30.9 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1this.workbox = this.workbox || {};
2this.workbox.routing = (function (exports, assert_js, logger_js, WorkboxError_js, getFriendlyURL_js) {
3 'use strict';
5 try {
6 self['workbox:routing:5.1.4'] && _();
7 } catch (e) {}
9 /*
10 Copyright 2018 Google LLC
12 Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
13 license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
14 https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
15 */
16 /**
17 * The default HTTP method, 'GET', used when there's no specific method
18 * configured for a route.
19 *
20 * @type {string}
21 *
22 * @private
23 */
25 const defaultMethod = 'GET';
26 /**
27 * The list of valid HTTP methods associated with requests that could be routed.
28 *
29 * @type {Array<string>}
30 *
31 * @private
32 */
34 const validMethods = ['DELETE', 'GET', 'HEAD', 'PATCH', 'POST', 'PUT'];
36 /*
37 Copyright 2018 Google LLC
39 Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
40 license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
41 https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
42 */
43 /**
44 * @param {function()|Object} handler Either a function, or an object with a
45 * 'handle' method.
46 * @return {Object} An object with a handle method.
47 *
48 * @private
49 */
51 const normalizeHandler = handler => {
52 if (handler && typeof handler === 'object') {
53 {
54 assert_js.assert.hasMethod(handler, 'handle', {
55 moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
56 className: 'Route',
57 funcName: 'constructor',
58 paramName: 'handler'
59 });
60 }
62 return handler;
63 } else {
64 {
65 assert_js.assert.isType(handler, 'function', {
66 moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
67 className: 'Route',
68 funcName: 'constructor',
69 paramName: 'handler'
70 });
71 }
73 return {
74 handle: handler
75 };
76 }
77 };
79 /*
80 Copyright 2018 Google LLC
82 Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
83 license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
84 https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
85 */
86 /**
87 * A `Route` consists of a pair of callback functions, "match" and "handler".
88 * The "match" callback determine if a route should be used to "handle" a
89 * request by returning a non-falsy value if it can. The "handler" callback
90 * is called when there is a match and should return a Promise that resolves
91 * to a `Response`.
92 *
93 * @memberof module:workbox-routing
94 */
96 class Route {
97 /**
98 * Constructor for Route class.
99 *
100 * @param {module:workbox-routing~matchCallback} match
101 * A callback function that determines whether the route matches a given
102 * `fetch` event by returning a non-falsy value.
103 * @param {module:workbox-routing~handlerCallback} handler A callback
104 * function that returns a Promise resolving to a Response.
105 * @param {string} [method='GET'] The HTTP method to match the Route
106 * against.
107 */
108 constructor(match, handler, method = defaultMethod) {
109 {
110 assert_js.assert.isType(match, 'function', {
111 moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
112 className: 'Route',
113 funcName: 'constructor',
114 paramName: 'match'
115 });
117 if (method) {
118 assert_js.assert.isOneOf(method, validMethods, {
119 paramName: 'method'
120 });
121 }
122 } // These values are referenced directly by Router so cannot be
123 // altered by minificaton.
126 this.handler = normalizeHandler(handler);
127 this.match = match;
128 this.method = method;
129 }
131 }
133 /*
134 Copyright 2018 Google LLC
136 Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
137 license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
138 https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
139 */
140 /**
141 * NavigationRoute makes it easy to create a
142 * [Route]{@link module:workbox-routing.Route} that matches for browser
143 * [navigation requests]{@link https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/primers/service-workers/high-performance-loading#first_what_are_navigation_requests}.
144 *
145 * It will only match incoming Requests whose
146 * [`mode`]{@link https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-request-mode}
147 * is set to `navigate`.
148 *
149 * You can optionally only apply this route to a subset of navigation requests
150 * by using one or both of the `denylist` and `allowlist` parameters.
151 *
152 * @memberof module:workbox-routing
153 * @extends module:workbox-routing.Route
154 */
156 class NavigationRoute extends Route {
157 /**
158 * If both `denylist` and `allowlist` are provided, the `denylist` will
159 * take precedence and the request will not match this route.
160 *
161 * The regular expressions in `allowlist` and `denylist`
162 * are matched against the concatenated
163 * [`pathname`]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils/pathname}
164 * and [`search`]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils/search}
165 * portions of the requested URL.
