402 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict';
3Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
5function _nullishCoalesce$6(lhs, rhsFn) { if (lhs != null) { return lhs; } else { return rhsFn(); } } function _optionalChain$9(ops) { let lastAccessLHS = undefined; let value = ops[0]; let i = 1; while (i < ops.length) { const op = ops[i]; const fn = ops[i + 1]; i += 2; if ((op === 'optionalAccess' || op === 'optionalCall') && value == null) { return undefined; } if (op === 'access' || op === 'optionalAccess') { lastAccessLHS = value; value = fn(value); } else if (op === 'call' || op === 'optionalCall') { value = fn((...args) => value.call(lastAccessLHS, ...args)); lastAccessLHS = undefined; } } return value; }
9function toArray(v) {
10 if (Array.isArray(v))
11 return v;
12 return [v];
15function hash(str) {
16 str = str.replace(/\r/g, '');
17 let hash = 5381;
18 let i = str.length;
20 while (i--) hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) ^ str.charCodeAt(i);
21 return (hash >>> 0).toString(36);
24function indent(code, tab = 2) {
25 const spaces = Array(tab).fill(' ').join('');
26 return code
27 .split('\n')
28 .map((line) => spaces + line)
29 .join('\n');
32function wrapit(
33 code,
34 start = '{',
35 end = '}',
36 tab = 2,
37 minify = false
38) {
39 if (minify) return `${start}${code}${end}`;
40 return `${start}\n${indent(code, tab)}\n${end}`;
43function isNumber(
44 amount,
45 start = -Infinity,
46 end = Infinity,
47 type = 'int'
48) {
49 const isInt = /^-?\d+$/.test(amount);
50 if (type === 'int') {
51 if (!isInt) return false;
52 } else {
53 const isFloat = /^-?\d+\.\d+$/.test(amount);
54 if (!(isInt || isFloat)) return false;
55 }
56 const num = parseFloat(amount);
57 return num >= start && num <= end;
60function isFraction(amount) {
61 return /^\d+\/\d+$/.test(amount);
64function isSize(amount) {
65 return /^-?(\d+(\.\d+)?)+(rem|em|px|rpx|vh|vw|ch|ex)$/.test(amount);
68function isSpace(str) {
69 return /^\s*$/.test(str);
72function roundUp(num, precision = 0) {
73 precision = Math.pow(10, precision);
74 return Math.round(num * precision) / precision;
77function fracToPercent(amount) {
78 const matches = amount.match(/[^/]+/g);
79 if (!matches || matches.length < 2) return;
80 const a = +matches[0];
81 const b = +matches[1];
82 return roundUp((a / b) * 100, 6) + '%';
85function hex2RGB(hex) {
86 const RGB_HEX = /^#?(?:([\da-f]{3})[\da-f]?|([\da-f]{6})(?:[\da-f]{2})?)$/i;
87 const [, short, long] = String(hex).match(RGB_HEX) || [];
89 if (long) {
90 const value = Number.parseInt(long, 16);
91 return [value >> 16, (value >> 8) & 0xff, value & 0xff];
92 } else if (short) {
93 return Array.from(short, (s) => Number.parseInt(s, 16)).map(
94 (n) => (n << 4) | n
95 );
96 }
99function camelToDash(str) {
100 // Use exact the same regex as Post CSS
101 return str.replace(/([A-Z])/g, '-$1').replace(/^ms-/, '-ms-').toLowerCase();
104function dashToCamel(str) {
105 if (!/-/.test(str)) return str;
106 return str.toLowerCase().replace(/-(.)/g, (_, group) => group.toUpperCase());
109// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
110function getNestedValue(obj, key) {
111 const topKey = key.match(/^[^.[]+/);
112 if (!topKey) return;
113 let topValue = obj[topKey[0]];
114 if (!topValue) return;
115 let index = topKey[0].length;
116 while(index < key.length) {
117 const square = key.slice(index, ).match(/\[[^\s\]]+?\]/);
118 const dot = key.slice(index, ).match(/\.[^.[]+$|\.[^.[]+(?=\.)/);
119 if (( !square && !dot ) || ( _optionalChain$9([square, 'optionalAccess', _2 => _2.index]) === undefined && _optionalChain$9([dot, 'optionalAccess', _3 => _3.index]) === undefined )) return topValue;
120 if (typeof topValue !== 'object') return;
121 if (dot && dot.index !== undefined && (_optionalChain$9([square, 'optionalAccess', _4 => _4.index]) === undefined || dot.index < square.index)) {
122 const arg = dot[0].slice(1,);
123 topValue = topValue[arg];
124 index += dot.index + dot[0].length;
125 } else if (square && square.index !== undefined) {
126 const arg = square[0].slice(1, -1).trim().replace(/^['"]+|['"]+$/g, '');
127 topValue = topValue[arg];
128 index += square.index + square[0].length;
129 }
130 }
131 return topValue;
134function negateValue(value) {
135 if (/(^0\w)|(^-)|(^0$)/.test(value)) return value;
136 return '-' + value;
139function searchFrom(
140 text,
141 target,
142 startIndex = 0,
143 endIndex
144) {
145 // search from partial of string
146 const subText = text.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
147 const relativeIndex = subText.search(target);
148 return relativeIndex === -1 ? -1 : startIndex + relativeIndex;
151function connectList(a, b, append = true) {
152 return append ? [...(_nullishCoalesce$6(a, () => ( []))), ...(_nullishCoalesce$6(b, () => ( [])))] : [...(_nullishCoalesce$6(b, () => ( []))), ...(_nullishCoalesce$6(a, () => ( [])))];
161function toType(
162 value,
163 type
164) {
165 switch (type) {
166 case 'object':
167 return value && typeof value === 'object' ? value : {};
168 case 'string':
169 if (typeof value === 'string') return value ;
170 break;
171 case 'number':
172 if (typeof value === 'number') return value ;
173 break;
174 }
177function deepCopy(source) {
178 return Array.isArray(source)
179 ? (source ).map((item) => deepCopy(item))
180 : source instanceof Date
181 ? new Date(source.getTime())
182 : source && typeof source === 'object'
183 ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames(source).reduce((o, prop) => {
184 const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, prop);
185 if (descriptor) {
186 Object.defineProperty(o, prop, descriptor);
187 if (source && typeof source === 'object') {
188 o[prop] = deepCopy(
189 ((source ) )[prop]
190 );
191 }
192 }
193 return o;
194 }, Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(source)))
195 : (source );
198function isTagName(name) {
199 return ['a', 'abbr', 'address', 'area', 'article', 'aside', 'audio', 'b', 'base', 'bdi', 'bdo', 'blockquote', 'body', 'br', 'button', 'canvas', 'caption', 'cite', 'code', 'col', 'colgroup', 'data', 'datalist', 'dd', 'del', 'details', 'dfn', 'dialog', 'div', 'dl', 'dt', 'em', 'embd', 'fieldset', 'figcaption', 'figure', 'footer', 'form', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'head', 'header', 'hr', 'html', 'i', 'iframe', 'img', 'input', 'ins', 'kbd', 'label', 'legend', 'li', 'link', 'main', 'map', 'mark', 'meta', 'meter', 'nav', 'noscript', 'object', 'ol', 'optgroup', 'option', 'output', 'p', 'param', 'picture', 'pre', 'progress', 'q', 'rp', 'rt', 'ruby', 's', 'samp', 'script', 'section', 'select', 'small', 'source', 'span', 'strong', 'style', 'sub', 'summary', 'sup', 'svg', 'table', 'tbody', 'td', 'template', 'textarea', 'tfoot', 'th', 'thead', 'time', 'title', 'tr', 'track', 'u', 'ul', 'var', 'video', 'wbr'].includes(name);
202function flatColors(colors, head) {
203 let flatten = {};
204 for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(colors)) {
205 if (typeof value === 'string' || typeof value === 'function') {
206 flatten[(head && key === 'DEFAULT') ? head : head ? `${head}-${key}`: key] = value;
207 } else {
208 flatten = { ...flatten, ...flatColors(value, head ? `${head}-${key}`: key) };
209 }
210 }
211 return flatten;
214function testRegexr(text, expressions) {
215 for (const exp of expressions) {
216 if (exp.test(text)) return true;
217 }
218 return false;
221function searchPropEnd(text, startIndex = 0) {
222 let index = startIndex;
223 let output = -1;
224 let openSingleQuote = false;
225 let openDoubleQuote = false;
226 let openBracket = false;
227 let isEscaped = false;
228 while (index < text.length) {
229 switch (text.charAt(index)) {
230 case '\\':
231 isEscaped = !isEscaped;
232 break;
233 case '\'':
234 if (!openDoubleQuote && !openBracket && !isEscaped) openSingleQuote = !openSingleQuote;
235 isEscaped = false;
236 break;
237 case '"':
238 if (!openSingleQuote && !openBracket && !isEscaped) openDoubleQuote = !openDoubleQuote;
239 isEscaped = false;
240 break;
241 case '(':
242 if (!openBracket && !openSingleQuote && !openDoubleQuote && !isEscaped) openBracket = true;
243 isEscaped = false;
244 break;
245 case ')':
246 if (openBracket && !isEscaped) openBracket = false;
247 isEscaped = false;
248 break;
249 case ';':
250 if (!isEscaped && !openSingleQuote && !openDoubleQuote && !openBracket) output = index;
251 isEscaped = false;
252 break;
253 default:
254 isEscaped = false;
255 break;
256 }
257 if (output !== -1) break;
258 index++;
259 }
260 return output;
263function searchNotEscape(text, chars = ['{']) {
264 if (!Array.isArray(chars)) chars = [ chars ];
265 let i = 0;
266 while (i < text.length) {
267 if (chars.includes(text.charAt(i)) && text.charAt(i - 1) !== '\\') {
268 return i;
269 }
270 i ++;
271 }
272 return -1;
275function splitSelectors(selectors) {
276 const splitted = [];
277 let parens = 0;
278 let angulars = 0;
279 let soFar = '';
280 for (let i = 0, len = selectors.length; i < len; i++) {
281 const char = selectors[i];
282 if (char === '(') {
283 parens += 1;
284 } else if (char === ')') {
285 parens -= 1;
286 } else if (char === '[') {
287 angulars += 1;
288 } else if (char === ']') {
289 angulars -= 1;
290 } else if (char === ',') {
291 if (!parens && !angulars) {
292 splitted.push(soFar.trim());
293 soFar = '';
294 continue;
295 }
296 }
297 soFar += char;
298 }
299 splitted.push(soFar.trim());
300 return splitted;
303function guessClassName(selector) {
304 if (selector.indexOf(',') >= 0) return splitSelectors(selector).map(i => guessClassName(i) );
305 // not classes, contains attribute selectors, nested selectors - treat as static
306 if (selector.charAt(0) !== '.' || searchNotEscape(selector, ['[', '>', '+', '~']) >= 0 || selector.trim().indexOf(' ') >= 0 || searchNotEscape(selector.slice(1), '.') >=0)
307 return { selector, isClass: false };
308 const pseudo = searchNotEscape(selector, ':');
309 const className = (_optionalChain$9([selector, 'access', _5 => _5.match, 'call', _6 => _6(/^\.([\w-]|(\\\W))+/), 'optionalAccess', _7 => _7[0], 'access', _8 => _8.slice, 'call', _9 => _9(1,)]) || '').replace(/\\/g, '');
310 if (pseudo === -1) return { selector: className, isClass: true };
311 return { selector: className, isClass: true, pseudo: selector.slice(pseudo,) };
314 * Increase string a value with unit
315 *
316 * @example '2px' + 1 = '3px'
317 * @example '15em' + (-2) = '13em'
318 */
322function increaseWithUnit(target, delta) {
323 if (typeof target === 'number')
324 return target + delta;
325 const value = _optionalChain$9([target, 'access', _10 => _10.match, 'call', _11 => _11(/^-?[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*/), 'optionalAccess', _12 => _12[0]]) || '';
326 const unit = target.slice(value.length);
327 const result = (parseFloat(value) + delta);
328 if (Number.isNaN(result))
329 return target;
330 return result + unit;
334function splitColorGroup(color) {
335 const sep = color.indexOf('/');
336 if (sep === -1) return [ color, undefined ];
337 return [ color.slice(0, sep), color.slice(sep+1) ];
340function _nullishCoalesce$5(lhs, rhsFn) { if (lhs != null) { return lhs; } else { return rhsFn(); } } function _optionalChain$8(ops) { let lastAccessLHS = undefined; let value = ops[0]; let i = 1; while (i < ops.length) { const op = ops[i]; const fn = ops[i + 1]; i += 2; if ((op === 'optionalAccess' || op === 'optionalCall') && value == null) { return undefined; } if (op === 'access' || op === 'optionalAccess') { lastAccessLHS = value; value = fn(value); } else if (op === 'call' || op === 'optionalCall') { value = fn((...args) => value.call(lastAccessLHS, ...args)); lastAccessLHS = undefined; } } return value; }
355class Property {
356 __init() {this.meta = { type: 'utilities', group: 'plugin', order: 0, offset: 0, corePlugin: false };}
362 constructor(
363 name,
364 value,
365 comment,
366 important = false
367 ) {Property.prototype.__init.call(this);
368 this.name = name;
369 this.value = value;
370 this.comment = comment;
371 this.important = important;
372 }
374 static _singleParse(
375 css
376 ) {
377 css = css.trim();
378 if (!css) return;
379 if (css.charAt(0) === '@') return InlineAtRule.parse(css);
380 const split = css.search(':');
381 const end = searchPropEnd(css);
382 if (split === -1) return;
383 let important = false;
384 let prop = css.substring(split + 1, end === -1 ? undefined : end).trim();
385 if (/!important;?$/.test(prop)) {
386 important = true;
387 prop = prop.replace(/!important/, '').trimRight();
388 }
389 return new Property(
390 css.substring(0, split).trim(),
391 prop,
392 undefined,
393 important
394 );
395 }
397 static parse(
398 css
399 ) {
400 if (!/;\s*$/.test(css)) css += ';'; // Fix for the situation where the last semicolon is omitted
401 const properties = [];
402 let index = 0;
403 let end = searchPropEnd(css, index);
404 while (end !== -1) {
405 const parsed = this._singleParse(css.substring(searchFrom(css, /\S/, index), end + 1));
406 if (parsed) properties.push(parsed);
407 index = end + 1;
408 end = searchPropEnd(css, index);
409 }
410 const count = properties.length;
411 if (count > 1) return properties;
412 if (count === 1) return properties[0];
413 }
415 clone() {
416 return deepCopy(this);
417 }
419 toStyle(selector) {
420 const style = new Style(selector, this, this.important);
421 style.meta = this.meta;
422 return style;
423 }
425 build(minify = false) {
426 const createProperty = (name, value) => {
427 if (minify) {
428 return `${name}:${value}${this.important ? '!important' : ''};`;
429 } else {
430 const p = `${name}: ${value}${this.important ? ' !important' : ''};`;
431 return this.comment ? p + ` /* ${this.comment} */` : p;
432 }
433 };
434 if (!this.value) return '';
435 return typeof this.name === 'string'
436 ? createProperty(this.name, this.value)
437 : this.name
438 .map((i) => createProperty(i, this.value))
439 .join(minify ? '' : '\n');
440 }
442 updateMeta(type, group, order, offset = 0, corePlugin = false) {
443 this.meta = {
444 type,
445 group,
446 order,
447 offset,
448 corePlugin,
449 };
450 return this;
451 }
454class InlineAtRule extends Property {
456 constructor(name, value, important = false) {
457 super(name, value, undefined, important);
458 this.name = name;
459 }
460 static parse(css) {
461 const matchName = css.match(/@[^\s;{}]+/);
462 if (matchName) {
463 const name = matchName[0].substring(1);
464 let important = false;
465 let expression =
466 matchName.index !== undefined
467 ? _optionalChain$8([css
468, 'access', _ => _.substring, 'call', _2 => _2(matchName.index + name.length + 1)
469, 'access', _3 => _3.match, 'call', _4 => _4(/(?:(['"]).*?\1|[^;])*/), 'optionalAccess', _5 => _5[0]
470, 'access', _6 => _6.trim, 'call', _7 => _7()])
471 : undefined;
472 if (expression && /!important;?$/.test(expression)) {
473 important = true;
474 expression = expression.replace(/!important/, '').trimRight();
475 }
476 return new InlineAtRule(
477 name,
478 expression === '' ? undefined : expression,
479 important
480 );
481 }
482 }
483 build() {
484 return this.value
485 ? `@${this.name} ${this.value}${this.important ? ' !important' : ''};`
486 : `@${this.name}${this.important ? ' !important' : ''};`;
487 }
490class Style {
491 __init2() {this.meta = { type: 'components', group: 'plugin', order: 0, offset: 0, corePlugin: false };}
505 constructor(
506 selector,
507 property,
508 important = false
509 ) {Style.prototype.__init2.call(this);
510 this.selector = selector;
511 this.important = important;
512 this.property = toArray(property || []);
513 }
515 get rule() {
516 let selectors = (_nullishCoalesce$5(this.selector, () => ( ''))).trim().split(/\s*,\s*/g);
517 this._parentSelectors && (selectors = selectors.map(i => `${_optionalChain$8([this, 'access', _8 => _8._parentSelectors, 'optionalAccess', _9 => _9.join, 'call', _10 => _10(' ')])} ${i}`));
518 (_nullishCoalesce$5(this._wrapSelectors, () => ( []))).forEach((func) => (selectors = selectors.map(i => func(i))));
519 this._pseudoClasses && (selectors = selectors.map(i => i + `:${_optionalChain$8([this, 'access', _11 => _11._pseudoClasses, 'optionalAccess', _12 => _12.join, 'call', _13 => _13(':')])}`));
520 this._pseudoElements && (selectors = selectors.map(i => i + `::${_optionalChain$8([this, 'access', _14 => _14._pseudoElements, 'optionalAccess', _15 => _15.join, 'call', _16 => _16('::')])}`));
521 this._brotherSelectors && (selectors = selectors.map(i => i + `.${_optionalChain$8([this, 'access', _17 => _17._brotherSelectors, 'optionalAccess', _18 => _18.join, 'call', _19 => _19('.')])}`));
522 this._childSelectors && (selectors = selectors.map(i => i + ` ${_optionalChain$8([this, 'access', _20 => _20._childSelectors, 'optionalAccess', _21 => _21.join, 'call', _22 => _22(' ')])}`));
523 (_nullishCoalesce$5(this._wrapRules, () => ( []))).forEach((func) => (selectors = selectors.map(i => func(i))));
524 return selectors.join(', ');
525 }
527 get pseudoClasses() {
528 return this._pseudoClasses;
529 }
531 get pseudoElements() {
532 return this._pseudoElements;
533 }
535 get parentSelectors() {
536 return this._parentSelectors;
537 }
539 get childSelectors() {
540 return this._childSelectors;
541 }
543 get brotherSelectors() {
544 return this._brotherSelectors;
545 }
547 get wrapProperties() {
548 return this._wrapProperties;
549 }
551 get wrapSelectors() {
552 return this._wrapSelectors;
553 }
555 get wrapRules() {
556 return this._wrapRules;
557 }
559 get simple() {
560 // is this style only has property and no wrap?
561 return !(this.atRules || this._pseudoClasses || this._pseudoElements || this._parentSelectors || this._childSelectors || this._brotherSelectors || this._wrapProperties || this._wrapSelectors || this._wrapRules);
562 }
564 get isAtrule() {
565 return !(this.atRules === undefined || this.atRules.length === 0);
566 }
568 static generate(
569 parent,
570 property,
571 root,
572 ) {
573 if (!root)
574 root = _optionalChain$8([parent, 'optionalAccess', _23 => _23.startsWith, 'call', _24 => _24('@')])
575 ? new Style().atRule(parent)
576 : new Style(parent);
578 let output = [];
580 for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(_nullishCoalesce$5(property, () => ( {})))) {
581 if (typeof value === 'string') {
582 root.add(new Property(camelToDash(key), value));
583 } else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
584 value.map(i => _optionalChain$8([root, 'optionalAccess', _25 => _25.add, 'call', _26 => _26(new Property(camelToDash(key), i))]));
585 } else {
586 const wrap = deepCopy(root);
587 wrap.property = [];
588 let child;
589 if (key.startsWith('@')) {
590 child = wrap.atRule(key, false);
591 } else {
592 if (wrap.selector === undefined) {
593 wrap.selector = key;
594 child = wrap;
595 } else {
596 if (/^[a-z]+$/.test(key) && !isTagName(key)) {
597 wrap.wrapProperty(property => `${key}-${property}`);
598 child = wrap;
599 } else {
600 const _hKey = (selector, key) => (/&/.test(key) ? key : `& ${key}`).replace('&', selector);
601 wrap.wrapSelector((selector) =>
602 selector
603 .trim()
604 .split(/\s*,\s*/g)
605 .map((s) =>
606 key
607 .split(/\s*,\s*/g)
608 .map((i) => _hKey(s, i))
609 .join(', ')
610 )
611 .join(', ')
612 );
613 child = wrap;
614 }
615 }
616 }
617 output = output.concat(Style.generate(key.startsWith('@') ? undefined : key, value, child));
618 }
619 }
620 if (root.property.length > 0) output.unshift(root);
621 return output;
622 }
624 atRule(atrule, append = true) {
625 if (!atrule) return this;
626 if (this.atRules) {
627 append ? this.atRules.push(atrule) : this.atRules.unshift(atrule);
628 } else {
629 this.atRules = [atrule];
630 }
631 return this;
632 }
634 pseudoClass(string) {
635 if (this._pseudoClasses) {
636 this._pseudoClasses.push(string);
637 } else {
638 this._pseudoClasses = [string];
639 }
640 return this;
641 }
643 pseudoElement(string) {
644 if (this._pseudoElements) {
645 this._pseudoElements.push(string);
646 } else {
647 this._pseudoElements = [string];
648 }
649 return this;
650 }
652 brother(string) {
653 if (this._brotherSelectors) {
654 this._brotherSelectors.push(string);
655 } else {
656 this._brotherSelectors = [string];
657 }
658 return this;
659 }
661 parent(string) {
662 if (this._parentSelectors) {
663 this._parentSelectors.push(string);
664 } else {
665 this._parentSelectors = [string];
666 }
667 return this;
668 }
670 child(string) {
671 if (this._childSelectors) {
672 this._childSelectors.push(string);
673 } else {
674 this._childSelectors = [string];
675 }
676 return this;
677 }
679 wrapProperty(func) {
680 if (this._wrapProperties) {
681 this._wrapProperties.push(func);
682 } else {
683 this._wrapProperties = [func];
684 }
685 return this;
686 }
688 wrapSelector(func) {
689 if (this._wrapSelectors) {
690 this._wrapSelectors.push(func);
691 } else {
692 this._wrapSelectors = [func];
693 }
694 return this;
695 }
697 wrapRule(func) {
698 if (this._wrapRules) {
699 this._wrapRules.push(func);
700 } else {
701 this._wrapRules = [func];
702 }
703 return this;
704 }
706 add(item) {
707 item = toArray(item);
708 if (this.important) item.forEach((i) => (i.important = true));
709 this.property = [...this.property, ...item];
710 return this;
711 }
713 extend(item, onlyProperty = false, append = true) {
714 if (!item) return this;
715 if (item.wrapProperties) {
716 const props = [];
717 item.property.forEach((p) => {
718 const pc = new Property(p.name, p.value, p.comment);
719 _optionalChain$8([item, 'access', _27 => _27.wrapProperties, 'optionalAccess', _28 => _28.forEach, 'call', _29 => _29((wrap) => {
720 pc.name = Array.isArray(pc.name)
721 ? pc.name.map((i) => wrap(i))
722 : wrap(pc.name);
723 })]);
724 if (item.important) pc.important = true;
725 props.push(pc);
726 });
727 this.property = connectList(this.property, props, append);
728 } else {
729 if (item.important) item.property.forEach((i) => (i.important = true));
730 this.property = connectList(this.property, item.property, append);
731 }
732 if (onlyProperty) return this;
733 item.selector && (this.selector = item.selector);
734 this.meta = item.meta;
735 item.atRules &&
736 (this.atRules = connectList(item.atRules, this.atRules, append)); // atrule is build in reverse
737 item._brotherSelectors &&
738 (this._brotherSelectors = connectList(
739 this._brotherSelectors,
740 item._brotherSelectors,
741 append
742 ));
743 item._childSelectors &&
744 (this._childSelectors = connectList(
745 this._childSelectors,
746 item._childSelectors,
747 append
748 ));
749 item._parentSelectors &&
750 (this._parentSelectors = connectList(
751 this._parentSelectors,
752 item._parentSelectors,
753 append
754 ));
755 item._pseudoClasses &&
756 (this._pseudoClasses = connectList(
757 this._pseudoClasses,
758 item._pseudoClasses,
759 append
760 ));
761 item._pseudoElements &&
762 (this._pseudoElements = connectList(
763 this._pseudoElements,
764 item._pseudoElements,
765 append
766 ));
767 item._wrapRules &&
768 (this._wrapRules = connectList(this._wrapRules, item._wrapRules, append));
769 item._wrapSelectors &&
770 (this._wrapSelectors = connectList(
771 this._wrapSelectors,
772 item._wrapSelectors,
773 append
774 ));
775 return this;
776 }
778 clean() {
779 // remove duplicated property
780 const property = [];
781 const cache = [];
782 this.property.forEach((i) => {
783 const inline = i.build();
784 if (!cache.includes(inline)) {
785 cache.push(inline);
786 property.push(i);
787 }
788 });
789 this.property = property;
790 return this;
791 }
793 flat() {
794 const properties = [];
795 this.property.forEach((p) => {
796 if (Array.isArray(p.name)) {
797 p.name.forEach((i) => {
798 properties.push(new Property(i, p.value, p.comment));
799 });
800 } else {
801 properties.push(p);
802 }
803 });
804 this.property = properties;
805 return this;
806 }
808 clone(selector, property) {
809 const newStyle = deepCopy(this);
810 if (selector) newStyle.selector = selector;
811 if (property) newStyle.property = Array.isArray(property) ? property: [ property ];
812 return newStyle;
813 }
815 sort() {
816 // sort property
817 this.property = this.property.sort((a, b) => {
818 return `${a.name}`.substring(0, 2) > `${b.name}`.substring(0, 2) ? 1 : -1;
819 });
820 return this;
821 }
823 build(minify = false, prefixer = true) {
824 let properties = this.property;
825 if (!prefixer) properties = properties.filter(p => {
826 if (p.value && /-(webkit|ms|moz|o)-/.test(p.value)) return false;
827 if (Array.isArray(p.name)) {
828 p.name = p.name.filter(i => !/^-(webkit|ms|moz|o)-/.test(i));
829 return true;
830 }
831 return !/^-(webkit|ms|moz|o)-/.test(p.name);
832 });
833 let result = properties.map(p => {
834 if (this._wrapProperties) {
835 let name = p.name;
836 this._wrapProperties.forEach(w => (name = Array.isArray(name) ? name.map(n => w(n)) : w(name)));
837 return new Property(name, p.value, p.comment, this.important ? true : p.important).build(minify);
838 }
839 return this.important ? new Property(p.name, p.value, p.comment, true).build(minify) : p.build(minify);
840 }).join(minify ? '' : '\n');
841 if (!this.selector && !this.atRules) return result.replace(/;}/g, '}');
842 if (this.selector) result = (minify ? this.rule.replace(/,\s/g, ',') : this.rule + ' ') + wrapit(result, undefined, undefined, undefined, result !== '' ? minify : true);
843 if (this.atRules) {
844 for (const rule of this.atRules) {
845 result = minify ? `${rule.replace(/\s/g, '')}${wrapit(result, undefined, undefined, undefined, minify)}` : `${rule} ${wrapit(result, undefined, undefined, undefined, result !== '' ? minify : true)}`;
846 }
847 }
848 return minify ? result.replace(/;}/g, '}') : result;
849 }
851 updateMeta(type, group, order, offset = 0, corePlugin = false, respectSelector = false) {
852 this.meta = {
853 type,
854 group,
855 order,
856 offset,
857 corePlugin,
858 respectSelector,
859 };
860 return this;
861 }
864class Keyframes extends Style {
865 constructor(
866 selector,
867 property,
868 important,
869 ) {
870 super(selector, property, important);
871 }
873 // root param only for consist with style
874 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
875 static generate(name, children, root = undefined, prefixer = true) {
876 const styles = [];
877 const webkitStyles = [];
878 for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(children)) {
879 const style = new Keyframes(key).atRule(`@keyframes ${name}`);
880 const webkitStyle = new Keyframes(key).atRule(
881 `@-webkit-keyframes ${name}`
882 );
883 for (const [pkey, pvalue] of Object.entries(value)) {
884 let prop = pkey;
885 if (pkey === 'transform') {
886 prop = prefixer ? ['-webkit-transform', 'transform'] : 'transform';
887 } else if (
888 ['animationTimingFunction', 'animation-timing-function'].includes(pkey)
889 ) {
890 prop = prefixer ? [
891 '-webkit-animation-timing-function',
892 'animation-timing-function',
893 ] : 'animation-timing-function';
894 }
895 style.add(new Property(prop, pvalue));
896 webkitStyle.add(new Property(prop, pvalue));
897 }
898 styles.push(style);
899 if (prefixer) webkitStyles.push(webkitStyle);
900 }
901 return [...styles, ...webkitStyles];
902 }
905class Container extends Style {
906 constructor(
907 selector,
908 property,
909 important,
910 ) {
911 super(selector, property, important);
912 }
915const minMaxWidth = /(!?\(\s*min(-device-)?-width).+\(\s*max(-device)?-width/i;
916const minWidth = /\(\s*min(-device)?-width/i;
917const maxMinWidth = /(!?\(\s*max(-device)?-width).+\(\s*min(-device)?-width/i;
918const maxWidth = /\(\s*max(-device)?-width/i;
920const isMinWidth = _testQuery(minMaxWidth, maxMinWidth, minWidth);
921const isMaxWidth = _testQuery(maxMinWidth, minMaxWidth, maxWidth);
923const minMaxHeight = /(!?\(\s*min(-device)?-height).+\(\s*max(-device)?-height/i;
924const minHeight = /\(\s*min(-device)?-height/i;
925const maxMinHeight = /(!?\(\s*max(-device)?-height).+\(\s*min(-device)?-height/i;
926const maxHeight = /\(\s*max(-device)?-height/i;
928const isMinHeight = _testQuery(minMaxHeight, maxMinHeight, minHeight);
929const isMaxHeight = _testQuery(maxMinHeight, minMaxHeight, maxHeight);
931const isPrint = /print/i;
932const isPrintOnly = /^print\$/i;
933const isAtRule = /^\s*@/i;
934const isMedia = /^\s*@media/i;
936const maxValue = Number.MAX_VALUE;
938function _getQueryLength(length) {
939 const result = /(-?\d*\.?\d+)(ch|em|ex|px|rpx|rem)/.exec(length);
941 if (result === null) {
942 return maxValue;
943 }
945 const number = result[1];
946 const unit = result[2];
948 switch (unit) {
949 case 'ch':
950 return parseFloat(number) * 8.8984375;
951 case 'em':
952 case 'rem':
953 return parseFloat(number) * 16;
954 case 'ex':
955 return parseFloat(number) * 8.296875;
956 case 'px':
957 case 'rpx':
958 return parseFloat(number);
959 }
961 return +number;
964function _testQuery(
965 doubleTestTrue,
966 doubleTestFalse,
967 singleTest
968) {
969 return function (query) {
970 if (doubleTestTrue.test(query)) {
971 return true;
972 } else if (doubleTestFalse.test(query)) {
973 return false;
974 }
975 return singleTest.test(query);
976 };
979function _testAtRule(a, b) {
980 const isMediaA = isMedia.test(a);
981 const isMediaB = isMedia.test(b);
983 if (isMediaA && isMediaB) return null;
985 const isAtRuleA = isAtRule.test(a);
986 const isAtRuleB = isAtRule.test(b);
988 if (isAtRuleA) return 1;
989 if (isAtRuleB) return -1;
991 return 0; // don't sort selector name, may cause overwrite bug.
994function _testIsPrint(a, b) {
995 const isPrintA = isPrint.test(a);
996 const isPrintOnlyA = isPrintOnly.test(a);
998 const isPrintB = isPrint.test(b);
999 const isPrintOnlyB = isPrintOnly.test(b);
1001 if (isPrintA && isPrintB) {
1002 if (!isPrintOnlyA && isPrintOnlyB) {
1003 return 1;
1004 }
1005 if (isPrintOnlyA && !isPrintOnlyB) {
1006 return -1;
1007 }
1008 return a.localeCompare(b);
1009 }
1010 if (isPrintA) {
1011 return 1;
1012 }
1013 if (isPrintB) {
1014 return -1;
1015 }
1017 return null;
1020function sortMediaQuery(a, b) {
1021 const testAtRule = _testAtRule(a, b);
1022 if (testAtRule !== null) return testAtRule;
1023 const testIsPrint = _testIsPrint(a, b);
1024 if (testIsPrint !== null) return testIsPrint;
1026 const minA = isMinWidth(a) || isMinHeight(a);
1027 const maxA = isMaxWidth(a) || isMaxHeight(a);
1029 const minB = isMinWidth(b) || isMinHeight(b);
1030 const maxB = isMaxWidth(b) || isMaxHeight(b);
1032 if (minA && maxB) {
1033 return -1;
1034 }
1035 if (maxA && minB) {
1036 return 1;
1037 }
1039 const lengthA = _getQueryLength(a);
1040 const lengthB = _getQueryLength(b);
1042 if (lengthA === maxValue && lengthB === maxValue) {
1043 return a.localeCompare(b);
1044 } else if (lengthA === maxValue) {
1045 return 1;
1046 } else if (lengthB === maxValue) {
1047 return -1;
1048 }
1050 if (lengthA > lengthB) {
1051 if (maxA) {
1052 return -1;
1053 }
1054 return 1;
1055 }
1057 if (lengthA < lengthB) {
1058 if (maxA) {
1059 return 1;
1060 }
1061 return -1;
1062 }
1064 return a.localeCompare(b);
1067function _nullishCoalesce$4(lhs, rhsFn) { if (lhs != null) { return lhs; } else { return rhsFn(); } } function _optionalChain$7(ops) { let lastAccessLHS = undefined; let value = ops[0]; let i = 1; while (i < ops.length) { const op = ops[i]; const fn = ops[i + 1]; i += 2; if ((op === 'optionalAccess' || op === 'optionalCall') && value == null) { return undefined; } if (op === 'access' || op === 'optionalAccess') { lastAccessLHS = value; value = fn(value); } else if (op === 'call' || op === 'optionalCall') { value = fn((...args) => value.call(lastAccessLHS, ...args)); lastAccessLHS = undefined; } } return value; }
1069function getWeights(a) {
1070 const first = a.charAt(0);
1071 const second = a.charAt(1);
1072 if (first === ':' && second === ':') return 59; // ::moz ...
1073 if (first === '#') return 500; // #id ...
1074 if (first !== '.') return first.charCodeAt(0); // html, body ...
1075 return 499;
1078function sortMeta(a, b) {
1079 if (a.meta.type === 'base' && b.meta.type === 'base') return getWeights(_nullishCoalesce$4(a.selector, () => ( ''))) - getWeights(_nullishCoalesce$4(b.selector, () => ( '')));
1080 return sortMediaQuery(_optionalChain$7([a, 'access', _ => _.meta, 'access', _2 => _2.variants, 'optionalAccess', _3 => _3[0]]) || '', _optionalChain$7([b, 'access', _4 => _4.meta, 'access', _5 => _5.variants, 'optionalAccess', _6 => _6[0]]) || '') || (a.meta.order - b.meta.order) || (a.meta.offset - b.meta.offset) || +b.meta.corePlugin - +a.meta.corePlugin;
1083function sortGroup(a, b) {
1084 return sortMediaQuery(_optionalChain$7([a, 'access', _7 => _7.meta, 'access', _8 => _8.variants, 'optionalAccess', _9 => _9[0]]) || '', _optionalChain$7([b, 'access', _10 => _10.meta, 'access', _11 => _11.variants, 'optionalAccess', _12 => _12[0]]) || '') || (a.meta.order - b.meta.order);
1087function _optionalChain$6(ops) { let lastAccessLHS = undefined; let value = ops[0]; let i = 1; while (i < ops.length) { const op = ops[i]; const fn = ops[i + 1]; i += 2; if ((op === 'optionalAccess' || op === 'optionalCall') && value == null) { return undefined; } if (op === 'access' || op === 'optionalAccess') { lastAccessLHS = value; value = fn(value); } else if (op === 'call' || op === 'optionalCall') { value = fn((...args) => value.call(lastAccessLHS, ...args)); lastAccessLHS = undefined; } } return value; }
1089function _buildAtrule(atrule, children, minify = false, prefixer = true) {
1090 return `${ atrule }${ minify ? '' : ' ' }${ wrapit(_buildStyleList(children, minify, prefixer), undefined, undefined, undefined, minify) }`;
1093function _buildStyleList(styleList, minify = false, prefixer = true) {
1094 let currentAtrule;
1095 let currentStyle;
1096 let styleStack = [];
1097 const output = [];
1098 for (const style of styleList) {
1099 if (style.isAtrule) {
1100 if (currentStyle) {
1101 output.push(currentStyle.clean().build(minify, prefixer));
1102 currentStyle = undefined;
1103 }
1104 const newAtrule = (style.atRules ).pop();
1105 if (currentAtrule) {
1106 if (currentAtrule === newAtrule && newAtrule !== '@font-face') { // @font-face shouldn't been combined
1107 styleStack.push(style);
1108 } else {
1109 output.push(_buildAtrule(currentAtrule, styleStack, minify, prefixer));
1110 currentAtrule = newAtrule;
1111 styleStack = [ style ];
1112 }
1113 } else {
1114 currentAtrule = newAtrule;
1115 styleStack = [ style ];
1116 }
1117 } else {
1118 if (currentAtrule) {
1119 output.push(_buildAtrule(currentAtrule, styleStack, minify, prefixer));
1120 currentAtrule = undefined;
1121 styleStack = [];
1122 }
1123 if (currentStyle) {
1124 if (style.rule === currentStyle.rule) {
1125 if (style.important) style.property.forEach(p => p.important = true);
1126 if (style.wrapProperties) style.property.forEach(p => _optionalChain$6([style, 'access', _ => _.wrapProperties, 'optionalAccess', _2 => _2.forEach, 'call', _3 => _3(wrap => p.name = Array.isArray(p.name) ? p.name.map(i => wrap(i)) : wrap(p.name))]));
1127 currentStyle.add(style.property);
1128 } else {
1129 output.push(currentStyle.clean().build(minify, prefixer));
1130 currentStyle = style;
1131 }
1132 } else {
1133 currentStyle = style;
1134 }
1135 }
1136 }
1137 if (currentAtrule) output.push(_buildAtrule(currentAtrule, styleStack, minify, prefixer));
1138 if (currentStyle) output.push(currentStyle.clean().build(minify, prefixer));
1139 return output.join(minify ? '' : '\n');
1142function compileStyleSheet (styleList, minify = false, prefixer = true) {
1143 return _buildStyleList(deepCopy(styleList), minify, prefixer);
1146function _optionalChain$5(ops) { let lastAccessLHS = undefined; let value = ops[0]; let i = 1; while (i < ops.length) { const op = ops[i]; const fn = ops[i + 1]; i += 2; if ((op === 'optionalAccess' || op === 'optionalCall') && value == null) { return undefined; } if (op === 'access' || op === 'optionalAccess') { lastAccessLHS = value; value = fn(value); } else if (op === 'call' || op === 'optionalCall') { value = fn((...args) => value.call(lastAccessLHS, ...args)); lastAccessLHS = undefined; } } return value; }
1148class StyleSheet {
1150 __init() {this.prefixer = true;}
1152 constructor(children) {StyleSheet.prototype.__init.call(this);
1153 this.children = children || [];
1154 }
1156 add(item) {
1157 if (!item) return this;
1158 if (Array.isArray(item)) {
1159 this.children = [...this.children, ...item];
1160 } else {
1161 this.children.push(item);
1162 }
1163 return this;
1164 }
1166 extend(styleSheet, append = true, dedup = false) {
1167 if (styleSheet) {
1168 let extended = styleSheet.children;
1169 if (dedup) {
1170 const hashes = extended.map(i => hash(i.build()));
1171 extended = extended.filter(i => !hashes.includes(hash(i.build())));
1172 }
1173 this.prefixer = styleSheet.prefixer;
1174 this.children = append? [...this.children, ...extended]: [...extended, ...this.children];
1175 }
1176 return this;
1177 }
1179 combine() {
1180 const styleMap = {};
1181 this.children.forEach((style, index) => {
1182 const hashValue = hash(style.atRules + style.rule);
1183 if (hashValue in styleMap) {
1184 if (_optionalChain$5([style, 'access', _ => _.atRules, 'optionalAccess', _2 => _2.includes, 'call', _3 => _3('@font-face')])) {
1185 // keeps multiple @font-face
1186 styleMap[hashValue + index] = style;
1187 } else {
1188 styleMap[hashValue] = styleMap[hashValue].extend(style, true);
1189 }
1190 } else {
1191 styleMap[hashValue] = style;
1192 }
1193 });
1194 this.children = Object.values(styleMap).map((i) => i.clean());
1195 return this;
1196 }
1198 layer(type) {
1199 const styleSheet = new StyleSheet(this.children.filter(i => i.meta.type === type));
1200 styleSheet.prefixer = this.prefixer;
1201 return styleSheet;
1202 }
1204 split() {
1205 return {
1206 base: this.layer('base'),
1207 components: this.layer('components'),
1208 utilities: this.layer('utilities'),
1209 };
1210 }
1212 clone() {
1213 return deepCopy(this);
1214 }
1216 sort() {
1217 this.children = this.children.sort(sortMeta);
1218 return this;
1219 }
1221 sortby(compareFn) {
1222 this.children = this.children.sort(compareFn);
1223 return this;
1224 }
1226 build(minify = false) {
1227 return compileStyleSheet(this.children, minify, this.prefixer);
1228 }
1231function linearGradient(value) {
1232 // Stupid method, will be changed in the next version...
