236 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1var Fa = Object.defineProperty;
2var Xr = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
3var Ga = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, Ya = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
4var Jr = (e, r, a) => r in e ? Fa(e, r, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: a }) : e[r] = a, tr = (e, r) => {
5 for (var a in r || (r = {}))
6 Ga.call(r, a) && Jr(e, a, r[a]);
7 if (Xr)
8 for (var a of Xr(r))
9 Ya.call(r, a) && Jr(e, a, r[a]);
10 return e;
12const Va = (e, r) => {
13 const a = new XMLHttpRequest();
14 a.open("GET", e), a.send(), a.addEventListener("load", () => {
15 r(JSON.parse(a.responseText));
16 }), a.addEventListener("error", () => {
17 r(!1, a.status);
18 });
19}, lr = {}, ze = (e, r, a, n = Va) => {
20 if (lr[e] !== void 0) {
21 a(lr[e]);
22 return;
23 }
24 n(e, (o, t) => {
25 o ? a(lr[e] = r(o)) : a(!1, t);
26 });
28/*! @license DOMPurify 3.0.6 | (c) Cure53 and other contributors | Released under the Apache license 2.0 and Mozilla Public License 2.0 | github.com/cure53/DOMPurify/blob/3.0.6/LICENSE */
29const {
30 entries: ua,
31 setPrototypeOf: Zr,
32 isFrozen: Ka,
33 getPrototypeOf: Xa,
34 getOwnPropertyDescriptor: ca
35} = Object;
36let {
37 freeze: I,
38 seal: J,
39 create: ma
40} = Object, {
41 apply: wr,
42 construct: vr
43} = typeof Reflect != "undefined" && Reflect;
44I || (I = function(r) {
45 return r;
47J || (J = function(r) {
48 return r;
50wr || (wr = function(r, a, n) {
51 return r.apply(a, n);
53vr || (vr = function(r, a) {
54 return new r(...a);
56const Ie = V(Array.prototype.forEach), Qr = V(Array.prototype.pop), be = V(Array.prototype.push), He = V(String.prototype.toLowerCase), sr = V(String.prototype.toString), Ja = V(String.prototype.match), je = V(String.prototype.replace), Za = V(String.prototype.indexOf), Qa = V(String.prototype.trim), Y = V(RegExp.prototype.test), Se = ei(TypeError);
57function V(e) {
58 return function(r) {
59 for (var a = arguments.length, n = new Array(a > 1 ? a - 1 : 0), o = 1; o < a; o++)
60 n[o - 1] = arguments[o];
61 return wr(e, r, n);
62 };
64function ei(e) {
65 return function() {
66 for (var r = arguments.length, a = new Array(r), n = 0; n < r; n++)
67 a[n] = arguments[n];
68 return vr(e, a);
69 };
71function w(e, r) {
72 let a = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : He;
73 Zr && Zr(e, null);
74 let n = r.length;
75 for (; n--; ) {
76 let o = r[n];
77 if (typeof o == "string") {
78 const t = a(o);
79 t !== o && (Ka(r) || (r[n] = t), o = t);
80 }
81 e[o] = !0;
82 }
83 return e;
85function fe(e) {
86 const r = ma(null);
87 for (const [a, n] of ua(e))
88 ca(e, a) !== void 0 && (r[a] = n);
89 return r;
91function Ce(e, r) {
92 for (; e !== null; ) {
93 const n = ca(e, r);
94 if (n) {
95 if (n.get)
96 return V(n.get);
97 if (typeof n.value == "function")
98 return V(n.value);
99 }
100 e = Xa(e);
101 }
102 function a(n) {
103 return console.warn("fallback value for", n), null;
104 }
105 return a;
107const ea = I(["a", "abbr", "acronym", "address", "area", "article", "aside", "audio", "b", "bdi", "bdo", "big", "blink", "blockquote", "body", "br", "button", "canvas", "caption", "center", "cite", "code", "col", "colgroup", "content", "data", "datalist", "dd", "decorator", "del", "details", "dfn", "dialog", "dir", "div", "dl", "dt", "element", "em", "fieldset", "figcaption", "figure", "font", "footer", "form", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "head", "header", "hgroup", "hr", "html", "i", "img", "input", "ins", "kbd", "label", "legend", "li", "main", "map", "mark", "marquee", "menu", "menuitem", "meter", "nav", "nobr", "ol", "optgroup", "option", "output", "p", "picture", "pre", "progress", "q", "rp", "rt", "ruby", "s", "samp", "section", "select", "shadow", "small", "source", "spacer", "span", "strike", "strong", "style", "sub", "summary", "sup", "table", "tbody", "td", "template", "textarea", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "time", "tr", "track", "tt", "u", "ul", "var", "video", "wbr"]), dr = I(["svg", "a", "altglyph", "altglyphdef", "altglyphitem", "animatecolor", "animatemotion", "animatetransform", "circle", "clippath", "defs", "desc", "ellipse", "filter", "font", "g", "glyph", "glyphref", "hkern", "image", "line", "lineargradient", "marker", "mask", "metadata", "mpath", "path", "pattern", "polygon", "polyline", "radialgradient", "rect", "stop", "style", "switch", "symbol", "text", "textpath", "title", "tref", "tspan", "view", "vkern"]), gr = I(["feBlend", "feColorMatrix", "feComponentTransfer", "feComposite", "feConvolveMatrix", "feDiffuseLighting", "feDisplacementMap", "feDistantLight", "feDropShadow", "feFlood", "feFuncA", "feFuncB", "feFuncG", "feFuncR", "feGaussianBlur", "feImage", "feMerge", "feMergeNode", "feMorphology", "feOffset", "fePointLight", "feSpecularLighting", "feSpotLight", "feTile", "feTurbulence"]), ri = I(["animate", "color-profile", "cursor", "discard", "font-face", "font-face-format", "font-face-name", "font-face-src", "font-face-uri", "foreignobject", "hatch", "hatchpath", "mesh", "meshgradient", "meshpatch", "meshrow", "missing-glyph", "script", "set", "solidcolor", "unknown", "use"]), ur = I(["math", "menclose", "merror", "mfenced", "mfrac", "mglyph", "mi", "mlabeledtr", "mmultiscripts", "mn", "mo", "mover", "mpadded", "mphantom", "mroot", "mrow", "ms", "mspace", "msqrt", "mstyle", "msub", "msup", "msubsup", "mtable", "mtd", "mtext", "mtr", "munder", "munderover", "mprescripts"]), ai = I(["maction", "maligngroup", "malignmark", "mlongdiv", "mscarries", "mscarry", "msgroup", "mstack", "msline", "msrow", "semantics", "annotation", "annotation-xml", "mprescripts", "none"]), ra = I(["#text"]), aa = I(["accept", "action", "align", "alt", "autocapitalize", "autocomplete", "autopictureinpicture", "autoplay", "background", "bgcolor", "border", "capture", "cellpadding", "cellspacing", "checked", "cite", "class", "clear", "color", "cols", "colspan", "controls", "controlslist", "coords", "crossorigin", "datetime", "decoding", "default", "dir", "disabled", "disablepictureinpicture", "disableremoteplayback", "download", "draggable", "enctype", "enterkeyhint", "face", "for", "headers", "height", "hidden", "high", "href", "hreflang", "id", "inputmode", "integrity", "ismap", "kind", "label", "lang", "list", "loading", "loop", "low", "max", "maxlength", "media", "method", "min", "minlength", "multiple", "muted", "name", "nonce", "noshade", "novalidate", "nowrap", "open", "optimum", "pattern", "placeholder", "playsinline", "poster", "preload", "pubdate", "radiogroup", "readonly", "rel", "required", "rev", "reversed", "role", "rows", "rowspan", "spellcheck", "scope", "selected", "shape", "size", "sizes", "span", "srclang", "start", "src", "srcset", "step", "style", "summary", "tabindex", "title", "translate", "type", "usemap", "valign", "value", "width", "xmlns", "slot"]), cr = I(["accent-height", "accumulate", "additive", "alignment-baseline", "ascent", "attributename", "attributetype", "azimuth", "basefrequency", "baseline-shift", "begin", "bias", "by", "class", "clip", "clippathunits", "clip-path", "clip-rule", "color", "color-interpolation", "color-interpolation-filters", "color-profile", "color-rendering", "cx", "cy", "d", "dx", "dy", "diffuseconstant", "direction", "display", "divisor", "dur", "edgemode", "elevation", "end", "fill", "fill-opacity", "fill-rule", "filter", "filterunits", "flood-color", "flood-opacity", "font-family", "font-size", "font-size-adjust", "font-stretch", "font-style", "font-variant", "font-weight", "fx", "fy", "g1", "g2", "glyph-name", "glyphref", "gradientunits", "gradienttransform", "height", "href", "id", "image-rendering", "in", "in2", "k", "k1", "k2", "k3", "k4", "kerning", "keypoints", "keysplines", "keytimes", "lang", "lengthadjust", "letter-spacing", "kernelmatrix", "kernelunitlength", "lighting-color", "local", "marker-end", "marker-mid", "marker-start", "markerheight", "markerunits", "markerwidth", "maskcontentunits", "maskunits", "max", "mask", "media", "method", "mode", "min", "name", "numoctaves", "offset", "operator", "opacity", "order", "orient", "orientation", "origin", "overflow", "paint-order", "path", "pathlength", "patterncontentunits", "patterntransform", "patternunits", "points", "preservealpha", "preserveaspectratio", "primitiveunits", "r", "rx", "ry", "radius", "refx", "refy", "repeatcount", "repeatdur", "restart", "result", "rotate", "scale", "seed", "shape-rendering", "specularconstant", "specularexponent", "spreadmethod", "startoffset", "stddeviation", "stitchtiles", "stop-color", "stop-opacity", "stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset", "stroke-linecap", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-miterlimit", "stroke-opacity", "stroke", "stroke-width", "style", "surfacescale", "systemlanguage", "tabindex", "targetx", "targety", "transform", "transform-origin", "text-anchor", "text-decoration", "text-rendering", "textlength", "type", "u1", "u2", "unicode", "values", "viewbox", "visibility", "version", "vert-adv-y", "vert-origin-x", "vert-origin-y", "width", "word-spacing", "wrap", "writing-mode", "xchannelselector", "ychannelselector", "x", "x1", "x2", "xmlns", "y", "y1", "y2", "z", "zoomandpan"]), ia = I(["accent", "accentunder", "align", "bevelled", "close", "columnsalign", "columnlines", "columnspan", "denomalign", "depth", "dir", "display", "displaystyle", "encoding", "fence", "frame", "height", "href", "id", "largeop", "length", "linethickness", "lspace", "lquote", "mathbackground", "mathcolor", "mathsize", "mathvariant", "maxsize", "minsize", "movablelimits", "notation", "numalign", "open", "rowalign", "rowlines", "rowspacing", "rowspan", "rspace", "rquote", "scriptlevel", "scriptminsize", "scriptsizemultiplier", "selection", "separator", "separators", "stretchy", "subscriptshift", "supscriptshift", "symmetric", "voffset", "width", "xmlns"]), De = I(["xlink:href", "xml:id", "xlink:title", "xml:space", "xmlns:xlink"]), ii = J(/\{\{[\w\W]*|[\w\W]*\}\}/gm), ni = J(/<%[\w\W]*|[\w\W]*%>/gm), oi = J(/\${[\w\W]*}/gm), ti = J(/^data-[\-\w.\u00B7-\uFFFF]/), li = J(/^aria-[\-\w]+$/), pa = J(
108 /^(?:(?:(?:f|ht)tps?|mailto|tel|callto|sms|cid|xmpp):|[^a-z]|[a-z+.\-]+(?:[^a-z+.\-:]|$))/i
109 // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape
110), si = J(/^(?:\w+script|data):/i), di = J(
111 /[\u0000-\u0020\u00A0\u1680\u180E\u2000-\u2029\u205F\u3000]/g
112 // eslint-disable-line no-control-regex
113), fa = J(/^html$/i);
114var na = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze({
115 __proto__: null,
117 ERB_EXPR: ni,
118 TMPLIT_EXPR: oi,
119 DATA_ATTR: ti,
120 ARIA_ATTR: li,
126const gi = function() {
127 return typeof window == "undefined" ? null : window;
128}, ui = function(r, a) {
129 if (typeof r != "object" || typeof r.createPolicy != "function")
130 return null;
131 let n = null;
132 const o = "data-tt-policy-suffix";
133 a && a.hasAttribute(o) && (n = a.getAttribute(o));
134 const t = "dompurify" + (n ? "#" + n : "");
135 try {
136 return r.createPolicy(t, {
137 createHTML(c) {
138 return c;
139 },
140 createScriptURL(c) {
141 return c;
142 }
143 });
144 } catch (c) {
145 return console.warn("TrustedTypes policy " + t + " could not be created."), null;
146 }
148function ya() {
149 let e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : gi();
150 const r = (u) => ya(u);
151 if (r.version = "3.0.6", r.removed = [], !e || !e.document || e.document.nodeType !== 9)
152 return r.isSupported = !1, r;
153 let {
154 document: a
155 } = e;
156 const n = a, o = n.currentScript, {
157 DocumentFragment: t,
158 HTMLTemplateElement: c,
159 Node: m,
160 Element: f,
161 NodeFilter: v,
162 NamedNodeMap: k = e.NamedNodeMap || e.MozNamedAttrMap,
163 HTMLFormElement: z,
164 DOMParser: Z,
165 trustedTypes: s
166 } = e, p = f.prototype, y = Ce(p, "cloneNode"), j = Ce(p, "nextSibling"), b = Ce(p, "childNodes"), T = Ce(p, "parentNode");
167 if (typeof c == "function") {
168 const u = a.createElement("template");
169 u.content && u.content.ownerDocument && (a = u.content.ownerDocument);
170 }
171 let h, $ = "";
172 const {
173 implementation: B,
174 createNodeIterator: K,
175 createDocumentFragment: q,
176 getElementsByTagName: F
177 } = a, {
178 importNode: G
179 } = n;
180 let N = {};
181 r.isSupported = typeof ua == "function" && typeof T == "function" && B && B.createHTMLDocument !== void 0;
182 const {
184 ERB_EXPR: Le,
185 TMPLIT_EXPR: he,
186 DATA_ATTR: La,
187 ARIA_ATTR: qa,
190 } = na;
191 let {
193 } = na, E = null;
194 const Or = w({}, [...ea, ...dr, ...gr, ...ur, ...ra]);
195 let M = null;
196 const Ar = w({}, [...aa, ...cr, ...ia, ...De]);
197 let O = Object.seal(ma(null, {
198 tagNameCheck: {
199 writable: !0,
200 configurable: !1,
201 enumerable: !0,
202 value: null
203 },
204 attributeNameCheck: {
205 writable: !0,
206 configurable: !1,
207 enumerable: !0,
208 value: null
209 },
210 allowCustomizedBuiltInElements: {
211 writable: !0,
212 configurable: !1,
213 enumerable: !0,
214 value: !1
215 }
216 })), we = null, Ke = null, zr = !0, Xe = !0, Er = !1, Mr = !0, de = !1, ne = !1, Je = !1, Ze = !1, ge = !1, qe = !1, xe = !1, Pr = !0, Lr = !1;
217 const Wa = "user-content-";
218 let Qe = !0, ve = !1, ue = {}, ce = null;
219 const qr = w({}, ["annotation-xml", "audio", "colgroup", "desc", "foreignobject", "head", "iframe", "math", "mi", "mn", "mo", "ms", "mtext", "noembed", "noframes", "noscript", "plaintext", "script", "style", "svg", "template", "thead", "title", "video", "xmp"]);
220 let xr = null;
221 const Wr = w({}, ["audio", "video", "img", "source", "image", "track"]);
222 let er = null;
223 const Nr = w({}, ["alt", "class", "for", "id", "label", "name", "pattern", "placeholder", "role", "summary", "title", "value", "style", "xmlns"]), We = "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML", Ne = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", Q = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";
224 let me = Q, rr = !1, ar = null;
225 const Na = w({}, [We, Ne, Q], sr);
226 let oe = null;
227 const Ra = ["application/xhtml+xml", "text/html"], Ia = "text/html";
228 let P = null, pe = null;
229 const Ca = a.createElement("form"), Rr = function(i) {
230 return i instanceof RegExp || i instanceof Function;
231 }, ir = function() {
232 let i = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {};
233 if (!(pe && pe === i)) {
234 if ((!i || typeof i != "object") && (i = {}), i = fe(i), oe = // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-includes
235 Ra.indexOf(i.PARSER_MEDIA_TYPE) === -1 ? oe = Ia : oe = i.PARSER_MEDIA_TYPE, P = oe === "application/xhtml+xml" ? sr : He, E = "ALLOWED_TAGS" in i ? w({}, i.ALLOWED_TAGS, P) : Or, M = "ALLOWED_ATTR" in i ? w({}, i.ALLOWED_ATTR, P) : Ar, ar = "ALLOWED_NAMESPACES" in i ? w({}, i.ALLOWED_NAMESPACES, sr) : Na, er = "ADD_URI_SAFE_ATTR" in i ? w(
236 fe(Nr),
237 // eslint-disable-line indent
239 // eslint-disable-line indent
240 P
241 // eslint-disable-line indent
242 ) : Nr, xr = "ADD_DATA_URI_TAGS" in i ? w(
243 fe(Wr),
244 // eslint-disable-line indent
246 // eslint-disable-line indent
247 P
248 // eslint-disable-line indent
249 ) : Wr, ce = "FORBID_CONTENTS" in i ? w({}, i.FORBID_CONTENTS, P) : qr, we = "FORBID_TAGS" in i ? w({}, i.FORBID_TAGS, P) : {}, Ke = "FORBID_ATTR" in i ? w({}, i.FORBID_ATTR, P) : {}, ue = "USE_PROFILES" in i ? i.USE_PROFILES : !1, zr = i.ALLOW_ARIA_ATTR !== !1, Xe = i.ALLOW_DATA_ATTR !== !1, Er = i.ALLOW_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOLS || !1, Mr = i.ALLOW_SELF_CLOSE_IN_ATTR !== !1, de = i.SAFE_FOR_TEMPLATES || !1, ne = i.WHOLE_DOCUMENT || !1, ge = i.RETURN_DOM || !1, qe = i.RETURN_DOM_FRAGMENT || !1, xe = i.RETURN_TRUSTED_TYPE || !1, Ze = i.FORCE_BODY || !1, Pr = i.SANITIZE_DOM !== !1, Lr = i.SANITIZE_NAMED_PROPS || !1, Qe = i.KEEP_CONTENT !== !1, ve = i.IN_PLACE || !1, $r = i.ALLOWED_URI_REGEXP || pa, me = i.NAMESPACE || Q, O = i.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING || {}, i.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING && Rr(i.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.tagNameCheck) && (O.tagNameCheck = i.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.tagNameCheck), i.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING && Rr(i.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.attributeNameCheck) && (O.attributeNameCheck = i.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.attributeNameCheck), i.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING && typeof i.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.allowCustomizedBuiltInElements == "boolean" && (O.allowCustomizedBuiltInElements = i.CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.allowCustomizedBuiltInElements), de && (Xe = !1), qe && (ge = !0), ue && (E = w({}, [...ra]), M = [], ue.html === !0 && (w(E, ea), w(M, aa)), ue.svg === !0 && (w(E, dr), w(M, cr), w(M, De)), ue.svgFilters === !0 && (w(E, gr), w(M, cr), w(M, De)), ue.mathMl === !0 && (w(E, ur), w(M, ia), w(M, De))), i.ADD_TAGS && (E === Or && (E = fe(E)), w(E, i.ADD_TAGS, P)), i.ADD_ATTR && (M === Ar && (M = fe(M)), w(M, i.ADD_ATTR, P)), i.ADD_URI_SAFE_ATTR && w(er, i.ADD_URI_SAFE_ATTR, P), i.FORBID_CONTENTS && (ce === qr && (ce = fe(ce)), w(ce, i.FORBID_CONTENTS, P)), Qe && (E["#text"] = !0), ne && w(E, ["html", "head", "body"]), E.table && (w(E, ["tbody"]), delete we.tbody), i.TRUSTED_TYPES_POLICY) {
250 if (typeof i.TRUSTED_TYPES_POLICY.createHTML != "function")
251 throw Se('TRUSTED_TYPES_POLICY configuration option must provide a "createHTML" hook.');
252 if (typeof i.TRUSTED_TYPES_POLICY.createScriptURL != "function")
253 throw Se('TRUSTED_TYPES_POLICY configuration option must provide a "createScriptURL" hook.');
254 h = i.TRUSTED_TYPES_POLICY, $ = h.createHTML("");
255 } else
256 h === void 0 && (h = ui(s, o)), h !== null && typeof $ == "string" && ($ = h.createHTML(""));
257 I && I(i), pe = i;
258 }
259 }, Ir = w({}, ["mi", "mo", "mn", "ms", "mtext"]), Cr = w({}, ["foreignobject", "desc", "title", "annotation-xml"]), Da = w({}, ["title", "style", "font", "a", "script"]), Re = w({}, dr);
260 w(Re, gr), w(Re, ri);
261 const nr = w({}, ur);
262 w(nr, ai);
263 const Ha = function(i) {
264 let l = T(i);
265 (!l || !l.tagName) && (l = {
266 namespaceURI: me,
267 tagName: "template"
268 });
269 const g = He(i.tagName), S = He(l.tagName);
270 return ar[i.namespaceURI] ? i.namespaceURI === Ne ? l.namespaceURI === Q ? g === "svg" : l.namespaceURI === We ? g === "svg" && (S === "annotation-xml" || Ir[S]) : !!Re[g] : i.namespaceURI === We ? l.namespaceURI === Q ? g === "math" : l.namespaceURI === Ne ? g === "math" && Cr[S] : !!nr[g] : i.namespaceURI === Q ? l.namespaceURI === Ne && !Cr[S] || l.namespaceURI === We && !Ir[S] ? !1 : !nr[g] && (Da[g] || !Re[g]) : !!(oe === "application/xhtml+xml" && ar[i.namespaceURI]) : !1;
271 }, te = function(i) {
272 be(r.removed, {
273 element: i
274 });
275 try {
276 i.parentNode.removeChild(i);
277 } catch (l) {
278 i.remove();
279 }
280 }, or = function(i, l) {
281 try {
282 be(r.removed, {
283 attribute: l.getAttributeNode(i),
284 from: l
285 });
286 } catch (g) {
287 be(r.removed, {
288 attribute: null,
289 from: l
290 });
291 }
292 if (l.removeAttribute(i), i === "is" && !M[i])
293 if (ge || qe)
294 try {
295 te(l);
296 } catch (g) {
297 }
298 else
299 try {
300 l.setAttribute(i, "");
301 } catch (g) {
302 }
303 }, Dr = function(i) {
304 let l = null, g = null;
305 if (Ze)
306 i = "<remove></remove>" + i;
307 else {
308 const W = Ja(i, /^[\r\n\t ]+/);
309 g = W && W[0];
310 }
311 oe === "application/xhtml+xml" && me === Q && (i = '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head></head><body>' + i + "</body></html>");
312 const S = h ? h.createHTML(i) : i;
313 if (me === Q)
314 try {
315 l = new Z().parseFromString(S, oe);
316 } catch (W) {
317 }
318 if (!l || !l.documentElement) {
319 l = B.createDocument(me, "template", null);
320 try {
321 l.documentElement.innerHTML = rr ? $ : S;
322 } catch (W) {
323 }
324 }
325 const x = l.body || l.documentElement;
326 return i && g && x.insertBefore(a.createTextNode(g), x.childNodes[0] || null), me === Q ? F.call(l, ne ? "html" : "body")[0] : ne ? l.documentElement : x;
327 }, Hr = function(i) {
328 return K.call(
329 i.ownerDocument || i,
330 i,
331 // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise
333 null
334 );
335 }, Ua = function(i) {
336 return i instanceof z && (typeof i.nodeName != "string" || typeof i.textContent != "string" || typeof i.removeChild != "function" || !(i.attributes instanceof k) || typeof i.removeAttribute != "function" || typeof i.setAttribute != "function" || typeof i.namespaceURI != "string" || typeof i.insertBefore != "function" || typeof i.hasChildNodes != "function");
337 }, Ur = function(i) {
338 return typeof m == "function" && i instanceof m;
339 }, ee = function(i, l, g) {
340 N[i] && Ie(N[i], (S) => {
341 S.call(r, l, g, pe);
342 });
343 }, Br = function(i) {
344 let l = null;
345 if (ee("beforeSanitizeElements", i, null), Ua(i))
346 return te(i), !0;
347 const g = P(i.nodeName);
348 if (ee("uponSanitizeElement", i, {
349 tagName: g,
350 allowedTags: E
351 }), i.hasChildNodes() && !Ur(i.firstElementChild) && Y(/<[/\w]/g, i.innerHTML) && Y(/<[/\w]/g, i.textContent))
352 return te(i), !0;
353 if (!E[g] || we[g]) {
354 if (!we[g] && Gr(g) && (O.tagNameCheck instanceof RegExp && Y(O.tagNameCheck, g) || O.tagNameCheck instanceof Function && O.tagNameCheck(g)))
355 return !1;
356 if (Qe && !ce[g]) {
357 const S = T(i) || i.parentNode, x = b(i) || i.childNodes;
358 if (x && S) {
359 const W = x.length;
360 for (let C = W - 1; C >= 0; --C)
361 S.insertBefore(y(x[C], !0), j(i));
362 }
363 }
364 return te(i), !0;
365 }
366 return i instanceof f && !Ha(i) || (g === "noscript" || g === "noembed" || g === "noframes") && Y(/<\/no(script|embed|frames)/i, i.innerHTML) ? (te(i), !0) : (de && i.nodeType === 3 && (l = i.textContent, Ie([re, Le, he], (S) => {
367 l = je(l, S, " ");
368 }), i.textContent !== l && (be(r.removed, {
369 element: i.cloneNode()
370 }), i.textContent = l)), ee("afterSanitizeElements", i, null), !1);
371 }, Fr = function(i, l, g) {
372 if (Pr && (l === "id" || l === "name") && (g in a || g in Ca))
373 return !1;
374 if (!(Xe && !Ke[l] && Y(La, l))) {
375 if (!(zr && Y(qa, l))) {
376 if (!M[l] || Ke[l]) {
377 if (
378 // First condition does a very basic check if a) it's basically a valid custom element tagname AND
379 // b) if the tagName passes whatever the user has configured for CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.tagNameCheck
380 // and c) if the attribute name passes whatever the user has configured for CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.attributeNameCheck
381 !(Gr(i) && (O.tagNameCheck instanceof RegExp && Y(O.tagNameCheck, i) || O.tagNameCheck instanceof Function && O.tagNameCheck(i)) && (O.attributeNameCheck instanceof RegExp && Y(O.attributeNameCheck, l) || O.attributeNameCheck instanceof Function && O.attributeNameCheck(l)) || // Alternative, second condition checks if it's an `is`-attribute, AND
382 // the value passes whatever the user has configured for CUSTOM_ELEMENT_HANDLING.tagNameCheck
383 l === "is" && O.allowCustomizedBuiltInElements && (O.tagNameCheck instanceof RegExp && Y(O.tagNameCheck, g) || O.tagNameCheck instanceof Function && O.tagNameCheck(g)))
384 )
385 return !1;
386 } else if (!er[l]) {
387 if (!Y($r, je(g, Tr, ""))) {
388 if (!((l === "src" || l === "xlink:href" || l === "href") && i !== "script" && Za(g, "data:") === 0 && xr[i])) {
389 if (!(Er && !Y(xa, je(g, Tr, "")))) {
390 if (g)
391 return !1;
392 }
393 }
394 }
395 }
396 }
397 }
398 return !0;
399 }, Gr = function(i) {
400 return i.indexOf("-") > 0;
401 }, Yr = function(i) {
402 ee("beforeSanitizeAttributes", i, null);
403 const {
404 attributes: l
405 } = i;
406 if (!l)
407 return;
408 const g = {
409 attrName: "",
410 attrValue: "",
411 keepAttr: !0,
412 allowedAttributes: M
413 };
414 let S = l.length;
415 for (; S--; ) {
416 const x = l[S], {
417 name: W,
418 namespaceURI: C,
419 value: le
420 } = x, ke = P(W);
421 let D = W === "value" ? le : Qa(le);
422 if (g.attrName = ke, g.attrValue = D, g.keepAttr = !0, g.forceKeepAttr = void 0, ee("uponSanitizeAttribute", i, g), D = g.attrValue, g.forceKeepAttr || (or(W, i), !g.keepAttr))
423 continue;
424 if (!Mr && Y(/\/>/i, D)) {
425 or(W, i);
426 continue;
427 }
428 de && Ie([re, Le, he], (Kr) => {
429 D = je(D, Kr, " ");
430 });
431 const Vr = P(i.nodeName);
432 if (Fr(Vr, ke, D)) {
433 if (Lr && (ke === "id" || ke === "name") && (or(W, i), D = Wa + D), h && typeof s == "object" && typeof s.getAttributeType == "function" && !C)
434 switch (s.getAttributeType(Vr, ke)) {
435 case "TrustedHTML": {
436 D = h.createHTML(D);
437 break;
438 }
439 case "TrustedScriptURL": {
440 D = h.createScriptURL(D);
441 break;
442 }
443 }
444 try {
445 C ? i.setAttributeNS(C, W, D) : i.setAttribute(W, D), Qr(r.removed);
446 } catch (Kr) {
447 }
448 }
449 }
450 ee("afterSanitizeAttributes", i, null);
451 }, Ba = function u(i) {
452 let l = null;
453 const g = Hr(i);
454 for (ee("beforeSanitizeShadowDOM", i, null); l = g.nextNode(); )
455 ee("uponSanitizeShadowNode", l, null), !Br(l) && (l.content instanceof t && u(l.content), Yr(l));
456 ee("afterSanitizeShadowDOM", i, null);
457 };
458 return r.sanitize = function(u) {
459 let i = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {}, l = null, g = null, S = null, x = null;
460 if (rr = !u, rr && (u = "<!-->"), typeof u != "string" && !Ur(u))
461 if (typeof u.toString == "function") {
462 if (u = u.toString(), typeof u != "string")
463 throw Se("dirty is not a string, aborting");
464 } else
465 throw Se("toString is not a function");
466 if (!r.isSupported)
467 return u;
468 if (Je || ir(i), r.removed = [], typeof u == "string" && (ve = !1), ve) {
469 if (u.nodeName) {
470 const le = P(u.nodeName);
471 if (!E[le] || we[le])
472 throw Se("root node is forbidden and cannot be sanitized in-place");
473 }
474 } else if (u instanceof m)
475 l = Dr("<!---->"), g = l.ownerDocument.importNode(u, !0), g.nodeType === 1 && g.nodeName === "BODY" || g.nodeName === "HTML" ? l = g : l.appendChild(g);
476 else {
477 if (!ge && !de && !ne && // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-includes
478 u.indexOf("<") === -1)
479 return h && xe ? h.createHTML(u) : u;
480 if (l = Dr(u), !l)
481 return ge ? null : xe ? $ : "";
482 }
483 l && Ze && te(l.firstChild);
484 const W = Hr(ve ? u : l);
485 for (; S = W.nextNode(); )
486 Br(S) || (S.content instanceof t && Ba(S.content), Yr(S));
487 if (ve)
488 return u;
489 if (ge) {
490 if (qe)
491 for (x = q.call(l.ownerDocument); l.firstChild; )
492 x.appendChild(l.firstChild);
493 else
494 x = l;
495 return (M.shadowroot || M.shadowrootmode) && (x = G.call(n, x, !0)), x;
496 }
497 let C = ne ? l.outerHTML : l.innerHTML;
498 return ne && E["!doctype"] && l.ownerDocument && l.ownerDocument.doctype && l.ownerDocument.doctype.name && Y(fa, l.ownerDocument.doctype.name) && (C = "<!DOCTYPE " + l.ownerDocument.doctype.name + `>
499` + C), de && Ie([re, Le, he], (le) => {
500 C = je(C, le, " ");
501 }), h && xe ? h.createHTML(C) : C;
502 }, r.setConfig = function() {
503 let u = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {};
504 ir(u), Je = !0;
505 }, r.clearConfig = function() {
506 pe = null, Je = !1;
507 }, r.isValidAttribute = function(u, i, l) {
508 pe || ir({});
509 const g = P(u), S = P(i);
510 return Fr(g, S, l);
511 }, r.addHook = function(u, i) {
512 typeof i == "function" && (N[u] = N[u] || [], be(N[u], i));
513 }, r.removeHook = function(u) {
514 if (N[u])
515 return Qr(N[u]);
516 }, r.removeHooks = function(u) {
517 N[u] && (N[u] = []);
518 }, r.removeAllHooks = function() {
519 N = {};
520 }, r;
522var ci = ya();
523const mi = (e) => {
524 let a = e;
525 for (let n = 0; n < 5; n++) {
526 const o = decodeURIComponent(a);
527 if (o === a)
528 return o;
529 a = o;
530 }
531 return a;
532}, pi = (e) => {
533 const r = [
534 // https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/前岐镇"
535 // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cat#Section
536 /^https?:\/\/(\w+)(\.m)?\.wikipedia\.org\/wiki\/([^#?]+)/,
537 // https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Cat
538 // https://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=太阳帆&action=purge
539 /^https?:\/\/(\w+)(\.m)?\.wikipedia\.org\/w\/index.php\?title=([^#&]+)/
540 ];
541 for (let a = 0; a < r.length; a++) {
542 const n = r[a].exec(e);
543 if (n)
544 return { lang: n[1], mobile: !!n[2], title: mi(n[3]) };
545 }
546 return null;
547}, R = "ontouchstart" in window || navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0 || navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0, _a = () => window.navigator.onLine, ha = (e) => ["ar", "arc", "arz", "dv", "fa", "ha", "he", "khw", "ks", "ku", "ps", "ur", "yi", "pnb", "ckb", "mzn", "glk", "ug", "sd", "azb", "lrc"].indexOf(e) === -1 ? "ltr" : "rtl", fi = {
548 format: "json",
549 formatversion: 2,
550 origin: "*"
551}, wa = (e, r) => (r = tr(tr({}, fi), r), `https://${e}.wikipedia.org/w/api.php` + "?" + Object.keys(r).map((n) => `${n}=${encodeURIComponent(r[n])}`).join("&")), yi = (e) => e.replace(/https:\/\/(.*?)\./, (r) => r + "m."), oa = (e) => {
552 const r = new window.DOMParser().parseFromString(e, "text/html");
553 for (const a of r.querySelectorAll("span"))
554 a.style.display === "none" && a.remove();
555 return r.body.textContent || "";
556}, _i = (e) => ci.sanitize(e), ta = () => ({ height: window.innerHeight, width: window.innerWidth }), Ge = () => "wprov=wppw2" + (R ? "t" : ""), Be = (e, r, a, n = !0) => `https://${e}${a ? ".m" : ""}.wikipedia.org/wiki/${encodeURIComponent(r)}${n ? `?${Ge()}` : ""}`, va = () => {
557 console.log("Wikipedia Preview - version 1.9.0 (3acba75)");
558}, la = (...e) => {
559 console.error.apply(console, e);
560}, hi = {
561 "@metadata": {
562 authors: [
563 "MRidhaAJ"
564 ]
565 },
566 "continue-reading": "إقره بعد",
567 "gallery-loading-error": "صار شي غلط وإنته تحمل هاي الصورة",
568 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "ماكو نت",
569 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "حدث",
570 "gallery-loading-still": "بعده جاي يحمل",
571 "gallery-unknown-author": "المؤلف ما تعرفه",
572 "preview-error-message": "أكو مشكلة وإنته تعرض النتيجة",
573 "preview-console-error-message": "العرض مو موجود لهاي المقالة '1$' (لغة:2$)",
574 "read-on-wiki": "إقرا على ويكيبيديا",
575 "read-more": "إقرا بعد على ويكيبيديا",
576 "preview-disambiguation-message": "هاذ العنوان <strong>$1>/strong يشبه أكثر من مقالة وحدة على ويكيبيديا.",
577 "preview-offline-message": "ماكو نت",
578 "preview-offline-cta": "عيدها مرة ثانية"
579}, wi = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
580 __proto__: null,
581 default: hi
582}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), vi = {
583 "@metadata": {
584 authors: [
585 "Katelem"
586 ]
587 },
588 "continue-reading": "Fo isi kifuk",
589 "read-more": "Fuk owuwa ofifi me Wìkìpedia"
590}, ki = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
591 __proto__: null,
592 default: vi
593}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), bi = {
594 "@metadata": {
595 authors: [
596 "Proabscorp!"