166 *
167 * @param {module:workbox-routing~handlerCallback} handler A callback
168 * function that returns a Promise resulting in a Response.
169 * @param {Object} options
170 * @param {Array<RegExp>} [options.denylist] If any of these patterns match,
171 * the route will not handle the request (even if a allowlist RegExp matches).
172 * @param {Array<RegExp>} [options.allowlist=[/./]] If any of these patterns
173 * match the URL's pathname and search parameter, the route will handle the
174 * request (assuming the denylist doesn't match).
175 */
176 constructor(handler, {
177 allowlist = [/./],
178 denylist = []
179 } = {}) {
180 {
181 assert_js.assert.isArrayOfClass(allowlist, RegExp, {
182 moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
183 className: 'NavigationRoute',
184 funcName: 'constructor',
185 paramName: 'options.allowlist'
186 });
187 assert_js.assert.isArrayOfClass(denylist, RegExp, {
188 moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
189 className: 'NavigationRoute',
190 funcName: 'constructor',
191 paramName: 'options.denylist'
192 });
193 }
195 super(options => this._match(options), handler);
196 this._allowlist = allowlist;
197 this._denylist = denylist;
198 }
199 /**
200 * Routes match handler.
201 *
202 * @param {Object} options
203 * @param {URL} options.url
204 * @param {Request} options.request
205 * @return {boolean}
206 *
207 * @private
208 */
211 _match({
212 url,
213 request
214 }) {
215 if (request && request.mode !== 'navigate') {
216 return false;
217 }
219 const pathnameAndSearch = url.pathname + url.search;
221 for (const regExp of this._denylist) {
222 if (regExp.test(pathnameAndSearch)) {
223 {
224 logger_js.logger.log(`The navigation route ${pathnameAndSearch} is not ` + `being used, since the URL matches this denylist pattern: ` + `${regExp}`);
225 }
227 return false;
228 }
229 }
231 if (this._allowlist.some(regExp => regExp.test(pathnameAndSearch))) {
232 {
233 logger_js.logger.debug(`The navigation route ${pathnameAndSearch} ` + `is being used.`);
234 }
236 return true;
237 }
239 {
240 logger_js.logger.log(`The navigation route ${pathnameAndSearch} is not ` + `being used, since the URL being navigated to doesn't ` + `match the allowlist.`);
241 }
243 return false;
244 }
246 }
248 /*
249 Copyright 2018 Google LLC
251 Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
252 license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
253 https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
254 */
255 /**
256 * RegExpRoute makes it easy to create a regular expression based
257 * [Route]{@link module:workbox-routing.Route}.
258 *
259 * For same-origin requests the RegExp only needs to match part of the URL. For
260 * requests against third-party servers, you must define a RegExp that matches
261 * the start of the URL.
262 *
263 * [See the module docs for info.]{@link https://developers.google.com/web/tools/workbox/modules/workbox-routing}
264 *
265 * @memberof module:workbox-routing
266 * @extends module:workbox-routing.Route
267 */
269 class RegExpRoute extends Route {
270 /**
271 * If the regular expression contains
272 * [capture groups]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/RegExp#grouping-back-references},
273 * the captured values will be passed to the
274 * [handler's]{@link module:workbox-routing~handlerCallback} `params`
275 * argument.
276 *
277 * @param {RegExp} regExp The regular expression to match against URLs.
278 * @param {module:workbox-routing~handlerCallback} handler A callback
279 * function that returns a Promise resulting in a Response.
280 * @param {string} [method='GET'] The HTTP method to match the Route
281 * against.
282 */
283 constructor(regExp, handler, method) {
284 {
285 assert_js.assert.isInstance(regExp, RegExp, {
286 moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
287 className: 'RegExpRoute',
288 funcName: 'constructor',
289 paramName: 'pattern'
290 });
291 }
293 const match = ({
294 url
295 }) => {
296 const result = regExp.exec(url.href); // Return immediately if there's no match.
298 if (!result) {
299 return;
300 } // Require that the match start at the first character in the URL string
301 // if it's a cross-origin request.
302 // See https://github.com/GoogleChrome/workbox/issues/281 for the context
303 // behind this behavior.
