1 | <div align="center">
2 | <img src="logo.png" alt="worktop" width="620" />
3 | </div>
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5 | <div align="center">
6 | <a href="https://npmjs.org/package/worktop">
7 | <img src="https://badgen.now.sh/npm/v/worktop" alt="version" />
8 | </a>
9 | <a href="https://github.com/lukeed/worktop/actions?query=workflow%3ACI">
10 | <img src="https://github.com/lukeed/worktop/workflows/CI/badge.svg?event=push" alt="CI" />
11 | </a>
12 | <a href="https://npmjs.org/package/worktop">
13 | <img src="https://badgen.now.sh/npm/dm/worktop" alt="downloads" />
14 | </a>
15 | <a href="https://packagephobia.now.sh/result?p=worktop">
16 | <img src="https://packagephobia.now.sh/badge?p=worktop" alt="install size" />
17 | </a>
18 | </div>
19 |
20 | <div align="center">The next generation web framework for Cloudflare Workers</div>
21 |
22 | ## Features
23 |
24 | * Super [lightweight](https://npm.anvaka.com/#/view/2d/worktop)
25 | * First-class TypeScript support
26 | * Custom Middleware Support
27 | * Well-organized submodules for à la carte functionality<sup>*</sup>
28 | * Includes Router with support for pattern definitions
29 | * Familiar Request-Response handler API
30 | * Supports `async`/`await` handlers
31 | * Fully treeshakable
32 |
33 | > <sup>*</sup>_More to come!_
34 |
35 | ## Install
36 |
37 | ```
38 | $ npm install --save worktop
39 | ```
40 |
41 | ## Usage
42 |
43 | > Check out [`/examples`](/examples) for a list of working demos!
44 |
45 | ```ts
46 | import { Router } from 'worktop';
47 | import * as Cache from 'worktop/cache';
48 | import { uid as toUID } from 'worktop/utils';
49 | import { read, write } from 'worktop/kv';
50 | import type { KV } from 'worktop/kv';
51 |
52 | declare var DATA: KV.Namespace;
53 |
54 | interface Message {
55 | id: string;
56 | text: string;
57 | // ...
58 | }
59 |
60 | // Initialize
61 | const API = new Router();
62 |
63 |
64 | API.add('GET', '/messages/:id', async (req, res) => {
65 | // Pre-parsed `req.params` object
66 | const key = `messages::${req.params.id}`;
67 |
68 | // Assumes JSON (can override)
69 | const message = await read<Message>(DATA, key);
70 |
71 | // Alter response headers directly
72 | res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=60');
73 |
74 | // Smart `res.send()` helper
75 | // ~> automatically stringifies JSON objects
76 | // ~> auto-sets `Content-Type` & `Content-Length` headers
77 | res.send(200, message);
78 | });
79 |
80 |
81 | API.add('POST', '/messages', async (req, res) => {
82 | try {
83 | // Smart `req.body` helper
84 | // ~> parses JSON header as JSON
85 | // ~> parses form-like header as FormData, ...etc
86 | var input = await req.body<Message>();
87 | } catch (err) {
88 | return res.send(400, 'Error parsing request body');
89 | }
90 |
91 | if (!input || !input.text.trim()) {
92 | return res.send(422, { text: 'required' });
93 | }
94 |
95 | const value: Message = {
96 | id: toUID(16),
97 | text: input.text.trim(),
98 | // ...
99 | };
100 |
101 | // Assumes JSON (can override)
102 | const key = `messages::${value.id}`;
103 | const success = await write<Message>(DATA, key, value);
104 | // ^ boolean
105 |
106 | // Alias for `event.waitUntil`
107 | // ~> queues background task (does NOT delay response)
108 | req.extend(
109 | fetch('https://.../logs', {
110 | method: 'POST',
111 | headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json '},
112 | body: JSON.stringify({ success, value })
113 | })
114 | );
115 |
116 | if (success) res.send(201, value);
117 | else res.send(500, 'Error creating record');
118 | });
119 |
120 |
121 | API.add('GET', '/alive', (req, res) => {
122 | res.end('OK'); // Node.js-like `res.end`
123 | });
124 |
125 |
126 | // Attach "fetch" event handler
127 | // ~> use `Cache` for request-matching, when permitted
128 | // ~> store Response in `Cache`, when permitted
129 | Cache.listen(API.run);
130 | ```
131 |
132 | ## API
133 |
134 | ### Module: `worktop`
135 |
136 | > [View `worktop` API documentation](/src/router.d.ts)
137 | [View `worktop` API documentation](/docs/module.router.md) -->
138 |
139 | The main module – concerned with routing. <br>This is core of most applications. Exports the [`Router`](/src/router.d.ts#L66) class.
