11939 | */
11940 | declare interface WebpackOptionsNormalized {
11941 | |
11942 |
11943 |
11944 | amd?: false | { [index: string]: any };
11945 |
11946 | |
11947 |
11948 |
11949 | bail?: boolean;
11950 |
11951 | |
11952 |
11953 |
11954 | cache: CacheOptionsNormalized;
11955 |
11956 | |
11957 |
11958 |
11959 | context?: string;
11960 |
11961 | |
11962 |
11963 |
11964 | dependencies?: string[];
11965 |
11966 | |
11967 |
11968 |
11969 | devServer?: DevServer;
11970 |
11971 | |
11972 |
11973 |
11974 | devtool?: string | false;
11975 |
11976 | |
11977 |
11978 |
11979 | entry: EntryNormalized;
11980 |
11981 | |
11982 |
11983 |
11984 | experiments: ExperimentsNormalized;
11985 |
11986 | |
11987 |
11988 |
11989 | externals: Externals;
11990 |
11991 | |
11992 |
11993 |
11994 | externalsPresets: ExternalsPresets;
11995 |
11996 | |
11997 |
11998 |
11999 | externalsType?:
12000 | | "var"
12001 | | "module"
12002 | | "assign"
12003 | | "this"
12004 | | "window"
12005 | | "self"
12006 | | "global"
12007 | | "commonjs"
12008 | | "commonjs2"
12009 | | "commonjs-module"
12010 | | "amd"
12011 | | "amd-require"
12012 | | "umd"
12013 | | "umd2"
12014 | | "jsonp"
12015 | | "system"
12016 | | "promise"
12017 | | "import"
12018 | | "script"
12019 | | "node-commonjs";
12020 |
12021 | |
12022 |
12023 |
12024 | ignoreWarnings?: ((
12025 | warning: WebpackError,
12026 | compilation: Compilation
12027 | ) => boolean)[];
12028 |
12029 | |
12030 |
12031 |
12032 | infrastructureLogging: InfrastructureLogging;
12033 |
12034 | |
12035 |
12036 |
12037 | loader?: Loader;
12038 |
12039 | |
12040 |
12041 |
12042 | mode?: "none" | "development" | "production";
12043 |
12044 | |
12045 |
12046 |
12047 | module: ModuleOptionsNormalized;
12048 |
12049 | /**
12050 | * Name of the configuration. Used when loading multiple configurations.
12051 | */
12052 | name?: string;
12053 |
12054 | /**
12055 | * Include polyfills or mocks for various node stuff.
12056 | */
12057 | node: NodeWebpackOptions;
12058 |
12059 | /**
12060 | * Enables/Disables integrated optimizations.
12061 | */
12062 | optimization: Optimization;
12063 |
12064 | /**
12065 | * Normalized options affecting the output of the compilation. `output` options tell webpack how to write the compiled files to disk.
12066 | */
12067 | output: OutputNormalized;
12068 |
12069 | /**
12070 | * The number of parallel processed modules in the compilation.
12071 | */
12072 | parallelism?: number;
12073 |
12074 | /**
12075 | * Configuration for web performance recommendations.
12076 | */
12077 | performance?: false | PerformanceOptions;
12078 |
12079 | /**
12080 | * Add additional plugins to the compiler.
12081 | */
12082 | plugins: (
12083 | | ((this: Compiler, compiler: Compiler) => void)
12084 | | WebpackPluginInstance
12085 | )[];
12086 |
12087 | /**
12088 | * Capture timing information for each module.
12089 | */
12090 | profile?: boolean;
12091 |
12092 | /**
12093 | * Store compiler state to a json file.
12094 | */
12095 | recordsInputPath?: string | false;
12096 |
12097 | /**
12098 | * Load compiler state from a json file.
12099 | */
12100 | recordsOutputPath?: string | false;
12101 |
12102 | /**
12103 | * Options for the resolver.
12104 | */
12105 | resolve: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
12106 |
12107 | /**
12108 | * Options for the resolver when resolving loaders.
12109 | */
12110 | resolveLoader: ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions;
12111 |
12112 | /**
12113 | * Options affecting how file system snapshots are created and validated.