306 if (url.origin !== location.origin && result.index !== 0) {
307 {
308 logger_js.logger.debug(`The regular expression '${regExp}' only partially matched ` + `against the cross-origin URL '${url}'. RegExpRoute's will only ` + `handle cross-origin requests if they match the entire URL.`);
309 }
311 return;
312 } // If the route matches, but there aren't any capture groups defined, then
313 // this will return [], which is truthy and therefore sufficient to
314 // indicate a match.
315 // If there are capture groups, then it will return their values.
318 return result.slice(1);
319 };
321 super(match, handler, method);
322 }
324 }
326 /*
327 Copyright 2018 Google LLC
329 Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
330 license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
331 https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
332 */
333 /**
334 * The Router can be used to process a FetchEvent through one or more
335 * [Routes]{@link module:workbox-routing.Route} responding with a Request if
336 * a matching route exists.
337 *
338 * If no route matches a given a request, the Router will use a "default"
339 * handler if one is defined.
340 *
341 * Should the matching Route throw an error, the Router will use a "catch"
342 * handler if one is defined to gracefully deal with issues and respond with a
343 * Request.
344 *
345 * If a request matches multiple routes, the **earliest** registered route will
346 * be used to respond to the request.
347 *
348 * @memberof module:workbox-routing
349 */
351 class Router {
352 /**
353 * Initializes a new Router.
354 */
355 constructor() {
356 this._routes = new Map();
357 }
358 /**
359 * @return {Map<string, Array<module:workbox-routing.Route>>} routes A `Map` of HTTP
360 * method name ('GET', etc.) to an array of all the corresponding `Route`
361 * instances that are registered.
362 */
365 get routes() {
366 return this._routes;
367 }
368 /**
369 * Adds a fetch event listener to respond to events when a route matches
370 * the event's request.
371 */
374 addFetchListener() {
375 // See https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/28357#issuecomment-436484705
376 self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {
377 const {
378 request
379 } = event;
380 const responsePromise = this.handleRequest({
381 request,
382 event
383 });
385 if (responsePromise) {
386 event.respondWith(responsePromise);
387 }
388 });
389 }
390 /**
391 * Adds a message event listener for URLs to cache from the window.
392 * This is useful to cache resources loaded on the page prior to when the
393 * service worker started controlling it.
394 *
395 * The format of the message data sent from the window should be as follows.
396 * Where the `urlsToCache` array may consist of URL strings or an array of
397 * URL string + `requestInit` object (the same as you'd pass to `fetch()`).
398 *
399 * ```
400 * {
401 * type: 'CACHE_URLS',
402 * payload: {
403 * urlsToCache: [
404 * './script1.js',
405 * './script2.js',
406 * ['./script3.js', {mode: 'no-cors'}],
407 * ],
408 * },
409 * }
410 * ```
411 */
414 addCacheListener() {
415 // See https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/28357#issuecomment-436484705
416 self.addEventListener('message', event => {
417 if (event.data && event.data.type === 'CACHE_URLS') {
418 const {
419 payload
420 } = event.data;
422 {
423 logger_js.logger.debug(`Caching URLs from the window`, payload.urlsToCache);
424 }
426 const requestPromises = Promise.all(payload.urlsToCache.map(entry => {
427 if (typeof entry === 'string') {
428 entry = [entry];
429 }
431 const request = new Request(...entry);
432 return this.handleRequest({
433 request
434 }); // TODO(philipwalton): TypeScript errors without this typecast for
435 // some reason (probably a bug). The real type here should work but
436 // doesn't: `Array<Promise<Response> | undefined>`.
437 })); // TypeScript
439 event.waitUntil(requestPromises); // If a MessageChannel was used, reply to the message on success.
441 if (event.ports && event.ports[0]) {
442 requestPromises.then(() => event.ports[0].postMessage(true));
443 }
444 }
445 });
446 }
447 /**
448 * Apply the routing rules to a FetchEvent object to get a Response from an
449 * appropriate Route's handler.
450 *
451 * @param {Object} options
452 * @param {Request} options.request The request to handle (this is usually
453 * from a fetch event, but it does not have to be).
454 * @param {FetchEvent} [options.event] The event that triggered the request,
455 * if applicable.
456 * @return {Promise<Response>|undefined} A promise is returned if a
457 * registered route can handle the request. If there is no matching
458 * route and there's no `defaultHandler`, `undefined` is returned.
