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44 |
45 | <a name="module_white-space-x"></a>
46 |
47 | ## white-space-x
48 |
49 | ### `module.exports` : <code>string</code> ⏏
50 |
51 | List of ECMAScript white space characters.
52 |
53 | **Kind**: Exported member
54 | **Example**
55 |
56 | ```js
57 | import whiteSpace from 'white-space-x';
58 | whiteSpaces.list.foreach(function(item) {
59 | console.log(item.description, item.code, item.string);
60 | });
61 |
62 | const characters = [
63 | '\u0009',
64 | '\u000a',
65 | '\u000b',
66 | '\u000c',
67 | '\u000d',
68 | '\u0020',
69 | '\u00a0',
70 | '\u1680',
71 | '\u2000',
72 | '\u2001',
73 | '\u2002',
74 | '\u2003',
75 | '\u2004',
76 | '\u2005',
77 | '\u2006',
78 | '\u2007',
79 | '\u2008',
80 | '\u2009',
81 | '\u200a',
82 | '\u2028',
83 | '\u2029',
84 | '\u202f',
85 | '\u205f',
86 | '\u3000',
87 | '\ufeff',
88 | ];
89 | const ws = characters.join('');
90 | const re1 = new RegExp('^[' + whiteSpace + ']+$)');
91 | console.log(re1.test(ws)); // true
92 | ```
93 |
94 | - [white-space-x](#module_white-space-x)
95 | - _static_
96 | - [`.list`](#module_white-space-x.list) : <code>Array.<CharRecord></code>
97 | - [`.string2016`](#module_white-space-x.string2016) : <code>string</code>
98 | - _inner_
99 | - [`~CharRecord`](#module_white-space-x..CharRecord) : <code>Object</code>
100 |
101 | <a name="module_white-space-x.list"></a>
102 |
103 | ### `white-space-x.list` : <code>Array.<CharRecord></code>
104 |
105 | An array of the whitespace char codes, string, descriptions and language
106 | presence in the specifications.
107 |
108 | **Kind**: static property of [<code>white-space-x</code>](#module_white-space-x)
109 | <a name="module_white-space-x.string2016"></a>
110 |
111 | ### `white-space-x.string2016` : <code>string</code>
112 |
113 | A string of the ES5 to ES2016 whitespace characters.
114 |
115 | **Kind**: static property of [<code>white-space-x</code>](#module_white-space-x)
116 | **Example**
117 |
118 | ```js
119 | import {string2016 as whiteSpace2016} from 'white-space-x';
120 | const characters = [
121 | '\u0009',
122 | '\u000a',
123 | '\u000b',
124 | '\u000c',
125 | '\u000d',
126 | '\u0020',
127 | '\u00a0',
128 | '\u1680',
129 | '\u180e',
130 | '\u2000',
131 | '\u2001',
132 | '\u2002',
133 | '\u2003',
134 | '\u2004',
135 | '\u2005',
136 | '\u2006',
137 | '\u2007',
138 | '\u2008',
139 | '\u2009',
140 | '\u200a',
141 | '\u2028',
142 | '\u2029',
143 | '\u202f',
144 | '\u205f',
145 | '\u3000',
146 | '\ufeff',
147 | ];
148 | const ws = characters.join('');
149 | const re1 = new RegExp('^[' + whiteSpace2016 + ']+$)');
150 | console.log(re1.test(ws)); // true
151 | ```
152 |
153 | <a name="module_white-space-x.string2017"></a>
154 |
155 | ### `white-space-x.string2017` : <code>string</code>
156 |
157 | A string of the ES2017 to ES2018 whitespace characters.
158 |
159 | **Kind**: static property of [<code>white-space-x</code>](#module_white-space-x)
160 | <a name="module_white-space-x.string2018"></a>
161 |
162 | <a name="module_white-space-x..CharRecord"></a>
163 |
164 | ### `white-space-x~CharRecord` : <code>Object</code>
165 |
166 | A record of a white space character.
167 |
168 | **Kind**: inner typedef of [<code>white-space-x</code>](#module_white-space-x)
169 | **Properties**
170 |
171 | | Name | Type | Description |
172 | | ----------- | -------------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
173 | | code | <code>number</code> | The character code. |
174 | | description | <code>string</code> | A description of the character. |
175 | | es5 | <code>boolean</code> | Whether the spec lists this as a white space. |
176 | | es2015 | <code>boolean</code> | Whether the spec lists this as a white space. |
177 | | es2016 | <code>boolean</code> | Whether the spec lists this as a white space. |
178 | | es2017 | <code>boolean</code> | Whether the spec lists this as a white space. |
179 | | es2018 | <code>boolean</code> | Whether the spec lists this as a white space. |
180 | | string | <code>string</code> | The character string. |