597 ]
598 },
599 "continue-reading": "पढ़ना जारी रखौ",
600 "gallery-loading-error": "हैय चित्र क लोड करै मँ त्रुटि होलौ छेलै",
601 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "कोय इंटरनेट कनेक्शन उपलब्ध नाय छौं।",
602 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "टटका करौ",
603 "gallery-loading-still": "अभीयो लोड होय रहलौ छौं",
604 "gallery-unknown-author": "लेखक अज्ञात छौं",
605 "preview-error-message": "हैय पूर्वावलोकन क प्रदर्शित करै घड़ियाँ एगो समस्या होलौं।",
606 "preview-console-error-message": "लेख '$1' लेली पूर्वावलोकन अनुपलब्ध (भाषा: $2)",
607 "read-on-wiki": "विकिपीडिया प पढ़ौ",
608 "read-more": "विकिपीडिया प आरू पढ़ौ",
609 "preview-disambiguation-message": "शीर्षक <strong>$1</strong> विकिपीडिया प एगो सँ अधिक लेख सँ संबंधित छै।",
610 "preview-offline-message": "कोय इंटरनेट कनेक्शन उपलब्ध नाय छौं।",
611 "preview-offline-cta": "फेनु प्रयास करौ"
612}, ji = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
613 __proto__: null,
614 default: bi
615}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Si = {
616 "@metadata": {
617 authors: [
618 "Hhaboh162002",
619 "Meno25",
620 "NEHAOUA",
621 "محمد أحمد عبد الفتاح"
622 ]
623 },
624 "continue-reading": "مواصلة القراءة",
625 "gallery-loading-error": "حدث خطأ أثناء تحميل هذه الصورة",
626 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "لا يوجد اتصال متاح بالإنترنت.",
627 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "تحديث",
628 "gallery-loading-still": "جاري التحميل",
629 "gallery-unknown-author": "المؤلف غير معروف",
630 "preview-error-message": "كانت هناك مشكلة في عرض هذه المعاينة.",
631 "preview-console-error-message": "العرض غير متوفر للمقالة '$1' (اللغة: $2)",
632 "read-on-wiki": "اقرأ على ويكيبيديا",
633 "read-more": "اقرأ المزيد عن ويكيبيديا",
634 "preview-disambiguation-message": "العنوان <strong>$1</strong> ذو صلة بأكثر من مقالة واحدة على ويكيبيديا.",
635 "preview-offline-message": "لا يوجد اتصال متاح بالإنترنت.",
636 "preview-offline-cta": "حاول مرة أخرى"
637}, Ti = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
638 __proto__: null,
639 default: Si
640}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), $i = {
641 "@metadata": {
642 authors: [
643 "Mohsin Ali"
644 ]
645 },
646 "continue-reading": "পঢ়া অব্যাহত ৰাখক",
647 "gallery-loading-error": "এই ছবিখন ল'ড কৰোঁতে কিবা ত্ৰুটি ঘটিছে",
648 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "ইণ্টাৰনেট সংযোগ উপলব্ধ নহয়।",
649 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "সতেজ কৰক",
650 "gallery-loading-still": "এতিয়াও ল'ড হৈ আছে",
651 "gallery-unknown-author": "লেখক অজ্ঞাত",
652 "preview-error-message": "এই পূৰ্বলোকনটো দেখুৱাওঁতে কিবা সমস্যা হৈছে।",
653 "preview-console-error-message": "প্ৰবন্ধ '$1'ৰ বাবে পূৰ্বলোকন উপলব্ধ নহয় (ভাষা: $2)",
654 "read-on-wiki": "ৱিকিপিডিয়াত পঢ়ক",
655 "read-more": "ৱিকিপিডিয়াত অধিক পঢ়ক",
656 "preview-disambiguation-message": "<strong>$1</strong> শীৰ্ষকটো ৱিকিপিডিয়াৰ একাধিক প্ৰবন্ধৰ সৈতে সম্পৰ্কিত।",
657 "preview-offline-message": "ইণ্টাৰনেট সংযোগ উপলব্ধ নহয়।",
658 "preview-offline-cta": "আকৌ চেষ্টা কৰক"
659}, Oi = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
660 __proto__: null,
661 default: $i
662}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Ai = {
663 "@metadata": {
664 authors: [
665 "Gazimagomedov",
666 "Omarov M."
667 ]
668 },
669 "continue-reading": "Жегиги цӀализе",
670 "gallery-loading-error": "Гьаб сурат гъоркьцӀалаго гъалатӀ лъугӀана",
671 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Интернеталъул бухьен тӀагӀана.",
672 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "ЦӀигьабизе",
673 "gallery-loading-still": "ГъоркьцӀай унеб буго",
674 "gallery-unknown-author": "Автор лъларо",
675 "preview-error-message": "Цебеккун хал гьабулеб мехалъ гъалатӀ лъугӀана",
676 "preview-console-error-message": "'$1' макъалаялъул цебеккун хал гьабун бажаруларо (мацӀ: $2)",
677 "read-on-wiki": "Википедиялда цӀализе",
678 "read-more": "ЦӀикӀкӀун цӀале Википедиялда",
679 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Гьаб <strong>$1</strong> абураб цӀар Википедиялда бугеб чанго гьумералъе данде ккола.",
680 "preview-offline-message": "Интернеталъул бухьен тӀагӀана.",
681 "preview-offline-cta": "Цоги нухалъ хӀалбихье"
682}, zi = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
683 __proto__: null,
684 default: Ai
685}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Ei = {
686 "@metadata": {
687 authors: [
688 "AZISS",
689 "Şeyx Şamil"
690 ]
691 },
692 "continue-reading": "Oxumağa davam et",
693 "gallery-loading-error": "Bu şəkili yükləyərkən xəta baş verdi",
694 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "İnternet bağlantısı yoxdur.",
695 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Yenilə",
696 "gallery-loading-still": "Hələ yüklənir",
697 "gallery-unknown-author": "Naməlum müəllif",
698 "preview-error-message": "Səhifəyə ilkin baxış göstərilməsi ilə bağlı çətinlik yarandı",
699 "preview-console-error-message": "' $1 ' məqaləsi üçün önizləmə mümkün deyil (Dil: $2 )",
700 "read-on-wiki": "Vikipediyada oxu",
701 "read-more": "Vikipediyada daha ətraflı oxu",
702 "preview-disambiguation-message": "<strong>$1</strong> başlığı Vikipediyada birdən çox məqalə ilə bağlıdır.",
703 "preview-offline-message": "İnternet bağlantısı yoxdur.",
704 "preview-offline-cta": "Yenidən cəhd edin"
705}, Mi = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
706 __proto__: null,
707 default: Ei
708}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Pi = {
709 "@metadata": {
710 authors: [
711 "Roustammr",
712 "Sagan"
713 ]
714 },
715 "continue-reading": "Уҡыуҙы дауам итергә",
716 "gallery-loading-error": "Рәсемде йөкмәткән ваҡытта хата килеп сыҡты",
717 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Интернетҡа тоташыу юҡ",
718 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Яңыртырға",
719 "gallery-loading-still": "Тәйәү дауам ителә",
720 "gallery-unknown-author": "Билдәһеҙ автор",
721 "preview-error-message": "Алдан ҡараған ваҡытта хата килеп сыҡты",
722 "preview-console-error-message": "'$1' мәҡәләһен алдан ҡарап булмай (Тел: $2)",
723 "read-on-wiki": "Википедияла уҡырға",
724 "read-more": "Был турала күберәк Википедияла уҡырға",
725 "preview-disambiguation-message": "<strong>$1</strong> исеме Википедияла берҙән күберәк мәҡәлә исеменә ҡарай",
726 "preview-offline-message": "Интернетҡа тоташыу юҡ",
727 "preview-offline-cta": "Яңынан ҡабатлап ҡарарға"
728}, Li = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
729 __proto__: null,
730 default: Pi
731}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), qi = {
732 "@metadata": {
733 authors: [
734 "Chinamoonroll",
735 "Joseagush"
736 ]
737 },
738 "continue-reading": "Lanturang ngawacén",
739 "gallery-loading-error": "Wénten sané iwang ri tatkala uah gambar",
740 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Nénten wénten konéksi internét.",
741 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Segerang",
742 "gallery-loading-still": "Tasih ngantosin",
743 "gallery-unknown-author": "$1 Panyurat nénten kauningin",
744 "preview-error-message": "Wénten pikobet rikala ngédengang pratayang puniki.",
745 "preview-console-error-message": "Pracingak tqn kasedia antuk suratan '$1' (Basa: $2)",
746 "read-on-wiki": "Wacén ring Wikipédia",
747 "read-more": "Lanturang wacén ring Wikipédia",
748 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Murda <strong>$1</strong> kakait langkung saking satunggal suratan ring Wikipédia.",
749 "preview-offline-message": "Nénten wénten konéksi internét.",
750 "preview-offline-cta": "Coba malih"
751}, xi = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
752 __proto__: null,
753 default: qi
754}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Wi = {
755 "@metadata": {
756 authors: [
757 "Mucalexx"
758 ]
759 },
760 "continue-reading": "Mi'm lessen weiderdoah",
761 "gallery-loading-error": "Ban Loon voh dém Büdel hod's an Feeler geem.",
762 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Es is koah Internetvabindung vurhánden",
763 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Aktualisian",
764 "gallery-loading-still": "Werd noh gloon",
765 "gallery-unknown-author": "Urheewer néd bekánnt",
766 "preview-error-message": "Es hod a Próblém ba da Áhzoag vo dera Vurschau geem.",
767 "preview-console-error-message": "Vurschau fier Artiké „$1“ néd vafiagbor (Sprooch: $2)",
768 "read-on-wiki": "In da Wikipedia leesen",
769 "read-more": "Mearer ba da Wikipedia",
770 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Da Titel <strong>$1</strong> beziagt sé auf mearer ois wia oan Artiké a'da Wikipedia.",
771 "preview-offline-message": "Es is koah Internetvabindung vurhánden",
772 "preview-offline-cta": "Nohamoi vasuachen"
773}, Ni = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
774 __proto__: null,
775 default: Wi
776}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Ri = {
777 "@metadata": {
778 authors: [
779 "Moshtank"
780 ]
781 },
782 "continue-reading": "وانگءِ دامدار",
783 "gallery-loading-error": "اے اکسءِ گݔجگءِ ٹݔما مِشتِکے پݔش آتک",
784 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "شمئی اینترنت کَھت اِنت۔",
785 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "نۏک کنگ",
786 "gallery-loading-still": "ھنگت گݔجَگئن/لود بییگئن",
787 "gallery-unknown-author": "ناپججارݔن لِککۏک",
788 "preview-error-message": "اے پݔشسۏجءِ سۏج دیگ ٹݔما مِشتِکے پݔش آتک۔",
789 "preview-console-error-message": "پݔشسۏج پہ '$1' ءِ نبشتانکا دسرسا نئت(زبان:$2)",
790 "read-on-wiki": "ویکیپدیاءِ سرئی بوان",
791 "read-more": "گݔشتر ویکی پدیاءِ سرا بوانی",
792 "preview-disambiguation-message": "سرگال <strong>$1</strong> مہ ویکیپدیا گۏن گݔش چہ یک نبشتانکے امگرنچ اِنت۔",
793 "preview-offline-message": "شمئی اینترنت کَھت اِنت۔",
794 "preview-offline-cta": "پدا کۏشست کن"
795}, Ii = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
796 __proto__: null,
797 default: Ri
798}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Ci = {
799 "@metadata": {
800 authors: [
801 "Renessaince",
802 "W"
803 ]
804 },
805 "continue-reading": "Працягваць чытаньне",
806 "gallery-loading-error": "Пры запампоўцы гэтага відарысу здарылася памылка.",
807 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Няма даступнага злучэньня зь Сецівам.",
808 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Абнавіць",
809 "gallery-loading-still": "Дагэтуль пампуецца",
810 "gallery-unknown-author": "Творца невядомы(-ая)",
811 "preview-error-message": "Падчас адлюстраваньня гэтага перадпрагляду ўзьнікла складанасьць.",
812 "preview-console-error-message": "Прагляд для артыкулу '$1' немагчымы (мова: $2)",
813 "read-on-wiki": "Чытаць у Вікіпэдыі",
814 "read-more": "Чытаць больш у Вікіпэдыі",
815 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Загаловак <strong>$1</strong> тычыцца больш як аднаго артыкула ў Вікіпэдыі.",
816 "preview-offline-message": "Няма даступнага злучэньня зь Сецівам.",
817 "preview-offline-cta": "Спрабаваць зноў"
818}, Di = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
819 __proto__: null,
820 default: Ci
821}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Hi = {
822 "@metadata": {
823 authors: [
824 "Bangrapip"
825 ]
826 },
827 "continue-reading": "Terus Ngebaca",
828 "gallery-loading-error": "Ada ngablu pas muat ni gambar",
829 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Kaga' ada jala sambungan internèt.",
830 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Segerin",
831 "gallery-loading-still": "Masing muat",
832 "gallery-unknown-author": "Mualip kaga' ditauin",
833 "preview-error-message": "Ada mas'alah pas mampangin ni pradeleng.",
834 "preview-console-error-message": "Pradeleng kaga' ada bakal artikel '$' (Basa: $2)",
835 "read-on-wiki": "Baca di Wikipédi",
836 "read-more": "Baca lebi lanjut pasal Wikipédi",
837 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Judul <strong>$1</strong> ada kaètan ama lebi deri atu artikel di Wikipédi.",
838 "preview-offline-message": "Kaga' ada jala sambungan internèt.",
839 "preview-offline-cta": "Jal lagi"
840}, Ui = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
841 __proto__: null,
842 default: Hi
843}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Bi = {
844 "@metadata": {
845 authors: [
846 "Ezagren"
847 ]
848 },
849 "continue-reading": "Lanjutakan Mambaca",
850 "gallery-loading-error": "Ada kasalahan wayah mamuat gambar ngini.",
851 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Kadada sambungan internét.",
852 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Sigarakan",
853 "gallery-loading-still": "Masih mamuat",
854 "gallery-unknown-author": "$1 Panulis kada dipinandui",
855 "preview-error-message": "Ada ungkara wayah manampaiakan titilikan ngini.",
856 "preview-console-error-message": "Titilikan kadada gasan artikal '$1' (Basa: $2)",
857 "read-on-wiki": "Baca di Wikipidia",
858 "read-more": "Baca labih lanjut pasal Wikipidia",
859 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Judul <strong>$1</strong> tarait lawan labih matan satu artikal di Wikipidia.",
860 "preview-offline-message": "Kadada sambungan internét.",
861 "preview-offline-cta": "Cubai pulang"
862}, Fi = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
863 __proto__: null,
864 default: Bi
865}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Gi = {
866 "@metadata": {
867 authors: [
868 "Khun Chit Phuu",
869 "ခွန်ဖန်ဒွဲ့"
870 ]
871 },
872 "continue-reading": "အဝ်ႏထွားဒေါ့ꩻ သွုပ်ယင်းသွူ",
873 "gallery-loading-error": "အဝ်ႏဒင်ႏထင်ႏရုက်ပွုံႏယိုကျာꩻ အမာႏအဝ်ႏထိုꩻသွူ။",
874 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "အဉ်တာနဲတ်လိုင်ႏ အဲဉ်ထဝ်းသွူ။",
875 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "ကောႏချာယင်းအထျꩻ",
876 "gallery-loading-still": "အဝ်ႏမာꩻနေဒွိုန်းထာꩻမာꩻတွင်ꩻ",
877 "gallery-unknown-author": "ကေားတဲမ်းသား သေတဝ်း",
878 "preview-error-message": "အဝ်ႏအွဉ်ႏနယ် ထွားကျိုႏရီးယိုတွင်ꩻ ကိစ္စတဗာႏ ပေါႏထိုꩻသွူ။",
879 "preview-console-error-message": "ထွားကျိုႏရီး ရွမ်ဖြုဲင်ꩻ '$1' အတာႏ ထီႏတဝ်းတမုဲင်ꩻမုဲင်ꩻသွူ။ (ဘာႏသာႏငေါဝ်းငွါ: $2)",
880 "read-on-wiki": "ဟော်ꩻထွားသွော့ꩻ ဝီခီပီးဒီးယားကို",
881 "read-more": "ထွား‌ထဲင်းယင်း ဝီခီပီးဒီးယားကို",
882 "preview-disambiguation-message": "ကတူႏစဲဉ်ႏ <strong>$1</strong> နဝ်ꩻ အဝ်ႏဆွိုက်စပ်တွမ်ႏရွမ်ဖြုဲင်ꩻ ဝီခီပီးဒီးယားလောင်း တဗာႏလွုမ်ꩻကာႏတဝ်းသွူ။",
883 "preview-offline-message": "ထာꩻသွုပ်ဆွိုက် အဉ်တာနဲက် အဲဉ်ထဝ်းသွူ။",
884 "preview-offline-cta": "ကျိုꩻစာꩻထဲင်း တလဲင်ႏဟုဲင်း"
885}, Yi = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
886 __proto__: null,
887 default: Gi
888}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Vi = {
889 "@metadata": {
890 authors: [
891 "Titodutta",
892 "Yahya",
893 "আফতাবুজ্জামান"
894 ]
895 },
896 "continue-reading": "পড়া অব্যাহত রাখুন",
897 "gallery-loading-error": "এই ছবি লোড করার সময় একটি ত্রুটি হয়েছে",
898 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "কোনও ইন্টারনেট সংযোগ নেই।",
899 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "পুনঃসতেজ করুন",
900 "gallery-loading-still": "এখনও লোড হচ্ছে",
901 "gallery-unknown-author": "লেখক অজানা",
902 "preview-error-message": "প্রাকদর্শন দেখানোর সময় একটি সমস্যা হয়েছে।",
903 "preview-console-error-message": "'$1' নিবন্ধের পূর্বরূপ অনুপলব্ধ (ভাষা: $2 )",
904 "read-on-wiki": "উইকিপিডিয়ায় পড়ুন",
905 "read-more": "উইকিপিডিয়ায় আরও পড়ুন",
906 "preview-disambiguation-message": "<strong>$1</strong> শিরোনাম একাধিক উইকিপিডিয়া নিবন্ধের সাথে সম্পর্কিত।",
907 "preview-offline-message": "কোনও ইন্টারনেট সংযোগ নেই।",
908 "preview-offline-cta": "আবার চেষ্টা করুন"
909}, Ki = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
910 __proto__: null,
911 default: Vi
912}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Xi = {
913 "@metadata": {
914 authors: [
915 "Adriendelucca",
916 "Huñvreüs"
917 ]
918 },
919 "continue-reading": "Kenderc'hel da lenn",
920 "gallery-loading-error": "Ur fazi ez eus bet en ur gargañ ar skeudenn-mañ",
921 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Kennask internet ebet.",
922 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Freskaat",
923 "gallery-loading-still": "O kargañ",
924 "gallery-unknown-author": "Aozer dianav",
925 "preview-error-message": "Ur fazi zo bet en ur ziskouez an alberz-mañ",
926 "preview-console-error-message": 'Rakwel ebet da gaout evit ar pennad "$1" (Yezh: $2)',
927 "read-on-wiki": "Lenn war Wikipedia",
928 "read-more": "Lenn muioc'h war Wikipedia",
929 "preview-disambiguation-message": "An titl <strong>$1</strong> a zo liammet ouzh meur a bennad war Wikipedia.",
930 "preview-offline-message": "Kennask internet ebet.",
931 "preview-offline-cta": "Klask en-dro"
932}, Ji = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
933 __proto__: null,
934 default: Xi
935}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Zi = {
936 "@metadata": {
937 authors: [
938 "Filipinayzd"
939 ]
940 },
941 "continue-reading": "Padagusa a pagbasa",
942 "gallery-loading-error": "Agko sala sa pagkarga kading imahe",
943 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Udang koneksyon sa internet.",
944 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Uliton",
945 "gallery-loading-still": "Kinakarga pa",
946 "gallery-unknown-author": "Diri isi a kagsurat",
947 "preview-error-message": "Agko sala mantang ipinapabayad ading patan-aw",
948 "read-on-wiki": "Magbasa sa Wikipedia",
949 "read-more": "Magbasa pa sa Wikipedia",
950 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Ana titulong <strong>$1</strong> katakod sa dakul pa sa usad na artikulo sa Wikipedia.",
951 "preview-offline-message": "Udang koneksyon sa internet.",
952 "preview-offline-cta": "Purbari dayday"
953}, Qi = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
954 __proto__: null,
955 default: Zi
956}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), en = {
957 "@metadata": {
958 authors: [
959 "Fitoschido",
960 "Mguix"
961 ]
962 },
963 "continue-reading": "Continua llegint",
964 "gallery-loading-error": "S'ha produït un error en carregar aquesta imatge",
965 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Cap connexió d'internet disponible.",
966 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Actualitzar",
967 "gallery-loading-still": "carregant-se",
968 "gallery-unknown-author": "Autoria desconeguda",
969 "preview-error-message": "S'ha produït un problema en mostrar aquesta previsualització.",
970 "preview-console-error-message": "Previsualització no disponible per a l'article '$1' (Idioma: $2)",
971 "read-on-wiki": "Llegiu a la Viquipèdia",
972 "read-more": "Llegeixi més en Viquipèdia",
973 "preview-disambiguation-message": "El títol <strong>$1</strong> està enllaçat a més d'un article a la Viquipèdia.",
974 "preview-offline-message": "Cap connexió d'internet disponible.",
975 "preview-offline-cta": "Torneu-ho a provar"
976}, rn = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
977 __proto__: null,
978 default: en
979}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), an = {
980 "@metadata": {
981 authors: [
982 "Умар"
983 ]
984 },
985 "continue-reading": "Кхин дӀа йеша",
986 "gallery-loading-error": "Сурт чудоккхуш гӀалат даьлла",
987 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Интернет йац.",
988 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Карлайаккха",
989 "gallery-loading-still": "Чуйаккхар дӀадоьдуш ду",
990 "gallery-unknown-author": "Ца вевза автор.",
991 "preview-error-message": "Хьалхе хьожуш гӀалат даьлла.",
992 "preview-console-error-message": "Хьалхе хьажар '$1' йаззаман дац (мотт: $2)",
993 "read-on-wiki": "Йеша Википедехь",
994 "read-more": "Кхин сов йеша Википедехь",
995 "preview-disambiguation-message": "<strong>$1</strong> цӀе йолуш цхьаналла а сов йаззам бу Википедехь.",
996 "preview-offline-message": "Интернет йац.",
997 "preview-offline-cta": "Кхин цӀа гӀорта"
998}, nn = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
999 __proto__: null,
1000 default: an
1001}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), on = {
1002 "@metadata": {
1003 authors: [
1004 "Halbast"
1005 ]
1006 },
1007 "continue-reading": "بەردەوام ببە لە خوێندنەوە",
1008 "gallery-loading-error": "ھەڵەیەک لە بارکردنی ئەم وێنەیە ڕوویدا",
1009 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "ھیچ پەیوەندییەکی ئینتەرنێت بەردەست نییە.",
1010 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "نوێکردنەوە",
1011 "gallery-loading-still": "ھێشتا لە بارکردن دایە",
1012 "gallery-unknown-author": "نووسەر نەزانراوە",
1013 "preview-error-message": "کێشەیەک ھەبوو لە پیشاندنانی ئەم پێشبینییەدا.",
1014 "preview-console-error-message": "پێشبینی بەردەست نییە بۆ وتاری '$1' (زمان: $2)",
1015 "read-on-wiki": "بیخوێنەوە لە ویکیپیدیا",
1016 "read-more": "زیاتر بخوێنەوە لە ویکیپیدیا",
1017 "preview-disambiguation-message": "ناونیشانی <strong>$1</strong> پەیوەندیی بە زیاتر لە یەک وتارەوە ھەیە لە ویکیپیدیا.",
1018 "preview-offline-message": "ھیچ پەیوەندییەکی ئینتەرنێت بەردەست نییە.",
1019 "preview-offline-cta": "ھەوڵ بدەرەوە"
1020}, tn = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1021 __proto__: null,
1022 default: on
1023}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), ln = {
1024 "@metadata": {
1025 authors: [
1026 "TayfunEt.",
1027 "Zolgoyo"
1028 ]
1029 },
1030 "continue-reading": "Oqumağa devam et",
1031 "gallery-loading-error": "Resimni yükler ekende hata çıqqa berdi",
1032 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "İnternet bağlantısı qısıtlı.",
1033 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Yañart",
1034 "gallery-loading-still": "Daa yüklene",
1035 "gallery-unknown-author": "Yaratıcı bilinmey",
1036 "preview-error-message": "Bu önizlemeni körünti ettirken sorun çıqtı.",
1037 "preview-console-error-message": "'$1' maqalesi içün önizleme mümkün degil (Til: $2)",
1038 "read-on-wiki": "Vikipediyada oqu",
1039 "read-more": "Vikipediyada daa oqumağa mevcut",
1040 "preview-disambiguation-message": "<strong>$1</strong> Vikipediyada birden fazla maqalenen ilgili.",
1041 "preview-offline-message": "İnternet bağlantısı qısıtlı.",
1042 "preview-offline-cta": "Tekrar deneñiz"
1043}, sn = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1044 __proto__: null,
1045 default: ln
1046}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), dn = {
1047 "@metadata": {
1048 authors: [
1049 "Matěj Suchánek",
1050 "Robins7"
1051 ]
1052 },
1053 "continue-reading": "Pokračovat ve čtení",
1054 "gallery-loading-error": "Při načítání tohoto obrázku došlo k chybě",
1055 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Není dostupné internetové připojení.",
1056 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Obnovit",
1057 "gallery-unknown-author": "Autor neznámý",
1058 "preview-error-message": "Při zobrazování tohoto náhledu se objevil problém.",
1059 "read-on-wiki": "Přečíst na Wikipedii",
1060 "read-more": "Přečíst více na Wikipedii",
1061 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Název <strong>$1</strong> souvisí s více než jedním článkem na Wikipedii.",
1062 "preview-offline-message": "Není dostupné internetové připojení.",
1063 "preview-offline-cta": "Zkusit znovu"
1064}, gn = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1065 __proto__: null,
1066 default: dn
1067}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), un = {
1068 "@metadata": {
1069 authors: [
1070 "Afalau",
1071 "Robin Owain"
1072 ]
1073 },
1074 "continue-reading": "Parhau i Ddarllen",
1075 "gallery-loading-error": "Cafwyd nam yn llwytho'r ddelwedd hon",
1076 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Dim cysylltiad rhyngrwyd.",
1077 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Adfywio",
1078 "gallery-loading-still": "Dal wrthi'n llwytho",
1079 "gallery-unknown-author": "Awdur anhysbys",
1080 "preview-error-message": "Gafwyd gwall tra'n ceisio arddangos y rhagolwg",
1081 "preview-console-error-message": "Nid yw'r rhagolwg ar gael am erthygl '$1' (Iaith: $2)",
1082 "read-on-wiki": "Darllen ar Wicipedia",
1083 "read-more": "Darllen rhagor ar Wicipedia",
1084 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Mae'r teitl <strong>$1</strong> yn berthnasol i fwy nag un erthygl ar Wicipedia.",
1085 "preview-offline-message": "Dim cysylltiad rhyngrwyd.",
1086 "preview-offline-cta": "Ceisiwch eto"
1087}, cn = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1088 __proto__: null,
1089 default: un
1090}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), mn = {
1091 "@metadata": {
1092 authors: [
1093 "Peterleth",
1094 "Saederup92"
1095 ]
1096 },
1097 "continue-reading": "Fortsæt læsning",
1098 "gallery-loading-error": "Der opstod en fejl under indlæsning af dette billede",
1099 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Ingen internetforbindelse tilgængelig.",
1100 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Genindlæs",
1101 "gallery-loading-still": "Indlæser stadig",
1102 "gallery-unknown-author": "Ukendt forfatter",
1103 "preview-error-message": "Der opstod et problem under visning af denne forhåndsvisning.",
1104 "preview-console-error-message": "Forhåndsvisning er ikke tilgængelig for artiklen '$1' (Sprog: $2)",
1105 "read-on-wiki": "Læs på Wikipedia",
1106 "read-more": "Læs mere på Wikipedia",
1107 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Titel <strong>$1</strong> er relateret til mere end én artikel på Wikipedia.",
1108 "preview-offline-message": "Ingen internetforbindelse tilgængelig.",
1109 "preview-offline-cta": "Prøv igen"
1110}, pn = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1111 __proto__: null,
1112 default: mn
1113}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), fn = {
1114 "@metadata": {
1115 authors: [
1116 "BPX-web",
1117 "DraconicDark",
1118 "Elliot",
1119 "ManuelFranz"
1120 ]
1121 },
1122 "continue-reading": "Mit dem Lesen fortfahren",
1123 "gallery-loading-error": "Beim Laden dieses Bildes gab es einen Fehler.",
1124 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Es ist keine Internetverbindung vorhanden.",
1125 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Aktualisieren",
1126 "gallery-loading-still": "Wird noch geladen",
1127 "gallery-unknown-author": "Urheber unbekannt.",
1128 "preview-error-message": "Es gab ein Problem bei der Anzeige dieser Vorschau.",
1129 "preview-console-error-message": "Vorschau für Artikel „$1“ nicht verfügbar (Sprache: $2)",
1130 "read-on-wiki": "Auf Wikipedia lesen",
1131 "read-more": "Mehr bei Wikipedia",
1132 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Titel <strong>$1</strong> bezieht sich auf mehr als einen Artikel auf Wikipedia.",
1133 "preview-offline-message": "Es ist keine Internetverbindung vorhanden.",
1134 "preview-offline-cta": "Erneut versuchen"
1135}, yn = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1136 __proto__: null,
1137 default: fn
1138}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), _n = {
1139 "@metadata": {
1140 authors: [
1141 "1917 Ekim Devrimi",
1142 "Mirzali",
1143 "Orbot707"
1144 ]
1145 },
1146 "continue-reading": "Wanayışi dewam kerê",
1147 "gallery-loading-error": "No asange bar kerdış de xeta veciye",
1148 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Gıreniyeyi interneti çıniyo",
1149 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Anewe kerê",
1150 "gallery-loading-still": "Hewna beno bar",
1151 "gallery-unknown-author": "Nuştekarê nêzanıyeni",
1152 "preview-error-message": "Mocnayışê nê verqayti de xırabiye esta.",
1153 "read-on-wiki": "Wikipediya de bıwanê",
1154 "read-more": "Wikipedia sero tayna bıwanê",
1155 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Serey <strong>$1</strong> yew ra zêde meqaleyê Wikipedia ya eleqeyıno.",
1156 "preview-offline-message": "Gıreniyeyi interneti çıniyo",
1157 "preview-offline-cta": "Anciya bıcerebne"
1158}, hn = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1159 __proto__: null,
1160 default: _n
1161}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), wn = {
1162 "@metadata": {
1163 authors: [
1164 "Geraki",
1165 "Norhorn"
1166 ]
1167 },
1168 "continue-reading": "Συνέχεια ανάγνωσης",
1169 "gallery-loading-error": "Παρουσιάστηκε σφάλμα κατά τη φόρτωση αυτής της εικόνας",
1170 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Δεν υπάρχει διαθέσιμη σύνδεση στο διαδίκτυο.",
1171 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Ανανέωση",
1172 "gallery-loading-still": "Ακόμα φορτώνει",
1173 "gallery-unknown-author": "Άγνωστος συγγραφέας",
1174 "preview-error-message": "Υπήρξε κάποιο πρόβλημα κατά την εμφάνιση αυτής της προεπισκοπήσης.",
1175 "preview-console-error-message": "Η προεπισκόπηση δεν είναι διαθέσιμη για το λήμμα «$1» (Γλώσσα: $2)",
1176 "read-on-wiki": "Διαβάστε στη Βικιπαίδεια",
1177 "read-more": "Διαβάστε περισσότερα στη Βικιπαίδεια",
1178 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Ο τίτλος <strong>$1</strong> σχετίζεται με περισσότερα από ένα λήμματα στη Βικιπαίδεια.",