459 */
462 handleRequest({
463 request,
464 event
465 }) {
466 {
467 assert_js.assert.isInstance(request, Request, {
468 moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
469 className: 'Router',
470 funcName: 'handleRequest',
471 paramName: 'options.request'
472 });
473 }
475 const url = new URL(request.url, location.href);
477 if (!url.protocol.startsWith('http')) {
478 {
479 logger_js.logger.debug(`Workbox Router only supports URLs that start with 'http'.`);
480 }
482 return;
483 }
485 const {
486 params,
487 route
488 } = this.findMatchingRoute({
489 url,
490 request,
491 event
492 });
493 let handler = route && route.handler;
494 const debugMessages = [];
496 {
497 if (handler) {
498 debugMessages.push([`Found a route to handle this request:`, route]);
500 if (params) {
501 debugMessages.push([`Passing the following params to the route's handler:`, params]);
502 }
503 }
504 } // If we don't have a handler because there was no matching route, then
505 // fall back to defaultHandler if that's defined.
508 if (!handler && this._defaultHandler) {
509 {
510 debugMessages.push(`Failed to find a matching route. Falling ` + `back to the default handler.`);
511 }
513 handler = this._defaultHandler;
514 }
516 if (!handler) {
517 {
518 // No handler so Workbox will do nothing. If logs is set of debug
519 // i.e. verbose, we should print out this information.
520 logger_js.logger.debug(`No route found for: ${getFriendlyURL_js.getFriendlyURL(url)}`);
521 }
523 return;
524 }
526 {
527 // We have a handler, meaning Workbox is going to handle the route.
528 // print the routing details to the console.
529 logger_js.logger.groupCollapsed(`Router is responding to: ${getFriendlyURL_js.getFriendlyURL(url)}`);
530 debugMessages.forEach(msg => {
531 if (Array.isArray(msg)) {
532 logger_js.logger.log(...msg);
533 } else {
534 logger_js.logger.log(msg);
535 }
536 });
537 logger_js.logger.groupEnd();
538 } // Wrap in try and catch in case the handle method throws a synchronous
539 // error. It should still callback to the catch handler.
542 let responsePromise;
544 try {
545 responsePromise = handler.handle({
546 url,
547 request,
548 event,
549 params
550 });
551 } catch (err) {
552 responsePromise = Promise.reject(err);
553 }
555 if (responsePromise instanceof Promise && this._catchHandler) {
556 responsePromise = responsePromise.catch(err => {
557 {
558 // Still include URL here as it will be async from the console group
559 // and may not make sense without the URL
560 logger_js.logger.groupCollapsed(`Error thrown when responding to: ` + ` ${getFriendlyURL_js.getFriendlyURL(url)}. Falling back to Catch Handler.`);
561 logger_js.logger.error(`Error thrown by:`, route);
562 logger_js.logger.error(err);
563 logger_js.logger.groupEnd();
564 }
566 return this._catchHandler.handle({
567 url,
568 request,
569 event
570 });
571 });
572 }
574 return responsePromise;
575 }
576 /**
577 * Checks a request and URL (and optionally an event) against the list of
578 * registered routes, and if there's a match, returns the corresponding
579 * route along with any params generated by the match.
580 *
581 * @param {Object} options
582 * @param {URL} options.url
583 * @param {Request} options.request The request to match.
584 * @param {Event} [options.event] The corresponding event (unless N/A).
585 * @return {Object} An object with `route` and `params` properties.
586 * They are populated if a matching route was found or `undefined`
587 * otherwise.
588 */
591 findMatchingRoute({
592 url,
593 request,
594 event
595 }) {
596 {
597 assert_js.assert.isInstance(url, URL, {
598 moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
599 className: 'Router',
600 funcName: 'findMatchingRoute',
601 paramName: 'options.url'
602 });
603 assert_js.assert.isInstance(request, Request, {
604 moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
605 className: 'Router',
606 funcName: 'findMatchingRoute',
607 paramName: 'options.request'
608 });
609 }
611 const routes = this._routes.get(request.method) || [];
613 for (const route of routes) {
614 let params;
615 const matchResult = route.match({
616 url,
617 request,
618 event
619 });
621 if (matchResult) {
622 // See https://github.com/GoogleChrome/workbox/issues/2079
623 params = matchResult;
625 if (Array.isArray(matchResult) && matchResult.length === 0) {
626 // Instead of passing an empty array in as params, use undefined.
