9.8 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
5"use strict";
7const RuntimeGlobals = require("../RuntimeGlobals");
8const RuntimeModule = require("../RuntimeModule");
9const Template = require("../Template");
10const {
11 chunkHasJs,
12 getChunkFilenameTemplate
13} = require("../javascript/JavascriptModulesPlugin");
14const { getInitialChunkIds } = require("../javascript/StartupHelpers");
15const compileBooleanMatcher = require("../util/compileBooleanMatcher");
16const { getUndoPath } = require("../util/identifier");
18/** @typedef {import("../Chunk")} Chunk */
20class ReadFileChunkLoadingRuntimeModule extends RuntimeModule {
21 constructor(runtimeRequirements) {
22 super("readFile chunk loading", RuntimeModule.STAGE_ATTACH);
23 this.runtimeRequirements = runtimeRequirements;
24 }
26 /**
27 * @private
28 * @param {Chunk} chunk chunk
29 * @param {string} rootOutputDir root output directory
30 * @returns {string} generated code
31 */
32 _generateBaseUri(chunk, rootOutputDir) {
33 const options = chunk.getEntryOptions();
34 if (options && options.baseUri) {
35 return `${RuntimeGlobals.baseURI} = ${JSON.stringify(options.baseUri)};`;
36 }
38 return `${RuntimeGlobals.baseURI} = require("url").pathToFileURL(${
39 rootOutputDir
40 ? `__dirname + ${JSON.stringify("/" + rootOutputDir)}`
41 : "__filename"
42 });`;
43 }
45 /**
46 * @returns {string} runtime code
47 */
48 generate() {
49 const { chunkGraph, chunk } = this;
50 const { runtimeTemplate } = this.compilation;
51 const fn = RuntimeGlobals.ensureChunkHandlers;
52 const withBaseURI = this.runtimeRequirements.has(RuntimeGlobals.baseURI);
53 const withExternalInstallChunk = this.runtimeRequirements.has(
54 RuntimeGlobals.externalInstallChunk
55 );
56 const withOnChunkLoad = this.runtimeRequirements.has(
57 RuntimeGlobals.onChunksLoaded
58 );
59 const withLoading = this.runtimeRequirements.has(
60 RuntimeGlobals.ensureChunkHandlers
61 );
62 const withHmr = this.runtimeRequirements.has(
63 RuntimeGlobals.hmrDownloadUpdateHandlers
64 );
65 const withHmrManifest = this.runtimeRequirements.has(
66 RuntimeGlobals.hmrDownloadManifest
67 );
68 const conditionMap = chunkGraph.getChunkConditionMap(chunk, chunkHasJs);
69 const hasJsMatcher = compileBooleanMatcher(conditionMap);
70 const initialChunkIds = getInitialChunkIds(chunk, chunkGraph, chunkHasJs);
72 const outputName = this.compilation.getPath(
73 getChunkFilenameTemplate(chunk, this.compilation.outputOptions),
74 {
75 chunk,
76 contentHashType: "javascript"
77 }
78 );
79 const rootOutputDir = getUndoPath(
80 outputName,
81 this.compilation.outputOptions.path,
82 false
83 );
85 const stateExpression = withHmr
86 ? `${RuntimeGlobals.hmrRuntimeStatePrefix}_readFileVm`
87 : undefined;
89 return Template.asString([
90 withBaseURI
91 ? this._generateBaseUri(chunk, rootOutputDir)
92 : "// no baseURI",
93 "",
94 "// object to store loaded chunks",
95 '// "0" means "already loaded", Promise means loading',
96 `var installedChunks = ${
97 stateExpression ? `${stateExpression} = ${stateExpression} || ` : ""
98 }{`,
99 Template.indent(
100 Array.from(initialChunkIds, id => `${JSON.stringify(id)}: 0`).join(
101 ",\n"
102 )
103 ),
104 "};",
105 "",
106 withOnChunkLoad
107 ? `${
108 RuntimeGlobals.onChunksLoaded
109 }.readFileVm = ${runtimeTemplate.returningFunction(
110 "installedChunks[chunkId] === 0",
111 "chunkId"
112 )};`
113 : "// no on chunks loaded",
114 "",
115 withLoading || withExternalInstallChunk
116 ? `var installChunk = ${runtimeTemplate.basicFunction("chunk", [
117 "var moreModules = chunk.modules, chunkIds = chunk.ids, runtime = chunk.runtime;",
118 "for(var moduleId in moreModules) {",
119 Template.indent([
120 `if(${RuntimeGlobals.hasOwnProperty}(moreModules, moduleId)) {`,
121 Template.indent([
122 `${RuntimeGlobals.moduleFactories}[moduleId] = moreModules[moduleId];`
123 ]),
124 "}"
125 ]),
126 "}",
127 `if(runtime) runtime(__webpack_require__);`,
128 "for(var i = 0; i < chunkIds.length; i++) {",
129 Template.indent([
130 "if(installedChunks[chunkIds[i]]) {",
131 Template.indent(["installedChunks[chunkIds[i]][0]();"]),
132 "}",
133 "installedChunks[chunkIds[i]] = 0;"
134 ]),
135 "}",
136 withOnChunkLoad ? `${RuntimeGlobals.onChunksLoaded}();` : ""
137 ])};`
138 : "// no chunk install function needed",
139 "",
140 withLoading
141 ? Template.asString([
142 "// ReadFile + VM.run chunk loading for javascript",
143 `${fn}.readFileVm = function(chunkId, promises) {`,
144 hasJsMatcher !== false
145 ? Template.indent([
146 "",
147 "var installedChunkData = installedChunks[chunkId];",
