22.7 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1this.workbox = this.workbox || {};
2this.workbox.expiration = (function (exports, assert_js, dontWaitFor_js, logger_js, WorkboxError_js, DBWrapper_js, deleteDatabase_js, cacheNames_js, getFriendlyURL_js, registerQuotaErrorCallback_js) {
3 'use strict';
5 try {
6 self['workbox:expiration:5.1.4'] && _();
7 } catch (e) {}
9 /*
10 Copyright 2018 Google LLC
12 Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
13 license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
14 https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
15 */
16 const DB_NAME = 'workbox-expiration';
17 const OBJECT_STORE_NAME = 'cache-entries';
19 const normalizeURL = unNormalizedUrl => {
20 const url = new URL(unNormalizedUrl, location.href);
21 url.hash = '';
22 return url.href;
23 };
24 /**
25 * Returns the timestamp model.
26 *
27 * @private
28 */
31 class CacheTimestampsModel {
32 /**
33 *
34 * @param {string} cacheName
35 *
36 * @private
37 */
38 constructor(cacheName) {
39 this._cacheName = cacheName;
40 this._db = new DBWrapper_js.DBWrapper(DB_NAME, 1, {
41 onupgradeneeded: event => this._handleUpgrade(event)
42 });
43 }
44 /**
45 * Should perform an upgrade of indexedDB.
46 *
47 * @param {Event} event
48 *
49 * @private
50 */
53 _handleUpgrade(event) {
54 const db = event.target.result; // TODO(philipwalton): EdgeHTML doesn't support arrays as a keyPath, so we
55 // have to use the `id` keyPath here and create our own values (a
56 // concatenation of `url + cacheName`) instead of simply using
57 // `keyPath: ['url', 'cacheName']`, which is supported in other browsers.
59 const objStore = db.createObjectStore(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, {
60 keyPath: 'id'
61 }); // TODO(philipwalton): once we don't have to support EdgeHTML, we can
62 // create a single index with the keyPath `['cacheName', 'timestamp']`
63 // instead of doing both these indexes.
65 objStore.createIndex('cacheName', 'cacheName', {
66 unique: false
67 });
68 objStore.createIndex('timestamp', 'timestamp', {
69 unique: false
70 }); // Previous versions of `workbox-expiration` used `this._cacheName`
71 // as the IDBDatabase name.
73 deleteDatabase_js.deleteDatabase(this._cacheName);
74 }
75 /**
76 * @param {string} url
77 * @param {number} timestamp
78 *
79 * @private
80 */
83 async setTimestamp(url, timestamp) {
84 url = normalizeURL(url);
85 const entry = {
86 url,
87 timestamp,
88 cacheName: this._cacheName,
89 // Creating an ID from the URL and cache name won't be necessary once
90 // Edge switches to Chromium and all browsers we support work with
91 // array keyPaths.
92 id: this._getId(url)
93 };
94 await this._db.put(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, entry);
95 }
96 /**
97 * Returns the timestamp stored for a given URL.
98 *
99 * @param {string} url
100 * @return {number}
101 *
102 * @private
103 */
106 async getTimestamp(url) {
107 const entry = await this._db.get(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, this._getId(url));
108 return entry.timestamp;
109 }
110 /**
111 * Iterates through all the entries in the object store (from newest to
112 * oldest) and removes entries once either `maxCount` is reached or the
113 * entry's timestamp is less than `minTimestamp`.
114 *
115 * @param {number} minTimestamp
116 * @param {number} maxCount
117 * @return {Array<string>}
118 *
119 * @private
120 */
123 async expireEntries(minTimestamp, maxCount) {
124 const entriesToDelete = await this._db.transaction(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, 'readwrite', (txn, done) => {
125 const store = txn.objectStore(OBJECT_STORE_NAME);
126 const request = store.index('timestamp').openCursor(null, 'prev');
127 const entriesToDelete = [];
128 let entriesNotDeletedCount = 0;
130 request.onsuccess = () => {
131 const cursor = request.result;
133 if (cursor) {
134 const result = cursor.value; // TODO(philipwalton): once we can use a multi-key index, we
135 // won't have to check `cacheName` here.