1233 const map = {
1234 'linear-gradient(to top, var(--tw-gradient-stops))': [
1235 '-o-linear-gradient(bottom, var(--tw-gradient-stops))',
1236 '-webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, left top, from(var(--tw-gradient-stops)))',
1237 'linear-gradient(to top, var(--tw-gradient-stops))',
1238 ],
1239 'linear-gradient(to top right, var(--tw-gradient-stops))': [
1240 '-o-linear-gradient(bottom left, var(--tw-gradient-stops))',
1241 '-webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, right top, from(var(--tw-gradient-stops)))',
1242 'linear-gradient(to top right, var(--tw-gradient-stops))',
1243 ],
1244 'linear-gradient(to right, var(--tw-gradient-stops))': [
1245 '-o-linear-gradient(left, var(--tw-gradient-stops))',
1246 '-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right top, from(var(--tw-gradient-stops)))',
1247 'linear-gradient(to right, var(--tw-gradient-stops))',
1248 ],
1249 'linear-gradient(to bottom right, var(--tw-gradient-stops))': [
1250 '-o-linear-gradient(top left, var(--tw-gradient-stops))',
1251 '-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right bottom, from(var(--tw-gradient-stops)))',
1252 'linear-gradient(to bottom right, var(--tw-gradient-stops))',
1253 ],
1254 'linear-gradient(to bottom, var(--tw-gradient-stops))': [
1255 '-o-linear-gradient(top, var(--tw-gradient-stops))',
1256 '-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(var(--tw-gradient-stops)))',
1257 'linear-gradient(to bottom, var(--tw-gradient-stops))',
1258 ],
1259 'linear-gradient(to bottom left, var(--tw-gradient-stops))': [
1260 '-o-linear-gradient(top right, var(--tw-gradient-stops))',
1261 '-webkit-gradient(linear, right top, left bottom, from(var(--tw-gradient-stops)))',
1262 'linear-gradient(to bottom left, var(--tw-gradient-stops))',
1263 ],
1264 'linear-gradient(to left, var(--tw-gradient-stops))': [
1265 '-o-linear-gradient(right, var(--tw-gradient-stops))',
1266 '-webkit-gradient(linear, right top, left top, from(var(--tw-gradient-stops)))',
1267 'linear-gradient(to left, var(--tw-gradient-stops))',
1268 ],
1269 'linear-gradient(to top left, var(--tw-gradient-stops))': [
1270 '-o-linear-gradient(bottom right, var(--tw-gradient-stops))',
1271 '-webkit-gradient(linear, right bottom, left top, from(var(--tw-gradient-stops)))',
1272 'linear-gradient(to top left, var(--tw-gradient-stops))',
1273 ],
1274 };
1275 if (Object.keys(map).includes(value)) return map[value];
1276 return value;
1279function minMaxContent(value) {
1280 if (value === 'min-content') {
1281 return ['-webkit-min-content', 'min-content'];
1282 } else if (value === 'max-content') {
1283 return ['-webkit-max-content', 'max-content'];
1284 }
1285 return value;
1288function isString(value) {
1289 return typeof value === 'string';
1292function negative(scale
1294) {
1295 return Object.keys(scale)
1296 .filter((key) => scale[key] !== '0')
1297 .reduce(
1298 (negativeScale, key) => ({
1299 ...negativeScale,
1300 [`-${key}`]: negateValue(scale[key]),
1301 }),
1302 {}
1303 );
1306function breakpoints(
1307 screens = {}
1308) {
1309 return Object.keys(screens)
1310 .filter((key) => typeof screens[key] === 'string')
1311 .reduce(
1312 (breakpoints, key) => ({
1313 ...breakpoints,
1314 [`screen-${key}`]: screens[key],
1315 }),
1316 {}
1317 );
1320function generateFontSize(font) {
1321 if (typeof font === 'string') return [ new Property('font-size', font) ];
1322 const properties = [];
1323 if (font[0]) properties.push(new Property('font-size', font[0]));
1324 if (typeof font[1] === 'string') {
1325 properties.push(new Property('line-height', font[1]));
1326 } else if (font[1]){
1327 if (font[1].lineHeight) properties.push(new Property('line-height', font[1].lineHeight));
1328 if (font[1].letterSpacing) properties.push(new Property('letter-spacing', font[1].letterSpacing));
1329 }
1330 return properties;
1333function expandDirection(
1334 value,
1335 divide = false
1336) {
1337 const map = {
1338 '': ['*'],
1339 y: ['top', 'bottom'],
1340 x: ['left', 'right'],
1341 t: divide ? ['top-left', 'top-right'] : ['top'],
1342 r: divide ? ['top-right', 'bottom-right'] : ['right'],
1343 b: divide ? ['bottom-right', 'bottom-left'] : ['bottom'],
1344 l: divide ? ['top-left', 'bottom-left'] : ['left'],
1345 tl: ['top-left'],
1346 tr: ['top-right'],
1347 br: ['bottom-right'],
1348 bl: ['bottom-left'],
1349 };
1350 if (value in map) return map[value];
1353function generatePlaceholder(selector, property, prefixer = false) {
1354 if (!prefixer) return [ new Style(selector, property).pseudoElement('placeholder') ];
1355 return [
1356 new Style(selector, property).pseudoElement('-webkit-input-placeholder'),
1357 new Style(selector, property).pseudoElement('-moz-placeholder'),
1358 new Style(selector, property).pseudoClass('-ms-input-placeholder'),
1359 new Style(selector, property).pseudoElement('-ms-input-placeholder'),
1360 new Style(selector, property).pseudoElement('placeholder'),
1361 ];
1364function createCommonjsModule(fn) {
1365 var module = { exports: {} };
1366 return fn(module, module.exports), module.exports;
1369var colorName = {
1370 "aliceblue": [240, 248, 255],
1371 "antiquewhite": [250, 235, 215],
1372 "aqua": [0, 255, 255],
1373 "aquamarine": [127, 255, 212],
1374 "azure": [240, 255, 255],
1375 "beige": [245, 245, 220],
1376 "bisque": [255, 228, 196],
1377 "black": [0, 0, 0],
1378 "blanchedalmond": [255, 235, 205],
1379 "blue": [0, 0, 255],
1380 "blueviolet": [138, 43, 226],
1381 "brown": [165, 42, 42],
1382 "burlywood": [222, 184, 135],
1383 "cadetblue": [95, 158, 160],
1384 "chartreuse": [127, 255, 0],
1385 "chocolate": [210, 105, 30],
1386 "coral": [255, 127, 80],
1387 "cornflowerblue": [100, 149, 237],
1388 "cornsilk": [255, 248, 220],
1389 "crimson": [220, 20, 60],
1390 "cyan": [0, 255, 255],
1391 "darkblue": [0, 0, 139],
1392 "darkcyan": [0, 139, 139],
1393 "darkgoldenrod": [184, 134, 11],
1394 "darkgray": [169, 169, 169],
1395 "darkgreen": [0, 100, 0],
1396 "darkgrey": [169, 169, 169],
1397 "darkkhaki": [189, 183, 107],
1398 "darkmagenta": [139, 0, 139],
1399 "darkolivegreen": [85, 107, 47],
1400 "darkorange": [255, 140, 0],
1401 "darkorchid": [153, 50, 204],
1402 "darkred": [139, 0, 0],
1403 "darksalmon": [233, 150, 122],
1404 "darkseagreen": [143, 188, 143],
1405 "darkslateblue": [72, 61, 139],
1406 "darkslategray": [47, 79, 79],
1407 "darkslategrey": [47, 79, 79],
1408 "darkturquoise": [0, 206, 209],
1409 "darkviolet": [148, 0, 211],
1410 "deeppink": [255, 20, 147],
1411 "deepskyblue": [0, 191, 255],
1412 "dimgray": [105, 105, 105],
1413 "dimgrey": [105, 105, 105],
1414 "dodgerblue": [30, 144, 255],
1415 "firebrick": [178, 34, 34],
1416 "floralwhite": [255, 250, 240],
1417 "forestgreen": [34, 139, 34],
1418 "fuchsia": [255, 0, 255],
1419 "gainsboro": [220, 220, 220],
1420 "ghostwhite": [248, 248, 255],
1421 "gold": [255, 215, 0],
1422 "goldenrod": [218, 165, 32],
1423 "gray": [128, 128, 128],
1424 "green": [0, 128, 0],
1425 "greenyellow": [173, 255, 47],
1426 "grey": [128, 128, 128],
1427 "honeydew": [240, 255, 240],
1428 "hotpink": [255, 105, 180],
1429 "indianred": [205, 92, 92],
1430 "indigo": [75, 0, 130],
1431 "ivory": [255, 255, 240],
1432 "khaki": [240, 230, 140],
1433 "lavender": [230, 230, 250],
1434 "lavenderblush": [255, 240, 245],
1435 "lawngreen": [124, 252, 0],
1436 "lemonchiffon": [255, 250, 205],
1437 "lightblue": [173, 216, 230],
1438 "lightcoral": [240, 128, 128],
1439 "lightcyan": [224, 255, 255],
1440 "lightgoldenrodyellow": [250, 250, 210],
1441 "lightgray": [211, 211, 211],
1442 "lightgreen": [144, 238, 144],
1443 "lightgrey": [211, 211, 211],
1444 "lightpink": [255, 182, 193],
1445 "lightsalmon": [255, 160, 122],
1446 "lightseagreen": [32, 178, 170],
1447 "lightskyblue": [135, 206, 250],
1448 "lightslategray": [119, 136, 153],
1449 "lightslategrey": [119, 136, 153],
1450 "lightsteelblue": [176, 196, 222],
1451 "lightyellow": [255, 255, 224],
1452 "lime": [0, 255, 0],
1453 "limegreen": [50, 205, 50],
1454 "linen": [250, 240, 230],
1455 "magenta": [255, 0, 255],
1456 "maroon": [128, 0, 0],
1457 "mediumaquamarine": [102, 205, 170],
1458 "mediumblue": [0, 0, 205],
1459 "mediumorchid": [186, 85, 211],
1460 "mediumpurple": [147, 112, 219],
1461 "mediumseagreen": [60, 179, 113],
1462 "mediumslateblue": [123, 104, 238],
1463 "mediumspringgreen": [0, 250, 154],
1464 "mediumturquoise": [72, 209, 204],
1465 "mediumvioletred": [199, 21, 133],
1466 "midnightblue": [25, 25, 112],
1467 "mintcream": [245, 255, 250],
1468 "mistyrose": [255, 228, 225],
1469 "moccasin": [255, 228, 181],
1470 "navajowhite": [255, 222, 173],
1471 "navy": [0, 0, 128],
1472 "oldlace": [253, 245, 230],
1473 "olive": [128, 128, 0],
1474 "olivedrab": [107, 142, 35],
1475 "orange": [255, 165, 0],
1476 "orangered": [255, 69, 0],
1477 "orchid": [218, 112, 214],
1478 "palegoldenrod": [238, 232, 170],
1479 "palegreen": [152, 251, 152],
1480 "paleturquoise": [175, 238, 238],
1481 "palevioletred": [219, 112, 147],
1482 "papayawhip": [255, 239, 213],
1483 "peachpuff": [255, 218, 185],
1484 "peru": [205, 133, 63],
1485 "pink": [255, 192, 203],
1486 "plum": [221, 160, 221],
1487 "powderblue": [176, 224, 230],
1488 "purple": [128, 0, 128],
1489 "rebeccapurple": [102, 51, 153],
1490 "red": [255, 0, 0],
1491 "rosybrown": [188, 143, 143],
1492 "royalblue": [65, 105, 225],
1493 "saddlebrown": [139, 69, 19],
1494 "salmon": [250, 128, 114],
1495 "sandybrown": [244, 164, 96],
1496 "seagreen": [46, 139, 87],
1497 "seashell": [255, 245, 238],
1498 "sienna": [160, 82, 45],
1499 "silver": [192, 192, 192],
1500 "skyblue": [135, 206, 235],
1501 "slateblue": [106, 90, 205],
1502 "slategray": [112, 128, 144],
1503 "slategrey": [112, 128, 144],
1504 "snow": [255, 250, 250],
1505 "springgreen": [0, 255, 127],
1506 "steelblue": [70, 130, 180],
1507 "tan": [210, 180, 140],
1508 "teal": [0, 128, 128],
1509 "thistle": [216, 191, 216],
1510 "tomato": [255, 99, 71],
1511 "turquoise": [64, 224, 208],
1512 "violet": [238, 130, 238],
1513 "wheat": [245, 222, 179],
1514 "white": [255, 255, 255],
1515 "whitesmoke": [245, 245, 245],
1516 "yellow": [255, 255, 0],
1517 "yellowgreen": [154, 205, 50]
1520var isArrayish = function isArrayish(obj) {
1521 if (!obj || typeof obj === 'string') {
1522 return false;
1523 }
1525 return obj instanceof Array || Array.isArray(obj) ||
1526 (obj.length >= 0 && (obj.splice instanceof Function ||
1527 (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, (obj.length - 1)) && obj.constructor.name !== 'String')));
1530var simpleSwizzle = createCommonjsModule(function (module) {
1534var concat = Array.prototype.concat;
1535var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
1537var swizzle = module.exports = function swizzle(args) {
1538 var results = [];
1540 for (var i = 0, len = args.length; i < len; i++) {
1541 var arg = args[i];
1543 if (isArrayish(arg)) {
1544 // http://jsperf.com/javascript-array-concat-vs-push/98
1545 results = concat.call(results, slice.call(arg));
1546 } else {
1547 results.push(arg);
1548 }
1549 }
1551 return results;
1554swizzle.wrap = function (fn) {
1555 return function () {
1556 return fn(swizzle(arguments));
1557 };
1561/* MIT license */
1563var colorString = createCommonjsModule(function (module) {
1564var reverseNames = {};
1566// create a list of reverse color names
1567for (var name in colorName) {
1568 if (colorName.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
1569 reverseNames[colorName[name]] = name;
1570 }
1573var cs = module.exports = {
1574 to: {},
1575 get: {}
1578cs.get = function (string) {
1579 var prefix = string.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase();
1580 var val;
1581 var model;
1582 switch (prefix) {
1583 case 'hsl':
1584 val = cs.get.hsl(string);
1585 model = 'hsl';
1586 break;
1587 case 'hwb':
1588 val = cs.get.hwb(string);
1589 model = 'hwb';
1590 break;
1591 default:
1592 val = cs.get.rgb(string);
1593 model = 'rgb';
1594 break;
1595 }
1597 if (!val) {
1598 return null;
1599 }
1601 return {model: model, value: val};
1604cs.get.rgb = function (string) {
1605 if (!string) {
1606 return null;
1607 }
1609 var abbr = /^#([a-f0-9]{3,4})$/i;
1610 var hex = /^#([a-f0-9]{6})([a-f0-9]{2})?$/i;
1611 var rgba = /^rgba?\(\s*([+-]?\d+)\s*,\s*([+-]?\d+)\s*,\s*([+-]?\d+)\s*(?:,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\s*)?\)$/;
1612 var per = /^rgba?\(\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\%\s*,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\%\s*,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\%\s*(?:,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\s*)?\)$/;
1613 var keyword = /(\D+)/;
1615 var rgb = [0, 0, 0, 1];
1616 var match;
1617 var i;
1618 var hexAlpha;
1620 if (match = string.match(hex)) {
1621 hexAlpha = match[2];
1622 match = match[1];
1624 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1625 // https://jsperf.com/slice-vs-substr-vs-substring-methods-long-string/19
1626 var i2 = i * 2;
1627 rgb[i] = parseInt(match.slice(i2, i2 + 2), 16);
1628 }
1630 if (hexAlpha) {
1631 rgb[3] = parseInt(hexAlpha, 16) / 255;
1632 }
1633 } else if (match = string.match(abbr)) {
1634 match = match[1];
1635 hexAlpha = match[3];
1637 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1638 rgb[i] = parseInt(match[i] + match[i], 16);
1639 }
1641 if (hexAlpha) {
1642 rgb[3] = parseInt(hexAlpha + hexAlpha, 16) / 255;
1643 }
1644 } else if (match = string.match(rgba)) {
1645 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1646 rgb[i] = parseInt(match[i + 1], 0);
1647 }
1649 if (match[4]) {
1650 rgb[3] = parseFloat(match[4]);
1651 }
1652 } else if (match = string.match(per)) {
1653 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1654 rgb[i] = Math.round(parseFloat(match[i + 1]) * 2.55);
1655 }
1657 if (match[4]) {
1658 rgb[3] = parseFloat(match[4]);
1659 }
1660 } else if (match = string.match(keyword)) {
1661 if (match[1] === 'transparent') {
1662 return [0, 0, 0, 0];
1663 }
1665 rgb = colorName[match[1]];
1667 if (!rgb) {
1668 return null;
1669 }
1671 rgb[3] = 1;
1673 return rgb;
1674 } else {
1675 return null;
1676 }
1678 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
1679 rgb[i] = clamp(rgb[i], 0, 255);
1680 }
1681 rgb[3] = clamp(rgb[3], 0, 1);
1683 return rgb;
1686cs.get.hsl = function (string) {
1687 if (!string) {
1688 return null;
1689 }
1691 var hsl = /^hsla?\(\s*([+-]?(?:\d{0,3}\.)?\d+)(?:deg)?\s*,?\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)%\s*,?\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)%\s*(?:[,|\/]\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\s*)?\)$/;
1692 var match = string.match(hsl);
1694 if (match) {
1695 var alpha = parseFloat(match[4]);
1696 var h = (parseFloat(match[1]) + 360) % 360;
1697 var s = clamp(parseFloat(match[2]), 0, 100);
1698 var l = clamp(parseFloat(match[3]), 0, 100);
1699 var a = clamp(isNaN(alpha) ? 1 : alpha, 0, 1);
1701 return [h, s, l, a];
1702 }
1704 return null;
1707cs.get.hwb = function (string) {
1708 if (!string) {
1709 return null;
1710 }
1712 var hwb = /^hwb\(\s*([+-]?\d{0,3}(?:\.\d+)?)(?:deg)?\s*,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)%\s*,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)%\s*(?:,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\s*)?\)$/;
1713 var match = string.match(hwb);
1715 if (match) {
1716 var alpha = parseFloat(match[4]);
1717 var h = ((parseFloat(match[1]) % 360) + 360) % 360;
1718 var w = clamp(parseFloat(match[2]), 0, 100);
1719 var b = clamp(parseFloat(match[3]), 0, 100);
1720 var a = clamp(isNaN(alpha) ? 1 : alpha, 0, 1);
1721 return [h, w, b, a];
1722 }
1724 return null;
1727cs.to.hex = function () {
1728 var rgba = simpleSwizzle(arguments);
1730 return (
1731 '#' +
1732 hexDouble(rgba[0]) +
1733 hexDouble(rgba[1]) +
1734 hexDouble(rgba[2]) +
1735 (rgba[3] < 1
1736 ? (hexDouble(Math.round(rgba[3] * 255)))
1737 : '')
1738 );
1741cs.to.rgb = function () {
1742 var rgba = simpleSwizzle(arguments);
1744 return rgba.length < 4 || rgba[3] === 1
1745 ? 'rgb(' + Math.round(rgba[0]) + ', ' + Math.round(rgba[1]) + ', ' + Math.round(rgba[2]) + ')'
1746 : 'rgba(' + Math.round(rgba[0]) + ', ' + Math.round(rgba[1]) + ', ' + Math.round(rgba[2]) + ', ' + rgba[3] + ')';
1749cs.to.rgb.percent = function () {
1750 var rgba = simpleSwizzle(arguments);
1752 var r = Math.round(rgba[0] / 255 * 100);
1753 var g = Math.round(rgba[1] / 255 * 100);
1754 var b = Math.round(rgba[2] / 255 * 100);
1756 return rgba.length < 4 || rgba[3] === 1
1757 ? 'rgb(' + r + '%, ' + g + '%, ' + b + '%)'
1758 : 'rgba(' + r + '%, ' + g + '%, ' + b + '%, ' + rgba[3] + ')';
1761cs.to.hsl = function () {
1762 var hsla = simpleSwizzle(arguments);
1763 return hsla.length < 4 || hsla[3] === 1
1764 ? 'hsl(' + hsla[0] + ', ' + hsla[1] + '%, ' + hsla[2] + '%)'
1765 : 'hsla(' + hsla[0] + ', ' + hsla[1] + '%, ' + hsla[2] + '%, ' + hsla[3] + ')';
1768// hwb is a bit different than rgb(a) & hsl(a) since there is no alpha specific syntax
1769// (hwb have alpha optional & 1 is default value)
1770cs.to.hwb = function () {
1771 var hwba = simpleSwizzle(arguments);
1773 var a = '';
1774 if (hwba.length >= 4 && hwba[3] !== 1) {
1775 a = ', ' + hwba[3];
1776 }
1778 return 'hwb(' + hwba[0] + ', ' + hwba[1] + '%, ' + hwba[2] + '%' + a + ')';
1781cs.to.keyword = function (rgb) {
1782 return reverseNames[rgb.slice(0, 3)];
1785// helpers
1786function clamp(num, min, max) {
1787 return Math.min(Math.max(min, num), max);
1790function hexDouble(num) {
1791 var str = num.toString(16).toUpperCase();
1792 return (str.length < 2) ? '0' + str : str;
1796function _optionalChain$4(ops) { let lastAccessLHS = undefined; let value = ops[0]; let i = 1; while (i < ops.length) { const op = ops[i]; const fn = ops[i + 1]; i += 2; if ((op === 'optionalAccess' || op === 'optionalCall') && value == null) { return undefined; } if (op === 'access' || op === 'optionalAccess') { lastAccessLHS = value; value = fn(value); } else if (op === 'call' || op === 'optionalCall') { value = fn((...args) => value.call(lastAccessLHS, ...args)); lastAccessLHS = undefined; } } return value; }
1798function hsl2rgb(h, s, l) {
1799 s = s / 100,
1800 l = l / 100;
1801 if (h >= 360)
1802 h %= 360;
1804 const c = (1 - Math.abs(2 * l - 1)) * s;
1805 const x = c * (1 - Math.abs((h / 60) % 2 - 1));
1806 const m = l - c/2;
1807 let r = 0;
1808 let g = 0;
1809 let b = 0;
1811 if (0 <= h && h < 60) {
1812 r = c; g = x; b = 0;
1813 } else if (60 <= h && h < 120) {
1814 r = x; g = c; b = 0;
1815 } else if (120 <= h && h < 180) {
1816 r = 0; g = c; b = x;
1817 } else if (180 <= h && h < 240) {
1818 r = 0; g = x; b = c;
1819 } else if (240 <= h && h < 300) {
1820 r = x; g = 0; b = c;
1821 } else if (300 <= h && h < 360) {
1822 r = c; g = 0; b = x;
1823 }
1824 // having obtained RGB, convert channels to hex
1825 r = Math.round((r + m) * 255);
1826 g = Math.round((g + m) * 255);
1827 b = Math.round((b + m) * 255);
1828 return [r, g, b];
1831function hwb2rgb(h, w, b) {
1832 const rgb = hsl2rgb(h, 100, 50);
1834 for (let i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
1835 let c = rgb[i] / 255;
1837 c *= 1 - w/100 - b/100;
1838 c += w/100;
1840 rgb[i] = Math.round(c * 255);
1841 }
1843 return rgb;
1846function toRGBA(color) {
1847 if (/^hsla?/.test(color)) {
1848 const colorTuple = colorString.get.hsl(color);
1849 if (!colorTuple) return;
1850 return [...hsl2rgb(colorTuple[0], colorTuple[1], colorTuple[2]), colorTuple[3]];
1851 } else if (/^rgba?/.test(color)) {
1852 const colorTuple = colorString.get.rgb(color);
1853 if (!colorTuple) return;
1854 return colorTuple;
1855 } else if (color.startsWith('hwb')) {
1856 const colorTuple = colorString.get.hwb(color);
1857 if (!colorTuple) return;
1858 return [...hwb2rgb(colorTuple[0], colorTuple[1], colorTuple[2]), colorTuple[3]];
1859 }
1860 return _optionalChain$4([colorString, 'access', _ => _.get, 'call', _2 => _2(color), 'optionalAccess', _3 => _3.value]);
1863function toColor(colorStr) {
1864 const rgba = toRGBA(colorStr);
1865 const color = rgba ? rgba.slice(0, 3).join(', ') : colorStr;
1866 const opacity = rgba ? rgba[3].toString() : '1';
1868 return {
1869 color,
1870 opacity,
1871 };
1874function generateScreens(screens
1876) {
1877 const variants = {};
1879 const breakpoints = Object.entries(screens).sort(([, sizeA], [, sizeB]) =>
1880 sortWeight(sizeA) - sortWeight(sizeB)
1881 );
1883 breakpoints.forEach(([name, size], index) => {
1884 if (isString(size)) {
1885 const [, nextSize] = breakpoints[index + 1] || [];
1886 variants[name] = styleForBreakpoint({ min: size });
1887 variants[`<${name}`] = styleForBreakpoint({ max: increaseWithUnit(size, -0.1) });
1888 variants[`@${name}`] = styleForBreakpoint(
1889 nextSize ? { min: size, max: increaseWithUnit(nextSize , -0.1) } : { min: size }
1890 );
1891 variants[`-${name}`] = styleForBreakpoint({ max: size });
1892 variants[`+${name}`] = styleForBreakpoint(
1893 nextSize ? { min: size, max: nextSize } : { min: size }
1894 );
1895 } else {
1896 variants[name] = styleForBreakpoint(size);
1897 }
1898 });
1900 return variants;
1903function styleForBreakpoint(rule) {
1904 const mediaConditions = 'raw' in rule ? rule.raw : [
1905 rule.min && `(min-width: ${rule.min})`,
1906 rule.max && `(max-width: ${rule.max})`,
1907 ].filter(condition => condition).join(' and ');
1908 return () => new Style().atRule(`@media ${mediaConditions}`);
1911// NOTE: Non-size breakpoints should come first, to avoid using them in the
1912// +breakpoint definition.
1913function sortWeight(breakpoint) {
1914 return isString(breakpoint) ? parseInt(breakpoint) : Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
1917function generateThemes (
1918 darkMode
1919) {
1920 if (!darkMode) return {};
1921 return {
1922 '@dark': () => new Style().atRule('@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)'),
1923 '@light': () => new Style().atRule('@media (prefers-color-scheme: light)'),
1924 '.dark': () => new Style().parent('.dark'),
1925 '.light': () => new Style().parent('.light'),
1926 dark: () => darkMode === 'media'? new Style().atRule('@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)'): new Style().parent('.dark'),
1927 light: () => darkMode === 'media'? new Style().atRule('@media (prefers-color-scheme: light)'): new Style().parent('.light'),
1928 } ;
1932 * See MDN web docs for more information
1933 * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Pseudo-classes
1934 */
1936function generateStates (
1937 variantOrder
1938) {
1939 const states = {
1940 // Interactive links/buttons
1941 hover: () => new Style().pseudoClass('hover'),
1942 focus: () => new Style().pseudoClass('focus'),
1943 active: () => new Style().pseudoClass('active'),
1944 visited: () => new Style().pseudoClass('visited'),
1945 link: () => new Style().pseudoClass('link'),
1946 target: () => new Style().pseudoClass('target'),
1947 'focus-visible': () => new Style().pseudoClass('focus-visible'),
1948 'focus-within': () => new Style().pseudoClass('focus-within'),
1950 // Form element states
1951 checked: () => new Style().pseudoClass('checked'),
1952 'not-checked': () => new Style().pseudoClass('not(:checked)'),
1953 default: () => new Style().pseudoClass('default'),
1954 disabled: () => new Style().pseudoClass('disabled'),
1955 enabled: () => new Style().pseudoClass('enabled'),
1956 indeterminate: () => new Style().pseudoClass('indeterminate'),
1957 invalid: () => new Style().pseudoClass('invalid'),
1958 valid: () => new Style().pseudoClass('valid'),
1959 optional: () => new Style().pseudoClass('optional'),
1960 required: () => new Style().pseudoClass('required'),
1961 'placeholder-shown': () => new Style().pseudoClass('placeholder-shown'),
1962 'read-only': () => new Style().pseudoClass('read-only'),
1963 'read-write': () => new Style().pseudoClass('read-write'),
1965 // Child selectors
1966 'not-disabled': () => new Style().pseudoClass('not(:disabled)'),
1967 'first-of-type': () => new Style().pseudoClass('first-of-type'),
1968 'not-first-of-type': () => new Style().pseudoClass('not(:first-of-type)'),
1969 'last-of-type': () => new Style().pseudoClass('last-of-type'),
1970 'not-last-of-type': () => new Style().pseudoClass('not(:last-of-type)'),
1971 first: () => new Style().pseudoClass('first-child'),
1972 last: () => new Style().pseudoClass('last-child'),
1973 'not-first': () => new Style().pseudoClass('not(:first-child)'),
1974 'not-last': () => new Style().pseudoClass('not(:last-child)'),
1975 'only-child': () => new Style().pseudoClass('only-child'),
1976 'not-only-child': () => new Style().pseudoClass('not(:only-child)'),
1977 'only-of-type': () => new Style().pseudoClass('only-of-type'),
1978 'not-only-of-type': () => new Style().pseudoClass('not(:only-of-type)'),
1979 even: () => new Style().pseudoClass('nth-child(even)'),
1980 odd: () => new Style().pseudoClass('nth-child(odd)'),
1981 'even-of-type': () => new Style().pseudoClass('nth-of-type(even)'),
1982 'odd-of-type': () => new Style().pseudoClass('nth-of-type(odd)'),
1983 root: () => new Style().pseudoClass('root'),
1984 empty: () => new Style().pseudoClass('empty'),
1986 // Pseudo elements
1987 before: () => new Style().pseudoElement('before'),
1988 after: () => new Style().pseudoElement('after'),
1989 'first-letter': () => new Style().pseudoElement('first-letter'),
1990 'first-line': () => new Style().pseudoElement('first-line'),
1991 'file-selector-button': () => new Style().pseudoElement('file-selector-button'),
1992 selection: () => new Style().pseudoElement('selection'),
1994 svg: () => new Style().child('svg'),
1995 all: () => new Style().child('*'),
1996 children: () => new Style().child('> *'),
1997 siblings: () => new Style().child('~ *'),
1998 sibling: () => new Style().child('+ *'),
1999 // https://www.w3schools.com/CSS/css_pseudo_elements.asp
2001 // Directions
2002 ltr: () => new Style().wrapSelector(selector => `[dir='ltr'] ${selector}, [dir='ltr']${selector}`),
2003 rtl: () => new Style().wrapSelector(selector => `[dir='rtl'] ${selector}, [dir='rtl']${selector}`),
2005 // Group states
2006 // You'll need to add className="group" to an ancestor to make these work
2007 // https://github.com/ben-rogerson/twin.macro/blob/master/docs/group.md
2008 'group-hover': () => new Style().parent('.group:hover'),
2009 'group-focus': () => new Style().parent('.group:focus'),
2010 'group-active': () => new Style().parent('.group:active'),
2011 'group-visited': () => new Style().parent('.group:visited'),
2013 // Motion control
2014 // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@media/prefers-reduced-motion
2015 'motion-safe': () => new Style().atRule('@media (prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference)'),
2016 'motion-reduce': () => new Style().atRule('@media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)'),
2017 };
2018 const orderedStates = {};
2019 variantOrder.forEach((v) => {
2020 if (v in states) {
2021 orderedStates[v] = states[v];
2022 }
2023 });
2024 return orderedStates;
2027function _nullishCoalesce$3(lhs, rhsFn) { if (lhs != null) { return lhs; } else { return rhsFn(); } } function _optionalChain$3(ops) { let lastAccessLHS = undefined; let value = ops[0]; let i = 1; while (i < ops.length) { const op = ops[i]; const fn = ops[i + 1]; i += 2; if ((op === 'optionalAccess' || op === 'optionalCall') && value == null) { return undefined; } if (op === 'access' || op === 'optionalAccess') { lastAccessLHS = value; value = fn(value); } else if (op === 'call' || op === 'optionalCall') { value = fn((...args) => value.call(lastAccessLHS, ...args)); lastAccessLHS = undefined; } } return value; }
2037function resolveVariants(config) {
2038 return {
2039 screen: generateScreens((_nullishCoalesce$3(_optionalChain$3([(config.theme ), 'optionalAccess', _ => _.screens]), () => ( {}))) ),
2040 theme: generateThemes(config.darkMode),
2041 state: generateStates(_nullishCoalesce$3(config.variantOrder, () => ( []))),
2042 };
2045function _optionalChain$2(ops) { let lastAccessLHS = undefined; let value = ops[0]; let i = 1; while (i < ops.length) { const op = ops[i]; const fn = ops[i + 1]; i += 2; if ((op === 'optionalAccess' || op === 'optionalCall') && value == null) { return undefined; } if (op === 'access' || op === 'optionalAccess') { lastAccessLHS = value; value = fn(value); } else if (op === 'call' || op === 'optionalCall') { value = fn((...args) => value.call(lastAccessLHS, ...args)); lastAccessLHS = undefined; } } return value; }// (Last Update: Aug 22 2020) [https://github.com/sindresorhus/modern-normalize/blob/master/modern-normalize.css]
2048const preflights
2055 = [
2057 /*! modern-normalize v1.0.0 | MIT License | https://github.com/sindresorhus/modern-normalize */
2059 /*
2064 /**
2065Use a better box model (opinionated).
2067 // {
2068 // keys: ['*'],
2069 // global: true,
2070 // selector: '*, *::before, *::after',
2071 // properties: {
2072 // '-webkit-box-sizing': 'border-box',
2073 // 'box-sizing': 'border-box'
2074 // }
2075 // },
2076 // overwrite by windi
2078 /**
2079Use a more readable tab size (opinionated).
2082 {
2083 keys: ['root'],
2084 global: true,
2085 selector: ':root',
2086 properties: {
2087 '-moz-tab-size': (theme) => theme('tabSize.DEFAULT', '4'),
2088 '-o-tab-size': (theme) => theme('tabSize.DEFAULT', '4'),
2089 'tab-size': (theme) => theme('tabSize.DEFAULT', '4'),
2090 },
2091 },
2093 /**
20941. Correct the line height in all browsers.
20952. Prevent adjustments of font size after orientation changes in iOS.
2098 {
2099 keys: ['html'],
2100 global: true,
2101 selector: 'html',
2102 properties: {
2103 // 'line-height': '1.15', /* 1 */ overwrite by windi
2104 '-webkit-text-size-adjust': '100%', /* 2 */
2105 },
2106 },
2108 /*
2113 /**
2114Remove the margin in all browsers.
2117 {
2118 keys: ['body'],
2119 global: true,
2120 selector: 'body',
2121 properties: {
2122 'margin': '0', /* 1 */
2123 },
2124 },
2126 /**
2127Improve consistency of default fonts in all browsers. (https://github.com/sindresorhus/modern-normalize/issues/3)
2130 // {
2131 // keys: ['body'],
2132 // global: true,
2133 // selector: 'body',
2134 // properties: {
2135 // 'font-family': "system-ui, -apple-system, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif, 'Apple Color Emoji', 'Segoe UI Emoji'"
2136 // }
2137 // },
2138 // overide by windi
2140 /*
2141Grouping content
2145 /**
21461. Add the correct height in Firefox.
21472. Correct the inheritance of border color in Firefox. (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=190655)
2150 {
2151 keys: ['hr'],
2152 properties: {
2153 'height': '0', /* 1 */
2154 'color': 'inherit', /* 2 */
2155 },
2156 },
2158 /*
2159Text-level semantics
2163 /**
2164Add the correct text decoration in Chrome, Edge, and Safari.
2167 {
2168 keys: ['title'],
2169 global: true,
2170 selector: 'abbr[title]',
2171 properties: {
2172 '-webkit-text-decoration': 'underline dotted',
2173 'text-decoration': 'underline dotted',
2174 },
2175 },
2177 /**
2178Add the correct font weight in Edge and Safari.
2181 {
2182 keys: ['b', 'strong'],
2183 properties: {
2184 'font-weight': 'bolder',
2185 },
2186 },
2188 /**
21891. Improve consistency of default fonts in all browsers. (https://github.com/sindresorhus/modern-normalize/issues/3)
21902. Correct the odd 'em' font sizing in all browsers.
2193 {
2194 keys: ['code', 'kbd', 'samp', 'pre'],
2195 properties: {
2196 // 'font-family': "ui-monospace, SFMono-Regular, Consolas, 'Liberation Mono', Menlo, monospace", /* 1 */ overwrite by windi
2197 'font-size': '1em', /* 2 */
2198 },
2199 },
2201 /**
2202Add the correct font size in all browsers.
2205 {
2206 keys: ['small'],
2207 properties: {
2208 'font-size': '80%',
2209 },
2210 },
2212 /**
2213Prevent 'sub' and 'sup' elements from affecting the line height in all browsers.
2216 {
2217 keys: ['sub', 'sup'],
2218 properties: {
2219 'font-size': '75%',
2220 'line-height': '0',
2221 'position': 'relative',
2222 'vertical-align': 'baseline',
2223 },
2224 },
2226 {
2227 keys: ['sub'],
2228 properties: {
2229 'bottom': '-0.25em',
2230 },
2231 },
2233 {
2234 keys: ['sup'],
2235 properties: {
2236 'top': '-0.5em',
2237 },
2238 },
2240 /*
2241Tabular data
2245 /**
22461. Remove text indentation from table contents in Chrome and Safari. (https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=999088, https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=201297)
22472. Correct table border color inheritance in all Chrome and Safari. (https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=935729, https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=195016)
2250 {
2251 keys: ['table'],
2252 properties: {
2253 'text-indent': '0', /* 1 */
2254 'border-color': 'inherit', /* 2 */
2255 },
2256 },
2258 /*
2263 /**
22641. Change the font styles in all browsers.
22652. Remove the margin in Firefox and Safari.
2268 {
2269 keys: ['button', 'input', 'optgroup', 'select', 'textarea'],
2270 properties: {
2271 'font-family': 'inherit', /* 1 */
2272 'font-size': '100%', /* 1 */
2273 'line-height': '1.15', /* 1 */
2274 'margin': '0', /* 2 */
2275 },
2276 },
2278 /**
2279Remove the inheritance of text transform in Edge and Firefox.
22801. Remove the inheritance of text transform in Firefox.
2283 {
2284 keys: ['button', 'select'],
2285 properties: {
2286 'text-transform': 'none', /* 1 */
2287 },
2288 },
2290 /**
2291Correct the inability to style clickable types in iOS and Safari.
2294 {
2295 keys: ['button'],
2296 selector: 'button, [type=\'button\'], [type=\'reset\'], [type=\'submit\']',
2297 properties: {
2298 '-webkit-appearance': 'button', /* 1 */
2299 },
2300 },
2302 /**
2303Remove the inner border and padding in Firefox.
2306 {
2307 keys: ['inner'],
2308 global: true,
2309 selector: '::moz-focus-inner',
2310 properties: {
2311 'border-style': 'none',
2312 'padding': '0',
2313 },
2314 },
2316 /**
2317Restore the focus styles unset by the previous rule.
2320 {
2321 keys: ['focusring'],
2322 global: true,
2323 selector: ':-moz-focusring',
2324 properties: {
2325 'outline': '1px dotted ButtonText',
2326 },
2327 },
2329 /**
2330Remove the additional ':invalid' styles in Firefox.
2331See: https://github.com/mozilla/gecko-dev/blob/2f9eacd9d3d995c937b4251a5557d95d494c9be1/layout/style/res/forms.css#L728-L737
2334 {
2335 keys: ['invalid'],
2336 global: true,
2337 selector: ':-moz-ui-invalid',
2338 properties: {
2339 'box-shadow': 'none',
2340 },
2341 },
2343 /**
2344Remove the padding so developers are not caught out when they zero out 'fieldset' elements in all browsers.
2347 {
2348 keys: ['legend'],
2349 properties: {
2350 'padding': '0',
2351 },
2352 },
2354 /**
2355Add the correct vertical alignment in Chrome and Firefox.
2358 {
2359 keys: ['progress'],
2360 properties: {
2361 'vertical-align': 'baseline',
2362 },
2363 },
2365 /**
2366Correct the cursor style of increment and decrement buttons in Safari.
2369 {
2370 keys: ['spin'],
2371 global: true,
2372 selector: '::-webkit-inner-spin-button, ::-webkit-outer-spin-button',
2373 properties: {
2374 'height': 'auto',
2375 },
2376 },
2378 /**
23791. Correct the odd appearance in Chrome and Safari.
23802. Correct the outline style in Safari.
2383 {
2384 keys: ['search'],
2385 global: true,
2386 selector: '[type=\'search\']',
2387 properties: {
2388 '-webkit-appearance': 'textfield', /* 1 */
2389 'outline-offset': '-2px', /* 2 */
2391 },
2392 },
2394 /**
2395Remove the inner padding in Chrome and Safari on macOS.
2398 {
2399 keys: ['search'],
2400 global: true,
2401 selector: '::-webkit-search-decoration',
2402 properties: {
2403 '-webkit-appearance': 'none',
2404 },
2405 },
2407 /**
24081. Correct the inability to style clickable types in iOS and Safari.
24092. Change font properties to 'inherit' in Safari.
2412 {
2413 keys: ['file'],
2414 global: true,
2415 selector: '::-webkit-file-upload-button',
2416 properties: {
2417 '-webkit-appearance': 'button',
2418 'font': 'inherit',
2419 },
2420 },
2422 /*
2427 /*
2428Add the correct display in Chrome and Safari.
2431 {
2432 keys: ['summary'],
2433 properties: {
2434 'display': 'list-item',
2435 },
2436 },
2438 /**
2439 * Manually forked from SUIT CSS Base: https://github.com/suitcss/base
2440 * A thin layer on top of normalize.css that provides a starting point more
2441 * suitable for web applications.
2442 */
2444 /**
2445 * Removes the default spacing and border for appropriate elements.
2446 */
2448 {
2449 keys: ['blockquote', 'dl', 'dd', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'hr', 'figure', 'p', 'pre'],
2450 properties: {
2451 'margin': '0',
2452 },
2453 },
2455 {
2456 keys: ['button'],
2457 properties: {
2458 'background-color': 'transparent',
2459 'background-image': 'none' },
2460 },
2462 /**
2463 * Work around a Firefox/IE bug where the transparent `button` background
2464 * results in a loss of the default `button` focus styles.
2465 */
2467 {
2468 keys: ['button'],
2469 selector: 'button:focus',
2470 properties: {
2471 'outline': [
2472 '1px dotted',
2473 '5px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color',
2474 ],
2475 },
2476 },
2478 {
2479 keys: ['fieldset'],
2480 properties: {
2481 'margin': '0',
2482 'padding': '0',
2483 },
2484 },
2486 {
2487 keys: ['ol', 'ul'],
2488 properties: {
2489 'list-style': 'none',
2490 'margin': '0',
2491 'padding': '0',
2492 },
2493 },
2495 /**
2496 * Tailwind custom reset styles
2497 */
2499 /**
2500 * 1. Use the user's configured `sans` font-family (with Tailwind's default
2501 * sans-serif font stack as a fallback) as a sane default.
2502 * 2. Use Tailwind's default "normal" line-height so the user isn't forced
2503 * to override it to ensure consistency even when using the default theme.
2504 */
2506 {
2507 keys: ['html'],
2508 global: true,
2509 selector: 'html',
2510 properties: {
2511 'font-family': (theme) => theme('fontFamily.sans', 'ui-sans-serif, system-ui, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, "Noto Sans", sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji"') , /* 1 */
2512 'line-height': '1.5', /* 2 */
2513 },
2514 },
2516 /**
2517 * Inherit font-family and line-height from `html` so users can set them as
2518 * a class directly on the `html` element.
2519 */
2521 {
2522 keys: ['body'],
2523 global: true,
2524 selector: 'body',
2525 properties: {
2526 'font-family': 'inherit',
2527 'line-height': 'inherit',
2528 },
2529 },
2531 /**
2532 * 1. Prevent padding and border from affecting element width.
2533 *
2534 * We used to set this in the html element and inherit from
2535 * the parent element for everything else. This caused issues
2536 * in shadow-dom-enhanced elements like <details> where the content
2537 * is wrapped by a div with box-sizing set to `content-box`.
2538 *
2539 * https://github.com/mozdevs/cssremedy/issues/4
2540 *
2541 *
2542 * 2. Allow adding a border to an element by just adding a border-width.
2543 *
2544 * By default, the way the browser specifies that an element should have no
2545 * border is by setting it's border-style to `none` in the user-agent
2546 * stylesheet.
2547 *
2548 * In order to easily add borders to elements by just setting the `border-width`
2549 * property, we change the default border-style for all elements to `solid`, and
2550 * use border-width to hide them instead. This way our `border` utilities only
2551 * need to set the `border-width` property instead of the entire `border`
2552 * shorthand, making our border utilities much more straightforward to compose.
2553 *
2554 */
2556 {
2557 keys: ['*'],
2558 global: true,
2559 selector: '*, ::before, ::after',
2560 properties: {
2561 '-webkit-box-sizing': 'border-box',
2562 'box-sizing': 'border-box',
2563 'border-width': '0',
2564 'border-style': 'solid',
2565 'border-color': (theme) => theme('borderColor.DEFAULT', 'currentColor') ,
2566 },
2567 },
2569 /*
2570 * Ensure horizontal rules are visible by default
2571 */
2573 {
2574 keys: ['hr'],
2575 properties: {
2576 'border-top-width': '1px',
2577 },
2578 },
2580 /**
2581 * Undo the `border-style: none` reset that Normalize applies to images so that
2582 * our `border-{width}` utilities have the expected effect.
2583 *
2584 * The Normalize reset is unnecessary for us since we default the border-width
2585 * to 0 on all elements.
2586 *
2587 */
2589 {
2590 keys: ['img'],
2591 properties: {
2592 'border-style': 'solid',
2593 },
2594 },
2596 {
2597 keys: ['textarea'],
2598 properties: {
2599 'resize': 'vertical',
2600 },
2601 },
2603 // input::placeholder,
2604 // textarea::placeholder {
2605 // color: theme('colors.gray.400', #a1a1aa);
2606 // }
2607 // support prefixer
2609 {
2610 keys: ['input'],
2611 selector: 'input::placeholder',
2612 properties: {
2613 'opacity': '1',
2614 'color': (theme) => theme('colors.gray.400', '#a1a1aa') ,
2615 },
2616 },
2618 {
2619 keys: ['input'],
2620 selector: 'input::webkit-input-placeholder',
2621 properties: {
2622 'opacity': '1',
2623 'color': (theme) => theme('colors.gray.400', '#a1a1aa') ,
2624 },
2625 },
2627 {
2628 keys: ['input'],
2629 selector: 'input::-moz-placeholder',
2630 properties: {
2631 'opacity': '1',
2632 'color': (theme) => theme('colors.gray.400', '#a1a1aa') ,
2633 },
2634 },
2636 {
2637 keys: ['input'],
2638 selector: 'input:-ms-input-placeholder',
2639 properties: {
2640 'opacity': '1',
2641 'color': (theme) => theme('colors.gray.400', '#a1a1aa') ,
2642 },
2643 },
2645 {
2646 keys: ['input'],
2647 selector: 'input::-ms-input-placeholder',
2648 properties: {
2649 'opacity': '1',
2650 'color': (theme) => theme('colors.gray.400', '#a1a1aa') ,
2651 },
2652 },
2654 {
2655 keys: ['textarea'],
2656 selector: 'textarea::placeholder',
2657 properties: {
2658 'opacity': '1',
2659 'color': (theme) => theme('colors.gray.400', '#a1a1aa') ,
2660 },
2661 },
2663 {
2664 keys: ['textarea'],
2665 selector: 'textarea::webkit-input-placeholder',
2666 properties: {
2667 'opacity': '1',
2668 'color': (theme) => theme('colors.gray.400', '#a1a1aa') ,
2669 },
2670 },
2672 {
2673 keys: ['textarea'],
2674 selector: 'textarea::-moz-placeholder',
2675 properties: {
2676 'opacity': '1',
2677 'color': (theme) => theme('colors.gray.400', '#a1a1aa') ,
2678 },
2679 },
2681 {
2682 keys: ['textarea'],
2683 selector: 'textarea:-ms-input-placeholder',
2684 properties: {
2685 'opacity': '1',
2686 'color': (theme) => theme('colors.gray.400', '#a1a1aa') ,
2687 },
2688 },
2690 {
2691 keys: ['textarea'],
2692 selector: 'textarea::-ms-input-placeholder',
2693 properties: {
2694 'opacity': '1',
2695 'color': (theme) => theme('colors.gray.400', '#a1a1aa') ,
2696 },
2697 },
2699 {
2700 keys: ['button'],
2701 selector: 'button, [role="button"]',
2702 properties: {
2703 'cursor': 'pointer',
2704 },
2705 },
2707 {
2708 keys: ['table'],
2709 properties: {
2710 'border-collapse': 'collapse',
2711 },
2712 },
2714 {
2715 keys: ['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6'],
2716 properties: {
2717 'font-size': 'inherit',
2718 'font-weight': 'inherit',
2719 },
2720 },
2722 /**
2723 * Reset links to optimize for opt-in styling instead of
2724 * opt-out.
2725 */
2727 {
2728 keys: ['a'],
2729 properties: {
2730 'color': 'inherit',
2731 'text-decoration': 'inherit',
2732 },
2733 },
2735 /**
2736 * Reset form element properties that are easy to forget to
2737 * style explicitly so you don't inadvertently introduce
2738 * styles that deviate from your design system. These styles
2739 * supplement a partial reset that is already applied by
2740 * normalize.css.
2741 */
2743 {
2744 keys: ['button', 'input', 'optgroup', 'select', 'textarea'],
2745 properties: {
2746 'padding': '0',
2747 'line-height': 'inherit',
2748 'color': 'inherit',
2749 },
2750 },
2752 /**
2753 * Use the configured 'mono' font family for elements that
2754 * are expected to be rendered with a monospace font, falling
2755 * back to the system monospace stack if there is no configured
2756 * 'mono' font family.
2757 */
2759 {
2760 keys: ['pre', 'code', 'kbd', 'samp'],
2761 properties: {
2762 'font-family': (theme) => theme('fontFamily.mono', 'ui-monospace, SFMono-Regular, Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, "Liberation Mono", "Courier New", monospace') ,
2763 },
2764 },
2766 /**
2767 * Make replaced elements `display: block` by default as that's
2768 * the behavior you want almost all of the time. Inspired by
2769 * CSS Remedy, with `svg` added as well.
2770 *
2771 * https://github.com/mozdevs/cssremedy/issues/14
2772 */
2774 {
2775 keys: ['img', 'svg', 'video', 'canvas', 'audio', 'iframe', 'embed', 'object'],
2776 properties: {
2777 'display': 'block',
2778 'vertical-align': 'middle',
2779 },
2780 },
2782 /**
2783 * Constrain images and videos to the parent width and preserve
2784 * their instrinsic aspect ratio.
