6.06 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict';
4 Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
6 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8 You may obtain a copy of the License at
10 https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16 limitations under the License.
19var ol = require('common-tags').oneLine;
21module.exports = {
22 'unable-to-get-rootdir': `Unable to get the root directory of your web app.`,
23 'no-extension': ol`Unable to detect a usable extension for a file in your web
24 app directory.`,
25 'invalid-file-manifest-name': ol`The File Manifest Name must have at least one
26 character.`,
27 'unable-to-get-file-manifest-name': 'Unable to get a file manifest name.',
28 'invalid-sw-dest': `The 'swDest' value must be a valid path.`,
29 'unable-to-get-sw-name': 'Unable to get a service worker file name.',
30 'unable-to-get-save-config': ol`An error occurred when asking to save details
31 in a config file.`,
32 'unable-to-get-file-hash': ol`An error occurred when attempting to create a
33 file hash.`,
34 'unable-to-get-file-size': ol`An error occurred when attempting to get a file
35 size.`,
36 'unable-to-glob-files': 'An error occurred when globbing for files.',
37 'unable-to-make-manifest-directory': ol`Unable to make output directory for
38 file manifest.`,
39 'read-manifest-template-failure': 'Unable to read template for file manifest',
40 'populating-manifest-tmpl-failed': ol`An error occurred when populating the
41 file manifest template.`,
42 'manifest-file-write-failure': 'Unable to write the file manifest.',
43 'unable-to-make-sw-directory': ol`Unable to make the directories to output
44 the service worker path.`,
45 'read-sw-template-failure': ol`Unable to read the service worker template
46 file.`,
47 'sw-write-failure': 'Unable to write the service worker file.',
48 'sw-write-failure-directory': ol`Unable to write the service worker file;
49 'swDest' should be a full path to the file, not a path to a directory.`,
50 'unable-to-copy-workbox-libraries': ol`One or more of the Workbox libraries
51 could not be copied over to the destination directory: `,
52 'invalid-generate-sw-input': ol`The input to generateSW() must be an object.`,
53 'invalid-glob-directory': ol`The supplied globDirectory must be a path as a
54 string.`,
55 'invalid-dont-cache-bust': ol`The supplied 'dontCacheBustUrlsMatching'
56 parameter must be a RegExp.`,
57 'invalid-exclude-files': 'The excluded files should be an array of strings.',
58 'invalid-get-manifest-entries-input': ol`The input to
59 'getFileManifestEntries()' must be an object.`,
60 'invalid-manifest-path': ol`The supplied manifest path is not a string with
61 at least one character.`,
62 'invalid-manifest-entries': ol`The manifest entries must be an array of
63 strings or JavaScript objects containing a url parameter.`,
64 'invalid-manifest-format': ol`The value of the 'format' option passed to
65 generateFileManifest() must be either 'iife' (the default) or 'es'.`,
66 'invalid-static-file-globs': ol`The 'globPatterns' value must be an array
67 of strings.`,
68 'invalid-templated-urls': ol`The 'templatedUrls' value should be an object
69 that maps URLs to either a string, or to an array of glob patterns.`,
70 'templated-url-matches-glob': ol`One of the 'templatedUrls' URLs is already
71 being tracked via 'globPatterns': `,
72 'invalid-glob-ignores': ol`The 'globIgnores' parameter must be an array of
73 glob pattern strings.`,
74 'manifest-entry-bad-url': ol`The generated manifest contains an entry without
75 a URL string. This is likely an error with workbox-build.`,
76 'modify-url-prefix-bad-prefixes': ol`The 'modifyUrlPrefix' parameter must be
77 an object with string key value pairs.`,
78 'invalid-inject-manifest-arg': ol`The input to 'injectManifest()' must be an
79 object.`,
80 'injection-point-not-found': ol`Unable to find a place to inject the manifest.
81 Please ensure that your service worker file contains the following: `,
82 'multiple-injection-points': ol`Please ensure that your 'swSrc' file contains
83 only one match for the RegExp:`,
84 'populating-sw-tmpl-failed': ol`Unable to generate service worker from
85 template.`,
86 'useless-glob-pattern': ol`One of the glob patterns doesn't match any files.
87 Please remove or fix the following: `,
88 'bad-template-urls-asset': ol`There was an issue using one of the provided
89 'templatedUrls'.`,
90 'invalid-runtime-caching': ol`The 'runtimeCaching' parameter must an an
91 array of objects with at least a 'urlPattern' and 'handler'.`,
92 'static-file-globs-deprecated': ol`'staticFileGlobs' is deprecated.
93 Please use 'globPatterns' instead.`,
94 'dynamic-url-deprecated': ol`'dynamicUrlToDependencies' is deprecated.
95 Please use 'templatedUrls' instead.`,
96 'urlPattern-is-required': ol`The 'urlPattern' option is required when using
97 'runtimeCaching'.`,
98 'handler-is-required': ol`The 'handler' option is required when using
99 runtimeCaching.`,
100 'invalid-generate-file-manifest-arg': ol`The input to generateFileManifest()
101 must be an Object.`,
102 'invalid-sw-src': `The 'swSrc' file can't be read.`,
103 'same-src-and-dest': ol`'swSrc' and 'swDest' should not be set to the same ` + `file. Please use a different file path for 'swDest'.`,
104 'only-regexp-routes-supported': ol`Please use a regular expression object as
105 the urlPattern parameter. (Express-style routes are not currently
106 supported.)`,
107 'bad-runtime-caching-config': ol`An unknown configuration option was used
108 with runtimeCaching:`,
109 'invalid-network-timeout-seconds': ol`When using networkTimeoutSeconds, you
110 must set the handler to 'networkFirst'.`,
111 'no-module-name': ol`You must provide a moduleName parameter when calling
112 getModuleUrl().`
\No newline at end of file