148 'if(installedChunkData !== 0) { // 0 means "already installed".',
149 Template.indent([
150 '// array of [resolve, reject, promise] means "currently loading"',
151 "if(installedChunkData) {",
152 Template.indent(["promises.push(installedChunkData[2]);"]),
153 "} else {",
154 Template.indent([
155 hasJsMatcher === true
156 ? "if(true) { // all chunks have JS"
157 : `if(${hasJsMatcher("chunkId")}) {`,
158 Template.indent([
159 "// load the chunk and return promise to it",
160 "var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {",
161 Template.indent([
162 "installedChunkData = installedChunks[chunkId] = [resolve, reject];",
163 `var filename = require('path').join(__dirname, ${JSON.stringify(
164 rootOutputDir
165 )} + ${
166 RuntimeGlobals.getChunkScriptFilename
167 }(chunkId));`,
168 "require('fs').readFile(filename, 'utf-8', function(err, content) {",
169 Template.indent([
170 "if(err) return reject(err);",
171 "var chunk = {};",
172 "require('vm').runInThisContext('(function(exports, require, __dirname, __filename) {' + content + '\\n})', filename)" +
173 "(chunk, require, require('path').dirname(filename), filename);",
174 "installChunk(chunk);"
175 ]),
176 "});"
177 ]),
178 "});",
179 "promises.push(installedChunkData[2] = promise);"
180 ]),
181 "} else installedChunks[chunkId] = 0;"
182 ]),
183 "}"
184 ]),
185 "}"
186 ])
187 : Template.indent(["installedChunks[chunkId] = 0;"]),
188 "};"
189 ])
190 : "// no chunk loading",
191 "",
192 withExternalInstallChunk
193 ? Template.asString([
194 "module.exports = __webpack_require__;",
195 `${RuntimeGlobals.externalInstallChunk} = installChunk;`
196 ])
197 : "// no external install chunk",
198 "",
199 withHmr
200 ? Template.asString([
201 "function loadUpdateChunk(chunkId, updatedModulesList) {",
202 Template.indent([
203 "return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {",
204 Template.indent([
205 `var filename = require('path').join(__dirname, ${JSON.stringify(
206 rootOutputDir
207 )} + ${RuntimeGlobals.getChunkUpdateScriptFilename}(chunkId));`,
208 "require('fs').readFile(filename, 'utf-8', function(err, content) {",
209 Template.indent([
210 "if(err) return reject(err);",
211 "var update = {};",
212 "require('vm').runInThisContext('(function(exports, require, __dirname, __filename) {' + content + '\\n})', filename)" +
213 "(update, require, require('path').dirname(filename), filename);",
214 "var updatedModules = update.modules;",
215 "var runtime = update.runtime;",
216 "for(var moduleId in updatedModules) {",
217 Template.indent([
218 `if(${RuntimeGlobals.hasOwnProperty}(updatedModules, moduleId)) {`,
219 Template.indent([
220 `currentUpdate[moduleId] = updatedModules[moduleId];`,
221 "if(updatedModulesList) updatedModulesList.push(moduleId);"
222 ]),
223 "}"
224 ]),
225 "}",
226 "if(runtime) currentUpdateRuntime.push(runtime);",
227 "resolve();"
228 ]),
229 "});"
230 ]),
231 "});"
232 ]),
233 "}",
234 "",
235 Template.getFunctionContent(
236 require("../hmr/JavascriptHotModuleReplacement.runtime.js")
237 )
238 .replace(/\$key\$/g, "readFileVm")
239 .replace(/\$installedChunks\$/g, "installedChunks")
240 .replace(/\$loadUpdateChunk\$/g, "loadUpdateChunk")
241 .replace(/\$moduleCache\$/g, RuntimeGlobals.moduleCache)
242 .replace(/\$moduleFactories\$/g, RuntimeGlobals.moduleFactories)
243 .replace(
244 /\$ensureChunkHandlers\$/g,
245 RuntimeGlobals.ensureChunkHandlers
246 )
247 .replace(/\$hasOwnProperty\$/g, RuntimeGlobals.hasOwnProperty)
248 .replace(/\$hmrModuleData\$/g, RuntimeGlobals.hmrModuleData)
249 .replace(
250 /\$hmrDownloadUpdateHandlers\$/g,
251 RuntimeGlobals.hmrDownloadUpdateHandlers
252 )
253 .replace(
254 /\$hmrInvalidateModuleHandlers\$/g,
255 RuntimeGlobals.hmrInvalidateModuleHandlers
256 )
257 ])
258 : "// no HMR",
259 "",
260 withHmrManifest
261 ? Template.asString([
262 `${RuntimeGlobals.hmrDownloadManifest} = function() {`,
263 Template.indent([
264 "return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {",
265 Template.indent([
266 `var filename = require('path').join(__dirname, ${JSON.stringify(
267 rootOutputDir
268 )} + ${RuntimeGlobals.getUpdateManifestFilename}());`,
269 "require('fs').readFile(filename, 'utf-8', function(err, content) {",
270 Template.indent([
271 "if(err) {",
272 Template.indent([
273 'if(err.code === "ENOENT") return resolve();',
274 "return reject(err);"
275 ]),
276 "}",
277 "try { resolve(JSON.parse(content)); }",
278 "catch(e) { reject(e); }"
279 ]),
280 "});"
281 ]),
282 "});"
283 ]),
284 "}"
285 ])
286 : "// no HMR manifest"
287 ]);
288 }
291module.exports = ReadFileChunkLoadingRuntimeModule;