2785 *
2786 * https://github.com/mozdevs/cssremedy/issues/14
2787 */
2789 {
2790 keys: ['img', 'video'],
2791 properties: {
2792 'max-width': '100%',
2793 'height': 'auto',
2794 },
2795 },
2797 // added by ringWidth
2798 // https://windicss.org/utilities/borders.html#ring-width
2799 {
2800 keys: ['*'],
2801 global: true,
2802 selector: '*',
2803 properties: {
2804 '--tw-ring-inset': 'var(--tw-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)',
2805 '--tw-ring-offset-width': theme => theme('ringOffsetWidth.DEFAULT', '0px') ,
2806 '--tw-ring-offset-color': theme => theme('ringOffsetColor.DEFAULT', '#fff') ,
2807 '--tw-ring-color': theme => `rgba(${_optionalChain$2([hex2RGB, 'call', _ => _(theme('ringColor.DEFAULT', '#93C5FD') ), 'optionalAccess', _2 => _2.join, 'call', _3 => _3(', ')])}, ${theme('ringOpacity.DEFAULT', '0.5') })`,
2808 '--tw-ring-offset-shadow': '0 0 #0000',
2809 '--tw-ring-shadow': '0 0 #0000',
2810 },
2811 },
2813 // added by boxShadow
2814 // https://windicss.org/utilities/effects.html#box-shadow
2815 {
2816 keys: ['*'],
2817 global: true,
2818 selector: '*',
2819 properties: {
2820 '--tw-shadow': '0 0 #0000',
2821 },
2822 },
2825const fontVariants = {
2826 '--tw-ordinal': 'var(--tw-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)',
2827 '--tw-slashed-zero': 'var(--tw-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)',
2828 '--tw-numeric-figure': 'var(--tw-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)',
2829 '--tw-numeric-spacing': 'var(--tw-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)',
2830 '--tw-numeric-fraction': 'var(--tw-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)',
2831 'font-variant-numeric': 'var(--tw-ordinal) var(--tw-slashed-zero) var(--tw-numeric-figure) var(--tw-numeric-spacing) var(--tw-numeric-fraction)',
2834const staticUtilities = {
2835 // https://windicss.org/utilities/behaviors.html#box-decoration-break
2836 'decoration-slice': {
2837 'utility': {
2838 '-webkit-box-decoration-break': 'slice',
2839 'box-decoration-break': 'slice',
2840 },
2841 'meta': {
2842 'group': 'boxDecorationBreak',
2843 'order': 1,
2844 },
2845 },
2847 'decoration-clone': {
2848 'utility': {
2849 '-webkit-box-decoration-break': 'clone',
2850 'box-decoration-break': 'clone',
2851 },
2852 'meta': {
2853 'group': 'boxDecorationBreak',
2854 'order': 2,
2855 },
2856 },
2858 // https://windicss.org/utilities/sizing.html#box-sizing
2859 'box-border': {
2860 'utility': {
2861 '-webkit-box-sizing': 'border-box',
2862 'box-sizing': 'border-box',
2863 },
2864 'meta': {
2865 'group': 'boxSizing',
2866 'order': 1,
2867 },
2868 },
2869 'box-content': {
2870 'utility': {
2871 '-webkit-box-sizing': 'content-box',
2872 'box-sizing': 'content-box',
2873 },
2874 'meta': {
2875 'group': 'boxSizing',
2876 'order': 2,
2877 },
2878 },
2880 // https://windicss.org/utilities/display.html
2881 'block': {
2882 'utility': {
2883 'display': 'block',
2884 },
2885 'meta': {
2886 'group': 'display',
2887 'order': 1,
2888 },
2889 },
2890 'inline-block': {
2891 'utility': {
2892 'display': 'inline-block',
2893 },
2894 'meta': {
2895 'group': 'display',
2896 'order': 2,
2897 },
2898 },
2899 'inline': {
2900 'utility': {
2901 'display': 'inline',
2902 },
2903 'meta': {
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2909 // https://windicss.org/utilities/flexbox.html
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2939 // https://windicss.org/utilities/tables.html
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3040 // https://windicss.org/utilities/grid.html
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3093 // https://windicss.org/utilities/positioning.html#floats
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3122 // https://windicss.org/utilities/positioning.html#clear
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3160 // https://windicss.org/utilities/positioning.html#isolation
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3180 // https://windicss.org/utilities/positioning.html#object-fit
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3232 // https://windicss.org/utilities/behaviors.html#overflow
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3342 // https://windicss.org/utilities/behaviors.html#overscroll-behavior
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3428 // https://windicss.org/utilities/positioning.html#position
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3478 // https://windicss.org/utilities/display.html#visibility
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3498 // https://windicss.org/utilities/display.html#backface-visibility
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3520 // https://windicss.org/utilities/flexbox.html#flex-direction
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3574 // https://windicss.org/utilities/flexbox.html#flex-wrap
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3609 // https://windicss.org/utilities/grid.html#grid-column-span
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3620 // https://windicss.org/utilities/grid.html#grid-row-span
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3631 // https://windicss.org/utilities/grid.html#grid-auto-flow
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3669 // https://windicss.org/utilities/positioning.html#justify-content
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3742 // https://windicss.org/utilities/positioning.html#justify-items
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3789 // https://windicss.org/utilities/positioning.html#justify-self
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3825 'meta': {
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3835 'meta': {
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3841 // https://windicss.org/utilities/positioning.html#align-content
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3848 'meta': {
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3881 'meta': {
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3892 'meta': {
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3901 'align-content': 'space-evenly',
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3903 'meta': {
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3906 },
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3909 // https://windicss.org/utilities/positioning.html#align-items
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3911 'utility': {
3912 '-webkit-box-align': 'start',
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3915 'align-items': 'flex-start',
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3929 'meta': {
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3965 'meta': {
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3971 // https://windicss.org/utilities/positioning.html#align-self
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3974 '-ms-flex-item-align': 'auto',
3975 '-ms-grid-row-align': 'auto',
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4000 },
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4025 'meta': {
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4031 // https://windicss.org/utilities/positioning.html#place-content
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4034 'place-content': 'center',
4035 },
4036 'meta': {
4037 'group': 'placeContent',
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4054 'meta': {
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4090 'meta': {
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4093 },
4094 },
4096 // https://windicss.org/utilities/positioning.html#place-items
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4099 'place-items': 'auto',
4100 },
4101 'meta': {
4102 'group': 'placeItems',
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4104 },
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4128 'meta': {
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4135 'place-items': 'stretch',
4136 },
4137 'meta': {
4138 'group': 'placeItems',
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4140 },
4141 },
4143 // https://windicss.org/utilities/positioning.html#place-self
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4145 'utility': {
4146 '-ms-grid-row-align': 'auto',
4147 '-ms-grid-column-align': 'auto',
4148 'place-self': 'auto',
4149 },
4150 'meta': {
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4161 'meta': {
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4172 'meta': {
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4181 'place-self': 'center',
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4183 'meta': {
4184 'group': 'placeSelf',
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4191 '-ms-grid-column-align': 'stretch',
4192 'place-self': 'stretch',
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4194 'meta': {
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4200 // https://windicss.org/utilities/typography.html#font-smoothing
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4204 '-moz-osx-font-smoothing': 'grayscale',
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4222 // https://windicss.org/utilities/typography.html#font-style
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4225 'font-style': 'italic',
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4242 // https://windicss.org/utilities/typography.html#font-variant-numeric
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4245 'font-variant-numeric': 'normal',
4246 },
4247 'meta': {
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4254 ...fontVariants,
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4264 ...fontVariants,
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4267 'meta': {
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4274 ...fontVariants,
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4284 ...fontVariants,
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4294 ...fontVariants,
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4304 ...fontVariants,
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4314 ...fontVariants,
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4317 'meta': {
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4324 ...fontVariants,
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4327 'meta': {
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4333 // https://windicss.org/utilities/behaviors.html#list-style-position
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4353 // https://windicss.org/utilities/typography.html#text-alignment
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4356 'text-align': 'left',
4357 },
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4385 'meta': {
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4391 // https://windicss.org/utilities/typography.html#text-decoration
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4395 'text-decoration-line': 'underline',
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4422 // http://localhost:3001/utilities/typography.html#text-decoration-style
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4464 // https://windicss.org/utilities/typography.html#text-transform
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4502 // https://windicss.org/utilities/typography.html#text-overflow
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4536 // https://windicss.org/utilities/typography.html#vertical-alignment
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4592 // https://windicss.org/utilities/typography.html#whitespace
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4639 // https://windicss.org/utilities/typography.html#word-break
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4643 'overflow-wrap': 'normal',
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4663 'meta': {
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4669 // https://windicss.org/utilities/typography.html#writing-mode
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4673 '-ms-writing-mode': 'lr-tb',
4674 'writing-mode': 'horizontal-tb',
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4686 'writing-mode': 'vertical-rl',
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4697 '-ms-writing-mode': 'tb-lr',
4698 'writing-mode': 'vertical-lr',
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4700 'meta': {
4701 'group': 'writingMode',
4702 'order': 3,
4703 },
4704 },
4706 // https://windicss.org/utilities/typography.html#writing-orientation
4707 'write-orient-mixed': {
4708 'utility': {
4709 '-webkit-text-orientation': 'mixed',
4710 'text-orientation': 'mixed',
4711 },
4712 'meta': {
4713 'group': 'writingMode',
4714 'order': 4,
4715 },
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4718 'write-orient-upright': {
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4720 '-webkit-text-orientation': 'upright',
4721 'text-orientation': 'upright',
4722 },
4723 'meta': {
4724 'group': 'writingMode',
4725 'order': 5,
4726 },
4727 },
4729 'write-orient-sideways': {
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4731 '-webkit-text-orientation': 'sideways',
4732 'text-orientation': 'sideways',
4733 },
4734 'meta': {
4735 'group': 'writingMode',
4736 'order': 6,
4737 },
4738 },
4740 // https://windicss.org/utilities/typography.html#hyphens
4741 'hyphens-none': {
4742 'utility': {
4743 '-webkit-hyphens': 'none',
4744 '-ms-hyphens': 'none',
4745 'hyphens': 'none',
4746 },
4747 'meta': {
4748 'group': 'hyphens',
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4750 },
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4752 'hyphens-manual': {
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4754 '-webkit-hyphens': 'manual',
4755 '-ms-hyphens': 'manual',
4756 'hyphens': 'manual',
4757 },
4758 'meta': {
4759 'group': 'hyphens',
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4763 'hyphens-auto': {
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4765 '-webkit-hyphens': 'auto',
4766 '-ms-hyphens': 'auto',
4767 'hyphens': 'auto',
4768 },
4769 'meta': {
4770 'group': 'hyphens',
4771 'order': 3,
4772 },
4773 },
4775 // https://windicss.org/utilities/backgrounds.html#background-attachment
4776 'bg-fixed': {
4777 'utility': {
4778 'background-attachment': 'fixed',
4779 },
4780 'meta': {
4781 'group': 'backgroundAttachment',
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4783 },
4784 },
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4787 'background-attachment': 'local',
4788 },
4789 'meta': {
4790 'group': 'backgroundAttachment',
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4792 },
4793 },
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4796 'background-attachment': 'scroll',
4797 },
4798 'meta': {
4799 'group': 'backgroundAttachment',
4800 'order': 3,
4801 },
4802 },
4804 // https://windicss.org/utilities/backgrounds.html#background-clip
4805 'bg-clip-border': {
4806 'utility': {
4807 '-webkit-background-clip': 'border-box',
4808 'background-clip': 'border-box',
4809 },
4810 'meta': {
4811 'group': 'backgroundClip',
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4813 },
4814 },
4815 'bg-clip-padding': {
4816 'utility': {
4817 '-webkit-background-clip': 'padding-box',
4818 'background-clip': 'padding-box',
4819 },
4820 'meta': {
4821 'group': 'backgroundClip',
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4823 },
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4825 'bg-clip-content': {
4826 'utility': {
4827 '-webkit-background-clip': 'content-box',
4828 'background-clip': 'content-box',
4829 },
4830 'meta': {
4831 'group': 'backgroundClip',
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4833 },
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4836 'utility': {
4837 '-webkit-background-clip': 'text',
4838 'background-clip': 'text',
4839 },
4840 'meta': {
4841 'group': 'backgroundClip',
4842 'order': 4,
4843 },
4844 },
4846 // https://windicss.org/utilities/backgrounds.html#background-repeat
4847 'bg-repeat': {
4848 'utility': {
4849 'background-repeat': 'repeat',
4850 },
4851 'meta': {
4852 'group': 'backgroundRepeat',
4853 'order': 1,
4854 },
4855 },
4856 'bg-no-repeat': {
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4858 'background-repeat': 'no-repeat',
4859 },
4860 'meta': {
4861 'group': 'backgroundRepeat',
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4863 },
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4865 'bg-repeat-x': {
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4867 'background-repeat': 'repeat-x',
4868 },
4869 'meta': {
4870 'group': 'backgroundRepeat',
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4872 },
4873 },
4874 'bg-repeat-y': {
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4876 'background-repeat': 'repeat-y',
4877 },
4878 'meta': {
4879 'group': 'backgroundRepeat',
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4881 },
4882 },
4883 'bg-repeat-round': {
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4885 'background-repeat': 'round',
4886 },
4887 'meta': {
4888 'group': 'backgroundRepeat',
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4890 },
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4892 'bg-repeat-space': {
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4894 'background-repeat': 'space',
4895 },
4896 'meta': {
4897 'group': 'backgroundRepeat',
4898 'order': 6,
4899 },
4900 },
4902 // https://windicss.org/utilities/backgrounds.html#background-origin
4903 'bg-origin-border': {
4904 'utility': {
4905 'background-origin': 'border-box',
4906 },
4907 'meta': {
4908 'group': 'backgroundOrigin',
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4910 },
4911 },
4912 'bg-origin-padding': {
4913 'utility': {
4914 'background-origin': 'padding-box',
4915 },
4916 'meta': {
4917 'group': 'backgroundOrigin',
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4919 },
4920 },
4921 'bg-origin-content': {
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4923 'background-origin': 'content-box',
4924 },
4925 'meta': {
4926 'group': 'backgroundOrigin',
4927 'order': 3,
4928 },
4929 },
4931 // https://windicss.org/utilities/borders.html#border-style
4932 'border-solid': {
4933 'utility': {
4934 'border-style': 'solid',
4935 },
4936 'meta': {
4937 'group': 'borderStyle',
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4939 },
4940 },
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4943 'border-style': 'dashed',
4944 },
4945 'meta': {
4946 'group': 'borderStyle',
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4948 },
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4952 'border-style': 'dotted',
4953 },
4954 'meta': {
4955 'group': 'borderStyle',
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4957 },
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4961 'border-style': 'double',
4962 },
4963 'meta': {
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4970 'border-style': 'none',
4971 },
4972 'meta': {
4973 'group': 'borderStyle',
4974 'order': 5,
4975 },
4976 },
4978 // https://windicss.org/utilities/behaviors.html#image-rendering
4979 'image-render-auto': {
4980 'utility': {
4981 'image-rendering': 'auto',
4982 },
4983 'meta': {
4984 'group': 'imageRendering',
4985 'order': 1,
4986 },
4987 },
4988 'image-render-pixel': {
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4990 '-ms-interpolation-mode': 'nearest-neighbor',
4991 'image-rendering': ['-webkit-optimize-contrast', '-moz-crisp-edges', '-o-pixelated', 'pixelated'],
4992 },
4993 'meta': {
4994 'group': 'imageRendering',
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4996 },
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4999 'utility': {
5000 'image-rendering': 'crisp-edges',
5001 },
5002 'meta': {
5003 'group': 'imageRendering',
5004 'order': 3,
5005 },
5006 },
5008 // https://windicss.org/utilities/effects.html#mix-blend-mode
5009 'mix-blend-normal': {
5010 'utility': {
5011 'mix-blend-mode': 'normal',
5012 },
5013 'meta': {
5014 'group': 'mixBlendMode',
5015 'order': 1,
5016 },
5017 },
5018 'mix-blend-multiply': {
5019 'utility': {
5020 'mix-blend-mode': 'multiply',
5021 },
5022 'meta': {
5023 'group': 'mixBlendMode',
5024 'order': 2,
5025 },
5026 },
5027 'mix-blend-screen': {
5028 'utility': {
5029 'mix-blend-mode': 'screen',
5030 },
5031 'meta': {
5032 'group': 'mixBlendMode',
5033 'order': 3,
5034 },
5035 },
5036 'mix-blend-overlay': {
5037 'utility': {
5038 'mix-blend-mode': 'overlay',
5039 },
5040 'meta': {
5041 'group': 'mixBlendMode',
5042 'order': 4,
5043 },
5044 },
5045 'mix-blend-darken': {
5046 'utility': {
5047 'mix-blend-mode': 'darken',
5048 },
5049 'meta': {
5050 'group': 'mixBlendMode',
5051 'order': 5,
5052 },
5053 },
5054 'mix-blend-lighten': {
5055 'utility': {
5056 'mix-blend-mode': 'lighten',
5057 },
5058 'meta': {
5059 'group': 'mixBlendMode',
5060 'order': 6,
5061 },
5062 },
5063 'mix-blend-color-dodge': {
5064 'utility': {
5065 'mix-blend-mode': 'color-dodge',
5066 },
5067 'meta': {
5068 'group': 'mixBlendMode',
5069 'order': 7,
5070 },
5071 },
5072 'mix-blend-color-burn': {
5073 'utility': {
5074 'mix-blend-mode': 'color-burn',
5075 },
5076 'meta': {
5077 'group': 'mixBlendMode',
5078 'order': 8,
5079 },
5080 },
5081 'mix-blend-hard-light': {
5082 'utility': {
5083 'mix-blend-mode': 'hard-light',
5084 },
5085 'meta': {
5086 'group': 'mixBlendMode',
5087 'order': 9,
5088 },
5089 },
5090 'mix-blend-soft-light': {
5091 'utility': {
5092 'mix-blend-mode': 'soft-light',
5093 },
5094 'meta': {
5095 'group': 'mixBlendMode',
5096 'order': 10,
5097 },
5098 },
5099 'mix-blend-difference': {
5100 'utility': {
5101 'mix-blend-mode': 'difference',
5102 },
5103 'meta': {
5104 'group': 'mixBlendMode',
5105 'order': 11,
5106 },
5107 },
5108 'mix-blend-exclusion': {
5109 'utility': {
5110 'mix-blend-mode': 'exclusion',
5111 },
5112 'meta': {
5113 'group': 'mixBlendMode',
5114 'order': 12,
5115 },
5116 },
5117 'mix-blend-hue': {
5118 'utility': {
5119 'mix-blend-mode': 'hue',
5120 },
5121 'meta': {
5122 'group': 'mixBlendMode',
5123 'order': 13,
5124 },
5125 },
5126 'mix-blend-saturation': {
5127 'utility': {
5128 'mix-blend-mode': 'saturation',
5129 },
5130 'meta': {
5131 'group': 'mixBlendMode',
5132 'order': 14,
5133 },
5134 },
5135 'mix-blend-color': {
5136 'utility': {
5137 'mix-blend-mode': 'color',
5138 },
5139 'meta': {
5140 'group': 'mixBlendMode',
5141 'order': 15,
5142 },
5143 },
5144 'mix-blend-luminosity': {
5145 'utility': {
5146 'mix-blend-mode': 'luminosity',
5147 },
5148 'meta': {
5149 'group': 'mixBlendMode',
5150 'order': 16,
5151 },
5152 },
5153 // https://windicss.org/utilities/backgrounds.html#background-blend-mode
5154 'bg-blend-normal': {
5155 'utility': {
5156 'background-blend-mode': 'normal',
5157 },
5158 'meta': {
5159 'group': 'backgroundBlendMode',
5160 'order': 1,
5161 },
5162 },
5163 'bg-blend-multiply': {
5164 'utility': {
5165 'background-blend-mode': 'multiply',
5166 },
5167 'meta': {
5168 'group': 'backgroundBlendMode',
5169 'order': 2,
5170 },
5171 },
5172 'bg-blend-screen': {
5173 'utility': {
5174 'background-blend-mode': 'screen',
5175 },
5176 'meta': {
5177 'group': 'backgroundBlendMode',
5178 'order': 3,
5179 },
5180 },
5181 'bg-blend-overlay': {
5182 'utility': {
5183 'background-blend-mode': 'overlay',
5184 },
5185 'meta': {
5186 'group': 'backgroundBlendMode',
5187 'order': 4,
5188 },
5189 },
5190 'bg-blend-darken': {
5191 'utility': {
5192 'background-blend-mode': 'darken',
5193 },
5194 'meta': {
5195 'group': 'backgroundBlendMode',
5196 'order': 5,
5197 },
5198 },
5199 'bg-blend-lighten': {
5200 'utility': {
5201 'background-blend-mode': 'lighten',
5202 },
5203 'meta': {
5204 'group': 'backgroundBlendMode',
5205 'order': 6,
5206 },
5207 },
5208 'bg-blend-color-dodge': {
5209 'utility': {
5210 'background-blend-mode': 'color-dodge',
5211 },
5212 'meta': {
5213 'group': 'backgroundBlendMode',
5214 'order': 7,
5215 },
5216 },
5217 'bg-blend-color-burn': {
5218 'utility': {
5219 'background-blend-mode': 'color-burn',
5220 },
5221 'meta': {
5222 'group': 'backgroundBlendMode',
5223 'order': 8,
5224 },
5225 },
5226 'bg-blend-hard-light': {
5227 'utility': {
5228 'background-blend-mode': 'hard-light',
5229 },
5230 'meta': {
5231 'group': 'backgroundBlendMode',
5232 'order': 9,
5233 },
5234 },
5235 'bg-blend-soft-light': {
5236 'utility': {
5237 'background-blend-mode': 'soft-light',
5238 },
5239 'meta': {
5240 'group': 'backgroundBlendMode',
5241 'order': 10,
5242 },
5243 },
5244 'bg-blend-difference': {
5245 'utility': {
5246 'background-blend-mode': 'difference',
5247 },
5248 'meta': {
5249 'group': 'backgroundBlendMode',
5250 'order': 11,
5251 },
5252 },
5253 'bg-blend-exclusion': {
5254 'utility': {
5255 'background-blend-mode': 'exclusion',
5256 },
5257 'meta': {
5258 'group': 'backgroundBlendMode',
5259 'order': 12,
5260 },
5261 },
5262 'bg-blend-hue': {
5263 'utility': {
5264 'background-blend-mode': 'hue',
5265 },
5266 'meta': {
5267 'group': 'backgroundBlendMode',
5268 'order': 13,
5269 },
5270 },
5271 'bg-blend-saturation': {
5272 'utility': {
5273 'background-blend-mode': 'saturation',
5274 },
5275 'meta': {
5276 'group': 'backgroundBlendMode',
5277 'order': 14,
5278 },
5279 },
5280 'bg-blend-color': {
5281 'utility': {
5282 'background-blend-mode': 'color',
5283 },
5284 'meta': {
5285 'group': 'backgroundBlendMode',
5286 'order': 15,
5287 },
5288 },
5289 'bg-blend-luminosity': {
5290 'utility': {
5291 'background-blend-mode': 'luminosity',
5292 },
5293 'meta': {
5294 'group': 'backgroundBlendMode',
5295 'order': 16,
5296 },
5297 },
5299 // https://windicss.org/utilities/filters.html#filter
5300 'filter': {
5301 'utility': {
5302 '--tw-blur': 'var(--tw-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)',
5303 '--tw-brightness': 'var(--tw-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)',
5304 '--tw-contrast': 'var(--tw-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)',
5305 '--tw-grayscale': 'var(--tw-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)',
5306 '--tw-hue-rotate': 'var(--tw-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)',
5307 '--tw-invert': 'var(--tw-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)',
5308 '--tw-saturate': 'var(--tw-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)',
5309 '--tw-sepia': 'var(--tw-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)',
5310 '--tw-drop-shadow': 'var(--tw-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)',
5311 '-webkit-filter': 'var(--tw-blur) var(--tw-brightness) var(--tw-contrast) var(--tw-grayscale) var(--tw-hue-rotate) var(--tw-invert) var(--tw-saturate) var(--tw-sepia) var(--tw-drop-shadow)',
5312 'filter': 'var(--tw-blur) var(--tw-brightness) var(--tw-contrast) var(--tw-grayscale) var(--tw-hue-rotate) var(--tw-invert) var(--tw-saturate) var(--tw-sepia) var(--tw-drop-shadow)',
5313 },
5314 'meta': {
5315 'group': 'filter',
5316 'order': 1,
5317 },
5318 },
5320 'filter-none': {
5321 'utility': {
5322 '-webkit-filter': 'none',
5323 'filter': 'none',
5324 },
5325 'meta': {
5326 'group': 'filter',
5327 'order': 2,
5328 },
5329 },
5331 // https://windicss.org/utilities/filters.html#backdrop-filter
5332 'backdrop-filter': {
5333 'utility': {
5334 '--tw-backdrop-blur': 'var(--tw-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)',
5335 '--tw-backdrop-brightness': 'var(--tw-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)',
5336 '--tw-backdrop-contrast': 'var(--tw-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)',
5337 '--tw-backdrop-grayscale': 'var(--tw-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)',
5338 '--tw-backdrop-hue-rotate': 'var(--tw-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)',
5339 '--tw-backdrop-invert': 'var(--tw-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)',
5340 '--tw-backdrop-opacity': 'var(--tw-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)',
5341 '--tw-backdrop-saturate': 'var(--tw-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)',
5342 '--tw-backdrop-sepia': 'var(--tw-empty,/*!*/ /*!*/)',
5343 '-webkit-backdrop-filter': 'var(--tw-backdrop-blur) var(--tw-backdrop-brightness) var(--tw-backdrop-contrast) var(--tw-backdrop-grayscale) var(--tw-backdrop-hue-rotate) var(--tw-backdrop-invert) var(--tw-backdrop-opacity) var(--tw-backdrop-saturate) var(--tw-backdrop-sepia)',
5344 'backdrop-filter': 'var(--tw-backdrop-blur) var(--tw-backdrop-brightness) var(--tw-backdrop-contrast) var(--tw-backdrop-grayscale) var(--tw-backdrop-hue-rotate) var(--tw-backdrop-invert) var(--tw-backdrop-opacity) var(--tw-backdrop-saturate) var(--tw-backdrop-sepia)',
5345 },
5346 'meta': {
5347 'group': 'backdropFilter',
5348 'order': 1,
5349 },
5350 },
5352 'backdrop-filter-none': {
5353 'utility': {
5354 '-webkit-backdrop-filter': 'none',
5355 'backdrop-filter': 'none',
5356 },
5357 'meta': {
5358 'group': 'backdropFilter',
5359 'order': 2,
5360 },
5361 },
5363 // https://windicss.org/utilities/tables.html#table-border-collapse
5364 'border-collapse': {
5365 'utility': {
5366 'border-collapse': 'collapse',
5367 },
5368 'meta': {
5369 'group': 'borderCollapse',
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5371 },
5372 },
5373 'border-separate': {
5374 'utility': {
5375 'border-collapse': 'separate',
5376 },
5377 'meta': {
5378 'group': 'borderCollapse',
5379 'order': 2,
5380 },
5381 },
5383 // https://windicss.org/utilities/tables.html#table-caption-side
5384 'caption-top': {
5385 'utility': {
5386 'caption-side': 'top',
5387 },
5388 'meta': {
5389 'group': 'captionSide',
5390 'order': 1,
5391 },
5392 },
5394 'caption-bottom': {
5395 'utility': {
5396 'caption-side': 'bottom',
5397 },
5398 'meta': {
5399 'group': 'captionSide',
5400 'order': 2,
5401 },
5402 },
5404 // https://windicss.org/utilities/tables.html#table-empty-cells
5405 'empty-cells-visible': {
5406 'utility': {
5407 'empty-cells': 'show',
5408 },
5409 'meta': {
5410 'group': 'emptyCells',
5411 'order': 1,
5412 },
5413 },
5415 'empty-cells-hidden': {
5416 'utility': {
5417 'empty-cells': 'hide',
5418 },
5419 'meta': {
5420 'group': 'emptyCells',
5421 'order': 2,
5422 },
5423 },
5425 // https://windicss.org/utilities/tables.html#table-layout
5426 'table-auto': {
5427 'utility': {
5428 'table-layout': 'auto',
5429 },
5430 'meta': {
5431 'group': 'tableLayout',
5432 'order': 1,
5433 },
5434 },
5435 'table-fixed': {
5436 'utility': {
5437 'table-layout': 'fixed',
5438 },
5439 'meta': {
5440 'group': 'tableLayout',
5441 'order': 2,
5442 },
5443 },
5445 // https://windicss.org/utilities/transforms.html
5446 'transform': {
5447 'utility': {
5448 '--tw-rotate': '0',
5449 '--tw-rotate-x': '0',
5450 '--tw-rotate-y': '0',
5451 '--tw-rotate-z': '0',
5452 '--tw-scale-x': '1',
5453 '--tw-scale-y': '1',
5454 '--tw-scale-z': '1',
5455 '--tw-skew-x': '0',
5456 '--tw-skew-y': '0',
5457 '--tw-translate-x': '0',
5458 '--tw-translate-y': '0',
5459 '--tw-translate-z': '0',
5460 '-webkit-transform': 'rotate(var(--tw-rotate)) rotateX(var(--tw-rotate-x)) rotateY(var(--tw-rotate-y)) rotateZ(var(--tw-rotate-z)) scaleX(var(--tw-scale-x)) scaleY(var(--tw-scale-y)) scaleZ(var(--tw-scale-z)) skewX(var(--tw-skew-x)) skewY(var(--tw-skew-y)) translateX(var(--tw-translate-x)) translateY(var(--tw-translate-y)) translateZ(var(--tw-translate-z))',
5461 '-ms-transform': 'rotate(var(--tw-rotate)) rotateX(var(--tw-rotate-x)) rotateY(var(--tw-rotate-y)) rotateZ(var(--tw-rotate-z)) scaleX(var(--tw-scale-x)) scaleY(var(--tw-scale-y)) scaleZ(var(--tw-scale-z)) skewX(var(--tw-skew-x)) skewY(var(--tw-skew-y)) translateX(var(--tw-translate-x)) translateY(var(--tw-translate-y)) translateZ(var(--tw-translate-z))',
5462 'transform': 'rotate(var(--tw-rotate)) rotateX(var(--tw-rotate-x)) rotateY(var(--tw-rotate-y)) rotateZ(var(--tw-rotate-z)) scaleX(var(--tw-scale-x)) scaleY(var(--tw-scale-y)) scaleZ(var(--tw-scale-z)) skewX(var(--tw-skew-x)) skewY(var(--tw-skew-y)) translateX(var(--tw-translate-x)) translateY(var(--tw-translate-y)) translateZ(var(--tw-translate-z))',
5463 },
5464 'meta': {
5465 'group': 'transform',
5466 'order': 1,
5467 },
5468 },
5469 'transform-gpu': {
5470 'utility': {
5471 '--tw-rotate': '0',
5472 '--tw-rotate-x': '0',
5473 '--tw-rotate-y': '0',
5474 '--tw-rotate-z': '0',
5475 '--tw-scale-x': '1',
5476 '--tw-scale-y': '1',
5477 '--tw-scale-z': '1',
5478 '--tw-skew-x': '0',
5479 '--tw-skew-y': '0',
5480 '--tw-translate-x': '0',
5481 '--tw-translate-y': '0',
5482 '--tw-translate-z': '0',
5483 '-webkit-transform': 'rotate(var(--tw-rotate)) rotateX(var(--tw-rotate-x)) rotateY(var(--tw-rotate-y)) rotateZ(var(--tw-rotate-z)) scaleX(var(--tw-scale-x)) scaleY(var(--tw-scale-y)) scaleZ(var(--tw-scale-z)) skewX(var(--tw-skew-x)) skewY(var(--tw-skew-y)) translate3d(var(--tw-translate-x), var(--tw-translate-y), var(--tw-translate-z))',
5484 '-ms-transform': 'rotate(var(--tw-rotate)) rotateX(var(--tw-rotate-x)) rotateY(var(--tw-rotate-y)) rotateZ(var(--tw-rotate-z)) scaleX(var(--tw-scale-x)) scaleY(var(--tw-scale-y)) scaleZ(var(--tw-scale-z)) skewX(var(--tw-skew-x)) skewY(var(--tw-skew-y)) translate3d(var(--tw-translate-x), var(--tw-translate-y), var(--tw-translate-z))',
5485 'transform': 'rotate(var(--tw-rotate)) rotateX(var(--tw-rotate-x)) rotateY(var(--tw-rotate-y)) rotateZ(var(--tw-rotate-z)) scaleX(var(--tw-scale-x)) scaleY(var(--tw-scale-y)) scaleZ(var(--tw-scale-z)) skewX(var(--tw-skew-x)) skewY(var(--tw-skew-y)) translate3d(var(--tw-translate-x), var(--tw-translate-y), var(--tw-translate-z))',
5486 },
5487 'meta': {
5488 'group': 'transform',
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5490 },
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5492 'transform-none': {
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5494 '-webkit-transform': 'none',
5495 '-ms-transform': 'none',
5496 'transform': 'none',
5497 },
5498 'meta': {
5499 'group': 'transform',
5500 'order': 3,
5501 },
5502 },
5504 // https://windicss.org/utilities/transforms.html#transform-type
5505 'preserve-flat': {
5506 'utility': {
5507 '-webkit-transform-style': 'flat',
5508 'transform-style': 'flat',
5509 },
5510 'meta': {
5511 'group': 'transform',
5512 'order': 4,
5513 },
5514 },
5516 'preserve-3d': {
5517 'utility': {
5518 '-webkit-transform-style': 'preserve-3d',
5519 'transform-style': 'preserve-3d',
5520 },
5521 'meta': {
5522 'group': 'transform',
5523 'order': 5,
5524 },
5525 },
5527 'animated': {
5528 'utility': {
5529 '-webkit-animation-duration': '1000ms',
5530 '-webkit-animation-fill-mode': 'both',
5531 'animation-duration': '1000ms',
5532 'animation-fill-mode': 'both',
5533 },
5534 'meta': {
5535 'group': 'animation',
5536 'order': 3,
5537 },
5538 },
5540 'animate-reverse': {
5541 'utility': {
5542 '-webkit-animation-direction': 'reverse',
5543 'animation-direction': 'reverse',
5544 },
5545 'meta': {
5546 'group': 'animation',
5547 'order': 4,
5548 },
5549 },
5551 'animate-alternate': {
5552 'utility': {
5553 '-webkit-animation-direction': 'alternate',
5554 'animation-direction': 'alternate',
5555 },
5556 'meta': {
5557 'group': 'animation',
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5559 },
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5562 'animate-alternate-reverse': {
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5564 '-webkit-animation-direction': 'alternate-reverse',
5565 'animation-direction': 'alternate-reverse',
5566 },
5567 'meta': {
5568 'group': 'animation',
5569 'order': 6,
5570 },
5571 },
5573 'animate-fill-none': {
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5575 '-webkit-animation-fill-mode': 'none',
5576 'animation-fill-mode': 'none',
5577 },
5578 'meta': {
5579 'group': 'animation',
5580 'order': 7,
5581 },
5582 },
5584 'animate-fill-forwards': {
5585 'utility': {
5586 '-webkit-animation-fill-mode': 'forwards',
5587 'animation-fill-mode': 'forwards',
5588 },
5589 'meta': {
5590 'group': 'animation',
5591 'order': 8,
5592 },
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5595 'animate-fill-backwards': {
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5597 '-webkit-animation-fill-mode': 'backwards',
5598 'animation-fill-mode': 'backwards',
5599 },
5600 'meta': {
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5606 'animate-fill-both': {
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5608 '-webkit-animation-fill-mode': 'both',
5609 'animation-fill-mode': 'both',
5610 },
5611 'meta': {
5612 'group': 'animation',
5613 'order': 10,
5614 },
5615 },
5617 'animate-paused': {
5618 'utility': {
5619 '-webkit-animation-play-state': 'paused',
5620 'animation-play-state': 'paused',
5621 },
5622 'meta': {
5623 'group': 'animation',
5624 'order': 11,
5625 },
5626 },
5628 'animate-running': {
5629 'utility': {
5630 '-webkit-animation-play-state': 'running',
5631 'animation-play-state': 'running',
5632 },
5633 'meta': {
5634 'group': 'animation',
5635 'order': 12,
5636 },
5637 },
5639 // https://windicss.org/utilities/behaviors.html#appearance
5640 'appearance-none': {
5641 'utility': {
5642 '-webkit-appearance': 'none',
5643 '-moz-appearance': 'none',
5644 'appearance': 'none',
5645 },
5646 'meta': {
5647 'group': 'appearance',
5648 'order': 1,
5649 },
5650 },
5652 // https://windicss.org/utilities/behaviors.html#pointer-events
5653 'pointer-events-none': {
5654 'utility': {
5655 'pointer-events': 'none',
5656 },
5657 'meta': {
5658 'group': 'pointerEvents',
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5662 'pointer-events-auto': {
5663 'utility': {
5664 'pointer-events': 'auto',
5665 },
5666 'meta': {
5667 'group': 'pointerEvents',
5668 'order': 2,
5669 },
5670 },
5672 // https://windicss.org/utilities/behaviors.html#resize
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5674 'utility': {
5675 'resize': 'none',
5676 },
5677 'meta': {
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5684 'resize': 'vertical',
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5686 'meta': {
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5693 'resize': 'horizontal',
5694 },
5695 'meta': {
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5702 'resize': 'both',
5703 },
5704 'meta': {
5705 'group': 'resize',
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5707 },
5708 },
5710 // https://windicss.org/utilities/behaviors.html#user-select
5711 'select-none': {
5712 'utility': {
5713 '-webkit-user-select': 'none',
5714 '-moz-user-select': 'none',
5715 '-ms-user-select': 'none',
5716 'user-select': 'none',
5717 },
5718 'meta': {
5719 'group': 'userSelect',
5720 'order': 1,
5721 },
5722 },
5723 'select-text': {
5724 'utility': {
5725 '-webkit-user-select': 'text',
5726 '-moz-user-select': 'text',
5727 '-ms-user-select': 'text',
5728 'user-select': 'text',
5729 },
5730 'meta': {
5731 'group': 'userSelect',
5732 'order': 2,
5733 },
5734 },
5735 'select-all': {
5736 'utility': {
5737 '-webkit-user-select': 'all',
5738 '-moz-user-select': 'all',
5739 '-ms-user-select': 'all',
5740 'user-select': 'all',
5741 },
5742 'meta': {
5743 'group': 'userSelect',
5744 'order': 3,
5745 },
5746 },
5747 'select-auto': {
5748 'utility': {
5749 '-webkit-user-select': 'auto',
5750 '-moz-user-select': 'auto',
5751 '-ms-user-select': 'auto',
5752 'user-select': 'auto',
5753 },
5754 'meta': {
5755 'group': 'userSelect',
5756 'order': 4,
5757 },
5758 },
5760 // https://windicss.org/utilities/svg.html#fill-color
5761 // https://windicss.org/utilities/svg.html#stroke-color
5762 'fill-current': {
5763 'utility': {
5764 'fill': 'currentColor',
5765 },
5766 'meta': {
5767 'group': 'fill',
5768 'order': 1,
5769 },
5770 },
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5772 'utility': {
5773 'stroke': 'currentColor',
5774 },
5775 'meta': {
5776 'group': 'stroke',
5777 'order': 1,
5778 },
5779 },
5780 // https://windicss.org/utilities/svg.html#stroke-linecap
5781 'stroke-cap-auto': {
5782 'utility': {
5783 'stroke-linecap': 'butt',
5784 },
5785 'meta': {
5786 'group': 'stroke',
5787 'order': 2,
5788 },
5789 },
5790 'stroke-cap-square': {
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5792 'stroke-linecap': 'square',
5793 },
5794 'meta': {
5795 'group': 'stroke',
5796 'order': 3,
5797 },
5798 },
5799 'stroke-cap-round': {
5800 'utility': {
5801 'stroke-linecap': 'round',
5802 },
5803 'meta': {
5804 'group': 'stroke',
5805 'order': 4,
5806 },
5807 },
5808 // https://windicss.org/utilities/svg.html#stroke-linejoin
5809 'stroke-join-auto': {
5810 'utility': {
5811 'stroke-linejoin': 'miter',
5812 },
5813 'meta': {
5814 'group': 'stroke',
5815 'order': 5,
5816 },
5817 },
5818 'stroke-join-arcs': {
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5820 'stroke-linejoin': 'arcs',
5821 },
5822 'meta': {
5823 'group': 'stroke',
5824 'order': 6,
5825 },
5826 },
5827 'stroke-join-bevel': {
5828 'utility': {
5829 'stroke-linejoin': 'bevel',
5830 },
5831 'meta': {
5832 'group': 'stroke',
5833 'order': 7,
5834 },
5835 },
5836 'stroke-join-clip': {
5837 'utility': {
5838 'stroke-linejoin': 'miter-clip',
5839 },
5840 'meta': {
5841 'group': 'stroke',
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5843 },
5844 },
5845 'stroke-join-round': {
5846 'utility': {
5847 'stroke-linejoin': 'round',
5848 },
5849 'meta': {
5850 'group': 'stroke',
5851 'order': 9,
5852 },
5853 },
5854 // https://windicss.org/utilities/behaviors.html#screen-readers-access
5855 'sr-only': {
5856 'utility': {
5857 'position': 'absolute',
5858 'width': '1px',
5859 'height': '1px',
5860 'padding': '0',
5861 'margin': '-1px',
5862 'overflow': 'hidden',
5863 'clip': 'rect(0, 0, 0, 0)',
5864 'white-space': 'nowrap',
5865 'border-width': '0',
5866 },
5867 'meta': {
5868 'group': 'accessibility',
5869 'order': 1,
5870 },
5871 },
5872 'not-sr-only': {
5873 'utility': {
5874 'position': 'static',
5875 'width': 'auto',
5876 'height': 'auto',
5877 'padding': '0',
5878 'margin': '0',
5879 'overflow': 'visible',
5880 'clip': 'auto',
5881 'white-space': 'normal',
5882 },
5883 'meta': {
5884 'group': 'accessibility',
5885 'order': 2,
5886 },
5887 },
5890const variantOrder = [
5891 'hover',
5892 'focus',
5893 'active',
5894 'visited',
5895 'link',
5896 'target',
5897 'focus-visible',
5898 'focus-within',
5899 'checked',
5900 'not-checked',
5901 'default',
5902 'disabled',
5903 'enabled',
5904 'indeterminate',
5905 'invalid',
5906 'valid',
5907 'optional',
5908 'required',
5909 'placeholder-shown',
5910 'read-only',
5911 'read-write',
5912 'not-disabled',
5913 'first-of-type',
5914 'not-first-of-type',
5915 'last-of-type',
5916 'not-last-of-type',
5917 'first',
5918 'last',
5919 'not-first',
5920 'not-last',
5921 'only-child',
5922 'not-only-child',
5923 'only-of-type',
5924 'not-only-of-type',
5925 'even',
5926 'odd',
5927 'even-of-type',
5928 'odd-of-type',
5929 'root',
5930 'empty',
5931 'before',
5932 'after',
5933 'first-letter',
5934 'first-line',
5935 'file-selector-button',
5936 'selection',
5937 'svg',
5938 'all',
5939 'children',
5940 'siblings',
5941 'sibling',
5942 'ltr',
5943 'rtl',
5944 'group-hover',
5945 'group-focus',
5946 'group-active',
5947 'group-visited',
5948 'motion-safe',
5949 'motion-reduce',
5954var layerOrder; (function (layerOrder) {
5955 const base = 10; layerOrder[layerOrder["base"] = base] = "base";
5956 const components = 150; layerOrder[layerOrder["components"] = components] = "components";
5957 const shortcuts = 160; layerOrder[layerOrder["shortcuts"] = shortcuts] = "shortcuts";
5958 const utilities = 20000; layerOrder[layerOrder["utilities"] = utilities] = "utilities";
5959})(layerOrder || (layerOrder = {}));
5961var pluginOrder; (function (pluginOrder) {
5962 const container = 100; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['container'] = container] = 'container';
5963 const space = 200; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['space'] = space] = 'space';
5964 const divideWidth = 300; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['divideWidth'] = divideWidth] = 'divideWidth';
5965 const divideColor = 400; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['divideColor'] = divideColor] = 'divideColor';
5966 const divideStyle = 500; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['divideStyle'] = divideStyle] = 'divideStyle';
5967 const divideOpacity = 600; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['divideOpacity'] = divideOpacity] = 'divideOpacity';
5968 const accessibility = 700; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['accessibility'] = accessibility] = 'accessibility';
5969 const appearance = 800; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['appearance'] = appearance] = 'appearance';
5970 const backgroundAttachment = 900; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['backgroundAttachment'] = backgroundAttachment] = 'backgroundAttachment';
5971 const backgroundClip = 1000; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['backgroundClip'] = backgroundClip] = 'backgroundClip';
5972 const backgroundColor = 1100; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['backgroundColor'] = backgroundColor] = 'backgroundColor';
5973 const backgroundImage = 1200; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['backgroundImage'] = backgroundImage] = 'backgroundImage';
5974 const gradientColorStops = 1300; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['gradientColorStops'] = gradientColorStops] = 'gradientColorStops';
5975 const backgroundOpacity = 1400; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['backgroundOpacity'] = backgroundOpacity] = 'backgroundOpacity';
5976 const backgroundPosition = 1500; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['backgroundPosition'] = backgroundPosition] = 'backgroundPosition';
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5978 const backgroundSize = 1700; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['backgroundSize'] = backgroundSize] = 'backgroundSize';
5979 const backgroundOrigin = 1750; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['backgroundOrigin'] = backgroundOrigin] = 'backgroundOrigin';
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5981 const borderColor = 1900; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['borderColor'] = borderColor] = 'borderColor';
5982 const borderOpacity = 2000; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['borderOpacity'] = borderOpacity] = 'borderOpacity';
5983 const borderRadius = 2100; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['borderRadius'] = borderRadius] = 'borderRadius';
5984 const borderStyle = 2200; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['borderStyle'] = borderStyle] = 'borderStyle';
5985 const borderWidth = 2300; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['borderWidth'] = borderWidth] = 'borderWidth';
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5988 const cursor = 2500; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['cursor'] = cursor] = 'cursor';
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5990 const emptyCells = 2560; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['emptyCells'] = emptyCells] = 'emptyCells';
5991 const display = 2600; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['display'] = display] = 'display';
5992 const flexDirection = 2700; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['flexDirection'] = flexDirection] = 'flexDirection';
5993 const flexWrap = 2800; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['flexWrap'] = flexWrap] = 'flexWrap';
5994 const placeItems = 2900; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['placeItems'] = placeItems] = 'placeItems';
5995 const placeContent = 3000; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['placeContent'] = placeContent] = 'placeContent';
5996 const placeSelf = 3100; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['placeSelf'] = placeSelf] = 'placeSelf';
5997 const alignItems = 3200; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['alignItems'] = alignItems] = 'alignItems';
5998 const alignContent = 3300; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['alignContent'] = alignContent] = 'alignContent';
5999 const alignSelf = 3400; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['alignSelf'] = alignSelf] = 'alignSelf';
6000 const justifyItems = 3500; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['justifyItems'] = justifyItems] = 'justifyItems';
6001 const justifyContent = 3600; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['justifyContent'] = justifyContent] = 'justifyContent';
6002 const justifySelf = 3700; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['justifySelf'] = justifySelf] = 'justifySelf';
6003 const flex = 3800; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['flex'] = flex] = 'flex';
6004 const flexGrow = 3900; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['flexGrow'] = flexGrow] = 'flexGrow';
6005 const flexShrink = 4000; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['flexShrink'] = flexShrink] = 'flexShrink';
6006 const order = 4100; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['order'] = order] = 'order';
6007 const float = 4200; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['float'] = float] = 'float';
6008 const clear = 4300; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['clear'] = clear] = 'clear';
6009 const fontFamily = 4400; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['fontFamily'] = fontFamily] = 'fontFamily';
6010 const fontWeight = 4500; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['fontWeight'] = fontWeight] = 'fontWeight';
6011 const height = 4600; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['height'] = height] = 'height';
6012 const fontSize = 4700; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['fontSize'] = fontSize] = 'fontSize';
6013 const lineHeight = 4800; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['lineHeight'] = lineHeight] = 'lineHeight';
6014 const listStylePosition = 4900; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['listStylePosition'] = listStylePosition] = 'listStylePosition';
6015 const listStyleType = 5000; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['listStyleType'] = listStyleType] = 'listStyleType';
6016 const margin = 5100; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['margin'] = margin] = 'margin';
6017 const maxHeight = 5200; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['maxHeight'] = maxHeight] = 'maxHeight';
6018 const maxWidth = 5300; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['maxWidth'] = maxWidth] = 'maxWidth';
6019 const minHeight = 5400; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['minHeight'] = minHeight] = 'minHeight';
6020 const minWidth = 5500; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['minWidth'] = minWidth] = 'minWidth';
6021 const objectFit = 5600; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['objectFit'] = objectFit] = 'objectFit';
6022 const objectPosition = 5700; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['objectPosition'] = objectPosition] = 'objectPosition';
6023 const opacity = 5800; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['opacity'] = opacity] = 'opacity';
6024 const outline = 5900; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['outline'] = outline] = 'outline';
6025 const overflow = 6000; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['overflow'] = overflow] = 'overflow';
6026 const overscrollBehavior = 6100; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['overscrollBehavior'] = overscrollBehavior] = 'overscrollBehavior';
6027 const padding = 6200; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['padding'] = padding] = 'padding';
6028 const placeholderColor = 6300; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['placeholderColor'] = placeholderColor] = 'placeholderColor';
6029 const placeholderOpacity = 6400; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['placeholderOpacity'] = placeholderOpacity] = 'placeholderOpacity';
6030 const caretColor = 6450; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['caretColor'] = caretColor] = 'caretColor';
6031 const caretOpacity = 6460; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['caretOpacity'] = caretOpacity] = 'caretOpacity';
6032 const tabSize = 6470; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['tabSize'] = tabSize] = 'tabSize';
6033 const pointerEvents = 6500; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['pointerEvents'] = pointerEvents] = 'pointerEvents';
6034 const position = 6600; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['position'] = position] = 'position';