137 if (result.cacheName === this._cacheName) {
138 // Delete an entry if it's older than the max age or
139 // if we already have the max number allowed.
140 if (minTimestamp && result.timestamp < minTimestamp || maxCount && entriesNotDeletedCount >= maxCount) {
141 // TODO(philipwalton): we should be able to delete the
142 // entry right here, but doing so causes an iteration
143 // bug in Safari stable (fixed in TP). Instead we can
144 // store the keys of the entries to delete, and then
145 // delete the separate transactions.
146 // https://github.com/GoogleChrome/workbox/issues/1978
147 // cursor.delete();
148 // We only need to return the URL, not the whole entry.
149 entriesToDelete.push(cursor.value);
150 } else {
151 entriesNotDeletedCount++;
152 }
153 }
155 cursor.continue();
156 } else {
157 done(entriesToDelete);
158 }
159 };
160 }); // TODO(philipwalton): once the Safari bug in the following issue is fixed,
161 // we should be able to remove this loop and do the entry deletion in the
162 // cursor loop above:
163 // https://github.com/GoogleChrome/workbox/issues/1978
165 const urlsDeleted = [];
167 for (const entry of entriesToDelete) {
168 await this._db.delete(OBJECT_STORE_NAME, entry.id);
169 urlsDeleted.push(entry.url);
170 }
172 return urlsDeleted;
173 }
174 /**
175 * Takes a URL and returns an ID that will be unique in the object store.
176 *
177 * @param {string} url
178 * @return {string}
179 *
180 * @private
181 */
184 _getId(url) {
185 // Creating an ID from the URL and cache name won't be necessary once
186 // Edge switches to Chromium and all browsers we support work with
187 // array keyPaths.
188 return this._cacheName + '|' + normalizeURL(url);
189 }
191 }
193 /*
194 Copyright 2018 Google LLC
196 Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
197 license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
198 https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
199 */
200 /**
201 * The `CacheExpiration` class allows you define an expiration and / or
202 * limit on the number of responses stored in a
203 * [`Cache`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Cache).
204 *
205 * @memberof module:workbox-expiration
206 */
208 class CacheExpiration {
209 /**
210 * To construct a new CacheExpiration instance you must provide at least
211 * one of the `config` properties.
212 *
213 * @param {string} cacheName Name of the cache to apply restrictions to.
214 * @param {Object} config
215 * @param {number} [config.maxEntries] The maximum number of entries to cache.
216 * Entries used the least will be removed as the maximum is reached.
217 * @param {number} [config.maxAgeSeconds] The maximum age of an entry before
218 * it's treated as stale and removed.
219 */
220 constructor(cacheName, config = {}) {
221 this._isRunning = false;
222 this._rerunRequested = false;
224 {
225 assert_js.assert.isType(cacheName, 'string', {
226 moduleName: 'workbox-expiration',
227 className: 'CacheExpiration',
228 funcName: 'constructor',
229 paramName: 'cacheName'
230 });
232 if (!(config.maxEntries || config.maxAgeSeconds)) {
233 throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError('max-entries-or-age-required', {
234 moduleName: 'workbox-expiration',
235 className: 'CacheExpiration',
236 funcName: 'constructor'
237 });
238 }
240 if (config.maxEntries) {
241 assert_js.assert.isType(config.maxEntries, 'number', {
242 moduleName: 'workbox-expiration',
243 className: 'CacheExpiration',
244 funcName: 'constructor',
245 paramName: 'config.maxEntries'
246 }); // TODO: Assert is positive
247 }
249 if (config.maxAgeSeconds) {
250 assert_js.assert.isType(config.maxAgeSeconds, 'number', {
251 moduleName: 'workbox-expiration',
252 className: 'CacheExpiration',
253 funcName: 'constructor',
254 paramName: 'config.maxAgeSeconds'
255 }); // TODO: Assert is positive
256 }
257 }
259 this._maxEntries = config.maxEntries;
260 this._maxAgeSeconds = config.maxAgeSeconds;
261 this._cacheName = cacheName;
262 this._timestampModel = new CacheTimestampsModel(cacheName);
263 }
264 /**
265 * Expires entries for the given cache and given criteria.