140 |
141 | ### Module: `worktop/kv`
142 |
143 | > [View `worktop/kv` API documentation](/src/kv.d.ts)
144 | [View `worktop/kv` API documentation](/docs/module.kv.md) -->
145 |
146 | The `worktop/kv` submodule contains all classes and utilities related to [Workers KV](https://www.cloudflare.com/products/workers-kv/).
147 |
148 | ### Module: `worktop/cache`
149 |
150 | > [View `worktop/cache` API documentation](/src/cache.d.ts)
151 | [View `worktop/cache` API documentation](/docs/module.cache.md) -->
152 |
153 | The `worktop/cache` submodule contains all utilities related to [Cloudflare's Cache](https://developers.cloudflare.com/workers/learning/how-the-cache-works).
154 |
155 | ### Module: `worktop/request`
156 |
157 | > [View `worktop/request` API documentation](/src/request.d.ts)
158 | [View `worktop/request` API documentation](/docs/module.request.md) -->
159 |
160 | The `worktop/request` submodule contains the [`ServerRequest`](/src/request.d.ts#L117) class, which provides an interface similar to the request instance(s) found in most other Node.js frameworks.
161 |
162 | > **Note:** This module is used internally and will (very likely) never be imported by your application.
163 |
164 | ### Module: `worktop/response`
165 |
166 | > [View `worktop/response` API documentation](/src/response.d.ts)
167 | [View `worktop/response` API documentation](/docs/module.response.md) -->
168 |
169 | The `worktop/response` submodule contains the [`ServerResponse`](/src/response.d.ts#L6) class, which provides an interface similar to the [`IncomingMessage`](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_class_http_incomingmessage) (aka, "response") object that Node.js provides.
170 |
171 | > **Note:** This module is used internally and will (very likely) never be imported by your application.
172 |
173 | ### Module: `worktop/base64`
174 |
175 | > [View `worktop/base64` API documentation](/src/base64.d.ts)
176 | [View `worktop/base64` API documentation](/docs/module.base64.md) -->
177 |
178 | The `worktop/base64` submodule contains a few utilities related to the [Base 64 encoding](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648#section-4).
179 |
180 | ### Module: `worktop/cookie`
181 |
182 | > [View `worktop/cookie` API documentation](/src/cookie.d.ts)
183 | [View `worktop/cookie` API documentation](/docs/module.cookie.md) -->
184 |
185 | The `worktop/cookie` submodule contains `parse` and `stringify` utilities for dealing with cookie header(s).
186 |
187 | ### Module: `worktop/cors`
188 |
189 | > [View `worktop/cors` API documentation](/src/cors.d.ts)
190 | [View `worktop/cors` API documentation](/docs/module.cors.md) -->
191 |
192 | The `worktop/cors` submodule offers utilities for dealing with [Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS) headers.
193 |
194 | ### Module: `worktop/crypto`
195 |
196 | > [View `worktop/crypto` API documentation](/src/crypto.d.ts)
197 | [View `worktop/crypto` API documentation](/docs/module.crypto.md) -->
198 |
199 | The `worktop/crypto` submodule is a collection of cryptographic functionalities.
200 |
201 | ### Module: `worktop/utils`
202 |
203 | > [View `worktop/utils` API documentation](/src/utils.d.ts)
204 | [View `worktop/utils` API documentation](/docs/module.utils.md) -->
205 |
206 | The `worktop/utils` submodule is a collection of standalone, general-purpose utilities that you may find useful. These may include – but are not limited to – hashing functions and unique identifier generators.
207 |
208 | ### Module: `worktop/ws`
209 |
210 | > [View `worktop/ws` API documentation](/src/ws.d.ts)
211 | [View `worktop/ws` API documentation](/docs/module.ws.md) -->
212 |
213 | The `worktop/ws` submodule contains the [`WebSocket`](/src/ws.d.ts#L18) and [`WebSocketPair`](/src/ws.d.ts#L4) class definitions, as well as two middleware handlers for validating and/or setting up a [`SocketHandler`](/src/ws.d.ts#L38) for the WebSocket connection.
214 |
215 |
216 | ## License
217 |
218 | MIT © [Luke Edwards](https://lukeed.com)