6035 const inset = 6700; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['inset'] = inset] = 'inset';
6036 const resize = 6800; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['resize'] = resize] = 'resize';
6037 const boxShadow = 6900; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['boxShadow'] = boxShadow] = 'boxShadow';
6038 const boxShadowColor = 6950; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['boxShadowColor'] = boxShadowColor] = 'boxShadowColor';
6039 const ringWidth = 7000; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['ringWidth'] = ringWidth] = 'ringWidth';
6040 const ringOffsetColor = 7100; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['ringOffsetColor'] = ringOffsetColor] = 'ringOffsetColor';
6041 const ringOffsetWidth = 7200; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['ringOffsetWidth'] = ringOffsetWidth] = 'ringOffsetWidth';
6042 const ringColor = 7300; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['ringColor'] = ringColor] = 'ringColor';
6043 const ringOpacity = 7400; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['ringOpacity'] = ringOpacity] = 'ringOpacity';
6044 const fill = 7500; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['fill'] = fill] = 'fill';
6045 const stroke = 7600; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['stroke'] = stroke] = 'stroke';
6046 const strokeWidth = 7700; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['strokeWidth'] = strokeWidth] = 'strokeWidth';
6047 const strokeDashArray = 7750; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['strokeDashArray'] = strokeDashArray] = 'strokeDashArray';
6048 const strokeDashOffset = 7760; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['strokeDashOffset'] = strokeDashOffset] = 'strokeDashOffset';
6049 const tableLayout = 7800; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['tableLayout'] = tableLayout] = 'tableLayout';
6050 const textAlign = 7900; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['textAlign'] = textAlign] = 'textAlign';
6051 const textColor = 8000; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['textColor'] = textColor] = 'textColor';
6052 const textOpacity = 8100; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['textOpacity'] = textOpacity] = 'textOpacity';
6053 const textOverflow = 8200; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['textOverflow'] = textOverflow] = 'textOverflow';
6054 const textShadow = 8250; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['textShadow'] = textShadow] = 'textShadow';
6055 const fontStyle = 8300; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['fontStyle'] = fontStyle] = 'fontStyle';
6056 const textTransform = 8400; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['textTransform'] = textTransform] = 'textTransform';
6057 const textDecorationStyle = 8450; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['textDecorationStyle'] = textDecorationStyle] = 'textDecorationStyle';
6058 const textDecorationLength = 8455; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['textDecorationLength'] = textDecorationLength] = 'textDecorationLength';
6059 const textDecorationColor = 8460; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['textDecorationColor'] = textDecorationColor] = 'textDecorationColor';
6060 const textDecorationOpacity = 8470; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['textDecorationOpacity'] = textDecorationOpacity] = 'textDecorationOpacity';
6061 const textDecorationOffset = 8480; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['textDecorationOffset'] = textDecorationOffset] = 'textDecorationOffset';
6062 const textDecoration = 8500; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['textDecoration'] = textDecoration] = 'textDecoration';
6063 const textIndent = 8550; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['textIndent'] = textIndent] = 'textIndent';
6064 const textStrokeColor = 8560; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['textStrokeColor'] = textStrokeColor] = 'textStrokeColor';
6065 const textStrokeWidth = 8570; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['textStrokeWidth'] = textStrokeWidth] = 'textStrokeWidth';
6066 const content = 8580; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['content'] = content] = 'content';
6067 const fontSmoothing = 8600; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['fontSmoothing'] = fontSmoothing] = 'fontSmoothing';
6068 const fontVariantNumeric = 8700; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['fontVariantNumeric'] = fontVariantNumeric] = 'fontVariantNumeric';
6069 const letterSpacing = 8800; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['letterSpacing'] = letterSpacing] = 'letterSpacing';
6070 const userSelect = 8900; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['userSelect'] = userSelect] = 'userSelect';
6071 const verticalAlign = 9000; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['verticalAlign'] = verticalAlign] = 'verticalAlign';
6072 const visibility = 9100; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['visibility'] = visibility] = 'visibility';
6073 const backfaceVisibility = 9150; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['backfaceVisibility'] = backfaceVisibility] = 'backfaceVisibility';
6074 const whitespace = 9200; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['whitespace'] = whitespace] = 'whitespace';
6075 const wordBreak = 9300; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['wordBreak'] = wordBreak] = 'wordBreak';
6076 const writingMode = 9340; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['writingMode'] = writingMode] = 'writingMode';
6077 const hyphens = 9350; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['hyphens'] = hyphens] = 'hyphens';
6078 const width = 9400; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['width'] = width] = 'width';
6079 const zIndex = 9500; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['zIndex'] = zIndex] = 'zIndex';
6080 const isolation = 9550; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['isolation'] = isolation] = 'isolation';
6081 const gap = 9600; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['gap'] = gap] = 'gap';
6082 const gridAutoFlow = 9700; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['gridAutoFlow'] = gridAutoFlow] = 'gridAutoFlow';
6083 const gridTemplateColumns = 9800; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['gridTemplateColumns'] = gridTemplateColumns] = 'gridTemplateColumns';
6084 const gridAutoColumns = 9900; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['gridAutoColumns'] = gridAutoColumns] = 'gridAutoColumns';
6085 const gridColumn = 10000; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['gridColumn'] = gridColumn] = 'gridColumn';
6086 const gridColumnStart = 10100; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['gridColumnStart'] = gridColumnStart] = 'gridColumnStart';
6087 const gridColumnEnd = 10200; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['gridColumnEnd'] = gridColumnEnd] = 'gridColumnEnd';
6088 const gridTemplateRows = 10300; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['gridTemplateRows'] = gridTemplateRows] = 'gridTemplateRows';
6089 const gridAutoRows = 10400; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['gridAutoRows'] = gridAutoRows] = 'gridAutoRows';
6090 const gridRow = 10500; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['gridRow'] = gridRow] = 'gridRow';
6091 const gridRowStart = 10600; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['gridRowStart'] = gridRowStart] = 'gridRowStart';
6092 const gridRowEnd = 10700; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['gridRowEnd'] = gridRowEnd] = 'gridRowEnd';
6093 const transform = 10800; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['transform'] = transform] = 'transform';
6094 const transformOrigin = 10900; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['transformOrigin'] = transformOrigin] = 'transformOrigin';
6095 const scale = 11000; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['scale'] = scale] = 'scale';
6096 const rotate = 11100; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['rotate'] = rotate] = 'rotate';
6097 const translate = 11200; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['translate'] = translate] = 'translate';
6098 const skew = 11300; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['skew'] = skew] = 'skew';
6099 const perspective = 11350; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['perspective'] = perspective] = 'perspective';
6100 const perspectiveOrigin = 11360; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['perspectiveOrigin'] = perspectiveOrigin] = 'perspectiveOrigin';
6101 const transitionProperty = 11400; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['transitionProperty'] = transitionProperty] = 'transitionProperty';
6102 const transitionTimingFunction = 11500; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['transitionTimingFunction'] = transitionTimingFunction] = 'transitionTimingFunction';
6103 const transitionDuration = 11600; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['transitionDuration'] = transitionDuration] = 'transitionDuration';
6104 const transitionDelay = 11700; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['transitionDelay'] = transitionDelay] = 'transitionDelay';
6105 const keyframes = 11800; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['keyframes'] = keyframes] = 'keyframes';
6106 const animation = 11900; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['animation'] = animation] = 'animation';
6107 const imageRendering = 11950; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['imageRendering'] = imageRendering] = 'imageRendering';
6108 const mixBlendMode = 12000; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['mixBlendMode'] = mixBlendMode] = 'mixBlendMode';
6109 const backgroundBlendMode = 12100; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['backgroundBlendMode'] = backgroundBlendMode] = 'backgroundBlendMode';
6110 const filter = 12200; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['filter'] = filter] = 'filter';
6111 const blur = 12300; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['blur'] = blur] = 'blur';
6112 const brightness = 12400; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['brightness'] = brightness] = 'brightness';
6113 const contrast = 12500; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['contrast'] = contrast] = 'contrast';
6114 const dropShadow = 12600; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['dropShadow'] = dropShadow] = 'dropShadow';
6115 const grayscale = 12700; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['grayscale'] = grayscale] = 'grayscale';
6116 const hueRotate = 12800; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['hueRotate'] = hueRotate] = 'hueRotate';
6117 const invert = 12900; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['invert'] = invert] = 'invert';
6118 const saturate = 13000; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['saturate'] = saturate] = 'saturate';
6119 const sepia = 13100; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['sepia'] = sepia] = 'sepia';
6120 const backdropFilter = 13200; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['backdropFilter'] = backdropFilter] = 'backdropFilter';
6121 const backdropBlur = 13300; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['backdropBlur'] = backdropBlur] = 'backdropBlur';
6122 const backdropBrightness = 13400; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['backdropBrightness'] = backdropBrightness] = 'backdropBrightness';
6123 const backdropContrast = 13500; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['backdropContrast'] = backdropContrast] = 'backdropContrast';
6124 const backdropGrayscale = 13600; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['backdropGrayscale'] = backdropGrayscale] = 'backdropGrayscale';
6125 const backdropHueRotate = 13700; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['backdropHueRotate'] = backdropHueRotate] = 'backdropHueRotate';
6126 const backdropInvert = 13800; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['backdropInvert'] = backdropInvert] = 'backdropInvert';
6127 const backdropOpacity = 13900; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['backdropOpacity'] = backdropOpacity] = 'backdropOpacity';
6128 const backdropSaturate = 14000; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['backdropSaturate'] = backdropSaturate] = 'backdropSaturate';
6129 const backdropSepia = 14100; pluginOrder[pluginOrder['backdropSepia'] = backdropSepia] = 'backdropSepia';
6130})(pluginOrder || (pluginOrder = {}));
6132function _nullishCoalesce$2(lhs, rhsFn) { if (lhs != null) { return lhs; } else { return rhsFn(); } } function _optionalChain$1(ops) { let lastAccessLHS = undefined; let value = ops[0]; let i = 1; while (i < ops.length) { const op = ops[i]; const fn = ops[i + 1]; i += 2; if ((op === 'optionalAccess' || op === 'optionalCall') && value == null) { return undefined; } if (op === 'access' || op === 'optionalAccess') { lastAccessLHS = value; value = fn(value); } else if (op === 'call' || op === 'optionalCall') { value = fn((...args) => value.call(lastAccessLHS, ...args)); lastAccessLHS = undefined; } } return value; }
6136function isNumberLead(i) {
6137 return /^\d/.test(i) ? i : undefined;
6140function notNumberLead(i) {
6141 return /^\d/.test(i) ? undefined : i;
6144// https://windicss.org/utilities/container.html
6145function container(utility, { theme }) {
6146 if (utility.raw === 'container') {
6147 const className = utility.class;
6148 const baseStyle = new Container(utility.class, new Property('width', '100%'));
6149 const paddingDefault = toType(theme('container.padding'), 'string') ? toType(theme('container.padding'), 'string') : toType(theme('container.padding.DEFAULT'), 'string');
6151 if (paddingDefault) {
6152 baseStyle.add(new Property('padding-left', paddingDefault));
6153 baseStyle.add(new Property('padding-right', paddingDefault));
6154 }
6156 const center = theme('container.center');
6158 if (center && typeof center === 'boolean'){
6159 baseStyle.add(new Property(['margin-left', 'margin-right'], 'auto'));
6160 }
6162 const output = [baseStyle];
6163 const screens = toType(theme('container.screens', theme('screens')), 'object');
6165 for (const [screen, size] of Object.entries(screens)) {
6166 if (!isString(size)) continue;
6167 const props = [new Property('max-width', `${size}`)];
6168 const padding = theme(`container.padding.${screen}`);
6169 if (padding && typeof padding === 'string') {
6170 props.push(new Property('padding-left', padding));
6171 props.push(new Property('padding-right', padding));
6172 }
6173 output.push(new Container(className, props).atRule(`@media (min-width: ${size})`));
6174 }
6176 output.forEach(style => style.updateMeta('utilities', 'container', pluginOrder.container, 0, true));
6178 return output;
6179 }
6182// https://windicss.org/utilities/positioning.html#object-position
6183function objectPosition(utility, { theme }) {
6184 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _ => _.handler
6185, 'access', _2 => _2.handleBody, 'call', _3 => _3(theme('objectPosition'))
6186, 'access', _4 => _4.createProperty, 'call', _5 => _5(['-o-object-position', 'object-position'])
6187, 'optionalAccess', _6 => _6.updateMeta, 'call', _7 => _7('utilities', 'objectPosition', pluginOrder.objectPosition, 0, true)]);
6190// https://windicss.org/utilities/positioning.html#top-right-bottom-left
6191function inset(utility, { theme }) {
6192 return utility.handler
6193 .handleStatic(theme('inset'))
6194 .handleSquareBrackets()
6195 .handleSpacing()
6196 .handleFraction()
6197 .handleSize()
6198 .handleNegative()
6199 .handleVariable()
6200 .callback(value => {
6201 switch (utility.identifier) {
6202 case 'top':
6203 case 'right':
6204 case 'bottom':
6205 case 'left':
6206 return new Property(utility.identifier, value).updateMeta('utilities', 'inset', pluginOrder.inset, 4, true);
6207 case 'inset':
6208 if (utility.raw.match(/^-?inset-x/)) return new Property(['right', 'left'], value).updateMeta('utilities', 'inset', pluginOrder.inset, 3, true);
6209 if (utility.raw.match(/^-?inset-y/)) return new Property(['top', 'bottom'], value).updateMeta('utilities', 'inset', pluginOrder.inset, 2, true);
6210 return new Property(['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'], value).updateMeta('utilities', 'inset', pluginOrder.inset, 1, true);
6211 }
6212 });
6215// https://windicss.org/utilities/positioning.html#z-index
6216function zIndex(utility, { theme }) {
6217 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _8 => _8.handler
6218, 'access', _9 => _9.handleStatic, 'call', _10 => _10(theme('zIndex'))
6219, 'access', _11 => _11.handleNumber, 'call', _12 => _12(0, 99999, 'int')
6220, 'access', _13 => _13.handleNegative, 'call', _14 => _14()
6221, 'access', _15 => _15.handleVariable, 'call', _16 => _16()
6222, 'access', _17 => _17.createProperty, 'call', _18 => _18('z-index')
6223, 'optionalAccess', _19 => _19.updateMeta, 'call', _20 => _20('utilities', 'zIndex', pluginOrder.zIndex, 0, true)]);
6226// https://windicss.org/utilities/flexbox.html#flex
6227// https://windicss.org/utilities/flexbox.html#flex-grow
6228// https://windicss.org/utilities/flexbox.html#flex-shrink
6229function flex(utility, { theme }) {
6230 const className = utility.raw;
6231 if (className.startsWith('flex-grow')) {
6232 const map = toType(theme('flexGrow'), 'object') ;
6233 const amount = className.replace(/flex-grow-?/, '') || 'DEFAULT';
6234 if (Object.keys(map).includes(amount)) return new Property(['-webkit-box-flex', '-ms-flex-positive', '-webkit-flex-grow', 'flex-grow'], map[amount]).toStyle(utility.class).updateMeta('utilities', 'flexGrow', pluginOrder.flexGrow, 0, true);
6235 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _21 => _21.handler, 'access', _22 => _22.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _23 => _23(), 'access', _24 => _24.createProperty, 'call', _25 => _25(['-webkit-box-flex', '-ms-flex-positive', '-webkit-flex-grow', 'flex-grow']), 'optionalAccess', _26 => _26.updateMeta, 'call', _27 => _27('utilities', 'flexGrow', pluginOrder.flexGrow, 1, true)]);
6236 } else if (className.startsWith('flex-shrink')) {
6237 const map = toType(theme('flexShrink'), 'object') ;
6238 const amount = className.replace(/flex-shrink-?/, '') || 'DEFAULT';
6239 if (Object.keys(map).includes(amount)) return new Property(['-ms-flex-negative', '-webkit-flex-shrink', 'flex-shrink'], map[amount]).toStyle(utility.class).updateMeta('utilities', 'flexShrink', pluginOrder.flexShrink, 0, true);
6240 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _28 => _28.handler, 'access', _29 => _29.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _30 => _30(), 'access', _31 => _31.createProperty, 'call', _32 => _32(['-ms-flex-negative', '-webkit-flex-shrink', 'flex-shrink']), 'optionalAccess', _33 => _33.updateMeta, 'call', _34 => _34('utilities', 'flexShrink', pluginOrder.flexShrink, 1, true)]);
6241 } else {
6242 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _35 => _35.handler, 'access', _36 => _36.handleStatic, 'call', _37 => _37(theme('flex')), 'access', _38 => _38.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _39 => _39(), 'access', _40 => _40.createStyle, 'call', _41 => _41(utility.class, value => {
6243 value = value.trim();
6244 return [
6245 new Property('-webkit-box-flex', value.startsWith('0') || value === 'none' ? '0' : '1'),
6246 new Property(['-ms-flex', '-webkit-flex', 'flex'], value),
6247 ];
6248 }), 'optionalAccess', _42 => _42.updateMeta, 'call', _43 => _43('utilities', 'flex', pluginOrder.flex, 0, true)]);
6249 }
6252// https://windicss.org/utilities/positioning.html#order
6253function order(utility, { theme }) {
6254 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _44 => _44.handler
6255, 'access', _45 => _45.handleStatic, 'call', _46 => _46(theme('order'))
6256, 'access', _47 => _47.handleNumber, 'call', _48 => _48(1, 9999, 'int')
6257, 'access', _49 => _49.handleNegative, 'call', _50 => _50()
6258, 'access', _51 => _51.handleVariable, 'call', _52 => _52()
6259, 'access', _53 => _53.createStyle, 'call', _54 => _54(utility.class, (value) => [
6260 new Property('-webkit-box-ordinal-group', value.includes('var') ? `calc(${value}+1)` : (parseInt(value) + 1).toString()),
6261 new Property(['-webkit-order', '-ms-flex-order', 'order'], value),
6262 ])
6263, 'optionalAccess', _55 => _55.updateMeta, 'call', _56 => _56('utilities', 'order', pluginOrder.order, utility.raw.charAt(0) === '-' ? 2 : 1, true)]);
6266// https://windicss.org/utilities/grid.html#grid-template-columns
6267// https://windicss.org/utilities/grid.html#grid-template-rows
6268function gridTemplate(utility, { theme }) {
6269 const type = utility.raw.match(/^grid-rows-/) ? 'rows' : utility.raw.match(/^grid-cols-/) ? 'columns' : undefined;
6270 if (!type) return;
6271 const group = type === 'rows'? 'gridTemplateRows' : 'gridTemplateColumns';
6272 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _57 => _57.handler
6273, 'access', _58 => _58.handleStatic, 'call', _59 => _59(theme(group))
6274, 'access', _60 => _60.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _61 => _61(i => i.replace(/\(.*?\)|,/g, (r) => r === ',' ? ' ' : r /* ignore content inside nested-brackets */ ))
6275, 'access', _62 => _62.createProperty, 'call', _63 => _63(`grid-template-${type}`, (value) => value === 'none' ? 'none' : value)
6276, 'optionalAccess', _64 => _64.updateMeta, 'call', _65 => _65('utilities', group, pluginOrder[group], 1, true)])
6277 || _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _66 => _66.handler
6278, 'access', _67 => _67.handleNumber, 'call', _68 => _68(1, undefined, 'int')
6279, 'access', _69 => _69.handleVariable, 'call', _70 => _70()
6280, 'access', _71 => _71.createProperty, 'call', _72 => _72(`grid-template-${type}`, (value) => `repeat(${value}, minmax(0, 1fr))`)
6281, 'optionalAccess', _73 => _73.updateMeta, 'call', _74 => _74('utilities', group, pluginOrder[group], 2, true)]);
6284// https://windicss.org/utilities/grid.html#grid-column-span
6285// https://windicss.org/utilities/grid.html#grid-column-start
6286// https://windicss.org/utilities/grid.html#grid-column-end
6287function gridColumn(utility, { theme }) {
6288 const body = utility.body;
6289 // col span
6290 const spans = toType(theme('gridColumn'), 'object') ;
6291 if (Object.keys(spans).includes(body)) return new Property(['-ms-grid-column-span', 'grid-column'], spans[body]).updateMeta('utilities', 'gridColumn', pluginOrder.gridColumn, 1, true);
6292 if (utility.raw.startsWith('col-span')) {
6293 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _75 => _75.handler
6294, 'access', _76 => _76.handleNumber, 'call', _77 => _77(1, undefined, 'int')
6295, 'access', _78 => _78.handleVariable, 'call', _79 => _79()
6296, 'access', _80 => _80.createProperty, 'call', _81 => _81(['-ms-grid-column-span', 'grid-column'], (value) => `span ${value} / span ${value}`)
6297, 'optionalAccess', _82 => _82.updateMeta, 'call', _83 => _83('utilities', 'gridColumn', pluginOrder.gridColumn, 1, true)]);
6298 }
6299 // col end
6300 if (utility.raw.startsWith('col-end')) {
6301 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _84 => _84.handler
6302, 'access', _85 => _85.handleStatic, 'call', _86 => _86(theme('gridColumnEnd'))
6303, 'access', _87 => _87.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _88 => _88()
6304, 'access', _89 => _89.handleNumber, 'call', _90 => _90(1, undefined, 'int')
6305, 'access', _91 => _91.handleVariable, 'call', _92 => _92()
6306, 'access', _93 => _93.createProperty, 'call', _94 => _94('grid-column-end')
6307, 'optionalAccess', _95 => _95.updateMeta, 'call', _96 => _96('utilities', 'gridColumnEnd', pluginOrder.gridColumnEnd, 1, true)]);
6308 }
6309 // col start
6310 if (utility.raw.startsWith('col-start')) {
6311 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _97 => _97.handler
6312, 'access', _98 => _98.handleStatic, 'call', _99 => _99(theme('gridColumnStart'))
6313, 'access', _100 => _100.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _101 => _101()
6314, 'access', _102 => _102.handleNumber, 'call', _103 => _103(1, undefined, 'int')
6315, 'access', _104 => _104.handleVariable, 'call', _105 => _105()
6316, 'access', _106 => _106.createProperty, 'call', _107 => _107('grid-column-start')
6317, 'optionalAccess', _108 => _108.updateMeta, 'call', _109 => _109('utilities', 'gridColumnStart', pluginOrder.gridColumnStart, 1, true)]);
6318 }
6319 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _110 => _110.handler
6320, 'access', _111 => _111.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _112 => _112()
6321, 'access', _113 => _113.createProperty, 'call', _114 => _114(['-ms-grid-column-span', 'grid-column'], (value) => `span ${value} / span ${value}`)
6322, 'optionalAccess', _115 => _115.updateMeta, 'call', _116 => _116('utilities', 'gridColumn', pluginOrder.gridColumn, 1, true)]);
6325// https://windicss.org/utilities/grid.html#grid-row-span
6326// https://windicss.org/utilities/grid.html#grid-row-start
6327// https://windicss.org/utilities/grid.html#grid-row-end
6328function gridRow(utility, { theme }) {
6329 const body = utility.body;
6330 // row span
6331 const spans = toType(theme('gridRow'), 'object') ;
6332 if (Object.keys(spans).includes(body)) return new Property(['-ms-grid-row-span', 'grid-row'], spans[body]).updateMeta('utilities', 'gridRow', pluginOrder.gridRow, 1, true);
6333 if (utility.raw.startsWith('row-span')) {
6334 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _117 => _117.handler
6335, 'access', _118 => _118.handleNumber, 'call', _119 => _119(1, undefined, 'int')
6336, 'access', _120 => _120.handleVariable, 'call', _121 => _121()
6337, 'access', _122 => _122.createProperty, 'call', _123 => _123(['-ms-grid-row-span', 'grid-row'], (value) => `span ${value} / span ${value}`)
6338, 'optionalAccess', _124 => _124.updateMeta, 'call', _125 => _125('utilities', 'gridRow', pluginOrder.gridRow, 2, true)]);
6339 }
6340 // row end
6341 if (utility.raw.startsWith('row-end')) {
6342 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _126 => _126.handler
6343, 'access', _127 => _127.handleStatic, 'call', _128 => _128(theme('gridRowEnd'))
6344, 'access', _129 => _129.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _130 => _130()
6345, 'access', _131 => _131.handleNumber, 'call', _132 => _132(1, undefined, 'int')
6346, 'access', _133 => _133.handleVariable, 'call', _134 => _134()
6347, 'access', _135 => _135.createProperty, 'call', _136 => _136('grid-row-end')
6348, 'optionalAccess', _137 => _137.updateMeta, 'call', _138 => _138('utilities', 'gridRowEnd', pluginOrder.gridRowEnd, 1, true)]);
6349 }
6350 // row start
6351 if (utility.raw.startsWith('row-start')) {
6352 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _139 => _139.handler
6353, 'access', _140 => _140.handleStatic, 'call', _141 => _141(theme('gridRowStart'))
6354, 'access', _142 => _142.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _143 => _143()
6355, 'access', _144 => _144.handleNumber, 'call', _145 => _145(1, undefined, 'int')
6356, 'access', _146 => _146.handleVariable, 'call', _147 => _147()
6357, 'access', _148 => _148.createProperty, 'call', _149 => _149('grid-row-start')
6358, 'optionalAccess', _150 => _150.updateMeta, 'call', _151 => _151('utilities', 'gridRowStart', pluginOrder.gridRowStart, 1, true)]);
6359 }
6360 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _152 => _152.handler
6361, 'access', _153 => _153.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _154 => _154()
6362, 'access', _155 => _155.createProperty, 'call', _156 => _156(['-ms-grid-row-span', 'grid-row'], (value) => `span ${value} / span ${value}`)
6363, 'optionalAccess', _157 => _157.updateMeta, 'call', _158 => _158('utilities', 'gridRow', pluginOrder.gridRow, 2, true)]);
6366// https://windicss.org/utilities/grid.html#grid-auto-columns
6367// https://windicss.org/utilities/grid.html#grid-auto-rows
6368function gridAuto(utility, { theme }) {
6369 const type = utility.raw.startsWith('auto-cols') ? 'columns' : utility.raw.startsWith('auto-rows') ? 'rows' : undefined;
6370 if (!type) return;
6371 const group = type === 'columns' ? 'gridAutoColumns' : 'gridAutoRows';
6372 const value = utility.handler.handleStatic(theme(group)).value;
6373 if (value) {
6374 const prefixer = minMaxContent(value);
6375 if (typeof prefixer === 'string') return new Property(`grid-auto-${type}`, prefixer).updateMeta('utilities', group, pluginOrder[group], 1, true);
6376 return new Style(utility.class, prefixer.map((i) => new Property(`grid-auto-${type}`, i))).updateMeta('utilities', group, pluginOrder[group], 2, true);
6377 }
6380// https://windicss.org/utilities/grid.html#gap
6381function gap(utility, { theme, config }) {
6382 return utility.handler
6383 .handleStatic(theme('gap'))
6384 .handleSquareBrackets()
6385 .handleSpacing()
6386 .handleSize()
6387 .handleVariable()
6388 .callback(value => {
6389 if (utility.raw.match(/^gap-x-/)) return new Property(config('prefixer') ? ['-webkit-column-gap', '-moz-column-gap', 'grid-column-gap', 'column-gap'] : 'column-gap', value).updateMeta('utilities', 'gap', pluginOrder.gap, 2, true);
6390 if (utility.raw.match(/^gap-y-/)) return new Property(config('prefixer') ? ['-webkit-row-gap', '-moz-row-gap', 'grid-row-gap', 'row-gap'] : 'row-gap', value).updateMeta('utilities', 'gap', pluginOrder.gap, 3, true);
6391 return new Property(config('prefixer') ? ['grid-gap', 'gap'] : 'gap', value).updateMeta('utilities', 'gap', pluginOrder.gap, 1, true);
6392 });
6395// https://windicss.org/utilities/spacing.html#padding
6396function padding(utility, { theme }) {
6397 return utility.handler
6398 .handleStatic(theme('padding'))
6399 .handleSquareBrackets()
6400 .handleSpacing()
6401 .handleFraction()
6402 .handleSize()
6403 .handleVariable()
6404 .callback(value => {
6405 const directions = expandDirection(utility.identifier.substring(1), false);
6406 if (directions) {
6407 if (directions[0] === '*') return new Property('padding', value).updateMeta('utilities', 'padding', pluginOrder.padding, -4, true);
6408 return new Property(directions.map((i) => `padding-${i}`), value).updateMeta('utilities', 'padding', pluginOrder.padding, -directions.length, true);
6409 }
6410 });
6413// https://windicss.org/utilities/spacing.html#margin
6414function margin(utility, { theme }) {
6415 return utility.handler
6416 .handleStatic(theme('margin'))
6417 .handleSquareBrackets()
6418 .handleSpacing()
6419 .handleFraction()
6420 .handleSize()
6421 .handleNegative()
6422 .handleVariable()
6423 .callback(value => {
6424 const directions = expandDirection(utility.identifier.substring(1), false);
6425 if (directions) {
6426 if (directions[0] === '*') return new Property('margin', value).updateMeta('utilities', 'margin', pluginOrder.margin, -4, true);
6427 return new Property(directions.map((i) => `margin-${i}`), value).updateMeta('utilities', 'margin', pluginOrder.margin, -directions.length, true);
6428 }
6429 });
6432// https://windicss.org/utilities/spacing.html#space-between-y
6433function space(utility, { theme }) {
6434 if (utility.raw === 'space-x-reverse') {
6435 return new Style(utility.class, [
6436 new Property('--tw-space-x-reverse', '1'),
6437 ]).child('> :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden])').updateMeta('utilities', 'space', pluginOrder.space, 6, true);
6438 }
6439 if (utility.raw === 'space-y-reverse') {
6440 return new Style(utility.class, [
6441 new Property('--tw-space-y-reverse', '1'),
6442 ]).child('> :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden])').updateMeta('utilities', 'space', pluginOrder.space, 5, true);
6443 }
6444 return utility.handler
6445 .handleStatic(theme('space'))
6446 .handleSquareBrackets()
6447 .handleSpacing()
6448 .handleSize()
6449 .handleNegative()
6450 .handleVariable()
6451 .callback(value => {
6452 if (utility.raw.match(/^-?space-x-/)) {
6453 return new Style(utility.class, [
6454 new Property('--tw-space-x-reverse', '0'),
6455 new Property('margin-right', `calc(${value} * var(--tw-space-x-reverse))`),
6456 new Property('margin-left', `calc(${value} * calc(1 - var(--tw-space-x-reverse)))`),
6457 ]).child('> :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden])').updateMeta('utilities', 'space', pluginOrder.space, (utility.raw.charAt(0) === '-' ? 4 : 2), true);
6458 }
6459 if (utility.raw.match(/^-?space-y-/)) {
6460 return new Style(utility.class, [
6461 new Property('--tw-space-y-reverse', '0'),
6462 new Property('margin-top', `calc(${value} * calc(1 - var(--tw-space-y-reverse)))`),
6463 new Property('margin-bottom', `calc(${value} * var(--tw-space-y-reverse))`),
6464 ]).child('> :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden])').updateMeta('utilities', 'space', pluginOrder.space, (utility.raw.charAt(0) === '-' ? 3 : 1), true);
6465 }
6466 });
6469// https://windicss.org/utilities/sizing.html#width
6470// https://windicss.org/utilities/sizing.html#height
6471function size(utility, { theme }) {
6472 const name = utility.identifier === 'w' ? 'width' : 'height';
6473 const body = utility.body;
6474 const sizes = toType(theme(name), 'object') ;
6475 // handle static
6476 if (Object.keys(sizes).includes(body)) {
6477 const value = sizes[body];
6478 if (value === 'min-content') {
6479 return new Style(utility.class, [
6480 new Property(name, '-webkit-min-content'),
6481 new Property(name, '-moz-min-content'),
6482 new Property(name, 'min-content'),
6483 ]).updateMeta('utilities', name, pluginOrder[name], 2, true);
6484 }
6485 if (value === 'max-content') {
6486 return new Style(utility.class, [
6487 new Property(name, '-webkit-max-content'),
6488 new Property(name, '-moz-max-content'),
6489 new Property(name, 'max-content'),
6490 ]).updateMeta('utilities', name, pluginOrder[name], 3, true);
6491 }
6492 return new Style(utility.class, new Property(name, value)).updateMeta('utilities', name, pluginOrder[name], 1, true);
6493 }
6494 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _159 => _159.handler
6495, 'access', _160 => _160.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _161 => _161()
6496, 'access', _162 => _162.handleSpacing, 'call', _163 => _163()
6497, 'access', _164 => _164.handleFraction, 'call', _165 => _165()
6498, 'access', _166 => _166.handleSize, 'call', _167 => _167()
6499, 'access', _168 => _168.handleNxl, 'call', _169 => _169((number) => `${(number - 3) * 8 + 48}rem`)
6500, 'access', _170 => _170.handleVariable, 'call', _171 => _171()
6501, 'access', _172 => _172.createProperty, 'call', _173 => _173(name)
6502, 'optionalAccess', _174 => _174.updateMeta, 'call', _175 => _175('utilities', name, pluginOrder[name], 4, true)]);
6505// https://windicss.org/utilities/sizing.html#min-width
6506// https://windicss.org/utilities/sizing.html#min-height
6507// https://windicss.org/utilities/sizing.html#max-width
6508// https://windicss.org/utilities/sizing.html#max-height
6509function minMaxSize(utility, { theme }) {
6510 if (!utility.raw.match(/^(min|max)-[w|h]-/))
6511 return;
6512 const body = utility.raw.replace(/^(min|max)-[w|h]-/, '');
6513 const prop = utility.raw.substring(0, 5).replace('h', 'height').replace('w', 'width');
6514 const group = dashToCamel(prop) ;
6515 const sizes = toType(theme(group), 'object') ;
6516 // handle static
6517 if (Object.keys(sizes).includes(body)) {
6518 const value = sizes[body];
6519 if (value === 'min-content') {
6520 return new Style(utility.class, [
6521 new Property(prop, '-webkit-min-content'),
6522 new Property(prop, '-moz-min-content'),
6523 new Property(prop, 'min-content'),
6524 ]).updateMeta('utilities', group, pluginOrder[group], 2, true);
6525 }
6526 if (value === 'max-content') {
6527 return new Style(utility.class, [
6528 new Property(prop, '-webkit-max-content'),
6529 new Property(prop, '-moz-max-content'),
6530 new Property(prop, 'max-content'),
6531 ]).updateMeta('utilities', group, pluginOrder[group], 3, true);
6532 }
6533 return new Style(utility.class, new Property(prop, value)).updateMeta('utilities', group, pluginOrder[group], 1, true);
6534 }
6536 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _176 => _176.handler
6537, 'access', _177 => _177.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _178 => _178()
6538, 'access', _179 => _179.handleSpacing, 'call', _180 => _180()
6539, 'access', _181 => _181.handleFraction, 'call', _182 => _182()
6540, 'access', _183 => _183.handleSize, 'call', _184 => _184()
6541, 'access', _185 => _185.handleNxl, 'call', _186 => _186((number) => `${(number - 3) * 8 + 48}rem`)
6542, 'access', _187 => _187.handleVariable, 'call', _188 => _188()
6543, 'access', _189 => _189.createProperty, 'call', _190 => _190(prop)
6544, 'optionalAccess', _191 => _191.updateMeta, 'call', _192 => _192('utilities', group, pluginOrder[group], 4, true)]);
6547// https://windicss.org/utilities/typography.html#text-opacity
6548// https://windicss.org/utilities/typography.html#text-shadow
6549// https://windicss.org/utilities/typography.html#text-stroke
6550// https://windicss.org/utilities/typography.html#text-color
6551// https://windicss.org/utilities/typography.html#font-size
6552function text(utility, { theme }) {
6553 // handle font opacity
6554 if (utility.raw.startsWith('text-opacity')) {
6555 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _193 => _193.handler
6556, 'access', _194 => _194.handleStatic, 'call', _195 => _195(theme('textOpacity'))
6557, 'access', _196 => _196.handleNumber, 'call', _197 => _197(0, 100, 'int', (number) => (number / 100).toString())
6558, 'access', _198 => _198.handleVariable, 'call', _199 => _199()
6559, 'access', _200 => _200.createProperty, 'call', _201 => _201('--tw-text-opacity')
6560, 'optionalAccess', _202 => _202.updateMeta, 'call', _203 => _203('utilities', 'textOpacity', pluginOrder.textOpacity, 1, true)]);
6561 }
6562 if (utility.raw.startsWith('text-shadow')) {
6563 return _optionalChain$1([(utility.raw === 'text-shadow'
6564 ? new Property('text-shadow', theme('textShadow.DEFAULT', '0px 0px 1px rgb(0 0 0 / 20%), 0px 0px 1px rgb(1 0 5 / 10%)') )
6565 : utility.handler
6566 .handleStatic(theme('textShadow'))
6567 .createProperty('text-shadow')
6568 ), 'optionalAccess', _204 => _204.updateMeta, 'call', _205 => _205('utilities', 'textShadow', pluginOrder.textShadow, 1, true)]);
6569 }
6570 if (utility.raw.startsWith('text-stroke')) {
6571 if (utility.raw === 'text-stroke') return new Style('text-stroke', [
6572 new Property('-webkit-text-stroke-color', theme('textStrokeColor.DEFAULT', '#e4e4e7') ),
6573 new Property('-webkit-text-stroke-width', theme('textStrokeWidth.DEFAULT', 'medium') ),
6574 ]).updateMeta('utilities', 'textStrokeColor', pluginOrder.textStrokeColor, 1, true);
6576 if (utility.raw.startsWith('text-stroke-opacity')) {
6577 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _206 => _206.handler
6578, 'access', _207 => _207.handleStatic, 'call', _208 => _208(theme('opacity'))
6579, 'access', _209 => _209.handleNumber, 'call', _210 => _210(0, 100, 'int', (number) => (number / 100).toString())
6580, 'access', _211 => _211.handleVariable, 'call', _212 => _212()
6581, 'access', _213 => _213.createProperty, 'call', _214 => _214('--tw-ring-offset-opacity')
6582, 'optionalAccess', _215 => _215.updateMeta, 'call', _216 => _216('utilities', 'textStrokeColor', pluginOrder.textStrokeColor, 3, true)]);
6583 }
6585 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _217 => _217.clone, 'call', _218 => _218('textStroke' + utility.raw.slice(11)), 'access', _219 => _219.handler
6586, 'access', _220 => _220.handleColor, 'call', _221 => _221(theme('textStrokeColor'))
6587, 'access', _222 => _222.handleOpacity, 'call', _223 => _223(theme('opacity'))
6588, 'access', _224 => _224.handleVariable, 'call', _225 => _225()
6589, 'access', _226 => _226.createColorStyle, 'call', _227 => _227(utility.class, '-webkit-text-stroke-color', '--tw-text-stroke-opacity')
6590, 'optionalAccess', _228 => _228.updateMeta, 'call', _229 => _229('utilities', 'textStrokeColor', pluginOrder.textStrokeColor, 2, true)])
6591 || _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _230 => _230.handler
6592, 'access', _231 => _231.handleStatic, 'call', _232 => _232(theme('textStrokeWidth'))
6593, 'access', _233 => _233.handleNumber, 'call', _234 => _234(0, undefined, 'int', (number) => `${number}px`)
6594, 'access', _235 => _235.handleSize, 'call', _236 => _236()
6595, 'access', _237 => _237.createProperty, 'call', _238 => _238('-webkit-text-stroke-width')
6596, 'optionalAccess', _239 => _239.updateMeta, 'call', _240 => _240('utilities', 'textStrokeWidth', pluginOrder.textStrokeWidth, 1, true)]);
6597 }
6598 // handle text colors
6599 const textColor = _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _241 => _241.handler
6600, 'access', _242 => _242.handleColor, 'call', _243 => _243(theme('textColor'))
6601, 'access', _244 => _244.handleOpacity, 'call', _245 => _245(theme('textOpacity'))
6602, 'access', _246 => _246.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _247 => _247(notNumberLead)
6603, 'access', _248 => _248.handleVariable, 'call', _249 => _249()
6604, 'access', _250 => _250.createColorStyle, 'call', _251 => _251(utility.class, 'color', '--tw-text-opacity')
6605, 'optionalAccess', _252 => _252.updateMeta, 'call', _253 => _253('utilities', 'textColor', pluginOrder.textColor, 0, true)]);
6606 if (textColor) return textColor;
6608 // handle font sizes
6609 const amount = utility.amount;
6610 const fontSizes = toType(theme('fontSize'), 'object') ;
6611 if (Object.keys(fontSizes).includes(amount)) return new Style(utility.class, generateFontSize(fontSizes[amount])).updateMeta('utilities', 'fontSize', pluginOrder.fontSize, 1, true);
6612 let value = utility.handler
6613 .handleSquareBrackets(isNumberLead)
6614 .handleNxl((number) => `${number}rem`)
6615 .handleSize()
6616 .value;
6617 if (utility.raw.startsWith('text-size-$')) value = utility.handler.handleVariable().value;
6618 if (value) return new Style(utility.class, [ new Property('font-size', value), new Property('line-height', '1') ]).updateMeta('utilities', 'fontSize', pluginOrder.fontSize, 2, true);
6621// https://windicss.org/utilities/typography.html#font-family
6622// https://windicss.org/utilities/typography.html#font-weight
6623function font(utility, { theme }) {
6624 const fonts = theme('fontFamily') ;
6625 const map = {};
6626 for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(fonts)) {
6627 map[key] = Array.isArray(value)? value.join(',') : value;
6628 }
6629 return (
6630 _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _254 => _254.handler
6631, 'access', _255 => _255.handleStatic, 'call', _256 => _256(map)
6632, 'access', _257 => _257.createProperty, 'call', _258 => _258('font-family')
6633, 'optionalAccess', _259 => _259.updateMeta, 'call', _260 => _260('utilities', 'fontFamily', pluginOrder.fontFamily, 1, true)])
6634 || _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _261 => _261.handler
6635, 'access', _262 => _262.handleStatic, 'call', _263 => _263(theme('fontWeight'))
6636, 'access', _264 => _264.handleNumber, 'call', _265 => _265(0, 900, 'int')
6637, 'access', _266 => _266.handleVariable, 'call', _267 => _267()
6638, 'access', _268 => _268.createProperty, 'call', _269 => _269('font-weight')
6639, 'optionalAccess', _270 => _270.updateMeta, 'call', _271 => _271('utilities', 'fontWeight', pluginOrder.fontWeight, 1, true)])
6640 );
6643// https://windicss.org/utilities/typography.html#letter-spacing
6644function letterSpacing(utility, { theme }) {
6645 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _272 => _272.handler
6646, 'access', _273 => _273.handleStatic, 'call', _274 => _274(theme('letterSpacing'))
6647, 'access', _275 => _275.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _276 => _276()
6648, 'access', _277 => _277.handleSize, 'call', _278 => _278()
6649, 'access', _279 => _279.handleNegative, 'call', _280 => _280()
6650, 'access', _281 => _281.handleVariable, 'call', _282 => _282()
6651, 'access', _283 => _283.createProperty, 'call', _284 => _284('letter-spacing')
6652, 'optionalAccess', _285 => _285.updateMeta, 'call', _286 => _286('utilities', 'letterSpacing', pluginOrder.letterSpacing, 1, true)]);
6655// https://windicss.org/utilities/typography.html#text-decoration
6656function textDecoration(utility, { theme }) {
6657 // handle text decoration opacity
6658 if (utility.raw.startsWith('underline-opacity')) {
6659 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _287 => _287.handler
6660, 'access', _288 => _288.handleStatic, 'call', _289 => _289(theme('textDecorationOpacity'))
6661, 'access', _290 => _290.handleNumber, 'call', _291 => _291(0, 100, 'int', (number) => (number / 100).toString())
6662, 'access', _292 => _292.handleVariable, 'call', _293 => _293()
6663, 'access', _294 => _294.createProperty, 'call', _295 => _295('--tw-line-opacity')
6664, 'optionalAccess', _296 => _296.updateMeta, 'call', _297 => _297('utilities', 'textDecorationOpacity', pluginOrder.textDecorationOpacity, 1, true)]);
6665 }
6667 if (utility.raw.startsWith('underline-offset')) {
6668 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _298 => _298.handler
6669, 'access', _299 => _299.handleStatic, 'call', _300 => _300(theme('textDecorationOffset'))
6670, 'access', _301 => _301.handleNumber, 'call', _302 => _302(0, undefined, 'int', number => `${number}px`)
6671, 'access', _303 => _303.handleSize, 'call', _304 => _304()
6672, 'access', _305 => _305.createProperty, 'call', _306 => _306('text-underline-offset')
6673, 'optionalAccess', _307 => _307.updateMeta, 'call', _308 => _308('utilities', 'textDecorationOffset', pluginOrder.textDecorationOffset, 1, true)]);
6674 }
6675 // handle text decoration color or length
6676 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _309 => _309.handler
6677, 'access', _310 => _310.handleColor, 'call', _311 => _311(theme('textDecorationColor'))
6678, 'access', _312 => _312.handleOpacity, 'call', _313 => _313(theme('opacity'))
6679, 'access', _314 => _314.handleVariable, 'call', _315 => _315()
6680, 'access', _316 => _316.createColorStyle, 'call', _317 => _317(utility.class, ['-webkit-text-decoration-color', 'text-decoration-color'], '--tw-line-opacity')
6681, 'optionalAccess', _318 => _318.updateMeta, 'call', _319 => _319('utilities', 'textDecorationColor', pluginOrder.textDecorationColor, 0, true)])
6682 || _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _320 => _320.handler
6683, 'access', _321 => _321.handleStatic, 'call', _322 => _322(theme('textDecorationLength'))
6684, 'access', _323 => _323.handleNumber, 'call', _324 => _324(0, undefined, 'int', (number) => `${number}px`)
6685, 'access', _325 => _325.handleSize, 'call', _326 => _326()
6686, 'access', _327 => _327.createProperty, 'call', _328 => _328('text-decoration-thickness')
6687, 'optionalAccess', _329 => _329.updateMeta, 'call', _330 => _330('utilities', 'textDecorationLength', pluginOrder.textDecorationLength, 1, true)]);
6690// https://windicss.org/utilities/typography.html#line-height
6691function lineHeight(utility, { theme }) {
6692 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _331 => _331.handler
6693, 'access', _332 => _332.handleStatic, 'call', _333 => _333(theme('lineHeight'))
6694, 'access', _334 => _334.handleNumber, 'call', _335 => _335(0, undefined, 'int', (number) => `${number * 0.25}rem`)
6695, 'access', _336 => _336.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _337 => _337()
6696, 'access', _338 => _338.handleSize, 'call', _339 => _339()
6697, 'access', _340 => _340.handleVariable, 'call', _341 => _341()
6698, 'access', _342 => _342.createProperty, 'call', _343 => _343('line-height')
6699, 'optionalAccess', _344 => _344.updateMeta, 'call', _345 => _345('utilities', 'lineHeight', pluginOrder.lineHeight, 1, true)]);
6702// https://windicss.org/utilities/behaviors.html#list-style-type
6703function listStyleType(utility, { theme }) {
6704 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _346 => _346.handler
6705, 'access', _347 => _347.handleBody, 'call', _348 => _348(theme('listStyleType'))
6706, 'access', _349 => _349.createProperty, 'call', _350 => _350('list-style-type')
6707, 'optionalAccess', _351 => _351.updateMeta, 'call', _352 => _352('utilities', 'listStyleType', pluginOrder.listStyleType, 1, true)]);
6710// https://windicss.org/utilities/behaviors.html#placeholder-color
6711// https://windicss.org/utilities/behaviors.html#placeholder-opacity
6712function placeholder(utility, { theme, config }) {
6713 // handle placeholder opacity
6714 if (utility.raw.startsWith('placeholder-opacity')) {
6715 return utility.handler
6716 .handleStatic(theme('placeholderOpacity'))
6717 .handleSquareBrackets()
6718 .handleNumber(0, 100, 'int', (number) => (number / 100).toString())
6719 .handleVariable()
6720 .callback(value => generatePlaceholder(utility.class, new Property('--tw-placeholder-opacity', value), config('prefixer') )
6721 .map(style => style.updateMeta('utilities', 'placeholderOpacity', pluginOrder.placeholderOpacity, 1, true)));
6722 }
6723 const color = utility.handler
6724 .handleColor(theme('placeholderColor'))
6725 .handleOpacity(theme('placeholderOpacity'))
6726 .handleSquareBrackets()
6727 .handleVariable()
6728 .createColorStyle(utility.class, 'color', '--tw-placeholder-opacity');
6729 if (color) return generatePlaceholder(color.selector || '', color.property, config('prefixer') ).map(i => i.updateMeta('utilities', 'placeholderColor', pluginOrder.placeholderColor, 2, true));
6732// https://windicss.org/utilities/behaviors.html#caret-color
6733// https://windicss.org/utilities/behaviors.html#caret-opacity
6734function caret(utility, { theme }) {
6735 // handle caret opacity
6736 if (utility.raw.startsWith('caret-opacity')) {
6737 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _353 => _353.handler
6738, 'access', _354 => _354.handleStatic, 'call', _355 => _355(theme('caretOpacity'))
6739, 'access', _356 => _356.handleNumber, 'call', _357 => _357(0, 100, 'int', (number) => (number / 100).toString())
6740, 'access', _358 => _358.handleVariable, 'call', _359 => _359()
6741, 'access', _360 => _360.createProperty, 'call', _361 => _361('--tw-caret-opacity')
6742, 'optionalAccess', _362 => _362.updateMeta, 'call', _363 => _363('utilities', 'caretOpacity', pluginOrder.caretOpacity, 1, true)]);
6743 }
6744 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _364 => _364.handler
6745, 'access', _365 => _365.handleColor, 'call', _366 => _366(theme('caretColor'))
6746, 'access', _367 => _367.handleOpacity, 'call', _368 => _368(theme('caretOpacity'))
6747, 'access', _369 => _369.handleVariable, 'call', _370 => _370()
6748, 'access', _371 => _371.createColorStyle, 'call', _372 => _372(utility.class, 'caret-color', '--tw-caret-opacity')
6749, 'optionalAccess', _373 => _373.updateMeta, 'call', _374 => _374('utilities', 'caretColor', pluginOrder.caretColor, 0, true)]);
6752// https://windicss.org/utilities/typography.html#tab-size
6753function tabSize(utility, { theme }) {
6754 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _375 => _375.handler
6755, 'access', _376 => _376.handleStatic, 'call', _377 => _377(theme('tabSize'))
6756, 'access', _378 => _378.handleNumber, 'call', _379 => _379(0, undefined, 'int')
6757, 'access', _380 => _380.handleSize, 'call', _381 => _381()
6758, 'access', _382 => _382.createProperty, 'call', _383 => _383(['-moz-tab-size', '-o-tab-size', 'tab-size'])
6759, 'optionalAccess', _384 => _384.updateMeta, 'call', _385 => _385('utilities', 'tabSize', pluginOrder.tabSize, 1, true)]);
6762// https://windicss.org/utilities/typography.html#text-indent
6763function textIndent(utility, { theme }) {
6764 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _386 => _386.handler
6765, 'access', _387 => _387.handleStatic, 'call', _388 => _388(theme('textIndent'))
6766, 'access', _389 => _389.handleSize, 'call', _390 => _390()
6767, 'access', _391 => _391.handleFraction, 'call', _392 => _392()
6768, 'access', _393 => _393.handleNegative, 'call', _394 => _394()
6769, 'access', _395 => _395.createProperty, 'call', _396 => _396('text-indent')
6770, 'optionalAccess', _397 => _397.updateMeta, 'call', _398 => _398('utilities', 'textIndent', pluginOrder.textIndent, 1, true)]);