266 */
269 async expireEntries() {
270 if (this._isRunning) {
271 this._rerunRequested = true;
272 return;
273 }
275 this._isRunning = true;
276 const minTimestamp = this._maxAgeSeconds ? Date.now() - this._maxAgeSeconds * 1000 : 0;
277 const urlsExpired = await this._timestampModel.expireEntries(minTimestamp, this._maxEntries); // Delete URLs from the cache
279 const cache = await self.caches.open(this._cacheName);
281 for (const url of urlsExpired) {
282 await cache.delete(url);
283 }
285 {
286 if (urlsExpired.length > 0) {
287 logger_js.logger.groupCollapsed(`Expired ${urlsExpired.length} ` + `${urlsExpired.length === 1 ? 'entry' : 'entries'} and removed ` + `${urlsExpired.length === 1 ? 'it' : 'them'} from the ` + `'${this._cacheName}' cache.`);
288 logger_js.logger.log(`Expired the following ${urlsExpired.length === 1 ? 'URL' : 'URLs'}:`);
289 urlsExpired.forEach(url => logger_js.logger.log(` ${url}`));
290 logger_js.logger.groupEnd();
291 } else {
292 logger_js.logger.debug(`Cache expiration ran and found no entries to remove.`);
293 }
294 }
296 this._isRunning = false;
298 if (this._rerunRequested) {
299 this._rerunRequested = false;
300 dontWaitFor_js.dontWaitFor(this.expireEntries());
301 }
302 }
303 /**
304 * Update the timestamp for the given URL. This ensures the when
305 * removing entries based on maximum entries, most recently used
306 * is accurate or when expiring, the timestamp is up-to-date.
307 *
308 * @param {string} url
309 */
312 async updateTimestamp(url) {
313 {
314 assert_js.assert.isType(url, 'string', {
315 moduleName: 'workbox-expiration',
316 className: 'CacheExpiration',
317 funcName: 'updateTimestamp',
318 paramName: 'url'
319 });
320 }
322 await this._timestampModel.setTimestamp(url, Date.now());
323 }
324 /**
325 * Can be used to check if a URL has expired or not before it's used.
326 *
327 * This requires a look up from IndexedDB, so can be slow.
328 *
329 * Note: This method will not remove the cached entry, call
330 * `expireEntries()` to remove indexedDB and Cache entries.
331 *
332 * @param {string} url
333 * @return {boolean}
334 */
337 async isURLExpired(url) {
338 if (!this._maxAgeSeconds) {
339 {
340 throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError(`expired-test-without-max-age`, {
341 methodName: 'isURLExpired',
342 paramName: 'maxAgeSeconds'
343 });
344 }
345 } else {
346 const timestamp = await this._timestampModel.getTimestamp(url);
347 const expireOlderThan = Date.now() - this._maxAgeSeconds * 1000;
348 return timestamp < expireOlderThan;
349 }
350 }
351 /**
352 * Removes the IndexedDB object store used to keep track of cache expiration
353 * metadata.
354 */
357 async delete() {
358 // Make sure we don't attempt another rerun if we're called in the middle of
359 // a cache expiration.
360 this._rerunRequested = false;
361 await this._timestampModel.expireEntries(Infinity); // Expires all.
362 }
364 }
366 /*
367 Copyright 2018 Google LLC
369 Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
370 license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
371 https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
372 */
373 /**
374 * This plugin can be used in the Workbox APIs to regularly enforce a
375 * limit on the age and / or the number of cached requests.
376 *
377 * Whenever a cached request is used or updated, this plugin will look
378 * at the used Cache and remove any old or extra requests.
379 *
380 * When using `maxAgeSeconds`, requests may be used *once* after expiring
381 * because the expiration clean up will not have occurred until *after* the
382 * cached request has been used. If the request has a "Date" header, then
383 * a light weight expiration check is performed and the request will not be
384 * used immediately.
385 *
386 * When using `maxEntries`, the entry least-recently requested will be removed
387 * from the cache first.
388 *
389 * @memberof module:workbox-expiration
390 */
392 class ExpirationPlugin {
393 /**
394 * @param {Object} config
395 * @param {number} [config.maxEntries] The maximum number of entries to cache.