12114 | */
12115 | snapshot: SnapshotOptions;
12116 |
12117 | /**
12118 | * Stats options object or preset name.
12119 | */
12120 | stats: StatsValue;
12121 |
12122 | /**
12123 | * Environment to build for. An array of environments to build for all of them when possible.
12124 | */
12125 | target?: string | false | string[];
12126 |
12127 | /**
12128 | * Enter watch mode, which rebuilds on file change.
12129 | */
12130 | watch?: boolean;
12131 |
12132 | /**
12133 | * Options for the watcher.
12134 | */
12135 | watchOptions: WatchOptions;
12136 | }
12137 |
12138 | /**
12139 | * Plugin instance.
12140 | */
12141 | declare interface WebpackPluginInstance {
12142 | [index: string]: any;
12143 |
12144 | |
12145 |
12146 |
12147 | apply: (compiler: Compiler) => void;
12148 | }
12149 | declare interface WithId {
12150 | id: string | number;
12151 | }
12152 | declare interface WithOptions {
12153 | |
12154 |
12155 |
12156 | withOptions: (
12157 | arg0: Partial<ResolveOptionsWithDependencyType>
12158 | ) => ResolverWithOptions;
12159 | }
12160 | declare interface WriteOnlySet<T> {
12161 | add: (T?: any) => void;
12162 | }
12163 | type __TypeWebpackOptions = (data: object) =>
12164 | | string
12165 | | {
12166 | |
12167 |
12168 |
12169 | ident?: string;
12170 | |
12171 |
12172 |
12173 | loader?: string;
12174 | |
12175 |
12176 |
12177 | options?: string | { [index: string]: any };
12178 | }
12179 | | __TypeWebpackOptions
12180 | | RuleSetUseItem[];
12181 | declare function exports(
12182 | options: Configuration,
12183 | callback?: CallbackWebpack<Stats>
12184 | ): Compiler;
12185 | declare function exports(
12186 | options: ReadonlyArray<Configuration> & MultiCompilerOptions,
12187 | callback?: CallbackWebpack<MultiStats>
12188 | ): MultiCompiler;
12189 | declare namespace exports {
12190 | export const webpack: {
12191 | (options: Configuration, callback?: CallbackWebpack<Stats>): Compiler;
12192 | (
12193 | options: ReadonlyArray<Configuration> & MultiCompilerOptions,
12194 | callback?: CallbackWebpack<MultiStats>
12195 | ): MultiCompiler;
12196 | };
12197 | export const validate: (options?: any) => void;
12198 | export const validateSchema: (
12199 | schema: Parameters<typeof validateFunction>[0],
12200 | options: Parameters<typeof validateFunction>[1],
12201 | validationConfiguration?: ValidationErrorConfiguration
12202 | ) => void;
12203 | export const version: string;
12204 | export namespace cli {
12205 | export let getArguments: (schema?: any) => Record<string, Argument>;
12206 | export let processArguments: (
12207 | args: Record<string, Argument>,
12208 | config: any,
12209 | values: Record<
12210 | string,
12211 | | string
12212 | | number
12213 | | boolean
12214 | | RegExp
12215 | | (string | number | boolean | RegExp)[]
12216 | >
12217 | ) => null | Problem[];
12218 | }
12219 | export namespace ModuleFilenameHelpers {
12220 | export let ALL_LOADERS_RESOURCE: string;
12221 | export let REGEXP_ALL_LOADERS_RESOURCE: RegExp;
12222 | export let LOADERS_RESOURCE: string;
12223 | export let REGEXP_LOADERS_RESOURCE: RegExp;
12224 | export let RESOURCE: string;
12225 | export let REGEXP_RESOURCE: RegExp;
12226 | export let ABSOLUTE_RESOURCE_PATH: string;
12227 | export let REGEXP_ABSOLUTE_RESOURCE_PATH: RegExp;
12228 | export let RESOURCE_PATH: string;
12229 | export let REGEXP_RESOURCE_PATH: RegExp;
12230 | export let ALL_LOADERS: string;