1179 "preview-offline-message": "Δεν υπάρχει διαθέσιμη σύνδεση στο διαδίκτυο.",
1180 "preview-offline-cta": "Δοκιμάστε ξανά"
1181}, vn = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1182 __proto__: null,
1183 default: wn
1184}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), kn = {
1185 "@metadata": {
1186 authors: [
1187 "Alefar"
1188 ]
1189 },
1190 "continue-reading": "Continue Reading",
1191 "gallery-loading-error": "There was an error loading this image!",
1192 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "No internet connection available!",
1193 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Refresh",
1194 "gallery-loading-still": "Still loading",
1195 "gallery-unknown-author": "Author unknown",
1196 "preview-error-message": "There was an issue while displaying this preview.",
1197 "read-on-wiki": "Read on Wikipedia",
1198 "read-more": "Read more on Wikipedia",
1199 "preview-offline-message": "No internet connection available!",
1200 "preview-offline-cta": "TRY AGAIN"
1201}, bn = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1202 __proto__: null,
1203 default: kn
1204}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), ka = {
1205 "continue-reading": "Continue Reading",
1206 "gallery-loading-error": "There was an error loading this image",
1207 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "No internet connection available.",
1208 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Refresh",
1209 "gallery-loading-still": "Still loading",
1210 "gallery-unknown-author": "Author unknown",
1211 "preview-error-message": "There was an issue while displaying this preview.",
1212 "preview-console-error-message": "Preview unavailable for article '$1' (Language: $2)",
1213 "read-on-wiki": "Read on Wikipedia",
1214 "read-more": "Read more on Wikipedia",
1215 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Title <strong>$1</strong> is related to more than one article on Wikipedia.",
1216 "preview-offline-message": "No internet connection available.",
1217 "preview-offline-cta": "Try again"
1218}, jn = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1219 __proto__: null,
1220 default: ka
1221}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Sn = {
1222 "@metadata": {
1223 authors: [
1224 "Avengium",
1225 "Fitoschido",
1226 "Rodney Araujo"
1227 ]
1228 },
1229 "continue-reading": "Continuar leyendo",
1230 "gallery-loading-error": "Se produjo un error al cargar esta imagen",
1231 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "No hay conexión a internet disponible.",
1232 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Actualizar",
1233 "gallery-loading-still": "Todavía sigue cargando",
1234 "gallery-unknown-author": "Autor desconocido",
1235 "preview-error-message": "Hubo un problema al mostrar esta previsualización",
1236 "preview-console-error-message": "Vista previa no disponible para el artículo '$1' (Idioma: $2)",
1237 "read-on-wiki": "Ver en Wikipedia",
1238 "read-more": "Leer más en Wikipedia",
1239 "preview-disambiguation-message": "El título <strong>$1</strong> está relacionado a más de un artículo en Wikipedia.",
1240 "preview-offline-message": "No hay conexión a internet disponible.",
1241 "preview-offline-cta": "Reintentar"
1242}, Tn = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1243 __proto__: null,
1244 default: Sn
1245}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), $n = {
1246 "@metadata": {
1247 authors: [
1248 "Darafsh",
1249 "Jeeputer"
1250 ]
1251 },
1252 "continue-reading": "ادامهٔ مطالعه",
1253 "gallery-loading-error": "در هنگام بارگذاری این تصویر خطایی رخ داد",
1254 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "اتصال به اینترنت مقدور نیست.",
1255 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "تازه‌سازی",
1256 "gallery-loading-still": "همچنان در حال بارگیری",
1257 "gallery-unknown-author": "مؤلف ناشناخته",
1258 "preview-error-message": "مشکلی هنگام نمایش این پیش‌نمایش پیش آمد.",
1259 "preview-console-error-message": "پیش‌نمایش برای مقالهٔ '$1' در دسترس نیست (زبان: $2)",
1260 "read-on-wiki": "در ویکی‌پدیا بخوانید",
1261 "read-more": "مطالعهٔ بیشتر در ویکی‌پدیا",
1262 "preview-disambiguation-message": "عنوان <strong>$1</strong> در ویکی‌پدیا با بیش از یک مقاله مرتبط است.",
1263 "preview-offline-message": "اتصال به اینترنت مقدور نیست.",
1264 "preview-offline-cta": "تلاش مجدد"
1265}, On = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1266 __proto__: null,
1267 default: $n
1268}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), An = {
1269 "@metadata": {
1270 authors: [
1271 "Actuallyisjoha",
1272 "Alluk.",
1273 "Nike",
1274 "Pyscowicz",
1275 "SMAUG"
1276 ]
1277 },
1278 "continue-reading": "Jatka lukemista",
1279 "gallery-loading-error": "Kuvan lataaminen epäonnistui",
1280 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Ei Internet-yhteyttä",
1281 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Päivitä",
1282 "gallery-loading-still": "Ladataan edelleen",
1283 "gallery-unknown-author": "Tuntematon tekijä",
1284 "preview-error-message": "Esikatselua ei voida näyttää",
1285 "preview-console-error-message": "Esikatselu ei ole saatavilla artikkelille ”$1” (kieli: $2)",
1286 "read-on-wiki": "Lue Wikipediassa",
1287 "read-more": "Lue lisää Wikipediassa",
1288 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Otsikko <strong>$1</strong> liittyy useampaan Wikipedia-artikkeliin.",
1289 "preview-offline-message": "Ei internet-yhteyttä.",
1290 "preview-offline-cta": "Yritä uudelleen"
1291}, zn = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1292 __proto__: null,
1293 default: An
1294}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), En = {
1295 "@metadata": {
1296 authors: [
1297 "Gomoko",
1298 "PhilW",
1299 "Verdy p",
1300 "Wladek92"
1301 ]
1302 },
1303 "continue-reading": "Continuer à lire",
1304 "gallery-loading-error": "Une erreur s’est produite durant le chargement de cette image.",
1305 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Aucune connexion Internet disponible.",
1306 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Rafraîchir",
1307 "gallery-loading-still": "Chargement encore en cours",
1308 "gallery-unknown-author": "Auteur inconnu",
1309 "preview-error-message": "Un problème est survenu en affichant cet aperçu.",
1310 "preview-console-error-message": "Aperçu non disponible pour l’article « $1 » (langue : $2)",
1311 "read-on-wiki": "Lire sur Wikipédia",
1312 "read-more": "Lire davantage sur Wikipédia",
1313 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Le titre <strong>$1</strong> est lié à plus d’un article dans Wikipédia.",
1314 "preview-offline-message": "Aucune connexion Internet disponible.",
1315 "preview-offline-cta": "Essayez à nouveau"
1316}, Mn = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1317 __proto__: null,
1318 default: En
1319}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Pn = {
1320 "@metadata": {
1321 authors: [
1322 "Beunice"
1323 ]
1324 },
1325 "continue-reading": "Continuer à lire",
1326 "gallery-loading-error": "Une erreur s’est produite durant le chargement de cette portrait.",
1327 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Aucune connexion Internet disponible.",
1328 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Actualiser",
1329 "gallery-loading-still": "Chargement encore en cours",
1330 "gallery-unknown-author": "Auteur inconnu",
1331 "preview-error-message": "Un problème est survenu en affichant cet aperçu.",
1332 "preview-console-error-message": "Aperçu non disponible pour l’article '$1' (langue : $2)",
1333 "read-on-wiki": "Lire sur Wikipédia",
1334 "read-more": "Lire davantage sur Wikipédia",
1335 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Le titre <strong>$1</strong> est lié à plus d’un article dans Wikipédia.",
1336 "preview-offline-message": "Aucune connexion Internet disponible.",
1337 "preview-offline-cta": "Assayez à nouveau"
1338}, Ln = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1339 __proto__: null,
1340 default: Pn
1341}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), qn = {
1342 "@metadata": {
1343 authors: [
1344 "StarrySky"
1345 ]
1346 },
1347 "continue-reading": "Lean air adhart a’ leughadh",
1348 "gallery-loading-error": "Bha mearachd ann a' luchdadh an dealbh seo",
1349 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Chan eil ceangal eadar-lìn ri fhaighinn.",
1350 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "ùraich",
1351 "gallery-loading-still": "A’ luchdachadh fhathast",
1352 "gallery-unknown-author": "Ùghdar neo-aithnichte",
1353 "preview-error-message": "Bha duilgheadas ann fhad 's a bha sinn a' taisbeanadh an ro-shealladh seo.",
1354 "preview-console-error-message": "Chan eil ro-shealladh ri fhaighinn airson artaigil '$1' (Cànan: $2)",
1355 "read-on-wiki": "Leugh air Wikipedia",
1356 "read-more": "Leugh tuilleadh air Wikipedia",
1357 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Tha an tiotal <strong>$1</strong> co-cheangailte ri barrachd air aon artaigil air Wikipedia.",
1358 "preview-offline-message": "Chan eil ceangal eadar-lìn ri fhaighinn.",
1359 "preview-offline-cta": "Feuch a-rithist"
1360}, xn = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1361 __proto__: null,
1362 default: qn
1363}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Wn = {
1364 "@metadata": {
1365 authors: [
1366 "Maria zaos",
1367 "Toliño"
1368 ]
1369 },
1370 "continue-reading": "Continúe a ler",
1371 "gallery-loading-error": "Houbo un erro ó cargar esta imaxe",
1372 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Non hai dispoñible ningunha conexión a internet.",
1373 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Refrescar",
1374 "gallery-loading-still": "Cargando",
1375 "gallery-unknown-author": "Autor descoñecido",
1376 "preview-error-message": "Houbo un problema ó amosar esta vista previa.",
1377 "preview-console-error-message": 'Vista previa dispoñible para o artigo "$1" (lingua: $2)',
1378 "read-on-wiki": "Ler na Wikipedia",
1379 "read-more": "Ler máis na Wikipedia",
1380 "preview-disambiguation-message": 'O título "<strong>$1</strong>" está relacionado con máis dun artigo na Wikipedia.',
1381 "preview-offline-message": "Non hai dispoñible ningunha conexión a internet.",
1382 "preview-offline-cta": "Ténteo de novo"
1383}, Nn = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1384 __proto__: null,
1385 default: Wn
1386}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Rn = {
1387 "@metadata": {
1388 authors: [
1389 "شیخ"
1390 ]
1391 },
1392 "continue-reading": "خؤندنˇ دۊمباله",
1393 "gallery-loading-error": "سأب دأنه تصوير جؤرأکشئنه",
1394 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "جؤنأگيتن",
1395 "gallery-loading-still": "هلئه جؤر أردره",
1396 "preview-error-message": "مۊشکيل دأنه پيش-نمايشˇ نۊشؤن دأن ئبه.",
1397 "read-on-wiki": "ويکيپديا مئنه خؤندن",
1398 "read-more": "ويکيپديا مئنه ويشته خؤندن"
1399}, In = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1400 __proto__: null,
1401 default: Rn
1402}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Cn = {
1403 "@metadata": {
1404 authors: [
1405 "P. S. F. Freitas"
1406 ]
1407 },
1408 "continue-reading": "Emoñe'ẽve",
1409 "gallery-loading-error": "Oĩkuri peteĩ jejavy ojejupívo ko ta'anga",
1410 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Ndaipóri internet joajuha ojeguerekóva.",
1411 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Embopyahu",
1412 "gallery-loading-still": "Omba'apo gueteri",
1413 "gallery-unknown-author": "Ndojekuaái ijapohára",
1414 "preview-error-message": "Oĩkuri peteĩ apuñuái ojehechauka aja ko kuatia recharã.",
1415 "preview-console-error-message": "Ndaipóri kuatia recharã '$1'-pe g̃uarã (Ñe'ẽ: $2)",
1416 "read-on-wiki": "Ehecha Vikipetãme",
1417 "read-more": "Ehechave Vikipetãme",
1418 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Ko <strong>$1</strong> ojoaju heta kuatiáre Vikipetãme.",
1419 "preview-offline-message": "Ndaipóri internet joajuha ojeguerekóva.",
1420 "preview-offline-cta": "Eñeha'ã jey"
1421}, Dn = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1422 __proto__: null,
1423 default: Cn
1424}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Hn = {
1425 "@metadata": {
1426 authors: [
1427 "PastelKos"
1428 ]
1429 },
1430 "continue-reading": "Διατελεῖν τὸ ἀναγιγνώσκειν",
1431 "gallery-loading-error": "Ὑπῆρξε ἁμαρτία τῷ ἐπιφορτίζειν τήνδε τὴν εἰκόνα",
1432 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Όὐ διατίθεται διαδυκτίου σύνδεσις.",
1433 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Ἀναψύχειν",
1434 "gallery-loading-still": "Ἔτι ἐπιφορτίζεται",
1435 "gallery-unknown-author": "Ἄδηλος συγγραφεύς",
1436 "preview-error-message": "Ὑπῆρξε ἀπορία τῷ προεπισκοπεῖν",
1437 "read-on-wiki": "Ἀναγιγνώσκειν τῇ Οὐικιπαιδείᾳ",
1438 "read-more": "Ἀναγιγνώσκειν πλείω τῇ Οὐικιπαιδείᾳ",
1439 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Ὁ τίτλος '''$1''' τείνει εἰς πολλὰς ἐγγραφὰς τῇ Οὐικιπαιδείᾳ",
1440 "preview-offline-message": "Όὐ διατίθεται διαδυκτίου σύνδεσις.",
1441 "preview-offline-cta": "Πάλιν πειρᾶν"
1442}, Un = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1443 __proto__: null,
1444 default: Hn
1445}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Bn = {
1446 "@metadata": {
1447 authors: [
1448 "CptViraj"
1449 ]
1450 },
1451 "continue-reading": "વાંચવાનું ચાલુ રાખો",
1452 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "કોઈ ઇન્ટરનેટ જોડાણ ઉપલબ્ધ નથી.",
1453 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "તાજું કરો",
1454 "gallery-loading-still": "હજી લાવી રહ્યું છે",
1455 "gallery-unknown-author": "લેખક અજ્ઞાત",
1456 "read-on-wiki": "વિકિપીડિયા પર વાંચો",
1457 "read-more": "વિકિપીડિયા પર વધુ વાંચો",
1458 "preview-disambiguation-message": "શીર્ષક <strong>$1</strong> એ વિકિપીડિયા પર એકથી વધુ લેખને સંગત છે.",
1459 "preview-offline-message": "કોઈ ઇન્ટરનેટ જોડાણ ઉપલબ્ધ નથી.",
1460 "preview-offline-cta": "ફરી પ્રયત્ન કરો"
1461}, Fn = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1462 __proto__: null,
1463 default: Bn
1464}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Gn = {
1465 "@metadata": {
1466 authors: [
1467 "MacTire02"
1468 ]
1469 },
1470 "continue-reading": "Lhaih er oaie",
1471 "gallery-loading-error": "Va marranys ayn tra va'n jalloo laadey",
1472 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Cha nel kiangley eddyr-voggyl ry-gheddyn.",
1473 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Ooree",
1474 "gallery-loading-still": "Foast laadey",
1475 "gallery-unknown-author": "Ughtar gyn fys",
1476 "preview-error-message": "Va marranys ayn taishbyney yn roie-haishbynys",
1477 "preview-console-error-message": "Cha nel roie-haishbynys ayn da'n art '$1' (Çhengey: $2)",
1478 "read-on-wiki": "Lhaih er Wikipedia",
1479 "read-more": "Lhaih tooilley er Wikipedia",
1480 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Ta'n enmys <strong>$1</strong> kianglt rish ny smoo na un art er Wikipedia.",
1481 "preview-offline-message": "Cha nel kiangley eddyr-voggyl ry-gheddyn.",
1482 "preview-offline-cta": "Jean reesht eh"
1483}, Yn = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1484 __proto__: null,
1485 default: Gn
1486}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Vn = {
1487 "@metadata": {
1488 authors: [
1489 "Em-em"
1490 ]
1491 },
1492 "continue-reading": "Cigaba da karatu",
1493 "gallery-loading-error": "Akwai kuskure shigarwa a wannan hoto",
1494 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Babu hadin intanet ayanzu.",
1495 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Daidaita",
1496 "gallery-loading-still": "Har yanzu yana shiga",
1497 "gallery-unknown-author": "Ba'a san mawallafi ba",
1498 "preview-error-message": "Akwai yar matsala sanda ake saukar wannan kwajin gani.",
1499 "preview-console-error-message": "Babu kwajin gani ga makalar '$1' (Language: $2)",
1500 "read-on-wiki": "Karanta a Wikipedia",
1501 "read-more": "Karanta kari a Wikipedia",
1502 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Lakabi <strong>$1</strong> ya danganci fiye da makala daya a Wikipedia.",
1503 "preview-offline-message": "Babu hadin intanet ayanzu.",
1504 "preview-offline-cta": "Sake gwadawa"
1505}, Kn = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1506 __proto__: null,
1507 default: Vn
1508}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Xn = {
1509 "@metadata": {
1510 authors: [
1511 "Amire80",
1512 "YaronSh"
1513 ]
1514 },
1515 "continue-reading": "המשך קריאה",
1516 "gallery-loading-error": "אירעה שגיאה בעת טעינת התמונה הזאת",
1517 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "אין חיבור זמין לאינטרנט.",
1518 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "רענון",
1519 "gallery-loading-still": "עדיין בטעינה",
1520 "gallery-unknown-author": "היוצר אינו ידוע",
1521 "preview-error-message": "הייתה בעיה עם הצגת התצוגה המקדימה הזאת.",
1522 "preview-console-error-message": "אין תצוגה מקדימה זמינה לערך ‚$1’ (שפה: $2)",
1523 "read-on-wiki": "לקרוא בוויקיפדיה",
1524 "read-more": "לקרוא עוד בוויקיפדיה",
1525 "preview-disambiguation-message": "הכותרת <strong>$1</strong> קשורה ליותר מערך אחד בוויקיפדיה.",
1526 "preview-offline-message": "אין חיבור זמין לאינטרנט.",
1527 "preview-offline-cta": "לנסות שוב"
1528}, Jn = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1529 __proto__: null,
1530 default: Xn
1531}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Zn = {
1532 "@metadata": {
1533 authors: [
1534 "Abijeet Patro"
1535 ]
1536 },
1537 "continue-reading": "पढ़ना जारी रखें",
1538 "read-more": "विकिपीडिया पर अधिक पढ़ें"
1539}, Qn = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1540 __proto__: null,
1541 default: Zn
1542}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), eo = {
1543 "@metadata": {
1544 authors: [
1545 "Bugoslav",
1546 "Neptune, the Mystic"
1547 ]
1548 },
1549 "continue-reading": "Nastavite čitati",
1550 "gallery-loading-error": "Došlo je do pogreške pri učitavanju ove slike",
1551 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Učitaj ponovno",
1552 "gallery-unknown-author": "Nepoznat autor",
1553 "read-on-wiki": "Pročitajte na Wikipediji",
1554 "read-more": "Pročitajte više na Wikipediji",
1555 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Naslov <strong>$1</strong> povezan je s više članaka na Wikipediji.",
1556 "preview-offline-cta": "Pokušajte ponovo"
1557}, ro = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1558 __proto__: null,
1559 default: eo
1560}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), ao = {
1561 "@metadata": {
1562 authors: [
1563 "Kitanago"
1564 ]
1565 },
1566 "continue-reading": "Kontinye li",
1567 "gallery-loading-error": "Te gen yon erè pandan w ap chaje imaj sa a.",
1568 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Pa gen koneksyon entènèt ki disponib.",
1569 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Relanse",
1570 "gallery-loading-still": "L ap chaje",
1571 "gallery-unknown-author": "Otè a enkoni",
1572 "preview-error-message": "Te gen yon pwoblèm pandan w ap montre apèsi sa a.",
1573 "preview-console-error-message": "Apèsi pa disponib pou atik '$1' (Lang: $2 )",
1574 "read-on-wiki": "Li sou Wikipedya",
1575 "read-more": "Li plis sou Wikipedya",
1576 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Tit <strong>$1</strong> gen rapò ak plis pase yon atik sou Wikipedya.",
1577 "preview-offline-message": "Pa gen koneksyon entènèt ki disponib.",
1578 "preview-offline-cta": "Eseye ankò"
1579}, io = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1580 __proto__: null,
1581 default: ao
1582}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), no = {
1583 "@metadata": {
1584 authors: [
1585 "Hanna Tardos"
1586 ]
1587 },
1588 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Nincs internetkapcsolat",
1589 "preview-offline-message": "Nincs internetkapcsolat",
1590 "preview-offline-cta": "Próbáld újra"
1591}, oo = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1592 __proto__: null,
1593 default: no
1594}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), to = {
1595 "@metadata": {
1596 authors: [
1597 "Kareyac"
1598 ]
1599 },
1600 "continue-reading": "Շարունակել կարդալ",
1601 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Թարմացնել",
1602 "gallery-unknown-author": "Հեղինակը անհայտ է",
1603 "read-on-wiki": "Կարդալ Վիքպեդիայում",
1604 "preview-offline-cta": "Կրկին փորձել"
1605}, lo = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1606 __proto__: null,
1607 default: to
1608}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), so = {
1609 "@metadata": {
1610 authors: [
1611 "Azniv Stepanian",
1612 "Շահէն"
1613 ]
1614 },
1615 "continue-reading": "Շարունակել կարդալ",
1616 "gallery-loading-error": "Այս էջը չբացուեցաւ:",
1617 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Համացանցի կապ չկայ:",
1618 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Թարմացնել",
1619 "gallery-loading-still": "Տակաւին կը բացուի",
1620 "gallery-unknown-author": "Հեղինակը անյայտ է",
1621 "preview-error-message": "Հարց մը կայ այս բաժինը բանալու:",
1622 "preview-console-error-message": "Այս բաժինը գոյութիւն չունի «$1» յօդուածին համար: (Լեզու՝ $2)",
1623 "read-on-wiki": "Կարդալ Ուիքիփետիայի վրայ",
1624 "read-more": "Կարդալ յաւելեալ Ուիքիփետիայի վրայ",
1625 "preview-disambiguation-message": "<strong>$1</strong> վերնագիրը կապուած է մէկէ աւելի Ուիքիփետիայի յօդուածի:",
1626 "preview-offline-message": "Համացանցի կապ չկայ:",
1627 "preview-offline-cta": "Կրկին փորձէ"
1628}, go = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1629 __proto__: null,
1630 default: so
1631}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), uo = {
1632 "@metadata": {
1633 authors: [
1634 "McDutchie"
1635 ]
1636 },
1637 "continue-reading": "Continuar a leger",
1638 "gallery-loading-error": "Un error occurreva durante le cargamento de iste imagine",
1639 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Necun connexion a internet disponibile.",
1640 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Refrescar",
1641 "gallery-loading-still": "Cargamento ancora in curso",
1642 "gallery-unknown-author": "Autor incognite",
1643 "preview-error-message": "Un problema ha occurrite in le rendition de iste previsualisation.",
1644 "preview-console-error-message": "Previsualisation indisponibile pro le articulo '$1' (Lingua: $2)",
1645 "read-on-wiki": "Leger sur Wikipedia",
1646 "read-more": "Leger plus sur Wikipedia",
1647 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Le titulo <strong>$1</strong> es associate a plus de un articulo sur Wikipedia.",
1648 "preview-offline-message": "Necun connexion a internet disponibile.",
1649 "preview-offline-cta": "Reprobar"
1650}, co = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1651 __proto__: null,
1652 default: uo
1653}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), mo = {
1654 "@metadata": {
1655 authors: [
1656 "Akmaie Ajam",
1657 "Daud I.F. Argana",
1658 "Herryz",
1659 "Joseagush",
1660 "Sonic Speedy"
1661 ]
1662 },
1663 "continue-reading": "Lanjutkan Membaca",
1664 "gallery-loading-error": "Terjadi kesalahan saat memuat gambar ini.",
1665 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Tidak ada koneksi internet.",
1666 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Muat ulang",
1667 "gallery-loading-still": "Masih memuat",
1668 "gallery-unknown-author": "$1 Penulis tidak diketahui",
1669 "preview-error-message": "Ada masalah ketika menampilkan pratayang ini.",
1670 "preview-console-error-message": "Pratinjau tidak ada untuk artikel '$1' (Bahasa: $2)",
1671 "read-on-wiki": "Baca di Wikipedia",
1672 "read-more": "Baca lebih lanjut tentang Wikipedia",
1673 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Judul <strong>$1</strong> terkait dengan lebih dari satu artikel di Wikipedia.",
1674 "preview-offline-message": "Tidak ada koneksi internet.",
1675 "preview-offline-cta": "Coba lagi"
1676}, po = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1677 __proto__: null,
1678 default: mo
1679}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), fo = {
1680 "@metadata": {
1681 authors: [
1682 "Joao Xavier"
1683 ]
1684 },
1685 "continue-reading": "Durigar lektado",
1686 "gallery-loading-error": "Eventis eroro dum charjo di ca imajo",
1687 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Nula konekto al interreto disponebla.",
1688 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Rinovigar",
1689 "gallery-loading-still": "Charjo duras",
1690 "gallery-unknown-author": "Nekonocata autoro",
1691 "preview-error-message": "Eventis problemo dum la montro di ca previdado.",
1692 "preview-console-error-message": "Previdado ne esas posibla por l'artiklo '$1' (Idiomo: $2)",
1693 "read-on-wiki": "Lektez che Wikipedio",
1694 "read-more": "Lektez pluse che Wikipedio",
1695 "preview-disambiguation-message": "La titulo <strong>$1</strong> uzesas en plu kam 1 artiklo che Wikipedio.",
1696 "preview-offline-message": "Nula konekto al interreto disponebla.",
1697 "preview-offline-cta": "Probez itere"
1698}, yo = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1699 __proto__: null,
1700 default: fo
1701}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), _o = {
1702 "@metadata": {
1703 authors: [
1704 "Sveinki",
1705 "Sveinn í Felli"
1706 ]
1707 },
1708 "continue-reading": "Halda lestri áfram",
1709 "gallery-loading-error": "Upp kom villa við að hlaða inn þessari mynd",
1710 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Engin internettenging er tiltæk.",
1711 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Endurlesa",
1712 "gallery-loading-still": "Ennþá að lesa inn",
1713 "gallery-unknown-author": "Óþekkur höfundur",
1714 "preview-error-message": "Það kom upp vandamál við að birta þessa forskoðun.",
1715 "preview-console-error-message": "Forskoðun er ekki til fyrir greinina '$1' (Tungumál: $2)",
1716 "read-on-wiki": "Lesa á Wikipedia",
1717 "read-more": "Lesta meira á Wikipedia",
1718 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Titillinn <strong>$1</strong> tengist fleiri en einni grein á Wikipedia.",
1719 "preview-offline-message": "Engin internettenging er tiltæk.",
1720 "preview-offline-cta": "Reyndu aftur"
1721}, ho = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1722 __proto__: null,
1723 default: _o
1724}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), wo = {
1725 "@metadata": {
1726 authors: [
1727 "Ajeje Brazorf",
1728 "Beta16",
1729 "GpieroMW",
1730 "Luca.favorido"
1731 ]
1732 },
1733 "continue-reading": "Continua a leggere",
1734 "gallery-loading-error": "Si è verificato un errore durante il caricamento di questa immagine",
1735 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Nessuna connessione internet disponibile.",
1736 "gallery-unknown-author": "Autore sconosciuto",
1737 "read-on-wiki": "Leggi su Wikipedia",
1738 "read-more": "Ulteriori informazioni su Wikipedia",
1739 "preview-offline-message": "Nessuna connessione internet disponibile.",
1740 "preview-offline-cta": "Riprova"
1741}, vo = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1742 __proto__: null,
1743 default: wo
1744}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), ko = {
1745 "@metadata": {
1746 authors: [
1747 "Omotecho",
1748 "RYOUMA1117",
1749 "そらたこ",
1750 "バレロン"
1751 ]
1752 },
1753 "continue-reading": "続けて読む",
1754 "gallery-loading-error": "画像の読み込み中にエラーが発生しました。",
1755 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "インターネット接続が見つかりません。",
1756 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "更新",
1757 "gallery-loading-still": "読み込み中",
1758 "gallery-unknown-author": "作者不明",
1759 "preview-error-message": "プレビューを表示する際にエラーが発生しました。",
1760 "preview-console-error-message": "現在$1のプレビューは利用できません。(言語:$2)",
1761 "read-on-wiki": "ウィキペディアで読む",
1762 "read-more": "ウィキペディアでさらに読む",
1763 "preview-disambiguation-message": "標題<strong>$1</strong>はウィキペディアに複数の関連項目があります。",
1764 "preview-offline-message": "インターネット接続が見つかりません。",
1765 "preview-offline-cta": "もう一度お試しください"
1766}, bo = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1767 __proto__: null,
1768 default: ko
1769}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), jo = {
1770 "@metadata": {
1771 authors: [
1772 "Ajiniyaz Nurniyazov"
1773 ]
1774 },
1775 "continue-reading": "Oqıwdı dawam etiw",
1776 "gallery-loading-error": "Bul súwretti júklewde qátelik júz berdi",
1777 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Internet baylanısı joq.",
1778 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Jańalaw",
1779 "gallery-loading-still": "Ele júklenip atır",
1780 "gallery-unknown-author": "Avtor belgisiz",
1781 "preview-error-message": "Aldınnan kóriwdi kórsetiwde mashqala júz berdi.",
1782 "preview-console-error-message": '"$1" (Til: $2) maqalası ushın aldınnan kóriw ilajsız',