396 * Entries used the least will be removed as the maximum is reached.
397 * @param {number} [config.maxAgeSeconds] The maximum age of an entry before
398 * it's treated as stale and removed.
399 * @param {boolean} [config.purgeOnQuotaError] Whether to opt this cache in to
400 * automatic deletion if the available storage quota has been exceeded.
401 */
402 constructor(config = {}) {
403 /**
404 * A "lifecycle" callback that will be triggered automatically by the
405 * `workbox-strategies` handlers when a `Response` is about to be returned
406 * from a [Cache](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Cache) to
407 * the handler. It allows the `Response` to be inspected for freshness and
408 * prevents it from being used if the `Response`'s `Date` header value is
409 * older than the configured `maxAgeSeconds`.
410 *
411 * @param {Object} options
412 * @param {string} options.cacheName Name of the cache the response is in.
413 * @param {Response} options.cachedResponse The `Response` object that's been
414 * read from a cache and whose freshness should be checked.
415 * @return {Response} Either the `cachedResponse`, if it's
416 * fresh, or `null` if the `Response` is older than `maxAgeSeconds`.
417 *
418 * @private
419 */
420 this.cachedResponseWillBeUsed = async ({
421 event,
422 request,
423 cacheName,
424 cachedResponse
425 }) => {
426 if (!cachedResponse) {
427 return null;
428 }
430 const isFresh = this._isResponseDateFresh(cachedResponse); // Expire entries to ensure that even if the expiration date has
431 // expired, it'll only be used once.
434 const cacheExpiration = this._getCacheExpiration(cacheName);
436 dontWaitFor_js.dontWaitFor(cacheExpiration.expireEntries()); // Update the metadata for the request URL to the current timestamp,
437 // but don't `await` it as we don't want to block the response.
439 const updateTimestampDone = cacheExpiration.updateTimestamp(request.url);
441 if (event) {
442 try {
443 event.waitUntil(updateTimestampDone);
444 } catch (error) {
445 {
446 // The event may not be a fetch event; only log the URL if it is.
447 if ('request' in event) {
448 logger_js.logger.warn(`Unable to ensure service worker stays alive when ` + `updating cache entry for ` + `'${getFriendlyURL_js.getFriendlyURL(event.request.url)}'.`);
449 }
450 }
451 }
452 }
454 return isFresh ? cachedResponse : null;
455 };
456 /**
457 * A "lifecycle" callback that will be triggered automatically by the
458 * `workbox-strategies` handlers when an entry is added to a cache.
459 *
460 * @param {Object} options
461 * @param {string} options.cacheName Name of the cache that was updated.
462 * @param {string} options.request The Request for the cached entry.
463 *
464 * @private
465 */
468 this.cacheDidUpdate = async ({
469 cacheName,
470 request
471 }) => {
472 {
473 assert_js.assert.isType(cacheName, 'string', {
474 moduleName: 'workbox-expiration',
475 className: 'Plugin',
476 funcName: 'cacheDidUpdate',
477 paramName: 'cacheName'
478 });
479 assert_js.assert.isInstance(request, Request, {
480 moduleName: 'workbox-expiration',
481 className: 'Plugin',
482 funcName: 'cacheDidUpdate',
483 paramName: 'request'
484 });
485 }
487 const cacheExpiration = this._getCacheExpiration(cacheName);
489 await cacheExpiration.updateTimestamp(request.url);
490 await cacheExpiration.expireEntries();
491 };
493 {
494 if (!(config.maxEntries || config.maxAgeSeconds)) {
495 throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError('max-entries-or-age-required', {
496 moduleName: 'workbox-expiration',
497 className: 'Plugin',
498 funcName: 'constructor'
499 });
500 }
502 if (config.maxEntries) {
503 assert_js.assert.isType(config.maxEntries, 'number', {
504 moduleName: 'workbox-expiration',
505 className: 'Plugin',
506 funcName: 'constructor',
507 paramName: 'config.maxEntries'
508 });
509 }
511 if (config.maxAgeSeconds) {
512 assert_js.assert.isType(config.maxAgeSeconds, 'number', {
513 moduleName: 'workbox-expiration',
514 className: 'Plugin',
515 funcName: 'constructor',
516 paramName: 'config.maxAgeSeconds'
517 });
518 }
519 }
521 this._config = config;
522 this._maxAgeSeconds = config.maxAgeSeconds;
523 this._cacheExpirations = new Map();
525 if (config.purgeOnQuotaError) {
526 registerQuotaErrorCallback_js.registerQuotaErrorCallback(() => this.deleteCacheAndMetadata());
527 }
528 }
529 /**
530 * A simple helper method to return a CacheExpiration instance for a given
531 * cache name.