12231 | export let REGEXP_ALL_LOADERS: RegExp;
12232 | export let LOADERS: string;
12233 | export let REGEXP_LOADERS: RegExp;
12234 | export let QUERY: string;
12235 | export let REGEXP_QUERY: RegExp;
12236 | export let ID: string;
12237 | export let REGEXP_ID: RegExp;
12238 | export let HASH: string;
12239 | export let REGEXP_HASH: RegExp;
12240 | export let NAMESPACE: string;
12241 | export let REGEXP_NAMESPACE: RegExp;
12242 | export let createFilename: (
12243 | module: string | Module,
12244 | options: any,
12245 | __2: {
12246 | |
12247 |
12248 |
12249 | requestShortener: RequestShortener;
12250 | |
12251 |
12252 |
12253 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
12254 | |
12255 |
12256 |
12257 | hashFunction: string | typeof Hash;
12258 | }
12259 | ) => string;
12260 | export let replaceDuplicates: (
12261 | array?: any,
12262 | fn?: any,
12263 | comparator?: any
12264 | ) => any;
12265 | export let matchPart: (str?: any, test?: any) => any;
12266 | export let matchObject: (obj?: any, str?: any) => boolean;
12267 | }
12268 | export namespace RuntimeGlobals {
12269 | export let require: string;
12270 | export let requireScope: string;
12271 | export let exports: string;
12272 | export let thisAsExports: string;
12273 | export let returnExportsFromRuntime: string;
12274 | export let module: string;
12275 | export let moduleId: string;
12276 | export let moduleLoaded: string;
12277 | export let publicPath: string;
12278 | export let entryModuleId: string;
12279 | export let moduleCache: string;
12280 | export let moduleFactories: string;
12281 | export let moduleFactoriesAddOnly: string;
12282 | export let ensureChunk: string;
12283 | export let ensureChunkHandlers: string;
12284 | export let ensureChunkIncludeEntries: string;
12285 | export let prefetchChunk: string;
12286 | export let prefetchChunkHandlers: string;
12287 | export let preloadChunk: string;
12288 | export let preloadChunkHandlers: string;
12289 | export let definePropertyGetters: string;
12290 | export let makeNamespaceObject: string;
12291 | export let createFakeNamespaceObject: string;
12292 | export let compatGetDefaultExport: string;
12293 | export let harmonyModuleDecorator: string;
12294 | export let nodeModuleDecorator: string;
12295 | export let getFullHash: string;
12296 | export let wasmInstances: string;
12297 | export let instantiateWasm: string;
12298 | export let uncaughtErrorHandler: string;
12299 | export let scriptNonce: string;
12300 | export let loadScript: string;
12301 | export let createScriptUrl: string;
12302 | export let chunkName: string;
12303 | export let runtimeId: string;
12304 | export let getChunkScriptFilename: string;
12305 | export let getChunkUpdateScriptFilename: string;
12306 | export let startup: string;
12307 | export let startupNoDefault: string;
12308 | export let startupOnlyAfter: string;
12309 | export let startupOnlyBefore: string;
12310 | export let chunkCallback: string;
12311 | export let startupEntrypoint: string;
12312 | export let onChunksLoaded: string;
12313 | export let externalInstallChunk: string;
12314 | export let interceptModuleExecution: string;
12315 | export let global: string;
12316 | export let shareScopeMap: string;
12317 | export let initializeSharing: string;
12318 | export let currentRemoteGetScope: string;
12319 | export let getUpdateManifestFilename: string;
12320 | export let hmrDownloadManifest: string;