1783 "read-on-wiki": "Wikipediada oqıw",
1784 "read-more": "Wikipediada kóbirek oqıw",
1785 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Atama <strong>$1</strong> Wikipediadaǵı birneshe maqalaǵa tiyisli.",
1786 "preview-offline-message": "Internet baylanısı joq.",
1787 "preview-offline-cta": "Qayta urınıp kóriw"
1788}, So = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1789 __proto__: null,
1790 default: jo
1791}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), To = {
1792 "@metadata": {
1793 authors: [
1794 "Kambai Akau"
1795 ]
1796 },
1797 "continue-reading": "Ya a̠son di̠ fang",
1798 "gallery-loading-error": "Ghyuap ku nyia̱ mi̱ di̠n kpa̠t ghwughwu huni",
1799 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "A̱myim a̱cyetaneang ka bwuk.",
1800 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Bu shyim",
1801 "gallery-loading-still": "Ku ni̱ shyia̱ di̱ nyia̱ lodi",
1802 "gallery-unknown-author": "Á̠ lyen a̠tyulyuut wu bah",
1803 "preview-error-message": "A̱fi̱fa ku nshyia̱ mi̱ di̱n tyai nwuan-a̱son huni.",
1804 "preview-console-error-message": "Nwuan-a̱son nshyia̱ mat ati̱kut '$1' (A̱lyem: $2) bah",
1805 "read-on-wiki": "Fang mi̱ Wukipedia",
1806 "read-more": "Fang nkyang njhyang mi̱ Wukipedia",
1807 "preview-disambiguation-message": "A̠pyia̠ a̠lyiat <strong>$1</strong> byia̠ a̱meang ma̠ng ati̱kut a̱ swak a̱nyiung mi̠ Wukipedia.",
1808 "preview-offline-message": "A̱myim a̱cyetaneang ka bwuk.",
1809 "preview-offline-cta": "Bu kwan"
1810}, $o = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1811 __proto__: null,
1812 default: To
1813}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Oo = {
1814 "@metadata": {
1815 authors: [
1816 "Cgmbo"
1817 ]
1818 },
1819 "continue-reading": "Landa Kutanga",
1820 "gallery-loading-error": "Kifu me salama na ntangu ya kutula kifwanisu yai",
1821 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Connection ya internet kele ve.",
1822 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Bandulula",
1823 "gallery-loading-still": "Yo ke landa kubaka bima",
1824 "gallery-unknown-author": "Munkwa na yo me zabana ve",
1825 "preview-error-message": "Kifu me salama na ntangu ya kusonga kima yai.",
1826 "read-on-wiki": "Tanga na Wikipedia",
1827 "read-more": "Tanga mambu mingi na Wikipedia",
1828 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Ntu-diambu <strong>$1</strong> ke na kuwakana ti masolo mingi na Wikipedia.",
1829 "preview-offline-message": "Connection ya internet kele ve.",
1830 "preview-offline-cta": "Meka diaka"
1831}, Ao = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1832 __proto__: null,
1833 default: Oo
1834}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), zo = {
1835 "@metadata": {
1836 authors: [
1837 "EWDAja"
1838 ]
1839 },
1840 "continue-reading": "توروسكو مباچا",
1841 "gallery-loading-error": "وات كسالهن هاراک مبوکاک گامبر سيج",
1842 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "مكّا كونيكسي اينترنيت",
1843 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "موات اولڠ",
1844 "gallery-loading-still": "لوكوک مبوکاک",
1845 "gallery-unknown-author": "ڤنوليس مک تيكاڤنداي",
1846 "preview-error-message": "وات ماساله هارک نمڤيلكو ڤراتياڠ سيج",
1847 "preview-console-error-message": "ڤراتينجاو مكّا اونتوک ارتيكيل '$' (باس:2$)",
1848 "read-on-wiki": "باچ د ويكيڤيديا",
1849 "read-more": "باچ لوبيه لنجوت د ويكيڤيديا",
1850 "preview-disambiguation-message": "جودول <strong>$1</strong> تيكاهيک ريک ليو جک اوسي ارتيكيل ويكيڤيديا",
1851 "preview-offline-message": "مكّا كونيكسي اينترنيت",
1852 "preview-offline-cta": "چوبا لاگي"
1853}, Eo = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1854 __proto__: null,
1855 default: zo
1856}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Mo = {
1857 "@metadata": {
1858 authors: [
1859 "Es Krim 5 Juta Rasa"
1860 ]
1861 },
1862 "continue-reading": "Torusko mbaca",
1863 "gallery-loading-error": "Uwat kasalahan harak mbukak gambar sija",
1864 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Makka koneksi internet",
1865 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Muat ulang",
1866 "gallery-loading-still": "Lokok mbukak",
1867 "gallery-unknown-author": "Panulis mak tikapandai",
1868 "preview-error-message": "Uwat masalah harak nampilko pratayang sija.",
1869 "preview-console-error-message": "Pratinjau makka untuk artikel '$1' (Basa: $2)",
1870 "read-on-wiki": "Baca di Wikipedia",
1871 "read-more": "Baca lobih lanjut di Wikipedia",
1872 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Judul<strong>$1</strong> tikahik rik liyu jak osai artikel di Wikipedia.",
1873 "preview-offline-message": "Makka koneksi internet",
1874 "preview-offline-cta": "Cuba lagi"
1875}, Po = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1876 __proto__: null,
1877 default: Mo
1878}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Lo = {
1879 "@metadata": {
1880 authors: [
1881 "1917 Ekim Devrimi"
1882 ]
1883 },
1884 "continue-reading": "Wanayışi dewam ke",
1885 "gallery-loading-error": "No resım barkerdış de xeta veciye",
1886 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Gıreniyeyi interneti çıniyo",
1887 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Anewe ke",
1888 "gallery-loading-still": "Hewna beno bar",
1889 "gallery-unknown-author": "Nuştekarê nêzanıyeni",
1890 "preview-error-message": "Mocnayışê nê verqayti de xırabiye esta.",
1891 "read-on-wiki": "Wikipediya de bıwanê",
1892 "read-more": "Wikipedia sero tayna bıwanê",
1893 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Sernamey <strong>$1</strong> yew ra zêde meqaleyê Wikipedia ya eleqeyıno.",
1894 "preview-offline-message": "Gıreniyeyi interneti çıniyo",
1895 "preview-offline-cta": "Anciya bıcerebne"
1896}, qo = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1897 __proto__: null,
1898 default: Lo
1899}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), xo = {
1900 "@metadata": {
1901 authors: [
1902 "Darzz"
1903 ]
1904 },
1905 "continue-reading": "Оқуды жалғастыру",
1906 "gallery-loading-error": "Бұл сурет жүктелгенде, қате орын алды.",
1907 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Интернет қосылымы жоқ.",
1908 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Жаңарту",
1909 "gallery-loading-still": "Әлі жүктелуде",
1910 "gallery-unknown-author": "Автор белгісіз",
1911 "preview-error-message": "Бұл алдын ала көру көрсетілгенде, қате орын алды.",
1912 "preview-console-error-message": '"$1" (тіл: $2) мақаласын алдын ала көру қолжетімсіз',
1913 "read-on-wiki": "Уикипедиядан оқу",
1914 "read-more": "Уикипедиядан көбірек оқу",
1915 "preview-disambiguation-message": "<strong>$1</strong> атауы Уикипедиядағы бірден көп мақалаға сілтейді.",
1916 "preview-offline-message": "Интернет қосылымы жоқ.",
1917 "preview-offline-cta": "Қайталау"
1918}, Wo = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1919 __proto__: null,
1920 default: xo
1921}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), No = {
1922 "@metadata": {
1923 authors: [
1924 "Pokno Royal",
1925 "គីមស៊្រុន"
1926 ]
1927 },
1928 "continue-reading": "បន្តការអាន",
1929 "gallery-loading-error": "មានបញ្ហាក្នុងការផ្ទុករូបភាពនេះ",
1930 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "គ្មានបណ្ដាញអ៊ីនធើណិតទេ។",
1931 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "ផ្ទុកឡើងវិញ",
1932 "gallery-loading-still": "កំពុងផ្ទុក",
1933 "gallery-unknown-author": "អ្នកនិពន្ធមិនស្គាល់",
1934 "preview-error-message": "មានបញ្ហាពេលបង្ហាញការមើលមុននេះ។",
1935 "preview-console-error-message": "គ្មានការមើលមុនសម្រាប់អត្ថបទ $1 (ភាសា៖ $2) ទេ",
1936 "read-on-wiki": "អាននៅលើវិគីភីឌា",
1937 "read-more": "អានបន្ថែមនៅលើវិគីភីឌា",
1938 "preview-disambiguation-message": "ចំណងជើង <strong>$1</strong> បានជាប់ទាក់ទងជាមួយអត្ថបទច្រើនជាងមួយនៅក្នុងវិគីភីឌា។",
1939 "preview-offline-message": "គ្មានបណ្ដាញអ៊ីនធើណិតទេ។",
1940 "preview-offline-cta": "ព្យាយាមម្ដងទៀត"
1941}, Ro = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1942 __proto__: null,
1943 default: No
1944}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Io = {
1945 "@metadata": {
1946 authors: [
1947 "AVSmalnad77",
1948 "ಮಲ್ನಾಡಾಚ್ ಕೊಂಕ್ಣೊ"
1949 ]
1950 },
1951 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "ಇಂಟರ್ನೆಟ್ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ಲಭ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ.",
1952 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "ಪುನಶ್ಚೇತನಗೊಳಿಸು",
1953 "gallery-loading-still": "ಇನ್ನೂ ಲೋಡ್ ಆಗುತ್ತಿದೆ",
1954 "read-on-wiki": "ವಿಕಿಪೀಡಿಯದಲ್ಲಿ ಓದು",
1955 "read-more": "ವಿಕಿಪೀಡಿಯದಲ್ಲಿ ಇನ್ನಷ್ಟು ಓದು",
1956 "preview-offline-message": "ಇಂಟರ್ನೆಟ್ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ಲಭ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ.",
1957 "preview-offline-cta": "ಮತ್ತೆ ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸಿ"
1958}, Co = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1959 __proto__: null,
1960 default: Io
1961}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Do = {
1962 "@metadata": {
1963 authors: [
1964 "Songhee",
1965 "Ykhwong",
1966 "그냥기여자"
1967 ]
1968 },
1969 "continue-reading": "계속 읽기",
1970 "gallery-loading-error": "이 이미지를 불러오는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다",
1971 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "인터넷이 연결되어 있지 않습니다.",
1972 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "새로 고침",
1973 "gallery-loading-still": "계속 로딩 중",
1974 "gallery-unknown-author": "작자 미상",
1975 "preview-error-message": "이 미리보기를 표시하는 중 오류가 있었습니다.",
1976 "preview-console-error-message": "'$1' 문서를 미리 볼 수 없습니다 (언어: $2)",
1977 "read-on-wiki": "위키백과에서 보기",
1978 "read-more": "위키백과에서 추가 내용 읽기",
1979 "preview-disambiguation-message": "<strong>$1</strong> 항목은 위키백과 내 둘 이상의 문서와 연관되어 있습니다.",
1980 "preview-offline-message": "인터넷이 연결되어 있지 않습니다.",
1981 "preview-offline-cta": "다시 시도"
1982}, Ho = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
1983 __proto__: null,
1984 default: Do
1985}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Uo = {
1986 "@metadata": {
1987 authors: [
1988 "Къарачайлы"
1989 ]
1990 },
1991 "continue-reading": "Окъугъанынгы андан ары бардыр",
1992 "gallery-loading-error": "Бу сурат джюклене тургъанлай халат болду",
1993 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Интернетге байлам джокъду",
1994 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Джангырт",
1995 "gallery-loading-still": "Алкъын джюклене турады",
1996 "gallery-unknown-author": "Автору белгисизди",
1997 "preview-error-message": "Бу ал къарауну кёргюзген заманда проблема чыкъды",
1998 "preview-console-error-message": "'$1' (Тил: $2) статьяны ал къарауу ишлемейди",
1999 "read-on-wiki": "Википедияда окъу",
2000 "read-more": "Андан да асламысын Википедияда окъу",
2001 "preview-disambiguation-message": "<strong>$1</strong> башлыкъ Википедияда бирден аслам статья бла байламлыды.",
2002 "preview-offline-message": "Интернетге байлам джокъду",
2003 "preview-offline-cta": "Энтда сынаб кёр"
2004}, Bo = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2005 __proto__: null,
2006 default: Uo
2007}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Fo = {
2008 "@metadata": {
2009 authors: [
2010 "Tajamul9"
2011 ]
2012 },
2013 "continue-reading": "پرُن جٲری تھاوُن",
2014 "gallery-loading-error": "شَکل لوڑ کَرنَس مَنٛز أس اَکھ غلطی.",
2015 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "اِنٹَرنیٹ رٲبطہٕ چھنہٕ مَیَسر.",
2016 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "تازٕ کٕرو",
2017 "gallery-loading-still": "وُنہِ چھُ لوڈ گژھان",
2018 "gallery-unknown-author": "نامعلوم مُصنِف",
2019 "preview-error-message": "یہِ جَھلَک ہاوٕنس منٛز اوس اکھ ٹُھر.",
2020 "preview-console-error-message": "'$1' (زبان: $2) مَضموٗن کھأترٕ چھنہٕ جَھلَک مَیَسر",
2021 "read-on-wiki": "پٕریٚو وِکیٖپیٖڈیاہَس پؠٹھ",
2022 "read-more": "پییہٚ پٕریٚو وِکیٖپیٖڈیاہَس پؠٹھ",
2023 "preview-disambiguation-message": "ناو <مضبوط>$1</مضبوط> چھُ رلان اَکہِ کھۄٚتہٕ زیادٕ مَضموٗنن سٕتی وِکیٖمیڈِیاہَس پؠٹھ.",
2024 "preview-offline-message": "اِنٹَرنیٹ رٲبطہٕ چھنہٕ مَیَسر.",
2025 "preview-offline-cta": "بیٚیہِ کٔرِو کوشِش"
2026}, Go = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2027 __proto__: null,
2028 default: Fo
2029}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Yo = {
2030 "@metadata": {
2031 authors: [
2032 "Bikarhêner"
2033 ]
2034 },
2035 "continue-reading": "Xwendinê Bidomîne",
2036 "gallery-loading-error": "Çewtiyeke derket di barkirina vê wêneyê de",
2037 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Girêdaneke înternetê yê berdest tine ye.",
2038 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Nû bike",
2039 "gallery-loading-still": "Hê jî tê barkirin",
2040 "gallery-unknown-author": "Nivîskar nenas e",
2041 "preview-error-message": "Çewtiyeke derket holê gava pêşdîtin dihate nîşandin.",
2042 "preview-console-error-message": "Pêşdîtin ne berdest e ji bo gotara '$1' (Ziman: $2)",
2043 "read-on-wiki": "Li ser Wîkîpediyayê bixwîne",
2044 "read-more": "Zêdetir bixwîne li ser Wîkîpediyayê",
2045 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Sernavê <strong>$1</strong> eleqedarê ji yekî zêdetir gotaran e li ser Wîkîpediyayê.",
2046 "preview-offline-message": "Girêdaneke înternetê yê berdest nîne.",
2047 "preview-offline-cta": "Cardin biceribîne"
2048}, Vo = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2049 __proto__: null,
2050 default: Yo
2051}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Ko = {
2052 "@metadata": {
2053 authors: [
2054 "Enye Lav"
2055 ]
2056 },
2057 "continue-reading": "Лыддьыны водзӧ",
2058 "gallery-loading-error": "Серпас пыртӧдігӧн мыйкӧ торксьӧма",
2059 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Ӧтуввезкӧд йитӧд абу",
2060 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Выльмӧдны",
2061 "gallery-loading-still": "Век на пыртӧдам",
2062 "gallery-unknown-author": "Авторыс абу тӧдса",
2063 "preview-error-message": "Водзвыв видзӧдігӧн мыйкӧ абу лючки мунӧма",
2064 "preview-console-error-message": "'$1' статьясӧ водзвыв видзӧдны он вермы (кыв: $2)",
2065 "read-on-wiki": "Лыддьыны Википедияысь",
2066 "read-more": "Водзӧ лыддьыны Википедияысь",
2067 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Википедияын <strong>$1</strong> нима гижӧдыс ӧтиысь унджык.",
2068 "preview-offline-message": "Ӧтуввезкӧд йитчыны оз артмы",
2069 "preview-offline-cta": "Видлӧй нӧшта ӧтчыд"
2070}, Xo = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2071 __proto__: null,
2072 default: Ko
2073}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Jo = {
2074 "@metadata": {
2075 authors: [
2076 "Les Meloures",
2077 "Robby",
2078 "Volvox"
2079 ]
2080 },
2081 "continue-reading": "Virufuere mat Liesen",
2082 "gallery-loading-error": "Feeler beim eropluede vum Bild",
2083 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Et gëtt keng Internetverbindung",
2084 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Aktualiséieren",
2085 "gallery-loading-still": "Gëtt nach gelueden",
2086 "gallery-unknown-author": "Auteur onbekannt",
2087 "preview-error-message": "Et gouf e Probleem fir dëst ze weisen",
2088 "preview-console-error-message": "Virschau fir den Artikel '$1' net verfügbar (Sprooch: $2)",
2089 "read-on-wiki": "Op Wikipedia liesen",
2090 "read-more": "Liest méi op Wikipedia",
2091 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Den Titel <strong>$1</strong> bezitt sech op méi wéi een Artikel op Wikipedia.",
2092 "preview-offline-message": "Et gëtt keng Internetverbindung.",
2093 "preview-offline-cta": "Probéiert nach emol"
2094}, Zo = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2095 __proto__: null,
2096 default: Jo
2097}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Qo = {
2098 "@metadata": {
2099 authors: [
2100 "Asenoner"
2101 ]
2102 },
2103 "continue-reading": "Liej inant",
2104 "gallery-loading-error": "L ie suzedù n fal a ciarië chësta foto",
2105 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "L ne ie deguna cunescion cun l'internet.",
2106 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Cëria da nuef",
2107 "gallery-loading-still": "Cëria mo for",
2108 "gallery-unknown-author": "Autor scunesciù",
2109 "preview-error-message": "L ie unì su n problem a mustré chësta preududa.",
2110 "preview-console-error-message": "Preududa nia da garat per l articul '$1' (Rujeneda: $2)",
2111 "read-on-wiki": "Liej sun Wikipedia",
2112 "read-more": "Liej de plu sun Wikipedia",
2113 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Titul <strong>$1</strong> ie culegà cun plu de un n articul sun Wikipedia.",
2114 "preview-offline-message": "L ne ie deguna cunescion cun l'internet.",
2115 "preview-offline-cta": "Prova mo n iede"
2116}, et = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2117 __proto__: null,
2118 default: Qo
2119}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), rt = {
2120 "@metadata": {
2121 authors: [
2122 "Salvemm el lombard"
2123 ]
2124 },
2125 "continue-reading": "Va adree a lensger",
2126 "gallery-loading-error": "A gh'è stad un error in del caregà questa pagina chì",
2127 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "A gh'è nissuna conession a l'internet disponibil.",
2128 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Atualiza:",
2129 "gallery-loading-still": "An'mò 'dree a caregà",
2130 "gallery-unknown-author": "Autor minga conossud",
2131 "preview-error-message": "A gh'è stad on problema intanta che la vegniva mostrada la pagina de vedè prima.",
2132 "read-on-wiki": "Lensg in su Wikipedia",
2133 "read-more": "Lengs pussée su Wikipedia",
2134 "preview-disambiguation-message": "El titol <strong>$1</strong> l'è correlad con pussée de vun articol in su Wikipedia.",
2135 "preview-offline-message": "A gh'è nissuna coneesion a l'internet disponibil",
2136 "preview-offline-cta": "Provegh ancamò"
2137}, at = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2138 __proto__: null,
2139 default: rt
2140}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), it = {
2141 "@metadata": {
2142 authors: [
2143 "Lookruk"
2144 ]
2145 },
2146 "continue-reading": "ອ່ານຕໍ່",
2147 "gallery-loading-error": "ເກີດຂໍ້ຜິດພາດຂະນະໂຫຼດຮູບນີ້",
2148 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "ບໍ່ມີການເຊື່ອມຕໍ່ອິນເຕີເນັດ",
2149 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "ໂຫຼດໃໝ່",
2150 "gallery-loading-still": "ກຳລັງໂຫຼດຢູ່",
2151 "gallery-unknown-author": "ບໍ່ຮູ້ຈັກຜູ້ຂຽນ",
2152 "preview-error-message": "ມີບັນຫາໃນຂະນະທີ່ສະແດງຕົວຢ່າງນີ້",
2153 "preview-console-error-message": "ບໍ່ມີຕົວຢ່າງສໍາລັບບົດຄວາມ '$1' (ພາສາ: $2)",
2154 "read-on-wiki": "ອ່ານບົນວິກິພີເດຍ",
2155 "read-more": "ອ່ານເພີ່ມເຕີມບົນວິກິພີເດຍ",
2156 "preview-disambiguation-message": "ຫົວຂໍ້ <strong>$1</strong> ແມ່ນກ່ຽວຂ້ອງກັບບົດຄວມຫຼາຍກວ່າໜຶ່ງບົດຄວາມໃນວິກິພີເດຍ",
2157 "preview-offline-message": "ບໍ່ມີການເຊື່ອມຕໍ່ອິນເຕີເນັດ",
2158 "preview-offline-cta": "ລອງ​ອີກ​ຄັ້ງ"
2159}, nt = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2160 __proto__: null,
2161 default: it
2162}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), ot = {
2163 "@metadata": {
2164 authors: [
2165 "Nokeoo"
2166 ]
2167 },
2168 "continue-reading": "Skaityti toliau",
2169 "gallery-loading-error": "Įkeliant šį paveikslėlį įvyko klaida",
2170 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Nėra interneto ryšio.",
2171 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Atnaujinti",
2172 "gallery-loading-still": "Vis dar kraunasi",
2173 "gallery-unknown-author": "Autorius nežinomas",
2174 "preview-error-message": "Rodant šią peržiūrą kilo problema.",
2175 "preview-console-error-message": "Straipsnio „$1“ peržiūra neprieinama (kalba: $2)",
2176 "read-on-wiki": "Skaitykite Vikipedijoje",
2177 "read-more": "Daugiau skaitykite Vikipedijoje",
2178 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Pavadinimas <strong>$1</strong> susijęs su daugiau nei vienu straipsniu Vikipedijoje.",
2179 "preview-offline-message": "Nėra interneto ryšio.",
2180 "preview-offline-cta": "Bandykite dar kartą"
2181}, tt = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2182 __proto__: null,
2183 default: ot
2184}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), lt = {
2185 "@metadata": {
2186 authors: [
2187 "Boesenbergia"
2188 ]
2189 },
2190 "continue-reading": "Terrosaghi Maca",
2191 "gallery-loading-error": "Bâḍâ sè sala bâkto mowa' ghâmbhâr sè arèya",
2192 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Taḍâ' sambhungan internèt.",
2193 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Pa'anyar",
2194 "gallery-loading-still": "Ghi' mowa'",
2195 "gallery-unknown-author": "Sè meccè' ta' èkataowè",
2196 "preview-error-message": "Bâḍâ masalah bâkto ngangglaghi tangas arèya.",
2197 "read-on-wiki": "Bâca è Wikipèḍia",
2198 "read-more": "Bâca terrosana è Wikipèḍia",
2199 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Bhul-ombhul <strong>$1</strong> akaè' ka lebbi ḍâri sèttong serradhân è Wikipèḍia.",
2200 "preview-offline-message": "Taḍâ' sambhungan internèt.",
2201 "preview-offline-cta": "Jhâjhâl polè"
2202}, st = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2203 __proto__: null,
2204 default: lt
2205}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), dt = {
2206 "@metadata": {
2207 authors: [
2208 "ऐक्टिवेटेड्"
2209 ]
2210 },
2211 "continue-reading": "पढ़ेला जारी रखी",
2212 "gallery-loading-error": "इचित्र आरोपणमे त्रुटि होएल्",
2213 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "कोइयो अन्तर्जालसम्पर्क उपलब्ध नहई।",
2214 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "नवीकरण",
2215 "gallery-loading-still": "अखनीयो आरोपित होइत्",
2216 "gallery-unknown-author": "अज्ञात लेखक",
2217 "preview-error-message": "इ झलक देखावेमे एगो समस्या होलै।",
2218 "preview-console-error-message": "लेख '$1' (भासा: $2) ला झलक अनुपलब्ध",
2219 "read-on-wiki": "बिकिपीडियापर पढ़ी",
2220 "read-more": "बिकिपीडियापर आउ पढ़ी",
2221 "preview-disambiguation-message": "सीर्सक <strong>$1</strong> बिकिपीडियापर एकसे बेसी लेखसे सम्बन्धित हई",
2222 "preview-offline-message": "कोइयो अन्तर्जालसम्पर्क उपलब्ध नहई।",
2223 "preview-offline-cta": "फिन प्रयास करी"
2224}, gt = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2225 __proto__: null,
2226 default: dt
2227}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), ut = {
2228 "@metadata": {
2229 authors: [
2230 "Bjankuloski06"
2231 ]
2232 },
2233 "continue-reading": "Продолжете со читање",
2234 "gallery-loading-error": "Се јави грешка при вчитувањето на сликава.",
2235 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Нема врска со семрежјето.",
2236 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Превчитај",
2237 "gallery-loading-still": "Сè уште се вчитува",
2238 "gallery-unknown-author": "Непознат автор",
2239 "preview-error-message": "Се јави проблем при приказот на прегледот.",
2240 "preview-console-error-message": "Прегледот е недостапен за статијата „$1“ (Јазик: $2)",
2241 "read-on-wiki": "Прочитајте на Википедија",
2242 "read-more": "Прочитајте повеќе на Википедија",
2243 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Насловот <strong>$1</strong> е поврзансо повеќе од една статија на Википедија.",
2244 "preview-offline-message": "Нема врска со семрежјето.",
2245 "preview-offline-cta": "Обиди се пак"
2246}, ct = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2247 __proto__: null,
2248 default: ut
2249}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), mt = {
2250 "@metadata": {
2251 authors: [
2252 "Kiran Gopi"
2253 ]
2254 },
2255 "continue-reading": "വായന തുടരുക",
2256 "gallery-loading-error": "ഈ ചിത്രം എടുക്കുന്നതിൽ പിഴവുണ്ടായി.",
2257 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "പുതുക്കുക"
2258}, pt = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2259 __proto__: null,
2260 default: mt
2261}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), ft = {
2262 "@metadata": {
2263 authors: [
2264 "Anand.orkhon"
2265 ]
2266 },
2267 "continue-reading": "Цааш унших",
2268 "gallery-loading-error": "Зургийг уншихад алдаа гарлаа",
2269 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Интернэт холболт байхгүй байна.",
2270 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Дахин ачааллах",
2271 "gallery-loading-still": "Ачаалсаар байна",
2272 "gallery-unknown-author": "Зохиогч тодорхойгүй",
2273 "preview-error-message": "Урьдчилж харах явцад асуудал гарлаа.",
2274 "preview-console-error-message": "' $1 ' нийтлэлийг урьдчилан харах боломжгүй (Хэл: $2 )",
2275 "read-on-wiki": "Википедиа-аас уншаарай",
2276 "read-more": "Википедиа-аас дэлгэрэнгүй уншаарай",
2277 "preview-disambiguation-message": "<strong>$1</strong> гарчиг нь Википедиа дээрх нэгээс олон нийтлэлтэй холбоотой байна.",
2278 "preview-offline-message": "Интернэт холболт байхгүй байна.",
2279 "preview-offline-cta": "Дахин оролдоно уу"
2280}, yt = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2281 __proto__: null,
2282 default: ft
2283}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), _t = {
2284 "@metadata": {
2285 authors: [
2286 "Taytay",
2287 "Teitei Para"
2288 ]
2289 },
2290 "continue-reading": "Reih pazao",
2291 "gallery-loading-error": "He hmâthlâ â khâ hai nota pâna sâkha a y",
2292 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Internet azaona y vei.",
2293 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Pathieh",
2294 "gallery-loading-still": "A khâh hai chy",
2295 "gallery-unknown-author": "Rohtuh pahno leipa",
2296 "preview-error-message": "He mochhilina â palâ hai nota pâna sâkha a y.",
2297 "read-on-wiki": "Wikipedia liata reih",
2298 "read-more": "Wikipedia liata reina mode",
2299 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Chôtlâhpi <strong>$1</strong> nata a zaopa châpawzy Wikipedia lia sâkha hlâ hluh a y.",
2300 "preview-offline-message": "Internet a zaona y vei.",
2301 "preview-offline-cta": "A zaoh via"
2302}, ht = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2303 __proto__: null,
2304 default: _t
2305}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), wt = {
2306 "@metadata": {
2307 authors: [
2308 "Tofeiku"
2309 ]
2310 },
2311 "continue-reading": "Teruskan Membaca",
2312 "gallery-loading-error": "Terdapat ralat memuatkan imej ini",
2313 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Tiada sambungan Internet.",
2314 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Segar semula",
2315 "gallery-loading-still": "Masih memuatkan",
2316 "gallery-unknown-author": "Pengarang tidak diketahui",
2317 "preview-error-message": "Terdapat masalah ketika memaparkan pralihat ini.",
2318 "preview-console-error-message": "Pralihat tidak tersedia untuk rencana '$1' (Bahasa: $2)",
2319 "read-on-wiki": "Baca tentang Wikipedia",
2320 "read-more": "Baca lebih lanjut di Wikipedia",
2321 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Tajuk <strong>$1</strong> berkaitan dengan lebih daripada satu rencana di Wikipedia.",
2322 "preview-offline-message": "Tiada sambungan Internet.",
2323 "preview-offline-cta": "Cuba lagi"
2324}, vt = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2325 __proto__: null,
2326 default: wt
2327}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), kt = {
2328 "@metadata": {
2329 authors: [
2330 "Chrisportelli",
2331 "ToniSant"
2332 ]
2333 },
2334 "continue-reading": "Kompli Aqra",
2335 "gallery-loading-error": "L-istampa ma setgħetx titla'",
2336 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Bħalissa m'hemmx konnessjoni tal-internet disponibbli.",
2337 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Aġġorna",
2338 "gallery-loading-still": "Għadha tielgħa",
2339 "gallery-unknown-author": "L-awtur mhuwiex magħruf",
2340 "preview-error-message": "Kien hemm problema biex titla' l-wirja minn qabel.",
2341 "preview-console-error-message": "Il-wirja minn qabel għall-artiklu '$1' (Lingwa: $2)",
2342 "read-on-wiki": "Aqra fuq il-Wikipedija",
2343 "read-more": "Aqra aktar fuq il-Wikipedija",
2344 "preview-disambiguation-message": "It-titlu <strong>$1</strong> għandu x'jaqsam ma' aktar minn artiklu wieħed fuq il-Wikipedija.",
2345 "preview-offline-message": "Bħalissa m'hemmx konnessjoni tal-internet disponibbli.",
2346 "preview-offline-cta": "Erġa' pprova"
2347}, bt = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2348 __proto__: null,
2349 default: kt
2350}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), jt = {
2351 "@metadata": {
2352 authors: [
2353 "Dr Lotus Black",
2354 "Sithu015"
2355 ]
2356 },
2357 "continue-reading": "ဆက်လက် ဖတ်ရှုရန်",
2358 "gallery-loading-error": "ဤ ပုံကို တင်ဆောင်စဉ် အမှား တစ်ခု ဖြစ်ခဲ့သည်။",
2359 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "အင်တာနက် ဆက်သွယ်မှု မရရှိပါ။",
2360 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "ပြန်စရန်",
2361 "gallery-loading-still": "အလုပ် လုပ်နေတုန်းပါ",
2362 "gallery-unknown-author": "ဖန်တီးသူ မသိ",
2363 "preview-error-message": "ဤအကြိုမြင်ကွင်းကို ပြသနေစဥ် ကိစ္စတစ်ခုရှိခဲ့သည်။",
