1 | # winston-loki
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10 | A Grafana Loki transport for the nodejs logging library Winston.
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12 | ## Usage
13 | This Winston transport is used similarly to other Winston transports. Require winston and define a new LokiTransport() inside its options when creating it.
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15 | ### Options
16 | LokiTransport() takes a Javascript object as an input. These are the options that are available, __required in bold__:
17 |
18 | | **Parameter** | **Description** | **Example** | **Default** |
19 | | ------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------- | -----------------------| ------------- |
20 | | __`host`__ | URL for Grafana Loki | http://localhost:3100 | null |
21 | | `interval` | The interval at which batched logs are sent in seconds | 30 | 5 |
22 | | `json` | Use JSON instead of Protobuf for transport | true | false |
23 | | `batching` | If batching is not used, the logs are sent as they come | true | true |
24 | | `clearOnError` | Discard any logs that result in an error during transport | true | false |
25 | | `replaceTimestamp` | Replace any log timestamps with Date.now() | true | false |
26 | | `labels` | custom labels, key-value pairs | { module: 'http' } | null |
27 | | `format` | winston format (https://github.com/winstonjs/winston#formats) | simple() | null |
28 | | `gracefulShutdown` | Enable/disable graceful shutdown (wait for any unsent batches) | false | true |
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30 | ### Example
31 | With default formatting:
32 | ```js
33 | const { createLogger, transports } = require("winston");
34 | const LokiTransport = require("winston-loki");
35 | const options = {
36 | ...,
37 | transports: [
38 | new LokiTransport({
39 | host: "http://localhost:3100"
40 | })
41 | ]
42 | ...
43 | };
44 | const logger = createLogger(options);
45 | ```
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47 | You can set custom labels in every log as well like this:
48 | ```js
49 | logger.debug({ message: 'test', labels: { 'key': 'value' } })
50 | ```
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52 | TODO: Add custom formatting example
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54 | ## Developing
55 | ### Requirements
56 | Running a local Loki for testing is probably required, and the easiest way to do that is to follow this guide: https://github.com/grafana/loki/tree/master/production#run-locally-using-docker. After that, Grafana Loki instance is available at `http://localhost:3100`, with a Grafana instance running at `http://localhost:3000`. Username `admin`, password `admin`. Add the Loki source with the URL `http://loki:3100`, and the explorer should work.
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58 | Refer to https://github.com/grafana/loki/blob/master/docs/api.md for documentation about the available endpoints, data formats etc.
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60 | ### Example
61 | ```sh
62 | npm install
63 | npm link
64 | cd ~/your_project
65 | npm link winston-loki
66 | npm install
67 | ```
68 | And you should have a working, requirable winston-loki package under your project's node_modules.
69 | After the link has been established, any changes to winston-loki should show on rerun of the software that uses it.
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71 | ### Run tests
72 | ```sh
73 | npm test
74 | ```
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76 | Write new ones under `/test`