12321 | export let hmrDownloadUpdateHandlers: string;
12322 | export let hmrModuleData: string;
12323 | export let hmrInvalidateModuleHandlers: string;
12324 | export let hmrRuntimeStatePrefix: string;
12325 | export let amdDefine: string;
12326 | export let amdOptions: string;
12327 | export let system: string;
12328 | export let hasOwnProperty: string;
12329 | export let systemContext: string;
12330 | export let baseURI: string;
12331 | export let relativeUrl: string;
12332 | export let asyncModule: string;
12333 | }
12334 | export const UsageState: Readonly<{
12335 | Unused: 0;
12336 | OnlyPropertiesUsed: 1;
12337 | NoInfo: 2;
12338 | Unknown: 3;
12339 | Used: 4;
12340 | }>;
12341 | export namespace cache {
12342 | export { MemoryCachePlugin };
12343 | }
12344 | export namespace config {
12345 | export const getNormalizedWebpackOptions: (
12346 | config: Configuration
12347 | ) => WebpackOptionsNormalized;
12348 | export const applyWebpackOptionsDefaults: (
12349 | options: WebpackOptionsNormalized
12350 | ) => void;
12351 | }
12352 | export namespace dependencies {
12353 | export { ModuleDependency, ConstDependency, NullDependency };
12354 | }
12355 | export namespace ids {
12356 | export {
12357 | ChunkModuleIdRangePlugin,
12358 | NaturalModuleIdsPlugin,
12359 | OccurrenceModuleIdsPlugin,
12360 | NamedModuleIdsPlugin,
12361 | DeterministicChunkIdsPlugin,
12362 | DeterministicModuleIdsPlugin,
12363 | NamedChunkIdsPlugin,
12364 | OccurrenceChunkIdsPlugin,
12365 | HashedModuleIdsPlugin
12366 | };
12367 | }
12368 | export namespace javascript {
12369 | export {
12370 | EnableChunkLoadingPlugin,
12371 | JavascriptModulesPlugin,
12372 | JavascriptParser
12373 | };
12374 | }
12375 | export namespace optimize {
12376 | export namespace InnerGraph {
12377 | export let bailout: (parserState: ParserState) => void;
12378 | export let enable: (parserState: ParserState) => void;
12379 | export let isEnabled: (parserState: ParserState) => boolean;
12380 | export let addUsage: (
12381 | state: ParserState,
12382 | symbol: null | TopLevelSymbol,
12383 | usage: string | true | TopLevelSymbol
12384 | ) => void;
12385 | export let addVariableUsage: (
12386 | parser: JavascriptParser,
12387 | name: string,
12388 | usage: string | true | TopLevelSymbol
12389 | ) => void;
12390 | export let inferDependencyUsage: (state: ParserState) => void;
12391 | export let onUsage: (
12392 | state: ParserState,
12393 | onUsageCallback: (arg0?: boolean | Set<string>) => void
12394 | ) => void;
12395 | export let setTopLevelSymbol: (
12396 | state: ParserState,
12397 | symbol: TopLevelSymbol
12398 | ) => void;
12399 | export let getTopLevelSymbol: (
12400 | state: ParserState
12401 | ) => void | TopLevelSymbol;
12402 | export let tagTopLevelSymbol: (
12403 | parser: JavascriptParser,
12404 | name: string
12405 | ) => TopLevelSymbol;
12406 | export let isDependencyUsedByExports: (
12407 | dependency: Dependency,
12408 | usedByExports: boolean | Set<string>,
12409 | moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
12410 | runtime: RuntimeSpec
12411 | ) => boolean;
12412 | export let getDependencyUsedByExportsCondition: (
12413 | dependency: Dependency,
12414 | usedByExports: boolean | Set<string>,
12415 | moduleGraph: ModuleGraph
12416 | ) =>
12417 | | null
12418 | | false
12419 | | ((arg0: ModuleGraphConnection, arg1: RuntimeSpec) => ConnectionState);