2364 "preview-console-error-message": "ဆောင်းပါး '$1' အတွက် အကြိုမြင်ကွင်း မရရှိနိုင်ပါ (ဘာသာစကား: $2)",
2365 "read-on-wiki": "ဝီကီပီးဒီးယား တွင် ဖတ်ရန်",
2366 "read-more": "ဝီကီပီးဒီးယားတွင် ပိုမို ဖတ်ပါ",
2367 "preview-disambiguation-message": "ခေါင်းစဥ် <strong>$1</strong> သည် ဝီကီပီးဒီးယား တွင် ‌ဆောင်းပါး တစ်ခုထပ် ပို၍ ဆက်စပ်နေသည်။",
2368 "preview-offline-message": "အင်တာနက် ဆက်သွယ်မှု မရရှိပါ။",
2369 "preview-offline-cta": "ထပ်မံ ကြိုးစားပါ"
2370}, St = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2371 __proto__: null,
2372 default: jt
2373}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Tt = {
2374 "@metadata": {
2375 authors: [
2376 "Finizio",
2377 "Ruthven"
2378 ]
2379 },
2380 "continue-reading": "Continua 'a lettura",
2381 "gallery-loading-error": "Aggio sbagliato carrecanno sta figura",
2382 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Interner nu funziona",
2383 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Agghiuorna",
2384 "gallery-loading-still": "Stong ancora carrecann'",
2385 "gallery-unknown-author": "Autore scanosciuto",
2386 "preview-error-message": "Sta nu problema facenno verè st'anteprimma",
2387 "preview-console-error-message": "L'anteprimma nun ce sta pe ll'articulo '$1' (Lengua: $2)",
2388 "read-on-wiki": "Liegge 'ncoppa a Wikipedia",
2389 "read-more": "Liegge 'e cchiù 'ncoppa a Wikipedia",
2390 "preview-disambiguation-message": "'O titulo <strong>$1</strong> s'arriferisce a cchiù 'e n'articulo ncopp’a Wikipedia",
2391 "preview-offline-message": "Internet nun funziona",
2392 "preview-offline-cta": "Prova n'ata vota"
2393}, $t = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2394 __proto__: null,
2395 default: Tt
2396}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Ot = {
2397 "@metadata": {
2398 authors: [
2399 "EdoAug",
2400 "Jon Harald Søby",
2401 "Kingu"
2402 ]
2403 },
2404 "continue-reading": "Fortsett å lese",
2405 "gallery-loading-error": "Kunne ikke laste inn denne siden",
2406 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Ikke tilkoblet Internett.",
2407 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Gjeoppfrisk",
2408 "gallery-loading-still": "Laster fremdeles …",
2409 "gallery-unknown-author": "Ukjent forfatter",
2410 "preview-error-message": "Kunne ikke forhåndsvise.",
2411 "preview-console-error-message": "Forhåndsvisning er ikke tilgjengelig for artikkelen «$1» (Språk: $2)",
2412 "read-on-wiki": "Les på Wikipedia",
2413 "read-more": "Les mer på Wikipedia",
2414 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Tittelen <strong>$1</strong> er tilknyttet mer enn én artikkel på Wikipedia.",
2415 "preview-offline-message": "Ingen tilgjengelige tilkoblinger til Internett.",
2416 "preview-offline-cta": "Prøv igjen"
2417}, At = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2418 __proto__: null,
2419 default: Ot
2420}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), zt = {
2421 "@metadata": {
2422 authors: [
2423 "Nirajan pant"
2424 ]
2425 },
2426 "continue-reading": "पढाइलाई निरन्तरता दिनुहोस्",
2427 "gallery-loading-error": "यस छबिलाई खोल्दा यहाँ केही त्रुटि हुन गएको छ",
2428 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "इन्टरनेट जडान उपलब्ध छैन्।",
2429 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "पुन:ताजा",
2430 "gallery-loading-still": "अझै खुलिरहेको छ",
2431 "gallery-unknown-author": "अज्ञात लेखक",
2432 "preview-error-message": "यस पूर्वावलोकनलाई प्रदर्शन गर्दा यहाँ केही उलझन भइरहेको छ।",
2433 "preview-console-error-message": "लेख '$1' (भाषा: $2) का लागि पूर्वावलोकन उपलब्ध छैन्",
2434 "read-on-wiki": "विकिपिडियामा पढ्नुहोस्",
2435 "read-more": "थप विकिपिडियामा पढ्नुहोस्",
2436 "preview-disambiguation-message": "<strong>$1</strong> शीर्षक विकिपिडियामा रहेका एकभन्दा बढी लेखहरूसँग सम्बन्धित छ।",
2437 "preview-offline-message": "इन्टरनेट जडान उपलब्ध छैन्।",
2438 "preview-offline-cta": "पुन: प्रयास गर्नुहोस्"
2439}, Et = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2440 __proto__: null,
2441 default: zt
2442}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Mt = {
2443 "@metadata": {
2444 authors: [
2445 "Anugrahgori",
2446 "Slaia"
2447 ]
2448 },
2449 "continue-reading": "Tohugö wombaso",
2450 "gallery-loading-error": "So zifasala me tehalö gambara andre",
2451 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Lö hadöi jaringan internet.",
2452 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Fuli halö",
2453 "gallery-loading-still": "Muhalö na sa",
2454 "gallery-unknown-author": "Lö töi zamazökhi",
2455 "preview-error-message": "So zifasala götö wangoroma'ö khala-khala andre.",
2456 "preview-console-error-message": "Lö fangoroma'ö sura '$1' (Li: $2)",
2457 "read-on-wiki": "Baso yaŵa ba Wikipedia",
2458 "read-more": "Baso na sa yaŵa ba Wikipedia",
2459 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Högö <strong>$1</strong> no fakhai ba ha'uga ngawua zura ba Wikipedia",
2460 "preview-offline-message": "Lö hadöi jaringan internet.",
2461 "preview-offline-cta": "Fuli tesi"
2462}, Pt = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2463 __proto__: null,
2464 default: Mt
2465}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Lt = {
2466 "@metadata": {
2467 authors: [
2468 "Nskjnv"
2469 ]
2470 },
2471 "continue-reading": "సురుమ్ వాసిప్స అనేకద్",
2472 "gallery-loading-error": "ఈ బొమ్మన్ ఒలిపేకత్తి గల్తీ ఎద్దిన్",
2473 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "ఇంటర్నెట్ అంతె వరేద్",
2474 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "పెన అదుం",
2475 "gallery-loading-still": "ఇంకా లోడ్ ఏర్సద్",
2476 "gallery-unknown-author": "వాయకన్ద్ ఎరుకతోద్",
2477 "preview-error-message": "ఇత్తి ఒలిపేకత్తి ఎద్దో గల్తీ ఎద్దిన్",
2478 "preview-console-error-message": "ఈ పేజీ పోదే గొట్టిక్ తొతె '$1' (గొట్టి: $2)",
2479 "read-on-wiki": "వికిపీడియాత్ వాసిపుర్",
2480 "read-more": "ఇంకా పెన వికీపీడియాత్ వాసిపుర్",
2481 "preview-disambiguation-message": "పేరొక్కద్ తెలుగు ఎన ఎక్కువ వికీపీడియా గొట్టిక్ అంచా",
2482 "preview-offline-message": "ఇంటర్నెట్ అంతె వరేద్",
2483 "preview-offline-cta": "పెన అదుం"
2484}, qt = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2485 __proto__: null,
2486 default: Lt
2487}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), xt = {
2488 "@metadata": {
2489 authors: [
2490 "Mainframe98",
2491 "Nickthijssen1994",
2492 "Romaine"
2493 ]
2494 },
2495 "continue-reading": "Verder lezen",
2496 "gallery-loading-error": "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het laden van deze afbeelding",
2497 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Geen internetverbinding beschikbaar.",
2498 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Vernieuwen",
2499 "gallery-loading-still": "Nog steeds aan het laden",
2500 "gallery-unknown-author": "Auteur onbekend",
2501 "preview-error-message": "Er is een probleem opgetreden bij het weergeven van deze voorvertoning",
2502 "preview-console-error-message": "Voorbeeldweergave onbeschikbaar voor artikel '$1' (Taal: $2)",
2503 "read-on-wiki": "Op Wikipedia lezen",
2504 "read-more": "Meer lezen op Wikipedia",
2505 "preview-disambiguation-message": "De titel <strong>$1</strong> is gerelateerd aan meer dan één artikel op Wikipedia.",
2506 "preview-offline-message": "Geen internetverbinding beschikbaar.",
2507 "preview-offline-cta": "Probeer het opnieuw"
2508}, Wt = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2509 __proto__: null,
2510 default: xt
2511}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Nt = {
2512 "@metadata": {
2513 authors: [
2514 "Sophie"
2515 ]
2516 },
2517 "continue-reading": "Fortsett å lesa",
2518 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Ikkje tilkopla på Internett.",
2519 "gallery-unknown-author": "Ukjend forfattar",
2520 "read-on-wiki": "Les på Wikipedia",
2521 "read-more": "Les meir på Wikipedia",
2522 "preview-offline-message": "Ikkje tilkopla på Internett.",
2523 "preview-offline-cta": "Prøv igjen"
2524}, Rt = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2525 __proto__: null,
2526 default: Nt
2527}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), It = {
2528 "@metadata": {
2529 authors: [
2530 "Noktonissian"
2531 ]
2532 },
2533 "continue-reading": "ᩋ᩵ᩣ᩠ᨶᨲᩬᩴ᩵ᨳᩯ᩠ᨾ",
2534 "gallery-loading-error": "ᨠᩮᩥ᩠ᨯᨠᩣ᩠ᩁᨹᩥ᩠ᨯᨻᩖᩣ᩠ᨯᨲᩬᩁᩉᩖᩰᩫᨯ᩺ᨽᩣ᩠ᨻᨶᩦ᩶",
2535 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "ᨷᩴᨾᩦᩈᩢᨬ᩠ᨬᩣ᩠ᨱᩋᩥ᩠ᨶᨴᩮᩬᩥᩁ᩺ᨶᩮᩢ᩠ᨴ",
2536 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "ᩉᩖᩰᩫᨯ᩺ᨳᩯ᩠ᨾᩉ᩠ᨾᩱ᩵",
2537 "gallery-loading-still": "ᨿᩢ᩠ᨦᩉᩖᩰᩫᨯ᩺ᨷᩴᩓ᩠ᩅ",
2538 "gallery-unknown-author": "ᨷᩴ᩵ᩁᩪ᩶ᨧᩢ᩠ᨠᨹᩪ᩶ᨡ᩠ᨿᩁ",
2539 "preview-error-message": "ᨠᩣ᩠ᩁᩈᨯᩯ᩠ᨦᨹᩫ᩠ᩃᨲᩫ᩠ᩅᩀ᩵ᩣ᩠ᨦᨶᩦ᩶ᨾᩦᨷᩢᨬ᩠ᩉᩣ",
2540 "preview-console-error-message": 'ᨷᩴ᩵ᨾᩦᨲ᩠ᩅᩫᩀ᩵ᩣ᩠ᨦᨡᩬᨦᨷᩫ᩠ᨴᨤ᩠ᩅᩣ᩠ᨾ "$1" (ᨽᩣᩈᩣ: $2)',
2541 "read-on-wiki": "ᩋ᩵ᩣ᩠ᨶᨯᩱ᩶ᨶᩲᩅᩥᨠᩥᨽᩦᨯ᩠ᨿᩮ",
2542 "read-more": "ᩋ᩵ᩣ᩠ᨶᨲᩬᩴ᩵ᨯᩱ᩶ᨶᩲᩅᩥᨠᩥᨽᩦᨯ᩠ᨿᩮ",
2543 "preview-disambiguation-message": "ᩉ᩠ᩅᩫᨡᩬᩴ᩶ <strong>$1</strong> ᨠ᩠ᨿ᩵ᩅᨡᩬ᩶ᨦᨠᩢ᩠ᨷᨷᩫ᩠ᨴᨤ᩠ᩅᩣ᩠ᨾᨷᩫ᩠ᨶᩅᩥᨠᩥᨽᩦᨯ᩠ᨿᩮᨶᩢ᩠ᨠᩉᩖᩮᩬᩥᩋᨶᩧ᩠᩵ᨦᨷᩫ᩠ᨴᨤ᩠ᩅᩣ᩠ᨾ",
2544 "preview-offline-message": "ᨷᩴᨾᩦᩈᩢᨬ᩠ᨬᩣ᩠ᨱᩋᩥ᩠ᨶᨴᩮᩬᩥᩁ᩺ᨶᩮᩢ᩠ᨴ",
2545 "preview-offline-cta": "ᩃᩬᨦᨳᩯ᩠ᨾᩉ᩠ᨾᩱ᩵"
2546}, Ct = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2547 __proto__: null,
2548 default: It
2549}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Dt = {
2550 "@metadata": {
2551 authors: [
2552 "Lancine.kounfantoh.fofana"
2553 ]
2554 },
2555 "continue-reading": "ߘߐ߬ߞߊ߬ߙߊ߲߬ߠߌ߲ ߘߊߓߊ߲߫",
2556 "gallery-loading-error": "ߝߎ߬ߕߎ߲߬ߕߌ ߘߏ߫ ߕߘߍ߬ ߦߋ߫ ߦߋ߲߬ ߖߌ߬ߦߊ߬ߓߍ ߣߌ߲߬ ߟߊߢߎ߲߫ ߕߎߡߊ ߟߊ߫.",
2557 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "ߓߟߐߟߐ ߜߊ߲߬ߞߎ߲߬ߠߌ߲߫ ߕߍ߫ ߦߋ߲߬",
2558 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "ߞߵߊ߬ ߟߊߛߎߡߊ߫",
2559 "gallery-loading-still": "ߊ߬ ߟߊߢߎ߲ ߦߴߌ ߘߐ߫ ߡߎߣߎ߲߬",
2560 "gallery-unknown-author": "ߛߓߍߦߟߊ߫ ߡߊߟߐ߲ߓߊߟߌ",
2561 "preview-error-message": "ߝߙߋߞߋ ߘߏ߫ ߕߘߍ߬ ߦߴߊ߬ ߘߐ߫ ߦߋߟߌ ߣߌ߲߬ ߠߊߓߊ߯ߙߊ߫ ߕߎߡߊ ߟߊ߫.",
2562 "preview-console-error-message": "ߢߍߦߋߟߌ߫ ߕߴߦߋ߲߬ ߞߎߡߘߊ «$1» ߢߍ߫ (ߞߊ߲:$2)",
2563 "read-on-wiki": "ߘߐ߬ߞߊ߬ߙߊ߲߬ߠߌ߲ ߞߍ߫ ߥߞߌߔߋߘߌߦߊ ߞߊ߲߬",
2564 "read-more": "ߘߏ߫ ߜߘߍ߫ ߟߎ߫ ߘߐߞߊ߬ߙߊ߲߫ ߥߞߌߔߋߘߌߦߊ ߞߊ߲߬",
2565 "preview-disambiguation-message": "ߞߎ߲߬ߕߐ߮ <strong>$1</strong> ߜߋ߲߭ߞߘߎ߬ߢߐ߲߮ ߞߊߛߌߦߊ߫ ߞߎߡߘߊ߫ ߞߋߟߋ߲߫ ߘߌ߫ ߥߞߌߔߋߘߌߦߊ ߣߌ߲߬ ߠߊ߫.",
2566 "preview-offline-message": "ߓߟߐߟߐ ߜߊ߲߬ߞߎ߲߬ߠߌ߲߫ ߕߍ߫ ߦߋ߲߬.",
2567 "preview-offline-cta": "ߊ߬ ߡߊߝߍߣߍ߲߫ ߕߎ߲߯"
2568}, Ht = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2569 __proto__: null,
2570 default: Dt
2571}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Ut = {
2572 "@metadata": {
2573 authors: [
2574 "Kakonjo"
2575 ]
2576 },
2577 "continue-reading": "Gumizamu n'oshoma",
2578 "gallery-loading-error": "Habaho Enshobi omu kworeka ekishushani ekyi",
2579 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Tihariho okukwatanisa kwa internet okuliho",
2580 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Garuza busya",
2581 "gallery-loading-still": "Kikiriyo Ni kiija",
2582 "gallery-unknown-author": "Nyakukikora tari kumanywa",
2583 "preview-error-message": "Ekyi nikyo Kya kiri ekizibu omu kworeka ebiriyo nibikorwa",
2584 "preview-console-error-message": "Ebiriyo nibikorwa tibiriho ahabwa orubaju '$1' (Orurimi:$2)",
2585 "read-on-wiki": "Shoma Ahari Wikipediya",
2586 "read-more": "Shoma bingi Ahari wikipediya",
2587 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Omutwe mukuru <strong>$1</strong> gwiine obuzaare nana Engingo enyiingi aha Wikipediya",
2588 "preview-offline-message": "Tihiine internet yoona eriho hati",
2589 "preview-offline-cta": "Gyezaho ogudi murundi"
2590}, Bt = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2591 __proto__: null,
2592 default: Ut
2593}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Ft = {
2594 "@metadata": {
2595 authors: [
2596 "BrennodAloisi",
2597 "Nicolas Eynaud"
2598 ]
2599 },
2600 "continue-reading": "Contunhar a legir",
2601 "gallery-loading-error": "Una error a agut luòc durant lo cargament d'aquel imatge.",
2602 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Ges de connexion internet disponible",
2603 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Refrescar",
2604 "gallery-loading-still": "Cargament totjorn en cors",
2605 "gallery-unknown-author": "Autor desconegut",
2606 "read-on-wiki": "Legir sus Wikipèdia",
2607 "read-more": "Legir mai sus Wikipèdia",
2608 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Lo títol <strong>$1</strong> es liat a mai d'un article dins Wikipèdia.",
2609 "preview-offline-message": "Ges de connexion internet disponible.",
2610 "preview-offline-cta": "Ensajatz tornamai"
2611}, Gt = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2612 __proto__: null,
2613 default: Ft
2614}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Yt = {
2615 "@metadata": {
2616 authors: [
2617 "Maammee"
2618 ]
2619 },
2620 "continue-reading": "Dubbisuu itti fufi",
2621 "gallery-loading-error": "Dogoggara suura kana fee'utti ta'e",
2622 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Konnekshiniin intarneetaa hin jiru.",
2623 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Haaromsi",
2624 "gallery-loading-still": "Ammayyu fe'aara",
2625 "gallery-unknown-author": "Barreessaan hin beekamu",
2626 "preview-error-message": "Yeroo yaalii kana agarsiisuu dhimma ta'e.",
2627 "read-on-wiki": "Wikipiidiyaa irra Dubbisi",
2628 "read-more": "Dabalata Wikipiidiyaa irra dubbisi",
2629 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Mata duree <strong>$1</strong> Wikipiidiyaa irra barruu tokko ol waliin walqabata.",
2630 "preview-offline-message": "Konnekshiniin intarneetaa hin jiru.",
2631 "preview-offline-cta": "Irra deebi'ii yaali"
2632}, Vt = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2633 __proto__: null,
2634 default: Yt
2635}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Kt = {
2636 "@metadata": {
2637 authors: [
2638 "Kuldeepburjbhalaike"
2639 ]
2640 },
2641 "continue-reading": "ਪੜ੍ਹਨਾ ਜਾਰੀ ਰੱਖੋ",
2642 "gallery-loading-error": "ਇਸ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਨੂੰ ਲੋਡ ਕਰਨ ਵਿੱਚ ਇੱਕ ਤਰੁੱਟੀ ਆਈ ਸੀ",
2643 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "ਕੋਈ ਇੰਟਰਨੈਟ ਕਨੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਉਪਲਬਧ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ।",
2644 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "ਤਾਜ਼ਾ ਕਰੋ",
2645 "gallery-loading-still": "ਹਾਲੇ ਵੀ ਲੋਡ ਹੋ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ",
2646 "gallery-unknown-author": "ਅਣਜਾਣ ਲੇਖਕ",
2647 "preview-error-message": "ਇਸ ਪੂਰਵ-ਝਲਕ ਨੂੰ ਪ੍ਰਦਰਸ਼ਿਤ ਕਰਨ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਕੋਈ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਆਈ ਸੀ।",
2648 "preview-console-error-message": "ਲੇਖ '$1' (ਭਾਸ਼ਾ: $2) ਲਈ ਪੂਰਵ-ਝਲਕ ਉਪਲਬਧ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ",
2649 "read-on-wiki": "ਵਿਕੀਪੀਡੀਆ 'ਤੇ ਪੜ੍ਹੋ",
2650 "read-more": "ਵਿਕੀਪੀਡੀਆ 'ਤੇ ਹੋਰ ਪੜ੍ਹੋ",
2651 "preview-disambiguation-message": "ਸਿਰਲੇਖ <strong>$1</strong> ਵਿਕੀਪੀਡੀਆ 'ਤੇ ਇੱਕ ਤੋਂ ਵੱਧ ਲੇਖਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਸਬੰਧਤ ਹੈ।",
2652 "preview-offline-message": "ਕੋਈ ਇੰਟਰਨੈਟ ਕਨੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਉਪਲਬਧ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ।",
2653 "preview-offline-cta": "ਫਿਰ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰੋ"
2654}, Xt = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2655 __proto__: null,
2656 default: Kt
2657}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Jt = {
2658 "@metadata": {
2659 authors: [
2660 "ObaTango"
2661 ]
2662 },
2663 "continue-reading": "Sigui lesa",
2664 "gallery-loading-error": "Tabatin un eror ora di karga e imágen akí",
2665 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "No tin konekshon di internèt.",
2666 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Aktualisá",
2667 "gallery-loading-still": "Ainda ta karga",
2668 "gallery-unknown-author": "Outor deskonosí",
2669 "preview-error-message": "Tabatin un problema ora di mustra e bista previo akí.",
2670 "preview-console-error-message": "No tin bista previo pa artíkulo '$1' (Idioma: $2)",
2671 "read-on-wiki": "Lesa riba Wikipedia",
2672 "read-more": "Lesa mas riba Wikipedia",
2673 "preview-disambiguation-message": "E título <strong>$1</strong>ta relashoná ku mas di un artíkulo riba Wikipedia.",
2674 "preview-offline-message": "No tin konekshon di internèt disponibel.",
2675 "preview-offline-cta": "Purba di nobo"
2676}, Zt = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2677 __proto__: null,
2678 default: Jt
2679}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Qt = {
2680 "@metadata": {
2681 authors: [
2682 "Chrumps",
2683 "Krzyz23",
2684 "Rail"
2685 ]
2686 },
2687 "continue-reading": "Czytaj dalej",
2688 "gallery-loading-error": "Podczas ładowania tego obrazu wystąpił błąd",
2689 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Nie ma dostępnego połączenia internetowego.",
2690 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Odśwież",
2691 "gallery-loading-still": "Wciąż wczytuję",
2692 "gallery-unknown-author": "Autor nieznany",
2693 "preview-error-message": "Wystąpił problem podczas wyświetlania podglądu.",
2694 "preview-console-error-message": "Podgląd niedostępny dla artykułu „$1” (język: $2)",
2695 "read-on-wiki": "Przeczytaj na Wikipedii",
2696 "read-more": "Przeczytaj więcej na Wikipedii",
2697 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Tytuł <strong>$1</strong> jest związany z więcej niż jednym artykułem na Wikipedii.",
2698 "preview-offline-message": "Nie ma dostępnego połączenia internetowego.",
2699 "preview-offline-cta": "Spróbuj ponownie"
2700}, el = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2701 __proto__: null,
2702 default: Qt
2703}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), rl = {
2704 "@metadata": {
2705 authors: [
2706 "Abbas dhothar",
2707 "Bgo eiu"
2708 ]
2709 },
2710 "continue-reading": "ہور پڑھایو",
2711 "gallery-loading-error": "ایہہ تصویر لوڈ کر نہیں سکیا",
2712 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "انٹرنیٹ کنیکشن دستیاب نہیں ا‏‏ے۔",
2713 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "تازہ کرو",
2714 "gallery-loading-still": "حالیہ لوڈ کردے",
2715 "gallery-unknown-author": "لیکھک نامعلوم",
2716 "preview-error-message": "ایہہ ویکھ نیہں سکیا۔",
2717 "read-on-wiki": "وِکیپیڈیا تے پڑھایو",
2718 "read-more": "ویکیپیڈیا اُتے ہور پڑھو",
2719 "preview-offline-message": "انٹرنیٹ کنیکشن دستیاب نئيں ا‏‏ے۔",
2720 "preview-offline-cta": "فیر کرو"
2721}, al = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2722 __proto__: null,
2723 default: rl
2724}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), il = {
2725 "@metadata": {
2726 authors: [
2727 "Eduardo Addad de Oliveira",
2728 "Eduardoaddad",
2729 "Juan90264",
2730 "LeFaith"
2731 ]
2732 },
2733 "continue-reading": "Continuar lendo",
2734 "gallery-loading-error": "Ocorreu um erro ao carregar esta imagem",
2735 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Sem ligação à Internet disponível.",
2736 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Atualizar",
2737 "gallery-loading-still": "Ainda carregando",
2738 "gallery-unknown-author": "Autor desconhecido",
2739 "preview-error-message": "Ocorreu um problema ao exibir esta pré-visualização.",
2740 "preview-console-error-message": "Pré-visualização indisponível para o artigo '$1' (Idioma: $2)",
2741 "read-on-wiki": "Leia na Wikipédia",
2742 "read-more": "Leia mais na Wikipédia",
2743 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Título <strong>$1</strong> está relacionado a mais de um artigo na Wikipédia.",
2744 "preview-offline-message": "Sem ligação à Internet disponível.",
2745 "preview-offline-cta": "Tente novamente"
2746}, nl = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2747 __proto__: null,
2748 default: il
2749}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), ol = {
2750 "@metadata": {
2751 authors: [
2752 "Dvpita",
2753 "Hamilton Abreu"
2754 ]
2755 },
2756 "continue-reading": "Continuar a ler",
2757 "gallery-loading-error": "Ocorreu um erro ao carregar esta imagem",
2758 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Não existe ligação à Internet.",
2759 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Atualizar",
2760 "gallery-loading-still": "Carregamento em curso",
2761 "gallery-unknown-author": "Autor desconhecido",
2762 "preview-error-message": "Ocorreu um erro durante a apresentação desta antevisão.",
2763 "preview-console-error-message": "Antevisão indisponível para o artigo '$1' (língua: $2)",
2764 "read-on-wiki": "Ler na Wikipédia",
2765 "read-more": "Leia mais na Wikipédia",
2766 "preview-disambiguation-message": "O título <strong>$1</strong> está relacionado com mais do que um artigo na Wikipédia.",
2767 "preview-offline-message": "Não existe ligação à Internet.",
2768 "preview-offline-cta": "Tente novamente"
2769}, tl = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2770 __proto__: null,
2771 default: ol
2772}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), ll = {
2773 "@metadata": {
2774 authors: [
2775 "Nike"
2776 ]
2777 },
2778 "continue-reading": "The message shown in the footer part of the preview popup that allows user to continue reading the summary",
2779 "gallery-loading-error": "Message shown with fullscreen gallery loading error",
2780 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Message shown with fullscreen gallery when offline",
2781 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Message shown with fullscreen gallery loading error",
2782 "gallery-loading-still": "Message shown 5 seconds after a fullscreen gallery image starts loading",
2783 "gallery-unknown-author": "Message shown if image author is unknown",
2784 "preview-error-message": "Message shown with a preview loading error",
2785 "preview-console-error-message": `Message shown in the JavaScript console when a preview cannot be shown due to an error. Params:
2786* $1 - Title of the article.
2787* $2 - Language code of the article.`,
2788 "read-on-wiki": "Message shown in the Call to Action (CTA) of a preview loading error or disambiguation page",
2789 "read-more": "The message shown in the footer part of the preview popup that brings user to the wikipedia page to read more about the article",
2790 "preview-disambiguation-message": `The message shown for disambiguation pages. Params:
2791* $1 - Title of the disambiguation page.`,
2792 "preview-offline-message": "The message shown when offline",
2793 "preview-offline-cta": "The message shown as the call to action (CTA) when offline"
2794}, sl = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2795 __proto__: null,
2796 default: ll
2797}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), dl = {
2798 "@metadata": {
2799 authors: [
2800 "Ferdinand IF99"
2801 ]
2802 },
2803 "continue-reading": "Bandanya Usoma",
2804 "gallery-loading-error": "Habayemwo ikosa mu kwugurura iyi sanamu",
2805 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Nta interinete ihari",
2806 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Subiramwo",
2807 "gallery-loading-still": "Biracuguruka"
2808}, gl = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2809 __proto__: null,
2810 default: dl
2811}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), ul = {
2812 "@metadata": {
2813 authors: [
2814 "NGC 54"
2815 ]
2816 },
2817 "continue-reading": "Continuă lectura",
2818 "gallery-loading-error": "A apărut o eroare la încărcarea acestei imagini",
2819 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Nu este disponibilă nicio conexiune la internet.",
2820 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Reîmprospătează",
2821 "gallery-loading-still": "Încă se încarcă",
2822 "gallery-unknown-author": "Autor necunoscut",
2823 "preview-error-message": "A apărut o eroare la afișarea acestei previzualizări.",
2824 "preview-console-error-message": "Previzualizare indisponibilă pentru articolul '$1' (Limbă: $2)",
2825 "read-on-wiki": "Citiți pe Wikipedia",
2826 "read-more": "Citiți mai mult pe Wikipedia",
2827 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Titlul <strong>$1</strong> este legat de mai mult de un singur articol pe Wikipedia.",
2828 "preview-offline-message": "Nu este disponibilă nicio conexiune la internet.",
2829 "preview-offline-cta": "Reîncearcă"
2830}, cl = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2831 __proto__: null,
2832 default: ul
2833}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), ml = {
2834 "@metadata": {
2835 authors: [
2836 "Joetaras"
2837 ]
2838 },
2839 "continue-reading": "Condinue a leggere",
2840 "gallery-loading-error": "ha assute 'nerrore carecanne st'immaggine",
2841 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Nisciuna connessione Indernette disponibbele.",
2842 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Aggiorne",
2843 "gallery-loading-still": "Stoche a careche angore",
2844 "gallery-unknown-author": "Autore scanusciute",
2845 "preview-error-message": "Ha assute 'nu probbleme sus a'u 'ndrucamende de l'andeprime.",
2846 "preview-console-error-message": "Andeprime indisponibbele pa vôsce '$1' (Lènghe: $2)",
2847 "read-on-wiki": "'Mbormaziune sus a Uicchipèdie",
2848 "read-more": "Otre 'mbormaziune sus a Uicchipèdie",
2849 "preview-disambiguation-message": "'U titole <strong>$1</strong> jè collegate a cchiù de 'na vôsce sus a Uicchipèdie.",
2850 "preview-offline-message": "Nisciuna connessione Indernette disponibbele.",
2851 "preview-offline-cta": "Pruève arrete"
2852}, pl = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2853 __proto__: null,
2854 default: ml
2855}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), fl = {
2856 "@metadata": {
2857 authors: [
2858 "Facenapalm",
2859 "Okras",
2860 "Pacha Tchernof"
2861 ]
2862 },
2863 "continue-reading": "Продолжить чтение",
2864 "gallery-loading-error": "Произошла ошибка при загрузке изображения",
2865 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Нет подключения к Интернету.",
2866 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Обновить",
2867 "gallery-loading-still": "Загрузка продолжается",
2868 "gallery-unknown-author": "Автор неизвестен.",
2869 "preview-error-message": "Возникла проблема в ходе предпросмотра.",
2870 "preview-console-error-message": "Предпросмотр недоступен для статьи '$1' (язык: $2)",
2871 "read-on-wiki": "Читать в Википедии",
2872 "read-more": "Читать далее в Википедии",
2873 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Название <strong>$1</strong> относится к более чем одной статье в Википедии.",
2874 "preview-offline-message": "Нет подключения к Интернету.",
2875 "preview-offline-cta": "Попробуйте ещё раз"
2876}, yl = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2877 __proto__: null,
2878 default: fl
2879}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), _l = {
2880 "@metadata": {
2881 authors: [
2882 "Durga Soren"
2883 ]
2884 },
2885 "gallery-loading-error": "ᱪᱤᱛᱟ.ᱨ ᱞᱟᱫᱮᱜ ᱨᱮ ᱦᱩᱲᱟ.ᱜ ᱛᱟᱦᱮᱸ ᱠᱟᱱᱟ",
2886 "gallery-loading-still": "ᱱᱤᱛ ᱦᱚᱸ ᱞᱟᱫᱮᱜ ᱠᱟᱱ ᱜᱮᱭᱟ"
2887}, hl = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2888 __proto__: null,
2889 default: _l
2890}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), wl = {
2891 "@metadata": {
2892 authors: [
2893 "L2212"
2894 ]
2895 },
2896 "continue-reading": "Sighi a lèghere",
2897 "gallery-loading-error": "B'at àpidu una faddina in su carrigamentu de custa immàgine",
2898 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Peruna connessione a ìnternet a disponimentu.",
2899 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Agiorna",
2900 "gallery-loading-still": "Galu carrighende",
2901 "gallery-unknown-author": "Autore disconnotu",
2902 "preview-error-message": "B'at àpidu unu problema in sa visualizatzione de custa antiprima.",
2903 "preview-console-error-message": "Antiprima no a disponimentu pro s'artìculu '$1' (Limba: $2)",
2904 "read-on-wiki": "Leghe in Wikipedia",
2905 "read-more": "Àteras informatziones in Wikipedia",
2906 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Su tìtulu <strong>$1</strong> est ligadu a prus de un'artìculu in Wikipedia.",
2907 "preview-offline-message": "Peruna connessione a ìnternet a disponimentu.",
2908 "preview-offline-cta": "Torra a proare"
2909}, vl = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2910 __proto__: null,
2911 default: wl
2912}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), kl = {
2913 "@metadata": {
2914 authors: [
2915 "Ajeje Brazorf"
2916 ]
2917 },
2918 "continue-reading": "Cuntinua a lèggiri",
2919 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Nudda cunnissioni Internet dispunìbbili.",
2920 "gallery-unknown-author": "Auturi scanusciuta",
2921 "preview-console-error-message": "Antiprima nun dispunìbbili pâ vuci '$1' (lingua: $2)",
2922 "read-on-wiki": "Leggi supra Wikipedia",
2923 "read-more": "Ulteriuri nfurmazziuni supra Wikipedia",
2924 "preview-offline-message": "Nudda cunnissioni Internet dispunìbbili."
