10.5 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { Brolog } from 'brolog';
2import { Puppet, MemoryCard, StateSwitch, PuppetOptions } from 'wechaty-puppet';
3import { FileBox } from './config';
4import { Sayable } from './types';
5import { PuppetModuleName } from './puppet-config';
6import { Contact, ContactSelf, Friendship, Image, Message, MiniProgram, Room, RoomInvitation, Tag, UrlLink } from './user/mod';
7import { WechatyEventEmitter, WechatyEventName } from './events/wechaty-events';
8import { WechatyPlugin } from './plugin';
9export interface WechatyOptions {
10 memory?: MemoryCard;
11 name?: string;
12 puppet?: PuppetModuleName | Puppet;
13 puppetOptions?: PuppetOptions;
14 ioToken?: string;
17 * Main bot class.
18 *
19 * A `Bot` is a WeChat client depends on which puppet you use.
20 * It may equals
21 * - web-WeChat, when you use: [puppet-puppeteer](https://github.com/wechaty/wechaty-puppet-puppeteer)/[puppet-wechat4u](https://github.com/wechaty/wechaty-puppet-wechat4u)
22 * - ipad-WeChat, when you use: [puppet-padchat](https://github.com/wechaty/wechaty-puppet-padchat)
23 * - ios-WeChat, when you use: puppet-ioscat
24 *
25 * See more:
26 * - [What is a Puppet in Wechaty](https://github.com/wechaty/wechaty-getting-started/wiki/FAQ-EN#31-what-is-a-puppet-in-wechaty)
27 *
28 * > If you want to know how to send message, see [Message](#Message) <br>
29 * > If you want to know how to get contact, see [Contact](#Contact)
30 *
31 * @example <caption>The World's Shortest ChatBot Code: 6 lines of JavaScript</caption>
32 * const { Wechaty } = require('wechaty')
33 * const bot = new Wechaty()
34 * bot.on('scan', (qrCode, status) => console.log('https://wechaty.js.org/qrcode/' + encodeURIComponent(qrcode)))
35 * bot.on('login', user => console.log(`User ${user} logged in`))
36 * bot.on('message', message => console.log(`Message: ${message}`))
37 * bot.start()
38 */
39declare class Wechaty extends WechatyEventEmitter implements Sayable {
40 private options;
41 static readonly VERSION: string;
42 static readonly log: Brolog;
43 readonly log: Brolog;
44 readonly state: StateSwitch;
45 private readonly readyState;
46 readonly wechaty: Wechaty;
47 /**
48 * singleton globalInstance
49 * @ignore
50 */
51 private static globalInstance;
52 private static globalPluginList;
53 private pluginUninstallerList;
54 private memory?;
55 private lifeTimer?;
56 private io?;
57 puppet: Puppet;
58 /**
59 * the cuid
60 * @ignore
61 */
62 readonly id: string;
63 protected wechatifiedContact?: typeof Contact;
64 protected wechatifiedContactSelf?: typeof ContactSelf;
65 protected wechatifiedFriendship?: typeof Friendship;
66 protected wechatifiedImage?: typeof Image;
67 protected wechatifiedMessage?: typeof Message;
68 protected wechatifiedMiniProgram?: typeof MiniProgram;
69 protected wechatifiedRoom?: typeof Room;
70 protected wechatifiedRoomInvitation?: typeof RoomInvitation;
71 protected wechatifiedTag?: typeof Tag;
72 protected wechatifiedUrlLink?: typeof UrlLink;
73 get Contact(): typeof Contact;
74 get ContactSelf(): typeof ContactSelf;
75 get Friendship(): typeof Friendship;
76 get Image(): typeof Image;
77 get Message(): typeof Message;
78 get MiniProgram(): typeof MiniProgram;
79 get Room(): typeof Room;
80 get RoomInvitation(): typeof RoomInvitation;
81 get Tag(): typeof Tag;
82 get UrlLink(): typeof UrlLink;
83 /**
84 * Get the global instance of Wechaty
85 *
86 * @param {WechatyOptions} [options={}]
87 *
88 * @example <caption>The World's Shortest ChatBot Code: 6 lines of JavaScript</caption>
89 * const { Wechaty } = require('wechaty')
90 *
91 * Wechaty.instance() // Global instance
92 * .on('scan', (url, status) => console.log(`Scan QR Code to login: ${status}\n${url}`))
93 * .on('login', user => console.log(`User ${user} logged in`))
94 * .on('message', message => console.log(`Message: ${message}`))
95 * .start()
96 */
97 static instance(options?: WechatyOptions): Wechaty;
98 /**
99 * @param {WechatyPlugin[]} plugins - The plugins you want to use
100 *
101 * @return {Wechaty} - this for chaining,
102 *
103 * @desc
104 * For wechaty ecosystem, allow user to define a 3rd party plugin for the all wechaty instances
105 *
106 * @example
107 * // Report all chat message to my server.
108 *
109 * function WechatyReportPlugin(options: { url: string }) {
110 * return function (this: Wechaty) {
111 * this.on('message', message => http.post(options.url, { data: message }))
112 * }
113 * }
114 *
115 * bot.use(WechatyReportPlugin({ url: 'http://somewhere.to.report.your.data.com' })
116 */
117 static use(...plugins: (WechatyPlugin | WechatyPlugin[])[]): void;
118 /**
119 * The term [Puppet](https://github.com/wechaty/wechaty/wiki/Puppet) in Wechaty is an Abstract Class for implementing protocol plugins.
120 * The plugins are the component that helps Wechaty to control the WeChat(that's the reason we call it puppet).