12420 | export { TopLevelSymbol, topLevelSymbolTag };
12421 | }
12422 | export {
12423 | AggressiveMergingPlugin,
12424 | AggressiveSplittingPlugin,
12425 | LimitChunkCountPlugin,
12426 | MinChunkSizePlugin,
12427 | ModuleConcatenationPlugin,
12428 | RealContentHashPlugin,
12429 | RuntimeChunkPlugin,
12430 | SideEffectsFlagPlugin,
12431 | SplitChunksPlugin
12432 | };
12433 | }
12434 | export namespace runtime {
12435 | export { GetChunkFilenameRuntimeModule, LoadScriptRuntimeModule };
12436 | }
12437 | export namespace prefetch {
12438 | export { ChunkPrefetchPreloadPlugin };
12439 | }
12440 | export namespace web {
12441 | export {
12442 | FetchCompileAsyncWasmPlugin,
12443 | FetchCompileWasmPlugin,
12444 | JsonpChunkLoadingRuntimeModule,
12445 | JsonpTemplatePlugin
12446 | };
12447 | }
12448 | export namespace webworker {
12449 | export { WebWorkerTemplatePlugin };
12450 | }
12451 | export namespace node {
12452 | export {
12453 | NodeEnvironmentPlugin,
12454 | NodeSourcePlugin,
12455 | NodeTargetPlugin,
12456 | NodeTemplatePlugin,
12457 | ReadFileCompileWasmPlugin
12458 | };
12459 | }
12460 | export namespace electron {
12461 | export { ElectronTargetPlugin };
12462 | }
12463 | export namespace wasm {
12464 | export { AsyncWebAssemblyModulesPlugin };
12465 | }
12466 | export namespace library {
12467 | export { AbstractLibraryPlugin, EnableLibraryPlugin };
12468 | }
12469 | export namespace container {
12470 | export const scope: <T>(
12471 | scope: string,
12472 | options: ContainerOptionsFormat<T>
12473 | ) => Record<string, string | string[] | T>;
12474 | export {
12475 | ContainerPlugin,
12476 | ContainerReferencePlugin,
12477 | ModuleFederationPlugin
12478 | };
12479 | }
12480 | export namespace sharing {
12481 | export const scope: <T>(
12482 | scope: string,
12483 | options: ContainerOptionsFormat<T>
12484 | ) => Record<string, string | string[] | T>;
12485 | export { ConsumeSharedPlugin, ProvideSharedPlugin, SharePlugin };
12486 | }
12487 | export namespace debug {
12488 | export { ProfilingPlugin };
12489 | }
12490 | export namespace util {
12491 | export const createHash: (algorithm: string | typeof Hash) => Hash;
12492 | export namespace comparators {
12493 | export let compareChunksById: (a: Chunk, b: Chunk) => 0 | 1 | -1;
12494 | export let compareModulesByIdentifier: (
12495 | a: Module,
12496 | b: Module
12497 | ) => 0 | 1 | -1;
12498 | export let compareModulesById: ParameterizedComparator<
12499 | ChunkGraph,
12500 | Module
12501 | >;
12502 | export let compareNumbers: (a: number, b: number) => 0 | 1 | -1;
12503 | export let compareStringsNumeric: (a: string, b: string) => 0 | 1 | -1;
12504 | export let compareModulesByPostOrderIndexOrIdentifier: ParameterizedComparator<
12505 | ModuleGraph,
12506 | Module
12507 | >;
12508 | export let compareModulesByPreOrderIndexOrIdentifier: ParameterizedComparator<
12509 | ModuleGraph,
12510 | Module
12511 | >;
12512 | export let compareModulesByIdOrIdentifier: ParameterizedComparator<
12513 | ChunkGraph,
12514 | Module
12515 | >;
12516 | export let compareChunks: ParameterizedComparator<ChunkGraph, Chunk>;
12517 | export let compareIds: (
12518 | a: string | number,
12519 | b: string | number
12520 | ) => 0 | 1 | -1;
12521 | export let compareStrings: (a: string, b: string) => 0 | 1 | -1;
12522 | export let compareChunkGroupsByIndex: (
12523 | a: ChunkGroup,
12524 | b: ChunkGroup
12525 | ) => 0 | 1 | -1;