6773// https://windicss.org/utilities/backgrounds.html#background-color
6774// https://windicss.org/utilities/backgrounds.html#background-opacity
6775// https://windicss.org/utilities/backgrounds.html#background-position
6776// https://windicss.org/utilities/backgrounds.html#background-size
6777// https://windicss.org/utilities/backgrounds.html#background-image
6778function background(utility, { theme }) {
6779 const body = utility.body;
6780 // handle background positions
6781 const positions = toType(theme('backgroundPosition'), 'object') ;
6782 if (Object.keys(positions).includes(body)) return new Property('background-position', positions[body]).updateMeta('utilities', 'backgroundPosition', pluginOrder.backgroundPosition, 1, true);
6783 // handle background sizes
6784 const sizes = toType(theme('backgroundSize'), 'object') ;
6785 if (Object.keys(sizes).includes(body)) return new Property('background-size', sizes[body]).updateMeta('utilities', 'backgroundSize', pluginOrder.backgroundSize, 1, true);
6786 // handle background image
6787 const images = toType(theme('backgroundImage'), 'object') ;
6788 if (Object.keys(images).includes(body)) {
6789 const prefixer = linearGradient(images[body]);
6790 if (Array.isArray(prefixer)) return new Style(utility.class, prefixer.map((i) => new Property('background-image', i))).updateMeta('utilities', 'backgroundImage', pluginOrder.backgroundImage, 2, true);
6791 return new Property('background-image', prefixer).updateMeta('utilities', 'backgroundImage', pluginOrder.backgroundImage, 1, true);
6792 }
6793 // handle background opacity
6794 if (utility.raw.startsWith('bg-opacity'))
6795 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _399 => _399.handler
6796, 'access', _400 => _400.handleStatic, 'call', _401 => _401(theme('backgroundOpacity'))
6797, 'access', _402 => _402.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _403 => _403()
6798, 'access', _404 => _404.handleNumber, 'call', _405 => _405(0, 100, 'int', (number) => (number / 100).toString())
6799, 'access', _406 => _406.handleVariable, 'call', _407 => _407()
6800, 'access', _408 => _408.createProperty, 'call', _409 => _409('--tw-bg-opacity')
6801, 'optionalAccess', _410 => _410.updateMeta, 'call', _411 => _411('utilities', 'backgroundOpacity', pluginOrder.backgroundOpacity, 1, true)]);
6803 // handle background color
6804 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _412 => _412.handler
6805, 'access', _413 => _413.handleColor, 'call', _414 => _414(theme('backgroundColor'))
6806, 'access', _415 => _415.handleOpacity, 'call', _416 => _416(theme('backgroundOpacity'))
6807, 'access', _417 => _417.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _418 => _418(notNumberLead)
6808, 'access', _419 => _419.handleVariable, 'call', _420 => _420()
6809, 'access', _421 => _421.createColorStyle, 'call', _422 => _422(utility.class, 'background-color', '--tw-bg-opacity')
6810, 'optionalAccess', _423 => _423.updateMeta, 'call', _424 => _424('utilities', 'backgroundColor', pluginOrder.backgroundColor, 0, true)]);
6813// https://windicss.org/utilities/backgrounds.html#gradient-from
6814function gradientColorFrom(utility, { theme }) {
6815 if (utility.raw.startsWith('from-opacity')) {
6816 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _425 => _425.handler
6817, 'access', _426 => _426.handleStatic, 'call', _427 => _427(theme('opacity'))
6818, 'access', _428 => _428.handleNumber, 'call', _429 => _429(0, 100, 'int', (number) => (number / 100).toString())
6819, 'access', _430 => _430.handleVariable, 'call', _431 => _431()
6820, 'access', _432 => _432.createProperty, 'call', _433 => _433('--tw-from-opacity')
6821, 'optionalAccess', _434 => _434.updateMeta, 'call', _435 => _435('utilities', 'gradientColorStops', pluginOrder.gradientColorStops, 2, true)]);
6822 }
6823 const handler = utility.handler.handleColor(theme('gradientColorStops')).handleOpacity(theme('opacity')).handleVariable().handleSquareBrackets();
6824 if (handler.color || handler.value) {
6825 return new Style(utility.class, [
6826 new Property('--tw-gradient-from', handler.createColorValue('var(--tw-from-opacity, 1)')),
6827 new Property('--tw-gradient-stops', 'var(--tw-gradient-from), var(--tw-gradient-to, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0))'),
6828 ]).updateMeta('utilities', 'gradientColorStops', pluginOrder.gradientColorStops, 1, true);
6829 }
6832// https://windicss.org/utilities/backgrounds.html#gradient-via
6833function gradientColorVia(utility, { theme }) {
6834 if (utility.raw.startsWith('via-opacity')) {
6835 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _436 => _436.handler
6836, 'access', _437 => _437.handleStatic, 'call', _438 => _438(theme('opacity'))
6837, 'access', _439 => _439.handleNumber, 'call', _440 => _440(0, 100, 'int', (number) => (number / 100).toString())
6838, 'access', _441 => _441.handleVariable, 'call', _442 => _442()
6839, 'access', _443 => _443.createProperty, 'call', _444 => _444('--tw-via-opacity')
6840, 'optionalAccess', _445 => _445.updateMeta, 'call', _446 => _446('utilities', 'gradientColorStops', pluginOrder.gradientColorStops, 4, true)]);
6841 }
6842 const handler = utility.handler.handleColor(theme('gradientColorStops')).handleOpacity(theme('opacity')).handleVariable().handleSquareBrackets();
6843 if (handler.color || handler.value) {
6844 return _optionalChain$1([new Style(utility.class,
6845 new Property('--tw-gradient-stops', `var(--tw-gradient-from), ${handler.createColorValue('var(--tw-via-opacity, 1)')}, var(--tw-gradient-to, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0))`)
6846 ), 'optionalAccess', _447 => _447.updateMeta, 'call', _448 => _448('utilities', 'gradientColorStops', pluginOrder.gradientColorStops, 3, true)]);
6847 }
6850// https://windicss.org/utilities/backgrounds.html#gradient-to
6851function gradientColorTo(utility, { theme }) {
6852 if (utility.raw.startsWith('to-opacity')) {
6853 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _449 => _449.handler
6854, 'access', _450 => _450.handleStatic, 'call', _451 => _451(theme('opacity'))
6855, 'access', _452 => _452.handleNumber, 'call', _453 => _453(0, 100, 'int', (number) => (number / 100).toString())
6856, 'access', _454 => _454.handleVariable, 'call', _455 => _455()
6857, 'access', _456 => _456.createProperty, 'call', _457 => _457('--tw-to-opacity')
6858, 'optionalAccess', _458 => _458.updateMeta, 'call', _459 => _459('utilities', 'gradientColorStops', pluginOrder.gradientColorStops, 6, true)]);
6859 }
6860 const handler = utility.handler.handleColor(theme('gradientColorStops')).handleOpacity(theme('opacity')).handleVariable().handleSquareBrackets();
6861 if (handler.color || handler.value) {
6862 return _optionalChain$1([new Style(utility.class,
6863 new Property('--tw-gradient-to', handler.createColorValue('var(--tw-to-opacity, 1)'))
6864 ), 'optionalAccess', _460 => _460.updateMeta, 'call', _461 => _461('utilities', 'gradientColorStops', pluginOrder.gradientColorStops, 5, true)]);
6865 }
6868// https://windicss.org/utilities/borders.html#border-radius
6869function borderRadius(utility, { theme }) {
6870 const raw = [ 'rounded', 'rounded-t', 'rounded-l', 'rounded-r', 'rounded-b', 'rounded-tl', 'rounded-tr', 'rounded-br', 'rounded-bl' ].includes(utility.raw) ? utility.raw + '-DEFAULT' : utility.raw;
6871 utility = utility.clone(raw);
6872 const directions = expandDirection(_optionalChain$1([raw, 'access', _462 => _462.match, 'call', _463 => _463(/rounded-[trbl][trbl]?-/), 'optionalAccess', _464 => _464[0], 'access', _465 => _465.slice, 'call', _466 => _466(8, -1)]) || '', true);
6873 if (!directions) return;
6874 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _467 => _467.handler
6875, 'access', _468 => _468.handleStatic, 'call', _469 => _469(theme('borderRadius'))
6876, 'access', _470 => _470.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _471 => _471()
6877, 'access', _472 => _472.handleFraction, 'call', _473 => _473()
6878, 'access', _474 => _474.handleNxl, 'call', _475 => _475((number) => `${number * 0.5}rem`)
6879, 'access', _476 => _476.handleSize, 'call', _477 => _477()
6880, 'access', _478 => _478.handleVariable, 'call', _479 => _479()
6881, 'access', _480 => _480.createProperty, 'call', _481 => _481(directions[0] === '*' ? 'border-radius' : directions.map((i) => `border-${i}-radius`))
6882, 'optionalAccess', _482 => _482.updateMeta, 'call', _483 => _483('utilities', 'borderRadius', pluginOrder.borderRadius, -(directions[0] === '*' ? 3 : directions.length), true)]);
6885// https://windicss.org/utilities/borders.html#border-width
6886// https://windicss.org/utilities/borders.html#border-color
6887// https://windicss.org/utilities/borders.html#border-opacity
6888function border(utility, { theme }) {
6889 // handle border opacity
6890 if (utility.raw.startsWith('border-opacity')) {
6891 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _484 => _484.handler
6892, 'access', _485 => _485.handleStatic, 'call', _486 => _486(theme('borderOpacity'))
6893, 'access', _487 => _487.handleNumber, 'call', _488 => _488(0, 100, 'int', (number) => (number / 100).toString())
6894, 'access', _489 => _489.handleVariable, 'call', _490 => _490()
6895, 'access', _491 => _491.createProperty, 'call', _492 => _492('--tw-border-opacity')
6896, 'optionalAccess', _493 => _493.updateMeta, 'call', _494 => _494('utilities', 'borderOpacity', pluginOrder.borderOpacity, 1, true)]);
6897 }
6899 // handle border color
6900 const borderColor = _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _495 => _495.handler
6901, 'access', _496 => _496.handleColor, 'call', _497 => _497(theme('borderColor'))
6902, 'access', _498 => _498.handleOpacity, 'call', _499 => _499(theme('borderOpacity'))
6903, 'access', _500 => _500.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _501 => _501(notNumberLead)
6904, 'access', _502 => _502.handleVariable, 'call', _503 => _503((variable) => utility.raw.startsWith('border-$') ? `var(--${variable})` : undefined)
6905, 'access', _504 => _504.createColorStyle, 'call', _505 => _505(utility.class, 'border-color', '--tw-border-opacity')
6906, 'optionalAccess', _506 => _506.updateMeta, 'call', _507 => _507('utilities', 'borderColor', pluginOrder.borderColor, 2, true)]);
6907 if (borderColor) return borderColor;
6909 // handle border width
6910 const directions = _nullishCoalesce$2(expandDirection(utility.raw.substring(7, 8), false), () => ( [ '*' ]));
6911 const borders = toType(theme('borderWidth'), 'object') ;
6912 const raw = [ 'border', 'border-t', 'border-r', 'border-b', 'border-l' ].includes(utility.raw) ? `${utility.raw}-${_nullishCoalesce$2(borders.DEFAULT, () => ( '1px'))}` : utility.raw;
6914 // handle border side color
6915 const borderSide = utility.clone(raw.slice(7)).handler
6916 .handleColor(theme('borderColor'))
6917 .handleOpacity(theme('borderOpacity'));
6919 if (borderSide.value || borderSide.color) {
6920 if (borderSide.opacity) {
6921 return new Property(`border-${directions[0]}-color`, borderSide.createColorValue(borderSide.opacity)).updateMeta('utilities', 'borderColor', pluginOrder.borderColor, 4, true);
6922 }
6923 return _optionalChain$1([borderSide, 'access', _508 => _508.createColorStyle, 'call', _509 => _509(utility.class, `border-${directions[0]}-color`, '--tw-border-opacity'), 'optionalAccess', _510 => _510.updateMeta, 'call', _511 => _511('utilities', 'borderColor', pluginOrder.borderColor, 3, true)]);
6924 }
6926 utility = utility.clone(raw);
6927 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _512 => _512.handler
6928, 'access', _513 => _513.handleStatic, 'call', _514 => _514(borders)
6929, 'access', _515 => _515.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _516 => _516()
6930, 'access', _517 => _517.handleNumber, 'call', _518 => _518(0, undefined, 'int', (number) => /^border(-[tlbr])?$/.test(utility.key)? `${number}px`: undefined)
6931, 'access', _519 => _519.handleSize, 'call', _520 => _520()
6932, 'access', _521 => _521.handleVariable, 'call', _522 => _522()
6933, 'access', _523 => _523.createProperty, 'call', _524 => _524(directions[0] === '*' ? 'border-width' : directions.map((i) => `border-${i}-width`))
6934, 'optionalAccess', _525 => _525.updateMeta, 'call', _526 => _526('utilities', 'borderWidth', pluginOrder.borderWidth, (directions[0] === '*' ? 1 : (directions.length + 1)), true)]);
6937// https://windicss.org/utilities/borders.html#divide-width
6938// https://windicss.org/utilities/borders.html#divide-color
6939// https://windicss.org/utilities/borders.html#divide-opacity
6940// https://windicss.org/utilities/borders.html#divide-style
6941function divide(utility, { theme }) {
6942 // handle divide style
6943 if (['solid', 'dashed', 'dotted', 'double', 'none'].includes(utility.amount)) return new Property('border-style', utility.amount).toStyle(utility.class).child('> :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden])').updateMeta('utilities', 'divideStyle', pluginOrder.divideStyle, 1, true);
6944 // handle divide opacity
6945 if (utility.raw.startsWith('divide-opacity'))
6946 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _527 => _527.handler
6947, 'access', _528 => _528.handleStatic, 'call', _529 => _529(theme('divideOpacity'))
6948, 'access', _530 => _530.handleNumber, 'call', _531 => _531(0, 100, 'int', (number) => (number / 100).toString())
6949, 'access', _532 => _532.handleVariable, 'call', _533 => _533()
6950, 'access', _534 => _534.createProperty, 'call', _535 => _535('--tw-divide-opacity')
6951, 'optionalAccess', _536 => _536.toStyle, 'call', _537 => _537(utility.class)
6952, 'access', _538 => _538.child, 'call', _539 => _539('> :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden])')
6953, 'access', _540 => _540.updateMeta, 'call', _541 => _541('utilities', 'divideOpacity', pluginOrder.divideOpacity, 1, true)]);
6954 // handle divide color
6955 const divideColor = _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _542 => _542.handler
6956, 'access', _543 => _543.handleColor, 'call', _544 => _544(theme('divideColor'))
6957, 'access', _545 => _545.handleOpacity, 'call', _546 => _546(theme('divideOpacity'))
6958, 'access', _547 => _547.handleVariable, 'call', _548 => _548((variable) => utility.raw.startsWith('divide-$') ? `var(--${variable})` : undefined)
6959, 'access', _549 => _549.createColorStyle, 'call', _550 => _550(utility.class, 'border-color', '--tw-divide-opacity')
6960, 'optionalAccess', _551 => _551.child, 'call', _552 => _552('> :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden])')
6961, 'access', _553 => _553.updateMeta, 'call', _554 => _554('utilities', 'divideColor', pluginOrder.divideColor, 0, true)]);
6962 if (divideColor) return divideColor;
6963 // handle divide width
6964 switch (utility.raw) {
6965 case 'divide-x-reverse':
6966 return new Style(utility.class, new Property('--tw-divide-x-reverse', '1')).child('> :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden])').updateMeta('utilities', 'divideWidth', pluginOrder.divideWidth, 6, true);
6967 case 'divide-y-reverse':
6968 return new Style(utility.class, new Property('--tw-divide-y-reverse', '1')).child('> :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden])').updateMeta('utilities', 'divideWidth', pluginOrder.divideWidth, 5, true);
6969 case 'divide-y':
6970 return new Style(utility.class, [
6971 new Property('--tw-divide-y-reverse', '0'),
6972 new Property('border-top-width', 'calc(1px * calc(1 - var(--tw-divide-y-reverse)))'),
6973 new Property('border-bottom-width', 'calc(1px * var(--tw-divide-y-reverse))'),
6974 ]).child('> :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden])').updateMeta('utilities', 'divideWidth', pluginOrder.divideWidth, 3, true);
6975 case 'divide-x':
6976 return new Style(utility.class, [
6977 new Property('--tw-divide-x-reverse', '0'),
6978 new Property('border-right-width', 'calc(1px * var(--tw-divide-x-reverse))'),
6979 new Property('border-left-width', 'calc(1px * calc(1 - var(--tw-divide-x-reverse)))'),
6980 ]).child('> :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden])').updateMeta('utilities', 'divideWidth', pluginOrder.divideWidth, 4, true);
6981 }
6982 return utility.handler
6983 .handleSquareBrackets()
6984 .handleNumber(0, undefined, 'float', (number) => `${number}px`)
6985 .handleSize()
6986 .handleVariable()
6987 .callback(value => {
6988 const centerMatch = utility.raw.match(/^-?divide-[x|y]/);
6989 if (centerMatch) {
6990 const center = centerMatch[0].replace(/^-?divide-/, '');
6991 switch (center) {
6992 case 'x':
6993 return new Style(utility.class, [
6994 new Property('--tw-divide-x-reverse', '0'),
6995 new Property('border-right-width', `calc(${value} * var(--tw-divide-x-reverse))`),
6996 new Property('border-left-width', `calc(${value} * calc(1 - var(--tw-divide-x-reverse)))`),
6997 ]).child('> :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden])').updateMeta('utilities', 'divideWidth', pluginOrder.divideWidth, 2, true);
6998 case 'y':
6999 return new Style(utility.class, [
7000 new Property('--tw-divide-y-reverse', '0'),
7001 new Property('border-top-width', `calc(${value} * calc(1 - var(--tw-divide-y-reverse)))`),
7002 new Property('border-bottom-width', `calc(${value} * var(--tw-divide-y-reverse))`),
7003 ]).child('> :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden])').updateMeta('utilities', 'divideWidth', pluginOrder.divideWidth, 1, true);
7004 }
7005 }
7006 });
7009// https://windicss.org/utilities/borders.html#ring-offset-width
7010// https://windicss.org/utilities/borders.html#ring-offset-color
7011function ringOffset(utility, { theme }) {
7012 let value;
7013 // handle ring offset width variable
7014 if (utility.raw.startsWith('ringOffset-width-$')) {
7015 value = utility.handler.handleVariable().value;
7016 if (value) return new Property('--tw-ring-offset-width', value).toStyle(utility.class.replace('ringOffset', 'ring-offset')).updateMeta('utilities', 'ringOffsetWidth', pluginOrder.ringOffsetWidth, 2, true);
7017 }
7019 if (utility.raw.startsWith('ringOffset-opacity')) {
7020 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _555 => _555.handler
7021, 'access', _556 => _556.handleStatic, 'call', _557 => _557(theme('opacity'))
7022, 'access', _558 => _558.handleNumber, 'call', _559 => _559(0, 100, 'int', (number) => (number / 100).toString())
7023, 'access', _560 => _560.handleVariable, 'call', _561 => _561()
7024, 'access', _562 => _562.createProperty, 'call', _563 => _563('--tw-ring-offset-opacity')
7025, 'optionalAccess', _564 => _564.updateMeta, 'call', _565 => _565('utilities', 'ringOffsetColor', pluginOrder.ringOffsetColor, 2, true)]);
7026 }
7028 // handle ring offset color || ring offset width
7029 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _566 => _566.handler
7030, 'access', _567 => _567.handleColor, 'call', _568 => _568(theme('ringOffsetColor'))
7031, 'access', _569 => _569.handleOpacity, 'call', _570 => _570('ringOpacity')
7032, 'access', _571 => _571.handleVariable, 'call', _572 => _572()
7033, 'access', _573 => _573.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _574 => _574()
7034, 'access', _575 => _575.createColorStyle, 'call', _576 => _576(utility.class.replace('ringOffset', 'ring-offset'), '--tw-ring-offset-color', '--tw-ring-offset-opacity')
7035, 'optionalAccess', _577 => _577.updateMeta, 'call', _578 => _578('utilities', 'ringOffsetColor', pluginOrder.ringOffsetColor, 1, true)])
7036 || _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _579 => _579.handler
7037, 'access', _580 => _580.handleStatic, 'call', _581 => _581(theme('ringOffsetWidth'))
7038, 'access', _582 => _582.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _583 => _583(isNumberLead)
7039, 'access', _584 => _584.handleNumber, 'call', _585 => _585(0, undefined, 'float', (number) => `${number}px`)
7040, 'access', _586 => _586.handleSize, 'call', _587 => _587()
7041, 'access', _588 => _588.createStyle, 'call', _589 => _589(utility.class.replace('ringOffset', 'ring-offset'), value => new Property('--tw-ring-offset-width', value))
7042, 'optionalAccess', _590 => _590.updateMeta, 'call', _591 => _591('utilities', 'ringOffsetWidth', pluginOrder.ringOffsetWidth, 1, true)]);
7045// https://windicss.org/utilities/borders.html#ring-width
7046// https://windicss.org/utilities/borders.html#ring-color
7047// https://windicss.org/utilities/borders.html#ring-opacity
7048function ring(utility, utils) {
7049 // handle ring offset
7050 if (utility.raw.startsWith('ring-offset')) return ringOffset(utility.clone(utility.raw.replace('ring-offset', 'ringOffset')), utils);
7051 // handle ring opacity
7052 if (utility.raw.startsWith('ring-opacity'))
7053 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _592 => _592.handler
7054, 'access', _593 => _593.handleStatic, 'call', _594 => _594(utils.theme('ringOpacity'))
7055, 'access', _595 => _595.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _596 => _596()
7056, 'access', _597 => _597.handleNumber, 'call', _598 => _598(0, 100, 'int', (number) => (number / 100).toString())
7057, 'access', _599 => _599.handleVariable, 'call', _600 => _600()
7058, 'access', _601 => _601.createProperty, 'call', _602 => _602('--tw-ring-opacity')
7059, 'optionalAccess', _603 => _603.updateMeta, 'call', _604 => _604('utilities', 'ringOpacity', pluginOrder.ringOpacity, 1, true)]);
7060 // handle ring color
7061 const ringColor = _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _605 => _605.handler
7062, 'access', _606 => _606.handleColor, 'call', _607 => _607(utils.theme('ringColor'))
7063, 'access', _608 => _608.handleOpacity, 'call', _609 => _609(utils.theme('ringOpacity'))
7064, 'access', _610 => _610.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _611 => _611(notNumberLead)
7065, 'access', _612 => _612.handleVariable, 'call', _613 => _613((variable) => utility.raw.startsWith('ring-$') ? `var(--${variable})` : undefined)
7066, 'access', _614 => _614.createColorStyle, 'call', _615 => _615(utility.class, '--tw-ring-color', '--tw-ring-opacity')
7067, 'optionalAccess', _616 => _616.updateMeta, 'call', _617 => _617('utilities', 'ringColor', pluginOrder.ringColor, 0, true)]);
7069 if (ringColor) return ringColor;
7070 // handle ring width
7071 if (utility.raw === 'ring-inset') return new Property('--tw-ring-inset', 'inset').updateMeta('utilities', 'ringWidth', pluginOrder.ringWidth, 3, true);
7072 const value = utility.raw === 'ring'
7073 ? (_nullishCoalesce$2(toType(utils.theme('ringWidth.DEFAULT'), 'string'), () => ( '3px')))
7074 : utility.handler
7075 .handleStatic(utils.theme('ringWidth'))
7076 .handleSquareBrackets()
7077 .handleNumber(0, undefined, 'float', (number) => `${number}px`)
7078 .handleSize()
7079 .handleVariable()
7080 .value;
7081 if (!value) return;
7082 return new Style(utility.class, [
7083 new Property('--tw-ring-offset-shadow', 'var(--tw-ring-inset) 0 0 0 var(--tw-ring-offset-width) var(--tw-ring-offset-color)'),
7084 new Property('--tw-ring-shadow', `var(--tw-ring-inset) 0 0 0 calc(${value} + var(--tw-ring-offset-width)) var(--tw-ring-color)`),
7085 new Property(['-webkit-box-shadow', 'box-shadow'], 'var(--tw-ring-offset-shadow), var(--tw-ring-shadow), var(--tw-shadow, 0 0 #0000)'),
7086 ]).updateMeta('utilities', 'ringWidth', pluginOrder.ringWidth, (utility.raw === 'ring' ? 1 : 2), true);
7089// https://windicss.org/utilities/filters.html#filter-blur
7090function blur(utility, { theme }) {
7091 if (utility.raw === 'blur') utility.raw = 'blur-DEFAULT';
7092 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _618 => _618.handler
7093, 'access', _619 => _619.handleBody, 'call', _620 => _620(theme('blur'))
7094, 'access', _621 => _621.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _622 => _622()
7095, 'access', _623 => _623.handleNumber, 'call', _624 => _624(0, undefined, 'int', (number) => `${number}px`)
7096, 'access', _625 => _625.handleSize, 'call', _626 => _626()
7097, 'access', _627 => _627.createProperty, 'call', _628 => _628('--tw-blur', value => `blur(${value})`)
7098, 'optionalAccess', _629 => _629.updateMeta, 'call', _630 => _630('utilities', 'blur', pluginOrder.blur, 1, true)]);
7101// https://windicss.org/utilities/filters.html#filter-brightness
7102function brightness(utility, { theme }) {
7103 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _631 => _631.handler
7104, 'access', _632 => _632.handleBody, 'call', _633 => _633(theme('brightness'))
7105, 'access', _634 => _634.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _635 => _635()
7106, 'access', _636 => _636.handleNumber, 'call', _637 => _637(0, undefined, 'int', (number) => `${number/100}`)
7107, 'access', _638 => _638.createProperty, 'call', _639 => _639('--tw-brightness', value => `brightness(${value})`)
7108, 'optionalAccess', _640 => _640.updateMeta, 'call', _641 => _641('utilities', 'brightness', pluginOrder.brightness, 1, true)]);
7111// https://windicss.org/utilities/filters.html#filter-contrast
7112function contrast(utility, { theme }) {
7113 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _642 => _642.handler
7114, 'access', _643 => _643.handleBody, 'call', _644 => _644(theme('contrast'))
7115, 'access', _645 => _645.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _646 => _646()
7116, 'access', _647 => _647.handleNumber, 'call', _648 => _648(0, undefined, 'int', (number) => `${number/100}`)
7117, 'access', _649 => _649.createProperty, 'call', _650 => _650('--tw-contrast', value => `contrast(${value})`)
7118, 'optionalAccess', _651 => _651.updateMeta, 'call', _652 => _652('utilities', 'contrast', pluginOrder.contrast, 1, true)]);
7121// https://windicss.org/utilities/filters.html#filter-drop-shadow
7122function dropShadow(utility, { theme }) {
7123 let value;
7124 if (utility.raw === 'drop-shadow') {
7125 value = theme('dropShadow.DEFAULT', ['0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)', '0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06)']) ;
7126 } else {
7127 const dropShadows = theme('dropShadow') ;
7128 const amount = utility.amount;
7129 if (utility.raw.startsWith('drop-shadow') && amount in dropShadows) value = dropShadows[amount];
7130 }
7131 if (value) return new Property('--tw-drop-shadow', Array.isArray(value)? value.map(i => `drop-shadow(${i})`).join(' '): `drop-shadow(${value})`).updateMeta('utilities', 'dropShadow', pluginOrder.dropShadow, 1, true);
7134// https://windicss.org/utilities/filters.html#filter-grayscale
7135function grayscale(utility, { theme }) {
7136 if (utility.raw === 'grayscale') utility.raw = 'grayscale-DEFAULT';
7137 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _653 => _653.handler
7138, 'access', _654 => _654.handleBody, 'call', _655 => _655(theme('grayscale'))
7139, 'access', _656 => _656.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _657 => _657()
7140, 'access', _658 => _658.handleNumber, 'call', _659 => _659(0, 100, 'int', (number) => `${number/100}`)
7141, 'access', _660 => _660.createProperty, 'call', _661 => _661('--tw-grayscale', value => `grayscale(${value})`)
7142, 'optionalAccess', _662 => _662.updateMeta, 'call', _663 => _663('utilities', 'grayscale', pluginOrder.grayscale, 1, true)]);
7145// https://windicss.org/utilities/filters.html#filter-hue-rotate
7146function hueRotate(utility, { theme }) {
7147 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _664 => _664.handler
7148, 'access', _665 => _665.handleBody, 'call', _666 => _666(theme('hueRotate'))
7149, 'access', _667 => _667.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _668 => _668()
7150, 'access', _669 => _669.handleNumber, 'call', _670 => _670(0, undefined, 'float', (number) => `${number}deg`)
7151, 'access', _671 => _671.handleNegative, 'call', _672 => _672()
7152, 'access', _673 => _673.createProperty, 'call', _674 => _674('--tw-hue-rotate', value => `hue-rotate(${value})`)
7153, 'optionalAccess', _675 => _675.updateMeta, 'call', _676 => _676('utilities', 'hueRotate', pluginOrder.hueRotate, 1, true)]);
7156// https://windicss.org/utilities/filters.html#filter-invert
7157function invert(utility, { theme }) {
7158 if (utility.raw === 'invert') utility.raw = 'invert-DEFAULT';
7159 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _677 => _677.handler
7160, 'access', _678 => _678.handleBody, 'call', _679 => _679(theme('invert'))
7161, 'access', _680 => _680.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _681 => _681()
7162, 'access', _682 => _682.handleNumber, 'call', _683 => _683(0, 100, 'int', (number) => `${number/100}`)
7163, 'access', _684 => _684.createProperty, 'call', _685 => _685('--tw-invert', value => `invert(${value})`)
7164, 'optionalAccess', _686 => _686.updateMeta, 'call', _687 => _687('utilities', 'invert', pluginOrder.invert, 1, true)]);
7167// https://windicss.org/utilities/filters.html#filter-saturate
7168function saturate(utility, { theme }) {
7169 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _688 => _688.handler
7170, 'access', _689 => _689.handleBody, 'call', _690 => _690(theme('saturate'))
7171, 'access', _691 => _691.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _692 => _692()
7172, 'access', _693 => _693.handleNumber, 'call', _694 => _694(0, undefined, 'int', (number) => `${number/100}`)
7173, 'access', _695 => _695.createProperty, 'call', _696 => _696('--tw-saturate', value => `saturate(${value})`)
7174, 'optionalAccess', _697 => _697.updateMeta, 'call', _698 => _698('utilities', 'saturate', pluginOrder.saturate, 1, true)]);
7177// https://windicss.org/utilities/filters.html#filter-sepia
7178function sepia(utility, { theme }) {
7179 if (utility.raw === 'sepia') utility.raw = 'sepia-DEFAULT';
7180 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _699 => _699.handler
7181, 'access', _700 => _700.handleBody, 'call', _701 => _701(theme('sepia'))
7182, 'access', _702 => _702.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _703 => _703()
7183, 'access', _704 => _704.handleNumber, 'call', _705 => _705(0, 100, 'int', (number) => `${number/100}`)
7184, 'access', _706 => _706.createProperty, 'call', _707 => _707('--tw-sepia', value => `sepia(${value})`)
7185, 'optionalAccess', _708 => _708.updateMeta, 'call', _709 => _709('utilities', 'sepia', pluginOrder.sepia, 1, true)]);
7188// https://windicss.org/utilities/filters.html#backdrop-filter
7189// https://windicss.org/utilities/filters.html#backdrop-blur
7190// https://windicss.org/utilities/filters.html#backdrop-brightness
7191// https://windicss.org/utilities/filters.html#backdrop-contrast
7192// https://windicss.org/utilities/filters.html#backdrop-grayscale
7193// https://windicss.org/utilities/filters.html#backdrop-hue-rotate
7194// https://windicss.org/utilities/filters.html#backdrop-invert
7195// https://windicss.org/utilities/filters.html#backdrop-opacity
7196// https://windicss.org/utilities/filters.html#backdrop-saturate
7197// https://windicss.org/utilities/filters.html#backdrop-sepia
7198function backdrop(utility, { theme }) {
7199 utility = utility.clone(utility.raw.slice(9));
7200 switch (utility.match(/[^-]+/)) {
7201 case 'blur':
7202 if (utility.raw === 'blur') utility.raw = 'blur-DEFAULT';
7203 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _710 => _710.handler
7204, 'access', _711 => _711.handleBody, 'call', _712 => _712(theme('backdropBlur'))
7205, 'access', _713 => _713.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _714 => _714()
7206, 'access', _715 => _715.handleNumber, 'call', _716 => _716(0, undefined, 'int', (number) => `${number}px`)
7207, 'access', _717 => _717.handleSize, 'call', _718 => _718()
7208, 'access', _719 => _719.createProperty, 'call', _720 => _720('--tw-backdrop-blur', value => `blur(${value})`)
7209, 'optionalAccess', _721 => _721.updateMeta, 'call', _722 => _722('utilities', 'backdropBlur', pluginOrder.backdropBlur, 1, true)]);
7210 case 'brightness':
7211 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _723 => _723.handler
7212, 'access', _724 => _724.handleBody, 'call', _725 => _725(theme('backdropBrightness'))
7213, 'access', _726 => _726.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _727 => _727()
7214, 'access', _728 => _728.handleNumber, 'call', _729 => _729(0, undefined, 'int', (number) => `${number/100}`)
7215, 'access', _730 => _730.createProperty, 'call', _731 => _731('--tw-backdrop-brightness', value => `brightness(${value})`)
7216, 'optionalAccess', _732 => _732.updateMeta, 'call', _733 => _733('utilities', 'backdropBrightness', pluginOrder.backdropBrightness, 1, true)]);
7217 case 'contrast':
7218 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _734 => _734.handler
7219, 'access', _735 => _735.handleBody, 'call', _736 => _736(theme('backdropContrast'))
7220, 'access', _737 => _737.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _738 => _738()
7221, 'access', _739 => _739.handleNumber, 'call', _740 => _740(0, undefined, 'int', (number) => `${number/100}`)
7222, 'access', _741 => _741.createProperty, 'call', _742 => _742('--tw-backdrop-contrast', value => `contrast(${value})`)
7223, 'optionalAccess', _743 => _743.updateMeta, 'call', _744 => _744('utilities', 'backdropContrast', pluginOrder.backdropContrast, 1, true)]);
7224 case 'grayscale':
7225 if (utility.raw === 'grayscale') utility.raw = 'grayscale-DEFAULT';
7226 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _745 => _745.handler
7227, 'access', _746 => _746.handleBody, 'call', _747 => _747(theme('backdropGrayscale'))
7228, 'access', _748 => _748.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _749 => _749()
7229, 'access', _750 => _750.handleNumber, 'call', _751 => _751(0, 100, 'int', (number) => `${number/100}`)
7230, 'access', _752 => _752.createProperty, 'call', _753 => _753('--tw-backdrop-grayscale', value => `grayscale(${value})`)
7231, 'optionalAccess', _754 => _754.updateMeta, 'call', _755 => _755('utilities', 'backdropGrayscale', pluginOrder.backdropGrayscale, 1, true)]);
7232 case 'hue':
7233 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _756 => _756.handler
7234, 'access', _757 => _757.handleBody, 'call', _758 => _758(theme('backdropHueRotate'))
7235, 'access', _759 => _759.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _760 => _760()
7236, 'access', _761 => _761.handleNumber, 'call', _762 => _762(0, undefined, 'float', (number) => `${number}deg`)
7237, 'access', _763 => _763.handleNegative, 'call', _764 => _764()
7238, 'access', _765 => _765.createProperty, 'call', _766 => _766('--tw-backdrop-hue-rotate', value => `hue-rotate(${value})`)
7239, 'optionalAccess', _767 => _767.updateMeta, 'call', _768 => _768('utilities', 'backdropHueRotate', pluginOrder.backdropHueRotate, 1, true)]);
7240 case 'invert':
7241 if (utility.raw === 'invert') utility.raw = 'invert-DEFAULT';
7242 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _769 => _769.handler
7243, 'access', _770 => _770.handleBody, 'call', _771 => _771(theme('backdropInvert'))
7244, 'access', _772 => _772.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _773 => _773()
7245, 'access', _774 => _774.handleNumber, 'call', _775 => _775(0, 100, 'int', (number) => `${number/100}`)
7246, 'access', _776 => _776.createProperty, 'call', _777 => _777('--tw-backdrop-invert', value => `invert(${value})`)
7247, 'optionalAccess', _778 => _778.updateMeta, 'call', _779 => _779('utilities', 'backdropInvert', pluginOrder.backdropInvert, 1, true)]);
7248 case 'opacity':
7249 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _780 => _780.handler
7250, 'access', _781 => _781.handleBody, 'call', _782 => _782(theme('backdropOpacity'))
7251, 'access', _783 => _783.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _784 => _784()
7252, 'access', _785 => _785.handleNumber, 'call', _786 => _786(0, 100, 'int', (number) => `${number/100}`)
7253, 'access', _787 => _787.createProperty, 'call', _788 => _788('--tw-backdrop-opacity', value => `opacity(${value})`)
7254, 'optionalAccess', _789 => _789.updateMeta, 'call', _790 => _790('utilities', 'backdropOpacity', pluginOrder.backdropOpacity, 1, true)]);
7255 case 'saturate':
7256 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _791 => _791.handler
7257, 'access', _792 => _792.handleBody, 'call', _793 => _793(theme('backdropSaturate'))
7258, 'access', _794 => _794.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _795 => _795()
7259, 'access', _796 => _796.handleNumber, 'call', _797 => _797(0, undefined, 'int', (number) => `${number/100}`)
7260, 'access', _798 => _798.createProperty, 'call', _799 => _799('--tw-backdrop-saturate', value => `saturate(${value})`)
7261, 'optionalAccess', _800 => _800.updateMeta, 'call', _801 => _801('utilities', 'backdropSaturate', pluginOrder.backdropSaturate, 1, true)]);
7262 case 'sepia':
7263 if (utility.raw === 'sepia') utility.raw = 'sepia-DEFAULT';
7264 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _802 => _802.handler
7265, 'access', _803 => _803.handleBody, 'call', _804 => _804(theme('backdropSepia'))
7266, 'access', _805 => _805.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _806 => _806()
7267, 'access', _807 => _807.handleNumber, 'call', _808 => _808(0, 100, 'int', (number) => `${number/100}`)
7268, 'access', _809 => _809.createProperty, 'call', _810 => _810('--tw-backdrop-sepia', value => `sepia(${value})`)
7269, 'optionalAccess', _811 => _811.updateMeta, 'call', _812 => _812('utilities', 'backdropSepia', pluginOrder.backdropSepia, 1, true)]);
7270 }
7273// https://windicss.org/utilities/effects.html#box-shadow
7274function boxShadow(utility, { theme }) {
7275 const body = utility.body || 'DEFAULT';
7276 const shadows = toType(theme('boxShadow'), 'object') ;
7277 if (Object.keys(shadows).includes(body)) {
7278 const shadow = shadows[body].replace(/rgba\s*\(\s*0\s*,\s*0\s*,\s*0/g, 'rgba(var(--tw-shadow-color)');
7279 return new Style(utility.class, [
7280 new Property('--tw-shadow-color', '0, 0, 0'),
7281 new Property('--tw-shadow', shadow),
7282 new Property(['-webkit-box-shadow', 'box-shadow'], 'var(--tw-ring-offset-shadow, 0 0 #0000), var(--tw-ring-shadow, 0 0 #0000), var(--tw-shadow)'),
7283 ]).updateMeta('utilities', 'boxShadow', pluginOrder.boxShadow, 0, true);
7284 }
7285 // handle shadowColor
7286 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _813 => _813.handler
7287, 'access', _814 => _814.handleColor, 'call', _815 => _815(theme('boxShadowColor'))
7288, 'access', _816 => _816.handleOpacity, 'call', _817 => _817(theme('opacity'))
7289, 'access', _818 => _818.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _819 => _819()
7290, 'access', _820 => _820.handleVariable, 'call', _821 => _821()
7291, 'access', _822 => _822.createColorStyle, 'call', _823 => _823(utility.class, '--tw-shadow-color', undefined, false)
7292, 'optionalAccess', _824 => _824.updateMeta, 'call', _825 => _825('utilities', 'boxShadowColor', pluginOrder.boxShadowColor, 0, true)]);
7295// https://windicss.org/utilities/effects.html#opacity
7296function opacity(utility, { theme }) {
7297 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _826 => _826.handler
7298, 'access', _827 => _827.handleStatic, 'call', _828 => _828(theme('opacity'))
7299, 'access', _829 => _829.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _830 => _830()
7300, 'access', _831 => _831.handleNumber, 'call', _832 => _832(0, 100, 'int', (number) => (number / 100).toString())
7301, 'access', _833 => _833.handleVariable, 'call', _834 => _834()
7302, 'access', _835 => _835.createProperty, 'call', _836 => _836('opacity')
7303, 'optionalAccess', _837 => _837.updateMeta, 'call', _838 => _838('utilities', 'opacity', pluginOrder.opacity, 0, true)]);
7306// https://windicss.org/utilities/transitions.html#transition-property
7307function transition(utility, { theme }) {
7308 const body = utility.body;
7309 const props = toType(theme('transitionProperty'), 'object') ;
7310 for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(props)) {
7311 if (body === key || (body === '' && key === 'DEFAULT')) {
7312 if (value === 'none') return new Property(['-webkit-transition-property', '-o-transition-property', 'transition-property'], 'none').updateMeta('utilities', 'transitionProperty', pluginOrder.transitionProperty, 1, true);
7313 return new Style(utility.class, [
7314 new Property('-webkit-transition-property', value.replace(/(?=(transform|box-shadow))/g, '-webkit-')),
7315 new Property('-o-transition-property', value),
7316 new Property('transition-property', value.replace(/transform/g, 'transform, -webkit-transform').replace(/box-shadow/g, 'box-shadow, -webkit-box-shadow')),
7317 new Property(['-webkit-transition-timing-function', '-o-transition-timing-function', 'transition-timing-function'], _nullishCoalesce$2(toType(theme('transitionTimingFunction.DEFAULT'), 'string'), () => ( 'cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1)'))),
7318 new Property(['-webkit-transition-duration', '-o-transition-duration', 'transition-duration' ], _nullishCoalesce$2(toType(theme('transitionDuration.DEFAULT'), 'string'), () => ( '150ms'))),
7319 ]).updateMeta('utilities', 'transitionProperty', pluginOrder.transitionProperty, 2, true);
7320 }
7321 }
7324// https://windicss.org/utilities/transitions.html#transition-duration
7325function duration(utility, { theme }) {
7326 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _839 => _839.handler
7327, 'access', _840 => _840.handleStatic, 'call', _841 => _841(theme('transitionDuration'))
7328, 'access', _842 => _842.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _843 => _843()
7329, 'access', _844 => _844.handleTime, 'call', _845 => _845(0, undefined, 'float')
7330, 'access', _846 => _846.handleNumber, 'call', _847 => _847(0, undefined, 'int', (number) => `${number}ms`)
7331, 'access', _848 => _848.handleVariable, 'call', _849 => _849()
7332, 'access', _850 => _850.createProperty, 'call', _851 => _851(['-webkit-transition-duration', '-o-transition-duration', 'transition-duration'])
7333, 'optionalAccess', _852 => _852.updateMeta, 'call', _853 => _853('utilities', 'transitionDuration', pluginOrder.transitionDuration, 1, true)]);
7336// https://windicss.org/utilities/transitions.html#transition-timing-function
7337function transitionTimingFunction(utility, { theme }) {
7338 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _854 => _854.handler
7339, 'access', _855 => _855.handleBody, 'call', _856 => _856(theme('transitionTimingFunction'))
7340, 'access', _857 => _857.createProperty, 'call', _858 => _858(['-webkit-transition-timing-function', '-o-transition-timing-function', 'transition-timing-function'])
7341, 'optionalAccess', _859 => _859.updateMeta, 'call', _860 => _860('utilities', 'transitionTimingFunction', pluginOrder.transitionTimingFunction, 1, true)]);
7344// https://windicss.org/utilities/transitions.html#transition-delay
7345function delay(utility, { theme }) {
7346 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _861 => _861.handler
7347, 'access', _862 => _862.handleStatic, 'call', _863 => _863(theme('transitionDelay'))
7348, 'access', _864 => _864.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _865 => _865()
7349, 'access', _866 => _866.handleTime, 'call', _867 => _867(0, undefined, 'float')
7350, 'access', _868 => _868.handleNumber, 'call', _869 => _869(0, undefined, 'int', (number) => `${number}ms`)
7351, 'access', _870 => _870.handleVariable, 'call', _871 => _871()
7352, 'access', _872 => _872.createProperty, 'call', _873 => _873(['-webkit-transition-delay', '-o-transition-delay', 'transition-delay'])
7353, 'optionalAccess', _874 => _874.updateMeta, 'call', _875 => _875('utilities', 'transitionDelay', pluginOrder.transitionDelay, 0, true)]);
7356// https://windicss.org/utilities/behaviors.html#animation
7357function animation(utility, { theme, config }) {
7358 const body = utility.body;
7359 if (utility.raw.startsWith('animate-ease')) {
7360 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _876 => _876.clone, 'call', _877 => _877(utility.raw.slice(8)), 'access', _878 => _878.handler
7361, 'access', _879 => _879.handleBody, 'call', _880 => _880(theme('animationTimingFunction'))
7362, 'access', _881 => _881.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _882 => _882()
7363, 'access', _883 => _883.createProperty, 'call', _884 => _884(['-webkit-animation-timing-function', 'animation-timing-function'])
7364, 'optionalAccess', _885 => _885.updateMeta, 'call', _886 => _886('utilities', 'animation', pluginOrder.animation, 20, true)]);
7365 }
7366 if (utility.raw.startsWith('animate-duration')) {
7367 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _887 => _887.clone, 'call', _888 => _888(utility.raw.slice(8)), 'access', _889 => _889.handler
7368, 'access', _890 => _890.handleStatic, 'call', _891 => _891(theme('animationDuration'))
7369, 'access', _892 => _892.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _893 => _893()
7370, 'access', _894 => _894.handleTime, 'call', _895 => _895(0, undefined, 'float')
7371, 'access', _896 => _896.handleNumber, 'call', _897 => _897(0, undefined, 'int', (number) => `${number}ms`)
7372, 'access', _898 => _898.handleVariable, 'call', _899 => _899()
7373, 'access', _900 => _900.createProperty, 'call', _901 => _901(['-webkit-animation-duration', 'animation-duration'])
7374, 'optionalAccess', _902 => _902.updateMeta, 'call', _903 => _903('utilities', 'animation', pluginOrder.animation, 21, true)]);
7375 }
7376 if (utility.raw.startsWith('animate-delay')) {
7377 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _904 => _904.clone, 'call', _905 => _905(utility.raw.slice(8)), 'access', _906 => _906.handler
7378, 'access', _907 => _907.handleStatic, 'call', _908 => _908(theme('animationDelay'))
7379, 'access', _909 => _909.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _910 => _910()
7380, 'access', _911 => _911.handleTime, 'call', _912 => _912(0, undefined, 'float')
7381, 'access', _913 => _913.handleNumber, 'call', _914 => _914(0, undefined, 'int', (number) => `${number}ms`)
7382, 'access', _915 => _915.handleVariable, 'call', _916 => _916()
7383, 'access', _917 => _917.createProperty, 'call', _918 => _918(['-webkit-animation-delay', 'animation-delay'])
7384, 'optionalAccess', _919 => _919.updateMeta, 'call', _920 => _920('utilities', 'animation', pluginOrder.animation, 22, true)]);
7385 }
7386 const animateIterationCount = utility.handler.handleBody(theme('animationIterationCount')).handleNumber(0, undefined, 'int').handleSquareBrackets().value;
7387 if (animateIterationCount) return new Property(['-webkit-animation-iteration-count', 'animation-iteration-count'], animateIterationCount).updateMeta('utilities', 'animation', pluginOrder.animation, 23, true);
7388 const animations = toType(theme('animation'), 'object') ;
7389 if (Object.keys(animations).includes(body)) {
7390 let value = animations[body];
7391 const prop = config('prefixer') ? ['-webkit-animation', 'animation'] : 'animation';
7392 if (value === 'none') return new Property(prop, 'none').updateMeta('utilities', 'animation', pluginOrder.animation, 1, true);
7393 let styles, keyframe;
7394 if (typeof value === 'string') {
7395 keyframe = _optionalChain$1([value, 'access', _921 => _921.match, 'call', _922 => _922(/^\w+/), 'optionalAccess', _923 => _923[0]]);
7396 styles = [ new Style(utility.class, new Property(prop, value)) ];
7397 } else {
7398 keyframe = value['animation'] || value['animationName'] || value['animation-name'];
7399 if (config('prefixer')) {
7400 const props = {};
7401 for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(value)) {
7402 if (k.startsWith('animation') || k.startsWith('backface')) {
7403 props['-webkit-' + k] = v;
7404 } else if (k.startsWith('transform')) {
7405 props['-webkit-' + k] = v;
7406 props['-ms-' + k] = v;
7407 }
7408 props[k] = v;
7409 }
7410 value = props;
7411 }
7412 styles = Style.generate(utility.class, value).map(i => i.updateMeta('utilities', 'animation', pluginOrder.animation, 2, true));
7413 }
7415 if (styles) {
7416 return [
7417 ...styles.map(i => i.updateMeta('utilities', 'animation', pluginOrder.animation, 2, true)),
7418 ... keyframe ? Keyframes.generate(
7419 keyframe,
7420 (_nullishCoalesce$2(theme(`keyframes.${keyframe}`), () => ( {}))) ,
7421 undefined,
7422 config('prefixer', false)
7423 ).map(i => i.updateMeta('utilities', 'keyframes', pluginOrder.keyframes, 1, true)) : [],
7424 ];
7425 }
7426 }
7429// https://windicss.org/utilities/transforms.html#transform-origin
7430function transformOrigin(utility, { theme }) {
7431 const body = utility.body;
7432 const origins = toType(theme('transformOrigin'), 'object') ;
7433 if (Object.keys(origins).includes(body)) return new Property(['-webkit-transform-origin', '-ms-transform-origin', 'transform-origin'], origins[body]).updateMeta('utilities', 'transformOrigin', pluginOrder.transformOrigin, 0, true);
7436// https://windicss.org/utilities/transforms.html#transform-scale
7437function scale(utility, { theme }) {
7438 return utility.handler
7439 .handleStatic(theme('scale'))
7440 .handleNumber(0, undefined, 'int', (number) => (number / 100).toString())
7441 .handleVariable()
7442 .callback(value => {
7443 if (utility.raw.startsWith('scale-x')) return new Property('--tw-scale-x', value).updateMeta('utilities', 'scale', pluginOrder.scale, 2, true);
7444 if (utility.raw.startsWith('scale-y')) return new Property('--tw-scale-y', value).updateMeta('utilities', 'scale', pluginOrder.scale, 3, true);
7445 if (utility.raw.startsWith('scale-z')) return new Property('--tw-scale-z', value).updateMeta('utilities', 'scale', pluginOrder.scale, 4, true);
7446 return new Property(['--tw-scale-x', '--tw-scale-y', '--tw-scale-z'], value).updateMeta('utilities', 'scale', pluginOrder.scale, 1, true);
7447 });
7450// https://windicss.org/utilities/transforms.html#transform-rotate
7451function rotate(utility, { theme }) {
7452 return utility.handler
7453 .handleStatic(theme('rotate'))
7454 .handleSquareBrackets()
7455 .handleNumber(0, undefined, 'float', (number) => `${number}deg`)
7456 .handleNegative()
7457 .handleVariable()
7458 .callback(value => {
7459 const abs = utility.absolute;
7460 if (abs.startsWith('rotate-x')) return new Property('--tw-rotate-x', value).updateMeta('utilities', 'rotate', pluginOrder.rotate, 2, true);
7461 if (abs.startsWith('rotate-y')) return new Property('--tw-rotate-y', value).updateMeta('utilities', 'rotate', pluginOrder.rotate, 3, true);
7462 if (abs.startsWith('rotate-z')) return new Property('--tw-rotate-z', value).updateMeta('utilities', 'rotate', pluginOrder.rotate, 4, true);
7463 return new Property('--tw-rotate', value).updateMeta('utilities', 'rotate', pluginOrder.rotate, 1, true);
7464 });
7467// https://windicss.org/utilities/transforms.html#transform-translate
7468function translate(utility, { theme }) {
7469 const centerMatch = utility.raw.match(/^-?translate-[x|y|z]/);
7470 if (centerMatch) {
7471 const center = centerMatch[0].replace(/^-?translate-/, '');
7472 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _924 => _924.handler
7473, 'access', _925 => _925.handleStatic, 'call', _926 => _926(theme('translate'))
7474, 'access', _927 => _927.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _928 => _928()
7475, 'access', _929 => _929.handleSpacing, 'call', _930 => _930()
7476, 'access', _931 => _931.handleFraction, 'call', _932 => _932()
7477, 'access', _933 => _933.handleSize, 'call', _934 => _934()
7478, 'access', _935 => _935.handleNegative, 'call', _936 => _936()
7479, 'access', _937 => _937.handleVariable, 'call', _938 => _938()
7480, 'access', _939 => _939.createProperty, 'call', _940 => _940(`--tw-translate-${center}`)
7481, 'optionalAccess', _941 => _941.updateMeta, 'call', _942 => _942('utilities', 'translate', pluginOrder.translate, utility.raw.charAt(0) === '-' ? 2 : 1, true)]);
7482 }
7485// https://windicss.org/utilities/transforms.html#transform-skew
7486function skew(utility, { theme }) {
7487 const centerMatch = utility.raw.match(/^-?skew-[x|y]/);
7488 if (centerMatch) {
7489 const center = centerMatch[0].replace(/^-?skew-/, '');
7490 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _943 => _943.handler
7491, 'access', _944 => _944.handleStatic, 'call', _945 => _945(theme('skew'))
7492, 'access', _946 => _946.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _947 => _947()
7493, 'access', _948 => _948.handleNumber, 'call', _949 => _949(0, undefined, 'float', (number) => `${number}deg`)
7494, 'access', _950 => _950.handleNegative, 'call', _951 => _951()