121 * The plugins are named XXXPuppet, for example:
122 * - [PuppetPuppeteer](https://github.com/wechaty/wechaty-puppet-puppeteer):
123 * - [PuppetPadchat](https://github.com/wechaty/wechaty-puppet-padchat)
124 *
125 * @typedef PuppetModuleName
126 * @property {string} PUPPET_DEFAULT
127 * The default puppet.
128 * @property {string} wechaty-puppet-wechat4u
129 * The default puppet, using the [wechat4u](https://github.com/nodeWechat/wechat4u) to control the [WeChat Web API](https://wx.qq.com/) via a chrome browser.
130 * @property {string} wechaty-puppet-padchat
131 * - Using the WebSocket protocol to connect with a Protocol Server for controlling the iPad WeChat program.
132 * @property {string} wechaty-puppet-puppeteer
133 * - Using the [google puppeteer](https://github.com/GoogleChrome/puppeteer) to control the [WeChat Web API](https://wx.qq.com/) via a chrome browser.
134 * @property {string} wechaty-puppet-mock
135 * - Using the mock data to mock wechat operation, just for test.
136 */
137 /**
138 * The option parameter to create a wechaty instance
139 *
140 * @typedef WechatyOptions
141 * @property {string} name -Wechaty Name. </br>
142 * When you set this: </br>
143 * `new Wechaty({name: 'wechaty-name'}) ` </br>
144 * it will generate a file called `wechaty-name.memory-card.json`. </br>
145 * This file stores the login information for bot. </br>
146 * If the file is valid, the bot can auto login so you don't need to scan the qrCode to login again. </br>
147 * Also, you can set the environment variable for `WECHATY_NAME` to set this value when you start. </br>
148 * eg: `WECHATY_NAME="your-cute-bot-name" node bot.js`
149 * @property {PuppetModuleName | Puppet} puppet -Puppet name or instance
150 * @property {Partial<PuppetOptions>} puppetOptions -Puppet TOKEN
151 * @property {string} ioToken -Io TOKEN
152 */
153 /**
154 * Creates an instance of Wechaty.
155 * @param {WechatyOptions} [options={}]
156 *
157 */
158 constructor(options?: WechatyOptions);
159 /**
160 * @ignore
161 */
162 toString(): string;
163 /**
164 * Wechaty bot name set by `options.name`
165 * default: `wechaty`
166 */
167 name(): string;
168 on(event: WechatyEventName, listener: (...args: any[]) => any): this;
169 /**
170 * @param {WechatyPlugin[]} plugins - The plugins you want to use
171 *
172 * @return {Wechaty} - this for chaining,
173 *
174 * @desc
175 * For wechaty ecosystem, allow user to define a 3rd party plugin for the current wechaty instance.
176 *
177 * @example
178 * // The same usage with Wechaty.use().
179 *
180 */
181 use(...plugins: (WechatyPlugin | WechatyPlugin[])[]): this;
182 private installGlobalPlugin;
183 private initPuppet;
184 protected initPuppetEventBridge(puppet: Puppet): void;
185 protected wechatifyUserModules(puppet: Puppet): void;
186 /**
187 * Start the bot, return Promise.
188 *
189 * @returns {Promise<void>}
190 * @description
191 * When you start the bot, bot will begin to login, need you WeChat scan qrcode to login
192 * > Tips: All the bot operation needs to be triggered after start() is done
193 * @example
194 * await bot.start()
195 * // do other stuff with bot here
196 */
197 start(): Promise<void>;
198 /**
199 * Stop the bot
200 *
201 * @returns {Promise<void>}
202 * @example
203 * await bot.stop()
204 */
205 stop(): Promise<void>;
206 ready(): Promise<void>;
207 /**
208 * Logout the bot
209 *
210 * @returns {Promise<void>}
211 * @example
212 * await bot.logout()
213 */
214 logout(): Promise<void>;
215 /**
216 * Get the logon / logoff state
217 *
218 * @returns {boolean}
219 * @example
220 * if (bot.logonoff()) {
221 * console.log('Bot logged in')
222 * } else {
223 * console.log('Bot not logged in')
224 * }
225 */
226 logonoff(): boolean;
227 /**
228 * Get current user
229 *
230 * @returns {ContactSelf}
231 * @example
232 * const contact = bot.userSelf()
233 * console.log(`Bot is ${contact.name()}`)
234 */
235 userSelf(): ContactSelf;
236 say(text: string): Promise<void>;
237 say(contact: Contact): Promise<void>;
238 say(file: FileBox): Promise<void>;
239 say(mini: MiniProgram): Promise<void>;
240 say(url: UrlLink): Promise<void>;
241 say(...args: never[]): Promise<never>;
242 /**
243 * @ignore
244 */
245 static version(gitHash?: boolean): string;
246 /**
247 * @ignore
248 * Return version of Wechaty
249 *
250 * @param {boolean} [forceNpm=false] - If set to true, will only return the version in package.json. </br>
251 * Otherwise will return git commit hash if .git exists.
252 * @returns {string} - the version number
253 * @example
254 * console.log(Wechaty.instance().version()) // return '#git[af39df]'
255 * console.log(Wechaty.instance().version(true)) // return '0.7.9'
256 */
257 version(forceNpm?: boolean): string;
258 /**
259 * @ignore
260 */
261 static sleep(millisecond: number): Promise<void>;
262 /**
263 * @ignore
264 */
265 sleep(millisecond: number): Promise<void>;
266 /**
267 * @private
268 */
269 ding(data?: string): void;
270 /**
271 * @ignore
272 */
273 private memoryCheck;
274 /**
275 * @ignore
276 */
277 reset(reason?: string): Promise<void>;
278 unref(): void;
280export { Wechaty, };
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