2925}, bl = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2926 __proto__: null,
2927 default: kl
2928}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), jl = {
2929 "@metadata": {
2930 authors: [
2931 "Mehtab ahmed"
2932 ]
2933 },
2934 "continue-reading": "پڙھڻ جاري رکو",
2935 "gallery-loading-error": "ھن عڪس کي لاھڻ ۾ ڪا چُڪَ ٿي.",
2936 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "ڪوبہ انٽرنيٽ ڪنيڪشن موجود ناهي.",
2937 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "تازو ڪريو",
2938 "gallery-loading-still": "اڃا لوڊ ٿي رهيو آهي",
2939 "gallery-unknown-author": "مصنف اڻڄاتل",
2940 "preview-error-message": "ھي پيش-نگاھ ڏيکارڻ ۾ ڪو مسئلو ھيو.",
2941 "preview-console-error-message": "مضمون '$1' (ٻولي: $2) لاءِ پيش-نگاھ دستياب ناهي",
2942 "read-on-wiki": "وڪيپيڊيا تي پڙهو",
2943 "read-more": "وڪيپيڊيا تي وڌيڪ پڙھو",
2944 "preview-disambiguation-message": "عنوان <strong>$1</strong> وڪيپيڊيا تي هڪ کان وڌيڪ مضمونن سان لاڳاپيل آهي.",
2945 "preview-offline-message": "ڪوبہ انٽرنيٽ ڪنيڪشن موجود ناهي.",
2946 "preview-offline-cta": "ٻيھر ڪوشش ڪريو"
2947}, Sl = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2948 __proto__: null,
2949 default: jl
2950}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Tl = {
2951 "@metadata": {
2952 authors: [
2953 "Vlad5250"
2954 ]
2955 },
2956 "continue-reading": "Nastavite čitati",
2957 "gallery-loading-error": "Došlo je do greške pri učitavanju ove slike",
2958 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Internetska veza nije dostupna.",
2959 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Preučitaj",
2960 "gallery-loading-still": "I dalje se učitava",
2961 "gallery-unknown-author": "Nepoznat autor",
2962 "preview-error-message": "Došlo je do problema prilikom prikazivanja ovog pregleda.",
2963 "preview-console-error-message": "Pregled nije dostupan za članak '$1' (Jezik: $2)",
2964 "read-on-wiki": "Pročitajte na Wikipediji",
2965 "read-more": "Pročitajte više na Wikipediji",
2966 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Naslov <strong>$1</strong> povezan jes više članaka na Wikipediji.",
2967 "preview-offline-message": "Internetska veza nije dostupna.",
2968 "preview-offline-cta": "Pokušajte ponovo"
2969}, $l = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2970 __proto__: null,
2971 default: Tl
2972}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Ol = {
2973 "@metadata": {
2974 authors: [
2975 "Olve Utne"
2976 ]
2977 },
2978 "continue-reading": "Biso låhkåmin",
2979 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Lässti bielev åđđåsist",
2980 "gallery-loading-still": "Änj vil lässtimin",
2981 "gallery-unknown-author": "Namadis tjállej",
2982 "preview-error-message": "Ij máhte vuosedit dáv åvvdåvuosedimev.",
2983 "read-on-wiki": "Lågå Wikipedian",
2984 "read-more": "Lågå ienap Wikipedian",
2985 "preview-offline-cta": "Gähttjalada"
2986}, Al = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
2987 __proto__: null,
2988 default: Ol
2989}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), zl = {
2990 "@metadata": {
2991 authors: [
2992 "Jaroslav.micek",
2993 "Yardom78"
2994 ]
2995 },
2996 "continue-reading": "Pokračovať v čítaní",
2997 "gallery-loading-error": "Pri načítavaní tohto obrázku došlo k chybe.",
2998 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Nieje dostupné internetové pripojenie.",
2999 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Obnoviť",
3000 "gallery-loading-still": "Stále načítava",
3001 "gallery-unknown-author": "Autor neznámy",
3002 "preview-error-message": "Pri zobrazovaní tohto náhľadu sa objavil problém.",
3003 "preview-console-error-message": "Pre článok '$1' nie je dostupný náhľad (jazyk: $2)",
3004 "read-on-wiki": "Čítať na Wikipédii",
3005 "read-more": "Čítať viac na Wikipédii",
3006 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Názov <strong>$1</strong> súvisí s viac než jedným artiklom na Wikipédii.",
3007 "preview-offline-message": "Nieje dostupné internetové pripojenie.",
3008 "preview-offline-cta": "Skúsiť znova"
3009}, El = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
3010 __proto__: null,
3011 default: zl
3012}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Ml = {
3013 "@metadata": {
3014 authors: [
3015 "Eleassar"
3016 ]
3017 },
3018 "continue-reading": "Nadaljuj branje",
3019 "gallery-loading-error": "Pri nalaganju te slike je prišlo do napake",
3020 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Internetna povezava ni na voljo.",
3021 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Osveži",
3022 "gallery-loading-still": "Še vedno nalagam",
3023 "gallery-unknown-author": "Avtor neznan",
3024 "preview-error-message": "Pri prikazovanju tega predogleda je prišlo do napake.",
3025 "preview-console-error-message": "Predogled za članek »$1« (jezik: $2) ni na voljo",
3026 "read-on-wiki": "Berite v Wikipediji",
3027 "read-more": "Več o tem v Wikipediji",
3028 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Naslov <strong>$1<&strong> se povezuje z več kot enim člankom v Wikipediji.",
3029 "preview-offline-message": "Internetna povezava ni na voljo.",
3030 "preview-offline-cta": "Poskusite znova"
3031}, Pl = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
3032 __proto__: null,
3033 default: Ml
3034}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Ll = {
3035 "@metadata": {
3036 authors: [
3037 "Seipinne"
3038 ]
3039 },
3040 "continue-reading": "Juáđhi luuhâm",
3041 "gallery-loading-error": "Kove luođđim ij luhostum",
3042 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Ij internet-ohtâvuođâ",
3043 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Peivid",
3044 "gallery-loading-still": "Luođiimin vala-uv",
3045 "gallery-unknown-author": "Tubdâmettum tahhee",
3046 "preview-error-message": "Munekejâdem ij pyevti čäittiđ",
3047 "preview-console-error-message": "Munekejâdem ij lah ooláádmuddoost artikkâlân '$1' (Kielâ: $2)",
3048 "read-on-wiki": "Luuvâ Wikipediast",
3049 "read-more": "Luuvâ lase Wikipediast",
3050 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Paječaalâ <strong>$1</strong> lahta eenâb ko oohtân Wikipedia-artikkâlân.",
3051 "preview-offline-message": "Ij internet-ohtâvuođâ.",
3052 "preview-offline-cta": "Iirât uđđâsist"
3053}, ql = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
3054 __proto__: null,
3055 default: Ll
3056}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), xl = {
3057 "@metadata": {
3058 authors: [
3059 "Abdullahi"
3060 ]
3061 },
3062 "continue-reading": "Sii Akhri",
3063 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Cusbooneysii",
3064 "gallery-unknown-author": "Qoraha lama yaqaan",
3065 "read-on-wiki": "Ka akhri Wikipedia",
3066 "read-more": "Faahfaahin dheeraad ka aqri Wikipedia"
3067}, Wl = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
3068 __proto__: null,
3069 default: xl
3070}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Nl = {
3071 "@metadata": {
3072 authors: [
3073 "Kosovastar"
3074 ]
3075 },
3076 "continue-reading": "Vazhdo leximin",
3077 "gallery-loading-error": "Pati një gabim gjatë ngarkimit të këtij imazhi",
3078 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Rifresko",
3079 "gallery-loading-still": "Akoma po ngarkohet",
3080 "read-on-wiki": "Lexo në Wikipedia",
3081 "read-more": "Më shumë në Wikipedia"
3082}, Rl = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
3083 __proto__: null,
3084 default: Nl
3085}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Il = {
3086 "@metadata": {
3087 authors: [
3088 "Kizule",
3089 "Milicevic01"
3090 ]
3091 },
3092 "continue-reading": "Настави читање",
3093 "gallery-loading-error": "Дошло је до грешке при учитавању ове слике",
3094 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Нема интернета.",
3095 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Освежи",
3096 "gallery-loading-still": "Још се учитава",
3097 "gallery-unknown-author": "Непознат аутор",
3098 "preview-error-message": "Дошло је до грешке при приказивању овог прегледа.",
3099 "preview-console-error-message": "Преглед није доступан за чланак „$1” (језик: $2)",
3100 "read-on-wiki": "Види на Википедији",
3101 "read-more": "Види више на Википедији",
3102 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Наслов <strong>$1</strong> се односи на више од једног чланка на Википедији.",
3103 "preview-offline-message": "Нема доступне интернет конекције.",
3104 "preview-offline-cta": "Покушај поново"
3105}, Cl = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
3106 __proto__: null,
3107 default: Il
3108}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Dl = {
3109 "@metadata": {
3110 authors: []
3111 },
3112 "continue-reading": "Nastavi čitanje",
3113 "gallery-loading-error": "Došlo je do greške pri učitavanju ove slike",
3114 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Nema interneta.",
3115 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Osveži",
3116 "gallery-loading-still": "Još se učitava",
3117 "gallery-unknown-author": "Nepoznat autor",
3118 "preview-error-message": "Došlo je do greške pri prikazivanju ovog pregleda.",
3119 "preview-console-error-message": "Pregled nije dostupan za članak '$1' (jezik: $2)",
3120 "read-on-wiki": "Vidi na Vikipediji",
3121 "read-more": "Vidi više na Vikipediji",
3122 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Naslov <strong>$1</strong> se odnosi na više od jednog članka na Vikipediji.",
3123 "preview-offline-message": "Nema dostupne internet konekcije.",
3124 "preview-offline-cta": "Pokušaj ponovo"
3125}, Hl = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
3126 __proto__: null,
3127 default: Dl
3128}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Ul = {
3129 "@metadata": {
3130 authors: [
3131 "Sabelöga",
3132 "WikiPhoenix"
3133 ]
3134 },
3135 "continue-reading": "Fortsätt läsa",
3136 "gallery-loading-error": "Ett fel inträffade när sidan laddades in.",
3137 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Ingen internetanslutning är tillgänglig.",
3138 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Uppdatera",
3139 "gallery-loading-still": "Läser fortfarande in",
3140 "gallery-unknown-author": "Okänd författare",
3141 "preview-error-message": "Det uppstod ett problem när förhandsvisningen skulle visas.",
3142 "preview-console-error-message": 'Förhandsgranskning är inte tillgänglig för artikeln "$1" (Språk: $2)',
3143 "read-on-wiki": "Läs på Wikipedia",
3144 "read-more": "Läs mer på Wikipedia",
3145 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Titeln <strong>$1</strong> är relaterad till fler än en artikel på Wikipedia.",
3146 "preview-offline-message": "Ingen internetanslutning är tillgänglig.",
3147 "preview-offline-cta": "Försök igen"
3148}, Bl = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
3149 __proto__: null,
3150 default: Ul
3151}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Fl = {
3152 "@metadata": {
3153 authors: [
3154 "এম আবু সাঈদ"
3155 ]
3156 },
3157 "continue-reading": "ꠚꠠꠣ ꠍꠣꠟꠣꠁꠀ ꠎꠣꠅꠇꠣ",
3158 "gallery-loading-error": "ꠍꠛꠤꠉꠥ ꠟꠃꠒ ꠅꠀꠔ ꠡꠝꠂꠡꠡꠣ ꠅꠁꠉꠦꠍ",
3159 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "ꠁꠘ꠆ꠐꠣꠞꠘꠦꠐꠞ ꠡꠋꠉꠧ ꠚꠣꠞ ꠘꠣ",
3160 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "ꠛꠣꠃꠇ꠆ꠇꠞꠧ",
3161 "gallery-loading-still": "ꠄꠛꠧ ꠟꠃꠒ ꠅꠞ",
3162 "gallery-unknown-author": "ꠅꠍꠤꠘ ꠟꠦꠈꠞꠣ",
3163 "preview-error-message": "ꠁ ꠀꠉ-ꠖꠦꠈꠘꠤ ꠖꠦꠈꠣꠘꠤꠞ ꠡꠝꠄꠇꠥ ꠄꠈꠣꠘ ꠡꠝꠂꠡꠡꠣ ꠅꠁꠍꠦ",
3164 "preview-console-error-message": "'$1' ꠚꠣꠔꠣ ꠈꠣꠘꠔꠣꠞ ꠀꠉ-ꠖꠦꠈꠘꠤ ꠘꠣꠄ (ꠝꠣꠔ: $2)",
3165 "read-on-wiki": "ꠃꠁꠇꠤꠙꠤꠒꠤꠀꠔ ꠚꠠꠇꠣ",
3166 "read-more": "ꠃꠁꠇꠤꠙꠤꠒꠤꠀꠔ ꠀꠞꠧ ꠚꠠꠇꠣ",
3167 "preview-disambiguation-message": "ꠐꠣꠁꠐꠦꠟ <strong>$1</strong> ꠁꠇꠣꠘ ꠃꠁꠇꠤꠙꠤꠒꠤꠀꠞ ꠄꠈ ꠔꠘꠦ ꠛꠦꠡꠤ ꠚꠣꠔꠣ ꠡꠝ꠆ꠙꠞꠇꠤꠔ",
3168 "preview-offline-message": "ꠁꠘ꠆ꠐꠣꠞꠘꠦꠐ ꠝꠤꠟꠦꠞ ꠘꠣ",
3169 "preview-offline-cta": "ꠢꠤꠛ꠆ꠛꠣꠞ ꠍꠦꠡꠐꠣ ꠈꠞꠂꠘ"
3170}, Gl = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
3171 __proto__: null,
3172 default: Fl
3173}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Yl = {
3174 "@metadata": {
3175 authors: [
3176 "Krol111"
3177 ]
3178 },
3179 "continue-reading": "Czytej dalij",
3180 "gallery-loading-error": "We czasie ładowanio tego ôbrozka wystōmpiōł feler",
3181 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Internec niydostympny.",
3182 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Ôdświyż",
3183 "gallery-loading-still": "Durch ładujã",
3184 "gallery-unknown-author": "Autor niyznōmy",
3185 "preview-error-message": "Wystōmpiōł feler przi wyświytlaniu podglōndu.",
3186 "preview-console-error-message": "Nie ma podglōndu lo artikla „$1” (godka: $2)",
3187 "read-on-wiki": "Przeczytej na Wikipedyji",
3188 "read-more": "Przeczytej wiyncyj na Wikipedyji",
3189 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Titel <strong>$1</strong> mo cosik ze wiyncyj jak jednym artiklym na Wikipedyji.",
3190 "preview-offline-message": "Internec niydostympny.",
3191 "preview-offline-cta": "Sprōbuj zaś"
3192}, Vl = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
3193 __proto__: null,
3194 default: Yl
3195}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Kl = {
3196 "@metadata": {
3197 authors: [
3198 "Siddhan"
3199 ]
3200 },
3201 "continue-reading": "தொடர்ந்து படிக்கவும்",
3202 "gallery-loading-error": "இந்தப் படத்தை ஏற்றுவதில் பிழை இருந்தது",
3203 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "இணைய இணைப்பு இல்லை",
3204 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "புதுப்பி",
3205 "gallery-loading-still": "இன்னும் ஏற்றப்படுகிறது",
3206 "gallery-unknown-author": "அறயப்படாத ஆசிரியர்",
3207 "preview-error-message": "இந்த மாதிரிக்காட்சியைக் காண்பிக்கும் போது சிக்கல் ஏற்பட்டது.",
3208 "preview-console-error-message": "'$1' கட்டுரைக்கான முன்னோட்டம் கிடைக்கவில்லை (மொழி: $2)",
3209 "read-on-wiki": "விக்கிபீடியாவில் படிக்கவும்",
3210 "read-more": "விக்கிபீடியாவில் மேலும் படிக்கவும்",
3211 "preview-disambiguation-message": "தலைப்பு <strong>$1</strong> என்பது விக்கிபீடியாவில் ஒன்றுக்கும் மேற்பட்ட கட்டுரைகளுடன் தொடர்புடையது.",
3212 "preview-offline-message": "இணைய இணைப்பு இல்லை",
3213 "preview-offline-cta": "மீண்டும் முயல்க"
3214}, Xl = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
3215 __proto__: null,
3216 default: Kl
3217}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Jl = {
3218 "@metadata": {
3219 authors: [
3220 "Chaduvari",
3221 "Veeven"
3222 ]
3223 },
3224 "continue-reading": "చదవడం కొనసాగించండి",
3225 "gallery-loading-error": "ఈ బొమ్మను చూపించడంలో పొరపాటు జరిగింది",
3226 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "అంతర్జాల అనుసంధానమేదీ అందుబాటులో లేదు.",
3227 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "తాజాపరుచు",
3228 "gallery-loading-still": "ఇంకా లోడవుతోంది",
3229 "gallery-unknown-author": "గుర్తుతెలియని రచయిత",
3230 "preview-error-message": "ఈ మునుజూపు చూపుటలో ఏదో సమస్య వచ్చింది.",
3231 "preview-console-error-message": "'$1' వ్యాసానికి మునుజూపు అందుబాటులో లేదు (భాష: $2)",
3232 "read-on-wiki": "వికీపీడియాలో చదవండి",
3233 "read-more": "ఇంకా వికీపీడియాలో చదవండి",
3234 "preview-disambiguation-message": "<strong>$1</strong> పేరు ఒకటి కంటే ఎక్కువ వికీపీడియా వ్యాసాలకు సంబంధించివుంది.",
3235 "preview-offline-message": "అంతర్జాల అనుసందానమేదీ అందుబాటులో లేదు.",
3236 "preview-offline-cta": "మళ్ళీ ప్రయత్నించండి"
3237}, Zl = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
3238 __proto__: null,
3239 default: Jl
3240}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Ql = {
3241 "@metadata": {
3242 authors: [
3243 "Just Sayori",
3244 "Lookruk",
3245 "Patsagorn Y.",
3246 "Prame Tan"
3247 ]
3248 },
3249 "continue-reading": "อ่านต่อ",
3250 "gallery-loading-error": "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดขณะโหลดภาพนี้",
3251 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "ไม่มีสัญญาณอินเทอร์เน็ต",
3252 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "รีเฟรช",
3253 "gallery-loading-still": "กำลังโหลดอยู่",
3254 "gallery-unknown-author": "ไม่รู้จักผู้เขียน",
3255 "preview-error-message": "มีปัญหาในการแสดงผลตัวอย่างนี้",
3256 "preview-console-error-message": 'ไม่มีตัวอย่างสำหรับบทความ "$1" (ภาษา: $2)',
3257 "read-on-wiki": "อ่านบนวิกิพีเดีย",
3258 "read-more": "อ่านเพิ่มเติมบนวิกิพีเดีย",
3259 "preview-disambiguation-message": "หัวข้อ <strong>$1</strong> เกี่ยวข้องกับบทความบนวิกิพีเดียมากกว่าหนึ่งบทความ",
3260 "preview-offline-message": "ไม่มีสัญญาณอินเทอร์เน็ต",
3261 "preview-offline-cta": "ลองอีกครั้ง"
3262}, es = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
3263 __proto__: null,
3264 default: Ql
3265}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), rs = {
3266 "@metadata": {
3267 authors: [
3268 "Joanmp17"
3269 ]
3270 },
3271 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "ኣሓድስ",
3272 "read-on-wiki": "ኣብ ዊኪፐድያ ኣንብብ",
3273 "read-more": "ተወሳኺ ኣብ ዊኪፐድያ ኣንብብ"
3274}, as = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
3275 __proto__: null,
3276 default: rs
3277}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), is = {
3278 "@metadata": {
3279 authors: [
3280 "TayfunEt.",
3281 "Zolgoyo"
3282 ]
3283 },
3284 "continue-reading": "Okaň",
3285 "gallery-loading-error": "Bu suraty ýüklemekde ýalňyşlyk boldy",
3286 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Internet birikmesi ýok.",
3287 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Täzelendir",
3288 "gallery-loading-still": "Entegem ýükleýär",
3289 "gallery-unknown-author": "Awtory näbelli",
3290 "preview-error-message": "Bu deslapky syn görkezilende bir mesele ýüze çykdy.",
3291 "preview-console-error-message": "'$1' makalasy üçin deslapky syn (Dil: $2)",
3292 "read-on-wiki": "Wikipediýada okaň",
3293 "read-more": "Wikipediýada has giňişleýin okaň",
3294 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Ady <strong>$1</strong> Wikipediýada birden köp makala bilen baglanyşykly.",
3295 "preview-offline-message": "Internet birikmesi ýok.",
3296 "preview-offline-cta": "Täzeden synanş"
3297}, ns = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
3298 __proto__: null,
3299 default: is
3300}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), os = {
3301 "@metadata": {
3302 authors: [
3303 "GinawaSaHapon",
3304 "Mrkczr"
3305 ]
3306 },
3307 "continue-reading": "Magpatuloy sa pagbabasa",
3308 "gallery-loading-error": "Nagka-error habang nilo-load ang larawang ito",
3309 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Hindi konektado sa internet.",
3310 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "I-refresh",
3311 "gallery-loading-still": "Naglo-load pa rin",
3312 "gallery-unknown-author": "Di kilalang may-akda",
3313 "preview-error-message": "Nagkaroon ng isyu habang pinapakita ang pasilip na ito.",
3314 "preview-console-error-message": "Walang pasilip para sa artikulong '$1' (Wika: $2)",
3315 "read-on-wiki": "Basahin sa Wikipedia",
3316 "read-more": "Magbasa pa sa Wikipedia",
3317 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Nauugnay ang pamagat na <strong>$1</strong> sa higit sa isang artikulo sa Wikipedia.",
3318 "preview-offline-message": "Hindi konektado sa internet.",
3319 "preview-offline-cta": "Subukan muli"
3320}, ts = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
3321 __proto__: null,
3322 default: os
3323}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), ls = {
3324 "@metadata": {
3325 authors: [
3326 "Patriot Kor",
3327 "Patriot Kur",
3328 "Гусейн"
3329 ]
3330 },
3331 "continue-reading": "Hande Dəvomkə",
3332 "gallery-loading-error": "Шикили әловә кардејәдә хәто беше",
3333 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "İnterneti əloğə ni.",
3334 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Nukardə",
3335 "gallery-loading-still": "Hələn bo",
3336 "gallery-unknown-author": "Noməlumə mıəllif",
3337 "preview-error-message": "Бә нав дијә карде хәто беше.",
3338 "preview-console-error-message": "Preview unavailable for article '$1' (Language: $2)",
3339 "read-on-wiki": "Byhand Vikipedijədə",
3340 "read-more": "Ve byhand Vikipedijədə",
3341 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Ном <strong>$1</strong> ујғуне бә и гыләјсә ве Википедиа мәғолә.",
3342 "preview-offline-message": "İnterneti əloğə ni.",
3343 "preview-offline-cta": "Nubəsəton cəhd bıkə"
3344}, ss = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
3345 __proto__: null,
3346 default: ls
3347}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), ds = {
3348 "@metadata": {
3349 authors: [
3350 "SpanishSnake"
3351 ]
3352 },
3353 "continue-reading": "o awen lukin",
3354 "gallery-loading-error": "sitelen ni li kama la, pakala li kama.",
3355 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "linja ala li lon.",
3356 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "o kama sin",
3357 "gallery-loading-still": "ijo li awen kama",
3358 "gallery-unknown-author": "jan pali li sona ala",
3359 "preview-error-message": "lukin li kama la, pakala li kama.",
3360 "preview-console-error-message": "$2 la, lukin pi lipu '$1' li lon ala",
3361 "read-on-wiki": "o lukin lon lipu Wikipesija",
3362 "read-more": "o lukin e mute lon lipu Wikipesija",
3363 "preview-disambiguation-message": "nimi <strong>$1</strong> li tawa lipu mute lon lipu Wikipesija.",
3364 "preview-offline-message": "linja ala li lon.",
3365 "preview-offline-cta": "o alasa sin"
3366}, gs = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
3367 __proto__: null,
3368 default: ds
3369}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), us = {
3370 "@metadata": {
3371 authors: [
3372 "Hedda",
3373 "MuratTheTurkish",
3374 "Sayginer"
3375 ]
3376 },
3377 "continue-reading": "Okumaya Devam Et",
3378 "gallery-loading-error": "Bu görsel yüklenirken bir hata oluştu",
3379 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "İnternet bağlantısı yok.",
3380 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Yenile",
3381 "gallery-loading-still": "Hâlâ yükleniyor",
3382 "gallery-unknown-author": "Yazar bilinmiyor",
3383 "preview-error-message": "Bu önizlemeyi görüntülerken bir sorun oluştu.",
3384 "preview-console-error-message": "'$1' (Dil: $2) maddesinin önizlemesi mevcut değil",
3385 "read-on-wiki": "Vikipedi'de oku",
3386 "read-more": "Vikipedi'de daha fazla okuyun",
3387 "preview-disambiguation-message": "<strong>$1</strong> başlığı, Vikipedi'deki birden fazla madde ile ilgilidir.",
3388 "preview-offline-message": "İnternet bağlantısı yok.",
3389 "preview-offline-cta": "Tekrar dene"
3390}, cs = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
3391 __proto__: null,
3392 default: us
3393}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), ms = {
3394 "@metadata": {
3395 authors: [
3396 "Run Li",
3397 "Ерней"
3398 ]
3399 },
3400 "continue-reading": "Укуны дәвам итү",
3401 "gallery-loading-error": "Рәсем төягәндә хата килеп чыкты",
3402 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Итернетка тоташмаган",
3403 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Яңарту",
3404 "gallery-loading-still": "Төяү бара",
3405 "gallery-unknown-author": "Автор билгесез",
3406 "preview-error-message": "Алдан караганда хата килеп чыкты",
3407 "preview-console-error-message": "$2 телендәге '$1' мәкаләсен алдан карап булмый",
3408 "read-on-wiki": "Википедиядә уку",
3409 "read-more": "Википедиядә тулырак уку",
3410 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Википедиядә <strong>$1</strong> исемле берничә мәкалә бар",
3411 "preview-offline-message": "Итернетка тоташмаган",
3412 "preview-offline-cta": "Кабатлагыз"
3413}, ps = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
3414 __proto__: null,
3415 default: ms
3416}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), fs = {
3417 "@metadata": {
3418 authors: [
3419 "Tumbuka Arch"
3420 ]
3421 },
3422 "continue-reading": "Pitilizgani kuŵelenga",
3423 "gallery-loading-error": "Panguwa suzgo pakuloda chithuzi ichi",
3424 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Intaneti yachimbila.",
3425 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Yezgaso",
3426 "gallery-loading-still": "Ichali kuloda",
3427 "gallery-unknown-author": "Mlemba wambula zina",
3428 "preview-error-message": "Pasangika suzgo pakuoneska ichi",
3429 "preview-console-error-message": "Preview unavailable for article '$1' (Language: $2)",
3430 "read-on-wiki": "Ẇelengani pa Wikipedia",
3431 "read-more": "Ẇelengani vinandi pa Wikipedia",
3432 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Mutu uwu <strong>$1</strong> una vyakulemba vinandi pa Wikipedia.",
3433 "preview-offline-message": "Intaneti palije.",
3434 "preview-offline-cta": "Yezgaso"
3435}, ys = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
3436 __proto__: null,
3437 default: fs
3438}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), _s = {
3439 "@metadata": {
3440 authors: [
3441 "Riverman"
3442 ]
3443 },
3444 "continue-reading": "Номчуурун уламчылаар",
3445 "gallery-loading-error": "Чурукту чүдүрүп турда чазыг болу берген",
3446 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Интернетке коштунулга чок.",
3447 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Чаартыр",
3448 "gallery-loading-still": "Ам-даа чүдүрүп тур",
3449 "gallery-unknown-author": "Автору билдинмес",
3450 "preview-error-message": "Пре-көрүлде көргүзүп турда проблема үнген.",
3451 "preview-console-error-message": "'$1' деп чүүл пре-көрүлдези болдунмас (Дыл: $2)",
3452 "read-on-wiki": "Википедияга номчуур",
3453 "read-more": "Википедияга ам-даа номчуур",
3454 "preview-disambiguation-message": "<strong>$1</strong> деп ат Википедияда чаңгыстан хөй чүүлге хамааржыр.",
3455 "preview-offline-message": "Интернетке коштунулга чок.",
3456 "preview-offline-cta": "Катап шенептиңер"
3457}, hs = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
3458 __proto__: null,
3459 default: _s
3460}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), ws = {
3461 "@metadata": {
3462 authors: [
3463 "Kotwys"
3464 ]
3465 },
3466 "gallery-loading-error": "Та суредэз кыскыку янгыш кылдӥз",
3467 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Выльдоно",
3468 "gallery-loading-still": "Али но кыскиське"
3469}, vs = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
3470 __proto__: null,
3471 default: ws
3472}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), ks = {
3473 "@metadata": {
3474 authors: [
3475 "DDPAT",
3476 "Ice bulldog",
3477 "Piramidion"
3478 ]
3479 },
3480 "continue-reading": "Продовжити читання",
3481 "gallery-loading-error": "Сталася помилка при завантаженні цього зображення",
3482 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Немає підключення до Інтернету.",
3483 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Оновити",
3484 "gallery-loading-still": "Все ще завантажується",
3485 "gallery-unknown-author": "Автор невідомий",
3486 "preview-error-message": "Сталася якась проблема під час показу цього попереднього перегляду.",
3487 "preview-console-error-message": "Попередній перегляд статті «$1» недоступний (мова: $2)",
3488 "read-on-wiki": "Читати у Вікіпедії",
3489 "read-more": "Читати більше у Вікіпедії",
3490 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Назва <strong>$1</strong> стосується більш ніж одної статті у Вікіпедії.",
3491 "preview-offline-message": "Немає підключення до Інтернету.",
3492 "preview-offline-cta": "Спробуйте ще раз"
3493}, bs = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
3494 __proto__: null,
3495 default: ks
3496}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), js = {
3497 "@metadata": {
3498 authors: [
3499 "Zafar Shamsiddinov",
3500 "Шоҳидахоним"
3501 ]
3502 },
3503 "continue-reading": "O‘qishni davom ettirish",
3504 "gallery-loading-error": "Rasmni yuklashda xatolik",
3505 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Tarmoqqa ulanish mavjud emas",
3506 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Yangilash",
3507 "gallery-loading-still": "Hali ham yuklanmoqda",
3508 "gallery-unknown-author": "Muallif nomaʼlum",
3509 "preview-error-message": "Oldindan koʻrishni namoyish qilishda xatolik yuz berdi.",
3510 "preview-console-error-message": "'$1' maqolasini oldindan koʻrib boʻlmaydi (Tili: $2)",
3511 "read-on-wiki": "Vikipediyada oʻqing",
3512 "read-more": "Vikipediada batafsil oʻqing",
3513 "preview-disambiguation-message": "<strong>$1</strong> sarlavhasi Vikipediyadagi bir nechta maqolalarga tegishlidir.",
3514 "preview-offline-message": "Internetga ulanilmagan.",
3515 "preview-offline-cta": "Qaytadan"
3516}, Ss = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
3517 __proto__: null,
3518 default: js
3519}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Ts = {
3520 "@metadata": {
3521 authors: [
3522 "Keo010122",
3523 "Nguyễn Mạnh An"
3524 ]
3525 },
3526 "continue-reading": "Tiếp tục đọc",
3527 "gallery-loading-error": "Đã xảy ra lỗi khi tải hình ảnh này",
3528 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Không có kết nối internet.",
3529 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Làm mới",
3530 "gallery-loading-still": "Đang tải",
3531 "gallery-unknown-author": "Tác giả không rõ",
3532 "preview-error-message": "Đã xảy ra sự cố khi hiển thị bản xem trước này.",
3533 "preview-console-error-message": "Không có bản xem trước cho bài viết '$1' (Ngôn ngữ: $2)",
3534 "read-on-wiki": "Đọc trên Wikipedia",
3535 "read-more": "Đọc thêm trên Wikipedia",
3536 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Tiêu đề <strong>$1</strong> có liên quan đến nhiều bài viết trên Wikipedia.",
3537 "preview-offline-message": "Không có kết nối internet.",
3538 "preview-offline-cta": "Thử lại"
3539}, $s = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
3540 __proto__: null,
3541 default: Ts
3542}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Os = {
3543 "@metadata": {
3544 authors: [
3545 "Ella Lachow"
3546 ]
3547 },
3548 "continue-reading": "Nabbabuwaa Doomma",
3549 "gallery-loading-error": "Ha misiliyaa ehiishin balay de'ees",
3550 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Interneetee gaytotettay baawa.",
3551 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Ooraxissa",
3552 "gallery-loading-still": "Hanno gaakkanawu ehiidi de'ees",
3553 "gallery-unknown-author": "Xaafidaagee erettenna",
3554 "preview-error-message": "Ha zari be'uwaa bessishin metoy merettiis.",
3555 "preview-console-error-message": "Xuufiya $1 (Doonaa:$2) zaari be'oy baawa",
3556 "read-on-wiki": "Wikkiimiidiyaan nabbaba",
3557 "read-more": "Daruwaa Wikkiipeediyaan nabbaba",
3558 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Huuphe yohoy <strong>$1</strong> Wikkiipeediyaan issuwaappe dariyaa xaafotuura gayttees.",
3559 "preview-offline-message": "Interneetee gaytotettay baawa.",
3560 "preview-offline-cta": "Zaara mala"
3561}, As = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
3562 __proto__: null,
3563 default: Os
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3566 authors: [
3567 "Lea.Fakauvea"
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3571 "gallery-loading-error": "Ne'e hala te fakahā o te pāki aeni",
3572 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Mole ha'ele te neti.",
3573 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Fakafo'ou",
3574 "gallery-loading-still": "Kei lolotoga mai",
3575 "gallery-unknown-author": "Mole ilo'i pe ko ai ne'e ina tohi",
3576 "preview-error-message": "Ne'e tō hala tona fakahā atu fakatomu'a.",
3577 "read-on-wiki": "Lau i te Wikipedia",
3578 "read-more": "Fakakātoā atu tona lau i te Wikipedia",
3579 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Pāsina <strong>$1</strong> e 'alu tahi mo 'ihi ake pāsina o te Wikipedia.",
3580 "preview-offline-message": "Mole ha'ele te neti.",
3581 "preview-offline-cta": "Toe faiga'i."