12526 | export let concatComparators: <T>(
12527 | c1: Comparator<T>,
12528 | c2: Comparator<T>,
12529 | ...cRest: Comparator<T>[]
12530 | ) => Comparator<T>;
12531 | export let compareSelect: <T, R>(
12532 | getter: Selector<T, R>,
12533 | comparator: Comparator<R>
12534 | ) => Comparator<T>;
12535 | export let compareIterables: <T>(
12536 | elementComparator: Comparator<T>
12537 | ) => Comparator<Iterable<T>>;
12538 | export let keepOriginalOrder: <T>(iterable: Iterable<T>) => Comparator<T>;
12539 | export let compareChunksNatural: (
12540 | chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
12541 | ) => Comparator<Chunk>;
12542 | export let compareLocations: (
12543 | a: DependencyLocation,
12544 | b: DependencyLocation
12545 | ) => 0 | 1 | -1;
12546 | }
12547 | export namespace runtime {
12548 | export let getEntryRuntime: (
12549 | compilation: Compilation,
12550 | name: string,
12551 | options?: EntryOptions
12552 | ) => RuntimeSpec;
12553 | export let forEachRuntime: (
12554 | runtime: RuntimeSpec,
12555 | fn: (arg0: string) => void,
12556 | deterministicOrder?: boolean
12557 | ) => void;
12558 | export let getRuntimeKey: (runtime: RuntimeSpec) => string;
12559 | export let keyToRuntime: (key: string) => RuntimeSpec;
12560 | export let runtimeToString: (runtime: RuntimeSpec) => string;
12561 | export let runtimeConditionToString: (
12562 | runtimeCondition: RuntimeCondition
12563 | ) => string;
12564 | export let runtimeEqual: (a: RuntimeSpec, b: RuntimeSpec) => boolean;
12565 | export let compareRuntime: (a: RuntimeSpec, b: RuntimeSpec) => 0 | 1 | -1;
12566 | export let mergeRuntime: (a: RuntimeSpec, b: RuntimeSpec) => RuntimeSpec;
12567 | export let mergeRuntimeCondition: (
12568 | a: RuntimeCondition,
12569 | b: RuntimeCondition,
12570 | runtime: RuntimeSpec
12571 | ) => RuntimeCondition;
12572 | export let mergeRuntimeConditionNonFalse: (
12573 | a: undefined | string | true | SortableSet<string>,
12574 | b: undefined | string | true | SortableSet<string>,
12575 | runtime: RuntimeSpec
12576 | ) => undefined | string | true | SortableSet<string>;
12577 | export let mergeRuntimeOwned: (
12578 | a: RuntimeSpec,
12579 | b: RuntimeSpec
12580 | ) => RuntimeSpec;
12581 | export let intersectRuntime: (
12582 | a: RuntimeSpec,
12583 | b: RuntimeSpec
12584 | ) => RuntimeSpec;
12585 | export let subtractRuntime: (
12586 | a: RuntimeSpec,
12587 | b: RuntimeSpec
12588 | ) => RuntimeSpec;
12589 | export let subtractRuntimeCondition: (
12590 | a: RuntimeCondition,
12591 | b: RuntimeCondition,
12592 | runtime: RuntimeSpec
12593 | ) => RuntimeCondition;
12594 | export let filterRuntime: (
12595 | runtime: RuntimeSpec,
12596 | filter: (arg0: RuntimeSpec) => boolean
12597 | ) => undefined | string | boolean | SortableSet<string>;
12598 | export { RuntimeSpecMap, RuntimeSpecSet };
12599 | }
12600 | export namespace serialization {
12601 | export const register: (
12602 | Constructor: Constructor,
12603 | request: string,
12604 | name: string,
12605 | serializer: ObjectSerializer
12606 | ) => void;
12607 | export const registerLoader: (
12608 | regExp: RegExp,
12609 | loader: (arg0: string) => boolean
12610 | ) => void;
12611 | export const registerNotSerializable: (Constructor: Constructor) => void;
12612 | export const NOT_SERIALIZABLE: object;
12613 | export const buffersSerializer: Serializer;
12614 | export let createFileSerializer: (
12615 | fs?: any,