7495, 'access', _952 => _952.handleVariable, 'call', _953 => _953()
7496, 'access', _954 => _954.createProperty, 'call', _955 => _955(`--tw-skew-${center}`)
7497, 'optionalAccess', _956 => _956.updateMeta, 'call', _957 => _957('utilities', 'skew', pluginOrder.skew, utility.raw.charAt(0) === '-' ? 2 : 1, true)]);
7498 }
7501// https://windicss.org/utilities/transforms.html#perspective
7502function perspective(utility, { theme }) {
7503 if (utility.raw.startsWith('perspect-origin')) {
7504 const origin = _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _958 => _958.clone, 'call', _959 => _959('perspectOrigin' + utility.raw.slice(15)), 'access', _960 => _960.handler
7505, 'access', _961 => _961.handleBody, 'call', _962 => _962(theme('perspectiveOrigin'))
7506, 'access', _963 => _963.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _964 => _964()
7507, 'access', _965 => _965.createProperty, 'call', _966 => _966(['-webkit-perspective-origin', 'perspective-origin'])
7508, 'optionalAccess', _967 => _967.updateMeta, 'call', _968 => _968('utilities', 'perspectiveOrigin', pluginOrder.perspectiveOrigin, 0, true)]);
7509 if (origin) return origin;
7510 }
7511 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _969 => _969.handler
7512, 'access', _970 => _970.handleStatic, 'call', _971 => _971(theme('perspective'))
7513, 'access', _972 => _972.handleNumber, 'call', _973 => _973(0, undefined, 'int', number => `${number}px`)
7514, 'access', _974 => _974.handleSize, 'call', _975 => _975()
7515, 'access', _976 => _976.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _977 => _977()
7516, 'access', _978 => _978.createProperty, 'call', _979 => _979(['-webkit-perspective', 'perspective'])
7517, 'optionalAccess', _980 => _980.updateMeta, 'call', _981 => _981('utilities', 'perspective', pluginOrder.perspective, 0, true)]);
7520// https://windicss.org/utilities/behaviors.html#cursor
7521function cursor(utility, { theme }) {
7522 const body = utility.body;
7523 const cursors = toType(theme('cursor'), 'object') ;
7524 if (Object.keys(cursors).includes(body)) return new Property('cursor', cursors[body]).updateMeta('utilities', 'cursor', pluginOrder.cursor, 1, true);
7527// https://windicss.org/utilities/behaviors.html#outline
7528function outline(utility, { theme }) {
7529 const amount = utility.amount;
7530 const staticMap = toType(theme('outline'), 'object') ;
7531 if (Object.keys(staticMap).includes(amount))
7532 return new Style(utility.class, [ new Property('outline', staticMap[amount][0]), new Property('outline-offset', staticMap[amount][1]) ]).updateMeta('utilities', 'outline', pluginOrder.outline, 1, true);
7534 if (utility.raw.startsWith('outline-opacity')) {
7535 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _982 => _982.handler
7536, 'access', _983 => _983.handleStatic, 'call', _984 => _984(theme('opacity'))
7537, 'access', _985 => _985.handleNumber, 'call', _986 => _986(0, 100, 'int', (number) => (number / 100).toString())
7538, 'access', _987 => _987.handleVariable, 'call', _988 => _988()
7539, 'access', _989 => _989.createProperty, 'call', _990 => _990('--tw-outline-opacity')
7540, 'optionalAccess', _991 => _991.updateMeta, 'call', _992 => _992('utilities', 'outline', pluginOrder.outline, 4, true)]);
7541 }
7543 if (utility.raw.match(/^outline-(solid|dotted)/)) {
7544 const newUtility = utility.clone(utility.raw.replace('outline-', ''));
7545 const outlineColor = newUtility.handler
7546 .handleStatic({ none: 'transparent', white: 'white', black: 'black' })
7547 .handleColor()
7548 .handleOpacity(theme('opacity'))
7549 .handleVariable()
7550 .createColorValue('var(--tw-outline-opacity, 1)');
7552 if (outlineColor) return new Style(utility.class, [
7553 new Property('outline', `2px ${newUtility.identifier} ${outlineColor}`),
7554 new Property('outline-offset', '2px') ]
7555 ).updateMeta('utilities', 'outline', pluginOrder.outline, 3, true);
7556 }
7558 const handler = utility.handler.handleColor().handleOpacity(theme('opacity')).handleSquareBrackets().handleVariable((variable) => utility.raw.startsWith('outline-$') ? `var(--${variable})` : undefined);
7559 const color = handler.createColorValue();
7560 if (color) return _optionalChain$1([new Style(utility.class, [
7561 new Property('outline', `2px ${ handler.value === 'transparent' ? 'solid' : 'dotted'} ${color}`),
7562 new Property('outline-offset', '2px'),
7563 ]), 'optionalAccess', _993 => _993.updateMeta, 'call', _994 => _994('utilities', 'outline', pluginOrder.outline, 2, true)]);
7566// https://windicss.org/utilities/svg.html#fill-color
7567function fill(utility, { theme }) {
7568 if (utility.raw.startsWith('fill-opacity')) {
7569 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _995 => _995.handler
7570, 'access', _996 => _996.handleStatic, 'call', _997 => _997(theme('opacity'))
7571, 'access', _998 => _998.handleNumber, 'call', _999 => _999(0, 100, 'int', (number) => (number / 100).toString())
7572, 'access', _1000 => _1000.handleVariable, 'call', _1001 => _1001()
7573, 'access', _1002 => _1002.createProperty, 'call', _1003 => _1003('--tw-fill-opacity')
7574, 'optionalAccess', _1004 => _1004.updateMeta, 'call', _1005 => _1005('utilities', 'fill', pluginOrder.ringOffsetColor, 2, true)]);
7575 }
7576 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _1006 => _1006.handler
7577, 'access', _1007 => _1007.handleColor, 'call', _1008 => _1008(theme('fill'))
7578, 'access', _1009 => _1009.handleOpacity, 'call', _1010 => _1010(theme('opacity'))
7579, 'access', _1011 => _1011.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _1012 => _1012()
7580, 'access', _1013 => _1013.handleVariable, 'call', _1014 => _1014()
7581, 'access', _1015 => _1015.createColorStyle, 'call', _1016 => _1016(utility.class, 'fill', '--tw-fill-opacity')
7582, 'optionalAccess', _1017 => _1017.updateMeta, 'call', _1018 => _1018('utilities', 'fill', pluginOrder.fill, 1, true)]);
7585// https://windicss.org/utilities/svg.html#stroke-color
7586// https://windicss.org/utilities/svg.html#stroke-width
7587function stroke(utility, { theme }) {
7588 if (utility.raw.startsWith('stroke-dash')) {
7589 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _1019 => _1019.handler, 'access', _1020 => _1020.handleNumber, 'call', _1021 => _1021(), 'access', _1022 => _1022.createProperty, 'call', _1023 => _1023('stroke-dasharray'), 'optionalAccess', _1024 => _1024.updateMeta, 'call', _1025 => _1025('utilities', 'strokeDashArray', pluginOrder.strokeDashArray, 0, true)]);
7590 }
7591 if (utility.raw.startsWith('stroke-offset')) {
7592 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _1026 => _1026.handler, 'access', _1027 => _1027.handleNumber, 'call', _1028 => _1028(), 'access', _1029 => _1029.createProperty, 'call', _1030 => _1030('stroke-dashoffset'), 'optionalAccess', _1031 => _1031.updateMeta, 'call', _1032 => _1032('utilities', 'strokeDashOffset', pluginOrder.strokeDashOffset, 0, true)]);
7593 }
7595 if (utility.raw.startsWith('stroke-opacity')) {
7596 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _1033 => _1033.handler
7597, 'access', _1034 => _1034.handleStatic, 'call', _1035 => _1035(theme('opacity'))
7598, 'access', _1036 => _1036.handleNumber, 'call', _1037 => _1037(0, 100, 'int', (number) => (number / 100).toString())
7599, 'access', _1038 => _1038.handleVariable, 'call', _1039 => _1039()
7600, 'access', _1040 => _1040.createProperty, 'call', _1041 => _1041('--tw-stroke-opacity')
7601, 'optionalAccess', _1042 => _1042.updateMeta, 'call', _1043 => _1043('utilities', 'stroke', pluginOrder.stroke, 2, true)]);
7602 }
7603 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _1044 => _1044.handler
7604, 'access', _1045 => _1045.handleColor, 'call', _1046 => _1046(theme('stroke'))
7605, 'access', _1047 => _1047.handleOpacity, 'call', _1048 => _1048(theme('opacity'))
7606, 'access', _1049 => _1049.handleVariable, 'call', _1050 => _1050()
7607, 'access', _1051 => _1051.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _1052 => _1052()
7608, 'access', _1053 => _1053.createColorStyle, 'call', _1054 => _1054(utility.class, 'stroke', '--tw-stroke-opacity')
7609, 'optionalAccess', _1055 => _1055.updateMeta, 'call', _1056 => _1056('utilities', 'stroke', pluginOrder.stroke, 1, true)])
7610 || (utility.raw.startsWith('stroke-$')
7611 ? _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _1057 => _1057.handler
7612, 'access', _1058 => _1058.handleVariable, 'call', _1059 => _1059()
7613, 'access', _1060 => _1060.createProperty, 'call', _1061 => _1061('stroke-width')
7614, 'optionalAccess', _1062 => _1062.updateMeta, 'call', _1063 => _1063('utilities', 'strokeWidth', pluginOrder.strokeWidth, 2, true)])
7615 : _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _1064 => _1064.handler
7616, 'access', _1065 => _1065.handleStatic, 'call', _1066 => _1066(theme('strokeWidth'))
7617, 'access', _1067 => _1067.handleNumber, 'call', _1068 => _1068(0, undefined, 'int')
7618, 'access', _1069 => _1069.createProperty, 'call', _1070 => _1070('stroke-width')
7619, 'optionalAccess', _1071 => _1071.updateMeta, 'call', _1072 => _1072('utilities', 'strokeWidth', pluginOrder.strokeWidth, 1, true)])
7620 );
7623function content(utility, { theme }) {
7624 if (!utility.raw.startsWith('content-'))
7625 return;
7626 return _optionalChain$1([utility, 'access', _1073 => _1073.handler
7627, 'access', _1074 => _1074.handleBody, 'call', _1075 => _1075(theme('content'))
7628, 'access', _1076 => _1076.handleSquareBrackets, 'call', _1077 => _1077()
7629, 'access', _1078 => _1078.handleVariable, 'call', _1079 => _1079()
7630, 'access', _1080 => _1080.handleString, 'call', _1081 => _1081((string) => `"${string}"`)
7631, 'access', _1082 => _1082.createProperty, 'call', _1083 => _1083('content')
7632, 'optionalAccess', _1084 => _1084.updateMeta, 'call', _1085 => _1085('utilities', 'content', pluginOrder.content, 1, true)]);
7635const dynamicUtilities = {
7636 container: container,
7637 space: space,
7638 divide: divide,
7639 bg: background,
7640 from: gradientColorFrom,
7641 via: gradientColorVia,
7642 to: gradientColorTo,
7643 border: border,
7644 rounded: borderRadius,
7645 cursor: cursor,
7646 flex: flex,
7647 order: order,
7648 font: font,
7649 h: size,
7650 leading: lineHeight,
7651 list: listStyleType,
7652 m: margin,
7653 my: margin,
7654 mx: margin,
7655 mt: margin,
7656 mr: margin,
7657 mb: margin,
7658 ml: margin,
7659 min: minMaxSize,
7660 max: minMaxSize,
7661 object: objectPosition,
7662 opacity: opacity,
7663 outline: outline,
7664 p: padding,
7665 py: padding,
7666 px: padding,
7667 pt: padding,
7668 pr: padding,
7669 pb: padding,
7670 pl: padding,
7671 placeholder: placeholder,
7672 caret: caret,
7673 tab: tabSize,
7674 indent: textIndent,
7675 inset: inset,
7676 top: inset,
7677 right: inset,
7678 bottom: inset,
7679 left: inset,
7680 shadow: boxShadow,
7681 ring: ring,
7682 blur: blur,
7683 brightness: brightness,
7684 contrast: contrast,
7685 drop: dropShadow,
7686 grayscale: grayscale,
7687 hue: hueRotate,
7688 invert: invert,
7689 saturate: saturate,
7690 sepia: sepia,
7691 backdrop: backdrop,
7692 fill: fill,
7693 stroke: stroke,
7694 text: text,
7695 tracking: letterSpacing,
7696 underline: textDecoration,
7697 w: size,
7698 z: zIndex,
7699 gap: gap,
7700 auto: gridAuto,
7701 grid: gridTemplate,
7702 col: gridColumn,
7703 row: gridRow,
7704 origin: transformOrigin,
7705 scale: scale,
7706 rotate: rotate,
7707 translate: translate,
7708 skew: skew,
7709 perspect: perspective,
7710 transition: transition,
7711 ease: transitionTimingFunction,
7712 duration: duration,
7713 delay: delay,
7714 content: content,
7715 animate: animation,
7718const colors = {
7719 black: '#000',
7720 white: '#fff',
7721 rose: {
7722 50: '#fff1f2',
7723 100: '#ffe4e6',
7724 200: '#fecdd3',
7725 300: '#fda4af',
7726 400: '#fb7185',
7727 500: '#f43f5e',
7728 600: '#e11d48',
7729 700: '#be123c',
7730 800: '#9f1239',
7731 900: '#881337',
7732 },
7733 pink: {
7734 50: '#fdf2f8',
7735 100: '#fce7f3',
7736 200: '#fbcfe8',
7737 300: '#f9a8d4',
7738 400: '#f472b6',
7739 500: '#ec4899',
7740 600: '#db2777',
7741 700: '#be185d',
7742 800: '#9d174d',
7743 900: '#831843',
7744 },
7745 fuchsia: {
7746 50: '#fdf4ff',
7747 100: '#fae8ff',
7748 200: '#f5d0fe',
7749 300: '#f0abfc',
7750 400: '#e879f9',
7751 500: '#d946ef',
7752 600: '#c026d3',
7753 700: '#a21caf',
7754 800: '#86198f',
7755 900: '#701a75',
7756 },
7757 purple: {
7758 50: '#faf5ff',
7759 100: '#f3e8ff',
7760 200: '#e9d5ff',
7761 300: '#d8b4fe',
7762 400: '#c084fc',
7763 500: '#a855f7',
7764 600: '#9333ea',
7765 700: '#7e22ce',
7766 800: '#6b21a8',
7767 900: '#581c87',
7768 },
7769 violet: {
7770 50: '#f5f3ff',
7771 100: '#ede9fe',
7772 200: '#ddd6fe',
7773 300: '#c4b5fd',
7774 400: '#a78bfa',
7775 500: '#8b5cf6',
7776 600: '#7c3aed',
7777 700: '#6d28d9',
7778 800: '#5b21b6',
7779 900: '#4c1d95',
7780 },
7781 indigo: {
7782 50: '#eef2ff',
7783 100: '#e0e7ff',
7784 200: '#c7d2fe',
7785 300: '#a5b4fc',
7786 400: '#818cf8',
7787 500: '#6366f1',
7788 600: '#4f46e5',
7789 700: '#4338ca',
7790 800: '#3730a3',
7791 900: '#312e81',
7792 },
7793 blue: {
7794 50: '#eff6ff',
7795 100: '#dbeafe',
7796 200: '#bfdbfe',
7797 300: '#93c5fd',
7798 400: '#60a5fa',
7799 500: '#3b82f6',
7800 600: '#2563eb',
7801 700: '#1d4ed8',
7802 800: '#1e40af',
7803 900: '#1e3a8a',
7804 },
7805 lightBlue: {
7806 50: '#f0f9ff',
7807 100: '#e0f2fe',
7808 200: '#bae6fd',
7809 300: '#7dd3fc',
7810 400: '#38bdf8',
7811 500: '#0ea5e9',
7812 600: '#0284c7',
7813 700: '#0369a1',
7814 800: '#075985',
7815 900: '#0c4a6e',
7816 },
7817 sky: {
7818 50: '#f0f9ff',
7819 100: '#e0f2fe',
7820 200: '#bae6fd',
7821 300: '#7dd3fc',
7822 400: '#38bdf8',
7823 500: '#0ea5e9',
7824 600: '#0284c7',
7825 700: '#0369a1',
7826 800: '#075985',
7827 900: '#0c4a6e',
7828 },
7829 cyan: {
7830 50: '#ecfeff',
7831 100: '#cffafe',
7832 200: '#a5f3fc',
7833 300: '#67e8f9',
7834 400: '#22d3ee',
7835 500: '#06b6d4',
7836 600: '#0891b2',
7837 700: '#0e7490',
7838 800: '#155e75',
7839 900: '#164e63',
7840 },
7841 teal: {
7842 50: '#f0fdfa',
7843 100: '#ccfbf1',
7844 200: '#99f6e4',
7845 300: '#5eead4',
7846 400: '#2dd4bf',
7847 500: '#14b8a6',
7848 600: '#0d9488',
7849 700: '#0f766e',
7850 800: '#115e59',
7851 900: '#134e4a',
7852 },
7853 emerald: {
7854 50: '#ecfdf5',
7855 100: '#d1fae5',
7856 200: '#a7f3d0',
7857 300: '#6ee7b7',
7858 400: '#34d399',
7859 500: '#10b981',
7860 600: '#059669',
7861 700: '#047857',
7862 800: '#065f46',
7863 900: '#064e3b',
7864 },
7865 green: {
7866 50: '#f0fdf4',
7867 100: '#dcfce7',
7868 200: '#bbf7d0',
7869 300: '#86efac',
7870 400: '#4ade80',
7871 500: '#22c55e',
7872 600: '#16a34a',
7873 700: '#15803d',
7874 800: '#166534',
7875 900: '#14532d',
7876 },
7877 lime: {
7878 50: '#f7fee7',
7879 100: '#ecfccb',
7880 200: '#d9f99d',
7881 300: '#bef264',
7882 400: '#a3e635',
7883 500: '#84cc16',
7884 600: '#65a30d',
7885 700: '#4d7c0f',
7886 800: '#3f6212',
7887 900: '#365314',
7888 },
7889 yellow: {
7890 50: '#fefce8',
7891 100: '#fef9c3',
7892 200: '#fef08a',
7893 300: '#fde047',
7894 400: '#facc15',
7895 500: '#eab308',
7896 600: '#ca8a04',
7897 700: '#a16207',
7898 800: '#854d0e',
7899 900: '#713f12',
7900 },
7901 amber: {
7902 50: '#fffbeb',
7903 100: '#fef3c7',
7904 200: '#fde68a',
7905 300: '#fcd34d',
7906 400: '#fbbf24',
7907 500: '#f59e0b',
7908 600: '#d97706',
7909 700: '#b45309',
7910 800: '#92400e',
7911 900: '#78350f',
7912 },
7913 orange: {
7914 50: '#fff7ed',
7915 100: '#ffedd5',
7916 200: '#fed7aa',
7917 300: '#fdba74',
7918 400: '#fb923c',
7919 500: '#f97316',
7920 600: '#ea580c',
7921 700: '#c2410c',
7922 800: '#9a3412',
7923 900: '#7c2d12',
7924 },
7925 red: {
7926 50: '#fef2f2',
7927 100: '#fee2e2',
7928 200: '#fecaca',
7929 300: '#fca5a5',
7930 400: '#f87171',
7931 500: '#ef4444',
7932 600: '#dc2626',
7933 700: '#b91c1c',
7934 800: '#991b1b',
7935 900: '#7f1d1d',
7936 },
7937 warmGray: {
7938 50: '#fafaf9',
7939 100: '#f5f5f4',
7940 200: '#e7e5e4',
7941 300: '#d6d3d1',
7942 400: '#a8a29e',
7943 500: '#78716c',
7944 600: '#57534e',
7945 700: '#44403c',
7946 800: '#292524',
7947 900: '#1c1917',
7948 },
7949 trueGray: {
7950 50: '#fafafa',
7951 100: '#f5f5f5',
7952 200: '#e5e5e5',
7953 300: '#d4d4d4',
7954 400: '#a3a3a3',
7955 500: '#737373',
7956 600: '#525252',
7957 700: '#404040',
7958 800: '#262626',
7959 900: '#171717',
7960 },
7961 gray: {
7962 50: '#fafafa',
7963 100: '#f4f4f5',
7964 200: '#e4e4e7',
7965 300: '#d4d4d8',
7966 400: '#a1a1aa',
7967 500: '#71717a',
7968 600: '#52525b',
7969 700: '#3f3f46',
7970 800: '#27272a',
7971 900: '#18181b',
7972 },
7973 coolGray: {
7974 50: '#f9fafb',
7975 100: '#f3f4f6',
7976 200: '#e5e7eb',
7977 300: '#d1d5db',
7978 400: '#9ca3af',
7979 500: '#6b7280',
7980 600: '#4b5563',
7981 700: '#374151',
7982 800: '#1f2937',
7983 900: '#111827',
7984 },
7985 blueGray: {
7986 50: '#f8fafc',
7987 100: '#f1f5f9',
7988 200: '#e2e8f0',
7989 300: '#cbd5e1',
7990 400: '#94a3b8',
7991 500: '#64748b',
7992 600: '#475569',
7993 700: '#334155',
7994 800: '#1e293b',
7995 900: '#0f172a',
7996 },
7997 light: {
7998 50: '#fdfdfd',
7999 100: '#fcfcfc',
8000 200: '#fafafa',
8001 300: '#f8f9fa',
8002 400: '#f6f6f6',
8003 500: '#f2f2f2',
8004 600: '#f1f3f5',
8005 700: '#e9ecef',
8006 800: '#dee2e6',
8007 900: '#dde1e3',
8008 },
8009 dark: {
8010 50: '#4a4a4a',
8011 100: '#3c3c3c',
8012 200: '#323232',
8013 300: '#2d2d2d',
8014 400: '#222222',
8015 500: '#1f1f1f',
8016 600: '#1c1c1e',
8017 700: '#1b1b1b',
8018 800: '#181818',
8019 900: '#0f0f0f',
8020 },
8023const keyframes = {
8024 spin: {
8025 from: {
8026 transform: 'rotate(0deg)',
8027 },
8028 to: {
8029 transform: 'rotate(360deg)',
8030 },
8031 },
8032 ping: {
8033 '0%': {
8034 transform: 'scale(1)',
8035 opacity: '1',
8036 },
8037 '75%, 100%': {
8038 transform: 'scale(2)',
8039 opacity: '0',
8040 },
8041 },
8042 pulse: {
8043 '0%, 100%': {
8044 opacity: '1',
8045 },
8046 '50%': {
8047 opacity: '.5',
8048 },
8049 },
8050 bounce: {
8051 '0%, 100%': {
8052 transform: 'translateY(-25%)',
8053 animationTimingFunction: 'cubic-bezier(0.8,0,1,1)',
8054 },
8055 '50%': {
8056 transform: 'translateY(0)',
8057 animationTimingFunction: 'cubic-bezier(0,0,0.2,1)',
8058 },
8059 },
8060 shock: {
8061 'from, 20%, 53%, 80%, to': {
8062 animationTimingFunction: 'cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.61, 0.355, 1)',
8063 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
8064 },
8065 '40%, 43%': {
8066 animationTimingFunction: 'cubic-bezier(0.755, 0.05, 0.855, 0.06)',
8067 transform: 'translate3d(0, -30px, 0)',
8068 },
8069 '70%': {
8070 animationTimingFunction: 'cubic-bezier(0.755, 0.05, 0.855, 0.06)',
8071 transform: 'translate3d(0, -15px, 0)',
8072 },
8073 '90%': {
8074 transform: 'translate3d(0, -4px, 0)',
8075 },
8076 },
8077 flash: {
8078 'from, 50%, to': {
8079 opacity: '1',
8080 },
8081 '25%, 75%': {
8082 opacity: '0',
8083 },
8084 },
8085 bubble: {
8086 'from': {
8087 transform: 'scale3d(1, 1, 1)',
8088 },
8089 '50%': {
8090 transform: 'scale3d(1.05, 1.05, 1.05)',
8091 },
8092 'to': {
8093 transform: 'scale3d(1, 1, 1)',
8094 },
8095 },
8096 rubberBand: {
8097 'from': {
8098 transform: 'scale3d(1, 1, 1)',
8099 },
8100 '30%': {
8101 transform: 'scale3d(1.25, 0.75, 1)',
8102 },
8103 '40%': {
8104 transform: 'scale3d(0.75, 1.25, 1)',
8105 },
8106 '50%': {
8107 transform: 'scale3d(1.15, 0.85, 1)',
8108 },
8109 '65%': {
8110 transform: 'scale3d(0.95, 1.05, 1)',
8111 },
8112 '75%': {
8113 transform: 'scale3d(1.05, 0.95, 1)',
8114 },
8115 'to': {
8116 transform: 'scale3d(1, 1, 1)',
8117 },
8118 },
8119 shakeX: {
8120 'from, to': {
8121 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
8122 },
8123 '10%, 30%, 50%, 70%, 90%': {
8124 transform: 'translate3d(-10px, 0, 0)',
8125 },
8126 '20%, 40%, 60%, 80%': {
8127 transform: 'translate3d(10px, 0, 0)',
8128 },
8129 },
8130 shakeY: {
8131 'from, to': {
8132 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
8133 },
8134 '10%, 30%, 50%, 70%, 90%': {
8135 transform: 'translate3d(0, -10px, 0)',
8136 },
8137 '20%, 40%, 60%, 80%': {
8138 transform: 'translate3d(0, 10px, 0)',
8139 },
8140 },
8141 headShake: {
8142 '0%': {
8143 transform: 'translateX(0)',
8144 },
8145 '6.5%': {
8146 transform: 'translateX(-6px) rotateY(-9deg)',
8147 },
8148 '18.5%': {
8149 transform: 'translateX(5px) rotateY(7deg)',
8150 },
8151 '31.5%': {
8152 transform: 'translateX(-3px) rotateY(-5deg)',
8153 },
8154 '43.5%': {
8155 transform: 'translateX(2px) rotateY(3deg)',
8156 },
8157 '50%': {
8158 transform: 'translateX(0)',
8159 },
8160 },
8161 swing: {
8162 '20%': {
8163 transform: 'rotate3d(0, 0, 1, 15deg)',
8164 },
8165 '40%': {
8166 transform: 'rotate3d(0, 0, 1, -10deg)',
8167 },
8168 '60%': {
8169 transform: 'rotate3d(0, 0, 1, 5deg)',
8170 },
8171 '80%': {
8172 transform: 'rotate3d(0, 0, 1, -5deg)',
8173 },
8174 'to': {
8175 transform: 'rotate3d(0, 0, 1, 0deg)',
8176 },
8177 },
8178 tada: {
8179 'from': {
8180 transform: 'scale3d(1, 1, 1)',
8181 },
8182 '10%, 20%': {
8183 transform: 'scale3d(0.9, 0.9, 0.9) rotate3d(0, 0, 1, -3deg)',
8184 },
8185 '30%, 50%, 70%, 90%': {
8186 transform: 'scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1) rotate3d(0, 0, 1, 3deg)',
8187 },
8188 '40%, 60%, 80%': {
8189 transform: 'scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1) rotate3d(0, 0, 1, -3deg)',
8190 },
8191 'to': {
8192 transform: 'scale3d(1, 1, 1)',
8193 },
8194 },
8195 wobble: {
8196 'from': {
8197 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
8198 },
8199 '15%': {
8200 transform: 'translate3d(-25%, 0, 0) rotate3d(0, 0, 1, -5deg)',
8201 },
8202 '30%': {
8204 transform: 'translate3d(20%, 0, 0) rotate3d(0, 0, 1, 3deg)',
8205 },
8206 '45%': {
8207 transform: 'translate3d(-15%, 0, 0) rotate3d(0, 0, 1, -3deg)',
8208 },
8209 '60%': {
8210 transform: 'translate3d(10%, 0, 0) rotate3d(0, 0, 1, 2deg)',
8211 },
8212 '75%': {
8213 transform: 'translate3d(-5%, 0, 0) rotate3d(0, 0, 1, -1deg)',
8214 },
8215 'to': {
8216 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
8217 },
8218 },
8219 jello: {
8220 'from, 11.1% to': {
8221 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
8222 },
8223 '22.2%': {
8224 transform: 'skewX(-12.5deg) skewY(-12.5deg)',
8225 },
8226 '33.3%': {
8228 transform: 'skewX(6.25deg) skewY(6.25deg)',
8229 },
8230 '44.4%': {
8231 transform: 'skewX(-3.125deg) skewY(-3.125deg)',
8232 },
8233 '55.5%': {
8234 transform: 'skewX(1.5625deg) skewY(1.5625deg)',
8235 },
8236 '66.6%': {
8237 transform: 'skewX(-0.78125deg) skewY(-0.78125deg)',
8238 },
8239 '77.7%': {
8240 transform: 'skewX(0.390625deg) skewY(0.390625deg)',
8241 },
8242 '88.8%': {
8243 transform: 'skewX(-0.1953125deg) skewY(-0.1953125deg)',
8244 },
8245 },
8246 heartBeat: {
8247 '0%': {
8248 transform: 'scale(1)',
8249 },
8250 '14%': {
8251 transform: 'scale(1.3)',
8252 },
8253 '28%': {
8254 transform: 'scale(1)',
8255 },
8256 '42%': {
8257 transform: 'scale(1.3)',
8258 },
8259 '70%': {
8260 transform: 'scale(1)',
8261 },
8262 },
8263 hinge: {
8264 '0%': {
8265 transformOrigin: 'top left',
8266 animationTimingFunction: 'ease-in-out',
8267 },
8268 '20%, 60%': {
8269 transform: 'rotate3d(0, 0, 1, 80deg)',
8270 transformOrigin: 'top left',
8271 animationTimingFunction: 'ease-in-out',
8272 },
8273 '40%, 80%': {
8274 transform: 'rotate3d(0, 0, 1, 60deg)',
8275 transformOrigin: 'top left',
8276 animationTimingFunction: 'ease-in-out',
8277 },
8278 'to': {
8279 transform: 'translate3d(0, 700px, 0)',
8280 opacity: '0',
8281 },
8282 },
8283 jackInTheBox: {
8284 'from': {
8285 opacity: '0',
8286 transformOrigin: 'center bottom',
8287 transform: 'scale(0.1) rotate(30deg)',
8288 },
8289 '50%': {
8290 transform: 'rotate(-10deg)',
8291 },
8292 '70%': {
8293 transform: 'rotate(3deg)',
8294 },
8295 'to': {
8296 transform: 'scale(1)',
8297 },
8298 },
8300 // light speed
8301 lightSpeedInRight: {
8302 'from': {
8303 opacity: '0',
8304 transform: 'translate3d(100%, 0, 0) skewX(-30deg)',
8305 },
8306 '60%': {
8307 opacity: '1',
8308 transform: 'skewX(20deg)',
8309 },
8310 '80%': {
8311 transform: 'skewX(-5deg)',
8312 },
8313 'to': {
8314 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
8315 },
8316 },
8317 lightSpeedInLeft: {
8318 'from': {
8319 opacity: '0',
8320 transform: 'translate3d(100%, 0, 0) skewX(-30deg)',
8321 },
8322 '60%': {
8323 opacity: '1',
8324 transform: 'skewX(20deg)',
8325 },
8326 '80%': {
8327 transform: 'skewX(-5deg)',
8328 },
8329 'to': {
8330 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
8331 },
8332 },
8333 lightSpeedOutLeft: {
8334 'from': {
8335 opacity: '1',
8336 },
8337 'to': {
8338 opacity: '0',
8339 transform: 'translate3d(100%, 0, 0) skewX(30deg)',
8340 },
8341 },
8342 lightSpeedOutRight: {
8343 'from': {
8344 opacity: '1',
8345 },
8346 'to': {
8347 opacity: '0',
8348 transform: 'translate3d(100%, 0, 0) skewX(30deg)',
8349 },
8350 },
8351 // flip
8352 flip: {
8353 'from': {
8354 transform: 'perspective(400px) scale3d(1, 1, 1) translate3d(0, 0, 0) rotate3d(0, 1, 0, -360deg)',
8355 animationTimingFunction: 'ease-out',
8356 },
8357 '40%': {
8358 transform: 'perspective(400px) scale3d(1, 1, 1) translate3d(0, 0, 150px) rotate3d(0, 1, 0, -190deg)',
8359 animationTimingFunction: 'ease-out',
8360 },
8361 '50%': {
8362 transform: 'perspective(400px) scale3d(1, 1, 1) translate3d(0, 0, 150px) rotate3d(0, 1, 0, -170deg)',
8363 animationTimingFunction: 'ease-in',
8364 },
8365 '80%': {
8366 transform: 'perspective(400px) scale3d(0.95, 0.95, 0.95) translate3d(0, 0, 0) rotate3d(0, 1, 0, 0deg)',
8367 animationTimingFunction: 'ease-in',
8368 },
8369 'to': {
8370 transform: 'perspective(400px) scale3d(1, 1, 1) translate3d(0, 0, 0) rotate3d(0, 1, 0, 0deg)',
8371 animationTimingFunction: 'ease-in',
8372 },
8373 },
8374 flipInX: {
8375 'from': {
8376 transform: 'perspective(400px) rotate3d(1, 0, 0, 90deg)',
8377 animationTimingFunction: 'ease-in',
8378 opacity: '0',
8379 },
8380 '40%': {
8381 transform: 'perspective(400px) rotate3d(1, 0, 0, -20deg)',
8382 animationTimingFunction: 'ease-in',
8383 },
8384 '60%': {
8385 transform: 'perspective(400px) rotate3d(1, 0, 0, 10deg)',
8386 opacity: '1',
8387 },
8388 '80%': {
8389 transform: 'perspective(400px) rotate3d(1, 0, 0, -5deg)',
8390 },
8391 'to': {
8392 transform: 'perspective(400px)',
8393 },
8394 },
8395 flipInY: {
8396 'from': {
8397 transform: 'perspective(400px) rotate3d(0, 1, 0, 90deg)',
8398 animationTimingFunction: 'ease-in',
8399 opacity: '0',
8400 },
8401 '40%': {
8402 transform: 'perspective(400px) rotate3d(0, 1, 0, -20deg)',
8403 animationTimingFunction: 'ease-in',
8404 },
8405 '60%': {
8406 transform: 'perspective(400px) rotate3d(0, 1, 0, 10deg)',
8407 opacity: '1',
8408 },
8409 '80%': {
8410 transform: 'perspective(400px) rotate3d(0, 1, 0, -5deg)',
8411 },
8412 'to': {
8413 transform: 'perspective(400px)',
8414 },
8415 },
8416 flipOutX: {
8417 'from': {
8418 transform: 'perspective(400px)',
8419 },
8420 '30%': {
8421 transform: 'perspective(400px) rotate3d(1, 0, 0, -20deg)',
8422 opacity: '1',
8423 },
8424 'to': {
8425 transform: 'perspective(400px) rotate3d(1, 0, 0, 90deg)',
8426 opacity: '0',
8427 },
8428 },
8429 flipOutY: {
8430 'from': {
8431 transform: 'perspective(400px)',
8432 },
8433 '30%': {
8434 transform: 'perspective(400px) rotate3d(0, 1, 0, -15deg)',
8435 opacity: '1',
8436 },
8437 'to': {
8438 transform: 'perspective(400px) rotate3d(0, 1, 0, 90deg)',
8439 opacity: '0',
8440 },
8441 },
8442 // rotate in
8443 rotateIn: {
8444 'from': {
8445 transformOrigin: 'center',
8446 transform: 'rotate3d(0, 0, 1, -200deg)',
8447 opacity: '0',
8448 },
8449 'to': {
8450 transformOrigin: 'center',
8451 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
8452 opacity: '1',
8453 },
8454 },
8455 rotateInDownLeft: {
8456 'from': {
8457 transformOrigin: 'left bottom',
8458 transform: 'rotate3d(0, 0, 1, -45deg)',
8459 opacity: '0',
8460 },
8461 'to': {
8462 transformOrigin: 'left bottom',
8463 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
8464 opacity: '1',
8465 },
8466 },
8467 rotateInDownRight: {
8468 'from': {
8469 transformOrigin: 'right bottom',
8470 transform: 'rotate3d(0, 0, 1, 45deg)',
8471 opacity: '0',
8472 },
8473 'to': {
8474 transformOrigin: 'right bottom',
8475 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
8476 opacity: '1',
8477 },
8478 },
8479 rotateInUpLeft: {
8480 'from': {
8481 transformOrigin: 'left top',
8482 transform: 'rotate3d(0, 0, 1, 45deg)',
8483 opacity: '0',
8484 },
8485 'to': {
8486 transformOrigin: 'left top',
8487 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
8488 opacity: '1',
8489 },
8490 },
8491 rotateInUpRight: {
8492 'from': {
8493 transformOrigin: 'right bottom',
8494 transform: 'rotate3d(0, 0, 1, -90deg)',
8495 opacity: '0',
8496 },
8497 'to': {
8498 transformOrigin: 'right bottom',
8499 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
8500 opacity: '1',
8501 },
8502 },
8503 rotateOut: {
8504 'from': {
8505 transformOrigin: 'center',
8506 opacity: '1',
8507 },
8508 'to': {
8509 transformOrigin: 'center',
8510 transform: 'rotate3d(0, 0, 1, 200deg)',
8511 opacity: '0',
8512 },
8513 },
8514 rotateOutDownLeft: {
8515 'from': {
8516 transformOrigin: 'left bottom',
8517 opacity: '1',
8518 },
8519 'to': {
8520 transformOrigin: 'left bottom',
8521 transform: 'rotate3d(0, 0, 1, 45deg)',
8522 opacity: '0',
8523 },
8524 },
8525 rotateOutDownRight: {
8526 'from': {
8527 transformOrigin: 'right bottom',
8528 opacity: '1',
8529 },
8530 'to': {
8531 transformOrigin: 'right bottom',
8532 transform: 'rotate3d(0, 0, 1, -45deg)',
8533 opacity: '0',
8534 },
8535 },
8536 rotateOutUpLeft: {
8537 'from': {
8538 transformOrigin: 'left bottom',
8539 opacity: '1',
8540 },
8541 'to': {
8542 transformOrigin: 'left bottom',
8543 transform: 'rotate3d(0, 0, 1, -45deg)',
8544 opacity: '0',
8545 },
8546 },
8547 rotateOutUpRight: {
8548 'from': {
8549 transformOrigin: 'right bottom',
8550 opacity: '1',
8551 },
8552 'to': {
8553 transformOrigin: 'left bottom',
8554 transform: 'rotate3d(0, 0, 1, 90deg)',
8555 opacity: '0',
8556 },
8557 },
8558 // roll
8559 rollIn: {
8560 'from': {
8561 opacity: '0',
8562 transform: 'translate3d(-100%, 0, 0) rotate3d(0, 0, 1, -120deg)',
8563 },
8564 'to': {
8565 opacity: '1',
8566 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
8567 },
8568 },
8569 rollOut: {
8570 'from': {
8571 opacity: '1',
8572 },
8573 'to': {
8574 opacity: '0',
8575 transform: 'translate3d(100%, 0, 0) rotate3d(0, 0, 1, 120deg)',
8576 },
8577 },
8578 // zoom in
8579 zoomIn: {
8580 'from': {
8581 opacity: '0',
8582 transform: 'scale3d(0.3, 0.3, 0.3)',
8583 },
8584 '50%': {
8585 opacity: '1',
8586 },
8587 },
8588 zoomInDown: {
8589 'from': {
8590 opacity: '0',
8591 transform: 'scale3d(0.1, 0.1, 0.1) translate3d(0, -1000px, 0)',
8592 animationTimingFunction: 'cubic-bezier(0.55, 0.055, 0.675, 0.19)',
8593 },
8594 '60%': {
8595 opacity: '1',
8596 transform: 'scale3d(0.475, 0.475, 0.475) translate3d(0, 60px, 0)',
8597 animationTimingFunction: 'cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.32, 1)',
8598 },
8599 },
8600 zoomInLeft: {
8601 'from': {
8602 opacity: '0',
8603 transform: 'scale3d(0.1, 0.1, 0.1) translate3d(-1000px, 0, 0)',
8604 animationTimingFunction: 'cubic-bezier(0.55, 0.055, 0.675, 0.19)',
8605 },
8606 '60%': {
8607 opacity: '1',
8608 transform: 'scale3d(0.475, 0.475, 0.475) translate3d(10px, 0, 0)',
8609 animationTimingFunction: 'cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.32, 1)',
8610 },
8611 },
8612 zoomInRight: {
8613 'from': {
8614 opacity: '0',
8615 transform: 'scale3d(0.1, 0.1, 0.1) translate3d(1000px, 0, 0)',
8616 animationTimingFunction: 'cubic-bezier(0.55, 0.055, 0.675, 0.19)',
8617 },
8618 '60%': {
8619 opacity: '1',
8620 transform: 'scale3d(0.475, 0.475, 0.475) translate3d(-10px, 0, 0)',
8621 animationTimingFunction: 'cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.32, 1)',
8622 },
8623 },
8624 zoomInUp: {
8625 'from': {
8626 opacity: '0',
8627 transform: 'scale3d(0.1, 0.1, 0.1) translate3d(0, 1000px, 0)',
8628 animationTimingFunction: 'cubic-bezier(0.55, 0.055, 0.675, 0.19)',
8629 },
8630 '60%': {
8631 opacity: '1',
8632 transform: 'scale3d(0.475, 0.475, 0.475) translate3d(0, -60px, 0)',
8633 animationTimingFunction: 'cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.32, 1)',
8634 },
8635 },
8636 // bounce in
8637 bounceIn: {
8638 'from, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, to': {
8639 animationTimingFunction: 'ease-in-out',
8640 },
8641 '0%': {
8642 opacity: '0',
8643 transform: 'scale3d(0.3, 0.3, 0.3)',
8644 },
8645 '20%': {
8646 transform: 'scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1)',
8647 },
8648 '40%': {
8649 transform: 'scale3d(0.9, 0.9, 0.9)',
8650 },
8651 '60%': {
8652 transform: 'scale3d(1.03, 1.03, 1.03)',
8653 opacity: '1',
8654 },
8655 '80%': {
8656 transform: 'scale3d(0.97, 0.97, 0.97)',
8657 },
8658 'to': {
8659 opacity: '1',
8660 transform: 'scale3d(1, 1, 1)',
8661 },
8662 },
8663 bounceInDown: {
8664 'from, 60%, 75%, 90%, to': {
8665 animationTimingFunction: 'cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.61, 0.355, 1)',
8666 },
8667 '0%': {
8668 opacity: '0',
8669 transform: 'translate3d(0, -3000px, 0)',
8670 },
8671 '60%': {
8672 opacity: '1',
8673 transform: 'translate3d(0, 25px, 0)',
8674 },
8675 '75%': {
8676 transform: 'translate3d(0, -10px, 0)',
8677 },
8678 '90%': {
8679 transform: 'translate3d(0, 5px, 0)',
8680 },
8681 'to': {
8682 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
8683 },
8684 },
8685 bounceInLeft: {
8686 'from, 60%, 75%, 90%, to': {
8687 animationTimingFunction: 'cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.61, 0.355, 1)',
8688 },
8689 '0%': {
8690 opacity: '0',
8691 transform: 'translate3d(-3000px, 0, 0)',
8692 },
8693 '60%': {
8694 opacity: '1',
8695 transform: 'translate3d(25px, 0, 0)',
8696 },
8697 '75%': {
8698 transform: 'translate3d(-10px, 0, 0)',
8699 },
8700 '90%': {
8701 transform: 'translate3d(5px, 0, 0)',
8702 },
8703 'to': {
8704 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
8705 },
8706 },
8707 bounceInRight: {
8708 'from, 60%, 75%, 90%, to': {
8709 animationTimingFunction: 'cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.61, 0.355, 1)',
8710 },
8711 '0%': {
8712 opacity: '0',
8713 transform: 'translate3d(3000px, 0, 0)',
8714 },
8715 '60%': {
8716 opacity: '1',
8717 transform: 'translate3d(-25px, 0, 0)',
8718 },
8719 '75%': {
8720 transform: 'translate3d(10px, 0, 0)',
8721 },
8722 '90%': {
8723 transform: 'translate3d(-5px, 0, 0)',
8724 },
8725 'to': {
8726 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
8727 },
8728 },
8729 bounceInUp: {
8730 'from, 60%, 75%, 90%, to': {
8731 animationTimingFunction: 'cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.61, 0.355, 1)',
8732 },
8733 '0%': {
8734 opacity: '0',
8735 transform: 'translate3d(0, 3000px, 0)',
8736 },
8737 '60%': {
8738 opacity: '1',
8739 transform: 'translate3d(0, -20px, 0)',
8740 },
8741 '75%': {
8742 transform: 'translate3d(0, 10px, 0)',
8743 },
8744 '90%': {
8745 transform: 'translate3d(0, -5px, 0)',
8746 },
8747 'to': {
8748 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
8749 },
8750 },
8751 // bounce out
8752 bounceOut: {
8753 '20%': {
8754 transform: 'scale3d(0.9, 0.9, 0.9)',
8755 },
8756 '50%, 55%': {
8757 opacity: '1',
8758 transform: 'scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1.1)',
8759 },
8760 'to': {
8761 opacity: '0',
8762 transform: 'scale3d(0.3, 0.3, 0.3)',
8763 },
8764 },
8765 bounceOutDown: {
8766 '20%': {
8767 transform: 'translate3d(0, 10px, 0)',
8768 },
8769 '40%, 45%': {
8770 opacity: '1',
8771 transform: 'translate3d(0, -20px, 0)',
8772 },
8773 'to': {
8774 opacity: '0',
8775 transform: 'translate3d(0, 2000px, 0)',
8776 },
8777 },
8778 bounceOutLeft: {
8779 '20%': {
8780 opacity: '1',
8781 transform: 'translate3d(20px, 0, 0)',
8782 },
8783 'to': {
8784 opacity: '0',
8785 transform: 'translate3d(-2000px, 0, 0)',
8786 },
8787 },
8788 bounceOutRight: {
8789 '20%': {
8790 opacity: '1',
8791 transform: 'translate3d(-20px, 0, 0)',
8792 },
8793 'to': {
8794 opacity: '0',
8795 transform: 'translate3d(2000px, 0, 0)',
8796 },
8797 },
8798 bounceOutUp: {
8799 '20%': {
8800 transform: 'translate3d(0, -10px, 0)',
8801 },
8802 '40%, 45%': {
8803 opacity: '1',
8804 transform: 'translate3d(0, 20px, 0)',
8805 },
8806 'to': {
8807 opacity: '0',
8808 transform: 'translate3d(0, -2000px, 0)',
8809 },
8810 },
8811 // zoom out
8812 zoomOut: {
8813 'from': {
8814 opacity: '1',
8815 },
8816 '50%': {
8817 opacity: '0',
8818 transform: 'scale3d(0.3, 0.3, 0.3)',
8819 },
8820 'to': {
8821 opacity: '0',
8822 },
8823 },
8824 zoomOutDown: {
8825 '40%': {
8826 opacity: '1',
8827 transform: 'scale3d(0.475, 0.475, 0.475) translate3d(0, -60px, 0)',
8828 animationTimingFunction: 'cubic-bezier(0.55, 0.055, 0.675, 0.19)',
8829 },
8830 'to': {
8831 opacity: '0',
8832 transform: 'scale3d(0.1, 0.1, 0.1) translate3d(0, 2000px, 0)',
8833 transformOrigin: 'center bottom',
8834 animationTimingFunction: 'cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.32, 1)',
8835 },
8836 },
8837 zoomOutLeft: {
8838 '40%': {
8839 opacity: '1',
8840 transform: 'scale3d(0.475, 0.475, 0.475) translate3d(42px, 0, 0)',
8841 },
8842 'to': {
8843 opacity: '0',
8844 transform: 'scale(0.1) translate3d(-2000px, 0, 0)',
8845 transformOrigin: 'left center',
8846 },
8847 },
8848 zoomOutRight: {
8849 '40%': {
8850 opacity: '1',
8851 transform: 'scale3d(0.475, 0.475, 0.475) translate3d(-42px, 0, 0)',
8852 },
8853 'to': {
8854 opacity: '0',
8855 transform: 'scale(0.1) translate3d(2000px, 0, 0)',
8856 transformOrigin: 'right center',
8857 },
8858 },
8859 zoomOutUp: {
8860 '40%': {
8861 opacity: '1',
8862 transform: 'scale3d(0.475, 0.475, 0.475) translate3d(0, 60px, 0)',
8863 animationTimingFunction: 'cubic-bezier(0.55, 0.055, 0.675, 0.19)',
8864 },
8865 'to': {
8866 opacity: '0',
8867 transform: 'scale3d(0.1, 0.1, 0.1) translate3d(0, -2000px, 0)',
8868 transformOrigin: 'center bottom',
8869 animationTimingFunction: 'cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.32, 1)',
8870 },
8871 },
8872 // slide in
8873 slideInDown: {
8874 'from': {
8875 transform: 'translate3d(0, -100%, 0)',
8876 visibility: 'visible',
8877 },
8878 'to': {
8879 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
8880 },
8881 },
8882 slideInLeft: {
8883 'from': {
8884 transform: 'translate3d(-100%, 0, 0)',
8885 visibility: 'visible',
8886 },
8887 'to': {
8888 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
8889 },
8890 },
8891 slideInRight: {
8892 'from': {
8893 transform: 'translate3d(100%, 0, 0)',
8894 visibility: 'visible',
8895 },
8896 'to': {
8897 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
8898 },
8899 },
8900 slideInUp: {
8901 'from': {
8902 transform: 'translate3d(0, 100%, 0)',
8903 visibility: 'visible',
8904 },
8905 'to': {
8906 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
8907 },
8908 },
8909 // slide out
8910 slideOutDown: {
8911 'from': {
8912 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
8913 },
8914 'to': {
8915 visibility: 'hidden',
8916 transform: 'translate3d(0, 100%, 0)',
8917 },
8918 },
8919 slideOutLeft: {
8920 'from': {
8921 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
8922 },
8923 'to': {
8924 visibility: 'hidden',
8925 transform: 'translate3d(-100%, 0, 0)',
8926 },
8927 },
8928 slideOutRight: {
8929 'from': {
8930 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
8931 },
8932 'to': {
8933 visibility: 'hidden',
8934 transform: 'translate3d(100%, 0, 0)',
8935 },
8936 },
8937 slideOutUp: {
8938 'from': {
8939 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
8940 },
8941 'to': {
8942 visibility: 'hidden',
8943 transform: 'translate3d(0, -100%, 0)',
8944 },
8945 },
8946 // fade in
8947 fadeIn: {
8948 'from': {
8949 opacity: '0',
8950 },
8951 'to': {
8952 opacity: '1',
8953 },
8954 },
8955 fadeInDown: {
8956 'from': {
8957 opacity: '0',
8958 transform: 'translate3d(0, -100%, 0)',
8959 },
8960 'to': {
8961 opacity: '1',
8962 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
8963 },
8964 },
8965 fadeInDownBig: {
8966 'from': {
8967 opacity: '0',
8968 transform: 'translate3d(0, -2000px, 0)',
8969 },
8970 'to': {
8971 opacity: '1',
8972 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
8973 },
8974 },
8975 fadeInLeft: {
8976 'from': {
8977 opacity: '0',
8978 transform: 'translate3d(-100%, 0, 0)',
8979 },
8980 'to': {
8981 opacity: '1',
8982 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
8983 },
8984 },
8985 fadeInLeftBig: {
8986 'from': {
8987 opacity: '0',
8988 transform: 'translate3d(-2000px, 0, 0)',
8989 },
8990 'to': {
8991 opacity: '1',
8992 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
8993 },
8994 },
8995 fadeInRight: {
8996 'from': {
8997 opacity: '0',
8998 transform: 'translate3d(100%, 0, 0)',
8999 },
9000 'to': {
9001 opacity: '1',
9002 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
9003 },
9004 },
9005 fadeInRightBig: {
9006 'from': {
9007 opacity: '0',
9008 transform: 'translate3d(2000px, 0, 0)',
9009 },
9010 'to': {
9011 opacity: '1',
9012 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
9013 },
9014 },
9015 fadeInUp: {
9016 'from': {
9017 opacity: '0',
9018 transform: 'translate3d(0, 100%, 0)',
9019 },
9020 'to': {
9021 opacity: '1',
9022 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
9023 },
9024 },
9025 fadeInUpBig: {
9026 'from': {
9027 opacity: '0',
9028 transform: 'translate3d(0, 2000px, 0)',
9029 },
9030 'to': {
9031 opacity: '1',
9032 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
9033 },
9034 },
9035 fadeInTopLeft: {
9036 'from': {
9037 opacity: '0',
9038 transform: 'translate3d(-100%, -100%, 0)',
9039 },
9040 'to': {
9041 opacity: '1',
9042 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
9043 },
9044 },
9045 fadeInTopRight: {
9046 'from': {
9047 opacity: '0',
9048 transform: 'translate3d(100%, -100%, 0)',
9049 },
9050 'to': {
9051 opacity: '1',
9052 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
9053 },
9054 },
9055 fadeInBottomLeft: {
9056 'from': {
9057 opacity: '0',
9058 transform: 'translate3d(-100%, 100%, 0)',
9059 },
9060 'to': {
9061 opacity: '1',
9062 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
9063 },
9064 },
9065 fadeInBottomRight: {
9066 'from': {
9067 opacity: '0',
9068 transform: 'translate3d(100%, 100%, 0)',
9069 },
9070 'to': {
9071 opacity: '1',
9072 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
9073 },
9074 },
9075 // fade out
9076 fadeOut: {
9077 'from': {
9078 opacity: '1',
9079 },
9080 'to': {
9081 opacity: '0',
9082 },
9083 },
9084 fadeOutDown: {
9085 'from': {
9086 opacity: '1',
9087 },
9088 'to': {
9089 opacity: '0',
9090 transform: 'translate3d(0, 100%, 0)',
9091 },
9092 },
9093 fadeOutDownBig: {
9094 'from': {
9095 opacity: '1',
9096 },
9097 'to': {
9098 opacity: '0',
9099 transform: 'translate3d(0, 2000px, 0)',
9100 },
9101 },
9102 fadeOutLeft: {
9103 'from': {
9104 opacity: '1',
9105 },
9106 'to': {
9107 opacity: '0',
9108 transform: 'translate3d(-100%, 0, 0)',
9109 },
9110 },
9111 fadeOutLeftBig: {
9112 'from': {
9113 opacity: '1',
9114 },
9115 'to': {
9116 opacity: '0',
9117 transform: 'translate3d(-2000px, 0, 0)',
9118 },
9119 },
9120 fadeOutRight: {
9121 'from': {
9122 opacity: '1',
9123 },
9124 'to': {
9125 opacity: '0',
9126 transform: 'translate3d(100%, 0, 0)',
9127 },
9128 },
9129 fadeOutRightBig: {
9130 'from': {
9131 opacity: '1',
9133 },
9134 'to': {
9135 opacity: '0',
9136 transform: 'translate3d(2000px, 0, 0)',
9137 },
9138 },
9139 fadeOutUp: {
9140 'from': {
9141 opacity: '1',
9142 },
9143 'to': {
9144 opacity: '0',
9145 transform: 'translate3d(0, -100%, 0)',
9146 },
9147 },
9148 fadeOutUpBig: {
9149 'from': {
9150 opacity: '1',
9152 },
9153 'to': {
9154 opacity: '0',
9155 transform: 'translate3d(0, -2000px, 0)',
9156 },
9157 },
9158 fadeOutTopLeft: {
9159 'from': {
9160 opacity: '1',
9161 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
9163 },
9164 'to': {
9165 opacity: '0',
9166 transform: 'translate3d(-100%, -100%, 0)',
9167 },
9168 },
9169 fadeOutTopRight: {
9170 'from': {
9171 opacity: '1',
9172 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
9174 },
9175 'to': {
9176 opacity: '0',
9177 transform: 'translate3d(100%, -100%, 0)',
9178 },
9179 },
9180 fadeOutBottomLeft: {
9181 'from': {
9182 opacity: '1',
9183 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
9185 },
9186 'to': {
9187 opacity: '0',
9188 transform: 'translate3d(-100%, 100%, 0)',
9189 },
9190 },
9191 fadeOutBottomRight: {
9192 'from': {
9193 opacity: '1',
9194 transform: 'translate3d(0, 0, 0)',
9196 },
9197 'to': {
9198 opacity: '0',
9199 transform: 'translate3d(100%, 100%, 0)',
9200 },
9201 },
9202 // back in
9203 backInUp: {
9204 '0%': {
9205 opacity: '0.7',
9206 transform: 'translateY(1200px) scale(0.7)',
9207 },
9208 '80%': {
9209 opacity: '0.7',
9210 transform: 'translateY(0px) scale(0.7)',
9211 },
9212 '100%': {
9213 opacity: '1',
9214 transform: 'scale(1)',
9215 },
9216 },
9217 backInDown: {
9218 '0%': {
9219 opacity: '0.7',
9220 transform: 'translateY(-1200px) scale(0.7)',
9221 },
9222 '80%': {
9223 opacity: '0.7',
9224 transform: 'translateY(0px) scale(0.7)',
9225 },
9226 '100%': {
9227 opacity: '1',
9228 transform: 'scale(1)',
9229 },
9230 },
9231 backInLeft: {
9232 '0%': {
9233 opacity: '0.7',
9234 transform: 'translateX(-2000px) scale(0.7)',
9235 },
9236 '80%': {
9237 opacity: '0.7',
9238 transform: 'translateX(0px) scale(0.7)',
9239 },
9240 '100%': {
9241 opacity: '1',
9242 transform: 'scale(1)',
9243 },
9244 },
9245 backInRight: {
9246 '0%': {
9247 opacity: '0.7',
9248 transform: 'translateX(2000px) scale(0.7)',
9249 },
9250 '80%': {
9251 opacity: '0.7',
9252 transform: 'translateY(0px) scale(0.7)',
9253 },
9254 '100%': {
9255 opacity: '1',
9256 transform: 'scale(1)',
9257 },
9258 },
9259 // back out
9260 backOutUp: {
9261 '0%': {
9262 opacity: '1',
9263 transform: 'scale(1)',
9264 },
9265 '80%': {
9266 opacity: '0.7',
9267 transform: 'translateY(0px) scale(0.7)',
9268 },
9269 '100%': {
9270 opacity: '0.7',
9271 transform: 'translateY(-700px) scale(0.7)',
9272 },
9273 },
9274 backOutDown: {
9275 '0%': {
9276 opacity: '1',
9277 transform: 'scale(1)',
9278 },
9279 '80%': {
9280 opacity: '0.7',
9281 transform: 'translateY(0px) scale(0.7)',
9282 },
9283 '100%': {
9284 opacity: '0.7',
9285 transform: 'translateY(700px) scale(0.7)',
9286 },
9287 },
9288 backOutLeft: {
9289 '0%': {
9290 opacity: '1',
9291 transform: 'scale(1)',
9292 },
9293 '80%': {
9294 opacity: '0.7',
9295 transform: 'translateX(-2000px) scale(0.7)',
9296 },
9297 '100%': {
9298 opacity: '0.7',
9299 transform: 'translateY(-700px) scale(0.7)',
9300 },
9301 },
9302 backOutRight: {
9303 '0%': {
9304 opacity: '1',
9305 transform: 'scale(1)',
9306 },
9307 '80%': {
9308 opacity: '0.7',
9309 transform: 'translateY(0px) scale(0.7)',
9310 },
9311 '100%': {
9312 opacity: '0.7',
9313 transform: 'translateX(2000px) scale(0.7)',
9314 },
9315 },
9318function _nullishCoalesce$1(lhs, rhsFn) { if (lhs != null) { return lhs; } else { return rhsFn(); } }
9320const defaultColors = {
9321 transparent: 'transparent',
9322 current: 'currentColor',
9323 light: colors.light,
9324 dark: colors.dark,
9325 black: colors.black,
9326 white: colors.white,
9327 gray: colors.coolGray,
9328 red: colors.red,
9329 yellow: colors.amber,
9330 green: colors.emerald,
9331 blue: colors.blue,
9332 indigo: colors.indigo,
9333 purple: colors.violet,
9334 pink: colors.pink,
9335 rose: colors.rose,
9336 fuchsia: colors.fuchsia,
9337 violet: colors.violet,
9338 cyan: colors.cyan,
9339 teal: colors.teal,
9340 emerald: colors.emerald,
9341 lime: colors.lime,
9342 amber: colors.amber,
9343 orange: colors.orange,
9344 'light-blue': colors.lightBlue,
9345 'warm-gray': colors.warmGray,
9346 'true-gray': colors.trueGray,
9347 'cool-gray': colors.coolGray,
9348 'blue-gray': colors.blueGray,
9351const baseConfig = {
9352 // purge: [],
9353 presets: [],
9354 prefixer: true,
9355 attributify: false,
9356 darkMode: 'class', // or 'media'
9357 theme: {
9358 screens: {
9359 sm: '640px',
9360 md: '768px',
9361 lg: '1024px',
9362 xl: '1280px',
9363 '2xl': '1536px',
9364 },
9365 colors: defaultColors,
9366 spacing: {
9367 px: '1px',
9368 0: '0px',
9369 0.5: '0.125rem',
9370 1: '0.25rem',
9371 1.5: '0.375rem',
9372 2: '0.5rem',
9373 2.5: '0.625rem',
9374 3: '0.75rem',
9375 3.5: '0.875rem',
9376 4: '1rem',
9377 5: '1.25rem',
9378 6: '1.5rem',
9379 7: '1.75rem',
9380 8: '2rem',
9381 9: '2.25rem',
9382 10: '2.5rem',
9383 11: '2.75rem',
9384 12: '3rem',
9385 14: '3.5rem',
9386 16: '4rem',
9387 20: '5rem',
9388 24: '6rem',
9389 28: '7rem',
9390 32: '8rem',
9391 36: '9rem',
9392 40: '10rem',
9393 44: '11rem',
9394 48: '12rem',
9395 52: '13rem',
9396 56: '14rem',
9397 60: '15rem',
9398 64: '16rem',
9399 72: '18rem',
9400 80: '20rem',
9401 96: '24rem',
9402 // float -> float/4 rem
9403 },
9404 animation: {
9405 none: 'none',
9406 spin: 'spin 1s linear infinite',
9407 ping: 'ping 1s cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1) infinite',
9408 pulse: 'pulse 2s cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.6, 1) infinite',
9409 bounce: 'bounce 1s infinite',
9410 'shock': {
9411 animation: 'shock',
9412 transformOrigin: 'center bottom',
9413 },
9414 'flash': 'flash',
9415 'bubble': 'bubble',
9416 'rubber-band': 'rubberBand',
9417 'shake-x': 'shakeX',
9418 'shake-y': 'shakeY',
9419 'head-shake': 'headShake 1s ease-in-out',
9420 'swing': {
9421 animation: 'swing',
9422 transformOrigin: 'top center',
9423 },
9424 'tada': 'tada',
9425 'wobble': 'wobble',
9426 'jello': 'jello',
9427 'heart-beat': 'heartBeat 1s ease-in-out',
9428 'hinge': 'hinge 2s',
9429 'jack-in': 'jackInTheBox',
9430 'light-speed-in-left': 'lightSpeedInLeft',
9431 'light-speed-in-right': 'lightSpeedInRight',
9432 'light-speed-out-left': 'lightSpeedOutLeft',
9433 'light-speed-out-right': 'lightSpeedOutRight',
9434 'flip': {
9435 animation: 'flip',
9436 backfaceVisibility: 'visible',
9437 },
9438 'flip-in-x': {
9439 animation: 'flipInX',
9440 backfaceVisibility: 'visible',
9441 },
9442 'flip-in-y': {
9443 animation: 'flipInY',
9444 backfaceVisibility: 'visible',
9445 },
9446 'flip-out-x': {
9447 animation: 'flipOutX',
9448 backfaceVisibility: 'visible',
9449 },
9450 'flip-out-y': {
9451 animation: 'flipOutY',
9452 backfaceVisibility: 'visible',
9453 },
9454 'rotate-in': 'rotateIn',
9455 'rotate-in-down-left': 'rotateInDownLeft',
9456 'rotate-in-down-right': 'rotateInDownRight',
9457 'rotate-in-up-left': 'rotateInUpLeft',
9458 'rotate-in-up-right': 'rotateInUpRight',
9459 'rotate-out': 'rotateOut',
9460 'rotate-out-down-left': 'rotateOutDownLeft',
9461 'rotate-out-down-right': 'rotateOutDownRight',
9462 'rotate-out-up-left': 'rotateOutUpLeft',
9463 'rotate-out-up-right': 'rotateOutUpRight',
9464 'roll-in': 'rollIn',
9465 'roll-out': 'rollOut',
9466 'zoom-in': 'zoomIn',
9467 'zoom-in-down': 'zoomInDown',
9468 'zoom-in-left': 'zoomInLeft',
9469 'zoom-in-right': 'zoomInRight',
9470 'zoom-in-up': 'zoomInUp',
9471 'bounce-in': 'bounceIn 750ms',
9472 'bounce-in-down': 'bounceInDown',
9473 'bounce-in-left': 'bounceInLeft',
9474 'bounce-in-right': 'bounceInRight',
9475 'bounce-in-up': 'bounceInUp',
9476 'bounce-out': 'bounceOut 750ms',
9477 'bounce-out-down': 'bounceOutDown',
9478 'bounce-out-left': 'bounceOutLeft',
9479 'bounce-out-right': 'bounceOutRight',
9480 'bounce-out-up': 'bounceOutUp',
9481 'zoom-out': 'zoomOut',
9482 'zoom-out-down': 'zoomOutDown',
9483 'zoom-out-left': 'zoomOutLeft',
9484 'zoom-out-right': 'zoomOutRight',
9485 'zoom-out-up': 'zoomOutUp',
9486 'slide-in-down': 'slideInDown',
9487 'slide-in-left': 'slideInLeft',
9488 'slide-in-right': 'slideInRight',
9489 'slide-in-up': 'slideInUp',
9490 'slide-out-down': 'slideOutDown',
9491 'slide-out-left': 'slideOutLeft',
9492 'slide-out-right': 'slideOutRight',
9493 'slide-out-up': 'slideOutUp',
9494 'fade-in': 'fadeIn',
9495 'fade-in-down': 'fadeInDown',
9496 'fade-in-down-big': 'fadeInDownBig',
9497 'fade-in-left': 'fadeInLeft',
9498 'fade-in-left-big': 'fadeInLeftBig',
9499 'fade-in-right': 'fadeInRight',
9500 'fade-in-right-big': 'fadeInRightBig',
9501 'fade-in-up': 'fadeInUp',
9502 'fade-in-up-big': 'fadeInUpBig',
9503 'fade-in-top-left': 'fadeInTopLeft',
9504 'fade-in-top-right': 'fadeInTopRight',
9505 'fade-in-bottom-left': 'fadeInBottomLeft',
9506 'fade-in-bottom-right': 'fadeInBottomRight',
9507 'fade-out': 'fadeOut',
9508 'fade-out-down': 'fadeOutDown',
9509 'fade-out-down-big': 'fadeOutDownBig',
9510 'fade-out-left': 'fadeOutLeft',
9511 'fade-out-left-big': 'fadeOutLeftBig',
9512 'fade-out-right': 'fadeOutRight',
9513 'fade-out-right-big': 'fadeOutRightBig',
9514 'fade-out-up': 'fadeOutUp',