3582}, Es = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
3583 __proto__: null,
3584 default: zs
3585}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Ms = {
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3587 authors: [
3588 "Алия"
3589 ]
3590 },
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3592 "gallery-loading-error": "Зургиг умшхд эндү һарла",
3593 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Интернет холвлт бәәхш.",
3594 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Дәкн ацалх",
3595 "gallery-loading-still": "Ацалсар бәәнә",
3596 "gallery-unknown-author": "Зокаһач тодрха биш",
3597 "preview-error-message": "Урдчлҗ харх йовцд асудл һарла.",
3598 "preview-console-error-message": "' $1 ' өгүллиг урдчлн харх болмҗго (келн: $2)",
3599 "read-on-wiki": "Википедиаһас умштн",
3600 "read-more": "Википедиаһас делгрңгү умштн",
3601 "preview-disambiguation-message": "<strong>$1</strong> һарцгнь Википедиа деерк негнәс олн өгүллтә холвата бәәнә.",
3602 "preview-offline-message": "Интернет холвлт бәәхш.",
3603 "preview-offline-cta": "Дәкн орлдтн"
3604}, Ps = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
3605 __proto__: null,
3606 default: Ms
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3609 authors: [
3610 "Narazeni"
3611 ]
3612 },
3613 "continue-reading": "კითხირიშ გაგჷნძორაფა",
3614 "gallery-loading-error": "თე სურათიშ დინოხარგუაშ ბორჯის ჩილათაქ მოხვადჷ",
3615 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "ვა რე ინტერნეტწკჷმა ჭირინაფა",
3616 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "გოახალაფა",
3617 "gallery-loading-still": "ასეშა იხარგჷ",
3618 "gallery-unknown-author": "ავტორი უჩინებუ რე",
3619 "preview-error-message": "თე გიწოთოლორაფაშ ძირაფაშ ბორჯის პრობლემაქ მუკორჩქინდჷ.",
3620 "preview-console-error-message": "გიწოთოლორაფა ვა რე ხემიოჭირონაფუ სტატიაშო '1' (ნინა: $2)",
3621 "read-on-wiki": "ვიკიპედიას კითხირი",
3622 "read-more": "უმოსიშ კითხირი ვიკიპედიას",
3623 "preview-disambiguation-message": "დუდჯოხო <strong>$1</strong> ვიკიპედიას ართშე უმოსი სტატიაწკჷმა რე მერსხილი.",
3624 "preview-offline-message": "ვა რე ინტერნეტწკჷმა რსხუ.",
3625 "preview-offline-cta": "კჷნ ქოცადით"
3626}, qs = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
3627 __proto__: null,
3628 default: Ls
3629}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), xs = {
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3631 authors: [
3632 "Karapananguasú Kururú Teremembé",
3633 "Maracajá Teremembé"
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3637 "gallery-loading-error": "Umereçe'ana yepé yawiçawa ĩdé reiku'ana rewatá kuá çãgawa",
3638 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "Ti aikué yumũdiçawa internet upé yukuawa.",
3639 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "Mukuiriwara",
3640 "gallery-loading-still": "Uwatá uikú raĩ",
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3642 "preview-error-message": "Umereçe'ana yepé iwaçuçawa umukameẽ ramẽ kuá maãgawa enũdé.",
3643 "preview-console-error-message": "Maãgawa enũdé yukuawaĩma kuatiara '$1' arã (Language: $2)",
3644 "read-on-wiki": "E-maã wikipedia upé",
3645 "read-more": "E-mũgitá píri Wikipedia upé",
3646 "preview-disambiguation-message": "Titapawa <strong>$1</strong> uikú umuatiana yepé píri kuatiara Wikipedia upé.",
3647 "preview-offline-message": "Ti aikué yumũdiçawa internet irũ yukuawa.",
3648 "preview-offline-cta": "E-çaá amũ ruê"
3649}, Ws = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
3650 __proto__: null,
3651 default: xs
3652}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Ns = {
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3654 authors: [
3655 "Z423x5c6"
3656 ]
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3659 "gallery-loading-error": "載入呢張圖嗰陣出現錯誤",
3660 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "上唔到網。",
3661 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "重新整理",
3662 "gallery-loading-still": "仲載入緊",
3663 "gallery-unknown-author": "作者未知",
3664 "preview-error-message": "顯示呢個預覽嗰陣出現問題。",
3665 "preview-console-error-message": "文章「$1」無法預覽(語言:$2)",
3666 "read-on-wiki": "喺維基百科上面睇",
3667 "read-more": "喺維基百科上面睇多啲",
3668 "preview-disambiguation-message": "標題<strong>$1</strong>同維基百科入面多過一篇文章有關。",
3669 "preview-offline-message": "上唔到網。",
3670 "preview-offline-cta": "再試過"
3671}, Rs = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
3672 __proto__: null,
3673 default: Ns
3674}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Is = {
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3676 authors: [
3677 "Hakim1bal",
3678 "Ya2sine"
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3681 "continue-reading": "ⵙⵎⴷ ⵙⵓⵍ ⵜⵉⵖⵔⵉ",
3682 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "ⵙⵎⴰⵢⵏⵓ",
3683 "gallery-loading-still": "ⵉⵙⵓⵍ ⵓⵣⴷⴰⵎ",
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3686 "read-more": "ⵖⵔ ⵓⴳⴳⴰⵔ ⴳ ⵡⵉⴽⵉⴱⵉⴷⵢⴰ"
3687}, Cs = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
3688 __proto__: null,
3689 default: Is
3690}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Ds = {
3691 "@metadata": {
3692 authors: [
3693 "Gerongfenh",
3694 "GuoPC",
3695 "Shizhao",
3696 "SkEy",
3697 "沈澄心"
3698 ]
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3700 "continue-reading": "继续阅读",
3701 "gallery-loading-error": "加载这个图像时出现了问题。",
3702 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "无可用的因特网连接",
3703 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "刷新",
3704 "gallery-loading-still": "仍在读取",
3705 "gallery-unknown-author": "作者不明",
3706 "preview-error-message": "显示此预览时出现问题",
3707 "preview-console-error-message": "条目“$1”无法预览(语言:$2)",
3708 "read-on-wiki": "在维基百科上阅读",
3709 "read-more": "在维基百科上阅读更多内容",
3710 "preview-disambiguation-message": "在维基百科上,标题<strong>$1</strong>对应多篇条目。",
3711 "preview-offline-message": "无可用的因特网连接",
3712 "preview-offline-cta": "重试"
3713}, Hs = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
3714 __proto__: null,
3715 default: Ds
3716}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Us = {
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3719 "Kly"
3720 ]
3721 },
3722 "continue-reading": "繼續閱讀",
3723 "gallery-loading-error": "載入此圖片時發生錯誤",
3724 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "沒有可用的網路連線。",
3725 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "重新整理",
3726 "gallery-loading-still": "繼續載入",
3727 "gallery-unknown-author": "作者未知",
3728 "preview-error-message": "在顯示此預覽時出現問題。",
3729 "preview-console-error-message": "條目「$1」無法預覽(語言:$2)",
3730 "read-on-wiki": "在維基百科上閱讀",
3731 "read-more": "在維基百科閱讀更多條目",
3732 "preview-disambiguation-message": "標題<strong>$1</strong>與維基百科裡一個以上條目相關。",
3733 "preview-offline-message": "沒有可用的網路連線。",
3734 "preview-offline-cta": "再試一次"
3735}, Bs = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
3736 __proto__: null,
3737 default: Us
3738}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), Fs = {
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3740 authors: [
3741 "StarrySky",
3742 "捍粵者"
3743 ]
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3745 "continue-reading": "繼續閱讀",
3746 "gallery-loading-error": "載入此圖片時發生錯誤。",
3747 "gallery-loading-error-offline": "沒有可用的網路連線。",
3748 "gallery-loading-error-refresh": "刷新",
3749 "gallery-loading-still": "繼續載入",
3750 "gallery-unknown-author": "作者未知",
3751 "preview-error-message": "在顯示此預覽時出現問題。",
3752 "preview-console-error-message": "條目「$1」無法預覽(語言:$2)",
3753 "read-on-wiki": "在維基百科上閱讀",
3754 "read-more": "在維基百科上閱讀更多",
3755 "preview-disambiguation-message": "標題<strong>$1</strong>與維基百科一條以上條目有關。",
3756 "preview-offline-message": "沒有可用的網路連線。",
3757 "preview-offline-cta": "再試一次"
3758}, Gs = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
3759 __proto__: null,
3760 default: Fs
3761}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), ye = {
3762 en: ka
3763}, U = (e, r, ...a) => {
3764 if (!ye[e])
3765 try {
3766 ye[e] = Ys(`./../i18n/${e}.json`).default;
3767 } catch (o) {
3768 ye[e] = {};
3769 }
3770 let n = ye[e] && ye[e][r] || ye.en[r] || r;
3771 return a.forEach((o, t) => {
3772 n = n.replace(new RegExp(`\\$${t + 1}`, "g"), o);
3773 }), n;
3775function Ys(e) {
3776 switch (e) {
3777 case "./../i18n/acm":
3778 case "./../i18n/acm.json":
3779 return wi;
3780 case "./../i18n/ann":
3781 case "./../i18n/ann.json":
3782 return ki;
3783 case "./../i18n/anp":
3784 case "./../i18n/anp.json":
3785 return ji;
3786 case "./../i18n/ar":
3787 case "./../i18n/ar.json":
3788 return Ti;
3789 case "./../i18n/as":
3790 case "./../i18n/as.json":
3791 return Oi;
3792 case "./../i18n/av":
3793 case "./../i18n/av.json":
3794 return zi;
3795 case "./../i18n/az":
3796 case "./../i18n/az.json":
3797 return Mi;
3798 case "./../i18n/ba":
3799 case "./../i18n/ba.json":
3800 return Li;
3801 case "./../i18n/ban":
3802 case "./../i18n/ban.json":
3803 return xi;
3804 case "./../i18n/bar":
3805 case "./../i18n/bar.json":
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3807 case "./../i18n/bcc":
3808 case "./../i18n/bcc.json":
3809 return Ii;
3810 case "./../i18n/be-tarask":
3811 case "./../i18n/be-tarask.json":
3812 return Di;
3813 case "./../i18n/bew":
3814 case "./../i18n/bew.json":
3815 return Ui;
3816 case "./../i18n/bjn":
3817 case "./../i18n/bjn.json":
3818 return Fi;
3819 case "./../i18n/blk":
3820 case "./../i18n/blk.json":
3821 return Yi;
3822 case "./../i18n/bn":
3823 case "./../i18n/bn.json":
3824 return Ki;
3825 case "./../i18n/br":
3826 case "./../i18n/br.json":
3827 return Ji;
3828 case "./../i18n/bto":
3829 case "./../i18n/bto.json":
3830 return Qi;
3831 case "./../i18n/ca":
3832 case "./../i18n/ca.json":
3833 return rn;
3834 case "./../i18n/ce":
3835 case "./../i18n/ce.json":
3836 return nn;
3837 case "./../i18n/ckb":
3838 case "./../i18n/ckb.json":
3839 return tn;
3840 case "./../i18n/crh-latn":
3841 case "./../i18n/crh-latn.json":
3842 return sn;
3843 case "./../i18n/cs":
3844 case "./../i18n/cs.json":
3845 return gn;
3846 case "./../i18n/cy":
3847 case "./../i18n/cy.json":
3848 return cn;
3849 case "./../i18n/da":
3850 case "./../i18n/da.json":
3851 return pn;
3852 case "./../i18n/de":
3853 case "./../i18n/de.json":
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3855 case "./../i18n/diq":
3856 case "./../i18n/diq.json":
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3858 case "./../i18n/el":
3859 case "./../i18n/el.json":
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3861 case "./../i18n/en-gb":
3862 case "./../i18n/en-gb.json":
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3864 case "./../i18n/en":
3865 case "./../i18n/en.json":
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3867 case "./../i18n/es":
3868 case "./../i18n/es.json":
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3870 case "./../i18n/fa":
3871 case "./../i18n/fa.json":
3872 return On;
3873 case "./../i18n/fi":
3874 case "./../i18n/fi.json":
3875 return zn;
3876 case "./../i18n/fr":
3877 case "./../i18n/fr.json":
3878 return Mn;
3879 case "./../i18n/frc":
3880 case "./../i18n/frc.json":
3881 return Ln;
3882 case "./../i18n/gd":
3883 case "./../i18n/gd.json":
3884 return xn;
3885 case "./../i18n/gl":
3886 case "./../i18n/gl.json":
3887 return Nn;
3888 case "./../i18n/glk":
3889 case "./../i18n/glk.json":
3890 return In;
3891 case "./../i18n/gn":
3892 case "./../i18n/gn.json":
3893 return Dn;
3894 case "./../i18n/grc":
3895 case "./../i18n/grc.json":
3896 return Un;
3897 case "./../i18n/gu":
3898 case "./../i18n/gu.json":
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3900 case "./../i18n/gv":
3901 case "./../i18n/gv.json":
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3903 case "./../i18n/ha":
3904 case "./../i18n/ha.json":
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3906 case "./../i18n/he":
3907 case "./../i18n/he.json":
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3909 case "./../i18n/hi":
3910 case "./../i18n/hi.json":
3911 return Qn;
3912 case "./../i18n/hr":
3913 case "./../i18n/hr.json":
3914 return ro;
3915 case "./../i18n/ht":
3916 case "./../i18n/ht.json":
3917 return io;
3918 case "./../i18n/hu":
3919 case "./../i18n/hu.json":
3920 return oo;
3921 case "./../i18n/hy":
3922 case "./../i18n/hy.json":
3923 return lo;
3924 case "./../i18n/hyw":
3925 case "./../i18n/hyw.json":
3926 return go;
3927 case "./../i18n/ia":
3928 case "./../i18n/ia.json":
3929 return co;
3930 case "./../i18n/id":
3931 case "./../i18n/id.json":
3932 return po;
3933 case "./../i18n/io":
3934 case "./../i18n/io.json":
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3936 case "./../i18n/is":
3937 case "./../i18n/is.json":
3938 return ho;
3939 case "./../i18n/it":
3940 case "./../i18n/it.json":
3941 return vo;
3942 case "./../i18n/ja":
3943 case "./../i18n/ja.json":
3944 return bo;
3945 case "./../i18n/kaa":
3946 case "./../i18n/kaa.json":
3947 return So;
3948 case "./../i18n/kcg":
3949 case "./../i18n/kcg.json":
3950 return $o;
3951 case "./../i18n/kg":
3952 case "./../i18n/kg.json":
3953 return Ao;
3954 case "./../i18n/kge-arab":
3955 case "./../i18n/kge-arab.json":
3956 return Eo;
3957 case "./../i18n/kge":
3958 case "./../i18n/kge.json":
3959 return Po;
3960 case "./../i18n/kiu":
3961 case "./../i18n/kiu.json":
3962 return qo;
3963 case "./../i18n/kk-cyrl":
3964 case "./../i18n/kk-cyrl.json":
3965 return Wo;
3966 case "./../i18n/km":
3967 case "./../i18n/km.json":
3968 return Ro;
3969 case "./../i18n/kn":
3970 case "./../i18n/kn.json":
3971 return Co;
3972 case "./../i18n/ko":
3973 case "./../i18n/ko.json":
3974 return Ho;
3975 case "./../i18n/krc":
3976 case "./../i18n/krc.json":
3977 return Bo;
3978 case "./../i18n/ks-arab":
3979 case "./../i18n/ks-arab.json":
3980 return Go;
3981 case "./../i18n/ku-latn":
3982 case "./../i18n/ku-latn.json":
3983 return Vo;
3984 case "./../i18n/kv":
3985 case "./../i18n/kv.json":
3986 return Xo;
3987 case "./../i18n/lb":
3988 case "./../i18n/lb.json":
3989 return Zo;
3990 case "./../i18n/lld":
3991 case "./../i18n/lld.json":
3992 return et;
3993 case "./../i18n/lmo":
3994 case "./../i18n/lmo.json":
3995 return at;
3996 case "./../i18n/lo":
3997 case "./../i18n/lo.json":
3998 return nt;
3999 case "./../i18n/lt":
4000 case "./../i18n/lt.json":
4001 return tt;
4002 case "./../i18n/mad":
4003 case "./../i18n/mad.json":
4004 return st;
4005 case "./../i18n/mag":
4006 case "./../i18n/mag.json":
4007 return gt;
4008 case "./../i18n/mk":
4009 case "./../i18n/mk.json":
4010 return ct;
4011 case "./../i18n/ml":
4012 case "./../i18n/ml.json":
4013 return pt;
4014 case "./../i18n/mn":
4015 case "./../i18n/mn.json":
4016 return yt;
4017 case "./../i18n/mrh":
4018 case "./../i18n/mrh.json":
4019 return ht;
4020 case "./../i18n/ms":
4021 case "./../i18n/ms.json":
4022 return vt;
4023 case "./../i18n/mt":
4024 case "./../i18n/mt.json":
4025 return bt;
4026 case "./../i18n/my":
4027 case "./../i18n/my.json":
4028 return St;
4029 case "./../i18n/nap":
4030 case "./../i18n/nap.json":
4031 return $t;
4032 case "./../i18n/nb":
4033 case "./../i18n/nb.json":
4034 return At;
4035 case "./../i18n/ne":
4036 case "./../i18n/ne.json":
4037 return Et;
4038 case "./../i18n/nia":
4039 case "./../i18n/nia.json":
4040 return Pt;
4041 case "./../i18n/nit":
4042 case "./../i18n/nit.json":
4043 return qt;
4044 case "./../i18n/nl":
4045 case "./../i18n/nl.json":
4046 return Wt;
4047 case "./../i18n/nn":
4048 case "./../i18n/nn.json":
4049 return Rt;
4050 case "./../i18n/nod":
4051 case "./../i18n/nod.json":
4052 return Ct;
4053 case "./../i18n/nqo":
4054 case "./../i18n/nqo.json":
4055 return Ht;
4056 case "./../i18n/nyn":
4057 case "./../i18n/nyn.json":
4058 return Bt;
4059 case "./../i18n/oc":
4060 case "./../i18n/oc.json":
4061 return Gt;
4062 case "./../i18n/om":
4063 case "./../i18n/om.json":
4064 return Vt;
4065 case "./../i18n/pa":
4066 case "./../i18n/pa.json":
4067 return Xt;
4068 case "./../i18n/pap":
4069 case "./../i18n/pap.json":
4070 return Zt;
4071 case "./../i18n/pl":
4072 case "./../i18n/pl.json":
4073 return el;
4074 case "./../i18n/pnb":
4075 case "./../i18n/pnb.json":
4076 return al;
4077 case "./../i18n/pt-br":
4078 case "./../i18n/pt-br.json":
4079 return nl;
4080 case "./../i18n/pt":
4081 case "./../i18n/pt.json":
4082 return tl;
4083 case "./../i18n/qqq":
4084 case "./../i18n/qqq.json":
4085 return sl;
4086 case "./../i18n/rn":
4087 case "./../i18n/rn.json":
4088 return gl;
4089 case "./../i18n/ro":
4090 case "./../i18n/ro.json":
4091 return cl;
4092 case "./../i18n/roa-tara":
4093 case "./../i18n/roa-tara.json":
4094 return pl;
4095 case "./../i18n/ru":
4096 case "./../i18n/ru.json":
4097 return yl;
4098 case "./../i18n/sat":
4099 case "./../i18n/sat.json":
4100 return hl;
4101 case "./../i18n/sc":
4102 case "./../i18n/sc.json":
4103 return vl;
4104 case "./../i18n/scn":
4105 case "./../i18n/scn.json":
4106 return bl;
4107 case "./../i18n/sd":
4108 case "./../i18n/sd.json":
4109 return Sl;
4110 case "./../i18n/sh":
4111 case "./../i18n/sh.json":
4112 return $l;
4113 case "./../i18n/sje":
4114 case "./../i18n/sje.json":
4115 return Al;
4116 case "./../i18n/sk":
4117 case "./../i18n/sk.json":
4118 return El;
4119 case "./../i18n/sl":
4120 case "./../i18n/sl.json":
4121 return Pl;
4122 case "./../i18n/smn":
4123 case "./../i18n/smn.json":
4124 return ql;
4125 case "./../i18n/so":
4126 case "./../i18n/so.json":
4127 return Wl;
4128 case "./../i18n/sq":
4129 case "./../i18n/sq.json":
4130 return Rl;
4131 case "./../i18n/sr-ec":
4132 case "./../i18n/sr-ec.json":
4133 return Cl;
4134 case "./../i18n/sr-el":
4135 case "./../i18n/sr-el.json":
4136 return Hl;
4137 case "./../i18n/sv":
4138 case "./../i18n/sv.json":
4139 return Bl;
4140 case "./../i18n/syl":
4141 case "./../i18n/syl.json":
4142 return Gl;
4143 case "./../i18n/szl":
4144 case "./../i18n/szl.json":
4145 return Vl;
4146 case "./../i18n/ta":
4147 case "./../i18n/ta.json":
4148 return Xl;
4149 case "./../i18n/te":
4150 case "./../i18n/te.json":
4151 return Zl;
4152 case "./../i18n/th":
4153 case "./../i18n/th.json":
4154 return es;
4155 case "./../i18n/ti":
4156 case "./../i18n/ti.json":
4157 return as;
4158 case "./../i18n/tk":
4159 case "./../i18n/tk.json":
4160 return ns;
4161 case "./../i18n/tl":
4162 case "./../i18n/tl.json":
4163 return ts;
4164 case "./../i18n/tly":
4165 case "./../i18n/tly.json":
4166 return ss;
4167 case "./../i18n/tok":
4168 case "./../i18n/tok.json":
4169 return gs;
4170 case "./../i18n/tr":
4171 case "./../i18n/tr.json":
4172 return cs;
4173 case "./../i18n/tt-cyrl":
4174 case "./../i18n/tt-cyrl.json":
4175 return ps;
4176 case "./../i18n/tum":
4177 case "./../i18n/tum.json":
4178 return ys;
4179 case "./../i18n/tyv":
4180 case "./../i18n/tyv.json":
4181 return hs;
4182 case "./../i18n/udm":
4183 case "./../i18n/udm.json":
4184 return vs;
4185 case "./../i18n/uk":
4186 case "./../i18n/uk.json":
4187 return bs;
4188 case "./../i18n/uz":
4189 case "./../i18n/uz.json":
4190 return Ss;
4191 case "./../i18n/vi":
4192 case "./../i18n/vi.json":
4193 return $s;
4194 case "./../i18n/wal":
4195 case "./../i18n/wal.json":
4196 return As;
4197 case "./../i18n/wls":
4198 case "./../i18n/wls.json":
4199 return Es;
4200 case "./../i18n/xal":
4201 case "./../i18n/xal.json":
4202 return Ps;
4203 case "./../i18n/xmf":
4204 case "./../i18n/xmf.json":
4205 return qs;
4206 case "./../i18n/yrl":
4207 case "./../i18n/yrl.json":
4208 return Ws;
4209 case "./../i18n/yue":
4210 case "./../i18n/yue.json":
4211 return Rs;
4212 case "./../i18n/zgh":
4213 case "./../i18n/zgh.json":
4214 return Cs;
4215 case "./../i18n/zh-hans":
4216 case "./../i18n/zh-hans.json":
4217 return Hs;
4218 case "./../i18n/zh-hant":
4219 case "./../i18n/zh-hant.json":
4220 return Bs;
4221 case "./../i18n/zh-hk":
4222 case "./../i18n/zh-hk.json":
4223 return Gs;
4224 default:
4225 throw new Error("Cann't found module: " + e);
4226 }
4228const Vs = (e, r, a, n = ze) => {
4229 const t = wa(e, {
4230 action: "query",
4231 prop: "extracts|pageimages",
4232 exsentences: 4,
4233 explaintext: 1,
4234 exsectionformat: "plain",
4235 piprop: "thumbnail",
4236 pilimit: 1,
4237 titles: r
4238 }) + "&" + Ge();
4239 n(t, (c) => {
4240 const m = c.query.pages[Object.keys(c.query.pages)[0]];
4241 return m.extract ? {
4242 title: r,
4243 extractHtml: "<p>" + m.extract + "</p>",
4244 imgUrl: m.thumbnail ? m.thumbnail.source : null,
4245 dir: ha(e),
4246 type: "standard"
4247 } : !1;
4248 }, a);
4249}, Ks = (e, r, a, n = ze) => {
4250 const o = `https://${e}.wikipedia.org/api/rest_v1/page/summary/${encodeURIComponent(r)}?${Ge()}`;
4251 n(o, (t, c) => t ? t.type === "standard" || t.type === "disambiguation" ? {
4252 title: t.titles.canonical,
4253 extractHtml: _i(t.extract_html),
4254 imgUrl: t.thumbnail ? t.thumbnail.source : null,
4255 dir: t.dir,
4256 type: t.type
4257 } : t.type === "no-extract" && t.description ? {
4258 title: t.titles.canonical,
4259 extractHtml: "<p>" + t.description + "</p>",
4260 imgUrl: t.thumbnail ? t.thumbnail.source : null,
4261 dir: t.dir,
4262 type: "standard"
4263 } : (la(U(e, "preview-console-error-message", r, e), t), !1) : (la(U(e, "preview-console-error-message", r, e), c), !1), a);
4264}, ba = (e, r, a, n = ze) => r.indexOf(":") === -1 ? Ks(e, r, a, n) : Vs(e, r, a, n), Xs = (e, r, a, n = ze) => {
4265 const o = `https://${e}.wikipedia.org/api/rest_v1/page/media-list/${encodeURIComponent(r)}`;
4266 n(o, (t) => (t.items || []).reduce((f, v) => {
4267 if (v.showInGallery && v.type === "image") {
4268 const k = v && v.srcset && `https:${v.srcset[0].src}`, z = {
4269 caption: v.caption && v.caption.text.trim(),
4270 thumb: k,
4271 title: v.title
4272 };
4273 return f.concat(z);
4274 }
4275 return f;
4276 }, []), a);
4277}, Js = (e, r, a, n = ze) => {
4278 const o = {
4279 action: "query",
4280 prop: "imageinfo",
4281 iiextmetadatafilter: "License|LicenseShortName|ImageDescription|Artist",
4282 iiextmetadatalanguage: e,
4283 iiextmetadatamultilang: 1,
4284 iiurlwidth: ta().width,
4285 iiurlheight: ta().height,
4286 iiprop: "url|extmetadata",
4287 titles: r
4288 }, t = wa(e, o);
4289 n(t, (c) => {
4290 const f = c.query.pages[0].imageinfo;
4291 if (!f)
4292 return {};
4293 const { Artist: v, ImageDescription: k, LicenseShortName: z } = f[0].extmetadata, Z = v && oa(v.value), s = k && oa(
4294 typeof k.value == "string" && k.value || k.value[e] || k.value[Object.keys(k.value)[0]]
4295 ), p = f[0].thumburl;
4296 return {
4297 author: Z,
4298 description: s,
4299 license: z && z.value,
4300 filePage: yi(f[0].descriptionshorturl),
4301 bestFitImageUrl: p
4302 };
4303 }, a);
4304}, Ye = 1, ja = 2, Oe = window.innerWidth, mr = window.innerHeight, d = {
4305 screenX: null,
4306 originalMarginLeft: null,
4307 currentMarginLeft: null,
4308 originalTransition: null,
4309 imgOriginalTransition: null,
4310 durationStart: null,
4311 translateX: 0,
4312 translateY: 0,
4313 clientX: null,
4314 clientY: null,
4315 imageRect: {}
4316}, A = [];
4317let $e = -1, Ae = !1;
4318const Ee = (e) => e.target.nodeName === "IMG" ? e.target : e.target.querySelector("img"), Sa = (e) => e ? Number(e.slice(e.indexOf("scale") + 6, -1)) : Ye, Zs = (e) => {
4319 const a = new RegExp("translate3d\\((?<x>.*?)px, (?<y>.*?)px, (?<z>.*?)px").exec(e);
4320 return a ? `translate3d(${a.groups.x}px, ${a.groups.y}px, 0px)` : `translate3d(${d.translateX}px, ${d.translateY}px, 0px)`;
4321}, pr = (e, r) => {
4322 const n = [
4323 `${r}-item-caption`,
4324 `${r}-item-caption-expand-cue`,
4325 `${r}-item-caption-text`,
4326 `${r}-item-attribution`,
4327 `${r}-button`
4328 ].find((o) => e.target.className.indexOf(o) > -1);
4329 return e.pointerType !== "touch" || n;
4330}, Ue = () => Ae, jr = (e) => e.naturalHeight <= e.naturalWidth, Qs = (e) => e.naturalWidth + 50 < Oe, fr = () => A.length, ed = (e, r = null) => {
4331 const a = {}, n = () => r.clientY > e.naturalHeight && !jr(e) ? e.naturalHeight : r.clientY;
4332 return A.length === 2 ? (a.x = (A[0].clientX + A[1].clientX) / 2, a.y = (A[0].clientY + A[1].clientY) / 2) : (a.x = r.clientX, a.y = n()), a;
4333}, Ta = (e, r) => {
4334 const a = ed(e, r);
4335 return jr(e) ? a.y = a.y - e.naturalHeight : Qs(e) && (a.x = e.naturalWidth / 2, a.y = e.naturalHeight / 2), `${a.x}px ${a.y}px`;
4336}, rd = (e) => {
4337 for (let r = 0; r < A.length; r++)
4338 if (A[r].pointerId === e.pointerId) {
4339 A.splice(r, 1);
4340 break;
4341 }
4342}, $a = (e) => {
4343 e && (e.style.transition = d.imgOriginalTransition, e.style.transform = `scale(${Ye})`, Ae = !1, d.translateX = 0, d.translateY = 0);
4344}, ad = (e) => {
4345 const r = Ee(e);
4346 d.clientX = null, d.clientY = null, d.translateX = 0, d.translateY = 0, r.style.transformOrigin = Ta(r, e), Ue() ? (r.style.transform = `scale(${Ye})`, Ae = !1) : (r.style.transform = `scale(${ja})`, Ae = !0);
4347}, id = (e) => {
4348 const r = Ee(e);
4349 if (!r)
4350 return;
4351 const a = r.getBoundingClientRect();