12616 | hashFunction?: any
12617 | ) => Serializer;
12619 | }
12620 | export const cleverMerge: <T, O>(first: T, second: O) => T | O | (T & O);
12621 | export { LazySet };
12622 | }
12623 | export namespace sources {
12624 | export {
12625 | Source,
12626 | RawSource,
12627 | OriginalSource,
12628 | ReplaceSource,
12629 | SourceMapSource,
12630 | ConcatSource,
12631 | PrefixSource,
12632 | CachedSource,
12633 | SizeOnlySource,
12634 | CompatSource
12635 | };
12636 | }
12637 | export namespace experiments {
12638 | export namespace schemes {
12639 | export { HttpUriPlugin };
12640 | }
12641 | }
12642 | export type WebpackPluginFunction = (
12643 | this: Compiler,
12644 | compiler: Compiler
12645 | ) => void;
12646 | export {
12647 | AutomaticPrefetchPlugin,
12648 | AsyncDependenciesBlock,
12649 | BannerPlugin,
12650 | Cache,
12651 | Chunk,
12652 | ChunkGraph,
12653 | CleanPlugin,
12654 | Compilation,
12655 | Compiler,
12656 | ConcatenationScope,
12657 | ContextExclusionPlugin,
12658 | ContextReplacementPlugin,
12659 | DefinePlugin,
12660 | DelegatedPlugin,
12661 | Dependency,
12662 | DllPlugin,
12663 | DllReferencePlugin,
12664 | DynamicEntryPlugin,
12665 | EntryOptionPlugin,
12666 | EntryPlugin,
12667 | EnvironmentPlugin,
12668 | EvalDevToolModulePlugin,
12669 | EvalSourceMapDevToolPlugin,
12670 | ExternalModule,
12671 | ExternalsPlugin,
12672 | Generator,
12673 | HotUpdateChunk,
12674 | HotModuleReplacementPlugin,
12675 | IgnorePlugin,
12676 | JavascriptModulesPlugin,
12677 | LibManifestPlugin,
12678 | LibraryTemplatePlugin,
12679 | LoaderOptionsPlugin,
12680 | LoaderTargetPlugin,
12681 | Module,
12682 | ModuleGraph,
12683 | ModuleGraphConnection,
12684 | NoEmitOnErrorsPlugin,
12685 | NormalModule,
12686 | NormalModuleReplacementPlugin,
12687 | MultiCompiler,
12688 | Parser,
12689 | PrefetchPlugin,
12690 | ProgressPlugin,
12691 | ProvidePlugin,
12692 | RuntimeModule,
12693 | EntryPlugin as SingleEntryPlugin,
12694 | SourceMapDevToolPlugin,
12695 | Stats,
12696 | Template,
12697 | WatchIgnorePlugin,
12698 | WebpackError,
12699 | WebpackOptionsApply,
12700 | WebpackOptionsDefaulter,
12701 | ValidationError as WebpackOptionsValidationError,
12702 | ValidationError,
12703 | Entry,
12704 | EntryNormalized,
12705 | EntryObject,
12706 | LibraryOptions,
12707 | ModuleOptions,
12708 | ResolveOptionsWebpackOptions as ResolveOptions,
12709 | RuleSetCondition,
12710 | RuleSetConditionAbsolute,
12711 | RuleSetRule,
12712 | RuleSetUse,
12713 | RuleSetUseItem,
12714 | StatsOptions,
12715 | Configuration,
12716 | WebpackOptionsNormalized,
12717 | WebpackPluginInstance,
12718 | Asset,
12719 | AssetInfo,
12720 | MultiStats,
12721 | ParserState,
12722 | ResolvePluginInstance,
12723 | Resolver,
12724 | Watching,
12725 | StatsAsset,
12726 | StatsChunk,
12727 | StatsChunkGroup,
12728 | StatsChunkOrigin,
12729 | StatsCompilation,
12730 | StatsError,
12731 | StatsLogging,
12732 | StatsLoggingEntry,
12733 | StatsModule,
12734 | StatsModuleIssuer,
12735 | StatsModuleReason,
12736 | StatsModuleTraceDependency,
12737 | StatsModuleTraceItem,
12738 | StatsProfile,
12739 | LoaderModule,
12740 | RawLoaderDefinition,
12741 | LoaderDefinition,
12742 | LoaderDefinitionFunction,
12743 | PitchLoaderDefinitionFunction,
12744 | RawLoaderDefinitionFunction,
12745 | LoaderContext
12746 | };
12747 | }
12748 | declare const topLevelSymbolTag: unique symbol;
12749 |
12750 | export = exports;