627 params = undefined;
628 } else if (matchResult.constructor === Object && Object.keys(matchResult).length === 0) {
629 // Instead of passing an empty object in as params, use undefined.
630 params = undefined;
631 } else if (typeof matchResult === 'boolean') {
632 // For the boolean value true (rather than just something truth-y),
633 // don't set params.
634 // See https://github.com/GoogleChrome/workbox/pull/2134#issuecomment-513924353
635 params = undefined;
636 } // Return early if have a match.
639 return {
640 route,
641 params
642 };
643 }
644 } // If no match was found above, return and empty object.
647 return {};
648 }
649 /**
650 * Define a default `handler` that's called when no routes explicitly
651 * match the incoming request.
652 *
653 * Without a default handler, unmatched requests will go against the
654 * network as if there were no service worker present.
655 *
656 * @param {module:workbox-routing~handlerCallback} handler A callback
657 * function that returns a Promise resulting in a Response.
658 */
661 setDefaultHandler(handler) {
662 this._defaultHandler = normalizeHandler(handler);
663 }
664 /**
665 * If a Route throws an error while handling a request, this `handler`
666 * will be called and given a chance to provide a response.
667 *
668 * @param {module:workbox-routing~handlerCallback} handler A callback
669 * function that returns a Promise resulting in a Response.
670 */
673 setCatchHandler(handler) {
674 this._catchHandler = normalizeHandler(handler);
675 }
676 /**
677 * Registers a route with the router.
678 *
679 * @param {module:workbox-routing.Route} route The route to register.
680 */
683 registerRoute(route) {
684 {
685 assert_js.assert.isType(route, 'object', {
686 moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
687 className: 'Router',
688 funcName: 'registerRoute',
689 paramName: 'route'
690 });
691 assert_js.assert.hasMethod(route, 'match', {
692 moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
693 className: 'Router',
694 funcName: 'registerRoute',
695 paramName: 'route'
696 });
697 assert_js.assert.isType(route.handler, 'object', {
698 moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
699 className: 'Router',
700 funcName: 'registerRoute',
701 paramName: 'route'
702 });
703 assert_js.assert.hasMethod(route.handler, 'handle', {
704 moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
705 className: 'Router',
706 funcName: 'registerRoute',
707 paramName: 'route.handler'
708 });
709 assert_js.assert.isType(route.method, 'string', {
710 moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
711 className: 'Router',
712 funcName: 'registerRoute',
713 paramName: 'route.method'
714 });
715 }
717 if (!this._routes.has(route.method)) {
718 this._routes.set(route.method, []);
719 } // Give precedence to all of the earlier routes by adding this additional
720 // route to the end of the array.
723 this._routes.get(route.method).push(route);
724 }
725 /**
726 * Unregisters a route with the router.
727 *
728 * @param {module:workbox-routing.Route} route The route to unregister.
729 */
732 unregisterRoute(route) {
733 if (!this._routes.has(route.method)) {
734 throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError('unregister-route-but-not-found-with-method', {
735 method: route.method
736 });
737 }
739 const routeIndex = this._routes.get(route.method).indexOf(route);
741 if (routeIndex > -1) {
742 this._routes.get(route.method).splice(routeIndex, 1);
743 } else {
744 throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError('unregister-route-route-not-registered');
745 }
746 }
748 }
750 /*
751 Copyright 2019 Google LLC
753 Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
754 license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
755 https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
756 */
757 let defaultRouter;
758 /**
759 * Creates a new, singleton Router instance if one does not exist. If one
760 * does already exist, that instance is returned.
761 *
762 * @private
763 * @return {Router}
764 */
766 const getOrCreateDefaultRouter = () => {
767 if (!defaultRouter) {
768 defaultRouter = new Router(); // The helpers that use the default Router assume these listeners exist.
770 defaultRouter.addFetchListener();
771 defaultRouter.addCacheListener();
772 }
774 return defaultRouter;
775 };
777 /*
778 Copyright 2019 Google LLC
780 Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
781 license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
782 https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
783 */
784 /**
785 * Easily register a RegExp, string, or function with a caching
786 * strategy to a singleton Router instance.
787 *
788 * This method will generate a Route for you if needed and
789 * call [registerRoute()]{@link module:workbox-routing.Router#registerRoute}.
790 *
791 * @param {RegExp|string|module:workbox-routing.Route~matchCallback|module:workbox-routing.Route} capture
792 * If the capture param is a `Route`, all other arguments will be ignored.
