1 | wpcom.js
2 | ========
3 |
4 | Official JavaScript library for the [WordPress.com][] [REST API][].
5 | Compatible with Node.js and web browsers.
6 |
7 | ## How to use
8 |
9 | ### Node.js
10 |
11 | Introduce the `wpcom` dependency into your `package.json` ...
12 |
13 | ```cli
14 | npm install --save wpcom
15 | ```
16 |
17 | ... and then initialize it with your API token ( [optional ] ( #authentication ) ).
18 |
19 |
20 | ```js
21 | // Edit a post on a site
22 | var wpcom = require( 'wpcom' )( '<your-token>' );
23 |
24 | wpcom
25 | .site( 'your-blog.wordpress.com' )
26 | .postsList( { number: 8 } )
27 | then( list => { ... } )
28 | catch( error => { ... } );
29 | ```
30 |
31 | ### Browser
32 |
33 | Include `dist/wpcom.js`.
34 |
35 | ```html
36 | <script src="wpcom.js"></script>
37 | <script>
38 | var wpcom = WPCOM( '<your-token>' );
39 | var blog = wpcom.site( 'your-blog.wordpress.com' );
40 | blog.postsList( { number: 8 } )
41 | .then( list => { ... } )
42 | .catch( error => { ... } );
43 | </script>
44 | ```
45 |
46 | **If bundling your project with webpack**, you may need to add this to your main `webpack.config.js` file to avoid `Cannot resolve module fs` errors when bundling.
47 |
48 | ```
49 | node: {
50 | fs: 'empty'
51 | },
52 | ```
53 |
54 | This instructs webpack to mock the `fs` module.
55 |
56 | ### Authentication
57 |
58 | Not all requests require a REST API token. For example, listing posts on a
59 | public site is something anyone can do.
60 |
61 | If you do need a token, here are some links that will help you generate one:
62 | - [OAuth2 Authentication]( https://developer.wordpress.com/docs/oauth2/)
63 | at WordPress.com Developer Resources
64 | - [`wpcom-oauth-cors`]( https://github.com/Automattic/wpcom-oauth-cors ):
65 | a client-side WordPress.com OAuth2 library using CORS
66 | - [`wpcom-oauth`]( https://github.com/Automattic/node-wpcom-oauth ):
67 | a server-side ( Node.js ) WordPress.com OAuth2 library
68 | - If you just want to quickly create a token, the
69 | [example app bundled with `wpcom-oauth`]( https://github.com/Automattic/node-wpcom-oauth/tree/master/example )
70 | is probably the easiest way.
71 |
72 | ## API
73 |
74 | * [WPCOM](./docs/wpcom.md )
75 | * [WPCOM#Req](./docs/wpcom.req.md ) - Direct requests to WordPress REST-API
76 | * [Me](./docs/me.md )
77 | * [Site](./docs/site.md )
78 | * [Post](./docs/post.md )
79 | * [Media](./docs/media.md )
80 | * [Users](./docs/users.md )
81 |
82 | ## Examples
83 |
84 | ```js
85 | // Edit a post on a site
86 | var wpcom = require( 'wpcom' )( '<your-token>' );
87 | var blog = wpcom.site( 'your-blog.wordpress.com' );
88 | blog.post( { slug: 'a-post-slug' } ).update( data )
89 | then( res => { ... } )
90 | catch( err => { ... } );
91 | ```
92 |
93 | You can omit the API token for operations that don't require permissions:
94 |
95 | ```js
96 | // List the last 8 posts on a site
97 | var wpcom = require( 'wpcom' )();
98 | var blog = wpcom.site( 'your-blog.wordpress.com' );
99 | blog.postsList( { number: 8 } )
100 | .then( list => { ... } )
101 | .catch( error => { ... } );
102 | ```
103 |
104 | More pre-made examples are in the [`examples/`](./examples/) directory.
105 |
106 | ## Test
107 |
108 | The `token` and `site` vars must be given to testing scripts either using
109 | `TOKEN` and `SITE` environment vars respectively or through of a
110 | config.json file into `test/` folder like bellow:
111 |
112 | ```json
113 | {
114 | "site": "<site-id>",
115 | "token": "<token>"
116 | }
117 | ```
118 |
119 | Run tests:
120 |
121 | ```cli
122 | $ make test-all
123 | ```
124 |
125 | Also tests can be filtered using `make test <filter>`:
126 |
127 | ```cli
128 | $ make test wpcom.site.post
129 | ```
130 |
131 | ## License
132 |
133 | MIT – Copyright 2014 Automattic
134 |
135 | [Node.js]: http://nodejs.org
136 | [REST API]: http://developer.wordpress.com/docs/api
137 | [WordPress.com]: http://www.wordpress.com
138 | [node-wpcom-oauth]: https://github.com/Automattic/node-wpcom-oauth