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11 |
12 | const
13 | fs = require('fs'),
14 | path = require('path'),
15 | windowslib = require('..'),
16 | CERT_FILE = path.join(__dirname, 'Windows_TemporaryKey.pfx');
17 |
18 | describe('certs', function () {
19 | it('namespace should be an object', function () {
20 | should(windowslib.certs).be.an.Object;
21 | });
22 |
23 | it('parseCertUtilOutput() retrieves sha1 thumbprint from Italian output', function (done) {
24 | var output = "================ Certificato 0 ================\r\n" +
25 | "================ Inizio nidificazione livello 1 ================\r\n" +
26 | "Elemento 0:\r\n" +
27 | "Numero di serie: 11b6d24418117bb246138341b49e9bfe\r\n" +
28 | "Autorità emittente: CN=FEC38FFF-D0C5-4AA7-9644-5E96476CB034\r\n" +
29 | " NotBefore: 08/01/2016 10:53\r\n" +
30 | " NotAfter: 08/01/2018 01:00\r\n" +
31 | "Soggetto: CN=FEC38FFF-D0C5-4AA7-9644-5E96476CB034\r\n" +
32 | "La firma elettronica corrisponde alla chiave pubblica\r\n" +
33 | "Certificato radice: soggetto corrispondente all'autorità emittente\r\n" +
34 | "Hash certificato (sha1): f4 23 1f 8e 13 c7 fa 6f 22 14 dd 54 59 8e 10 e4 25 3a 40 7a\r\n" +
35 | "---------------- Fine nidificazione livello 1 ----------------\r\n" +
36 | " Provider = Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider\r\n" +
37 | "Verifica firma riuscita\r\n" +
38 | "CertUtil: - Esecuzione comando dump riuscita.";
39 | windowslib.certs.test.parseCertUtilOutput(CERT_FILE, output, function (err, value) {
40 | if (err) {
41 | return done(err);
42 | }
43 |
44 | should(value).equal('F4231F8E13C7FA6F2214DD54598E10E4253A407A');
45 |
46 | done();
47 | });
48 | });
49 |
50 | it('parseCertUtilOutput() retrieves sha1 thumbprint from English output', function (done) {
51 | var output = "Certificates: Not Encrypted\r\n" +
52 | "================ Certificate 0 ================\r\n" +
53 | "================ Begin Nesting Level 1 ================\r\n" +
54 | "Element 0:\r\n" +
55 | "Serial Number: ae0bba023dbbe5ac42782735199df0fc\r\n" +
56 | "Issuer: CN=CMake Test Cert\r\n" +
57 | " NotBefore: 1/1/2014 3:00 AM\r\n" +
58 | " NotAfter: 1/1/2100 3:00 AM\r\n" +
59 | "Subject: CN=CMake Test Cert\r\n" +
60 | "Signature matches Public Key\r\n" +
61 | "Root Certificate: Subject matches Issuer\r\n" +
62 | "Cert Hash(sha1): f6 3a ac 84 a0 88 4c db 01 26 c3 cd ea 99 1e 36 df 06 4b 3e\r\n" +
63 | "---------------- End Nesting Level 1 ----------------\r\n" +
64 | " Provider = Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider\r\n" +
65 | "Signature test passed\r\n" +
66 | "CertUtil: -dump command completed successfully..";
67 | windowslib.certs.test.parseCertUtilOutput(CERT_FILE, output, function (err, value) {
68 | if (err) {
69 | return done(err);
70 | }
71 |
72 | should(value).equal('F63AAC84A0884CDB0126C3CDEA991E36DF064B3E');
73 |
74 | done();
75 | });
76 | });
77 |
78 | (process.platform === 'win32' ? it : it.skip)('thumbprint retrieves sha1 thumbprint of cmake temp key with no password', function (done) {
79 | this.timeout(5000);
80 | this.slow(4000);
81 |
82 | windowslib.certs.thumbprint(CERT_FILE, null, function (err, value) {
83 | if (err) {
84 | return done(err);
85 | }
86 |
87 | should(value).equal('F63AAC84A0884CDB0126C3CDEA991E36DF064B3E');
88 |
89 | done();
90 | });
91 | });
92 | });