793 * @param {module:workbox-routing~handlerCallback} [handler] A callback
794 * function that returns a Promise resulting in a Response. This parameter
795 * is required if `capture` is not a `Route` object.
796 * @param {string} [method='GET'] The HTTP method to match the Route
797 * against.
798 * @return {module:workbox-routing.Route} The generated `Route`(Useful for
799 * unregistering).
800 *
801 * @memberof module:workbox-routing
802 */
804 function registerRoute(capture, handler, method) {
805 let route;
807 if (typeof capture === 'string') {
808 const captureUrl = new URL(capture, location.href);
810 {
811 if (!(capture.startsWith('/') || capture.startsWith('http'))) {
812 throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError('invalid-string', {
813 moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
814 funcName: 'registerRoute',
815 paramName: 'capture'
816 });
817 } // We want to check if Express-style wildcards are in the pathname only.
818 // TODO: Remove this log message in v4.
821 const valueToCheck = capture.startsWith('http') ? captureUrl.pathname : capture; // See https://github.com/pillarjs/path-to-regexp#parameters
823 const wildcards = '[*:?+]';
825 if (new RegExp(`${wildcards}`).exec(valueToCheck)) {
826 logger_js.logger.debug(`The '$capture' parameter contains an Express-style wildcard ` + `character (${wildcards}). Strings are now always interpreted as ` + `exact matches; use a RegExp for partial or wildcard matches.`);
827 }
828 }
830 const matchCallback = ({
831 url
832 }) => {
833 {
834 if (url.pathname === captureUrl.pathname && url.origin !== captureUrl.origin) {
835 logger_js.logger.debug(`${capture} only partially matches the cross-origin URL ` + `${url}. This route will only handle cross-origin requests ` + `if they match the entire URL.`);
836 }
837 }
839 return url.href === captureUrl.href;
840 }; // If `capture` is a string then `handler` and `method` must be present.
843 route = new Route(matchCallback, handler, method);
844 } else if (capture instanceof RegExp) {
845 // If `capture` is a `RegExp` then `handler` and `method` must be present.
846 route = new RegExpRoute(capture, handler, method);
847 } else if (typeof capture === 'function') {
848 // If `capture` is a function then `handler` and `method` must be present.
849 route = new Route(capture, handler, method);
850 } else if (capture instanceof Route) {
851 route = capture;
852 } else {
853 throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError('unsupported-route-type', {
854 moduleName: 'workbox-routing',
855 funcName: 'registerRoute',
856 paramName: 'capture'
857 });
858 }
860 const defaultRouter = getOrCreateDefaultRouter();
861 defaultRouter.registerRoute(route);
862 return route;
863 }
865 /*
866 Copyright 2019 Google LLC
868 Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
869 license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
870 https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
871 */
872 /**
873 * If a Route throws an error while handling a request, this `handler`
874 * will be called and given a chance to provide a response.
875 *
876 * @param {module:workbox-routing~handlerCallback} handler A callback
877 * function that returns a Promise resulting in a Response.
878 *
879 * @memberof module:workbox-routing
880 */
882 function setCatchHandler(handler) {
883 const defaultRouter = getOrCreateDefaultRouter();
884 defaultRouter.setCatchHandler(handler);
885 }
887 /*
888 Copyright 2019 Google LLC
890 Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
891 license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
892 https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT.
893 */
894 /**
895 * Define a default `handler` that's called when no routes explicitly
896 * match the incoming request.
897 *
898 * Without a default handler, unmatched requests will go against the
899 * network as if there were no service worker present.
900 *
901 * @param {module:workbox-routing~handlerCallback} handler A callback
902 * function that returns a Promise resulting in a Response.
903 *
904 * @memberof module:workbox-routing
905 */
907 function setDefaultHandler(handler) {
908 const defaultRouter = getOrCreateDefaultRouter();
909 defaultRouter.setDefaultHandler(handler);
910 }
912 exports.NavigationRoute = NavigationRoute;
913 exports.RegExpRoute = RegExpRoute;
914 exports.Route = Route;
915 exports.Router = Router;
916 exports.registerRoute = registerRoute;
917 exports.setCatchHandler = setCatchHandler;
918 exports.setDefaultHandler = setDefaultHandler;
920 return exports;
922}({}, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private));