532 *
533 * @param {string} cacheName
534 * @return {CacheExpiration}
535 *
536 * @private
537 */
540 _getCacheExpiration(cacheName) {
541 if (cacheName === cacheNames_js.cacheNames.getRuntimeName()) {
542 throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError('expire-custom-caches-only');
543 }
545 let cacheExpiration = this._cacheExpirations.get(cacheName);
547 if (!cacheExpiration) {
548 cacheExpiration = new CacheExpiration(cacheName, this._config);
550 this._cacheExpirations.set(cacheName, cacheExpiration);
551 }
553 return cacheExpiration;
554 }
555 /**
556 * @param {Response} cachedResponse
557 * @return {boolean}
558 *
559 * @private
560 */
563 _isResponseDateFresh(cachedResponse) {
564 if (!this._maxAgeSeconds) {
565 // We aren't expiring by age, so return true, it's fresh
566 return true;
567 } // Check if the 'date' header will suffice a quick expiration check.
568 // See https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/sw-toolbox/issues/164 for
569 // discussion.
572 const dateHeaderTimestamp = this._getDateHeaderTimestamp(cachedResponse);
574 if (dateHeaderTimestamp === null) {
575 // Unable to parse date, so assume it's fresh.
576 return true;
577 } // If we have a valid headerTime, then our response is fresh iff the
578 // headerTime plus maxAgeSeconds is greater than the current time.
581 const now = Date.now();
582 return dateHeaderTimestamp >= now - this._maxAgeSeconds * 1000;
583 }
584 /**
585 * This method will extract the data header and parse it into a useful
586 * value.
587 *
588 * @param {Response} cachedResponse
589 * @return {number|null}
590 *
591 * @private
592 */
595 _getDateHeaderTimestamp(cachedResponse) {
596 if (!cachedResponse.headers.has('date')) {
597 return null;
598 }
600 const dateHeader = cachedResponse.headers.get('date');
601 const parsedDate = new Date(dateHeader);
602 const headerTime = parsedDate.getTime(); // If the Date header was invalid for some reason, parsedDate.getTime()
603 // will return NaN.
605 if (isNaN(headerTime)) {
606 return null;
607 }
609 return headerTime;
610 }
611 /**
612 * This is a helper method that performs two operations:
613 *
614 * - Deletes *all* the underlying Cache instances associated with this plugin
615 * instance, by calling caches.delete() on your behalf.
616 * - Deletes the metadata from IndexedDB used to keep track of expiration
617 * details for each Cache instance.
618 *
619 * When using cache expiration, calling this method is preferable to calling
620 * `caches.delete()` directly, since this will ensure that the IndexedDB
621 * metadata is also cleanly removed and open IndexedDB instances are deleted.
622 *
623 * Note that if you're *not* using cache expiration for a given cache, calling
624 * `caches.delete()` and passing in the cache's name should be sufficient.
625 * There is no Workbox-specific method needed for cleanup in that case.
626 */
629 async deleteCacheAndMetadata() {
630 // Do this one at a time instead of all at once via `Promise.all()` to
631 // reduce the chance of inconsistency if a promise rejects.
632 for (const [cacheName, cacheExpiration] of this._cacheExpirations) {
633 await self.caches.delete(cacheName);
634 await cacheExpiration.delete();
635 } // Reset this._cacheExpirations to its initial state.
638 this._cacheExpirations = new Map();
639 }
641 }
643 exports.CacheExpiration = CacheExpiration;
644 exports.ExpirationPlugin = ExpirationPlugin;
646 return exports;
648}({}, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core));