1 | [![Standard JS][standard-js-src]][standard-js-href]
2 | [![npm version][npm-version-src]][npm-version-href]
3 | [![npm downloads][npm-downloads-src]][npm-downloads-href]
4 | [![package phobia][package-phobia-src]][package-phobia-href]
5 |
6 |
7 | <div align="center">
8 |
9 | <img width="200" height="200" hspace="25" src="./assets/logo.svg">
10 | <a href="https://webpack.js.org/">
11 | <img width="200" height="200" hspace="25" src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/webpack/media/e7485eb2/logo/icon-square-big.svg">
12 | </a>
13 | <p>Elegant ProgressBar and Profiler for Webpack</p>
14 | </div>
15 |
16 | ✔ Display elegant progress bar while building or watch
17 |
18 | ✔ Support of multiple concurrent builds (useful for SSR)
19 |
20 | ✔ Pretty print filename and loaders
21 |
22 | ✔ Windows compatible
23 |
24 | ✔ **Fully** customizable using reporters
25 |
26 | ✔ Advanced build profiler
27 |
28 | <div align="center">
29 | <br>
30 | <img src="./assets/screen1.png" width="600px">
31 | <p>Multi progress bars</p>
32 | <br>
33 | </div>
34 |
35 | <div align="center">
36 | <br>
37 | <img src="./assets/screen2.png" width="600px">
38 | <p>Build Profiler</p>
39 | <br>
40 | </div>
41 |
42 | <h2 align="center">Getting Started</h2>
43 |
44 | To begin, you'll need to install `webpackbar`:
45 |
46 | Using npm:
47 |
48 | ```bash
49 | npm install webpackbar -D
50 | ```
51 |
52 | Using yarn:
53 |
54 | ```bash
55 | yarn add webpackbar -D
56 | ```
57 |
58 | Then add the reporter as a plugin to your webpack config.
59 |
60 | **webpack.config.js**
61 |
62 | ```js
63 | const webpack = require('webpack');
64 | const WebpackBar = require('webpackbar');
65 |
66 | module.exports = {
67 | context: path.resolve(__dirname),
68 | devtool: 'source-map',
69 | entry: './entry.js',
70 | output: {
71 | filename: './output.js',
72 | path: path.resolve(__dirname)
73 | },
74 | plugins: [
75 | new WebpackBar()
76 | ]
77 | };
78 | ```
79 |
80 | <h2 align="center">Options</h2>
81 |
82 | ### `name`
83 | - Default: `webpack`
84 |
85 | Name.
86 |
87 | ### `color`
88 | - Default: `green`
89 |
90 | Primary color (can be HEX like `#xxyyzz` or a web color like `green`).
91 |
92 | ### `profile`
93 | - Default: `false`
94 |
95 | Enable profiler.
96 |
97 | ### `fancy`
98 |
99 | - Default: `true` when not in CI or testing mode.
100 |
101 | Enable bars reporter.
102 |
103 | ### `basic`
104 |
105 | - Default: `true` when running in minimal environments.
106 |
107 | Enable a simple log reporter (only start and end).
108 |
109 | ### `reporter`
110 |
111 | Register a custom reporter.
112 |
113 | ### `reporters`
114 | - Default: `[]`
115 |
116 | Register an Array of your custom reporters. (Same as `reporter` but array)
117 |
118 | <h2 align="center">Custom Reporters</h2>
119 |
120 | Webpackbar comes with a fancy progress-bar out of the box.
121 | But you may want to show progress somewhere else or provide your own.
122 |
123 | For this purpose, you can provide one or more extra reporters using `reporter` and `reporters` options.
124 |
125 | **NOTE:** If you plan to provide your own reporter, don't forget to setting `fancy` and `basic` options to false to prevent conflicts.
126 |
127 | A reporter should be instance of a class or plain object and functions for special hooks. It is not necessary to implement all functions, webpackbar only calls those that exists.
128 |
129 | **Simple logger:**
130 |
131 | ```js
132 | {
133 | start(context) {
134 | // Called when (re)compile is started
135 | },
136 | change(context) {
137 | // Called when a file changed on watch mode
138 | },
139 | update(context) {
140 | // Called after each progress update
141 | },
142 | done(context) {
143 | // Called when compile finished
144 | },
145 | progress(context) {
146 | // Called when build progress updated
147 | },
148 | allDone(context) {
149 | // Called when _all_ compiles finished
150 | },
151 | beforeAllDone(context) {
152 | },
153 | afterAllDone(context) {
154 | },
155 | }
156 | ```
157 |
158 | `context` is the reference to the plugin. You can use `context.state` to access status.
159 |
160 |
161 | **Schema of `context.state`:**
162 |
163 | ```js
164 | {
165 | start,
166 | progress,
167 | message,
168 | details,
169 | request,
170 | hasErrors
171 | }
172 | ```
173 |
174 | <h2 align="center">License</h2>
175 |
176 | MIT - Made with 💖 By Nuxt.js team!
177 |
178 |
179 | [standard-js-src]: https://flat.badgen.net/badge/code%20style/standard/green
180 | [standard-js-href]: https://standardjs.com
181 |
182 | [npm-version-src]: https://flat.badgen.net/npm/v/webpackbar/latest
183 | [npm-version-href]: https://npmjs.com/package/webpackbar
184 |
185 | [npm-downloads-src]: https://flat.badgen.net/npm/dt/webpackbar
186 | [npm-downloads-href]: https://npmjs.com/package/webpackbar
187 |
188 | [package-phobia-src]: https://flat.badgen.net/packagephobia/install/webpackbar
189 | [package-phobia-href]: https://packagephobia.now.sh/result?p=webpackbar