4352 if (d.imageRect.top = a.top, d.imageRect.bottom = a.bottom, d.imageRect.left = a.left, d.imageRect.right = a.right, A.length < 1) {
4353 const n = window.getComputedStyle(r);
4354 d.imgOriginalTransition = n.transition;
4355 }
4356 A.push(e);
4357}, nd = (e) => {
4358 const r = Ee(e), a = r.style.transform, n = 0.01, o = 0.4;
4359 let t = Sa(a);
4360 const c = Zs(a);
4361 for (let m = 0; m < A.length; m++)
4362 if (e.pointerId === A[m].pointerId) {
4363 A[m] = e;
4364 break;
4365 }
4366 if (A.length === 2) {
4367 const m = Math.abs(A[0].clientX - A[1].clientX), f = Math.abs(A[0].clientY - A[1].clientY), v = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(m, 2) + Math.pow(f, 2));
4368 $e > 0 && (r.style.transformOrigin = Ta(r), r.style.transition = "unset", v > $e && (Ae = !0, t + n < ja && (t += n, r.style.transform = `${c} scale(${t})`)), v < $e && (t - n > Ye + o ? (t -= n, r.style.transform = `${c} scale(${t})`) : $a(r))), $e = v;
4369 }
4370}, od = (e, r, a, n, o) => {
4371 const t = Ee(e);
4372 if (!t)
4373 return;
4374 const c = t.style.transform, m = Sa(c), f = Oe / 8, v = Oe - f, k = jr(t) ? mr / 4 : mr / 8, z = mr - k, Z = 80;
4375 t.style.transition = "unset", (!d.clientX || !d.clientY) && (d.clientX = e.clientX, d.clientY = e.clientY);
4376 const s = d.translateX + (e.clientX - d.clientX), p = d.translateY + (e.clientY - d.clientY), y = p - d.translateY >= 0, j = s - d.translateX >= 0, b = () => {
4377 const $ = d.imageRect.left < f && j || d.imageRect.right > v && !j, B = d.imageRect.top < k && y || d.imageRect.bottom > z && !y;
4378 return $ && B;
4379 }, T = () => {
4380 d.imageRect.top = d.imageRect.top + (p - d.translateY), d.imageRect.bottom = d.imageRect.bottom + (p - d.translateY), d.imageRect.left = d.imageRect.left + (s - d.translateX), d.imageRect.right = d.imageRect.right + (s - d.translateX), d.translateX = s, d.translateY = p, d.clientX = e.clientX, d.clientY = e.clientY;
4381 }, h = Math.abs(s) - Math.abs(d.translateX) > Z;
4382 if (b())
4383 T(), t.style.transform = `translate3d(${s}px, ${p}px, 0px) scale(${m})`;
4384 else if (h) {
4385 const $ = o === "ltr" && s < 0 || o === "rtl" && s > 0;
4386 !$ && a[n - 1] ? r(-1) : $ && a[n + 1] && r(1);
4387 }
4388}, td = (e) => {
4389 const r = Ee(e);
4390 r && (r.style.transition = d.imgOriginalTransition), rd(e), d.clientX = null, d.clientY = null, A.length < 2 && ($e = -1);
4391}, ld = (e, r, a) => {
4392 const n = window.getComputedStyle(r);
4393 d.durationStart = Date.now(), d.screenX = e.clientX, d.originalMarginLeft = +n[a].slice(0, -2), d.currentMarginLeft = +n[a].slice(0, -2), d.originalTransition = n.transition, r.style.transition = "unset";
4394}, sd = (e, r, a, n) => {
4395 const t = e.clientX - d.screenX;
4396 d.currentMarginLeft = d.originalMarginLeft + t * (n === "ltr" ? 1 : -1), r.style[a] = d.currentMarginLeft + "px", e.preventDefault();
4397}, dd = (e, r, a, n, o) => {
4398 const t = d.originalMarginLeft - d.currentMarginLeft, c = Date.now() - d.durationStart;
4399 Math.abs(t / Oe) > 0.4 || c <= 300 && Math.abs(t) > 5 ? a(t > 0 ? 1 : -1) : r.style[n] = -Oe * o + "px";
4401let kr = [];
4402const Oa = (e, r, a, n = void 0) => {
4403 e.addEventListener(r, a, n), kr.push([e, r, a, n]);
4404}, gd = () => {
4405 kr.forEach((e) => {
4406 const [r, a, n, o] = e;
4407 r.removeEventListener(a, n, o);
4408 }), kr = [];
4410let H = 0, ie = "", Ve, br, se;
4411const Fe = window.innerWidth, _ = "wp-gallery-fullscreen-slider", ud = (e, r, a, n = [], o = "") => {
4412 const t = n.map(
4413 () => `
4414 <div class="${_}-item">
4415 <div class="${_}-item-loading">
4416 <div class="${_}-item-loading-spinner">
4417 <div class="${_}-item-loading-spinner-animation">
4418 <div class="${_}-item-loading-spinner-animation-bounce"></div>
4419 </div>
4420 </div>
4421 <div class="${_}-item-loading-text">${U(e, "gallery-loading-still")}</div>
4422 </div>
4423 <div class="${_}-item-loading-error">
4424 <div class="${_}-item-loading-error-text">${U(e, "gallery-loading-error")}</div>
4425 <div class="${_}-item-loading-error-refresh">${U(e, "gallery-loading-error-refresh")}</div>
4426 </div>
4427 </div>
4428 `.trim()
4429 ).join("");
4430 return n.some((c, m) => c.thumb === o ? (H = m, !0) : !1), ie = r, Ve = e, br = n, se = a, `
4431 <div class="${_}" style="${ie === "ltr" ? "margin-left" : "margin-right"}:-${H * Fe}px">
4432 <div class="${_}-button previous"></div>
4433 <div class="${_}-button next"></div>
4434 ${t}
4435 </div>
4436 `.trim();
4437}, cd = (e, r) => {
4438 const a = () => e.description ? e.description : r.caption ? r.caption : "", n = (f) => {
4439 const v = ["CC", "BY", "SA", "Fair", "Public"];
4440 let k = "";
4441 return v.forEach((z) => {
4442 f && f.indexOf(z) !== -1 && (k += `<div class="${_}-item-attribution-info-${z.toLowerCase()}"></div>`);
4443 }), k;
4444 }, o = e.author ? e.author : U(Ve, "gallery-unknown-author"), t = e.filePage, c = a();
4445 return `
4446 <div class="${_}-item-caption">
4447 ${(() => Fe < 400 && c.length > 128 ? !0 : Fe > 400 && c.length > 142)() ? `<div class="${_}-item-caption-expand-cue"></div>` : ""}
4448 ${c ? `<div class="${_}-item-caption-text"><bdi>${c}</bdi></div>` : ""}
4449 </div>
4450 <div class="${_}-item-attribution">
4451 <div class="${_}-item-attribution-info">
4452 ${n(e.license)}
4453 ${o ? `<bdi class="${_}-item-attribution-info-author">${o}</bdi>` : ""}
4454 </div>
4455 ${t ? `<div class="${_}-item-attribution-more-info">
4456 <a href="${t}" class="${_}-item-attribution-more-info-link" target="_blank"></a>
4457 </div>` : ""}
4458 </div>
4459 `.trim();
4460}, Aa = (e, r = !1) => {
4461 const a = e.querySelector("img"), n = e.querySelector(`.${_}-item-loading`), o = e.querySelector(`.${_}-item-loading-error`);
4462 if (r && (se.querySelector(`.${_}`).querySelectorAll(`.${_}-item`).forEach((m) => {
4463 const f = m.querySelector("img"), v = m.querySelector(`.${_}-item-caption`), k = m.querySelector(`.${_}-item-attribution`);
4464 f && m.removeChild(f), v && m.removeChild(v), k && m.removeChild(k);
4465 }), ae(0, !0), n.style.visibility = "visible", o.style.visibility = "hidden"), a.complete)
4466 n.style.visibility = "hidden", o.style.visibility = "hidden", a.style.visibility = "visible";
4467 else {
4468 const t = e.querySelector(`.${_}-item-loading-text`), c = setTimeout(() => {
4469 t.style.visibility = "visible";
4470 }, 5e3);
4471 a.addEventListener("load", () => {
4472 n.style.visibility = "hidden", o.style.visibility = "hidden", t.style.visibility = "hidden", clearTimeout(c);
4473 }), a.addEventListener("error", () => {
4474 const m = e.querySelector(`.${_}-item-loading-error-refresh`);
4475 if (n.style.visibility = "hidden", a.style.visibility = "hidden", !_a()) {
4476 const f = e.querySelector(`.${_}-item-loading-error-text`);
4477 f.innerText = U(Ve, "gallery-loading-error-offline"), o.classList.add("offline");
4478 }
4479 o.style.visibility = "visible", clearTimeout(c), m.addEventListener("click", () => {
4480 Aa(e, !0);
4481 });
4482 });
4483 }
4484}, za = (e, r = !1) => {
4485 const a = e.querySelector(`.${_}-item-caption-text`), n = e.querySelector(`.${_}-item-caption-expand-cue`), o = e.querySelector(".expanded");
4486 n && o || r && n ? (n.classList.remove("expanded"), a.style.maxHeight = "80px") : n && (n.classList.add("expanded"), a.style.maxHeight = "241px");
4487}, yr = (e, r = !1) => {
4488 const o = se.querySelector(`.${_}`).querySelectorAll(`.${_}-item`)[e];
4489 o && Js(
4490 Ve,
4491 br[e].title,
4492 (t) => {
4493 const c = o.querySelector("img"), m = o.querySelector(`.${_}-item-caption`);
4494 c || (r ? o.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `<img src="${t.bestFitImageUrl}?timestamp=${Date.now()}"/>`) : o.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `<img src="${t.bestFitImageUrl}"/>`), Aa(o)), m || (o.insertAdjacentHTML(
4495 "beforeend",
4496 cd(t, br[e])
4497 ), o.querySelector(`.${_}-item-caption`).addEventListener("click", () => {
4498 za(o);
4499 }));
4500 }
4501 );
4502}, ae = (e = 1, r = !1) => {
4503 const a = se.querySelector(`.${_}`), n = a.querySelectorAll(`.${_}-item`), o = a.querySelector(".next"), t = a.querySelector(".previous"), c = H + e, m = n[c], f = n[H].querySelector("img");
4504 m && (za(n[H], !0), H += e, o.style.opacity = H === n.length - 1 ? "0.5" : "1", t.style.opacity = H === 0 ? "0.5" : "1", $a(f), yr(H, r), yr(H + 1, r), yr(H - 1, r)), a.style[ie === "ltr" ? "marginLeft" : "marginRight"] = -Fe * H + "px";
4505}, _r = () => {
4506 ae(-1);
4507}, md = () => {
4508 const e = se.querySelector(`.${_}`), r = ie === "ltr" ? "marginLeft" : "marginRight", a = e.querySelectorAll(`.${_}-item`);
4509 e.addEventListener("pointerdown", (n) => {
4510 pr(n, _) || (id(n), fr() === 1 && !Ue() && ld(n, e, r));
4511 }), e.addEventListener("pointermove", (n) => {
4512 pr(n, _) || (fr() > 1 ? nd(n) : Ue() ? od(n, ae, a, H, ie) : sd(n, e, r, ie));
4513 }), e.addEventListener("pointerout", (n) => {
4514 pr(n, _) || (e.style.transition = d.originalTransition, fr() === 1 && !Ue() && dd(n, e, ae, r, H), td(n));
4515 });
4516}, pd = () => {
4517 se.querySelector(".wp-gallery-fullscreen").classList.toggle("wp-gallery-fullscreen-focus-mode");
4518}, fd = () => {
4519 const e = se.querySelector(`.${_}`), r = e.querySelectorAll(`.${_}-item`), a = e.querySelector(".next"), n = e.querySelector(".previous");
4520 let o = !1;
4521 ae(0), md(), e.addEventListener("click", (t) => {
4522 (t.target.className === `${_}-item` || t.target.tagName === "IMG") && (o ? (clearTimeout(o), o = null, ad(t)) : o = setTimeout(() => {
4523 o = null, pd();
4524 }, 300));
4525 }), r.length === 1 ? (n.style.visibility = "hidden", a.style.visibility = "hidden") : (a.addEventListener("click", () => {
4526 ae();
4527 }), n.addEventListener("click", () => {
4528 _r();
4529 }), Oa(window, "keydown", ({ key: t }) => {
4530 switch (t) {
4531 case "ArrowRight":
4532 case "Right":
4533 ie === "ltr" ? ae() : _r();
4534 break;
4535 case "ArrowLeft":
4536 case "Left":
4537 ie === "ltr" ? _r() : ae();
4538 break;
4539 }
4540 }));
4541}, _e = "wp-gallery-fullscreen", yd = (e, r) => `
4542 <div class="${_e}" lang="${e}" dir="${r}">
4543 <div class="${_e}-close"></div>
4544 <div class="${_e}-main"></div>
4545 </div>
4546 `.trim(), sa = (e) => {
4547 const r = e.querySelector(`.${_e}`);
4548 e.removeChild(r), gd();
4549}, _d = (e, r, a, n, o = document.body) => {
4550 o.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", yd(a, n)), o.querySelector(`.${_e}-main`).insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", ud(a, n, o, e, r)), o.querySelector(`.${_e}-close`).addEventListener("click", () => {
4551 sa(o);
4552 }), Oa(window, "keydown", ({ key: c }) => {
4553 (c === "Escape" || c === "Esc") && sa(o);
4554 }), fd();
4555}, hd = (e, r) => {
4556 const a = document.createElement("div");
4557 return a.classList.add("wikipediapreview-gallery-row"), e.forEach((n) => {
4558 const o = document.createElement("div");
4559 o.classList.add("wikipediapreview-gallery-image"), o.style.backgroundImage = `url(${n.thumb})`, o.addEventListener("click", (t) => {
4560 const c = t.target.style.backgroundImage.slice(4, -1).replace(/"/g, "");
4561 _d(e, c, r.lang, r.dir);
4562 }), a.appendChild(o);
4563 }), a;
4564}, wd = (e) => {
4565 let r = [], a = [];
4566 const n = (s, p) => {
4567 const y = setTimeout(s, p);
4568 return a.push(y), y;
4569 }, o = () => {
4570 a.forEach((s) => {
4571 clearTimeout(s);
4572 }), a = [];
4573 }, t = (s, p, y, j = void 0) => {
4574 s.addEventListener(p, y, j), r.push([s, p, y, j]);
4575 }, c = () => {
4576 r.forEach((s) => {
4577 const [p, y, j, b] = s;
4578 p.removeEventListener(y, j, b);
4579 }), r = [];
4580 }, m = (s) => {
4581 const p = s.toElement || s.relatedTarget || s.target, y = e.element.currentTargetElement;
4582 if (p !== y && !e.element.contains(p)) {
4583 const j = n(e.hide, 300), b = () => {
4584 clearTimeout(j);
4585 };
4586 t(e.element, "mouseenter", b);
4587 }
4588 }, f = (s) => {
4589 const p = e.element.querySelector(".wikipediapreview-body"), y = e.element.querySelector(".wikipediapreview-header"), j = e.element.querySelector(".wikipediapreview-footer-cta") || e.element.querySelector(".wikipediapreview-footer-loading");
4590 if (p)
4591 if (e.element.style[2] === "bottom" || e.element.style.bottom) {
4592 const b = e.element.getBoundingClientRect().top, T = parseInt(
4593 window.getComputedStyle(p).maxHeight.slice(0, -2)
4594 );
4595 p.style.maxHeight = Math.min(s, T + b) + "px";
4596 } else {
4597 const b = e.element.getBoundingClientRect().top, T = window.getComputedStyle(y).height.slice(0, -2), h = j ? window.getComputedStyle(j).height.slice(0, -2) : 0, $ = window.innerHeight - b - T - h;
4598 p.style.maxHeight = Math.min(s, $) + "px";
4599 }
4600 }, v = () => {
4601 const { lang: p, title: y } = e;
4602 e.element.component.wikipediapreview.classList.add("expanded"), R || f(496), !e.loading && p && y && Xs(p, y, (j) => {
4603 const b = e.element.component.wikipediapreviewGallery;
4604 j && j.length > 0 ? b.appendChild(hd(j, e)) : e.element.component.body.removeChild(b);
4605 });
4606 }, k = (s) => {
4607 let p, y, j, b;
4608 const T = s.querySelector(".wikipediapreview-header"), h = s.querySelector(".wikipediapreview-body"), $ = (q) => {
4609 p = q.touches[0].clientY, j = window.getComputedStyle(h), b = Number(j.height.slice(0, -2));
4610 }, B = (q, F) => {
4611 F && q.preventDefault();
4612 const G = q.touches[0].clientY, N = p - G, re = b + N, he = !s.querySelector(".wikipediapreview.expanded") && !F || F;
4613 h.style.transition = "auto", y = G, he && (h.style.maxHeight = re + "px");
4614 }, K = (q) => {
4615 const F = s.querySelector(".wikipediapreview.expanded"), G = p - y, N = Math.abs(G) > 80, re = !F && !q || q;
4616 h.style.transition = "all 0.25s ease-in-out", G < 0 && N && re ? e.hide() : G > 0 && N && re && !F ? (h.style.maxHeight = "70vh", v()) : h.style.maxHeight = b + "px";
4617 };
4618 t(h, "touchstart", $), t(h, "touchmove", (q) => {
4619 B(q, !1);
4620 }), t(h, "touchend", () => K(!1)), t(T, "touchstart", $), t(T, "touchmove", (q) => {
4621 B(q, !0);
4622 }), t(T, "touchend", () => K(!0));
4623 };
4624 return { onHide: () => {
4625 e.element.component.wikipediapreview.classList.remove("expanded"), e.lang = null, e.title = null, e.loading = !1;
4626 const s = e.element.querySelector(".wikipediapreview-body");
4627 s.style.transition = "auto", c(), o();
4628 }, onShow: (s) => {
4629 if (s.component = {
4630 body: s.querySelector(".wikipediapreview-body"),
4631 wikipediapreview: s.querySelector(".wikipediapreview"),
4632 wikipediapreviewGallery: s.querySelector(".wikipediapreview-gallery"),
4633 closeBtn: s.querySelector(".wikipediapreview-header-closebtn"),
4634 readMore: s.querySelector(".wikipediapreview-footer-cta-readmore"),
4635 content: s.querySelector(".wikipediapreview-body > p")
4636 }, s.component.content && s.component.content.getBoundingClientRect().height < 248 ? v() : R || f(248), t(s.component.closeBtn, "click", e.hide), s.component.readMore && t(s.component.readMore, "click", v), R) {
4637 const p = document.querySelector(".wp-dark-screen");
4638 t(p, "click", e.hide, !0), k(s);
4639 } else
4640 t(s, "mouseleave", m), t(s.currentTargetElement, "mouseleave", m);
4641 }, onExpand: v };
4643let L;
4644const vd = (e, r, a, n, o) => {
4645 const t = e.left + e.width / 2, c = e.top + e.height / 2, m = t <= n / 2, f = c <= o / 2, v = m ? e.left : e.left + e.width - r, k = f ? e.top + e.height : "", z = f ? "" : o - e.top;
4646 return { left: v, top: k, bottom: z };
4647}, hr = (e) => e && e + "px", kd = (e) => ({
4648 left: e.left - 3,
4649 right: e.right + 3,
4650 top: e.top - 3,
4651 bottom: e.bottom + 3
4652}), bd = (e, { x: r, y: a }) => {
4653 const n = e.getClientRects();
4654 for (let o = 0; o < n.length; o++) {
4655 const t = kd(n[o]);
4656 if (r >= t.left && r <= t.right && a >= t.top && a <= t.bottom)
4657 return n[o];
4658 }
4659 return n[0] || e.getBoundingClientRect();
4660}, jd = (e, r = window) => {
4661 L || (L = r.document.createElement("div"), L.classList.add("wp-popup"), L.style.visibility = "hidden", e.appendChild(L));
4662 const a = {
4663 /* onShow, onHide */
4664 };
4665 return { show: (c, m, f) => {
4666 L.innerHTML = c;
4667 const v = vd(
4668 bd(m, f),
4669 L.offsetWidth,
4670 L.offsetHeight,
4671 r.innerWidth,
4672 r.innerHeight
4673 );
4674 L.style.left = hr(v.left), L.style.top = hr(v.top), L.style.bottom = hr(v.bottom), L.currentTargetElement = m, L.style.visibility = "visible", a.onShow && a.onShow(L);
4675 }, hide: () => {
4676 a.onHide && a.onHide(L), L.style.visibility = "hidden", L.currentTargetElement = null;
4677 }, subscribe: (c = {}) => {
4678 c.onShow && (a.onShow = c.onShow), c.onHide && (a.onHide = c.onHide);
4679 }, element: L };
4681let X, Ea;
4682const Sd = (e) => {
4683 if (!e.querySelector(".wp-dark-screen")) {
4684 const r = e.createElement("div");
4685 r.classList.add("wp-dark-screen"), e.body.appendChild(r), Ea = e.body.style.overflow, e.body.style.overflow = "hidden";
4686 }
4687}, Td = (e) => {
4688 const r = e.getElementsByClassName("wp-dark-screen");
4689 e.body.removeChild(r[0]), e.body.style.overflow = Ea;
4690}, $d = (e, r = window) => {
4691 X || (X = r.document.createElement("div"), X.classList.add("wp-touch-popup"), X.style.visibility = "hidden", e.appendChild(X));
4692 const a = {
4693 /* onShow, onHide */
4694 };
4695 return { show: (m) => {
4696 X.innerHTML = m, X.style.visibility = "visible", Sd(r.document), a.onShow && a.onShow(X);
4697 }, hide: () => {
4698 a.onHide && a.onHide(X), X.style.visibility = "hidden", Td(r.document);
4699 }, expand: () => {
4700 a.onExpand && a.onExpand();
4701 }, subscribe: (m = {}) => {
4702 m.onShow && (a.onShow = m.onShow), m.onHide && (a.onHide = m.onHide), m.onExpand && (a.onExpand = m.onExpand);
4703 }, element: X };
4704}, Me = (e, r = "") => `
4705 <div class="wikipediapreview-header">
4706 ${r ? `<div class="wikipediapreview-header-image" style="${`background-image:url('${r}');background-size:cover;`}"></div>` : ""}
4707 <div class="wikipediapreview-header-wordmark${r ? " wikipediapreview-header-wordmark-with-image" : ""} wikipediapreview-header-wordmark-${e}"></div>
4708 <div class="wikipediapreview-header-closebtn"></div>
4709 </div>
4710`.trim(), Sr = (e, r, a) => `
4711 <div class="wikipediapreview-body wikipediapreview-body-${e}">
4712 <div class="wikipediapreview-body-message">
4713 <div class="wikipediapreview-body-icon"></div>
4714 ${r}
4715 </div>
4716 <div class="wikipediapreview-body-action">
4717 ${a}
4718 </div>
4719 </div>
4720`.trim(), Pe = (e, r, a, n, o) => `
4721 <div class="wikipediapreview ${r ? "mobile" : ""}" lang="${e}" dir="${a}">
4722 ${n}
4723 ${o}
4724 </div>
4725 `.trim(), Ma = (e, r, a) => {
4726 const n = r.imgUrl, o = `
4727 <div class="wikipediapreview-body">
4728 ${r.extractHtml}
4729 <div class="wikipediapreview-gallery">
4730 </div>
4731 </div>
4732 <div class="wikipediapreview-footer">
4733 <span class="wikipediapreview-footer-cta wikipediapreview-footer-cta-readmore">${U(e, "continue-reading")}</span>
4734 <a href="${Be(e, r.title, a)}" class="wikipediapreview-footer-cta wikipediapreview-footer-cta-readonwiki" target="_blank">${U(e, "read-more")}</a>
4735 </div>
4736 `.trim();
4737 return Pe(e, a, r.dir, Me(e, n), o);
4738}, Od = (e, r, a) => {
4739 const n = `
4740 <div class="wikipediapreview-body wikipediapreview-body-loading">
4741 <div class="wikipediapreview-body-loading-line larger"></div>
4742 <div class="wikipediapreview-body-loading-line medium"></div>
4743 <div class="wikipediapreview-body-loading-line larger"></div>
4744 <div class="wikipediapreview-body-loading-line medium"></div>
4745 <div class="wikipediapreview-body-loading-line smaller"></div>
4746 <div class="wikipediapreview-body-loading-line larger"></div>
4747 <div class="wikipediapreview-body-loading-line medium"></div>
4748 <div class="wikipediapreview-body-loading-line larger"></div>
4749 <div class="wikipediapreview-body-loading-line medium"></div>
4750 <div class="wikipediapreview-body-loading-line smaller"></div>
4751 </div>
4752 <div class="wikipediapreview-footer-loading"></div>
4753 `.trim();
4754 return Pe(r, e, a, Me(r), n);
4755}, Pa = (e, r, a) => `<a href="${Be(e, r, a)}" target="_blank" class="wikipediapreview-cta-readonwiki">${U(e, "read-on-wiki")}</a>`, Ad = (e, r, a, n) => {
4756 const o = `<span>${U(r, "preview-error-message")}</span>`, t = Pa(r, a, e);
4757 return Pe(r, e, n, Me(r), Sr("error", o, t));
4758}, zd = (e, r, a, n) => {
4759 const o = `<span>${U(r, "preview-disambiguation-message", a)}</span>`, t = Pa(r, a, e);
4760 return Pe(r, e, n, Me(r), Sr("disambiguation", o, t));
4761}, Ed = (e, r, a) => {
4762 const n = `<span>${U(r, "preview-offline-message")}</span>`, o = `<a>${U(r, "preview-offline-cta")}</a>`;
4763 return Pe(r, e, a, Me(r), Sr("offline", n, o));
4764}, Te = (e, r, a) => {
4765 const n = e && e[r];
4766 if (n instanceof Function)
4767 try {
4768 n.apply(null, a);
4769 } catch (o) {
4770 console.log("Error invoking Wikipedia Preview custom callback", o);
4771 }
4772}, Md = (e, r, a) => {
4773 ba(r, e, (n) => {
4774 a(Ma(r, n, R));
4775 });
4776}, da = (e, r) => {
4777 const a = [];
4778 (typeof e == "string" || e instanceof String) && Array.prototype.forEach.call(
4779 document.querySelectorAll(e),
4780 (n) => {
4781 a.push(n);
4782 }
4783 ), (e instanceof Document || e instanceof Element) && a.push(e), Array.isArray(e) && e.forEach((n) => {
4784 n instanceof Element && a.push(n);
4785 }), a.forEach((n) => r(n));
4787let ga;
4788function Pd({
4789 root: e = document,
4790 selector: r = "[data-wikipedia-preview]",
4791 lang: a = "en",
4792 detectLinks: n = !1,
4793 popupContainer: o = document.body,
4794 events: t = {},
4795 debug: c = !1
4796}) {
4797 const m = a, f = R ? $d(o) : jd(o), v = wd(f), k = {}, z = [], Z = [], s = (p, y = !1) => {
4798 p.preventDefault();
4799 const j = Date.now(), { currentTarget: b } = y ? k : p, T = y ? k.title : decodeURIComponent(b.getAttribute("data-wp-title") || b.textContent), h = y ? k.lang : b.getAttribute("data-wp-lang") || m, $ = y ? k.pointerPosition : { x: p.clientX, y: p.clientY }, B = ha(h);
4800 f.element.currentTargetElement === b && !y || (ga = j, f.element.style.visibility === "visible" && f.hide(), f.loading = !0, f.dir = B, f.show(Od(R, h, B), b, $), ba(h, T, (K) => {
4801 if (j === ga && f.loading) {
4802 if (f.loading = !1, K)
4803 f.lang = h, f.title = T, K.type === "standard" ? (f.show(
4804 Ma(h, K, R),
4805 b,
4806 $
4807 ), Te(t, "onShow", [T, h, "standard"])) : K.type === "disambiguation" && (f.show(
4808 zd(R, h, K.title, K.dir),
4809 b,
4810 $
4811 ), Te(t, "onShow", [T, h, "disambiguation"]));
4812 else if (_a())
4813 f.show(
4814 Ad(R, h, T, B),
4815 b,
4816 $
4817 ), Te(t, "onShow", [T, h, "error"]);
4818 else {
4819 f.show(
4820 Ed(R, h, B),
4821 b,
4822 $
4823 ), Te(t, "onShow", [T, h, "offline"]);
4824 const F = document.querySelector(".wikipediapreview-body-action");
4825 k.lang = h, k.title = T, k.pointerPosition = $, k.target = b, F.addEventListener("click", (G) => {
4826 s(G, !0);
4827 });
4828 }
4829 const q = f.element.querySelector(".wikipediapreview-footer-cta-readonwiki, .wikipediapreview-cta-readonwiki");
4830 if (q && q.addEventListener("click", () => {
4831 Te(t, "onWikiRead", [T, h]);
4832 }), b.tagName === "A") {
4833 const F = Ge().split("="), G = new URL(b.href);
4834 G.searchParams.set(F[0], F[1]), b.href = G.href;
4835 }
4836 }
4837 }));
4838 };
4839 f.subscribe(v), da(e, (p) => {
4840 Array.prototype.forEach.call(
4841 p.querySelectorAll(r),
4842 (y) => {
4843 R ? y.addEventListener("click", s) : y.addEventListener("mouseenter", s), z.push({
4844 text: y.textContent,
4845 title: y.getAttribute("data-wp-title") || y.textContent,
4846 lang: y.getAttribute("data-wp-lang") || m
4847 });
4848 }
4849 );
4850 }), n && da(e, (p) => {
4851 Array.prototype.forEach.call(
4852 p.querySelectorAll("a"),
4853 (y) => {
4854 const j = pi(y.getAttribute("href"));
4855 j && (y.setAttribute("data-wp-title", j.title), y.setAttribute("data-wp-lang", j.lang), R ? y.addEventListener("click", s) : y.addEventListener("mouseenter", s), Z.push({
4856 text: y.textContent,
4857 title: j.title,
4858 lang: j.lang
4859 }));
4860 }
4861 );
4862 }), c && (console.group("Wikipedia Preview [debug mode]"), console.group(`Searching for "${r}" inside ${e}, Total links found: ${z.length}`), z.forEach((p, y) => {
4863 console.log(y + 1, `${p.text} -> ${Be(p.lang, p.title, R, !1)}`);
4864 }), console.groupEnd(), n && (console.group(`Searching for links to Wikipedia, Total links found: ${Z.length}`), Z.forEach((p, y) => {
4865 console.log(y + 1, `${p.text} -> ${Be(p.lang, p.title, R, !1)}`);
4866 }), console.groupEnd()), console.groupEnd());
4869const qd = { init: Pd, version: va, getPreviewHtml: Md };
4870export {
4871 qd as default