9515 'fade-out-up-big': 'fadeOutUpBig',
9516 'back-in-up': 'backInUp',
9517 'back-in-down': 'backInDown',
9518 'back-in-left': 'backInLeft',
9519 'back-in-right': 'backInRight',
9520 'back-out-up': 'backOutUp',
9521 'back-out-down': 'backOutDown',
9522 'back-out-left': 'backOutLeft',
9523 'back-out-right': 'backOutRight',
9524 },
9525 animationDuration: {
9526 DEFAULT: '1000ms',
9527 75: '75ms',
9528 100: '100ms',
9529 150: '150ms',
9530 200: '200ms',
9531 300: '300ms',
9532 500: '500ms',
9533 700: '700ms',
9534 1000: '1000ms',
9535 1500: '1500ms',
9536 2000: '2000ms',
9537 2500: '2500ms',
9538 3000: '3000ms',
9539 // int >=0 -> int ms
9540 },
9541 animationDelay: {
9542 DEFAULT: '500ms',
9543 75: '75ms',
9544 100: '100ms',
9545 150: '150ms',
9546 200: '200ms',
9547 300: '300ms',
9548 500: '500ms',
9549 700: '700ms',
9550 1000: '1000ms',
9551 1500: '1500ms',
9552 2000: '2000ms',
9553 2500: '2500ms',
9554 3000: '3000ms',
9555 // int >=0 -> int ms
9556 },
9557 animationIterationCount: {
9558 DEFAULT: '1',
9559 loop: 'infinite',
9560 'repeat-1': '1',
9561 'repeat-2': '2',
9562 'repeat-3': '3',
9563 'repeat-4': '4',
9564 'repeat-5': '5',
9565 'repeat-6': '6',
9566 'repeat-7': '7',
9567 'repeat-8': '8',
9568 'repeat-9': '9',
9569 'repeat-10': '10',
9570 'repeat-11': '11',
9571 'repeat-12': '12',
9572 },
9573 animationTimingFunction: {
9574 DEFAULT: 'ease',
9575 linear: 'linear',
9576 in: 'ease-in',
9577 out: 'ease-out',
9578 'in-out': 'ease-in-out',
9579 },
9580 backdropBlur: (theme) => theme('blur'),
9581 backdropBrightness: (theme) => theme('brightness'),
9582 backdropContrast: (theme) => theme('contrast'),
9583 backdropGrayscale: (theme) => theme('grayscale'),
9584 backdropHueRotate: (theme) => theme('hueRotate'),
9585 backdropInvert: (theme) => theme('invert'),
9586 backdropOpacity: (theme) => theme('opacity'),
9587 backdropSaturate: (theme) => theme('saturate'),
9588 backdropSepia: (theme) => theme('sepia'),
9589 backgroundColor: (theme) => theme('colors'),
9590 backgroundImage: {
9591 none: 'none',
9592 'gradient-1': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #FDEB71 10%, #F8D800 100%)',
9593 'gradient-2': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #ABDCFF 10%, #0396FF 100%)',
9594 'gradient-3': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #FEB692 10%, #EA5455 100%)',
9595 'gradient-4': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #CE9FFC 10%, #7367F0 100%)',
9596 'gradient-5': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #90F7EC 10%, #32CCBC 100%)',
9597 'gradient-6': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #FFF6B7 10%, #F6416C 100%)',
9598 'gradient-7': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #81FBB8 10%, #28C76F 100%)',
9599 'gradient-8': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #E2B0FF 10%, #9F44D3 100%)',
9600 'gradient-9': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #F97794 10%, #623AA2 100%)',
9601 'gradient-10': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #FCCF31 10%, #F55555 100%)',
9602 'gradient-11': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #F761A1 10%, #8C1BAB 100%)',
9603 'gradient-12': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #43CBFF 10%, #9708CC 100%)',
9604 'gradient-13': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #5EFCE8 10%, #736EFE 100%)',
9605 'gradient-14': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #FAD7A1 10%, #E96D71 100%)',
9606 'gradient-15': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #FFD26F 10%, #3677FF 100%)',
9607 'gradient-16': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #A0FE65 10%, #FA016D 100%)',
9608 'gradient-17': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #FFDB01 10%, #0E197D 100%)',
9609 'gradient-18': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #FEC163 10%, #DE4313 100%)',
9610 'gradient-19': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #92FFC0 10%, #002661 100%)',
9611 'gradient-20': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #EEAD92 10%, #6018DC 100%)',
9612 'gradient-21': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #F6CEEC 10%, #D939CD 100%)',
9613 'gradient-22': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #52E5E7 10%, #130CB7 100%)',
9614 'gradient-23': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #F1CA74 10%, #A64DB6 100%)',
9615 'gradient-24': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #E8D07A 10%, #5312D6 100%)',
9616 'gradient-25': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #EECE13 10%, #B210FF 100%)',
9617 'gradient-26': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #79F1A4 10%, #0E5CAD 100%)',
9618 'gradient-27': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #FDD819 10%, #E80505 100%)',
9619 'gradient-28': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #FFF3B0 10%, #CA26FF 100%)',
9620 'gradient-29': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #FFF5C3 10%, #9452A5 100%)',
9621 'gradient-30': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #F05F57 10%, #360940 100%)',
9622 'gradient-31': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #2AFADF 10%, #4C83FF 100%)',
9623 'gradient-32': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #FFF886 10%, #F072B6 100%)',
9624 'gradient-33': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #97ABFF 10%, #123597 100%)',
9625 'gradient-34': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #F5CBFF 10%, #C346C2 100%)',
9626 'gradient-35': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #FFF720 10%, #3CD500 100%)',
9627 'gradient-36': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #FF6FD8 10%, #3813C2 100%)',
9628 'gradient-37': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #EE9AE5 10%, #5961F9 100%)',
9629 'gradient-38': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #FFD3A5 10%, #FD6585 100%)',
9630 'gradient-39': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #C2FFD8 10%, #465EFB 100%)',
9631 'gradient-40': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #FD6585 10%, #0D25B9 100%)',
9632 'gradient-41': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #FD6E6A 10%, #FFC600 100%)',
9633 'gradient-42': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #65FDF0 10%, #1D6FA3 100%)',
9634 'gradient-43': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #6B73FF 10%, #000DFF 100%)',
9635 'gradient-44': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #FF7AF5 10%, #513162 100%)',
9636 'gradient-45': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #F0FF00 10%, #58CFFB 100%)',
9637 'gradient-46': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #FFE985 10%, #FA742B 100%)',
9638 'gradient-47': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #FFA6B7 10%, #1E2AD2 100%)',
9639 'gradient-48': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #FFAA85 10%, #B3315F 100%)',
9640 'gradient-49': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #72EDF2 10%, #5151E5 100%)',
9641 'gradient-50': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #FF9D6C 10%, #BB4E75 100%)',
9642 'gradient-51': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #F6D242 10%, #FF52E5 100%)',
9643 'gradient-52': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #69FF97 10%, #00E4FF 100%)',
9644 'gradient-53': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #3B2667 10%, #BC78EC 100%)',
9645 'gradient-54': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #70F570 10%, #49C628 100%)',
9646 'gradient-55': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #3C8CE7 10%, #00EAFF 100%)',
9647 'gradient-56': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #FAB2FF 10%, #1904E5 100%)',
9648 'gradient-57': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #81FFEF 10%, #F067B4 100%)',
9649 'gradient-58': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #FFA8A8 10%, #FCFF00 100%)',
9650 'gradient-59': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #FFCF71 10%, #2376DD 100%)',
9651 'gradient-60': 'linear-gradient(135deg, #FF96F9 10%, #C32BAC 100%)',
9653 'gradient-to-t': 'linear-gradient(to top, var(--tw-gradient-stops))',
9654 'gradient-to-tr': 'linear-gradient(to top right, var(--tw-gradient-stops))',
9655 'gradient-to-r': 'linear-gradient(to right, var(--tw-gradient-stops))',
9656 'gradient-to-br': 'linear-gradient(to bottom right, var(--tw-gradient-stops))',
9657 'gradient-to-b': 'linear-gradient(to bottom, var(--tw-gradient-stops))',
9658 'gradient-to-bl': 'linear-gradient(to bottom left, var(--tw-gradient-stops))',
9659 'gradient-to-l': 'linear-gradient(to left, var(--tw-gradient-stops))',
9660 'gradient-to-tl': 'linear-gradient(to top left, var(--tw-gradient-stops))',
9661 },
9662 backgroundOpacity: (theme) => theme('opacity'),
9663 backgroundPosition: {
9664 bottom: 'bottom',
9665 center: 'center',
9666 left: 'left',
9667 'left-bottom': 'left bottom',
9668 'left-top': 'left top',
9669 right: 'right',
9670 'right-bottom': 'right bottom',
9671 'right-top': 'right top',
9672 top: 'top',
9673 },
9674 backgroundSize: {
9675 auto: 'auto',
9676 cover: 'cover',
9677 contain: 'contain',
9678 },
9679 blur: {
9680 DEFAULT: '8px',
9681 0: '0',
9682 sm: '4px',
9683 md: '12px',
9684 lg: '16px',
9685 xl: '24px',
9686 '2xl': '40px',
9687 '3xl': '64px',
9688 },
9689 borderColor: (theme) => ({
9690 DEFAULT: theme('colors.gray.200', 'currentColor'),
9691 ...(_nullishCoalesce$1(theme('colors'), () => ( {}))),
9692 }),
9693 borderOpacity: (theme) => theme('opacity'),
9694 borderRadius: {
9695 DEFAULT: '0.25rem',
9696 none: '0px',
9697 sm: '0.125rem',
9698 md: '0.375rem',
9699 lg: '0.5rem',
9700 xl: '0.75rem',
9701 '2xl': '1rem',
9702 '3xl': '1.5rem',
9703 // nxl
9704 '1': '100%',
9705 full: '9999px',
9706 },
9707 borderWidth: {
9708 DEFAULT: '1px',
9709 0: '0px',
9710 2: '2px',
9711 4: '4px',
9712 8: '8px',
9713 // int >=0 -> int px
9714 },
9715 boxShadow: {
9716 DEFAULT: '0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06)',
9717 sm: '0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)',
9718 md: '0 4px 6px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 2px 4px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06)',
9719 lg: '0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)',
9720 xl: '0 20px 25px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 10px 10px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04)',
9721 '2xl': '0 25px 50px -12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)',
9722 inner: 'inset 0 2px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06)',
9723 none: 'none',
9724 },
9725 boxShadowColor: (theme) => theme('colors'),
9726 brightness: {
9727 0: '0',
9728 50: '.5',
9729 75: '.75',
9730 90: '.9',
9731 95: '.95',
9732 100: '1',
9733 105: '1.05',
9734 110: '1.1',
9735 125: '1.25',
9736 150: '1.5',
9737 200: '2',
9738 },
9739 caretColor: (theme) => ({
9740 auto: 'auto',
9741 ...(_nullishCoalesce$1(theme('colors'), () => ( {}))),
9742 }),
9743 caretOpacity: (theme) => theme('opacity'),
9744 container: {},
9745 content: {
9746 DEFAULT: '""',
9747 'open-quote': 'open-quote',
9748 'close-quote': 'close-quote',
9749 'open-square': '"["',
9750 'close-square': '"]"',
9751 'open-curly': '"{"',
9752 'close-curly': '"}"',
9753 'open-bracket': '"("',
9754 'close-bracket': '")"',
9755 },
9756 contrast: {
9757 0: '0',
9758 50: '.5',
9759 75: '.75',
9760 100: '1',
9761 125: '1.25',
9762 150: '1.5',
9763 200: '2',
9764 },
9765 cursor: {
9766 auto: 'auto',
9767 default: 'default',
9768 pointer: 'pointer',
9769 wait: 'wait',
9770 text: 'text',
9771 move: 'move',
9772 help: 'help',
9773 'not-allowed': 'not-allowed',
9774 },
9775 divideColor: (theme) => theme('borderColor'),
9776 divideOpacity: (theme) => theme('borderOpacity'),
9777 divideWidth: (theme) => theme('borderWidth'),
9778 dropShadow: {
9779 DEFAULT: ['0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)', '0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06)'],
9780 sm: '0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.05)',
9781 md: ['0 4px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07)', '0 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06)'],
9782 lg: ['0 10px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04)', '0 4px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)'],
9783 xl: ['0 20px 13px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03)', '0 8px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)'],
9784 '2xl': '0 25px 25px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)',
9785 none: '0 0 #0000',
9786 },
9787 fill: (theme) => ({
9788 ...(_nullishCoalesce$1(theme('colors'), () => ( {}))),
9789 none: 'none',
9790 }),
9791 flex: {
9792 1: '1 1 0%',
9793 auto: '1 1 auto',
9794 initial: '0 1 auto',
9795 none: 'none',
9796 },
9797 flexGrow: {
9798 DEFAULT: '1',
9799 0: '0',
9800 },
9801 flexShrink: {
9802 DEFAULT: '1',
9803 0: '0',
9804 },
9805 fontFamily: {
9806 sans: [
9807 'ui-sans-serif',
9808 'system-ui',
9809 '-apple-system',
9810 'BlinkMacSystemFont',
9811 '"Segoe UI"',
9812 'Roboto',
9813 '"Helvetica Neue"',
9814 'Arial',
9815 '"Noto Sans"',
9816 'sans-serif',
9817 '"Apple Color Emoji"',
9818 '"Segoe UI Emoji"',
9819 '"Segoe UI Symbol"',
9820 '"Noto Color Emoji"',
9821 ],
9822 serif: [
9823 'ui-serif',
9824 'Georgia',
9825 'Cambria',
9826 '"Times New Roman"',
9827 'Times',
9828 'serif',
9829 ],
9830 mono: [
9831 'ui-monospace',
9832 'SFMono-Regular',
9833 'Menlo',
9834 'Monaco',
9835 'Consolas',
9836 '"Liberation Mono"',
9837 '"Courier New"',
9838 'monospace',
9839 ],
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9841 fontSize: {
9842 xs: ['0.75rem', { lineHeight: '1rem' }],
9843 sm: ['0.875rem', { lineHeight: '1.25rem' }],
9844 base: ['1rem', { lineHeight: '1.5rem' }],
9845 lg: ['1.125rem', { lineHeight: '1.75rem' }],
9846 xl: ['1.25rem', { lineHeight: '1.75rem' }],
9847 '2xl': ['1.5rem', { lineHeight: '2rem' }],
9848 '3xl': ['1.875rem', { lineHeight: '2.25rem' }],
9849 '4xl': ['2.25rem', { lineHeight: '2.5rem' }],
9850 '5xl': ['3rem', { lineHeight: '1' }],
9851 '6xl': ['3.75rem', { lineHeight: '1' }],
9852 '7xl': ['4.5rem', { lineHeight: '1' }],
9853 '8xl': ['6rem', { lineHeight: '1' }],
9854 '9xl': ['8rem', { lineHeight: '1' }],
9855 // nxl -> [n rem, lineHeight: 1]
9856 },
9857 fontWeight: {
9858 thin: '100',
9859 extralight: '200',
9860 light: '300',
9861 normal: '400',
9862 medium: '500',
9863 semibold: '600',
9864 bold: '700',
9865 extrabold: '800',
9866 black: '900',
9867 // int[0, 900] -> int
9868 },
9869 gap: (theme) => theme('spacing'),
9870 gradientColorStops: (theme) => theme('colors'),
9871 grayscale: {
9872 DEFAULT: '100%',
9873 0: '0',
9874 },
9875 gridAutoColumns: {
9876 auto: 'auto',
9877 min: 'min-content',
9878 max: 'max-content',
9879 fr: 'minmax(0, 1fr)',
9880 },
9881 gridAutoRows: {
9882 auto: 'auto',
9883 min: 'min-content',
9884 max: 'max-content',
9885 fr: 'minmax(0, 1fr)',
9886 },
9887 gridColumn: {
9888 auto: 'auto',
9889 'span-1': 'span 1 / span 1',
9890 'span-2': 'span 2 / span 2',
9891 'span-3': 'span 3 / span 3',
9892 'span-4': 'span 4 / span 4',
9893 'span-5': 'span 5 / span 5',
9894 'span-6': 'span 6 / span 6',
9895 'span-7': 'span 7 / span 7',
9896 'span-8': 'span 8 / span 8',
9897 'span-9': 'span 9 / span 9',
9898 'span-10': 'span 10 / span 10',
9899 'span-11': 'span 11 / span 11',
9900 'span-12': 'span 12 / span 12',
9901 // span-int(>=1) -> span int / span int
9902 'span-full': '1 / -1',
9903 },
9904 gridColumnEnd: {
9905 auto: 'auto',
9906 1: '1',
9907 2: '2',
9908 3: '3',
9909 4: '4',
9910 5: '5',
9911 6: '6',
9912 7: '7',
9913 8: '8',
9914 9: '9',
9915 10: '10',
9916 11: '11',
9917 12: '12',
9918 13: '13',
9919 // int >=1 -> int
9920 },
9921 gridColumnStart: {
9922 auto: 'auto',
9923 1: '1',
9924 2: '2',
9925 3: '3',
9926 4: '4',
9927 5: '5',
9928 6: '6',
9929 7: '7',
9930 8: '8',
9931 9: '9',
9932 10: '10',
9933 11: '11',
9934 12: '12',
9935 13: '13',
9936 // int >=1 -> int
9937 },
9938 gridRow: {
9939 auto: 'auto',
9940 'span-1': 'span 1 / span 1',
9941 'span-2': 'span 2 / span 2',
9942 'span-3': 'span 3 / span 3',
9943 'span-4': 'span 4 / span 4',
9944 'span-5': 'span 5 / span 5',
9945 'span-6': 'span 6 / span 6',
9946 // span-int(>=1) -> span int / span int
9947 'span-full': '1 / -1',
9948 },
9949 gridRowStart: {
9950 auto: 'auto',
9951 1: '1',
9952 2: '2',
9953 3: '3',
9954 4: '4',
9955 5: '5',
9956 6: '6',
9957 7: '7',
9958 // int >=1 -> int
9959 },
9960 gridRowEnd: {
9961 auto: 'auto',
9962 1: '1',
9963 2: '2',
9964 3: '3',
9965 4: '4',
9966 5: '5',
9967 6: '6',
9968 7: '7',
9969 // int >=1 -> int
9970 },
9971 gridTemplateColumns: {
9972 none: 'none',
9973 1: 'repeat(1, minmax(0, 1fr))',
9974 2: 'repeat(2, minmax(0, 1fr))',
9975 3: 'repeat(3, minmax(0, 1fr))',
9976 4: 'repeat(4, minmax(0, 1fr))',
9977 5: 'repeat(5, minmax(0, 1fr))',
9978 6: 'repeat(6, minmax(0, 1fr))',
9979 7: 'repeat(7, minmax(0, 1fr))',
9980 8: 'repeat(8, minmax(0, 1fr))',
9981 9: 'repeat(9, minmax(0, 1fr))',
9982 10: 'repeat(10, minmax(0, 1fr))',
9983 11: 'repeat(11, minmax(0, 1fr))',
9984 12: 'repeat(12, minmax(0, 1fr))',
9985 // int >=1 -> repeat(int, minmax(0, 1fr))
9986 },
9987 gridTemplateRows: {
9988 none: 'none',
9989 1: 'repeat(1, minmax(0, 1fr))',
9990 2: 'repeat(2, minmax(0, 1fr))',
9991 3: 'repeat(3, minmax(0, 1fr))',
9992 4: 'repeat(4, minmax(0, 1fr))',
9993 5: 'repeat(5, minmax(0, 1fr))',
9994 6: 'repeat(6, minmax(0, 1fr))',
9995 // int >=1 -> repeat(int, minmax(0, 1fr))
9996 },
9997 height: (theme, { breakpoints }) => ({
9998 auto: 'auto',
9999 ...(_nullishCoalesce$1(theme('spacing'), () => ( {}))),
10000 '1/2': '50%',
10001 '1/3': '33.333333%',
10002 '2/3': '66.666667%',
10003 '1/4': '25%',
10004 '2/4': '50%',
10005 '3/4': '75%',
10006 '1/5': '20%',
10007 '2/5': '40%',
10008 '3/5': '60%',
10009 '4/5': '80%',
10010 '1/6': '16.666667%',
10011 '2/6': '33.333333%',
10012 '3/6': '50%',
10013 '4/6': '66.666667%',
10014 '5/6': '83.333333%',
10015 // fraction -> percent
10016 xs: '20rem',
10017 sm: '24rem',
10018 md: '28rem',
10019 lg: '32rem',
10020 xl: '36rem',
10021 '2xl': '42rem',
10022 '3xl': '48rem',
10023 '4xl': '56rem',
10024 '5xl': '64rem',
10025 '6xl': '72rem',
10026 '7xl': '80rem',
10027 // nxl
10028 full: '100%',
10029 min: 'min-content',
10030 max: 'max-content',
10031 prose: '65ch',
10032 screen: '100vh',
10033 ...breakpoints(_nullishCoalesce$1(theme('screens'), () => ( {}))),
10034 }),
10035 hueRotate: {
10036 '-180': '-180deg',
10037 '-90': '-90deg',
10038 '-60': '-60deg',
10039 '-30': '-30deg',
10040 '-15': '-15deg',
10041 0: '0deg',
10042 15: '15deg',
10043 30: '30deg',
10044 60: '60deg',
10045 90: '90deg',
10046 180: '180deg',
10047 },
10048 inset: (theme, { negative }) => ({
10049 auto: 'auto',
10050 ...(_nullishCoalesce$1(theme('spacing'), () => ( {}))),
10051 ...negative(theme('spacing')),
10052 '1/2': '50%',
10053 '1/3': '33.333333%',
10054 '2/3': '66.666667%',
10055 '1/4': '25%',
10056 '2/4': '50%',
10057 '3/4': '75%',
10058 full: '100%',
10059 '-1/2': '-50%',
10060 '-1/3': '-33.333333%',
10061 '-2/3': '-66.666667%',
10062 '-1/4': '-25%',
10063 '-2/4': '-50%',
10064 '-3/4': '-75%',
10065 '-full': '-100%',
10066 // fraction -> percent
10067 // ...negative
10068 }),
10069 invert: {
10070 DEFAULT: '100%',
10071 0: '0',
10072 },
10073 keyframes,
10074 letterSpacing: {
10075 tighter: '-0.05em',
10076 tight: '-0.025em',
10077 normal: '0em',
10078 wide: '0.025em',
10079 wider: '0.05em',
10080 widest: '0.1em',
10081 },
10082 lineHeight: {
10083 none: '1',
10084 tight: '1.25',
10085 snug: '1.375',
10086 normal: '1.5',
10087 relaxed: '1.625',
10088 loose: '2',
10089 3: '.75rem',
10090 4: '1rem',
10091 5: '1.25rem',
10092 6: '1.5rem',
10093 7: '1.75rem',
10094 8: '2rem',
10095 9: '2.25rem',
10096 10: '2.5rem',
10097 // int>=0 -> int/4 rem
10098 },
10099 listStyleType: {
10100 none: 'none',
10101 circle: 'circle',
10102 square: 'square',
10103 disc: 'disc',
10104 decimal: 'decimal',
10105 'zero-decimal': 'decimal-leading-zero',
10106 greek: 'lower-greek',
10107 roman: 'lower-roman',
10108 alpha: 'lower-alpha',
10109 'upper-roman': 'upper-roman',
10110 'upper-alpha': 'upper-alpha',
10111 },
10112 margin: (theme, { negative }) => ({
10113 auto: 'auto',
10114 ...(_nullishCoalesce$1(theme('spacing'), () => ( {}))),
10115 ...negative(theme('spacing')),
10116 // ...negative
10117 }),
10118 maxHeight: (theme, { breakpoints }) => ({
10119 none: 'none',
10120 ...(_nullishCoalesce$1(theme('spacing'), () => ( {}))),
10121 xs: '20rem',
10122 sm: '24rem',
10123 md: '28rem',
10124 lg: '32rem',
10125 xl: '36rem',
10126 '2xl': '42rem',
10127 '3xl': '48rem',
10128 '4xl': '56rem',
10129 '5xl': '64rem',
10130 '6xl': '72rem',
10131 '7xl': '80rem',
10132 // nxl
10133 full: '100%',
10134 min: 'min-content',
10135 max: 'max-content',
10136 prose: '65ch',
10137 screen: '100vh',
10138 ...breakpoints(_nullishCoalesce$1(theme('screens'), () => ( {}))),
10139 }),
10140 maxWidth: (theme, { breakpoints }) => ({
10141 none: 'none',
10142 ...(_nullishCoalesce$1(theme('spacing'), () => ( {}))),
10143 xs: '20rem',
10144 sm: '24rem',
10145 md: '28rem',
10146 lg: '32rem',
10147 xl: '36rem',
10148 '2xl': '42rem',
10149 '3xl': '48rem',
10150 '4xl': '56rem',
10151 '5xl': '64rem',
10152 '6xl': '72rem',
10153 '7xl': '80rem',
10154 // nxl
10155 full: '100%',
10156 min: 'min-content',
10157 max: 'max-content',
10158 prose: '65ch',
10159 screen: '100vw',
10160 ...breakpoints(_nullishCoalesce$1(theme('screens'), () => ( {}))),
10161 }),
10162 minHeight: (theme) => theme('maxHeight'),
10163 minWidth: (theme) => theme('maxWidth'),
10164 objectPosition: {
10165 bottom: 'bottom',
10166 center: 'center',
10167 left: 'left',
10168 'left-bottom': 'left bottom',
10169 'left-top': 'left top',
10170 right: 'right',
10171 'right-bottom': 'right bottom',
10172 'right-top': 'right top',
10173 top: 'top',
10174 },
10175 opacity: {
10176 0: '0',
10177 5: '0.05',
10178 10: '0.1',
10179 20: '0.2',
10180 25: '0.25',
10181 30: '0.3',
10182 40: '0.4',
10183 50: '0.5',
10184 60: '0.6',
10185 70: '0.7',
10186 75: '0.75',
10187 80: '0.8',
10188 90: '0.9',
10189 95: '0.95',
10190 100: '1',
10191 // float -> float/100
10192 },
10193 order: {
10194 first: '-9999',
10195 last: '9999',
10196 none: '0',
10197 1: '1',
10198 2: '2',
10199 3: '3',
10200 4: '4',
10201 5: '5',
10202 6: '6',
10203 7: '7',
10204 8: '8',
10205 9: '9',
10206 10: '10',
10207 11: '11',
10208 12: '12',
10209 // int[1, 9999]
10210 },
10211 outline: {
10212 none: ['2px solid transparent', '2px'],
10213 // white: ['2px dotted white', '2px'],
10214 // black: ['2px dotted black', '2px'],
10215 },
10216 outlineColor: (theme) => theme('colors'),
10217 padding: (theme) => theme('spacing'),
10218 perspective: (theme) => ({
10219 none: 'none',
10220 ...(_nullishCoalesce$1(theme('spacing'), () => ( {}))),
10221 xs: '20rem',
10222 sm: '24rem',
10223 md: '28rem',
10224 lg: '32rem',
10225 xl: '36rem',
10226 '2xl': '42rem',
10227 '3xl': '48rem',
10228 '4xl': '56rem',
10229 '5xl': '64rem',
10230 '6xl': '72rem',
10231 '7xl': '80rem',
10232 }),
10233 perspectiveOrigin: {
10234 center: 'center',
10235 top: 'top',
10236 'top-right': 'top right',
10237 right: 'right',
10238 'bottom-right': 'bottom right',
10239 bottom: 'bottom',
10240 'bottom-left': 'bottom left',
10241 left: 'left',
10242 'top-left': 'top left',
10243 },
10244 placeholderColor: (theme) => theme('colors'),
10245 placeholderOpacity: (theme) => theme('opacity'),
10246 ringColor: (theme) => ({
10247 DEFAULT: theme('colors.blue.500', '#3b82f6'),
10248 ...(_nullishCoalesce$1(theme('colors'), () => ( {}))),
10249 }),
10250 ringOffsetColor: (theme) => theme('colors'),
10251 ringOffsetWidth: {
10252 0: '0px',
10253 1: '1px',
10254 2: '2px',
10255 4: '4px',
10256 8: '8px',
10257 // float -> float px
10258 },
10259 ringOpacity: (theme) => ({
10260 DEFAULT: '0.5',
10261 ...(_nullishCoalesce$1(theme('opacity'), () => ( {}))),
10262 }),
10263 ringWidth: {
10264 DEFAULT: '3px',
10265 0: '0px',
10266 1: '1px',
10267 2: '2px',
10268 4: '4px',
10269 8: '8px',
10270 // float -> float px
10271 },
10272 rotate: {
10273 '-180': '-180deg',
10274 '-90': '-90deg',
10275 '-45': '-45deg',
10276 '-12': '-12deg',
10277 '-6': '-6deg',
10278 '-3': '-3deg',
10279 '-2': '-2deg',
10280 '-1': '-1deg',
10281 0: '0deg',
10282 1: '1deg',
10283 2: '2deg',
10284 3: '3deg',
10285 6: '6deg',
10286 12: '12deg',
10287 45: '45deg',
10288 90: '90deg',
10289 180: '180deg',
10290 // float[0, 360] -> float[0deg, 360deg]
10291 // ...negative
10292 },
10293 saturate: {
10294 DEFAULT: '0',
10295 0: '0',
10296 50: '.5',
10297 100: '1',
10298 150: '1.5',
10299 200: '2',
10300 },
10301 scale: {
10302 0: '0',
10303 50: '.5',
10304 75: '.75',
10305 90: '.9',
10306 95: '.95',
10307 100: '1',
10308 105: '1.05',
10309 110: '1.1',
10310 125: '1.25',
10311 150: '1.5',
10312 // int >=0 -> int/100
10313 },
10314 sepia: {
10315 DEFAULT: '100%',
10316 0: '0',
10317 },
10318 skew: {
10319 '-12': '-12deg',
10320 '-6': '-6deg',
10321 '-3': '-3deg',
10322 '-2': '-2deg',
10323 '-1': '-1deg',
10324 0: '0deg',
10325 1: '1deg',
10326 2: '2deg',
10327 3: '3deg',
10328 6: '6deg',
10329 12: '12deg',
10330 // float[0, 360] -> float[0deg, 360deg]
10331 // ...negative
10332 },
10333 space: (theme, { negative }) => ({
10334 ...theme('spacing'),
10335 ...negative(theme('spacing')),
10336 }),
10337 stroke: (theme) => ({
10338 ...(_nullishCoalesce$1(theme('colors'), () => ( {}))),
10339 none: 'none',
10340 }),
10341 strokeWidth: {
10342 0: '0',
10343 1: '1',
10344 2: '2',
10345 },
10346 strokeDashArray: {
10347 0: '0',
10348 1: '1',
10349 2: '2',
10350 },
10351 strokeDashOffset: {
10352 0: '0',
10353 1: '1',
10354 2: '2',
10355 },
10356 tabSize: {
10357 DEFAULT: '4',
10358 0: '0',
10359 2: '2',
10360 4: '4',
10361 8: '8',
10362 // int >=0 -> int px
10363 },
10364 textColor: (theme) => theme('colors'),
10365 textOpacity: (theme) => theme('opacity'),
10366 textShadow: {
10367 DEFAULT: '0px 0px 1px rgb(0 0 0 / 20%), 0px 0px 1px rgb(1 0 5 / 10%)',
10368 sm: '1px 1px 3px rgb(36 37 47 / 25%)',
10369 md: '0px 1px 2px rgb(30 29 39 / 19%), 1px 2px 4px rgb(54 64 147 / 18%)',
10370 lg: '3px 3px 6px rgb(0 0 0 / 26%), 0 0 5px rgb(15 3 86 / 22%)',
10371 xl: '1px 1px 3px rgb(0 0 0 / 29%), 2px 4px 7px rgb(73 64 125 / 35%)',
10372 none: 'none',
10373 },
10374 textDecorationColor: (theme) => theme('colors'),
10375 textDecorationOpacity: (theme) => theme('opacity'),
10376 textDecorationLength: {
10377 'auto': 'auto',
10378 0: '0px',
10379 2: '2px',
10380 4: '4px',
10381 8: '8px',
10382 },
10383 textDecorationOffset: {
10384 'auto': 'auto',
10385 0: '0px',
10386 1: '1px',
10387 2: '2px',
10388 4: '4px',
10389 8: '8px',
10390 },
10391 textIndent: {
10392 DEFAULT: '1.5rem',
10393 xs: '0.5rem',
10394 sm: '1rem',
10395 md: '1.5rem',
10396 lg: '2rem',
10397 xl: '2.5rem',
10398 '2xl': '3rem',
10399 '3xl': '4rem',
10400 },
10401 textStrokeColor: (theme) => ({
10402 DEFAULT: theme('colors.gray.200', 'currentColor'),
10403 ...(_nullishCoalesce$1(theme('colors'), () => ( {}))),
10404 }),
10405 textStrokeWidth: {
10406 DEFAULT: 'medium',
10407 'none': '0',
10408 'sm': 'thin',
10409 'md': 'medium',
10410 'lg': 'thick',
10411 },
10412 transformOrigin: {
10413 center: 'center',
10414 top: 'top',
10415 'top-right': 'top right',
10416 right: 'right',
10417 'bottom-right': 'bottom right',
10418 bottom: 'bottom',
10419 'bottom-left': 'bottom left',
10420 left: 'left',
10421 'top-left': 'top left',
10422 },
10423 transitionDuration: {
10424 DEFAULT: '150ms',
10425 75: '75ms',
10426 100: '100ms',
10427 150: '150ms',
10428 200: '200ms',
10429 300: '300ms',
10430 500: '500ms',
10431 700: '700ms',
10432 1000: '1000ms',
10433 // int >=0 -> int ms
10434 },
10435 transitionDelay: {
10436 75: '75ms',
10437 100: '100ms',
10438 150: '150ms',
10439 200: '200ms',
10440 300: '300ms',
10441 500: '500ms',
10442 700: '700ms',
10443 1000: '1000ms',
10444 // int >=0 -> int ms
10445 },
10446 transitionProperty: {
10447 DEFAULT: 'background-color, border-color, color, fill, stroke, opacity, box-shadow, transform, filter, backdrop-filter',
10448 none: 'none',
10449 all: 'all',
10450 colors: 'background-color, border-color, color, fill, stroke',
10451 opacity: 'opacity',
10452 shadow: 'box-shadow',
10453 transform: 'transform',
10454 },
10455 transitionTimingFunction: {
10456 DEFAULT: 'cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1)',
10457 linear: 'linear',
10458 in: 'cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 1, 1)',
10459 out: 'cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1)',
10460 'in-out': 'cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1)',
10461 },
10462 translate: (theme, { negative }) => ({
10463 ...(_nullishCoalesce$1(theme('spacing'), () => ( {}))),
10464 ...negative(theme('spacing')),
10465 '1/2': '50%',
10466 '1/3': '33.333333%',
10467 '2/3': '66.666667%',
10468 '1/4': '25%',
10469 '2/4': '50%',
10470 '3/4': '75%',
10471 full: '100%',
10472 '-1/2': '-50%',
10473 '-1/3': '-33.333333%',
10474 '-2/3': '-66.666667%',
10475 '-1/4': '-25%',
10476 '-2/4': '-50%',
10477 '-3/4': '-75%',
10478 '-full': '-100%',
10479 // fraction -> percent
10480 // ...negative
10481 }),
10482 width: (theme, { breakpoints }) => ({
10483 auto: 'auto',
10484 ...(_nullishCoalesce$1(theme('spacing'), () => ( {}))),
10485 // fraction -> percent
10486 '1/2': '50%',
10487 '1/3': '33.333333%',
10488 '2/3': '66.666667%',
10489 '1/4': '25%',
10490 '2/4': '50%',
10491 '3/4': '75%',
10492 '1/5': '20%',
10493 '2/5': '40%',
10494 '3/5': '60%',
10495 '4/5': '80%',
10496 '1/6': '16.666667%',
10497 '2/6': '33.333333%',
10498 '3/6': '50%',
10499 '4/6': '66.666667%',
10500 '5/6': '83.333333%',
10501 '1/12': '8.333333%',
10502 '2/12': '16.666667%',
10503 '3/12': '25%',
10504 '4/12': '33.333333%',
10505 '5/12': '41.666667%',
10506 '6/12': '50%',
10507 '7/12': '58.333333%',
10508 '8/12': '66.666667%',
10509 '9/12': '75%',
10510 '10/12': '83.333333%',
10511 '11/12': '91.666667%',
10512 xs: '20rem',
10513 sm: '24rem',
10514 md: '28rem',
10515 lg: '32rem',
10516 xl: '36rem',
10517 '2xl': '42rem',
10518 '3xl': '48rem',
10519 '4xl': '56rem',
10520 '5xl': '64rem',
10521 '6xl': '72rem',
10522 '7xl': '80rem',
10523 // nxl
10524 full: '100%',
10525 min: 'min-content',
10526 max: 'max-content',
10527 prose: '65ch',
10528 screen: '100vw',
10529 ...breakpoints(_nullishCoalesce$1(theme('screens'), () => ( {}))),
10530 }),
10531 zIndex: {
10532 auto: 'auto',
10533 0: '0',
10534 10: '10',
10535 20: '20',
10536 30: '30',
10537 40: '40',
10538 50: '50',
10539 // int[0, 99999] -> int[0, 99999]
10540 // ...negative
10541 },
10542 },
10543 variantOrder: variantOrder,
10544 plugins: [],
10545 handlers: {
10546 static : true,
10547 time: true,
10548 color: true,
10549 opacity: true,
10550 number : true,
10551 string: true,
10552 bracket: true,
10553 hex: true,
10554 nxl: true,
10555 fraction: true,
10556 size: true,
10557 variable: true,
10558 negative: true,
10559 },
10562// https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#serialize-an-identifier
10564function cssEscape(str) {
10565 const length = str.length;
10566 let index = -1;
10567 let codeUnit;
10568 let result = '';
10569 const firstCodeUnit = str.charCodeAt(0);
10570 while (++index < length) {
10571 codeUnit = str.charCodeAt(index);
10572 // Note: there’s no need to special-case astral symbols, surrogate
10573 // pairs, or lone surrogates.
10575 // If the character is NULL (U+0000), then the REPLACEMENT CHARACTER
10576 // (U+FFFD).
10577 if (codeUnit === 0x0000) {
10578 result += '\uFFFD';
10579 continue;
10580 }
10582 // Comma
10583 if (codeUnit === 44){
10584 result += '\\2c ';
10585 continue;
10586 }
10588 if (
10589 // If the character is in the range [\1-\1F] (U+0001 to U+001F) or is
10590 // U+007F, […]
10591 (codeUnit >= 0x0001 && codeUnit <= 0x001f) ||
10592 codeUnit === 0x007f ||
10593 // If the character is the first character and is in the range [0-9]
10594 // (U+0030 to U+0039), […]
10595 (index === 0 && codeUnit >= 0x0030 && codeUnit <= 0x0039) ||
10596 // If the character is the second character and is in the range [0-9]
10597 // (U+0030 to U+0039) and the first character is a `-` (U+002D), […]
10598 (index === 1 &&
10599 codeUnit >= 0x0030 &&
10600 codeUnit <= 0x0039 &&
10601 firstCodeUnit === 0x002d)
10602 ) {
10603 // https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#escape-a-character-as-code-point
10604 result += '\\' + codeUnit.toString(16) + ' ';
10605 continue;
10606 }
10608 if (
10609 // If the character is the first character and is a `-` (U+002D), and
10610 // there is no second character, […]
10611 index === 0 &&
10612 length === 1 &&
10613 codeUnit === 0x002d
10614 ) {
10615 result += '\\' + str.charAt(index);
10616 continue;
10617 }
10619 // If the character is not handled by one of the above rules and is
10620 // greater than or equal to U+0080, is `-` (U+002D) or `_` (U+005F), or
10621 // is in one of the ranges [0-9] (U+0030 to U+0039), [A-Z] (U+0041 to
10622 // U+005A), or [a-z] (U+0061 to U+007A), […]
10623 if (
10624 codeUnit >= 0x0080 ||
10625 codeUnit === 0x002d ||
10626 codeUnit === 0x005f ||
10627 (codeUnit >= 0x0030 && codeUnit <= 0x0039) ||
10628 (codeUnit >= 0x0041 && codeUnit <= 0x005a) ||
10629 (codeUnit >= 0x0061 && codeUnit <= 0x007a)
10630 ) {
10631 // the character itself
10632 result += str.charAt(index);
10633 continue;
10634 }
10636 // Otherwise, the escaped character.
10637 // https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#escape-a-character
10638 result += '\\' + str.charAt(index);
10639 }
10640 return result;
10643function combineConfig(
10644 a,
10645 b,
10646 arrayMergeDepth = Infinity,
10647) {
10648 const output = { ...a };
10649 for (const [key_of_b, value_of_b] of Object.entries(b)) {
10650 if (key_of_b in a) {
10651 const value_of_a = a[key_of_b];
10652 if (value_of_a !== value_of_b) {
10653 if (value_of_b !== null && (value_of_b ).constructor !== Object) {
10654 if (arrayMergeDepth > 0 && Array.isArray(value_of_a) && Array.isArray(value_of_b)) {
10655 output[key_of_b] = [...value_of_a, ...value_of_b];
10656 } else {
10657 output[key_of_b] = value_of_b;
10658 }
10659 } else if (value_of_a !== null && (value_of_a ).constructor === Object) {
10660 output[key_of_b] = combineConfig(
10661 value_of_a ,
10662 value_of_b ,
10663 arrayMergeDepth - 1
10664 );
10665 } else if (Array.isArray(value_of_a)){
10666 output[key_of_b] = [
10667 ...value_of_a,
10668 ...Array.isArray(value_of_b) ? value_of_b : [value_of_b],
10669 ];
10670 } else {
10671 output[key_of_b] = {
10672 DEFAULT: value_of_a,
10673 ...value_of_b ,
10674 };
10675 }
10676 }
10677 } else {
10678 output[key_of_b] = value_of_b;
10679 }
10680 }
10681 return output;
10684function diffConfig(
10685 a,
10686 b,
10687) {
10688 if (typeof a !== typeof b) return b;
10689 if (Array.isArray(a) && Array.isArray(b)) {
10690 if (JSON.stringify(a) !== JSON.stringify(b)) return b;
10691 return;
10692 }
10693 if (a && b && typeof a === 'object' && typeof b === 'object') {
10694 const output = {};
10695 for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(b)) {
10696 if (key in a) {
10697 const diff = diffConfig((a )[key], (b )[key]);
10698 if (diff) output[key] = diff;
10699 } else {
10700 output[key] = value;
10701 }
10702 }
10703 if (Object.keys(output).length === 0) return;
10704 return output;
10705 }
10706 if (a !== b) return b;
10709function createHandler(handlers = { static: true }) {
10710 return (utility, value, color) => {
10711 const handler = {
10712 utility,
10713 value,
10714 color,
10715 _amount: utility.amount,
10717 handleStatic: handlers.static ? (map, callback) => {
10718 if (handler.value) return handler;
10719 if (map && typeof map === 'object') {
10720 const knownMap = map ;
10721 if (knownMap.DEFAULT) knownMap[handler.utility.raw] = knownMap.DEFAULT;
10722 if (handler._amount in knownMap)
10723 handler.value = callback
10724 ? callback(handler._amount)
10725 : `${knownMap[handler._amount]}`;
10726 }
10727 return handler;
10728 } : () => handler,
10730 handleBody: handlers.static ? (map, callback) => {
10731 if (handler.value) return handler;
10732 if (map && typeof map === 'object') {
10733 const knownMap = map ;
10734 if (knownMap.DEFAULT) knownMap[''] = knownMap.DEFAULT;
10735 const body = handler.utility.body;
10736 if (body in knownMap)
10737 handler.value = callback ? callback(body) : `${knownMap[body]}`;
10738 }
10739 return handler;
10740 } : () => handler,
10742 handleNumber: handlers.number ? (start = -Infinity, end = Infinity, type = 'int', callback) => {
10743 if (handler.value) return handler;
10744 if (isNumber(handler._amount, start, end, type))
10745 handler.value = callback ? callback(+handler._amount) : handler._amount;
10746 return handler;
10747 } : () => handler,
10749 handleTime: handlers.time ? (start = -Infinity, end = Infinity, type = 'int', callback) => {
10750 if (handler.value) return handler;
10751 let unit = 'ms';
10752 let amount = handler._amount;
10753 if (amount.endsWith('ms')) {
10754 amount = amount.slice(0, -2);
10755 } else if (amount.endsWith('s')) {
10756 unit = 's';
10757 amount = amount.slice(0, -1);
10758 } else {
10759 return handler;
10760 }
10761 if (isNumber(amount, start, end, type))
10762 handler.value = callback ? callback(unit === 's' ? +amount * 1000 : +amount) : handler._amount;
10763 return handler;
10764 } : () => handler,
10766 handleString: handlers.string ? (callback) => {
10767 if (handler.value) return handler;
10768 handler.value = callback(handler.utility.body);
10769 return handler;
10770 } : () => handler,
10772 handleSquareBrackets: handlers.bracket ? (callback) => {
10773 if (handler.value) return handler;
10774 if (handler._amount[0] === '[' && handler._amount[handler._amount.length-1] === ']') {
10775 let value = handler._amount.slice(1, -1).replace(/_/g, ' '); // replace _ to space
10776 if (value.indexOf('calc(') > -1) {
10777 value = value.replace(/(-?\d*\.?\d(?!\b-.+[,)](?![^+\-/*])\D)(?:%|[a-z]+)?|\))([+\-/*])/g, '$1 $2 ');
10778 }
10779 handler.value = callback
10780 ? callback(value)
10781 : value;
10782 }
10783 return handler;
10784 } : () => handler,
10786 handleSpacing: handlers.number ? () => {
10787 // just a short-hand for handle spacing.
10788 return handler.handleNumber(0, undefined, 'float', (number) =>
10789 number === 0 ? '0px' : `${roundUp(number / 4, 6)}rem`
10790 );
10791 }: () => handler,
10793 handleNxl: handlers.nxl ? (callback) => {
10794 if (handler.value) return handler;
10795 if (/^\d*xl$/.test(handler._amount))
10796 handler.value = callback
10797 ? callback(handler._amount === 'xl' ? 1 : parseInt(handler._amount))
10798 : parseInt(handler._amount).toString();
10799 return handler;
10800 }: () => handler,
10802 handleFraction: handlers.fraction ? (callback) => {
10803 if (handler.value) return handler;
10804 if (isFraction(handler._amount))
10805 handler.value = callback
10806 ? callback(handler._amount)
10807 : fracToPercent(handler._amount);
10808 return handler;
10809 } : () => handler,
10811 handleSize: handlers.size ? (callback) => {
10812 if (handler.value) return handler;
10813 if (isSize(handler._amount))
10814 handler.value = callback ? callback(handler._amount) : handler._amount;
10815 return handler;
10816 } : () => handler,
10818 handleVariable: handlers.variable ? (callback) => {
10819 if (handler.value) return handler;
10820 const matchVariable = handler.utility.raw.match(/-\$[\w-]+/);
10821 if (matchVariable) {
10822 const variableName = matchVariable[0].substring(2);
10823 handler.value = callback ? callback(variableName) : `var(--${variableName})`;
10824 }
10825 return handler;
10826 } : () => handler,
10828 handleColor: handlers.color ? (map = defaultColors) => {
10829 if (handler.value) return handler;
10830 let color;
10831 if (map && typeof map === 'object') {
10832 const colors = flatColors(map );
10833 const body = handler.utility.raw.replace(/^ring-offset|outline-solid|outline-dotted/, 'head').replace(/^\w+-/, '');
10834 const [ key, opacity ] = splitColorGroup(body);
10835 handler.opacity = opacity;
10836 if (key in colors) {
10837 color = colors[key];
10838 } else if (handlers.hex && key.startsWith('hex-')) {
10839 const hex = key.slice(4);
10840 if(hex2RGB(hex)) color = '#' + hex;
10841 }
10842 if (typeof color === 'string') {
10843 handler.value = color;
10844 } else if (typeof color === 'function') {
10845 handler.color = color;
10846 }
10847 }
10848 return handler;
10849 }: () => handler,
10851 handleOpacity: handlers.opacity ? (map) => {
10852 if (handler.opacity && typeof map === 'object') {
10853 const _map = map ;
10854 if (handlers.static && handler.opacity in _map) {
10855 handler.opacity = _map[handler.opacity];
10856 } else if (handlers.number && isNumber(handler.opacity, 0, 100, 'int')) {
10857 handler.opacity = (+handler.opacity / 100).toString();
10858 } else if (handlers.variable && handler.opacity.charAt(0) === '$') {
10859 handler.opacity = `var(--${handler.opacity.slice(1)})`;
10860 } else if (handlers.bracket && handler.opacity.charAt(0) === '[' && handler.opacity.charAt(handler.opacity.length - 1) === ']') {
10861 handler.opacity = handler.opacity.slice(1, -1).replace(/_/g, ' ');
10862 } else {
10863 handler.opacity = undefined;
10864 }
10865 }
10866 return handler;
10867 }: () => handler,
10869 handleNegative: handlers.negative ? (callback = negateValue) => {
10870 if (!handler.value) return handler;
10871 handler.value = handler.utility.isNegative ? callback(handler.value) : handler.value;
10872 return handler;
10873 }: () => handler,
10875 createProperty: (name, callback) => {
10876 if (!handler.value) return;
10877 const value = callback ? callback(handler.value) : handler.value;
10878 return new Property(name, value);
10879 },
10881 createStyle: (selector, callback) => {
10882 if (!handler.value) return;
10883 const value = callback ? callback(handler.value) : undefined;
10884 return new Style(selector, value);
10885 },
10887 createColorValue: (opacityValue) => {
10888 if (handler.color) return handler.color({ opacityValue });
10889 if (handler.value) {
10890 if (['transparent', 'currentColor', 'auto', 'none'].includes(handler.value)) return handler.value;
10891 if (handler.value.includes('var') && opacityValue) return `rgba(${handler.value}, ${handler.opacity || opacityValue})`;
10892 return opacityValue ? `rgba(${toColor(handler.value).color}, ${handler.opacity || opacityValue})` : `rgb(${toColor(handler.value).color})`;
10893 }
10894 },
10896 createColorStyle: (selector, property, opacityVariable, wrapRGB = true) => {
10897 if (handler.color) {
10898 const value = handler.color({ opacityVariable, opacityValue: opacityVariable ? `var(${opacityVariable})`: undefined });
10899 if (opacityVariable) {
10900 return new Style(selector, [
10901 new Property(opacityVariable, handler.opacity || '1'),
10902 new Property(property, value),
10903 ]);
10904 }
10905 return new Style(selector, new Property(property, value));
10906 }
10907 const color = handler.value;
10908 if (!color) return;
10909 if (['transparent', 'currentColor', 'auto', 'none'].includes(color) || color.includes('var')) return new Style(selector, new Property(property, color));
10910 const rgb = toColor(color);
10911 if (opacityVariable) {
10912 return new Style(selector, [
10913 new Property(opacityVariable, handler.opacity || rgb.opacity),
10914 new Property(property, `rgba(${rgb.color}, var(${opacityVariable}))`),
10915 ]);
10916 }
10917 return new Style(selector, new Property(property, wrapRGB ? `rgb(${rgb.color})` : rgb.color));
10918 },
10920 callback: (func) => {
10921 if (!handler.value) return;
10922 return func(handler.value);
10923 },
10924 };
10925 return handler;
10926 };
10929class Utility {
10932 constructor(raw, _h) {
10933 this.raw = raw; // -placeholder-real-gray-300
10934 this._h = _h;
10935 }
10936 match(expression) {
10937 const match = this.absolute.match(expression);
10938 return match ? match[0] : '';
10939 }
10940 clone(raw) {
10941 return new Utility(raw || this.raw, this._h);
10942 }
10943 get class() {
10944 return '.' + cssEscape(this.raw); // .-placeholder-real-gray-300
10945 }
10946 get isNegative() {
10947 return this.raw[0] === '-'; // true
10948 }
10949 get absolute() {
10950 return this.isNegative ? this.raw.substring(1) : this.raw;
10951 }
10952 get identifier() {
10953 return this.match(/[^-]+/); // placeholder
10954 }
10955 get key() {
10956 return this.match(/^\w[-\w]+(?=-)/); // placeholder-real-gray
10957 }
10958 get center() {
10959 return this.match(/-.+(?=-)/).substring(1); // real-gray
10960 }
10961 get amount() {
10962 return this.match(/(?:[^-]+|\[[\s\S]*?\])$/); // 300
10963 }
10964 get body() {
10965 return this.match(/-.+/).substring(1); // real-gray-300
10966 }
10967 get handler() {
10968 return this._h(this);
10969 }
10972function generateStaticStyle(processor, className, addComment = false) {
10973 // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
10974 if (!staticUtilities.hasOwnProperty(className))
10975 return;
10977 const style = new Style('.' + className);
10978 const comment = addComment ? className : undefined;
10979 const { utility, meta } = staticUtilities[className];
10980 for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(utility)) {
10981 style.add(
10982 Array.isArray(value)
10983 ? value.map((i) => new Property(key, i, comment))
10984 : new Property(key, value, comment)
10985 );
10986 }
10987 if (processor._plugin.core && !processor._plugin.core[meta.group]) return;
10988 return style.updateMeta('utilities', meta.group, pluginOrder[meta.group ], meta.order, true);
10991function extract(
10992 processor,
10993 className,
10994 addComment = false,
10995 prefix,
10996) {
10998 // handle static base utilities
10999 if (!prefix && className in staticUtilities) return generateStaticStyle(processor, className, addComment);
11000 if (prefix && className.startsWith(prefix)) {
11001 className = className.replace(new RegExp(`^${prefix}`), '');
11002 if (className in staticUtilities) return generateStaticStyle(processor, className, addComment);
11003 }
11004 // handle static plugin utilities & components
11005 const staticPlugins = { ...processor._plugin.utilities, ...processor._plugin.components, ...processor._plugin.shortcuts };
11006 if (className in staticPlugins) return deepCopy(staticPlugins[className]);
11008 const utility = new Utility(className, processor._handler);
11011 // handle dynamic plugin utilities
11012 for (const [key, generator] of Object.entries(processor._plugin.dynamic)) {
11013 if (className.match(new RegExp(`^-?${key}`))) {
11014 let style = generator(utility);
11015 if (style instanceof Property) style = style.toStyle(utility.class);
11016 if (style && addComment)
11017 Array.isArray(style)
11018 ? style.map((i) => i.property.forEach((p) => (p.comment = className)))
11019 : style.property.forEach((p) => (p.comment = className));
11020 if (style) return style;
11021 }
11022 }
11024 // handle dynamic base utilities
11025 const matches = className.match(/\w+/);
11026 const key = matches ? matches[0] : undefined;
11027 // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
11028 if (key && dynamicUtilities.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
11029 let style = dynamicUtilities[key](utility, processor.pluginUtils);
11030 if (!style) return;
11031 if (processor._plugin.core && !processor._plugin.core[Array.isArray(style) ? style[0].meta.group : style.meta.group]) return;
11032 if (style instanceof Property) style = style.toStyle(utility.class);
11033 if (addComment) Array.isArray(style)? style.map((i) => i.property.forEach((p) => (p.comment = className))): style.property.forEach((p) => (p.comment = className));
11034 return style;
11035 }
11038function testStatic(processor, className) {
11039 // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
11040 if (!staticUtilities.hasOwnProperty(className)) return false;
11041 const { meta } = staticUtilities[className];
11042 if (processor._plugin.core && !processor._plugin.core[meta.group]) return false;
11043 return true;
11046function test(
11047 processor,
11048 className,
11049 prefix,
11050) {
11052 // handle static base utilities
11053 if (!prefix && className in staticUtilities) return testStatic(processor, className);
11054 if (prefix && className.startsWith(prefix)) {
11055 className = className.replace(new RegExp(`^${prefix}`), '');
11056 if (className in staticUtilities) return testStatic(processor, className);
11057 }
11058 // handle static plugin utilities & components
11059 const staticPlugins = { ...processor._plugin.utilities, ...processor._plugin.components, ...processor._plugin.shortcuts };
11060 if (className in staticPlugins) return true;
11062 const utility = new Utility(className, processor._handler);
11065 // handle dynamic plugin utilities
11066 for (const [key, generator] of Object.entries(processor._plugin.dynamic)) {
11067 if (className.match(new RegExp(`^-?${key}`))) {
11068 if (generator(utility)) return true;
11069 }
11070 }
11072 // handle dynamic base utilities
11073 const matches = className.match(/\w+/);
11074 const key = matches ? matches[0] : undefined;
11075 // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins
11076 if (key && dynamicUtilities.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
11077 const style = dynamicUtilities[key](utility, processor.pluginUtils);
11078 if (!style) return false;
11079 if (processor._plugin.core && !processor._plugin.core[Array.isArray(style) ? style[0].meta.group : style.meta.group]) return false;
11080 return true;
11081 }
11082 return false;
11085function preflight(
11086 processor,
11087 html,
11088 includeBase = true,
11089 includeGlobal = true,
11090 includePlugins = true,
11091) {
11092 // Generate preflight style based on html tags.
11093 const globalSheet = new StyleSheet();
11094 const styleSheet = new StyleSheet();
11096 const createStyle = (
11097 selector,
11098 properties
11101 isGlobal = false
11102 ) => {
11103 const style = new Style(selector, undefined, false);
11104 for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(properties)) {
11105 style.add(
11106 Array.isArray(value)
11107 ? value.map((v) => new Property(key, v))
11108 : new Property(key, typeof value === 'function' ? value((path, defaultValue) => processor.theme(path, defaultValue)) : value)
11109 );
11110 }
11111 style.updateMeta('base', 'preflight', 0, isGlobal? 1 : 2, true);
11112 return style;
11113 };
11115 const tags = html ? Array.from(new Set(html.match(/<\w+/g))).map((i) => i.substring(1)) : undefined;
11117 // handle base style
11118 includeBase && (processor.config('prefixer') ? preflights : preflights.filter(i => !i.selector || !/::?(webkit-input|-moz|-ms-input)-placeholder$/.test(i.selector))).forEach(p => {
11119 if (includeGlobal && p.global) {
11120 // global style, such as * or html, body
11121 globalSheet.add(createStyle(p.selector, p.properties, true));
11122 } else if (tags !== undefined) {
11123 // only generate matched styles
11124 const includeTags = tags.filter((i) => p.keys.includes(i));
11125 if (includeTags.length > 0) styleSheet.add(createStyle(p.selector ? p.selector : includeTags.join(', '), p.properties));
11126 } else {
11127 // if no tags input, generate all styles
11128 styleSheet.add(createStyle(p.selector ? p.selector : p.keys.join(', '), p.properties));
11129 }
11130 });
11132 // handle plugin style
11133 if (includePlugins) {
11134 // base Styles
11135 let preflightList = [];
11136 Object.values(processor._plugin.preflights).forEach((styles) => {
11137 preflightList = preflightList.concat(styles);
11138 });
11139 styleSheet.add(preflightList);
11141 // always generated styles
11142 let staticList = [];
11143 Object.values(processor._plugin.static).forEach((styles) => {
11144 staticList = staticList.concat(styles);
11145 });
11146 styleSheet.add(staticList);
11147 }
11149 const result = styleSheet.combine().sort();
11150 return includeGlobal ? result.extend(globalSheet.combine().sort(), false) : result;
11153const createPlugin = (
11154 plugin,
11155 config
11156) => {
11157 return {
11158 handler: plugin,
11159 config,
11160 };
11163createPlugin.withOptions = function(
11164 pluginFunction,
11165 configFunction = () => ({}),
11166) {
11167 const optionsFunction = function (options= {} ) {
11168 return {
11169 __options: options,
11170 handler: pluginFunction(options),
11171 config: configFunction(options),
11172 };
11173 };
11175 optionsFunction.__isOptionsFunction = true ;
11177 // Expose plugin dependencies so that `object-hash` returns a different
11178 // value if anything here changes, to ensure a rebuild is triggered.
11179 optionsFunction.__pluginFunction = pluginFunction;
11180 optionsFunction.__configFunction = configFunction;
11182 return optionsFunction;
11185class ClassParser {
11191 constructor(classNames, separator = ':', variants) {
11192 this.classNames = classNames;
11193 this.separator = separator;
11194 this.variants = variants || [];
11195 this.index = 0;
11196 }
11198 _handle_group(removeDuplicated = true) {
11199 if (!this.classNames) return [];
11200 let preChar;
11201 let char;
11202 let group;
11203 let func;
11204 let variant;
11205 let variants = [];
11206 let variantStart = this.index + 1;
11207 let classStart = this.index + 1;
11208 let groupStart = this.index + 1;
11209 let important = false;
11210 let ignoreSpace = false;
11211 let ignoreBracket = false;
11212 let insideSquareBracket = false;
11213 const sepLength = this.separator.length;
11214 const parts = [];
11215 const length = this.classNames.length;
11217 while (this.index < length) {
11218 this.index++;
11219 char = this.classNames.charAt(this.index);
11220 // ignore parsing and leave content inside square brackets as-is
11221 if (insideSquareBracket) {
11222 if(' \n\t\r'.includes(char)) {
11223 insideSquareBracket = false;
11224 } else {
11225 if (char === ']')
11226 insideSquareBracket = false;
11227 continue;
11228 }
11229 }
11230 // handle chars
11231 switch (char) {
11232 case '!':
11233 important = true;
11234 break;
11235 case this.separator[0]:
11236 if (this.classNames.slice(this.index, this.index + sepLength) === this.separator) {
11237 variant = this.classNames.slice(variantStart, this.index);
11238 if (variant.charAt(0) === '!') variant = variant.slice(1,);
11239 if (this.variants.includes(variant)) {
11240 variants.push(variant);
11241 this.index += sepLength - 1;
11242 variantStart = this.index + 1;
11243 ignoreSpace = true;
11244 }
11245 }
11246 break;
11247 case '[':
11248 insideSquareBracket = true;
11249 break;
11250 case '(':
11251 preChar = this.classNames.charAt(this.index - 1);
11252 if (preChar === '-' || (!ignoreSpace && preChar === ' ')) {
11253 ignoreBracket = true;
11254 } else if (ignoreSpace) {
11255 group = this._handle_group();
11256 } else {
11257 func = this.classNames.slice(groupStart, this.index);
11258 while (!isSpace(this.classNames.charAt(this.index))) {
11259 this.index++;
11260 }
11261 this.index--;
11262 }
11263 ignoreSpace = false;
11264 break;
11265 case '"':
11266 case '`':
11267 case '\'':
11268 case ')':
11269 case ' ':
11270 case '\n':
11271 case '\t':
11272 case '\r':
11273 if (!ignoreSpace) {
11274 if (groupStart !== this.index) {
11275 const raw = this.classNames.slice(classStart, this.index);
11276 const start = classStart - 1;
11277 const end = this.index - 1;
11278 if (Array.isArray(group)) {
11279 parts.push({ raw, start, end, variants, content: group, type: 'group', important });
11280 group = undefined;
11281 } else if (func) {
11282 const utility = this.classNames.slice(variantStart, this.index);
11283 parts.push({ raw: raw, start, end, variants, content: utility, type: 'utility', important });
11284 func = undefined;
11285 } else if (ignoreBracket && char === ')') {
11286 // utility with bracket
11287 const utility = this.classNames.slice(variantStart, this.index + 1);
11288 parts.push({ raw: raw + ')', start, end: this.index, variants, content: important ? utility.slice(1,): utility, type: 'utility', important });
11289 } else {
11290 const utility = this.classNames.slice(variantStart, this.index);
11291 if (utility.charAt(0) === '*') {
11292 parts.push({ raw, start, end, variants, content: utility.slice(1,), type: 'alias', important });
11293 } else {
11294 parts.push({ raw, start, end, variants, content: utility.charAt(0) === '!' ? utility.slice(1,): utility, type: 'utility', important });
11295 }
11296 }
11297 variants = [];
11298 important = false;
11299 }
11300 groupStart = this.index + 1;
11301 classStart = this.index + 1;
11302 }
11303 variantStart = this.index + 1;
11304 break;
11305 default:
11306 ignoreSpace = false;
11307 }
11308 if (char === ')') {
11309 if (!ignoreBracket) break; // end group
11310 ignoreBracket = false;
11311 }
11312 }
11314 if (removeDuplicated) {
11315 const newParts = [];
11316 const cache = [];
11317 parts.forEach((item) => {
11318 if (!cache.includes(item.raw)) {
11319 cache.push(item.raw);
11320 newParts.push(item);
11321 }
11322 });
11323 return newParts;
11324 }
11325 return parts;
11326 }
11328 parse(removeDuplicated = true) {
11329 if (!this.classNames) return [];
11330 // Turn classes into group;
11331 this.classNames = '(' + this.classNames + ')';
11332 const elements = this._handle_group(removeDuplicated);
11333 // Initialization, convenient for next call
11334 this.index = 0;
11335 this.classNames = this.classNames.slice(1, -1);
11336 return elements;
11337 }
11340/* toSource by Marcello Bastea-Forte - zlib license */
11341function toSource(object, replacer, indent = ' ', startingIndent = '') {
11342 const seen = [];
11343 return walk(object, replacer, indent === false ? '' : indent, startingIndent, seen);
11344 function walk(object, replacer, indent, currentIndent, seen) {
11345 const nextIndent = currentIndent + indent;
11346 object = replacer ? replacer(object) : object;
11347 switch (typeof object) {
11348 case 'string':
11349 return JSON.stringify(object);
11350 case 'number':
11351 if (Object.is(object, -0)) {
11352 return '-0';
11353 }
11354 return String(object);
11355 case 'boolean':
11356 case 'undefined':
11357 return String(object);
11358 case 'function':
11359 return object.toString();
11360 }
11361 if (object === null) {
11362 return 'null';
11363 }
11364 if (object instanceof RegExp) {
11365 return object.toString();
11366 }
11367 if (object instanceof Date) {
11368 return `new Date(${object.getTime()})`;
11369 }
11370 if (object instanceof Set) {
11371 return `new Set(${walk(Array.from(object.values()), replacer, indent, nextIndent, seen)})`;
11372 }
11373 if (object instanceof Map) {
11374 return `new Map(${walk(Array.from(object.entries()), replacer, indent, nextIndent, seen)})`;
11375 }
11376 if (seen.indexOf(object) >= 0) {
11377 return '{$circularReference:1}';
11378 }
11379 seen.push(object);
11380 function join(elements) {
11381 return (indent.slice(1) +
11382 elements.join(',' + (indent && '\n') + nextIndent) +
11383 (indent ? ' ' : ''));
11384 }
11385 if (Array.isArray(object)) {
11386 return `[${join(object.map((element) => walk(element, replacer, indent, nextIndent, seen.slice())))}]`;
11387 }
11388 const keys = Object.keys(object);
11389 if (keys.length) {
11390 return `{${join(keys.map((key) => (legalKey(key) ? key : JSON.stringify(key)) +
11391 ':' +
11392 walk(object[key], replacer, indent, nextIndent, seen.slice())))}}`;
11393 }
11394 return '{}';
11395 }
11397const KEYWORD_REGEXP = /^(abstract|boolean|break|byte|case|catch|char|class|const|continue|debugger|default|delete|do|double|else|enum|export|extends|false|final|finally|float|for|function|goto|if|implements|import|in|instanceof|int|interface|long|native|new|null|package|private|protected|public|return|short|static|super|switch|synchronized|this|throw|throws|transient|true|try|typeof|undefined|var|void|volatile|while|with)$/;
11398function legalKey(key) {
11399 return (/^([a-z_$][0-9a-z_$]*|[0-9]+)$/gi.test(key) && !KEYWORD_REGEXP.test(key));
11402function _nullishCoalesce(lhs, rhsFn) { if (lhs != null) { return lhs; } else { return rhsFn(); } } function _optionalChain(ops) { let lastAccessLHS = undefined; let value = ops[0]; let i = 1; while (i < ops.length) { const op = ops[i]; const fn = ops[i + 1]; i += 2; if ((op === 'optionalAccess' || op === 'optionalCall') && value == null) { return undefined; } if (op === 'access' || op === 'optionalAccess') { lastAccessLHS = value; value = fn(value); } else if (op === 'call' || op === 'optionalCall') { value = fn((...args) => value.call(lastAccessLHS, ...args)); lastAccessLHS = undefined; } } return value; }
11434class Processor {
11437 __init() {this._variants = {};}
11438 __init2() {this._cache = {
11439 count: 0,
11440 html: [],
11441 attrs: [],
11442 classes: [],
11443 utilities: [],
11444 variants: [],
11445 };}
11447 __init3() {this._plugin = {
11448 static: {},
11449 dynamic: {},
11450 utilities: {},
11451 components: {},
11452 preflights: {},
11453 shortcuts: {},
11454 alias: {},
11455 completions: {},
11456 };}
11458 __init4() {this.pluginUtils = {
11459 addDynamic: (...args) => this.addDynamic(...args),
11460 addUtilities: (...args) => this.addUtilities(...args),
11461 addComponents: (...args) => this.addComponents(...args),
11462 addBase: (...args) => this.addBase(...args),
11463 addVariant: (...args) => this.addVariant(...args),
11464 e: (...args) => this.e(...args),
11465 prefix: (...args) => this.prefix(...args),
11466 config: (...args) => this.config(...args),
11467 theme: (...args) => this.theme(...args),
11468 variants: (...args) => this.variants(...args),
11469 };}
11471 __init5() {this.variantUtils = {
11472 modifySelectors: (modifier) =>
11473 new Style().wrapSelector((selector) =>
11474 modifier({
11475 className: /^[.#]/.test(selector) ? selector.substring(1) : selector,
11476 })),
11477 atRule: (name) => new Style().atRule(name),
11478 pseudoClass: (name) => new Style().pseudoClass(name),
11479 pseudoElement: (name) => new Style().pseudoElement(name),
11480 parent: (name) => new Style().parent(name),
11481 child: (name) => new Style().child(name),
11482 };}
11484 constructor(config) {Processor.prototype.__init.call(this);Processor.prototype.__init2.call(this);Processor.prototype.__init3.call(this);Processor.prototype.__init4.call(this);Processor.prototype.__init5.call(this);
11485 this._config = this.resolveConfig(config, baseConfig);
11486 this._theme = this._config.theme;
11487 this._handler = createHandler(this._config.handlers);
11488 this._config.shortcuts && this.loadShortcuts(this._config.shortcuts);
11489 this._config.alias && this.loadAlias(this._config.alias);
11490 }
11492 _resolveConfig(userConfig, presets = {}) {
11493 if (userConfig.presets) {
11494 const resolved = this._resolvePresets(userConfig.presets);
11495 presets = this._resolveConfig(resolved, presets);
11496 delete userConfig.presets;
11497 }
11498 const userTheme = userConfig.theme;
11499 if (userTheme) delete userConfig.theme;
11500 const extendTheme = userTheme && 'extend' in userTheme ? _nullishCoalesce(userTheme.extend, () => ( {})) : {};
11501 const theme = (presets.theme || {}) ;
11502 if (userTheme) {
11503 if ('extend' in userTheme) delete userTheme.extend;
11504 for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(userTheme)) {
11505 theme[key] = typeof value === 'function' ? value : { ...value };
11506 }
11507 }
11508 if (extendTheme && typeof extendTheme === 'object') this._reduceFunction(theme, extendTheme);
11509 return { ...presets, ...userConfig, theme };
11510 }
11512 _reduceFunction(theme, extendTheme) {
11513 for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(extendTheme)) {
11514 const themeValue = theme[key];
11515 switch (typeof themeValue) {
11516 case 'function':
11517 theme[key] = (theme, { negative, breakpoints }) => combineConfig(
11518 (themeValue )(theme, { negative, breakpoints }),
11519 (typeof value === 'function' ? value(theme, { negative, breakpoints }) : _nullishCoalesce(value, () => ( {}))),
11520 );
11521 break;
11522 case 'object':
11523 theme[key] = (theme, { negative, breakpoints }) => combineConfig(themeValue, (typeof value === 'function' ? value(theme, { negative, breakpoints }) : _nullishCoalesce(value, () => ( {}))), 0 /* prevent fontfamily merge */);
11524 break;
11525 default:
11526 theme[key] = value;
11527 }
11528 }
11529 }
11531 _resolvePresets(presets) {
11532 let config = {};
11533 const extend = {};
11534 presets.forEach(p => {
11535 if (p.theme && 'extend' in p.theme && p.theme.extend) {
11536 this._reduceFunction(extend, p.theme.extend);
11537 delete p.theme.extend;
11538 }
11539 config = this._resolveConfig(p, config);
11540 });
11541 if (config.theme) {
11542 (config.theme ).extend = extend;
11543 } else {
11544 config.theme = { extend };
11545 }
11546 return config;
11547 }
11549 _resolveFunction(config) {
11550 if (!config.theme) return config;
11551 const theme = (path, defaultValue) => this.theme(path, defaultValue);
11552 for (const dict of [config.theme, 'extend' in config.theme ? _nullishCoalesce(config.theme.extend, () => ( {})) : {}]) {
11553 for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(dict)) {
11554 if (typeof value === 'function') {
11555 (dict )[key] = value(theme, {
11556 negative,
11557 breakpoints,
11558 }) ;
11559 }
11560 }
11561 }
11562 return config;
11563 }
11565 _replaceStyleVariants(styles) {
11566 // @screen sm -> @screen (min-width: 640px)
11567 styles.forEach(style => {
11568 style.atRules = _optionalChain([style, 'access', _ => _.atRules, 'optionalAccess', _2 => _2.map, 'call', _3 => _3(i => {
11569 if (i.match(/@screen/)) {
11570 const variant = i.replace(/\s*@screen\s*/, '');
11571 const atRule = _optionalChain([this, 'access', _4 => _4._variants, 'access', _5 => _5[variant], 'call', _6 => _6(), 'access', _7 => _7.atRules, 'optionalAccess', _8 => _8[0]]);
11572 return _nullishCoalesce(atRule, () => ( i));
11573 }
11574 return i;
11575 })]);
11576 });
11577 }
11579 _addPluginProcessorCache(type, key, styles) {
11580 styles = toArray(styles);
11581 this._plugin[type][key] = key in this._plugin[type]
11582 ? [...this._plugin[type][key], ...styles]
11583 : styles;
11584 }
11586 _loadVariables() {
11587 const config = this.theme('vars') ;
11588 if (!config) return;
11589 this.addBase({ ':root': Object.assign({}, ...Object.keys(config).map(i => ({ [`--${i}`]: config[i] }))) });
11590 }
11592 loadConfig(config) {
11593 this._config = this.resolveConfig(config, baseConfig);
11594 this._theme = this._config.theme;
11595 this._handler = createHandler(this._config.handlers);
11596 this._config.shortcuts && this.loadShortcuts(this._config.shortcuts);
11597 this._config.alias && this.loadAlias(this._config.alias);
11598 return this._config;
11599 }
11601 resolveConfig(config, presets) {
11602 this._config = this._resolveConfig({ ...deepCopy(config ? config : {}), exclude: _optionalChain([config, 'optionalAccess', _9 => _9.exclude]) }, deepCopy(presets)); // deep copy
11603 this._theme = this._config.theme; // update theme to make sure theme() function works.
11604 _optionalChain([this, 'access', _10 => _10._config, 'access', _11 => _11.plugins, 'optionalAccess', _12 => _12.map, 'call', _13 => _13(i => typeof i === 'function' ? ('__isOptionsFunction' in i ? this.loadPluginWithOptions(i): this.loadPlugin(createPlugin(i))) : this.loadPlugin(i))]);
11605 this._config = this._resolveFunction(this._config);
11606 this._variants = { ...this._variants, ... this.resolveVariants() };
11607 this._cache.variants = Object.keys(this._variants);
11608 this._loadVariables();
11609 if (this._config.corePlugins) this._plugin.core = Array.isArray(this._config.corePlugins) ? Object.assign({}, ...(this._config.corePlugins ).map(i => ({ [i]: true }))) : { ...Object.assign({}, ...Object.keys(pluginOrder).slice(Object.keys(pluginOrder).length/2).map(i => ({ [i]: true }))), ...this._config.corePlugins };
11610 return this._config;
11611 }
11613 resolveVariants(
11614 type
11615 ) {
11616 const variants = resolveVariants(this._config);
11617 if (type) {
11618 return variants[type];
11619 }
11620 return { ...variants.screen, ...variants.theme, ...variants.state };
11621 }
11623 resolveStaticUtilities(includePlugins = false) {
11624 const staticStyles = {};
11625 for (const key in staticUtilities) {
11626 const style = generateStaticStyle(this, key, true);
11627 if (style) staticStyles[key] = [ style ];
11628 }
11629 if (!includePlugins) return staticStyles;
11630 return { ...staticStyles, ...this._plugin.utilities, ...this._plugin.components };
11631 }
11633 resolveDynamicUtilities(includePlugins = false) {
11634 if (!includePlugins) return dynamicUtilities;
11635 return { ...dynamicUtilities, ...this._plugin.dynamic };
11636 }
11638 get allConfig() {
11639 return this._config ;
11640 }
11642 get allTheme() {
11643 return (_nullishCoalesce(this._theme, () => ( {}))) ;
11644 }
11646 get allVariant() {
11647 return this._cache.variants;
11648 }
11650 wrapWithVariants(variants, styles) {
11651 // apply variant to style
11652 if (!Array.isArray(styles)) styles = [styles];
11653 if (variants.length === 0) return styles;
11655 return styles.map(style => {
11656 if (style instanceof Keyframes) return style;
11657 const atrules = [];
11658 let wrapped = variants
11659 .filter(i => _optionalChain([this, 'access', _14 => _14._variants, 'optionalAccess', _15 => _15[i]]))
11660 .map(i => this._variants[i]())
11661 .reduce((previousValue, currentValue) => {
11662 const output = previousValue.extend(currentValue);
11663 if (previousValue.isAtrule) atrules.push((previousValue.atRules )[0]);
11664 return output;
11665 }, new Style())
11666 .extend(style);
11667 if (style instanceof Container) wrapped = new Container().extend(wrapped);
11668 if (atrules.length > 0) wrapped.meta.variants = atrules;
11669 return wrapped;
11670 });
11671 }
11673 removePrefix(className) {
11674 const prefix = this.config('prefix') ;
11675 return prefix ? className.replace(new RegExp(`^${prefix}`), '') : className;
11676 }
11678 markAsImportant(style, force = false) {
11679 const _important = force ? force : this.config('important', false);
11680 const important = typeof _important === 'string' ? (_important ) : (_important );
11681 if (important) {
11682 if (typeof important === 'string') {
11683 style.parent(important);
11684 } else {
11685 style.important = true;
11686 style.property.forEach(i => i.important = true);
11687 }
11688 }
11689 return style;
11690 }
11692 extract(className, addComment = false, prefix) {
11693 return extract(this, className, addComment, prefix);
11694 }
11696 test(className, prefix) {
11697 return test(this, className, prefix);
11698 }
11700 preflight(
11701 html,
11702 includeBase = true,
11703 includeGlobal = true,
11704 includePlugins = true,
11705 ignoreProcessed = false
11706 ) {
11707 let id;
11708 if (html) {
11709 id = hash(html);
11710 if (ignoreProcessed && this._cache.html.includes(id)) return new StyleSheet();
11711 }
11712 id && ignoreProcessed && this._cache.html.push(id);
11713 return preflight(this, html, includeBase, includeGlobal, includePlugins);
11714 }
11716 interpret(
11717 classNames,
11718 ignoreProcessed = false,
11719 handleIgnored
11720 ) {
11721 const ast = new ClassParser(classNames, this.config('separator', ':') , this._cache.variants).parse();
11722 const success = [];
11723 const ignored = [];
11724 const styleSheet = new StyleSheet();
11726 const _hIgnored = (className) => {
11727 if (handleIgnored) {
11728 const style = handleIgnored(className);
11729 if (style) {
11730 styleSheet.add(style);
11731 success.push(className);
11732 } else {
11733 ignored.push(className);
11734 }
11735 }
11736 ignored.push(className);
11737 };
11739 const _gStyle = (
11740 baseClass,
11741 variants,
11742 selector,
11743 important = false,
11744 prefix,
11745 ) => {
11746 if (this._config.exclude && testRegexr(selector, this._config.exclude)) {
11747 // filter exclude className
11748 ignored.push(selector);
11749 return;
11750 }
11751 if (variants[0] && selector in { ...this._plugin.utilities, ...this._plugin.components }) {
11752 // handle special selector that conflict with class parser, such as 'hover:abc'
11753 success.push(selector);
11754 styleSheet.add(deepCopy(this._plugin.utilities[selector]));
11755 return;
11756 }
11757 let result = this.extract(baseClass, false, prefix);
11758 if (result) {
11759 const escapedSelector = '.' + cssEscape(selector);
11760 if (result instanceof Style) {
11761 if(!result.meta.respectSelector) result.selector = escapedSelector;
11762 this.markAsImportant(result, important);
11763 } else if (Array.isArray(result)) {
11764 result = result.map(i => {
11765 if (i instanceof Keyframes) return i;
11766 if(!i.meta.respectSelector) i.selector = escapedSelector;
11767 this.markAsImportant(i, important);
11768 return i;
11769 });
11770 }
11771 const wrapped = this.wrapWithVariants(variants, result);
11772 if (wrapped) {
11773 success.push(selector);
11774 styleSheet.add(wrapped);
11775 } else {
11776 _hIgnored(selector);
11777 }
11778 } else {
11779 _hIgnored(selector);
11780 }
11781 };
11783 const _hGroup = (obj, parentVariants = []) => {
11784 const _eval = (u) => {
11785 if (u.type === 'group') {
11786 _hGroup(u, obj.variants);
11787 } else if (u.type === 'alias' && (u.content ) in this._plugin.alias) {
11788 this._plugin.alias[u.content ].forEach(i => _eval(i));
11789 } else {
11790 // utility
11791 const variants = [
11792 ...parentVariants,
11793 ...obj.variants,
11794 ...u.variants,
11795 ];
11796 const important = obj.important || u.important;
11797 const selector = (important ? '!' : '') + [...variants, u.content].join(':');
11798 typeof u.content === 'string' &&
11799 _gStyle(u.content, variants, selector, important, this.config('prefix') );
11800 }
11801 };
11802 Array.isArray(obj.content) && obj.content.forEach(u => _eval(u));
11803 };
11805 const _gAst = (ast) => {
11806 ast.forEach(obj => {
11807 if (!(ignoreProcessed && this._cache.utilities.includes(obj.raw))) {
11808 if (ignoreProcessed) this._cache.utilities.push(obj.raw);
11809 if (obj.type === 'utility') {
11810 if (Array.isArray(obj.content)) ; else if (obj.content) {
11811 _gStyle(obj.content, obj.variants, obj.raw, obj.important, this.config('prefix') );
11812 }
11813 } else if (obj.type === 'group') {
11814 _hGroup(obj);
11815 } else if (obj.type === 'alias' && (obj.content ) in this._plugin.alias) {
11816 _gAst(this._plugin.alias[obj.content ]);
11817 } else {
11818 _hIgnored(obj.raw);
11819 }
11820 }
11821 });
11822 };
11824 _gAst(ast);
11826 if (!this.config('prefixer')) styleSheet.prefixer = false;
11828 return {
11829 success,
11830 ignored,
11831 styleSheet: styleSheet.sort(),
11832 };
11833 }
11835 validate(classNames) {
11836 const ast = new ClassParser(classNames, this.config('separator', ':') , this._cache.variants).parse();
11837 const success = [];
11838 const ignored = [];
11840 const _hSuccess = (className, self, parent) => {
11841 success.push({
11842 className,
11843 ...self,
11844 parent,
11845 });
11846 };
11848 const _hIgnored = (className, self, parent) => {
11849 ignored.push({
11850 className,
11851 ...self,
11852 parent,
11853 });
11854 };
11856 const _gStyle = (
11857 baseClass,
11858 variants,
11859 selector,
11860 self,
11861 parent,
11862 prefix,
11863 ) => {
11864 if (this._config.exclude && testRegexr(selector, this._config.exclude)) {
11865 // filter exclude className
11866 _hIgnored(selector, self, parent);
11867 return;
11868 }
11869 if (variants[0] && selector in { ...this._plugin.utilities, ...this._plugin.components }) {
11870 // handle special selector that conflict with class parser, such as 'hover:abc'
11871 _hSuccess(selector, self, parent);
11872 return;
11873 }
11874 if (this.test(baseClass, prefix) && variants.filter(i => !(i in this._variants)).length === 0) {
11875 _hSuccess(selector, self, parent);
11876 } else {
11877 _hIgnored(selector, self, parent);
11878 }
11879 };
11881 const _hGroup = (obj, parentVariants = []) => {
11882 const _eval = (u, parent) => {
11883 if (u.type === 'group') {
11884 _hGroup(u, obj.variants);
11885 } else if (u.type === 'alias' && (u.content ) in this._plugin.alias) {
11886 this._plugin.alias[u.content ].forEach(i => _eval(i, u));
11887 } else {
11888 // utility
11889 const variants = [
11890 ...parentVariants,
11891 ...obj.variants,
11892 ...u.variants,
11893 ];
11894 const important = obj.important || u.important;
11895 const selector = (important ? '!' : '') + [...variants, u.content].join(':');
11896 typeof u.content === 'string' &&
11897 _gStyle(u.content, variants, selector, u, parent, this.config('prefix') );
11898 }
11899 };
11900 Array.isArray(obj.content) && obj.content.forEach(u => _eval(u, obj));
11901 };
11903 const _gAst = (ast) => {
11904 ast.forEach(obj => {
11905 if (obj.type === 'utility') {
11906 if (Array.isArray(obj.content)) ; else if (obj.content) {
11907 _gStyle(obj.content, obj.variants, obj.raw, obj, undefined, this.config('prefix') );
11908 }
11909 } else if (obj.type === 'group') {
11910 _hGroup(obj);
11911 } else if (obj.type === 'alias' && (obj.content ) in this._plugin.alias) {
11912 _gAst(this._plugin.alias[obj.content ]);
11913 } else {
11914 _hIgnored(obj.raw, obj);
11915 }
11916 });
11917 };
11919 _gAst(ast);
11921 return {
11922 success,
11923 ignored,
11924 };
11925 }
11927 compile(
11928 classNames,
11929 prefix = 'windi-',
11930 showComment = false,
11931 ignoreGenerated = false,
11932 handleIgnored,
11933 outputClassName
11934 )
11939 {
11940 const ast = new ClassParser(classNames, this.config('separator', ':') , this._cache.variants).parse();
11941 const success = [];
11942 const ignored = [];
11943 const styleSheet = new StyleSheet();
11944 let className = _nullishCoalesce(outputClassName, () => ( prefix + hash(classNames.trim().split(/\s+/g).join(' '))));
11945 if (ignoreGenerated && this._cache.classes.includes(className)) return { success, ignored, styleSheet, className };
11946 const buildSelector = '.' + className;
11948 const _hIgnored = (className) => {
11949 if (handleIgnored) {
11950 const style = handleIgnored(className);
11951 if (style) {
11952 styleSheet.add(style);
11953 success.push(className);
11954 } else {
11955 ignored.push(className);
11956 }
11957 }
11958 ignored.push(className);
11959 };
11961 const _gStyle = (
11962 baseClass,
11963 variants,
11964 selector,
11965 important = false
11966 ) => {
11967 if (this._config.exclude && testRegexr(selector, this._config.exclude)) {
11968 // filter exclude className
11969 ignored.push(selector);
11970 return;
11971 }
11972 if (variants[0] && selector in { ...this._plugin.utilities, ...this._plugin.components }) {
11973 // handle special selector that conflict with class parser, such as 'hover:abc'
11974 success.push(selector);
11975 styleSheet.add(deepCopy(this._plugin.utilities[selector]));
11976 return;
11977 }
11978 const result = this.extract(baseClass, showComment);
11979 if (result) {
11980 if (Array.isArray(result)) {
11981 result.forEach(i => {
11982 if (i instanceof Keyframes) {
11983 i.meta.order = 20;
11984 return i;
11985 }
11986 i.selector = buildSelector;
11987 this.markAsImportant(i, important);
11988 });
11989 } else {
11990 result.selector = buildSelector;
11991 this.markAsImportant(result, important);
11992 }
11993 const wrapped = this.wrapWithVariants(variants, result);
11994 if (wrapped) {
11995 success.push(selector);
11996 styleSheet.add(wrapped);
11997 } else {
11998 _hIgnored(selector);
11999 }
12000 } else {
12001 _hIgnored(selector);
12002 }
12003 };
12005 const _hGroup = (obj, parentVariants = []) => {
12006 Array.isArray(obj.content) &&
12007 obj.content.forEach((u) => {
12008 if (u.type === 'group') {
12009 _hGroup(u, obj.variants);
12010 } else {
12011 // utility
12012 const variants = [
12013 ...parentVariants,
12014 ...obj.variants,
12015 ...u.variants,
12016 ];
12017 const selector = [...variants, u.content].join(':');
12018 typeof u.content === 'string' &&
12019 _gStyle(this.removePrefix(u.content), variants, selector, obj.important || u.important);
12020 }
12021 });
12022 };
12024 ast.forEach((obj) => {
12025 if (obj.type === 'utility') {
12026 if (Array.isArray(obj.content)) ; else if (obj.content) {
12027 _gStyle(this.removePrefix(obj.content), obj.variants, obj.raw, obj.important);
12028 }
12029 } else if (obj.type === 'group') {
12030 _hGroup(obj);
12031 } else {
12032 _hIgnored(obj.raw);
12033 }
12034 });
12036 className = success.length > 0 ? className : undefined;
12037 if (ignoreGenerated && className) this._cache.classes.push(className);
12038 if (!this.config('prefixer')) styleSheet.prefixer = false;
12039 return {
12040 success,
12041 ignored,
12042 className,
12043 styleSheet: styleSheet.sortby(sortGroup).combine(),
12044 };
12045 }
12047 attributify(attrs, ignoreProcessed = false) {
12048 const success = [];
12049 const ignored = [];
12050 const styleSheet = new StyleSheet();
12051 const { prefix, separator, disable } = (this._config.attributify && typeof this._config.attributify === 'boolean') ? {} : this._config.attributify || {};
12053 const _gStyle = (
12054 key,
12055 value,
12056 equal = false,
12057 notAllow = false,
12058 ignoreProcessed = false,
12059 ) => {
12060 const buildSelector = `[${this.e((prefix || '') + key)}${equal?'=':'~='}"${value}"]`;
12061 if (notAllow || (ignoreProcessed && this._cache.attrs.includes(buildSelector))) {
12062 ignored.push(buildSelector);
12063 return;
12064 }
12065 const importantValue = value.startsWith('!');
12066 if (importantValue) value = value.slice(1);
12067 const importantKey = key.startsWith('!');
12068 if (importantKey) key = key.slice(1);
12069 const id = _nullishCoalesce(_optionalChain([key, 'access', _16 => _16.match, 'call', _17 => _17(/\w+$/), 'optionalAccess', _18 => _18[0]]), () => ( ''));
12070 const splits = value.split(separator || ':');
12071 let variants = splits.slice(0, -1);
12072 let utility = splits.slice(-1)[0];
12073 let keys = key.split(separator || ':');
12074 const lastKey = keys.slice(-1)[0];
12076 if (lastKey in this._variants && lastKey !== 'svg') {
12077 variants = [...keys, ...variants];
12078 } else if (id in this._variants && id !== 'svg') {
12079 // sm = ... || sm:hover = ... || sm-hover = ...
12080 const matches = key.match(/[@<\w]+/g);
12081 if (!matches) {
12082 ignored.push(buildSelector);
12083 return;
12084 }
12085 variants = [...matches, ...variants];
12086 } else {
12087 // text = ... || sm:text = ... || sm-text = ... || sm-hover-text = ...
12088 if (!keys) {
12089 ignored.push(buildSelector);
12090 return;
12091 }
12092 if (keys.length === 1) keys = key.split('-');
12093 let last;
12094 // handle min-h || max-w ...
12095 if (['min', 'max'].includes(keys.slice(-2, -1)[0])) {
12096 variants = [...keys.slice(0, -2), ...variants];
12097 last = keys.slice(-2,).join('-');
12098 } else {
12099 variants = [...keys.slice(0, -1), ...variants];
12100 last = keys[keys.length - 1];
12101 }
12102 // handle negative, such as m = -x-2
12103 const negative = utility.charAt(0) === '-';
12104 if (negative) utility = utility.slice(1,);
12105 utility = ['m', 'p'].includes(last) && ['t', 'l', 'b', 'r', 'x', 'y'].includes(utility.charAt(0)) ? last + utility : last + '-' + utility;
12106 if (negative) utility = '-' + utility;
12107 utility !== 'cursor-default' && (utility = utility.replace(/-(~|default)$/, ''));
12108 // handle special cases
12109 switch(last) {
12110 case 'w':
12111 if (['w-min', 'w-max', 'w-min-content', 'w-max-content'].includes(utility)) {
12112 utility = utility.slice(0, 5);
12113 } else if (utility.startsWith('w-min')) {
12114 utility = 'min-w' + utility.slice(5);
12115 } else if (utility.startsWith('w-max')) {
12116 utility = 'max-w' + utility.slice(5);
12117 }
12118 break;
12119 case 'h':
12120 if (['h-min', 'h-max', 'h-min-content', 'h-max-content'].includes(utility)) {
12121 utility = utility.slice(0, 5);
12122 } else if (utility.startsWith('h-min')) {
12123 utility = 'min-h' + utility.slice(5);
12124 } else if (utility.startsWith('h-max')) {
12125 utility = 'max-h' + utility.slice(5);
12126 }
12127 break;
12128 case 'flex':
12129 switch (utility) {
12130 case 'flex-default':
12131 utility = 'flex';
12132 break;
12133 case 'flex-inline':
12134 utility = 'inline-flex';
12135 break;
12136 }
12137 break;
12138 case 'grid':
12139 switch(utility) {
12140 case 'grid-default':
12141 utility = 'grid';
12142 break;
12143 case 'grid-inline':
12144 utility = 'inline-grid';
12145 break;
12146 default:
12147 if (/^grid-(auto|gap|col|row)-/.test(utility)) utility = utility.slice(5);
12148 }
12149 break;
12150 case 'justify':
12151 if (utility.startsWith('justify-content-')) {
12152 utility = 'justify-' + utility.slice(16);
12153 }
12154 break;
12155 case 'align':
12156 if (/^align-(items|self|content)-/.test(utility)) {
12157 utility = utility.slice(6);
12158 } else {
12159 utility = 'content-' + utility.slice(6);
12160 }
12161 break;
12162 case 'place':
12163 if (!/^place-(items|self|content)-/.test(utility)) {
12164 utility = 'place-content-' + utility.slice(6);
12165 }
12166 break;
12167 case 'font':
12168 if (/^font-(tracking|leading)-/.test(utility) || ['font-italic', 'font-not-italic', 'font-antialiased', 'font-subpixel-antialiased', 'font-normal-nums', 'font-ordinal', 'font-slashed-zero', 'font-lining-nums', 'font-oldstyle-nums', 'font-proportional-nums', 'font-tabular-nums', 'font-diagonal-fractions', 'font-stacked-fractions'].includes(utility))
12169 utility = utility.slice(5);
12170 break;
12171 case 'text':
12172 if (['text-baseline', 'text-top', 'text-middle', 'text-bottom', 'text-text-top', 'text-text-bottom'].includes(utility)) {
12173 utility = 'align-' + utility.slice(5);
12174 } else if (utility.startsWith('text-placeholder') || utility.startsWith('text-underline') || utility.startsWith('text-tab') || utility.startsWith('text-indent') || utility.startsWith('text-hyphens') || utility.startsWith('text-write')) {
12175 utility = utility.slice(5);
12176 } else if (['text-underline', 'text-line-through', 'text-no-underline', 'text-uppercase', 'text-lowercase', 'text-capitalize', 'text-normal-case', 'text-truncate', 'text-overflow-ellipsis', 'text-overflow-clip', 'text-break-normal', 'text-break-words', 'text-break-all'].includes(utility)) {
12177 utility = utility.slice(5);
12178 } else if (utility.startsWith('text-space')) {
12179 utility = 'white' + utility.slice(5);
12180 }
12181 break;
12182 case 'underline':
12183 if (utility === 'underline-none') {
12184 utility = 'no-underline';
12185 } else if (utility === 'underline-line-through') {
12186 utility = 'line-through';
12187 }
12188 break;
12189 case 'svg':
12190 if (utility.startsWith('svg-fill') || utility.startsWith('svg-stroke')) utility = utility.slice(4);
12191 break;
12192 case 'border':
12193 if (utility.startsWith('border-rounded')) {
12194 utility = utility.slice(7);
12195 }
12196 break;
12197 case 'gradient':
12198 if (utility === 'gradient-none') {
12199 utility = 'bg-none';
12200 } else if (/^gradient-to-[trbl]{1,2}$/.test(utility)) {
12201 utility = 'bg-' + utility;
12202 } else if (/^gradient-(from|via|to)-/.test(utility)) {
12203 utility = utility.slice(9);
12204 }
12205 break;
12206 case 'display':
12207 utility = utility.slice(8);
12208 break;
12209 case 'pos':
12210 utility = utility.slice(4);
12211 break;
12212 case 'position':
12213 utility = utility.slice(9);
12214 break;
12215 case 'box':
12216 if (/^box-(decoration|shadow)/.test(utility)) {
12217 utility = utility.slice(4,);
12218 }
12219 break;
12220 case 'filter':
12221 if (utility !== 'filter-none' && utility !== 'filter') {
12222 utility = utility.slice(7);
12223 }
12224 break;
12225 case 'backdrop':
12226 if (utility === 'backdrop') {
12227 utility = 'backdrop-filter';
12228 } else if (utility === 'backdrop-none') {
12229 utility = 'backdrop-filter-none';
12230 }
12231 break;
12232 case 'transition':
12233 if (/transition-(duration|ease|delay)-/.test(utility)) {
12234 utility = utility.slice(11);
12235 }
12236 break;
12237 case 'transform':
12238 if (!['transform-gpu', 'transform-none', 'transform'].includes(utility)) {
12239 utility = utility.slice(10);
12240 }
12241 break;
12242 case 'isolation':
12243 if (utility === 'isolation-isolate') utility = 'isolate';
12244 break;
12245 case 'table':
12246 if (utility === 'table-inline') {
12247 utility = 'inline-table';
12248 } else if (utility.startsWith('table-caption-') || utility.startsWith('table-empty-cells')) {
12249 utility = utility.slice(6);
12250 }
12251 break;
12252 case 'pointer':
12253 utility = 'pointer-events' + utility.slice(7);
12254 break;
12255 case 'resize':
12256 if (utility === 'resize-both') utility = 'resize';
12257 break;
12258 case 'ring':
12259 break;
12260 case 'blend':
12261 utility = 'mix-' + utility;
12262 break;
12263 case 'sr':
12264 if (utility === 'sr-not-only') utility = 'not-sr-only';
12265 break;
12266 }
12267 }
12268 const style = this.extract(utility, false);
12269 if (style) {
12270 const important = importantKey || importantValue;
12271 if (Array.isArray(style)) {
12272 style.forEach(i => {
12273 if (i instanceof Keyframes) return i;
12274 i.selector = buildSelector;
12275 this.markAsImportant(i, important);
12276 });
12277 } else {
12278 style.selector = buildSelector;
12279 this.markAsImportant(style, important);
12280 }
12281 if (variants.find(i => !(i in this._variants))) {
12282 ignored.push(buildSelector);
12283 } else {
12284 const wrapped = this.wrapWithVariants(variants, style);
12285 if (wrapped) {
12286 ignoreProcessed && this._cache.attrs.push(buildSelector);
12287 success.push(buildSelector);
12288 styleSheet.add(wrapped);
12289 } else {
12290 ignored.push(buildSelector);
12291 }
12292 }
12293 } else {
12294 ignored.push(buildSelector);
12295 }
12296 };
12298 // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
12299 for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(attrs)) {
12300 let notAllow = false;
12301 if (prefix) {
12302 if (key.startsWith(prefix)) {
12303 key = key.slice(prefix.length);
12304 } else {
12305 notAllow = true;
12306 }
12307 }
12308 if (_optionalChain([disable, 'optionalAccess', _19 => _19.includes, 'call', _20 => _20(key)])) notAllow = true;
12309 if (Array.isArray(value)) {
12310 value.forEach(i => _gStyle(key, i, false, notAllow, ignoreProcessed));
12311 } else {
12312 _gStyle(key, value, true, notAllow, ignoreProcessed);
12313 }
12314 }
12316 return {
12317 success,
12318 ignored,
12319 styleSheet: styleSheet.sort().combine(),
12320 };
12321 }
12323 loadPlugin({
12324 handler,
12325 config,
12326 }) {
12327 if (config) {
12328 config = this._resolveFunction(config);
12329 config = combineConfig(
12330 config ,
12331 this._config
12332 );
12333 const pluginTheme = config.theme ;
12334 const extendTheme = _optionalChain([pluginTheme, 'optionalAccess', _21 => _21.extend]) ;
12335 if (pluginTheme && extendTheme && typeof extendTheme === 'object') {
12336 for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(extendTheme)) {
12337 const themeValue = pluginTheme[key];
12338 if (themeValue && typeof themeValue === 'object') {
12339 pluginTheme[key] = { ...(_nullishCoalesce(themeValue, () => ( {}))), ...value };
12340 } else if (value && typeof value === 'object' ){
12341 pluginTheme[key] = value ;
12342 }
12343 }
12344 }
12345 this._config = { ...config, theme: pluginTheme };
12346 this._theme = pluginTheme;
12347 }
12348 this._config = this._resolveFunction(this._config);
12349 this._theme = this._config.theme;
12350 this._variants = { ...this._variants, ...this.resolveVariants() };
12351 handler(this.pluginUtils);
12352 }
12354 loadPluginWithOptions(optionsFunction, userOptions) {
12355 const plugin = optionsFunction(_nullishCoalesce(userOptions, () => ( {})));
12356 this.loadPlugin(plugin);
12357 }
12359 loadShortcuts(shortcuts) {
12360 for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(shortcuts)) {
12361 const prefix = this.config('prefix', '');
12362 if (typeof value === 'string') {
12363 this._plugin.shortcuts[key] = this.compile(value, undefined, undefined, false, undefined, cssEscape(prefix + key)).styleSheet.children.map(i => i.updateMeta('components', 'shortcuts', layerOrder['shortcuts'], ++this._cache.count));
12364 } else {
12365 let styles = [];
12366 Style.generate('.' + cssEscape(key), value).forEach(style => {
12367 for (const prop of style.property) {
12368 if (!prop.value) continue;
12369 if (prop.name === '@apply') {
12370 styles = styles.concat(this.compile(Array.isArray(prop.value)? prop.value.join(' ') : prop.value).styleSheet.children.map(i => {
12371 const newStyle = deepCopy(style);
12372 newStyle.property = [];
12373 return newStyle.extend(i);
12374 }));
12375 } else {
12376 const newStyle = deepCopy(style);
12377 newStyle.property = [ prop ];
12378 styles.push(newStyle);
12379 }
12380 }
12381 });
12382 this._plugin.shortcuts[key] = styles.map(i => i.updateMeta('components', 'shortcuts', layerOrder['shortcuts'], ++this._cache.count));
12383 }
12384 }
12385 }
12387 loadAlias(alias) {
12388 for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(alias)) {
12389 this._plugin.alias[key] = new ClassParser(value, undefined, this._cache.variants).parse();
12390 }
12391 }
12393 config(path, defaultValue) {
12394 if (path === 'corePlugins') return this._plugin.core ? Object.keys(this._plugin.core).filter(i => _optionalChain([this, 'access', _22 => _22._plugin, 'access', _23 => _23.core, 'optionalAccess', _24 => _24[i]])) : Object.keys(pluginOrder).slice(Object.keys(pluginOrder).length/2);
12395 return _nullishCoalesce(getNestedValue(this._config, path), () => ( defaultValue));
12396 }
12398 theme(path, defaultValue) {
12399 return this._theme ? _nullishCoalesce(getNestedValue(this._theme, path), () => ( defaultValue)) : undefined;
12400 }
12402 corePlugins(path) {
12403 if (Array.isArray(this._config.corePlugins)) {
12404 return (this._config.corePlugins ).includes(path);
12405 }
12406 return _nullishCoalesce((this.config(`corePlugins.${path}`, true) ), () => ( false));
12407 }
12409 variants(path, defaultValue = []) {
12410 if (Array.isArray(this._config.variants)) {
12411 return this._config.variants;
12412 }
12413 return this.config(`variants.${path}`, defaultValue) ;
12414 }
12416 e(selector) {
12417 return cssEscape(selector);
12418 }
12420 prefix(selector) {
12421 return selector.replace(/(?=[\w])/, _nullishCoalesce(this._config.prefix, () => ( '')));
12422 }
12424 addUtilities(
12425 utilities,
12426 options = {
12427 layer: 'utilities',
12428 variants: [],
12429 respectPrefix: true,
12430 respectImportant: true,
12431 }
12432 ) {
12433 if (Array.isArray(options)) options = { variants: options };
12434 if (Array.isArray(utilities)) utilities = utilities.reduce((previous, current) => combineConfig(previous, current), {}) ;
12435 let output = [];
12436 const layer = _nullishCoalesce(options.layer, () => ( 'utilities'));
12437 const order = layerOrder[layer] + 1;
12438 for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(utilities)) {
12439 const styles = Style.generate(key.startsWith('.') && options.respectPrefix ? this.prefix(key) : key, value);
12440 if (options.layer) styles.forEach(style => style.updateMeta(layer, 'plugin', order, ++this._cache.count));
12441 if (options.respectImportant && this._config.important) styles.forEach(style => style.important = true);
12442 let className = guessClassName(key);
12443 if (key.charAt(0) === '@') {
12444 styles.forEach(style => {
12445 if (style.selector) className = guessClassName(style.selector);
12446 if (Array.isArray(className)) {
12447 className.filter(i => i.isClass).forEach(({ selector, pseudo }) => this._addPluginProcessorCache('utilities', selector, pseudo? style.clone('.' + cssEscape(selector)).wrapSelector(selector => selector + pseudo) : style.clone()));
12448 const base = className.filter(i => !i.isClass).map(i => i.selector).join(', ');
12449 if (base) this._addPluginProcessorCache('static', base, style.clone(base));
12450 } else {
12451 this._addPluginProcessorCache(className.isClass? 'utilities' : 'static', className.selector, className.pseudo? style.clone('.' + cssEscape(className.selector)).wrapSelector(selector => selector + (className ).pseudo) : style.clone());
12452 }
12453 });
12454 } else if (Array.isArray(className)) {
12455 className.filter(i => i.isClass).forEach(({ selector, pseudo }) => this._addPluginProcessorCache('utilities', selector, pseudo ? styles.map(i => i.clone('.' + cssEscape(selector)).wrapSelector(selector => selector + pseudo)): deepCopy(styles)));
12456 const base = className.filter(i => !i.isClass).map(i => i.selector).join(', ');
12457 if (base) this._addPluginProcessorCache('static', base, styles.map(i => i.clone(base)));
12458 } else {
12459 this._addPluginProcessorCache(className.isClass? 'utilities': 'static', className.selector, className.pseudo ? styles.map(style => style.clone('.' + cssEscape((className ).selector)).wrapSelector(selector => selector + (className ).pseudo)) : styles);
12460 }
12461 output = [...output, ...styles];
12462 }
12463 return output;
12464 }
12466 addDynamic(
12467 key,
12468 generator,
12469 options = {
12470 layer: 'utilities',
12471 group: 'plugin',
12472 variants: [],
12473 completions: [],
12474 respectPrefix: true,
12475 respectImportant: true,
12476 respectSelector: false,
12477 }
12478 ) {
12479 const uOptions = Array.isArray(options)? { variants:options } : options;
12480 const layer = uOptions.layer || 'utilities';
12481 const group = uOptions.group || 'plugin';
12482 const order = uOptions.order || layerOrder[layer] + 1;
12483 if (uOptions.completions) this._plugin.completions[group] = group in this._plugin.completions ? [...this._plugin.completions[group], ...uOptions.completions] : uOptions.completions;
12484 const style = (selector, property, important = uOptions.respectImportant && this._config.important ? true : false) => new Style(selector, property, important);
12485 const prop = (name, value, comment, important = uOptions.respectImportant && this._config.important ? true : false) => new Property(name, value, comment, important);
12486 const keyframes = (selector, property, important = uOptions.respectImportant && this._config.important ? true : false) => new Keyframes(selector, property, important);
12487 keyframes.generate = Keyframes.generate;
12488 style.generate = Style.generate;
12489 prop.parse = Property.parse;
12490 this._plugin.dynamic[key] = (key in this._plugin.dynamic)
12491 ? (Utility) => deepCopy(this._plugin.dynamic[key])(Utility) || generator({ Utility, Style: style, Property: prop, Keyframes: keyframes })
12492 : (Utility) => {
12493 const output = generator({ Utility, Style: style, Property: prop, Keyframes: keyframes });
12494 if (!output) return;
12495 if (Array.isArray(output)) return output.map(i => i.updateMeta(layer, group, order, ++this._cache.count, false, i.meta.respectSelector || uOptions.respectSelector));
12496 return output.updateMeta(layer, group, order, ++this._cache.count, false, output.meta.respectSelector || uOptions.respectSelector);
12497 };
12498 return generator;
12499 }
12501 addComponents(
12502 components,
12503 options = { layer: 'components', variants: [], respectPrefix: false }
12504 ) {
12505 if (Array.isArray(options)) options = { variants: options };
12506 if (Array.isArray(components)) components = components.reduce((previous, current) => combineConfig(previous, current), {}) ;
12507 let output = [];
12508 const layer = _nullishCoalesce(options.layer, () => ( 'components'));
12509 const order = layerOrder[layer] + 1;
12510 for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(components)) {
12511 const styles = Style.generate(key.startsWith('.') && options.respectPrefix ? this.prefix(key): key, value);
12512 styles.forEach(style => style.updateMeta(layer, 'plugin', order, ++this._cache.count));
12513 if (options.respectImportant && this._config.important) styles.forEach(style => style.important = true);
12514 let className = guessClassName(key);
12515 if (key.charAt(0) === '@') {
12516 styles.forEach(style => {
12517 if (style.selector) className = guessClassName(style.selector);
12518 if (Array.isArray(className)) {
12519 className.filter(i => i.isClass).forEach(({ selector, pseudo }) => this._addPluginProcessorCache('components', selector, pseudo? style.clone('.' + cssEscape(selector)).wrapSelector(selector => selector + pseudo) : style.clone()));
12520 const base = className.filter(i => !i.isClass).map(i => i.selector).join(', ');
12521 if (base) this._addPluginProcessorCache('static', base, style.clone(base));
12522 } else {
12523 this._addPluginProcessorCache(className.isClass? 'components' : 'static', className.selector, className.pseudo? style.clone('.' + cssEscape(className.selector)).wrapSelector(selector => selector + (className ).pseudo) : style.clone());
12524 }
12525 });
12526 } else if (Array.isArray(className)) {
12527 // one of the selector are not class, treat the entire as static to avoid duplication
12528 if (className.some(i => !i.isClass)) {
12529 const base = className.map(i => i.selector).join(', ');
12530 if (base) this._addPluginProcessorCache('static', base, styles.map(i => i.clone(base)));
12531 }
12532 // class
12533 else {
12534 className.forEach(({ selector, pseudo }) => this._addPluginProcessorCache('components', selector, pseudo ? styles.map(i => i.clone('.' + cssEscape(selector)).wrapSelector(selector => selector + pseudo)): deepCopy(styles)));
12535 }
12536 } else {
12537 this._addPluginProcessorCache(className.isClass? 'components': 'static', className.selector, className.pseudo ? styles.map(style => style.clone('.' + cssEscape((className ).selector)).wrapSelector(selector => selector + (className ).pseudo)) : styles);
12538 }
12539 output = [...output, ...styles];
12540 }
12541 return output;
12542 }
12544 addBase(baseStyles) {
12545 let output = [];
12546 for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(baseStyles)) {
12547 const styles = Style.generate(key, value).map(i => i.updateMeta('base', 'plugin', 10, ++this._cache.count));
12548 this._replaceStyleVariants(styles);
12549 this._addPluginProcessorCache('preflights', key, styles);
12550 output = [...output, ...styles];
12551 }
12552 return output;
12553 }
12555 addVariant(
12556 name,
12557 generator,
12558 ) {
12559 // name && generator && options;
12560 const style = generator({
12561 ...this.variantUtils,
12562 separator: this.config('separator', ':') ,
12563 style: new Style(),
12564 });
12565 this._variants[name] = () => style;
12566 this._cache.variants.push(name);
12567 return style;
12568 }
12570 dumpConfig() {
12571 const processor = new Processor();
12572 const diff = diffConfig(processor._config, this._config) ;
12573 let output = { theme: { extend: {} }, plugins: [] } ;
12574 if (diff.theme) {
12575 for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(diff.theme)) {
12576 if (key !== 'extend') {
12577 (output.theme.extend )[key] = value;
12578 }
12579 }
12580 delete diff.theme;
12581 }
12582 if (diff.plugins) {
12583 for (const plugin of diff.plugins) {
12584 if ('config' in plugin) {
12585 delete plugin.config;
12586 }
12587 output.plugins.push(plugin);
12588 }
12589 delete diff.plugins;
12590 }
12591 output = { ...diff, ...output };
12593 return `module.exports = ${toSource(output)}`;
12594 }
12597exports.Processor = Processor;